URPC Meeting Minutes
Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council MINUTES of a meeting held on Tuesday 4th October, 2016, at the Village Hall, Stramshall. The meeting commenced at 7.47pm. Action PRESENT: Messrs. T. Ollerenshaw, D. Oulsnam, R. Jones, T.Postlethwaite, P. Smith (Chair), Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs J. Pattinson-Evans, Mrs C Smith and the clerk. 1 APOLOGIES: Mrs R Dunn, Cllr C Whittaker 2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. none th 3. MINUTES: The minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday, 6 September 2016, having been circulated, were signed by the chairman on the approval of the members. Clerk amended minutes to spell Aldrey Bank in 11.03 of previous minutes. After a discussion, it was agreed that the final minutes would be sent to the Councillors with the Agenda. 4. Presentation about Environmental Information requests and Freedom of Information This talk had to be postponed until February meeting. Clerk to contact speaker. 5. CLERK’S REPORT: 5.01 Clerk informed GC McCulloch they were successful in the hedge cutting for 1-4 the Croft, Stramshall 5.02 Clerk contacted Staffordshire County Council to request their assistance with the ownerless land application to Land Registry for Stramshall village Green site. SCC requested a statement of maintenance be submitted. 5.03 Fear of Crime Survey was completed on line, using the answers given in the 06.09.2016 parish council meeting. 5.04 Clerk submitted an objection to the Mineral Plan ES.16/15/524MW 5.05 Notice of Conclusion of Audit was displayed from 14th September on all notice boards. 5.06 Road Closure, Stone Road, Bramshall by South Staffs Water – clerk gained confirmation that road will not be completely closed, but will have a traffic light system.
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