21. the Epistle of 2Peter—3:7-9
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21. The Epistle of 2Peter—3:7-9 (3/27/19) 2 Peter 3:3-4 (NKJV) 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." As we come to chapter 3, Peter begins to wind things down by talking about false prophets in particular and many unbelievers in general that will come in the last days scoffing (mocking) at the idea that Jesus is going to come back to the earth literally, physically and interrupt human history by judging the world and establishing His Kingdom. Their mocking, sarcastic question—“Where is the promise of His coming?” betrays their ignorance of the Word of God which contains 500 prophecies (‘promises’) of Jesus’ Second Coming. The statement—“…all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation" is their way of saying that in all of human history God has never intervened to bring judgment on a world-wide scale. But Peter responds in verses 5-6 by saying that these last days critics and mockers willfully ‘forget’ how God has intervened in time past by bringing a sudden catastrophic judgment upon the whole world known as the Flood. This Peter draws on to say that, just as God intervened in human history in the past to judge the world and cleanse it of corruption—so He will do so again in the future: 2 Peter 3:7 (NKJV) 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 1 But as he said in v.4—the critics of this idea will respond with mocking sarcasm—"Where is the promise of His coming?” In other words, “Where is He? You Christians have been talking about Jesus’ return for 2000 years!” Peter responds to these critics (and to those Christians that became impatient waiting for the Lord’s return)— 2 Peter 3:8 (NKJV) 8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Now, let me just say first that verse 8 has been used by those who don’t believe that God created the world in 6 literal days—rather they believe in the ‘day/age’ theory and use 2 Peter 3:8 to prove their point. There are many Christians who don’t believe that God created the universe in six literal days. And so, they try to say that the six “days” of creation in Genesis 1—were actually 6 one million or one billion-year periods of time or ages (hence the name—"day/age theory”). They point out that the word ‘day’ is used elsewhere in Scripture to speak of indeterminate periods of time. For example, “the day of the Lord” is an expression used throughout Scripture to signify—not a literal 24-hour day but an extended period of time where God pours out His judgment upon the earth. And again, to prove their contention with regard to this, they point to 2 Peter 3:8 which says— “With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 And so, these day/age theorists argue that the 'days' of creation spoken of in Genesis 1 were actually long periods of time or geological ages not literal days. This they say explains how the earth is actually billions of years old instead of the six to ten thousand years in age the Bible seems to indicate that it is (based on the genealogies). Some believe that during these ages theistic evolution took place. (Explain) Others believe that while evolution was taking place in the animal kingdom—late in the process God made man who didn't evolve from apes but simply was made after millions of years of animal evolution. There are numerous problems with the day/age theory view—not the least of which is that death didn't become a reality in the world until Adam's sin (Romans 5:12) therefore evolution driven by death—biblically couldn't have happened before Adam. But even more to the point, nothing in the text implies that these were ages of time on the order of millions or billions of years in length—in fact the language in these verses demonstrates just the opposite. Yes, it is true that the Hebrew word 'yom' translated day in the O.T. can mean an indeterminate period of time and not a literal day—but it's the exception not the rule. By far when the word 'yom' is used in the O.T. it almost always refers to a 24-hour day—and it always refers to a 24 day without exception when it is coupled with a number or the words 'morning' or 'evening'. In Genesis 1, God uses a number and both the words 'morning' and 'evening' to make sure we understand that He is not speaking figuratively but literally—for example: 3 Genesis 1:5 (NKJV) 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. The very same expression, “the evening and the morning were the second day, third day, fourth day" etc. is used for all six days of creation indicating that these days were all the same—literal 24-hour days. If God had wanted to communicate that these were not literal days but rather extended periods of time—He could have easily done so by using different words and phrases. However, if He wanted to communicate that these were literal 24 hour days (as He no doubt did)—He couldn't have made it any clearer from the language He chose to use! And if there was still any confusion as to whether or not God took six literal days when He created the universe, He confirms it in Exodus 20:11 when He was laying down the Sabbath law and how the people of Israel were to work six days a week and the seventh day they were to rest—he said: “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day...” Obviously, these were literal days and not one million or one billion-year periods—which would have made for a long work week! Since God made it so clear that the days of creation were literal 24-hour days—why then do so many Christian pastors, professors and lay people embrace the day/age theory? It is because they have been convinced that science has proven that the earth is billions of years old and that evolution is true. And because of it they have to make the Bible (and in particular the creation account in Genesis), compatible with the teachings of modern science so that we Christians don't look like backwards, 4 brainless idiots—it’s a capitulation to the scientific ‘wisdom of man’ at the expense of the Word of God. “Yes, but what about 2 Peter 3:8, doesn’t this verse ‘prove’ the day/age theory?” When people try to use 2 Peter 3:8 "…that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" as a biblical justification for the day/age theory just let them know that this has nothing to do with the creation account in Genesis 1. In verse 8, Peter no doubt had in mind what Moses said in Psalm 90:4: “For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night.” One author— “Peter was simply using a simile. What to people, including scoffers, may seem like a long time is to the Lord very short. The present Church Age has lasted, in God’s eyes, not quite two days!” Another said— “Peter did not give some prophetic formula, saying that a prophetic day somehow equals a thousand years. He instead communicated a general principle regarding how we see time and how God sees time. When people use this verse as a rigid prophetic key it opens the door for great error.” And so, with that in mind, Peter is responding to the critics that will come scoffing at the promise that Jesus will come and bring judgment upon the world before establishing His Kingdom. He said they will mock at that idea since (in our day) Christians have been talking about Jesus’ return for 2000 years—and still, He hasn’t come! However, he points out that, from God’s perspective, it’s only been a couple of days and His promise of Jesus’ Second Coming—is a sure thing! “Yes, but why has the Lord waited 2000 years and still Jesus hasn’t yet come?”— 5 2 Peter 3:9 (NLT2) 9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed [in hell], but wants everyone to repent. And so, coming back to verse 7— 2 Peter 3:7 (NKJV) 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.