A Guide to the Handy Writers' Collection in the Sangamon State University Library Archives

by Thomas J. Wood and Meredith Keating A Guide to the Handy Writers' Colony Collection A Guide to the Handy Writers' Colony Collection in the Sangamon State University Library Archives

Thomas J. Wood and Meredith Keating

Sangamon State University 1989 Copyright 1989 by Illinois Issues and University Library, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Pub- lisher, Illinois Issues, Sangamon State University. Printed in the United States of America.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Wood, Thomas J., 1957- in Illinois: a guide to the Handy Writers' Colony Collection in the Sangamon State University Library Archives / by Thomas J. Wood, and Meredith Keating. x, 57 p. 242 cm. 28. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-938943-02-2 : $17.95 1. Jones, James, 1921-1977-Manuscripts-Catalogs. 2. Jones, James, 1921-1977- Homes and haunts-Illinois-Marshall. 3. Handy, Lowney Turner-Manuscripts- Catalogs. 4. Handy Writers' Colony-Archives-Catalogs. 5. Marshall (111.)- History-Sources-Catalogs. 6. Manuscripts, American-Illinois-Springfield- Catalogs. 7. Sangamon State University. Library Archives-Catalogs. I. Keating, Meredith, 1954- . 11. Sangamon State University. Library Archives. 111. Title. Z6616.J627W66 1989 [PS3560.049] 016.813'54-dc20 89-61725 CIP

Cover: Mealtime at the Handy Colony in Marshall, Illinois, summer 1950. Seated, clockwise from left: Willard Lindsay, Bert Bliss, James Jones, unknown, Don Sackrider, Mary Ann Jones. Standing: Eddie Shearer and Robert Smith.

Illinois Issues Sangamon State University Springfield, IL 62794-9243 TABLE OF CONTENTS v

pages Acknowledgments ...... vii Preface. by John Bowers ...... ix Photograph Section ...... after xii Introduction ...... xiii Series Description ...... xxix Handy Colony Chronology ...... xxxi Student List ...... xxxix Box Directory ...... xlv Abbreviations Used ...... 1v Acquisition and Access Note ...... lvii

Series I: Business Records .... (Boxes 1-2) ...... 1

Series 11: Correspondence Jones-Handy ...... (Boxes 3-4) ...... 2 James Jones ...... (Box 5) ...... 34 Handy (A-Z)...... (Boxes 6-9) ...... 42 General (A-Z)...... (Box 10) ...... 126 Cross-listing ...... 128

Series 111: Manuscripts Writers A-D ...... (Boxes 11-17) ...... 145 Lowney Handy ...... (Boxes 18-19) ...... 148 James Jones ...... (Boxes 20-34) ...... 150 Edward Kurtz ...... (Boxes 35-36) ...... 156 Jere Peacock ...... (Boxes 37-44) ...... 156 Writers F-Z ...... (Boxes 45-58) ...... 161 Cross-listing ...... 176

Series IV: Personal Papers Harry Handy ...... (Box 59) ...... 179 Harry & Lowney Handy ...... (Box 60) ...... 179 Lowney Handy ...... (Boxes 61-63) ...... 180 James Jones ...... :( Box 64) ...... 182 Persons A-Z ...... (Box 65) ...... 183 Cross-listing ...... 184 vi Series V: Articles and Clippings ...... (Boxes 66-67) ...... 185 Cross-listing ...... 196

Series VI: Photographs and Negatives Life photographs ...... (Box 68) ...... 201 1938-51 ...... (Box 69) ...... 201 1951-53 ...... (Box 70) ...... 202 1953-62 ...... (Box 71) ...... 203 Cross-listing ...... 204

Series VII: Robinson Township Library Collection ...... (Box 72) ...... 205 (Includes Vivian Turner McClellan, One in the Middle) Oversize ...... (Boxes 73-74) ...... 216 Miscellaneous ...... (Boxes 75-76) ...... 218 Oversize Duplicates ...... (Box 77) ...... 220 Bibliography ...... 221 Appendix: "James Jones: From Reveille to Taps/A Television Documentary:" interviews. production videotapes from J . Michael Lennon Papers ...... 229 Index ...... 233 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

James Jones in Illinois: A Guide to the Handy Writers' Colony Collection provides a thorough inventory and finding aid for an extensive and important literary collection housed in the Sangamon State University Library Archives. Archivist Thomas J. Wood and stu- dent assistant Meredith Keating have added to this inventory a care- fully documented introduction tracing the history of the Handy Writ- ers' Colony, a chronology of the lives and works of James Jones and other colony writers, a list of Colony students, a section of his- toric photographs, and a selective bibliography of works by and about writers associated with the Colony. The preface is by John Bowers, a former colony member and author of the memoir, The Colony. The body of the guide provides an item-by-item inventory of the correspondence of James Jones and Lowney Handy, and a folder listing of manuscripts, personal papers, photographs, and publications included in the collection. An index is included to provide quick access to the contents of the guide. Acknowledgment of those who made this guide possible must begin with Margaret Turner, the wife of the late Harold Turner, brother of Lowney Handy. Margaret Turner preserved the Handy Colony Collection and donated it to Sangamon State University. Without her trust and generosity, and that of the Turner family generally, the collection would not have been established. The arrangements for the gift of the collection to SSU were made by J. Michael Lennon and Jeffrey Van Davis during the taping of interviews for the television documentary "James Jones: From Reveille to Taps." Lennon, professor of English at SSU, is curator of the collection. Special thanks are due to Lennon and Davis for bringing the collection to Sangamon State Uni- versity and making it available for scholarly use. The compilers of the guide also gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following individuals who were responsible for the initial assembling of the collection: Steve Dykema, David Antoine, Ray Schroeder, William Furry, and Frank MacShane; also former uni- versity archives staff members Nancy Hunt, Elsebeth Buckley, and Annette Hunsaker. Marilyn Huff, Brian Alley, John Bowers, Larry Dale, Norman Hinton, and Greg Randle deserve special gratitude for their assistance in the production and publication of the guide.

PREFACE by John Bowers

To see the catalogue of letters to and from Lowney Handy, to read once again the titles of colony manuscripts, to hear the roll- call of colony writers and would-be writers and hangers-on of one kind or another, brings back in a most bittersweet way being at the Handy Colony in 1952-53 and calls to mind being affected by it for the rest of one's life.

Lowney Handy was unlike anyone else I've ever met--before or since. Even now it is nearly impossible to compare her to anyone else, but two aspects of her character need to be pointed out in order to begin to understand her. She was self-educated and she was fiercely maternalistic. Now James Jones was more or less self- educated too, but he kept to more traditional paths than Lowney Handy. Lowney was so distinct, so self-willed, so everlastingly at center-stage and unusual that when one who was there thinks back, one thinks first of Lowney Handy. She blots out the landscape around. Jim would swig a brew with you, get maudlin over kids, corn- pete with you in arm-wrestling and pool, and seemed no better or worse than any other man who had just written a classic best-seller and was raking in thousands upon thousands and rave reviews. Lowney was different--very different.

And so when I now begin this preface to the Handy Writers' Col- ony Collection, my thoughts go first to her, not Jim. I see her now. She had an outwardly sunny disposition (on first meeting). Her white-toothed smile, her large moist dancing eyes, her wild breathy tumble of words, could stop you dead in your tracks. You were bowled over by her enthusiasm and sheer animal energy. Yet once you stayed around her for awhile you saw the other side. Beneath the glow was a much darker persona. She seethed with hurt and anger and deep dissatisfaction. And here is where her self- education came into play. She found answers to her troubles from eclectic sources--from Far Eastern religious tracts, Tom Uzzell's Narrative Techniques, a smattering of modern fiction, the Bible, old wives tales, folk art, family lore, and God knows what else. She churned up her sources and came out with her own peculiar philosophy about life and art. Life and art combined with her. We neophyte writers at the colony (and selected veterans there) copied word for word the prose of those masters in her favor (Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Dos Passos, and Tess Schlessinger) and we ate cottage cheese every day and were encouraged to hook ourselves up to enemas, something that had a curious Victorian twist to it. ("You need to get that shit out of your systems," she said, "or you'll never write a damn line." Here was not a metaphor, but a command concerning life and art. Hardly something taught at Harvard or Breadloaf.)

The seductiveness of being taught by a self-educated leader is that all problems are dealt with in a new way. Nothing is stodgy-- an answer is ready for everything. And one must remember that this writers' colony took charge of one's life totally; it in no way at all resembled MacDowell, Yaddo, or the Iowa Workshop. Come to the Handy Colony and Lowney told you how to get your hair cut, what to eat and drink, how to consider your parents (particularly your mother), how to treat your body, and who to vote for--everything. Her maternal instinct was overpowering, and thus one--even the strongest--tended to be smothered in the onslaught. At first glance it might seem strange that such an individualist as James Jones would stay for a great part of his creative life under her dom- inance. Yet he stayed--and flourished. He came to her a disturbed out-of-control veteran in 1943 and left in 1957 one of the most celebrated novelists in America. The symbiosis between Jim and Low- ney transcended teacher and pupil. Jim's relationship with Lowney was deeper, broader, more violent and heartfelt than what we other colonists had with Lowney, but it was similar. One thing was appar- ent to all who saw together--Lowney was the stronger in the relationship.

And f rom their relationship (and Jim's pen) came . It is impossible to imagine the impact that this novel had on my- generation. It, too, broke the mold and spoke to people who hadn't realized how hungrily they'd been waiting for it. The book was for the out-of-kilter young, the newly returned veteran: Here was how dog-soldiers talked and thought, here was real alien- ation. The book took risks; it was romantic, swashbuckling, and reached a terrain we never knew existed, certainly one we thought no other novelist had reached before. In its clumsy blustering way it was the perfect example of Hegel's definition of Art: "It interferes directly with the common outward reality, the everyday reality and, therefore, with the common prose of life."

Thus, James Jones became a mythic hero, a Jack and Marlon Brando rolled into one. However, if you came to the colony in awe of Jones, in short order Lowney took over and Jones became, as I've said, more one of us and less a godhead. He was one of us, a bona fide, 100% writer. The myth--encouraged by A. B. C. Whipple's piece on the colony in Life which was instrumental in luring me there--was that somehow Lowney had made this ordinary man a writer, took him, polished him, and turned him out an earth-shattering novelist. The truth is that James Jones was born a writer. In this collection there is a review Jones did on The Red Badge of Courage while a student at the University of in 1942, well before he came under Lowney's wings. It eloquently shows what a fine writer James Jones was then. In this review Jones uses his personal experience as a soldier when he was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and the Japanese struck. Some dialogue in the review went almost unchanged into Eternity several years later. He had his artistic vision back then. The truth, as I've come to see it after mulling over the contents of this vast collection and my own incessant rumi- nation on the colony over the years, is that Lowney fed more off James Jones, learned and copied from him, more than the other way around. Her barracks' room talk, her actual warfare with women, her harsh unsentimental stance in public and sentimentality beneath-- that wasn't the fundamental Lowney, that was James Jones. The major thing Lowney gave Jim--and at a most pivotal time in his life--was improbable understanding. She gave him succor when no one else could or did. She took him in, emotionally and physically, in Robinson, Illinois. Others in that classic Midwest setting wrote him off as a batty drunk, or, hard-drinkers themselves, could not fathom his tender artistic side. Everywhere he turned he faced mis- understanding and repression--except in the arms and care and psyche of Lowney Handy. Lowney Handy played many roles in her life, so many that at times one has trouble figuring out who the real Low- ney Handy really was. Jones was revealed through his writing; his persona cries out from every paragraph he ever wrote. Lowney remains largely hidden, an enigma, but this collection charts her course from beginning to end--so the shadow of her existence on earth is there.

These are artifacts, though. Stilled forever is the shriek of her voice, the pots and pans flying from her hands, the angry clump of her sandals on colony gravel. Missing also is the fresh green/grass smell of the colony on an early summer morning, the way the sun beat down on us through a clear cloudless sky. I picture now Jones barging from his silver Airstream trailer with a martini poised in his hand, his morning writing stint finished, fun time to begin. How innocent; all gone. Gone, too, is the sheer innocence with which a lot of us faced life. I see a gaggle of us hunched over the picnic table in the Ramada (where we ate), passing what we considered high witticisms back and forth, assured (by Low- ney) of our superiority as artists. The names come back: tall lanky quiet Sackrider who went on to become a commercial airline pilot; burr-headed Smith who became a college professor; dippy Tschappat who died from a busted marriage, busted hope, and too many stimu- lants; hairy barrel-chested Nash, a devotee of Hemingway, who simply faded away. Many faded away, although a few have surfaced unex- pectedly and have looked me up in New York. Dark-visioned Gene Nel- son suddenly popped up out of the blue, someone I'd last seen while sharing large-curd cottage cheese at the colony. He was still trav- eling. He had traveled to Russia, all over Europe, down to Mexico where he'd picked up and left a wife, and now he hung his hat for the most part on the West Coast. He told me about a juicy affair he'd had with a peppy guide in Russia; I told him about diapering babies and writing next to a bassinet (which was part of my life then). We talked of Lowney and Jim, and tried to figure out who they really were when we had known them and what they'd been up to. We were mystified and still brooding about it.

The Duke of Wellington once observed, in speaking of war, that a battle was like a grand ball: As a dancer's impression came from the small circle with whom he danced, so a battle was seen in isolated moments by the soldiers who fought. I was not witness to the com- plete panorama of the colony, but my experience at the colony has proven pivotal in my life--although I did not realize it at the time. It took me from Tennessee and removed me irrevocably from following what appeared to be a well laid-out path for myself--to work at a traditional job, marry a woman who loved me, and write on the side. I'll never know the person I might have become if not for Lowney Handy. Stilled forever now are the possibilities I left behind. I would still have been a writer--I'm certain--but not, for good or bad, the one I am. Certainly I would not have been called on to write this introduction to the collection and feel such a rush of bittersweet emotions.

New York City January, 1989 lvlernmrs of the Handy Colony at Fort Myers Beach, Florida, March 1951. Front: James Jones, 1,owney Handy. Standing, left to right: Robert Smith, Rert Bliss, Eddie Shearer. Photo for Life by Rohcrt ff. Kclley.

Handy Colony members ;it the Handys'homein Robinson, Illinois, April 1951. Left toright: Willard T,indsay, Don Sackrider, Harry Handy, Lowney Handy, Bert Bliss, James Jones, Robert Smith. Photo for Life by Myron H. Davis. "iYork done, the Group relaxes in a jam session at, th~isFlorida cottage." 1,owney Handy's students would not have spent their spare time in a musical "jam session." As 1,owney commented later on this photo: "They [Life]created the picture to make it look more friendly." Photo for Life bv Robert 1V. Kelley, Fort Myers Beach, March 1951.

Lnting spaghetti at Nettie's Restaurant in Port Myers, Florida, March 1951. Scatcd at Irft:Robert Smith, unknown; seated at right: Lowney Handy, James Jones, unknown. Standing: unknown. Photo for Life, probably by Robert W. Kelley. 'I'he "l<:~rnad;l" at thp colony in ST:~rshall,probably summer of 1952. The building contained a kitchen, dining room, recreation room, library, and storage areas.

.J,lrnch dotrcs pr:lct~c.ingboxing :;It thr rulony in Marshall, 19;) 1 or 1952. In the hackgrcjund 1s a lrnt usrtl by newcomers to the c~)lony,and Joncshilver trailer. ?JamesJonesand Lowney Handy, in Hollywood, California, April 19.51. Photo for Ljfr by Ldward Clark. HANDY COLONY COLLECTION, 1930-1964


The Wabash Valley of southeastern Illinois is known to produce abundant crops, fat hogs, and crude oil, but is not especially noted for producing good writers. And yet, Robinson was the home of James Jones, who published his acclaimed novel From Here to Eternity in 1951. And the little town of Marshall, for more than a decade, was the scene of an active writersf colony'which produced more than a dozen published novels. This colony, called the Handy Colony, was the creation of Lowney Turner Handy, her husband Harry Handy, and James J0nes.l It began unofficially about 1949,2 was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1951,3 and ended completely with Low- ney's death in 1964.* Jones and Harry Handy supplied much of the financial backing for the col~ny,~but Lowney Handy was the guiding force, supervising and instructing the writers who worked there.6

Harry and Lowney Handy, married in 1926, occupied a prominent place in Robinson society. Harry (called "Hap" by his friends) made a good living as the manager of the Ohio Oil Company's refinery. Since the marriage produced no children, Lowney devoted her restless energies to a number of social causes, to the study of Eastern reli- gions and mysticism, and to writing. Lowney was known for helping young people with their problems, and taking them under her wing. She also began instructing students in creative writing in her home.

One of the young people Lowney was to take an interest in was James Jones. Jones, born in Robinson in 1921, had suffered an unhappy childhood. His father, a dentist and alcoholic, lost his money in the Great Depression. Jones joined the Army in 1939, and in 1941 was stationed at in Hawaii, where he wit- nessed the Japanese . His mother had died earlier in 1941, and his father committed suicide in 1942. Soon after his unit was sent to Guadalcanal in 1943, he was wounded in action. He was then shipped back to the United States to recover from his inj~ries.~

In the fall of 1943 Jones was on furlough in Robinson, and on 3 November his Aunt Sadie sent him to see Lowney. Jones, who was suf- fering from depression and heavy drinking, was just the kind of "hard case" that Lowney was accustomed to helping. They immediately became friendsp and, when Jones went AWOL in 1944, Lowney, through her correspondence with his commanding officers, helped him to obtain a discharge.l" After Jones left the Army on 6 July 1944, he moved into the Handys' home.ll There, with Lowney's encouragement and advice, he worked on his unpublished novel, "They Shall Inherit the Laughter."12

In 1945, Jones, working with literary agent Maxwell Aley,13 decided to submit a draft of "Laughter" to at Charles Scribner's Sons.14 Perkins, who had edited such writers as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, and Ernest Hemingway,15 was impressed by Jones' writing, but did not think "Laughter" was good enough to publish without substantial revision.16 Jones continued to work on "Laughter" in New York, and attended classes at .17 In June Jones left the univer~ity~~and later dismissed Aley as his agent.lS

By early 1946, Jones had completely rewritten "Laughter" and sent the revised manuscript to perk in^.^^ Perkins still was not entirely satisfied with the work, but was intrigued by the idea for another novel based on Jonesf army experiences in Hawaii. Perkins encouraged Jones to stop work on "Laughter" and start on the new novel, which would later be titled From Here to Eternit~.~~

In March 1946, Jones began devoting his efforts full-time to writing Eternit~.~~During this period, he was staying with Lowney and Harry, who built an addition onto their home at 202 West Mul- berry in Robinson for him. It was in this room that he wrote the bulk of From Here to Eternit~.~~

In writing Eternity, Jones would write a section, and then obtain opinions on it from Lowney, Perkins, and others.24 After Perkinsr death in 1947, he worked with Burroughs Mit~hell.~~Lowney continued to provide encouragement and editorial assistance, with financial support from Harry.26 By the fall of 1947, Lowney was also teaching Donald Sackrider, and in 1948, Jones and Sackrider were joined by Willard Lindsay.27

After the addition of Lindsay to the group, Lowney began to evelop a system for training writers. Working with Lindsay, she ealized the value of having her students compose short sketches or skits.28 By the time Robert Smith joined the group in 1949,29 Lowney was convinced of the efficacy of her system and was not tolerant of other theories and ideas.30 With the publication of Lindsayfs short story, "A Busy Day, " in Ladies Home Journal, September 1949, she felt her methods were vindi~ated.~~

By the summer of 1949, the Handy Colony was taking shape. Low- neyrs students stayed in tents on the Handy cow pasture in Marshall which was owned by Harry's mother and used with her permission. Improvements, such as plumbing and electricity, began to be made on the site. The students worked on their writing in the morning under the supervision of Lowney, who commuted to Marshall from her home in Robinson. In the afternoon, the students performed maintenance jobs and other chores on the grounds. Later, they might have a confer- ence with Lowney about their writing.32 Lowney was strict, but this did not deter those who really wanted to write and who believed in her. 33

By the end of the summer of 1949, Jones was almost finished with ~ternity;~*Lowney now had other regular students, and the group was forming itself as an entity, as the colony. As Lowney declared in a letter to Tinks Howe in September, "Harry has just moved one cabin up at Marshall--that is the beginning of the colony."35

Lowney, Jones, and Lindsay left Illinois at the end of the sum- mer and headed for a winter site. They traveled west to Colorado Springs, traveled south from there to Albuquerque where Sackrider joined them for a visit, and arrived in Tucson in November. Some- time in early 1950, the group left Tucson and headed for Hollywood, Calif~rnia.~~In the Valley Trailer Park in North Hollywood, on 27 February 1950, Jones completed From Here to Eternit~.~~

Now Jones began the task of editing, with the help of Mitch, Lowney, and others.38 He also began to provide financial support to the colony and some of the individual writers, which relieved Harry of some of the burden. During the summer of 1950, Jones continued to edit Eternity while four other resident writers stayed in tents, taught by Lowney, who still commuted from Robin~on.~~

Finally, amid tremendous publicity, Eternity was published early in 1951.40 The film rights to the novel were sold in March to for $82,000.41 An article by A. B. C. Whipple, "James Jones and His Angel," published in Life, 7 May 1951, brought much attention to Jones, Lowney, and the colony. Especially after the appearance of the Life article, Lowney began to receive mail from would-be writers all over the country asking her for advice, or to read their manuscripts, or for permission to join the

Amidst the new attention and publicity being given to Jones, Eternity, Lowney, and the colony, the major construction phase of the colony began in the summer of 1951. Jones donated much of his earnings to the colony; some of his donations built a five-room bar- racks and furnishings, the dining hall and recreation center known as the "Ramada," and new sanitary facilities. Jones' donations also helped to pay maintenance and support of the colony and the stu- dents. 43

The construction of permanent buildings at the colony coincided with the further systemization of Lowney's methods for training writers. Before prospective students were allowed to come to the colony, they had to do "at least six months of correspondence work with [Lowney] which consist[ed] of a lot of reading, some copying, some writing of their own."44

Of these prerequisite activities, Lowney considered copying the most crucial. In a letter of advice to a prospective student, Low- ney wrote:

THE WHOLE KEY TO SUCCESS IN THIS WRITING SYSTEM is ever the copying. Everything in life we do is copying - from the mannerisms we pick up to the way we learn to drive a car - eat our food - anything.45

Copying usually consisted of retyping all or part of a novel by one of the writers Lowney admired, such as John Dos Passos, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, Conrad Aiken, , Raymond Chandler, and Ernest Heming~ay.~~Lowney believed that copying good writing in this way would force the beginning writer to assimilate, unconsciously, essential points of structure, dialog, and style.

Copying often continued even after a student was admitted to the colony. If the student survived the copying regimen, he was allowed a personal interview with Lowney, which sometimes included Jones, as well. Ultimately, it was Lowney's judgment that decided whether or not the student would be allowed to attend. As Jones wrote in notes about the Handy Colony, "In a general way, an applicant is selected or turned down because of whether Mrs[.] Handy thinks he will make a good writer or not."47

Lowney had distinct expectations of her students. She thought a writer "must have left the social-mores, the environmental and endoctrinated [sic] PAST--the old ideas and the old mass thinking far behind." She believed that this rejection of conventional ideas would make writers unpopular with the people around them: "He is out in front, and his ideas are not only shocking, but they anger the people he knows."4B Frequently, she quoted "the Masters of the East" or Christ to add credence to what she said: "'A prophet is without honor in his own home town."'49

Lowney felt that writers needed to be completely honest with themselves to achieve a level of consciousness beyond "mass think- ing." She said, "honesty is necessary [£]or a relaxing of ourselves -- which is another way of escaping form."50 To help her students achieve this "higher" plane of thinking, she would first motivate them "by misleading [and] by encouraging them." Later, she would become more critical of their work "after [they were] hooked and ~limbing."~~

If a prospective student satisfied Lowneyrs requirements and expectations, he would be granted probationary status as a resident student.52 Once at the colony, the new resident would be subjected to Lowneyts strict schedule, which involved rising early (5:30 AM, in later years 6:30), coffee but no breakfast, then a morning spent copying (veteran students were allowed to work on their manu- script~).~~At noon the writers had lunch, and afterwards they did physical labor and chores. Dinner was about 5:30 PM and bedtime was at 8. At no time were the writers permitted to talk to anyone but Lowney about their The food was plain but abundant, and no liquor was allowed at the colony55 (except in Jonest trailer56). One night a month or so, Lowney would let the writers (who usually were all male) drive to Terre Haute, Indiana, to visit the bars and brothels.57

Because the tents and barracks could not be heated in cold weather, the colony operated in Marshall from about May to Septem- ber. In the fall, Lowney took her best students (usually those closest to finishing their books) with her to a winter site in Flo- rida, Arizona, or Calif~rnia.~~Some students might spend the winter in Marshall with Loudell Handy, Harry's mother, but most students found work or returned to school at the end of the summer.59

Lowney set the schedule and the rules, and she would not permit anyone at the colony to question her. She wrote to one student in 1953, "the [students] who do not WASTE MY TIME BY ARGUMENTATION and trying to teach the teacher or weaken my ideas so they can feel vastly superior-- (WELL, don' t try it). lV6O She also disliked intel- lectuals and intellectualism: "I DISLIKE TALKING ANY KIND OF INTEL- LECTUAL YAK-YAK and find that the people who talk inflate their egos and never Lowney forbade colony inmates to read the works of certain writers, such as Marcel Proust, T. S. Eliot, D. H. Law- rence, Dylan Thomas, and others she judged as being "intellectual and sissy-like."62 If a student did not hold to Lowneyrs regime, if he disagreed with her ideas, or if he started intellectualizing, he was likely to be told to leave.63

Encouraged by the success of Eternity and of Lowney's teaching methods, the Handys and Jones sought to incorporate the colony as a not-for-profit corporation. On 21 September 1951 the Handy Colony was officially incorporated by the Illinois secretary of state. The purpose of the Handy Colony, according to the Articles of Incorpora- tion, was:

To develop and further creative writing in the United States, and in connection therewith to operate a home or colony to assist writers and authors, and, in general, to carry on educational activities of a general literary nature. 64

In compliance with the dictates of incorporation, the Handy Col- ony elected a board of directors: Lowney, president; Jones, vice- president; and Harry, secretary-trea~urer.~~This board of direc- tors, along with the colony attorney Kenneth B. Hawkins, also wrote by-laws for the colony.66 Contained in these by-laws were three stated types of membership: charter members, active members, and honorary members. Charter members were those who were members within twelve months of inc~rporation;~~these were given to James Jones (certificate number l), Lowney Handy (certificate number 2), and Harry Handy (certificate number 3).68 Active members were those who were producing manuscripts, and honorary members were those who contributed to the colony in other ways, such as by donating money or e~pertise.~~

The first active member certificates were issued to Willard Lindsay, Donald Sackrider, Robert Smith, Bert Bliss, and James Jonesr sister, Mary Ann. Mary Ann Jonesr certificate was given pos- thumously following her death at the colony on 5 June 1952.70

This tragedy in 1952 cast a shadow over what was otherwise a good year for James Jones. Early in the year, Jones had received the for Eternit~.~'The novel continued to sell well, and Lowney and the colony benefitted materially from Jones' success. Jones had arranged for Lowney to receive ten percent of his earnings from ~ternityfor her editorial assistance-. In 1952, Lowney had earned enough money from her percentage that she was able to build and to furnish an additional five-room barracks for the colony. 72

The new barracks was not the only addition to the colony. A pool was donated to the colony by Lowney and Harry, and Lowney now had her own cabin at the colony, so she no longer needed to commute. Jones donated money for another trailer for the colony, athletic equipment, a shuffleboard machine, and money for other necessities such as maintenance and food.73

Also during 1952, Jones began work on a new novel, ,74 but the influence of Eternity was still strong. During the winter of 1952-53, Lowney, Jones, and some students stayed in Tucson, Arizona.75 There Montgomery Clift, who was to portray the character Prewitt in the movie From Here to Eternity, visited to consult with Jones on how to ~lavthe role.76 The movie premiered in August of 1953 to critical anh popular acclaim, and brought Jones even greater fame.77 Clift, who had become a good friend of Jonesr, visited him at the colony in Marshall that summer of 1953.7e

Also that summer Jones' $85,000 "bachelor palace" was completed on the edge of the colony grounds,79 complete with all the latest electrical appliances, a bidet, a secret liquor storage area, and "a secret passageway ...to a secret chamber (purpose unannounced) ."Oo

By 1953, the scarcity of women writers at the colony had become an issue of concern to Lowney. She claimed to have tried "to develop at least one female," but apparently without success.B1 Lowney came to the conclusion that women could not make good writers because they were egotistical and tended to shift the blame for their problems onto others. She claimed that women reacted defen- sively when faced with criticism,e2 and tried to argue with her about their writing. Lowney observed about herself: "Even I don't seem to write, but teach, so I guess women haven't got what it takes." In frustration, Lowney wrote to a woman pupil, "...I will stop trying to find a female writer and give up and go back to the people I can work

Part of the problem was that Lowney had extremely negative views regarding women. She wrote:

Nature says to a woman you are here to breed -- so she looks around and hunts for what will make the best mate to help her watch over the nest and take care of and fight for the young. Certainly she isn't looking for some young buck who has a roving eye and is out catting around when she needs him. O4

This attitude toward "women the parasitesMe5 was reflected in most of the books produced at the colony: few had any believable female character^.^^ Some critics noticed the male orientation of the colony: Richard Gehman of the Chicago Tribune, for example, referred to "that strange circle in Marshall, Ill., den mothered by Mrs. Lowney Handy, which gave us James Jones, Tom T. Chamales, and other members of the masculinity-is-meaning

Lowney's ideas about sex were also reflected in the writings of her students. She believed that sex must be the "prime ingredient" of the modern novelfee and yet she also asserted that "SEX IS A BATTLE" and wrote that "SEX -- like all other things that man waste[s] his energy on --are simply a snare and a [d]elusi~n."~~ Probably through a combination of Lowney's views and Jonesf pres- ence, most of the literature that came out of the colony was male- oriented, with liberal doses of graphic sex and strong language.go

Also in 1953, Lowney was expressing concern about the number of uninvited visitors/sightseers, who she felt were violating the pri- vacy of the colony. She also worried about outsiders circulating misinformation about the colony. For example, an article about the colony written by George Taubeneck in Air Conditioning & Refriger- ation News set her off into a letter-writing rage. In addition, the occasional frictions between the colony, the increasingly famous James Jones and the townspeople of Marshall caused her much con- cern.

An "expose" by a former short-term student of the colony, David Ray, appeared in Chicago Magazine in 1956. Ray's article portrayed Lowney as being erratic, intolerant, and hypocritical. Ray claimed that some friends who came to visit were off by Lowney, who heaved bricks at them as they were leaving because they had expressed admiration for T. S. Eliot. He claimed that Lowney ordered him to leave, and then changed her mind and told the other writers at the colony to watch him and prevent him from escaping. Ray contended he finally had to resort to trickery to break away from Lowney and the colony.92

Jones, the colony, and Lowney were still in the limelight but the colony was not producing published authors. From the summer of 1953 through the summer of 1956, there were no major publications by writers from the Handy Colony. Finally, in 1956, Jerry Tschappat, writing under the pseudonym Gerald Tesch, published his novel, Never the Same Again.93

Tschappat apparently broke the colony's dry spell, because 1956 also saw the sale of the movie rights to Tom Chamalesf book, Never So Few, which was published in 1957.94 Edwin Cole Daly's book, Some Must Watch, was also published that year.95 Finally, the completion of Jonesf long-awaited second novel Some Came Running in 1957 and the sale of the movie rights to it again put the colony in the news. 96

But the real turning point in the history of the Handy Colony occurred when, in February of 1957, Jones married Gloria Mosolino in Haiti.97 That summer, Jones and his bride returned to Marshall, where he planned to complete the editing of Runninq and considered rewriting his first novel, "They Shall Inherit the La~ghter.""~But Jones' return to the colony was not to last. The tensions between Jones, Gloria, and Lowney rose to an intolerable level. After a violent argument between Lowney and Gloria, the Joneses left Mar- shall and the colony, never to return.99 Some Came Running was published early in 1958, and sold well, despite a poor reception by the critics. loo

After the departure of its most famous resident, the colony began to experience financial problems. Despite the contributions of Lowney and Harry, Jones had been the major supporter since the publication of From Here to Eternity. Jones had donated a sizable percentage of his earnings to the colony, but he ceased contributing after he left.lol

Among the students at the colony were two talented young black writers, Charles Wright and William Duhart.lo2 Duhart's novel, The Deadly Pay-Off, was published in 1958.1°3 Despite such successes, the number of students at the colony diminished and donations were not forthcoming.lo4 In 1954, Jones and Harry had tried to convince Lowney to enforce an agreement by which she would receive ten per- cent of the royalties from books written under her tutelage. None of Lowney's students were honoring the agreement and Lowney refused to make the effort to hold them to it.Io5 The failure to tap this potential source of income worsened the financial situation of the colony.

By 1961, Lowney was working with writers mainly by correspon- dence.lo6 The death in 1960 of Tom Chamales, one of Lowney's star pupils, had been a severe blow to her.lo7 One of the last writers who actually stayed at the colony was Jere Peacock, who published Valhalla in 1961.10e

As early as 1957, Lowney had begun to express doubts about her work. She wrote:

So today Hemingway and Jones have to BE SPORTSMEN ...men, which means that they are fighters, drinkers, fornica- tors ...with the best of the animal type. You know looking back over my work for 14 years I feel that I have failed utterly. That instead of bringing enlightenment to the world I have sold them into deeper and darker slavery ... I'm glad to be quitting. And I admit I have failed in what I tried to do.lo9

Lowney did not quit, but the death of Harry Handy in March of 1963 left her feeling confused and lonely.ll" She wrote:

I[']ve done more figuring than eve[r] in my life. I used to act, and accept the consequences, yell if I had to, but take it if I could.

Now all that seems to be reversed. And I am brought up against the past--or a facet of myself I've never thought about.

Lowney spent less and less time helping writers, although she did continue to work with some of her more promising students such as Jere Peacock, and corresponded with writers such as Robert Ken- dall and Jon Shirota.l12

Lowney continued teaching writers until her death on 27 June 1964 .Ix3 When Lowney died, the Handy Colony came to an end.

Despite her occasional self-doubts, what Lowney Handy accom- plished was actually quite astonishing. This housewife from Robin- son, Illinois, who had no significant literary training or experi- ence, became the head of a nationally-known writers' colony. The writers connected with the Handy Colony produced more than a dozen published novels, and even more stories, most of which probably would never have been written, much less published, without Lowney's supervision. Certainly, the transformation of James Jones from a bitter young man AWOL from the Army into a major novelist would have been impossible without Lowney's encouragement and discipline.l14 xxi INTRODUCTION NOTES

'Articles of Incorporation [photostat], 9/21/51, p. 2, box 1, folder 1.

2James Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], dated 11/24/52, p. 1; attached to notes on the Handy Colony by Lowney Handy [photostat], dated 11/23/52, box 1, folder 6.

3Articles of Incorporation [photostat], p. 1

40bituary for Lowney Handy, "Mrs. Loney [sic] Handy, Literary Mentor, Formerly of Robinson, Buried Today at Marshall, Site of Her 'Colony'" from the Robinson Daily News [photocopy], dated 6/29/64, p. 1, box 72, folder 9.

*Lowney Handy's notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], dated 11/23/52, p. 3, box 1, folder 6. Also, "Writers' Concentration Camp," by Marianne Besser (Writer's Digest, 9/55), p. 30, box 66, folder 5.

6Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostatl, pp. 3-4.

7Letter [carbon], [LH] to Eve [Olstad], dated 5/26/53, box 6, folder 40.

*, James Jones: A Friendship (Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1978), pp. xvii-xviii.

9A. B. C. Whipple, "James Jones and His Angel" (Life, 5/7/51), pp. 143, 144, 147, box 73, folder 2.

10Whipple, p. 147. Also, letters: Captain Eugene A. Mailloux to Lowney Handy, postmark 6/8/44, and enclosed letter, Lowney Handy to Captain Eugene A. Mailloux [carbonl, dated 6/2/44, box 6, folder 10.

12Frank MacShane, Into Eternity: The Life of James Jones, American Writer (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985), p. 68; Whipple, p. 149. Also, letter James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45, box 5, folder 4.

I3Letter, Maxwell Aley to James Jones [photostat], dated 2/27/45, box 5, folder 4.

I4Letter, James Jones to Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45.

I6Letters: James Jones to Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45; and Maxwell Perkins to James Jones [photostatl, dated 11/27/45, both in box 5, folder 4. Also, MacShane, p. 79.

I7Letter, Maxwell Aley to James Jones, dated 7/18/45, box 5, folder 1. Also, Whipple, p. 149. 13Letter, James Jones to Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45.

>OLetter, James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 1/17/46, box 5, folder 4.

21Letters: Maxwell Perkins to James Jones [photostat], dated 2/19/46, box 5, folder 4; and Maxwell Perkins to James Jones [photo- stat], dated 3/4/46, box 5, folder 4. The letter referred to is James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 2/10/46, box 5, folder 4.

22Letter, James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 3/6/46, box 5, folder 4.

23Whipple, pp. 147, 149. Also, letters: Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 11/26/52, box 3, folder 26; and James Jones to Max- well Perkins [carbon], dated 2/15/46, box 5, folder 4.

24Letter, James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 2/22/46, box 5, folder 4. Also, MacShane, p. 156; and From Here to Eternity manuscripts, boxes 23-25 (for annotations made by Lowney Handy) . 5Letter, James Jones to Burroughs Mitchell [Mitchl [carbon], dated 6/30/47, box 5, folder 2.

26Letters: Lowney Handy to James Jones, postmark 3/29/48, box 3, folder 3; and Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, dated Friday, 14 and enclosed in Lowney Handy to James Jones, postmark 3/30/48, box 3, folder 3. Also, letter, Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark [11/2/49], box 3, folder 16; and MacShane, p. 77.

27Lowney's notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 4.

29Lowneyfs notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 4.

32Jonesf notes on the Handy Colony [photostat] and Lowney's notes on the Handy Colony [photostat].

33Besser, pp. 34, 65.

34Letter, Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 8/30/49, box 3, folder 13.

35Letter dated 9/10/49 [photocopy], box 6, folder 2. 36See Jones-Handy Correspondence beginning with 7/49, box 3, folder 13. Note letter, Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 7/25/49 For Don Sackriderrs arrival in Albuquerque, see Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 9/27/49, box 3, folder 14.

37~elegram,James Jones, "Mack," to Harry Handy, dated 2/27/50, box 3, folder 17.

3eLetters: Burroughs Mitchell to Lowney Handy, postmark 3/29/50, box 6 folder 19; and Burroughs Mitchell to Lowney Handy, postmark 9/6/50, box 6, folder 19. Also, J. Michael Lennon and Jeffrey Van Davis, "Glimpses : James Jones, 1921-1977" ( Review 29: 103 (Summer 1987), pp.205-236), Helen Howe, p. 212.

39Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 1.

40Editor and Lowney Handy, "Publishers Add $10,000 to 'Eternity' Publicity" (Robinson Daily News, 3/13/51), p. 1, box 66, folder 1.

42See box 73, folder 2. Examples of correspondence: Cpl Robert H. Jones to Lowney Handy, postmark 6/27/51 (asking for advice), box 6, folder 23; Frank Cullen to Lowney Handy, dated 6/18/51 (asking Lowney to look at his article), box 6, folder 21; and Robert B. Drew to Lowney Handy, dated 5/9/51 (asking for advice and the opportunity to see the Colony and talk to Lowney), box 6, folder 22.

43Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 2.

44Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], pp. 3-4.

45[Lowney Handy], advice to Judd (in folder "Advice to Writ- ers"), box 62, folder 13.

"=Besser, p. 33, and MacShane, p. 118

47Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 4.

4e[Lowney Handy], advice to an unidentified student, begins "Strangely enough --- if we go our own way-- say nothing . . .," box 62, folder 13.

4 9 [Lowney Handyl, advice to Rosa, box 62, folder 13

5 0 [Lowney], advice to Judd, box 62, folder 13

51Letter, [Lowney Handy] to Eve [Olstad] [carbon], dated 5/26/53; box 6, folder 40.

52Jones' notes on the Handy Colony, p. 4.

5 4 Besser, pp. 34, 65. Also, David Ray, "Mrs. Handy's Curious Colony" (Chicago Magazine, 9/56), p. 24, box 66, folder 5. 55"~~~~em~therKnows Best" (Time, 11/12/56), p. 128.

56John Bowers, The Colony (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1971), p. 49. Also, MacShane, p. 115.

5 7 Besser, pp. 34, 65; Ray, p. 25; and Time, 11/12/56, p. 128.

58Lowney's obituary in Robinson Daily News [photocopy], p. 1.

59Lowneyrs notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 1. Also, Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 3.

60Letter, Lowney Handy to Dorothy [Gordon?] [carbon], dated 5/18/53, box 6, folder 38.

61Letter, [Lowney Handy] to Dorothy [Gordon?] [carbon], dated 5/5/53, box 6, folder 38.

64Arti~lesof Incorporation [photostat], p. 2.

65Letter, Harry Handy to Kenneth Hawkins [carbon], dated 10/4/51, box 1, folder 2.

66Letters: Harry to Hawkins [carbon], dated 10/4/51; and Kenneth Hawkins to Harry Handy, dated 10/22/51, box 1, folder 2.

67By-La~sof the Handy Colony [carbon], p. 1, box 1, folder 1.

68Minutes [11/20/51] [carbon], p. 4, box 1, folder 3; Harry Handy's charter membership certificate, box 1, folder 7.

69By-La~sof the Handy Colony [carbon], p. 1.

70Letter, Harry Handy to Kenneth Hawkins [carbon], dated 6/27/52, box 1, folder 5; "Mary Ann Jones Found Dead at Writers Col- ony" (Robinson Daily News, 6/5/52), p. 1, box 66, folder 9.

71"'Eternity' Gets Award at New York Dinner" (Fort Myers News- Press, 1/30/52), p. 1; enclosed in Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 2/1/52, box 3, folder 24.

72Jonesr notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 2.

73Lowney's notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 3; and Jonesr notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], pp. 3, 5.

74Leonard Lyons, "Author donates $30,000 to Pals" (Miami Daily News, 2/18/52), p. 12-A, box 66, folder 2.

75Letters: Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 11/13/52, and James Jones to Lowney Handy, postmark 11/17/52, box 3, folder 26. 76Letter, Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 2/21/53, box 3, folder 28. Also, MacShane, pp. 130-131.

77MacShane, pp. 131-132.

78MacShane, p. 131. Also, Robert E. Cantwell, "James Jones: Another 'Eternity'?" (Newsweek, 11/23/53), p. 106, box 66, folder 2.

79"The Good Life and Jim Jones" (Life, 2/11/57), p. 83, box 73, folder 2.

80Time, 11/12/56, p. 127; Bern Keating (photographer), "New Champ Goes on a Spree" (Pageant, 6/54), p. 40, box 66, folder 2; Cantwell, p. 102.

81Letter, Lowney to Dorothy [Gordon?] [carbon], dated 5/18/53.

R2Letter, [Lowney Handy] to Tom [Chamales?! [carbon, ca. 1955?], box 7, folder 46.

B3Letter, Lowney to Dorothy [Gordon?] [carbon], dated 5/18/53.

84Letter, Lowney Handy to James Jones, postmark 1/21/49, box 3, folder 8.

e5[Lowney Handy, advice to All, box 62, folder 13.

a6See: Jeff Waggoner, "James Jones: Eternity and After" [photo- copy] (The Book-Mart, 1/80), box 72, folder 8; and , "In Praise of the Yahoo" (Saturday Review, 1/11/58), box 66, folder 3.

e7Ri~hardGehman, " 'Blockbuster' Lands; Greeted with a Yawn" (Chicaqo Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books, 1/15/[611), [p. 3?], box 66, folder 8.

RsWilliam Leonard, "She Teaches Tough Guys to Write" (Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine, 7/14/57), p. 18, box 73, folder 4.

8g[Lowney, advice to Al.]

g°For example, see Gehman, 1/15/[61]; Leonard, 7/14/57; and Basil Woon, "A Second-Rate, 800 Page, Rotten Bundle of Filth" (San Francisco News, [1951], 2 typewritten pages), box 66, folder 1.-

91Letters: Lowney Handy to John McCauley, Mayor of Marshall [carbon], dated 10/26/53, and attached letter to the City of Mar- shall, box 6, folder 39. Also, letters: Lowney Handy to Sylvia [Ritter] [photostat], dated 11/17/53; and attached letter, Lowney Handy to George Taubeneck [photostat], dated 11/18/53, with photo- stat of Taubeneck's article attached, box 6, folder 40.

9ZRay, ''Mrs. Handyf s Curious Colony. "

93Time, 11/12/56, p. 127; and minutes, 9/10/56, box 1, folder 3, 94"Lowney Handy Colony Produces Second 'First ~ovelist'in a Year" [photostat] (Robinson Daily News (?) , 12/14/56), [p. I?] . 9501iver LaFarge, "Young Man in America . . ." (Saturday Review, 3/23/57), pp. 12-13; and Walter Wray, "Lowneyls Boys" (Saturday Review, 3/23/57), p. 13; box 66, folder 5.

96Walter Wray, 3/23/57, p. 13.

97Willie Morris, James Jones: A Friendship, p. xix.

g"Letter, James Jones to Lowney Handy, dated 4/11/57, in enve- lope annotated "James Jones", box 7, folder 53.

100MacShane, pp. 162, 167. For examples of reviews for Some Came Running, see: box 66, folder 3; and box 72, folder 5.

10IMacShane, pp. 157, 144-145. Also, [Lowney Handy] to Ridgely Curnmings [carbon], dated 9/23/ [53] , box 6, folder 38.

102"Writersf Colony" (Ebony, 11/57), box 73, folder 4; and Leslie G. Kennon, "A Tribute to Lowney Handy," Evansville (Indiana) Courier and Press, Sunday Look Magazine, 7/5/64, p. 20.

Io30CLC search, and Ebony, 11/57, p. 114.

lo4For example: "Our Unsung Industry Deserves a Song" (Clark County Democrat, 3/4/54), p. 1, box 66, folder 5; and MacShane, p. 157.

Io5Letters: James Jones to Kenneth Hawkins [carbon], dated 6/11/54; box 1, folder 11; and James Jones to Kenneth Hawkins [car- bon], dated 7/17/54, box 1, folder 11.

106Letter, Lowney Handy to Charles Stanley [carbon], dated 2/4/61 and attached to Charles Stanley to "Lowney Handy Foundation," dated 1/13/61, box 7 folder 76.

lo7Letters: Ned Brown to Lowney Handy, postmark 3/25/71[60], box 7, folder 64; and Ned Brown to Lowney Handy, postmark 4/4/60, box 7, folder 64.

loeA copy of the book is located in box 39. See also, corre- spondence mailed to Peacock at the Colony, box 37, folder 1.

logLetterr Lowney Handy to Ned Brown [carbon], dated 2/21/57 and enclosed in Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark [2/21/57], box 4, folder 31.

llOSee memory book for Harry, box 59, folder 3.

lllSee box 62, folder 19. I12See correspondence to Peacock at the Colony. Also for evi- dence of Lowney's involvement, see manuscript drafts for Big Rock Candy Mountain, boxes 40-42; and manuscript drafts for Gotterdammer- ung/ [To Drill and Die], box 43. See Handy Correspondence (box 7) for correspondence with Kendall and Shirota.

I13Lowney's obituary in Robinson Daily News [photocopy], 6/29/64, p. 1, box 72, folder 9. I14Kennon, 7/5/64, p. 20; and Clark County Democrat, 3/4/54, p. 1.


The Handy Colony Collection is divided into seven series. Cross-listings have been provided for ease of access.

Series I: Business Records (0.8 cubic feet) : The business records contain material relating to the incorporation of the Col- ony, by-laws, minutes of meetings, documents relating to taxes and audits, correspondence with Kenneth B. Hawkins (the Colony attor- ney), and financial records of the Handy Colony. These records are arranged chronologically.

Series 11: Correspondence (4.15 cubic feet): The arrangement of he Handy Colony correspondence is complicated by the fact that sev- ral letters were often sent and filed in the same envelope; also, the original order of the correspondence was highly irregular. All folders are numbered consecutively throughout the sub-series, regardless of box divisions. Correspondence has been broken down into four sub-series:

Jones-Handy Correspondence (1.16 cubic feet): This sub-series consists of correspondence between James Jones, Lowney Handy, and Harry Handy. The correspondence is filed chronologically.

James Jones Correspondence (0.33 cubic feet): This sub-series involves correspondence between James Jones and people other than the Handys. The Jones Correspondence is filed chronologically by year and alphabetically within each year. Included in this sub- series is Jones' correspondence with editors and publishers includ- ing Maxwell Perkins and Burroughs Mitchell (mostly carbons or photo- stats of letters), Mary Ann Jones (Jones' sister), and Charles E. Jones (Jones' uncle) .

Bandy Correspondence (2.5 cubic feet): This sub-series contains the correspondence between Lowney or Harry Handy and persons other than James Jones, and is filed chronologically by year and alphabet- ically within each year. Correspondents include Jeff Jones (James Jones' brother), Upton Sinclair, Olivia de Havilland, and Lt. Fred P. DePalma and Captain Eugene A. Mailloux, regarding Jones' 1944 discharge from the army. Much of this sub-series consists of Low- ney's correspondence with her students, family and friends, and ranges in time from 1930 to Lowney's death in 1964.

General Correspondence (0.16 cubic feet) : This sub-series contains correspondence involving persons other than Jones or the Handys. Included are photostats of correspondence involving Maxwell Aley, John Hall Wheelock, and Maxwell Perkins; also correspondence of Colony writers who are not represented in Series I11 (Manu- scripts) or Series IV (Personal Papers).

Series 111: Manuscripts (17.76 cubic feet): The manuscripts are ordered alphabetically by author; short or fragmentary manuscripts were placed at the end of the series. The sequence of manuscript drafts was often a matter of surmise. The pages of some manuscripts are not in order and are noted as such. The correspondence of writ- ers represented in this series has also been filed here. Folders containing lengthy manuscripts have been numbered conse- cutively, regardless of box divisions.

Series I11 includes several of James Jonesf manuscripts (4.93 cubic feet). Included are drafts for some of Jonesf short stories, manuscripts for "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" (his first, unpub- lished novel), and annotated manuscripts and galleys for From Here to Eternity.

Also included are three foreign editions of From Here to Eter- -nity. Some Came Running is represented by two copies of the manu- script and an annotated galley. Other writers represented in the series are Jere Peacock, Charles Robb, Jerry Tschappat, and Charles Wright.

Series IV: Personal Papers (1.98 cubic feet): This series contains personal papers of Lowney and Harry Handy, and James Jones. The papers of other persons who are not represented in Series I11 (Manuscripts) have also been filed here. The series contains Low- ney's commonplace books, address books, examples of her advice to Colony writers, and newspaper clippings; also memorabilia the Han- dy~'1958 trip to Spain; and documents pertaining to Lowney's father and family.

The personal papers of James Jones (0.2 cubic feet) include some of his army documents, his 1951 will, and an address book which also contains some notes on characters in From Here to Eternitv.

Series V: Articles and Clippings (0.8 cubic feet): This series contains newspaper and magazine articles on Jones, Lowney, Harry, the Colony, Tom Chamales, Jere Peacock, and others. There is an additional 0.75 cubic feet in Oversize, boxes 73 and 74.

Series VI: Photographs and Negatives (1.2 cubic feet): This series contains many of the photographs used in the 1951 Life maga- zine article on Jones and Lowney. It also contains both color and black-and-white photographs of Jones, Lowney, Harry, the Colony, Colony writers, Marshall, and vacation spots such as Florida and Arizona. Oversize photographs are in box 73.

Series VII: Robinson Township Library Collection (0.33 cubic feet): This series consists entirely of photocopies of material in the Robinson Township Library in Robinson, Illinois. Included are correspondence between Lowney and Vera Newlin (the librarian), Jonesf stories, obituaries and eulogies for Jones, and articles about Jones, Lowney, and the Colony. Also included is a book about the Turner family, One in the Middle by Vivian Turner McClellan, one of Lowneyfs sisters.

Oversize items from all series are in boxes 73-74. Miscella- neous items, Empty Envelopes, Original Clippings, and Duplicates are grouped at the end of the collection (boxes 75-77, 1.0 cubic foot).

The Appendix is an inventory of videotapes from the J. Michael Lennon Papers used to produce the 1984 television documentary "James Jones: Reveille to Taps." HANDY COLONY CHRONOLOGY

1901 23 October Harry Handy born in Marshall, Illinois1

1904 16 April Lowney Turner born in Kentucky2

1921 6 November James Ramon Jones born in Robinson, Illinois3

1926 Harry Handy and Lowney Turner married4

1943 3 November Lowney Handy and James Jones begin relationship in Robinson5

1944 6 July Jones discharged from the army, with Lowney's help6

Jones working on "They Shall Inherit the Laughteru7

194 5 January Jones submits draft of "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" to Maxwell Perkins at Charles Scribner's Sonss

Jones hires and fires his agent, Maxwell Aleyg

January-June Jones attends classes at New York University1°

1946 February or Jones offered option on new novel, From Here to Eter- March nity; "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" rejected by Perkins againx1

March Jones begins working full-time on From Here to Eter- nity12

The Handys build an addition onto their house in Robinson for Jones; Harry giving Jones financial support; Lowney giving Jones encouragement and instruction13

Maxwell Perkins dies; Burroughs Mitchell becomes Jones' editor at Scribnerrs14

Fall Donald Sackrider joins Jones and becomes a student of Lowney' s1

1948 March Jonesr story, "The Temper of Steel," is published in -The Atlanticx6

Willard Lindsay joins Jones and Sackrider in Lowney's xxxii

1949 Group of writers gather on Handy cow pasture near Marshall, and spend summer in tents, being taught by Lowney (who commutes from Robinson) and doing physical labor; electricity and plumbing installed; building moved onto propertyla

Septe;nber Willard Lindsay's story, "A Busy Day," published in Ladies Home Journalxg

1950 27 February Jones finishes writing From Here to Eternity, begins to support the Colony and some individual writersz0

Another building moved onto the Colony grounds2'

1951 26 February From Here to Eternity published2z

March Movie rights for From Here to Eternity sold23

Jones providing most of the support of the Colony; his donations build a five-room barracks with furnishings and new sanitary fa~ilities.~"

Building phase of the Colony begins; Lowney still com- mutes from Robinsonz5

30 January Jones' story, "Greater Love," published in collier'^^^

September Jones' story, "Two Legs for the Two of Us," published in Esquirez7

21 September The Handy Colony incorporated as a not-for-profit cor- porationz8

Handys donate land for the Colony2' 1952 January Jones receives National Book Award for From Here to Eternity30

Jones' story, "None Sing So Wildly," published in -New World Writing3=

Jones begins work on a new novel, Some Came Running3'

5 June Mary Ann Jones (Jones' sister) dies at the Colony in her trailer33

Jones supporting and maintaining the Colony34

Lowney donates money for five-room barracks and furn- ishings from her percentage of Jones' earnings for her editorial assistance; Lowney lives on the grounds in her cabin35 Summer Lowney and Harry build swimming pond at the Co10ny:~"

Ju l y Jonesf story, "Living in a Trailer," published in

Colony now has guest cabin, Lowney's cabin, Jones' trailer, another good trailer, a trailer that is used for storage, 2 five-room barracks (built 1951 and 1952), six trailer hook-ups, the "Ramada," and sanitary facilities38

21 February Montgomery Clift, playing Prewitt in the movie From Here to Eternity, visits Jones and Lowney in ~ucson, ~ri- z~na~~

Jones begins work on a screenplay for Burt Lancaster based on "Circus Section" of Max Catto's book, -The Killinq Frost; project later abandoned40

Summer Montgomery Clift visits Jones at the Colony after completion of movie4I

August Movie, From Here to ~ternity,premieres4'

Jones builds his $85,000 house next to Colony lando3

Jones donates his Spartan trailer to the Colony44

Movie, From Here to Eternity receives eight "O~cars"~"

1955 October Jones' story, "The King," published in Playboy""

Jerry Tschappat's ("Gerald Tesch") book, Never the Same Again, published47

Movie rights to Tom Chamales' as yet unpublished book, Never So Few, sold48

Tom Chamalesf book, Never So Few, published4"

Edwin (Sonny) Daly' s book, Some Must Watch,-- published""

27 February Jones marries Gloria Mosolino in Haiti5I

March Jones' article, "Marshall, Illinois, " published in Ford --Timess2 Movie rights to Jones' book, Some Came Running, sold5"

James and Gloria Jones take up residence in Mar~hali"~ July The Joneses leave the Colony permanentlys5 1958 10 January Jones' book, Some Came Running, publisheds6 William Duhart's book, The Deadly Pay-Off, published57

1960 20 March Tom Chamales dies58

Jere Peacock' s book, Valhalla, published59 Lowney advises writers primarily through correspon- dence60 1963 29 March Harry Handy dies6'

Jere Peacock's book, To Drill and Die, published62 27 June Lowney Handy dies63 Robert Kendall's book, White Teacher in a Black School.

Jon Shirota's book, Lucky Come Hawaii, publishedG5 xxxv HANDY COLONY CHRONO1,OGY NOTES

l~emoryBook, 1963, box 59, folder 3.

2A. B. C. Whipple, "James Jones and His Angel" (Life, 5/7/51), p. 143, box 73, folder 2.

3Frank MacShane, Into Eternity: The Life of James Jones, American Writer (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985), p. 9.

4Marianne Besser, "Writers' Concent ration Camp, " Writer's Digest 35,lO (September 1955) : 30.

5Whipple, "James Jones and His Angel," p. 143.

6Whipple, p. 147. Also letters: Captain Eugene A. Mailloux to Lowney Handy, postmark 6/8/44, and enclosed letter, Lowney Handy to Captain Eugene A. Mailloux [carbon], dated 6/2/44, box 6, folder 10.

7MacShane, Into Eternity, p. 68. Also, Whipple, p. 149; and letter, James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45, box 5, folder 4.

ULetter, James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45.

g~etters:Maxwell Aley to James Jones, [photostat], dated 7/18/45, box 5, folder 1; and Jones to Perkins [carbon], dated 11/20/45.

loletter, Aley to Jones, 7/18/45. Also, Whipple, p. 149.

I1Letter, Maxwell Perkins to James Jones [photostat], dated 2/19/46, box 5, folder 4.

I2Letter, James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 3/6/46, box 5, folder 4.

13whipple, pp. 147, 149; and MacShane, p. 77. Also, letters: Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 11/26/52, box 3, folder 26; James Jones to Maxwell Perkins [carbon], dated 2/15/46, box 5, folder 4; Lowney Handy to James Jones, postmark 3/29/48, box 3, folder 3; Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark [11/2/49], box 3, folder 16.

l4Letter, James Jones to Burroughs Mitchell [carbon], dated 6/30/47; box 5, folder 2.

15Lowney Handy, notes on the Handy Colony [photocopy], dated 11/23/52, p. 4, box 1, folder 6.

16A photocopy of the story is in box 72, folder 2. A draft of the story is located in box 20, folder 5.

17Lowney's notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 4. "jLTsrne, jones, notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], dated 1: /LI/"SL, ant1 attached to Lowney's notes on the Handy Colony [photo- .,I ji ], dited 11/23/52, box 1, folder 6.

1 r iuwne/ Har'dy, notes on the Handy Colony, annotated "not used" and iiatecl 11/7/57, p. 2, box 1, folder 6.

10 ,Innesr notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 2; and tele- grarr,, ,Jarrtes "Mack" Jones to Harry Handy, dated 2/27/50, box 3, folder 17.

,' ,' 3 Jx3iiesr cotes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 1.

-'2,Jctin Ii. Hopkins, James Jones : A Checklist (Detr0i.t : Gale Xeseclrch !Ic~npany, 1974); p. 21.

z 4 Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 2.

2 :z 'Jones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 2.

".Mduazine 1s located in box 73, folder 3. A draft of the story is l2cateci in box 20, folder 6.


2"krticle~of Incorporation [photostat], p. 1, box 1, folder 1.

