IIT Bombay X - FDP101x Foundation Program in ICT for Education Course Journal

Prepared by

S. Suneel Kumar Associate Professor, VJIT College of Engineer, Hyderabad, Telangana.

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Teaching is a continual process to share the information to students or mentors through various processes like traditional teaching method using blackboard & chalk.

As technology developed this type of traditional teaching may not reaching to brains of students. Now technical aspects of teaching required for students.

For this teacher and students both should be technically skilled to teach and learn.

This FDP on “Foundation program in ICT for Education” helpful for teacher to implement the Hybrid Technology in teaching.

This course contents helpful in learning aspects related to basic computer applications utilization in preparation of contents, visual presentation skills, data storage and implementation through wordpress, course contents by using moodle and drupal, screen cast recording of video and creative contents preparation.

This course helps in preparation of video to implementation of course for hybrid teaching process.

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1. Introduction by Prof. Deepak Phatak, the Principal Investigator of

T10KT project at IIT bombay.

2. Introduction focused on reasons for technology education from conventional or tradition education as information provider to become learning facilitators.

3. The first FDP is on use of technology to facilitate Hybrid Learning.

Hybrid Learning means that our learners are able to learn both from face to face interaction as we traditionally do and also from online resources such as registering for online courses.

4. IITBombayX designed the two FDPs.

5. The first FDP is a foundation program in ICT for education. Which deals with all aspects of technology that are useful for education.

6. The second FDP is designed to explain to us the pedagogy for online and blended or hybrid teaching-learning process.


1. Prof. Deepak Phatak, explained related to 'Academic Ethics'.

2. In these FDPs particularly, concern about the following: First, respect for rights, that means, if we are using any material that has been copyrighted or patented, we must obtain permission to use that material and we must quote that material reference. Second have to cite the source from which you have collected this information. The Third important point is that we must ensure that we individually and collectively prepare open educational resources and contribute these to the learning community.


1. There are going to be 6 graded activities

-Knowledge Quizzes (KQ)

-Assimilation Quizzes (AQ)

- Reflection Quizzes (RQ)

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- Resource Creation Assignments (RCA)

- Lab Assignments (LA) and

- a final Summative Assessment (SA).

2. All these 6 activities will together provide the 100 percentage of total score in this FDP.

3. The Knowledge quizzes will contribute to 30 percentage. The Assimilation quizzes, that are again assessment for assimilation of "Learning Extension Resources" will contribute to 10 percentage of total score. The "Reflection Quizzes" based on the Learning Experience Interactions that happen in the discussion forum will contribute to 10 percentage of total grade. The Resource Creation Assignments, where you will be creating resources using the ICT applications, this assignment is peer reviewed, will contribute to 15 percentage of total score. The lab assignments, which will be released on the day of synchronous interactions, will contribute to another 10 percentage in this total score. The summative assessment, which will be released in the final week, will contribute to the remaining 25 percentage of total score.

4. Now that have understood the total grading percentage, we will now look at the pass criteria for this FDP is 50 percentage of the total mark of this course, the people whose total score is greater than or equal to 50 percentage will be eligible for taking the next FDP.


The Introduction helps in

● Why FDP foundation course

● Introduction to ICT tools using in classes

● Academic ethics

● Grading policy for FDP

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1) LED1.1 - Moving from Physical classroom to Online Classrooms

1. The pedagogic features available in this learning platform to ensure that you have an effective online teaching learning experience.

2. Teaching-learning experiences in a physical classroom.

3. In a physical classroom, there are three basic elements - the learner, the content and the teacher.

4. The teacher utilizes various strategies and available tools to facilitate

Effective teaching-learning interactions between these elements.

Reflection Question

Can you list the various interactions between these three components- Learner, Content and Teacher in physical classroom?

Teacher or Trainer will prepare the notes or content to discuss with the Students or Learner and Students will note down the teaching notes from trainer. Physically teacher will clarify the doubts and discussed.

● Teacher explains the content to the learner through various interactive methods like Powerpoint presentations, Animations, Quiz, Activities, Question-Answer and Assignments etc.

● Learner learn the contents from the PPT, Quiz etc.

● After completion of the class, the question and answers will be discussed.

5. The facilitator would initially interact with the content and prepare videos, resources like slides, practice problems etc., for students to work out.

6. The students will interact with the content by accessing the course, watching videos and doing problems.

7. The instructor-learner interaction and the learner-learner interaction

is facilitated through discussion forums.

8. Thus, three platform features emerge for an online instructor - Videos, Problems and Discussion Forums, to generate the various interactions that we had seen in the physical classroom as well.

