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An Analysis of Slang Words Used by the Main Characters in Straight Outta Compton Movie

An Analysis of Slang Words Used by the Main Characters in Straight Outta Compton Movie




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By MARIA CYNTHIA SAPUTRI NDOA Student Number: 164214047





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By MARIA CYNTHIA SAPUTRI NDOA Student Number: 164214047







I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

December 31, 2020

Maria Cynthia Saputri Ndoa




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Maria Cynthia Saputri Ndoa Nomor Mahasiswa : 164214047

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Maria Cynthia Saputri Ndoa



- Friedrich Nietzsche









Foremost, I would like to give my endeavor to Lord for his guidance, blessings, the strength, peace of my mind and good health in completing the process of writing this undergraduate thesis.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor Dr. Fr. B.

Alip, M.Pd., M.A., and Dr. B. Ria Lestari, M.Sc. as my co-advisor of my thesis, who have given corrections for my undergraduate thesis. I also would like to thanks my preliminary thesis lecturer Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum. Their guidance and suggestions make me able to complete this undergraduate thesis especially during this pandemic time. My gratitude also goes to my academic advisor, Elisabeth

Oseanita Pukan, S.S., M.A., and all Sanata Dharma English Letters Department lecturers and staff for the supports in every way.

Most importantly, special thanks to my parents and my brothers, whose love and guidance are with me in the pursuit of this undergraduate thesis. Additionally,

I would like to thank Amry, Yosephin, Sekar, Andre and all my friends whose names could not all be mentioned. They are the ultimate role models that have been there in every stages of my life and for the endless boost during this chapter of my life. I am truly grateful for their existence, being supportive, caring and helping me in the process of learning in this university.

Maria Cynthia Saputri Ndoa



TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE...... ii APPROVAL PAGE...... iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE...... iv STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY...... v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH...... vi MOTTO PAGE...... vii DEDICATION PAGE...... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS...... x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...... xii LIST OF TABLES...... xiii ABSTRACT...... xiv ABSTRAK...... xv CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of terms ...... 5 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 8 1. Sociolinguistics ...... 9 2. Literal and Contextual Meaning ...... 13 3. Language Variation ...... 14 4. Slang...... 14 C. Theoretical Framework...... 20 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 22 A. Object of the Study ...... 22 B. Approach of the Study ...... 23



C. Method of the Study ...... 23 1. Data Collection...... 23 2. Data Analysis ...... 24 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 27 A. Slang Types used by The Main characters ...... 27 1. Fresh and Creative Type ...... 28 2. Flippant Type ...... 28 3. Imitative Type ...... 29 4. Clipping Type ...... 30 B. The Contextual Meaning of Slang Words Uttered By The Main Characters In Straight Outta Compton Movie...... 31 1. Contextual Meaning of Fresh and Creative in Straight Outta Compton .... 31 2. Contextual Meaning of Flippant Type in Straight Outta Compton ...... 34 3. Contextual Meaning of Imitative Type in Straight Outta Compton ...... 35 4. Contextual Meaning of Clipping Type in Straight Outta Compton ...... 37 C. The Main Characters’ Functions of Using Slang in Straight Outta Compton Movie ...... 38 1. Achieving Politeness ...... 38 2. Emotive feelings ...... 41 3. Pursuit of Self-identity ...... 43 CHAPTER V: CONLUSION ...... 45 REFERENCES ...... 48 APPENDICES...... 50




AP: Achieving Politeness EF: Emotive Feeling PS: Pursuit of Self-identity IT: Imitative Type FT: Flippant Type FCT: Fresh & Creative Type




No. Table Page

1. Table 1. Display of Contextual Meaning Analysis 25 2. Table 2. Fresh & Creative Type of Slangs Uttered by the Main Characters 28 3. Table 3. Flippant Type of Slangs Uttered by the Main Characters 29 4. Table 4. Imitative Type of Slangs Uttered by the Main Characters. 29 5. Table 5. Clipping Type of Slangs Uttered by the Main Characters 30 6. Table 6. Contextual Meaning of Fresh & Creative Slangs Type 31 7. Table 7. Contextual Meaning of Flippant Slangs Type 34 8. Table 8. Contextual Meaning of Imitative Slangs Type 35 9. Table 9. Contextual Meaning of Clipping Slangs Type 37




NDOA, MARIA CYNTHIA SAPUTRI (2021). AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG WORDS USED BY THE MAIN CHARACTERS IN STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON MOVIE. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Language is the system how people communicate to understand each other. Language is also related to the culture and society. In the study of language, we also study language that concerns about the relation of language and society, called as sociolinguistics. In the study of sociolinguistics, it happens that a lot of varieties in language depends on where the language is used whether it comes from social status or level of education to derive differences in the use of language, for example the language choice of using slang words that are affected by social factors. Slangs tend to be found in teenager or young people conversation to create new terms for their circle only or their own identity. Moreover, slangs are also found in the conversation in movies. In this study, the writer aims to reveal the type, the contextual meaning and the function of slang words which are uttered by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie by using sociolinguistic approach. This study examined three problems. The first problem was the classification of slang words that were uttered by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. The second problem focused on contextual meaning of slang words that are produced by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. The last problem aimed at finding the function of slang used by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. The writer applied purposive sampling in this study since the data used textual analysis method. There are 45 slang words uttered by the main character in Straight Outta Compton movie. This study employed sociolinguistic approach in analyzing the type, the contextual meaning, and the function of the slang words in the movie. The writer found that the slang words are formed based on the types of slang which are clipping, imitative, flippant, and fresh & creative. The second finding was about the social factors of conversation determining the contextual meaning of slang words, which are participant and topic of conversation. As for the third finding, the writer found three functions of slang words in the movie which are achieving politeness, emotive feeling and pursuit of self-identity. Emotive feeling of slang user is frequently used by the main characters. The main characters often used slang words to express their feeling in reacting to something in their conversation that are commonly used in certain group of society which belongs to community.

Keywords: slang, main characters




NDOA, MARIA CYNTHIA SAPUTRI (2021). AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG WORDS USED BY THE MAIN CHARACTERS IN STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON MOVIE. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Bahasa adalah sistem yang dipergunakan orang untuk berkomunikasi untuk memahami satu sama lain. Bahasa terkait juga dengan budaya dan masyarakat. Dalam kajian bahasa, kita mempelajari bahasa yang berhubungan antara bahasa dan masyarakat yang disebut sosiolinguistik. Di dalam sosiolinguistik, banyak ragam bahasa yang digunakan tergantung di mana bahasa itu digunakan apakah berasal dari status sosial atau tingkat pendidikan untuk memperoleh perbedaan bahasa, misalnya pemilihan bahasa dengan menggunakan slang yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial. Slang cenderung ditemukan dalam percakapan remaja atau anak muda untuk menciptakan istilah baru untuk lingkaran mereka saja atau identitas mereka sendiri. Selain itu, Slang juga ditemukan dalam percakapan di film. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tipe, makna kontekstual dan fungsi slang yang diucapkan oleh tokoh utama dalam film Straight Outta Compton dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik. Penelitian ini mengkaji tiga rumusan masalah. Masalah pertama adalah klasifikasi slang yang diucapkan oleh para tokoh utama dalam film Straight Outta Compton. Masalah kedua berfokus pada makna kontekstual slang yang dihasilkan oleh para tokoh utama dalam film Straight Outta Compton. Masalah terakhir ditujukan pada fungsi slang yang digunakan oleh para tokoh utama dalam film Straight Outta Compton. Penulis menggunakan purposive sampling dalam penelitian ini karena datanya menggunakan metode analisis tekstual. Ada 45 slang yang diucapkan oleh tokoh utama dalam film Straight Outta Compton. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik dalam menganalisis jenis, makna kontekstual, dan fungsi slang dalam film tersebut. Penulis menemukan bahwa kata slang dibentuk berdasarkan jenis slang yaitu clipping, imitative, flippant, dan fresh & creative. Temuan kedua adalah faktor sosial dari percakapan yang menentukan makna kontekstual dari slang, yaitu partisipan dan topik percakapan. Temuan ketiga, penulis menemukan tiga fungsi dari slang adalah achieving politeness, emotive feeling dan pursuit of self-identity. Emotive feeling of slang user sering digunakan oleh para tokoh utama. Tokoh-tokoh utama sering menggunakan slang untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya dalam menyikapi sesuatu dalam percakapannya yang lazim digunakan pada kelompok masyarakat tertentu yang tergabung dalam komunitas hip hop.

Kata kunci: slang, karakter utama





A. Background of the Study

Language is the system of how people communicate to understand each other in everyday life. Language is used in the culture and society to express feelings, ideas, thoughts, and emotions. In the study of language, we also study language that concerns the relation of language and society, called as Sociolinguistics. According to

Wardhaugh (2005),

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication; the equivalent goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover how social structure can be better understood through the study of language (Wardhaugh, 2005, p. 13).

