Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council

MINUTES of a meeting held on Tuesday 4th October, 2016, at the Village Hall, . The meeting commenced at 7.47pm. Action

PRESENT: Messrs. T. Ollerenshaw, D. Oulsnam, R. Jones, T.Postlethwaite, P. Smith (Chair), Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs J. Pattinson-Evans, Mrs C Smith and the clerk.

1 APOLOGIES: Mrs R Dunn, Cllr C Whittaker


th 3. MINUTES: The minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday, 6 September 2016, having been circulated, were signed by the chairman on the approval of the members. Clerk amended minutes to spell Aldrey Bank in 11.03 of previous minutes. After a discussion, it was agreed that the final minutes would be sent to the Councillors with the Agenda.

4. Presentation about Environmental Information requests and Freedom of Information This talk had to be postponed until February meeting. Clerk to contact speaker.

5. CLERK’S REPORT: 5.01 Clerk informed GC McCulloch they were successful in the hedge cutting for 1-4 the Croft, Stramshall 5.02 Clerk contacted County Council to request their assistance with the ownerless land application to Land Registry for Stramshall village Green site. SCC requested a statement of maintenance be submitted. 5.03 Fear of Crime Survey was completed on line, using the answers given in the 06.09.2016 parish council meeting. 5.04 Clerk submitted an objection to the Mineral Plan ES.16/15/524MW 5.05 Notice of Conclusion of Audit was displayed from 14th September on all notice boards. 5.06 Road Closure, Stone Road, by South Staffs Water – clerk gained confirmation that road will not be completely closed, but will have a traffic light system. 5.07 clerk gained confirmation from Entrust that football pitch will be marked on 9th September and then 14 times during the football season. 5.08 clerk wrote to resident to thank him for his service to the parish with regards the planters in Stramshall village and offered to reimburse as per last year. 5.09 clerk wrote to resident in Stramshall to advise that humps in Stramshall high street will not be moved. 5.10 clerk wrote to Bramshall best kept village committee to offer congratulations 5.11 clerk wrote to parishioner with regards to hedge maintenance outside Trafalgar House, Stramshall 5.12 clerk wrote to parishioner with regards to hedge maintenance outside Green Acres, 5.13 clerk asked Bramshall News to update residents about the water mains work taking place on Stone Road from 19th September to 31st October. 5.14 clerk contacted the speed watch coordinator with regards to an appeal for more volunteers in Bramshall and Stramshall. 5.15 a resident requested a Christmas tree on the village green in Stramshall. Councillors agreed in principle and asked Clerk to confirm cost and insurance implications. One of the Councillors will contact Lord Williams Luncheon Guild to discuss the project. 5.16 Allotment Contract amended, point V of the contract now reads - V. To maximise opportunities for recycling and composting and to avoid the burning of rubbish at times and in circumstances which would cause a nuisance to neighbouring houses and allotments holders. When having a Bonfire, this is not to be left unattended. Councillors voted: 1 against and 6 for the amendment to be made. 5.17 – clerk provided Staffordshire County Council Legal Team with a statement about ownerless land, Stramshall Village Green. 5.18 The clerk was made aware that a Sign for Allotment Gate, with postcode and address, was needed. Councillors asked Clerk to produce a laminated sign for the gate. 5.19 Clerk wrote to resident in Bramshall about rubbish bins and visibility on Bennetts Lane/Stone Road. 5.20 Clerk proposed we get all contractors to sign an annual contract with the Parish Council. Councillors agreed this should be drawn up and issued to all contractors at the beginning of each year. 5.21 clerk received an enquiry about allotments, Clerk replied that Parish Council will keep details on file if a vacancy becomes available. Clerk to forward details to Allotment Coordinator. 5.22 reported fly tip carpet at Quee Lane, Willslock 30.09.2016


5.23 clerk amended wages on Brightpay to £270.12 and tax code, as now has two roles. 5.24 Bramshall Notice board has been damaged, clerk investigated on 30.09.2016, the lock is slightly bent and clerk will repair. 5.25 Clerk is meeting accounts assistant on 22.10.2016 to start budget, the budget will be sent to all Councillors before November meeting. 5.26 clerk taking annual leave on 11th/12th October.

