TTHEHE TRUETRUE SPIRITSPIRIT OFOF INDEPENDENCEINDEPENDENCE IIssuessue No.No. 7 FFreeree CCDD SSamplerampler PPanicanic CCellell HHugeuge MMailail OOrderrder CCatalogueatalogue AAlbumlbum RReviewseviews TThehe BBitteritter tthehe BBetter...etter... II-Def-I-Def-I BBloodyloody CCasualties...asualties... DDecimateecimate BBulletsullets ForFor TeethTeeth AAbigail’sbigail’s MMercyercy BBohicaohica PPsylencesylence NNightmareightmare VVisionsisions TTestswitchestswitch IIsolatorsolator SSalal FFOREVEROREVER NNEVEREVER HHerratikerratik CContradictionsontradictions EExplained...xplained... FFuelbloodeduelblooded TThehe CCasketasket IssueIssue 01 02 CCOP-OUTOP-OUT #7#7 IIss bboughtought ttoo yyouou withwith thhee hhelpelp aandnd aassistences of the following people. Welcome To Cop-Out 07 sistence of the following people. HHelloello andand welcomewelcome toto anotheranother instalmentinstalment ofof Cop-Out,Cop-Out, thethe underfunded,underfunded, badlybadly writtenwritten andand cclobberedlobbered togethertogether catazinecatazine fromfrom thosethose jokersjokers atat CoproCopro Towers.Towers. SomeSome ofof youyou willwill bebe sur-sur- EEDITORDITOR JJoseose GGrifriffi n pprisedrised toto fi nnallyally havehave anotheranother oneone ofof thesethese fallfall onon youryour doordoor mat,mat, somesome ofof you,you, willwill bebe wonder-wonder-
[email protected] iingng jjustust wwhathat tthehe hellhell thisthis is,is, butbut hopefullyhopefully allall ofof you,you, oror atat thethe veryvery leastleast mostmost ofof you,you,