From the definition above, it concludes that sociolinguistics concerns in how language can affect the society, culture, norms and how society itself can affect languages that is being used. The effect of it can make the language changes. If the languages change, it will make a lot of varieties in language that depends on where the language is used whether it can be from social status or level of education to derive differences of languages. In language variations, it indicates speakers speak in different system all the time, for example on the interest of linguist as lingua franca, pidgins, creoles, jargon, slang and taboo languages. This analysis is focused on slang as a language variation.




The recognition of certain uses of slangs are more likely to be found in the speech of some individuals in society and not others. Eble (1996), argues that slang is known as non-standard English or informal language and a high colloquial language that we commonly use in everyday terms or conversation. In some society, they create and spread slangs when they often use unusual words that expressing bonds between each other and also it spreads through social networks depend on the context. For example of slang ‘shit’ that is used by some people in their circle to show an expression of anger or disappointment.

In this modern era, slangs are spread everywhere around the world. Slangs tend to be found in teenager or young people conversation. In pattern of youth speech, they use slang to create new terms for their circle only or their own identity, fit into specific society, and to decode their text on smartphone towards the similar age with them.

Teenagers get used to produce slang because their daily interact towards each other among their age. For example, they often use slang words ‘LOL’ to make a sentence shorter in text messages to their friend, the slang word ‘LOL’ means Laugh Out Loud.

The slang words not only occur in daily conversation with society but it can also be found in the conversation of movies. Through movies, the viewers can acknowledge the messages and value which contain within the film by the language that is delivered by the actor or actress in the movie. However, in some points, the viewers rarely can catch the message or understand about language in the movie, especially when the variant of language used in the movie, such as slang. As a non- standard language variety, slang words are constructed to function in that altered anti-



society. In an anti-society, it usually considers a world upside down, with words and phrases given reverse meanings. Therefore, within black culture and hip hop culture, connotations and denotations develop in black usage inverted. Hip hop culture possesses a language with its own grammar, lexicon, and phonology as well as the way of communicative style and discursive mode. According to Riesch (2005), the roots of hip hop lay at the intersection of the political protest movements of of the early 1970s and the impoverished ghettoes of urban America. The representation of hip hop culture somehow is defined by anyone of any age or birthplace who listens to rap music, dresses in the styles of hip hop, or speaks in a contemporary urban dialect.

Thus, the writer chooses Straight Outta Compton movie as the data in this analysis because this movie is a biographical movie that represents revolutionizes hip hop culture with their music and tales about life in their neighborhood in which slang is part of hip hop culture and both of slang and biographical movie are based on daily life. The story of the movie was told by the main characters which are Cube, Eazy

E, Dr. Dre, so the writer focused on the utterance of the main characters of the Straight

Outta Compton movie that contains slang words.

This analysis conducts the type of slangs, the contextual meaning and the functions of using slangs that the main characters used in this movie. By the type of slang, the writer is going to classify slangs that are uttered by the main characters of

Straight Outta Compton movie. After classifying the type of slang, the writer will describe the contextual meaning of the utterance to determine the function of using



slang words in the main characters’ conversations from the scope of the character’s sociolinguistic background.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the research background, there were three research problems addressed in this study, which are:

1. What are the types of slangs uttered by the main characters found in Straight Outta

Compton movie?

2. What are the contextual meaning of main characters for using slangs found in this movie?

3. What are the functions of using slangs found in this movie?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study has been conducted in order to answer three questions from problem formulation. As for the first objective, the writer classified the slang words which are produced by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie into the type of slang words and then the writer identified the slang words that have been classified to find out the contextual meaning of slang words uttered by the main characters. After the writer identified the contextual meaning of slang words that are uttered by the main characters, then the writer tried to discover the function of using slang words uttered by the main characters.



D. Definition of terms

To determine the findings in the research, the writer used two terms which are in this study: slang and main characters. Based on Yule (2014), slang is more typically used among those who are outside established higher-status groups.

Colloquial speech or slang is described words or phrases that are used instead of more everyday terms among younger speakers and other groups with special interests. Slang has been and is still used to refer to a wide variety of different types of language. It concluded that slang is an everyday term encompassing jargon, dialect, national

Englishes, buzz words, colloquial language, family language, sociolects and idiolects.

The script-writer has to create a character to tell about the movie that are going to show for audience. Ermalina, Rahayu, and Eripuddin (2015) stated that Main character is a character who mostly appear in the story or screen time which usually hold the most important part of the story, and the center of the action and the theme of the story. The main characters are also known as the protagonist which experiences every plot that the writer makes. For past years, the norm demanded main character to be a good person that obey and fight for the right side of law. Nowadays, the writer has enormous freedom to use anti-heroes or even crooks at their main characters.




A. Review of Related Studies

This study is not the only one which analyzes social factors phenomenon in slang words. A sociolinguistic study on English slang words has been used in the previous study. In previous study entitled “An Analysis of Slang Words used by The

Characters in Ramona and Beezus Movie (Sociolinguistics Approach)” written by

Prihandoko (2012) purposed to investigate the types of slang and the slang function in the movie entitled Ramona and Beezuss movie. This related study found two findings.

The data are taken by applying total sampling technique. Based on the total sampling technique, the writer obtained one hundred and seventy nine slang data. In conducting the research, the writer found two findings. The first finding is the slang type. There are 5 types of slang employed by the characters in Ramona and Bezuss movie. There are seven different slang functions in this movie. This previous study has the similarity to find out the types and function of using slangs in this study.

Another study that the writer found is written by Rizky entitled “The Function of Slang Words by The Main and Minor Characters in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books” (2018). This previous study provided two problems which are the researcher analyses the contextual meaning and the function of the slang words in Mad about Millie vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic




books. The researcher identified the topic and the participant or social relationship based on social factors which are used to determine the contextual meaning on the two comic books. In the first comic book, Mad about Millie Vol. 1, there are seven slang words found that is spoken by the characters who have intimate relationship and two slang words by the characters with formal relationship. In the end of this study, it examines that the slang words used in both comic books are identified as slang words since those words are newly interpreted and newly created which could be understood and used by certain communities only. Meanwhile, the social factors determined the conversation in those books such as a topic of the conversation and with whom that the speaker used the slang word or participant. This previous study has the similarity which almost relate in doing research of this study. Both of previous study and this study analyze slang words are using sociolinguistics approach especially in the function of using slang.

The writer also found related studies in journal article entitled “Slang

Expression in Little Man movie based on Social Dimension” written by Adi & Azmi

(2018). They elaborated how to apply slang words/phrases by social scales in conversation in Little Man movie (2018). The uses of slang words or phrases found in

Little Man movie is related to socials status. To analyze them, the writers use Holmes’ references about social scale which is classified into four scales. By using qualitative descriptive method, the writers found 18 slang words then analyzed them into social distance scale, status scale, formality scale, or functional scale. After classifying these scales, it can be concluded that social distance scale is the mostly used in the movie. It



can be assumed that social distance scale has told about the relationship between characters. This related study has similar process in doing research of this study especially in slang words and the approach by using sociolinguistics to determine the slang words that is used in movie. The difference in this study is the focus of theory to analyze the data. This previous study uses social dimension to classify the slang words, whereas this study uses type of slangs.

Another journal article that is related to this study is written by Jakob entitled

“Analysis of American Slang in the Movie of ‘The Blind Side’” (2018). This related study discusses and classifies slang words in The Blind Side movie. This related study used the descriptive qualitative method. The data source of this research is taken from the movie script of the movie of “The Blind Side” cited from IMDB. In final result of this related study, there are 8 slang words or phrases in the The Blind Side movie and then the slang is divided into four categories which are (1) two slang words or phrases as the neutral syntactic level; (2) four slang words of phrases as typical informal situations and (3) two slang words or phrases as creative. This related study uses the similar data which is movie and focus to analyze the slang words that are found in the data.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this section, the writer explains about the theory which are related to the study. They are the theory of sociolinguistics, language variation, slang and social factors in sociolinguistics. Which are in the following:



1. Sociolinguistics

According to Wardhaugh (2005), “sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how language is trying to discover how social structure can be better understood through the study of language”. Adding to that notion, Wardhaugh (2005) stated that study language and society is concerned about how the language works when we speak differently in different social context and identifying the social functions of language and the way it is used to reveal social meaning. Based on Yule (2014), sociolinguistic is related to social psychology in how attitudes and perceptions are expressed and how in- group and out-group behaviors are identified. a. Social Dialects

The study of social dialects tended to concentrate on the speech of people in rural areas, social dialect concerned with speakers in town and cities. Social dialect is used to define people that have something in . The two main groups are

“middle class” and “working class”, when talking about social dialects will refer to

“working-class-speech”. So, the terms “upper” and “lower” are used to further subdivide the groups, mainly on an economic basis making “upper-middle-class speech” another type of social dialect or sociolect. There are also some certain features used in the analysis of social dialects (Yule, 2014). These feature are pronunciations, words or structure that are spoken or usually used in one form by



working-class speakers and in another form by middle-class speakers. In the characteristic of a social dialects, social variable is treated to be the class and linguistic variable is the pronunciation or word. b. Education and Occupation