2) LED 1.2 - Pedagogic Adaptation 1: Learning Dialogues or LeDs

1. In this video, explaining to you the first pedagogic feature that you will see in this learning platform - Learning Dialogues or LeDs.

Q1) What is the equivalent of instructor videos in a physical classroom?

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● Powerpoint presentations and in the presentation animations will be added for effective communication to students.

● Along with the presentation, videos also will be shown for better understanding.

Q2) What additional features does the video provide in an online setting?

● Video lectures in classrooms will help in better understanding and provides play or stop the video, Rewind the video, Control Volume etc. and to explain many times possible. Where in the case of physical class room repetition possible in little extent.

● Flexibility for listening the video anytime, anywhere possible with online setting.

What is the equivalent of such a video in a regular teaching-learning interaction within your classroom?

2. Reflection spots and speed of the video.

3) LED 1.3 - Pedagogic Adaptation 2: Learning by Doing Activities or


1. In this video, explaining the second pedagogic feature that you will see in this learning platform, Learning-by-Doing Activities or LbDs.

2. One, explaining the various interactions in a teaching-learning environment and another, on the pedagogic modification of Learning Dialogues or LeDs. After each of these LeDs, you were also asked to do practice problems.

Q1) What advantages do you see in answering practice questions immediately after watching LeD videos?

It helps in quick response for the questions.

Visual representations of any content increases attention of the learner and the duration for remembering the contents, so we can remember the contents of the watched videos for long time.

We can watch the video number of times so quick check possible if not understood properly.

It gives understanding levels of participant, whether paying attention or not.

These questions will help to review the video for actual concepts and which improve the listening skills.

4) LED 1.4 - Pedagogic Adaptation 3: Learning Extension Resources or

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1. In this video, explaining the third pedagogic feature that you will see in this learning platform is the Learning Extension Resources or LxTs.

2. From the very word 'Learning Extension', you will understand that these resources are meant for extending your learning on what you have already learnt. That is, they are advanced resources that helps you in going deep in a particular content.

3. Now, a learning extension resource could be videos, it could be links to various web pages or documents that are already available or it could even be research papers that have been written about a particular pedagogy or a technology.

4. Along with the learning extension resources, we also have assimilation quizzes. Unlike the learning-by-doing activities, these assimilation quizzes are graded.

Q1) What is function of an Assimilation Quiz (AQ)?

Ans: Assimilation quizzes are given in graded score and these grade scores will reflects the deep understanding of particular topic by Learning Extension Resources (LxTs).

5) LED 1.5 - Pedagogic Adaptation 4: Learning Experience Interactions or LxIs.

1. In this video, explaining the pedagogic feature of learning experience interactions or LxIs.

2. To understand this component, let us first consider the case of a physical classroom scenario where the teacher inquires about the learners experiences on the content that was elaborated by the teacher and then initiates a structured discussion in the classroom by the structured discussion is done by asking a very focus question to all the learners and also suggesting specific points to be discussed.

3. The teacher also provides specific instructions on how to conduct this discussion.

Q1) Can you think of advantages of having such a structured group discussion like the one which I explained right now?

Ans: Structured group discussions explained in good way as it only revolve around specific topic to avoid distraction of learner. It helps learner to focus more on the contents and learner can involve more in communication. To get a chance for clarity on topic.

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6) LED 1.6 - Resource Creation 1: Course Journal

Write one advantage of maintaining a “course journal”?

● Course journal will shows our understanding about the concepts which we have learned during the course.

● Course journal helps to maintain the records and process as well.

● It helps learner to record its overall thoughts.

● Course journal should be understandable to yourself as well as others.

● In course journal we can summarize the things

Learning Experience Interaction 1

● The various pedagogic features and gone through the content

● Interacting with others, on pedagogic adaptations, focused and structured discussion forum to interact each other.

"Learning Experience Interactions"

● The first learning experience interaction Focus question is “Introduce our self and tell about challenges that we face in our classroom while using technology”.


BASICS OF ICT- by Prof. Prabhakar T V https://youtu.be/KpyUBIBojIY About the computer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer

8) Learning Extension Resources

● If this is your first time in a MOOC, then listen to this TED talk by

Anant Agarwal, the CEO of edX in this video


● ITBombayX, the platform that we are using now, was developed using the OpenSource edX.

● Here used IITBombayX for faculty professional development programmes earlier too. These programmes were primarily targeting faculty from higher education.

● Here in this video of Padmashree Dr. Deepak B Phatak's

introduction video to learners of a faculty development programme

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WHAT IS INTERNET By Geoffrey Challen


● Internet is network of network through servers.

