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THERE was a fancy man named Potter, And the weather got hotter and hotter, But that fraud so great he would investigate, And prove himself a great spotter. And, says he, now look what a go, And hear my political blow; But the people all ran, for they didn't care a d- And they all cried no, no, no.

WAKE, dearest, wake, the tuneful frog Is twittering in Boss Shepherd's pond; The street-car horse has ceased to jog • Say, dearest, wilt thou not absoond ? No cruel parent now may clog 's vows, so deeply true and fond, Fo r by this pretty lake and bog We oare no more for stook and bohd.


•alley where a hot-gospeler was so in the ing by each ether, right or wrong. The Democrats THB following lipes are from the " Ode for the open- horse, and after a prolonged stare at the tail ing of the Clnelnnati Music Hall," written by John EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE • habit of qtirring up his Sinners with threats have - done nothing but r quarrel, and have of the animal said, giving it up : lo&t every chance. I hear it on every sMe now, •lames Piatt, and published by Robert Clarke & Co.,. of future punishment that his chapel is ; Cincinnati, Ohie: ' MAC-A-OHEEK, May 28,1878. "I'll be d—d ef l ean see into it»" dh! the Democrats are found ertag their Ship now; known far and hear by the above name. To all that lathe and loom produce : DAVID. By the time the startled people reached they will all go to the bottom In a little while, and we To Flora's garland, Ceres' sheaf, ' the scene of disaster Linkum's old horse I was up there last Sunday night," David will be at the helm again;" all of which is true. When And every fruit of soli and sun, A tall, lank, slab-sided, sinewy, yet continued, "and the saints could be heard Lincoln was elected there were more people voted (With the blithe vineyard's temperate juice) ; slouchy, donble-fisted man of about fifty- was dead. To Sculpture's breathless-breathing charm, While looking from my den—that I must well onto three miles jist a yellin' to the Lord against him than for him; but the Republicans were And Painting's mirror soft and warm : six. He pushes the lawn mower with more to save 'em from, hell and damnation.',' , solid, while the Democrats "split" up in two or three To each fair muse and every household grace : tell you about some day, in thé intervals of parties. So with Grant's second —one party To Use and Beauty bound in one— ease than he moves himself. Large and We dedicate the Place ! this lazy writing—out at the circle-where "It would have been a good time for you, stood solid and firm, while the Democrats quarreled. strong as David is, he seems to have more David, to have saved yeur sinful soul." - But, first, to her, the Muse of Music, her machinery than boiler. He shambles David is pushing his lawn-mower, a hawk Now they have-a chance; but what are they doing? Whose speech all spirits in earth and heaven know " Don't want to train in that company, Col- They are fighting among themselves, and will founder (The native tongue of each far-sundered nation), suddenly swooped down upon a red bird The loftiest, lowliest human minister. through life, not lazily exactly, but list- onel. As the sairitS cheat everybody in this the party if kept on. Let them so|leglslate that the lessly, and speaks so slowly, with such a thaU hangs in a cage Under a maple. T Exalting pleasure, soothing woe, dashed out to the rescue. David had called section, perhaps they can wind up in cheat- title of tho President cannot be attacked alter he Is With heart, and voioe, and organ's vast elation, drawl, that one feels as If words and ideas in his ohalr. Let my friends, the Democrats, heed a To her shall be its consecration ! his scattered faculties into consultation, and Satan ; but I aint one of that sort.'. You »•*•'*•» * were being engendered by a sleepy tele- little advice from one who Is their friend, and stand was about passing some stringent resolu- see I aint quick enough at a trade." Hark ! as if the mornlng-starri were singing phone struck with paralysis. David is a together and look after their own backers. Don't change O'er the first glad Six Dayn' Task divine— tions, when I intervened, and the hawk, " As nobody wants you in this world, your congressmen if they have proved themselves all What rapturous sounds are these native of Mac-a-cheek. His parents were Of quickening ecstacles I swinging down a curve that nearly touched Dave, I shouldn't think the devil would be right; the longer they are here the more able they are Earth from her dark-spell-bound slumber breaking,. Virginians, known to the world South as the ground, floated away. The mark of his very anxious to get your soul; and if he did to help you all. You may change and send a man To the sun's far-journeyed kiss awaking, poor white trash. How they worked their strong claws