Based on Yule (2014), idiolect is the way of individual speaking or a personal dialect that we tend to sound like other with whom we share similar background of education or occupation. The pattern of using certain forms of people who leave the educational system at an early age are relatively infrequent in the speech of those who go on to complete college. People who contribute a lot in the educational system tend to have more features in their spoken language that derive from a lot of time spent with the written language. In the range of adult age, the pattern of using certain forms is more reflected in occupation and socio-economic status than educational system. For example, the way bank executives spoken to window cleaners will provide linguistic evidence for the significant of social variables. c. Social Markers

According to Yule (2014), social markers are percentages of groups in using particular speech sound functions. This feature happens commonly in our speech that mark us as a member of a particular social group. One of pronunciation features that function as social marker seems to be a fairly stable indication of lower class and less education in English is the final pronunciation of –ing with [n] than [ŋ] at



the end of the words. There are also another social marker which called as “[h]- dropping,” it makes the words at and hat sound the same. d. Social Factors

To choose appropriate language varieties from this wide linguistics depends on social factors. Based on Holmes (2013), Social Factors is relevant to account for the particular variety. The participants, the setting, the topic and the function are the relevant factors on how it can influence the language choices or variety. The participant is the relation to its uses; who the speaker is and who they are speaking to. The social setting or social context of the interaction is where the speaker is speaking to. In the topic, people are able to know what is being talked about. Last social factors, the function; why they are speaking. These social factors will prove important in describing and analyzing all kinds of interaction. i. Participants

There are various components that may be classified together as participants, which are speaker or sender, addressor, hearer or receiver or audience and addressee

(Hymes, 1977). These components included the people present and roles they play regarding in speech event and speech act or the relationships between other participants. The participant in speech event has rules or norms for the use of speech.

For example in the way of culture norms how the young age spoken to adults. ii. Setting

Hymes (1977) divided three categories of the setting in conversation which are the physical circumstances, the psychological setting and the cultural scene. In



physical circumstances, setting refers to the time and place of speech act.

Psychological setting involved the interlocutors of the conversations. In cultural scene, the range of formality depends in three situations which are formal, semi formal, and informal. Speech acts frequently are used to define scenes. The meaning of cultural scene or context is important to be concerned by people which they commonly used. It will affect to understand the cultural context which the speakers are communicating. iii. Topic of the interaction

Holmes (2013) states people choose a certain variety to make easier the discussion of a particular topic that depends on where they are speaking. Each participant of the interaction may have different perspective from the others concerning with what exactly is being talked about. Particular topic may be disscussed in one code rather than another, regardless of the setting or addressee. A group of people try to establish one main topic so that they will understand each other to communicate well. iv. Function of interaction

Based on Holmes (2012), expressive in which the speakers express their feelings, directive is an attempt to get someone to do something, referential is the function to provide information, metalinguistic is for commenting on language itself, poetic focused on aesthetic features of a language, and phatic which is to express solidarity and empathy with others. Those are the function of interaction that the language being used for. The discussion of the ways in which speech



functions are expressed in different contexts involving considerations of politeness.

Being polite is so important to understand language as well as social and cultural values of the community.

2. Literal and Contextual Meaning

Recanati (2004) stated that, in two approaches to ‘what is said’ are firstly the distinction between the linguistic meaning of a sentence-type, and what it is said by an utterance of the sentence referred in literal meaning. Secondly, there is no less important distinction between what is actually said and what is merely ‘conveyed’ by the utterance (Recanati, 2004, p. 5). Context-independent meaning is a literal meaning that has dissimilarity with the context-dependent propositions which the sentence expresses with respect to particular contexts or contextual meaning. So, the context is an important role in defining meaning.

According to Lyons, theory of contextual meaning is developed by J.R. Firth and Malinowski that also known as Firthian theory of meaning. Every utterance occurs in a culturally determined context of situation and the meaning of the utterance is the totality of its contribution to the maintenance of what Firth here refers to as the patterns of life in the society in which the speaker lives and to the affirmation of the speaker’s role and personality within the society (Lyons, 1977, p.

607). It can be concluded in contextual meaning, cultural environment and ecology of the speaker are related to each other.



3. Language Variation

Language variation refers to regional, social, or contextual differences in the ways that a particular language is used. Variation in language is most readily observed in the vernacular of everyday life. Variation in language can be observed just about everywhere from a conversation around us. In language variation, people commonly will use one form and then another for more or less the same meaning all the time the language varies. Linguistic variation used to express and reflect social factors. This is why linguistic data from different age groups in the same speech community, or different communities in the same country, or even communities in different countries, in different circumstances, provide important evidence for understanding how language change may be happening (Tagliamonte, 2011, p. 8).

4. Slang

Slang is a very informal language that people or certain group commonly use in daily life. According to Coleman (2014), slang is a language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense. Slang not only spreads through social networks, but also sustains them by creating and expressing bonds between people. Even not every colloquial types are slang, slang belongs to the spoken part of language and is rarely written except in direct quotation speech. The form or shape of words also happened in any language, especially in slang. According to Eble (1996) examines slang employing forms that has existed



and meaning in various ways from the sound system, the word-building processes, paradigms, and the speakers’ knowledge of the culture. Some processes mainly require changing the form of words, with predictable effect on meaning. a. The Forms of Slangs

Based on Eble (1996), there are word-building processes that existed to form slang, which are, compounding, affixation, functional shift, shortening, and blending. The first word-building processes compounding are a process of new words that can be formed from already existing words. The two separate words are to be interpreted as a unit by a characteristic pattern of stress in which the first element is uttered with greater intensity and with no pause or change in pitch before the second element. Compounds can be created from individual words of various parts of speech. The most common type is the noun + noun such as the pattern of classroom, boyfriend, tennis court, etc.

The second word-building processes is affixation by prefixes and suffixes allow the English language limitless opportunities for development of open-ended.

Slang uses many of the same prefixes and suffixes as general purpose. Prefixes in

English tend to have easily paraphrased meanings.

The third word-building processes is functional shift which is a process of

English words to shift in grammatical function without undergoing an alteration in form. English is amenable to functional shift because current English has relatively few forms that identify a word as belonging to a particular grammatical category.



The speakers of English often make use of functional shift in conversation when they shift the part of speech.

The fourth word-building processes is shortening. By this process, sounds are eliminated from words without an immediate change in meaning. Shortened forms are often less formal than the longer sources from which they are derived and thus can convey a casual and sometimes sardonic attitude toward subject. When words are shortened, sounds can be eliminated from the beginning, such as,

‘airplane’ into ‘plane’ or end ‘graduate’ into ‘grad’.

The fifth word-building processes is blending which is a combination of shortening and compounding, the process of blending puts together pieces of words and their meanings. Thus ‘brunch’ is a combination from ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’ which means a meal that combines breakfast and lunch. Blends are currently popular in English in names created for food products, for example, ‘beanburger’ and

‘cranapple juice’.

The sixth word-building processes is borrowing. An important source of new words throughout the documented history of English has been borrowing. In standard dictionaries of English, only a minority of the words listed have developed from native sources. The borrowing word commonly come from Latin & Greek. b. The Type of Slang

In the type of slang, there are five different slang types such as fresh and creative, flippant, imitative, acronym and clipping type which has been stated by

Allan and Burridge (2006). Below are the explanation of slang types:



i. Fresh and Creative

The slang language that has been found as a new word, informal variety, cleverness, imagination, and newly words in modern era are called fresh and creative. We perhaps do not realize when we utilize the slang language because the slang language is familiar in our mind since it appeared a long time ago. For example, the slang word dude. Dude used as a term of address for a male friend.

(Spears, 2000, p. 123) ii. Flippant

When the slang language formed by two words or more in which the words composed not related with the denotative meaning it can be classified into a flippant.

Kick your ass, dumb-ass, break a leg, and fucked up are the examples of slang expressions that are categorized into flippant type. The phrase fucked up is formed by two words which are fucked and up. When both words are separated, it completely has different meaning on their own but when the words are put together into one phrase the meaning is different from the original words. iii. Imitative

Imitative means imitates the Standard English that develops into different meaning or a combination of two words. Sucks, and shitty. The first example of slang expression in imitative type is gonna. Gonna is a combine words which originated from going and to. Another example is sucks, this slang word imitates the original word but completely has different meaning from Standard English (SE).

According to NTC's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions, the



slang word sucks means for something or someone that is going to be bad and undesirable (Spears, 2000, p. 410). iv. Acronym

The type of slang word that uses the first letter of each word to make an acronym. The difference of standard acronym and acronym type of slang word is the way the words is uttered as a word. For example, YOLO is classified into acronym type. The word YOLO still has its original meaning from Standard English.

The word YOLO means You Only Live Once referred to the oxford English dictionary. v. Clipping

Clipping type is a type of slang word when a word is omitted in one or some letters that becomes shorter form but still has the same meaning as the original word.

