From the Desk of Ann K. Crowley Dear St. Clare of Montefalco Parish Families We continue to grow. As of Monday, The Archdiocese of Detroit released parental August 3, we have 106 students responses to how families found the Distance Learning enrolled with multiple inquiry phone programs went in their learning communities. St. Clare calls and emails coming into the of Montefalco was a very bright star. The response office asking about our school. The from families was extremely positive and surpassed Preschool, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade the overall AOD response at almost all levels. 6, and Grade 7 have waiting lists for Comments made by St. Clare parents have been so entry now. I reiterate the following noted so that if we should have to return to Distance information. Class size will be limited Learning, we will improve upon what we offered. In to 15 students per classroom in KG thru GD 8. We are fact, this past Wednesday, August 5th the teaching thinking of locking registration on September 8 for staff participated in an 8 hour online Google safety reasons. Classrooms will become safe spaces Classroom Training. Numerous emails will not fill your for the children and teachers who occupy those mailboxes on days we use Distance Learning. I must rooms. Due to the projected lack of substitutes it may say I am in awe of this St. Clare of Montefalco become necessary to implement Distance Learning if Learning Community. You are all the best. a teacher is absent. Once again I have to say that you are all the best. A week or so ago I took note about the condition of the appearance of our playground and campus as being a little overgrown looking. Oh my goodness, did not a team of parents and students show up to weed the playground and parking lots? Did not Mike McDevitt, the parish engineer, volunteer hours of his time to help too. The campus looks inviting and friendly thanks to all of you. This is St. Clare of Montefalco. Community spirit and commitment rules. See photos on page 3. Continued on page 2 OUR PARISH COMMUNITY

Ann K. Crowley continued from page 1 St. Clare School Families please take a view on the St. Clare website. We will look at the school website, gather in the beautiful outdoor courtyard, for past newslet- of the MAUSOLEUM OF THE SAINTS, which ters that give information for Supply Lists on the map is section 5. and Classroom/Family Orientation meet- ings. All past newsletters are found on the WHEELS OF ST. CLARE website so you do not need to search Wheels of St. Clare will ride again on Aug your email. Know that at this time I am 12. Please register at holding to temperature checks at cars wheels-of-st-clare and let us know that before students are released to come you are coming. Plan to join us for a bike into the school building. If any child has a ride around our parish. We will leave from temperature above 100.5 know that we the St. Clare gazebo area and follow a are going to send the entire car of children home for planned 5-6-mile route. Everyone is welcome. Social the day. We are going to error on the side of caution to distancing guidelines apply. keep our space safe inside the school. CONGRATULATIONS Important Dates: • Congratulations Joan and Robert Louwers on your • Sweeney Center Dumpster Volunteers Needed: 60th wedding anniversary Thursday, August 6 thru Sunday, August 9. • Congratulations Mary Ellen and John Blondin on • Tentative Girls Volleyball Begins: Monday, August 10 your 63rd wedding anniversary at 7 PM • Classroom Final Zoom Meet Ups: Wednesday, Au- SAINTS OF THE WEEK gust 17 August 10 - Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr – Feast • Tentative Boys and Girls Soccer Begins: Monday, c. Early Third Century – 258 August 17 of deacons, comics, and cooks • “The Lion King, Jr.” will be available for streaming beginning August 20, 2020. More information to fol- August 11 - Saint , Virgin low in upcoming newsletters. C. 1193 – 1253 • Parent/Student/Teacher Classroom Orientation Ses- Patron Saint of embroiderers, goldsmiths, and laundry sions begin: Monday, August 24 workers. • First Half Day of School : Monday, August 31, 2020 • Full Days of School: Tuesday – Thursday (September August 12 - Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious 1-3, 2020) 1572 – 1641 • Classroom Showcase of St. Clare of Montefalco Patron Saint of widows and parents separated from School: Please share this link on your social media their children sites and with families you know. Peace, safe health, and love sent your way,

TODAY IS CEMETERY SUNDAY We would like to invite you to join us as we continue our Principal annual remembrance on Cemetery Sunday. As a par- ish community, rain or shine, we will gather at 3:00 p.m. Sunday Collection Report (the hour of mercy) to begin our prayer service at Resur- rection Cemetery to pray for and remember, our de- August 2, 2020 ceased loved ones buried there. Parishioner Envelopes $6,644