were on the wires, and the red should think you could cheat him out of with money who may buy his election, but what guar- Lo, the BlisBt'uI palpitation antee have you that be will work lor your sole benefit? Of the newly-warmed creation ! way in an old wagon, drawn by a cow and bird, now that the enemy was gone, like a dime's worth." With a myriad mingling voices horse, loaded with one skillet and seven The constituents of a man who openly avows he will All the electrio air rejoices ; | genuine W. T. Sherman, General, cockèd "Boom." All about, beneath, above. children, from the interior of the old State his crest and shrieked defiance, while poll, "What is it, David?" spend so much for his election have no safeguard Rings the tender note of love ; to this valley, no man, let him be ever so against what he may do when he bocomes a member. Everywhere, around, are heard clawing at its perch, set its wise head on " Hit me plum in the commissary, Colo- When you get a good thing stick to it is a good motto, Fountain-laughter, song of.bird, ingenious and speculative, can make out. one side and said reflectively, "A hell of a Insect-murmur, wild bee's hum, nel, and you hadn't ought to doit." and if constituents would only remember this, and Bleat of flock, and low Of klne ;— The of the thin man and thin- time." Why not ?" when they get a good man to represent them, give Airs of new-born Eden bringing, ner woman, with their white-headed, sleepy People do say there never was two men him a chance, and not change slmply^because another With her lilting, light-heart lay,. brood, came to end near the old mansion All properly educated parrots now use man has money. A man who openly buys his elec- Dancing, singing, that popular expression. Have you ob- so fitted for each other as you and me." May Is come!— through a casualty that happened the horse "Boom, David." tion ought not to be trusted, because he has not the Open doors and let in May ! half of their motive power. The patriarch of served the total depravity manifested in welfare of those he represents at heart, but only his Let Nature's full delight parrots, by the facility with which they " What is it, Colonel ?" own aggrandizement.. We of Washington see better Join with our banded joy, and crown our gracious rite t thetribe of Linkumshad procured,surrepti- "The hardest hit I ever received." than the farmers and others who really send the mem- tiously, of course, some corn with which to pickup profanity? This one has not only A LITTLE STRANGER. bers to Oongfess; and I don't ask them to take my DEI GOODS. feed both horse and cow. He separated the the above profane remark, but another, that to me carries in it more amazement, The warm and early spring have word, but let the member himself take my word for "nubbins" from the full ears, intending the developed a little black insect, about as big what I am saying. Life Is very short, and we never first for the cow and the last for the horse, disgust and at the sain© time resignation, of know when it may end; therefore it is best to hang any in the English language. When a man as a flea, that is stripping the foliage from on to friends that we do know than to send those we 719 FANCY MODS. 719 when the nobler animal, corrupted by evil trees and shrubs in the most aggravating associations, sought to steal from the cow says " Well, I'll bo damned," he gives all to don't. STOCK OF ' understand that although utterly dumb- manner. All my currant and gooseberry Now 1 want to say something about the pension her humbler meal, and seizing a "nubbin," founded he accepts the situation. bushes are bare, while a grove of locust in laws. We hare had memorial day, and high -toned attempted to. swallow the same without Our poll has this expression readily on front of our cottage looks as if in mid-winter. orations have been made over the graves of the de- FARCY AND MILLINERY GOOES. proper ma stication. The result was that the I The Lord alone knows what will happen parted dead. But the living are here knocking atthe nobler animal choked to death. hand, and use» it sometimes in the most door to be heard. The pension laws, It would seem, ludicrous manner. Let any one in her to us next if Pennsylvania is left in control are made to keep people from getting their just dues. And Notions. It is a little singular that wind, which is of our Government. so unnecessary to Congress, is of such vital presence indulge in a long speech or story, 1 have a letter before me as 1 am writing which is Large and complete, at remarkably low prices, at Don't laugh. true in every sense. I have been there myself. DAVI8', importance to a horse. and Polly's comment will fetch the roar of The prohibitory duty on lumber is strip- It looks as if the pension offioe was provided for the 719 Market Space. The fairest and wittiest daughter of the laughter the joke probably failed to ¡call out. ping