6. CORRESPONDENCE: 6.01 e-mail about new number for reporting electricity problems – dial 105 is available to electricity customers in , Scotland and Wales. The Clerk forwarded to Councillors for notice boards. 6.02 e-mail from Matthew Davenhill at Staffordshire County Council with regards to the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan - requesting comments by 9th October. Forwarded to councillors on 14.09.2016. The Clerk to add comments as follows: The Parish Council would like more information about where the funding is coming from and Councillors are disappointed that Staffordshire County Council is cutting back so that repairs are not being carried out. The Parish Council will not be able to carry out repairs and feel it is the County Councils responsibility. 6.03 Tim Claxton from Aggregate Industries requested a meeting with the Councillors by e-mail on 16.09.2016 – The Chair instructed the Clerk to decline the offer and felt it more appropriate to meet after the Mineral Planning Application deadline had passed. 6.04 Invite by Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership for a show called Message Not Delivered – 29th September at 11am – forwarded to Councillors on 16.09.2016 6.05 SPCA Bulletin 22.09.2016 included information about Precept changes. The consultation paper from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is called Local Government Finance Settlement and Cllr Ken Browse, chairman of NALC said: “This really is a centralist sledgehammer to crack a nut, at a time when government should be supporting not undermining councillors and their important role in communities. This move, costing upwards of £1 million, will seriously damage smaller communities’ ability to help themselves and threaten the government’s previous commitments to localism and devolution. 6.06 The Local Government Finance Settlement document from SPCA was issued to Councillors for comments to be made. The Section 3.3 – namely questions 5/6/7 - apply to Parish Councils. The Parish Councillors asked the Clerk to forward the following comments: QUESTION 5 – Rural Parish Council do not agree with this principle, small Parish’s would not be able to carry out the responsibilities suggested. It would lead to not having Parish Councillors to take on the role, as it places too much burden on the Parish Council and Councillors. QUESTION 6 – Parish Council do not agree. QUESTTION 7 – Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council would like to state that this would not be practical, as the role of Councillor is voluntary and people would not come forward to be Councillors. 6.07 letter received from resident to confirm hedge has been cut on Stramshall Road, but felt the letter they received was inaccurate, as Cars not affected. Councillors requested Clerk to send an apology letter. 6.08 Staffordshire Sustainable Drainage Systems Handbook – this draft document was forwarded to Councillors on 29.09.2016. The Flood Team requested comments to be made on the draft. Parish Councillors asked Clerk to send, No Comment, back to the Flood Team. 6.09 e-mail about a Neighbourhood plan – Parish Council – forwarded to councillors on 04.10.2016. Comments are requested to be submitted in writing direct to the Clerk, Winshill Parish Council, Winshill Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Canterbury Road, Winshill, DE15 OHD or electronically to [email protected] – deadline for comments by 31st December 2016. 6.10 e-mail from The Community Foundation for Staffordshire – offering grants for organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers. 6.11 e-mail from Fishers-Dewes Solicitors, requesting any documents that the Parish Council hold with regards to - land forming part of Church Farm at Church Leigh, Staffordshire. The Parish Councillors advised Clerk to direct Fisher Dewes Solicitors to the County Archives.

7 HIGHWAYS 7.01 Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership provided a poster template and a press release appeal wording to gain more volunteers for speed watch campaigns. 7.02 The Loxley Lane Junction at Loxley Green was discussed. A serious accident took place on 11th September and Councillors requested Clerk to contact Highways Team and request the following be considered: Stop Signs on both sides of the junction to replace the Give Way signs. Hedge at Kerfinch Farm to be cut back to increase visibility and to increase the rumble strips, as currently too low and size needs to be increased. Clerk to liaise with Kingstone Parish Council. 7.03 The Highways Log was updated on 20.09.2016 and sent to Councillors by e-mail – Clerk was requested to follow up the dip in the road by Bramshall Inn, although it has been marked a time line for works to be carried out needs to


be established. 7.04 BRAMSHALL MEADOWS s106 funding. The Clerk forwarded dates that Richard Rayson from County Council would be available for a site meeting to discuss chicane system and speed cushions. Councillors requested the meeting to be on 14th November at 4.30pm, to ensure that Mr Rayson can gain insight into the volume of traffic at this time. 7.05 SPATH FLOODING – no update from Chris Evans at Staffordshire Water. 7.06 clerk asked for Speed Watch volunteer posters to be displayed on noticeboards 23.09.2016 7.07 clerk asked Bramshall Newsletter and Stramshall Village website to advertise need for more Speed Watch Volunteers – 23.09.2016 7.08 Community Engagement Meeting at Police HQ in Stafford 7pm on Thursday 6th October 2016. The Clerk and a Councillor to attend. 7.09 Cullamore Lane – road closure from 12th October. 7.10 Staffordshire County Council provided information about Gate System for the Bramshall Village Gate entrance. 7.11 A new volunteer has come forward to do the Speed Watch Training for the Bramshall Team. 7.12 Project Edward Results from Community Speed Watch - Overall 19 hours and 39 minutes spent by the road side where collectively we sent 132 first time warning letters and 6 second time warning letters. Overall 5394 vehicles were counted.