Bring a lawn chair and an umbrella (in case of rain, or Online Giving $3,529 too much sun). We will say a prayer, recite the Rosary Total Collection: $10,173 and the names of the deceased buried there and re- Goal $10,331 member and honor those that have gone before us. We hope to see many of you there. It is an Act of Mer- Under for the week by: ($158) cy to pray for our dead. Be Bold. Be Holy. Be Catholic. Thank you for supporting the New Evangelization. A site map of Resurrection Cemetery is available to Login to WeShare

St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Page 2 The Congregation of Saint Michael Archangel View this bulletin online at ST. CLARE SCHOOL PLAYGROUND CLEAN-UP

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 August 9, 2020 View this bulletin online at Please Remember Mass Intentions For The Week In Your Prayers

Saturday, August 8 Michael Anderanin II George R McMullen, Jr. 4:00 PM Richard Graff (13th Anniv.) Marti Benedetti William B McNanney Napoleon Ramirez Anne Berschback Sarah McPharlin Sunday, August 9 John Blondin Kyle McPherson 9:00 AM St. Clare Parishioners Karen Bolton Lynn Miller 11:00 AM St. Clare Parishioners, Chris Ellis Krista Brenneman Jo Ann Morandini Henry & Charles Jim Olinzock Tuesday, August 11 - Devotion to St. Michael Brenneman Kathy Overton 6:30 PM Maggie Gravino (17th Anniv.) Betty Burt Katerina Palucaj Judy and Dave Watta Family & Friends Ann Carson Dennis Panas Marie Ciaramitaro Mary Beth Panas Wednesday, August 12 - Devotion to our Lady Glenn Closurdo Carol Provencal 8:00 AM Emanuel Buhagiar Robin Dalby Bob Phillips Maggie Cassar Kathie DeMumbrum Anne Purvis Nicole DeRosa Lawrence Radgowski Thursday, August 13 Terry DeRosa William Rigg 6:30 PM St. Clare Parishioners Donna Dettmer Larry Rochwalski Friday, August 14 - Divine Mercy Chaplet Helen Edmonds Kathleen Root 8:00 AM Paul Watta Family & Friends Karen Galkowski Kathleen Ruggero Patrick Giffer Charles Rutherford Saturday, August 15 Clayton Guensche Karen Sapp 4:00 PM Chrysanthe Bamman Christine Kahanak Michael Scanlon 6:00 PM Wendy, Harry, and Bob (RCIA Candidates) William C. Hess Barbara Shaheen Dcn. Bill Jamieson Father James Smalarz Sunday, August 16 Ted Kirles Dolores Stefanski 9:00 AM Josephine Buhagiar Robert Koch Neal Steinmetz 11:00 AM Stephen Paul Brosnan (33rd Anniv.) Ashleigh Kohlitz Albert Sullivan Julian Baaranowski Mary Ellen LeRoy Diane Sullivan Anita Leisen Brian Tague Joseph Lisy Tracy Tripp Bahia Mahfet Jeffrey P. Valentic Josephine Marino Meghan White Mary Ann McGrail Robbie Williams Mary Ann McLaughlin All Suffering from COVID-19 To add/remove from the prayer list go to: ST. CLARE LIVE Join Us Sundays at 9:00 am

Dates to Remember

• Thurs., Aug 12: Wheels of St. Clare - 6:30 pm • Sat., Aug 15: Profession of Faith, Holy Commun- ion, and Confirmation. RCIA (6pm Mass) Make a Prayer Request 313-647-5000 #9

St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Page 4 The Congregation of Saint Michael Archangel View this bulletin online at OUR PARISH COMMUNITY