our Mississippi valley of timber, and express purpose of defrauding people instead of giv- NOVELTIES IN AM. KINDS OP house of Benjamin, sitting in an idle way as the forests disappear the climate changes. ing them their rights. When the war broke out the upon the porch of the old mansion, listening To return to David Son of Daniel : When neighbors and the country assembled together and the dear good mother of the house of Ben- Grasshoppers, bugs, worms and prohibition- pledged themselves to every woman to look after them FANCY GOODS, NECKWEAR. to the robins, black birds and jays quarrel- j ists all run in the same rut. ' D. P. mg over the cherries in the orchard, or list- j jamin heard that a poor family from if they were deprived of their natural protectors. How AXI> MILI IMRY Virginia was stranded upon the Mac-a- have they done It ? The law says the knock at the Received every day at lessly gazing at the hummingbirds and but- j governmental door must be made within certain spaee DAVIS». terflies in the warm summer sun, that cheek, herself being from the precious old State, her State pride and patriotism, tosay GOSSIP BY ROBERTS. of time. Half of the women don't know that, and seemed flowers upon the wing, was startled when they do make appUoatlon they are greeted with nothing of her charity, were aroused and by a wild yell from a woman's throat, that In walking around during the past week or two conundrums that in ninee&ses out of ten It is lmpossl the Linkums were given a log cabin on the SPECIAL LOTS came up from under the hill: hare stumbled oyer In dlHerent portions of the ble to answer. According to the present law they are At greatly reduoed prices, plaoed oa the counters' place, and BO it came to pass that this poor olty a family of street musicians, consisting, a« I sup- every day, at " Mur-der—our hoss is a dy-ing."' allowed $8 a month (provided they oan get it) for each white trash of Virginia was spanned upon pose, of father, daughter and two sons. The lather, a child, If the olalm is entered within a given time. DAVIS', The fearfuL announcement Of murder, the valley of the Mao-a-cheek. cripple, plays on the flute and piccolo; the boys on the Now, as half of the women don't know this, where my26-3tO 719 Market Space, eor. Eighth St. that most terrible of all old English, that violin, and the daughter sings. There was such a does the money go which really belongs to them . For carries in it the sum total of all crime, was The elder Linkum, known as Dave, de- thread of pathos and sadness running through the if John Smith dies in 1803, and his widow, not being SUMMER OPENING. somewhat mitigated by the comical stress parted this life in a horse race on Rocky whole performance that It was a perfect fascination up to snuff, does not put in her claim for a pension placed on the two last syllables of " der " Ridge. There was a slight misunderstand- for me; and 1 watch as eagerly for the pennies to until 1887, to all of which back pay she is justly entitled, ing between Daniel and the horse he rode rain down as does the old man, and as if it was a per- what becomes of it under the present law ? There are and " ing," that were dwelt upon and rung Mrs. J\ IP. IPalmer as to which side of a tree they should sonal matter to me. When the girl sings I cannot hundreds awaiting an answer to ;thls conundrum, and out as if'to give force and effect to startling pass. Daniel took one side of a healthy help the tears coming to my eyes, though I fear, per- It is one which I intend agitating further after information. haps, my sentiment is thrown away, for she has an while. Respectfully announces her opening of white oak and the horse the other. The eye to business, and any luture president of a sayings This cry reached the kitchen and awak- 1 would like to see the answers to Carl Schurz's horse lost the race and Daniel his life. He bank or insurance company, in the shape of a small circular, sent out a few months Since, relative' to how PATTERN BONNETS AND ROUND HATS ened old Aunt Elizer, the cook, who did the boy, who sits down on a stray cent and thinks she left a vain world and fourteen youthful many of one family were In oflloe. 