-'3~,e?ters: Harry Handy to Kenneth Hawkins [carbon], dated !0/4,/! 1 ; box I, folder 2; and Kenneth Hawkins to Harry Handy, dated 19/22/51, box 1, folder 2.

30~\ Eternity' Gets Award at New York Dinner" (Fort Myers News-

-Press, -- - !/30/52), p. 1; located in letter, Lowney Handy to Harry Ildndy, postmark 2/! /52, box 3, folder 24.

3'Photoc:opy of the story in box 72, folder 2. A draft of the story located in box 20, folder 9.

"'Leonard Lyons, "Author Donates $30,000 to Pals" (Miami Daily News, .- -- 2/18/52), p. 12-A, box 66, folder 2. j3"?4dry Ann Jones Found Dead at Writer's Colony" (Robinson Da_ll_ly

---News, - 6/5/52), p. I, box 6Gr folder 9. ones' notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], p. 5.

3 /h"-rr,~a&zine is located in box 73, folder 3.

A t3 -~owney's notes on the Handy Colony [photostat], pp. 1, 3. 3gLetters: Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 11/13/52, box 3, folder 26; and James Jones to Lowney Handy, postmark 11/17/52, box 3, folder 26.

""MacShane, p. 130. Letters from Ned Brown to Lowney Handy in 1953, box 6, folder 37 [specifically those postmarked: 4/12/53, 4/23/53, 5/18/53, 5/29/53, 6/30/53, 7/9/53 (carbon of letter from Ned Brown to Horace Manges), 7/13/53]

4'MacShane, p. 131; and Robert E. Cantwell, "James Jones: Another \Eternit:yf?" (Newsweek, 11/23/53), p. 106, box 66, folder 2.

R'MacShane, pp. 131-132

"'3"The Good Life and Jim Jones" (Life, 2/11/57), p. 83, box 73, folder 2.

4 4 Mi-nutes, 9/6/54, box 1, folder 3.

45Letter, Kenneth Hawkins to Harry Handy, dated 3/29/54, box 1, folder 11.

""Phot.ocopy located in box 72, folder 2.

4711H~~~em~therKnows Best" (Time, 11/12/56), p. 127, box 66, folder 5; and Minutes, 9/10/56, box 1, folder 3.

4H"Lowney Handy Produces Second 'First Novelist' in a Year" [photostat] (Robinson Daily News?, 12/14/56), p. 1, box 66, folder 7.

""Robinson Daily News, 12/14/56, p. 1

booliver LaFarge, "Young Man in America . . ." (Saturday Review, 3/23/57), pp. 12-13, box 66, folder 5.

'IWillie Morris, James Jones: a Friendship, p. xix

'-"Magazine located in box 66, folder 3.

""Hedda Hopper, "Faces Big Job in Filming Jones' New Story" [photocopy] [no source, 3/29/57, no page number], box 72, folder 5

"""Authors: From Here to Eternity" (Newsweek, 1/13/58), p. 89, box 66, folder 3.

5'OCLC Search; and "WritersfColony" (Ebony, 11/57), p. 114, box 73, folder 4.

'UMrs. Tom T. Chamales to [?I (list of pallbearers) [19601, "prayer" [?I card attached, box 7, folder 64. xxxviii

59Book is located in box 39.

GoLetterr Lowney Handy to Charles Stanley [carbon], dated 2/4/61; enclosed with Charles Stanley to "Lowney Handy Foundation," dated 1/13/61, box 7, folder 76.

61Memory book, box 59, folder 3.

620CLC Search; and letter, Jon Shirota to Lowney Handy, postmark [6/28/64?], box 9, folder 92.

63"Mrs. Loney [sic] Handy, Literary Mentor, Formerly of Robin- son, Buried Today at Marshall, Site of Her 'Colony'" [photocopy] (Robinson Daily News, 6/29/64), p. 1, box ? folder ?

64Book located in box 57, folder 23.

650CLC Search; and letter, Shirota to Lowney, postmark [6/28/64?]. STUDENT LIST Pupils of Lowney Handy, 1943-1963

1943-1947 1952 James Jones1 James Jones9 Jerry DeVrees (briefly) William McDonald (briefly) 1947 Carl Pontell (briefly) James Jones' J. B, "Jerry" BainterZ Donald Sackrider Robert Srnith*lo Don Sackrider*l0 Willard Lindsay*lo 1948 [Dawes Myer~?~] James Jones' Bert Bliss*lo Donald Sackrider2 John Bowers2 Willard Lindsay2 A1 Nashz Mary Ann Jones*lo Fay Carpenter7 1949 Jerry Tscbappat7 [6 students'] Jack Byers (6 weeks) James Jones1 James Ballard7 Donald Sackrider2 Elwood Harris7 Willard Lindsay2 Robert Drew (2 weeks) Robert Smith2 Herndonlx Rex Bollin12 Robert "Jay" Kelderl3 1950 James Jones1 Charles Dawes Myers3 1953 Mary Ann Jones2 James Jonesx4 Don Sackriderz Michael Zweig15 Willard Lindsay2 A1 Pevehouse15 Robert Smith2 Robert Smith1" Bert BlissZ David Ray17 Gertrude4 Gene Nels~n"~ [unknown female5I Richard Laval17 [Warren Pear~ley?~] A1 NashlS James Ballard7 Jerry Ts~happat*~" Rex B~llin*~O Edwin Cole Dal~*~~ 19518 John BowersT6 James Jones Charles Robb*>O Mary Ann Jones Joe Zirnmerman*20 Willard Lindsay Jerry Bainter*20 Don Sackrider By correspondence: Robert Smith Eve OlstadZl Robert Drew Ralph LeaZ1 Bert Bliss Dorothy Gordonz1 Eddie Shearer Jack Byers Charles Wright Laird Savage James Ballard William Bushman Don Marshall (briefly) Dan Towns (briefly) 1954 1958 James Joneszz Winston McLean3- Tom T. Chamaleslg Charles Wright40 Bob Drew*z3 William Duhart4' A1 Na~h*~~ By correspondence: Jerry Tschappatlg Howard Pehr~on~~ Rex Bollinlg Jerry T~chappat~~ A1 Pevehouselg Martin Zitza2 Kenny Snedekerlg Robert "Jay" Kelder43 Ed Kurtzlg James Monaghand3 Carl Nel~on'~ Sheldon Land~wehr~~ Fred Hoseax9 A1 Pevehou~e~~ Nancy [McClellan?]24 Charles R~bb~~ Michael Zweig15 Tom T. Chamalesq3 John Bowers*25 Bert Bliss22 1959 Paul Desa~tels*~~ Jere Peaco~k*~~ 1955 James Jonesz6 A1 NashZ7 196045 Charles R~bb~~ Jere Peacock Charles WrightZB Harry Handy Ed K~rtz*~~ In Tucson, AZ: James Rosenfels Rex Bollin 1956 Jere Peacock James Jones30 By correspondence: Fay Carpenter31 Jon Shirota Jerry Tschappat3' Einancial assistance to: Charles Robb3' Paul Desautels Charles Wright*3z Howard Pehrson Rex Bollin3I Willard Lindsay Robert Drew31 James Osborne3I Charles willing^^^ 1961 Don Feigenbaum31 Jere Peacock46 Harlan Stone (2 weeks) 37 Harry Handy47 By correspondence: By correspondence: Gene Nel~on*~~ Jon Shirota4* William Duhart3I Robert Kendal14a Sonny Daly3I Tom T. Chamales3' Dorothy Ve~tecka~~ 1962 Jere Peacock46 Harry Handy49 1957 By correspondence: James Jones (left in Jon Shirotaso William D~hart~~ Robert Kendalls0 Robert "Jay" Kelder12 Charles WrightJ6 Charles Robb3" 1963 Mike Wilson3" [Harry dies51] Eugene Nelson3" By correspondence: Neal M~Mahon~~ Jon Shirotas2 2 females3e Robert Kendal15> 1964 Lowney diess3

Irregular students: Bert Bliss, irregular prior to 19502 Charles Dawes Myers, irregular prior to 19518 Jack Byers, from 1951 until his death in 1954" Mrs. Sol (Loudell) Handy (Harry' s mother) 5"

Students who were at the colony or studied with Lowney but cannot be placed in a specific year: Judd (no last name given) 55 Rosa (no last name given)55 Zelda [Heddon or Hedde~~]~~ Grane (no last name given) 57 Mary Ann Newlin Crank57 Frances (Fran) Barleyse

*Named as an active member of the Handy Colony 20Minutes, 8/1/53; attached to Harry Handy to Kenneth Hawkins [carbon], dated 11/3/53, box 1, folder 3.

21See Handy Correspondence, box 6, 1953

22Letter, [Lowney Handy] to Nancy [McClellan?], dated 8/18/54! box 6, folder 44.

23Minutes, 5/17/54; and Minutes, 9/6/54.

24Letters: [Lowney Handy] to Nancy [McClellan?], dated 8/18/54; and Sue Shearer to Lowney Handy and Nancy [McClellan?], postmark 7/5/54, box 6, folder 44.

25Minutes, 5/17/54; and Pat Gray, 1/17/54, p. 12-BR.

26John Keasler, "Life of a Best-Selling Author" (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 4/10/55), p. 2-1, box 66, folder 2.

27Marianne Besser, "Writersr Concentration Camp" (Writer's Digest, 9/55), p. 72, box 66, folder 5.

2"K~rtzrsGeneral Correspondence 1955, box 35, folder 1.

30"Housemother Knows Best" (Time, 11/12/56), p. 127, box 66, folder 5.

31Minutes, 9/10/56, box 1, folder 3.

32Minutes, 6/10/56, box 1 folder 3; and Minutes, 9/10/56.

33See Handy Correspondence, 1956, box 7, folder 51.

3"Frank MacShane, Into Eternity: The Life of James Jones, American Writer (Boston: Houghton MiEflin Company, 1985), p. 156.

"5Minutes, 9/26/60, box 1, folder 3.

36William Leonard, "She Teaches Tough Guys to Write" (Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine, 7/14/57), pp. 18-19, box 73, folder 4.

"7"Writersr Colony" (Ebony, 11/57), p. 114, box 73, folder 4.

38William Leonard, "Lowney Handyrs Colony Turning Out Novels" (Boston Sunday Herald, 8/4/57), sec I, A, p. 3, box 66, folder 5.

33Letterr Winston McLean to Harry Handy, postmark 7/30/58, box 7, folder 55.

"OLetter, Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 7/10/58, box 4, folder 32.

41Letterr Lowney Handy to Harry Handy, postmark 7/17/58, box 4, folder 32. 4'See Handy Correspondence, box 7, 1958.

"'Annual Audit for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 1958, box 1, folder 17.

44See Desautels' active member certificate, box 1, folder 5.

45Minutes, 9/26/60, box 1, folder 3. All names under 1960 come from this source.

46See Peacockfs General Correspondence, box 37, folder 1.

47Letter, Harry Handy to Walter Minton [carbon, 3/8/62], box 8, folder 82.

4"See Handy Correspondence, box 7, 1961.

4'See correspondence between Harry Handy and Walter Minton, 1962; Handy Correspondence, box 8, folder 82.

Sosee Handy Correspondence, box 8, 1962

"'See memory book, box 59, folder 3.

52See Handy Correspondence, box 9, 1963

53"Mrs. Loney [sic] Handy, Literary Mentor, Formerly of Robin- son, Buried Today at Marshall, Site of Her 'Colonyf " [photocopy] (Robinson Daily News, 6/29/64), p. 1, box 72, folder 9.

5"John Bowers, The colon^ (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1971), p. 30.

55[Lowney Handy - Advice to Writers], box 62, folder 13.

'6See [Lowney Handy - Advice to Writers]; and letter, James Jones to Kenneth Hawkins [carbon], dated 6/11/54, box 1, folder 11.

57J. Michael Lennon and Jeffrey Van Davis, "Glimpses: James Jones, 1921-1977 (Paris Review, 29:103 (Summer 1987)), Mary Ann Newlin Crank, p. 215.

""Letters: Tom [Chamales] to Lowney Handy, postmark 9/1/51, box 6, folder 42; Lowney Handy to Tom [Chamales?] [carbon, ca. 1955?], box 7, folder 46; [telegram] Fran [Frances Barley?] to Lowney Handy, postmark 12/2/54, box 6, folder 42; Frances Barley to Lowney Handy, postmark 3/28/60, box 7, folder 64. MC42: HANDY COLONY COLLECTION, 1930-64 BOX DIRECTORY

Series I: Business Records

Box 1 : Business Records, 1951-57/58 Boxlist, p. 1

Box 2: Business Records, 1957,58-64 . . .p. 1 Series 11: Correspondence

Box 3: Jones-Handy Correspondence, 1947-Mar 1953 . . .pp. 2-30 Box 4: Jones-Handy Correspondence, Apr 1953-62 and unda-ted ...pp. 30-33

Box 5: James Jones Correspondence, 1945-56 ...pp. 34-41

Box 6: Handy Correspondence, 1930-54 ...pp. 42-78

Box 7: Handy Correspondence, 1955-61 ...pp.78-108

Box 8: Handy Correspondence, 1962-63 C-F ...pp. 109-118

Box 9: Handy Correspondence, 1963 G - 1964 ...pp. 118-125

Box 10: General Correspondence, 1936-64 and undated . . .pp. 126-127

(Correspondence Cross-Listing - boxlist, pp. 128-144)

Series 111: Manuscripts

Box 11: Manuscripts: Rex Bollin - "Half Red Man" (carbon) . . .p. 145 Box 12: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Tom Chamales "Never So Few" Go Naked in the World (book only) . . .p. 145

Box 13: Manuscripts: Edwin (Sonny) Daly - "Some Must Watch" . . .p. 146 Box 14: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Edwin (Sonny) Daly n0t.e to LH about ms., "Some Must Watch" (also, carbon) . . .p. 146 xlvi [Box directory, series 111 continued] Box 15: Manuscripts: Edwin (Sonny) Daly - "Some Must Watch" (car- bon), also galley. ...pp. 146-147 Box 16: Manuscripts: William Duhart - "The Big Snatch" (carbon) . . .p. 147

Box 17: Manuscripts: William Duhart - "Men Go Halves" "The Deady Pay-Off" In Off Beat: Detective Story Magazine: "Let's Die, My Sweet!" "Darling of Hate!" . . .p.147 Box 18: Manuscripts: Lowney Handy - notes, themes, essays . . .p. 148 Box 19: Manuscripts: Lowney Handy - "But Answer Came There None" ...pp. 148-150 "Under the Sea, Under the Heaven"

Box 20: Manuscripts: James Jones - notes, school papers "The Way It Is" "The Temper of Steel" "Greater Love" "Death - A Study in Agony" "None Sing So Wildly" "Just Like the Girl" notes for From Here to Eternity and "They Shall Inherit the Lauqhter" ~ationalBook Award ~eremon; Speech, 1952 "Circus Sectionw-movie screenplay . . .pp. 150-151 Box 21: ~anuscripts:James Jones - "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" . . .p. 151 notes, character list, 2 drafts Box 22: ~anuscripts:James Jones - "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" . . .p. 151 draft #3 Box 23: Manuscripts: James Jones - "From Here to Eternity," Notes, pages submitted to Maxwell perkins (first 200 pages) ,-unfinished draft, draft pages through chapter 19. . . .p. 152

Box 24: Manuscripts: James Jones - "From Here to Eternity," . . .p. 152 chapters 1-37 Box 25: Manuscripts: James Jones - "From Here to Eternity," chapters 38-55; Chapters 1-44 of "\Manges1 Galley Proofs" ...pp. 152-153

Box 26: Manuscripts: James Jones - "From Here to Eternity," chapters 44-57 of "\Mangesf Galley Proofs, and unexpurgated galley proofs. . . .p. 153 [Box directory, series I11 continued] xlvii

Box 27: Manuscripts: James Jones - foreign editions of From Here to Eternity: Harifran Till Evigheten (Swedish) Tant quitil y aura des homrnes (French) 's Levens Taptoe (Dutch) - lE3

Box 28: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Running" - ms. copy, rejected pages, original chapters 37-38, chapters 1-32 . . .p. 154

Box 29: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Running" - ms. copy, . . .p. 154 chapters 33-60 Box 30: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Running" - ms. copy, chapters 61-Epilogue, chapters 1-16 ...pp. 154-155

Box 31: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Running" - ms. copy, . . .p. 155 chapters 17-42

Box 32: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Running" - ms. copy, . . .p. 155 chapters 43-66

Box 33: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Running" - ms. copy, chapters 68-70; galley, chapters 1-59 ...pp. 155-156

Box 34: Manuscripts: James Jones - "Some Came Runningtrgalley, . . .p. 156 chapters 59-Epilogue Box 35: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Edward Kurtz correspondence untitled ms., not ordered . . .p. 156 Box 36: Manuscripts: Edward Kurtz - untitled ms., not ordered . . .p. 156 Box 37: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Jere Peacock correspondence "Valhalla" ...pp. 156-158

Box 38: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - "Valhalla" galleys and reviews . . .p. 158 Box 39: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - Books Valhalla Walhalla (Dutch) . . .p. 159 Box 40: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - "Big Rock Candy Mountain" . . .p. 159 xlviii [Box directory, series I11 continued]

Box 41: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - "Big Rock Candy Mountain" . . .p. 159 Box 42: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - "Big Rock Candy Mountain" . . .p. 159 (carbon) Box 43: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - "Gotterdammerung"/["To Drill and ...pp. 159-160 Die"]

Box 44: Manuscripts: Jere Peacock - "To Drill and Die"/ . . .p. 160 ["Gotterdammerung"] Box 45: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Howard Pehrson correspondence "Now IS Not Forever" . . .p. 161 Box 46: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Charles Robb correspondence, notes, clippings, essays, short stories . . .pp. 161-163 Box 47: Manuscripts: Charles Robb - Scenes/skits/assignments comments from LH; notes and draft pages for "After Dinner Cenotaph" . . .p. 163 Box 48: Manuscripts: Charles Robb - "After Dinner Cenotaph" . . .pp. 164-165 Box 49: ~anuscriptsand Personal Papers: Jerry Tschappat/ "Gerald Tesch": correspondence, incomplete short story, "Never the Same Again" . . .pp. 165-166 Box 50: Manuscripts: Jerry Tschappat/"Gerald Tesch" "Never the Same Again" ...pp. 166-167 Box 51: Manuscripts: Jerry Tschappat/"Gerald Tesch" "Never the Same Again" (includes galleys) . . .pp. 167-168 Box 52: Manuscripts: Jerry Tschappat/"Gerald Tesch" "The Alley Titanic" . . .p. 168 Box 53: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: Charles Stevenson Wright photographs, army documents, insurance papers, correspon- dence, clippings, notes "All Is Not Lost" (incomplete) "The Death of Bernice" (incomplete) "A Long, Rainy Day" (incomplete) "The Watersr (sic) of Time" "The Natives Are Restless Tonight" (incomplete) "Chic White Woman" "Remembering Korea" [Box directory, series I11 continued]

"Something Worthwhile" "The Highest Tension," notes and draft pages . . .pp. 169-171 Box 54: Manuscripts: Charles Stevenson Wright "The Highest Tension" . . .p. 171 Box 55: Manuscripts: Charles Stevenson Wright "The Highest Tension" ...pp. 171-172

Box 56: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: A - I ...pp. 172-173

Fay Turner Carpenter Swain - correspondence, "Learn to Limp"

Paul Desautels - "All Things Have Their Season"

Robert B. Drew - correspondence, "The Sun at Noon"

Harry E. Handy - notes, ch. 4 of "Turnaround"

Max Henry - "Big Hole Playground"

Box 57: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: J - K ...pp. 173-174

G. (Jeff) W. Jones - correspondence, "A Rhyme in Time" (play)

Mary Ann Jones - correspondence, plot ideas and character sketches, "The Third Time You Killed Me"

Robert Kendall - correspondence, his book - White Teacher in a Black School

Box 58: Manuscripts and Personal Papers: L - Z ...pp. 174-175

Willard Lindsay - (correspondence?), "Busy Day"

James Monaghan - "Servant of the People" (play)

Lewis Padgett - "The Fairy Chessman" Alvin Pevehouse - "The Kachina Dolls" also, Breni Pevehouse - "So Refreshing!" Walter Rippy - "Only Suckers Fall" "An Unworthy Man" "A Daring Venture"

Eddie Shearer - correspondence, "Two Days"

Thomas H. Uzzell - (notes on narrative technique) and The Twilight of Self-Government (his book) [Box directory, series I11 continued]

Unsigned manuscripts

[Manuscripts Cross-Listing - boxlist pp. 176-1781

Series IV: Personal Papers Box 59: Personal Papers: Harry Handy - correspondence, addresses, clippings, programs, newsletter, memory book and register of visitors. . . .p. 179 Box 60: Personal Papers: Harry Handy and Lowney Handy Trip to Spain memorabilia, 1958 . . .p. 179

Box 61: Personal Papers: Lowney Handy - address books, commonplace . . .p. 180 books Box 62: Personal Papers: Lowney Handy - addresses, clippings on Eastern religion, albums, books, clippings, comments on Jones' writing, advice to writers, notes. ...pp. 180-181

Box 63: Personal Papers: Lowney Handy - newsletters, Fay Carpenter campaign literature, memorabilia, book lists and orders, clippings, fireplace book plate, house plans, duplicate letters, house plans. ...pp. 181-182 Box 64: Personal Papers: James Jones - 1942-48, 1951, 1953, 1955-56 army documents and correspondence, military sppech by Wm. A McCulloch, Bulletin, World Federalist/World Government material, will (3/13/51), articles on From here to Eternity, duplicate letters. ...pp. 182-183 Box 65: Personal Papers: A-Z . . .p. 183 Lee Butcher - "The Most Imperfect Day of My Life," nd A. C. Carpenter - memorabilia Sol Handy - memorabilia, handwritten will

Earl Turner - "How My Hometown Handles the Traffic," nd

J. M. Turner - correspondence, political literature, obituary Unidentified

[Personal Papers Cross-Listing - boxlist, p. 1841 [Box directory continued]

Series V: Articles and Clippings

Box 66: Articles and Clippings - 1932-1964 . . .pp. 185-191

James Jones - 1950-55, 1957-59, 1961, 1962, 1982 ...pp. 185-187

movie From Here to Eternity - 1953, nd . . .p. 187

Lowney Handy & the Colony - 1954-57, 1964 ...pp. 187-188

Tom Chamales - 1956, 1957, 1960, nd

Jere Peacock - 1960, 1961

Other Colony Writers - 1952, 1956

Harry Handy - 1948, 1953, 1957

Ohio Oil Company - 1950, nd

Sol Handy - 1932, 1934, nd

J. M. Turner - 1934, 1942, 1956, 1959, nd

Box 67: Articles and Clippings - 1937-63 pamphlets, paperback book, book catalogues, magazines, magazine clippings, newspapers, newspaper clippings, newsletter, maps, and souvenir brochures ...pp. 191-195

[Articles and Clippings Cross-Listing - boxlist, pp. 196-2001 Series VI: Photographs and Negatives

Box 68: Photographs and Negatives: Life Photographs and Negatives, 1951

Box 69: Photographs and Negatives -1950, 1951 ...pp. 201-202

James Jones as a child

army photographs taken by James Jones

Lowney Handy in Mexico

James Jones' room in the Handy house in Robinson, Illinois

Lowney Handy and James Jones in Mexico

Grand Canyon [Box directory, series VI, box 69 continued]

Marshall, Illinois


Scribnerfs Store Window

Box 70: Phctographs and Negatives - 1950, 1951-1953 ...pp. 202-203 James Jones

Jeff (G. W.) Jones


Mary Ann Jones

photographs from the Southwest

Jaines Jones, Montgomery Clift, and Lowriey Handy Earl Turner

Box 71: Photographs and Negatives - mid 1950s-1962, undated . . .p. 203

James Jones - includes photographs of him trap shooting and practicing archery; also, of his house in Marshall, Illinois.

Jere Peacock Harry Handy

Lowney Handy

Marshall, Illinois and other locations


[Photographs and Negatives Cross-Listing - boxlist, p. 2041 Series VII: Robinson Township Library Collection

Box T2: Robinson Township Library Collection ...pp. 205-215

correspondence (photocopies) - 1950-54, 1956-57, 1977, nd (Most of the correspondence is from Lowney Handy to Vera Newlin; there is one letter from James Jones to Vera Newlin . )

James Jones' short stories (photocopies) - 1948, 1952, 1955, 1963 . . .p. 206 [Box directory, series VII, box 72 continued] liii

articles on or by James Jones (photocopies) - 1951-55, 1957-58, 1961, [ca. 1964?], [ca. 1966?1, 1973-75 . . .pp. 206-208 articles on From Here to Eternity, book and movie (photocopies) - 1951, 1953, 1977, nd ...pp.208-209

articles on Some Came Running, book and movie (photocopies) - 1957-59, nd ...pp. 209-210

book reviews of other James Jones books (photocopies) - 1959, 1964, nd, 1975, 1978 . . .p. 210 The Pistol

The Merry Month of May


The Thin

obituaries for James Jones (photocopies) - 1977 . . .p. 211 eulogies for James Jones (photocopies) - 1977, 1978, 1980 . . .p. 211

Lowney Handy (photocopies) - 1950-51, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1964, [1978], 1979

Harry Handy (photocopy) - 1957

reviews of John Bowers' book, The Colony (photocopies) - 1971, nd

Tom Chamales (photocopies) - nd, 1956-57, [I9601 I 1978

Edwin C. Daly (photocopies) - 1957

reference lists (photocopies) - nd

One in the Middle by Vivian Turner McClellan (book) - 1987

Box 73: Oversize - [ca. late 1940~1,1950-53, 1957 . . .pp. 216-217

James Jones: photographs, articles, and stories - [ca. late 1940~1,1951-53, 1957 [Box directory, box 73 continued]

Lowney Handy and the Colony: articles - 1957

Movie, From Here to Eternity: article and promotion mate- rials - 1953

article on Father Jerome - 7/22/50

Box 74: Oversize - 1948, 1951, 1953-54, 1962 . . .p. 217

Box 75: Miscellaneous - 1934, 1944, 1951, 1953, 1960, nd . . .p. 218

Box 76: Original Clippings and Envelopes - [1942?]-57, 1959-64 . . .p. 219

Box 77: Oversize: Duplicates - 1951-56 . . .p. 220 ABBREVIATIONS

Persons HH - Harry Handy LH - Lowney Handy JJ - James Jones Mitch - Burroughs Mitchell

General - - - information missing, or not applicable [ ] - information supplied by processor [?I - uncertain information B. V. - bound volume ca. - circa, date approximate ch. - chapter or chapters env - envelope f. - folder ms/mss - manuscript/manuscripts nd - no date ny - no year [orig] - originally from (used with return receipts; appears next to the name of the person who requested the receipt) p./pp. - page/pages re - regarding reg - registered (as in registered mail) sec - section (of a newspaper)

Document Type

Abbreviations adopted from Kenneth W. Duckett, Modern Manu- scripts (Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History, 1975), pp. 143-144:

A - autograph (handwritten) T - typed

L - letter C - card (any type of card other than a postcard) PC - postcard

S - signed (by author's hand) i - initialed

Examples : ALS - autograph letter, signed APCi - autograph postcard, initialed (postcard handwritten and initialed by author) TLS - typed letter, signed (by the author) AC - autograph card (handwritten, but not signed by author)


The Handy Colony Collection was acquired as a result of a tele- .sion documentary made by Sangamon State University faculty members Michael Lennon and Jeffrey Van Davis. The documentary, "James Jones: From Reveille to Taps," aired on PBS in 1984.

In the course of conducting interviews in Marshall for the docu- mentary, Lennon and Davis met Margaret Turner. She and her husband Harold Turner, Lowney's brother, had gathered the collection after Lowney's death and stored it in their house. Margaret gave some of the material to Lennon and Davis, who donated it to the Sangamon State University Archives in 1983 and 1984. The book, One in the --Middle, by Vivian Turner McClellan, Lowney's sister, was donated to the archives by the author in 1988. The collection was in a state of considerable disorder when it arrived at the archives; the cur- rent arrangement is primarily the work of archives staff. The Deed of Gift for the collection appointed J. Michael Lennon curator of the collection for as long as he is a member of the uni- versity faculty. He will, in consultation with the library adminis- tration, determine access to the collection by members of the uni- versity community, and visiting scholars and researchers.



Box 1: Folders : 1. Handy Colony Articles of Incorporation (photostats) and By-laws, 1951 2. Business records, correspondence, and Deed of Colony Site, 1951 3. Minutes, 1951-1954, 1956, 1960 4. Publisher's invoices, 1953, 1957-58 5. Correspondence with Kenneth Hawkins, re income tax, 1952 6. Notes on Handy Colony by Lowney Handy (LH) and James Jones (JJ), Nov. 1952 [carbon of LHrs notes and photostat of both LH' s and JJ's notes] 7. Harry Handy (HH), charter membership certificate, 3 Jan. 1952 8. Handy Colony membership certificates (5), 1952-1955, 1959 9. Correspondence with Internal Revenue, Annual Audit, 1953 10. Financial and Internal Revenue papers, 1953-54 11. Correspondence with Kenneth Hawkins, re Handy Colony, 1954 12. Garrett Wray invoices, greeting cards, 1954 13. Dania Bank (Florida), statements and correspondence with LH, 1956-57 14. Dania Bank statements, LH, 1957 15. LH, Dulaney National Bank (Marshall, Illinois) checking account and books, 1957 16. Expense log, 1957-58; real estate tax receipt, 1957 17. Annual Audits, income tax notes, 1957-58 18. Income tax and correspondence, 1957-58

Box 2: Folders : 19. Dulaney National Bank statements and cancelled checks, 1957-58 20. Receipts for registered mail, utilities, and telephone bills, 1957-58 21. Receipts, bills, and invoices, 1957-58 22. Income Tax, 1958 23. Income Tax and Annual Audits, 1958-59 24. Income Tax and Annual Audit, 1959-60 25. "Power of Attorney," HH to LH, 1960 26. Income Tax, 1960 27. Income Tax and Annual Audit, 1960-61 28. Auto registration correspondence, 1961, 1963 29. Bank account books, statement, deposit slips (LH) , 1962-64 30. Income Tax, 1963 31. Automobile insurance, property tax, publishers' royalties reports, 1964 32. Handy Colony letterheads [n.d.] 33. Handy Colony: north wash house plans [n.d.] SERIES 11: CORRESPONDENCE Jones-Handy Correspondence Boxes 3-4 Box 3: Folders: 1. 1946 Sender Recipient Postmark Doc.Date Doc.T= HH Joe Maag -- 3/19/46 telegram draft [annotated by LH; 2 receipts attached] Attachments: Joe Jones HH -- 3/18,' [46] telegram W. J. Griffin HH -- 3/16/ [46] telegram Parkview Hotel HH -- [3/17/46] telegram [hotel-cost worksheet attached, annotations by LH]

2. 1947 LH JJ 5/19/47 Monday TLS Enclosure: George Wiswell JJ -- [5/471 TL [copy1

Lti JJ 5/23/47 Friday TLS

JJ LH 11/19/47 Wednesday TLS

LH JJ 11/22/47 Saturday TLS

3. Jan - Aug 1948 LH JJ 3/26/48 Friday TLS [2 clippings and 1 product sticker enclosed] Enclosure: John Loos LH -- 3/15/48 ALS iH JJ 3/29/48 Monday TLS

LH JJ 3/30/48 Monday TLS [I clipping enclosed] Enclosure: LH HH -- Friday 14 TI, [copyj

LH JJ 4/1/48 Thursday TLS

LH JJ 4/2/48 Friday TLS

LH JJ 4/2/48 Friday TLS

LH JJ 4/2/48 -- TLS

no env Saturday TLS [4/3/48?]

LH HH 6/22/48 6/21/ [48] TLS

LH HH no env -- TLS [not after 8/24/48] [Series 11, box 3, folder 3 continued] HH 8/25/48 Tuesday ALS

LH HH [8/26/48] Thursday TL

LH HH [8/28/48] Saturday TL

LH HH [8/30/48] Monday TLS

EH LH 8/31/48 -- ALS Enclosures: HH LH -- 8/31/48 ALS HH LH -- 9/1/[481 ALS

4. Sep 1948 LH HH 9/3/48 Friday TL [I clipping enclosed] Enclosure: Tinks Howe LH, JJ, & Willy -- [I9483 ALS [Lindsay]

LH HH [9/8/481 Wednesday TLS [2 clippings and diagram of beach cottage enclosed]

HH LH 9/11/48 -- ALS [only p. 2 of 2 pages found; envelope annotated by LH] Enclosure: unidentified note

LH HH [9/13/48?] Sunday TLS

HH LH 9/13/48 9/14?/ [481 AIJS [envelope annotated by LHI

LH HH 9/14/48 Monday TLS

LH HH 9/14/48 Monday TLS

LH HH 9/14/48 Monday TLS

HH LH 9/15/48 9/15/ [481 AIJS [envelope annotated by LHI

LH HH 9/48 9/15/ [48?] TSS [l clipping and 1 railroad receipt enclosed]

L H HH 9/18/48 Saturday TLS

HH ("DOC") 9/18/48 -- TLS

[?I 9/19/11281' TLS [I9481

LH HH 9/22/48 9/21/48 TLS

LH, Willy, JJ HH - - 9/21/48 telegram [Willy Lindsay] [Series 11, box 3, folder 4 continued] HH [9/25/48] Saturday TL

LH HH [ 9/25/48?] Saturday TLS [ 1 clipping enclosed]

LH HH [9/26/48?] Sunday TL Enclosure: LH Fay [Carpenter] -- Sunday TL [carbon] [[9/26/48]; annotated by LH]

LH HH [9/26/48] -- TLS 12 clippings enclosed] Enclosure: LH Sue [Shearer] -- Sunday TL [carbon] [9/26/48?]

LH HH 9/28/48 Tuesday TLS

LH HH [9/30/48?] Thursday TLS

5. Oct 1948 LH HH [10/1/48?1 Friday TLS

HH LH ["Mrs. JJ"1 10/1/48 10/1/ [481 ALS

LH HH 10/2/48 Saturday TLS [ 1 clipping enclosed]

LH HH 10/4/48 Monday TL [lo clippings enclosed]

HH LH 10/6/48 10/5/ [48] ALS [envelope annotated by LH; added note by HH]

LH HH [10/8/48] Friday TLS [note on envelope by LH] Enclosure: Fay [Carpenter] LH 10/4/48 10/4/48 TPCS

LH HH 10/9/48 Saturday TLS [6 pp., "Uncharted Freedom, " by LH, enclosed]

LH HH 10/12/48 Tuesday TLS Enclosures : Mrs. Lindsay Willard Lindsay [10/9/1948] Saturday TL [from Willard's mother; typed annotations by LH] Florence LH 10/9/48 Friday APCS [Jones?] [Series 11, box 3, folder 5 continued] LH HH [10/14/48] Wednesday TL also Thursday TLS Enclosures: Jim [Hardwick?] LH -- [10/9/48?] ALS [typed annotations by LH?] Willard HH -- [10/48?] TL [Lindsay] Florence LH 10/12/48 -- APCS [Jones]

LH HH [10/15/481 Friday TLS

LH HH 10/23/48 Saturday TLS [5 pp., "To Touch the Stars," by LH, enclosed]

LH HH [10/25/481 Monday TLS

LH HH [10/25/48] Monday TLS [l clipping enclosed] Enclosure: Willard HH -- [10/25/48?] TL [Willard [Lindsay]; typed note and annotations by LH]

HH LH 10/26/48 10/26/ [481 ALS Enclosures: HH "Fay, Woody--or -- 10/20/ [481 ALS Carpenters" [Fay's reply to LH, postmarked 10/25/48, written on back] Sue [ShearerI Fay Carpenter 10/20/48 10/20/48 APCS

LH HH [10/28/48] Wednesday TLS

LH HH [10/28/48] Thursday TLS [ 6 clippings] Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] "Folks" -- Wednesday TLS [10/48?1

LH HH 10/30/48 Saturday TLS

6. Nov 1948 LH HH 11/2/48 Monday TLS

LH HH 11/2/48 Tuesday TL Enclosure: LH Don [Sackrider] -- [11/2/481 TL [copy] [Series 11, box 3, folder 6 continued] LH 11/2/48 11/2/ i48] ALS 11/4/48 Thursday TL,

11/4/48 11/4/ [481 ALS also 11/5/ [481

JJ HH ("DOC") 11/5/48 -- TLS Enclosure: LH [HHI -- [11/5/48?] TL

LH HH [11/5/48?1 Friday TLS [6 clippings enclosed] LH HH 11/9/48 Tuesday TLS [2 clippings enclosed] Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] "Folks" -- Friday TI,S [11/48?]

LH HH 11/12/48 Monday TLS [9 clippings enclosed] 11/12/48 11/12/[481 ALS

LH HH 11/15/48 Monday TLS [8 clippings enclosed] 11/17/48 Wednesday TL

LH HH [11/18/48] Thursday TLS Enclosure: JJ HH ("DOC") -- [11/48] TLS

JJ HH [11/19/48?] -- TLS Enclosure: LH HH - - Friday TLS [11/19/48?]

11/23/48 Tuesday TLS

11/25/48 Thanks- ALS giving

11/27/48 Saturday TLS

7. Dec 1948 LH HH 12/2/48 Thursday TLS [15 clippings enclosed] [12/3/48?1 Friday TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 7, continued] HH [12/4/48?] Friday TLS

LH HH [12/9/48?] Thursday TLS [5 clippings enclosed]

LI3 HH 12/10/48 Friday TLS [3 clippings enclosed] Enclosure: Don Sackrider LH - - Wednesday TLS [12/48?1

LH HH [?I - - TLi [not before 12/11/48] Enclosures: Vivian LH -- 12/11/48 ALS [McClellan] Fay [Carpenter] LH - - [12/14/48?] telegram Sue [Shearer] LH & HH 12/10/48 -- AC S

LH HH [12/13/48?] Monday TLi [l clipping enclosed] Enclosures: Willie [LH?] - - [12/48] TLS [L,indsay] Willie [LH?] - - Saturday TL Lindsay [12/481 Don Sackrider LH & JJ -- Friday TLS [12/481

JJ ("JREsq) HH ("Doc") 12/13/48 -- TLi [LH has written a note on the first page and annotated p. 21

HH LH -- - - telegram [not after 12/14/48?]

L H HH [12/17/48] Thursday TLS [3 clippings enclosed] Enclosures: Don [Sackrider] LH & JJ - - Monday TLS [not after 12/13/48] Willard [LH?] -- Tuesday TL [Willard [Lindsay]; not after 12/14/48]

LH HH [12/17/48?] Friday TLS [5 clippings enclosed]

LH HH [12/18/48] "Monday TLS 17th" Enclosure: [Willard [LH?] [1/17/49] [1/17/49?] TL Lindsay] [annotated by LH; enclosed in envelope, LH (?) to HH] [Series 11, box 3, folder 7 continued] LH 12/21/48 12/21/ [48] ALS

8. Jan 1949 [LHl [HH or JJ?] no env [ca.1949] TL

HH LH 1/3/49 1/3/49 ALS

LH HH 1/6/49 Thursday TLS [2 clippings enclosed] Enclosure: Paul & Vivian LH 1/3/49 -- TC McClellan

LH HH 1/7/49 1/7/[49] TLS [also a letter suggesting how to use the Marshall property, ndl

1/11/49 1/11/ 1491 ALS also HH to LH 12/8/[48]

LH HH 1/13/49 Thursday,l3 TLS [35 clippings enclosed; some annotated by LH for JJ]

LH HH 1/14/49 Friday,l4 TLS [plan for Marshall property and 7 clippings enclosed]

HH & JJ LH -- 1/15/49 telegram [annotated by LH]

LH JJ [1/20/49] Thursday,20 TLS

LH JJ 1/21/49 Friday,21 TLS [14 clippings enclosed]

LH JJ [1/25/491 Monday TLS

1/26/49 Tuesday,25 TLS also Wednesday

LH HH [1/26/491 Wednesday TLS [3 clippings enclosed]

LH HH 1/27/49 Friday TLS

LH HH 1/27/49 Thursday TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 8 continued] LH 1/27/49 Thursday,27 TLS [annotated by LH]

JJ [1/28/49?] Friday TLS

JJ [1/30/49] Thursday TLS

JJ 1/30/49 Saturday TLS [2 clippings enclosed]

HH 1/30/49 Sunday TLS [l clipping enclosed]

JJ [1/31/49?] Sunday TLS [missing p.3; annotated by JJ]

9. Feb 1949 LH 2/1/49 Monday TLS also Tuesday, 1

LH no env 2/1/ [49?1 ALS

HH 2/2/49 Wednesday TLS [l clipping enclosed]

HH 2/3/49 Thursday TLS Enclosure: [Carpenter] LH - - [ca. 2/49] TL [written on back of Margaret Turner to Fay [Carpenter], 1/26/49, ALS ]

JJ [2/3/49?] Thursday TLS

no env Thursday TLS [2/3/491

LH 2/3/49 Thursday, 3 TLS

JJ [2/5/49?] Thursday TLS ["Only a Poor Fool Never Schooled in the Whirlpool," 7pp., by LH; "The Story of a Story," (love story) by LH for JJ, 5pp.I Enclosure; JJ 2/1/49 Monday TLS also Tuesday TLi

HH 2/6/49 Saturday TLS

HH 2/7/49 Sunday TLS

10. Mar 1949 LH [3/10/49] -- - - [notes on 4 pieces of paper and 1 envelope, enclosed] [Series 11, box 3, folder 10 continued] Enclosures : HH -- 3/8/49 ALS HH -- 3/10/49 ALS

HH -- 3/11/49 telegram [annotated by HH]

LH 3/12/49 -- env [7 small note sheets to HH, nd, enclosed] Enclosure: HH -- Friday ALi [3/11/49?]

HH 3/12/49 Saturday ALS

HH ("Doc") 3/14/49 -- TLi

H 1.1 3/14/49 Monday ALS [Answer, ch. 1, pp. 2-3 (carbon), by LH, enclosedl

HH 3/16/49 Wednesday,lG TLS

HH 3/19/49 -- env [note on envelope from LH to HH, ndl

HH ("Doc") 3/19/49 3/19/49 TLi Enclosure: HH -- [3/19/49?] ALS

LH 3/21/49 -- env Enclosure: HH -- Monday TLS

11 H 3/24/49 Thursday TLS [Answer, ch. 3, pp. 4,5,6,8 (carbon), by LH, enclosed]

HH ("Doc") 3/26/49 Saturday TLS Enclosure: HH - - Saturday TLS [[3/26/49]; Answer, ch. 1, p. 8, and ch. 4, p. 5, by LH, enclosed]

HH ("DOC") 3/30/49 -- TLS Enclosures : HH -- Wednesday TLS [3/30/491 HH ("copy to Jim") -- 3/28/49 TL[p. 1 carbon]

11. Apr 1949 HH 4/2/49 Saturday TLi [1 clipping; small Mexican calendar for 1949; Answer, ch. 4, pp. 1-9 (carbon), by LH, annotated "1st version" by HH; enclosed] [Series 11, box 3, folder 11 continued] J J HH ("DOC") 4/4/49 -- TLS Enclosure: LH HH - - [4/4/49?] TL

LH HH 4/5/49 Sunday TLS [also dated Monday; annotations in green by HH]

LH HH 4/8/49 Friday TLS

JJ HH 4/9/49 Friday TLS

LH HH 4/10/49 Sunday TLS

LH HH 4/18/49 Monday, 18 ALS

JJ ("Mac") HH ("DOC") 4/18/49 Monday, 18 TLS

LH HH 4/22/49 Thursday TLS

LH HH 4/24/49 Saturday TLS

LH HH 4/26/49 Monday TL S Enclosure: JJ LH - - Friday,22 TLS [4/491

LH HH 4/26/49 Tuesday,26 ALS

LH HH 4/27/49 Wednesday,27 ALS

JJ ("Mac") HH ("Doc") 4/30/49 Saturdayr30 TLS

12. May 1949 LH HH 5/2/49 Monday TLS

LH HH 5/3/49 Tuesday TL ["Never a Cross, " by LH, pp. 1-5 (original), enclosed]

LH HH 5/4/49 Wednesday TLS

JJ ("Mac (Mack) " ) HH ("Doc") 5/4/49 - - TL Enclosure: "Phillip HH - - Friday 1949 TL Sterling"

LH HH 5/5/49 Thursday TLS

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 5/8/49 -- TLS Enclosure: L H HH - - Sunday TLS [5/8/491 12 [Series 11, box 3, folder 12 continued] JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 5/9/49 -- TLS Enclosure: LH HH -- Monday TLS [5/9/491

LH HH 5/12/49 Thursday TLS

LH HH 5/13/49 Friday TLS Enclosures: LH Willard Lindsay -- [5/491 telegram draft [annotated by JJ?] Don [Sackrider] LH -- Sunday TLS [5/8/49?] Willie "Folks" -- [5/491 TL [Lindsay]

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 5/14/49 -- TLS

LH HH 5/15/49 Sunday TLS

LH HH 5/19/49 Thursday TLS Enclosure : Chuck LH 5/17/49 -- TL [Dawes Myer]

JJ LH 5/29/49 -- TLS Enclosure: Willard "Folks" -- [5/29/49?] TL [Lindsay]

LH JJ & Willy 5/31/49 -- TLS [Lindsay] Enclosure: Tuesday AL [ HHl [JJ & Willard -- Lindsay] [5/31/491

13. Jun - Aug 1949 LH HH 6/5/49 Sunday TLS [l clipping enclosed] Enclosure: Belva [Turner] LH -- 3/31/49 TLS

LH HH 6/8/49 Wednesday ALi

LH HH 6/10/49 Thursday TL Enclosures: [ JJI HH 6/8/49 -- APC JJ ("Mack") HH ("Doc") -- -- TLS [not after 6/10/49] Willie HH -- -- TL [~illie[Lindsay] ; not after 6/10/49]

LH HH 6/24/49 Friday TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 13 continued] HH 6/ 27 / 49 Monday TLS

LH 7/16/49 Friday TLS

[JJ?] HH 7/22/49 -- AP C

LH HH 7/25/49 Monday TLS

LH HH 7/28/49 Wednesday TLS

LH HH 8/3/49 8/3/49 TLS

LH HH 8/5/49 Friday TLS

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 8/6/49 -- TLS [found in envelope with "Phillip Sterling" return address] Enclosure: Willie HH - - Saturday TL [Lindsay] [8/6/491

LH HH 8/7/49 Sunday TLS

LH HH 8/12/49 Friday TLS

LH HH 8/14/49 Sunday TLS [l clipping enclosed]

LH HH 8/17/49 Wednesday TLS

LH HH 8/18/49 Thursday TLS Enclosure: JJ HH ("DOC") -- [8/18/49?] TLS

LH HH 8/22/49 Monday TLS [ticket for 7 Falls in Colorado Springs enclosed]

LH HH 8/23/49 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 8/25/49 Friday TLS

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 8/25/49 -- TLS [note added by LH; tourist brochure enclosed for Manitou Cliff dwellings in Manitou Springs, Colorado, annotated by LH]

[ HH 1 [LH] 8/29/49 -- 3 receipts [2 receipts for insured parcels, 1 receipt for insured mail]

LH HH 8/30/49 Tuesday,30 TLS

14. Sep 1949 LH HH 9/1/49 Thursday TLS Enclosures (2) : 14 [Series 11, box 3, folder 14 continued] JJ HH ("DOC") -- [9/1/49?] TLS [note on reverse side added by LH] Willie HH -- 1st TL [Lindsay1 [9/491

LH HH -- [ 9/2/49?] telegram

LH HH 9/3/49 9/2/49 TLS

LH HH 9/7/49 Wednesday ALS At the bottom of p. 2: Willie HH -- -- ALS [Lindsay]

LH HH 9/8/49 9/9or10/49 TLS

LH HH 9/16/49 9/16/ [491 TLS [4 clippings enclosed]

L H HH 9/20/49 Tuesday,20 TLS [3 clippings enclosed]

L H HH [9/23/491 Friday TLS Enclosure: Belva [Turner] LH -- 9/17/[491 TL

LH HH [9/27/49] Tuesday ALS [l clipping re JJ, LH, Willard Lindsay, & HH, enclosed]

LH HH [9/29/49?] Thursday TLS Enclosure: Kenneth Weller LH 9/21/49 9/19/49 ALS

LH HH 9/30/49 Friday TLS Enclosure: Willard HH -- [9/30/49] TL Lindsay

15. Oct 1949 LH HH 10/3/49 Monday TLS

LH HH 10/4/49 10/5/ [49] TLS [portion of map annotated by LH and 2 clippings enclosed]

LH HH 10/6/49 Thursday TLS

C JJI HH 10/7/49 -- APC [picture of Ernie Pylers home in Albuquerque; includes reference to "Ernest Hemorroid [sic], the poor man's Pyle"]

LH HH 10/8/49 Saturday TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 15 continued] JJ ("Mack") HH ("Doc") 10/9/49 Sunday,9 TLS

LH HH 10/10/49 Monday TLS Enclosure: Sue [Shearer] LH -- 10/5/49 ALS [note taped to a church program annotated by LH, 10/2/49]

LH HH 10/16/49 Sunday,lG TLS

LH HH 10/18/49 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 10/20/49 Thursday TLS Enclosures: Tinks Howe LH 10/17/49 -- ALS Don Sackrider "Folks" 10/18/49 10/17/49 ALS

LH HH 10/25/49 Monday TLS

LH HH Enclosure: Willie HH - - Thursday TLS [Lindsay] [10/27/49]

LH HH 10/30/49 -- env Enclosures: Don Sackrider "Folks" LH [HHI

16. Nov - Dec 1949 LH HH [11/2/49] Wednesday TLS

LH HH 11/4/49 Friday TLS

LH HH 11/7/49 Monday TLS

HH (llD~~") JJ ("Mack") 11/8/49 11/8/ [491 ALS

LH HH 11/8/49 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 11/10/49 Thursday ALS

LH HH 11/11/49 11/11/ [49] TLS

LH HH 11/12/49 11/12/ [49] TLS 16 [Series 11, box 3, folder 16 continued] JJ ("Mack") HH ("Doc") 11/18/49 -- TLS Enclosure: JJ Brown & Williamson -- 11/14/49 TL [carbon] Tobacco Corp.

LH HH 11/19/49 Saturday TLS

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 11/25/49 Friday,25 TLS

LH HH 11/26/49 Saturday ALS

LH JJ 11/26/49 Saturday ALS

LH HH 11/29/49 -- TLS [typed copy of Mitch [Burroughs Mitchell] to LH, [11/22/49]; 1 clipping and 1 price tag enclosed]

LH HH 12/1/49 -- APCS

LH HH 12/1/49 Thursday TLS

17. Jan - Feb 1950 LH [HH? 1 no env [ca. 1/50?] TLS

LH HH 1/4/50 1/3/50 TLS Enclosure: Jora Brown LH 12/31/49 12/31/49 TLS

LH HH 1/9/50 Saturday TLS

LH HH 1/9/50 1/9/50 TLS

HH 1/13/50 -- ALS

LH HH 1/15/50 Sunday TLS

LH HH -- -- TLS [postmark torn off, not before 1/15/50] Enclosure: Belva & Earl LH 12/29/49 12/27/49 TL Turner

LH HH 1/20/50 Friday TLS

LH HH 1/24/50 Tuesday TLS [5 clippings enclosed]

LH HH 1/26/50 Thursday TLS [2 clippings enclosed] [Series 11, box 3, folder 17 continued] LH HH 1/29/50 Sunday TLS Enclosure: Mother Daughter [LH?] -- 1/24/50 ALS [Mrs. J. M. Turner?]

LH HH 2/1/50 Wednesday TL

LH HH 2/4/50 Saturday TLS

LH HH 2/5/50 Sunday TLS

LH HH 2/9/50 Thursday TLS [includes typed copy of Mitch to LH dated 2/7/50]

LH HH 2/10/50 Friday TLS [2 clippings enclosed] Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] LH -- Wednesday TLS [not after 2/10/50]

LH HH 2/11/50 Saturday TLS

LH HH [2/13/50?] Sunday TLi Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] LH -- Thursday TLS [2/9/501

LH HH 2/14/50 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 2/17/50 Friday TLS

HH LH 2/21/50 -- -- [place card for HH and 3 clippings, 2 annotated by HH, enclosed] Enclosures: Dr. & Mrs. LH & HH -- -- invitation Samuel S. Allen for 2/18/ [50] [Crawford County Country Club dance] Willie JJ & HH -- Tuesday ALS [Lindsay] [2/501

LH HH 2/23/50 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 2/23/50 Thursday TLS Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] LH & JJ -- Monday TLS [2/501

JJ ("Mack") HH -- 2/27/50 telegram

LH HH 2/27/50 Monday TLS Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] HH -- Monday TLS [2/27/50]

HH ("DOC") JJ -- 2/28/50 telegram [Series 11, box 3, folder 17 continued] HH 2/28/50 Tuesday ALS [l clipping enclosed]

HH ("DOC") JJ ("Mack") no env 2/28/ [50] ALS

18. Mar - Apr 1950 JJ HH ("DOC") 3/1/50 3/1/[50] TLS Enclosures: LH HH -- 3/1/[50] AL HH La "Cornrnerical", S.A. -- 1/16/50 TL [carbon] "Agentes de JJ -- 2/18/50 TLS [Spanish] Seguros, S .A. La Commercial, JJ -- 2/50 TLS [Spanish] S .A. [duplicate attached] La Commercial, JJ -- 2/50 TLS [Spanish] S .A. [duplicate attached]

LH HH 3/2/50 Thursday ALS [note on check, [LH to HH], dated 3/2/50 and blank Kodak receipt enclosed] On p. 2: [JJ?1 HH ("Doc") -- [3/2/50] AL

JJ LH -- 3/3/ [50] telegram

LH HH 3/5/50 Sunday TLS

LH HH 3/6/50 Monday TLS

L II HH 3/6/50 Monday TL

LH HH 3/6/50 Monday ALS

LH HH 3/7/50 Tuesday TLS [l annotation by JJI

LH JJ [3/15/50] Wednesday TLS [2 clippings, 1 about JJ and Eternity, enclosed]

LH JJ 3/18/50 Saturday TLS Enclosure: HH ("DOC") JJ ("Mack") -- 3/18/ [50] ALS

LH JJ 3/21/50 Tuesday TLS Enclosure: Handy [LH?] JJ 3/16/50 -- env

LH JJ 3/30/50 Thursday TLS Enclosed: [?I JJ 3/31/50 -- receipt for insured parcel

JJ " (Mack)" HH 4/2/50 Saturday TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 18 continued] LH JJ [4/3/50] Monday TLS [2 clippings (1 about JJ), taped together, enclosed] Enclosures: JJ LH -- 4/4/50 TLS [LH? 1 JJ 3/25/50 -- env LH JJ -- Saturday TLS [3/25/50?]

LH JJ 4/5/50 Wednesday TLS [2 clippings, 1 annotated by LH, enclosed]

LH JJ [4/7/50] Friday TLS

LH HH 4/10/50 Monday TLS Written on p. 1: JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") - - - - ALS

JJ HH 4/11/50 -- env Enclosure: LH HH - - Tuesday TLS [4/11/501

LH HH -- 4/12/50 telegram

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 4/12/50 4/12/50 TLS

LH HH [4/16/50] 4/16/ [50] TLS

LH HH [4/18/50] Tuesday TLS

LH HH 4/20/50 Thursday TLS

LH HH 4/24/50 Monday TLS

JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 4/24/50 4/23/50 TLS Enclosure: LH HH -- Sunday TLS [4/23/501

LH HH 4/25/50 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 4/26/50 Wednesday TLS

LH HH 4/27/50 Thursday TLS

LH HH 4/29/50 Saturday TLS

JJ HH 4/30/50 -- - - Enclosure: LH HH -- [4/30/50] ALS

19. May - Dec 1950 LH HH 5/1/50 5/1/[501 TL 20 [Series 11, box 3, folder 19 continued] [ JJ?] HH 5/4/50 -- AP C

HH [5/6/50?] -- APCS

JJ HH ("Doc") 5/7/50 -- AP CS ("Gringo Jim")

JJ HH 5/10/50 -- env Enclosure: LH HH -- Wednesday,lO TLS [5/501

LH HH 11/2/50 Thursday TLS

HH LH no env 11/3/[50?1 ALS

LH HH [11/6/50] -- TLS [2 clippings, 1 about LH, JJ, and other writers, enclosed] Enclosure: JJ Mitch -- [11/50?] telegram draft

HH ("Messer Doc 11/7/50 -- map of Ft. Handy ) Myers, Florida

LH HH [11/8/501 Monday TLS Enclosures: HH LH -- [11/50?] ALS Belva [Turner] LH 11/5/50 11/3/50 TL

LH HH [11/8/50] Wednesday TLS Enclosures: JJ ("Mackard") HH ( "Docard") -- [11/8/50] TLS Willie HH -- 11/8/[50] TL [Lindsay]

HH LH 11/8/50 Tuesday ALS

LH HH [11/16/50] Thursday TLS

LH HH 11/20/50 Monday TLS

LH HH 11/24/50 11/25/ [50] TLS [l clipping enclosed]

LH HH 11/27/50 Monday TLS

11/28/50 11/21/ [sol ALS also 11/28/ [501 [Series 11, box 3, folder 19 continued] JJ ("Mack") HH ("DOC") 11/29/50 11/28/50 TLS

LH HH [12/50?] Saturday TLS Enclosure: [Mi t ch] JJ -- 11/29/50 TL[photocopy [original moved to box 5, folder 31 of carbon of typed copy]

HH LH no env 12/4/ [50?1 ALS

20. Jan - Feb 1951 LH HH -- [1/11/51?] telegram draft

HH LH -- 1/11/ [511 telegram

HH LH no env 1/15/ [51?1 ALS

LH HH 1/15/51 Monday TLS

LH HH [1/17/51?] 1/16/ [51?] TLS

LH HH -- 1/17/51 telegram

HH LH no env 1/19/[51?] ALS

LH HH 1/19/51 Thursday TLS

LH HH 1/25/51 Thursday TLS

LH HH 1/26/51 Friday TLS Enclosures: Alma Raye Akers LH 1/23/51 [1/51] TLS Alma Raye Akers LH -- 1/22/51 TLS

[LH? 1 HH no env Saturday TL [[1/27/51]; only pp. 1-3 of the letter were found]

HH LH 1/31/51 1/30/ [511 ALS

HH LH no env 2/2/[51] ALS [originally enclosed with LH to HH, postmark 10/18/55, TL]

LH HH 12/51] Saturday TLS Enclosure: John & Stell LH 2/17/51 2/16/51 ALS Turner

LH HH no env Saturday TLS [Noted as "2nd letter"; [2/51?11 22 [Series 11, box 3, folder 20 continued] LH HH 2/3/51 2/3/51 TLS [l clipping, ad for Eternity, enclosed] Enclosures: LH HH -- 1/11/51 telegram HH LH -- 1/11/51 telegram draft [carbon]

[LHl HH 2/3/51 Saturday TL Enclosures: JJ Kathleen Sproul -- 2/3/51 TLS [copy1 HH [LHI -- 1/17/51 telegram draft HH JJ -- 2/14/51 telegram

HH LH no env 2/6/ [51?1 ALS

2/9/51 2/9/[511 ALS also 2/15/ [511 , 2/20/ [511

HE LH no env 2/9/ [51?1 ALS

Grant V. Wilson LH 2/15/51 2/15/51 TLS [IOU for autographed copy of From Here to Eternity enclosed] Enclosures: LH HH -- Thursday, 15 TLS [2/511 LH HH -- Sunday TLS [2/18/51?] LH HH -- Monday TLS [2/19/51?]

Alma Raye Akers LH Enclosure: LH HH -- Wednesday TLS [2/511

HH LH no env 2/19/[51?] ALS [back annotated by LH]

HH [2/20/51?] 2/20/51 TLS ["This Man's Army" from The Atlantic, Mar 1951 (typed carbon

copy), a review of' From Here to Eternity, no author, enclosed] Enclosures: K. Sproul JJ -- 2/15/51 TL [typed copy of excerpt of letter] J. B. Swartz JJ -- 2/14/51 TL [typed copy of excerpt of letter]

HH LH no env 2/27/ [51?] ALS

HH LH no env 2/28/[51?1 ALS

21. Mar - Sep 1951 HH LH no env 3/6/ [51?] ALS [Series 11, box 3, folder 21 continued] JJ ("Mactor") HH ("Doctor") [3/7/51?] 3/6/ [51] TLS [l clipping, about JJ, enclosed] Enclosures: JJ ("Mack") HH -- 3/5/51 telegram John P. JJ -- 2/27/51 TL [typed carbon Marquand COPY 1 [annotated by LH] LH HH -- Wednesday TLS [3/7/51?]

