CO-OPS MATTER THE ABCs OF CO-OP IMPACT BRETT THEODOS, CORIANNE PAYTON SCALLY, AND LEIHA EDMONDS A REPORT FROM THE URBAN INSTITUTE DECEMBER 2018 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Brett Theodos directs the Community Corianne Payton Scally is a senior research Economic Development Hub at the Urban associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Institute, where he is a principal research Communities Policy Center. associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center. Leiha Edmonds is a research analyst in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T This brief was funded by the Cooperative We are also grateful for the individuals who Development Foundation in partnership joined a workshop where we presented a with the National Cooperative Business draft assessment framework and provided Association, with original funding from the feedback: Katrina Badger, Robert Wood Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. We are Johnson Foundation; Terry Barr, CoBank; grateful to them and to all our funders, Paul Bradley, ROC USA; Clifford Deaton, who make it possible for Urban to advance The Aspen Institute; Luis Dopico, Filene its mission. Research Institute; Brent Hueth, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Chuck Fluharty, Rural The views expressed are those of the Policy Research Institute; Diane Gasaway, authors and should not be attributed to the Northwest Cooperative Development Center; Urban Institute, its trustees, or its funders. Noemi Giszpenc, Cooperative Development Funders do not determine research findings Institute; Bill Hampel, Credit Union National or the insights and recommendations of Association (retired); Donald Hinkle Brown, Urban experts. Further information on The Reinvestment Fund; Melissa Hoover, the Urban Institute’s funding principles is Democracy at Work Institute; Emilia Istrate, available at
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