Regular Public Meeting Minutes December 17, 2018 Page 1 of 70

President Vice President Board Member Peter T. Rosario Arthur G. Soto Maryann Capursi

Board Member Board Member Board Member Horacio Ray Carrera Craig B. Miller L. Daniel Rodriguez

Board Member Board Member Board Member Judith Sanchez Christina Schratz Ronald Van Rensalier

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1. Call to Order...... 1 2. Invocation …………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 3. Pledge of Allegiance...... 1 4. Roll Call ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 5. Recognition of: ……………………………………………………………………………………….………1  Fall Athletic Honors  Hispanic Youth Honors  AP Scholars 6. Student Representative Report……………………………………………………………………………1 7. Public Participation …………………………………………………………………………………………1 8. Executive Session …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 9. Report of the President………………………………………………………………………………………2 10. Report of the Superintendent ……………………………………………………………………………..2 11. Committee Report …………………………………………………………………………………………...2 12. Agenda Items A. Approval of Minutes ...... A-1 B. Personnel……………… ...... B-1–B-27 C. Tuitions ...... C-1–C-4 D. Authorizations ...... D-1–D-10 E. Board Secretary/Treasurer of Moneys Reports ...... E-1 F. Payment of Bills ...... F-1 G. Finance and Accounting Reports ...... G-1–G-3 H. Award of Contracts ...... H-1–H-4


14. ADJOURNMENT ...... I-1

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1. Call to Order

This meeting is being held in accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Act”, Chapter 231, Laws of 1975. The notice of this meeting was mailed to The Herald News and The Record, and to the presidents of the five employee groups. A copy of the meeting notice was delivered to the Office of Municipal Clerk and posted on the bulletin board at City Hall. A copy was also posted at the Board of Education Administration Building. Annual notice was filed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-8(d). Adequate notice has been provided in accordance with the law.

2. Invocation

God, guide us in the decisions to be deliberated this evening and help us to work together in the best interest of the children and the parents of the City of Passaic.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Roll Call

5. Recognition of  Fall Athletic Honors  Hispanic Youth Honors  AP Scholars 6. Student Representative Report

7. Public Participation

At this portion of the meeting, members of the public will be able to question and comment on any item on the published agenda or on items/topics not on the agenda. Members of the public are requested to sign the register with their names and addresses. Please wait to be recognized by the President of the Board. Approach the microphone and give your name and address for the record.

Please be advised that the Board of Education will not entertain any comments from persons who communicate obscene material, make statements which are considered bias intimidation in which a person intends to intimidate any individual or group because of race, color, religion, gender, handicap, sexual orientation or ethnicity or makes comments intending to harass or speak any offensive language. The person who makes these statements will relinquish his/her allotted five (5) minutes for public participation.

The Board asks that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking. Please bear in mind that students and employees have specific legal rights afforded by the laws of . Members of the public should consider their comments in light of the legal rights of those affected or identified in their comments.

All comments and questions are to be directed through the President.

Members of the public will have five (5) minutes to comment or question any or all items on or off the agenda.

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8. Executive Session

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education meets in Executive Session on December 17, 2018, at 663 Main Avenue, 6th Floor, Passaic, NJ to discuss personnel matters, legal update and HIB Report.


Regular Public Meeting Minutes December 17, 2018 Page 5 of 70

Public Meeting Minutes Passaic Board of Education Passaic, New Jersey 07055

December 17, 2018 6:07 p.m. Board Rooms


A. Calling the Meeting to Order

President Peter Rosario called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. He said that the

meeting is being held in accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Act”. The

meeting notice was mailed to The Herald News, The Record and the Presidents of

the five employee groups and was posted at City Hall and the Passaic Board of

Education Administration Building.

B. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call

Members Present: Vice President Soto, Ms. Maryann Capursi, Mr. Horacio “Ray” Carrera, Mr. Craig B. Miller, Mr. L. Daniel Rodriguez, Ms. Judith Sanchez, Ms. Christina Schratz, and President Peter Rosario

Absent: Mr. Ronald VanRensalier

Also Present: Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Mr. Jeffrey Truppo, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Ms. Rachel Goldberg, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction

Yaacov Brisman, Board Attorney

President Rosario said the meeting would begin with recognition of the following:

Fall Athletic Honors – Athletes who have been recognized by their respective leagues, conferences, or, at the State level, for their outstanding achievement this past season. All team members present and coaches were congratulated and called to the stage to receive Certificates.

AP Scholars: Advanced Placement Scholars - Three (3) students who received scores of 3.0 or higher on three or more AP Exams were congratulated and presented with Certificates.

Advanced Placement Scholar With Distinction – Two (2) students who received an average score of at least a 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams were congratulated and presented with Certificates.

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Hispanic Youth Honors – Three (3) Students were selected out of over 13,000 applications nationally and were honored at PACE University in New York City at the Hispanic Youth Awards for winning Bronze in Science and Technology, Silver in Business and Gold in Media.

The students were congratulated and presented with Certificates.

D. Student Representative Report:

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E. Public Participation:

Jesus Velez, 6 Peach Street, (Teacher at PREP)

Mr. Velez thanked the board for giving freshmen students the opportunity to enroll in AP World History.

Adrian Lester, 76 Lake Avenue, Clifton, NJ

Ms. Lester discussed an incident which took place at School 19 which involved her nephew, stating no Incident Report or HIB report was filed and the parent was not notified. Ms. Lester requested for all video footage from the gymnasium to be preserved.

Mr. Brisman advised Ms. Lester that she had the right to continue speaking but the allegations she was making were of a racial nature and asked Ms. Lester to give the district an opportunity to investigate and review the matter.

Mr. Muñoz thanked Ms. Lester and confirmed that he had received the document she emailed him earlier in the day. Mr. Muñoz stated that there were different items which need to be reviewed and he would follow-up with the parent. Mr. Muñoz informed Ms. Lester that Ms. Arellano would assist her with her OPRA request.

SR - Passaic Academy Student

The student asked if she could interview the board for an article. Mr. Muñoz advised the student that this was not the correct forum for an interview but she could make her public statements at this time.

The student asked the following:

 Have the extracurricular activities/clubs been approved at Passaic Academy for Science and Engineering;  What does the Board think about the teachers wearing “No Contract” pins; and  Are teachers going to be paid for the 6th Period Classes, what actions are being taken to rectify situation, what can teachers do to help resolve this issue and what can students do to support their teachers through this?

Mr. Muñoz responded that the extracurricular activities/clubs are being approved at tonight’s meeting and also stated that the teachers are within their right to wear the “No Contract” pins.

Mr. Muñoz explained that the district has five different collective bargaining groups and currently the board is in contract negotiations with the teacher’s union. The issue with the 6th period stipend will be negotiated and become part of the contract.

Mr. Miller provided some information regarding “collective bargaining” in New Jersey and encouraged the student to spend a little time researching and explain what “collective bargaining” is for the article.

Mr. Muñoz reminded the student that the article should be fair and balanced and both sides should be interviewed.

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LaShia Tooley, 189 Burgess Place

Ms. Tooley is the parent of the student involved in the incident at School #19 and expressed that her son no longer wants to attend school. She stated he was not sent to the nurse and she was not contacted when the incident occurred and wants to be sure the incident is handled properly.

Mr. Brisman explained that the board members cannot respond due to the involvement of staff members and students and stated the district would be in touch with the parent to further discuss the issue.

Mr. Rodriguez stated that the Board will take the matter seriously and an investigation will take place.

Ryan Contaldi, (Teacher at Science Academy and PREP Academy and Executive EAP Rep. at PREP)

Mr. Contaldi expressed his concerns regarding teachers who continue teaching 6 and 7 classes in good faith, and are not receiving what they are contractually entitled to. Mr. Contaldi also stated that vacancies should be filled in a timely fashion.

Zoila Gonzalez, 98 Grant Street #5

Ms. Gonzalez expressed her concerns regarding her 2nd grade child who is currently attending School #11 and the SPED Services he is entitled to according to his IEP, but has not been receiving. Ms. Gonzalez also expressed a concern regarding younger students being in the cafeteria during lunch with the older students.

Mr. Muñoz advised the parent to meet with Ms. Goldberg regarding the issues.

Mr. Miller asked the parent to return to the next board meeting and let the board know what has transpired.

Juan Carlos Cinto, 140 Van Houten Avenue

Mr. Cinto expressed concerns regarding bullying, gangs, violence, and the accessibility of students to obtain tobacco or alcohol near specific schools. Mr. Cinto said he is in support of the approval of US Drug Free Communities Grant which may assist with some of the substance issues.

Mr. Cinto said the district has a high turnover rate for teachers and no continuity of substitutes for the students.

Mr. Cinto asked how a non-profit mentorship program for students which, would provide professionals in fashion, engineering and law, for example, can be channeled to work with the district.

Mr. Muñoz informed Mr. Cinto to meet with Ms. Goldberg regarding the non-profit mentorship program.

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Howard Pujols, 245 Hope Avenue #3

Mr. Pujols stated he has spoken to various staff members and hears that the teachers are overworked, stressed and “stretched out”. He asked how long the teachers have been working without a contract and asked what is the proper forum to discuss the teachers’ contract issues.

Mr. Brisman responded that negotiation committee meetings have been taking place for several months. This is a large district with many different positions covered in the EAP union; and negotiations may take a while. The board is working collectively and hopes to arrive at a settlement.

Leslie Mink – (School No.11 Teacher)

Ms. Mink discussed the safety of staff members and students at school 11, stating she was threatened by a student in the classroom. Ms. Mink felt the punishment, afterschool detention, was insufficient.

Ms. Mink also discussed an incident wherein a weapon was brought to school by a student, hidden in his backpack. Ms. Mink asked what obligation does the district have to inform staff members or parents that a weapon was brought to school.

Mr. Muñoz said he would follow up in the morning with his staff and the principal to review how the incident was handled. Matters regarding weapons are governed by State laws and rules that need to be complied with and the district has SROs on site who would have been involved and taken a report. The Police would handle the situation from the criminal prospective and the district would handle the student issue.

Mr. Rosario said the district has a discipline policy in place which may need to be reviewed on the protocols of informing teachers if weapons are found. The district works with the Police Department and situations are handled appropriately. The district does not want to create chaos each time something happens.

Mr. Brisman said there is nothing that he was aware of, in policy, regarding informing the school community of such incidents. Mr. Brisman said that incidents occur every day in a large district and the administration will have to look into informing the teachers.

Mr. Carrera said that the consequences that students face for certain actions may also need to be reviewed.

Sugundia Lewis, 227 Summer Street (Paraprofessional)

Ms. Lewis stated that several Board Members are not responding/reacting to the public concerns.

Ms. Lewis shared that many teachers are stressed due to the large amount of paperwork that is expected of them and stated that the teachers are used as substitutes during their “prep” period. Ms. Lewis discussed the lack of substitutes for teachers and paraprofessionals.

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Robin Holcombe, EAP President – 124 Gregory Avenue, Suite 302

Ms. Holcombe stated that the teacher contract expired August 31, 2018.

Ms. Holcombe said that as tonight’s public session shows, parents and staff members are concerned with safety and discipline. She stated that there are many complaints regarding the behavior of older students, now placed in schools with younger students, and shared that educators cannot teach if they are not supported by the administration.

Ms. Holcombe also spoke about students not receiving appropriate resources due to the lack of substitutes and the need to use in class support teachers and resource teachers as substitutes. Ms. Holcombe said many teachers are calling out sick or taking medical leaves due to stress and there are insufficient substitutes.

Jaroslaw Jackiw, 266 Lafayette Avenue

Mr. Jackiew asked the following:  How many x-ray or walkthrough machines are at school #11;  How is it possible that someone can bring a weapon into a school;  How many body scanners are in the district;  How much is being spent on special needs programs for 18-19 school year; and  How much is spent on special services outsourced programs?

Roger Tejada, 32 Summer Street

Mr. Tejada asked the following:  How often are negotiations started before contracts expire;  Is district tracking how often SPED/Bilingual ELL teachers are being pulled to substitute and how to minimize it;  Can a cost benefit analysis be done and can public be privy to the information.