HH LH - - 3/10/ [51] telegram [envelope annotated by LH]

3/11/51 Sunday TLS also 2/26/ [511 TLS

HH LH no env 3/16/ [51?1 ALS

LH HH -- 3/18/[51?1 telegram

HH LH no env 3/20/[51?1 ALS

LH HH 3/20/51 Tuesday TLS [3 clippings, about JJ and Eternity, enclosed]

L H HH 3/24/51 3/24/ [51] TLi

HH LH 3/28/51 3/27/ [51] ALS

LH HH 4/2/51 4/2/[51] TLS

HH LH -- 5/3/51 telegram

HH ("Doc") JJ -- 5/12/51 telegram

HH, Don LH -- 5/12/51 telegram [Sackrider], Willy [Lindsay], Bob [Smith?], Bert [Bliss]

J J LH -- 8/11/ [511 telegram

LH HH -- 8/11/ [51I telegram -- 8/13/51 telegram [draft?]

L H JJ 9/18/51 -- ALS [only p. 3 (last page) of the letter]

LH HH 9/19/51 -- ALS [Series 11, box 3, folder 21 continued] HH -- 9/20/ [511 telegram

HH LH -- 9/21/51 telegram

JJ LH 9/23/51 [9/23/51] TLS [letter also dated Friday, 27 [9/51]; 1 clipping enclosed]

[LH?] JJ [9/27/51] -- env [bookmark from Roney Plaza Bookstore enclosed] Enclosed: Marboro Books Helen Zbudowski -- -- book sale list and order form

LH HH 9/27/51 Thursday TLS [2 clippings, about movie Eternity, enclosed]

HH LH -- 9/30/51 telegram

22. Oct 1951 JJ LH -- 10/1/51 telegram

JJ LH -- 10/1/51 telegram

LH HH 10/1/51 Sunday TLS [l clipping enclosed]

LH HH [10/6/51?] -- ALS

JJ LH -- 101151 telegram

LH HH 101151 Thursday TLS [l repair receipt for Buick, annotated by LW, enclosed]

LH HH 10/13/51 Saturday,l3 TLS

LH HH 10/15/51 -- TLS

LH JJ 10/18/51 10/18/ [51] TLi [book brochure for New Directions Book and 1 clipping enclosed]

LH HH [l clipping enclosed]

LH HH 10/20/51 10/20/51 TLS

LH HH 10/23/51 10/23/ [511 TLS

JJ LH [10/25/51] Thursday, 25 TLS Enclosure: Priscilla Wood LH -- 10/22/51 TLS [receipt from W. C. McGee real estate broker by Wood enclosed]

LH HH 10/27/51 Saturday TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 22 continued] LH 10/27/51 Friday,26 TLS

LH 10/31/51 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 10/31/51 10/31/[51] TLS [business card for Helen Chezney and post card of South Surf Apartments enclosed] Connie LH & HH 10/22/51 -- ACS [Hardwick]

JJ LH 10/31/51 Wednesday TLS

23. Nov - Dec 1951 JJ LH 11/2/51 Friday TLS

LH JJ 11/3/51 Saturday,3 TLS

LH HH 11/5/51 11/5/51 TLS

LH 11/5/51 Sunday TLS

LH HH 111051 Saturday TLS [2 receipts, power company and gas service, enclosed] Enclosures: Mrs. L. J. HH 10/20/51 10/20/51 ALS Scully HH Mrs. L. J. Scully -- 10/30/51 TL[carbonl

LH HH [11/19/51?1 Monday TL

LH HH 11/21/51 11/21/51 TLS

LH HH 11/27/51 11/26/[51] TLS

24. Jan - Feb 1952 LH HH 1/7/52 Sunday TLS

LH HH 1/17/52 1/17/ [52] TLS

HH LH 1/22/52 1/22,' [52] ALS

LH HH [?I 1/25/52 TLS [l clipping enclosed]

LH JJ -- 1/30/52 telegram

LH HH 2/1/52 Thursdav TLS [l clipping, about JJ and Eternity, enclosed] Enclosures (2) : Sue Shearer LH 1/29/52 1/29/52 ALS [envelope annotated by LH] 26 [Series 11, box 3, folder 24 continued] Pete & Thelma LH -- -- ALS Heath [enclosed in envelope annotated "cash enclosed" by LH and with a voided check HH to LH]

L,H JJ 2/1/52 Tuesday,5 TLS Enclosure: LH JJ 2/16/52 Saturday TLS

LH 2/5/52 2/41' [521 telegram

LH HH Enclosures: LH HH -- 2/5/ [52?] telegram LH HH -- Wednesday TLS [2/6/52?1 LH HH -- 2/9/52 TLS [I clipping enclosed]

LH HH 2/8/52 2/8/ [52] TLS

LH 2/8/52 Friday ALS

LH HH 2/10/52 2/10/ [52] TLS [2 clippings enclosed]

JJ HH -- 2/11/ [52] telegram

JJ LH -- 2/11/ [521 telegram

LH HH 2/12/52 Tuesday TLS

LH JJ 2/12/52 2/12/ [52] TLS

LH 2/13/52 Wednesday,l3 ALS

LH HH 2/20/52 Tuesday TLS

LH HH -- 2/21/ [52?] telegram [back annotated by HH]

LH HH 2/27/52 2/27/[521 TLS Enclosure: Don [Sackrider] LH 2/20/52 2/20/ [52] TLS

25. Mar - May 1952 HH 3/3/52 3/3/ [521 TLS

[3/7/52] -- TL

HH ("DOC") 3/8/52 3/8/[521 ALS [annotated by HH] [Series 11, box 3, folder 25 continued] HH 3/13/52 Thursday TLS

LH HH 3/16/52 3/15/ [52] TLS [l clipping, about JJ, enclosed] Enclosure: Frances [Crane] LH 3/13/52 Wednesday APCS

LH HH 3/22/52 Saturday TLS

LH HH 3/27/52 Thursday TLS Enclosure: Fay [Carpenter] LH "and all" -- 3/23/52 TCS [annotated by LHI

LH HH 4/1/52 4/1/52 TLS

[ LH 1 HH 4/7/52 - - -- Enclosures: Caswell Crebs LH 4/2/52 4/2/52 ALS LH HH - - 4/7/[52] TLS [l clipping enclosed]

HH LH 4/9/52 4/9/[521 ALS

LH HH 4/12/52 4/12/ [52] TLS

LH HH 4/15/52 4/15/52 TLS [includes reprint of ad from Life with picture of LH] Enclosures: J. Berny [LH and others?] -- 14/52?] ALS [l clipping attached] [?I Aunt [LH] -- Tuesday AL [[4/52]; letter mentions ad] Mrs. Sol Handy LH -- [4/52?] ALS [LoudellI

JJ LH 4/28/52 Monday, 28 TLS

JJ LH 5/2/52 Thursday, 1 TLS

26. Jun - Dec 1952 JJ LH -- [10/25/52] telegram

LH HH 11/13/52 Thursday ALS

HH LH -- 11/14/52 telegram 28 [Series 11, box 3, folder 26 continued] LH HH 11/15/52 Saturday,l5 TLS [diagram of house enclosed]

JJ LH 11/17/52 11/16/52 telegram

LH HH 11/17/52 11/17/ [52] TLS

LH HH 11/21/52 Friday TLS [lo clippings enclosed] Enclosure: Jack Byers LH 11/19/52 11/19/52 TLS

LH HH 11/24/52 Sunday TLS

LH HH 11/25/52 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 11/25/52 -- TLS

LH HH 12/1/52 Monday TLS

HH LH no env 12/10/[52?1 ALS

27. Jan 1953 LH HH no env Saturday TLS [1/10/53?1

LH HH 1/13/53 Tuesday TLS

LH HH 1/16/53 1/16/53 TLS

LH HH no env 1/19/ [531 TLS

LH HH 1/24/53 1/24/53 TLS

JJ HH 1/26/53 1/25/53 TLS

JJ HH 1/27/53 -- env Enclosure: LH HH -- 1/27/53 TLS

LH HH 1/28/53 Wednesday TLS

Robert Smith, HH 1/28/53 1/28/53 TLS JJ, & Willard Lindsay

LH HH 1/31/53 1/30/ [53] TLS [3 clippings enclosed]

28. Feb - Dec 1953 JJ HH ("Doc1') 2/1/53 2/1/53 TLS [Series 11, box 3, folder 28 continued] J J HH ("DOC") no env Monday AL S [2/2/53?] On bottom of the page: LH HH - - -- TLS

HH -- 2/5/ [53] telegram

LH HH 2/7/53 Saturday TLS [annotated by JJ; diagram relating to JJ's house enclosed]

LH HH 2/10/53 2/9/53 TLS [2 clippings, 1 about JJ, enclosed]

HH JJ -- 2/12/53 telegram draft

JJ HH - - 2/12/ [531 telegram

LH HH 2/13/53 Friday, 13 TLS [l clipping, about JJ, enclosed]

J J HH 2/17/53 2/17/53 TLS [annotated by LH] Enclosure: J J Woodford Burnett -- 2/17/53 TLS [carbon]

LH HH 2/21/53 2/21/[531 TLS

LH HH 3/1/53 3/1/53 TLS [l clipping enclosed]

LH HH [3/6/53] 3/6/53 TLS [4 clippings, 1 about Earl Turner and JJ and 1 about JJ, enclosed]

LH HH 3/11/53 3/11/[53] TLS Enclosure: George Handy J. P. Clark -- 12/15/1830 ALS

LH HH 3/14/53 Friday TLS Enclosure: Vera Newlin LH 3/11/53 3/10/ [531 TLS

HH LH 3/16/53 3/16/ 1531 ALS Enclosure: HH LH -- 3/18/53 telegram [Series 11, box 3, folder 28 continued] LH no env 3/29/[53?] ALS

LH HH 3/27/53 3/28/ [53] TLS [4 receipts from The Scribner Book Store enclosed]

Box 4 Folders: 29. 1954 LH HH

LH HH 1/9/54 Saturday, 9 TLS

"Doc" [HH] "Mack" [JJ] noenv [ca. 3/54] ALS

LH HH 5/10/54 5/10/54 TLS Written on same letter: JJ ("Mack") HH -- -- ALS Enclosure: Fay [Carpenter] LH -- 12/10/49 TL

JJ Kenneth B. Hawkins -- 6/11/54 TLS[photostat] [found in envelope JJ to LH, postmark 9/25/51]

LH HH 10/23/54 10/23/54 TLS

LH HH 10/24/54 10/24/54 TLS

LH HH 11/1/54 11/1/54 TLS

LH HH -- [3/28/55?] TLS Enclosure: LH HH -- 3/29/55 telegram

LH HH 4/1/55 Friday TLS Enclosure: Helen [Chezney] HH -- Friday TLS [4/1/55?]

LH HH [4/16/55] -- TLS

8/2/55 8/2/55 receipt for reg article [Series 11, box 4, folder 30 continued] LH HH [12/16/55] 12/16/55 TLS Enclosure: James J. Rees LH - - 12/13/55 TLS [annotated by LH]

LH HH 12/21/55 12/21/55 TLS

31. 1957 [LHl HH 2/3/57 -- -- [l clipping, about HH & LH enclosed] Enclosure: LH Charlie Hardwick -- 2/3/57 TL [carbon]

LH HH no env 2/16/57 TLS

LH HH [2/21/57] -- TLS Enclosure: LH Ned Brown - - 2/21/57 TLS [carbon]

LH HH 2/22/57 -- TL 12 identical clippings, about LH and her students, enclosed]

LH HH 12/57] Wednesday TL

LH HH 3/4/57 3/3/ [57] TLS

LH HH 3/4/57 - - -- Enclosure: LH Horace [Manges] - - 3/4/57 TL [carbon]

LH HH 3/5/57 3/5/57 TL [l clipping, about JJ and Runninq, enclosed]

LH HH [3/571 3/7/57 TLS

32. Jan - Jul 1958 LH HH no env [6/26/58?] TLS

LH HH 6/30/58 6/29/ [581 TLS Enclosure: Cozette HH - - 6/27/58 TLS Campbell

HH LH 7/2/58 7/1/[58] TLS [also dated Monday 7/30/58--probably should be 6/30]

LH HH 7/5/58 7/4/[58] TLS

LH HH 7/13/58 Sunday TLS [l clipping enclosed]

HH LH 7/14/58 7/11/ [58] TLS [Series 11, box 4, folder 32 continued] HH 7/16/58 -- TLS

HH LH 7/17/58 7/15/58 TLS

HH LH 7/21/58 7/19/58 TLS [includes carbon of HHfs itinerary with annotations by HH]

LH HH [7/23/58?] -- TLS [l clipping enclosed]

HH LH 7/24/58 7/24/58 TLS

LH HH 7/24/58 7/23/58 TLS [includes typed copy of letter from TWA confirming LHfs flight reservation]

LH HH 7/25/58 -- TL [9 clippings enclosed]

HH LH 7/25/58 7/25/58 TLS

LH HH 7/28/58 7/28/58 TLS

LH HH 7/30/58 -- TLS

7/30/58 7/28/58 TLS also 7/30/58

33. Aug - Dec 1958 LH HH 8/1/58 8/1/58 TLS

HH LH 8/4/58 8/2/58 TLS

LH HH 8/5/58 -- TL [includes LH's itinerary]

LH HH 8/6/58 -- TLS

8/7/58 8/5/58 TL also 8/6/ [581

LH HH [8/16/58?] -- TL Enclosure: Grendel Bennett HH -- 8/16/58 TLS

LH HH 10/3/58 10/3/ C581 TLS [Series 11, box 4, folder 33 continued] LH 10/9/58 10/5/58 TLS

HH - - 10/11/58 telegram

HH lO/ll/58 10/11/58 TLS

2/8/62 2/8/62 telegram

35. Undatable letters LH [HH? ] no env Monday TLS [ca. 1936? or 1941?; poem is included with this and following let- ters] LH [HH? 1 no env Tuesday TLS [ca. 1936? or 1941?] LH Nola [Ritch?] no env Sunday AL S [ca. 1936? or 1941?]

LH HH no env -- TL SERIES 11: CORRESPONDENCE James Jones Correspondence Box 5

Box 5: Folders: 1. Maxwell Aley to Jones 1945

Sender Recipient Postmark Doc.Date Doc.Type Maxwell Aley JJ no env 2/27/45 TLi [photostat]

Maxwell Aley JJ no env 3/25/45 ALi [Aley's comments on ch. 13, 14, 18 of "They Shall Inherit the Laughter;" annotated by LH?]

[Maxwell Aley] JJ no env 7/18/45 TL [includes a press release from Thomas Y. Crowell Company]

Maxwell Aley JJ 10/11/45 -- -- Enclosure: Maxwell Aley JJ -- 7/26/45 TLS

Maxwell Aley JJ no env 8/14/45 TLS [photostat]

Maxwell Aley JJ no env 10/10/45 TLS [phot-ostat]

2. Jones to Burroughs Mitchell Jun 1947 - Feb 1949

JJ Burroughs Mitchell no env 6/30/47 TL [carbon] JJ Mitchell no env 7/21/47 TL [carbon]

Mitchell no env 8/12/47 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitchell no env 9/17/47 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitchell no env 10/1/47 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitchell no env 10/17/47 TL[carbon]

JJ Mitchell no env 11/1/47 TL[carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 12/7/47 TL [carbon] [Here JJ first addresses Burroughs Mitchell as "Mitch."]

JJ Mitchell no env 12/13/47 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 12/19/47 TL[carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 1/9/48 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 1/20/48 TL [carbon] 35 [Series 11, box 5, folder continued] Mitch no env 1/25/48 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 2/23/48 TL [carbon]

Envelope annotated by (JJ?) "I Correspondance [sic] with Mitchell of Scribner's"

JJ Mitch no env 3/5/ [48?] TIA[carbonl

JJ Mitch no env 3/10/48 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 3/27/48 TL [carbon] [annotated by JJ]

JJ Mitch no env 5/6/48 TL [carbon]

Mitch no env 5/13/48 TL [carbon]

[JJ?] Mitch no env 5/17/48 Ti[carbon]

[JJ?] Mitch no env 5/20/48 TL [carbon!

Mitch no env 6/20/48 TL [carbon]

Mitch no env 7/1/48 TL [ carbon I

Mitch no env 9/30/48 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 10/19/48 TL[carbonl

J J Mitch no env 12/12/48 TL [carbon]

JJ Mitch no env 1/7/49 TL [ carbon 1

JJ Mitch no env 2/25/49 TL[carbonl

Envelope annotated by [JJ?] "I1 Scribner's"; "Jan 9/48"

3. Burroughs Mitchell to Jones Jan 1949 - Oct 1956

Mitch JJ no env 1/18/49 TL[typed copy1 [annotated by LH]

Mitch JJ no env 5/2/49 TLS [photostat]

Mitch JJ no env 3/3/50 TLS [photostat]

Mitch JJ no env 4/26/50 TLS [photostatI

Mitch JJ no env 5/15/50 TLS [photostat1

Mitch no env 6/19/50 TLS [photostat]

Mitch no env 8/7/50 TLS [photostat1 36 [Series 11, box 5, folder 3 continued] Mitch JJ no env 10/18/50 TLS[photostatl Mitch no env 11/29/50 TLS[carbon of typed copy1 Mitch JJ no env 1/3/51 TLS [photostat] Mitch JJ no env 2/28/51 TLS[photostatl Mitch no env 10/19/56 TLS[photostatl Mitch no env nd TL [photostatI

4. Maxwell Perkins and Jones Nov 1945 - Jun 1947 Maxwell Perkins no env 11/20/45 TL[carbon] Maxwell Perkins JJ no env 11/27/45 TLS[photostatl JJ Maxwell Perkins no env 12/31/45 TL[carbon] Maxwell Perkins JJ no env 1/7/46 TLS [photostat] JJ Maxwell Perkins no env 1/17/46 TL[carbon] JJ Maxwell Perkins no env 2/10/46 TL[carbon] JJ Maxwell Perkins no env 2/15/46 TL [carbon] Maxwell Perkins JJ no env 2/19/46 TLS [photostat] Maxwell Perkins no env 2/22/46 TL [carbon]

Maxwell Perkins JJ no env 3/4/46 TLS [photostat] [Mitchell's report on "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" attached] Maxwell Perkins no env 3/6/46 TL [carbon] Maxwell Perkins JJ no env 3/12/46 TLS [photostat]

Maxwell Perkins no env 3/15/46 TL [carbon] Maxwell Perkins no env 4/9/46 TL [carbon] Maxwell Perkins no env 5/27/46 TL[carbon] JJ Maxwell Perkins no env 6/2/46 TL [carbon] Maxwell Perkins no env 6/13/46 TL[carbon] Maxwell Perkins no env 8/1/46 TL [carbon] Maxwell Perkins no env 10/21/46 TL [carbon] 3 7 [Series 11, box 5, folder 4 continued] Envelope annotated by [JJ?] "Correspondence w/ Perkins (Scribner's) I"

Maxwell Perkins no env 10/30/46 TL [carbon]

Maxwell Perkins no env 11/12/46 TL[carbon]

JJ Scribnerf s no env 11/14/46 TL [carbon] Editorial Dept. [receipt for reg article attached]

J J Maxwell Perkins no env 3/16/47 TL [carbon]

Maxwell Perkins JJ no env 3/28/47 TLS[photostatl

Maxwell Perkins no env 4/9/47 TL [carbon]

Maxwell Perkins no env 6/23/47 TL [carbon]

Envelope annotated by [JJ?] "Letters to Perkins 11"

5. Jones and John Hall Wheelock Dec 1947 - Mar 1950

[John Hall] Wheelock no env 12/8/47 TL [carbon]

JJ [John Hall] Wheelock no env 12/16/47 TL [carbon]

[John Hall] Wheelock no env 1/9/48 TL [carbon]

John Hall JJ no env 12/5/49 TLS[photostatl Wheelock

John Hall JJ no env 3/22/50 TLS[photostatl Wheelock

6. 1942 J J Mary Ann Jones 5/22/42 5/20/42 TLS [also enclosed: Biblical text (typed), warrant for corporal (JJ), 2 clippings, note about "L." ("She"), postage paid return enve- lope to JJ; envelope annotated by JJ?]

7. 1943 Charles Jones JJ [Uncle Charles]

Charles Jones JJ 11/15/43 11/15/43 TLS

Charles Jones JJ 11/23/43 11/23/43 TLS

Charles Jones JJ 11/29/43 11/29/43 TLS 38 [Series 11, box 5 continued] 8. 1944 Charles Jones JJ 1/25/44 1/25/44 TLS

Charles Jones JJ 2/2/44 2/1/44 TLS

9. 1945 Maxwell Aley JJ -- 5/23/45 telegram

C. Zaner Lesher JJ no env 5/23/45 TLS [Lesher is registrar at the University of Arizona; application for admission attached]

10. 1948 [ JJI Jeff [Jones] no env -- TL [winter 1948-491

John Rearick, JJ no env 2/26/48 TLS [photostatI Paramount Pictures Inc.

11. 1950 JJ Jeff [Jones] no env 3/21/50 TLS [typed [signed by (LH?) , see LH to JJ, postmark 4/4/50] copy? 1

12. 1951 Joe Darengbourg JJ & LH -- 5/23/51 telegram

Alfred van JJ no env 3/1/51 TLS Ameyden van Duym/display manager at The Scribner Book Store

Lael Ingold JJ 8/18/51 8/14/51 ALS

Mrs. W. Frank JJ 11/7/51 11/7/51 TLS Isaacs

Mary Ann JJ 9/17/51 -- TLS [Jones]

Horace Manges JJ 4/27/51 -- env Enclosure: Horace Manges Richard Harris -- 4/27/51 TL [carbon] re JJ

Charles Morton JJ no env 7/23/51 TLS

Helen Schmidt JJ 8/17/51 8/17/51 ALS

Scribner' s JJ 2/5/51 -- env Enclosure: JJ Mary Ann Jones 1/31/51 1/31/51 return receipt [Series 11, box 5, folder 12 continued] Carl Skogholm JJ 10/26/51 10/26/51 CS United World JJ -- 5/51 newsletter: Federalists Inc. The Federalist

Marshall JJ no env 2/28/51 TLS [photostat] Wingfield

Andy JJ 8/23/51 -- APCS [?I JJ 8/27/51 -- APCS

Scribner's - ? JJ 6/1/51 -- env [contains review of From Here to Eternity in Yiddish with typed and annotated translation; signature illegible]

13. 1952 Buddy Adler JJ - - 2/3/52 telegram Philip Bergovoy JJ 3/17/52 3/16/52 TLS

CBS Radio JJ 2/8/52 -- env Enclosure: Mrs. Helen Dwight Cook/ -- 2/3/52 ALS Kalash Bradley CBS Radio family of J J Alan G. Brooks

Judith Chase JJ [3/13/52] 3/10/52 TLS Churchill Enclosure: Judith Chase JJ - - 2/11/52 TLS Churchill

Ella De Berard JJ 2/6/52 2/5/ [52] telegram

Dunhill/Ruth JJ [3/15/52] 3/14/52 TLS Birnbaum Enclosure: Dunhill/C. B. JJ - - 3/14/52 TLS LeSueur Elfriede M. JJ Holzapfel

Charles Jones JJ 4/9/52 4/9/52 TLS Enclosure: Charles Jones JJ -- 3/ 4 / 52 TLS JJ Jay 0. Kramer no env 3/22/52 TL [carbon] [p. 3 of the letter only; draft page of piece about the Colony attached]

Lotte Maas JJ 3/2/52 3/2/52 TLS 40 [Series 11, box 5, folder 13 continued] Horace Manges JJ -- 1/10/52 TLS [photostat] [envelope annotated by HH "Manges report on Jones 1951 Income"]

Helen Mitchell JJ 3/6/52 3/6/[521 TLS

Catherine Parks JJ 2/19/52 2/19/52 TCS

Sportsman JJ 1/25/52 -- ALS Supply/Joe Kepler [envelope annotated by LH]

Edgar J. JJ 1/25/52 1/24/52 TLS Strouse

Time Mart/ JJ 4/10/52 4/10/52 TLS Celia Sarner Enclosure: Charles Sarner [Father] and Celia -- 3/17/52 ALS Sarner

United World JJ 3/31/52 3/20/52 typed receipt Federalists, Inc.

Wilke Pipe Shop JJ Anna Wilke

Wilke Pipe Shop JJ 4/25/52 4/25/52 TLS Anna Wilke

14. 1953 [ JJ] Ned Brown no env 4/1/53 TL [unf inished]

[ JJI Sheila Cudish no env 10/3/53 TL [lo carbons and 5 originals, all unfinished drafts]

Dulaney JJ National Bank/ W. "Woodie" D. Burnett

Mitch -- 7/16 telegram [ca. 1953 or 19541

Dan [Towns?] JJ 1/8/53 telegram

15. 1954 Biscayne JJ Terrace Hotel/ Warren C. Freeman

Theodore "Ted" JJ TLS A. Steele [Series 11, box 5 continued] 16. 1955 Mitch JJ 7/1/55 7/1/55 TLS [re 2 of Charles Robb's short stories]

17. 1956 Charles "Call1 JJ & LH 11/24/56 ALS Calvin Ryan SERIES 11: CORRESPONDENCE Handy Correspondence Boxes 6-9

Box 6: Folders : 1. Stayman and Prosser Correspondence to LH 1930-36, 1941-43, nd

Sender Recipient Postmark Doc.Date Doc.Type G. L. Stayman LH 3/20/30 3/20/30 TLS Eleanor Prosser LH no env 1/8/31 TLS

Eleanor LH 3/7/31 -- TLS [Prosser]

G. L. Stayman LH 3/21/31 3/21/31 TLS

G. L. Stayman LH 3/24/32 3/24/32 TLS

G. L. Stayman LH 3/21/33 3/21/33 TLS

Stayinan and LH Prosser

G. L. Stayman LH 3/20/34 3/20/34 TLS

G. L. Stayman LH 3/21/35 3/21/35 TLS Enclosures: Eleanor LH -- 2/5/35 TLS [Prosser] Eleanor LH -- 3/21/[35?] TLS [Prosser]

G. L. Stayman LH 3/23/36 3/21/36 TLS Enclosure : Eleanor LH -- [3/23/36?] TLS [Prosser]

Josephine B. LH 3/24/41 3/24/41 ACS Stayman

Guy L. Stayman LH 3/27/42 3/27/42 TLS

[G. L. Stayman] LH 12/12/42 -- TL [includes photograph]

Josephine B. LH 4/6/43 4/5/43 ACS Stayman

Guy L. Stayman [LH?] no env -- CS Eleanor Prosser LH no env Saturday TLS

G. L. Stayman LH & HH -- -- telegram 4 3 [Series 11, box 6, folder 1 continued] E. Prosser [LH?] no env 3/34 periodical [note on p. 3; Push (Reserve Loan Life Insurance Co.)]

Also found: Folder, "Appreciation May 1934" dedicated to G. L. Stayman periodical, Push (Reserve Loan Life Insurance Co.), 6/34

2. Correspondence to Tinks and Iva Howe 1949

LH Tinks Howe 1/5?/49 Wednesday, 5 TLS [photocopy]

Willie Tinks Howe 4/11/49 -- TL [photocopy] Lindsay ["The Literary Novel," [photocopy] "property of Eng. Dept. A. and H. College of Okla.," by Tom Uzzell enclosed]

Tinks [Howe] no env Tuesday,l7 TLS[photocopy] [5/49?]

L H Tinks Howe 8/19/49 Friday TLS [phot-ocopy1 Enclosures: Willie Tinks [Howe] - - 8/19/ [49?] TL [photocopy] [Lindsay] JJ Tinks [Howe] - - [8/19/49?] ALS [photocopy]

Ms. - "To Spite Your Face" [photocopy], by Don Sackrider, annotated by LH, JJf s signature on p. 1, nd [mentioned in LH to Tinks Howe, postmark 8/19/49, TLS[photocopy]?]

L H Tinks Howe 9/10/49 -- TLS [photocopy] Enclosures: LH Tinks [Howe] - - Saturday TLS [photocopy] Willard Tinks [Howe] - - [ 9/49?] TLS [photocopy] Lindsay

JJ Tinks Howe 10/16/49 -- TLS [photocopy] Enclosures: Mitch LH - - 10/4/49 TLS[photocopy of photostat] Mitch JJ - - 5/2/49 TLS [photocopy of photostat]

LH Tinks Howe 11/13/49 11/13/ [491 TLS [photocopy1 Enclosure: JJ Tinks [Howel -- [11/49?] TLS [photocopy]

LH Iva [Howe] no env 11/21/49 TLS [photocopy]

Also with these photocopies: Mitch LH no env 10/4/49 TLS [photocopy of photostat] Iqitch JJ no env 5/15/50 TLS[photocopy of photostat] 44 [Series 11, box 6 continued] 3. 1933 Maxine Adams LH 8/28/33 -- ALS

4. 1934 Fay Turner LH 1/3/34 Tuesday TL

Mother LH 6/6/34 Wednesday ALS [Mrs. J. M. Turner] Enclosure: Gla. [Gladys LH -- 1/6/34 ALS Turner]

5. 1936 Helen Billstone LH 1/23/36 Wednesday TLS

Fay [Turner] LH no env Tuesday ALS [ca. 1936?]

F. D. Turner LH no env Saturday TL [Fay1 [ca. 1936?]

Robert B. LH 10/17/36 10/17/36 TLS Browne by L. E. Sydow, University of Illinois [Extension]

6. 1938 Grandmother LH & HH 4/1/38 3/30/[381 ALS [LH' s?]

Mrs. John D. LH 10/4/38 -- env Carpenter

Cela and John [LH?] no env 10/3/38 ALS Carpenter

Leona Carpenter LH no env [1938?] ALS

7. 1939 Mother LH 5/11/39 5/11/39 APCS [Mrs. J. M. Turner] Attachments: Sue [Turner LH -- [ca. 3/ or 4/39] ALS Shearer] LH Sue [Turner Shearer] -- 3/39 TLS

Mother [Mrs. J. no env Wednesday TLS M. Turner] and [ca. 1939?] Grandmother [Series 11, box 6 continued] 8. 1941 Sue [Turner LH no env 6/3/41 TLS Shearer] Attachment: The Wilkinson Mr. Black no env 6/3/41 TL [ carbon I CO. , Inc. [annotated by LH]

9. 1943 Maria de Marron LH

Maria de Marron LH (Mary Lee)

Maria de Marron LH 10/43 10/7/43 TLS (Mary

10. 1944 PFC Robert LH Danner

Lt. Fred P. LH 6/22/44 6/21/44 TLS DePalma (Camp Campbell, KY) Enclosure: LH Capt. Eugene A. -- 6/10/44 TL [carbon] Mailloux (Camp Campbell)

Lt. Fred P. LH 6/26/44 6/26/44 TLS DePalma Enclosure: LH Lt. Fred P. - - 6/26/44 TL[carbon] DePalma [annotated by LHI

House Committee HH no env 10/9/44 TL Duncan, Hewitt, Jones/Robinson Lodge-Elks [also 1 photocopy of this letter]

Capt. Eugene LH 5/29/44 5/29/44 TLS A. Mailloux [Greyhound bus ticket, personality traits for astrology sign of Scorpio (typed), and 1 clipping enclosed]

Capt. Eugene LH 6/8/44 6/7/44 TLS A. Mailloux Enclosure: LH Capt. Eugene A. - - 6/2/44 TL [carbon] Mailloux] [annotated by LH] 46 [Series 11, box 6, folder 10 continued] Maria de Marron LH 5/9/44 5/6/44 TLS (Mary)

C. C. Covalt HH no env 12/4/44 TLS by E. Behrend/ Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. [Statement of Dividend Credit and Statement of Dividend Accumu- lations enclosed]

11. 1944 [Unknown Sender] [?I LH 8/2/44 -- AL also stamped 9/9/44

12. 1945 Ruth & Maxwell JJ 7/19/45 -- env Aley Enclosures: [Maxwell Aley] LH [annotated by LH] Maxwell Aley LH -- 5/22/45 TLS Maxwell Aley LH -- 6/4/45 TLS

Maxwell Aley LH no env 8/7/45 TLS [photostatI

Frances Crane HH noenv [ca. 5/45] TLS [annotated by ?]

13. 1946 Millie & [Nich LH or Nick] Sagel

LH Thomas H. Uzzell no env 3/9/46 TL [carbon]

Thomas H. L H no env 3/28/46 TLS Uzzell

LH Thomas H. Uzzell no env 4/5/46 TL [carbon]

14. 1947 Benjamin C. LH Marsh/The People' s Lobby, Inc .

15. 1948 HH LH 3/9/48 -- env Enclosures: Mrs. R. A. HH -- 3/5/48 TL [photostat] Baldwin HH Mrs. R. A. Baldwin -- 3/10/48 TL [carbon]

Fay [Carpenter] HH 10/25/48 Monday ALS [Series 11, box 6, folder 15 continued] [LH? 1 LH [11/16/48] -- env Enclosure: [LHl Fay [Carpenter] - - Tuesday TL [carbon] [11/16/48?]

Carpenters LH & JJ 12/7/48 Monday TL

Woody, Fay & LH, HH, & JJ 12/20/48 -- ACS Gay Carpenter [l clipping and 1 small card enclosed]

LH Hardwick no env - - TLS [carbon] [p.l missing; not after 8/26/48]

Jim [Hardwick] LH no env 8/26/48 TLS

Jim [Hardwick] LH no env 9/5/ [48?1 ALS

[LHl HH [11/29/48] -- env [l clipping with typed annotations by LH enclosed] Enclosures: Willard [LHl -- [ca. 11/48] TL [Lindsay 1 [typed letter, LH to HH, no date, typed on page 11 Willard [LH] - - [ca. 11/48] TL [Lindsay]

John Loos LH 12/7/48 12/6/48 ALS

Ohio Oil Co. HH 7/1/48 7/2/48 newsletter [The Robinson Refiner; annotated by LHI

Don Sackrider HH 9/21/48 9/21/48 TLS

Don Sackrider LH, JJ, & Willie 9/21/48 9/21/48 TLS [Lindsay] Enclosure: Don Sackrider "Folks" - - Thursday, 23 TLS

Don Sackrider "Folks" 10/1/48 10/1/ [481 TLS Enclosure: Don Sackrider "Folks" -- 10/18/48 ALS

Don Sackrider LH, JJ, & Willie 10/13/48 10/12/[481 TLS [LindsayI

Sue T. Shearer HH 9/22/48 -- env Enclosures: Sue Shearer Fay [Carpenter] - - 9/22/48 TL [carbon] On bottom of p. 2: Sue Shearer HH & LH - - - - TLS

Sue [Shearer] LH no env 10/7/48 TLS 48 [Series 11, box 6 continued] 16. 1949 [LH?] HH [1/28/49?] -- env Enclosures: Fay [Carpenter] [LH] -- Sunday TL [annotated by LHI F. C. T. Fay & Gay -- 1/24/49 ACi [Carpenter] Typed on inside: Fay [Carpenter] LH -- Tuesday TL

Mrs. J. Guy LH Haish

Willard HH 8/19/49 8/19/ 1491 TL [Lindsay] [annotated by LHI

Vivian LH 8/17/49 Sunday AL S McClellan

Vivian LH 2/3/49 Monday ALS [McClellan]

Mitch LH 5/11/49 5/11/49 TLS

Mitch LH 10/4/49 10/4/49 TLS Enclosure: [Mitchl JJ -- 11/1/49 TL [photostat, p. 1 only1

Mitch LH 11/9/49 11/9/49 TLS

Mitch LH 11/22/49 11/22/49 TLS [business card for Cecil Hall/Valley Park and phone message for LH taken by Helen T. enclosed] Enclosures : Burroughs Willy [Lindsay] -- 9/19/49 TLS [photostat] Mitchell ~iarmuid Willard Lindsay -- 9/12/49 TLS [photostat] Russell

Don [Sackrider] HH no env Friday TLS [11/23/49?1

Belva Turner HH & Helen

Pvt. Kenneth LH 10/31/49 10/29/49 ALS R. Weller

17. 1949 [first name only] LH & HH 10/22/49 -- [Series 11, box 6 continued] 18. 1950 A-L Alma Raye Akers LH "and Boys, 11/14/50 -- TL Especially" JJ

Alma Raye Akers LH 11/30/50 11/28/50 TL

Kelly Bickerton LH 11/22/50 -- APCS

Fay [Carpenter] HH no env 11/21/50 TL

Fay [Carpenter] LH 11/24/50 11/21/50 TL

Crawford County LH & HH 1950 4/50 newsletter Country Club [annotated by LH]

Crawford County LH & HH 7/1/50 7/50 newsletter Country Club

Douglas C. LH - - [ca. 19501 TL Ford, Ft. Jefferson

Mrs. Sol Handy HH 5/16/50 -- env [press release for Brumidi book and Congressional Bill S.2413 for a grave monument for Brumidi enclosed] Enclosures: Peggy (Mrs. Miss Ruth Crane - - 4/19/50 TL [carbon] Robert W.) Phillips [Mrs. Murdock?] Burroughs Mitchell -- 4/25/50 TL ["First Draft"] Written on back: Mrs. Murdock Mrs. Handy [LH?] -- 4/24/50 ALS

Mrs. Sol Handy LH 12/3/50 12/1/50 AL

Mrs. Sol Handy "Gang," also LH [12/16/50?] 12/15/50 ALS "Handy"

Iva Howe LH 12/14/50 -- C

Tinks Howe LH 1/16/50 1/15/50 ALS

M. [Mary Ann LH Jones?]

The Julians LH & HH 12/2/50 -- C

John Loos LH 12/5/50 12/4/50 ALS

19. 1950 M-Z Burroughs LH 2/7/50 2/7/50 TLS Mitchell

Mitch LH 3/29/50 3/29/50 TLS 50 [Series 11, box 6, folder 19 continued] [LH?] Mitch -- Saturday TL[carbonl [4/1/50?]

Mitch LH 4/4/50 4/4/50 TLS

Mitch LH 9/6/50 9/6/50 TLS Enclosure: Jim [JJ?] LH & HH -- [ 9/50 I telegram [phoned?--HHr s writing]

Mitch LH -- 9/6/50 TLS [photostatI

Dawes [Myerl LH 12/16/50 12/14/50 TL

Warren LH 12/21/50 -- ACS [Pearsley?1

Don Sackrider LH, JJ, & Willie 1/10/50 1/9/[50] TLS [Lindsay]

Don Sackrider "Folks" 1/13/50 Friday,l3 TLS

Don Sackrider LH 2/4/50 Friday TLS [envelope annotated by LH]

Don Sackrider HH 2/28/50 -- TLS Enclosure: Keen [Raf fertyl Don [Sackrider] -- 2/21/50 TL [carbon]

Don [Sackrider] "Folks" 5/15/50 Saturday APCS

Millie Sage1 LH 12/23/50 -- CS

Sue Shearer LH 4/4/50 4/3/50 ALS [l clipping enclosed] Enclosure: Sue Shearer LH -- 3/28/50 ALS [l clipping enclosed]

Belva [Turner] LH 3/7/50 Tuesday ALS

Turners HH [5/1/50] -- APCS

Belva [Turner] LH 6/19/50 Saturday ALS

Belva [Turner] LH 11/17/50 11/17/50 TL

Belva Turner LH 11/28/50 Sunday ALS

Belva [Turner] LH 11/30/50 Thursday TL

Belva [Turner] LH 12/18/50 Saturday ALS

Earl & Belva LH & HH Turner [Series 11, box 6, folder 19 continued] Ruth Turnipseed LH & HH 12/18/50 -- CS

Leo Ward LH 10/21/50 10/19/50 TL Enclosures: Jane [Akers?] Jim[ JJI -- [I9501 TLS Jane [Akers?] Chuck [Dawes Myer?] -- 8/27/ [50] TLS Jane [Akers?] Bob [Smith?] -- [I9501 TLS Jane [Akers?] Don [Sackrider] -- [I9501 TLS

20. 1950 [first names only]

Jack LH 8/15/50 8/14/50 TL

Mary LH 11/22/50 11/21/50 TLS

Woodie LH no env 10/ [50?1 TL Attachment : Woodie LH -- 11/[50?1 ALS

21. 1951 A-C Edith (Mrs. H. LH 3/22/51 3/21/51 TLS Baylor) Abernathy

A. R. Akers LH 2/2/51 - - TLS

Alma Raye LH no env 3/6/51 TL [Akers]

Alma Raye Akers LH "and Dandies" 3/31/51 3/31/[51] TL

Lee Barker LH - - [ca. 3/51] telegram Attachment: L H Lee Barker - - - - telegram draft

Lee Barker LH [3/26/51] 3/26/51 TLS

Lee Barker LH 4/17/51 4/17/51 TLS

Lee Barker LH 11/9/51 11/9/51 TLS

["The Best Sellers, l1 list from [week of 12/2/51?] (JJ), and "Best Sellers and Best Renters1' (JJ) from The Retail Bookseller, 9/51-pp. 100-101, enclosed]

LeRaron R. Barker, Jr .

La F.ae Olvey LH no env 2/4/51 TLS 52 [Series 11, box 6, folder 21 continued] Norah Berg LH 11/7/51 11/5/51 TLS Enclosure: Edward Weeks JJ -- 11/21/49 TL[typed copy] [The Atlantic Monthly]

J. Berny LH & Maryanne 8/27/51 -- APCS [Mary Ann Jones]

Mrs. Raymond LH no env 1/24/51 ALS (Freda) Bevis

William A. H. LH 4/12/51 4/12/51 TLS Birnie

Arthur Blakey LH no env 6/19/51 telegram

Arthur Blakey LH no env 6/22/51 telegram

Bert Bliss LH & JJ 2/27/51 2/26/51 ALS

Bert Bliss LH no env 3/18/ [51] telegram

John Bliss LH 5/20/51 5/51 TLS

Jim Buford LH 5/10/51 5/5/51 TLS

Jack Byers LH 6/22/51 6/22/51 TLS

Grace M. HH 5/18/51 5/17/ [511 ACS Campbell

Fay [Carpenter] [LH?] no env 1/1/51 TLS

Fay [Carpenter] HH 2/12/51 2/6/51 TLS

Fay [Carpenter] LH 2/12/51 -- TL [letter is typed on clipping "Among the Authors" by Frederic Babcock in Chicago Sunday Tribune, 1951; article includes a reference to JJ]

Fay [Carpenter] LH no env 4/26/51 telegram

Major & Mrs. LH & JJ -- [ca. 5/51?] telegram Woodrow Wilson Carpenter & Gay Enclosure: [ LHl "Folks" -- Monday TL

Fay [Carpenter] LH no env 5/6/51 telegram

Helen Chezney HH 11/4/51 11/7/51 TLS

Curtis E. LH no env [5/51?] ALS Chrane [Series 11, box 6, folder 21 continued] Elliot E. Cohen LH 9/10/51 -- TLS [tearsheets from Commentary: "James Jonesf Dead-End Young Werther: The Bum as American Culture Hero" by Leslie A. Fiedler]

Byron Coleman LH 8/4/51 -- ALS

Miles Collier LH 12/3/51 12/1/51 TLS [2 clippings enclosed]

Peter Coues LH 5/22/51 5/22/51 TLS

Frances Crane LH 3/10/51 -- TLS [envelope annotated by LH]

Frances [Crane] LH 3/19/51 Monday TLS

Frank Cullen LH no env 6/18/51 TLS

22. 1951 D-H Joan Deagan LH 9/29/51 -- ALS

Ella De Berard LH no env 4/26/51 TLS

Mrs. A. C. LH 2/12/51 2/11/51 ALS (Margaret) DeWeese

Cpl. Ed. M. LH 6/7/51 6/7/51 ALS Diamant

Tiny Dolleeta "Lowney, Harry, 5/10/51 -- TLS Willard [Lindsay], Jones, Robert [Smith] and Donald [Sackrider]" [2 clippings enclosed]

Robert B. Drew LH no env 5/9/51 TLS

Robert B. Drew HH no env 5/9/51 TLS Attachment: Robert B. Drew LIFE -- 4/13/51 TL [typed copy]

Neal Duncan Jr. LH 5/16/51 5/10/51 TLS

Albert Erskine LH 3/21/51 3/20/51 TLS [envelope annotated by LH]

Beulah E. LH "and Boys" 4/9/51 Thursday ALS Fischer Enclosure: Johnny West & LH -- - - C S Beulah E. Fischer 54 [Series 11, box 6, folder 22 continued] Helen Fleischer LH 5/8/51 5/8/51 ALS

Mary Fox LH & HH 3/19/51 3/19/51 TLS

LH Jules Goldstone -- [5/11/511 telegram draft Attachments: Jules Goldstone LH -- 5/5/51 telegram & Co. [photostat1 Jules C. LH -- 5/11/51 TLS[photostat] Goldstone LH Jules Goldstone -- 5/8/51 TL [photostatI & Co. Mrs. J. Guy LH 1/22/51 1/21/51 ACS Haish (Aunt Mollie) Mrs. J. Guy LH 2/20/51 2/21/51 ALS Haish (Aunt Mollie) Aunt Mollie LH no env 3/7/51 ALS [Mrs. J. Guy Haish] Mrs. J. Guy HH 3/19/51 3/19/51 ALS Haish (Aunt Mollie Haish) Aunt Mollie LH no env 6/22/51 telegram [Mrs. J. Guy Haish] The Jaffe LH 6/4/51 6/4/51 TLS Agency, Inc. by June Halpern [managerial contract, signed carbon, enclosed]

Handy LH 2/9/51 -- ALS [Mrs. Sol Handy]

Handy LH 2/17/51 -- ALS [Mrs. Sol Handy] Jim [Hardwick?] Hap [HH] 3/26/51 3/25/51 ALS [letter annotated by LH] The Rev. Dr. LH 5/16/51 5/16/51 TLS Charles H. Harrison [missing p. 2; information on Harrison Shorthand method enclosed] Denis Hendricks LH 4/10/51 4/10/51 TLS Gregory, Fitch and Hendricks [Series 11, box 6, folder 22 continued] Ezion Baptist LH 5/4/51 -- env Church Enclosure: Nelson B. LH -- 5/4/51 TLS Higgins, Jr .

Frances E. LH 1/2/51 1/2/51 TLS Hughes

Frances E. LH Hughes

Frances E. LH 2/21/51 2/21/51 TLS Hughes

Frances E. LH 2/26/51 2/26/51 TLS Hughes

23. 1951 I-L John D. Igoe HH [3/2/51] 3/2/ [51] TLS [letter annotated by HH]

Kathleen (Mrs. LH 5/10/51 -- ALS Anthony) B. Janne

Florence "Folks" [LH & HH] 1/4/51 1/4/51 AC S [Jones?I

LH Mary Ann [Jones] no env [ca. 1/51] TLS On bottom of page: JJ Mary Ann [Jones] -- [ca. 1/51] ALS

Marianne [Mary LH & JJ 2/8/51 -- TLS Ann] Jones

Marianne [Mary HH 2/20/51 -- TLS Ann] Jones

Mary Ann Jones LH 3/12/51 -- TLS Enclosures: LH & JJ Mary Ann Jones -- -- telegraphic money order draft [LH? ] [?I -- -- telegram draft LH Marianne [Mary -- - - telegram draft Ann] Jones

Mary Ann LH -- 3/15/ [511 telegram [Jones]

Marianne (Mary LH 3/19/51 -- TLS Ann) Jones

Mary Ann Jones LH -- 3/26/ [51] telegram 56 [Series 11, box 6, folder 23 continued] LH Mary Ann [Jones] no env 9/3/ [51?1 TLS

Mary Ann Jones LH 9/9/51 9/10/ 1511 TLS [envelope annotated by LH]

Cpl Robert LH 6/27/51 6/26/51 ALS (Bobby) H. Jones

Mary Campbell LH 5/8/51 5/8/51 ALS (Mrs. John B.) Kehrer

Fred Kistler LH 5/7/51 5/6/51 TLS

Mildred Kistner LH no env 1/31/51 TLS

Mildred F. LH 2/17/51 2/16/ [511 ALS Kistner

Cpl George E. LH 6/7/51 -- TLS Klinger [11 ms. pp. [carbons] enclosed--1 is titled "Sojourn"]

Betty Doyle LH 5/15/5i 5/15/51 TLS [Picture Research/LIFE; paper with Special Delivery stamp on noting station enclosed]

Willie LH & JJ 1/31/51 Wednesday TLS [Lindsay]

Lindsay LH, JJ, & Bob 3/6/51 -- TL [Smith]

Willard Lindsay LH 3/19/51 -- TLS

John Loos LH no env 1/8/51 ALS

John Loos LH no env 1/23/ [51?1 ALS

John Loos LH 3/2/51 3/2/51 ALS

John Loos LH [3/24/51?] 3/24/41 [sic] ALS ["Report on back orders"; pamphlet for The Chafing Dish Cookbook, nd; and pamphlet for New Directionsf Books, winter, summer 1951 enclosed] [Series 11, box 6 continued] 24. 1951 M W. E. LH & JJ 5/16/51 5/16/51 ALS McCorquodale [diagrams for dishwasher and hot water installations enclosed] Lucie [McGeel LH [6/51?] 5/22/51 TL [W. C. McGee Real Estate] Lucie McGee LH 7/25/51 7/24/51 TLS [W. C. McGee Real Estate] Horace Manges HH 3/22/51 3/22/51 TLS [photostat of check enclosed] Enclosure: HH Weil, Gotshal & - - 3/28/51 TL [carbon] Manges Attn: Horace S. Manges Zbigniew T. LH 6/24/51 6/23/51 TLS Mankowski Pauline M. LH 12/28/51 12/26/51 TLS Mart in Elizabeth May LH 3/28/51 3/27/51 TPCS

Mrs. W. W. LH & HH 5/5/51 5/4/51 TLS (Milly Lou Conard) Miers [7 square black-and-white-photographs of the Miers enclosed] Mitch LH -- 1/16/ [51?] telegram [envelope annotated by LH]

Mitch LH [1/17/51] 1/17/51 TLS Mitch LH nc~ env 2/2/51 TLS [photostatI Mitch LH 3/2/51 3/2/51 TLS Mitch LH 4/10/51 4/10/51 TLS Mitch LH no env 5/7/51 telegram Mitch LH 5/8/51 5/8/51 TLS Mitch LH -- 6/22/51 telegram Mitch LH 6/25/51 6/25/51 TLS [annotated by LH] Enclosure: LH Mitch -- 6/27/51 TLS[carbon] Mitch LH 7/2/51 7/2/51 TLS Mitch LH 9/5/51 9/5/51 TLS 58 [Series 11, box 6, folder 24 continued] Mitch LH 12/13/51 12/12/51 TLS

June Luton HH 6/18/51 6/18/51 ACS Modglin

June L. Modglin LH [l clipping enclosed]

25. 1951 N-R Vera Newlin LH 2/17/51 2/17/ [51] TLS [l clipping enclosed] Enclosure: I rma [Vera Newlin?] -- [ca. 2/51?] TL

Vera Newlin LH 3/8/51 3/7/[51] ALS Enclosure: Wilma (Stanley) Mrs. [Vera] Newlin -- 3/3/51 ALS Williams [annotated by Vera Newlin?]

Vera Newlin LH 3/10/51 Friday ALS Attachment: CG [Claude [Vera] Newlin -- [ca. 3/51?] TLi Gowe r 1

B. Lee Pace LH 1/28/51 1/28/51 TLS [annotated by LH]

B. Lee Pace LH 4/2/51 4/2/51 TLS [l clipping, about JJ, enclosed] Enclosure: B. Lee Pace LH -- 4/11/51 TLS

Gloria Pettit LH 5/7/51 5/5/51 ALS

Kiki & Harold LH & HH -- 6/19/51 telegram Rabinobitz

Dr. & Mrs. LH & HH 5/9/51 5/8/51 ALS F. (Frank) J. Reynolds [Her maiden name is noted as Allen.]

26. 1951 S Don Sackrider LH & JJ 1/10/51 Tuesday TLS

Don [Sackrider] LH 1/15/51 Monday TLS

Don [Sackrider] LH no env 1/31/ [51] TLS

Donald LH & JJ 2/8/51 Wednesday TLS Sackrider [Series 11, box 6, folder 26 continued] Don [Sackrider] LH 2/19/51 Monday TLS

Don [Sackrider] LH 3/12/51 Monday TLS

Nick & Millie LH & HH Sage1 ["Regards to Jim"]

Laird Savage LH 5/18/51 5/17/51 ALS

F.[?] N. Seaver LH & HH [5/4/51] 5/3/51 TLS

Ed S. Shearer LH 3/51 - - ALS

Eddie [Shearer] LH -- 3/19/ [51] telegram

Eddie Shearer LH 9/1/51 9/1/51 ALS

Sue T. Shearer LH 2/23/51 2/20/51 TLS

Sue T. Shearer LH 3/10/51 3/10/51 ALS Enclosure: LH Edwin S. Shearer -- [I9511 money order draft

Sue [Shearer] LH - - [ca. 3/51] telegram

Sue T. Shearer LH 3/22/51 -- C S Enclosure: Sue Shearer LH & Eddie -- 3/22/31 [sic] ALS [Shearer] [511

Mrs. 0. E. LH [2/18/51] 2/18/51 ALS Smith Enclosures: [JJ?] HH 2/22/51 -- APCS [front. is annotated by JJ?] Bob [Robert HH [2/19/51?] 2/19/51 TLS Smith]

Bob Smith LH 1/17/51 1/15/51 TLS [envelope annotated by LH & ?I

Bob [Smith] LH 1/20/51 1/20/51 TLS

Bob Smith LH -- 7/27/51 TLS [envelope annotated by Lowney "Note from Bob Smith July 22 19531

"Bo" (Mrs. LH 3/6/51 3/5/51 ALS Frank Smithdeal)

John Smithdeal LH 8/8/51 8/8/51 TLS

John G. LH 8/29/51 8/29/51 TLS Smithdeal 60 [Series 11, box 6, folder 26 continued] John G. LH 9/13/51 9/13/51 TLS Smithdeal Helene J. LH no env 7/29/51 TLS Snyder [photograph pasted on p. 23 Richard LH 5/22/51 5/22/51 TLS Steenberg The Jaffe Agency, Inc. Richard LH 5/23/51 5/2/51 TLS Steenberg Enclosure: Dick Steenberg David Freedman -- 5/22/51 memo [copy] Richard LH 6/16/51 6/15/51 TLS Steenberg

Walter S. LH 5/11/51 5/11/51 TLS Stewart

27. 1951 T Dan [Towns] LH 2/20/51 2/17/51 TLS Dan [Towns] LH 2/20/51 2/20/51 TLS

Dan Towns LH & JJ 7/28/51 7/28/51 TLS

Belva [Turner] LH 2/12/51 -- ALS Belva [Turner] LH 2/19/51 Sunday ALS [Earl] Turners LH -- 2/21/ [51?] telegram Belva Turner LH 3/5/51 3/5/51 TL [Earl or Belva LH -- 3/9/ [51?1 telegram Turner] Belva [Turner] LH 3/25/51 Sunday TL Belva Turner LH 4/8/51 Sunday TL [LH?] Belva [Turner] no env 4/10/[51?] TL[carbon]

Margaret Turner LH 1/23/51 1/23/51 ALS

Margaret Turner LH 3/10/51 3/9/51 ACS

John & Stell LH no env 3/9/ [51?1 ALS [Turner?] [Series 11, box 6 continued] 28. 1951 U-Z Jane Wallace LH 3/2/51 3/2/51 ALS

Cal (A. B. C. LH 4/9/51 4/9/51 TLS Whipple) Enclosure: LH Cal [Whipple] - - - - TL [carbon?] Cal (A. B. C. LH 4/10/51 4/10/51 TLS Whipple)

Cal Whipple LH -- 4/19/51 telegram Attachments: LH A. B. C. Whipple -- 4/19/51 telegram draft Cal Whipple LH - - 4/24/51 telegram LH A. B. C. Whipple -- 4/24/51 telegram draft

Cal Whipple LH 4/27/51 -- TLS Enclosure: LH HH - - [4/51?] telegram draft

Cal Whipple LH - - 5/4/51 telegram

Cal Whipple LH 5/9/51 - - TLS

Cal Whipple LH no env 6/29/51 TLS [summary of letters to LIFE about 5/7/51 issue and dated 5/25/51 attached] Attachments: Jim Buford A. B. C. Whipple -- 6/1/51 TLS Jim Buford Editor, LIFE - - 5/5/51 TL [typed copy 1 magazine

Bill [White?] no env 1/30/51 TL [carbon? of typed copy1 Bill White LH 2/7/51 2/7/51 TLS

Bill [White] JJ & LH no env [ca. 3/51] TLS

Thomas J. LH 8/13/51 8/12/51 TLS Williams Charles LH 7/19/51 7/19/51 ALS Stevenson Wright

Charles Wright LH C9/7/51] 9/6/51 ALS

Lafayette Young LH & HH [2/6/51] 2/6/51 TLS 62 [Series 11, box 6 continued] 29. 1951 [First names only] Abie LH no env 1/22/51 ALS

Jim LH 8/9/51 8/8/51 ALS

Katie LH 3/6/51 -- ALS

Kenny LH no env 4/19/[51?1 ALS

LH [origin] J. Furgie[?] 4/13/51 -- return receipt for reg mail

Handwritten copies of telegrams filed elsewhere: Kiki & Harold LH & HH -- [6/19/511 Arthur Blakely [?I -- [6/19/511 Mitch [?I -- [6/22/511 [?I [?I -- [6/22/511 LH [?I -- [no date noted]

30. 1952 A-B Judson Arnett "Mr. I' LH 9/8/52 9/6/52 TLS

Judson Arnett "Mr." LH 9/17/52 8/28/52 TLS

Jerry Bainter LH 5/26/52 -- TLS

Jerry (J. B.) LH 11/1/52 -- TLS Bainter On bottom of p. 2: Don [Sackrider] LH -- -- ALS

Lee Barker LH 1/3/52 1/ 3/ 52 TLS

Bernice LH 12/18/52 12/18/52 TLS [Baumgarten]

Delbert (Bert) LH [10/2/52] -- ALS R. Bliss

John Bowers LH 5/7/52 5/6/52 TLS Enclosure: John Bowers LH -- 4/17/52 TLS

John Bowers LH 12/6/52 Saturday TLS

family of Dr. LH & HH Alan G. Brooks

31. 1952 C Margaret R. LH 8/25/52 8/25/52 TLS Campbell/The Book Shop [annotated by LH]

Fay [Carpenter] HH 3/25/52 3/23/52 TCS [Series 11, box 6, folder 31 continued] Fay [Carpenter] LH 4/26/52 4/26/52 TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 6/6/52 -- TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 6/19/52 Wednesday TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 7/4/52 Friday TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 7/13/52 Sunday TLS [envelope annotated by LHI

Frances [Crane] LH 7/31/52 Thursday TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 8/12/52 Monday ALS

Frances [Crane] LH 9/5/52 Thursday TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 9/7/52 Sunday TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 9/21/52 Sunday TLS Enclosures: Frances [Crane] LH 9/18/52 Thursday TLS George Stevens Mrs. Erances Crane 9/19/52 9/19/52 TLS

Frances [Cranel LH 10/3/52 10/3/ [52] TLS

Frances [Crane] LH 10/6/52 Monday TLS

Frances [Crane] LH [10/10/52] -- TPCS

Frances [Crane] LH 10/13/52 -- TLS ["Mystery Writers of America, Inc ...Recommended New York Agents" enclosed] Enclosure: Dorothy Frances [Crane] - - 10/10/52 TLS [Gardiner]

Frances [Crane] LH 10/18/52 -- TLS

[Frances Crane] LH 10/18/52 -- TLi

Frances [Crane] LH 12/25/52 12/23/[521 ALS Enclosure: Jane B. Whipple LH 1/10/53 -- APCS

Bill Culmer LH 7/16/52 7/16/52 ALS

Bill Culmer LH 7/21/52 7/21/52 ALS

32. 1952 D-L Myron Davis LH 6/10/52 5/12/52 TLS also 6/9/52

Ella De Berard LH 10/1/52 10/1/52 TLS 64 [Series 11, box 6, folder 32 continued] Ella De Berard LH 10/27/52 10/27/52 TLS

Olivia de LH [2/23/52?] 2/17/52 TLS Havilland Enclosures: LH [Olivia] "De -- 11/6/51 TL [carbon] Haviland" [sic] Olivia de LH 10/29/51 10/28/51 ALS Havilland

Albert Erskine LH 8/28/52 8/28/52 TLS

Albert Erskine LH 11/6/52 11/6/52 TLS

Albert Erskine LH 11/21/52 11/21/52 TLS

Harry-Anna LH 10/3/52 10/1/52 TL Crippled Children' s Home [Florida Elks; Harry-Anna Crippled Children's Home seals enclosed]

Thelma [Heath] LH 8/15/52 Friday ACS

Floy Gladys LH TLS Hurt

Mildred (Mrs. LH TLS Robert F.) James

Florence LH 10/21/52 Sunday ALS [Florence [Jones?]; picture post card enclosed]

Mary Ann Jones LH 3/29/52 -- TLS

LH Mary Ann [Jones] no env 4/1/52 TL [carbon]

LH Miss Kembestad no env 5/1/52 TL [carbon] [name is also spelled "Kambestad" by LH]

Hazel Kennedy LH 6/6/52 6/6/52 TLS

Ralph Lea LH 7/1/52 6/30/52 APCS

Ralph Lea LH 9/8/52 9/8/52 TLS

Ralph Lea LH 9/22/52 9/22/52 TLS

John Loos LH 8/1/52 8/1/52 ALS

John Loos LH 9/29/52 9/29/52 ALS

B. Lowe LH 5/22/52 5/22/52 TLS [receipt for merchandise enclosed] [Series 11, box 6 continued] 33. 1952 M LH Miss McAdams no env 3/29/52 TL [carbon] Roy McClellan LH [9/15/52] 9/15/51 ALS Roy McClellan LH 9/18/52 9/18/52 ALS Roy McClellan LH 10/4/52 10/3/52 ALS

Jim McCormick LH 9/10/52 -- TLS

Jim McCormick LH 9/17/52 -- TLS Mavis McIntosh LH [10/15/52] 10/15/52 TLS LH Mavis McIntosh no env 10/18/52 TLS [It appears that this letter was never mailed.]