● Internet is a billions of network that are connection globally each other using servers.

● Internet protocol is like telephone number of user server which defines how computer connected to internet and communicate to each other.

● Internet is Connecting many of computers, protocol allows to work together and people use for new things.


To understand how the Internet actually works watch the below video from

Internet Foundation in Sweden.

● Devices like computer/ laptops, mobile phones and tabs etc. are connected to internet through internet browsers. These devices are connected with each other through cable of signals or LAN’s.

● Digital information is transferred through this network which travels as fast as five times around earth in a second (MIPS).

● The digital information means – Blogs/ images/ musics/ videos/

games/ documents/ lists/ tags etc.


● Web page can be created by web press or drupal as free website creation tools or through any web tools for designing website like .net programs.

● Website is a place where it contain webpages, blogs, videos and links etc., It will be connected through URL’s.


● The links given in the website help to create the profile in an easy manner.

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● Provided to interact a list of mentors for discussion forum. They will have the tag "Community TA".

How have the different mentors used web presence to aggregate the resources created by them during previous FDP?

● Different mentors’ of previous FDP, helped a lot in knowing how exactly a website looks after completion and by interacting with mentors as well as by reading their helpful tips.


How to create a simple website using WordPress? Various tools for website creation

Create simple website for teaching and research faculty. Website can be

1) Simple websites - Wordpress is used to create free online tool to create a simple website has few pages or simple menu and blogs.

2) Multifunctional websites- Drupal used to create multifunction website has pages with structured content, pages linked to each other, research and conference etc., in website.

Both are and freely available. Wordpress can be download, installed and or directly used else directly used through internet.


Stuck to a domain called as workpress.com


● Wordpress is a free and open-source content management system

(CMS) based on PHP and bySQL.

● An account can be created in wordpress using email id as username to access wordpress for creation of website.

● Everything in Wordpress is a post. Even a ‘page’ is a post designated as a page.

● An account has to be created at www.wordpress.com in which freely available. Domain can be registered with wordpress.com extension.

● The site created on wordpress can be managed through wp dashboard.

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Through dashboard:

● Theme can be selected

● Theme can be customised (Tag Line/ Header/ photo/colour/fonts and widgets etc.)

● Theme can be changed

● New post can be added through blog

● Existing posts can be edited or deleted.

● Media (images/ videos) can be added

● Menu can be easily created and edited

● Widgets can be added like Search, calender, text, video and contact & location etc., Widgets are small applications running within a site that carries out a special task.


Two simple content types A. The blog B. The page


Blog is a short form for web-log. Blog is a like a diary on the web. A blog may be periodic or occasionally un periodic, but it is a time bound release. Usually they are categorised by the date of release and keywords.

Steps to create a blog

● Go to this top left corner and a menu pops up contains all these actions.

● Add a blog post to add a new blog and add pages to add new pages.

● A blog has a title and a body.

● Choose a title, it could be a draft title, it need not be the final title, and then type in the body and can attach media as well.

● We can preview how this looks. It gives an option for users to comment on it, and the other blogs which posted earlier are all down below.


A page is a generic web-page that you all are familiar with. It could be a static page, there is nothing time bound to it. It will be added page to website. It appears in front page or in the menu items and so on. Web pages can have other objects in it such as tables, lists, images and attachments etc.,

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Pages are typically some standard web pages which are usually static, could be an About page, could be Research Topic, it could be Teaching or General information.

Pages are organised in a hierarchical way, unlike blogs in which the categories are organised in a hierarchical way, here the pages themselves can be a parent-child relation.

Steps to create web pages

● My site, pages and add pages.

● This is the first page to create.

● A page tells about the various research areas that you are working, and write text and use a bulleted list, which creates a simple page which just has the title and a simple body.

● We can add other things to this page from here, like media and so on.


In this explained about

● How to manage various contents such as blogs, pages, comments in your Wordpress site.

● Things can be managed by using control panel of wordpress.

● A control panel allows you to manage your blogs, media, pages comments and so on and several other site level actions.

● Here we have to go to My Site and go to or Wordpress admin is by default leading us to what is known as a dashboard. This is the administrative user dashboard.

● This dashboard gives us lot of statistics here and lot of links here with which you can take action on your website.

● Unlike, the other site easily created using for creating blogs and posts.

This interface allows you much more complicated interactions with the website.


● On the left, we can see posts, media, links, pages, comments etc.,

● Clicking on post will give us a list of all the posts that are there which we have created in this website.


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● Here about a few configurations which are not there in the default profile and has to be done through the dashboard.

