Volume 2, Issue 8 2014

South Cave Parish Council

Newsletter August 2014

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Annual Parish Meeting DRAFT MINUTES:

29th May 2014 WI Hall

Present: 34 Members of the public 4 speakers

Chair: Cllr M. Turner Clerk: Lyndsey Fielding

Chair opened the meeting with a brief welcome to the attendees. The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 23rd May 2013, were read and approved

There were no matters arising.


Paul Stevens, Community Resilience Manager, Ambulance Service: Providing information relating to the newly installed Defibrillator at Costcutter, West End, South Cave Mr Stevens provided a brief overview of the defibrillator and how and when to use the device.

One member of the public requested an out of hours training session be arranged. Mr Stevens advised it may be possible to arrange an additional training session and would communicate with the Parish Council regarding the arrangements for this.

One member of the public suggestion a regional training session is held. Mr Stevens requested this enquiry be re-directed through the Yorkshire Ambulance service who may consider such arrangements.

One member of the public advised the Fox & Coney might accommodate an additional defibrillator for the village.

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The financial statements from the Samuel Jobson Bread Charity, the Sophia & Elizabeth Barnard Trust Charity and the Mrs Barnard Allotment Charity were read. One member of the public requested further information/history of the charities. Chair explained the history to two of the charities Samuel Jobson Bread Charity and Mrs Barnard Allotment Charity.


Ros Perry, Caves U3A: The launch of World War 1 Commemorations Ms Perry provided information relating to the current works being completed by the Caves U3A and the Launch of the World War 1 Commemorations to be held at The Town Hall on Saturday 2nd August 2014.

Ron Warner, Chairman, South Cave Preservation Society: Providing information on current projects and fundraising Mr Warner provided information on the various projects currently being completed by the Preservation Society. The sad loss of Mr Robin Scott, founder of the South Cave Preservation Society were acknowledged and new members to the Society were introduced. The Preservation Society undertake a number of charity fund raising events throughout the year and it was noted the Preservation Society are no longer able to fund raise through the Hot Refreshment Stall at the Farmers Market. The Preservation Society has resolved to donate 50% of donations to the War Memorial Project costing in the region of £25,000.00. The Preservation Society also raised awareness of the seat to be purchased in honor of Mr Robin Scott, to be located at Castle Drive, South Cave. It was noted a misunderstanding regarding the installation of the Seat had occurred between the Parish Council and the Preservation Society. Clerk advised the Parish Council had agreed to pay for the installation of the seat and were awaiting confirmation from the Preservation Society regarding the location specified by the Council, type of seat and dates to arrange installation. (More detailed information on the ongoing projects and fundraising, Preservations Society)

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There were varied responses in relation to the War Memorial works, some expressing views to support the project and others opposed to any alterations.

Mr Killeen, Headteacher, South Cave CE School: Providing information on the newly installed Eco system Mr Killeen provided an insight into the new Eco System installed at the school and the financial savings to the school and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. This being the first school in the region to undertake such a project, and introduced: Julie Newby: Introduction as newly appointed Headteacher Ms Newby provided a brief outline of her work experience and looks forward to commencing her role as Headteacher to South Cave Primary School.

Chair thanked Mr Killeen for his 25 years service at the school and expressed appreciation for the works completed throughout this period.

The chair opened the meeting to the public for an open session, where the following items were raised for Full Council Consideration: Location of Roll of Honour at Town Hall Landscaping works to the parcel of land at the A63 to Brough Road

Chair closed the meeting at 8:45p.m with thanks to the speakers for their interesting talks, and to the residents for attending.




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Update: The Parish Council discussed the location of the Roll of Honour at the Full Council Meeting held on Monday 16th June 2014 and it was noted the Roll of Honour was relocated at renovation stage of the works to the Town Hall due to Health & Safety issues relating to the steps to the front of the building. This was agreed with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council conservation officer and also the Developer, both providing professional advice to the Parish Council.

