Town to File Injunction Over Gun Clu Passions Leads to Trip
ANTRIM : Vehicle crash knocks out utility pole, closes road over night. 3 SPORTS : ConVal, Conant host annual homecoming festivities. 11 FALL FUN Rindge, Temple host fall festivals over the weekend Page 10 PETERBOROUGH, NH TUE SDAY, SEP TEMBER 25 , 2018 $1 DUBLIN Heroes honored Police, crash survivors thank men who ran toward fiery crash on Route 101 By ASHLEY SAARI Grice, June 18 was an ordi- road, go down a steep em- when the car went off the Suokko said Sunday. “For a car the car, stopped, and rushed Monadnock Ledger-Transcript nary enough day, as they drove bankment, where it burst into road. on fire and two people trapped down the embankment to along Route 101 in Dublin, go- flames. O’Hara was able to get her- inside. You can’t get there fast help. The Dublin Police Depart- ing about their afternoon rou- There were two women in self out of the car, though she enough. No matter how fast O’Hara recalled the relief ment honored two heroes, who tine. In a split second every- the car. The driver, Nicole badly broke her foot in the ac- you drive, it seems like you’re she felt when she saw White jumped into action in June to thing changed. O’Hara of Swanzey, an em- cident. The passenger-side going in slow motion.” running to their aid. save two women from a burn- Sunday, the Dublin Police ployee of Monadnock Develop- door was wedged shut, how- The women didn’t have to “I wasn’t going to leave ing car on Route 101, at a cere- Department honored White mental Services, was driving a ever, so Kaysie was stuck and wait for emergency respon- [Kaysie],” she said.
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