McKeever LH 2/8/52 - - ALS Horace S. LH 5/8/52 5/8/52 TLS Manges Horace S. LH 5/16/52 5/16/52 TLS Manges

[ LH 1 Pauline Martin no env 4/9/52 TL [carbon] Pauline Martin LH 6/18/52 6/17/52 TLS

Pauline Martin LH 8/25/52 -- TLS Harry E. Maule LH 10/21/52 10/21/52 TLS Charles LH 12/1/52 -- env Scribner's Sons Enclosure: [Burroughs Alvin Pevehouse - - 11/28/52 TL [carbon] Mitchell] Mitch LH 2/19/52 2/19/52 TLS Enclosure: Ann S. JJ 2/18/52 -- APCS Mitch LH 3/24/52 3/24/52 TLS

Mitch 9/22/52 9/22/52 TLS also 9/23/52 Mitch LH 10/16/52 10/16/52 TLS Mitch LH 12/12/52 12/12/52 TLS Helen Mitchell LH 10/29/52 10/29/ [52] TLi

Helen Mitchell LH [11/11/52?] 11/11/ [52] TL 66 [Series 11, box 6 continued] 34. 1952 N-S Walter Nalewajk LH 10/23/52 -- TPCS

Albert D. Nash LH APCS Attachment : Albert D. Nash LH APCS

Rev. Alvin W. LH ALS Pevehouse

Malvin B. LH Plunkett

LH Carl [Pontell?] no env 4/1/52 TL [carbon]

Carl Pontell LH 4/29/52 4/28/52 TLS

Eugene LH ALS Ressencourt

LIFE LH 8/8/52 -- e nv Enclosure: Mary Kathleen LH no env 8/4/52 ALS Roark

Don Sackrider LH 2/2/52 Saturday TLS

Don Sackrider HH 10/28/52 Monday TLS [envelope annotated by HH]

Don Sackrider HN 11/5/52 Tuesday ALS

Sue [Shearer] LH no env 7/9/52 TLS

Nancy (Mrs. LH TLS Marshall) Smith

Mrs. Howard J. LH & HH ALS (Emma Ocker) Spaulding

George Stevens LH 9/19/52 9/19/52 TLS

George Stevens LH 9/26/52 9/26/52 TLS

George Stevens LH 10/6/52 10/6/52 TLS Enclosure: [LH?] George Stevens -- 10/9/52 TL [carbon]

George Stevens LH 10/13/52 10/13/52 TLS [Series 11, box 6, folder 34 continued] Tad Stone LH 6/19/52 Thursday ALS [receipt for telegraphic money order($500), dated 6/21/52, from LH to Tad Stone, enclosed] Enclosure: Tad Stone LH no env Friday, ALS [6/20 & 22/52?] Sunday

Tad Stone LH 6/22/52 Saturday ALS

Tad Stone LH 7/5/52 Saturday ALS

Tad Stone I, H 7/20/52 Sunday AL S

Helen Strauss LH 10/29/52 10/29/52 TLS

35. 1952 T-Z Truman M. Tally LH 9/19/52 9/19/52 TLS

Jerry M. LH 2/14/52 -- TLS Tschappat

[Belva Turner] LH 9/8/52 9/8/[52] ALi

Belva Turner LH 9/17/52 -- ALS

Dept. of State/ James Turner 1/3/52 1/3/52 TL Passport Div. [in reference to LHfs passport]

Margaret & LH - - 12/4/52 telegram Harold [Turner]

Stella Turner LH 9/17/52 -- ALS & J[ohn]

Stell & John "Folks1' 7/28/52 7/23/52 ALS [Turner]

Jean (Mrs. LH 11/29/52 11/27/[521 ACS Robert ) Wallace Enclosures: [LH? 1 Mrs. [Jean] Wallace -- 11/6/[52] TL[carbon] [P. 1 only1 HH Kenneth B. Hawkins -- 6/27/52 TLS [carbon]

Donald Weiser LH 5/21/52 -- TLS [statement dated 5/21/52 enclosed] Enclosure: D. Weiser LH 5/6/52 5/5/52 APCS

Samuel Weiser, LH 6/25/52 6/6/52 TLS Inc./S. Arnold [includes book and price list] 68 [Series 11, box 6, folder 35 continued] Samuel Weiser, LH 8/26/52 8/26/52 TLS Inc./S . Arnold Samuel Weiser, LH 10/18/52 10/18/52 APC Inc . A.B C. (Cal) LH 1/2/52 -- TLS Whipple [includes 2 ms. pp. [carbons] of "Who Is On Trial?" by LH]

A.B.C. (Cal) LH & JJ 1/15/52 -- TLS Whipple Enclosure: -- 1/17/52 TL [LHl Jane & Cal [Whipple] [annotated "rough copy" by LH] A.B.C. (Cal) LH 2/6/52 2/5/52 TLS Whipple

Jane & Cal LH -- 10/17/ [52] telegram Whipple

A.B.C. (Cal) " Jones, Handy 11/6/52 -- TLS & Co." A.B.C. (Cal) LH 12/1/52 12/1/52 TLS Whipple Wilma C. LH 7/3/52 7/3/52 ALS Williams Priscella R. LH 9/9/52 9/8/52 TLS Wood/W. C. McGee Real Estate Charles S. LH 8/19/52 8/18/52 ALS Wright

Charles S. LH [9/8/521 9/6/52 ALS Wright

36. 1952 [first names only] [LHl John no env 4/22/52 TL [carbon]

37. 1953 A-B [Gary] Adamson LH 8/28/53 -- TL [ 1 clipping enclosed] Enclosure: Gary & HH 8/29/53 -- env Millicent Adamson

[LHI Gary Adamson no env 10/29/53 TL [carbon] 69 [Series 11, box 6, folder 37 continued] LH Gary [Adamson] no env 11/30/53 TL [carbon] [P. 1 only1

Judson Arnett LH & JJ no env -- TLS [ca. winter 1953/spring 19541

"I .V.A. I' LH 10/1/53 10/10/53 TLS [signature illegible]

JB [Jerry LH no env [ca. 19531 ALS Bainter]

Lee Barker LH -- 2/10/53 telegram

Adeline & LH 12/11/53 -- C LeBaron Barker Enclosures: [Lee Barker] LH - - 2/16/53 telegramEtyped COPY I Typed on reverse: LH Lee Barker -- - - telegram draft

Bernice LH 1/27/53 1/27/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

Bernice LH 2/20/53 2/20/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

Bernice LH 3/18/53 3/18/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

Bernice LH 3/23/53 3/23/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

Bernice L H 5/11/53 5/11/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

Bernice L H 6/1/53 6/1/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

[LH 1 Bernice no env 6/3/53 TL [carbon] [Baumgarten] [P. 1 only1

Bernice LH 7/29/53 7/29/53 TLS [Baumgarten]

John Bowers LH [3/18/531 Wednesday TLS

John Bowers LH 3/25/53 Wednesday TLS

Brandt & Brandt LH 1/16/53 1/16/53 TC [acknowledgement of receipt of ms.] 70 [Series 11, box 6, folder 37 continued] Brandt & Brandt LH 3/9/53 3/9/53 TC [acknowledgement of receipt of ms.]

Brandt & Brandt LH [3/18/53] 3/18/53 TC [acknowledgement of receipt of ms.]

Ned Brown LH 3/17/53 3/16/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 4/2/53 4/2/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 4/23/53 4/23/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 5/18/53 5/18/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 5/29/53 5/29/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 6/15/53 6/15/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 6/30/53 6/30/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 7/9/53 -- env Enclosure: Ned Brown Horace Manges -- 7/9/53 TL [carbon]

Ned Brown LH 7/13/53 7/13/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 8/17/53 8/14/53 TLS

Ned Brown LH 9/24/53 9/23/53 TLS [photostat of "From Here to Inanity--An Editorial" from the New York World Telegram, 9/3/53, enclosed]

38. 1953 C-J [ LHI Fay [Carpenter] no env 3/3/53 TL [carbon]

Clara Claasen LH 5/22/53 5/22/53 TLS

Clara Claasen LH 7/2/53 7/1/53 TLS

Clara Claasen LH 7/22/53 7/22/53 TLS Enclosures: [ LHI Clara [Claasen] -- 7/29/53 TL [carbon] [ LHI Clara [Claasen] -- 8/4/53 TL [carbon]

Clara Claasen LH no env 7/22/53 TLS[photostatl

Clara Claasen LH 8/24/53 8/24/53 TLS Enclosure: Clara Claasen Rex Bollin

LH Clara Claasen no env 12/22/53 TL [carbon]

Erances [Crane] LH [2/6/53?1 2/5/ [53?] ALS

Frances [Crane] LH 3/13/53 Friday TLS 71 [Series 11, box 6, folder 38 continued] Ridgely Curnrnings no env 9/23/ [53] TL [carbon]

CLHI Barb [Daly?] no env [ca. 6/53?] TL [carbon] [p. 1. only]

Hildegarde H. LH no env 3/4/53 TLS Davis

LH Hildegarde H. Davis no env 3/6/53 TL [carbon]

Robert Drew LH 8/3/53 8/1/53 TLS [annotated by LH]

[LHl Bob Drew no env 8/4/53 TL [carbon]

Leah Gadlow LH 9/1/53 9/1/53 TLS

[ LH I Dorothy [Gordon?] no env 2/13/53 TL [carbon] Attachments: [LHI Dorothy Gordon - - 3/15/ [53?] TL [carbon] [LHI Dorothy [Gordon?] -- 5/5/53 TL [ carbon I

LH Dorothy [Gordon?] no env 5/18/53 TL [carbon] [unsigned piece, "...Development of mental powers" attached]

[LH] Dorothy [Gordon?] no env 5/23/53 TL [carbon]

Loudell [Handy] LH 3/18/53 3/17/ [53] ALS

Helen Harvey LH & HH 11/15/53 -- ALS

Joan Heath LH 10/14/53 10/13/53 TL

Joan [Heath] LH 11/2/53 11/1/53 TLS

Madeline LH 8/28/53 -- APCS [Heath?]

Pete [Heath] LH no env 11/11/53 ALS

James Hines LH no env [ca. 11/53?] TL

LH James Hines no env 12/2/53 TL [carbon] [P. 1 only1

LH Fred Hosea, Jr. no env 3/15/53 TL [carbon]

Phyllis Jackson LH 3/24/53 3/24/53 TLS 72 [Series 11, box 6 continued] 39. 1953 K-M S. A. Kaye, Ed. LH 1/6/53 1/6/53 TLS World Biography [copy of article and card for ordering enclosed] Enclosure: S. A. Kaye, Ed. LH -- 11/17/52 TLS [copy of article enclosed]

R. "Jay" Kelder LH 8/1/53 -- ALS

[LHl Ralph [Lea?] no env 2/10/53 TL [carbon of this letter also found]

[LHl Ralph [Lea?] no env 5/28/53 TL [carbon]

Willie Lindsay LH 3/17/53 Tuesday TLS

Willard F. LH Lindsay

John Loos LH 8/11/53 8/11/53 ALS Enclosure: John Loos LH -- 7/21/53 ALS

LH [John] Loos no env 10/3/53 TLS [carbon]

LH Dick McBride no env 11/11/53 TL [carbon]

LH Dick McBride no env 12/21/53 TL [carbon] Attachment: LH Dick McBri.de -- 12/19/53 TLS [annotated "not sent" by LH]

John McCauley no env 10/26/53 TL [carbon] [Mayor of Marshall, IL]

Jim ~cCormick LH 3/10/53 Friday TLS Enclosure: Jim ~cCormick Harry Maule -- 3/6/[53] TL[carbonl

Random House LH 3/12/53 -- env Enclosures: Harry E. Maule Jim McCormick -- 3/12/53 TLS[carbon] LH Harry Maule -- 3/14/ [53] TL [carbon]

[ LHl Pauline [Martin?] no env 3/2/53 TL [carbon]

[ LHI Pauline [Martin?] no env 5/28/53 TL [carbonl

Harry E. Maule LH 2/26/53 2/26/53 TLS Enclosure: LH Harry E. Maule -- 3/2/53 TLS [carbon]

Harry E. Maule LH 3/6/53 3/6/53 TLS Enclosure: Harry E. Maule Jim McCormick -- 3/6/53 TL [carbon] [Series 11, box 6, folder 39 continued] Harry E. Maule LH 9/22/53 9/22/53 TLS

Harry E. Maule LH 9/30/53 9/30/53 TLS

Mitch LH 3/5/53 3/4/53 TLS Enclosure: [LH] Mitch - - 3/9/53 TL [carbon]

Mitch LH 3/16/53 3/16/53 TLS [brochure for Georg Jensen silver enclosed] Enclosure: LH Burroughs Mitchell -- [I9531 telegram draft

Mitch LH 5/15/53 5/15/53 TLS

Mitch LH 7/16/53 7/16/53 TLS Enclosure: [LHl Mitch - - 7/19/53 TL[carbon]

Mitch LH 7/28/53 7/27/53 TLS

Mitch LH 9/10/53 9/10/53 TLS

H. [Helen] LH Mitchell

40. 1953 N-Z Alma Oberst LH 9/4/53 Friday TLS

Alma [Oberstl LH 9/12/53 9/12/53 TLS

[ LH 1 Eve [Olstad] no env 5/26/53 TL [carbon] Attachment: Eve Olstad LH -- 5/23/[53] TLS

Bernice LH 9/15/53 -- APCS Petronius

A1 [Pevehouse] LH - - 2/23/53 telegram

LH Sylvia [Ritter] no env 11/17/53 TL[photostat] Attachment: LH George [Taubeneck] -- 11/18/'53 TLS [photostat] [photostat of Taubeneck's article, about LH, JJ, & Colony, attached]

Bertha LH & JJ 9/18/53 9/18/53 ALS [Schaef ferl

LH Miss Sisson no env 5/28/53 TLi [carbon]

LH Miss Sisson no env 6/10/53 TL [carbon]

Robert (Bob) LH 9/2/53 - - TLS Smith 74 [Series 11, box 6, folder 40 continued] Bob [Robert LH 10/15/53 -- TLS Smith] Enclosure: Helen Strauss Robert Smith -- 10/12/53 TL[typed copy]

Robert Smith LH 12/5/53 12/5/53 TLS Enclosures: LH [origl Robert Smith 12/7/53 12/7/53 receipt for reg article LH [orig] Robert Smith 12/9/53 12/9/53 return receipt for reg article Robert Smith LH -- [1953?] TL Robert Smith LH -- [1953?] TL [photostat]

Robert Smith LH [12/23/531 -- TLS

L H Eugene (Gene) [torn off] -- TL [Smitley?] Written on envelope: Neal Gene -- 11/19/53 ALS

Helen Strauss LH 4/14/53 4/14/53 TLS

[ LHl Jerry [Tschappat] no env 2/4/53 TL [carbon]

Earl & Belva no env 3/6/ [53?] TL [carbon] [Turner]

Cal [A. B. C. LH no env [ca. 1/53] TLS[photostat] Whipple]

LH Fred & Renee no env 6/20/53 TL [Zinnemann] [only p. 11

41. 1953 [only first names] John no env 11/17/53 TL [carbon?]

Wayne no env 9/14/53 TL [carbon]

42. 1954 A-F [Gary Adamson?] LH 7/26/54 -- TL [text of letter: "HA-HA-HA"] Enclosure: LH Gary Adamson -- 7/24/54 TLS

Mrs. Joe LH 3/29/54 3/28/54 ACS (Susie) Bacon

Fran [Frances LH 12/2/54 12/1/ [54] telegram Barley? I

[Gene?] Baro & LH Don Collins 75 [Series 11, box 6, folder 42 continued] Bernice no env 1/29/54 TL [carbon] [Baumgarten?]

Don Bell LH no env 12/13/54 ALS

Helen M. LH 10/30/54 Friday ALS Billstone

LH Rex [Bollin] no env -- TLi [date is either 11/2/54 or 11/27/54] Ned Brown LH 10/22/54 10/22/54 TLS Enclosure: Tom Chamales, LH 9/24/54 9/24/ [541 telegram Jr.'s mother

Jack Byers LH no env [ca. 4/54] ALS [envelope annotated by LH]

Fay [Carpenter] LH 11/30/54 11/29/54 APCS Tom T. Chamales LH no env 5/11/54 TLS

Tom [Chamales] LH 8/25/54 Tuesday TL

Tom [Chamales] LH 9/1/54 Wednesday TL

Tom [Chamales] LH 9/4/54 -- TL

[LHI Tom [Chamales] no env [10/17/54?] TL [only 1 pagel Attachment: [LHI Tom [Chamales] -- 10/17/ [54?] TL [only 1 pagel Helen [Chezney] LH 7/23/54 Friday ALS

Helen [Chezney] LH 10/15/54 10/14/54 TLS

Helen [Chezneyl LH 11/24/54 11/22/[541 TLS

LH Robert F. Cronin no env 3/3/54 TLS [carbon] [portion of p. 5 of a ms., annotated "Poling fence" by LH, attached]

Ella & Phil LH 12/22/54 1954 ACS De Berard D. C. DeWitt LH 9/1/54 9/1/54 ALS LH [D. C. 1 De Witt no env 9/3 / 5 4 TLS [carbon] Susan Donovan LH 12/19/54 -- CS LH Mrs. Fishback no env 10/29/54 TL [carbon] 76 [Series 11, box 6 continued] 43. 1954 G-L A. D. Gaines LH 3/11/54 3/11/54 TLS

A. D. Gaines LH 3/20/54 3/19/54 TLS

A. D. Gaines LH 3/24/54 32354 TLS

LH Miss Pat Gray no env 1/7/54 TLS [carbons and originals, different drafts; not used?]

Thelma [Heath?] LH 3/27/54 3/27/ [54] ALS

James Hines LH 3/54 3/11/54 TLS

Charles Jenkins LH no env 2/28/54 TLS [photograph attached]

LH Charles Jenkins no env 3/2/54 TLS [carbon] [2 copies, both carbons?]

Jeff [Jones] LH 12/22/54 12/22/54 TLS

LH Frank Kearns no env 2/20/54 TLS[carbon] [p. 1 was not attached to the other pages]

Dris K. [Knipe?] LH 11/20/54 Saturday ALS [address enclosed]

Mickey Knox LH 8/16/54 8/13/54 TLS

Richard Lava1 LH no env [ca. 1954?] TL

Ralph R. Lea LH 4/17/54 4/17/54 TLS

Ralph R. Lea LH 4/25/54 4/24/54 TLS

Ralph Lea LH 11/12/54 11/11/54 TLS

Ralph Lea LH 12/19/54 12/18/54 TLS

Arthur Love11 "Mr." LH 11/8/54 -- APCS

Bob & Rosemary LH Lowry

44. 1954 M-Z Nancy [McClellan?] no env 8/18/54 TL [carbon] [Series 11, box 6, folder 44 continued] Hobart L. (Mac) LH no env 10/26/54 TLS McKeever

LH John Pettibone no env 12/5/54 TL [carbon]

John F. LH Pettibone

Dorothy R. Russell

Bertha & Irving LH [Schaef fer]

Norm [Norman LH no env - - TLS D. Sebastianl [ca. 9 or 10/54]

Dieter Seifert HH no env [ca. 1954?] ALS

Milton Shapiro LH [4/20/54] 4/20/54 ALS

Sue [Shearer] LH & Nancy 7/5/54 7/5/54 AP C S [McClellan?]

Upton Sinclair LH 4/29/54 4/28/54 TLS

LH Kenny [Snedeker] no env 10/17/54 TLS

The Vernal LH & HH Sutters

George F. LH no env 3/11/54 TLS Taubeneck

Maud R. Turlay LH no env 9/12/54 TLS

Earl, Belva, LH 12/18/54 -- CS Patty Turner [black-and-white photograph of Earl and Patty enclosed]

Samuel & Donald LH Weiser

Charles S. LH 12/18/54 12/17/54 ALS Wright

Babi (C. LH 2/26/54 -- ALS Zbudowski)

Babi (C. LH 3/5/54 Friday ALS Zbudowski) Enclosure: Helen [Chezney] LH - - 3/5/ [541 ALS

Babi (C. LH 11/8/54 Sunday AL S Zbudowski) 78 [Series 11, box 6, folder 44 continued] Eabi (C. LH 11/26/54 Saturday ALS Zbudowski)

Fred Zinnemann LH 1/7/54 1/7/54 TLS

Fred Zinnemann LH no env 6/7/54 TLS [photostat]

Fred, Renee, & LH Tim Zinnemann

45. 1954 [first names only] Isa LH no env 7/22/54 TLS

LH Norman no env -- TL [carbon] [ca. 8 or 9/54]

LH Vic & Aggie no env 3/24/54 TLS [carbon]

Wilmerine & LH & HH Leroy

Box 7 Folders : 46. 1955 A-Z Buddy Adler LH no env 11/4/55 TLS [photostat] Don Bell LH 1/27/55 1/27/55 ALS Flozza Berner LH 9/12/55 Monday TCS

LH & JJ Marianne Besser no env -- TL [not after 9/55]

James H. LH 9/15/55 9/22/55 TLS Bishop, Jr.

[LHI Rex [Bollin] no env 10/8/ [55?] TL [carbon] G. A. Brakeley LH & Co. Ltd. LH HH 3/?/55 -- env Enclosure: C. M. LH 3/25/55 3/25/55 TLS Euffington

[ LHl Tom [Chamales?I no env [ca. 1955?] TL[carbon?l [LHI Tom [Chamales?] no env [ca. 1955?] TL[carbonl

LH Tom [Chamales] no env 1/13/55 TLi [carbon] Tom [Chamales?] LH 1/29/55 1/29/55 telegram [Series 11, box 7, folder 46 continued] Mary Love11 LH 6/15/55 6/13/55 ACS Chezney

John Curry LH [1/31/55?] -- TLS

Robert Drew LH & JJ 12/29/55 12/28/55 ALS

M. W. Fishback LH 1/12/55 1/12/55 TLS

LH [A. D. 1 Gaines no env 1/3/55 TL [original and carbon of p. 1 only]

Edward Greer HH no env 5/16/55 ALS

LH Judge no env 5/17/55 TLS [refers to letter Edward Greer to HH, dated 5/16/55, ALS]

Mrs. J. Guy LH Haish (Aunt Mollie)

Charles E. LH & HH 2/8/55 2/4/55 ALS Howerton

Jeff Jones LH & JJ 7/13/55 Wednesday TLS

LH Ed. of LIFE no env 2/6/55 TL [only first and last pages]

John Loos LH 3/15/55 3/15/55 ALS

John Loos LH 6/9/55 6/8/55 AL S

Mary Lee LH & HH 7/14/55 -- ACS Mef ford

LH Mr. H. S. Morris no env 4/23/55 TL [carbon]

Romona North LH & HH 6/29/55 6/24/55 TCS

Mr. & Mrs. Roy LH & HH 6/9/55 -- C M. North [for wedding to be held 6/25/55]

[LHl Kenny [Snedeker] no env 12/30/55 TL [carbon] [only pp. 1-31

LH Larry Sternig no env 8/23/55 TL [carbon]

Radio Station LH no env 11/ & 12/55 bulletin WILL

Samuel Weiser, LH 3/26/55 3/25/55 TPC Inc.

Cy West, Sheriff, no env 5/11/55 TLS [carbon] Crawford County 80 [Series 11, box 7 continued] 47. 1955 [first names only] [?I LH 1/29/55 -- TL Betty LH 8/22/55 -- ALS

48. 1956 A-C Susie (Mrs. J.) LH Bacon

Frank Baer LH 11/19/56 11/18/56 ALS ["Quo Vadis Africane?" by G. F. A. Baer enclosed]

Maria Brethes LH 3/11/56 3/11/56 TLS

Maria Brethes LH [5/20/56?] -- essay [essay "That Will Be Fine William Faulkner" enclosed]

Maria Brethes LH 7/6/ [56?] 7/5/ [56?1 TLS

Maria Brethes LH 7/15/56 -- env [photostat of advertisement for Never the Same Again by Gerald Tesch from publisher"^ Weekly, 7/2/56, enclosed] Enclosure: LH Maria Brethes -- 7/21/56 TL

Helen A. Briley LH 10/31/56 10/31/56 TLS

Dr. & Mrs. LH & HH 7/4/56 -- C Everett Carl Brooks [for wedding to be held 6/23/56]

Ned Brown LH no env 4/16/56 TLS [photostat]

Ned Brown LH no env 5/9/56 TLS [photostat]

Ned Brown LH no env 11/6/56 TLS[photostatl

Ned Brown LH no env 11/12/56 TLS[photostat]

Edna Dunlap LH 11/19/56 11/18/56 ALS Buchan (Mrs. Harry Buchan)

William LH 3/21/56 -- ALS Calefato Enclosure: [ LH] Charlie [Wright?] -- [1956?] TL [originally meant for Sonny (Daly)]

Jimmy Carroll LH 5/1/56 -- TL

Jimmy Carroll LH 5/31/56 -- TLS

Jimrnie L. LH 9/1/56 -- ALS Carroll [Series 11, box 7, folder 48 continued] Jimmie L. LH 12/12/56 12/12/[56] TL Carroll Oliver B. LH 6/18/56 6/17/56 TLS Clausen Viola Corley LH 3/2/56 3/2/56 TLS

49. 1956 D-J Dorothy (Mrs. LH Sam) Davidson

Carl D. DeVoss LH 11/14/56 11/13/56 ALS William H. LH 2/11/56 2/10/56 ALS Duhart

Walter J. William H. Duhart no env 8/27/56 TLS [photostat] Minton Attachments : William H. LH - - 8/30/56 ALS [photostat] Duhart Ned Brown LH -- 11/12/56 TLS[photostat] William H. LH no env 8/30/56 TLS [photostat] Duhart J. (John) C. LH 11/26/56 11/26/56 book Erhardt [book of poetry titled Sounds Heard Again] Thelma Ezell LH 9/7/56 9/7/56 ACS

Thelma Ezell LH 12/15/56 12/14/56 ALS

Catherine LH 5/1/56 - - TL Fallon [typed copy of "A Prayer to God" by Fenelon enclosed]

Catherine LH Fallon/ Ohio Book Store

Donald D. LH 5/3/56 5/3/56 TLS Feigenbaum

Donald D. LH 5/5/56 5/5/56 TLS Feigenbaum Enclosure: LH Donald Feigenbaum -- 5/7/56 TLS [carbon]

Don LH no env [ca. TLS [Feigenbaum?] summer 1956?] [Series 11, box 7, folder 49 continued] Kenneth L. no env 7/28/56 TL [carbon] Felfhaus [Feldhaus]

M. W. (Mrs. LH 12/9/56 12/9/56 TLS Frank) Fishback

LH James T. Gallant no env 6/6/56 TLS [carbon]

L. A. Gurry LH 6/22/56 6/21/56 TLS [receipt for "groceries stamps" enclosed] family of LH & HH L. S. Heutt

Dora J. Hughes LH 12/7/56 12/5/56 ALS

(Rev.) William LH 9/11/56 9/10/57 [sic] TLS M. Hunter

Margrethe LH 5/8/56 5/8/56 TLS Jensen

Richard Joheen LH 11/13/56 11/12/56 ALS

Charles Johnson LH 8/20/56 8/19/56 ALS

50. 1956 K-R Robert J. LH Kalthoff, M.D.

Peter Kaputa LH 12/10/56 12/10/56 TLS

John Loos LH 8/14/56 8/13/56 ALS

Luther Lovely LH 5/2/56 5/1/56 TLS

Luther Lovely LH 6/18/56 6/18/56 TLS Enclosure: Oakley & Bob LH 8/11/56 -- APCS

Bill W. McCoin LH 6/10/56 6/4/56 ALS

Bill W. McCoin LH 8/27/56 -- TL

David Mack LH 11/27/56 -- TL

Stan Martindale LH no env 4/18/56 TLS [photostat] [annotated "Charlie" by LH]

LH [orig] Julian Messner 10/17/56 10/17/56 return receipt

Walter J. LH no env 6/26/56 TLS [photostat] Mint on 83 [Series 11, box 70, folder 50 continued] Walter J. LB no env 7/2/56 TLS [photostat] Mint on

LH [Walter J.] Minton noenv 7/21/56 TL[carbon]

[I241 [Walter J.1 Minton no env 7/27/56 TL[carbon] [annotated "copy for Charlie" by LH]

Mitch LH no env 4/16/56 TLS [photostatI

Mitch LH no env 4/19/56 TLS[photostatI

LH Mitch no env 4/21/56 TL(carbon1

Helen & LH Burroughs Mitchell

Gladys T. 2/16/56 -- poem by Murphy Gladys Murphy

LH Gene [Nelson?] no env 4/22/56 TLS [carbon]

[Ln] Gene [Nelson? I no env 7/8/56 TL [carbon]

Gene & Vera no env 7/24/56 TL [carbon] [Nelson?]

Gene Nelson LH no env Monday TL [photostat] [1956?] [Attached: photocopy of "Mrs. Handy's Curious Colony" by David Ray from Chicago Magazine dated 9/56; original moved to Articles and Clippings, Box 66, folder 51 Attachment : Robert Drew LH 3/15/57 3/15/ [571 TLS

Ohio Book Store LH 7/6/56 7/5/56 invoice

James B. L H Osborne

Roy Owens LH 5/12/56 -- AL S

Paris Hospital HH 12/4/56 10/56 record of exam [2 receipts enclosed] IHHI

Walter Rossit LH 6/?/56 - - ALS

Dorothy R. LH 9/13/56 9/12/56 TLS Russell [advertisement for the forthcoming book, The Civil War] 84 [Series 11, box 71

51. 1956 S-Z Eertha & Irving LH Schaef fer

,Jean Ann LH Seml ing

Jean Ann LH 3/22/56 3/22/56 TLS Seraling

Earl James HH 5/31/56 5/30/56 ALS Turner

Earl Turner HH 7/16/56 7/15/ [561 ALS

Earl Turner HH 8/27/56 8/26/ [561 ALS

LH Dorothy Vestecka no env 4/25/ [56] TL [carbon] [pp. 1-2 only1

Dorothy LH 8/8/56 8/7/56 TLS Vestecka

John Wingate LH 3/8/56 -- ALS family of LH & HH E. 0. Winteringer

Carol Wittwer LH no env 9/5/ [56?] TL [photostat] Attachment : Gene Nelson LH -- Monday TL [photostat] [1956?1

Dorothy V. LH 6/2/56 6/1/ [56] APCS Wolfe

Together in an unmarked manila envelope: L9 Charlie [Wright] -- 2/2/56 TLS [LHj Charlie [Wright] -- 6/4/56 TL [ms. advice] [LHJ Charlie [Wright] -- -- TL [3 different letters, ms. advice] [8 yellow calendar appointment sheets and 1 torn white sheet con- taining typed ms. advice, not signed, and 1 employee's stub also enclosed]

LH Charlie [Wright?] no env 7/5/56 TL

I,H Charlie [Wright?] no env 9/11/56 TL [letter is worn and torn at the bottom] [Series 11, box 7 continued] 52. 1956 [first names only] LH JB no env 7/8/56 TL [ carbon 1

Dave LH 12/9/ [56?1 -- CS

53. 1957 A-L Reuben Abrams LH 11/13/57 11/2/57 ALS

LH [orig] Rex Bollin 10/18/57 10/18/57 return receipt for reg mail

[Helen Chezney] HH 2/9/57 - - AC i

H [Helen] LH 3/22/57 Monday AL i Chezney Enclosures: JJ W. D. Burnett - - 4/11/57 TLS [carbon] Mary Rose Paul JJ & Mrs. JJ [?I 4/12/57 ALS [l clipping, mentions JJ's marriage and Running, enclosed] Babi LC. LH - - 4/17/57 ALS

Helen [Chezneyl LH 4/16/ [57?] 4/i5/ [57?] telegram

Catherine LH no env [ca. 11/57] TL [Fallon]

Arthur C. LH Fields

Arthur C. LH 9/24/57 9/24/57 TLS Fields

Arthur C. LH 10/3/57 10/3/57 TLS Fields Enclosures: Howard Pehrson LH - - 9/22/57 TLS [note from LH to Mr. Field written at the top] Charlie LH 10/2/57 10/2/57 ALS [Wright?]

Joe Hunsinger LH 11/18/57 11/18/57 ALS

In an envelope annotated "James Jones" by LH: LH Charlie [Wright?] -- 3/9/57 TL [ carbon ] JJ LH -- 4/11/57 TLS Scribner' s LH 4/11/57 -- env [annotated "Letter from Jim" by LH; 1 clipping on JJ's marriage enclosed] LH JJ - - 4/13/57 TL[carbon] [7 clippings enclosed--4 about JJ, 2 of which are taped together; some annotated by LH] 86 [Series 11, box 7 continued] 54. 1957 M-Z Horace Manges LH 4/29/57 4/29/57 TLS

Mitch LH 4/11/57 4/11/57 TLS

Howard Pehrson LH no env 10/9/57 TLS [annotated by LH]

Howard Pehrson LH no env 12/8/57 TLS

A1 Pevehouse LH 2/27/57 2/23/57 TLS

LH [orig] G. P. Putnam's 10/14/57 10/14/57 return receipt Sons for reg mail

LH [origl G. P. Putnam's 10/14/57 10/14/57 return receipt Sons for reg mail Railway Express no env 5/11/57 TL [carbon] Co . LH [origl Random House 10/18/57 10/17/57 return receipt for reg mail

Charles Robb LH 12/2/57 12/1/57 TLS

Dorothy LH 4/12/57 4/12/ [571 telegram Vestecka

Mat Wartels LH 8/14/57 8/14/57 TLS Enclosure: Upton Sinclair LH 8/11/57 8/12/57 ALS

Nat Wartels LH 9/23/57 9/23/57 TLS

Mike Wilson LH 7/7/57 -- APCS

Charles S. LH 4/16/57 4/15/57 ALS Wright [l clipping, mentions Never So Few (Chamales), enclosed]

Babi (C. LH 4/17/57 4/16/57 ALS Zbudowski) Enclosure: H [Helen LH -- 3/22/57 ALi Chezneyl

55. 1958 A-N Rex A. Bollin LH 7/22/58 7/22/58 TLS

william Bostock LH 9/10/58 9/10/58 TLS

Charles Brown LH 4/2/58 4/2/58 ALS 87 [Series 11, box 7, folder 55 continued] Ned Brown LH 9/11/58 9/11/58 TLS Enclosure: LH Ned Brown -- 8/17/ [58] TLi [carbon]

Fay [Carpenter] LH 8/3/58 Sunday ALS

Norman M. Curry LH 9/29/58 9/28/58 TLS

Eleanor Dager LH 9/16/58 9/16/58 TLS

Handy [origl William H. Duhart 5/19/58 5/19/58 return receipt for reg mail

Bill Duhart LH - - 6/13/ [58?] telegram

William Duhart HH 7/14/58 -- ACS

John Gainfort [William] Duhart 7/29/58 7/29/58 TLS [membership card for JJ in the United World Federalists expir- ing 12/31/52, 6 cards of LH's, photostat of ID for license plates and driver's license of LH's, and an automobile insurance card enclosed] Enclosures: Rex Bollin Mrs. Sue Bollin 7/13/53 7/13/53 receipt for Lori91 reg article William Keating LH -- 1/19/53 receipt Edward J. LH 6/29/51 -- TPCS Barrett, Illinois Secretary of State

Catherine LH Fallon

Vincent M. Geraci

V. [Vincent] LH no env [ca. 19581 ALS Geraci

Mrs. Sol Handy HH 7/17/58 -- ALS [3 clippings enclosed]

Shelby LH 7/2/58 - - ACS [Harrison?]

Percy C. Hasten LH 9/24/58 9/23/58 TLS

Kenneth F. Lee LH 8/28/58 8/28/58 TLS

A. H. Lodge, HH 7/30/58 7/30/58 TLS President of The Second National Bank of Robinson

Winston S. HH 7/11/58 7/10/58 TLS McLean

HH Winston McLean 7/25/58 -- AP C S 88 [Series 11, box 7, folder 55 continued] LH [orig] Mrs. A. W. McLean 8/20/58 8/20/58 return receipt for reg mail

Marcelo Ramos LH 9/18/58 9/17/58 TLS Motta Enclosure: Marcelo Ramos LH & HH -- 9/5/58 TLS Motta

Marcelo Ramos LH 10/1/58 10/1/58 TLS

Gene & Vera LH & HH Nelson

Vera Newlin LH 9/19/58 9/18/ [581 ALS

56. 1958 0-R Charles Padgett LH 3/30/58 3/28/58 TLS Enclosure: LH Charles Padgett -- 4/4/58 TL [carbon]

Howard Pehrson LH 1/7/58 1/6/58 TLS

Howard Pehrson HH 7/14/58 7/13/58 TLS

Howard Pehrson LH 7/29/58 Monday TLS

Howard Pehrson HH 8/1/58 7/31/58 TLS

Howard Pehrson LH 8/3/58 Saturday TLS

Howard Pehrson LH 8/7/58 8/5/58 TLS

Howard Pehrson LH 9/7/58 9/6/58 TLS

Howard Pehrson LH 9/10/58 9/9/58 TLS [photograph of Acapulco Bay enclosed]

Howard Pehrson LH 9/14/58 9/11/58 TLS

Howard LH 9/19/58 9/19/58 TLS [Pehrson] Enclosures: [Benito] Zamora Howard Pehrson -- -- APCS Sue [Shearer] LH 6/9/58 6/8/58 APCS

Howard Pehrson LH 9/21/58 9/21/58 TLS Enclosure: Ing. Arturo Howard V. Pehrson -- 9/7/58 TL [typed COPY 1 Medina Luna

Howard Pehrson LH 9/23/58 9/22/58 TLS Enclosure: Benito C. Howard Pehrson -- -- TLS Zamora, Jr. [photostat of p. 2 only] [Series 11, box 7, folder 56 continued] Howard LH no env 9/24/58 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard Pehrson LH 9/25/58 9/24/58 TLS

LH [orig] Mrs. S. A. Pehrson 3/10/58 3/10/58 return receipt for rcq rt>.=~il

James E. Penn LH 8/ [29?] /58 8/28/58 ALS

Shirley L H 8/2/58 - - ALS Rosenthal

57. 1958 S-Z Sue [Shearer] HH

Sue Shearer HH 7/11/58 7/11/58 TLS

John Clause11 LH & HH Smith

D. C. "Sparkie" HH Sparks

Bill Thomas LH 8/14/58 Thursday TLS

Jerry & Jan LH 1/4/58 1/4/58 TLS Tschappat

Jerry Tschappat LH 7/16/58 7/15/58 TLS

Jerry & Jan LH Tschappat

Jerry Tschappat LH 7/29/58 7/28/58 TLS

Belva Turner HH 7/12/58 7/11/[58] ALi

Margaret Turner HH 7/17/58 7/14/58 TLS

Mike Wilson LH 1/14/58 1/14/58 TLS

Mike Wilson LH 1/30/58 1/30/5? [sic] TLS

Martin Zitz HH 7/7/58 7/7/58 TL

Martin Zitz HH 7/16/58 7/16/58 TLS

Martin Zitz LH 9/24/58 9/24/58 TLS

58. 1958 [first names only] Handy [orig] Heller 7/3/58 7/3/58 return receipt for reg mail 90 [Series 11, box 7, folder 58 continued] Rosa LH 10/4/58 -- ALS

59. 1959 A-B Jack L. Bagby, LH 9/16/59 9/16/59 TLS SUBUD Product ions

Curtis J. Beck LH 9/24/59 9/23/ [591 ALS

Flozza Berner LH [9/22/59] -- ALS

Bill Breisky, LH 8/14/59 8/14/59 TLS

--The ~aturda~Evening Post [l clipping and carbon copy of journalistic brief, 1 p. article on the Rattle of Tarawa enclosed] Enclosure : Attention Mr. LH -- 8/7/59 TLS [carbon] Ben Kibbs, Editor

Bill Breisky LH 8/31/59 8/31/59 TLS

Ned Brown LH 1/26/59 1/26/59 TLS [funeral prayer card for Tom Chamales [I9601 and 1 clipping about JJ enclosed] Enclosures: Bill Duhart LH -- 1/27/59 TLS Kate Sherman William Duhart -- 1/23/59 TLS

[Texas] Grendel Bennett torn off -- -- Enclosures: Ned Brown L H -- 2/5/59 TLS MCA Artists, LH -- 2/2/59 cancellation Ltd. of contract forms LH Ned [Brown] -- 2/7/59 TLS[carbon]

Ned Brown LH 7/27/59 7/27/59 TLS

Ned Brown LH 8/25/59 8/25/59 TLS

Ned Browr. LH 12/15/59 12/15/59 TLS Enclosures : Jonn Dcdds, LH no env 1/31/60 telegram G. P. Putnam's Sons [Ned] Brswn L,H 2/1/60 -- env Ned Brown LH -- 2/1/60 TLS

Lee Butcher LH [ 9/17/59?] -- TLS [annotated by LH]

Lee Butcher LH 9/30/59 9/27/59 TLS

Lee [Butcher] LH 10/12/59 10/10/ [591 TLS

Lee Butcher LH 10/18/59 10/18/59 TLS [Series 11, box 7, folder 59 continued] Enclosure: Lee Butcher LH -- 10/14/59 TLS [annotated by LHI

Lee [Butcher] LH 10/22/59 10/21/ 1591 TLS

Lee [Butcher] LH 10/28/59 -- TL

60. 1959 C-L J. 0. Sleeman Fay Turner 7/14/59 7/14/59 TLS Carpenter [Sleeman writing from Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada] Enclosures: Margaret Kivela LH 7/11/59 7/10/59 ALS Mrs. T. A. LH 9/7/59 September ALS Kivela Margaret LH 8/20/59 8/19/59 ALS Russell LH Mrs. Kivela -- 9/10/59 TLS [carbon] LH Supertendent [sic], -- 8/22/59 TL [carbon] Ontario Hospital J. McLeod LH 7/22/59 7/22/59 TLS LH Supertendent [sic], -- 8/22/59 TLS [annotated "not sent" on envelope by LH] Fa Fa [Fay] LH 8/8/59 - - AL Carpenter

LH Fay T. Carpenter 10/19/59 10/19/59 TLS [also postmarked 11/12/59; returned by post office, "not found"] Enclosures: J. R. Howitt, LH 11/2/59 10/2/59 TLS M.D., Superintendent Fay Carpenter LH -- - - ALS [filed unopened by LH] Fay Carpenter Woody Burnett, -- - - ALS Dulaney National Bank [filed unopened by LH]

Ji~nCarroll LH 9/26/59 -- TLS

Jim Carroll LH 10/9/S9 10/8/59 TL

Tom Chamales LH 8/3/59 - - TLS

Paul Desautels LH 9/7/59 9/7/59 TLS Enclosures: [LHI Paul Desautels -- 9/9/59 TL [carbon] Lena [Michaud] Paul Desautels [7/29/59] 7/29/59 ALS [French] Lena Michaud LH 8/16/59 8/15/59 ALS LH Immigration & -- 8/24/59 TLS [carbon] Naturalization Service

Jean Detre, Lit no env 2/6/59 TLS [carbon] Dept, MCA 92 [Series 11, box 7, folder 60 continued] Tom Doremus LH 11/3/59 -- TPCS

LH William Duhart -- [ca. 9/59] telegram drafts [2 different drafts] Attachment : Bill Duhart LH -- 9/4/ [59] telegram

Bill Duhart LH 9/5/59 9/4/ [59] telegram

Bill [Duhart] HH 11/23/59 11/21/59 TLS [envelope annotated by HH]

[Catherine LH 5/27/ [60?1 -- env Fallon] Enclosure: Catherine LH 5/21/59 -- TL Fallon [photostat of "Julius Caesar Commentary" by Pagel(?) enclosed]

Catherine L H Fallon

Catherine LH Fallon

[ LHI Mr. & Mrs. Alva -- -- env W. Jemison [l clipping annotated by LH enclosed] Enclosure: Etha & A1 LH & HH -- 7/4/[59] ALS Jemison

Mrs. Alva W. LH & HH 7/6/59 -- env Jemison

Ralph Lea LH -- 5/21/59 TLS

Geraldine Handy Colony 9/18/59 9/18/59 TLS Lindsay

Geraldine Handy Colony 10/7/59 10/7/59 TL Lindsay [Series 11, box 7 continued] 61. 1959 M-R Vivian LH 6/23/59 Monday ALS McClellan

Vivian LH & HH 8/8/59 Saturday ALS McClellan

Vivian LH & HH 8/24/59 Saturday APCS McClellan

Mitch LH 2/5/59 2/6/59 TLS

Howard LH no env 5/29/59 TLS [Pehrson]

H. Danforth LH - - - - env [Howard Pehrson] [6 travel brochures enclosed]

Walter Rippey LH 6/15/59 6/14/59 ALS

Charles Robb LH 8/3/59 8/3/59 TL

Marshall LH no env 5/20/59 ALS Roberson

James C . LH Rosenfels

James C . LH 10/8/59 10/7/59 TLS Rosenfels

Dorothy Russell LH 10/19/59 10/18/59 TLS

62. 1959 S-Z Ray Burkybile LH 8/1/59 - - env [Greyhound baggage check stub and ticket stub enclosed] Enclosures: Evelyn Secrest Ray Burkybile -- 7/31/59 TLS Selective LH - - - - env Service Evelyn Secrest Handy Colony - - 8/3/59 TLS

Ed Shearer LH [ 1 clipping enclosed]

Sharon & Dana LH 11/12/59 11/12/59 ALS Shearer

Lt & Mrs. E. H. LH Shearer I1

Sue Shearer LH 6/25/59 6/24/59 ALS

Sue Shearer LH 9/16/59 9/16/59 TLS 94 [Series 11, box 7, folder 62 continued] Sue Shearer LH 10/22/59 10/22/59 ACS

Victor LH 2/6/59 2/6/59 TLS Weybright Enclosures: [Ned] Brown LH 8/12/59 -- env Ned Brown LH -- 8/12/59 TLS LH Ned [Brown] -- 8/15/59 TL [carbon] LH Ned Brown -- 2/2/59 TL [carbon] LH "Publisher's [sic] -- 2/3/59 TLS [carbon] of James Jones Pocketbook Abridgment of SOME CAME RUNNING"

Mrs. Alice E. LH 10/9/59 10/9/59 ALS Whitmore

Charlie (C. S. ) LH Wright

Robert Young LH & HH 9/29/59 9/25/59 TLS

63. 1959 Bennett--Mercedes Insurance [all material found in a envelope]

Dana Hudelson HH 9/28/59 9/21/59 appraisal Inc.

Frederick J. HH 10/10/59 10/10/59 TLS Schmidt

Dana Hudelson HH 10/13/59 10/12/59 TLS

Gerald I. Cain HH 10/21/59 10/20/59 TLS

Grendel F. HH 11/13/59 11/13/59 TLS Bennett Attachment and enclosures: H. L. Scoggins Grendel F. Bennett -- 11/11/59 TL[photostat] [photostats of appraisals by Tom Mudd and Dana Hudelson Inc. attached] Grendel F. HH 10/5/59 10/5/59 TLS Bennett HH Grendel F. Bennett -- 11/7/59 TLS [draft] Grendel F. HH 12/4/59 12/4/59 TLS Bennett H. L. Scoggins Grendel F. Bennett -- 11/30/59 TL[photostatl [HHI Grendel F. Bennett -- 12/7/59 TL [carbon] [ James [ HH 1 -- -- car values Rosenfels?] [HH] Grendel F. Bennett -- 11/18/59 TL [carbon] [HH] Grendel -- -- TL [draft]

Grendel F. HH 12/31/59 12/31/59 TLS Bennett [Series 11, box 7 continued] 64. 1960 A-E Blanche L. LH 4/1/60 4/1/60 ALS Albaugh

Clifford H. LH 4/20/60 4/10/60 TLS Archie

Frances Barley LH 3/28/60 3/27/60 TLS

Flozza D. LH 5/10/60 Tuesday TLS Berner

Flozza Berner LH [8/26/60] -- TL

Ned Brown LH 3/25/71 3/25/60 TLS [postmark 3/25/71 was marked out and 3/25/60 written by ?]

Ned Brown LH 4/4/60 4/4/60 TLS

David Campbell LH & HH 6/28/60 6/27/60 TLS

Fa Fa Turner LH 4/8/60 - - env Carpenter

Fa Fa [Fay LH -- -- AL Turner Carpenter] Written on: Most Hon Mrs. The Most. Hon -- 2/17/60 telegram Fa Fa Turner Gov Brown and [confirmation Carpenter the Most Honorable COPY 1 James Hoffa

Fa Fa [Fay] LH & HH 4/14/60 4/10/60 env Turner Carpenter [I clipping about Fay, "Mrs. FiFi T. Carpenter," enclosed]

Mrs. Tom T. [?I -- -- env Chamales [Helen O'Connell; carbon list of pallbearers for Tom Chamales' fun- eral, 4 "prayer1'(?) cards and list of funeral information written by HH attached]

Hallie (Mrs. LH 4/30/60 4/29/60 ALS Omsley) Cox

Frances Crane LH 3/24/60 3/24/60 TLS

Charles J. LH 6/9/60 6/9/60 TLS Cronin [brochure for Hotel McClure enclosed]

George Dean LH no env 4/19/60 ALS 96 [Series 11, box 7, folder 64 continued] George Dean LH 4/19/60 -- env

George Dean LH 6/8/60 6/7/60 TLS

John R. Dodds LH 4/29/60 4/28/60 TLS [copy of announcement of incorporation attached] Enclosure: Helen LH -- 7/16/60 TLS [Chezney?]

Helen Chezney LH 7/18/60 -- env

(John R. Dodds LH 5/17/60 5/17/60 TLS

Michael Dorn LH 4/8/60 -- ALS

Ruby (Mrs. LH 8/27/60 -- ACS Bernard) Dowling

Bill Duhart LH no env 3/22/60 TLS [2 clippings on Tom Chamalesf death attached]

Albert L. LH 12/7/60 12/7/60 TLS Edwards

Evans Book LH 4/1/60 4/1/60 invoice Store

65. 1960 F-K Catherine LH [4/11/60?] -- TL [Fallon]

Catherine LH no env [ca. 4/60?] TL [Fallon]

Catherine LH 5/12/60 -- TL Fallon

Catherine LH 8/16/60 -- TL [Fallon] [annotated by LH]

[Catherine LH 8/16/60 -- TL Fallon] [includes typed copy of portion of letter from James Whitcomb Riley to Madison Cawein, dated 9/16/1891] [Series 11, box 7, folder 65 continued] Catherine LH 8/22/60 -- TL Fallon

Catherine LH Fallon

Catherine LH [ Fallon]

James P. Flynn LH 4/30/60 -- TLS

James P. Flynn LH [8/6/60] 8/6/60 TLS

L. E. Gordon LH 8/8/60 8/8/60 TLS

Claude Gower LH 8/6/60 Saturday TL

Roger P. Graham LH 6/19/60 6/19/60 TLS (Rog Phillips)

Dale Herd LH 4/15/60 4/15/60 ALS

Jerome Jaeger LH 4/26/60 4/26/60 ALS

Dave [Jones] LH 4/7/60 4/6/60 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 8/25/60 8/25/60 TLS

66. 1960 L-R Shelly LH 4/20/60 4/20/60 TLS [Landwehr?]

Shelly LH [Landwehr?I

Ray Licciardo LH 5/10/60 5/9/60 TL also - - 5/9/60 TLS

Wm Lichtman LH 8/26/60 8/25/60 TLS

Vivian LH 8/11/60 8/11/60 ALS McClellan

Paul & Vivian LH & HH 12/18/60 -- ACS McClellan

H. L. McKeever LH 4/5/60 4/5/60 TLS

Dimple (Mrs. LH & HH 3/27/60 3/26/60 TLS George A. ) Michel [list of furnishings (carbon) enclosed]

George & Dimple LH Michel 98 [Series 11, box 7, folder 66 continued] Enclosure: Dimple Michel LH -- 12/8/60 ALS

G. P. Putnamrs LH 12/17/59 -- env Sons Enclosure: LH Walter [Minton] -- 3/15/60 TL [carbon]

LH Walter [Minton] no env 8/5/60 TLS [carbon]

Dr. & Mrs no env 11/26/60 TLS Mitchell

Martha Moore LH 5/25/60 5/24/60 ACS

Marguerite LH & HH 3/24/60 3/23/60 ALS Nearhoff [2 clippings on Tom Chamales' death enclosed]

Eugene Nelson LH 3/23/60 -- ACS

Vera Newlin LH 8/23/60 8/23/ [601 ALS

William Patten LH 6/30/60 6/29/60 ALS

Mrs. E. W. Jere Peacock 12/24/60 12/24/60 TLS Peacock Enclosure: Mrs. E. W. LH -- 12/24/60 TLS Peacock

William Peden LH 5/5/60 5/4/60 TLS

Howard Pehrson LH 7/27/60 7/27/60 TLS

Henson Plater LH 7/25/60 -- ALS

Charles Robb LH 4/20/60 3[sic]/20/60 TL

Charles Robb LH 6/4/60 -- TL

67. 1960 S-Z Bertha & Irving LH 4/10/60 4/16/60 ACS Schaef fer

Scribner Book LH [4/601 4/60 "Inside Books" Store [5 enclosures]

Ed Shearer LH 1/19/60 12/29/59 TLS also 1/18/60

Sue T. Shearer LH 3/28/60 3/28/60 TLS

Sue T. Shearer LH [Series 11, box 7, folder 67 continued] Sue T. Shearer LH 9/13/60 9/13/60 ALS [2 clippings enclosed]

Sue T. Shearer LH 12/10/60 12/10/60 ALS

Jon Shirota LH no env 4/15/60 TLS

Jon H. Shirota LH 6/29/60 6/29/60 TLS

Jon Shirota LH 8/25/60 8/25/60 TLS

Upton Sinclair LH 4/29/60 4/28/60 ALS [6 copies of clippings about Sinclair and his books enclosed]

Jurgen Sorgatz LH & HH [3/17/60] 3/15/60 ALS [German] Enclosure: Jurgen Sorgatz JJ - - 3/15/60 ALS [German]

John Ben Tarver LH 8/25/60 8/25/60 TLS [information sheet for potential investors on Upton Sinclair's play "Cicero"]

Handy Colony James Tyler 4/18/60 4/18/60 return receipt [origl for reg mail

George Uhall LH 1/21/60 1/21/60 ALS

Samuel Weiser LH 4/13/60 4/13/60 TPC Bookseller

Alice E. LH Whitmore

68. 1960 [first names only] Terry, Susan, LH 4/16/60 -- CS Sally, Jim, & Little Andy

69. 1961 A-C Paul Baker LH 3/ 6/61 3/5/61 TLS

Paul Baker LH 4/15/61 4/15/ [611 TLi

Paul Baker LH 4/30/61 4/30/ [61] TLi

Paul Baker LH 5/20/61 5/20/ [611 TLS

Mrs. John H. LH & HH 11/15/61 -- ACS Beers [family of Mollie Tucker Mitchell--"Dorothear Earl Jr., & Dr. Earl]

Flozza D. LH 5/10/61 -- ALS Berner 100 [Series 11, box 7, folder 69 continued] Mr. & Mrs. LH & HH [ca. 4/61] -- C Philip Francis Brian [invitation for wedding of Mary Ann Brian to Winston Sherwood McLean]

Ned Brown LH 1/7/61 3/7/61 TLS also 3/7/61

Renold 0. Burns HH 4/18/61 4/17/61 TLS

Lee Butcher LH 9/25/61 -- TLS [annotated by LH]

Peg Campbell LH 3/28/61 3/27/61 TLS

FiFi [Fay [LHl no env -- ALS Carpenter] [written on newspaper clipping dated 10/15/61]

Jack Chia LH 4/25/61 4/24/61 TLS

Frances Crane LH 8/14/61 8/13/[61] TLS [l clipping enclosed--mentions JJ]

William LH 5/5/61 5/3/61 ALS Cressman

70. 1961 D George Dean LH no env 8/7/61 TLS

Ella De Berard LH 4/4/61 4/4/61 ALS

Ella (Mrs. LH 6/20/61 6/19/61 TLS Philip) De Berard

Ella De Berard LH 9/2/61 9/1/61 TLS

Ella De Berard LH 9/14/61 -- ALS

Paul Desautels LH 6/7/61 -- TLS

Paul Desautels LH 9/23/61 9/23/61 TLS

Bill Duhart LH 3/9/61 3/9/61 TLS

Bill Duhart LH 3/23/61 3/23/61 TLS

Bill Duhart LH 10/3/61 10/3/61 TLS

Bill Duhart LH no env 11/20/61 TLS [found in Keyhole Detective Stories Magazine, 1/62, signed by Wil- liam H. Duhart to LH & HH; Duhart's story "Die in My Embrace Dar- ling!" was published in that edition of that magazine] [Series 11, box 7 continued] 71. 1961 E-J David M. Eaton LH 9/5/61 9/5/61 ALS

Catherine LH 8/16/61 -- ALS Fallon

Catherine LH Fallon

Catherine LH 11/29/61 11/28/61 TLS Fallon

Famous-Barr LH 4/3/61 3/31/[611 "Speed-Gram" Attachments: LH Famous Barr - - 3/24/61 TLS Jane Alden LH - - 3/31/61 TLS H. & S. Pogue Co. H. & S. Pogue LH 3/31/61 3/30/ 1611 sales receipt Co.

Una (Mrs. LH 4/13/61 4/10/61 ALS Robert) Ginn [2 unfinished "Pedigree charts" (genealogy) enclosed]

Wayne Greenhaw LH 4/17/61 4/13/61 TLS

Wayne Greenhaw LH 4/21/61 4/21/60 [sic] TLS

Wayne Greenhaw LH 4/29/61 Thursday TLS [envelope annotated by LHI

Wayne Greenhaw LH 5/5/61 5/5/[611 TLS

John M. Grinde, LH 4/24/61 4/24/61 ALS M.D.