1 have b een work- cooking wheij she felt like it. Owing to woa't know it, is instantly and completely brought to Linkums to moan his loss. Of the Lin- ing that up myself, and I call upon Carl to "show up' this peculiarity of the old lady, there was no grief; still there is something Intensely sad to me in ON THURSDAY AND,FRIDAY, kums, David, my man, is and was-the most on his circular. Let tho public look over the rolls and seeing a young woman singing to a street rabble—and regular meal at the mansion house, Mac-a- conspicuous. He worked slowly through see the name of Smith in the land office, and then THB 23D ASD 24TH or MAT, the very refrain of her song makes It more so: " This oheek. X call the old. "Whig-wam (please find out whether it is a man or woman who Is, with many winters of a common school educa- little wish I ask of you: see that my grave's kept To which she invites the attention of Washington tnd> putthe "h" in there, for the patriarch, com- others of "its" family, doing work at good pay at home. tion, until he could read, and then, to the green "—earning her daily bread, fighting tho battle sep30-ly7 vicinity. I have a rod in pickle for my Interior Departm en t| ing from Kentucky, was a staunch sup- amazement of the valley, he evinced a taste for life itself, with an appeal for a little token of re- which I am watching and mean to use, JUST RECKIVE^ porter of Henry Clay,) the mansion for for novel, biblical and journalistic litera membrance when laid away in that everlasting Bleep grandeur. Although it was surrounded by that, after all our struggles for life, Is certain to come Senator Windom, when reporting the House appro ture. He read all the Waverly Novels, la- prlatlon bill, made some very apt and true remarks. 1 CASE OF LEGHORN FLATS. nearly two thousand rich acres, it was a boring under the impression that they were at last. 1 have heard her sing that song twenty times 1 OASE OF FAYAL SHADE HATS. during the past two weeks, and I always walk away He said that the Senate committee disagreed on the And the largest assortment of OHIP, FANCY AND double-log cabin all the same, that grew in historical. Many-a time, when wandering clause recommending the reduction of the pay of the PLAIN STRAWS in the city. . saddened, picturing to myself my own grave, and We shall have on hand during the season time to be a quaint old house of many over the valley, I have encountered David's wondering, when the blossoms were growing over me, laborers, and added that it would be time to reduce the pay of the laborers when the salaries of thesecre- FRENCH AND AMERICAN PATTERN BON- rooms, roofing over more heart and brain, extremities stretched into the sun, and fol- whether there were many dear hearts who would re- NETS. happiness and sorrow, than many a more lowing them up, found Dave himself under member me. I am selfish enough to want, when I "go retaries were curtailed. It is so seldom that a member SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS. pretentious dwelling. the shade poring over a novel, which he hence and am seen no more," some one to grieve of the Fog-bank stumbles on a truism of this kind th at forme. Charles Dickens prayer was, "Lord, keep the above remark is worthy of note. When you kill a It was Dogberry who boasted of his losses. generally read aloud in a sing-song manner snake the best way is to cut its head oif, and settle the MRS. M. J. HUNT, There is a deal of philosophy in it, and the paying no attention whatever to the punc- my memory green," and it Is mine also. Some peo- ple say it does not matter, when we die, where we are matter at once. So when the members of the Cave 007-1^5 Ifo. 631 and 633 J> street. old house at Mac-a-cheek, that is now a ruin, tuation. His comments were rather amus- want retrenchment let them commenceat home. The laid; but I differ with them. It seems to me that I 1 is made sacred to memory more by death ing and decidedly original. I remember should be happier and contented when laid away in salaries of the clerks are now the same as in 1863, when the honorable members of Congress got $3,000 a Md'me De Courcey White,. than the many living events that were heart his criticism on Ivanhoe : that little house that every one of us must silently year. Now their pay has been increased to $5,000. histories. enter one of these days te know—and somehow I can- (LATE OF LORD &.TAYLOR'S, NEW YORK,) " Ivens Hoe," he said, "wasn't much of not help thinking that we will know—that the flowers mileage, &c., thrown in. The laborer is certainly Aunt Elizer—"how it did surprise her," a fellow ; but the old Lion and Robin Hood worth his hire in this Instance. From the secretary that shrill cry of the silent,;sunny after- are growing fresh over me, and that in some hearts a were busters. To my part I like the Irish- little ivy is planted and kept green in memory of me. down to the messenger, all are Government employee, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER, noon—waddled out, (she was very fat,) with man about as well as any." and, though those of the upper grade are entitled to an iron dipper in her good right hand. She I often take a sad amusement in picturing myself privileges not accorded to other s, still in the business NO. 720 Fourth Street N. TV. instinctively clutched at this. No mean " Why, David, there is no Irishman in the dead, and the comments of dlHerent ones on me. I rules of the office all ought to be Judged alike, and seplft-lj7 , book." can see the faces and almost hear theremarks of some. Senator Windom in thiB instance deserves credit for RS.S. J. MESSER, weapon