Defibrillator – West End/Costcutters The Parish Council are considering making arrangements for an additional Defibrillator training session. This may be held one evening or weekend. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Clerk on 01430 421044 or email: [email protected] to register your name. A date has not yet been agreed and will be provided once names and numbers have been collected. In the meantime, please see page 6 detailing a simple step by step approach to using the Defibrillator. Please remember, the Defibrillator can only be activated by dialling 999, were a trained member of staff will advise you further.

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Dog Fouling, Festive celebrations 2014 etc:

South Cave Christmas Events “We’ve a problem in our village, Last year’s Christmas Lights And I know it’s nothing new, Switch On was a wonderful It concerns us considerate folk, event attended by many Of those who let their pooches villagers. Building on last year’s poo, success, this year we are On Pavements and grass hoping to go one step further. verges, Festive lighting will be installed On drives and roadways, too, on lampposts on Market Place, Why cant these inconsiderate and The Parish Council will be helping co-ordinate a Christmas folk, Fayre in the vicinity. Remove their pooch’s poo, It really would be a big hit If you would like to support the If these owners removed their event contact the clerk sh....urley, Its not too much to ask, To just perform this little task.”

A concerned resident Do you have any Photographs of King George V playing field, before the play equipment was removed?

If so, please contact The Clerk on 01430 421044 or email: [email protected]

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South Cave Show: We are all being encouraged to spend more time in our gardens!! Television programmes promote competition – “The Allotment Challenge” on BBC. East Riding Newsletter encourages cutting the cost of food by growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs. We don’t know about your particular household but many people receive gardening catalogues through the letter box almost every day promoting the sale of horticultural products, plug plants, seeds and the like! Not forgetting of course the greatest Flower show in the world – the Chelsea Flower Show… and then we come along and promote the virtues of SOUTH CAVE SHOW!!! By now of course our regular visitors to the Show will be familiar with the many classes you can see, inspect and, with any luck, win a significant prize – a red first prize winner’s card. Classes range from the traditional flowers, fruits and vegetables, through handicrafts for adults and children, knitting, jam making, cake making for men as well as you ladies all the way to photography. The photography classes this year are: 1) Exits and entrances, 2) Vegetable(s), 3) Shape(s)

We have made the subjects quite wide to give everyone an opportunity to test all creative skills and interpretation. Our schedule is now in most village shops and also our out of town sponsors so you should have no difficulty getting hold of one to start to plan your entries for the Show. Visit our web site for more information www.southcaveshow.co.uk We now seem to have established an admirable feature for our Show – even more entries, entrants and visitors each year – so keep it up and make 2014 an even more memorable event that any of our previous years! We look forward to seeing you all again on August Bank Holiday Monday, August 25th 2014. South Cave Show Committee

8 Volume 2, Issue 8 2014

Planning Decisions:

Proposal:14/00108/PLF Erection of a two storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear (Resubmission of 13/01066/PLF) Location: 114 The Stray South Cave East Riding Of Yorkshire HU15 2AL Decision Approved The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

Proposal: Outline – Erection of 24 Dwellings (access to be considered) 14/00015/REFUSE Planning Inspectorate Reference: App/E2001/A/14/2214687 Location: Land to North of The Stray, South Cave Decision Declined The Parish Council recommended refusal to this application

Proposal: Change of use and conversion of redundant barn to include an 13/03971/PLF extension to form a dwelling Location: Low Station Road South Cave East Riding Of Yorkshire HU15 2AE Decision Approved The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

Proposal: Erection of detached dwelling (dormer bungalow) 14/00552/PLF Location: Land South Of 14A Wesley Close South Cave East Riding Of Yorkshire HU15 2EJ Decision Approved The Parish Council recommend refusal to this application

Proposal: Outline - Erection of two detached dwellings (All matters 14/00798/OUT reserved)

Location: Land South East Of 96 Road South Cave East Riding Of Yorkshire HU15 2BB Decision: Declined The Parish Council recommended refusal to this application