For example is the slang word nig, which originally came from nigger. The slang word shows that the -ger parts is omitted. c. The Function of Using Slang

Zhou and Fan (2013) stated that the most important point when people talk about slang functions is that the language used for communication between people.

There are three interpersonal function of slang, which are pursuit of self-identity, emotive feeling of the slang users, and achieving politeness. i. Pursuit of Self-identity

Because different social and professional groups have different slang languages, they considered as symbols to divide professional groups in society. If



someone uses words and expressions in certain social groups or professional group, it will blend with group members from mentality. That is, if a student says a sentence containing special college slang, they must want to get results from showing and strengthening their emotions which belong to a part in a group of teenagers. ii. Emotive Feeling of the Slang Users

According to Zhou & Fan (2013), the emotive function is one of the most influential in the usage of language because it is crucial and important in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something, this function can help us to relieve our nervous energy when we are under bad circumstance. Psychologically, slang helps people to express their strong feeling, like group identification and so on. When people use it, they want to show them against the reality, and set them free psychologically. From common people to intellectual society uses slang in their conversation to deny allegiance to genteel, elite, and proper society and to its standard linguistic forms. Therefore, slang for them not only for emphasizing identity or group membership, but also for the psychological need for expressing emotion, which it is the one of the basic functions of language as well (Zhou & Fan, 2013. Para. 3). iii. Achieving Politeness

The notion of register needs to be mentioned to conduct this discussion.

Register refers to “manner of speaking or writing specific to a certain function is a characteristic of a certain domain of communication” The choice of register is affected by three factors, which are occasions (formal or informal), addressee (age,



gender, occupation, the degree of familiarity), and the content of the conversation.

The proper use of slang facilitates setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts. Slang is often used in informal occasions and is of importance in playing phatic function. The use of slang can maintain the friendship and intimacy between friends. It contributes to maintain our positive face when slang serves the phatic function. As with politeness in general, greetings can be analyzed within the framework of theories of ‘face’. A friendly atmosphere may be achieved for proceeding conversation when making a proper greetings slang. In daily talks, slang plays a big role and the communications between us would not go smoothly as they are expected. (Zhou & Fan, 2013. para. 4).

C. Theoretical Framework

Thus the elaboration of related theories and related studies provide the writer to answer of problems formulated easily. This section purposes to lead the discussion to the systematical order in answering the research questions. This part related to nature of slang and sociolinguistics. For the first problem formulation the theories from Allan and Burridge (2006) is needed in order to help the writer for classifying the type of slang words before analyzing the contextual meaning of slang words.

After classifying the slang words, the writer analyze the contextual meaning of slang words that are uttered by the main characters by using the theory from

Holmes (2013), this theory contains three factors which are participants, setting or



social context of interaction, and the topic that can help the writer to define the meaning found in the The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and

Unconventional English (2018) and NCT’s Dictionary of American Slang and

Colloquial Expressions (2000).

Then to answer the last question, the writer continues to find out the function of slang words uttered by the main characters. The writer uses the theory of slang function from Zhou and Fan (2013) to figure out the function of slang to support the utilization of slang words used by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie.




In this chapter, the writer emphasizes the research methodology that discusses the steps that are taken in this study. This chapter is divided into three parts, those are object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study.

A. Object of the Study

The objects of this study were the slang words found in the drama and biographical movie entitled Straight Outta Compton. The duration of this movie is 2 hours 46 minutes and 43 seconds. This analysis also supported by the movie script which the writer gets from www.scripts.com. The slang words used as the objects of the study focus in the slang words that are spoken by the main characters because they appear more than once in the movie. The main characters in this movie are Dr. Dre, Ice

Cube, and Eazy-E. Straight Outta Compton was directed by F. Gary Gray (2015).

The story of this movie is about five young men in 1987 using brutally honest rhymes and hardcore beats, putting their frustration and anger about life through their music in the most dangerous place in America. The way it all began, Straight Outta

Compton tells the true story of how these cultural rebels-armed only with their lyrics, swagger, bravado and raw talent-stood up to the authorities that meant to keep them down and formed the world's most dangerous group named Niggaz Wit Attitudes





B. Approach of the Study

A sociolinguistic approach was applied in this study on slang words used by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society (Wardhaugh, 2005). Modern sociolinguistics has been shaped by technological advances recording and handling language data, theoretical interest in bridging disciplines, and researches’ interest in using our findings to address issues of social concern. The writer had intention to examine the type of slang words, the function of using slang words behind using slang words. Throughout sociolinguistic approach, it helped the writer to find out the answer of the type of slang words that is used by the main characters in Straight

Outta Compton movie, the contextual meaning and the function of using slang words uttered by the main characters in this movie.

C. Method of the Study

In this part, the writer aims to elaborate the method of the study. This part is divided into two parts which are data collection and data analysis.

1. Data Collection

Data collection is a process by which the writer was gathering, collecting and measuring the information from all relevant sources to answer the question of problem formulation. The data of this study were taken from movie that contains many slang words. The slang words mostly appear in this movie, therefore the writer only analyzed the slang words that is used by the main characters in Straight Outta



Compton movie. The writer used text analysis in collecting the data. Mckee (2001) explains that textual analysis is a methodology in a way gathering and analyzing information in academic research. He also says that some academic disciplines

(particularly in the physical and social sciences) are extremely rigious about their methodologies, there are certain, long established and accepted ways in which it is acceptable to gather and process information. Since this data used textual analysis method, the writer applied purposive sampling in this study. Purposive sampling signifies that one sees sampling as a series of strategic choices about with whom, where, and how one does one’s research. This statement implies that the way that researchers sample must be tied to their objectives (Given, 2008, p. 697). In this case, the writer decided to analyze the conversation which contain slang words that is spoken by the main characters in the movie. Slang words used by the main characters are chosen because the main characters frequently use slang words in their conversation and the story in the movie revolves around the main characters.

Thus the writer was using the slang words uttered by the main characters are enough to be analyzed. The step of collecting the slang words that the writer took from movie, firstly, the writer only focused on the conversation occurred by the main characters and collected the slang words uttered by the main characters.

2. Data Analysis

In this part the writer emphasizes the steps of analyzing the data in order to answer three questions from problem formulation. Qualitative method is used in the



data analysis. There are several steps of analyzing the data. To answer the first question of the study about the type of slang words uttered by the main characters in Straight

Outta Compton movie, the writer watched the movie and read the script of the movie.

Before analyzing the type of slang words, the writer identified the slang words that occurred in the conversation of the main characters by looking into Dalzell (2018).

After that, the writer is making classification of the data by differentiating the type of slang by using the theory from Allan and Burridge (2006). The utterances of slang words were classified into type of slang which were fresh and creative types, flippant types, imitative types, acronym types and clipping types.

After the classification of the type of slangs, the writer continues to find the contextual meaning based on the theory from Holmes (2013) and also use The

Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English (2018) to help the writer search the meaning of slang words. Holmes (2013) states theory of social factors are the social relation of participants, the setting, the topic of conversation. In analyzing the contextual meaning, the writer analyzed it based on the type of slang words which has been answered in the previous question. To help the writer analyze the contextual meaning, those slang words were classified into a table and put together with the social factors. The table is shown below:

Table 1. Display of Contextual Meaning Analysis Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual Words Relation Meaning 15/FCT/00:10:23 Nigga Distant Inside Asking Reinventing Bus what nigger for exclusive



speaker black use; does widely used in . 25/FCT/00:21:55 Gig Intimate Club Talking A musical about performance someone of concerts. else

In addition, the writer utilized certain codes that referred to the slang words in order to ease the reader for understanding the data. As an example, the writer uses the code 15/FCT/00:10:23. 15 refers to the number of datum that belongs to a slang words used by the main characters and the next number of datum is followed by previous data,

FCT is shortened from the types of slang words which is fresh and creative type and the acronym of the next data will be followed based on the type of slang words.

Lastly, after the result of contextual meaning were found, the writer continued to find the function of the usage of slang words uttered by the main characters. The function of using slang words was identified based on Zhou & Fan (2013). Zhou & Fan

(2013), state that three slang functions are emotive feeling, pursuit of identity, and achieving politeness. Mostly in analyzing slang functions, the writer identified it based on the social relation of participants and the topic of conversation.




This chapter elaborates the research findings. The finding discusses the research result and the data analysis regarding the problem formulation. There are three main discussions in this study. The first is the classification of slangs words. The second one is the contextual meaning of slang words used by the main characters in this movie.

The last one is the function of using the slang words used by the main characters in this movie. In addition, the writer uses The Routledge Dictinary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English by Dalzell (2018) and NCT’s Dictionary American Slang and Colloquial Expressions 3rd Edition by Spears (2000) to help the writer defines the meaning of slang uttered by the main characters.

A. Slang Types used by The Main characters

There are three main characters in this movie that the writer selected as the data, the first one is Dr. Dre, and Eazy. Each characters produced slang words that will be analyzed by the writer. In this section, the writer classifies slang data found in

Straight Outta Compton movie based on Allan and Burridge’s theory (2006) of type of slang as guideline in classifying the slang, which are: Fresh and creative,

Compounding, Imitative and Clipping. The writer also uses The Routledge Dictinary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English by Dalzell (2018) and NCT’s

Dictionary American Slang and Colloquial Expressions 3rd Edition by Spears (2000) to help the writer defines the meaning of slang uttered by the main characters.