John M. Grinde, LH 5/1/61 4/30/61 TLS M.D.

Pete Hamill LH 12/14/61 12/14/61 TLS [New York Post; letter annotated by LH] Enclosure: LH Pete Hamill - - 12/18/61 TLS [annotated "Not Sent" by LH]

H. R. Higgins LH Books

Pvt Harry R. LH 7/19/61 7/18/61 ALS Irwin 102 [Series 11, box 7, folder 71 continued] Florence (Mrs. LH 1/23/61 Monday ALS G. A. ) Jones [envelope annotated by LHI

Florence (Mrs. LH 7/24/61 Monday ALS G. A.) Jones

Florence & Gus LH & HH 12/13/61 -- ACS [Jones]

72. 1961 K Ann Kanmacher LH & HH 4/13/61 4/12/61 ALS

Veva Keeler LH 3/27/61 3/27/61 APC

Veva Keeler IJ H 4/24/61 4/23/61 TLS

Veva Keeler LH 6/26/61 6/24/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 1/18/61 1/16/61 clipping [clipping is review of movie "Go Naked in the World" which was based on book by Tom Chamales] Enclosure: Bob [Kendall] LH -- 4/22/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 3/ 9/ 61 3/8/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 3/23/61 3/22/61 clipping [refers to some responses of students in Kendall's class about "Man Who Returned $240,000;" note made by LH taped on]

Robert Kendall LH 4/6/61 4/5/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 5/10/61 5/9/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 5/25/61 5/25/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 6/12/61 6/11/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 6/20/61 6/20/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 6/28/61 6/28/61 TL [pp. 1-2 only; letter annotated by LH]

Robert Kendall LH 8/2/61 8/2/61 TLS

Bob [Kendall] LH [ca. 8/61] -- APC

Robert Kendall LH [?I 8/19/61 TLS

Bob [Kendall] LH 9/16/61 -- APCS

Robert Kendall LH 10/7/61 10/6/61 TLS [l clipping enclosed; letter and clipping annotated by LH] [Series 11, box 7, folder 72 continued] Robert Kendall LH [10/19/611 [10/19/611 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 11/15/61 Tuesday TLS

Robert Kendall LH 12/5/61 12/4/ [61] TLS [letter annotated by LHI

LH Bob Kendall no env 12/6/61 TL[carbon]

Robert Kendall LH 12/8/61 12/7/61 TLS

Robert Kendall "Mr. & Mrs." LH 12/16/61 -- C S Enclosure: Bob [Kendall] LH - - 12/15/61 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 12/23/ [611 12/21,' [611 ALS

73. 1961 L Shelly LH [Landwehr1

Shelly LH [Landwehr1

Shelly LH [Landwehr1

Shelly LH 7/14/61 -- clipping [Landwehr1 [clipping is annotated and signed by Shelly]

Sheldon LH 8/3/61 8/3/61 TPC [Landwehr1

Shelly LH [Landwehr]

Shelly LH 11/27/61 11/27/61 ALS [ Landwehr 1

Sheldon LH & HH Landwehr

Sheldon LH Landwehr

Ralph R. Lea LH 5/8/61 5/8/61 TLS

Ralph R. Lea LH 5/22/61 5/21/61 TLS [envelope annotated by LH] Enclosure: G. P. Putnamrs LH 5/19/61 -- env Sons

Ralph R. Lea LH 5/31/61 5/30/61 TLS 104 [Series 11, box 7, folder 73 continued] Ralph [Lea] LH no env 8/15/61 TLS William LH 4/20/61 4/20/61 TLS Lichtman [2 letters from Lichtman to LH--both 4/20/61, TLS]

Bill Lichtman LH 5/16/61 -- photograph [photograph is annotated by both Lichtman and LH]

Bill Lichtman LH 1961 [ca. 5/61] ALS Typed on reverse: LH William Lichtman -- [ca. 5/61] TL Enclosure: LH [William Lichtman] -- [ca. 4/ or 5/61] TL Lighthouse LH 10/30/61 -- flyer Book Co. [book listing for the Library of the Mystic Arts]

Will, Wilma, LH & HH Christopher & Timothy Lindsay

74. 1961 M Connie Jo LH 10/13/61 10/12/61 ALS McClellan Enciosure: Diana Lynn LH -- 10/11/ [6l] ALS McClellan

Vivian LH 12/1/61 Thursday ALS McClellan

Vivian LH & HH 12/11/61 12/10/61 ALS McClellan

Dorothy HH [8/2/61] -- TLS McCuller [student at The Piney Woods Country Life School; 2 enclosures]

Winston McLean LH & HH 12/21/61 -- ACS Peter F. Mack, LH 6/12/61 6/12/61 TLS Jr . Mrs. George A. LH Mi.che1

Walter J. LH 9/25/61 9/25/61 TLS Minton

G. P. Putnam's LH 11/10/61 -- env Sons 105 [Series 11, box 7, folder 74 continued] Enclosure: Walter J. Howard Pehrson -- 11/10/61 TL [photostat] Minton

Walter J. LH 11/17/61 11/16/61 TLS Minton

Walter J. LH 11/22/61 11/22/61 TLS Minton

Pauline & LH Walter Minton

LH Dr. Earl Mitchell [11/7/61] 11/8/61 TLS

LH Dr. Earl Mitchell 11/15/61 11/16/61 TLS [I clipping enclosed]

LH Dr. Earl Mitchell 11/27/61 11/25/61 TLS

LH Dr. Earl Mitchell 12/4/61 12/4/61 TLS

LH Dr. Earl Mitchell 12/10/61 12/10/61 TLS [I clipping enclosed]

Dr. E. H. LH & HH 12/17/61 -- ACS Mitchell

Dr. Earl H. 12/21/61 12/21/61 TLS Mitchell

Dr. Earl H. 12/27/61 12/27/61 TLS Mitchell

Mollie T. LH 3/1/61 2/16/61 ACS (Mrs. Earl H.) Mitchell

75. 1961 N-Q Albert D. Nash LH 4/12/61 Wednesday ALS A1 Nash LH 4/14/61 Friday ALS

Marguerite & LH & HH 12/12/61 -- ACS Elmo Nearhof f

Mr. & Mrs. M. LH & HH W. Nicholas

Lewis Nichols LH - - 1/27/61 telegram

A1 W. Nisley LH 8/16/61 8/15/61 ALS

A1 Nisley LH 8/20/61 8/19/61 ALS 106 [Series 11, box 7, folder 75 continued] Howard LH 4/5/61 4/5/61 TLS [Pehrsonl

Howard LH [?I 4/30/61 TLS [Pehrsonl

Howard LH 5/5/61 5/5/61 TLS [Pehrsonl [envelope annotated by LH]

Howard LH 10/6/61 10/3/61 TLS [Pehrsonl Enclosure: Howard LH -- 6/29/61 TLS [Pehrsonl

Howard LH 11/7/61 11/6/61 TLS [Pehrsonl

Howard LH 11/30/61 -- TLS [PehrsonI

Howard LH 12/7/61 12/7/61 TLS [Pehrsonl

A1 & Breni LH & HH Pevehouse

Esther R. Prevo LH [11/10/61] 11/10/61 ACS

76. 1961 R-S Ed Rea LH ALS

A1 Repa LH 1/12/61 1/11/61 TLS [3 clippings, 1 dealing with Tom Chamalesr book Go Naked in the World and 1 dealing with Peacock's book Valhalla, enclosed]

[ LHl Charlie Robb -- 7/30/61 TL [carbon] Enclosures: [?I LH -- -- TL [typed annotations by LH] Samuel Weiser, LH 3/23/60 3/23/60 TPC Inc. C. Robb LH 7/28/61 -- AP C

Norman Ross "Mr. " LH 1/26/61 1/25/61 TLS

Norman Ross & "Mr." LH 12/15/61 -- C David McElroy Ross McElroy Productions Inc.

Don Sackrider LH 3/24/61 3/23/ [61] TLS [Series 11, box 7, folder 76 continued] Don [Sackrider] LH & HH 7/3/61 Monday TPCS

Mildred & Nick LH Sagel

David S. LH 2/1/61 1/31/61 TLS Sanders

Bertha & Irving LH 4/13/61 -- ACS [Schaeffer]

Bertha & Irving LH 5/29/61 5/28/61 ALS [Schaeffer]

Bertha & Irving LH 9/17/61 9/17/61 ALS Schaeffer

Bertha LH ALS [Schaef fer]

Bertha LH 10/31/61 10/31/61 ALS [Schaeffer]

Bertha LH 11/15/61 11/1/61 ALS [Schaeffer]

Carla Schnibbe LH [4/5/61?] 4/4/61 TLS [letter annotated by LH]

Carla Schnibbe LH no env [ca. 4/61] TLS

Ed, Sharon, LH & HH [?I 3/22/61 TLS "& gang" Shearer

Sue [Shearer] LH no env [4/61?] ACS

Sue T. Shearer LH 12/21/61 -- ACS

Jon Shirota LH 7/31/61 7/30/61 TLS

Warren Smith LH 4/25/61 4/24/61 TLS

Warren [Smith] LH 6/14/61 6/13/61 TL

Charles Stanley "The Loviney Handy no env 1/13/61 TLS Foundation. . . Sirs" Attachment: LH Charles Stanley -- 2/4/61 TLS [carbon]

77. 1961 T-Z The Theatre LH no env 4/24/61 TL Magazine

Margaret Turner LH 11/8/61 11/7/61 ALS 108 [Series 11, box 7, folder 77 continued] William P. LH 11/14/61 -- ALS Turner

Jane Vail LH 7/26/61 7/26/61 TLS

Jane Vail LH 7/31/61 Saturday TLS

Jane Vail LH 10/9/61 10/7/ [611 TLS [letter annotated by LHI

Jane Vail LH 10/14/61 Friday,l3 TL

Terry Wallace LH 10/17/61 10/17/61 TLS

Samuel Weiser, "Mr." LH 4/6/61 -- APC Inc.

Donald Weiser/ LH 12/8/61 12/8/61 TLS Samuel Weiser, Inc.

LH [orig] Tony Weit zel, 4/4/61 4/4/61 return receipt Daily News for reg mail

LH [orig] T. Weitzel, 5/8/61 -- return receipt Daily News for reg mail

Mrs. Alice LH 10/12/61 -- ALS E. Whitmore

Charles Wright LH 4/24/61 4/23/61 TLS

[Charles LH Wright]

Charlie LH 7/13/61 -- TLS [Wright]

Charlie Wright LH 8/3/61 -- TLS [2 letters--both nd, TLS]

78. 1961 [first names only] LH [origl [?I no env 3/10/61 return receipt for reg mail [addressee left city]

LH [origl [?I 4/17/61 -- return receipt [signed by addressee's agent, M. Morroson] for reg mail

Jim, Betty, & LH & HH Carmen [Series I1 continued] Box 8: Folders : 79. 1962 A-C Wanda & Harry LH Baker

Stan Bicknell LH 10/15/62 10/13/62 TLS [envelope annotated by LHI Enclosure: LH Stan [Bicknell] -- 5/27/63 TLS [carbon]

Bert [Bliss] LH & HH 6/8/62 - - ALS

John Bowers LH 12/3/62 -- TLS

Ned Brown LH 8/2/62 8/1/62 TLS

Ned Brown LH 9/17/62 9/17/62 TLS

Ned Brown LH 10/2/62 10/2/62 TLS

Ned Brown LH 10/12/62 10/11/62 TLS

Ned Brown LH 11/7/62 11/8/62 TLS

Ned Brown LH 11/9/62 11/9/62 TLS

Ned Brown LH - - 11/19/62 telegram [envelope annotated by LHI

Ned [Brown] LH -- 11/29/62 telegram

Ned Brown LH 12/12/62 12/12/62 TLS

Myra & Ned LH & HH -- 12/21/62 telegram Brown

Ned [Brown] LH -- 12/31/62 telegram

Clerks LH 10/18/62 -- env [a note written by LH to call Ned [Brown], nd, and a business card and RX form for George D. Reay, M.D. enclosed]

80. 1962 D-H William Duhart LH 6/18/62 6/17/62 TLS

Noel E. LH 9/22/62 -- -- [Dunham?] [l sheet marked "Student Colony file," written by LH, dated 3/23/62 by HH; envelope annotated by LH]

Evelyn Estes LH 8/17/62 8/17/62 TLS ( GAC ) 110 [Series 11, box 8, folder 80 continued] Catherine LH 3/16/62 -- TL Fa1 lo11

Art-hur W. Fox LH 10/10/62 10/10/62 TLi

Kay Garner LH 1/17/62 -- T I, i [letter is written on brochure in Chinese(?); 1 b~~si~esscarll enclosed]

Irene Hain Mr. Dystel [tc; LH] 9/26/62 -- AI, S [annotations by LH; 1 clipping about JJ enclosed] Enclosures: [LH?] [?I -- -- TL [written on bottom of above letter] Zim, Betty, & LH & HH -- -- ALS Carrnen [l clipping (photostat) about JJ enclosed] Eelva [Turner] LH -- [ca. 9/62] ALS [l clipping about JJ enclosed]

Margaret "Mr." LH 6/28/62 6/28/62 TLS HarSison

Shelby (Shelly) ZH [6/21/62] 6/20/62 TL ilarrison [letter found in Manhunt, magazine, dated 8/62; short story by Harrison, "Friend in Deed," published in that issue]

Mr. L. H. HH & LEI 3/17/62 3/i6/62 TL iiit chcock

Lauren B. LH 1ii.tcFicock

Lauren LH [9/29/62?] -- APCS c:hcock

81. 1962 1-1, Xrs. G. A. LH 2/19/62 Sunday ALS (F:orence) Jones [2 clippings mentioning JJ enclosed] L~closure:

1, Ii Mrs. GIIS [11/22/30] -- p;'rr7IL ~3 (Florence) Jones

Rcbert (Bob/ LH 3/16/62 3/15/62 ALS "Jay") Kelder

Roher-t Kelder LH 4/24/62 4/23/62 ALS

Robert. Kendall ILX 1/8/62 1/7/62 TLS

Robert Kendall LFI 1/24/62 1/20/62 TLS 111 [Series 11, box 8, folder 81 continued] Robert Kendall LH 2/6/62 2/5/62 TLS Enclosures: LH Bob C Kendall ] - - -- TL [carbons ] [2 letters--both nd, TL]

Robert Kendall LH 2/7/62 2/6/62 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 3/12/62 3/12/62 TLS

Robert KendaXl LH 3/17/62 3/17/62 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 3/27/62 3/27/62 TLS

Robert Kendall LH 6/22/62 6/22/62 TLS [photograph enclosed]

Shelly LH 1/4/62 12/31/61 TL [ Landwehr] [also dated 1/1/62 and 1/3/62]

Shelly LH [Landwehr ]

Shelly LH (Sheldon Landwehr)

[Sheldon L H 3/9/62 - - brochure Landwehr? I [announcement of Landwehr's appointment to write a new monthly feature]

Will, Wilma, LH & HH [12/18/621 -- AC S Christopher, Timothy and Patrick Aaron Lindsay

82. 1962 M Vivian LH & HH McClellan

Vivian LH 2/1/62 1/31/62 ALS McClellan

Vivian LH 6/ 18/ 62 Sunday AL S McClellan

Vivian LH McClellan

Winston S. L H 3/4/62 - - env McLean Enclosure: Winston S. Walter J. Minton -- 3/3/62 TLS [carbon] McLean [typed note by McLean to LH at top; precis for To Die in Bed attached] 112 [Series 11, box 8, folder 82 continued] Winston S. LH 3/12/62 3/11/62 ALS McLean

Winston (Win) LH 4/11/62 4/10/62 TLS S. McLean

Winston S. LH 10/23/62 10/22/62 ALS McLean

Mary & Winston LH & HH 10/23/62 -- C McLean

[LHl Win & Mary McLean -- 12/27/62 TL [carbon]

Paul Martin/ LH 1/24/62 1/24/62 ALS Martin Drug Store [l receipt and 2 checks with the signatures torn off enclosed]

Stan Martindale LH 5/28/62 5/27/62 TLS [photocopy of original photograph; original photograph moved to Series VI: Photographs and Negatives, Box 71, folder 421

Stan Martindale LH 6/4/62 6/3/62 TLS

J. S. (Stan) iH Martindale

Walter J. LH TLS Minton

HH Walter J. Minton no env 3/8/62 TL [carbon] Attachment: HH [orig] Minton 3/9/62 3/9/62 return receipt for reg mail

Walter J. HH no env 3/20/62 TLS Minton

Walter J. HH 3/20/62 3/20/62 TL[typedcopy] Minton

Walter J. "Mr." LH 5/17/62 5/17/62 TLS Minton

Dr. Earl H. LH "and all" 1/3/62 1/3/62 ALS Mitchell

Dr. Earl H. 1/7/62 1/6/62 TLS Mitchell

Dr. Earl Mitchell 1/14/62 1/14/62 TLS

Dr. Earl H. 1/17/62 12/17/62 TLS Mitchell [sic] [Series 11, box 8 continued] 83. 1962 N-R Dwight W. "Mr. I' LH 6/28/62 6/27/62 TLS Norris, Newsweek

Eugene Olson LH 3/16/62 3/15/ [62] TLS ["Course of Study for Creative Writing" enclosed; letter and enclosure annotated by LHI

Eugene Olson LH 4/12/62 -- TL [envelope annotated by LH]

Gene Olson LH 4/18/62 -- TL

Gene Olson LH 12/22/62 12/22/62 TLS [Fantastic, magazine, dated 1/63 enclosed; contains story "Three Tales for the Horrid at Heart" by Gene Olson, "Brad Steiger," and p. 69 is autographed by Olson] Enclosure: Thomas H. LH 12/31/62 12/31/ [621 TPC Uzzell

Jere Peacock LH 1/6/62 1/6/62 telegram

Jere Peacock LH - - [1962-31 telegram

Jere Peacock LH -- 11/23/62 telegram [envelope annotated by LH]

Jere Peacock LH -- 11/26/62 telegram

Jere Peacock LH -- 11/29/62 telegram

Howard LH 6/5/62 6/5/62 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard LH 6/20/62 6/20/62 TLS [Pehrson] Enclosure: Howard Pehrson Walter J. Minton -- 6/20/62 TL [carbon]

Danforth LH 6/29/62 -- env [Pehrson] Enclosure: Howard LH 6/27/62 6/27/62 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard LH 7/8/62 7/8/62 TLS [Pehrson] [envelope annotated by LH] 3 enclosures: Howard LH Friday, 13 TLS [Pehrson] Howard LH 10/12/61 TLS [Pehrson] 114 [Series 11, box 8, folder 83 continued] Harriett LH -- 10/23/ [62?] telegram [Danforth] & Howard [Pehrson]

Esther R. P. LH 1/7/62 1/6/61 ACS [Prevo] [sic]

84. 1962 S Millie & Nick LH 12/20/62 -- ACS Sage1

Floyd Salas LH 6/13/62 -- TLS

Floyd F. Salas LH no env 8/14/62 TLS Attachment: Floyd F. Salas LH -- 9/27/62 TLS

Bertha LH [3/23/62?] 3/22/62 ALS [Schaef fer]

Bertha & Irving LH 4/13/62 -- ACS Schaef fer

Bertha LH 9/24/62 9/22/62 ALS [Schaefferl

Sue T. Shearer LH 1/16/62 1/16/62 TLS

Sue T. Shearer LH 11/25/62 11/25/62 TLS

Jon H. Shirota LH 2/27/62 2/26/62 TLS

Jon Shirota LH 3/12/62 3/12/62 TLS Enclosure : Walter J. Jon Shirota -- 3/8/62 TL [typed copy1 Minton

Jon Shirota LH 8/14/62 8/13/62 TLS Enclosures: Jon Shirota LH -- 7/11/62 TLS Jon Shirota LH -- 5/14/62 TLS

Warren Smith LH 2/2/62 1/29/61 [sic] TLS

Warren [Smith] LH 4/27/62 -- TLS Enclosure: Warren Smith LH -- 4/28/62 TLS

Warren [Smith] LH 7/18/62 7/18/62 TLS

Warren [Smith] LH 7/30/62 8/1/62 TLS

Warren Smith LH 10/2/62 10/2/62 TLS [Series 11, box 8, folder 84 continued] Warren, Joan, LH & HH 12/18/62 -- ACS Suzie, Mike, Steve [Smith]

Tom M. Spencer LH 5/24/62 5/24/62 ALS

Tom M. Spencer LH 6/5/62 6/5/62 ALS

Marilyn E. LH no env 6/10/62 ALS Spicer

85. 1962 T-Z Theatre Arts LH 3/8/62 - - brochure [announcement of appointment of Sheldon Landwehr to write a new monthly column]

LH Timothy Thompson 11/30/62 11/30/62 TLS [returned by post office--"Moved, not forwardable"]

LH Timothy Thompson 12/7/62 12/7/62 TLS[carbon] [returned by post office--"not forwardable"] Enclosures: Guy Charles LH - - 12/4/62 TLS G. P. Putnam's LH 12/5/62 -- env Sons

Carl W. Tobey LH 8/27/62 8/22/62 TLS

Jer (J. M.) LH 5/25/62 5/25/62 TLS Tschappat

Jer [Tschappat] LH 5/31/62 5/30/62 TLS

Jer [Tschappat] LH & HH 6/9/62 6/8/62 TLS

Margaret Turner LH 11/16/62 11/15/62 ALS [l clipping, mentions Harold Turner, enclosed]

Margaret Turner LH 12/18/62 12/17/62 TLS

George Uhall LH 12/4/62 12/4/62 TLS

Thomas H. LH 6/5/62 6/5/62 TLS Uzzell

LH Thomas H. Uzzell -- 6/7/62 TLS [envelope annotated "not sent" by LH]

Thomas H. LH Uzzell

Thomas H. LH 9/19/62 9/18/62 TLS Uzzell [l clipping about JJ enclosed] 116 [Series 11, box 8, folder 85 continued] Lew M. "Mr." LH 7/31/62 7/23/62 TLS Wasserman/MCA Samuel Weiser LH 1/8/62 1/8/62 TLS Bookseller/ Fred Mendel S. Werner/ LH 1/10/62 1/10/62 TLS Joske's of Texas [?] Witkamp LH 11/14/62 11/14/62 ALS [I invoice enclosed] Charles Wright LH 3/14/62 -- TLS Charlie Wright LH 9/12/62 9/12/62 TLS Yaddo LH 3/17/62 3/17/62 TL [form letter]

86. 1963 A-B James W. Allen LH TL

Mr. & Mrs. LH ACS Harold R. Anderson Peg Angst/ LH APCS Multer' s Book Store Peg Angst LH 2/15/63 -- AP CS

Peg [Angst], LH -- [ca. 3/63] ACS Art, Marie Peg Angst LH 3/22/63 TLS Peg Angst LH 4/2/63 ALS Caecile Baker LH 3/29/63 ALS Caecile Baker LH -- TLS Caecile Baker LH 6/25/ [631 TLS Enclosure: Mark [Spencer] LH Tuesday AL Caecile Baker LH 8/12/[63] ACS Bertha Bandy LH -- ACS [annotated by LH] [Series 11, box 8, folder 86 continued] National Bank "Mr. I' LH 6/4/63 - - env of Tulsa Enclosure: John Benson LH -- 11/13/63 2 invoices Electric also 11/14/63

John Bowers LH 1/2/63 12/27/62 TLS

J. Stanley LH 5/25/63 5/25/63 TLS Bradbury dictated 5/23/ [631

Charles D. LH 11/12/63 11/12/63 TLS Brown

Ned Brown LH 1/11/63 1/10/63 TLS Enclosures: Ned Brown LH - - 1/8/63 TLS Ned Brown Marc Jaffe - - 1/8/63 TL [carbon] [attached to Ned Brown to LH dated 1/8/63! TLS]

Ned Brown LH 1/17/63 1/17/63 TLS [letter annotated by LH]

Ned Brown LH 1/25/63 1/25/63 TLS

Ned [Brown] LH - - 1/10/63 telegram

Ned [Brown] LH - - 2/1/63 telegram

LH [orig] GAC/Ned Brown 2/5/63 2/5/63 return receipt for reg mail

Ned Brown LH 2/7/63 2/7/63 TLS

Ned Brown LH 3/25/63 3/22/63 TLS

Ned [Brown] LH - - 3/29/ [631 telegram

Ned Brown LH 5/22/63 5/22/63 TLS Enclosures: Ned Brown Robert L. Gibson -- 5/21/63 TLS[photostat] Robert L. LH - - 5/23/63 TLS Gibson [typed annotations by LH?] LH Ned Brown - - 5/24/63 TLS [carbon]

Ned Brown LH 7/17/63 7/17/63 TLS

87. 1963 C-F Fifi "Fay" LH [Carpenter] [letter is written on the pages of 2 articles about John Lillinger]

Guy Charles LH 1/21/63 1/21/63 TLS 118 [Series 11, box 8, folder 87 continued] Tom & Grace LH 4/1/63 -- CS Coats

Peggy Cooper LH 1/5/63 1/4/63 TLS

Hallie [Cox?] LH 4/1/63 -- CS

Mary & Edna LH Cunningham

Virgil LH 5/6/63 -- ACS Cunningham

John Curry LH 5/15/63 5/15/63 TLS

Mr. & Mrs. LH Burns Dixon

Ruby (Mrs. LH 7/16/63 -- ALS Bernard) Dowling

Bill Duhart LH 2/28/63 2/28/63 TLS

Bill [Duhart] LH 4/2/63 4/2/63 TLS

The Second LH 3/9/64 -- env National Bank of Robinson [invoice from Marathon Oil Co. dated 5/20/[63] enclosed] Enclosure: The Equitable Mr. K. J. Alesch, -- 5/20/63 statement Life Assurance Supv. Benefit Plans of account Society of the Marathon Oil Co. United States

Catherine LH Fallon

Leona Farrell, LH 4/1/63 -- ACS R.N.

The Feather- LH 7/25/63 7/25/63 TLS stones/Multerl s Book Store

A. (Arthur) LH 3/31/63 3/31/63 ALS W. Fox

Morrell Frazier LH 4/3/63 -- CS

Box 9: Folders: 88. 1963 G Ruthetta LH 5/3/63 5/3/63 TLS Getchel [Series 11, box 9, folder 88 continued] Ruthetta LH 5/17/63 5/17/63 TLS Getchel

Robert (Bob) LH 4/20/63 ALS Gibson

LH [origl Robert L. Gibson 4/22/63 -- return receipt for reg mail

Bob [Gibson] LH no env 4/22/63 ALS

Bob Gibson LH 4/25/63 4/25/63 ALS [back of letter annotated by LH]

Massey, LH - - -- env Anderson & Gibson Enclosure: Robert L. Charles Wright - - 5/6/63 TLS [carbon] Gibson

Bob Gibson LH 5/15/63 5/15/63 ALS

Massey, LH 5/18/63 - - env Anderson & Gibson Enclosures: Robert L. Ned Brown - - 5/18/63 TLS [carbon] Gibson Ned Brown Robert L. Gibson -- 5/16/63 TLS [photostat]

Bob Gibson LH 5/22/63 5/22/63 ALS

Robert L. LH 5/25/63 TLS Gibson

Bob [Gibson] LH no env 5/27/63 ALS

Robert L. LH 110 env 5/29/63 TLS Gibson

Robert L. LH Gibson

Robert L. LH no env 6/9/63 ALS Gibson

Robert L . LH Gibson

Robert L. LH Gibson

Robert L. LH Gibson

Robert L. LH 8/5/63 ALS Gibson 120 [Series 11, box 9, folder 88 continued] Bob Gibson LH 12/12/63 -- CS

89. 1963 H-M Mabel LH Kelsheimer

Robert Kendall LH 6/15/63 6/14/63 TLS

Florence S. LH Kirkwood

Willard Lindsay LH 5/21/63 -- TL Enclosure : Wilma Lindsay LH -- -- TLS

Willie LH no env [ca. summer 19631 TL [LindsayI Attachment: Wilma [Lindsay] LH -- -- TLS

LH [origl Charles A. 1/11/63 1/5/ [63] return receipt McClelland for reg mail

Vivian LH 4/1/63 Monday ALS [McClellan]

Mac [Charles LH T. McElearney] Lighthouse Book Co.

Mac [Charles LH 3/27/63 3/26/63 TLS T. McElearney]

Mac [Charles LH 5/21/63 5/20/63 TLS T. McElearney] [envelope annotated by LH]

Winston "Win" LH 3/9/63 3/8/63 TLS S. McLean

Winston S. LH 6/10/63 6/8/63 TLS McLean

Winston McLean LH 12/18/63 -- ACS

Horace Manges LH -- 3/29/ [63] telegram

J. S. (Stan) LH 6/14/63 6/14/63 TLS Martindale

Ina[?] Faye & LH Raymond Miller

Helen Moore LH 6/30/63 6/29/ [631 ALS 121 [Series 11, box 9, folder 89 continued] LH Multer' s Book no env 4/1/63 typed telegram Store draft [annotated by Sue [Shearer] 1

William Patrick LH 5/1/63 5/1/63 TLS Murphy

William P. LH 5/3/63 Thursday TLS Murphy [envelope annotated by LHI

90. 1963 N-Z Edgar Peacock LH

Howard LH 1/5/63 1/5/63 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard LH 1/14/63 1/14/63 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard LH 1/28/63 1/28/63 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard LH 6/7/63 6/ 4 / 63 TLS [Pehrson]

Howard LH [7/28/63?1 -- env [Pehrson] [brochure for Bozeman, MT enclosed]

Gertrude LH Poorman

G. "Jerry1' LH 6/4/63 6/3/63 AL S Rainbow [union letter annotated by Rainbow enclosed]

Jerry Rainbow LH 6/17/63 6/17/[63] ALS

Jerry Rainbow LH 6/28/63 6/27/ [63] ALS

Jerry Rainbow LH 7/5/63 7/4/63 ALS

Charles Robb LH 3/31/63 -- APCS

Richard LH 10/9/63 [10/631 ALS Rosengard [Series 11, box 9, folder 90 continued] Don Sackrider LH 7/20/63 -- TLS

Sue T. Shearer LH 4/1/63 4/1/63 ACS

Sue T. Shearer LH 4/13/63 -- ALS Written on: LH Sue T. Shearer -- 4/13/ [63] telegram

LH [orig] Mrs. Sheeks 3/29/63 3/29/63 return receipt for reg mail

Eulala L. [?I LH Shepherd

Jon [Shirota] LH -- 4/2/ [63] telegram

[ LHl Jon [Shirota] no env [ca. 4/63] TL[carbon]

Warren Smith LH no env 5/27/63 TLS [note about play he wrote attached] -- "For Mark Spencer" -- -- env [annotated by LH] Enclosures: Mark [Spencer] LH -- Monday ALS [5/13/63?] LH Ned [Brown] -- 5/14/63 TLS[carbon] LH Mark [Spencer] -- 5/15/63 TLS [carbon]

Mark Spencer LH [5/26/63?] Tuesday ALS

Mark Spencer LH 8/7/63 -- ALS

Dale Stepelton LH 2/1/63 1/31/63 TLS

Dale Stepelton LH 2/25/63 2/23/63 TLS

LH [orig] Farrar Strauss 4/22/63 4/22/63 return receipt for reg mail

Lloyd M. LH 3/30/63 -- ACS Thompson [envelope annotated by LH]

Martha (Mrs. LH 6/16/63 Saturday ALS Allen) Trowbridge

[LH?] Mrs. Allen 7/3/63 7/2/63 return receipt Trowbridge for reg mail

Thomas H. LH 1/12/63 1/12/63 TLS Uzzell [brochure for La Jolla, CA enclosed] [Series 11, box 9, folder 90 continued] Thomas H. LH 2/27/63 2/27/ [63] TPCS Uzzell [annotated by LH]

Thomas H. LH 7/9/63 - - TL Uzzell [letter is typed on circular for The Twilight of Self-Government by Thomas H. Uzzell]

Samuel Weiser, no env 7/6/63 TLS [carbon] Publisher

A. B. C. (Cal) LH 4/1/63 - - ALS Whipple

family of Otto LH 4/4/63 - - C Wilson [envelope annotated by LH]

Charles Wright LH - - 4/16/63 TLS [ticket with back signed by Charles Wright enclosed; back of letter annotated by LH; envelope annotated "God bless Charlie Wright April 16 1963" by LH]

91. 1963 [first names only] Rhea S. LH 4/2/63 - - ACS

Betty LH 5/22/63 5/22/63 ALS

Bertha LH 5/27/63 -- ALS

Martha M. LH [8/30/63] Tuesday APCS

92. 1964 Loudell Handy LH 2/26/64 2/26/64 ALS

The First [?I 2/17/64 -- env National Bank of Homestead [Florida] [4 stubs from 4-$100 money orders stamped 2/24/64 from LH to Willard Lindsay and 1 receipt for insured parcel enclosed; envelope anno- tated by LH] Enclosures: LH Willy [Lindsay] - - 2/24/64 TLS [carbon] [LH] "Willardo" - - 2/26/64 TL [carbon] [Willard Lindsay]

Horace S. LH 2/7/64 2/7/64 TLS Manges

Horace S. LH 4/27/64 4/27/64 TLS Manges

Jere [Peacock] LH no env [ca. 6/64] ALS 124 [Series 11, box 9, folder 92 continued] Jere [Peacock] LH no env 6/3/64 TLS [4 business cards and 1 piece of stationery attached]

Howard Pehrson LH [6/29/64] 6/29/64 TLS

Jon H. Shirota LH 5/13/64 5/12/64 TLS [top of the letter has typed annotation by LHI

Jon H. Shirota LH [6/28/64?] 6/28/64 TLS

Nancy LH [McClellan Smith?]

The Earl LH Turners

Frank J. Vogel/ LH ("Sir") no env 2/10/64 TLS Credit manager, G. P. Putnam' s Sons

Mr. [Frank] Vogel no env 2/24/64 TLS [carbon] [G. P. Putnam' s Sons]

Carl J. LH 6/30/64 6/25/64 TLS Weinhardt

Donald Weiser LH 1/29/64 1/29/64 TLS [envelope annotated by LH]

Fred Mendel/ LH no env 3/2/64 TLS Samuel Weiser Bookseller [receipt attached for painting done by Herb Paynter(?)]

Charles Wright LH 6/29/64 6/27/64 TLS

93. 18 July 1964 John M. Harold C. Turner 7/18/64 7/18/64 TLS Hollenbeck [re disposal of LH's property]

94. Undated, unidentified, etc. [Jerry LH no env [ca. 1953?] TL Bainter??]

Rex [Bollin] LH[?] no env -- ALS

Philip, Tonye, [?I no env -- CS Vickey Brown

Mrs. Cavanaugh LH -- [1963??] CS

Family of C. [?I no env -- C Wade Duncan

Mary Fer [?I LH -- -- ALS 125 [Series 11, box 9, folder 94 continued] Bill [&?I Jean LH - - 7/14,15/ny telegram Goldsmith

Aunt Mollie LH no env - - AC S [Mrs. J. Guy Haish]

Mother [Mrs. HH no env [1952??] ALS 1,oudell Handy]

Loudell Jones LH no env [1952??1 ALS Handy

Beth & Bayard [?I no env - - C E. Heath

Pete [Heath?] LH no env - - ALS

The Heinigs [?I no env - - CS

[ LHI Dave Lazar no env [ca. 1956??] TL [carbon] [PP. 314 only1

Vivian LH no env Thursday ALS [McClellan] [1952??]

Mrs. Edna F. LH -- [1962??] ALS McDaniel , Sally Davis, Mrs. Lola Matheny

[ LH 1 Mr. Martin no env - - TL [ carbon I

Mitch LH -- 9/4/ny telegram

Harold [Turner] LH & HH no env - - TL

Mrs. Dorothy LH & HH Watters

Samuel Weiser, LH no env - - ALS Inc. [annotated by LH]

"Kids" no env Tuesday TL [ca. 19511 SERIES 11: CORRESPONDENCE General Correspondence Box 10

Box 10: Folders: 1. Wheelock to Aley; Perkins to Aley; Aley to Perkins Feb, Mar 1945

John Hall Maxwell Aley no env 2/28/45 TLS[photostat] Wheelock

Maxwell Perkins Maxwell Aley no env 3/2/45 TLS [photostat] Maxwell Aley Maxwell Perkins no env 3/5/45 TL [photostatI Attachment : Maxwell Aley Maxwell Perkins no env 2/27/45 TLS[photostat]

2. 1936 Mrs. F. [?I P. Sister Carpenter no env 10/23/36 ALS Gates

3. 1949 Scott Meredith Mrs. Tonye Vestal no env 6/30/49 TLS[photostat] Brown Attachments : Mrs. Tonye Scott Meredith -- 7/6/49 TL [photostat] Vestal Brown Scott Meredith Mrs. Tonye Vestal -- 7/22/49 TLS [photostat] Brown

4. 1952 Claude Gower Virginia Burt 5/21/52 -- TL [l clipping concerning JJ enclosed]

5. 1953 John Bowers Ivan von Ann[?], 10/7/53 10/7/53 receipt for Lorig] Jr . reg art-icle Harold Ober John Bowers 10/9/53 -- TPCS Associates [acknowledgement of receipt of ms.]

Arnold Zweig [Michael Zweig?] no env 7/10/53 ALS [German] Attachment: 5. W. Huebsch Michael Zweig -- 3/12/53 TLS

6. 1955 Herman Sarachan, Bert Bliss 1/4/55 -- TPC Jewish Young Men's & Women's Association [Series 11, box 10 continued] 7. 1958 Bertha (Mrs. Winston "Windy" 7/24/58 ALS Arthur W. S. McLean McLean) [bank's statement of account for Winston S. McLean enclosed; enve- lope annotated by LH]

8. 1964 F. E. Gordon Moses Dean no env 1/9/64 TLS

Paul M. Douglas Mrs. Harold Turner -- [ca. 1964?1 newsletter ["Senator Douglas Reports"]

9. No Date Breni Pevehouse Gary A. no env --TL [carbon] [Adamson?I 128 CORRESPONDENCE CROSS-LISTING

Here is listed correspondence not filed in Series 11; also correspondence within Series I1 that was not filed in normal chronological or alphabetical sequence.

Box 1: Folders : 2. Business Correspondence, 1951

5. Correspondence with Kenneth Hawkins, re income tax, 1952

9. Correspondence with Internal Revenue, Annual Audit 1953

11. Correspondence with Kenneth B. Hawkins re Handy Colony 1954

12. Garrett Wray invoices, greeting cards, 1954

13. Dania Bank (Florida), correspondence with LH, 1956-57

18. Income Tax and correspondence, 1957-58

Box 2: Folder: 28. Auto registration correspondence, 1961, 1963

Box 3: Folders : 2. 1947 George Wiswell to JJ [copy] in LH to JJ, postmark 5/19/47

3. Jan - Aug 1948 John Loos to LH in LH to JJ, postmark 3/26/48

4. Sep 1948 Tinks Howe to LH, JJ, & Willy [Lindsay] in LH to HH, postmark 9/3/48

LH, Willy [Lindsay], & JJ to HH, telegram dated 9/21/48

LH to Fay [Carpenter] [carbon] in LH to HH, postmark [9/26/48?]

LH to Sue [Shearer] [carbon] in LH to HH, postmark [9/26/48]

5. Oct 1948 Fay [Turner Carpenter] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [10/8/48]

Mrs. Lindsay [Willardf s mother] to Willard Lindsay in LH to HH, postmark 10/12/48

Florence [Jones?] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 10/12/48 129 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 3, folder 5 continued] Jim [Hardwick?] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [10/14/48]

Willard [Lindsay] to HH in LH to HH, postmark [10/14/48]

Florence [Jones] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [10/14/48]

Willard [Lindsay] to HH in LH to HH, postmark [10/25/48]

Don [Sackrider] to "Folks" in LH to HH, postmark [10/28/48], dated Thursday

6. Nov 1948 LH to Don [Sackrider] in LH to HH, postmark 11/2/48

Don [Sackrider] to "Folks" in LH to HH, postmark 11/9/48

7. Dec 1948 Don Sackrider to LH in LH to HH, postmark 12/10/48

Vivian [McClellan] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [not before 12/11/48]

Fay [Carpenter] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [not before 12/11/48]

Sue [Shearer] & Eddie [Shearerl to LH & HH in LH to HH, postmark [not before 12/11/48]

Willie [Lindsay] to [LH?] in LH to HH, postmark [12/13/48?]

Willie Lindsay to [LH?] in LH to HH, postmark [12/13/48?]

Don [Sackrider] to LH & JJ in LH to HH, postmark [12/13/48?]

Don [Sackrider] to LH & JJ in LH to HH, postmark [12/17/48]

Willard [Lindsay] to [LH?] in LH to HH, postmark [12/17/48]

[Willard Lindsay] to [LH?] in LH to HH, postmark [12/18/48]

8. Jan 1949 Paul & Vivian McClellan to LH in LH to HH, postmark 1/6/49

9. Feb 1949 Fay [Carpenter] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 2/3/49

Margaret Turner to Fay [Carpenter] in LH to HH, postmark 2/3/49

12. May 1949 [humorous letter?] Phillip Sterling to HH in JJ to HH, postmark 5/4/49

Don [Sackrider] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 5/13/49 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 3, folder 12 continued] Willie [Lindsay] to "Folks" in LH to HH, postmark 5/13/49 C?uck [Dawes Myer] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 5/19/49

Willard [Lindsay] to "Folks" in JJ to LH, postmark 5/29/49

LH to JJ & Willy [Lindsay], postmark 5/31/49

[HH to JJ & Willard Lindsayl in LH to JJ & Willy [IJindsay],postmark 5/31/49

13. Jun - Aug 1949 Belva [Turner] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 6/5/49

Willie [Lindsay] to HH in LH to HH, postmark 6/10/49 Willie [Lindsayl to HH in JJ to HH, postmark 8/6/49

14. Sep 1949 Willie [Lindsayl to HH in LH to HH, postmark 9/1/49

Willie [Lindsayl to HH bottom of p. 2 of L,H to HH, postmark 9/7/49

Belva [Turner] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [9/23/49] Pvt Kenneth R. Weller to LH in LH to HH, postmark [9/29/49]

Willard Lindsay to HH in LH to HH, postmark 9/30/49

15. Oct 1949 Sue [Shearer] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 10/10/49

inks Howe to LH in LH to HH, postmark 10/20/49

Don Sackrider to LH in LH to HH, postmark 10/20/49

Willie [Lindsay] to HH in LH to HH, postmark 10/27/49

Don Sackrider to "Folks" in envelope [LHI to HH, postmark 10/30/49

16. Nov - Dec 1949 JJ to Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation [carbon] in JJ to HH, postmark 11/18/49

17. Jan - Feb 1950 Jora Brown to LH in LH to HH, postmark 1/4/50

Belva & Earl Turner to LH in LH to HH [postmark torn off, not before 1/15/50] Mother [LHrsmother?] to Daughter [LH?] in LH to HH, postmark 1/29/50 131 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 3, folder 17 continued] Don [Sackrider] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 2/10/50

Con [Sackrider] to LH in LH to HH, postmark [2/13/50?]

Dr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Allen/Crawford County Country Club to LH & HH in envelope HH to LH, postmark 2/21/50

Willie [Lindsay] to JJ & LH in envelope HH to LH, postmark 2/21/50

Don [Sackrider] to LH & JJ in LH to HH, postmark 2/23/50, dated Thursday

Don [Sackrider] to HH in LH to HH, postmark 2/27/50

18. Mar - Apr 1950 HH to "La Cornmerical, S.A." [carbon] in JJ to HH, postmark 3/1/50

"Agentes de Seguros," S.A. to JJ [Spanish] in JJ to HH, postmark 3/1/50

La Commercial, S.A. to JJ [Spanish] in JJ to HH, postmark 3/1/50

La Commercial, S.A. to JJ [Spanish] in JJ to HH, postmark 3/1/50

20. Jan - Feb 1951 Alma Raye Akers to LH in LH to HH, postmark 1/26/51

Alma Raye Akers to LH in Alma Raye Akers to LH in LH to HH, postmark 1/26/51

John & Stell Turner to LH in LH to HH, postmark [2/51]

JJ to Miss Kathleen Sproul [copy] in [LH] to HH, postmark [2/3/51], dated Saturday

Grant V. ~ilsonto LH, postmark 2/15/51

Alma Raye Akers to LH, postmark 2/17/51

K. Sproul to JJ [typed excerpt of letter] in JJ to HH, postmark [2/20/51]

J. B. Swartz to JJ [typed excerpt of letter] in JJ to HH, postmark [2/20/51 I

21. Mar - Sep 1951 John P. Marquand to JJ [carbon of typed copy] in JJ to HH, postmark [3/7/51?]

HH, Don [Sackrider], Willy [Lindsay] , Bob [Smith?] , Bert [Bliss] to LH, dated 5/12/51

Marboro Books to Helen Zbudowski in envelope [LH?] to JJ, postmark [9/27/511 132 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 3 continued] 22. Oct 1951 Priscilla R. Wood for W. C. McGee Real Estate Broker to LH in JJ to LH, postmark [10/25/51]

23. Nov - Dec 1951 Mrs. L. J. Scully to HH in LH to HH, postmark 11/10/51

HH to Mrs. L. J. Scully [carbon] in Mrs. L. J. Scully to HH in LH to HH, postmark 11/10/51

24. Jan - Feb 1952 Sue Shearer to LH in LH to HH, postmark 2/1/52

Pete & Thelma [Heath] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 2/1/52

Don [Sackrider] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 2/27/52

25. Mar - May 1952 Fay [Carpenter] to LH "and all" in LH to HH, postmark 3/27/52

Caswell Crebs to LH in [LH] to HH, postmark 4/7/52

J. Berny to [LH & others?] in LH to HH, postmark 4/15/52

[?] to Aunt [LH] in LH to HH, postmark 4/15/52

Handy [Mrs. Sol (Loudell) Handy] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 4/15/52

26. Jun - Dec 1952 Jack Byers to LH in LH to HH, postmark 11/21/52

27. Jan 1953 Robert Smith, JJ, Willard Lindsay to HH, postmark 1/28/53

28. Feb - Dec 1953 JJ to Woodford Burnett in JJ to HH, postmark 2/17/53

George Handy to J. P. Clark, 1830, in LH to HH, postmark 3/11/53

Vera Newlin to LH in LH to HH, postmark 3/14/53 [Correspondence cross-listing continued] Box 4: Folders: 29. 1954 Fay [Carpenter] to LH in LH to HH, postmark 5/10/54

JJ to Kenneth B. Hawkins in envelope JJ to LH, postmark 9/25/54

30. 1955 Helen [Chezney] to HH in LH to HH, postmark 4/1/55

James J. Rees to LH in LH to HH, postmark [12/16/55]

31. 1957 LH to Charlie Hardwick [carbon] in envelope LH to HH, postmark 2/3/57

LH to Ned Brown [carbon] in LH to HH, postmark [2/21/57]

32. Jan - Jul 1958 Cozette Campbell to HH in LH to HH, postmark 6/30/58

33. Aug - Dec 1958 Grendel F. Bennett to HH in LH to HH, postmark [8/16/58?]

Box 5: Folders : 12. 1951 Joe Darengbourg to JJ & LH, postmark 5/23/51

13. 1952 Mrs. Helen Kalash Bodley to Mr. Dwight Cook/CBS Radio in envelope CBS Radio to JJ, postmark 2/8/52

Charles Sarner to [Father] & Celia Sarner in Time Mart/Celia Sarner to JJ, postmark 4/10/52

Box 6: Folders : 2. Correspondence to Tinks & Iva Howe ~illieLindsay to Tinks Howe [photocopy], postmark 4/11/49

Willie [Lindsay] to Tinks [Howe] [photocopy] in LH to Tinks Howe, postmark 8/19/49 JJ to Tinks [Howe] [photocopy] in LH to Tinks Howe, postmark 8/19/49 Willard Lindsay to Tinks [Howe] [photocopy] in LH to Tinks Howe, postmark 9/10/49 JJ to Tinks Howe [photocopy], postmark 10/16/49 134 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 6, folder 2 continued] JJ to Tinks [Howe] [photocopy] in LH to Tinks Howe, postmark 11/13/49

8. 1941 The Wilkinson Co., Inc. to Mr. Black attached to Sue [Turner Shearer] to LH, dated 6/3/41

15. 1948 Carpenters to LH & JJ, postmark 12/7/48

Woody, Fay, Gay Carpenter to LH, HH, & JJ, postmark 12/20/48

Don Sackrider to LH, JJ, & Willie [Lindsay], postmark 9/21/48

Don Sackrider to "Folks" in Don Sackrider to LH, JJ, Willie [Lindsay], postmark 9/21/48

Don Sackrider to "Folks," postmark 10/1/48

Don Sackrider to "Folks" in Don Sackrider to "Folks," postmark 10/1/48

Don Sackrider to LH, JJ, & Willie [Lindsay], postmark 10/13/48

Sue Shearer to Fay [Carpenter] [carbon] in envelope Sue T. Shearer to HH, postmark 9/22/48

F. C. T. to Fay & Gay [Carpenter] in envelope [LH?] to HH, postmark [1/28/49?]

Burroughs Mitchell to Willy [Lindsay] in Mitch to LH, postmark 11/22/49

Diarmuid Russell to Willard Lindsay in Mitch to LH, postmark 11/22/49

18. 1950 A-L Alma Raye Akers to LH "and Boys, Especially Jim," postmark 11/14/50

Peggy (Mrs. Robert W.) Phillips to Miss Ruth Crane [carbon] in envelope Mrs. Sol Handy to HH, postmark 5/16/50

[Mrs. Murdock?] to Burroughs Mitchell in envelope Mrs. Sol Handy to HH, postmark 5/16/50

Mrs. Sol Handy to "Gang," postmark [12/16/50?]

19. 1950 M-Z Jim [JJ?] to LH & HH in Mitch to LH, postmark 9/6/50

Don Sackrider to LH, JJ, & Willie [Lindsay], postmark 1/10/50

Don Sackrider to "Folks," postmark 1/13/50 135 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 6, folder 19 continued] Keen [Rafferty] to Don [Sackrider] in Don Sackrider to HH, postmark 2/28/50

Don [Sackrider] to "Folks," postmark 5/15/50

Jane [Akers?] to Jim [JJ?] in Leo Ward to LH, postmark 10/21/50

Jane [Akers?] to Chuck [Dawes Myer?] in Leo Ward to LH, postmark 10/21/50

Jane [Akers?] to Bob [Smith?] in Leo Ward to LH, postmark 10/21/50

Jane [Akers?] to Don [Sackrider?] in Leo Ward to LH, postmark 10/21/50

21. 1951 A-C Alma Raye [Akers] to LH "and Dandies," dated 3/31/[51]

Edward Weeks to JJ [typed copy] in Norah Berg to LH, postmark 11/7/51

J. Berny to LH & "Maryanne" [Jones], postmark 8/27/51

Bert Bliss to LH & JJ, postmark 2/27/51

Major & Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Carpenter & Gay to LH & JJ, dated [ca. 5/51?]

22. 1951 D-H Tiny Dolleeta to "Lowney. Harry. Willard [Lindsay]. Jones. Robert [Smith] and Donald [Sackrider]," postmark 5/10/51

Robert B. Drew to LIFE [typed copy] attached to Robert B. Drew to HH, dated 5/9/51

Beulah E. Fischer to LH "and Boys," postmark 4/9/51

Johnny West & Beulah E. Fischer to LH in Beulah E. Fischer to LH "and Boys," postmark 4/9/51

23. 1951 I-L JJ to Mary Ann [Jones] at the bottom of LH to Mary Ann [Jones], dated [ca. 1/51]

Marianne [Mary Ann] Jones to LH & JJ, postmark 2/8/51

LH & JJ to Mary Ann Jones, nd, telegraphic money order in Mary Ann Jones to LH, postmark 3/12/51

~illie[Lindsay] to LH & JJ, postmark 1/31/51

Willie [Lindsay] to LH, JJ, Bob Smith, dated [3/6/51?] 136 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 6 continued] 24. 1951 M W. E. McCorquodale to LH & JJ, postmark 5/16/51

25. 1951 N-R Irma to [Vera Newlin?] in Vera Newlin to LH, postmark 2/17/51

Wilma (Stanley) Williams to Vera Newlin in Vera Newlin to LH, postmark 3/8/51

C. G. [Claude Gowerl to [Vera] Newlin attached to Vera Newlin to LH, dated Friday [3/9/51?]

26. 1951 S Don Sackrider to LH & JJ, postmark 1/10/51

Don Sackrider to LH & JJ, postmark 2/8/51

Sue Shearer to LH & Eddie [Shearer] in Sue T. Shearer to LH, postmark 3/22/51

[JJ?] to HH in Mrs. 0. E. Smith to LH, postmark 2/18/51

Dick Steenberg to David Freedman [copy] in Richard Steenberg/The Jaffe Agency, Inc. to LH, postmark 5/23/51, dated 5/2/51

27. 1951 T Dan Towns to LH & JJ, postmark 7/28/51

28. 1951 U-Z Jim Buford to A. B. C. Whipple attached to Cal (A. B. C.) Whipple to LH, dated 6/29/51

Jim Buford to Editor, LIFE magazine attached to Cal (A. B. C.) Whipple to LH, dated 6/29/51

Bill [White] to JJ & LH, dated [ca. 3/51]

31. 1952 C George Stevens to Frances Crane in Frances [Crane] to LH, postmark 9/21/52

Dorothy [Gardinerl to Frances [Crane] in Frances [Crane] to LH, postmark 10/13/52 Jane ~hippleto LH [I9531 in Frances [Crane] to LH, postmark 12/25/52

33. 1952 M [Burroughs Mitchell?] to Alvin Pevehouse in envelope Scribner's to LH, postmark 12/1/52 137 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 6, folder 33 continued] Ann S. to JJ in Mitch to LH, postmark 2/19/52

35. 1952 T-Z Department of State/Passport Division to James Turner, postmark 1/3/52 [concerns passport for LH]

A. B. C. (Cal) Whipple to LH & JJ, postmark 1/15/52

A. B. C. (Cal) Whipple to "Jones, Handy & Co.," postmark 11/6/52

37. 1953 A-B Judson Arnett to LH & JJ, dated [ca. winter 1953/spring 19541

Ned Brown to Horace Manges [carbon] in envelope Ned Brown to LH, postmark 7/9/53

38. 1953 C-J Clara Claasen to Rex Bollin [carbon] in Clara Claasen to LH, postmark 8/24/53

39. 1953 K-M Jim McCormick to Harry Maule [carbon] in Jim McCormick to LH, postmark 3/10/53

Harry E. Maule to Jim McCormick in envelope Random House to LH, postmark 3/12/53

Harry E. Maule to Jim McCormick in Harry E. Maule to LH, postmark 3/6/53

40. 1953 M-Z LH to George Taubeneck [photostat] attached to LH to Sylvia Ritter, dated 11/17/53

Bertha [Schaeffer] to LH & JJ, postmark 9/18/53

Neal to Gene dated 11/19/53 on envelope LH to Eugene (Gene) [Smitley?] [postmark torn off]

42. 1954 A-F [Gene?] Baro & Don collins to LH, postmark 4/15/54

Tom Chamales Jr.'s mother to LH in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 10/22/54

44. 1954 M-Z Sue [Shearer] to LH & Nancy [McClellan?], postmark 7/5/54 138 [Correspondence cross-listing continued] Box 7: Folders: 46. 1955 A-Z LH & JJ to Marianne Besser, dated [not after 9/55]

Robert Drew to LH & JJ, postmark 12/29/55

Jeff Jones to LH & JJ, postmark 7/13/55

48. 1956 A-C [LHI to Charlie [Wright?] originally meant for Sonny [Daly] in William Calefato to LH, postmark 3/21/56

50. 1956 K-R Oakley & Bob to LH in Luther Lovely to LH, postmark 6/18/56

Robert Drew to LH attached to Gene Nelson to LH, dated Monday [1956?]