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Proposal: Installation of 2no Biomass boilers and photovoltic panels 14/01517/PLF Location: South Cave Church of Voluntary Prmary School, Church Street, South Cave Decision Approved The Parish Council recommended refusal to this application

Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to rear 14/01486/PLF Location: 4 Middle Garth Drive South Cave East Riding Of Yorkshire HU15 2AY Decision Approved The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to rear, two storey 14/00324/PLF extension to side, installation of bay window with pitched tiled roof extending over front door to create porch and construction of new vehicular access Location: 5 West End South Cave East Riding Of Yorkshire HU15 2EX Decision Approved The Parish Council raised no Objection to this application

Proposal: Erection of two Storey Extension to Side 14/01389/PLF Location: 3A Newfield Lane, South Cave Decision Approved The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

South Cave WI: South Cave celebrates – WI Centenary baton arrives

The WI organisation was founded in 1915, and a Baton to celebrate this anniversary has been travelling around England and Wales since January this year. It will end its journey at the Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall on 4 June 2015.

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Each Federation throughout the country have been taking photographs of their area and these will be saved on a memory stick inside the Baton. It arrived in East Yorkshire in a pink Fiat Mini car with large black eyelashes at the Yorkshire Waterways Museum in Goole on Wednesday 14 May 2015 where it was handed over from Federation. South Cave WI was the first to start the celebrations in our area.

A Coffee Morning held in the WI Hall the following morning, Thursday 15 May, started the ball rolling. A large number of the community were entertained by children from South Cave Primary School hand bell ringers whilst South Cave WI Members served tea, coffee and cake and joined in the fun by dressing in 1930’s decade clothing.

In the afternoon the Baton was carried to Ashes Playing Fields where nine WIs joined together to hold a “Village Fete” whilst music throughout the decades was played. All the ladies dressed in clothing from the decades since 1915 to the present. Each WI also had placards with Resolutions showing how the organisation has influenced life in England and Wales since 1915. These ranged from “Take Your Litter Home” to “Milk for all Children in School”.

Later the bells from Howden Church pealed whilst the Baton left by Penny Farthing to continue its journey to Holme on Spalding Moor, and thereafter around the whole of East Yorkshire over a seven day period.

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Whilst travelling around East Yorkshire the Baton was carried by open top bus, a purple people carrier, canal barge, and other fun vehicles before being taken over the River by the Rescue Boat. It was met on the south bank by a Fire Engine to continue on its way to the Ropery Museum in Barton where it was handed over to the Federation.

Everyone in the East Yorkshire Federation of WIs had a very enjoyable week whilst the Baton was in our area. We hope that as it continues its travels throughout England, other Federations will have as much fun as we did before it arrives at the Albert Hall in .

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South Cave WI celebrates 85 years:

South Cave WI celebrated its formation in 1929 with an Afternoon Tea in the WI Hall on Thursday 12 June.

It was felt by the Committee and Members that such a milestone should not be missed, although life is busy at the moment in the WI! We had a wonderful day with the Centenary Baton in May and are looking forward to holding the annual Strawberry Tea on 28 June, but even with all the hard work involved with these events, everyone agreed that an 85th Birthday should not be overlooked.

Members enjoyed cake and scones and a short quiz on a chocolate theme before a Commemorative Birthday Cake was cut by two of our longest serving members, Betty Binks and Emily Young.

It was a lovely way to celebrate South Cave WI’s 85th birthday on a beautiful sunny afternoon.

South Cave Womens Institute "Are you having a party and need a few extra chairs, tables, plates or cutlery? Why not contact the WI in South Cave and arrange to hire them for a small charge? The Hall is also available for hire on certain days. Contact Mrs Ruth Stride, Tel: 01430 422205 for more details." Many thanks, Cynthia Cray

13 Volume 2, Issue 8 2014

A New Direction for the Farmers’ Market

South Cave Farmers’ Market was established 13 years ago as a way of bringing local producers closer to the community, and giving shoppers an opportunity to buy fresh local food. Craft stalls were later added and today the market offers a range of goods including fresh meat and vegetables, homemade cakes and chutneys, plants and crafts. It is also a popular meeting place for the people of the village.

