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[email protected] 1 Peter STONE and Sherman EDWARDS. Dickinson’s Only Lifetime Book Appearance 1776: A Musical Play. New York: 2 (Anthology). (Emily DICKINSON). A Viking Press (1970). Masque of Poets. Boston: First edition. Fine in fine dustwrapper Roberts Brothers 1878. with just a touch of age-toning. A very First edition. Edited by George nice copy of a deceptively scarce first Parsons Lothrop. A couple of small edition, a long-running (1217 perfor- scrapes to the boards, else a nice, near mances) Broadway hit that won a slew fine copy. Emily Dickinson’s only of Tony Awards including Best Musical. lifetime book publication, the poem It was translated into an enjoyable musi- “Success,” appears on page 174. John cal film, directed by Peter Hunt and Trowbridge’s copy, with his pencil with most of the original Broadway cast annotations on the table of contents returning, led by William Daniels (who identifying most of the contributors was ineligible for a Best Actor Tony (including himself and Dickinson) who Award due to a technicality), Howard are identified in the contents only with Da Silva, and Ken Howard. Prior to the initials. A much nicer than usual copy. show Edwards had been a successful pop-song writer. Stone was both a playwright and a screenwriter – he won an Edgar for his original screenplay for the film Charade. The Dedicatee’s Copy of Blume’s First Book 4 Judy BLUME. Iggie’s House.