53. 1957 A-L JJ to W. D. Burnett [carbon] in H. [Helen] Chezney to LH, postmark 3/22/57

Mary Rose Paul to Mrs. JJ & JJ in H. [Helen] Chezney to LH, postmark 3/22/57

Babi [C. Zbudowskil to LH in H. [Helen] Chezney to LH, postmark 3/22/57

Howard Pehrson to LH in Arthur C. Fields to LH, postmark 10/3/57

Charlie [Wright?] to LH in Arthur C. Fields to LH, postmark 10/3/57

LH to Charlie [Wright?] in envelope annotated "James Jones" by LH

JJ to LH in envelope annotated "James Jones" by LH

LH to JJ in envelope annotated "James Jones" by LH

54. 1957 M-Z Upton Sinclair to LH in Nat Wartels to LH, postmark 8/14/57

55. 1958 A-N John Gainfort to [William] Duhart, postmark 7/29/58

Wm. Keating to LH [receipt] in John Gainfort to [William] Duhart, post- mark 7/29/58

Edward J. Barrett/Illinois Secretary of State to LH in John Gainfort to [William] Duhart, postmark 7/29/58

Rex ~ollinto Mrs. Sue Bollin [return receipt for reg article] in John Gainfort to [William] Duhart, postmark 7/29/58 139 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 7 continued] 56. 1958 0-R B. [Benito] Zamora to Howard Pehrson in Howard [Pehrson] to LH, postmark 9/19/58

Sue [Shearer] to LH in Howard [Pehrson] to LH, postmark 9/19/58

Ing. Arturo Medina Luna to Howard V. Pehrson [typed copy] in Howard Pehrson to LH, postmark 9/21/58

Benito C. Zamora to Howard Pehrson [photostat of p. 21 in Howard Pehrson to LH, postmark 9/23/58

59. 1959 A-B LH to Ben Hibbs [carbon] in Bill Breisky to LH, postmark 8/14/59

Bill Duhart to LH in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 1/26/59

Kate Sherman to William Duhart in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 1/26/59

John Dodds to LH [I9601 in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 12/15/59

Ned Brown to LH [I9601 in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 12/15/59

60. 1959 C-L J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

Margaret Kivela to LH in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark -7/14/59

Mrs. T. A. Kivela to LH in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, post- mark 7/14/59

Margaret Russell to LH in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

LH to Mrs. Kivela [carbon] in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

LH to "Supertendent [sic], Ontario Hospital" [carbon] in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

J. McLeod to LH in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

LH to "Supertendent [sic], Ontario Hospital" in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

FaFa [Fay] Carpenter to LH in J. 0. Sleeman to Fay Turner Carpenter, postmark 7/14/59

J. Howett, M.D. Superintendent to LH in LH to Fay T. Carpenter, postmarks 10/19/59 & 11/12/59 140 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 7, folder 60 continued] Fay Carpenter to LH in LH to Fay T. Carpenter, postmarks 10/19/59 & 11/12/59 Fay Carpenter to Woody Burnett (Dulaney National Bank) in LH to Fay T. Carpenter, postmarks 10/19/59 & 11/12/59 LH to Fay Carpenter [return receipt for reg mail] in LH to Fay T. Car- penter, postmarks 10/19/59 & 11/12/59 Lena [Michaud] to Paul Desautels [French] in Paul Desautels to LH, postmark 9/7/59 Lena Michaud to LH in Paul Desautels to LH, postmark 9/7/59

LH to Immigration & Naturalization Service in Paul Desautels to LH, postmark 9/7/59 Geraldine Lindsay/Readmore to Handy Colony, postmark 9/18/59 Geraldine Lindsay/Readmore to Handy Colony, postmark 10/7/59

67. 1960 S-Z Jurgen Sorgatz to JJ in Jurgen Sorgatz to LH & HH, postmark [3/17/60]

69. 1961 A-C Mr. & Mrs. Philip Francis Brian to LH & HH, postmark [ca. 4/61] [wedding invitation -- Mary Ann Brian & Winston Sherwood McLeanl

71. 1961 E-J Jane Alden/H. & S. Pogue Co. to LH in Famous-Barr to LH, postmark 4/3/61

74. 1961 M Walter J. Minton to Howard Pehrson [photostat] in envelope G. P. Put- nam's Sons to LH, postmark 11/10/61

75. 1961 N-Q Howard [Pehrson] to LH [I9621 in Howard Pehrson to LH, postmark 10/6/61

76. 1961 R-S Samuel Weiser, Inc. to LH [I9601 in [LH] to Charlie Robb, dated 7/30/61

Norman Ross & David McElroy to "Mr." LH, postmark 12/15/61

Box 8: Folders: 79. 1962 A-C LH to Stan [Bicknell] [1963, carbon] in Stan Bicknell to LH, postmark 10/15/62 141 [Correspondence cross-listing, box 8 continued] 80. 1962 D-H Jim, Betty, & Carmen to LH & HH in Irene Hain to Mr. Dystel [to LH], postmark 9/26/62

Belva [Turner] to LH in Irene Hain to Mr. Dystel [to LHI , postmark 9/26/62

81. 1962 I-L LH to Mrs. Gus Jones dated [11/22/30] [post card] in Mrs. G. A. Jones to LH, postmark 2/19/62 [post card is referred to in letter]

82. 1962 M Winston S. McLean to Walter J. Minton [carbon] in envelope Winston S. McLean to LH, postmark 3/4/62

83. 1962 N-R Thomas H. Uzzell to LH in Gene Olson to LH, postmark 12/22/62

84. 1962 S Walter J. Minton to Jon Shirota [typed copy] in Jon Shirota to LH, post- mark 3/12/62

86. 1963 A-B Mark [Spencer] to LH in Caecile Baker to LH, postmark 6/26/63

Ned Brown to Marc Jaffe [carbon] in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 1/11/63

Ned Brown to Robert L. Gibson [photostat] in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 5/22/63

Robert L. Gibson to LH in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 5/22/63

Box 11 [Rex Bollin] : Folder: 1. [contains 1 note]

Box 14 [Edwin (Sonny) Daly] : Folder: 4. [contains a note about ms. to LH]

Box 20 [JJ]: Folder: 7. [contains LH to Fay (Carpenter) about "None Sing So Wildly"]

Box 35 [Edward Kurtz] : Folder: 1. General Correspondence 1955 142 [Correspondence cross-listing continued] Box 37 [Jere Peacock] : Folder: 1. General Correspondence 1960-62 [includes notes by LH]

Box 45 [Howard Pehrson] : Folder: 1. Correspondence 1958 [includes 5 letters to LH]

Box 46 [Charles Robb] : Folders : 1. General Correspondence 1953, 1954, 1956, 1957, nd

2. Correspondence to LH

9. [contains 1 letter]

Box 47 [Charles Robb] : Folder: 19. [contains 1 undated, unsigned letter]

Box 49 [Jerry Tschappat/"Gerald Tesch"]: Folder: 1. General Correspondence 1953, 1954, [ca. 1955?1 1956, [ca. 1957?], nd [includes 2 letters to LH]

Box 53 [Charles Stevenson Wright]: Folders: 5. General Correspondence 1953, 1955-57, nd

6. Correspondence - Kenneth L. Feldhaus to Charles S. Wright [I9561

7. Correspondence from LH 4 Feb 1955, 17 Feb 1956

14. [includes 1 post card: Railway Express Agency, Inc. to Handy Colony]

19. [includes 1 post card: Railway Express Agency, Inc. to Charles S. Wright & Joseph Eason]

22. [includes 1 note about ms. to LH]

Box 54 [Charles S. Wright]: Folder: 28. Comments from LH 143 [Correspondence cross-listing continued]

Box 56: Folders: 1. Fay Turner Carpenter Swain - General Correspondence 1950, 1963

2. Fay Turner Carpenter-Swain to Mrs. John F. Kennedy [ca. 19621 [photostats of a telegram]

6. Robert B. Drew - General Correspondence 1951

Box 57: Folders : 12. G. [Jeff] W. Jones - General Correspondence 1943

14. Mary Ann Jones - General Correspondence 1951

22. Robert Kendall - General Correspondence 1963

25. [Willard Lindsay ?I - General Correspondence, nd

Box 58: Folder: 30. Eddie Shearer - General Correspondence 1951 [2 letters "Admiral Baker" to Eddie Shearer & LH]

Box 59: Folder: 1. Harry Handy - Correspondence, addresses, miscellaneous 1945-47, nd [includes Sue (Shearer) to HH]

Box 60 [LH & HH]: Folders : 1. Travel correspondence, receipts, tickets, etc. 1958 LH & HH

2. Digest of Distinguished Hotels of Europe and letter, both from Howard Pehrson to HH

Box 62 [LH] : Folder: 12. Comrnents on JJ's writing, nd 144 [Correspondence cross-listing continued]

Box 63 [LH]: Folder: 21. Campaign literature - Fay T. Carpenter, 1954 [written on the sheet that of the 4th printing is a note Fay to LH]

23. [Note HH to LH, nd and HH Adm of Sol Handy Estate to Cus- tomer [photostat] [ca. 19341 on back of "The Buck in the Snow" I

26. [Includes note from Helen Chezney to [LH], nd -- "Wed - 15th" written on envelope] 27. . . . letter LH to HH, nd

Box 64 [ JJ] : Folders : 2. Army documents and correspondence 1942, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1956, nd

5. Columbia University Bulletin of Information 22 Jan 1944

6. World Federalist/World Government materials 1945-48

Box 65: Folder: 5. J. M. Turner - General Correspondence 1939, 1940, 1944 [contains promissory note signed by LH & HH and by Fay Dar- lene Turner]

SEE ALSO: Box 72 [Robinson Township Library Collection]: Folder 1 [photocopies] [Correspondence includes LH, Vera Newlin, Mrs. J. Teague (Ella) De Berard, James Eaton, Helen Z. Chezney, David & Susie Gelsanliter, and Evelyn Russell] SERIES 111: MANUSCRIPTS Rex Bollin Box 11

Box 11: Folders : 1. "Half Red Man" [draft #1] ch. 1-8 [carbon] [f. 1 of 31

2. ch. 9-14 [carbon] [f. 2 of 31

3. ch. 15-21 [carbon] [f. 3 of 31

4. "Half Red Man" [draft #2] drafts of ch. 1; includes old and new draft outlines [ carbon I [f. 1 of 41

5. ch. 1, 3-7 [carbon] [f. 2 of 41

6. ch. 8-11! 13 [carbon] [f. 3 of 41

7. ch. 14, 15 [?I, 16-21 [carbon, not ordered] [f. 4 of 41

Tom T. Chamales Box 12

Box 12: Folders : 1. "Never So Few" draft pages, 13 pp. [ca. Jul 19541

2. galley ch. 1-27 [f. 1 of 21

3. galley end of ch. 27-49 [f. 2 of 21

4. Newspaper clipping [photostat] - Never So Few 14 Dec 1956 [Robinson, Ill. newspaper]

5. Go Naked in the World [book] (New York: Charles Scribner' s Sons, 1959) [l clipping about the book enclosed] [Series I11 continued] Edwin (Sonny) Daly Boxes 13-15

Box 13: Folders : Brown paper wrapper for ms., annotated by LH, precedes first folder 1. "Some Must Watch" [draft #1] original typed draft, ch. 1-5 [f. 1 of 21

2. original typed draft, ch. 6-8 [f. 2 of 21

Box 14: Folders : 3. Material found on top of "Some Must Watch" ms.

4. Note about ms. to LH

5. "Some Must Watch1' [draft #2] ch. 1-6 [f. 1 of 33

6. ch. 7-14 [f. 2 of 31

7. ch. 15-23 [f. 3 of 31

8. "Some Must Watch" [carbon of draft #2?] ch. 1-10 [f. 1 of 21

9. ch. 11-23 [f. 2 of 21

Box 15: Folders : Brown paper wrapper for ms., annotated by LH, precedes first folder

10. "Some Must Watch" draft pages found with last draft [carbon] - [draft #3]

11. "Some Must Watch" [draft #3] last draft [carbon] ch. 1-4 [f. 1 of 31

12. last draft [carbon] ch. 5-7 [f. 2 of 31 [Series 111, box 15 continued] 13. last draft [carbonl ch. 8-11 [f. 3 of 31

14. galley

William H. Duhart Boxes 16-17

Box 16: Folders : 1. "The Big Snatch" ch. 1-7 [carbon] [f. 1 of 31

2. ch. 8-15 [carbon] [f. 2 of 31

3. ch. 16-22 [carbon] [f. 3 of 31

Box 17: Folders : 4. "The Deadly Pay-Off" ch. 1-6 [handwritten pages, edited carbons, final (?) car- bons; [cardboard annotated by LH identifying the ms. included] [f. 1 of 21

5. ch. 7-21 [some handwritten, most typed carbons] [f. 2 of 21

Masking tape annotated "William Duhart" by LH [between folders]

6. "Men Go Halves" ch. 1-5 [f. 1 of 41

7. ch. 6-10 [f. 2 of 41

8. ch. 11-14, 16 [incomplete]-18 [f. 3 of 41

9. ch. 15, 5, 10 [incomplete], 20 [incomplete]-23 [incomplete] [f. 4 of 41

10. Off-Beat: Detective Story Magazine, Jan 1962; Con- tains 2 short stories by William H. Duhart: "Darling of Hate! I' and "Let's Die, My Sweet! " (under the pseudonym of "Wallace Downs"); given to LH & HH and autographed by Duhart [Series I11 continued] Lowney Handy Boxes 18-19

Box 18: Folders : 1. H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings 1883 (Boris de Zirkoff, compiler. Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1950); book annotated by LH

2. Two Spiral Note Pads [notes for novel "For Spacious Skies"]

3. Notes [character sketches for unknown story, word lists, quotations, etc.]

4. "Early American Glass"

5. [No title, 3 pp. ; written by LH?]

6. [Drafts and final version of theme on childhood memories, 6/23/1936; notes on Cyrano de Bergeracl

7. Novel proposals [for novels based on Turner family and Tennessee history]

8. Notes for Cherokee Novel

9. Notes for "Riches to Bitches" [?I and Notes for "Left- Handed Irish"

10. Notes and workbook on mountain dialect

11. Newspaper clippings on the Welsh murders, Moor murders, and J. M. Turner [1931, 1932, 1953, nd]

12. "The Van Martin Murder Case" (ch. 1, pp. 1-4); also the sections for the "Coroner's Inquest" and the "Sheriff's Report"

13. Spiral note pad [used by LH and unknown other] and two character sketches

14. Essays [nd] - "Discipleship in the New Age," "A Treatise on White Magic," "Discipleship in the New Age, Part XII," "Esoteric Astrology"

15. "Discovering a Genius," "What Constitutes a genius"

16. Summary of [no title - Mollie May Flowers, main character?]

17. Seven ms. pages concerning writers

Box 19: Folders : 18. "Notes on my book, L. Handy, Novel begun 1937. Robinson 193 " [Series 111, box 19 continued] 19. "The Death of a Mountain" ch. 1-3 [carbon]

20. "Brittle Arms" ch. 1-4, pp. 1-55 [carbon]

21. "But Answer Came There None1' ch. 1-7, pp. 1-62 [carbon] [f. 1 of 181

22. ch. 1-5 [carbon] [f. 2 of 181

23. ch. 1 drafts [f. 3 of 181

24. ch. 1, pp. 1-7 [f. 4 of 181

25. ch. 1-2, pp. 10-35 [f. 5 of 181

26. ch. 2, pp. 11, 14-28 [f. 6 of 181

27. ch. 2-3, pp. 20-57 [f. 7 of 181

28. ch. 2-6, pp. 8, 23-92 [f. 8 of 181

29. ch. 3-4, pp. 27-57 [f. 9 of 181

30. ch. 4-5, pp. 65-92 [f. 10 of 181

31. ch. 5, pp. 77-85 [f. 11 of 181

33. ch. 7, pp. 86-92 [pages numbered 100-106 in pencil] [f. 13 of 181

34. ch. 7-10, pp. 57-120 [carbon] [f. 14 of 181

35. ch. 8-10, pp. 116-151 [f. 15 of 181

36. ch. 9-10, pp. 118-144 [f. 16 of 181 150 [Series 111, box 19 continued] 37. ch. 9-13, pp. 132-195 [f. 17 of 181

38. Notes; extra pages [some original pages, some carbon pages] [f. 18 of 181

39. "Under the Sea, Under the Heaven" pp. 1-6, 8-28, 29

James Jones Boxes 20-34

Box 20: Folders : 1. Untitled piece for English lOOC [ca. 1942, University of Hawaii?]

2. A Book Report on "The Red Badge of Courage" - 12 Oct 1942, English 262 [University of Hawaii?]

3. Character notes for untitled play [ca. 19461

4. "The Way It Is" Draft - 5200 words [ca. 19471

5. Original Galley Proof of "The Temper of Steel" by JJ Published in Atlantic, Mar 1948

6. "Greater Love" Manuscript with personal notes Includes Shakespearean quote and scribbled notes on folder

7. WW I1 ringed notebooks containing notes for "From Here to Eternity" and "Laughter"

8. "Death - A Study in Agony"

9. "None Sing So Wildly" Draft including a letter Lowney Handy to Fay [Carpenter] regarding this work

10. "Just Like the Girl" Old Draft - 1948

11. "Notes made by James Jones Prior to writing From Here to Eternity - Notebook with studies from Tom Uzzell's book on Technique"

12. pp. 2-7 [carbon] draft of National Book Award Ceremony Speech [1952]; National Book Award Ceremony Speech, 1952, [annotated by LH]

13. Circus Section [annotations by JJ and LH; ca. 19531 [unfinished sketch for a movie script, written at the request of actor Burt Lancaster; see LH to Vera Newlin, 4/23/[53] attached to LH to Vera Newlin, postmark 7/6/56 - Box 72, f. 11 [Series 111, box 20 continued] 14. Circus Section [carbon; ca. 19531

Box 21: Folders : 1. "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" [draft #11 notes, list of characters, first draft ch. 1-5 [f. 1 of 41

2. ch. 8-12 [f. 2 of 41

3. ch. 14, 15, [161, 17, 18 [f. 3 of 41

4. ch. 19-24 [f. 4 of 41

5. "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" [draft #2] prologue, ch. 1-4 [carbon] [f. 1 of 41

6. ch. 5-10 [carbon] [f. 2 of 41

7. ch. 11-17 [carbon] [f. 3 of 41

8. ch. 18-24, epilogue [carbon] [f. 4 of 41

Box 22: Folders: part of a folder that is annotated "1st draft Jim's novel" by LH: precedes first folder

9. "They Shall Inherit the Laughter" [draft #3] ch. 1-5 [f. 1 of 51

10. ch. 6-11 [f. 2 of 51

11. ch. 11-20 [f. 3 of 51

12. ch. 21-30 [f. 4 of 51

13. ch. 31-36 [f. 5 of 51 152 [Series I11 continued] Box 23: Folders : 1. Notes - "From Here to Eternity"

2. "From Here to Eternity" - Old Draft [carbon] First 200 pages - submitted to Maxwell Perkins, ca. 1946

3. "From Here to Eternity" - manuscript pages including Jones' penciled notes and criticisms from other writers; story sketches, including "What the Veteran Expects When He Comes Home. . . "

4. "From Here to Eternity1' 2nd Trial - Rewrite - Unfinished draft

5. "From Here to Eternity" draft pages - ch. 19

Box 24: Folders : 6. "From Here to Eternity" [carbon with corrections by JJ] ch. 1-5 [f. 1 of 101

7. ch. 6-9 [f. 2 of 101

8. ch. 10-14 [f. 3 of 101

9. ch. 15-19 [f. 4 of 101

10. ch. 20-25 [f. 5 of 101

11. ch. 26-30 [f. 6 of 101

12. ch. 31-37 [f. 7 of 101

Box 25: Folders : 13. ch. 38-42 [f. 8 of 101

14. ch. 43-49 [f. 9 of 101

15. ch. 50-55 [f. 10 of 101 [Series 111, box 25 continued] 16. "From Here to Eternity/'Mangesr Galley Proofs" ch. 1-9 [f. 1 of 81

17. end of ch. 9 through ch. 17 [f. 2 of 81

18. ch. 18-27 [f. 3 of 81

19. end of ch. 27-38 [f. 4 of 81

20. end of ch. 38-44 [f. 5 of 81

Box 26: Folders: 21. end of ch. 44-51 [f. 6 of 81

22. end of ch. 51-57 [f. 7 of 81

23. Portions of chapters; includes ch. 16, 37, 42, 54, last chapter [f. 8 of 81

24. "From Here to Eternity/Galley Proofs - Unexpurgated" ch. 1-20 [f. 1 of 31

25. end of ch. 20-middle of ch. 39 [f. 2 of 31

26. middle of ch. 39-57 [f. 3 of 31

Box 27: Books [foreign editions of From Here to Eternity]:

Harifran Till Evigheten (Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Verlag, 1954) [Swedish ed. 1

Tant qu'il y aura des hommes ... (Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1952) [French ed.]

's Levens Taptoe (Amsterdam: Scheltens & Giltay, nd; volume II?) [Dutch ed.] 154 [Series I11 continued] Box 28: Folders : 1. "Some Came Running" rejected pages 2. "Some Came Running" "original draft chapts 37-38" 3. "Some Came Runningn/ms. copy ch. 1-9 [f. 1 of 121 4. ch. 10-17 [f. 2 of 121 5. ch. 18-24 [f. 3 of 121 6. ch. 25-32 [f. 4 of 121

Box 29: Folders: 7. ch. 33-38 [f. 5 of 121 8. ch. 39-43 [f. 6 of 121 9. ch. 44-48 [f. 7 of 121 10. ch. 49-53 [f. 8 of 121 11. ch. 54-60 [f. 9 of 121

Box 30: Folders : 12. ch. 61-66 [f. 10 of 121

14. ch. 71-Epilogue [f. 12 of 121 15. "Some Came RunningW/ms. copy ch. 1-5 [f. 1 of 171 [Series 111, box 30 continued] 16. ch. 6-10 [f. 2 of 171

17. ch. 11-16 [f. 3 of 171

Box 31: Folders : 18. ch. 17-21 [f. 4 of 171

19. ch. 22-25 [f. 5 of 171

20. ch. 26-30 [f. 6 of 171

21. ch. 31-34 [f. 7 of 171

23. ch. 39-42 [f. 9 of 171

Box 32: Folders : 24. ch. 43-45 [f. 10 of 171

25. ch. 46-49 [f. 11 of 171

26. ch. 50-53 [f. 12 of 171

28. ch. 59-62 [f. 14 of 171

29. ch. 63-66 [f. 15 of 171

Box 33: Folders : 30. ch. 68-70 [f. 16 of 171

31. ch. 71-76 [f. 17 of 171 156 [Series 111, box 33 continued] 32. "Some Came RunningM/Galley ch. 1-beginning of ch. 22 [f. 1 of 63

33. ch. 22-middle of ch. 38 [f. 2 of 61

34. middle of ch. 38-48 [f. 3 of 61

35. end of ch. 48-middle of ch. 59 [f. 4 of 61

Box 34: Folders: 36. middle of ch. 59-middle of ch. 66 [f. 5 of 61

37. middle of ch. 66-Epilogue [f. 6 of 61

Edward Kurtz Boxes 35-36

Box 35: Folders: 1. General Correspondence 1955

[?I Edward Kurtz 1/25/55 -- PC [class grade]

[?I Edward Kurtz 1/27/55 -- PC [class grade]

2-6. Unordered, untitled manuscript [~a.19571 [f. 1-5 of 71

Box 36: Folders: 7-8. Unordered, untitled manuscript [ca. 19571 [f. 6-7 of 71

Jere Peacock Boxes 37-44

Box 37: Folders: 1. General Correspondence 1960-1962

Walter J. Jere Peacock 4/28/60 4/27/60 TLS Minton [Series 111, box 37, folder 1 continued] Walter J. Jere Peacock nd 8/18/60 TLS Minton

Jere Peacock G. P. Putnam 5/2/60 5/2/60 return receipt [orig] for reg mail Attachments: Jere Peacock G. P. Putnam 5/2/60 5/2/60 return receipt [oris] for reg mail [2 pp. of notes handwritten by LH?] [?I Jere Peacock 5/9/60 -- env Jere Peacock Dorothy Thompson 5/3/60 4/29/60 return receipt [orig] for reg mail

Dorothea Jere Peacock 11/15/61 -- ACS (Mrs. John H. ) Mitchell Beers

[Jere Peacock] Walter J. Minton no env 4/15/61 TL [partial draft I

Jere Peacock Walter J. Minton no env 7/21/61 TLS [carbon]

Jere Peacock Ned Brown no env 11/12/62 TL [partial draft 1

Jere Peacock Ned Brown no env 11/12/62 TL [partial draft 1

Jere Peacock Ned Brown no env 11/13/62 TL [partial draft 1

Jere Peacock Ned Brown no env 12/14/62 TL [partial draft with carbon]

Jere Peacock Ned Brown no env 12/16/62 TL [partial draft]

Jere Peacock Ned Brown no env 12/16/62 TL [partial draft ]

Tom Daniels Jere Peacock 8/17/62 Friday,l6 ALS

Jere Peacock Walter Minton no env 11/11/62 TLS [draft]

Renato Misani Jere Peacock 5/22/62 5/22/62 ALS family of Dr. Jere Peacock 7/18/62 -- C Earl Hick Mitchell

Roselind Jere Peacock 10/1/62 10/2/62 ALS Vasquez

Roselind Jere Peacock 10/8/62 10/8/62 ALS Vasquez 158 [Series 111, box 37, folder 1 continued] Also: unfinished, incomplete draft of a letter, original and carbon, found with letter drafts to Ned Brown and Wal- ter Minton, 1962

2. Notes for ["Valhalla"?], untitled stories, and about LH; quotes; and "Orders and Instructions for Personnel Con- fined in Camp Brig, " dated 8/55, annotated 3/12/ny 3. "Valhalla" original drafts of ch. 1 & 2

4. "Valhalla"/original ms. ch. 1-3 [f. 1 of 61

5. ch. 4-7 [f. 2 of 61

6. ch. 8-13 [f. 3 of 61 7. ch. 14-21 [f. 4 of 61

8. ch. 22-28 [f. 5 of 61

9. ch. 29-34 [f. 6 of 61

Box 38: Folders : 10. "Valhalla"/Galley stamped [8?]/31/60

11. "Valhalla"/Galley stamped 9/23/60 ch. 1-12 [f. 1 of 21

12. ch. 13-34 [f. 2 of 21 13. "Valhalla"/Galley dated 10/10/60 ch. 1-12 [f. 1 of 21

14. end of ch. 12-34 [f. 2 of 21 15. 2 reviews of Valhalla, dated 1/8/61 and 1/22/61 [Series I11 continued] Box 39: Books: Valhalla (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1961)

Walhalla (Baarn, Netherlands : De Boekeri j, 1961) [Dutch edi- tion; autographed to LH by Jere Peacock]

Box 40: Folders : 1-6. "Big Rock Candy Mountain," unordered [f. 1-6 of 61

7. "Big Rock Candy Mountai-n" "A Rain of Ashesn/Jere Peacock/changes in original draft of Big Rock Candy Mountain"

Box 41: Folders : 8. "Big Rock Candy Mountain" ch. 25 [incomplete]

9-14. "Big Rock Candy Mountain," unordered [f. 1-6 of 61

Box 42: Folders : Brown paper used to wrap ms., annot-ated by LH, precedes first folder.

15. "Big Rock Candy Mountain"/Book I1 ch. 1-7 [carbon] [f. 1 of 51

16. ch. 8-15 [carbon] [f. 2 of 51

17. ch. 16-24 [carbon] if. 3 of 51

18. ch. 25-35 [carbon] [f. 4 of 51

19. ch. 36-44 [carbon] [f. 5 of 51

Box 43: Folders : 1. "Gotterdammerunq"/["To Drill and Die"] notes, character sketches, scenes, plots, reject pages ch. 1 [Series 111, box 43 continued] 2. "Gotterdammerung"/["To Drill and Die"] reject pages from ch. 1 3. "Gotterdammerung"/["To Drill and Die"] reject pages from ch. 1, 8, 11 [f. 1 of 41

4. reject pages from ch. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 [f. 2 of 41

5. reject pages from ch. 1, 2, 3 [f. 3 of 41

6. reject pages from ch. 1, 2, 8 [f. 4 of 41

7. "Gotterdammerung"/["To Drill and Dien]--edited by Walter Mint.on ch. 1-8 [f. 1 of 21

8. ch. 9-15 [ch. 15--original and carbon] [f. 2 of 21

Box 44: Folders : 9. "To Drill and Die"/["Gotterdammerung"] "new outline," character sketches [notes from Annette Hunsaker (of SSU Archives) and paper used to wrap manuscript included] 10. "To Drill and Die"/["Gotterdamrnerung"l--reject pages from first draft ch. 1, 3, 16 [f. 1 of 61

11. ch. 17-20 [f. 2 of 61 12. ch. 21 [f. 3 of 61

13. ch. 22 [f. 4 of 61 14. ch. 23, 24 [f. 5 of 61 15. ch. 25, 26 [f. 6 of 61 [Series I11 continued] Howard Pehrson Box 45

Box 45: Folders : 1. Correspondence 1958

Howard Pehrson LH 6/22/58 Sunday TLS [also dated Sunday afternoon, Thursday, and Saturday, all TLS]

Howard Pehrson LH 6/30/58 Sunday TLS Enclosure: Howard Pehrson Richard Gilston -- 6/29/58 TL [carbon]

2. "Now Is Not Forever" ch. 1-7 [f. 1 of 41

3. ch. 8-12 [f. 2 of 41

4. ch. 13-21 [f. 3 of 41

5. ch. 22-24 [2 versions], 26-29, p. 1 of ch. 30 [f. 4 of 41

Charles Robb Boxes 46-48

Box 46: Folders: 1. General Correspondence 1953, 1954, 1956, 1957, nd

Donald T. Robb Charles T. Robb 5/31/53 5/31/53 ALS [ 1 clipping enclosed] Enclosure: Mrs. Donald T. Charles Robb - - Sunday ALS Robb

[Charles Robb] [Columbia no env [ca. 19531 TL[draft] University]

[Charles Robbl [Columbia no env [ca. 19531 TL [draft] University]

[Charles Robbl [Columbia no env [ca. 19531 TL [draft] University]

[Charles Robb] [Columbia no env [ca. 19531 TL [draft] University] Attachments (2) : 162 [Series 111, box 46, folder 1 continued] Louis M. "To the Students -- 1/4/54 TLS Hacker, Dean, of General Studies" Columbia University Columbia Charles Robb 1/4/54 -- env University [first day of issue envelope and stamp (Columbia University 1754-1954)l Donald T. Robb Charles T. Robb 8/1/56 8/1/56 ALS

C. Robb Miss McCleary no env -- AL [draft] Also: 4 sheets with TL drafts [both sides], no env, nd

2. Correspondence to LH [between 1953 and 19561 [includes some ch. of his ms.]

Charles [Robb] LH no env -- ALS

Charles [Robb] LH no env -- TL Charles [Robb] LH no env -- TL Charles [Robb] LH no env -- TL [draft]

Charles [Robb] LH no env - - TL [draft]

Charles [Robb] LH no env -- TLS

Charles [Robb] LH no env -- TLS

Charles [Robb] LH no env -- TLS

Charles [Robbl LH no env -- TL [chapter (?), pp. 1-9, attachedl

Charles [Robb] LH no env - - TLS [chapter (?), pp. 1-8 with duplicates of pp. 2 & 3, attached]

Two processing notes precede folder 3. 3. Address label (to Robb) from 1953 and reflective, autobio- graphical note written by Robb in 1954 4. Newspaper clipping about beauty, nd

5. Class Essay - "Of Alexander the Great" 9/23/ny 6. Note cards: personal thoughts, story ideas, notes for novel "After Dinner Cenotaph", character sketches [Series 111, box 46 continued] 7. Copied poetry

8. Book - Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois (Chicago: Illinois State Planning Cornrnission/Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Waterways, Mar 1939)

9. Material found in book - Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois: pamphlet "Bill for Selective Compulsory Military Training and Service" aimed toward the general public; letter written by the Illinois State Planning Commission about the book; 1 personal letter:

Mrs. J. K. Priscilla Robb 8/18/54 Tuesday ALS Roberts (Aunt Marian)

10. Personal journal, 2 tourist brochures from Vandalia, Ill. [found in Charles Robb's trunk]

11. [Copying, notes for story about oil company?], manila envelope

12. Sailing terms, personal thoughts, "Fragmentary doings," story/novel ideas, diary pages, note card written by unknown person

13. Notes on LH and others

14. Notes on writing,diary/personal thoughts, "The Meathouse" [ "After Dinner Cenotaph1'?] [found in Charles Robb's trunk]

15. Unclassified typed-pages

16. Typed copies of portions other authors' works

17. Short stories, essays [some untitled; includes "Dorman University," "The Temp- tress," "Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis"]

Box 47: Folders : 18-20. Scenes/Skits/Assignments not ordered [f. 19 includes an undated, unsigned letter]

21. Comments from LH to Robb about Robb's writing

22. Gail Tatlock-Badgely Diary [by Robb; Gail is a fictional character]

23. Manuscript pages involving Gail Tatlock 164 [Series 111, box 47 continued]

24. Notes for writing [and for "After Dinner Cenotaph"?]

25. Notes for "After Dinner Cenotaph"

26. Drafts of pages of "After Dinner Cenotaph," not ordered [f. 1 of 71

Box 48: Folders : 27-32. Draft pages of "After Dinner Cenotaph," not ordered [f. 29 includes unidentified pages and f. 30 includes comments by LH] [f. 2-7 of 71

33. Drafts of ch. 1,2 of "After Dinner Cenotaph," not well ordered

34. Original and carbon drafts of ch. 1-2 of "After Dinner Cenotaph"

35. First draft of "After Dinner Cenotaph" ch. 4[?]-6 [f. 1 of 41

36. ch. 7-9 [f. 2 of 41

37. ch. 10-11 [complete?] [f. 3 of 41

38. ch. 12-15 [complete?] [f. 4 of 41

39. "After Dinner Cenotaph" [draft #2] ch. 1-5 [incomplete] [f. 1 of 21

40. ch. 6-15 [incomplete] [f. 2 of 21

41. "After Dinner Cenotaph" [draft #3] ch. 1-6 [carbon; includes some comments by LH] [f. 1 of 31

42. ch. 7-12 [carbon; includes some comments by LH] [f. 2 of 31

43. ch. 13-15 [carbon; includes some extra pages] [f. 3 of 31

44. Reject [?I pages of "After Dinner Cenotaph"

45. "After Dinner Cenotaph" [draft #4] ch. 1-4 [f. 1 of 81 [Series 111, box 48 continued] 46. ch. 5 [incomplete] - 6 [f. 2 of 81

47. ch. 7-9 [f. 3 of 81

48. ch. 10-11, 13 [incomplete], 14 [f. 4 of 83

49. Notes relating to "After Dinner Cenotaph1' [f. 5 of 81

50. "After Dinner Cenotaph" [draft #4] ch. 1-5 [carbon] [f. 6 of 81

51. ch. 6-8 [carbon] [f. 7 of 81

52. ch. 10 [incomplete], 12, 14-15 [carbon] [f. 8 of 81

Jerry Tschappat/"Gerald Tesch" Boxes 49-52

Box 49: Folders : 1. General Correspondence 1953, 1954, [ca. 1955?1, 1956, [ca. 1957?], nd

Jerry Dad & Mabel no env 6/11/53 ALS [Tschappat 1

[Jerry Curly-Top, John no env 3/19/54 TL [incomplete Tschappat] & Rog draft1

Jerry LH no env [ca. 1955?] TLS [Tschappatl [annotated by LH]

Gerald Tesch "Folks" no env 11/1/56 TL [incomplete [Jerry Tschappat] draft]

[Jerry [ LHI no env [ca. 1957?] TL Tschappatl [comments on what he is writing and doing]

[Jerry Mom & John & Rog no env Sunday TL [carbon, Tschappatl incomplete draft]

Jerry Tschappat Cliff no env nd TL [incom- plete draft]

Jerry Tschappat Cliff no env nd TL [carbon, incomplete draft] [Series 111, box 49 continued] 2. [start of a short story about a "jujjy jo-jo"; found with "The Alley Titanic" ms.]

3. "Never the Same Again" character sketches, personal and discarded pages

4. "Never the Same Again" scenes

5. "Never the Same Again" scenes; mostly discarded pages

6. "Never the Same AgainM/First draft or early draft [draft #1] ch. 1-9 [carbons and/or originals] [f. 1 of 21

7. ch. 11, 14-20 [carbons and/or originals] [f. 2 of 21

Box 50: Folders : 8. "Never the Same Againn/Early draft [draft #2] ch. 1-2

9. "Never the Same Againn/Early draft [draft #3] ch. 4, 7 [f. 1 of 21

10. ch. 10, 12, 28 [f. 2 of 21

11. "Never the Same Again" [draft #4] Original copy - first draft ch. 2 [incomplete], 3, 6 [formerly 41, 7 [formerly 51 [f. 1 of 41

12. ch. 2 [carbons and/or originals, incomplete] [moved here] [f. 2 of 41

13. Original copy - first draft ch. 6-13 [f. 3 of 41

14. Original copy - first draft ch. 14-20 [f. 4 of 41

15. "Never the Same Againn/Discarded pages ch. 1 [f. 1 of 121

16. ch. 2 [f. 2 of 121 [Series 111, box 50 continued] 17. ch. 2 [f. 3 of 121

18. ch. 3, 4 [f. 4 of 121

19. ch. 5-7 [f. 5 of 121

20. ch. 8-11 [f. 6 of 121

21. ch. 12-16 [f. 7 of 121

22. ch. 17-19 [f. 8 of 121

23. ch. 20-22 [f. 9 of 121

24. ch. 23-28 [f. 10 of 121

25. ch. 29-35 [f. 11 of 121

26. ch. 65 [f. 12 of 121

27. "Never the Same Again" [draft #5] ch. 1-2 [f. 1 of 61

28. ch. 3-5 [f. 2 of 61

29. ch. 6-10 [f. 3 of 61

Box 51: Folders: 30. "Never the Same Again" [draft #5] ch. 1-4 [carbon; includes paper in which it had been wrapped] [f. 4 of 61

31. ch. 5-10 [carbon] [f. 5 of 61

32. ch. 11 [original (incomplete) and carbon (complete)] [f. 6 of 61 168 [Series 111, box 51 continued] 33. "Never the Same Again" [draft #6] ch. 1-4 [carbon; original order] [f. 1 of 101

34. ch. 5-11 [carbon; original order] [f. 2 of 101

35. ch. 12-18 [carbon; original order] [f. 3 of 101

36. ch. 19-23 [carbon; original order] [f. 4 of 101

37. ch. 24-30 [carbon; original order] [f. 5 of 101

38. ch. 31-35 [carbon; original order] [f. 6 of 101

39. ch. 1-4 [original; revised order; includes paper in which it had been wrapped] [f. 7 of 101

40. ch. 5-13 [original; revised order] [f. 8 of 101

41. ch. 14-24 [original; revised order] [f. 9 of 101

42. ch. 25-32 [original; revised order] [f. 10 of 101

43. "Never the Same Again" Galley - MCA [includes paper in which it had been wrapped]

44. "Never the Same Again" Galley

Box 52: Folders : 1. "The Alley Titanic" ch. 1, 3-12 [originally numbered ch. [f. 1 of 31

2. ch. 13, 14, 16-21 [originally numbered ch. 9, 11-15, 211 [f. 2 of 31

3. ch. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 or 28 [originally numbered ch. 23-29] includes notes for ch. 23, 25-26, 26 [formerly 281, 27 If. 3 of 31

4. "The Alley Titanic" Discarded pages [Series I11 continued] Charles Stevenson Wright Boxes 53-55

Box 53: Folders : Preceding first folder: portion of carton in which Wright Mss were found, annotated by LH.

1. Photographs [nd]

2. Army Documents and Pamphlet [1954, 19571

3. Booklet from Haile Selassie's visit [ca. 19451, business card for Alexander's Funeral Home [nd], funeral program for Dora Hughes [1958], 2 lists of addresses [nd]

4. Insurance policies 1945, 1948, 1954

5. General Correspondence 1953, 1955-57, nd

Charles (Sonny) Mrs. Dora 1/2/53 1/2/53 ALS Wright (Grandma) Hughes

Mrs. Dora J. Charles ("Sonie") 9/20/55 9/20/55 ALS Hughes S. Wright

Grand Ma Charles S. Wright 1/4/56 -- CS (Mrs. Dora J. Hughes) Enclosure: D. J. Hughes "Sonie" [Charles -- 1/3/56 ALS Wright ]

Mrs. Dora J. Charles S. Wright 6/3/56 -- -- Hughes Enclosure: Dick Charles [Wright] -- 5/18/56 ALS

Kathryn G. Charles Wright no env 3/21/57 TLS [photostat] Messner

Grandma Mrs. Hughes no env nd AL Jones [?I

6. Correspondence - Kenneth L. Feldhaus to Charles S. Wright [I9561

Kenneth L. Charles S. Wright no env 8/13/56 TL [p. 1 only] Feldhaus

Kenneth [Charles Wright] no env 8/26/56 TLS [p. 2 only] [Feldhaus]

Kenneth L. Charles [Wright] no env 8/31/56 TLS Feldhaus also 9/1/56 170 [Series 111, box 53, folder 6 continued] Kenneth [Charles Wright] no env 9/12/56 TLS [p. 3 only] [FeldhausI

7. Correspondence from LH 4 Feb 1955, 17 Feb 1956

Charlie [Wright] no env 2/4/55 TLS

Charlie [Wright] no env 2/17/56 TLS

8. Clippings on JJ, LH, HH, Handy Colony [includes 1 photocopied clipping]

9. Clippings - includes clippings on Jazz and Korea 10. Typed copies of portions of other authors' works 11. "All Is Not Lost" [missing p. 11

12. "The Death of Bernice" [incomplete]

13. "A Long, Rainy Day" [handwritten, incomplete]

14. "The Watersf [sic] of Time" [includes 1 post card concerning material sent to Wright c/o Joseph Eason]

Railway Express Handy Colony 11/13/56 -- TPC [undeliver- Agency, Inc . able shipment]

15. "The Natives Are Restless Tonight" [incomplete]

16. "Chic White Woman" 17. "Remembering Korea" 18. "Something Worthwhile"

19. Loose pages of manuscripts [includes 1 post card concerning material sent from Handy Colony]

Railway Express Charles S. Wright 5/9/57 -- TPC [notice] Agency, Inc. & Joseph Eason

20. "The Highest Tension" working notes, comments from Lownev [Series 111, box 53 continued] 21. "The Highest Tension" draft pages [no page or chapter numbers] 22. "The Highest Tension" idea developed while in New York [includes note to LH, ndl 23. "The Highest Tension" [not ordered; complete?] 24. "The Highest Tension" draft pages [not ordered; incomplete]

Box 54: Folders : 25. "The Highest Tension" draft pages [little order] 26. "The Highest Tension" draft pages [most pages ordered; incomplete] includes ch. 1-4, 6 [formerly 51, 7, 9-11, 13, 15, 17, 18 27. "The Highest Tension" draft pages, redone page [most pages ordered; incomplete] includes pages from ch. 1, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16 28. Comments from Lowney 29. "The Highest Tension" [draft #I] ch. 4-10, 13-17 [incomplete chapters] 30. "The Highest Tension" draft pages [carbons and/or originals] mostly pages from ch. 1, 4, 10, 13, 16, i8 31. "The Highest Tension" [draft #2] ch. 1-7 [carbon, some original pages; incomplete] [f. 1 of 23 32. ch. 8-18 [carbon, some original pages; incomplete] [f. 2 of 21

Box 55: Folders : 33. "The Highest Tensionn/Revisions from [draft #2] ch. 5, 7-12 [some incomplete] [f. 1 of 21 34. ch. 13-17 [complete?] [f. 2 of 21 35. "The Highest Tension" [draft #3] ch. 1-5, 7-18 [carbon, some original pages] 172 [Series 111, box 55 continued] 36. "The Highest Tension" revisions from [draft #3] [mostly discarded pages] 37. "The Highest Tension" [draft #4] ch. 1-7 [f. 1 of 21 38. ch. 8-12, 14-20 [f. 2 of 21 39. "The Highest Tension" [draft #5] ch. 1-8 [carbon; complete] [f. 1 of 21 40. ch. 9-20 [carbon; complete] [f. 2 of 21

Manuscripts A-I Box 56

Box 56: Folders : 1. Fay Turner Carpenter Swain - General Correspondence/l950, 1963

Fay [Turner Mrs. [Sol] Handy no env 11/21/50 TL Carpenter] Robert Taft, Mrs. William C. 3/28/63 3/28/63 TLS Jr . Swain Enclosures: GUY [?I "Honie" [?I - - - - ALS Hon. Fay Carpenter 4/6/63 env only -- Swain

2. Fay Turner Carpenter-Swain to Mrs. John F. Kennedy [ca. 19621 [photostats of the telegram]

3. Fay Turner Carpenter Swain - "Learn to Limp," ch. 2, pp. 8-11, with annotations by LH

4. Fay Turner Carpenter Swain - "Learn to Limp" [includes ch. 1, 2, 5, 12, 9?], with annotations by LH

5. Paul Desautels - "All Things Have Their Season"

6. Robert B. Drew - General Correspondence 1951

Robert B. Drew Mother no env 8/25/51 TLS [Series 111, box 56 continued] 7. Robert B. Drew - "The Sun at Noon" ch. 1-7 [original] [f. 1 of 21

8. Robert B. Drew - "The Sun at Noon" ch. 8-12 [original] [f. 2 of 21

9. Harry E. Handy - "Book of Notes, Commenced in the Summer of 1957, Completed ?I1

10. Harry E. Handy - manuscript draft of chapter 4 of "Turnar- ound," with comments by Lowney Handy and clippings attached

11. Max Henry - "Big Hole Playground"

Manuscripts J-K Box 57

Box 57: Folders : 12. G. [Jeff] W. Jones - General Correspondence 1943

G. W. Jones Arnold Gingrich no env 7/22/43 TL [carbonj [refers to poems JJ had written]

13. Jeff [G. W.] Jones - "A Rhyme in Time" [carbon] a play written/finished 9/3/46 [includes (original?) folder]

14. Mary Ann Jones - General Correspondence 1951

Department of Mary Ann Jones 8/21/51 -- TPC Public Safety/ Drivers' License Section

Hollywood "Friend" no env [ca. 6/51] form letter Social Register

Mrs. Alice G. Miss Marion [sic] none [1951?] C Thomas Jones

15. [Mary Ann Jones?] - llAvatars of the Bitch (Love and Death), pp. 1-23

16. Mary Ann Jones - 1951; plot ideas and character sketches

17. [Mary Ann Jones] - pp. 1-2 of novel, "Flame for Tears" [later titled "The Third Time You Killed Me"] Also - pp. 1-4, 6-15, 17-43, 62-74 of "Scene one" 174 [Series 111, box 57 continued] 18. Mary Ann Jones - "The Third Time You Killed Me" [draft #1] original typescript, ch. 1-5 [2 drafts of some pages] [ch. 1 titled "Flame for Tears;" ch. 2 on titled "Third Time;" includes Tad Stone's address written by LH? ]

19. Mary Ann Jones - "The Third Time You Killed Me" [draft #1] original typescript of ch. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 [not ordered]

20. Mary Ann Jones - "The Third Time You Killed Me" [draft #2] ch. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 [original, some carbons] [f. 1 of 21

21. Mary Ann Jones - "The Third Time You Killed Me" [draft #2] ch. 7-11 [original] [f. 2 of 21

22. Robert Kendall - General Correspondence 1963

Martin I. Robert Kendall no env 2/1/63 TLS Cooley [annotated "Please return" by ?I

23. Robert Kendall - White Teacher in a Black School (New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1964) [Kendall's book, autographed to Harold Turner]

Manuscripts L-Z Box 58

Box 58: Folders : 24. [Willard Lindsay?] - General Correspondence, nd

Elinore Willie none nd CS

25. Willard Lindsay - "Busy Day" manuscript draft and copies of published version with annotations by Lowney Handy

26. James Monaghan - "Servant of the People;" Play [carbon; includes paper in which it had been wrapped]

27. Lewis Padgett - "The Fairy Chessman," in Astounding, 1/46 [first of 2 parts; some annotations by LH]

28. Alvin Pevehouse - "The Kachina Dolls," in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, 5/57 [annotated by LH] [also contains Breni Pevehouse's (Alvin Pevehouse's wife) story "So Refreshing!"] 1 -1 5 [Series 111, box 58 continued] 29. Walter Rippy - "Only Suckers Fall," "An Unworthy Man," and "A Daring Venture" [handwritten short story manuscripts sent to Lowney Handy from Virginia Penitentiary, 5/53]

30. Eddie Shearer - General Correspondence 1951

"Admiral Baker" Eddie Shearer & LH 7/13/51 7/12/51 ALS

"Admiral Baker" Eddie Shearer & LH 7/16/51 7/14/51 ALS

31. Edwin Shearer - "Two Days," short story manuscript, pp. 1-20 [complete]

32. [apparently by Professor Tom Uzzell] - Notes on Narrative Technique from black 3-ringed binder]

33. Thomas H. Uzzell - The Twilight of Self-Government (Boston: Bruce Humphries Publishers, 1961) [Uzzellfs book; p. 124 annotated by LH?]

34. Unsigned, untitled manuscripts

35. Unsigned manuscript copy, "The Bachelor and the Bobby- Soxer," 3-act play 36. Unsigned manuscript draft, "Smith Just Bid and Made a Slam at This Table," 5 pp.

37. Unsigned typescript copy of The Great Gatsby, pp. 8-29. MANUSCRIPTS CROSS-LISTING

[Manuscripts not found in Series 1111

Box 3: Folders : 5. Oct 1948 6 pp., "Unchartered Freedom" by LH, enclosed in LH to HH, postmark 10/9/48

5 pp., "To Touch the Stars" by LH in LH to HH, postmark 10/23/48

9. Feb 1949 "Only a Poor Fool Never Schooled in the Whirlpool" by [LH?] in LH to JJ, postmark [2/5/49?]

"The Story of a Story," a love story by LH for JJ in LH to JJ, postmark [2/5/49?1

10. Mar 1949 ch. 1, pp. 2, 3 [carbons] of "Answer" by LH in LH to HH, postmark 3/14/49 ch. 3, pp. 4, 5, 6, 8 [carbons] of "Answer" by LH in LH to HH, postmark 3/24/49 ch. 1, p. 8 and ch. 4, p. 5 of "Answer" by LH in LH to HH, dated Saturday 13/26/49] which is enclosed with JJ to HH, postmark 3/26/49

11. Apr 1949 ch. 4, pp. 1-9 [carbons] of "Answer" by LH, annotated "1st version" by HH in LH to HH, postmark 4/2/49

12. May 1949 pp. 1-5 of "Never a Cross" by LH in LH to HH, postmark 5/3/49

28. Feb - Dec 1953 "The Curbstone Critic" by Gary Adamson in Springfield (Mo.) Leader- Press, 2/12/53 in LH to HH, postmark [3/6/53]

Box 6: Folder: 2. Correspondence to Tinks and Iva Howe

"The Literary Novel" [photocopy] by Tom Uzzell in Willie Lindsay to Tinks Howe [photocopy], postmark 4/11/49

"To Spite Your Face" [photocopy] by Don Sackrider follows LH to Tinks Howe [also enclosed: JJ to Tinks and Willie (Lindsay) to Tinks] [pho- tocopies], postmark 8/19/49 [Manuscripts cross-listing continued] Box 7: Folders : 59. 1959 A-B funeral [prayer card?] for Tom Chamales in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 1/26/59

60. 1959 C-L obituary for Sonny Daly's father in envelope [LH] to Mr. & Mrs. Alvin W. Jemison

"Die in My Embrace, Darling!" by Bi 11 Duhart published in Keyhole Detec- tive Stories Magazine, 1/62 autographed by Duhart to HH & LH] which contains letter Bill Duhart .o LH, dated 11/20/61

Box 8: Folders : 80. 1962 D-H "Friend in Deed" by Shelby Harrison in Manhunt, 8/62, contains letter Shelby (Shelly) Harrison to LH, postmark [6/21/62]

precis for To Die in Bed [carbon] by Winston S. McLean attached to Winston S. McLean to Walter J. Minton [carbon] in envelope Winston S McLean to LH, postmark 3/4/62

83. 1962 N-R "Three Tales for the Horrid at Heart" by "Brad SteigerM/Gene Olson in Fantastic, 1/63, p. 69 autographed, in Gene Olson to LH, postmark 12/22/62

Box 9: Folder: 90. 1963 N-Z circular for The Twilight of Self-Government by Thomas H. Uzzell in Thomas H. Uzzell to LH, postmark 7/9/63

Box 63: Folder: 30. [includes clipping of opinion by Robert Kendall on movie -Go Naked in the World [ca. 196011 178 [Manuscripts cross-listing continued] Box 73: Folder: 3. Published Stories - James Jones "Greater Love," in Collier's, 6/30/51, pp. 18-19, 58-60

"Two Legs for the Two of Us," in Esquire, 9/51, pp. 43, 100, 103

"~ivingin a Trailer," in Holiday, 7/52, pp. 74-76, 78-79, 81, 83, 120

SEE ALSO: Box 72 [Robinson Township Library Collection]: Folders 2, 3, 15 [all photocopies] SERIES IV: PERSONAL PAPERS Harry Handy Box 59

Box 59: Folders: 1. Correspondence, addresses, ration identification folder wit.h 2 credit cards for Texaco, insurance card 1945-47, nd Includes :

Sue [Shearer] HH 11/4/45 11/4/45 APCS [included with pages from an address book]

2. Clippings, programs, newsletter, address, horoscope by LH for HH 1949, 1951, 1955, [ca. 19581, nd

3. Memory book, register of visitors, and floral cards, 1963 [HH' s funeral]

Harry Handy and Lowney Handy Trip to Spain Memorabilia, 1958 Box 60

Box 60: Folders : 1. Travel correspondence, receipts, tickets, etc. 1958

2. Digest of Distinguished Hotels of Europe and letter, both from Howard Pehrson to HH, 1958

3. Tourist pamphlets/booklets from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; France; Italy 1958

4. France Dimanche [French newspaper], week of 28 Aug - 3 Sep 1958 Semana [Spanish magazinel, 26 Aug 1958

5. Spanish National Tourist Office information, newspaper clip- ping on Spain, and trip itinerary, 1958

6. Tourist guides and maps for Spain, 1958

7. Post cards from Spain [not mailed], 1958

8. Spain - stationery, program, book, hotel pamphlet 1958 [Series IV continued] Lowney Handy Boxes 61-63

Box 61: Folders : 1. Address books and notes 2 B. V., nd

2. Personal phone and address books 2 B. V., nd [includes clipping of house plan]

3. Commonplace books 3 B. V., nd

4. Commonplace books 2 B. V.; one dated Apr-May 1962, other nd [dated book has Jere J. Peacock's signature and unknown person's writing on inside cover]

Box 62: Folders : 5. Addresses, stamps [LH?] , unused post cards - nd [First address note [Maera] has JJrs practice signature on reverse side]

6. Photostat of drawing sent to LH by Father Jerome [John Hawes], [25?] Mar 1940 [see box 72, folder 10, clipping dated 7/29/50 and box 73, folder 71

7. Album containing assorted clippings and notes on Eastern religions, n d

8. "The Road to the Horizon" by Marjory Stoneman Douglas in The Saturday ~veningPost, 2/22/41; annotated by LH

9. Book - The Master and the Modern Spirit (New York: Roland Publishinq Company, 1925)

10. Book - New Pictorial Atlas of the World (rev. ed., Chicago: The Geographical Publishing Company, 1940 Census ed., 1941)

11. Newspaper clipping about Jim Jones found in Lowney Handy's red wallet [annotated "Louella Parsons S. F. Examiner May 28, 1953"l

12. Comments on JJ's writing, nd

13. Advice to Colony writers, nd

14. Notes from students to LH, nd [Series IV, box 62 continued] 15. Page from spiral notebook, nd

16. Handwritten copy of letter-sender, recipient, and person who copied unknown, notes [people, characters, writing, Eastern religion], quotes, clipping - nd

17. "Now and Then," bulletin of The Midwestern Writers' Con- ference, Feb 1951

18. Article on LH [photostat] from The Miami Herald, 17 Jan 1954

19. Notes dated 29 May 1963 [reflections on widowhood and her life, written by LH]

Box 63: Folders : 20. Crawford County Country Club newsletters [ca. 1935 or 19401 [LH involved in producing them?]

21. Campaign literature for Fay T. Carpenter, 1954 [3rd and 4th printings]; on sheet from 4th printing is note Fay to [LH]

22. Needlepoint pattern and Victorian fashions from Godey' sf nd

23. Memorabilia - 1948, 1963, nd [includes note HH to LH, nd; letter (photostat) HH, Adm of Sol Handy Estate to Customer [ca. 19341 on back of "The Buck in the Snow1']

24. Books - lists and orders 1948, nd

25. Brochures for Valley Trailer Park and Pan-American Trailers; Maps of Florida, Miami, Southeastern and Middle Atlantic States, 1950, 1956, nd

26. Notes [l note from Helen Chezney; other notes on people, religion, personal opinion], 2 Baptist booklets, memorabilia 1941, 1942, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1954, [ca. 19631, nd

27. Clippings, nd; letter LH to HH, nd

28. Clippings 1948 [some annotated by LH]

29. Clippings 1950, 1952, [ca. 19541, 1961, 1962, 1963, nd [some annotated by LH] 182 [Series IV, box 63 continued] 30. Clippings [includes opinion by Robert Kendall about movie Go Naked in the World [ca. 196011 1952, [ca. 19601, 1961, 1962, nd [some annotated by LH]

31. Fireplace book plate

32. House of the Week House Plans - 1963 33. Duplicates of photostats of letters to LH 1950, 1951, 1954, 1956

James Jones Box '64

Box 64: Folders : 1. Photostat of a map written in Spanish [original map dated 17791, nd New Mexico area?]

2. Army documents and correspondence 1942, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1956, nd [includes 1 unidentified photograph]

JJ lst/Sgt F. (Frank) none 4/6/43 ALS J. Wendson [envelope annotated by LH]

Prather JJ -- 8/5/ [43] telegram Kennedy General Hospital

Al W. [last JJ 10/11/43 -- ALS name Illegible]

Veteran' s JJ 7/10/44 7/10/44 Form P-80a Administration ["Award of Disability or Pension" form]

LH Veteran's no env 11/22/47 TL[carbon] Administration Contact Office [p. 1 only; clipping attached]

3. [JJ? - "Confidential/Special Orders No. 153," dated 7 Jun 1943 - 2 copies] 4. Military speech by Wm. A. McCulloch, 12 Feb 1943

5. Columbia University Bulletin of Information 22 Jan 1944

6. World Federalist/World Government material 1945-48 [Series IV, box 64 continued] 7. Business card annotated by JJ [I9461

8. Book Club offering of From Here to Eternity [ca. 19511

9. Will, dated 13 Mar 1951

10. Receipt 1953

11. Notes [some for characters in From Here to Eternity] and addresses, nd

12. Jones - signed box cover, nd

13. Articles - From Here to ~~ernityand JJ [photostats and originals] 1951, [ca. 19531, 1955

14. Duplicates of photostats of letters to JJ 1950, 1951, 1956

Personal Papers A-Z Box 65

Box 65: Folders : 1. Lee Butcher - "The Most Imperfect Day of My Life," nd

2. A. C. Carpenter - Memorabilia 1905, 1914, 1915

3. Sol Handy - Memorabilia, also handwritten will 1928, 1931, 1933, 1934, nd

4. Earl Turner - "How my Home Town Handles the Traffic," nd

5. J. M. Turner - General Correspondence 1939, 1940, 1944 Illinois Tax Honorable J. M. 12/30/39 12/29/39 TL Commission Turner

United States Hon. J. M. Turner none 1940 Congressional Senate Record ["An Answer to Lindberqh," a radio address by Hon. James F. Byrnes and "Why We Must ~ave-selective,~om~ulsor~-~ilitar~ Training and Service" enclosed]

University of J. M. Turner no env 8/25/44 TLS Illinois/Bursar [receipt for Fay Darlene Turner's note and original promissory note dated 10/12/37, signed by HH, LH, and Fay enclosed]

6. J. M. Turner - Speciman ballot, card, and handbills - 1936, obituary - p. 1, The Marshall Herald, 7/10/59


[Personal Papers found outside Series IVI

Box 3: Folder: 28. Feb - Dec 1953 clipping, "A Live Symbol of His Party Goes to Democrat on Birthday," in The Kansas City Star, 2/16/53 in LH to HH, postmark [3/6/53] [Earl Turner]

Box 7: Folder: 55. 1958 A-N membership card for JJ in United World Federalists and various cards belonging to LH in John Gainfort to [William] Duhart, postmark 7/29/58 [filed under Duhart]

Box 8: Folder: 85. 1962 T-Z clipping of unofficial vote tally, Harold Turner running for County Treasurer in Margaret Turner to LH, postmark 11/16/62

SEE ALSO: Box 72 [Robinson Township Library Collection]: Folders : 7. Obituaries - James Jones 1977 [photocopies] 8. Eulogies for James Jones 1977, 1978, 1980 [photocopies] SERIES V: ARTICLES AND CLIPPINGS Boxes 66-67

Box 66: Folders: 1. James Jones, 1950-51

Ad for From Here to Eternity from cover of Publishers' Weekly, 16 Dec 1950

"A Second-Rate, 800 Page, Rotten Bundle of Filth," by Basil Woon, from San Francisco News [2 typewritten pages, 19511

"The First Column," by Leo A. Lerner in Chicago [?I newspaper [ca. 19511

"Quick Predicts. . . . New Novelist . . .," in Quick, 22 Jan 1951, p. 63

"Controversial Book's Author Resided Here," by Ann Conger, The Albuqu- erque Tribune, annotated date 26 Feb [23 Feb 1951, annotated by LH]

"Tough and Tormented, This Was the Army to Mr. Jones," by David Dempsey for , 25 Feb 1951 [photocopy of proof "Filed for the record"]

"A Tidelike Novel, Huge and Powerful," by Gene Baro, New York Herald Tribune Book Review, 25 Feb 1951, p. 7

"The March Fiction Selection" for the Book-of-the-Month Club, Inc. [I9511

"Publishers Add $10,000 to 'Eternity' Publicity," editor and LH, Robin- son Daily News, 13 Mar 1951, p. 1

"Mirror & Spyglass," by B. Lee Pace, Colorado Springs, 30 Mar 1951 [photostat]

"It's Very Hard on the Nervous System," by Sheila John Daly, in Chicago Sunday Tribune: Magazine of Books, 24 Jun 1951, p. 4; also, p. 2 - list - "Best Sellers in Midwest" [p. 1 annotations by LH]

The New York Times Book Review, 1 Jul 1951, p. 8, list of best sellers

The New York Times Book Review, 15 Jul 1951, p. 8, list of best sellers

"James Jones," New York Herald Tribune Book Review, 7 Oct 1951, p. 8

2. James Jones, 1952-55

"All in a Lifetime" [tearsheet], column by Judd Arnett [ca. 19521

"In and Out of Books," by David Dempsey, in The New York Times Book Review, 3 Feb 1952, p. 8; also, list of best sellers, p. 8

"Author Donates $30,000 to Pals," by Leonard Lyons in Miami Daily News, 18 Feb 1952, p. 12-A 186 [Series V, box 66, folder 2 continued] The New York Times Book Review, 2 Mar 1952, list of best sellers, p. 8

"Voice of the Reader," in Chicago Sunday Tribune: Magazine of Books, 27 Apr 1952, part 4-p. 13, "Social Criticism" by W. A. B.