● To add media to the pages. Go to Wordpress site and go to the admin dashboard add some pdf files or powerpoint files to my pages etc.,

● Wordpress stores all the files that you uploaded in a special location called as media library.

● Menu is the one which leads you from the homepage to different pages which are in your website.

● Now see how to add this page to a menu. Go to the dashboard control panel, appearance and menus. In current menu structure has got home, about and contact.

How to configure the look and feel of your website.

● When we install the website, we have chosen a default theme called as twenty sixteen.

● There are thousands of other themes that are freely available. To change them, go to the admin dashboard, under appearance, go to themes. There are several themes that are available here. We can sort them by popular, newest, we can look for only the free in the newest or the paid one in the newest.

● Select and say activate. So this theme can be customized like before you could change the colors, backgrounds, headers etc, but we'll not change them, but you notice that the whole look and feel of the website has changed by just changing one theme page.

● Now, we'll see how to customize widgets. Widgets as are small applications that have a display in our website. Just as themes, there are several widgets that are available for free.

● Go to widgets and there are a lot of widgets that are appearing here, we could choose them and choose where they should appear, either on the site bar, one side bar, two footer, footer second footer and third footer.


1. How does the internet work?

2. What are a Web page and Website?

3. How have the different mentors' used Web Presence to aggregate the resources created by them during previous FDP?

4. How to create a simple website using WordPress?

FOCUS QUESTION S. Suneel kumar Page 15

Use of "Web Presence" in our own classroom.

1. What are the advantages of "Your Web Presence" for your students?

2. What are the limitations of "Your Web Presence" for your students?

Advantages of Web presence

● It is Simple and Very easy to access for the course content

● Students or mentees will get idea about concept and total content which prepared by mentor easy to understand the concept

● Through we classroom multiple number of students can access from anywhere.

● Students can interact each other from different places

● Every students will get chance to share their views

● Can conduct quizzles at a time to all in short time

● This platform gives ready to learn etc.

Disadvantages of Web presence

● Internet is must to go through the web classes

● Technical errors and hangouts may come with web classes

● Everyone should have basic knowledge on computers and internet facilities

● Sometimes unable to know who is taking course and answering quizzes or questions

● No face-to-face interaction like in classroom etc.

Creating website /blog using Wordpress

● Enter Wordpess.com

● Click to create website.

● Choose the theme and domain name.

● Check availability of Domain name. Select the free plan.

● You get confirmation on mail for activation.

● Basic customization in WordPress.

● Log in to site which we created.

● On left hand go to my sites.

● Here first post can be edited or modified.

● Though text widget we can add something.

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● There is menu named home, about ,contact..

● On right hand side, there is an admin dashboard and on the left, is control panel.



● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- DYSucV1_9w&feature=youtu.be&list=PLtaXuX0nEZk9MKY_ClWcPkGt OEGyLTyCO that contains 63 video lessons about creation of website using Drupal.

● Concentrate on

1. Lesson 2 - Introduction to Drupal

2. Lesson 3 - Why choose Drupal?

3. Lesson 8 - Drupal Content

4. Lesson 12 - Extend

5. Lesson 18 - Creating a Basic Page

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● In this week primarily exploring on Learning Management Systems (LMS). Even though IITBombayX is also an LMS, it is primarily catering to massive open online courses.

● Exploring MOODLE, another popular and open source LMS.

● In this week instead of MCQs for "Learning by Doing" activities, mainly explored the features in a demo Moodle course.

● We will also be talking about the process of peer review towards

the end of this week's content.


Step 1: Access the MOODLE Demo Site (See fig below) by clicking on this

link. (http://school.demo.moodle.net/login/index.php) Step 2: Login to the site using the following credentials

Username: student

Password: moodle

Step 3: Select the course "Digital Literacy" from the courses

Step 4: Do all the activities in the course and experience the various type of learning features available in MOODLE. Make sure that you specifically go through the activity "Forum Netiquette"


Select Forum Netiquette under Group work and assessment

Forum Etiquette

● Pedagogic feature that used in animation video is learn by doing with reflection spots (because automatically after some points the learner or user has to attempt the quiz 1 & 2 related to this points allotted and then to continue the video).

● I learnt many new things from the forum etiquette video. It is very informative about the ethics that has to follow in social networking sites, data collection, online, discussion forums and chat groups.

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Rule 1: Dont Shout

Try to avoid usage of capital words.(usage of capital words is nothing but shouting on others).

Rule 2: Be Discerning with emojis & emoticons

Be selective or sensitive while using emoticons online, chat groups,discussion forums.