Mr. Brisman provided a response regarding negotiations stating that negotiations can begin prior to contracts expiring but there are many issues to consider, such as funding and it is not uncommon for negotiations to extend beyond the expiration date of the current contract.

Mr. Miller asked if the district is able to monitor how many SPED teachers are being pulled and asked Mr. Tejada to attend the next board meeting where they will have some answers.

Motion to close Public Session: Mr. Rodriguez Seconded: Mr. Miller Voice Vote: 8 Yes

Public participation closed at 7:53 p.m.

A Motion was presented by President Rosario for the Board to go to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters, legal updates, and HIB report.

Moved: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Carrera

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F. Executive Session: 7:54 p.m.

Motion to Reconvene:

Moved: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Carrera

Mr. Miller left meeting after executive session.

Roll Call to Reconvene at 8:50 p.m. Roll Call: 7 Present

G. Report of the President:

Thanked his fellow commissioners for their hard work and service on the board.

H. Report of the Superintendent:

Mr. Muñoz shared the accomplishments and activities held at the following schools:

School No. 3: Students in grades K through 5 at School No. 3 have been enhancing their math skills through the use of Dreambox. This adaptive software provides students with challenging math problems as they move through levels of difficulty, and allows students to have more practice with a variety of grade level concepts. In grade 2, future geologists have been studying different types of rocks, learning about the formation and density of the objects. Students in the grade 3 have designed electric circuits using D-cell batteries, showing their understanding of the principles associated with electricity. In grades 6 through 8, our students have chosen their student government representatives, and are now campaigning for executive positions. Finally, we had six students from Mario Drago School No. 3 attend the Lions Club holiday event.

School No. 8: School No. 8 will host a holiday concert on Tuesday, December 18, at 9:30 am. The concert will feature grades K through 4. Students will sing and share customs from their own homes and cultures. Pre-K students are working in language arts on their family unit, applying literacy skills to the exploration of what makes up a family, and what a family does. This month sixth grade students designed and constructed catapults. They tested and improved on their design in order to compete against other teams to see who used the least amount of materials and still had the most effective design. Students then used their math skills to graph results.

School No. 11: School band performed for parents and students during Report Card Night. The band displayed their talents by performing several holiday songs that showcased their practice and learning. Students in grade 3 have been working on the concept of elapsed time. By creating stories about time that has passed, our grade 3 students have produced complex narratives that deal with the advanced concept of elapsed time.

Passaic High School: On December 1, 2018, the ROTC won 1st place for New Cadet Squad at the Manchester High School Drill Meet. They also brought home 1st place for Knockout and 2nd place for Varsity Color Guard. The ROTC also helped Santa make the holidays a little brighter for our smaller citizens at the Passaic City Hall Santa in the Courtyard event. The PHS Varsity Cheerleaders won first place at the Fair Lawn High School competition. On December 15, 2018, the PHS Cheerleaders did it again, winning first place at West Orange High School’s Impact Cheer Challenge. The PHS school choir sang at the Passaic City Carnie Bragg Christmas Tree lighting on December 5, 2018.

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School No. 15: Students at Vincent Capuana School No. 15 and Junot Diaz School No. 15 Annex participated in the Hour of Coding challenge presented by the Division of Technology last week. Students and teachers did pre-coding activities that involved aspects map making, spatial awareness, and 21st century skills. Some rooms used a "Code-a-pillar", some used "Hexbugs" and some used classroom made materials to build mazes or develop paths on a map. The children used directional language, problem solving, and new ways of thinking by breaking up big problems into smaller steps, demonstrating that students of all ages can code.

School No. 19: Daniel F. Ryan School No. 19 students and staff members had the opportunity to experience an exciting day when executives and talent from Univision visited on November 30, 2018. The guests from Univision read to students, participated in lessons, and shared the skills and education that are needed to work for a national media company.

School No. 20: Students in the academic strand at PGTA now have an opportunity to enroll in the Cambridge University based elective course, Child Development. In this class, students explore the basics of prenatal care, infant and toddler health, and strategies for teaching and interacting with preschool-aged children. Students currently taking this class aspire to become teachers, counselors, or pediatricians. On December 14, 2018, students from this elective visited School No. 16 to work with the children while utilizing an Alphabet Box project. The goal of the project was to create a box filled with items associated with one letter of the alphabet. Students also developed activities that supported the materials used in the boxes. PGTA students engaged with the Pre-K students in small group and 1:1 instruction. All students successfully used their projects to lead instruction, practice conversation skills with the young students, practice color and shape recognition, and contribute to the dynamic preschool environment established within School 16. This was an enriching experience for all students involved.

Passaic Preparatory Academy: On December 7, 8, and 9, Passaic Preparatory Academy held its Inaugural Stage Play, The Outsiders.

Passaic Academy for Science and Engineering: The Biotechnology and Biomedical Science Advisory Board met last week as part of our effort to connect students with industry partners and higher education staff. The connections we form through advisory boards also allows for input on the future development of our program. The Passaic Academy for Science and Engineering is excited about offering their first Hackathon, and second Engineering Challenge, this Friday December 21. These challenges allow for our students to work with and complete against students from other schools as they test their abilities in a series of challenges.

Mr. Muñoz concluded his report by acknowledging the district’s amazing 2018 year and thanked the Board of Education and the entire staff for all their hard work this past school year in creating the K-8 neighborhood schools, opening two new academies, and adding School No. 8 Annex.

Mr. Muñoz also thanked the teachers and students for their excellent job increasing the academic performance as exhibited by test scores and AP exam scores and wished everyone a happy holiday.

I. Committee Reports:


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Minutes – Regular Public Meeting - November 26, 2018 Executive Session Meeting - November 26, 2018


Motion to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Rodriguez

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Ms. Schratz Yes Mr. Carrera Yes President Rosario Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes

A- 1

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Personnel - Pages B-1 – B-27 December 17, 2018

1. Resignations ...... B-1 2. Leave of Absences...... B-1 – B-4 3. Appointments ...... B-5 – B-7 4. Transfer of Personnel/Change of Assignment of Staff Members – 2018-2019 School Year ...... B-8 5. Approval of Substitute Teachers for the 2018-2019 School Year ...... B-8 6. Change of Start Date ...... B-8 7. Adjustment of Salary ...... B-9 8. Recommendation of Personnel – K-8 After-School Program ...... B-9 9. Revision of Dates and Hours for Advanced Placement Tutoring ...... B-9 10. Approval of Payment to Staff Members for 2018 Student Summer Orientation ...... B-10 11. Approval of Payment to Staff Members for 2018 Student Summer Orientation ...... B-10 12. Revision – Appointment of Staff Members for the Adult Basic Education/GED/ESL Program 2018-2019 School Year ...... B-11 13. Recommendation of Personnel – Extra-Curricular Club Activities – School No. 8 ...... B-11 14. Addition of Dates for Saturday Program ...... B-11 15. Revision of Approval of Payment to Staff Members for Extra Classes at Passaic High School ...... B-12 – B-13 16. Additional Staff Member for the Translation of the Senior Portfolios at Passaic High School ...... B-13 17. Approval of Additional Staff Member for the Bilingual/ESL Support and Tutoring Program ...... B-14 18. Approval of Marching Band Advisors for the 2018-2019 School Year...... B-14 19. Approval for Staff Members to Coordinate, Monitor and Manage the Lights and Sound System at Passaic High School Auditorium ...... B-14 20. Revision of Approval of Payment to Staff Member for Extra-Curricular Club Activities at Passaic High School ...... B-15 21. Approval of Compensation to Staff for Extra Classes at Passaic High School ...... B-15 – B-16 22. Approval of Payment to Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs at Passaic High School ..... B-16 23. Appointment of Additional Staff Members to Provide Home Instruction to Passaic Public School Students for the 2018-2019 School Year ...... B-16 24. Approval of Payment to Attendance Officers ...... B-17 25. Appointment of Additional Staff Member for Saturday Academy Enrichment Program for Science & Engineering ...... B-17 26. Appointment of Additional Administrator for the After-School Career and College Exploration for Student Success (ACCESS) Program ...... B-17 27. Appointment of District School Counselors and School Based School Social Workers as Adult Champions of SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) as per the Sandy Hook Promise Grant in Schools 1,3,5,6,8,9,10,11,19, 20, Passaic Preparatory Academy and Academy for Science and Engineering ...... B-18 28. Appointment of Winter Athletic Coaches for the 2018-19 School Year ...... B-19 29. Appointment of Winter Athletic Coaches 2018-2019 School Year ...... B-19 30. Appointment of Staff Member for Sporting Athletic Events for the 2018-19 School Year .. B-19 31. Appointment of Winter Coaches for the 2018-19 School Year ...... B-20 32. Recommendation of Personnel – School No. 20 Clubs ...... B-20 33. Recommendation of Additional Personnel – Saturday Academy Program ...... B-21 34. Approval of Staff Member for the Online Credit Recovery Program at Passaic High School ...... B-21 35. Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops/Meeting Programs for Parents at School No. 6 ...... B-22 Regular Public Meeting Minutes December 17, 2018 Page 15 of 70

36. Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops/Meeting Programs for Parents at School No. 3 ...... B-23 37. Revision of the School Year to 2018-2019 – Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops/Meeting Programs for Parents at School No. 19 ... B-24 38. Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops/Meeting Programs for Parents at School PGTA No. 20 ...... B-25 39. Recommendation of Personnel – Extracurricular Club Activities at Passaic Academy for Science and Engineering ...... B-26 40. Recommendation of Personnel – Extracurricular Club Activities at Passaic Preparatory Academy ...... B-27 41. Resignation ...... B-27

Regular Public Meeting Minutes December 17, 2018 Page 16 of 70 B-Personnel December 17, 2018

1. Resignations

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the following requests for resignation be approved on the dates indicated: Effective Date Name Position of Resignation Brittany Brodo Passaic Academy for Science & Engineering 9/1/18 Teacher Assignment: Language Arts (PC#cpx) 15-130-100-101-30-0000

Amanda Grullon School No. 6 12/21/18 Paraprofessional Assignment: Preschool (PC#ajj) 20-218-100-106-06-0000

Jonathan Lira School No. 3 12/7/18 Paraprofessional Assignment: Personal (PC#iuf) 11-000-217-100-27-0000

2. Leave of Absences

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the following requests for a leave of absence be approved on the dates indicated:

Name Position Date(s) Reason Gina Bang Passaic Preparatory Academy 6/10/19 – 6/28/19 (with pay) Maternity Teacher Assignment: Math (PC#iox) 15-140-100-101-29-0000

Brian Barakat School No. 1 3/18/19 – 4/2/19 (with pay) NJFLA Teacher Assignment: Physical Education/Health (PC#gol) 15-120-100-101-01-0000

Christopher Bell School No. 3 1/2/19 – 1/15/19 (with pay) 1st Ext. M Paraprofessional 1/16/19 – 4/18/19 (without pay) Assignment: Personal (PC#itz) 11-000-217-100-27-0000

Jaclyn Bohan Passaic Preparatory Academy 10/17/18 – 11/21/18 (with pay) Amend Teacher-Coach FMLA Assignment: Math (PC#guq) 15-140-100-101-12-0000

Diane Callis School No. 19 11/12/18 – 12/21/18 (with pay) 1st Ext. Teacher FMLA Assignment: Gr. 5 (PC#gfw) 15-120-100-101-67-0000


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Leave of Absences (Continued)

Name Position Date(s) Reason Marilyn Chao School No. 16 12/3/18 – 12/21/18 (with pay) 1st Ext. Paraprofessional FMLA Assignment: Preschool (PC#agz) 20-218-100-106-61-0000

Yolanda Chicas Passaic High School 11/28/18 – 12/4/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher Assignment: Spanish (PC#ddc) 15-140-100-101-12-0000

Hector Cintron Passaic High School 11/26/18 – 12/14/18 (with pay) FMLA Head Custodian (PC#ayr) 11-000-262-100-56-0000

Pasqualina DeMaio Passaic High School 11/26/18 – 12/5/18 (with pay) FMLA School Psychologist (PC#dwm) 11-000-219-104-59-0000