Photocopy of newspaper clipping found in Lowney Handy's red wallet; annotated "Louella Parsons S. F. Examiner May 28, 1953" [original in Box 62, folder 111

"From Here to Inanity--An Editorial," in New York World-Telegram, 3 Sep 1953 [photostat]

"People," in --Time, 14 Sep 1953, pp. 53-54

"In and Out of Books," by Harvey Bright, and "Best Sellers" in The New York Times Book Review, 27 Sep 1953, p. 8; also, list of best sellers, p. 8

"James Jones: Another 'Eternity'?" by Robert E. Cantwell in Newsweek, 23 Nov 1953, pp. 102, 103, 104, 106, 107

Cartoon depiction of "Holiday Traffic Accident" with caption of "From Here to Eternity," in The Miami Herald, 22 Dec 1953, p. 6A

"Jim Jones Sued by Postal Clerk on Eternity Novel," in Robinson Daily News, 26 Mar 1954, D. 1

"New Champ Goes on a Spree," photographs by Bern Keating, in Pageant, Jun 1954, pp. 36-43

"From Ballet to Eternity--We're Awed," by Judy Miller in Indiana Daily Student, 10 Feb 1955, p. 1; also, in fold, program from London's Festi- val Ballet, 8 & 9 Feb 1955 at the Indiana University Auditorium [program was not originally with the newspaper]

"Life of a Best-Selling Author," by John Keasler in St. Louis Post- Dispatch, 10 Apr 1955, p. 2-1

"It's Snowballing . . ." in column by Bob Considine in -The Cincinnati Enquirer, 24 Oct 1955, p. 18

"On the Line," by Bob Considine in Cincinnati Post and Times Dispatch, 24 Oct [I9551 [newspaper name annotated by HH]

Envelope annotated "Considine Column Cincinnati Enquirer and Denver Post October 24, 1955" by HH [Considine column in Denver Post not found]

3. James Jones, 1957-59, 1961, 1962, 1982

"Marshall, Illinois," by James Jones, paintings by W. W. Meese in Ford Times, Mar 1957, pp. 52-57 [cover annotated by LH]

"In Praise of the Yahoo," by Edmund Fuller in Saturday Review, 11 Jan 1958, p. 13 187 [Series V, box 66, folder 3 continued] "Authors: From Here to Eternity," in Newsweek, 13 Jan 1958, pp. 89-90 [annotated by LH]

"It Nappened Last Night," by Earl Wilson; "Things Looking Up in Europe --Especially Prices in Dear Paris," nd

"The Art of Fiction XXIII: James Jones," an interview with James Jones by Nelson W. Aldrich, Jr. in Paris Review, 1959, pp. 34-55 [annotations by LH; note Ned to LH, annotated by LH, attached]

"Itrs News to Me," by Herb Caen [ca. 19611

"Mr. Jones," no source [ca. 19621

"Novelist James Jones Re Hollywood: 'Film Rights Help Novelists Eat"' [ca. 19621

"James Jones on Latest Novel," by Maurice Dolbier in Los Angeles Times Calendar, 18 Mar 1962, p. 22

"From Kentucky to 'Eternityr," in Courier-Journal Magazine [Louisville, KY], 18 Apr 1982, pp. 11-13, 32-34, 36-37

4. From movie "From Here to Eternity" 1953, nd

"'Eternityf Premiere Is Set," by Kate Cameron in New York Sunday News, 26 Ju1 1953, sec 11, p. 2 [Photostat is stuck to the original.]

"The Movie of the Month--'From Here to Eternityr," in Motion Picture and Television Magazine, nov 1953, p. 54

Magazine [?I clipping of photo of signing a copy of From --Here to Eternity, nd [back of clipping annotated "Jim Jones" (with arrow) by LH; part of JJ cut off]

5. Lowney Handy and the Colony, 1954-57, 1964

"Lowneyrs Faith an Inspiration to Young Writers," by Pat Gray in ---The Miami --Herald, 17 Jan 1954, p. 14-BR; also, a photostat of the article "Our Unsung Industry Deserves a Song," in Clark County Democrat, 4 Mar 19.54, p. 1

"Writersr Concentration Camp," by Marianne Besser in Writer's Digest, Sep 1955, pp. 30-34, 65, 72-73

I! ~rs.ny Handy's Curious Colony," by David Ray in Chicago Magazine, Sep 1956, pp. 22-27

"Housemother Knows Best," in --Time, 12 Nov 1956, pp. 127-128, 130 "L,cwney Handy Colony Produces Second 'First Novelist' in a Year," in

[Robinson-- Daily News?], 14 Dec 1956, [p. I?; photostat] 18 8 [Series V, box 66, folder 5 continued] "Writer's Colony," in The Miami Herald, 27 Jan 1957, no page [news- paper and date were typed on the article]

"Lowneyls Boys," by Walter Wray in Saturday Review, 23 Mar 1957, p. 13 Also: "Young Man in America . . .," by Oliver LaFarge, pp. 12-13 [about Edwin (Sonny) Daly]

"She Makes Writers Out of Tough Guys," ad for article in Chicago Daily Tribune, 13 Jul 1957, P Part 1-p. 14, R Part 1-p. 16

"Lowney Handy's Colony Turning Out Novels," by William Leonard, in Bos- ton Sunday Herald, 4 Aug 1957, sec I, A, p. 3

"A Tribute to Lowney Handy," by Leslie G. Rennon in Sunday Courier and Press (Evansville, Indiana)--Sunday Look Magazine, 5 Jul 1964, p. 20

6. Willard Lindsay, 1949

"In and Out of Town," by Victor L. Smith in The Robinson Argus, 3 Mar 1949, p. 4

7. Tom Chamales, 1956, 1957, 1960, nd

"Lowney Handy Colony Produces Second 'First Novelist' in a Year," in [Robinson Daily News?], 14 Dec 1956 [p. I?] [photostat]

"Author Sells First Novel to Movies for $300,000," by Pat Mangan in The Miami Herald, 24 Jan 1957, sec B, p. 1

Two-page ad for Never So Few, in Publishers' Weekly, 18 Feb 1957, pp. 58-59 "'Never So Few,' Author: Tom T. Chamales," by Maxwell Geismar in Satur- day Review, 23 Mar 1957, p. 12

"Small War in the Jungle," by David Dempsey in The New York Times Book Review, 24 Mar 1957, p. 4 "Books of the Times," by Orville Prescott in The New York Times, 27 Mar 1957, no page [about Chamales' book Never So Few]

"Chamales Defends Movie's Substance," by Dick Williams in Mirror News [Los Angeles] , 7 Jan 1960, part 11, p. 3 "Personality Parade," annotated "Chicago Herald American last summer," [photostatI

8. Jere Peacock, 1960, 1961 "The Bystander," by Robert Cromie, Editor of Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books, 28 Aug 1960, part 4, p. 4 18 9 [Series V, box 66, folder 8 continued] "Marines at Ease," by David Dempsey in The New York Times Book Review, p. 4 [annotated by LH]

"After Korea? Boredom, Booze," by Robert E. Anderson in Atlanta Journal: New Books, 15 Jan 1961, p. 2-B

nPeacock's New Novel will Make Money, But--" by Jack McPhaul in Chicago Sun-Times, 22 Jan 1961, sec 111, p. 4

Ad for Valhalla placed by Brentano's/booksellers to the world in Wash- ington Post, 29 Jan 1961, p. A9

"What America Reads" [book list] in Herald Tribune Book Review, 29 Jan 1961, p. 28 [annotated by LH]

"'Blockbusterf Lands; Greeted with a Yawn," by Richard Gehman in Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books, 15 Jan [I9611 [p. 3?] [annotated by LH I Attached: "The Bystander," by Robert Cromie, Editor of Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books, 22 Jan 1961, part 4, p. 9 [annotated by LH]

9. Other Colony Writers, 1952, 1956

"Mary Ann Jones Found Dead at Writers Colony," in Robinson Daily News, 5 Jun 1952, p. 1

Ad for Never the Same Again by Gerald Tesch [Jerry Tschappat], placed by G. P. Putnamfs Sons in Publishers' Weekly, 2 Jul 1956 [photostat]

10. Harry Handy, 1948, 1953, 1957

"Refining Marketing executive^,^ in Republican-Courier, Findlay, Ohio, 11 June 1948, no page

"H. E. Handy Appointed Manager of Ohio Oil Refinery; D. L. Winsett Sup- erintendent" in Robinson Argus, 31 Dec 1953, p. 1

"Behind Her Success Stands Her Husband," by Pat Mangan in The Miami Herald, 3 Feb 1957, no page

"Erratic Driving Brings Reckless Driving Charge Against Harry Handy," in Robinson Argus, 9 May 1957, p. 4

11. Ohio Oil Company, 1950, nd

"Indian Joins Staff Ohio Oil Engineers Here," unknown source and date

"Invite Public to Open House at Ohio Office," and "Many Local Homes, Buildings and Local Dealers Without Coal; Most Local Industries Using Oil, Gas," in Robinson Daily News, 24 Feb 1950, p. 1 190 [Series V, box 66, folder 11 continued] "The Ohio Oil company Holds Formal Opening of New Building," in Terre Haute Tribune-Star, 26 Feb 1950 [Ohio Oil section], p. 2

12. Sol Handy/J. M. Turner, 1934, nd

"Primary Results," Marshall, Ill. paper, nd, p. 1

"Votes Cast at Democratic Primary in Clark County, Tuesday, April 10, 1939" [Marshall, Ill. paper?]

Speciman ballot for Democratic Party, [from Marshall, Ill. paper?], nd

13. Sol Handy, 1932, 1934

"Handy is Your Candidate," no source, annotated 1932 by LH

"Sol Handy Kills Self at Marshall," Robinson Daily News, 3 May 1934, P. 1

"Final Tribute for Sol Handy Sunday 2 p. m.," Robinson Daily News, 4 May 1934, p. 1

14. James M. Turner, 1934, 1942, 1956, 1959, nd

"20 or More Reasons Why You Should Vote for Turner for Sheriff," no source, nd

"Sheriff Turner Making a Great Campaign," Marshall, Ill. paper, 10 Oct 1934, no pag e

"Democratic Nominees Express Appreciation," Clark County Democrat, 18 Apr 1934, p. 1

"J. M. Turner Democratic Candidate for State Representative" in -The Charleston Daily Courier, 1942

"Jim Turner Defeated in Legislative Race Was Well Known Here," in -The Robinson Argus, nd, p. 7

"Honors 76th Birthday last Monday," in The Marshall Herald, 13 Jan 1956, P. 1 "Former Representative Died Here Last Friday," in Clark County Democrat, 9 Jul 1959, p. 1

"Prominent Citizen Dies in Marshall," in The Marshall Herald, 10 Jul 1959, p. 1

15. Other Turners, 1956

Just below "Both Parties Meet and Organize," in The Marshall Herald, 27 Apr 1956, p. 1 [Andy Turner] 1. 91 [Series V, box 66, folder 15 continued] Social Column, 2nd column, 6th paragraph, "Mrs. Wayne Turner," in The Marshall Herald, 25 May 1956, p. 8 [2nd paragraph of 2nd column mentions Turners related to LHI

Box 67: Folders : 1. League for Industrial Democracy Publications 1937, 1938, 1942

Sering, Paul. What Is Folksocialism? (A Critical Analysis). (Harriet Young and Mary Fox, tr. New York: League for Industrial Democracy, Feb 1937. )

Lend, Evelyn. The Underground Struggle in Germany. (New York: Leag:le for Industrial Democracy, Aug 1938. )

Laidler, Harry W., ed. Maximum Production: Warfare and Welfare. (New York: League for Industrial Democracy, 1942.)

2. Chambers, Dana. Darling, This Is Death. (New York: The Jonathan Press, Inc. by special arrangement with Dial Press, 1945. )

3. Scott Nearing Pamphlets, ca. 1945-48

"A Warless World," Part IV of -War by Scott Nearing. (Reprinted with Permission of Vanguard Press, New York. [Ridgewood, NJ?], nd.) [2 copies]

"An ABC of Communism." ([Ridgewood, NJ?], nd.)

"The Rise and Decline of Christian Civilization." ( [Ridgewood, NJ?], nd.) [2 copies]

"The Way of the Transgressor." [leaflet] ([Philadelphia, PA?], nd.)

"War and Peace" [leaflet], reprint from World Events. ([Philadelphia, FA?], nd.) [2 copies]

4. Book Catalogues 1949, 1950, 1954, 1957, nd

5. Magazines 1945, 1954, 1958, 1962, 1963 [some with annotations by LH]

The American Legion Magazine, Sep 1945

Time, 11 Oct 1954

Confidential, Jul 1954 192 [Series V, box 67, folder 5 continued]

--Time, 8 Sep 1958 The American Abroad, Sep 1958

News Front, Sep 1958

News Front, Oct 1958

Piewsweek, 22 Jan 1962

Spotlighting Missouri, Spring 1963

6. Magazine Clippings 1943, 1945, 1955, 1959, 1960, 1963, nd

Article about Elks War Commission merit certificates in the Elks Maga- zine, p. 1, Dec 1943

"If You Write About the War," by Irwin Shaw in The Saturday Review of Literature, 17 Feb 1945, pp. 5-6

The Saturday Review of Literature, 7 Jul 1945

Time, 7 Feb 1955, p. 30 [Dinah Shorefs face cut out]

Arizona Days and Ways Magazine, 11 Oct 1959, pp. 27-30

"The Mystery of Sleep," in Awake!, 8 Apr 1960, pp. 13-16

-Los Angeles Time Calendar, 21 Apr 1963, pp. 29, 30 "A Legend Cut Down to Life Size," by Lewis Nichols in The New York Times Book Review, 12 May 1963, pp. 6, 24 [about John Dillinger]

"The College Girl Who Learned About Men," by Levi Raunch, no source, pp. 46-47 only [annotated by Fay Carpenter(?); Tom Chamalesf address and phone number attached]

"The Big Bite," a column by Norman Mailer and "Sing the Ballad of the Sad Saint," by Norman Mailer, in Esquire, Dec ny, pp. 168, 169 respectively

"The Agent as Catalyst," by Tennessee Williams in Esquire, Dec ny, pp. 216-218, 261, 262, 264

Four pp., 1 sheet from center of unknown magazine, center is Old Crow ad; no source, nd

7. Newspapers, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1961, 1963

The Robinson Argus, 14 Oct 1954, sec 1

Robinson Daily News, 5 May 1955, sec 1, 2

Robinson Daily News, 6 May 1955, sec 1 [Series V, box 67, folder 7 continued] The Terre Haute Star, 28 May 1956, sec 1

Daily Blade-Tribune [California], 25 Oct 1957, sec 1

The New York Times, 7 May 1961, sec 5

The Terre Haute Tribune-Star, 28 Apr 1963, sec 1

8. Newspaper Clippings 1938, 1944, 1945, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1959, 1961, nd

"What a Man Does When Hers Alone," and "Red Hat for Danger" by Edward Shenton in This Week, pp. 11, 12 respectively

"Carrier Burns All Day After Jap Bombs Hit," by Morrie Landsberg in Chi- cago Sunday Tribune, 29 Oct 1944, pp. 1, 2

"Louella 0. Parsons in Hollywood," by Louella 0. Parsons in Pictorial Review, 3 Dec 1944, [p. 15-P?]

Three articles dealing with veterans, [Robinson, Ill.], 13 Sep 1945, p. 1

Articles on Vincennes [Indiana] levee and janitor who went "berserk" in post office from Robinson Daily News, 16 Jan 1950, p. 1

"Morningside Heights," photographed by Gjon Mili in Life, [ca. 19521, pp. 70-77

Ad for Herman Woukrs book, The Caine Mutiny, from the Herald Tribune Book Review, 3 Feb 1952, p. 7 [annotated by LH; typed note attached ]

"Jets Unable to Overtake Flying Saucers," Robinson Daily News, 28 Jul 1952, p. 1

"Aussies Place Kiss of Death 02 Mistletoe," Chicago Daily Tribune, 1 Mar 1954, part 111, p. 6 [annotated by LH]

"Brando Offered 'War and Peacer Lead but Selznick Block Looms," by Louella 0. Parsons in The Miami Herald, 25 Nov 1954, p. 8-A

Articles about houses from The Arizona Republic, 11 Oct 1959, sec V, PP. 1, 2 Paperback book lists from Herald Tribune Book Review-Paperback Section, 15 Jan 1961, pp. 7,8

Cartoon, no source, nd [annotated by Fay Carpenter?]

"J. Edgar Hoover: Laws collapsing," by Raymond J. Crowley, no source, 3 May ny [annotated by Fay Carpenter?]

"Occupation of Japan Could Be Ended in Year," by Ralph Teatsorth, no source, 14 Sep ny 194 [Series V, box 67, folder 8 continued] "St-olen Medal of Honor Found on AWOL Soldier in Chicago Night Club," no source, nd

"Draft Evader Gets Two Years," no source, 23 Oct ny

Fox Travel Bureau ad, no source, nd

Ad for dress pattern, [The Terre Haute Star?], nd

"Horse Balks, Jackie [Kennedy] Dives Clear," no source, nd

Article beginning "Mrs. Apple gave a splendid talk on China . . .," [Robinson Daily News], nd, p. 4

"'Gifts for Yanks Who Gave' Campaign" in Robinson Gaily News, 13 Sep ny; attached to "1,300,000 More Will Be ele eased by Next Christmas" in ---Chi- - cago Tribune, 14 Sep ny

"A Palpable Fraud (An Editorial)," no source, nd

"News His Wife Married Uncle Floors Yank," no source, 9 Sep ny

Article on Crawford County State Bank new officers, particularly E3aydr.i E. Heath, President and D. L. Morrow, Vice-President [article is torn and incomplete]; name Ted Meskimen was underlined, no source, nd, p. 1

"Would You Believe It," by Carl Sifakis, no source, nd

"Husbands Entertained by Tuesday Literary Guild," no source, nd

Ad for novel The Crowded Sky by Hank Searls, annotated "one of the pall bearers" by [?I, Mirror News, nd, p. 4

Second part of an article on Hitler, no source, nd [annotated by Fay Carpenter? 1

"The Barn Restaurant," no source, nd, p. 18 [annotated by LH]

"Trees Along Roads Limited in Variety," by R. E. Harman, no source, nd

"A Plant for Evey Need . . . Ornamental Juniper," by Chris L. Redondo, no source, nd

"Critic Takes Aim at Those Taking Pot Shots at Him!" by John Chapman, no source, nd [annotated by LH?]

"Reunion in the Reprints" and "Best Sellers in the Midwest," no source, nd

"Through the Years" [in "Drama," column by Robert Garland?], no source, nd 195 [Series V, box 67 continued] 9. Newsletter, Springfield Scene, no. 19, 24 May 1963 ["Vote Near on Banning Relief Funds to Strikers," gives high points of Robert L. Gibson's expert [legal] testimony before the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce]

10. Maps, Souvenirs, Brochures ca. 1937, 1956, nd The Cherokee Indians of the Qualla Reservation--Cherokee, NC, [ca. 19371 Also: newspaper clipping, "Great Winds May Batter A-Bomb Fleet" and "'Big Three'sounds Too Much Like Axis, Uno Told by Prelate," no source, 27 Jan ny

Brochure--"The Lanier Home: An Indiana Memorial," Madison, Ind., nd Also: "The J. F. D. Lanier State Memorial, " nd [signature on front, "Rachael Haigh or Height']

Road map of Pennsylvania, 1956 [Gettysburg circled] and Eastern U. S. [Atlantic] Road map of metropolitan St. Louis, nd [Shell]

Road map of metropolitan Chicago, 1956 [Shell] 196 ARTICLES AND CLIPPINGS CROSS-LISTING

[Articles and clippings found outside of Series V] Box 3: Folders : 14. Sep 1949 "Pikes Peak Region 'Does Somethingf For Your Rhetoric," Colorado Springs News, 2 Sep 1949, p. 1; article enclosed in LH to HH, postmark [9/27/49] [article mentions JJ, Willard Lindsay, LH, & HH]

18. Mar - Apr 1950 Column, "By George (by G. H. Mc)," about From Here to Eternity, no source, [Mar 19501, pp. 1, 6; in LH to JJ, postmark [3/15/50]

"Publish Jim Jones Novel Soon," [Robinson, Ill.], 16 Mar 1960, p. 1; in LH to JJ, postmark 4/3/50

19. May - Dec 1950 "Writing School Opens at Beach" and "Fort Myers Beach" in Fort Myers (Florida) News-Press, 6 Nov 1950, pp. 5, 3 respectively; in LH to HH, postmark [11/6/50]

20. Jan - Feb 1951 Ad for From Here to Eternity place by Parkerfs Book Store [FL] no source, nd ; in LH to HH, 2/3/51

"This Manfs Army" [carbon of typed copy] from The Atlantic, Mar 1951 [anno tated by JJ]; in JJ to HH, postmark [2/20/51?]

21. Mar - Sep 1951 "Beach Author Pens 'Sensation"' [Fort Myers, EL], nd; in JJ to HH, postmark [3/7/51?]

"Club Books Talk by Author Jones" in Fort Myers News-Press, 5 Mar 1951, no page; in LH to HH postmark 3/20/51

JJ mentioned in column "In Hollywood" by Erskine Johnson, [annotated -New York World-Telegram, 5 May 1951 by JJ] in LH to HH, postmark 9/27/51 Also enclosed in LH to HH, postmark 9/27/51: Column by Erskine Johnson, [annotated New York World-Telegram, 6 Sep by JJI

22. Oct 1951 "Small Talk," column by Ann Hollingsworth [on LH] in The Hollywood [Flo- rida] Sun-Tattler, 28 Sep 1951, p. 14; in LH to HH, postmark 10/1/51 197 [Articles and Clippings cross-listing, box 3 continued] 24. Jan - Feb 1952 "'Eternity' Gets Award at New York Dinner" in Fort Myers News-Press, 30 Jan 1952, p. 1; in LH to HH, postmark 2/1/52

25. Mar - May 1952 "'From Here to Eternityf Author Due in Florida," in column "Lions Den" in St. Petersburg Times, 22 Feb 1952, p. 38; in LH to HH, postmark 3/16/52

Ad for American Institute of Launderina which shows a wicture of ad that appeared in Life 17 May 19511 that includes a picture of LH; in LH to HH, postmark 4/15/52

28. Feb - Dec 1953 "Famous Author Enrolled at UA" in Arizona Wildcat [student newspaper at the University of Arizona], 6 Feb 1953, p. 1; in LH to HH, postmark 2/10/53

"'Eternity' Author James Jones Works on New Novel Here," by Micheline Keating in Tucson Daily Citizen, 12 Feb 1953, p. 10 [typed annotations by LH]; in LH to HH, postmark 2/13/53

"A Live Symbol f Hi rty Goes to Democrat on Birthday" in The Kansas City Star, 16 eb 1 in LH to HH, postmark [3/6/53] [gift of burro from JJ to Ea Tur Also enclosed in LH to HH, postmark [3/6/53] : "The Curbstone Critic," column by Gary Adamson [about JJ] in Springfield (Mo.) Leader-Press, 12 Feb 1953

Box 4: Folder: 31. 1957 "Mrs. Handy's Proteges Learn to Cook As Well As to Turn Out Best- Sellers," by Peg Savage in Hollywood (Fla.) Sun-Tattler, 21 Feb 1957, [P. 12-A?] 12 original copies of article]; in LH to HH, postmark 2/22/57

"James Jonesr Novel Took Him 6 Years," in column by Walter Winchell in The Miami Herald, 5 Mar 1957; in LH to HH, postmark 3/5/57

Box 5: Folder: 12. 1951 Review of From Here to Eternity in Yiddish with typed translation; translation annotated, signature illegible; in Scribner's - ? to JJ, postmark 6/1/51 198 [Articles and Clippings cross-listing continued] Box 6: Folders : 18. 1950 A-L Press release for book Constantino Brumidi, Michelangelo of the United States Capitol, by Myrtle Cheney ~urhock,nd; in Mrs. Sol Handy to HH, postmark 5/16/50

21. 1951 A-C "The Best Sellers," no source, [week of 2 Dec?]; and "Best Sellers" and "Best Renters" from The Retail Bookseller, Sep 1951, pp. 100-101; in Lee Barker to LH, postmark 11/9/51

"Among the Authors," by Frederic Babock in Chicago Sunday Tribune [1951]; in Fay [Carpenter] to LH, postmark 2/12/51

"James Jonesf Dead-End Young Werther: The Bum as American Culture Hero" [tearsheets], by Leslie A. Fiedler in Commentary, pp. 252-255; in Elliot E. Cohen to LH, postmark 9/10/51

37. 1953 A-B "'Here to Eternity': Navy Will Ban Showing Movie" in Springfield (Mo.) Daily News, 28 Aug 1953, [p. 6?]; in [Gary] Adamson to LH, postmark 8/28/53

40. 1953 N-Z "Inside Dope" (about LH, JJ, and the Colony) [photostat], by George F. Taubeneck in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration News, 11 Sep 1953, only pp. 18-19 (missing p. 1); attached to Sylvia Ritter [photostat], dated 11/17/5 3

Box 7: Folders : 53. 1957 A-L

"Flashbacks," [by Robert E. Kennedy in Chicago Times, 18 March 19571 (mentions JJfs marriage and Running); enclosed in Mary Rose Paul to JJ & Mrs. JJ, dated 4/12/57, which is enclosed in H [Helen] Chezney to LH, postmark 3/22/57

In envelope annotated "James Jones" by LH: Clipping about JJfs marriage: "From Haiti came tidings . . .," no source, [1957], p. 51; in envelope Charles Scribnerfs Sons [JJ?] to LH, postmark 4/11/57 In column "Cream for Your Morning Coffee," by Peg in The Republican Courier, 6 Apr 1957, p. 10 "Faces Big Job in Filming Jonesf New Story," by Hedda Hopper in Chicago Daily Tribune, 29 Mar 1957 [annotated by LH] "Out of the Lyons Den," by Leonard Lyons in the -Globe-Democrat, 30 Apr 1957, p. 1 ~ttachment[to Lyonsf column dated 30 Apr 19571: "Jones, Bride Going to Marshall," no source, [annotated date 4/29/57] 199 [Articles and Clippings cross-listing, box 7 continued] 54. 1957 M-Z "Best Seller List" [lists Never So Few by Tom Chamales] [week of 14 Apr?]; in Charles S. Wright to LH, postmark 4/16/57

59. 1959 A-B JJ mentioned in column by Fanny Butcher, no source, nd; in Ned Brown to LH, postmark 1/26/59

64. 1960 A-E "Novelistf s [Tom Chamales] Funeral Set for Thursday, " no source, 22 Mar [1960]; attached to Bill Duhart to LH, dated 3/22/60 Also attached: "Novelist [Tom Chamales] Dies of Suffocation in L. A. Fire," no source, 20 Mar [I9601

65. 1960 L-R "Fire Kills Husband [Tom Chamales] of Singer Helen OIConnell" in -Los Angeles Times, 21 Mar 1960, pp. 1, 2; in Marguerite Nearhoff to LH & HH, postmark 5/24/60 Also enclosed: "[Best-]Selling Author [Sulffocates in Fire," in Oceanside, Cal. paper, 21 Mar 1960

69. 1961 A-C "On the Hellship Lollipop," column by Herb Caen, no source, nd [mentions JJ]; in Frances Crane to LH, postmark 8/14/61

72. 1961 K "'Go Naked in the Worldf Is a Lurid Melodrama" (movie based on book of same title by Tom Chamales), by James Powers in The Hollywood Reporter, 16 January 1961; in Robert Kendall to LH, postmark 1/18/61

"Some Would Have Kept It: Man Who Returned $240,000" (about assignment Robert Kendall had given his students), in Los Angeles ~veningHerald Express, 22 Mar 1961, p. D-2; in Robert Kendall to LH, postmark 3/23/61

76. 1961 R-S Ad for movie Go Naked in the World, based on book by Tom Chamales, no source, nd; in A1 Repa to LH, postmark 1/12/61

Box 8: Folders: 80. 1962 D-H "Lions & Cubs" (includes article on JJ), in Time, 14 Sep 1962; in Irene Hain to Mr. Dystel [to LHI, postmark 9/26/62 Enclosed in Irene Hain to Mr. Dystel [to LH], postmark 9/26/62 (2): "Our Striving for Good," column by Judd Arnett in Detroit Free Press, 27 Feb 1962 [source and date were annotated by [?I; about JJ; photostat]; in Jim, Betty, and Carmen, nd 200 [Articles and Clippings cross-listing, box 8, folder 80 continued]

"James JoneslNew Novel Based on Guadalcanal," by Jerry OrLeary, Jr. in The Sunday Star [Washington, D. C.], 16 Sep 1962 [mentioned in letter Belva [Turner] to LH [ca. 9/62]

81. 1962 I-L From an unknown column [mention of JJ] no source, nd; in Mrs. G. A [Florence] Jones to LH, postmark 2/19/62 Also enclosed: From Tony Weitzel's column [mention of JJ], no source, nd

85. 1962 T-Z "Democrats Elected [Harold] Turner and Tedrick" and "Unofficial Vote in Clark County at Tuesday's Election," no source, nd; in Margaret Turner to LH, postmark 11/16/62

Box 12 [Tom T. Chamales] : Folder: 5. [clipping enclosed in book Go Naked in the World: "'Go Naked in the World"' in The Marshall Herald, nd]

Box 63: Folder: 21. Campaign literature - Fay T. Carpenter, 1954 [3rd & 4th printings] [running for House of Representatives from Indiana]

SEE ALSO: Box 72 [Robinson Township Library Collection]: Folders 3-6, 9-14 [all photocopies]

Box 73 [Oversize]: Folders 2, 4-7 1950, 1951, 1953, 1957

Box 74 [Oversize]: 1948, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1962 SERIES VI: PHOTOGRAPHS AND NEGATIVES Boxes 68-71

Box 68 [Life Photographs and Negatives, ca. 19511: Folders : 1. [Life?] Altered photographs and negatives of JJ

2. LH, HH, JJ, Don Sackrider, Willard Lindsay, Eddie Shearer, Bert Bliss, Robert Smith - photographs and negatives; also, nega- tives of "3 Turner Boys" [for identification of Turner boys see Vivian Turner McClellanfs book, One in the Middle, Box 72, folder 17, p. 2081

3. LH & JJ, photographs and negatives

4. LH & JJ, photographs

5. Florida Photographs, ca. 1951: JJ, LH, Robert Smith, Bert Bliss, Eddie Shearer; JJ

Box 69: Folders : 1. Tintype and photograph, labeled "grandfather's ..." [LH's grand- father?], nd

2. Photographs from JJ's childhood and negatives; some used in Life, 1951

3. Photographs and negatives of LH, "Bob," and unidentified others; 1938, [ca. 19421

4. Photographs - brittle, from LHfs or HHfs wallet; [ca. 1943; HH, LH, JJ, and the Handys' house in Robinson]

5. Japanese Pearl Harbor photographs, 12/7/1941

6. Army photographs, taken by JJ?, Hawaii, ca. 1941-2

7. Army photographs and negatives, taken by JJ?, Hawaii, ca 1941-42

8. Army photographs, taken by JJ?, Hawaii, ca. 1941-42

9. Photographs - "James Jonesf Army Pictures1' [taken in Robinson, ca. 1942-431

10. Photographs, Lowneyrs travels to Mexico, 1943

11. Photographs, negatives, and color transparencies of JJ and JJfs room [ca. late 1940s?] [contains photograph used in Chicago Sunday Tribune, 25 Feb 1951; see Box 72, folder 4 for photocopy]

12. Black-and-white photographs, LH & JJ in Mexico, nd 202 [Series VI, box 69 continued] 13. Color photographs, Guaymas, Mexico [ca. 19491

14. Grand Canyon color photographs [ca. 19491

15. Color photographs, Marshall, Ill. and the Colony [ca. 19521

16. Color photographs, Florida [ca. 19501

17. Photographs and negatives of JJ and Willard Lindsay; also, army photograph of JJ [ca. 1950, 19511

18. Photographs and negatives - Scribner's Store Window, LH & JJ in Jeep with trailer [Tucson, AZ?], and JJ at trailer camp [Tuc- son, AZ?] [ca. 1950, 19511

Ros 70: Folders : 19. Photographs - mostly of JJ, 2 group shots included [ca. 1950, 19511

20. Jeff Jones (G. W. Jones) photographs, used in --Life, 1951

21. Photographs of JJ [ca. 19511

22. Photographs of drawing of JJ [no later than Feb 1951; see clip- ping in box 3, folder 20, LH to HH, postmark 2/3/51]

23. Photographs of JJ and his Chrysler Imperial, [ca. 19511

24. Photographs, some color, Florida, 1951-54

25. Photographs "Mary Anne - Pictures & Negatives 16 Feb 1955" [date incorrect: Mary Ann Jones died 5 Jun 19521

26. Photographs and negatives of Sand Painti-ngs [ca. 1952, 19531

27. Color photographs of the Southwest [ca. 1952, 19531

28. Color photographs of JJ and LH in mountains in Arizona [Mt. Lernmon?, ca. 1952-531

29. Photographs and negatives, JJ, Montgomery Clift, Fred Zinneman - From Here to Eternity movie publicity, Jan 1953

30. Color and black-and-white photographs and negatives of LH, JJ and Montgomery Clift, Tuscon, AZ, 1953; labeled "Monty-Jim- Lowney Tucson, black & white negatives."

31. Photograph, negatives, and copies of photograph used in the Tucson Daily Citizen, 12 Feb 1953

32. LH & JJ in Tucson, AZ, Mar 1953 203 [Series VI, box 70 continued] 33. Photographs and negatives - burro, Hugh Miller(?), Earl Turner(?) - in Olathe, Kansas, Feb 1953 [see LH to HH, 2/19/53 - Box 3, folder 201

34. Photograph of JJ [similar to photograph in Newsweek, 23 Nov 19531 35. Photographs and negatives from The Miami Herald, 17 Dec 1953; photostat of article, 17 Jan 1954, included

Box 71: Folders: 36. Photographs and negatives - JJ trap shooting and Indian Village Trading Post [ca. mid-1950~1

37. Photographs of archery practice at JJfs house [ca. 1953-561

38. JJ & LH, photographic cut used in Terre Haute Tribune, 3/7/54 39. Handy Colony Photographs [ca. Aug 19541

40. Photographs and negatives from St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10 Apr 1955 41. Photographs and negatives -"James ~ones/Portrait,"used in St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10 Apr 1955

42. Photograph and photocopy moved from Stan Martindale to LH, postmark 28 May 1962; photograph [ca. 19561 - JJ, LH, Charlie Wright, Lyle Meyers, Edwin (Sonny) Daly

43. Photographs, "Jere - not to be used" [ca. 1960, 19611

44. Photographs - Jere Peacock, 12 Aug 1960

45. Photographs of Jere Peacock [ca. 19621

46. Negatives - Jere Peacock [ca. 1962; prints in folder 451

47. Photographs and negatives of HH, nd

48. Photographs - LH, nd 49. Original photograph used for LHfs book plate, nd

50. unidentified photograph of swimming pond [in Marshall?], nd

51. Slides and negatives - unidentified people; slides of LH and HH in Marshall, Ill.; slides of West and Southwest, nd; see folders 15 and 27 above for prints]

52. Miscellaneous photographs - [ca. 1951?], 1960, nd 53. Photograph of President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy [ca. 1961?] 20 4 Photographs and Negatives Cross-Listing

SEE ALSO: Box 72 [Robinson Township Library Collection]: Folder 1 [photocopies]

Box 73 [Oversize] : Folder 1. Photographs - oversize [ca. late 1940~1,1951, [ca. 19511 2 05 SERIES VII: ROBINSON TOWNSHIP LIBRARY COLLECTION, ONE IN THE MIDDLE BY VIVIAN TURNER McCLELLAN Box 72

Box 72: Folders : 1. Correspondence 1950-54, 1956, 1957, 1977, nd

Mitch JJ no env 8/7/50 TLS [photocopy1 [2 copies]

Photograph [photocopy] annotated "Jimrnie Jones Ft Myers Beach" by [?] [ca. winter 1950-511

Photograph [photocopy] annotated "Ft Myers Beach Fla. Jones & Man from New Mexico [Robert Smith] (writers)" by [?I tca. winter 1950-51; note on back: "the Claypools took this in 1949 or '50, when Mrs. Handy took Jim to Fla."]

LH Vera Newlin 1/16/51 Tuesday TLS[photocopy] Enclosure: LH Mrs. J. Teague - - -- TL [photocopy] (Ella) De Berard

LH Vera Newlin 3/6/51 Tuesday TLS[photocopyj [2 copies]

Vera Newlin 3/ [la?]/51 11/8 TLS[photocopies 1 also Sunday [3/17?]

Vera Newlin 5/14/51 Monday TLS [photocopyI 13, 1951

LH Vera Newlin 11/27/51 -- [env-photocopy] Enclosure: LH James Eaton -- 11/7/51 TLS[photocopy of carbon]

LH Vera Newlin 10/30/52 12/30/52 TLSIphotocopy] [2 copies]

LH Vera Newlin 3/7/53 3/7/53 ALS [photocopy] [2 copies] Enclosure: Vera [Newlin] Monday, TLS [photocopyI 11/26 [2 copies]

LH Vera Newlin 3/17/53 3/16/ [531 TLS [photoco~~l

Helen 2. [Vera] Newlin 2/ [?I /54 2/2/54 ALS [photocopy] Chezney [2 copies] Enclosure: LH Vera [Newlin] -- Tuesday TLS [photocopy] [2 copies] [1/16/51 added by ?] 206 [Series VII, box 72, folder 1 continued] JJ Vera Newlin 4/17/56 -- ALS [photocopy] Enclosure : LH Vera [Newlin] -- 4/16/ [56?] TLS [photocopy]

LH Vera Newlin 7/6/56 -- TL [photocopy] [photocopy of ad (photostat) for Teschrs book, Never the Same Again, with typed annotations to Vera by (LH), enclosed] Enclosures : LH Vera Newlin -- 5/31/56 TLS [photocopyI LH Vera Newlin -- 4/23/ [53] TL [S?] [photocopy]

Oavid Vera Newlin 8/28/77 8/27/ [771 ALS [ph~t~~~p~l Gelsanliter Enclosure: Susie Vera Newlin -- Thursday ALS[photocopyl Gelsanliter

Evelyn Russell Vera Newlin no env 11/14/77 TLS[photocopy]

Photocopy of references; also, photocopy of statement from Country Mut- ual to Vera Newlin and check Vera Newlin to Country Mutual, annotated "James Jones" by [?I

2. James Jones - Short Stories 1948, 1952, 1955, 1963

"The Temper of Steel" [photocopy], in The Atlantic, Mar 1948, pp. 32-35

"None Sing So Wildly" [photocopy], in New World Writing, 1952, pp. 7-40

"The King" [photocopy], in Playboy, Oct 1955, pp. 25, 53-56

"The Valentine" [photocopy], [The Saturday Evening Post], 16 Feb 1963 [pp. 36-39?]

3. James Jones - nd, 1951-55, 1957, 1958, 1961, [ca. 1964?], [ca. 1966?], 1973-75

~rticle[photocopy] by JJ on Carnegie Library [Robinson, IL], no source, nd On same photocopied sheet: "Visit and Talk with James Jones," [photocopy] by Harvey Breit, no source, nd

"James Jones: Rugged Author" [photocopy], in Look, 10 APr 1951, PP. 36, 39, 40

In second column, second paragraph up from the ad, JJ mentioned [photocopy] [St.- Louis Globe-Democrat, "Features," 24 Apr 19511

The New York Times Book Review, 10 Jun 1951, photograph[photocopy], p. 5

"Books Alive" [photocopy], by Vincent Starrett in Chicago Tribune, 26 Aug 1951 20 7 [Series VII, box 72, folder 3 continued] "The Lyons Den" [photocopy], by James Jones in [St. Louis Globe- Democrat, 1 Jul 19521

Article [photocopy] on JJ missing p. 22 [first page], in Chicago Tribune Magazine, 11 Oct 1953, pp. 23, 61 only

"James Jones: Another 'Eternityf?" [photocopy], in Newsweek,- 23 Nov 1953, [pp. 102-106?]

"New Champ Goes on a Spree" [photocopyl, photographed by Bern Keating in Pageant, Jun 1954, pp. 36-43

Bob Considine column [photocopy] in The Cincinnati Enquirer, Oct 1955, p. 18

"The Good Life and Jim Jones" [photocopyl, in Life, 11 Feb 1957, pp. 83, [?I, 86

"Authors: From Eternity to Here" [photocopy], in Newsweek, 13 Jan 1958, pp. 89-90

Photo of Gloria, Kaylie, and JJ [photocopy] from The New York Times --Book Review, 3 Sep 1961

"The Way They Come to Paris" [photocopy], by Herbert Lottman, no source [ca. 1964? 1

andw written note about the James Joneses [photocopy] [ca. 1966?1

"Jim Jones and Wife Have Beautiful Home in Paris, France" [photocopy], no source, 7 Jun 1973

"James Jones 'guardian' of traditional novel" [photocopy], by Lucinda L. Franks [Robinson Daily News, 13 Oct 19731

"Tired of France James Jones plans return to U. S." [phot~~~pyl,by Aline Mosby in Robinson Daily News, 26 Feb 1974

"James Jones: 'Writing is kind of a religion to mef" [photocopyl, by Peter Gorner in Chicago Tribune, 15 Apr 1974

Typed copy of interview with JJ [photocopy], by John Dorschmer, Tropic [ca. 19751 [photocopies of published version immediately follow]

"James Jones" [photocopy], interviewed by John Dorschmer in Tropic, 5 Jan 1975, pp. 18-22 [2 copies; one copy shows marks (photocopied)1

"Author James Jones Tries to Impart the Mysteries of 'Creative Writing"' [photocopy], by Patricia Burstein in People, 12 May 1975, pp. 44-46

"Miami? He Could Write a Book" [photocopy] by Andy Rosenblatt in [The ~iami?]Herald, 8 Jun 1975 [p. 61?], also introductory paragraph on [p. I?]; also photocopied annotation with it: "sent by David Gelsanliter, Philadelphia 2033 Pine St. Phil. Pa 19103 208 [Series VII, box 72, folder 3 continued] "James Jones: After Paris, the Farm" [photocopy] by George Vecsey in [The New York Times, 1 Aug 1975 (annotated)], pp. 1, 42

"The Return of Expatriate Writer: Here to Eternity and Back" [photocopy] by George Vecsey in [The New York Times, 10 Aug 19751

"Out Here in the Hamptons: Snapshots of the Literary Life" [photocopy], by Anthony Haden-Guest in New York, 1 Sep 1975, pp. 43-47

"James Jones: From the Beach, to Paris, Miami, to Long Island" [photocopy; same as "The Return of Expatriate Writer: Here to Eternity and Back" by George Vecsey (The New York Times, 10 Aug 1975) 1, in Fort Myers News-Press, 14 Sep 1975, p. 4D

"James Jones Is Home - with a Rekindled Love for America" [photocopy], by Adair Banks in Family Weekly, 23 Nov 1975, p. 11

4. Articles - From Here to Eternity - Book and Movie [ca. 19511, 1951, 1953, 1977

"The Scribner Library News" [photocopy, ca. 19511

"~~ringlist/Scribners"[photocopy], Jan - Jun 1951, p. 8

The New York Times Book Review [photocopy], 14 Jan 1951, p. 8

Quick [photocopy], 22 Jan 1951, p. 63

Advertisement used for Parker's Book Store [photocopy], Ft. Myers Beach, FL [ca. 2/51]

The ~mericanNews of Books [photocopy], Feb 1951, p. 3

"An Expert Makes His Choice" [photocopy], by C. Guy end all in Book News, Feb 1951, p. 22

"New Literary Light Discovered in the Wabash Valley Ranks" [photocopy], by Gertrude Cronin in The Terre Haute [Star?], 18 Feb 1951

"The Real Enemy Is Hard to Find" [photocopy], by Ned Calmer in The Saturday Review of Literature, 24 Feb 1951, pp. 11-12 [drawing on cover based on photograph taken by Pat Meara, located in Box 69, folder 171

"A New writer's Massive Novel of Love, Hate, and Violence" [phot'o- copy], Reviewed by Paul Engle in Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books, 25 Feb 1951, p. 4 [original photographs in Box 69, folder 11 and Box 73 (Oversize), folder 11

"Novel of Life in Army Excellent But Long" [photocopy], reviewed by Emmett Dedmon in Chicago Sun-Times, 25 Feb 1951, sec 11, p. 7 209 [Series VII, box 72, folder 4 continued] "The Lowest Depths" [photocopy], in Time, 26 Feb 1951, p. 104 [first page only1

"War Generation" [photocopy], in Newsweek, 26 Feb 1951, p. 82

"Prepublication Attention Gives Much Promise to Robinson Man's First Novel" [photocopy], by Frances Hughes in The Terre Haute Star, [26 Feb 19511

"The Latest Books: A Book Buyer's Guide" [photocopy] from the Arcade Book Shop in Fort Myers, FL, p. 1 only

The ~ooklist[photocopy], put out by the American Library Association, 1 Mar 1951, p. 237

"Books: Anatomy of the Regular Army" [photocopy], in The New Yorker, 10 Mar 1951, pp. 110, ? only

"In a Trailer" [photocopy], in The New Yorker, 17 Mar 1951, p. 22

"Keeping up with Jones" [photocopy], in Quick, 9 Apr 1951, p. 40

"Best-Seller Boy" [photocopy], in People Today, 11 Apr 1951, p. 27 [original photographs found in Box 70, folder 11

In column [photocopy], "Lyons Den" in [St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 18 May 19511

"The July Selection" [photocopy] for Book-of-the-Month Club, 1951

"Censored" [photocopy], in -.Look, 25 Aug 1953, pp. 41-43

"Selection" [photocopy], by James Jones [from From Here to Eternity] in [The New York Times Book Review, 12 Jun 19771

5. Articles - Some Came Running - Book and Movie [ca. 19571, 1957, 1958, 1959, nd

"Gambit: From Eternity to Here" [photocopy], by J. H. D. in House & Garden, [ca. 19581

"Faces Big Job in Filming Jonesr New Story" [photocopy], by Hedda Hopper, no source, [29 Mar 19571 On same sheet: "Very Long and Very Bad Novel" [photocopy], by Theodore M. O'Leary in The Kansas City Star, 18 Jan 1958, p. 6

"An Expert Makes His Choice" [photocopy], by C. Guy Kendall in McClurg' s Book News, Jan 1958, p. 87

"Reading for Pleasure: Return of James Jones" [photocopy], by M. E. ~avisin The Wall Street Journal, 10 Jan 1958

"In Praise of the Yahoo" [photocopy], by Edmund Fuller in Saturday Review, 11 Jan 1958, p. 13 210 [Series VII, box 72, folder 5 continued] "James Jones' Huge Novel Explores Human Anguish and Ambiguity in a Midwest City" [photocopy], reviewed by Gene Baro in Herald Tribune Book Review, 12 Jan 1958, p. 3 "Jonesr New Novel Takes Eternity to Read--Plus $7.50" [photocopy], reviewed by Edmund Fuller in Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books, 12 Jan 1958, part 4-p. 3 "By Sex Obsessed" [photocopy], by David Dempsey in The New York Times Book Review, 12 Jan 1958, pp. 5, 9 only

"Life is a Four-Letter Word" [photocopy], in Time, 13 Jan 1955, p. 96

"Books: Another Provocative Novel by Jones" [photocopy], reviewed bT{ Bob Horowitz in AGRV Army Times, 25 Jan 1958, p. 15

"Speaking of Books" [photocopy], by J. Donald Adams in The New-- York Times Book Review, 28 Jan 1958, p. 2 [also mentioned under column "Treasure Chest: Author"]

Under "New Novels" [photocopy], by Goronwy Rees in The Listener, 13 Aug 1959, p. 257

"The Midnight Earl" [photocopy], by Earl Wilson, no source, nd On same sheet: "James Jones Challenges Ready-Made Audience" [photocopy], by Polly Cochran, no source, nd

6. Book Reviews - The Pistol, The Merry Month-- of May, -.WW -11, 1954, 1964, [ca. 19711, 1975, 1978

"Literary Horizons: The Shorter and Better Jones" [The- Pistol-photocopy], by Granville Hicks in Saturday Review, 10 Jan 1959, p. 1-2

" Jonesf 'Pistolf to B.B. C." [photocopy], by Gene Baro in --The New York Times, 26 Jul 1964, [sec X?], p. 11

"Mr. Jones Writes a Vital Book, Thundering with Dogged Honesty" [The Merry Month of May-photocopy], by Robert Ostermann [ca. 19711-

"You Must Read James Jonesr WW I1 Text With Respect" [photocopy], by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt in Fort Myers News-Press, 14 Sep 1975, p. 5D

"In his 'chronicle of soldiering' Jones triumphs over all" [WJ

-11-photocopy], reviewed by Alfred C. Ames in Chicago Tribune Book World [ca. 19751, sec 7, p. 1

"Man's Real Thing" [Whistle-photocopy], by Otto J. Scott in Chronicles of Culture, Sep/Oct 1978, pp. 13-15 "The Last James Jones" [Whistle-photocopy], by John W. Aldridqe in The New York Times Book Review, 1978, pp. 1, 30, [31?] 211 [Series VII, box 72 continued] "A party for a new book by an old friend" [whistle-photocopy], by Rex Reed in Daily News, 24 Feb 1978

7. Obituaries - James Jones 1977

"James Jones, 55, Author of Best Sellers" [photocopy], in International Herald Tribune [ll May 19771, p. 4

"'From Here to Eternity' author James Jones dies" [photocopy], in [Chicago Tribune], 11 May 1977

"Obituary Notes : James Jones" [ 3 photocopies] in [Publishers Weekly, 23 May 1977, p. 1601

"Taps for Enlisted Man Jones" [2 photocopies], in Time, 23 May 1977, p. 107

"James Jones, 1921-1977" [photocopy], in The New York Times Book Review, 12 Jun 1977, pp. 3, 34 [includes "Selection" by James Jones from From Here to Eternity]

8. Eulogies for James Jones 1977, 1978, 1980

"James Jones off on a spree: a LIFE photographer remembers" [2 photocopies], by Arthur Shay in Chicago Tribune, 5 Jun 1977, p. 3

"The right-headed James Jones, 'true American primitive'" [ph6tocopyI , by Budd Schulberg in Los ~n~eiesTimes he ~ook Review, 19 Jun 1977, pp. 1, 16

"A Friendship: Remembering James Jones" [photocopy], by ~illie Morris in The Atlantic, Jun 1978, pp. 47-50, 52, 53, 58-64

"James Jones: Eternity and After" [photocopy], by Jeff Wagqoner in The Book-Mart, Jan 1980, pp. 113, 118, 124

9. Combined photocopies of articles - James Jones, Lowney Handy, Harry Handy, John Bowers, 1951, 1957, [ca. 1958?], 1962, 1964, 1971, 1978

"Literary Flop: Second James Jones Novel Worse than the First" [Some Came Running-photocopy], by Van Allen Bradley [ca. 1958?] On same photocopy sheet: "Less than Major Work" [Some Came Runninq-photocopy], reviewed by Harold H. Watts [ca. 1958?] "Reading for Pleasure: Scenes Without Meaning" [The Thin Red Line- photocopy], by William H. Fitzpatrick [ca. 19621

Photograph of "Lowney Handy, Jim Jones" [photocopy], from p. 1 and "Mrs. Loney [sic] Handy, Literary Mentor, Formerly of Robinson, Buried Today at Marshall, Site of Her 'Colony'" [photocopy of obituary for Lowney Handy I , [p. I?] in ~obinson ail^ ~ews,2 9 Jun 1964 212 [Series VII, box 72, folder 9 continued] The second photocopy sheet includes: Article on Harry Handy and his book [from FL paper?-photocopy]

"Some Came Running by James Jones" [photocopy], no source, [ca. 19581 On same photocopy sheet: "James Jones Enlisting to Fight TV Mediocrity" [photocopy], by Marilyn Beck, no source [ca. 1975/1976] "Lowney Handy's Writerrs Colony at Marshall Gets Write-up in Current Issue of Time Magazine" [Never the Same Again, by Gerald Tesch (Jerry Tschappat) -photocopy] , no source [ca.1956] "James Jones Tells a First-Rate Tale in 'Pistolr1' [photocopy], by Van Allen Bradley, Daily News Literary Editor [ca. 19591 On same photocopy sheet: "A Concentration on writers" [John Bowers, The Colony-photocopy], a review by John Blades in Chicago Tribune, 27 Jul 1971 "Faith of a Mustard Seed" [John Bowers, The Colony-photocopy], by Clarence E. Olson [ca. 19711

"James Jones prefers the U. S." [photocopy], originally from -W, no source [ca. 19761 On same photocopy sheet: "Mrs. Handy's Proteges Learn to Cook as We11 as to Turn Out Best-Sellers" by Peg Savage in [Hollywood (Fla.1 Sun-Tattler. 21 Feb 19571

"Trilogy of James Jones novels, including 'Whistle"' [photocopy], by Ray Elliott in Robinson Daily News, 1 Jun 1978, p. 8

Return card to American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. on which "James Jones" is written [photocopy], nd On same photocopy sheet: "Word comes from Scribner . . ." [Some Came Running-photocopy], from a Chicago paper [ca. 19571 "Thau Gets Picture Rights to James Jonesr New Story" [Some Came Running-photocopy], by Hedda Hopper in Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 Jan 1957, part 3, [p. lo?] "Meanwhile Ava leaves London . . .I' [about movie From Here to Eternitv-~hotoco~vl,no source Tca. 19531 2 LL-. "Casting Line" [about movie From Here to Eternity-photocopy], no source [ca. 19531

"Vulgarity Not Needed in Novel" [From Here to Eternity-photocopy], by Sydney J. Harris in [Daily News, 18 Apr 19511 On same photocopy sheet: "Gets ~igMoney for His Books" [photocopy], no source [ca. 1964?] "Plans to Film Life Story of Officer Fighting Dope" [photocopy], by Hedda Hopper [mentions director of movie From Here to Eternity, Fred Zinnemannl, 22 Jan nv "Novelist Enjoys Like lmmenseiy, Feels Human Race Not Lost Cause" NO^" is scratched out; photocopy], by Hal Boyle in The Laredo Times, 11 Sep 1962, p. 7 "Singer Edyie Gorme's out . . .I1 [mentions JJ-photocopy], no source [ca. 1958?1 2 13 [Series VII, box 72 continued] "There was a Carnegie Library . . ." [photocopy], by James Jones, nd On same photocopy sheet: Photograph of Kaylie Jones [photocopy] [ca. 1978?]

10. Lowney Handy 1950, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1957, [1978?1, 1979

"Robinson Couple Recalls Interesting Friendship with Famed Father Jerome" [photocopy-SEE ALSO, Box 62, folder 6 and Box 73, folder 71, in The Terre Haute Star, 29 Jul 1950 [2 copies] On same photocopy sheets: Book plate, LH [photocopy-SEE ALSO, box 63, folder 31 and box 71, folder 491 [2 copies]

Photostat of drawing sent to LH & HH; related to article "Robinson Couple . . . Father Jerome" above [photocopy]

"Great Heart of Cat island" [photocopy], by Bill Davidson in Collier's, 22 Jul 1950, pp. 13-15, 68-73 [article is about Father Jerome who is referred to in above article, "Robinson Couple . . . Father Jerome]

"Balancing the Books" [photocopy], by V. A. B., last paragraph, in Chicago Daily News, 9 May 1951, p. 15

"Lowney's ~aithan Inspiration to Young Writers" [photocopy], by Pat Gray in [Miami Herald, 17 Jan 1954, p. 14-BR]

"The Bystander" [photocopy], by Robert Cromie, ed., no source, nd On same photocopy sheet: Envelope-Handy Colony to Mrs. Vera Newlin, postmark 24 Oct 1956 [photocopy; also, photocopy of same envelope on attached sheet]

"Housemother Knows Best" [photocopy], in Time, 12 Nov 1956, pp. 127, 128, 130

"She Teaches Tough Guys to Write" [photocopy], by William Leonard in Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine, 14 Jul 1957, pp. 18-19

"Marshall Woman gave aid to birth of fiction classic" [photocopy], no source [ca. 19781

"Writers Forget Mentor" [photocopy], by Thomas R. Keating in [The- ~ndianapolisStar, 2 Apr 19791

11. Harry Handy 1957

"Behind Her Success Stands Her Husband" [photocopy], by Pat Mangan in The Miami Herald, 3 Feb 1957 [p. 8-BR?]

12. Reviews of John Bowersf Book, The Colony, 1971

"Faith of a Mustard Seed" [photocopy], by Clarence E. Olson, no source [ca. 19711 21 4 [Series VII, box 72, folder 12 continued] On same photocopy sheet: it dome<- Came Running, by James Jones" [photocopy of review], no source [ca. 19581 "For art's sake: Where writers met to learn their craft" [The Colony by John Bowers-photocopy], by Paul Pekin in "Showcase"/Chicago Sun-Times, 11 Jul 1971, p. 18 "The Colony By John Bowers" [photocopy], by James Palmer in The New York Times Book Review, 25 Jul 1971, pp. 5, 18

13. Tom T.Chamales nd, 1956, 1957, [1960], 1978

Return card for The Christian Science Monitor annotated "Chamales" [photocopy1 , nd Attachments: "Tower Ticker" [photocopy], by Herb Lyon in [Chicago Tribune, 7 Dec 19561 On same photocopy sheet (1 other article): "Author Sells First Novel to Movies for $300,000" [photocopy], by Pat Mangan in [The Miami Herald, 24 Jan 1957, sec B, p. 11

"7'h.e Town Crier" [photocopy], by Tony Weitzel in Chicago Daily News, 12 Dec 1956, p. 22 On same photocopy sheet (2 other articles): Wedding photograph [photocopy] in Kansas City paper [ca. 19571 "Midnight Earl" [photocopy], by Earl Wilson, no source [ca. 1957?]