Rule 3: Use meaningful subject titles- for reading

Be conscious while using subject titles.

Rule 4: Always Use the “Granny test”

Always use granny test (means be careful while posting pictures or messages in chat groups, discussion forums).

Rule 5: Dont Argue

Never argue and give respect to the decisions or opinions of others in discussion forums, chat groups.

Rule 6: Thou shalt not steal!

Don't copy the ideas or words from others if u want to use the same thing please ask permission from whom you are copying.


After going through the activities in the resource "Forum Etiquette", reflect on your own participation in FDP101x's discussion forum till now.

Q1: Can you identify the pedagogic feature that has been used in the animation video on Forum Etiquettes?

● Pedagogic feature that used in animation video is learn by doing with reflection spots (because automatically after some points the learner or user has to attempt the quiz 1 & 2 related to this points allotted and then to continue the video).

● I learnt many new things from the forum etiquette video. It is very informative about the ethics that has to follow in social networking sites, data collection, online, discussion forums and chat groups.

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Q2: What is one new thing that you learnt about discussion forum etiquettes?

Try to avoid usage of capitalwords.

Be selective or sensitive while using emoticons online, chat groups, discussion forums.

Be alert while using subjet titles.

Keep use proper language. Always be careful while posting pictures or messages in chat groups and discussion forums.

Never argue and give respect to the decisions or opinions of others in discussion forums, chat groups or any discussion forums.

Before copying anything take permission. Don't copy the ideas or words from others. Before using take permission from whom you are copying.


1. Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar from Mechanical Engineering department explained how he uses MOODLE for offering courses.

2. Explained about

- Editing option

- Addition of some activity or resource

- Edit whole name section

- Uploading the contents

- Rename the roles of other faculty


Login Id: teacher, Password: moodle http://school.demo.moodle.net/course/edit.php?id=6

Digital Literacy or New staff induction-> Settings (Top Right Corner) -> Edit Settings-> View all options of Moodle.


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1. Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar explained a course to familiarize you with various features available in side a Moodle for a teacher.

2. The summary of what has happened in that week and if we have two or three lectures we would normally go by the dates.

3. Explained about

- Editing summary of the week

- Addition of assignment or activities

- Language of assignment

4. Steps: http://school.demo.moodle.net/login/index.php

Click on the settings button on the top right of the window and select the option "Turn Editing On"


1. Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar explaining the process of editing various sections inside a course, so that teaching-learning process gets better facilitated.

2. Go to turn the editing option on and then you can actually add an activity or resource and add a file here if you want here.

3. The summary of what has happened in that week and if we have two or three lectures we would normally go by the dates.

4. Explained about

- Editing various section inside the course

- Addition of resources

- Naming file and giving description of file

- Renaming the section


1. Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar explaining the process of editing various sections inside a course, addition of most useful feature of assignments.

2. Go to turn the editing option on and then you can actually add an activity or resource and add a file here if you want here.

3. Explained about

- Addition of assignments

- Process of creating assignments

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- Assignment submission date, time etc., and submit by date and time too.

- Submission settings, group submission and grades about submission etc.,


1. Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar explaining talking of facilitator content or learner content interactions. one example of setting up learner- learner interactions that is discussion forum.

2. In this is a small snippet on how to use discussion forums in moodle.

3. Go back to my moodle site and let me choose a course, turn the editing option on and then create discussion forum.

4. So you will notice among the various blocks here, that there are different blocks on the right side including a search forum, a latest news forum, upcoming events and recent activity.

5. If we needed to announce to the entire community that is part of this course, use this discussion forum and allow the students to reply to it and need not turn the editing on for this option

6. Explained about

- Addition of discussion forum

- Process of sending message to all

- Accepting replies from all


Assessment is an important part of Teaching-Learning process.

1. Prof. Bhandarkar explaining how quizzes can be setup in MOODLE

and discussed about quizzes.

2. This is a very valuable tool that we can use to quiz students.

3. In this is Go back to my moodle site and let me choose a Quiz, turn the editing option on and then add an activity or resource. From many options select quiz and add it.

4. Prepare quiz with specific time, MCQ along with answers and feedback.

5. We can give some grace period.

6. Create question in order or randomly like that.

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7. Create options, the options are, you know, a calculated answer, a calculated answer with multi-choice, a calculated simple answer, embedded answers, essay type questions, match the following, multiple choice, numerical, random short answers, short answers, true false and various other descriptions.

8. Explained about

- Addition of quiz from adding resource option

- Setting parameters etc.,


● In a massive open online course like FDP101x, learners will be creating a lot of resources. However, it will be difficult for the course instructors to evaluate each and every resource. Peer review is one mechanism that is employed in such massive courses to assess such huge number of subjective assignments.