Lester Dominguez Division of Operations 1/10/19 – 1/17/19 (with pay) Military Transportation Manager (PC#gtj) 11-000-270-160-55-0000

Karen Dube-Calise Early Childhood Education 11/28/18 – 12/21/18 (with pay) FMLA School Psychologist (PC#ark) 20-218-200-104-62-0000

Carlos Espinoza School No. 11 12/6/18 – 12/7/18 (with pay) Military Teacher Assignment: Gr. 3 (PC#bzv) 15-120-100-101-11-0000

Susana Escudero School No. 8 11/26/18 – 11/30/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher Assignment: Inclusion/ Resource (PC#hxg) 15-213-100-101-08-0000

Michael Fumero School Nos. 6 & 11 10/31/18 – 12/12/18 (without pay) Personal Teacher Assignment: Art (PC#bld) 15-120-100-101-11-0000

Alexandria Garcia Passaic High School 12/11/18 – 12/17/18 (without pay) FMLA Teacher 12/17/18 – 1/14/19 (without pay) Medical Assignment: Science-Biology (PC#hzz) 15-140-100-101-12-0000


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Leave of Absences (Continued)

Name Position Date(s) Reason Melissa Garcia School No. 19 12/3/18 – 12/14/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher Assignment: Gr. 4/5 Bilingual (PC#ilj) 15-240-100-101-67-0000 Maribel Garcia-Ortiz School No. 8 12/10/18 – 1/18/19 (with pay) 1st Ext. FM Teacher Assignment: Inclusion/Resource (PC#hxe) 15-213-100-101-08-0000

Yarixa Gomez School No. 10 12/13/18 – 1/4/19 (with pay) FMLA Teacher 1/7/19 – 1/24/19 (without pay) Assignment: Bil./ESL Push In (PC#gtu) 15-240-100-101-10-0000

Nayda Gonzalez Division of Operations 12/3/18 – 2/28/19 (with pay) 1st Ext. M Administrative Clerk (Transportation) (PC#hqw) 11-000-270-160-55-0000

Flor Guerrero School No. 16 12/17/18 – 1/3/19 (with pay) NJFLA Paraprofessional 1/16/19 1/31/19 (with pay) Assignment: Preschool (PC#agx) 20-218-100-106-61-0000

Amanda LiPari- School No. 19 11/28/18 – 3/6/19 (with pay) Amend Ma Sciueche Teacher 3/7/19 – 6/5/19 (without pay) Amend NJ Assignment: Reading Interventionist (PC#hog) 20-250-100-100-27-0100

Gisela Manrique School No. 10 12/17/18 – 1/25/19 (with pay) FMLA School Counselor (PC#fkw) 15-000-218-104-10-0000

Gary Meyer School Nos. 1,7 & 19 11/30/18 – 12/13/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher 12/14/18 – 1/24/19 (without Assignment: Music (PC#htt) pay)1/25/19 – 6/30/19 (without pay) Medical 15-120-100-101-01-0000 (20%) 15-120-100-101-07-0000 (40%) 15-120-100-101-67-0000 (40%)

Gladys Moya Office of Food Services 12/17/18 – 1/11/19 (without pay) Personal General Cafeteria Worker (PC#bed) 60-910-310-100-25-0000


Regular Public Meeting Minutes December 17, 2018 Page 19 of 70 B-Personnel December 17, 2018

Leave of Absences (Continued)

Name Position Date(s) Reason Manuel Negron School No. 11 11/30/18 (with pay Military Principal (PC#ash) 15-000-240-103-11-0000

Manuel Nazario School No. 5 12/10/18 – 12/21/18 (with pay) FMLA Head Custodian (PC#aya) 11-000-262-100-56-0000

Veena Rana School No. 1 1/11/19 – 1/17/19 (with pay) Personal Paraprofessional 1/18/19 – 2/1/19 (without pay) Assignment: Class LLD (PC#grh) 15-204-100-106-01-0000

Mercedes Rashkow School No. 11 11/26/18 – 11/29/18 (without pay) FMLA Teacher 11/30/18 – 1/28/19 (without pay) Medical Assignment: Inclusion/Resource (PC#der) 15-213-100-101-11-0000

Elizabeth Reyes School No. 6 12/10/18 – 12/21/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher Assignment: Kindergarten (PC#cng) 15-110-100-101-06-0000

Nancy Rivera School Nos. 2 & 9 11/2/18 – 11/6/18 (without pay) 1st Ext FM Attendance Officer (PC#avg) 11/12/18 – 1/23/19 (without pay) Medical 11-000-262-100-56-0000

Brian Slezak School No. 6 11/26/18 – 12/7/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher Assignment: Physical Education/Health (PC#igc) 15-120-100-101-06-0000

Margarita Soto School No. 3 11/26/18 – 12/10/18 (with pay) FMLA Paraprofessional Assignment: Preschool (PC#aje) 20-218-100-106-03-0000

Suzanne Sullivan School No. 8 10/15/18 – 12/21/18 (with pay) FMLA Teacher 1/2/19 – 3/29/19 (without pay) Assignment: Inclusion/Resource (PC#ihh) 15-213-100-101-08-0000

Mead Winters School No. 9 1/2/19 (with pay) 1st Ext. Teacher 1/3/19 – 3/29/19 (with pay) FMLA Assignment: Gr. 4 General (ESL) Medical (PC#hxk) 15-240-100-101-09-0000


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3. Appointments

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointments of the following persons at the salary rate indicated, subject to compliance with Board Policies.


1/2/19 – 6/30/19 Bevanda, Olivera School No. 3 BA-7 $53,843.00 Teacher Assignment: Science (6-8) 15-130-100-101-03-0000 BA from Kean University Holds a NJ Teacher of Biological Science Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

12/1/18 – 6/30/19 Villanueva, Nathalie Passaic High School BA-1 $52,643.00 Teacher Assignment: Science 15-140-100-101-12-0000 BA from Holds a NJ Teacher of Chemistry Certificate of Eligibility Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

Non-Certificated 1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Arango-Ramos, Carmen Passaic High School Security-1 $31,568 Security Aide 15-000-266-100-12-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Barradas, Maria School No. 10 PA-1$28,493+ $6,400 Paraprofessional College Credits Assignment: Classroom 15-240-100-106-10-0000

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Coles, Nitesha G. Passaic Academy for Science Security-1 $31,568 and Engineering Security Aide 15-000-266-100-30-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License Pending Chapter 5 Clearance


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Appointments (Continued) Non-Certificated

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Curry, Marvin Passaic High School Security-1 $31,568 Security Aide 15-000-266-100-12-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Green, Gladys M. School No. 9 Security-1 $31,568 Security Aide 11-000-266-100-09-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Guerra, Sandra School No. 6 Adm. Secy-1 $42,500 Administrative Secretary 15-000-240-105-06-0000

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Johnson, Ashley School No. 5/5A Security-1 $31,568 Security Aide 11-000-266-100-50-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Kless, Martin J. School No. 15/15A Security-1 $31,568 Security Aide 11-000-266-100-52-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6-30/19 Lozano, Edwin Division of Facilitates Asst. Cust – A $37,283 Assistant Custodian 11-000-262-100-56-0000

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Lozano, Joselyn School No. 9 PA-1$28,493+ $3,200 Paraprofessional College Credits Assignment: Classroom BD 15-209-100-106-09-0000 Pending Chapter 5 Clearance


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Appointments (Continued) Non-Certificated

1/1/19 – 6-30/19 Melo, Edward Division of Facilitates Asst. Cust.– A $37,283 Assistant Custodian 11-000-262-100-56-0000

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Montanez III, Jaime School No. 9 Security-1 $31,568 Security Aide +$2,000 College Credits 15-000-266-100-09-0000 Holds a S.O.R.A. License Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Qandeel, Esraa G. School No. 1 PA-1$28,493+ $1,600 Paraprofessional College Credits Assignment: Personal 11-000-217-100-27-0000 Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Ruiz, Pedro Food Services $11.50 per hour Assignment: Luncheon Aide 60-910-310-100-25-0077 Pending Chapter 5 Clearance

1/1/19 – 6/30/19 Vazquez, Karina School No. 8A PA-1$28,493+ $3,200 Paraprofessional College Credits Assignment: Personal 11-000-217-100-27-0000 Pending Chapter 5 Clearance


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4. Transfer of Personnel/Change of Assignment of Staff Members – 2018-2019 School Year (See attached list)

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the following Transfer of Personnel/Assignment of Staff Members on the dates indicated. (See attached list)

5. Approval of Substitute Teachers for the 2018-2019 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the employment of the substitutes named below.

Name Degree/Credits Rate Altiery, Aurelia * MA (2) $135.00 Burgos Hidalgo, Nally A. BA (1) $135.00 Cilo, Kubra BA (1) $135.00 Diaz De Pimentel, Romelina 82 credits (1) $135.00 Gomez-Gonzalez, Heivy BA (1) $135.00 Gonzalez, Sara BA (1) $135.00 Moya Nuñez, Maria A. 60 credits (1) $135.00 Orozco, Angelica BA (1) $135.00 Perez, Hernan F. BA (1) $135.00 Velasquez, Ruth A. 89 credits (1) $135.00 Velez, Ariana Leandra BA (1) $135.00 Zakers, Derick MA (2) $135.00

1. Holds a Passaic County Substitute Teacher Certificate 2. Holds a State of New Jersey Elementary School Teacher Certificate *Retired Employee

Account No. 11-XXX-100-101-05-0051

6. Change of Start Date

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the following change of start date:

Name From To Avella, Steve 10/1/18 12/3/18 Cubile, Joseph A. 12/1/18 12/4/18 Walker, Marcellus 12/1/18 12/17/18


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7. Adjustment of Salary

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the salary of the following new staff member be adjusted due to receipt of official transcripts and/or verification of previous employment.

Name From To Effective Account Number Aburi, Esli BA-7 $53,843.00 MA-7 $61,843.00 9/1/18 15-140-100-101-12-0000 Walker, Marcellus Security – 1 Security – 1 12/17/18 15-000-266-100-11-0000 $31,568.00 $31,568.00 +$2,400.00 CC

8. Recommendation of Personnel- K-8 After- School Program

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of the following staff members for K-8 After-School Program for the 2018-2019 school year.

 October 1, 2018- June 7, 2019  Monday through Friday  3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - K-8/ School 20  3:40 PM – 4:30 PM – Grades 6-8 @ Passaic Preparatory Academy/Passaic Science and Engineering  Salary $44.56 per hour not to exceed 157 hours per person

Name School Position Rate Total Guzman, Jennifer 7 Nurse $44.56 $6,995.92 Ramirez, Natasha 7 Security $22.28 $3,497.96


Name School Delaney, Catherine 10 Hill, Kaydeon 11 White, Courtney 8 Wright, Takieya 19

Account No. 15-421-200-100-07-0075 (Nurse/Security) cost not to exceed $10,453.88

9. Revision of Dates and Hours for Advanced Placement Tutoring

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the revision of dates for Advanced Placement courses at Passaic Preparatory Academy.

 October 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019  Monday through Friday (Mornings) from 7:55 AM to 8:25 AM  Monday through Friday (After School) from 3:40 PM to 4:30 PM  Saturday (Mornings) from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM  Not to exceed 50 hours per person

Account No. 15-421-100-101-29-0087 cost not to exceed $17,824 *Previously approved on the October 22, 2018 Board agenda.


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10. Approval of Payment to Staff Members for 2018 Student Summer Orientation

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends approval of payment to the following staff members for the 2018 Student Summer Orientation at Passaic Preparatory Academy.

 Date: September 4, 2018  Time: 4:00-7:00 PM

Name Position Rate Hours Total Anderson, David Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Barzola, Mark Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Campllonch, Maria Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Costarelli, Eric Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Dhuyvetter, Jeffrey Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Graham, Theodore Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Huze, Kirsten Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Leonard, Jill Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Martinez, Denise Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Mendez, Blanca Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Post, Chelsea Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Reilly, Kristen Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Severino, Claudia Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Stamat, Louis Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Taylor, Lisa Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Vescio, Noelle Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68

Account No. 15-421-100-101-29-0075 cost not to exceed $2,138.88

11. Approval of Payment to Staff Members for 2018 Student Summer Orientation

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff members for Student Orientation at Passaic Academy for Science & Engineering on September 4, 2018.