"Bulletin from Virginia Kirkus' Service" [lists Never So Few, by Tom Chamal-es-photocopy] , 15 Jan 1957 "Clark County Residents Will Long Remember Chamales" [photocopy], by Phil Junker in Marshall (?) paper [p. l?-ca. Jul 19601

"Along the Trail" [Tom Chamales, also mentions LH-photocopy], by Tony Weitzel in Naples Daily News, 31 Jan 1978, p. 2A

14. Edwin C. Daly 1957

"Signal Honor Attends Marshall Youth's Publication of Book" [photocopy] [The Terre Haute Tribune, 3 Mar 19571 On same photocopy sheet: "Father Bores Teen-age Son" [photocopy], by Theodore M. O'Leary in The Kansas City Star, 9 Mar 1957 "Reading for Pleasure: Scenes Without Meaning" [The Thin Red- --Line-photocopy], By William H. Fitzpatrick [ca. 19621

15. Reference Li-sts nd

Two pages of lists of articles and books [photocopy] -- JJ, and o~hernotations - JJ, LH, and others

List of articles on JJ, JJ's books [photocopy]

List of JJ's books with dates added [photocopy] 21 5 [Series VII, box 72 continued] 16. Illinois Cooperative Extension Service - List of Crawford Coc-Ly and Illinois Authors [ca. Feb 1980 - photocopy]

17. One in the Middle by Vivian Turner McClellan (Galatia, IL: B & ?? Printing, 1987), autographed to Sanqamon State University by Vivian Turner McClellan, 2/26/88 [note from Mike Lennon to Tom (Wood), dated 3/2/88, included] OVERSIZE Boxes 73-74

Box 73: Folders: 1. [Series VI: Photographs and Negatives] Photographs - oversize [ca. late 1940~1,1951, [ca. 19511

James Jones photograph used in Harper's Bazaar, May 1951

Photograph of James Jones [ca. 19511

Four identical photographs of JJ's room/study [Handy house, 202 W. Mulberry in Robinson, IL - ca. late 1940~1

Two identical photographs of JJ's room/study [Handy house, 202 W. Mulberry in Robinson, IL - ca. late 1940~1

Photograph of James Jones in his room [at the Handy house, 202 W. Mulberry in Robinson, IL - ca. late 1940~1

2. [Series V: Articles and Clippings] Articles - James Jones and the Colony 1951, 1957

"From Here to Obscenity," in Life, 16 April 1951, p. 40

"James Jones and His Angel," by A. B. C. Whipple in Life, 7 May 1951, pp. 142-144, 147, 149-150, 152, 154, 157

In section, "Success Story," James Jones mentioned, in Harper's Bazaar, May 1951 [JJ autographed the page under his picture]

"In and Out of Books," by David Dempsey in The New York Times Book Review, 17 Jun 1951, p. 8; also, in the list of best sellers, p. 8

"The Good Life and Jim Jones," in Life, 11 Feb 1957, pp. 83-84, 86

3. [Series I11 : Manuscripts] James Jones - Published Stories 1951, 1952

"Greater Love," in Collier's, 30 Jun 1951, pp. 18-19, 58-60

"Two Legs for the Two of Us," in Esquire, Sep 1951, pp. 43, 100, 103

"Living in a Trailer," in Holiday, Jul 1952, pp. 74-76, 78-79, 81, 83, 120 [Oversize, box 73 continued] 4. [Series V: Articles and Clippings] Articles - Lowney Handy and the Colony 1957 "She Teaches Tough Guys to Write," by William Leonard in Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine, 14 Jul 1957, pp. 18-19 "Writersr Colony," in Ebony, Nov 1957, pp. 114, 116, 118 "Writer's Colony," in Sepia, Dec 1957, pp. 36-40

5. [Series V: Articles and Clippings] Article on Movie, From Here to Eternity 1953

"From Here to Eternity," in Collier's, 7 Aug 1953, pp. 28-29

6. [Series V: Articles and Clippings] Movie Promotion Materials for From Here to Eternity 1953 Brochure of materials for book store and theatre advertising materials "Advertising Supplement 'From Here to Eternity'"

7. [Series V: Articles and Clippings] Collier's, 22 Jul 1950 Note the article on Father Jerome, pp. 13-15, 68-70 SEE ALSO: Box 62, folder 6 Box 72, folder 10

Box 74 [Series V: Articles and Clippings]: Folders : 1. Life 9 Feb 1953 13 Apr 1953 2. Life 11 May 1953 18 ~a$1953 10 May 1954 3. Other 1948, 1953, 1962 Time, 15 Mar 1948 Look, 6 Oct 1953 Home Modernizing Guide, Fall-Winter 1962 MISCELLANEOUS Box 75

Box 75 : Folders: 1. Miscellaneous 1951, [ca. 19511, nd

Wahoo Bingo sheet, stamped 10 Jan 1951

Cardboard from typewriter paper box annotated [by LHI, "James Jones' notes in desk at Robinson from which he wrote Eternity" [ca. 19511

Old manila envelope annotated "Photographs Life magazine" with sketch [of house plan?] on the other side [ca. 19511

Typed copy of "Song of an Old Kentucky Fued[sic]," nd

2. Map, 1953; advertisement, nd

Map, "Approaches to Iuch'on Hang/HO 1383," portion of map cut out, 3rd edition, 11/50, stamped "No. 12 Mar 21 '53"

Advertising brochure for "What Will Social Security Mean to You?" nd

3. Calendars 1934, 1944, 1960; tag, nd

Calendar for 1934

Calendar [plastic card] for 1944 [Crane - plumbing supply]

Calendar for 1960

Tag for Farmers Mkt & Es Assn to HH, annotated [by HH], " 'Squirrel Rations"' nd

4. [From cards?] , nd

Front from a [card?], Arab scene, nd

Front from a [card?], Old St. Phillip Street, New Orleans, nd ORIGINAL CLIPPINGS AND EMPTY ENVELOPES Box 76 Box 76: Folders : 1. Original clippings - from correspondence through 1949 2. Envelopes from Lowney Handy's collection [some annotated by LH] 3. Photograph envelopes 4. Envelopes only - nd 5. Envelopes only - [1942?]-1950 6. Envelopes only - 1951 7. Envelopes only - 1952-57, 1959 8. Envelopes only - 1960-62 9. Envelopes only - 1963-64 OVERSIZE - DUPLICATES Box 77

Box 77: Folder: 1. Duplicate correspondence 1951, 1956

Mitch L H no env 3/2/51 TLS [photostatI [2 copies]

Mitch JJ no env 10/19/56 TLS[photostat]

2. Duplicate articles and clippings

Two photocopies of Scribner ad for From Here to Eternity [incom- plete, ca. 19511

Two "March Fiction Selection" brochures for From Here to Eternity from the Book-of-the-Month Club [I9511

Two tearsheets of "All in a Lifetime," by Judd Arnett [ca. 19521

Photostat of article on LH from The Miami Herald, 17 Jan 1954

Two photostats of "Lowney Handy Colony Produces Second 'First Novel- ist' in a Year, " from [Robinson Daily News], p. 14, Dec 1956

Photostat of Bob Considine column from The Cincinnati Enquirer, [24 Oct 19551, p. 18

3. Life - duplicates 16 Apr 1951 7 May 1951

4. Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books - duplicate 24 Jun 1951

5. Story, article by JJ - duplicates Collier's, 30 Jun 1951 [story] Holiday, Jul 1952 [article]

6. Articles on LH and Colony - duplicates Writer's Digest, Sep 1955 Chicago Magazine, Sep 1956 Time, 12 Nov 1956 JAMES JONES, LOWNEY HANDY, AND THE COLONY A Selective Bibliography


Books :

From Here to Eternity (New York: Scribners, 1951).

Some Came Running (New York: Scribners, 1958).

The Pistol (New York: Scribners, 1958).

The Thin Red Line (New York: Scribners, 1963).

Go to the Widow-Maker (New York: Delacorte, 1967).

The Ice-Cream Headache and Other Stories (New York: Delacorte, 1968).

The Merry Month of May (New York: Delacorte, 1971).

A Touch of Danger (Garden City: Doubleday, 1973).

Whistle: A Work in Progress (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: Bruccoli Clark, 1974).

Viet Journal (New York: Delacorte, 1974) .

WWII (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1975) .

Whistle (New York: Delacorte, 1978) .

Short Stories and Articles:

"The Temper of Steel." Atlantic 181 (March 1948): 32-35.

"The Way It Is. " Harperf s 198 (June 1949) : 90-97.

"Greater Love." Collier's 127,26 (30 June 1951): 18-19, 58-60.

"Two Legs for the Two of Us." Esquire 36,3 (September 1951): 43, 100, 103.

"None Sing So Wildly." In New World Writing (New York: New American Library of World Literature, Inc., 1952) .

"Living in a Trailer." Holiday 12,l (July 1952): 74, 76, 78-9, 81, I ?n

"Too Much Symbolism." Nation 176 (2 May 1953): 369

"The King." Playboy 2 (October 1955): 25, 53-56

"Marshall, Illinois." Ford Times 49,3 (March 1957): 53-57 "Just Like the Girl. " Playboy 5 (January 1958) : 23, 34, 42, 69-70

"The Tennis Game." Esquire 49 (January 1958): 60-64.

"The Valentine." Saturday Evening Post (16 February 1963): 36-39.

"Phony War Films." Saturday Evening Post 236 (30 March 1963): 64-67.

"'Flippers! Gin! Weight Belt! Gin! Faceplate! Gin!'" Esquire 59 (June 1963): 124-127, 129-130, 132, 134, 136-139.

"Letter Home (Sons of Hemingway, or Cigars, Fried Food and Red Wine) ." Esquire 60 (December 1963): 28, 30, 34, 40, 44.

"Letter Home. I' Esquire 61 (March 1964) : 28, 30, 34.

"Letter Home." Esquire 62 (December 1964): 22, 24.

"Why They Invade the Sea." New York Times Magazine (14 March 1965): 47, 49-50, 52, 55.

"In the Shadow of Peace." New York Times Magazine (10 June 1973): 15, 17, 46, 48-50, 54, 56, 59.

"Hawaiian Recall." Harper's 248 (February 1974): 27-31

"The Evolution of a Soldier." Playboy 22 (September 1975): 152-158, 220, 222-228.

Unpublished Manuscripts

"They Shall Inherit the Laughter" (novel), 1944-46. In Handy Colony Collection, Sangamon State University Archives.

"Circus Section" (unfinished sketch for movie screenplay, based on portion of Max Catto's The Killing Frost), 1953. In Handy Colony Collection, Sangamon State University Archives.

Books about Jones:

Garrett, George P. James Jones (San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, Jovano- vich, 1984).

Giles, James Richard. James Jones (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981) .

Iiendrick, George. To Reach Eternity: The Letters of James Jones (New York: Random House, 1989) .

Hopkins, John R. James Jones: A Checklist (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1974) .

MacShane, Frank. Into Eternity: The Life of James Jones, American Writer (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985). Morris, Willie. James Jones: A Friendship (Garden City, NJ: Double- day, 1978) .

Pieces about Jones:

Adams, Richard P. "A Second Look at From Here to Eternity." --College English 17 (January 1956): 205-210.

Aldrich, Nelson W. Jr. "James Jones." In Writers at Work: the Paris- Review Interviews: Third Series (New York: Viking Press, 1967).

Aldridge, John W. "The Last James Jones." New York Times Book --Review (5 March 1978) : 1, 30-31.

Bell, Pearl K. "The Wars of James Jones." Commentary 55 (April 1978) : 90-92.

Brassard, Chandler. "From Here to Nowhere." American Mercury 73 (July 1951): 117-21.

Butcher, Lee. "Me and Mr. Jones." Writers Digest 56 (October 1976) : 24-25.

Calmer, Ned. "The Real Enemy is Hard to Find" [Review of From Here to Eternity]. Saturday Review 34 (24 February 1951): 11.

Cantwell, Robert E. "James Jones: Another 'Eternity'?" Newsweek 42 (23 November 1953): 102-104+.

Didion, Joan. "In the Islands." In The White Album (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979), 145-152.

Didion, Joan. "Good-bye, Gentleman Ranker." Esquire 88 (October 1977) : 50+.

Fuller, Edrnund. "In Praise of the Yahoo" [Review of Some Came Run- ning] . Saturday Review 41 (11 January 1958) : 13.

Geisrnar, Maxwell. American Moderns (New York: Hill and Wang, 1958), 225-238.

"The Good Life and Jim Jones. " Life 42,6 (11 February 1957) : 83-86

Helterman, Jeffrey. "James Jones." In Dictionary of Literary Biogra- phy, Volume 2: American Novelists Since World War I1 (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1978) , 244-252.

Jones, Ernest. [Review of From Here to Eternity]. Nation 172 (17 March 1951) : 254.

Krirn, Seymour. "A Private Letter to James Jones." In Shake It for the World, Smartass (New York: Dial Press, 1970), 101-110.

Lardner, John. "Books: Anatomy of the Regular Army" [Review of Frnn Here to Eternity]. New Yorker 27 (10 March 1951): 117. Lennon, J. Michael. "Glimpses: James Jones 1921-1977." Paris Review 29,103 (Summer 1987) : 205-236. "Life is a Four-Letter Word" [Review of Some Came Runninq]. ~ime71 (13 January 1958) : 96.

Mailer, Norman. "Evaluations--Quick and Expensive Comments on the Talent in the Room." In Advertisements for Myself (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1959), 463-464. Mewshaw, Michael. "James Jones, Another Side." Nation 226 (8 April 1978) : 406-407. Mitchell, Burroughs. "Eternity and Afterward." In The Education of an Editor (Garden City: Doubleday, 1980), 57-81.

Moffit, Hugh. "Aging Heavy of the Paris Expatriates." Life 63 (4 August 1967) : 30-32.

Morris, Willie. "A Friendship: Remembering James Jones." Atlantic (June 1978) : 47-64.

"New Champ Goes on a Spree." Photographed by Bern Keating. Pageant 9 (June 1954) : 36-43. "Philistines and Critics" [Review of Some Came Running]. America (25 January 1958) : 476-7.

Rolo, Charles James. [Review of From Here to Eternity]. Atlantic 187 (March 1951) : 83. Shaw, Irwin. "James Jones, 1921-1977." New York Times Book Review (12 June 1977) : 3, 34.

Sheed, Wilfrid. "The Jones Boy Forever." Atlantic 219 (June 1967): 68-72.

Smith, William J. "Innocence and Sincerity of a Regular Guy" [Review of Some Came Running] . Commonweal 67 (7 February 1958) : 491. Stephenson, David L. "James Jones and Jack Kerouac: Novelists of Disjunction." In The Creative Present, eds. Nona Balakian and Charles Simmons (Garden City: Doubleday, 1963), 195-212.

Swados, Harvey. "Through a Glass Sourly-Darkly" [Review of Some Came Running] . New Republic 138 (January 1958) : 16-17. "Taps for Enlisted Man James Jones." Time (23 May 1977): 108.

Viorst, Milton. "James Jones and the Phoney Intellectuals." Esquire 69 (February 1968) : 98-101, 131-132. Wakefield, Dan. "From Eternity to Brooklyn." Nation 185 (16 November 1957): 339-41. Whipple, A.B.C. "James Jones and His Angel." Life 30,19 (7 May 1951): 142-44, 147, 149-50, 152, 154, 157.

White, William H. "James Jones, Rugged Writer." Look (10 April 1951) : 36, 39-40.

Interviews with Jones:

Aldrich, Nelson. "The Art of Fiction XXIII." Paris Review 20 (1959) : 34-35.

Dolbier, Maurice. "What the NBA Means to Some Past Winners." -New York Herald Tribune Book Review (1 March 1959): 2, 11.

Hanscom, Leslie. "The Writer Speaks" [transcript of radio interview, 19621, in John R. Hopkins, James Jones: A Checklist (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1974), 7-18.

"James Jones and : Two Writers Talk It Over." Esquire 60 (July 1963) : 57-59.

Goodfriend, Arthur. "The Cognoscenti Abroad 11: James Jones's Paris." Saturday Review 52 (1 February 1969): 36-38.

Bannon, Barbara A. "Story Behind the Book: James Jones and a Touch of Danger." Publishers Weekly 203 (7 May 1973): 38-39.

"Buying Out of Vietnam. " -Oui 2 (November 1973) : 39, 40, 116.

Lasky, Michael S. "James Jones Has Come Home to Whistle." Writers Digest 56 (October 1976) : 22-26+.


Besser, Marianne. "Writers' Concentration Camp." Writer's Digest 35,lO (September 1955) : 30-34, 65, 72-73.

Bowers, John. The Colony (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1971).

Gray, Pat. "Lowney's Faith an Inspiration to Young Writers." The Miami Herald (17 January 1954): 14-BK.

"Housemother Knows Best." Time 48,20 (12 November 1956): 127-128, 130.

Kennon, Leslie G. "A Tribute to Lowney Handy." Sunday Courier and Press (Evansville, Indiana) Sunday Look Magazine (5 July 1964) : 20.

Leonard, William. "She Teaches Tough Guys to Write." Chicago Sunday Tribune Maqazine (14 July 1957) : 18-19.

Mangan, Pat. "Behind Her Success Stands Her Husband [Harry Handy]." The Miami Herald (3 February 1957), no page. McClellan, Vivian Turner. One in the Middle (Galatia, IL: B & W Printing, 1987). Ray, David. "Mrs. Handy's Curious Colony." Chicaqo Magazine 3,7 (September 1956) : 22-27.

Ray, David. "Novel for Teacher." Nation 186 (8 February 1958) : 123-124.

Wagner, Geoffrey. Parade of Pleasure (New York: Library Publishers, 1955), 137-138. Whipple, A.B.C. "James Jones and His Angel." Life 30,19 (7 May 1951) : 142-44, 147, 149-50, 152, 154, 157.

Wray, Walter. "Lowneyts Boys. 'I Saturday Review (23 March 1957) : 13.

"Writerst Colony." Ebony 13,l (November 1957) : 114, 116, 118. "Writer's Colony." Sepia 5,11 (December 1957): 36-40.

COLONY WRITERS: Tom T. Chamales: Never So Few (New York: Scribners, 1957).

Go Naked in the World (New York: Scribners, 1959).

Dempsey, David. "Small War in the Jungle." The New York Times Book Review (24 March 1957) : 4.

Geismar, Maxwell. "'Never So Few,' Author: Tom T. Chamales." Satur- day Review (23 March 1957) : 12. Williams, Dick. "Chamales Defends Movie's Substance." Mirror News (Los Angeles, CA, 7 January 1960) : part 11, 3.

Edwin C. (Sonny) Daly: Some Must Watch (New York: Scribners, 1957) . La Farge, Oliver. "Young Man in America." Saturday Review 40 (23 March 1957): 12-13.

Ray, David. "Mrs. Handy's Recipes for Writers." New Republic 136 (22 April 1957): 19-20.

William Duhart: The Deadly Pay-Off (Greenwich, CT: Gold Medal Books, 1958). Robert Kendall:

White Teacher in a Black School (New York: The Devin-Adair Co., 1964).

Willard Lindsay:

"A Busy Day." Ladies Home Journal (September 1949): 40+.

Smith, Victor L. ItIn and Out of Town." The Robinson Argus (3 March 1949) : 4.

Jere Peacock:

Valhalla (New York: G. P. Putnamfs Sons, 1961).

To Drill and Die (New York: Bantam Books, 1964).

Dernpsey, David. "Marines at Ease." The New York Times Book Review (8 January 1961) : 4.

Gehman, Richard. "'Blockbuster' Lands; Greeted with a Yawn." Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine of Books (15 January 1961) : [3?1 .

Jon Shirota:

Lucky Come Hawaii (New York: Bantam Books, 1965).

Gerald Tesch (Jerry Tschappat):

Never the Same Again (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1956) .

"Housemother Knows Best." Time (12 November 1956): 127-128, 130.

Charles S. Wright:

The Messenger (New York: Farrar, Straus, 1963).


James Jones :

From Here to Eternity. Directed by Fred Zinneman, produced by Buddy Adler, screenplay by . Starring Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, Burt Lancaster, Donna Reed and Frank Sina- tra. Columbia, 1953. Some Came Running. Directed by Vincente Minnelli, produced by Sol C. Siegel, screenplay by John Patrick and Arthur Sheekman. Starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley Maclaine and . MGM, 1959.

The Thin Red Line. Directed by Andrew Marton, produced by Sidney Harmon, screenplay by Bernard Gordon. Starring and Jack Warden. Allied Artists, 1964.

Tom T. Chamales:

Never So Few. Directed by John Sturges, produced by Edmund Grainger, adapted for screen by Millard Kaufman. Starring Frank Sinatra and Gina Lollobrigida. MGM, 1.960.

Go Naked in the World. Directed by Ranald McDougall, produced by Aaron Rosenberg, screenplay by Ranald McDougall. Starring Gina Lollobrigida, Anthony Franciosa, and Ernest Borgnine. MGM, 1961.


"James Jones: Reveille to Taps." Produced by J. Michael Lennon and Jeffrey Van Davis. Sangamon State University, 1984. APPENDIX

"James Jones: Reveille to Taps" Videotapes from Papers of J. Michael Lennon

The following is a listing of taped interviews, film footage and stills used to produce the 1984 television documentary "James Jones: Reveille to Taps." The interviews, conducted by Lennon in 1983, feature the family and friends of James Jones, including Gloria and Kaylie Jones, Norman Mailer, William Styron, Irwin Shaw, Joseph Heller, Willie Morris, and others; also interviews with persons associated with the Colony, such as John Bowers and Mary Ann Newlin Crank, as well as friends and relatives of Lowney Handy.

Also included are videotape copies of the films From Here to Eternity, Some Came Running, and an unfinished film based on John Bowers' book, The Colony.

Box 1: Videotapes Nos. 1-15


Tape N1: 6/14/83, Norman Mailer [interview]: Jones Project Tape Nla: 6/17/83, Cut Aways, Still Photos, Movie Posters, Handy Colony, 1951 Tape N2: 6/14/83, Michael Lennon [M.L.] Cuts (Mailer); M.L. and Bowers Cuts Tape N3 : 6/14/83, [Frank] Macshane Interview, (#I) Tape N4 : 6/14/83, Macshane Interview, (#2) Tape N5: 6/14/83, Macshane Interview, (#3) Tape N6: 6/15/83, John Bowers Interview, (#I) Tape N7: 6/15/83, John Bowers Interview, (#2) Tape N8: 6/16/83, Kaylie Jones, (#I) Tape N9: 6/16/83, Kaylie Jones, (#2) Tape N10: 6/16/83, Kaylie Jones; M.L. Cuts, (#3) Tape N11: 6/16/83, Gloria Jones Interview, (#I) Tape N12: 6/16/83, M.L. Cuts; Gloria Jones Interview, (#2) Tape N13: 6/16/83, Willie Morris, (#I) Tape N14: 6/16/83, W. Morris, (#2) Tape N15: 6/16/83, M.L. Cuts; W. Morris, (#3)

Box 2: Videotapes Nos. 16-32

Tape N16: 6/17/83, Irwin Shaw Interview, (#I) Tape N17: 6/17/83, Irwin Shaw Cuts, "Chateau Spud," Kaylie and Cemetery; Jones Grave, (#2) Tape N18: 6/18/83, William Styron, (#I) Tape N19: 6/18/83, William Styron, Bud Schulburg, (#2) Tape N20: 6/18/83, Rose Styron and George Plimpton, (#I) Tape N21: 6/18/83, George Plimpton and Don Fine, (#2) Tape N22: 6/18/83, Party Time; Joseph Heller Tape N23: 6/19/83, Odd Books and Artifacts Tape N24: 6/18/83, Odd Books and Paul Jenkins, Books, Photos, etc. Tape N25: 6/18/83, James Jones and Pat Field Tape N26: 6/18/83, Party Time; Clem Wood Tape N27: 6/18/83, "Jonny Angel," Gag Ending


Tape 128: 7/28/83, Tinks Howe, (#I) Tape 129: 7/28/83, Tinks and Sentence Cuts, (#2) Tape 130: 7/28/83, Mrs. Tinks Howe, (#I) Tape 131: 7/28/83, Ms. Annis Skaggs Fleming, (#I) Tape 132: 7/28/83, Ms. Annis Skaggs Fleming, Cuts, (#2)

Box 3: Videotapes Nos. 33-48

Tape 7/29/83, James Giles, (#I) Tape 7/29/83, James Giles, (#2) Tape 7/29/83, Terry Crawford, (#I) Tape 7/29/83, Terry Crawford, Cuts of Manuscripts, (#2) Tape 7/30/83, Annis Fleming and James Jones Tape 7/30/83, James Jones (#2) and James Giles (#I) Tape 7/30/83, James Giles, (#2) Tape 7/30/83, Vic Smith, (#I) Tape 7/30/83, Vic Smith, (#2) Tape 7/30/83, Joanne Strange, Marshall House, (#I) Tape 7/30/83, Earl and Belva Turner, Marshall, (#I) Tape 7/30/83, Earl and Belva Turner, Marshall, (#2) Tape 7/30/83, Margaret Turner, Marshall, (#I) Tape 7/30/83, Margaret Turner, Books and Regina, (#2) Tape 8/9/83, Robinson, IL (#I) Tape 8/2/83, Robinson, IL Interviews, (#2)

BOX 4: Videotapes Nos. 49-65

Tape 149: 8/4/83, Robinson, IL, Cemetary and High School, (#3) Tape 150: 8/9/83, Robinson, IL, Highway No.1 and Bridge, (#4) Tape 151: 8/9/83, Robinson, IL, Elks Club, the Lobby, (#I) Tape 152: 8/10/83, Wabash River, Refinery, and Houses, Mar- shall, IL, (#2) Tape 153: 8/10/83, Houses, Marshall, IL, Cuts, (#3) Tape 154: 8/11/83, Bridge and Wabash, (#4) Tape 155: 8/10/83, Andy Turner, Handy Interview I, (#4) Tape 156: 8/10/83, Andy Turner, Handy Interview 11, (#5) Tape 157: 7/31/83, Mrs. Louise Lewis, (#I) Tape 158: 7/31/83, Mrs. Louise Lewis, (#2) Tape 159: 7/31/83, Alberta Eagleton, (#I) Tape 160: 7/31/83, Larry Lewis, (#I) Tape 161: 8/1/83, Vera Newlin, (#I) Tape 162: 7/31/83, Handy House; 8/1/83, V. Newlin, (#2) Tape 163: 8/1/83, Max Henry, (#I) Tape 164: 8/1/83, Thornton Bline, (#I) Tape 165: 8/11/83, Mary Ann Crank, Robinson, IL, (#I) Box 5: Videotapes Nos. 66-71; Tapes A-E

Tape 166: 8/11/83, Mary Ann Crank Interview, (#2) Tape 167: 11/9/83, Mary Ann Crank and John Bowers, Jones House, Marshall, (#I) Tape 168: 11/9/83, Mary Ann Crank and John Bowers, Jones House, Marshall, (#2) Tape 169: 11/9/83, Mary Ann Crank and John Bowers, Jones House, Marshall, (#3) Tape 170: 11/9/83, Mary Ann Crank at the Colony Site, (#4) 1. Balcony Scene 2. Fireplace Scene Tape 171: 11/10/83, Interview with J. Bowers and M. Lennon, (SSU Media Lab, Springfield) Tape A: James Jones Documentary (Preview) Tape B: James and Gloria Jones Honeymoon; Jones Letter to his Sister Tape C: Robinson High School Film, 1937 Tape D: Whistle and Thin Red Line Shots Tape E: Sound Track Narration

Box 6: Videotapes Nos. 1-13; Tapes A-C

Tape 1: Still Photos, 12/14/83 Tape 2: Still Photos, 12/15/83 Tape 3: Still Photos, 12/15/83 Tape 4: Still Photos, 12/20/83 Tape 5: Still Photos, 12/23/83 Tape 6: Still Photos Tape 7: Lacking Tape 8: Still Photos Tape 9: Still Photos Tape 10: Still Photos Tape 11: Still Photos Tape 12: Still Photos Tape 13: Still Photos Tape A: "James Jones, Reveille to Taps," Part I, 1984 Tape B: "James Jones, Reveille to Taps," Part 11, 1984 Tape C: End Credits; Narration Audio

Box 7: Videotapes A-M

Tape Combat Footage Tape The Colony, Dub Tape From Here to Eternity, Part I Tape From Here to Eternity, Part I1 and Part IV (second ha1f ) Tape --From Here to Eternity, Part TI1 and Part IV (first half) Tape James Jones, Work Print Tape [Reveille to Taps] Master, Part I Tape [Reveille to Taps] Master, Part I1 Tape SSU Spot Tape Some Came Running, (#I) Tape Some Came Running, (#2) Tape Some Came Running, (#3) Tape Some Came Runninq, (#4) Box 8: Audio Tapes Nos. 1-9

Tape 1: (cassette) Side One: James Jones Reads: 1. From Here to Eternity 2. The Thin Red Line Side Two: Irwin Bazelon Sound Dreams ... In Memory of James Jones Tape Jones Narration Outtakes (reel) Tape James Jones Narration, Reel I Tape James Jones Narration, Reel I1 Tape Jones Narration Segments (reel) Tape Jones Narration Segments (reel) Tape Master Narration for Jones Documentary (reel) Tape James Jones PBS Promo (reel) Tape Excerpts of Jones Reading (reel)

Folders : 1. Book: James Jones: Reveille to Taps/A Television Documen- tary, including Narrator's Script, Timed Shot Sheet, Talent Identification. 2. Paris Review 29,103 (Summer 1987): includes "Glimpses: James Jones 1921-1977,'' compiled from interviews recorded on above videotapes. INDEX

Abernathy, Edith, 51 Berg, Noah, 52 Abrams, Reuben, 85 Bergovoy, Philip, 39 Adams, Maxine, 44 Berner, Flozza, 78, 90, 95, 99 Adamson, Gary and Millicent, Berny, J., 27, 52 68, 74, 127 Besser, Marianne, 78, article Adler, Buddy, 39, 77 by, 187 Aiken, Conrad, xv Bevis, Freda, 52 Akers, Alma Raye, 21, 22, 49, Bickerton, Kelly, 49 51 Bicknell, Stan, 109 Akers, Jane, 51 b ill stone, ele en, 44, 75 Albaugh, Blanche L., 95 Birnbaum, Ruth, 39 Aley, Maxwell, xiii-xiv, xxxi; Birnie, William A. H., 52 correspondence with JJ, Biscayne Terrace Hotel, 40 34; 38, 46, 126 Bishop, James H., Jr., 78 Allen, James W., 116 Blakev, Arthur, 52 Allen, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel S., ~lavatsk~,H. P., Collected 17 Writinqs, 148 Anderson, Harold R. (Mr. & Bline, Thornton, interview, Mrs.), 116 230 Angst, Peg, 116 Bliss, Bert, xvii, xxxix, xl, Archie, Clifford H.. 95 xli, 23, 52, 62, 109, Arizona, photos of, 202 126; photos of, 201 Arnett, Judson, 62, 69 Bliss, John, 52 Bollin, Rex, xxxix, xl, 75, Bacon, Susie, 74, 79 77, 85, 86, 87, 124; "Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer, "Half Red Man" ms., 145. The" (anonymous play) , Bostock, William, 86 17K IIJ Bowers, John, Preface, xxxix, Baer, Frank, 80 62, 69,'109, 117; 126, Bagby, Jack L., 90 213-214; interviews. 229, Bainter, Jerry, xxxix, 62, 69, 124 Bradbury, J. Stanley, 117 Baker, Caecile, 116 Brakeley- & Co., 78 Baker, Paul, 99 Brando, Marlon, 193 Baker, Harry & Wanda, 109 Brandt & Brandt, 69-70 Ballard, James, xxxix Breisky, Bill, 90 Baldwin, Mrs. R. A., 46 Brethes, Maria, 80 Bandy, Bertha, 116 Brian, Phillip Francis, 100 Bank Statements (for colony, Briley, Helen A., 80 LH, etc.) , 1 Brooks, Alan G., 39, 62 Barker, LeBaron "Lee," 51, 62, Brooks, Everett Carl, 80 6 9 Brown, Charles D., 86, 117 Barley, Francis, xli, 74, 95 Brown, Edmund G., Sr., (Gov. Barn Restaurant, 194 of California), 95 Barrett, Edward J. (Illinois Brown, Jora, 16 secretary of state), 87 Brown, Phillip, Tonye, Vickey, Baumgarten, Bernice, 62, 69, 124; Tonye, 126 75 Brown, Ned, 40, 70, 75, 80. Bazelon, Irwin, 232 Beach Cottage (plans), 3 Beck, Curtis J., 90 Brown & ~i11iamson'~obacco Beers, Mrs. John H., 99, 157 Corp., 16 Bell, Don, 78 Buchan, Edna Dunlap, 80 Bennett, Grendel, 32, 90, 94 ~uffington, C. M. ,-79 Bennett, La Rae Olvey, 51 Buford, Jim, 52, 61 Burkybile, Ray, 93 182 Burnett, Woodf ord "Woody," 2 9, Commercial, La, 18 40, 85, 91 Cooper, Peggy, 118 Burns, Reynold 0., 100 Corley, Viola, 81 Burt, Virginia, 126 Coves, Peter, 53 Bushman, William, xxxix Cox. Hallie. 95. 118 Butcher, Lee, 90-91, 100, 183 Byers, Jack, xxxix, xl, xli, 28, 52, 75 Crane, Ruth, 49 Crank, Mary Ann Newlin, xli; Cain, Gerald I., 94 interview. 230-31 Calendars, 218 ~rawfordcounty Country Club, Campbell, Cozette, 31 49, 181 Campbell, David, 95 ~rawfordCounty State Bank, Campbell, Grace M., 52 194 Campbell, Margaret R., 62, 100 Crawford, Terry, interview, Carpenter, A. C., 183 230 Carpenter, Fay Turner: see Crebs, Caswell, 27 Turner, Fay Cressman, William, 100 Carpenter, John and Cela, 44 Cronin, Charles J., 95 Carpenter, Leona, 44 Cronin, Robert F . , ( "Poling Carroll, Jimmy L., 80-81, 91 Fence" ms.), 75 Cavanaugh, Mrs., 124 Cudish, Sheila, 40 CBS Radio, 39 Cullen, Frank, 53 Chamales, Tom T., xx, xxxiii, Culmer, Bill, 63 xxxiv, 75, 77, 90, 91, Curnmings , Ridgely, 7 1 96, 98, 102, 106; Never Cunningham, Mary & Edna, 118 So Few galley, 145; Cunningham, Virgil, 11 8 articles about, 188, 214; Curry, John, 79, 118 Go Naked in the World: Curry, Norman M., 87 145 (copy of book) Chambers, Dana, "Darling, This Dager, Eleanor, 87 is Death, " 191 Daly, Edwin C., xix, xxxiii, Chandler, Raymond, xv xxxix, xl; Some Must Chapman, John, 194 Watch ms., 146; articles Charles, Guy, 115, 117 about, 214; photos of, Cherokee Indians. 148, 195 203 Chezney, Helen, 25, 30, 52, Dana Hudelson, Inc., 94 75, 77, 85, 86, 96, 181, Danner, Robert, 45 205 Daniels, Tom, 157 Chezney, Mary Lovell, 79 Darengbourg, Joe, 38 Chia, Jack, 100 Davidson, Dorothy, 81 Chicago, Illinois, (map) 195 Davis, Hildegarde H., 7 1 Chrane, Curtis E., 52 Davis, Jeffrey Van, lvi Churchill, Judith Chase, 39 Davis, Myron, 63 Claasen, Clara, 70 Deagan, Joan, 53 Clark, J.P., (1830 letter), 29 Dean, George, 95-96, 100 Clausen, Oliver B., 81 ~dan,Moses, 127 Clift, Montgomery, xviii, "Death-A Study in Agony" (JJ), xxxiii; photos of, 202. 150 Coats, Tom & Grace, 118 DeBerard, Ella, 39, 53, 63, Cohen, Elliot E., 53 75, 100, 205 Coleman, Byron, 53 de Havilland, Olivia, 64 Collins, Don & Baro, 74 de Marron, Maria, 45, 46 Colony, The (book by John DePalma, Fred P. (Lt . ) , 45 Bowers) , reviews, 213-14; Desautels, Paul, xl, 92, 100; film, 231. "All Things Have Their Colorado, 13 Season" ms., 172 Columbia University, 161-62, Detre, Jean, 92 DeVoss, Carl D., 81 Fischer, Beulah E., 53 DeVrees, Jerry, xxxix Fishback, Mrs. Frank, 75, 79, DeWesse, Margaret, 53 82 DeWitt, D. C., 75 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, xiii, xv Diamant, Edward M., 53 Fleischer, Helen, 54 Dillinger, John, 192 Fleming, Annis Skaggs, Dixon, Burns (Mr & Mrs) , 118 interview, 230 Dodds, John R., 90, 96 Florida, photos of JJ and Dclleeta, Tiny, 53 Handys in, 201-202; map Donovan, Susan, 75 of, 181 Doremus, Tom, 92 Flying Saucers, 193 Dorn, Michael, 96 Flynn, James P., 97 Dos Passos, John, xv Ford, Douglas C., 49 Douglas, Paul H. (senator), Fort Myers, Florida (map), 20 127 Fox, Arthur W., 110, 118 Doyle, Betty, 56 Fox, Mary, 54 Dowling, Ruby, 96, 118 Frazier, Morrell, 118 Drew, Robert B., xxxix, xl, From Here to Eternity (JJ), 53, 71, 79, 83; "The Sun Jones begins work on, at Noon" ms., 172-73 xiv, xxxi; completed, Duhart, William H., xix, published, xv, xxxii; xxxiv, xl, 81, 87, 90, wins National Book Award, 92, 96, 100, 109, 118; xvii, xxxii; 18, 22, 25; manuscripts and short review in Yiddish, 39; stories, 147 editorial about, 70; Duncan, C. Wade, 124 early drafts, 152; ms., Duncan, Neal, Jr, 53 152; foreign editions, Dunham, Noel E. , 109 153; galleys, 153; Book- of-the-Month Club notice, Eagleton, Louise, interview, 183; articles about, 183, 230 185-186, 208-209, 216; JJ Eaton, David M., 101 reads (tape) 232; Film, Edwards, Albert L., 96 xviii, xxxiii; 187; Eliot, T. S., xvi, xix promotional material, Elks Lodge, Robinson, 217; tape of, 231 Illinois, 45 Gadlow, Leah, 71 Elks War Commission, 192 Gaines, A. D., 76, 79 Erhardt, John C., (book of Gainfort, John, 87 poetry, Sounds Heard Gallant, James T., 82 Aqain), 81 Gardiner, Dorothy, 63 Erskine, Albert, 53, 64 Gardner, Kay, 110 Estes, Evelyn, 109 Gehman, Richard, xviii Evans Book 3tore, 96 Gelsanliter, David & Susie, Ezell, Thelma, 81 206 Ezion Baptist Church, 55 Geraci, Vincent M., 87 Getchel, Ruthetta, 118-119 Fallon, Catherine, 81, 85, 87, Gibson, Robert L., 117, 119- 92, 96-97, 101, 110, 118 120 Fantastic magazine, 113 Giles, James, interview, 230 Farrell, Leona, 118 Gilston, Richard, 161 Faulkner, William, xvi Gingrich, Arnold, 173 Feigenbaum, Donald D., xl, 81- Ginn, Una, 101 82 Godeyls Ladies1 Book, 181 Feldhaus, Kenneth L., 82, 169- Goldstone, Jules C., 54 70 Goldsmith, Bill & Jean, 125 Fiedler, Leslie A., 53 Go Naked in the World o om T E'ield, Pat, interview, 229 Charnales) 106; copy of, Fields, Arthur C., 85 145; 182 Fine, Don, interview, 229 Gordon, Dorothy, xxxix, 71 Gower. Claude. 58. 97. 126 manuscripts, 4, 5, 9, 10, Graham, ~oqer'P., ' 97 ' 11, 148-150; trip to Grand canyon, photos, of, 202 Spain, 179; personal Gray, Pat, 76 papers, 180-182; articles "~reater~ove" (JJ) , ms., 150; about, 187-188, 211-213, 216. 217; photos of, 201-203 Greenhaw, Wayne, 101 Handy, Sol (HH's father), 183, Greer, Edward, 79 190 Griffin, W. J., 2 Harbison, Margaret, 110 Grinde, John M. (Dr.), 101 Hardwick, Charles, 31 Gurry, L. A., 82 Hardwick, Connie, 25 Hardwick, Jim, 5, 47, 54 Hain, Irene, 110 Harris, Elwood, xxxix Haish, Mrs. J. Guy, 48, 54, Harrison, Charles H. (Rev. 79, 125 Dr.), 54 Halpern, June, 54 Harrison, Shelby, 87, 110 Hamill, Pete, 101 Harry-Anna Crippled Children's Handy Colony, xiv, xv, Home, 64 schedule, xvi; Harvey, Helen, 71 incorporation, xvii- Hasten, Percy C., 87 xviii; end of, xx; Hawkins, Kenneth (attorney), students at, xxxix-xli; 1, 30, 67 business records, Heath, Beth & Bayard, 125 minutes, letterhead, Heath, Joan & Madeline, 71 etc., 1; membership Heath, Pete & Thelma, 26, 64, certificates, 1; notes on 76, 125 (LH & JJ), 1; articles Heller, Joseph, interview, 229 about, 187-88, 217; Hemingway, Ernest, xiii, xv, photos of, 203 xx, 14 Handy, George, (1830 letter), Hendricks, Denis, et al., 54 2 9 Henry, ~ax,173;. interview, Handy, Harry, xiii, xiv, xv, 230 xvii, xix; death, xx; Herd, Dale, 97 xxxi, xxxiii, xxxiv; Heutt, L. S., 82 correspondence with JJ Hibbs, Ben, 90 and LH, 2-33; Higgins (H. R.) Books, 101 "~urnakound'~ms . , 173; Higgins, Nelson B. (Jr.) , 55 personal papers, 179; Hines, James, 71, 76 articles about, 189, 211, Hitchcock, Lauren B., 110 213; photos of, 201-203 Hitler, Adolph, 194 Handy,-. Loudell (Mrs. Sol, HHrs Hoffa, James, 95 mother), xvi, xli, 27, Hollenbeck, John M., 124 49,- -- 54, 71, 87, 123, 125, Hollywood, California, xv 1 IL Holzapfel, Elfriede M., 39 Handy, Lowney (Turner), early Hoover, J. Edgar, 193 years, xiii, xxxi; meets Hosea, Fred, xl, 71 JJ, xiii, xxxi; begins Howerton, Charles E., 79 teaching writers, xiv, Howe, Sylvanus "Tinks" & Iva, xxxi; develops training xiv, 3, 15, 43, 49; techniques, xiv; ideas on interviews, 230 copying, xv; expectations Howitt, J. R., 91 of students, xvi; Huebsch, B. W., 126 forbidden authors, xvi- Hughes, Dora J., 82, 169 xvii; on women, xviii; Hughes, Frances E., 55 David Ray on, xix, 187; Hunsinger, Joe, 85 achievements, xx; Hunter, William M. (Rev.), 82 correspondence with HH Hurt, Floy Gladys, 64 and JJ, 2-33; other correspondence, 42-125; Igoe, John D., 55 Inch' on, Korea (map), 218 85; membership card from Income Tax records, 1 United World Federalists, Ingold, Lael, 38 87; 110, 115; mss., 150- Intellectualism, Lowney's 156; essay on Red ~adqe dislike of, xvi of Couraqe, 150; 173, Internal Revenue Service, 180; personal papers, U.S., 1 182-183; articles about, Irwin, Harry R. (Pvt.), 101 185-187, 206-208, 211- Isaacs, Mrs. W. Frank, 38 212, 216; photos of, 201- 203, 205, 216; short Jackson, Phyllis, 71 stories, mss. 150, 206, Jaeger, Jerome, 97 216 Jaffe Agency, Inc., 54, 60 Jones, James (Jr., JJ's son), Jaffe, Marc, 117 interview, 229-230 "James Jones: Reveille to Jones, Joe, 2 Taps" (television Jones, Kaylie (JJ1s documentary), xxx, lvi; daughter), 211-212; production tapes, 229-231 interview, 229 James, Mildred, 64 Jones, Mary Ann (JJ1s sister), Janne, Kathleen, 55 xvii, xxxii, xl, 38, 49, Japan, 193 52, 55-56, 64; Jemison, Alva & Etha, 92 correspondence, 173; mss. Jenkins, Charles, 76 173-174; photos of, 202 Jenkins, Paul, 229 Jones, Robert H., 56 Jensen, Margrethe, 82 Jones, Sadie (JJ1s aunt), xii Joheen, Richard, 82 "Just Like the Girl" (JJ), ms. Johnson, Charles, 82 draft, 150 Jones, Charles (JJ1suncle), JJ's correspondence with, Kalthoff, Robert J., 82 37-38, 39. Kanmacher, Ann, 102 Jones, Dave, 97 Kaputa, Peter, 82 Jones, Florence, 4, 5, 55, 64, Kearns, Frank, 76 102 (& Gus), 110 Keating, William, 87 Jones, Georqe "Jeff" ( JJrs Keeler, Veva, 102 brothe;), 38, 76, 79; Kehrer, Mary Campbell, 56 play ms. "A Rhyme in Kelder, Robert "Jay, " xxxix, Time"); photos of, 202 xl, 72, 110 Jones, Gloria (Mosolino), JJ's Kelsheimer, Mabel, 120 wife, xix, xxxiii, xxxiv; Kembestad, Miss, 64 interview, 229; film of Kendall, Robert, xix, xxxiv, honeymoon, 231 xl, 97, 102-103, 110-111, Jones, James, early years, 120; book, whit& Teacher' xiii, xxxi; writes in a Black School; 174 "Laughter, " xiii, xxxi; Kennedy, Hazel, 64 Eternity, xiv-xv, xxxi- ~ennedy,John F. & Jacqueline, xxxiii; donates money for 194, photo 203 colony, xiv, xxxii; and Kepler, Joe, 40 ~unninq,xvli, xviii, Keyhole Detective Stories xxxii-xxxiv; and Maqazine, 100 Montgomery lift, xvii, Kirkwood, Florence S., 120 xxxiii, photos, 202; Kistler, Fred & Mildred, 56 builds home at colony, Kivela, Margaret, 91 xviii, xxxiii; marries Klinger, George E. (Cpl. ) , 56 Gloria Mosolino, xix, Knipe, Dris K., 76 xxxiii; leaves colony, Knox, Mickey, 76 xix, xxxiv; Kramer, Jay O., 39 correspondence with Kurtz, Edward, xl; mss., Handys, 2-33; other 156 correspondence, 33-41; Lancaster, Burt, xxxiii Landwehr, Sheldon, xl, 97, McClelland, Charles A., 120 103, 111, 115 McCoin, Bill W., 82 Lanier, J. F. D. (home in McCormick, Jim, 65, 72 Madison, Indiana), 195 McCorquodale, W. E., 57 Laval, Richard, xxxix McCuller, Dorothy, 104 Lawrence, D. H., xvi McDonald, William, xxxix Lazar, Dave, 125 McElearney, Charles T. "Mac," Lea, Ralph, xxxix, 64, 72, 76, 120 92, 103-104 McGee, Lucie, 57 League for Industrial McIntosh, Mavis, 65 Democracy, 191 McKeever, Hobart L., 77, 97 Lee, Kenneth F., 87 McLean, Mrs. A. W., 88 Lennon, J. Michael, xxx, lvi, McLean, Winston S., xl, 87, 229-31 100, 104, 111-112, 120, Lesher, C. Zoner, 38 127 Le Sueur, C. B., 39 McLeod, J., 91 Lewis, Larry, interview, 230 McMahon, Neal, xl Lewis, Louise, interview, 230 MacShane, Frank, interview 229 Licciardo, Ray, 97 Lichtman, William, 97, 104 Maag, Joe, 2 Life Magazine, 55, 66, 79 Maas, Lotte, 39 Life Magazine article, "James Mack, David, 82 Jones and His Angel" by Mack, Peter F., Jr., 104 A. B. C. Whipple, 7 May Mailer, Norman, articles by, 1951, xv; photos for, 192; interview, 229 201; copy, 216 Mailloux, Eugene A. (Capt. ) , Li-ghthouse Book Company, 104, 45 13c Manges, Horace S., 31, 38, 40, Lindsay, Geraldine, 92 57, 65, 86, 120, 123 Lindsay, Willard, xiv, xvii, Mankowski, Zbigniew T., 57 xxxi, xxxix, 3, 4, 5, 7, Marquand, John P., 23 12, 14, 15, 17, 20, 23, Marsh, Benjamin C., 46 Marshall, Don, xxxix Marshall, Illinois, xiii, xiv, 174; article.about, 188 xvi, xvii, xix, xxxi, "Living in a Trailer" (JJ), xxxii, xxxiii; photos of, 216 203; video, 230 Lodae. A. H.. 87 Martin, Pauline M., 57, 65, 72 LOO;,' John, 2 47, 49, 56, 64, Martindale, Stan, 83, 112, 120 72. 79. 82 Matheny, Mrs. Edna et al., 125 Lovell, ' ~rthur,76 Maule, Harry E., 65, 72, 73 Lovely, Luther, 82 May, Elizabeth, 57 Lowe, B., 64 Mefford, Mary Lee, 79 Lowry, Bob & Rosemary, 76 Meredith, Scott, 126 Luna, Arturo Medina, 88 Messner, Julian, 83 Mexico, photos taken in, 201- McAdams, Miss, 65 202 McBride, Dick, 72 Miami, Florida, map of, 181 McCauley, John, (Mayor of Michaud, Lena, 92 Marshall, Illi.nois), 72 Michel, George & Dimple, 97- McClellan, Diana Lynn, 104 98, 104 McCiellan, Jo, 104 Miers, Milly Lou, 57 McClellan, Nancy, xl, 76, 124 Miller, Ina, Faye & Raymond, 19n McClellan, Roy, 65 ILV McClellan, Vivian (LHfs Minton, Walter J., 81, 83, 98, sister), lvi, 7, 8, 48, 104-2.05, 112, 114, 156- 93, 97, 104, 111, 120, 157 125; one in'the Middle, Minutes, Handy Colony, 1 liv, 215 Misani, Renato, 157 Mistletoe, 193 Chamales) , 95 Mitchell, Burroughs "Mitch," Ohio Oil Company, xiii, 47, xiii, xv, 16, 21; 189-190 correspondence with JJ, Olson, Eugene, 113 34-36; 40, 41, 43, 48, Olston, E,ve, xxxix, 73 49, 50, 57-58, 65, 73, "Orders and Instructions for 83, 86, 93, 125 Personnel Confined in ~itcheli,~arl '(~r.) & Mollie Camp Brig," 158 T., 105, 112, 157 Osbourne, James B., xl, 83 ~itcheli,~eien (i3urroughsf Owens, Roy, 83 wife), 40, 65, 73 Modglin, June Luton, 58 Pace, B. Lee, 58 Monaghan, James, xl; play Padgett, Charles, 88 "Servant of the People," Padgett, Lewis, 174 174 Parks, Catherine, 40 Moore, Helen, 120 Parkview Hotel, 2 Moore, Martha, 98 Parsons, Louella, 180, 193 Morris, H. S., 79 Patten, William, 98 Morris, Willie, interview, 229 Peacock, Edgar, 121 Morton, Charles, 38 Peacock, Mrs. E. W., 98 Motta, Marcelo Ramos, 88 Peacock, Jere, xx, xxxiv, xl, Multer's Bookstore, 116, 118, 106, 113, 123-124; 121 correspondence & mss. Murphy, Gladys T. (LH's (Valhalla, etc. ) , 156- sister), 44, 83 160; articles about, 188- Murphy, William Patrick, 121 189; pictures of, 203 Myers, Charles Dawes, xxxix, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, xiii; xli, 12, 50, 51 photo of attack on, 201 Pearsley, Warren, xl, 50 Nalewa jk, Walter, 66 Peden, William, 98 Nash, Albert D., xxxix, xl, Pehrson, Howard, xl, 85, 86, 66, 105 National Book Award, xviii, xxxii correspondence and mss., Nearhoff, Marguerite, 98, 105 incl. "Now Is Not Nearing, Scott, pamphlets by, Forever, " 161 191 Penn, James E., 89 Nelson, Carl, xl Pennsylvania (map), 195 Nelson, Gene, xxxix, xl, 83, People' s Lobby, Inc . , 4 6 84, 88, 98 Perkins, Maxwell, xiii, xiv, Never SO ~ew(Tom T. xxxi; correspondence with Chamales), xviii, xxxiii; JJ, 36-37; 126 movie, 102; ms.,' 145; Petronius, Bernice, 73 articles about, 188, 124 Pettibone, John F., 77 Newl.in, Vera, 29, 58, 88, 98, Pettit, Gloria, 58 205-206; interview, 230 Pevehouse, Alvin & Breni, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2, 8 xxxix, xl, 65, 66, 73, New York University, xiv 86, 106, 127; "The Nicholas, M. W., 105 Kachina Dolls" ms., 174; Nichols, Lewis, 105 Brenils story ms. "So Nisley, Al, 105 Refreshing!, " 174 "None Sing So Wildly" (JJ), Phillips, Peggy, 49 ms. draft, 150 Plater, Henson, 98 North, Romona, 79 Plimpton, George, interview, North, Mr. & Mrs. Roy M., 79 229 Norris, Dwight W., 113 ~lunkett,Malvin B., 66 Pontell, Carl, xxxix, 66 Oberst, Alma, 73 Poorman, Gertrude, 121 OfConnell, Helen (Mrs. Tom T. Prevo, Esther R., 106, 114 Prosser, Eleanor, 42-43 Saint Louis, ~issouri(map), Proust, Marcel, xvi 195 Putnamls Sons (Publisher), 86, Salas, Floyd F., 114 90, 98, 102, 104, 115, Sanders, David S., 107 124, 157 Sarner, Celia, 40 Pyle, Ernie, 14 Savage, Laird, xxxix, 59 Seaver, F. N., 59 Rabinowitz, Kiki & Harold, 58 Schaef fer, Bertha & Irving, Rafferty, Keen, 50 73, 77, 84, 98, 107, 114 Railway Express Co., 86 Schmidt, Frederick J., 94 Rainbow, Jerry, 121 Schmidt, Helen, 38 "Ramada, " xiii, xxxiii Schnibbe, Carla, 107 Random House, 86 Schofield Barracks, xiii; Raunch, Levi, 192 photos of, 203 Ray, David, xviii, xxxix; Scribner Book Store, 98 article by, 187 Scully, Mrs. L. J., 25 Rea, Ed, 106 Searls, Hank, 194 Rearick, John, 38 Sebastian, Norman B., 77 Red Badqe of Couraqe (Stephen Secrest, Evelyn, 93 Crane), JJ1s book report Seifert, Dieter, 77 on, 150 Selaissie, Haile (Emperor of Rees, James J., 31 Ethiopia), 169 Repa, Al, 106 Semling, Jean Ann, 84 Ressencourt, Eugene, 66 Shapiro, Milton, 77 Reynolds, Frank J. (Dr. & Shaw, Irwin, article by, 192; Mrs.), 58 interview, 229 Rippy, Walter, 93; ms., 175 Shearer, Edwin "Eddie, " xxxix, Ritch, Nola, 33 59, 93, 98, 107; Ritter, Sylvia, 73 correspondence and ms., Roark, Mary Kathleen, 66 175; photos of, 201 Robb, Charles T., xxxix, xl, Shearer, Dana & Sharon, 93 86, 93, 98, 106, 121; Shearer, Sue (LH1s sister), 4, correspondence and mss., 5, 7, 15, 25, 44, 45, 47, including "After Dinner 50, 59, 66, 77, 88, 89, Cenotaph, " 161-165 93-99, 107, 114, 122, 179 Roberson, Marshall, 93 Shepherd, Eulala, 122 Roberts, Mrs. J. K., 163 Sherman, Kate, 90 Robinson, Illinois, xiii, xiv, Shirota, Jon, xx, xxxiv, xl, xv, xx, xxxi, xxxii; Elks 99, 107, 114, 122, 124 Club in, 45; video, 230; Sinclair, Upton, 77, 86, 99 1937 fiim of, 231 . Sisson, ~is-s, 73 Rosenfels, James C., 93 Skogholm, Carl, 39 Rosengard, Richard, 121 Sleeman, J. O., 91 Rosenthal, Shirley, 89 Spaulding, Emma Ocker, 66 Ross, Norman, 106 Smith, John Clausell, 89 Rossit, Walter, 83 "Smith Just Bid and Made a Russell, Diarmuid, 48 Slam at This Table" Russell, Dorothy R., 77, 84, (anonymous ms . ) , 175 93 Smith, Nancy, 66 Russell, Evelyn, 206 Smith, Mrs. 0. E., 59 Ryan, Charles Calvin "Cal," 41 Smith, Robert, xiv, xvii, xxxix, 23, 28, 51, 59, Sackrider, Donald, xiv, xvii, xxxi, xl, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 17, 23, 26, 47, 48, Smith, Vic, interview, 230 50, 51, 58-59, 62, 66, Smith, Warren, 107, 114, 122 106-107, 122 Saael, Nick & Millie, 46, 50, Smithdeal, John G., 59 Smitley, Eugene, 74 Thompson, Lloyd M., 122 Snedecker, Kenny, xl, 77, 79 Thompson, Timothy, 115 Snyder, Helene J., 60 Tiny Dolleeta, 53 Social Security, 218 Tobey, Carl W., 115 Some Came Runninq (JJ), xvii, Towns, Dan, xxxix, 40, 60 xix, xxxii-xxxiv, 31, 94; Trees, 194 ms., 154-155; galley, Trowbridqe, Martha, 122 156; articles about, 209- ~scha~~a~,'~err~,xviii, 210; movie, tape of, 231 xxxiii, xxxix, xl, 67, Some ~ustwatch' (~dwinC: 74, 89, 115, 165-168; Daly) , xix, xxxiii; ms. Never the Same Aqain, 146 xviii, xxxiii, ms. 166- "Song of an Old Kentucky Fued 167; "~lley~itanic" ms., [sic]," 218 168 sorgatz, ~urgen,99 Tuesday literary Guild, 194 Sparks, D. C. "Sparkie," 89 Turlay, Maud R., 77 spencer, Mark, 176, 122 Turner, Andy, 190; interview, 321- Spencer, Tom M., 115 LJV ~picer,'~aril~n'~.,115 Turner, Earl (LH1sbrother) & Sprinqfield Scene, 195 Belva, 12, 14, 16, 29, Sproul, Kathleen, 22 48, 50, 60, 67, 74, 77, "Squirrel Rations," 218 84, 89, 110, 124; "How Mv A

~tanle~,Charles, ' 107 ~ometown~andles. the Stayman, G. L. & Josephine, 42 Traffic" (Earl), 183; Steenberg, Richard, 60 interview,.230' ' Steele, Theodore A., 40 Turner (Carpenter Swain), Fay Stepelton, Dale, 122 (LH's sister), xxxix, 4, ~teEnig,Larry,. 79 Stewart, Walter S., 60 stevens, George, 66 75, 87, 91, 95, 100, i17; Stone, Harlan, xl "Learn to Limp" ms., 172; Stone, Tad, 67 campaign 1iteEature; 181. Strange, Joanne, interview, Turner, Gladys, see Murphy, 230 Gladys T. Strauss, Farrar, 122 Turner, Harold (LHfs brother) Strauss, Helen, 67, 74 & Marqaret, lvi, 60, 67, Strouse, Edgar J., 40 89, 107, 115, 124, i25, Stvron, William & Rose, 229 127; interview with utter; Vernal, 77 Margaret, 230 Swain, Fay Turner Carpenter, Turner, James M. (LH' s see Turner, Fay father), 67, 183, 190 Swartz, J. B., 22 Turner, Mrs. James M., (Fanny, LH' s mother), 17, 44 Tally, Truman M., 67 Turner, John & Stell, 21, 60, Tarver, John Ben, 99 67 Taubeneck, George, xix, 73, 77 Turner, Mrs. Wayne, 191 "Temper of Steel, The" (JJ), Turner, William P., 108 galley proof, 150 ~urnipseed,Ruth, 51 "They Shall Inherit the "Two Leqs for the Two of Us" Laughter" (JJ), xiii, (JJ), 216 xiv, xix, xxxi; Maxwell Tyler, James, 99 Aley's comments on, 34; Burroughs Mitchell's Uhall, George, 99, 115 comments on, 36; drafts, United World Federalists, 39, ms., 151 40; JJ' s membership card, Thomas, Mrs. Alice G., 173 87 Thomas, Bill, 89 University of Illinois Thomas, Dylan, xvii Extension, 44 Thompson, Dorothy, 157 Uzzell, Thomas H., 43, 46, Winteringer, E. O., 84 ÿÿ he ~wiiiqhtof self - Wittwer, Carol, 84 Government), 175 Wolfe, Dorothy V., 84 Wolfe, Thomas, xiii, xv Vail, Jane, 108 Women, LH's ideas about, xviii Valley Trailer Park, North Wood, Clem, interview, 230 Hollywood, California, Wood, Priscilla, 24, 68 brochure, 181 World Bioqraphv 72 Van Arneyden van Duym, Alfred, Wouk, Herman, 163 38 Wray, Garrett, 1 Vasquez, Roselind, 157 Wright, Charles, xix, xxxix, Vestecka, Dorothy, xl, 84, 86 xl, 61, 68, 77, 84, 85, Vincennes, Indiana, 193 86, 94, 108, 116, 119, 123, 124; correspondence, Wabash River, video, 230 169-170; "Highest Wahoo Bingo, 218 Tension" ms., 170-172; Wallace, Jane, 61, 67 photos of, 169, 230 Wallace, Terry, 108 Ward, Leo, 51 Yaddo, 116 Wartels, Nat, 86 Young, Lafayette, 61 Watters, Dorothy, 125 Young, Robert, 94 Wasserman, Lew M., 116 "Way It Is, The" (JJ), ms. Zamorra, Benito C., Jr., 88 draft, 150 Zbudowski, Babi C., 77-78, 85, Weeks, Edward, 52 8 6 Weinhardt, Carl J., 124 Zbudowski, Helen, 24; see Weiser, Donald, 67, 77, 124 Chezney, Helen Weiser, Samuel, Inc., 68, 77, Zirnmerman, Joe, xxxix 79, 99, 106, 108, 116, Zinneman, Fred, 78 123, 124, 125 Zitz, Martin, xl, 89 Weitzel, Tony, 108 Zweig, Arnold, 126 Weller, Kenneth, 14, 48 Zweig, Michael, xxxix, xl, 126 West, Cy, 79 West, Johnny, 53 Weybright, Victor, 94 Wheelock. John Hall, correspondence'with JJ, 37, 126 Whipple, A. B. C. "Cal," xv, 61, 68, 74, 123 Whipple, Jane B., 63 White, Bill, 61 Whitmore, Mrs. Alice E., 94, 99, 108 Wilke Pipe Shop, 40 WILL (Radio Station, University of Illinois), 7 9 Williams, Tennessee, article by, 192 Williams, Thomas J., 61 Williams, Wilma, 58, 68 Willings, Charles, xl Wilson, Grant V., 22 Wilson, Mike, xl, 86, 89 Wilson, Otto, 123 Wingate, John, 84 Wingf ield, Marshall, 39 Wiswell, George, 2