● Watch the two learning dialogues that explain the idea of Peer Review in an online learning platform and provide you with an example of how "Peer Review" is conducted in IITBombayX platform.


Go through the video playlist that explains the various features in

MOODLE. These videos are part of a MOOC titled "Learn Moodle MOOC

2015" that was offered in 2015. The playlist set consists of 37 videos and is available in . https://youtu.be/jfSHbNbg4bg?list=PLxcO_MFWQBDcQKY3XeLpwDVFb nmPOZWK8


VISUAL PRESENTATION SKILLS https://youtu.be/Bh7xGqJOZts Visual Presentation Skills By Prof. Sahasra

● Why the presentation skills are essential?

- Presentation has to be planned, executed in order to impress people.

- Planning uses the methods like brainstorming, analysing, discussions etc.,

- Execution involves the flow of information conveyed through an apt outline and graphic support

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- Impression requires the choice of colour, colour schemes, fonts and font effects as well as the effects appropriately to appeal the audience

- Graphics play a pivotal role in the presentation.

- Impress stage which are about Colour schemes, typography, visual effects and overall appeal.

Two types of graphics are specified:

Static and Motion Graphics

Static Graphics: Photographs, images, drawings, illustrations and screenshots

Motion Graphics: Animations, Simulations and video shots by camera and other things etc.,

Types of Graphic:

Decorative Graphic which attracts by giving aesthetic effect to the viewer attention.

Photograph as well as screenshot which shows the realistic nature Mnemonic Graphic: It shows content that communicates an idea with visual features form.

Organizational Graphic: Maps

Interpretive Graphics: Line art format that uses arrows and colours in order to explain the content in clear manner.

Guidelines for Graphics

Using Graphics in eLearning by Clark and Lyons

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Content and activities in this week

● In this week primarily exploring on “How to create a website in

WordPresss”using screencasting.

● In this week mainly focused on “creation of video resources” using a methodology known as "Screencasting" or "Screen Recording".

● In the first two learning dialogues, Prof. Kannan Moudgalya detailed “how spoken tutorial project” at IIT Bombay utilizes this video creation process.

● How the spoken tutorials can be made using the videos.

1) LED 4.1 Open Education Resource (OER)

Spoken Tutorial: Creating a video Open Education Resource (OER)


Prof. Kannan Moudgalya explained about the spoken tutorials, an

OER- Open Education Resource.

Explained tutorials on different topics and different languages are available.

The prerequisites for spoken tutorials.


Go the Spoken Tutorial website (spoken-tutorial.org) and select "Spoken Tutorial Technology" under courses and "English" under language and select "Search".

Watch the video 2 in the list "Creation of a spoken tutorial using


This software can be used to make audio, video tutorials and online visual learning modules.

2) LED 4.2 https://youtu.be/xyFCpiVPh9Y

In this video of Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, explained how to make tutorials and how to create spoken tutorials.

He introduced the latest recording software known as kazam.

He explained the rules for spoken tutorial technology and demonstrated the kazam.

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In this section the names of various Screencast software available for free with license and non-license with GPL.

This link helpful to compare the screencast softwares with license and non-license with GPL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_screencasting_software The softwares marked with GPL (GNU General Public License) in this list come under the , allowing users to freely distribute and modify the original program.

The other non-GPL softwares are also popularly used.

1. Screencast-o-matic 2. Techsmith Jing (for Windows and OSX)

3. Techsmith Camstatia (for Windows) 4. Quicktime (for OSX)

Resource Creation in various local languages

By using Screen cast software, create a screencast on "How to create a webpage using WordPress? With audio narration in your local vernacular language.

My Wordpress video created by using Screen-o-matic and the link is https://youtu.be/1oPtpxD5jy4


Q1. What all guidelines did you follow while creating your own screencast?

Ans: Download free open screencast software like Camstudio or Screen-o- matic and record screen in full length and can record upto 15 min.

2. What were the challenges that you faced while creating the screencast?

Ans: In Camstudio I faced challenge that system becoming very slow and it is causing some problem for record and storage. But where in screen-o- matic is clear, simple to use and can check preview, then save it. Only advantage of camstudio is no watermark because it is free. In Screen-o- matic watermark is coming.



In the first video, Matt Gerberick explained the multi-media

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principles- redundancy, coherence and spatial contiguity that are helpful in improving the designing of the screen casts. https://youtu.be/TqKEU-lzRlg

In the other videos, the interview with Prof. Richard E Mayer.