 September 4, 2018  4:15 PM to 7:15 PM

Name Position Hours Rate Total Garcia, Lauren Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Linde, Brandon Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Dowd, Anna Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Pinto, Sara Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Neurouter, Kacie Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Randazzo, Andrea Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Shapiro, Chelsea Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Harries-Gonzalez, Kristin Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Velarde, Kenya Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Velez, Jesus Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Agamie, Laila Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68 Nyabeta, Eric Teacher 3 $44.56 $133.68

Account No. 15-421-100-101-30-0075 costs not to exceed $1,604.16


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12. Revision – Appointment of Staff Members for the Adult Basic Education/GED/ESL/Program 2018-2019 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the revision – appointment of staff members for the Adult Basic Education/GED/ESL/Program 2018- 2019 School Year.

 September 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019  Monday – Tuesday  Hours 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Name Position Cespedes, Felipe Substitute Security

Account No. 20-603-218-104-26-0000 cost not to exceed $ 4,712.00

13. Recommendation of Personnel- Extra- Curricular Club Activities – School No. 8

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of payment to the following staff members for Extra-Curricular Club Activities.

Activity/Club Name Position Stipend Time Frame Sports Analytics Dominguez, Gabriel Advisor $353 Thursdays Club 3:00pm-4:00pm Chess Club Kokoska, Joan Advisor $353 Wednesdays 7:30am-8:00am Student Council Strumph, Eric Advisor $353 Mon. & Weds. 3:00pm-4:00pm Art Club Mavroudas, Marissa Advisor $353 Fridays 3:00pm-4:00pm Barrantes, Martha Advisor $353 Maker’s Club Mavroudas, Marissa Advisor $353 Wednesdays 3:00pm-4:00pm Honey-Bee All Stars Grier, Sherri Advisor $353 Tuesdays (All Girls) 3:00pm-4:00pm Multicultural Club Wagner, Brenna Advisor $353 Every Other Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Fitness Club Wagner, Brenna Advisor $353 Every Other Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm

Account No. 15-401-100-101-08-0075 cost not to exceed $2,824.00

14. Addition of Dates for Saturday Program

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the revision of dates for Saturday Program.

 Professional Development, Saturday, October 13, 018


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15. Revision of Approval of Payment to Staff Members for Extra Classes at Passaic High School

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the revision of the approval of compensation to staff members for extra classes at Passaic High School.

Name Course From # To # of From To Start From End To End of Extra Extra Start Date Date Date Classes Classes Date

Elzanfali, Elsayed Forensic 10 5 9/12/18 9/12/18 6/30/19 12/5/18 Science

Elzanfali, Elsayed Forensic 5 12/6/18 6/30/19 Science

McKenna, Pamela Engl. ICS 5 5 9/24/18 9/24/18 6/30/19 11/21/18

McKenna, Pamela Engl. 3 10 11/26/18 6/30/19

Minaya, Omar Algebra 1 5 5 9/6/18 9/6/18 6/30/19 10/10/18 CP/ICS

Minaya, Omar AVID 10 10/11/18 6/30/19

Meindl, Kristine Biology 8 8 10/4/18 10/4/18 6/30/19 12/5/18

Meindl, Kristine Biology 3 12/6/18 6/30/19

Post, Katherine Biology & 5 12 9/12/18 9/12/18 6/30/18 12/5/18 Human Anat. & Phys. H

Post, Katherine Biology & 7 12/6/18 6/30/19 Human Anat. & Phys. H

Rosales, Evelyn Financial 5 5 9/6/18 9/6/18 6/30/19 11/16/18 Algebra

Rosales, Evelyn Algebra 10 11/19/18 6/30/19


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Revision of Approval of Payment to Staff Members for Extra Classes at Passaic High School (Continued)

Name Course From # To # of From To Start From End To End of Extra Extra Start Date Date Date Classes Classes Date

Varela, Alejandra Port of 10 10 9/6/18 9/6/18 11/16/1 6/30/19 Entry 8

Velasquez, Carmen Algebra 2 5 5 9/6/18 9/6/18 9/7/18 6/30/19

Yago, Zofia Biology 10 15 9/12/18 9/12/18 6/30/19 12/5/18

Yago, Zofia Biology 5 12/6/18 6/30/19

Zebi, Lizette Algebra 1 5 5 9/24/18 9/24/18 6/30/19 11/21/18 MN-R

Zebi, Lizette Eng. 3 10 11/26/18 6/30/19 ICS

Account No. 15-401-100-101-12-0052 not to exceed $ 950,000.00

16. Additional Staff Member for the Translation of the Senior Portfolios at Passaic High School

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the additional staff member for the translation of Senior Portfolios for the 2018-2019 school year at Passaic High School.

 October 20, 2018 to June 22, 2019  Saturdays  8:00 AM -12:00 PM  $44.56 not to exceed 124 hours

Name Position Britton, Kellyann Substitute

Account No. 15-140-100-101-12-0075


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17. Approval of Additional Staff Member for the Bilingual/ESL Support and Tutoring Program

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of additional to staff member for the Bilingual/ESL Support and Tutoring Program.

 December 10, 2018 – June 7, 2019  Hourly Rate - $44.56

Name Position Location Castoire, Carlos Teacher School No. 19

Title III Account No. 20-241-200-100-13-0000 cost not to exceed $ 4,990.72 FICA not to exceed $382.00

18. Approval of Marching Band Advisors for the 2018 – 2019 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff members for the Passaic High School Marching Band for the 2018 – 2019 school year.

Name Position Salary Kempey, Evan Assistant Band Advisor $2,000.00 Rusca, Christopher Marching Band Advisor $6,750.00 Sanchez, Jennifer Assistant Band Advisor $2,000.00

Account No. 15-401-100-100-12-0075, cost not to exceed $10,750.00

19. Approval for Staff Members to Coordinate, Monitor and Manage the Light and Sound System at Passaic High School Auditorium

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of the following staff members to coordinate, monitor and manage the Passaic High School light and sound system in the Auditorium during afterschool hour activities for the 2018 – 2019 school year.

 Dates: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019

Name Hours Rate Total Rusca, Christopher 150 $44.56 $6,489.00

Harmon, Michael As needed

Spiegeland, Marie As needed

Account No. 15-140-100-101-12-0075 not to exceed $ 6,489.00


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20. Revision of Approval of Payment to Staff Member for Extra-Curricular Club Activities at Passaic High School

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the revision of of payment to the following staff member for extra-curricular club activities at Passaic High School.

ACTIVITY Name Position Stipend Time Frame School Play – Director Rizzo, Laura Advisor $3,500.00 Mon-Fri, 3:40 pm-4:40 pm (Replacing Rusca, Christopher)

Account No. 15-401-100-100-12-0075 cost not to exceed $88,570.00

21. Approval of Compensation to Staff for Extra Classes at Passaic High School

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of payment to the following staff members for teaching extra classes during the 2018 - 2019 school year.

Name Department Course # of Extra Start Date End Date Classes

Bian, Victor History US Hist. 1 SIFE 5 11/20/18 6/30/19

Britton, Kellyann ISSD Algebra 1 5 9/6/18 9/28/18

Britton, Kellyann ISSD AVID 10 10/1/18 6/30/19

Cazeau, Hanzley ESL ESL 2 5 11/19/18 6/30/19

Cofer, Katherine Science Env. Science 5 10/5/18 6/30/19

Fuentes, Ellison Business Comp. & Gaming 10 10/15/18 12/21/18 Prog.

Fuentes, Ellison Business Comp. App. For 5 1/2/19 6/30/19 Finance

Hernandez, Melba World. Lang. AP Literature & 5 9/6/18 6/30/19 Culture

Janoowalla, Shaheen ISSD Geometry 5 10/1/18 6/30/19

Lobos, Heather ISSD US Hist. ICS 5 9/6/18 9/26/18

McNish, Mariechen Business Comp. & Gaming 10 10/15/18 12/21/18 Prog.

McNish, Mariechen Business Comp. & Gaming 5 1/2/19 6/30/19 Prog.


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Approval of Compensation to Staff for Extra Classes at Passaic High School (Continued)

Name Department Course # of Extra Start Date End Date Classes

Minaya, Idelkys Business Comp. & Gaming 10 10/15/18 12/21/18 Prog.

Minaya, Idelkys Business Comp. & Gaming 5 1/2/19 6/30/19 Prog.

Sheridan, Daniel Business Web Design 10 10/15/18 12/21/18

Sheridan, Daniel Business Computer Apps. 5 1/2/19 6/30/19

Account No. 15-401-100-101-12-0052 not to exceed $950,000.00

22. Approval of Payment to Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs at Passaic High School

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of payment to staff members for extra-curricular activities and clubs at Passaic High School.

ACTIVITY Name Position Stipend Time Frame Family and Consumer Troisi, Lisa Advisor $1,510.00 Tuesday 3:40- Science Club 4:40pm Fitness Club Galan, Thomas Advisor $1,510.00 Thursdays 6:30- 8:20am Hispanic Honor Society Hernandez, Advisor $1,510.00 Fridays 3:40- Chapter Melba 4:40pm

Account No. 15-401-100-100-12-0075 not to exceed $4,530.00

23. Appointment of Additional Staff Members to Provide Home Instruction to Passaic Public School Students for the 2018-2019 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of additional staff members to provide Home Instruction to Passaic Public School students.

 $44.56 per hour  September 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

Name Diaz, Peter Diaz-Perez, Janine Garcia, Melissa Matthews, Robert

Account No.: 11-150-100-101-27-0075 cost not to exceed $200,000.00


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24. Approval of Payment to Attendance Officers

Mr. Pablo Munoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following Attendance Officers to work on verifying addresses.

Name Rate Hours Total Garcia, Monica $22.28 10 $222.80 Ortiz, Jasmine $22.28 10 $222.80 Martinez, Sonia $22.28 10 $222.80 Rawls, Nayda $22.28 10 $222.80 Sapp, Kittrell $22.28 10 $222.80

Account No. 11-000-211-171-23-0075 cost not exceed $1,114.00

25. Appointment of Additional Staff Member for Saturday Academy Enrichment Program for Science & Engineering

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of additional staff member for Saturday Academy Enrichment Program for Science & Engineering.

 October 27, 2018 to December 15, 2018 (Session #1)  8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Saturday)

Name Position Hours Rate Total Torres, Waleska Teacher 24 $44.56 $1,069.44

Account No. 15-421-100-100-30-00075 (Teachers) cost not to exceed $1,069.44

26. Appointment of Additional Administrator for the After-School Career and College Exploration for Student Success (ACCESS) Program.

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff member for the After-School Career and College Exploration for Student Success (ACCESS) Program.

 December 1, 2018 – June 7, 2019  3:00 – 6:00 PM

Name Position Lobelo, Luis Substitute Administrator

Account No. 15-421-100-100-XX-0075 (.25 hours per day) Account No. 20-452-100-100-63-0000 (1.75 hours per day)


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27. Appointment of District School Counselors and School Based School Social Workers as Adult Champions of SAVE ( Students Against Violence Everywhere) as per the Sandy Hook Promise Grant in Schools 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, Passaic Preparatory Academy and Academy for Science and Engineering

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of district school counselors and school based school social workers as Adult Champions of SAVE, as per the Sandy Hook Promise Grant.