with hot water in reach. If mur- I laugh very heartily sometimes as the ridiculous side der was being done, Aunt Elizer felt that id "Well, I judged him to be Irish by his standing up for the rights of the poorer man. In most M name, Briant de Boyce.; I know the Boyces is presented to me, (I would laugh if I was dying if instances the upper grades are dependant on the Dressmaking from Latest Parisian Styles. was necessary to go armed. there was anything funny,) but with the laugh comes CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. that live at Urbanna, and they are Irish as subordinates for what know ledge they have of the S. T. Taylor's Patterns, System of Cutting, and- She was joined by Patsy, a half-witted a choking In the throat, and somehow there is some- duties of the office. Journals, (Le Bon Ton, Le Mode Elegante andRevue potaters." thing that drops down into the well of my heart and de la Mode,) for sale. white girl, who broke dishes for a living. The penny-lunch is progressing. I want to say here mh!7-tl3 1213 Pennsylvania avenue. Patsy, seeing Aunt Elizer armed, hurried This was a new reading of Brian de Bois splashes water into my eyes. In my mind's eye I see dlHerent ones and hear their comments, and laugh as that It Is an accepted theory that Congress has en- MISCELLANEOUS, back and possessed herself of a rolling-pin, famous name, but nothing could shake tirely provided for it, but it has not. It is only par- David's belief that'he was a Paddy-whack I imagine what some would say, and sigh when I try Now you may laugh at that; but I have! to count up how many women will stop ripping up tial. 1 have been feeding from eleven hundred to JOHN E. KENDALL & SON, been in some very unpleasant places during When the civil war broke out David was their old dresses to " fix " over, or speculating on the thirteen hundred people; during the last month It has the war, (W. T. Sherman, General, to the among the first to volunteer. He liked sol- latest fashion in bonnets, long enough to say, " Well, fallen ofl to about six hundred a day. The money No, 619 H street If. W., Congress has given me must last a long time, and I contrary notwithstanding,) and I would diering. His novel reading had given him she was a true friend," or men who, when they smoke Near the Baltimore and Potomao Railroad Depot, a taste for war, and he stuck to the service their "reverie " cigar, send up with its smoke a bitter am prepared to give an account for every cent; but it prefer a Confederate battery any day to] will not pay all. The citizens must do somoth Ing. Have for sale, at fair prices, Aunt Elizer and Patsy armed as abovel until peace mustered him out. He was in regret because 1 am not here. TJie universal verdict will be, as they read it in the morning papers, "Oh, I don't want to send around every month. Why They had been (the two) in an Indian war. some of the heaviest campaigns and hard- can't you all, my gossipers, oome'in every month ROOFING AND OTHER TIN PLATES, ést-fought battles of the war. He served she's dead! She was a jolly person. Wonder if she armed somewhat as above, and put to has left anything? Sorry she has gone." And then and give twenty-five oents ? That is all I ask, and you SOLDER, ! all sizes of IKON (HORSE and flight old Captain John,a Wyandotte, known under Thomas, the great captain of our each and every one will turn to some other "jolly" will give that anyway during the month. Why not MULE) SHOES, HORSE-SHOE NAILS. CUT side ; was all through the South, and buy tickets with it, and then you know you are doing and WROUGHT NAILS, BOLTS, SCREWS, his tribe as Haugh-tom-i-ca, which trans- person, and " Koberts " will be forgotten, except by HUBS, RIMS, SPOKES, lated means Old-Man-Possessed-of-a-Bad- wound up with that absurd march to the Carl Schurz. I am using now the personal pronoun good? I will be at the lunch-room on Tuesday, 4th of sea, and never received a scratch. because it comes easier; but what I have said nine out June, and will be glad to see all of you, and take your Carriage Trimmings, Paints and Varnishes, Smell. twenty-five oents. I wish you would come In, because Had it taken that old horse as long to die "Just my derned luck," he says, of ten of my gossipers have felt the same. I know I As well as a general assortment of HARDWARE. am not an exception, as all feel it. you would all see what is being done, and I am confl- RUBBER HOSE, 25 feet, complete, with couplings as it does me to write it the elder Linkums could spare some leg, and then folks dent that you would all be satisfied as to where the and Nozzle, for $3. • wouldn't expect me to work, and I'd have Congress is going to adjourn on the 17th of this money you bestowed was being applle d. HOSE REELS, p.50. my26-4t6 would have had time for a consultation of month. We are sorry to part with our statesmen, but I, myself, would like to go