Faith Formation Christian Service Corner Children’s Faith Formation: Carry Out Only We are preparing for First Holy Com- munion and Confirmation in the com- ing weeks. If you chose a name earlier During these days of COVID-19, we all in the year and made a promise to must learn to “think outside of the box” pray for one of the children or RCIA to get the job done. In this case, two candidates, please honor your commit- area soup kitchens are going to the carry out box to ment and continue to pray for that spe- meet the needs of their guests. cial one. Confirmation is August 22 at 6:00 Mass. First Holy Communion is August 29 at a 6:00 Mass. If you are First, our beloved Capuchin Soup Kitchens are offering a parent of a Confirmation or First Communion student carry out meals to their guests on a regular basis. They and have not answered Sr. Kathy’s email, please continue to feed the hungry in our area and in down- respond as soon as possible. town Detroit. This is the time of year I start promoting the Capuchin Signature Drive to support their kitchens. RCIA: Recently checking their website, it looks like they will This weekend, August 8, the RCIA candidates will be hold this event instead of their usual dinner. Please given a copy of the Our Father. We will pray it with mark your calendar to participate: 48TH ANNUAL SOCK them and unite with them in their desire to fully enter TELETHON Thursday, October 1, 2020 (6:00 AM - 8:00 the church. PM). Plan to join them for their annual signature gala in support of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and its pro- At a special 6:00 Mass on August 15, Wendy, Bob, and grams. I will pass on additional details as they come in. Harry will be officially welcomed into the Roman Cath- olic Church. Please feel free to join us for this celebra- Secondly, our strong relationship with St. Leo’s Soup tion, and please help to make them feel welcome Kitchen continues as they also provide a carry out when you see them. Their pictures have been on the meal five days a week to their guests. We have contin- wall by the Family Room. ued to make donations of canned goods and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over the summer. Also, we Sr. Kathy Avery | [email protected] have a few St. Clare Parishioners who continue to work in the kitchen on a weekly basis. They always appreci- ate your support. You may check them out on Face- book or on their website. FAITH FORMATION ONLINE LEARNING Mike McDevitt | [email protected]

Sunday Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a; Ps 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 Monday Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr Scripture 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9; Jn 12:24-26 Tuesday Memorial of Saint Clare Assisi, Virgin Readings for the Ez 2:8 - 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Week of Wednesday Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Mt 18:15-20 August 9, 2020 Thursday Saint Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62; Mt 18:21 - 19:1 Friday Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or Ez 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10, 11, 12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Sunday Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 August 9, 2020 View this bulletin online at OUR PARISH COMMUNITY


It’s been two months since we moving forward planning for the year and the parish returned to the church for services. staff are doing the same. Ministries are in communica- I am happy to be able to sit in the tion with their members developing protocols and new pews again with other parishioners, ways to move forward. but just like everywhere else I go these days, it is a little bit different… The Stephen Ministry continues to serve the needs of our community. Many people were caught off guard There are no song books, no choir, by the fallout from the pandemic. It has caused a no milling about or casual conversa- ripple effect that feels a bit like walking on sand, the tions taking place. No holy water in feeling of the ground shifting under our feet, stability the font or at the doors, no altar uncertain. Whether it’s a health concern of yours or a servers, its different for sure. But even though these are loved one, loss of income, isolation or anxiety, these missing right now, there is familiarity in many other are common side effects of what we are all going ways. Fr. Andrew and the Deacon are together on the through. The good news is a Stephen Minister is altar leading us in prayer, our lectors are proclaiming available to walk this path with you, not to lead or to fix the Word and the Eucharist Ministers assist with distribu- but to accompany you as you navigate this new tion of Holy Communion. Our rituals of the Mass remain normal. We are here for you, please give us a call 313- intact and provide that constant that has disappeared 6 4 7 - 5000 ex. 5054 or email us at in so many other places in our lives. [email protected]

As Fr. mentioned in his homily on August 2 our school is

Stewardship Thoughts

Today’s Scripture readings speak about faith. In the First Book of Kings, the prophet Elijah recognizes God, not in the strong wind and earth- quake, but in a gentle breeze. In his Letter to the Roman community, St. Paul is frustrated with the Jews in for lacking faith in the truth of his preaching: Christ as the Messiah. In St. Matthew’s Gospel, the evangelist tells of St. Peter’s effort to join Jesus, in a violent wind, on the water outside of the boat. When Pe- ter’s lack of faith causes him to begin sinking, Jesus reaches out and saves him. We, as Christian stewards, seek to deepen our faith in Christ — to make Him the center of our lives. We accomplish this when we commit to daily prayer, read Scripture, attend Sunday Mass regularly, partake in Holy Communion, and participate in the Sacrament of Penance. As Elijah observed, sometimes the Spirit of BULLETIN DEADLINE God is quiet and we must be still and Monday @ 11 am for the following weekend. listen for His comforting words of Email content to: [email protected] peace. Guidelines:

St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Page 6 The Congregation of Saint Michael Archangel View this bulletin online at View Our Parish Supporters at SAINT CLARE of MONTEFALCO PARISH BUSINESS DIRECTORY It is through the commitment of these advertisers that this bulletin is published COST FREE to our Parish.


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