 Dates: January 30 2019 - June 30, 2019  Time: 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM or 3:40 PM to 4:10 PM

Name Rate Hour Total Eiad, Masri $44.56 17 $757.52 Alloway, Derrick $44.56 17 $757.52 Savignano, Vanessa $44.56 17 $757.52 Butterworth, Jacqueline $44.56 17 $757.52 Mena, Karina $44.56 17 $757.52 Castro, Jose $44.56 17 $757.52 Terranova, Kelly $44.56 17 $757.52 Roth, Shari $44.56 17 $757.52 Lopez, Yesenia $44.56 17 $757.52 Lam, Jennie $44.56 17 $757.52 Perez, Deneen $44.56 17 $757.52 Merced, Angie $44.56 17 $757.52 Nuzzo, Angelina $44.56 17 $757.52 Browarsky, Susan $44.56 17 $757.52 Serevino, Yajaira $44.56 17 $757.52 Gamarra, Alan $44.56 17 $757.52 Baumgartner, Stephanie $44.56 17 $757.52 Manrique, Gisela $44.56 17 $757.52 Pagan, Migdalia $44.56 17 $757.52 Fortunato, Harold $44.56 17 $757.52 Gibson, Allyson $44.56 17 $757.52 Barto, Noreen $44.56 17 $757.52 Bonilla, Madeline $44.56 17 $757.52 Areche, Fabbio $44.56 17 $757.52 Monroe, Jennie $44.56 17 $757.52 Natera, Stephanie $44.56 17 $757.52 DiStasi, Stephanie $44.56 17 $757.52 Pinon, Denise $44.56 17 $757.52 Lindsay, Maria $44.56 17 $757.52 Presing, Jennifer $44.56 17 $757.52 Mold, Jennifer $44.56 17 $757.52 Scandariato, Katie $44.56 17 $757.52

Account No 20-686-100-100-16-0000 not to exceed $24,240.64 FICA Account No. 20-686-200-20-16-0000 cost not to exceed $1,855.00


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28. Appointment of Winter Athletic Coaches for the 2018-19 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following Winter Athletic Coaches for the school year. Stipend amounts subject to collective bargaining negotiations.

Name School Position Salary Barakat, Brian No. 1 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Arellano, Gerard No. 1 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 Garcia, Denise No. 3 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Grier, Sherri Nos. 5 & 8 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Medina, Marden Nos. 5 & 8 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 Rivera, Brauilio No. 3 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 White, Tiquan No. 6 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 McWilliams, Richard No. 6 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Pollaro, Marc No. 9 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Drummond, Jameel No. 9 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 Riveros, Stephanie No. 10 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Turdo, Michael No. 10 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 Pratko, Frank No. 11 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Espinoza, Carlos No. 11 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 Khalaf, Dana No. 20 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Ariemma, Allison No. 19 Elementary Basketball Coach (Girls) $1,800 Munoz, Omar No. 19 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800 Maravi, Mario No. 20 Elementary Basketball Coach (Boys) $1,800

Account No. 11-402-100-100-14-0084 cost not to exceed $32,400.00

29. Appointment of Winter Athletic Coaches 2018-2019 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following Winter Athletic Coaches for the school year 2018-19 in accordance with the provisions of the adopted salary as per the Board of Education and the E.A.P.

Name Position Jackson, Edward (Replacing Muniz, Edwin) Assistant Boy’s Basketball (PHS) Hennessy, Daniel (Replacing Jackson, Edward) Assistant Boy’s Basketball (MS)

30. Appointment of Additional Staff Member for Sporting Athletic Events for the 2018- 2019 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff member for Sporting Athletic Events – announcers, cashiers, clock operators, security, ticket takers and timers for the 2018-2019 School Year.

Name Drummond, Jameel

Original resolution appeared on the August 16, 2018 Board agenda, resolution no. 36.


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31. Appointment of Winter Athletic Coaches for the 2018-19 School Year

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following Athletic Coaches for the school year 2018-19 in accordance with the provisions of the adopted salary as per the Board of Education and the E.A.P Agreement.

Name Position Salary Rodriquez, Robert Assistant Boy’s Basketball (MS) $2,500.00 Jackson, Edward Assistant Boy’s Basketball (MS) $2,500.00 Lepold, Beth Assistant Swim Coach $6,546.00

Account No. 11-402-100-100-14-0084 cost not to exceed $11,546.00

Replacement /Appointment

Name Position Sciametta, Erica (replacing Falcon, Michelle) Assistant Cheerleading (Middle School

32. Recommendation of Personnel – School No. 20 Clubs

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of payment to the following staff members for School No. 20 Clubs.

 December 11th- May 06, 2019  Tuesday –Thursday

Staff Member Club Name Meeting Days Stipend Smith, Cassandra Technology Student Tuesdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM $353 Association (TSA) Vogiatzis, Marina Technology Student Tuesdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM $353 Association (TSA) Sarbone, Michael Piano Club Tuesdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM $353

Cancelled Clubs Staff Member Club Name Stipend Agamie, Laila Strength and Conditioning $353 Smith, Robin Health and Wellness $353 Garcia, Steven Strength and Conditioning $353

Account No. 15-401-100-100-28-0075 cost not to exceed $15,600


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33. Recommendation of Additional Personnel- Saturday Academy Program

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of payment to the following staff members for Saturday Academy Program.

 October 20, 2018- May 11, 2019  Saturdays  8:30 AM - 11:30 AM - School 20  Salary $44.56 per hour not to exceed 54 hours per person

Name Position Kattak Rossi, Joanne Substitute Nurse Brandstetter, Susan Substitute Nurse

Account No. 15-421-100-101-28-0075 (Teachers) cost not to exceed $24,062.40 Account No. 15-421-200-100-28-0075 (Support Staff, Administrator, Nurse/ Security) cost not to exceed $7,767.90

34. Approval of Staff Member for the Online Credit Recovery Program at Passaic High School

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the approval of payment to the following staff member to work the Online Credit Recovery Program at Passaic High School.

 Dates: September 17, 2018 – June 21, 2019  From Time: 7:00am-8:15am /3:40pm-5:00pm (M-F)  8:00 am – 1:00pm Sat.

Names Position Hours Rate Total Fuentes, Arianette Teacher 450 $44.56 $20,052.00

Account No. 15-421-100-101-12-0075 cost not to exceed $93,932.48


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35. Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs for Parents at School No. 6

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff members for Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs at School No 6. • December, 2018 – June 2019 • ESL classes once a week from 3:30pm to 5:00 pm Jan. to March 2018 • Math Workshops 3 sessions 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm • Reading Workshops 3 sessions 5:00 pm to 7:00pm • PARCC and MAP Workshop for Parents 5:00pm • Family Reading Night from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm • Alphabetization classes 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm • Spanish Classes for parents 3:30 pm to 5:00pm • Parent portal workshop 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm • Bullying and Cyber 5:00 pm to 7:00pm

Name Position Rate Hours Total Romano, Raella Teacher $44.56 6 $ 267.36 Massot, Daniell Teacher $44.56 6 $ 267.36 Bhuta, Ningel Teacher $44.56 6 $ 267.36 Magro, Maria Teacher $44.56 6 $ 267.36 Bohan, Jaclyn Teacher $44.56 6 $ 267.36 Carmen Benitez Teacher $44.56 8 $ 356.48 Hilda Aviles Teacher $44.56 8 $ 356.48 Klarisa Garcia Teacher $44.56 8 $ 356.48 Angelina Nuzzo Counselor $44.56 3 $ 133.68 Rita Caba Paraprofessional $22.28 20 $ 446.60 Rosa Espejo Parent Liaison $22.28 20 $ 446.60 Alvaro Fonnegra Sub-Teacher $44.56

Account No. 20-231-100-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget – Teachers, Para’s) cost not to exceed $ 894.00

Account No. 20-231-200-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget – Support staff) cost not to exceed $ 2,600.00

FICA Account No. 20-231-200-200-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account FICA) cost not to exceed $ 271.88


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36. Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops/Meeting Programs for Parents at School No. 3

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff members for Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs at School No 3.  October 2018 – May 2019  STEAM Parent Workshop 3:30 – 7:00 PM  Parent Bullying Workshop 3:30 – 7:00 PM  Family Literacy Night 3:30 – 7:00 PM  Family Math Night 3:30 – 7:00 PM  Family Activity Night 3:30 – 7:00 PM  Literacy Workshops 3:30 – 7:00 PM

Name Position Rate Hours Total Esposito, Enit Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Rodriugez, Edda Teacher $44.56 6 $267.30 Fernandez, Yesenia Teacher $44.56 4 $178.20 Guevara, Stephanie Teacher $44.56 6 $267.30 Shah, Mamta Teacher $44.56 6 $267.30 Carozza, Diana Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Krenicki, Alexa Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Jakimowicz, Joan Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Bruce, Doreen Teacher $44.56 4 $178.20 Cunningham, Nicole Teacher $44.56 6 $267.30 Elkadi, Femihan Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Grillo, Denise Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Patterson, Matthew Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Caesar, Kareem Teacher $44.56 6 $267.30 Bordigon, Sharlene Teacher $44.56 4 $178.20 Black, Maryallyn Teacher $44.56 2 $89.12 Ledesma, Maria Parent Liaison $22.28 14 $311.92 Dennis, Leticia Paraprofessional $22.28 14 $311.92

Stipend Account No. 20-231-100-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget) cost not to exceed $ 2,584.60

Stipend Account No. 20-231-200-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget) cost not to exceed $ 623.84

Stipend Account No. 20-231-200-200-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account FI CA) cost not to exceed $ 245.44


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37. Revision of the school year to 2018-2019 -Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs for Parents at School #19 Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the revision of school year to 2018 – 2019 for the following staff members for Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs at School No.19.

 November 2018 – May 2019  Family Fitness Night 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  Family Art Night 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  Attendance Workshop 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  Parent Portal Workshop 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  PARCC Workshop 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  Piece of the Pi Family Math Night 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm  Financing for College 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  CyberSmart Family Workshop 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm  Title 1 Parent Workshops 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm  Parent Grade Level Meetings - 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm

Name Position Rate Hours Total Bonilla, Madeline Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Huang, Christine Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Barrios, Clarissa Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Rivera, Jessica Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Heber, Jennielee Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Llaneza, Michele Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Estrict, Krista Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Dave, Nupur Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Altman, Cara Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Kasabwala, Urvisha Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Edwards, Desiree Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Slosarik, Sharon Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Bace, James Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Luczun, Robert Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Brown, Joann Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Colangelo, Samantha Teacher $44.56 3 $133.68 Fernandez, Jenessee Parent Liaison $22.28 3 $66.84 Hinton, Tania Parent Liaison $22.28 3 $66.84 Cerdan, Steven Parent Liaison $22.28 3 $66.84 Acosta , Leticia Parent Liaison $22.28 31 $690.68 Ameyaw, Andrea Paraprofessional $22.28 31 $690.68

Stipend Account No. 20-231-100-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget – Teachers, Para’s) cost not to exceed $ 2, 829.56

Stipend Account No. 20-231-200-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget – Support staff) cost not to exceed $ 1, 091.72

FICA Account No. 20-231-200-200-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account FICA) cost not to exceed $ 299.97


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38. Appointment of Staff Members for the 2018-2019 Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs for Parents at School PGTA No. 20

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointment of the following staff members for Title I – Parent Workshops / Meeting Programs at PGTA School No. 20.

 December 2018 – May 2019  Parent Computer Classes - Saturday’s 8:15 a.m. -11:45 a.m.  Parent ESL Classes - Saturday’s 8:15 a.m. -11:45 a.m.  Journey to College Series Parent Workshop 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.  Parenting Classes/Meetings 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Once a week)

Name Position Rate Hours Total Monroe, Jennie Guidance $44.56 9 $401.04 Natera, Stephanie Social Worker $44.56 9 $401.04 Romero, Stacy Teacher $44.56 24 $1069. 44 Gomez , Yarixa Teacher $44.56 24 $1069.44 Valvano, Maria Paraprofessional $22.28 24 $534.72 Fernandez, Jenesee Parent Liaison $22.28 45 $1002.60 Hinton, Tania Parent Liaison $22.28 18 $401.04 Cerdan, Steven Parent Liaison $22.28 18 $401.04 Acosta , Leticia Parent Liaison $22.28 18 $401.04 Fernandez, Patrick Substitute $44.56

Stipend Account No. 20-231-100-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget – Teachers, Para’s) cost not to exceed $ 3475.68

Stipend Account No. 20-231-200-100-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account Budget – Support staff) cost not to exceed $ 2205.72

FICA Account No. 20-231-200-200-45-2000 (Title 1 Parent Account FICA) cost not to exceed $ 434.62


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39. Recommendation of Personnel – Extracurricular Club Activities at Passaic Academy for Science and Engineering

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the following staff members be employed as follows for the 2018-2019 school year. Payment subject to collective bargaining negotiations.