away this summer, but 1 horse doctors. And the horse doctors would a pension, and do nothing but read novels what can we do? They do less harm staying here, have so many families on my hands who look to me for have bl ed the old animated hat-rack. They and my Bible." even if we pay them fifteen dollars a day ibr it, than let PASSAGES support that X do not see how 1 can, and all I ask of' loose over the country. I want to say a few words to On the following lines of Steamers between always do. Then they would have blistered When I liad chased off the hawk David the public is to come and see for thems elves and trust my friends, the Democratic party. That I am a the venerable choking clothes-horse. I dropped the handle of his lawn-mower and me, and I do think 1 have a right to ask that when Democrat, born and raised from childhood, I have never knew them fail to blister. Then they squared himself for a little talk, and I can you all look at what 1 have honestly tried to do EUROPE AND AMERICA never denied. 1 spent money for it when 1 was a pri- would have inserted a seton to draw out not resist David'B observations, they are so The benefit of Mr. E. B. Hay was a perfect success, vate individual, and have used my pen for it since I Can be secured by applying to the undersigned. and it deserved to be. No one has done more than the nubbin. And those remedies would quaint and original. I remember once in have been before the public. have been highly beneficial had the animal West Virginia, on the Gauley, Dave was on he. Every charitable entertainment that has been ALLEN LINE, between Baltimore, Queenstown But I am getting sad and discouraged. The last gotten up during the past ten years has not been com- lived long enough to test them. guard before my tent, and one frosty morn Congress started out well; Ibr the first time in fifteen Liverpool. „ ... plete unless " Ed Hay " was on the programme, and NORTH GERMAN LLOYD, between Baltimore, All medicine, when applied to man, is ing I emerged to find David leaning on his years the party had oome to the front What good whenever a private party was on the tapis, and its New York, Bremen, London, Southampton and Havre. purely speculative. A physician gives you musket, and gazing in a dreary sort of way did it do ? They quarreled among .themselves, aihd success insured, " Ed Hay " was asked to read, and he HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY, were beaten on every side by the Republicans, who between New York, Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, a dose and stands off to see what will hap- over the rocky and forlorn region in whioh never refused once. He is a young man, starting out Havre and Hamburg. we were camped. were in the minority, simply because the latter stood in his profession, that of the law, and his good nature «y-Slght Drafts and Letters of Credit issued on al pen. It may make you worse. It probably by one another and were solid, where the Democrats will. If you were a well man and took that " I say, Captain," remarked Dave, drawl- has, 1 know, often interfered with his business duties. principal plaoes in Europe at the lowest terms. were split up In factions. So in the present Congress Still he has always been willing to oblige, and those CHABLE8 WALTEIi, dose we will wager a year's subscription to ing out his "words in a solemn, earnest man the Democratic majority has decreased, but It is there 342 D street opposite City Hall, calling on him often did not realize what trouble they my26-3m3 second dooreastof Four-ahd-a-halfstreet. a North Pacific bond or Dawes' word of ner, "ef this is the;iand we're fightin' for, still; yet what have they gained? In almost every were putting him to. Every cent Invested last Friday honor that it will make you sick. If you think we'd better let the Secesh take it." Important measure they have been foiled by the Re- night was so much money well bestowed. publicans, and unless they are careful the next eleo- STORAGE. are already ill it stands to reason—which is David had heard the eloquent flights of Evidenoe has been pouring in on me on the oollector a homely way to say that it is logic—that tions will send them back to where they were ten years Persons desiring Storage orators at home, touching "the land we ago. What good is the Potter resolution to investi- question. If Luckett el al. will call on me I can show you will be worse. But in medicine, as ap- fought for," and he gave it a literal mean- gate? It can't and won't bear investigation, because them some choice speefmens in their beh alf from well FOR FURNITURE OR MERCHANDISE plied to the nobler animal, the horse, there known parties, but I forbear this week. ing. On this occasion he opened his dis- the Demoorats gave themselves away when they ROBERTA. OF ANY DESCRIPTION is no doubt whatever. The star-eyed science course by asking : agreed to tie electoral