Therefore, the writer classifies all the words, phrase, and sentence that contains in slang types based on their definition.

1. Fresh and Creative Type

The writer finds 5 data that can be classified into fresh and creative type. Fresh and creative mean that slang language has been found as a new word, informal variety, cleverness, imagination, and a newly words in nowadays era. We perhaps do not realize when we utilize the slang language because the slang language is familiar in our mind since it appeared a long time ago in our daily life. The data that has been found is categorized into fresh and creative type of the slang word such as nigga, dope, gig, pussy and dude.

Table 2 - Fresh & Creative Type of Slangs uttered by The Main Characters. Character Slang Words Data Code

Ice Cube Nigga 15/FCT/00:10:23 Dr. Dre Gig 25/FCT/00:21:55 Eazy Dude 29/FCT/00:24:31 Dr. Dre Dope 30/FCT/00:25:49 Eazy Pussy 36/FCT/01:26:58

2. Flippant Type

The writer finds 11 data that can be classified into flippant type. Flippant means slang language made by two words or more in which the words composed not related with the denotative meaning. The data categorized into flippant type are the slang word such as bullshit-ass, little ass, fuck that shit up, shut your ass up, motherfuckers, sucker- punch, whack-ass, cool-ass, dusty-ass, goddamn and bullshit.



Table 3 - Flippant Type of Slangs uttered by The Main Characters.

Character Slang words Data Code Dr. Dre Bullshit-ass 09/FT/00:07:50 Dr. Dre Little ass 11/FT/00:09:29 Ice Cube Fuck that shit up 16/FT/00:14:28 Ice Cube Shut your ass up 18/FT/00:15:01 Dr. Dre Motherfuckers 27/FT/00:22:21 Eazy Sucker-punch 28/FT/00:24:27 Dr. Dre Wack ass 31/FT/00:25:50 Dr. Dre Cool ass 32/FT/00:29:17 Dr. Dre Dusty ass 34/FT/00:33:57 Dr. Dre Goddamn 41/FT/02:13:33 Dr. Dre Bullshit 43/FT/02:14:49

3. Imitative Type The writer finds 11 imitative slang types. Imitative means imitates the Standard

English that develops into different meaning or a combination of two words. Gotta, bitch, fucking, ain’t, outta, a’ight, shit, I’mma, cool, chronic and whatchu are the slang words that are found in this study. The first slang expression in imitative type is gotta.

Gotta is a combine words which originated from got and to.

Table 4 - Imitative Type of Slangs uttered by The Main Characters.

Character Slang Words Data Code Eazy Gotta 03/IT/00:02:37 Eazy Bitch 04/IT/00:03:06 Eazy Fucking 05/IT/00:03:06 Dr. Dre Ain’t 08/IT/00:07:48 Dr. Dre Outta 12/IT/00:09:31 Dr. Dre A’ight 13/IT/00:09:38 Eazy Shit 36/IT/01:07:36 Dr. Dre I’mma 37/IT/01:43:57 Dr. Dre Cool 39/IT/01:53:08 Dr. Dre Chronic 40/IT/01:53:46 Eazy Whatchu 45/IT/02:25:36



4. Clipping Type

Clipping type is a type of slang word when a word is omitted in one or some letters that become shorter form but still has the same meaning as the original word.

In this analysis, the writer finds 16 data of slang that includes in clipping type such as homie, y’all, fuckin’, talkin’, lookin’, writin’, stayin’, doin’, nothin’, jackin’, slangin’, baggin’, gettin’, ho, chillin’, and killin.

Table 5 - Clipping Type of Slangs uttered by The Main Characters.

Character Slang Words Data Code Eazy Homey 01/CT/00:02:06 Eazy Y’all 02/CT/00:02:27 Eazy Fuckin’ 06/CT/00:05:33 Dr. Dre Talkin’ 07/CT/00:07:10 Dr. Dre Lookin’ 10/CT/00:08:35 Ice Cube Writin’ 14/CT/00:10:19 Ice Cube Stayin’ 17/CT/00:14:56 Ice Cube Doin’ 19/CT/00:16:00 Ice Cube Nothin’ 20/CT/00:16:00 Ice Cube Jackin’ 21/CT/00:16:35 Ice Cube Slangin’ 23/CT/00:16:49 Ice Cube Baggin’ 24/CT/00:21:49 Dr. Dre Getting’ 25/FCT/00:21:55 Ice Cube Ho 33/CT/00:29:31 Dr. Dre Killin’ 44/CT/02:24:31



B. The Contextual Meaning of Slang Words Uttered By The Main Characters In

Straight Outta Compton Movie

Straight Outta Compton movie was released in 2015 and directed by F. Gary

Gray which is an American biographical drama film that revolutionizes Hip Hop culture in the mid-1980s with creating a group named Niggaz Wit Attitude or known as N.W.A. This movie tells about their music and tales about life in the hood. Each of the main characters uttered slang words in their music and their daily conversation.

Thus, the writer analyzes the contextual meaning that will be divided into four parts based on the types of slang words which are fresh and creative type, flippant type, imitative type, and clipping type. The table below shows some examples of the slang words uttered by the main characters.

1. Contextual Meaning of Fresh and Creative in Straight Outta Compton

Table 6 – Contextual Meaning of Fresh & Creative Slangs type. Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual Words Relation Meaning 15/FCT/00:10:23 Nigga Distant Inside Asking Reinventing Bus what nigger for speaker exclusive does black use; widely used in gangsta rap. 25/FCT/00:21:55 Gig Intimate Club Talking A musical about performance someone of concerts. else 29/FCT/00:24:31 Dude Intimate In front Talking Used as a of about term of police someone address station else



30/FCT/00:25:49 Dope Intimate In front Praise Stylish, of excellent, police best station


Kid: You a poet now? Ice Cube: The flyest one you know, nigga.

The conversation above occurred in the bus when Ice Cube off to his home from school and then a kid who sits in front of him was approaching him to ask what is Ice

Cube doing with his notes. Even though the relation between Ice cube and the kid is not an intimate relation, Ice Cube addressed the kid with nigga because they belong to the same race or group of society. Based on The Routledge Dictionary of Modern

American Slang and Unconventional English, the word nigga in contextual meaning refers to reinvent nigger for exclusive black use and widely used in gangsta rap (2018, p. 549). This contextual meaning is supported by the speaker and addresser because both of them are black people.


Eazy: I love your jacket anyway. Dr. Dre: You baggin’ on me. You know I don’t like wearing this shit. That’s Lonzo’s shit, man. You know it’s part of the gig.

The slang word gig happened in the club who owned by Lonzo and this club is a place where Dr. Dre does his work as a DJ. Eazy E visits to the club with some of his friends and then in the midst of Dr. Dre does his work, he approaches Eazy E. As the



conversation above, based on dictionary (Dalzell, 2018, p. 336) the contextual meaning gig refers to a musical performance of concerts where the setting of place in this scene is a club where Dr. Dre works as a DJ to perform his music. Based on this context, the social relation between Dr. Dre and Eazy E is an intimate relation because they are best friend and join in the same group of hip hop called N.W.A.


Eazy: Sucker-punched that dude, man. Dr. Dre: Hey, man, nah. That was Tyree.

The word dude appeared in the conversation between Eazy E and Dr. Dre has a meaning as a term to address someone or regular fellow based on the dictionary

(Dalzell, 2018, p. 251). In above conversation, Eazy E is picking up Dr. Dre from police station because last night accident that involved Dr. Dre got into fight with a stranger in the outside of his club. Based on the topic of conversation they were talking about someone else or the third person and address it as a dude.

30/FCT/00:25:49 Eazy E: Okay so what then, that nigga last night? Is that what we doin’? Dre: Hey, look, I got these cats, H.B.O., Home Boys Only, from New York, dope voices, man.

In the conversation above, the word dope as an adjective has the contextual meaning as excellent. Dr. Dre were thinking to create a group with Eazy E and Ice cube so he try to convince Eazy E to join the grup with him. The contextual meaning is



supported by the topic of conversation because Dr. Dre uses the slang word dope to express his feeling about the music they were talking about.

2. Contextual Meaning of Flippant Type in Straight Outta Compton

Table 7 - Contextual Meaning of Flippant Slangs type. Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual Words Relation Meaning 28/FT/00:24:27 Sucker- Intimate Police asking To hit punch station someone without warning especially in the face 41/FT/02:13:33 Goddamn Intimate Music Angry Used as an Studio intensifier


Eazy: What up, sucker-punch? Dr. Dre: You already know what it is.

The word sucker-punch happened in conversation between Eazy E and Dr.