Activity Name Position ADASTRA Chomko, Richard Advisor Freshman Class Nobile, Jaclyn Advisor Junior Class Fitzgibbons, Terence Advisor Velez, Jesus Advisor Mock Trial Dowd, Ana Co-Advisor Ament, Caitlin Co-Advisor National Honor Society Graham, Theodore Co-Advisor School Newspaper Felder, Sutanna Advisor No H8 Cornwell, Bridget Co-Advisor Sea Perch McMasters, Rosemary Advisor Yearbook Harries Gonzalez, Kristen Co-Advisor Sophomore Class Welch, Jennifer Advisor Jr. National Honor Society Cortez, Rosemary Advisor Math National Honor Society Savinskya, Inna Advisor Robotics Martinez, Sergio Advisor Up and Atom! Production Co. Garcia, Edwin Advisor Maria Lindsay Co-Advisor Lead By Diversity Denise Pinon Co-Advisor Destination Imagination Valledor, Carla Advisor Cyber Patriot Blath, Nicholas Advisor

TSA/Society of Hispanic Prof. Engineers Jr. Martinez,Sergio Advisor Chapter (SHPE) Chomko, Richard Asst. Advisor

Girls Who Code Weston, Lisa Advisor Gallagher-Landi, Mary Ann Advisor Future Business Leaders of America Shaprio, Chelsea Asst. Advisor DeKramer, Jane Co-Advisor JR. TSA Cortez, Rosemary Co-Advisor Key Club DiStasi, Stephanie Advisor Lugo, Grace NJ HOSA Co-Advisor Nyabeta, Eric

Account No. 15-401-100-101-30-0075


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40. Recommendation of Personnel – Extracurricular Club Activities at Passaic Preparatory Academy

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the following staff members be employed as follows for the 2018-2019 school year. Stipend amounts subject to collective bargaining negotiations.

Activity/Club Name Position Dramatics Club Anderson, David Advisor French/Japanese Club Lockwood, John Advisor Freshman Class Advisor Barzola, Mark Advisor Photography Huze, Kirsten Advisor Junior Class Advisor Bang, Gina Advisor Latino Club Martinez, Denise Advisor Middle School Student Government Association Vescio, Noelle Co-Advisor Middle School Student Government Association Mikolajczyk, James Co-Advisor School Newspaper Sciametta, Erica Advisor School Play-Director Anderson, David Advisor Rosamilia, Sara Co-Advisor Sophomore Class Advisor Fitzgerald, Emily Advisor STRIVE Navarro, Asia Advisor Student Council Figueroa, Marc Advisor Yearbook Aro, Chelsea Co-Advisor Yearbook Taylor, Lisa Co-Advisor Art Club Martinez, Fannie Advisor

Account No. 15-401-100-101-29-0075

41. Resignation

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the following request for resignation be approved on the date indicated: Effective Date Name Position of Resignation

Luis Solano School No. 8 2/13/19 Teacher Assignment: Bilingual ICS (ihl) 15-240-100-101-08-0000

-Personnel Section-

Subject to correction of errors


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December 17, 2018 4. Transfer of Personnel/Change of Assignment of Staff Members

Certificated: Name From To Effective Date Garcia, Elisabeth School No. 5 School No. 1 12/03/18 Teacher Teacher Assignment: Grade 1 Assignment: Grade 1 Bilingual Bilingual Kenner, Ultraniece School No. 8 School No. 11 12/01/18 Teacher Teacher Assignment: Grade 5 Assignment: Grade 5

Sosa, Kenia Passaic High School Passaic Preparatory 9/24/18 Teacher Academy Assignment: World Teacher Language Spanish Assignment: World Language Spanish

Stewart-Oliver, Shavonn School No. 3 School No. 5 1/2/19 Teacher Teacher Assignment: Special Assignment: Grade 3 Education

Tsupa, Yanina To Be Assigned School No. 3 11/24/18 Teacher Teacher Assignment: General Assignment: In-Class (ESL) Support (ESL)

Villa, Samantha School No. 7 School No. 3 1/2/19 Teacher Teacher Assignment: Assignment: Preschool Kindergarten

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December 17, 2018 4. Transfer of Personnel/Change of Assignment of Staff Members

Non-Certificated (Paraprofessionals): Name From To Effective Date Angulo, Paola School No. 3 School No. 3 11/28/18 Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Assignment: Special Assignment: Special Education – Personal Education – Classroom ASD Caba-Viragh, Rita School No. 6 School No. 6 12/11/18 Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Assignment: Special Assignment: Special Education - Personal Education - Classroom Gomez, Angelo School No. 6 School No. 6 12/11/18 Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Assignment: Special Assignment: Special Education - Personal Education - Classroom Pena, Adelina School No. 3 School No. 3 11/28/18 Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Assignment: Special Assignment: Special Education – Classroom Education – Personal ASD Rosario, Mayelyn School No. 9 School No. 2 12/04/18 Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Assignment: Special Assignment: Special Education - Personal Education - Personal

Non- Certificated (Custodial): Name From To Effective Date Contreras, Jose School No. 10 School No. 1 12/10/18 Assistant Custodian Assistant Custodian

Figueroa, Jorge School No. 1 School No. 10 12/10/18 Assistant Custodian Assistant Custodian

Jean, Ronald Facilities Passaic High School 11/26/18 Assistant Custodian Assistant Custodian

Johnson, Trent School No 8 Annex Facilities 11/01/18 Assistant Custodian Assistant Custodian

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December 17, 2018 4. Transfer of Personnel/Change of Assignment of Staff Members

Non-Certificated (Secretarial):

Name From To Effective Date Ponce, Ileana School No. 16 School No. 3 1/2/19 Administrative Administrative Assistant (Schools) Assistant (Schools)

Non- Certificated (Security):

Name From To Effective Date Almonte, Nicole School No. 10/10Annex School No. 5/5Annex 1/2/19 Security Aide Security Aide

Gibson, Ijzanna Passaic Academy for School No. 20 1/2/19 Science and Engineering Security Aide Security Aide

Graham, Calvin School No. 20 School No. 19 1/2/19 Security Aide Security Aide

Quintera, Vivian School No. 5/5Annex School No. 3 1/2/19 Security Aide Security Aide

Subject to correction of errors.

3 of 3 Regular Public Meeting Minutes December 17, 2018 Page 46 of 70 December 17, 2018 Addenda (Personnel)

1. Appointment

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the appointments of the following person at the salary rate indicated, subject to compliance with Board Policies and final agreement.

Certificated: 1/2/19 – 6/30/19 Horne, Rahim Division of Facilities Asst. Cust – A $37,283 Assistant Custodian 11-000-262-100-56-0000

2. Suspension of Employee

Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Superintendent of Schools, recommends the suspension without pay of employee id no. 7017 for a period of two (2) weeks (10 working days) for good and just cause.

B. PERSONNEL Section, including addenda

Motion to Approve: Ms. Sanchez Seconded: Mr. Soto

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Ms. Schratz Yes Mr. Carrera Yes President Rosario Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes

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1. Approval of Extended School Year & Regular School Year Tuition Contracts for Educational Services for the 2018-2019 School Year

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the following tuition contracts for the Extended School Year & Regular School Year educational services within July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. The estimated tuition costs listed below are not reflective of extraordinary services and related services. All contracts are prorated based on the students' start date during the 2018-2019 School Year.

Estimated # of Total Location Tuition Cost Students Estimated Per Pupil Cost Gloucester Special Services School District Bankbridge Elementary School (10/30/18-11/30/18) 1340 Tanyard Road, Sewell, NJ 08080 Transferred to: Bankbridge Development Center $ 38,700.00 $ 38,700.00 1 (12/3/18-6/30/19) $ 3,000.00 (1) $ 3,000.00 (1) 550 Salina Road, Sewell, NJ Account No: 11-000-100-565-27-0000 (1) Non-Resident Fee Burlington County Special Services School District Burlington County Alternative High School $ 24,500.00 1 $ 24,500.00 20 Pioneer Blvd., Westampton, NJ 08060 Account No: 11-000-100-565-27-0000 Shepard School 2 Miller Road, Kinnelon, NJ 07405 $ 37,919.20 1 $ 37,919.20 Account No: 11-000-100-566-27-0000 Heritage Schools, Inc. 5600 North Heritage School Dr, Provo, Utah 84604 $116,834.00 1 $116,834.00 Account No: 11-000-100-567-27-0000 Mountain Lakes Board of Education- Lake Drive Program $ 64,200.00 1 $64,200.00 96 Powerville Road, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Account No.: 11-000-100-562-27-0000

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $285,153.20

C- 1

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2. Approval of Pupils for Special Instruction – 2018-2019 School Year

Recommends that the following pupils, identified by Local ID, be given approval to attend the following schools during the 2018-2019 school year. All contracts are prorated if students are admitted after September 1, 2018.

Local ID School Tuition 32010 DayTop Academy $41,983.65 Mendham, NJ 306109 Essex Valley School $50,538.67 24374 West Caldwell, NJ $51,298.65 29942 Shepard School $37,919.20 Kinnelon, NJ 312162 SINAI at Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy $68,727.06 Livingston, NJ 302242 Sawtelle Learning Center $47,624.92 Montclair, NJ 6642 Windsor Prep High School $41,288.80 Paramus, NJ

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $339,380.95 Account Number: 11-000-100-566-27-0000

3. Approval of School Tuition Contract Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the following contract to provide educational instruction to one (1) student placed in the listed facility. The term of the contract will be from October 5, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Local ID Facility Rate Somerset Elementary Academy Alternative Academic 27130 Middle School $3,690.00 7 Finderne Avenue per month Bridgewater, NJ 08001

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $36,900.00 Account Number: 11-000-100-561-23-0000

C- 2

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4. Approval of Tuition Contract Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the following contract to provide educational services to one (1) student placed in the listed facility. The term of the contract will be from December 3, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Local ID Facility Rate Shepard School $305.80 / per day 307081 2 Miller Road (124 Days) Kinnelon, NJ 07405

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $37,919.20 Account Number: 11-000-100-561-23-0000

5. Approval of Tuition Contract Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the following contract to provide educational instruction to one (1) student placed in the listed facility. The term of the contract will be from October 24, 2018 through June 14, 2019.

Local ID Facility Rate Strang School 26299 Ranch Hope, Inc. $365.97 / per day 45 Sawmill Road (147 days) Alloway, NJ 08001

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $53,797.59 Account Number: 11-000-100-561-23-0000

6. Approval of Contract Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for one (1) student to enter into the listed facility. The term of contract will be for a minimum of six (6) weeks, beginning Monday, November 26, 2018.

Local ID Facility Rate New Life Recovery Center 20188 Adolescent Day Program $600.00 / per week 23 Colfax Avenue Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $5,000.00 Account Number: 11-150-100-320-23-0000

C- 3

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7. Approval of Tuition Contract

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves a tuition contract with the Lodi Public Schools, 8 Hunter Street, Lodi, NJ 07644 to provide the educational services during the 2018-2019 school year for one displaced student (308149). The term of contract will be from September 5, 2018 through June 30, 2019, prorated on the start d ate.

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $12,535.00 Account Number: 11-000-100-561-23-0000

8. Approval of Contract with Elmwood Park Board of Education – Special Education Tuition Contract

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education (Receiving District) approves a Special Education Tuition Contract with Elmwood Park Board of Education (Sending District) during the 2018-2019 school year, beginning November 28, 2018. Tuition invoices will be submitted monthly to Elmwood Park for payment within the State of New Jersey approved guidelines.

Projected Revenue: $20,355.00

End of Tuition Section


Motion to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Ms. Capursi

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Ms. Schratz Yes Mr. Carrera Yes President Rosario Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes

C- 4

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1. Report of the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Investigative Report for the Month of November 2018

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education accepts the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Investigative Report for the month of November 2018, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-1 et seq.