Following discussions with the market stallholders it has now been agreed that it is time for a change. The Parish Council will be withdrawing from the organisation of the market, and from October it will be run by the traders themselves on a co-operative basis. There are no changes planned to dates or location, and you will still find most of your favourite stalls, but this is an opportunity for the market to move in a new direction. For those of you who took the time to complete our recent questionnaire, your comments have been noted and will be passed on to the stallholders.

The Parish Council will continue to take an interest in the market as it does for other village organisations, but of course the future of the market depends upon the local community. Please continue to support your market and help the new venture to succeed.

I would like to thank all the people who have been involved with the market since it started, and whose hard work has laid the foundations of the market that we have today. And I wish the stallholders every success for the future.

Karen Warren, Chair of the Farmers’ Market Committee

14 Volume 2, Issue 8 2014

The Hull and East Riding section of the Alzheimer’s Society is running a series of workshops in Brough , for people caring for a family member or friend with dementia. They provide an opportunity to talk in a friendly and confidential environment about your experiences and the impact they are having on you. The workshops aim to provide you with information and support. Topics will include What is dementia How can you support and care for someone with dementia The support services that are available Planning for the future Venue- The Petuaria Centre, Centurion Way, Brough, HU15 1AY, Time- 6.30 – 9.00 Dates- Tuesday 23& 30 September, 7&14 October 2014 For more information ring 01482 211255 or look on line [email protected]

Stay in touch: Follow on Twitter: East Riding Council @East_Riding

Humberside Police @Humberbeat

HumbersideFire @HumbersideFire

15 Volume 2, Issue 8 2014

Thank you for all the help and support in our campaign. We can now confirm that for the time being the Post Office will remain at its present location offering the existing services. Without the help and support of the village, we would not have been able to achieve this result, but to enable the Post Office to remain this way we still need your support.


Banking Services – Cash Withdrawals, Cash & Cheque Deposits, Credit Card, Travel Services – Currency, Travel Money Card, Travel Insurance, Moneygram, Car House & Pet Insurance, Savings Products, Bill Payments, Phonecards, homephone and Broadband, Mobile Phone top-ups, Gift Cards.

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The Role of the Parish Council

Many of you may not know what the your Parish Councils role within the community is, this article provides a brief overview of your Parish Council and the Role within your community Parish Councils are run by Councillors, who volunteer their time to make their community a better place. Their work falls into three main categories:

 Representing the local community  Delivering services to meet local needs  Striving to improve the quality of life in the parish Parish Councils have a broad range of powers and duties covering planning, provision of amenities, and other local services, from youth projects to traffic calming measures. Parish Councillors have an important role in working with their communities. Parish Councils meet regularly to address their responsibilities. Apart from councillors, each parish council has a clerk who provides administration for the council. Parish councils are responsible for managing their own budgets. They are financed through the precept, an amount of money calculated as an estimate for the coming financial year and collected as part of your council tax. This money is used to improve facilities and services for local people. Parish Councils can also apply for other funding, such as grants and awards. Parish Councils actively encourage input from residents on what the community needs, so that they can budget for that activity.

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You can get involved by: Contacting one of your Parish Councilors with ideas or concerns about the parish

You can find out who your Parish Councillors are from the Parish Council Clerk or visit www.southcavepc.gov.uk, calling 01430 421044 or visiting the Office at The Town Hall, 42 Market Place, South Cave. Attending parish council meetings The Councillors meet regularly as a Parish Council and welcome attendance and participation from the community. Meetings are advertised, but you can contact the Clerk for dates and times of the forthcoming meetings. At the beginning of each Full Council meeting there is an open forum for the public to put forward questions and points they wish to raise. ______Flooding in South Cave 20 July 2014.

Yet again our village suffered a flash flood event on 20 July.

