Chalk Streams Location Map

Address/ nearest postcode: Grid Reference: DN38 6AZ (Please check map as well) TA 07028 03955 Map:


- From Lincoln, follow the A46 towards . At the T junction once through turn right though and then stay on the A46 past Gallamore Industrial Estate. Turn left onto Road (A46). At Moor take the left turning onto the B1434 through . At the junction turn right onto Station Road. Turn left onto Lane (Near the Queens Head) and continue through Moor. Road turns into Station Lane. Parking is on right where the stream goes under the road opposite big pull in leading to a farm. (See pictures below)

- From Louth follow the A157 onto the A631 through South Elkington and Ludford. Turn right onto the B1225 (Caistor high street). Continue on B1225 to the main Caistor bypass. At the bypass go 'straight across' (staggered junction across main road) onto the A1173 then immediately left through Caistor. Go all the way through Caistor onto the road, the A1024. Continue through and past the turning for . Turn left to Owmby and go all the way through the village onto Station Lane. Parking is on left where the stream goes under the road opposite big pull in leading to a farm. (See pictures below)

Click map for more details.

Site Entrance and Parking on left – view coming from Louth directions:

Site Entrance and Parking on right – view coming from Lincoln directions

Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project, Navigation Warehouse, Riverhead Road, Louth, Lincs LN11 0DA Direct dial: 01522 555783 Office: 01522 555780 Web: Twitter:@LincChalkStream Facebook: @LincolnshireChalkStreams