Incident No. Investigation Results Actions Taken 1819-7 HIB Alleged Student Conference Parent Conference, Student Counseling, other 1819-9 HIB Confirmed measures 1819-10 HIB Confirmed Peer Support Group, Other Measures 1819-11 HIB Alleged Student Conference

1819-12 HIB Alleged Student Conference 1819-14 HIB Confirmed Student Counseling, Other Measures Parent Conference, Student Counseling, Other 1819-15 HIB Confirmed Measures 1819-16 HIB Alleged Student Conference, Other Measures 1819-17 HIB Confirmed Other Measures Parent Conference, Referral for therapy treatment, 1819-18 HIB Confirmed Other Measures 1819-19 HIB Alleged Student Conference, Other Measures Parent Conference, Student Counseling, Other 1819-20 HIB Confirmed Measures 1819-21 HIB Alleged Student Conference, Parent Conference 1819-22 HIB Alleged Student Conference, Parent Conference 1819-23 HIB Confirmed Student Counseling, Other Measures 1819-24 HIB Alleged Student Conference, Other Measures

D - 1

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2. Approval of Attendance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for the listed staff members to attend the following workshops:

Names Workshop Location Dates Registration Cost Introduction to Harmon, Michael Future Media Premiere Pro CC February 25-27, 2019 $2,300.00 Concepts, Inc. and and Per Person 229 Broadway Spiegeland, Marie Premiere Pro CC April 4–5, 2019 New York, NY Advanced

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $4,850.00 Account Number: 20-366-200-500-12-0000

3. Approval of Attendance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for Menachem Bazian to attend the following Rutgers Center for Government Services for Certified Educational Facilities Manager’s Programs (CEFM):

Registration Workshop Location Dates Fee January 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, Management Supervision 28, 29, 31, $ 924.00 and Human Resources and February 4, 2019 Environ. Stewardship, Sparta High School February 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, Code Compliance & 70 W. Mountain Road $ 799.00 21, 26, 28, 2019 Sustainability Sparta Township, NJ March 18, 20, 25, 27 Preventive Maintenance and $ 570.00 April 1, 2019 Financial Management April 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 2019 $ 501.00 and Purchasing

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $3,450.00 Account Number: 11-000-262-590-56-0000

D - 2

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4. Approval of Attendance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for the listed staff members to attend the NJTESOL/NJBE 2019 Spring Conference: Celebrating the Success of Bilingual, Dual, & English Language Learners.

Names Location Dates Cummings, Soany Thursday, May 30, 2019 Fernandez, Karolin Hyatt Regency Hotel and Kahrar, Madelyn New Brunswick, NJ Friday, May 31, 2019 Vargas, Gloria

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $1,800.00 Account Number: 11-000-221-580-13-0000

5. Approval of Attendance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for the listed staff members to attend the iSTEAM Conference 2019: Full STEAM Ahead!

Names Location Date Cost Bartlett, Rebecca Burgos, Aixa Ramapo College of NJ $179.00 Cahill, Dylan Friday, 505 Ramapo Valley Road per person Casterlow-Lalla, Latasha January 11, 2019 Mahwah, NJ Godvanik, Mila Martinez, Fannie

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $1,074.00 Account Number: 11-000-223-580-19-0000

D - 3

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6. Approval of Attendance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for the listed staff members to attend the Conquer Mathematics Workshop at Conquer Mathematics, 476 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains, New Jersey, at a cost of $155.00 per person, per workshop.

Names Dates Desiree Edwards Danielle Owusu Friday, January 4, 2019 Elena Miyasato No Charge – Kristine Creo Mariana Hernandez Janet Arslabeck Thursday, January 10, 2019 Deanna Dinapoli Silvy Guevara Juliana Lagarcha Caitlin Gargioulo Sherise Amaro Katherine Rivera No Charge – Kristine Creo Monday, January 14, 2019 Caroline Ferro No Charge– Maria Magro Stephanie Chavez No Charge – Laura Delgado Janice Mestry Leyla Demircan Angela Lopez Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Herminia Malave Jessica Casanovas Linday Decker Tuesday, January 22 and Thursday, February 28, 2019 Serafino Desalco Meghan Tielemars Monday, February 4, 2019 Ewa Taylor No Charge – Ningel Bhuta Angela Lopez James Carpenter Tuesday, February 5, 2019 Konstantinos Ntoufas Lilivara Helgiu Kriotine Kochan Nicole Stanziale Jaclyn Nobile Thursday, February 28, 2019 Hermina Malave Hyosun Hong Jason Tyler Gina Bang Desiree Edwards Elena Miyasato Monday, March 4, 2019 Gwen LaMastro No Charge – Jaclyn Bohan Carol Armijo Carolina Ferro Juliana Lagarcha Kahterine Rivera Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Janice Maestry Caitlin Gargiulo Stephanie Chavez Silvy Guevara Janet Arslanbeck Robert Toscano Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Ali Alavi – No Charge January 10, February 5 and March 19, 2019

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $7,440.00 Account Number: 11-000-223-580-19-0000

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7. Approval of Attendance at TECHSPO 2019 Conference

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for the listed staff members to attend the TECHSPO 2019 Conference sponsored by the New Jersey Association of School Administrators.

Names Location Dates Blankenbeckler, Joshua Thursday, January 31, 2019 Carolan, Mark Atlantic City, through New Jersey Paradela, Carlos Friday, February 1, 2019 Teklu, Amanuel

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $3,500.00 Account Number: 11-000-252-580-57-0000

8. REVISION of Approval of Attendance at Conference

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the replacement of staff member attending the one day seminar, Mathematics and the Brain: A Neurodevelopmental Approach to Number Sense on Thursday, November 29, 2018.

From: Rachel Goldberg To: Meredith Kafah

Cost Not to Exceed: $350.00 Account Number: 11-000-223-580-16-0000 Original Resolution: October 22, 2018, Item 1, page D-1

9. Authorization to Establish a Roth 403(b) Plan

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education authorizes to establish a Roth 403(b) plan for employees as an additional option in its Plan document, at no cost to the board.

10. Authorization to Add Aspire Financial as an Approved 403(b) Vendor

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education authorizes the addition of Aspire Financial as an approved 403(b) vendor for the Passaic Board of Education.

11. Authorization for Use of NJHire

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants authorization for the use of NJHire (Recruitment Network of the State of New Jersey), for recruitment purposes.

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12. Authorization for Submission of Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist Statement of Assurance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education authorizes the submission of the Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist Statement of Assurance for School Year 2018-2019.

13. Authorization for Submission of Lead Testing Program Statement of Assurance

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education authorizes the submission of the Lead Testing Program Statement of Assurance for School Year 2017-2018.

14. Approval for Students to obtain an EMT Career Certification at PCCC, Wayne Campus

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for twelve (12) Passaic High School students to attend the EMT Career Program at Passaic County Community College, at the Public Safety Academy Campus.

Dates & Times: January 9, 2019 – May 6, 2019 Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:45pm – 10:00pm & January 26, February 2, 9, 16, March 16, April 6, 13, 2019 Saturdays from 7:45am-4:00pm

Cost for twelve (12) students:

Tuition: $1,008.00 per student (126 x 8 credits) $12,096.00 Book: $ 439.00 per student 5,268.00 Stethoscope: $ 12.00 per student 144.00 Uniform: $ 7.00 per student 84.00 Background Check: $ 36.00 per student 432.00 TOTAL $18,024.00

Transportation Cost:

No. of Days Cost per Day Estimated Total 41 days To be determined $6,200.00

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $24,224.00 Account Numbers: 15-190-100-500-12-0000 ($18,024.00) 15-000-270-512-12-0000 ($ 6,200.00)

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15. REVISION – Approval to Obtain an EMT Career Certification at Passaic County Community College (PCCC), Wayne Campus

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves an additional day for six (6) Passaic High School students to attend the EMT Career Certification Program at PCCC, Wayne Campus.

Additional Date: Friday, December 14, 2018 (6:45pm – 10:00pm)

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $6,000.00 Account Number: 15-190-100-500-12-0000

16. Approval of Grand Falloons Assembly Program

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for the Grand Falloons to present a free earth-science assembly to the Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy School No. 20, at no cost to the Board. Passaic City Clean Communities recycling grant will fund the event. This year’s 45 minute curriculum-based presentation will be “Garbage: What a Waste!”

17. Authorization to Partner with American Carpet South Company

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for Passaic High School to partner with American Carpet South Company to create a mural contest for Passaic High School students. The design selected by American Carpet South will appear in the American Carpet South Company office located in Passaic. The student(s) responsible for the winning design will receive a $1,000.00 college scholarship.

18. Approval to Participate in William Paterson University (WPU) Sponsored US Drug Free Communities Grant Program and Youth Survey

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for participation in the WPU sponsored US Drug Free Communities grant, entitled Passaic City Coalition, which aims to reduce alcohol and marijuana use among the youth of the City of Passaic. Passaic Public Schools will oversee the administration of 1,000 Drug Free Communities Support Program Evaluation of Core Measures survey, requiring parental consent, within grades 6- 12 in 10 Passaic Public Schools. The Passaic Public Schools will also serve on the Passaic City Coalition Team to work collaboratively on this Drug Free Communities project.

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19. Authorization to Dispose of Personal Property

Recommends the Passaic Board of Education grants authorization to dispose of equipment no longer needed by the school district because of condition or obsolescence.

Qty. Description Location Condition 1 True Milk Cooler Food Services – School No. 19 Inoperable/Not working

20. Approval of Additional Field Trip Destinations

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the additional district field trip destinations in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8.

Destination City State The College of Physicians Philadelphia PA Cuellar - ShopRite Passaic NJ Richard Rehabilitation Center Staten Island NY Robbinsville High School Robbinsville NJ State Theater New Jersey New Brunswick NJ Westin Hotel New York NY Original Resolution: August 27, 2018, Item 18, Page D-9 – D-17

21. Approval to Attend the Annual Teen PEP Retreat

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval for ten (10) Passaic High School Students and three staff members to attend the Annual Teen PEP Retreat as follows:

Location Dates Cost The Chauncey Hotel & Convention Center January 23, 2019 $219.00/day – Per Student 1 Chauncey Road through $279.00/day – One Staff Member Princeton, New Jersey January 25, 2019 $219.00/day – each additional staff member

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $6,650.08 Account Numbers: 15-190-100-800-12-0000 ($5,814.00) 15-000-270-512-12-0000 ($ 836.08)

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22. Approval of Fundraising

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval of the following fundraisers:

School Club/Activity Title Date(s) PREP National History Day December 17, 2018 – January 21, 2019 Student Activity T-Shirt Sale Passaic Voluntary Contributions January 2, 2019 – January 31, 2019 Academy for TSA Club to the American Cancer Science and Society Engineering Future of Business Movie Night January 4, 2019 Leaders of America Dance January 18, 2019 Society of Hispanic Applebee’s January 28, 2019 Professional (SHPE)/TSA PHS Drama Club Playbill Ads December 1, 2018 - January 1, 2019 Community Based Creating and Selling January 1, 2019 – July 1, 2019 Instruction A/V Club Apparel Sale January 1, 2019 – February 28, 2019 PHS Marching Band T-Shirt Sale December 17, 2018 – March 1, 2019 African American Club Social January 16, 2019 Drama Club Ticket Sales and January 18-19, 2019 Concessions Student Activity Scholastic Books Sale January 28, 2019 – February 8, 2019

23. Authorization to Accept Donation

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education accepts the donation of twenty (20) turkeys to the Passaic Public Schools for distribution to students.

The Passaic Board of Education offers its gratitude to the New Jersey State Police Department. The estimated value of this gift is $500.00.

24. Authorization to Accept Donation

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education accepts the donation of approximately fifty (50) coats to the Passaic Public Schools. The coats will be distributed to students in need.

The Passaic Board of Education offers its gratitude to the New Jersey State Police Department. The estimated value of this gift is $1,000.00.

End of Authorizations

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25. Approval of Submission of PEA Three-Year Preschool Program Plan

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the submission of the Division of Early Childhood Education 2019-2022 PEA Three-Year Preschool Program Plan.