Dre. Night before the conversation above occurred, Tyre, Dr. Dre’s little brother got into fight with a stranger in the outside of his club and then Dr. Dre tried to intervene both of them. Unfortunately, Dr. Dre got his face punched by the stranger. As seen in social factors of the topic of conversation, sucker-punch has the contextual meaning as to hit someone without warning especially in the face (Dalzell, 2018, p. 767).


Suge: Now toast to Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre: Put your glass down. I said put the fucking glasses down! Suge: Hey, yo, slow your roll, Dre. Come on.



Dr. Dre: This why we got money? To act like we ain’t got no goddamn sense? We coulda did all this dumb shit back in Compton. But this what the fuck y’all turn into. You sittin’ up here eatin’ fuckin’ crab. Who the fuck are you? Huh? This my fucking name on the wall, man! And y’all in here acting like y’all on motherfucking vacation. I got Pac in the next motherfucking room. Grindin’, man. Working! And y’all niggas partyin’. One time?

Dr. Dre is joining the music labels owned by Suge. The dialogue above is seen that Dr. Dre got angry with some of his colleague in Suge’s company. At that time, Dr.

Dre was busy to record and produce music for Tupac but the noise voices came in the outside of the recording room makes Dr. Dre feel annoyed by the voices. He came out to see what the actual happened with the voices, after that he burst out his anger then the slang word goddamn is uttered by him. From the topic of conversation, the contextual meaning of goddamn is used as an intensifier (Dalzell, 2018, p. 343).

3. Contextual Meaning of Imitative Type in Straight Outta Compton

Table 8. Contextual Meaning of Imitative Slangs type. Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual Words Relation Meaning 39/IT/01:53:08 Cool Intimate In the car Asking To calm down 40/IT/01:53:46 Chronic Intimate In the car Smoke Marijuana weed mixed with crack cocaine


Snoop: Why you so tense, Dre? Dr. Dre: No, I’m cool.

The conversation above is shown between Snoop and Dr. Dre are going somewhere. Based on Holmes (2013) social factors theory, the setting of the conversation is taken in the car. On their way, Snoop saw that Dr. Dre’s facial



expression is different from he as usual when hanging out with him then Snoop asked what happened with him. Dr. Dre answered him and uttered the slang word cool. Based on the topic of conversation, the contextual meaning of cool means to calm down

(Dalzell, 2018, p. 175). So, Dr. Dre told him that he’s calm as usual and nothing happened.


Dr. Dre: Goddamn, man! What the fuck is in this shit, Snoop? Snoop: That right there, that’s that Chronic, cuz.

Based on Meriam Webster Online Dictionary, the word chronic in Standard

English means continuing or occurring again and again for a long time. Meanwhile, in

The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English

(2018, p. 151) means a marijuana mixed with crack cocaine. The contextual meaning is being supported based on the topic of the conversation. In this scene Snoop gives a single weed to Dr. Dre. He thought that was a cigarette but actually that was a marijuana.



4. Contextual Meaning of Clipping Type in Straight Outta Compton

Table 9. Clipping Type of Slangs uttered by The Main Characters. Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual Words Relation Meaning 23/CT/00:16:49 Slangin’ Distant Wayside Being To sell drugs accused 716 33/CT/00:29:31 Ho Intimate Music refusing To ignore or Studio disrespect 399


Police Officer: Where you got the fuckin’ rocks, homeboy? Ice Cube: Not everybody slangin’ dope, man. Police Officer: I don’t give a fuck.

The slang word slangin’ is uttered in the conversation above between Police officer and Ice Cube in the wayside. This movie is set up in 1986, so the negative racial stereotypes from White people towards African American frequently happened. In this scene, Ice Cube was going to home from his friend’s house and his house was only right across so he only had to walk. By a sudden when he was going to home, many white police stopped in the sidewalk in front of his friend’s house to raid some teen black people. Unfortunately, Ice Cube is being accused of selling drugs by the police when he actually was not. Based on the topic of conversation, the word slangin’ has a contextual meaning as selling drug (Dalzell, 2018, p. 716).



33/CT/00:29:31 Ice Cube: You’re kinda being a ho right now, Eric. The conversation is happened between Eazy E and Ice Cube. They are recording a music for they group that consist Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, and Eazy E in music studio. This conversation occurred before Eazy E become a fixed member of the group and Ice Cube was trying to convince Eazy E to join the record. At first Eazy E was denying their offer and then because of that the slang word ho is being uttered by the speaker which is Ice Cube. Based on this topic of conversation, the slang word ho means disrespect (Dalzell, 2018, p. 399) refers to the act of Eazy E that rejected Ice

Cube and friends’ offer.

C. The Main Characters’ Functions of Using Slang in Straight Outta Compton


The writer uses theory from Zhou & Fan (2013) for examining the function of slang uttered by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. There are three slang functions found in this movie, achieving politeness, pursuit self of identity, and emotive feeling.

1. Achieving Politeness

The first function that is found in this study is achieving politeness.

According to Zhou & Fan (2013), by achieving politeness in domain communication, the speaker needs manner of speaking. The choice of manner speaking is affected by three factors, which are occasions (formal or informal),



addressee (age, gender, occupation, the degree of familiarity) and the content of the conversation. This function is often used in the usage of slang words. The use of slang can maintain the friendship and intimacy between our friends. Zhou & fan

(2013) also added that slang is used in informal occasions and is of importance in playing the phatic function.

1/CT/00:02:06 Tone: What’s up, cuz? Eazy E: What’s up, homey?

The first slang word that has a function as achieving politeness is the word homey. The slang word homey has achieved politeness as the function in usage of slangs. In the conversation above, the word homey means homeboy. The slang word homey is used by the speaker, which is, Eazy E in addressing his fellow, Tone, in order to show their friendships by calling Tone with homey.

33/CT/00:29:31 Ice Cube: You’re kinda being a ho right now, Eric.

The second slang word that has a function as achieving politeness is the word ho. The word ho appeared in the conversation between Ice Cube and Eazy E. Ice

Cube and Eazy E were in the music studio, they are discussing about forming a hip hop group music together. Eazy E is in dilemma to join the group or not. In the conversation above, The word ho is used by Ice Cube as a speaker in informal occasion to maintain the intimacy between them as a best friend. The relationship



between Eric and Ice Cube has an intimate relationship, then the word ho as addressing someone is tolerable to show their close relationship.

45/IT/02:25:36 Eazy: So, whatchu , man? You think we could get together, or what? Dr. Dre: Yeah, man. That sounds good. Let’s do it, E. Let’s do it. Imma let you know when we can get back into the studio, you know. Lay down some tracks, like the old days. Eazy: Fair enough. Dr. Dre: Alright. It’s good to hear from you man.

The third slang words that has achieving politeness is whatchu. The slang words whatchu is an imitative type of slang word that has a meaning as what are you. In the conversation above, the word whatchu appeared in the conversation between Eazy E and Dr. Dru when Eazy E approaches Dr. Dru to ask Dr. Dru for getting back to the music group N.W.A. before he dies. The function of achieving politeness is shown when Eazy E used the word whatchu is a phatic function as showing politeness to Dr. Dru.


Eazy E: Sucker-punched that dude, man. Dr. Dre: Hey, man, nah. That was Tyree.

The fourth slang word that has a function as achieving politeness is the word sucker-punch. The word sucker-punch appeared in the conversation between Eazy

E and Dr. Dru. In the morning, Eazy E were picking up Dr. Dru in the police station because Dr. Dru got into fight in the parking lot at the club he works at night. The slang word sucker-punch is used by Eazy E to address Dr. Dru that he got punched



by someone and he couldn’t resist it. This slang words shows an intimate relationship between them.

29/FCT/00:24:31 Eazy: Sucker-punched that dude, man. Dr. Dre: Hey, man, nah. That was Tyree.

The fifth slang words that has achieving politeness is the slang words dude.

The word dude appeared in the conversation between Eazy E and Dr. Dre. In this situation of conversation is the speaker, the slang word dude is used Eazy E. He is talking about someone else and he uses the word dude to show the gender of this third person as a man. By using the slang word dude, Eazy E has achieving politeness in order to address the other person they talked about.

2. Emotive feelings

The second function of slang uses is emotive feelings. According to Zhou &

Fan (2013), the emotive function is one of the most influential in the usage of language because it is crucial and important in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something, this function can help us to relief our nervous energy when we are under bad circumstance. Slang helps people to express their strong feeling, like group identification. When people use it, they want to show them against the reality, and set them free psychologically.


Dre: Hey, look, I got these cats, H.B.O., Home Boys Only, from New York, dope voices, man.



The first slang word that has an emotive feeling as a slang function is the word dope as an adjective. The word dope appeared in the conversation between

Dr. Dre and Eazy E when they’re discussing about creating a group hip-hop music.

The slang word dope means excellent. By the utterance of dope, his emotive feeling function is shown in how he praises the voices is very good to persuade Eazy E to join with him in hip hop group.


Dre: Hey, look, I got these cats, H.B.O., Home Boys Only, from New York, dope voices, man. Some wack-ass lyrics though, man.