Prof. Mayer is answering the question: "How might we best design video to achieve its learning objectives in a higher education setting?" https://youtu.be/jIr-nGh86hM

Prof. Mayer answers: "What do teachers or lecturers need to know in order to be able to use video and/or multimedia effectively?" https://youtu.be/7KgPJuGl8qQ

Prof. Mayer answers: "How should we produce video in order to increase the odds of it achieving its learning objectives for those who use it?" https://youtu.be/NqbzS_mfTks

5) LED 4.4

The video provided us the procedure to create a simple learning dashboard using spreadsheet application.

Q1) Can you match the pedagogic features- LxI, LbD, LeD to the appropriate interactions learner-content, learner-facilitator, learner- learner?

Ans. Learner-content interactions can be matched with LeD and LbD Learner-facilitator interactions can be matched with LeD and LxI Learner-learner interactions can be matched with LxI

Q2) What is the advantage of doing both course journal and learning dashboard?

Ans. We can get the number of content by writing the dashboard and the outline of the content by writing the course journal.


IITBombayX enabled to facilitate interaction between mentors and mentees. All mentors and mentees provided a single discussion forum where to discuss the various aspects of the course and activities in it.

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Content and activities in this week

● In this final week, “focusing on the application of the skills” that what learnt during the past four weeks.

● This week-5 contains:

1. Learning Extension Resources - Creative Commons Licenses and Open Source Tools for Smart Classrooms

2. Learning Dialogue - Summarizing what you learnt in this FDP till


3. Learning Experience Interaction - Discussion on technology that you can integrate in the classroom and its challenges



(Source: https://youtu.be/dPZTh2NKTm4)

A Creative Commons (CC) license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. A CC license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created.

Hundreds of sites use these licenses: Wikipedia, YouTube, Archive.org, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Flickr, Bandcamp, Boundless, Jamendo, TED, Musopen, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Free Music Archive and Freesound etc.,

Webpage of creative commons: https://creativecommons.org/

The following describes each of the six main licenses offered when you choose to publish your work with a Creative Commons license. We have listed them starting with the most accommodating license type you can choose and ending with the most restrictive license type you can choose.

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Creators choose a set of conditions they wish to apply to their work.

Attribution (by)

All CC licenses require that others who use your work in any way must give you credit the way you request, but not in a way that suggests you endorse them or their use. If they want to use your work without giving you credit or for endorsement purposes, they must get your permission first.

ShareAlike (sa)

You let others copy, distribute, display, perform, and modify your work, as long as they distribute any modified work on the same terms. If they want to distribute modified works under other terms, they must get your permission first.

NonCommercial (nc)

You let others copy, distribute, display, perform, and (unless you have chosen NoDerivatives) modify and use your work for any purpose other than commercially unless they get your permission first.

NoDerivatives (nd)

You let others copy, distribute, display and perform only original copies of your work. If they want to modify your work, they must get your permission first.

Types of licenses

There are different types of creative commons licenses available. To see these licenses and their examples visit the https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types- examples/licensing-examples/ for Licenses and Examples.

1) Attribution CC BY

This license lets others distribute, , tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.

Ex: Wikipedia and Wikimedia

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2) Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new

creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to

“copyleft” free and open source software licenses.

Ex: - Public Library of Science (PLOS)

- Saylor.org is dedicated to the development of free, openly licensed courses on a variety of subjects.

- Chris Zabriskie is an artist who specializes in cinematic soundscapes, ambient piano compositions, and minimal synth music.

3) Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non- commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Ex: - The Brooklyn Museum is a major contributor to the commons on Flickr and licenses its online image collection under a CC Attribution- NonCommerical license license.

- Jonathan Coulton is an independent singer-songwriter who became famous once he started sharing his music for free online under a CC BY- NC license.

- Wired.com staff-produced photos are released under a CC BY-NC

lice nse.

4) Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND

This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

Ex: - Drupal, a free and open source software package for publishing and sharing content, released its security report under a CC BY-ND license.

- Behance is a major platform and community for designers and other creatives to be seen

- The (FSF) is dedicated to promoting computer users’ right to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer programs.

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5) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non- commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Ex: - MIT OpenCourseWare has been releasing its materials — web versions of virtually all MIT course content — under a CC BY-NC-SA license since 2004.

- : Boing Boing editor Cory Doctorow is a writer, blogger, and science fiction author with a vast amount of work under his name.

- Jonathan works from London and New York as a freelance commercial photographer.

6) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND

This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Ex: - TPB AFK: Away from Keyboard: TPB AFK is a documentary about the founders of the The Pirate Bay, the massive site that provides millions of links to torrent files of music, film, and software.

- TED Talks videos: The popular TED Talks are licensed under the CC BY- NC- ND license, which allows them to be redistributed unmodified for noncommercial purposes.

- Propublica: Propublica is a Pulitzer Prize–winning, independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.



Our licenses help authors keep and manage their copyright on terms they choose. Our public domain tools, on the other hand, enable authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and facilitate the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.

1) CC0 (https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/) Use this universal tool if you are a holder of copyright or database rights, and you wish to waive all your interests that may exist in your work worldwide. Because copyright laws differ around the world, you may use this tool even though you may not have copyright in your

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jurisdiction, but want to be sure to eliminate any copyrights you may have in other jurisdictions.

2) Public Domain Mark

Use this tool if you have identified a work that is free of known copyright restrictions. Creative Commons does not recommend this tool for works that are restricted by copyright laws in one or more jurisdictions.



Explains how to create creative common license procedure


Tools that can assist in Smart Classrooms (with an interactive whiteboard). Smart classroom is required to teach more effectively and in a more interactive

manner. When students see images and animations the concepts are better understood by them. Most of the smart classroom solutions are expensive and hence not used widely.

Here is a list of Open Source applications that can assist in such a classroom.

1. Open Sankore for Interactive Whiteboards

2. Mediawiki for asynchronous collaborations

3. Github for collaborations particularly useful for CS Teachers

The above tools are free and open source.

These are few paid/proprietory applications:

1. ConceptBoard or Realtimeboard for realtime collaborations

2. Confluence by Atlassian as a team collaboration software



In the four weeks of the course (FDP101X) exposed to several new technologies and teaching-learning practices. In this learning dialogue,

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summarizing the various technologies and activities done till now and how it fits the larger objective of this FDP.

1. Week 1 on Introductory week where we familiarized with the format of the course, and the basic pedagogy and how various features of IITBombayX is used for achieving this.

a) Week-1 learning goals, using the technology of Document Editors like MS Word, Libre Office, Google Doc.

b) Then the discussion forum in IITBombayX to peer review each others course journal, based on the criteria specified by the course team. Everyone exposed to Document Editors, File Sharing services, through meaningful and aligned activities.

2. Week 2, focused on web presence of the faculty. The larger goal is to familiarize with the content management systems available online and the technology of WordPress was discussed in detail. In this also provided learning extension resources for another technology - Drupal, that is increasingly becoming a popular choice for creation of multifunctional websites.

3. Week 3 focused on learning management which goes beyond mere content management. Here introduced MOODLE, an open source

Learning Management Systems, provided with videos of MOODLE that used in IIT Bombay and additionally provided links to a Demo MOODLE site that for practice.

- Week 3 also saw the first set of synchronous interactions at Remote Centers (RC), where Prof. Phatak, Prof. Sunthar, Dr. Sameer and me interacted with participants across the country. Apart from handling queries these synchronous interactions also had demonstration of A- VIEW software that can be used by each one of you for online interactions.

- And also familiarized with the idea of User Story technique to develop your web presence and some initial ideas on aspects of Visual Design that need to focus while preparing slideshow presentations.

4. Week 4 focused on a tool for audio-video content creation- Camstudio for screen casting. As self exploration also provided links to other popular tools that can be used for the same purpose. In Week 4 focused on creating a screencast in your own vernacular language.

- In Week 4 also saw kick-off of mentor-mentee interactions through A- VIEW. These people are given the title of mentors and all participants have been divided as a group or cohort under them within IITBombayX. Additionally, each participant is provided two opportunities to interact with their mentors to clarify their queries, better understand usage of the technology through A-VIEW.

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5. Week 5 focused on Creative commons, Resource creation using wordpress and Moodle course creation and Summative assignments

& Grading activities based on peer review.

5) Learning Experience Interaction 5


Q1) Among the various technologies that you have been exposed to which will be an easy technology to integrate into your classroom immediately (current academic semester/next academic semester).

Ans: LeD, LBDs, Wordpress and screencast are the technologies will immediately implement in present course. Then after more practice I will proceed with moodle.

Q2) What challenges do you expect while integrating this technology into your classroom?

Ans: High speed internet facility, Training to me and students to practice.

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➢ The FDP 101X provided a platform to learn various tools for novel teaching – learning system ➢ I have gained knowledge on various open source softwares for preparation of notes, contents, presentations and videos. ➢ This helped me in get in touch with wordpress for website and moodle for online course creation etc., ➢ This can be implemented in teaching process.

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