End of Addendum - Authorizations

D. AUTHORIZATIONS Section, with addendum

Motion to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Carrera

Vice President Yes Soto Ms. Capursi Yes Mr. Carrera Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes, with abstention on Item 18, Page D-7, City of Passaic Ms. Schratz Yes President Rosario Yes

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1. Unaudited Secretary’s Report--Acceptance and Certification – October 2018

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education accepts the Board Unaudited Secretary’s financial report for the month of October 2018, based upon the certification of the Board Secretary, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c) (3), N.J.S.A. 18A:17-10 and N.J.S.A. 18A:17-36, that no line item account or program category account has been overexpended, and that no account or fund has been overexpended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

2. Unaudited Report of the Treasurer of School Moneys for the Month of October 2018

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education acknowledges and accepts the Unaudited Report of the Treasurer of School Moneys for the month ended October 2018, which report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report.

End of Board Secretary/Treasurer of Moneys Reports


Motion to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Carrera

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Ms. Schratz Yes Mr. Carrera Yes President Rosario Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes

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1. Payment of Bills for the Month of December 2018

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves payment of bills for the month of December 2018, as follows:



November 17, 2018 - December 11, 2018 Check and Wire Disbursements Document


Amount Disbursed 10 GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE $ 1,493,853.75 11 GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE $ 7,824,457.84 12 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 140,055.28 13 SPECIAL SCHOOLS $ - 15 WHOLE SCHOOL REFORM $ 722,708.31 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 1,623,174.78 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS $ 436,779.28 60 ENTERPRISE FUND $ 943,459.97 Total Check Disbursements $ 13,184,489.21 Total Wire Disbursements $ 3,466,208.07


Audited by: Kevin Lomski Prepared By: Carmen Colon

Comptroller Accounts Payable Manager

Certified by Erlinda Arellano School Business Administrator End of Payment of Bills


Moved to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Carrera

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Mr. Carrera Yes, with abstention on Item 1, Page F-1, Passaic Family Head Start Mr. Rodriguez Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes, with abstention on Item 1, Page F-1, City of Passaic Ms. Schratz Yes President Rosario Yes

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1. Approval of 2018-2019 Budget Transfers

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the budget transfers for the month of December, 2018.

Account Number Amount Account Number Amount From: To: 11-000-221-500-21-0000 $ 1,692.70 11-190-100-500-21-0000 $ (5,338.84) 12-000-230-730-21-0000 $ 3,646.14 15-190-100-610-06-0000 $ (5,000.00) 15-000-240-500-06-0000 $ 5,000.00 15-000-222-600-29-0000 $ (150.00) 15-190-100-320-29-0000 $ 150.00 15-190-100-610-11-0000 $ (1,000.00) 15-190-100-500-11-0000 $ 1,000.00 11-000-221-580-14-0000 $ (900.00) 11-402-100-600-14-0000 $ 20,900.00 12-402-100-730-14-0000 $ (20,000.00) 15-120-100-730-06-0000 $ 3,500.00 15-190-100-610-06-0000 $ (6,000.00) 15-000-240-500-06-0000 $ 2,500.00 15-000-222-600-28-0000 $ (2,500.00) 15-130-100-730-28-0000 $ 2,500.00 TOTAL (40,888.84) TOTAL $ 40,888.84

2. Approval of 2018-2019 Budget Transfer –Pending County Approval

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the following budget transfer, pending County approval for the month of December, 2018.

Account Number Amount Account Number Amount From: To: 12-000-252-730-57-0000 $ 537,261.72 11-190-100-610-57-0000 $ 537,261.72 TOTAL 537,261.72 TOTAL $ 537,261.72

3. Requisition for Local Tax Levy Payment from the City of Passaic – 2018-2019

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the amount of district taxes for current expense and capital outlay required to meet obligations of the Board of Education for the period extending to the next Board of Education meeting, with the City of Passaic, (Passaic City Council), being hereby requested to place in the hands of the Custodian of School Moneys on the dates indicated in accordance with the statutes relating thereto.

December 10, 2018 $1,401,548.00 Received - December 10, 2018

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4. Authorization to Accept NJ 21st CCLC IDEA Grant for 2018-19

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education accepts the NJ 21st CCLC IDEA Grant from the NJ Department of Education to provide special education services to students in the ACCESS NJ21st CCLC program. The award is for $35,000.00 for the time period January 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019, as follows.

Description Account Total Instructional Salaries School Year 20-454-100-100-63-0000 $ 17,111.00 Instructional Salaries Summer 20-454-100-100-63-0000 2,674.00 Support Salaries 20-454-200-100-63-0000 11,421.00 Professional Development 20-454-200-100-63-0000 1,782.00

Fringe Benefits -- FICA 20-454-200-200-63-0000 1,741.00

Instructional Supplies 20-454-100-600-63-0000 172.00

Other Purchased Services 20-454-100-500-63-0000 99.00

TOTAL $ 35,000.00

5. Authorization to Accept the 2018-2019 NJ Schools Insurance Group School Safety Grant Program Award

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants authorization to accept the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group 2018 Safety Grant Program. This grant award will provide Passaic Public Schools with $ 5,438 to be used for facilities safety, building security and/or safety equipment and security training purchases to enable loss prevention. This 12 month grant program will run from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Budget Account Number Description Amount 20‐665‐200‐300‐51‐0000 Purch Professional 2,972.26 20‐665‐200‐600‐51‐0000 Supplies & Materials Non Instr 2,465.74 AMOUNT AWARDED 5,438.00

End of Finance and Accounting Reports

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6. Approval of Submission of the 2019-2020 Early Childhood Budget

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves the submission of the 2019-2020 Early Childhood Budget to the New Jersey Department of Education and to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools.

End of Addendum – Finance and Accounting Reports

G. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, including addendum

Moved to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Mr. Carrera

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Ms. Schratz Yes Mr. Carrera Yes President Rosario Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes

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December 17, 2018


1. Resolution Approving Contract with Express Scripts, Inc. for Prescription Stop Loss Coverage

Recommends, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(a)(10), that the Passaic Board of Education, based upon the recommendation of Fairview Insurance Agency, the Broker of Record for Employee Health Benefits for the school district, approves a contract with Express Scripts, Inc. to provide prescription stop loss coverage for the Passaic Public School District.

The term of contract is from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.

Fairview Insurance Agency marketed proposals from Berkley Accident & Health and Sun Life Financial and it was determined that the response submitted by American National Insurance Company most advantageous to the board, price and other factors considered.

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $244,458.00 Account Numbers: 11-000-291-270-XX-XXXX 20-XXX-200-200-XX-XXXX 15-000-291-270-XX-XXXX 60-910-310-270-25-0000

2. Resolution Approving Contract with Flagship Health Systems, Inc. & Delta Dental of New Jersey, Inc., of Parsippany, NJ for Dental Insurance Coverage

Recommends, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(a)(10), that the Passaic Board of Education, based upon the recommendation of Fairview Insurance Agency, the Broker of Record for Employee Health Benefits for the school district, approves a contract with Flagship Health Systems, Inc., 1639 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054 & Delta Dental of New Jersey, Inc., 1639 Route 10 Parsippany, NJ 07054 to provide dental insurance coverage for the Passaic Public School District.

The term of contract is from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020.

This contract is subject to the availability of funds as may be required to meet the extended obligation. If sufficient funds are not appropriated, the Board of Education may cancel the contract.

Fairview Insurance Agency marketed proposals from Aetna, Cigna, Delta Dental, Horizon BCBSNJ and Metlife and it was determined that the response submitted by Delta Dental of NJ, Inc., is most advantageous to the board, price and other factors considered.

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Cost Not to Exceed: $1,918,179.00 (Annually) Account Numbers: 11-000-291-270-XX-XXXX 20-XXX-200-200-XX-XXXX 15-000-291-270-XX-XXXX 60-910-310-270-25-0000

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December 17, 2018

3. Approval of an Affiliation Agreement between The Passaic-Clifton Lions Club and the Passaic Board of Education

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves an affiliation agreement between the Passaic-Clifton Lions Club and Passaic Board of Education for vision services to 275 elementary students.

The term of the contract is January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019, at no cost to the Board of Education.

4. Approval of an Affiliation Agreement between AUDNAV and the Passaic Board of Education

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves an affiliation agreement between AUDNAV and the Passaic Board of Education to provide hearing services to 500 elementary students.

The term of the contract is December 18, 2018 to June 30, 2019, at no cost to the Board of Education.

5. Authorization to Partner with The Performing Arts School at Bergen PAC

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval to create a partnership with Bergen Performing Arts Center to implement the Sensory Friendly Artist in Residence Program with students enrolled in the Intellectually Disabled Program at Daniel F. Ryan School 19, at no cost to the Board. The Bergen Performing Arts Center has secured funding for this project.

6. Approval of an Increase in Vendor Contract for Tectonic Engineering & Surveying Consultants PC for Environmental Consulting Services “As-Needed” – Bid 04-19

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education approves an increase in the vendor contract for Tectonic Engineering & Surveying Consultants PC in order to provide Environmental Consulting Services “As-Needed” through June 30, 2019.

From: $60,000.00 To: Cost Not to Exceed $112,000.00

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

Account Number: 11-000-261-420-56-0000 Original Resolution: June 6, 2018; Item #14, pages H-7 through H-9

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December 17, 2018

7. Approval to Purchase Copier – State Contract

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants approval to purchase the following Savin copier from Atlantic Tomorrows Office (State Contract A40467)

Qty. Copier Total Value of Copier Location -Savin Pro 8200S -LCT 1 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -Finisher $16,859.00 School No. 6 -Punch Unit -Surge

Cost Not to Exceed: $16,859.00 Account Number: 15-120-100-730-06-0000

8. Approval of Use of School Facilities—Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants permission to the Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic to use the auditorium and two (2) classrooms at Passaic High School to hold rehearsals and a play as follows:

Rehearsals (4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.): Monday, February 11, 2019 Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Thursday, February 14, 2019

Play (10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.): Sunday, February 17, 2019

In accordance with File Code: 1330, Yeshiva Ktana of Passic has provided Proof of Security.

Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic shall pay a fee for custodial services, utilities, rental and audiovisual services.

9. Use of School Facilities—New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education grants permission to the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association to use the following facilities:

School Location Dates Time January 30, 2019 Conference immediately after School No. 16 February 27, 2019 Room school until 6:30 p.m. May 29, 2019 March 27, 2019 Conference immediately after School No. 20 May 1, 2019 Room school until 6:30 p.m. June 12, 2019

to conduct a mentor focus group. The Board waives rental, custodial and utilities fees. In accordance with File Code: 1330 Proof of Security was provided.

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December 17, 2018

10. Approval to Enter into Contract with Camden County Educational Services Commission—Student Transportation Jointures to and from

Recommends that the Passaic Board of Education in full accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:27-10.1 et seq., approves entering into contract with

Camden County Educational Services Commission 225 White Horse Avenue Clementon, New Jersey 08021

to provide student transportation for the following route. The term of the contract is from December 11, 2018 through June 19, 2019.

Route # Schools Contractor Route Cost 0642 Child Development Center 0009 $5,772.69 – Total cost includes 5% Admin fee

Total Cost: $5,772.69

11. Approval of Award of Student Transportation Contract

Recommends that Passaic Board of Education in full accordance with N.J.S.A. 18:A-39 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 6A:27-9 et seq., awards the student transportation contract to the following company:

Quote 10QT-19 – December 12, 2018

Vendor Route Destination Contract Per Diem Joshua Tours EMT-1 Passaic County Public Safety $180.00 Academy (PCCC), Wayne, NJ

Other quotations solicited for this route were:

Name of Company Rate Per Diem Trans-Ed, Inc. $180.00 Jersey Kids No Quotation D & M Tours No Quotation The term of contract will be from January 9, 2019 through May 30, 2019.

Erlinda R. Arellano, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, certifies the availability of funds.

All details of the terms and conditions of the contract are on file in the Department of Transportation. End of Award of Contracts


Motion to Approve: Mr. Soto Seconded: Ms. Capursi

Vice President Soto Yes Ms. Sanchez Yes Ms. Capursi Yes Ms. Schratz Yes Mr. Carrera Yes President Rosario Yes Mr. Rodriguez Yes

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