8 STRAMSHALL PLAYING FIELDS – TESCO BAGS OF HELP. 8.01 clerk issued a press release about the voting needed by public to gain the largest £12k grant. Stramshall Playing Fields will be awarded either £8k/£10k or £12k after the public vote. The Press release went to Uttoxeter Advertiser, Ashbourne Radio, Bramshall Newsletter and Stramshall Newsletter, Stramshall Village website and Uttoxeter/Stramshall Facebook page. Councillors requested the press release also be sent to the Uttoxeter Echo. The press release was the Tesco standard one, Councillors asked Clerk to write one that showed the old climbing frame and the proposed new one. 8.02 The clerk had A5 leaflet printed and given to Councillors to distribute in Stramshall 8.03 The clerk made a request for all Councillors to add the leaflet to their Facebook pages. 8.04 clerk asked ClickIT to put press release on parish council website. 8.05 Tesco Bags of Help changed the voting dates on 20.09.2016 the new voting dates will be 31 October to 13 November (originally planned to take place 26 September to 9 October). The grants will therefore not be available until the end of November. The clerk had new leaflets printed with the new dates and asked all media and websites to be updated with the new dates. A discussion took place about the budget for marketing of the project and the authority of Clerk to make purchase of leaflet. The clerk will send the Councillors the minutes of the meeting where the marketing budget was voted on and the grant application where the marketing budget details were included, plus the Parish Council Financial Regulations with regards to Clerk expenditure authority. 8.06 The clerk had confirmation from Uttoxeter Advertiser that a story will be run at end of October now. 8.07 Clerk sent Tesco the Leaflet invoice for reimbursement of the £45 spent on leaflets with the September dates on it plus the Tesco/groundworks forms for a refund 27.09.2016. The Clerk received an e-mail from Groundworks – “Your payment for £45.00 has now been approved and this will be processed by BACS next week.”

9 STRAMSHALL VILLAGE GREEN 9.01 Staffordshire county council received paperwork for the ownerless land claim 9.02 Graham McCulloch confirmed his contract included Stramshall Village Green and that it had been maintained by his company for 20yrs – the clerk forwarded statement to Staffordshire County Council Legal Team.

10.PLANNING APPLICATIONS NEW P/2016/00940 - Yew Tree Farmhouse, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Staffordshire, ST14 5BJ - Erection of a detached storage building (Additional Information Received) – comments by 27.09.2016 – comments made in July when original application was submitted. P/2016/01222 – erection of single storey side extension – Grudlann House, Stone Road, Bramshall, ST14 8SH – comments by 30.09.2016 – no objection added 27.09.2016 P/2016/01202 – small farm buildings, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale ST14 5BJ – prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling - comments by 06.10.2016 Comments added: Objection on the grounds under Q2 (1) (f) The proposed walls in red brick are out of character with the rest of the buildings in this location.

P/2016/01160 - Mill Farm, St Michaels Road, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5DU - Listed Building Consent for internal & external alterations which include internal layout alterations, installation of roof lights and alterations to the fenestration on all elevations – comments by 06.10.2016 – No comment.


P/2016/01228 - Listed Building application for the demolition of existing outbuildings to facilitate the erection of a single storey extension to form a disabled toilet, baby change unit and kitchen including replacement radiators, shorten length of window and alterations to doors - St Lawrences Church, Church Lane Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BQ – comments by 13.10.2016 Cllr Jones declared an interest. Councillors stated no objection. P/2016/01227 - Demolition of existing outbuildings to facilitate the erection of a single storey extension to form a disabled toilet, baby change unit and kitchen and installation of a trench arch foul drainage soakaway -St Lawrences Church, Church Lane Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BQ – comments by 13.10.2016 Cllr Jones declared an interest. Councillors stated no objection. Comments to be added: The Parish Council asked for the Design & Access statement and Heritage & Impact statement, item 3.0, to be amended, as the Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council do not hold regular meetings in the Church.

P/2016/00216 - Land to the west of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire - Reserved Matters application relating to P/2013/00882 for the erection of 40 dwellings including 13 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 1B) - Amended Scheme – comments by 07.10.2016 No comment.

P/2016/01257 - Dagdale Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Staffordshire, ST14 5BJ - Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form two dwellings – comments by 21.10.2016 The following questions were sent to the Planning Department on 04.10.2016 1. The applicant has sold his herd and proposes to knock down all buildings to facilitate this plan.What is to happen to the farm land. If rented out this could lead to excessive farm machinery traffic on Dagdale Lane. 2. There has already been several farm building conversions approved using Dagdale Lane as access. This is a single track lane, is there a limit for conversions using a single track lane. If not we could end up with the equivalent of a small housing development in a village without any services.

