Let’s Take the Con Out of Factor Content Eric O’N. Fisher California Polytechnic State University, University of California at Santa Barbara, and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Kathryn G. Marshall∗ California Polytechnic State University May 22, 2009 Abstract Factor price differences are of primary importance in explaining the fac- tor content of trade. They reflect local scarcity, and production techniques adapt accordingly. Since capital and labor are complementary inputs in al- most every industry, a country that is physically scarce in a factor may well be measured as abundant in its services. 1 Introduction The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek paradigm is a theory of trade in factor services, not in factors themselves. When factor prices are equalized, this difference causes little mischief. But if local shadow values of factors are disparate, then the theory and its proper empirical applications become more subtle. ∗The authors’ emails are efi
[email protected] and
[email protected]. They thank Shuichiro Nishioka and seminar participants at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for comments on an earlier draft. All the data, Gauss programs, and Eviews workfiles are available upon request. 1 The world economy consists of many countries producing similar goods using different technologies. The OECD has assembled 33 recent input-output matrices that can be used to construct consistent local measures of direct and indirect factor content in 48 sectors. They are an invaluable tool for the study of international trade or open economy macroeconomics. We take full advantage of them here. There is overwhelming evidence that factor prices are not equalized.