Unfortunately there were homes in the village that were inundated with contaminated water again, which is a very sorry state of affairs and at least one of the property owners was not at home when the rains came down, so was unable to take any preventive measures.

Some of the flooding may have been unavoidable, but much of it was aggravated by a lack of maintenance. The road was impassable on Church Street outside the school and the library, and the bowling greens and tennis courts looked more like

21 Volume 2, Issue 8 2014 swimming pools. This was despite the fact that the Beck running close by was running fast with a water level below that in the road. Maintenance work may have been able to prevent this.

This was not the only area affected and I know that many people will have photographs of other parts of the village were the water did not get away fast enough.

If you have photographs of flooding in the village the Parish Council would be pleased to see them. The best way to pass them over would be by email to our Clerk at the Town Hall using the address - [email protected] If you are able to supply photographs it would be good if you could ensure that if the location is not obvious, some explanatory notes are attached.

Alternatively you might prefer to drop copies off at the Town Hall.

This was a very localised event with and being other affected communities close by, but that does not diminish the impact on those who were directly affected.

You may be aware that there is a planning application outstanding for over 50 houses at The Stray. Despite previously stated views from the village it is likely that this application will be approved in the very near future. These 50 plus houses are in addition to 24 houses at the top of The Stray which were approved by the Government (on appeal) in the last few weeks. Run off from the roads and roofs of this further development at the highest point in the village is unlikely to improve the flooding situation in future.

Bob Munby

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The South Cave Parish Council has recently prepared a basic emergency plan, so that as a community we can help ourselves if something was to happen in our parish. Checking on vulnerable people, collecting provisions and prescriptions, helping move property and furniture, clearing snow and providing shelter, warmth and food and drinks are the kind of things that we think we can do to help people affected by an emergency. We are writing to ask for your help. Would you be willing to help out during an emergency? Do you have any particular skills or equipment that you think might be of use? Do you belong to a community group that might be able to help during an emergency, such as luncheon groups or crèches? For snow clearance, limited tools will be available from The Town Hall. If the answer is yes – and you would like to do something to help your community - we would very much like to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected] or call for a form to be sent on 01430 421044. There are no obligations on anyone who volunteers – it will just mean that we may call you in an emergency to ask if you are free to help. We would also like to hear from you if you think you might need support during an emergency, and we will do our best to contact you in an emergency to see if you are ok. Thank you to those who have already replied. Clerk to South Cave Parish Council

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South Cave Parish Councillors:

Eileen Barnett, 26 Brough Road, South Cave, HU15 2BX – Tel: 01430 471287

Jackie Bateman, 8 Castle Drive, South Cave, HU15 2ES – Tel: 01430 421373

Sheelagh Jamieson, The Town Hall, HU15 2AT – Tel: 01430 421044

Tony Kelly, 35 Wold View, South Cave, HU15 2EF – Tel: 01430 422325

Rob Kingdom, 21 The Stray, South Cave, HU15 2AN – Tel: 01430 422301

Bob Munby, 10 The Parklands, South Cave, HU15 2EL – Tel: 01430 423836

Linda Turner, 21 Barnard’s Drive, South Cave, HU15 2HL – Tel: 01430 422064

Mike Turner, 21 Barnard’s Drive, South Cave, HU15 2HL – Tel: 01430 422064

Karen Warren, 31 Church Street, South Cave, HU15 2EH – Tel: 01430 422737

Debbie Foley, 26 Beverley Road, South Cave, HU15 2AU – Tel: 01430 421465

Michael Franks, The Old Cottage, 2A Market Place, HU15 2BP – Tel: 01430 471104

Clerk – Mrs Lyndsey Fielding Whilst South Cave Parish Council endeavors to ensure The Town Hall that third-party articles are 42 Market Place accurate and reliable, South South Cave Cave Parish Council cannot HU15 2AT accept any liability for the accuracy or content of these Tel: 01430 421044 articles. Email: [email protected] South Cave Parish Council does not necessarily endorse Website: the views expressed within www.southcavepc.gov.uk article(s) submitted by third parties.