Satellite Communications in the New Space
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS (DRAFT) 1 Satellite Communications in the New Space Era: A Survey and Future Challenges Oltjon Kodheli, Eva Lagunas, Nicola Maturo, Shree Krishna Sharma, Bhavani Shankar, Jesus Fabian Mendoza Montoya, Juan Carlos Merlano Duncan, Danilo Spano, Symeon Chatzinotas, Steven Kisseleff, Jorge Querol, Lei Lei, Thang X. Vu, George Goussetis Abstract—Satellite communications (SatComs) have recently This initiative named New Space has spawned a large number entered a period of renewed interest motivated by technological of innovative broadband and earth observation missions all of advances and nurtured through private investment and ventures. which require advances in SatCom systems. The present survey aims at capturing the state of the art in SatComs, while highlighting the most promising open research The purpose of this survey is to describe in a structured topics. Firstly, the main innovation drivers are motivated, such way these technological advances and to highlight the main as new constellation types, on-board processing capabilities, non- research challenges and open issues. In this direction, Section terrestrial networks and space-based data collection/processing. II provides details on the aforementioned developments and Secondly, the most promising applications are described i.e. 5G associated requirements that have spurred SatCom innovation. integration, space communications, Earth observation, aeronauti- cal and maritime tracking and communication. Subsequently, an Subsequently, Section III presents the main applications and in-depth literature review is provided across five axes: i) system use cases which are currently the focus of SatCom research. aspects, ii) air interface, iii) medium access, iv) networking, v) The next four sections describe and classify the latest SatCom testbeds & prototyping.
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