REVISED P/2016/01159 - Erection of a single storey side and rear extension and front canopy to form porch (Amended Description) – Cropwell House, High Street, Stramshall – comments by 23.09.2016 – no objection added 21.09.2016

DECISIONS P/2016/00881 – prior approval for change of use from Agricultural Building to a dwelling Barns – Dagdale Lane, Dagdale – PERMITTED P/2016/00952 – erection of a stable, storage shed, demolition of animal sheds, change of use of cow shed to form garage and office ancillary to existing farmhouse, alterations to existing barns and formation of an access road – Quee Lane Farm, Quee Lane, Willslock – PERMITTED P/2016/00423 – erection of a gatehouse, gates, associated walling and the realignment of internal access road – proposed golf course, woodseat level, – PERMITTED P/2016/00961 – continued use of former public house as a bed and breakfast accommodation with ancillary bar & restaurant – Hare and Hounds, High Street, Stramshall ST14 5AL – PERMITTED P/2016/00940 – erection of detached storage building – Yew Tree Farmhouse, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale. REFUSED.

PLANNING MEETING NOTICE P/2016/00423 & 00434 - proposed golf course, woodseat level, Rocester - public speaking planning meeting – 20th September at Town Hall, Burton upon Trent at 2pm.

11 ACCOUNTS/FINANCIAL MATTERS: 11.01 New HSBC Mandate forms for signing of cheques was signed by all Councillors and Clerk

CHEQUES Grant Thornton – Audit fee - £120 Entrust – August mowing of playing fields - £84 Entrust – September mowing of playing fields - £84 ClickIT – Tesco leaflet uploading and planning - £76.60 Mrs VRE Gibson – Clerks expenses – includes 2 x £45 leaflet printing for Tesco - £106.60 Total Spend at Meeting = £471.20

STANDING ORDERS Mrs VRE Gibson – Clerks Wages - £270.12 – 1st Oct


DIRECT DEBITS Staffordshire Water – Allotment supply - £6.50 – 1st Oct

RECEIVED Mrs VRE Gibson – wages refund - £8.04 – 7th September Tesco Groundworks – Leaflet refund - £45 – 3rd October

OPENING BALANCE – 4th October - £6,113.07 CLOSING BALANCE – after meeting expenses £5641.87 BUILDING SOCIETY BALANCE – £14,011.72

The above accounts were passed for payment on the approval of the members.

12 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: 12.01 Clerk asked to contact the police for advice about large vans being parked by village green, Stramshall, as a visibility issue. 12.02 clerk asked to report to highways that the road marking on the filter lane on B5030 for the Stramshall turn, need repairing. 12.03 clerk asked to report to highways that the white lines on the entrance to the A50 roundabout are faded. 12.04 clerk asked to contact the environmental health and ESBC planning with regards to noise complaint at Newlands Dog Kennels. Clerk to liaise with Clerk. 12.05 clerk asked to report a pot hole outside Highwood Barn, Highwood road. 12.06 clerk asked to report the advertising signs that have appeared on Stone Road/Stocks Lane junction, Bramshall. 12.07 clerk asked to report to highways the hedge on Quee Lane is overgrown. 12.08 clerk was asked to gain permission for a mirror to be placed on railings opposite Broomyclose Lane, Stramshall, to aid visibility when using the junction. 12.09 clerk asked to contact WH Durose with regards to providing a quote for 4 posts to be replaced on allotments. 12.10 clerk asked to report pot hole, opposite Springfields House, St Michaels road, Stramshall 12.11 Clerk asked to follow up with the highways team about the pavement damage opposite Brooklands House, Spath. 12.12 clerk asked to contact ESBC Planning Enforcement Team with regards to the Car Wash in Spath – issues to be reported: car port structure has been erected, caravans being stored, a number of cars parked in yard, scrap yard activities taking place. 12.13 Footpath overgrown – Spath Bus Park. Cllr C Smith to report to Footpath Team 12.14 Footpath – large sign stating dogs running loose on gate – Spath Bus Park – Cllr C Smith to report to Footpath Team. 12.15 The Traffic Calming Gateway on St Michaels Road, Stramshall (West End) – the four plastic vertical black and white posts with red reflectors are broken and need reporting to Highways. 12.16 Clerk asked to report to highways that grass on raised kerb is overgrown by Traffic Calming Gateway at the end of St Michaels Road.

DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING: The date of the next meeting was set for Tuesday, 1st November 2016 at Bramshall Village Hall at 7:30pm. The meeting was formally closed at 21.19 .