The second slang words that has an emotive feeling as a slangs function is wack ass. Wack-ass is an adjective that means very stupid . It is the way Dr. Dre to describe and express his comment towards the lyrics. By saying wack-ass, he gives his opinion that contradicts to his previous praises about the voices of H.B.O. which is very good but has very stupid lyrics. His emotive feeling also has a function to persuade Eazy E.


Dr. Dre: Nigga, come on, man. Ice Cube: You ain’t doing nothing. Dr. Dre: But you the businessman, so, you know, it’s on you. We got a cool- ass song though. I think you could hit that shit. Eazy E: I’m not sold, Dre.

The third slang words that shows an emotive feeling is the word cool-ass.



The word is uttered when Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, and Eazy E are in music studio. The day when Dr. Dre and Ice Cube were recording their music, Eazy E has not make his choice to join the group until the moment when Dr. Dre and Ice Cube think that this song would be very awesome if Eazy E were joining the group. Cool-ass means very awesome, and it is uttered by Dr. Dre to express his feeling about the song he created to persuade Eazy E to join the group with them.


Lonzo: But you, motherfucker, I ain’t gonna take that shit from you. 20 years from now, you gonna fucking thank me. Watch. Dr. Dre: 20 years from now, you still gonna be recording love song in this dusty-ass garage.

Dusty-ass is an adjective means unattractive. The conversation above happened when Dr. Dre and his friends who works for Lonzo are gathering in

Lonzo’s place and they’re talking about music. Before the conversation above happened, Lonzo praises Ice Cube about his music and then by a sudden he approaches Dr. Dre and he’s saying that Dr. Dre will thank him because he made his careers in music. Dr. Dre cannot tolerate Lonzo’s word, he confronts him by saying dusty-ass to Lonzo’s place.

3. Pursuit of Self-identity Because different social and professional groups have different slang languages, they considered as symbols to divide professional groups in society. If someone uses words and expressions in certain social groups or professional group, it will blend with group members from mentality. That is, if a student says a sentence



containing special college slang, they must want to get results from showing and strengthening their emotions which belong to a part in a group of teenagers.


Kid: You a poet now? Ice Cube: The flyest one you know, nigga.

The slang word that has pursuit of self-identity as the function is the word nigga. In the conversation 15/FCT/00:10:23 the slang word nigga is used by the main character, Ice Cube, to address a kid that he met in the bus, this word nigga is only used by ‘black’ person only to identify their race. Thus, Ice Cube uses that slang word to pursuit the kid’s identity because they have same race.




This part is a conclusion of the study. The writer has examined three problem formulated in this study. First, the types of slang words uttered by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. Second, the contextual meaning of slang words uttered by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. Last, the function of slangs used by the main characters in Straight Outta Compton movie. The data of this study are chosen based on the conversation of the main characters from the movie.

In total slang words uttered by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, and Ice Cube that the writer found is 45 slang words which later classified into the types of slang words as 5 fresh

& creative slang words, 11 flippant slang words, 11 imitative slang words, and 16 clipping slang words. From those slang words, the writer determines the contextual meaning based on social factors such as the social relation of the participants, the setting of place, and the topic of conversation. Most of slang words uttered among the main characters and other participants have intimate relationship than those with distant relationship with each other. There are only 11 slang words used by the main characters in their conversation with other participants who have distant relationship and 34 slang words used by the main character in their conversation who have intimate relationship with them.




In this study, the writer found 3 slang words that are commonly used by the main characters. The first one is the slang word nigga is commonly used by the main characters. In total of number, Dr. Dre uttered the word nigga 9 times, Ice Cube 11

Times, and Eazy E 11 Times. The main characters use the of word nigga to pursuit self-identity as the function of slangs. The other slang words that are commonly used is the word fuck. The literal meaning of the word fuck has different meaning on the context based on the topic of conversation. Another slang words uttered by Dr. Dre that has different meaning based on the context is the word dope. Dope has several meaning which can be as excellent to praise someone or as a drug. Based on the social factors (the participants, setting and topic), the contextual meaning of dope is excellent.

So, the slang words can have various meaning depend on the social factors to determine the contextual meaning.

The writer found three different functions of slang words that uttered by the main characters. First, the slang words acts as a tool for speaker to address speaker’s interlocutors and also as a tool to show phatic function in achieving politeness. The second slang functions acts as a tool in showing speakers’ feelings is emotive feeling of slang user. This slang functions is the most used by the main characters. The effect of using slang words that has function as emotive feeling of slang user could completely change the emotional status of an audience and also help the user to get their group identification. The last slang functions that the main characters used is pursuit of self- identity. The main characters use the slang words to show the emotion that they belong



to inside their groups and constantly that they wanted to be admitted that they are qualified among a certain distinct group.

Throughout this study, the writer concludes that the choice in language usage is considered by the social factors. Slang words are constantly used based on the relation between friendship or a certain group that has intimate relationship and also the topic of conversation. Slang words act as a tool to show group identification, so slang words tend to be found among teenagers society and become a daily communication among them.

The writer suggests future researchers to be careful on data collection of slang words, because many similar slang words that have different meaning depends on context of conversation. The writer also suggest to enrich the sociolinguistic analysis in conducting slang words from other literatures or movies.



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Types, Contextual Meaning and Function Of Using Slang Words Social Factors Function of slang Slang Contextual Type of Data Code Characters Utterance Social Settin Topic PS EF AP Words Meaning slang g Relatio n 01/CT/00:02:06 Eazy-E Tone: What’s up, cuz? Homey intimat Living Greetin Homeboy Clipping  e room gs Eazy E: What’s up, homey?

02/CT/00:02:27 Eazy-E Eazy: What y’all trying to Y’all Distant Living Drugs You all Clipping  do? room Tone’s Friend: You ain’t heard? Best runner got cracked. Sent his young ass up to YA.

03/IT/00:02:37 Eazy-E Eazy: Fuck that gotta do gotta Distant Living Drugs Have to Imitative  with me? room




04/IT/00:03:06 Eazy-E Tasha: Here! bitch Distant Living Giving A woman Imitative  room a bottle Eazy: Bitch I just said I of beer wasn’t thirsty!

05/IT/00:03:06 Eazy-E Tone: You want some pussy? fucking Intimat Living Ask for An Imitative  e room money exclamation Eazy: Not from these little of anger or strawberry bithes you got up exasperation in here. I want my fucking money. Where the money at?

06/CT/00:05:33 Eazy-E Eazy: fuckin’ dog. Fuckin’ Distant Outdo Anger Fucking Clipping  or 07/CT/00:07:10 Dr. Dre Verna: You have a child, Talkin’ Intimat House Job Talking Clipping  Andre. And spinning records e ain’t payin’ none of the bills around here right now. Dre: What you talkin’ about? I get paid. 08/IT/00:07:48 Dr. Dre Verna: You got something to Ain’t Intimat House Arguin Am not/are Imitative  say to me? e g not Dre: You don’t care what I’m fighting for, okay? I already know what I want to do with my life and it



definitely ain’t sitting in some cubicle, taking orders on a bullshit-ass job.

09/FT/00:07:50 Dr. Dre Verna: You got something to Bullshit- Intimat House Arguin Rubbishy, Flippant  say to me? Ass e g awful Dre: You don’t care what I’m fighting for, okay? I already know what I want to do with my life and it definitely ain’t sitting in some cubicle, taking orders on a bullshit-ass job.

10/CT/00:08:35 Dr. Dre Tyree: Grabbed some of your Lookin’ Intimat House Packing Looking Clipping  stuff, man. e stuff Dr. Dre: Good lookin’ out, T. 11/FT/00:09:29 Dr. Dre Dr. Dre: Hey, I’ll call you Little Intimat House Mandat a young male Flippant  later. For now, stay your Ass e e under the age little ass outta trouble. of eighteen Tyre: Yeah yeah.



12/IT/00:09:31 Dre. Dre Dr. Dre: Hey, I’ll call you Outta Intimat Home Mandat Out of Imitative  later. For now, stay your e e little ass outta trouble. Tyre: Yeah yeah. 13/IT/00:09:38 Dre. Dre Tyree: All right, bruh. A’ight Intimat House Making All right Imitative  e sure Dr. Dre: A’ight. 14/CT/00:10:19 Ice Cube Kid: What you been up to, Writin’ Distant Bus Asking Writing Clipping  Cube? what Ice Ice Cube: Shit. Writin’ Cube rhymes. does 15/FCT/00:10:2 Ice Cube Kid: You a poet now? nigga Distant Bus Asking A black Fresh &  3 Ice person creative Ice Cube: The flyest one you Cube’s know, nigga. identity

16/FT/00:14:28 Ice Cube Ice Cube: Whoo! Fuck that Fuck Intimat House Praisin Treat Flippant  shit up, Dre! that shit e g Dr. someone in up Dre’s extreme way Dre: Yo. music

17/CT/00:14:56 Ice Cube Ice Cube: You must be Stayin’ Intimat House Talking Staying Clipping  stayin’ a while. e about Dr. Dre



Jinx: Yup. Mama kicked him out ‘cause of that mouth.

18/FT/00:15:01 Dr. Dre Dr. Dre: Shut your ass up. Shut Intimat House Offend To be quiet Flippant  She didn’t kick me out. I left. your ass e ed up Jinx: Whatever. Ice Cube: That’s what they all say, homey. 19/CT/00:16:00 Ice Cube Police: Where the fuck you Doin’ Distant Sidew A Doing Clipping  going? alk sudden intercep Ice Cube: Hey, man, I’m just tion trying to get home, man. I’m not even doin’ nothin’. 20/CT/00:16:00 Ice Cube Police Officer: Where the Nothin’ Distant Sidew A Nothing Clipping  fuck you going? alk sudden intercep Ice Cube: Hey, man, I’m just tion trying to get home, man. I’m not even doin’ nothin’. 21/CT/00:16:35 Ice Cube Ice Cube: Officer, can you Jackin’ Distant Sidew Arguin to steal, to Clipping  explain why you jackin’ us alk g take by force, right now? especially of street crime



Police Officer: Man, I ain’t explaining shit to you. 23/CT/00:16:49 Ice Cube Police Officer: Where you Slangin’ Distant Sidew Being Selling Clipping  got the fuckin’ rocks, alk accused homeboy? Ice Cube: Not everybody slangin’ dope, man. Police Officer: I don’t give a fuck. 24/CT/00:21:49 Dr. Dre Eazy: I love your jacket Baggin’ Intimat Club Teasing To tease Clipping  anyway. on me e someone Dr. Dre: You baggin’ on me. You know I don’t like wearing this shit. That’s Lonzo’s shit, man. You know it’s part of the gig. 25/FCT/00:21:5 Dr. Dre Eazy: I love your jacket Gig intimat Club Perfor Concert Fresh and  5 anyway. e mance Creative Dr. Dre: You baggin’ on me. You know I don’t like wearing this shit. That’s Lonzo’s shit, man. You know it’s part of the gig.



26/CT/00:22:18 Eazy-E Eazy: How’s the couch life? Gettin’ Intimat Club Dre’s Getting Clipping  e current Dr. Dre: It’s fucked up. I’m life too tall for that shit. Plus, I got my woman and baby living there. It’s hard, man. But you know, everybody can’t do what you do. Eazy: But what I do gettin’ played out quick, man. Motherfuckers just getting locked up and laid down out here, you know?

27/FT/00:22:21 Eazy-E Eazy E: Look, I heard you Motherf Intimat Club Dre’s A difficult Flippant  been, um, spending some uckers e current thing or

time at your auntie’s house. life situation How’s the couch life? Dre: It’s fucked up. I’m too tall for that shit. Plus I got my woman and baby livin’ there. It’s hard, man. But you know, everybody can’t do what you do.



Eazy E: Yeah, Dre. Well, what I do gettin’ played out quick,

man. Motherfuckers just getting locked up and laid down out here, you know? Dre: Mmmm Eazy E: I gotta make some changes.

Dre: Changes ain’t bad.

28/FT/00:24:27 Eazy-E Eazy: What up, sucker- Sucker- Intimat Police Talk to hit Flippant  punch? punch e Station someone without



Dr. Dre: You already know warning, what it is. especially in the face 29/FCT/00:24:3 Eazy Eazy: Sucker-punched that Dude Intimat Police Talk A man Fresh &  1 dude, man. e Station creative Dr. Dre: Hey, man, nah. That was Tyree. 30/FCT/00:25:4 Dr. Dre Eazy E: Okay so what then, Dope Intimat Park Praisin Excellent Fresh &  9 that nigga last night? Is that e lot g creative what we doin’? someon e Dre: Hey, look, I got these cats, H.B.O., Home Boys Only, from New York, dope voices, man. 31/FT/00:25:50 Dr. Dre Dre: Hey, look, I got these Wack- Intimat Park mockin Very stupid Flippant  cats, H.B.O., Home Boys ass e lot g Only, from New York, dope voices, man. Some wack-ass lyrics though, man. 32/FT/00:29:17 Dr. Dre Dr. Dre: Nigga, come on, Cool- Intimat Park Praisin Really Flippant  man. Ass e lot g awesome Ice Cube: You ain’t doing nothing.



Dr. Dre: But you the businessman, so, you know, it’s on you. We got a cool- ass song though. I think you could hit that shit. Eazy: I’m not sold, Dre. 33/CT/00:29:31 Ice Cube Ice Cube: You’re kinda Ho Intimat Recor upset To be Clipping  being a ho right now, Eric. e d disrespectful Studio 34/FT/00:33:57 Dr. Dre Lonzo: But you, Dusty- Distant Garag Talk Unattractive Flippant  motherfucker, I ain’t gonna ass e take that shit from you. 20 years from now, you gonna fucking thank me. Watch. Dr. Dre: 20 years from now, you still gonna be recording love song in this dusty-ass garage.

35/CT/00:44:49 Ice Cube Ice Cube: Yo, I was trippin’ Trippin’ Intimat Club Talking Acting fool Clipping  off them knowing the words e about though. That shit was crazy! the perform ance



Ren: Hey, yo, I’m telling you, Compton is definitely on the map, yo. 36/IT/1:07:36 Ice Cube Dre: I just think you Shit Intimat Bus Suspici Crap (it can Imitative  overreacting, man. Eazy one e ous to be good or of us, Cube. What you Eazy E bad) thinkin’ don’t even make sense. Ice Cube: What don’t make sense is Eazy and Jerry eating steak and lobster and we eating fatburger. Shit don’t make no sense.

36/FCT/01:26:5 Eazy Jerry: Look at him. You Pussy Intimat Backy Talk Vagina Fresh &  8 think he needs any more e ard about creative motivation than that? Dre Eazy: I mean, I get it, Jerry. He drownin’ in pussy and shit. 37/IT/01:43:57 Dr. Dre Dr. Dre: I’mma start my own I’mma Intimat Recor Arguin I’m going to Imitative  company with Suge Knight, e d g Studio



E. Thought we were brothers man. 38/CT/01:45:22 Dr. Dre : What’s up Dre? Chillin’ Intimat Recor Greetin Relax Clipping  e d gs Dr. Dre: Chillin’ man. Studio 39/IT/01:53:08 Dr. Dre Snoop: Why you so tense, Cool Intimat In the Ask Awesome, Imitative  Dre? e car about okay feeling Dr. Dre: No, I’m cool. 40/IT/01:53:46 Dr. Dre Dr. Dre: Goddamn, man! Chronic Intimat In the Giving A high Imitative  What the fuck is in this shit, e Car marijua quality Snoop? na marijuana Snoop: That right there, that’s that Chronic, cuz. 41/FT/02:13:33 Dr. Dre Suge: Now toast to Dr. Dre. Goddam Intimat Recor Tense Anger, Flippant  n e d Surprise, Dr. Dre: Put your glass studio frustration down. I said put the fucking glasses down! Suge: Hey, yo, slow your roll, Dre. Come on. Dr. Dre: This why we got money? To act like we ain’t got no goddamn sense? We



coulda did all this dumb shit back in Compton. But this what the fuck y’all turn into. You sittin’ up here eatin’ fuckin’ crab. Who the fuck are you? Huh? This my fucking name on the wall, man! And y’all in here acting like y’all on motherfucking vacation. I got Pac in the next motherfucking room. Grindin’, man. Working! And y’all niggas partyin’. One time? 42/CT/02:13:35 Dr. Dre Suge: Now toast to Dr. Dre. Coulda Intimat Club Anger Could have Clipping  e Dr. Dre: Put your glass down. I said put the fucking glasses down! Suge: Hey, yo, slow your roll, Dre. Come on. Dr. Dre: This why we got money? To act like we ain’t got no goddamn sense? We coulda did all this dumb shit back in Compton. But this



what the fuck y’all turn into. You sittin’ up here eatin’ fuckin’ crab. Who the fuck are you? Huh? This my fucking name on the wall, man! And y’all in here acting like y’all on motherfucking vacation. I got Pac in the next motherfucking room. Grindin’, man. Working! And y’all niggas partyin’. One time? 43/FT/02:14:49 Dr. Dre Dr. Dre: This is bullshit. Bullshit Intimat Studio Mad Stupid, Flippant  e Recor nonsense der 44/CT/02:24:31 Eazy E Dr. Dre: What’s up? Killin Intimat Swim Asking To finish Clipping  e ming about consuming Eazy: I mean, you know me, pool life something man. Doing my thing. Killin’ all this pussy. 45/IT/02:25:36 Eazy E Eazy: So, whatchu think, Whatch Intimat Swim Persuad What are Imitative  man? You think we could get u e ming e to you/do you together, or what? Pool regroup N.W.A. Dr. Dre: Yeah, man. That sounds good. Let’s do it, E.



Let’s do it. Imma let you know when we can get back into the studio, you know. Lay down some tracks, like the old days. Eazy: Fair enough. Dr. Dre: Alright. It’s good to hear from you man.