count. It was a fraud, but it is Oan obtain the same in the best WareroOms in the city. Advances made upon goods left on storage. that shines through a horse doctor is the "Is it true, Colonel, that Bob Ingersoll one we must stand by. The presidential chair is one Apply to BifNCANSON BROS... most positive. I never knew but one who and Ward Beecher have joined teams to that we must stand by, and whatever flaws are to be A Remarkable Result. myl2-4t7 _ Ninth and D streets N. W. picked out of it must be done beforehand. owned himself puzzled. That was old abolish hell?" It makes no difference how many Physicians, or THE CRYSTAL IVORYTiPE. Sloan. But then he was more of a horse "I believe they agree-on that subject." Tho Democrats gave themselveB away when they how much medicine you have tried, it is now an es- dealer than a horse doctor. agreed to the electoral count. That was a trap set by tablished fact that German Syrup is the only remedy A. New and Beautiful Art. "Well, if they put down the devil the many Republicans, and we fell into It, and now we which has given complete satisfaction In severe cases The Crystal Ivorytype Is the finest pioture made, not Sloan had a lovely young horse fall ill: preachers won't have anything to do, and must abide by the consequences. The investigation of Lung Diseases. It Is true there are yet thousands of " That ere beast," he said, " is the spryest persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung only for its beauty, but its durability. It is warranted there's enough of us now lookin' about for now on hand will do no good. Every one knew at the Affections, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, never to fade or change, as all imitations will. animull I ever owned. Why, Squire, he'll work and not gettin' it." time there was fraud used; but Hayes is in his seat, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, PICTURES PAINTED TO ORDER. kick the top sash out of a meetin' house in "You don't want the competition' in- and what good will It do any ¡one to unseat him 1 He Whooping OoUgh, &c., who have no personal Painting taught in a few lessons at 1229 PENN. has done better for the party in one sense than their knowledge ofBoschee's German Syrup. To such we AYenne a twinkle, and now he's down, and I've creased?" g* ' O. H. PETTIT, Artist. bled and blistered and purged, and it don't own candidate could have done, and all we can,do would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year with- " Not much. I wonder what'll become of out one complaint. Consumptives try just one bottle. AT Ik Any worker can make $12 a day at home. Costl j 11 do more good than rain on a bald knot." now is to so place it that hereafter the presidential Brimstone-bluff without any hell or devil?" chair can never be quarreled over. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists in BJUFV outfit free. Address TROT & Co., Augustaapr21-ly, M& e America. At Stott & Cromwell's wholesale. And so old Sl,oan walked around the sick David referred to a meeting-house in the The Republican party have won their way by sti« k- THE CAPITAL.—JUNE 2,1878. 3 than Skittles, Cora Pearl and ot^er noted ones ol the of the ladles would not hate'almost given up the" AMERICANS IN PARIS. muslo and the like ought to satlsly the "popular " last decade, Pompadour, Du Barry and those who privilege for the sak'crof s -drive in the style atrtcted ear surely, and Slniebruck, the new cornet virtuoso, [Special Correspondence of THB CAPITAL.] first started thai business as a branch or society. by those who loll In their carriages. After the ooaches MISCELLANEOUS. The gravest Frenchman will shrug his shoulders and generally plays an arban fantasia and a polka de con- UBAJID HOTEL, PARIS, May 18, !78. have gone by—without exciting any enthuslas m, but say, " What would you; they pay their admission, do oert by St. Jacone, Whli'h are easily enough under- As tile Canarder t>r asts the wares in mid-ooean, with all possible ooncomltants of luterest and curiosi- they not ?" stood. On the first night the musio was Urgely-de- and tlie inspiring salt air Alls the liiDgs, the Ameri- ty—there are plenty of indications of this in the great 435 SEVENTH STREET. 485 prlved of its effect through the noise made by the very can, jolliest of all travelers,needs only a lull pocket and Amidst the schools and shoals of royal personages, world and the half-world whioh lollow in their wake. great crowd, but since then the pianissimo passages a good stomach to imagine a fairy land In that realm marqulsses, dukes and oounts as plentiful as generals That slender beauty In the Indian cloth, now so fash- have not suffered in transition, although lpdubltably of European travel which guide books, cicironls, snobs and colonels In America, General Grant, with his onable, fbr example, if she were an invalid she the general sound might be strengthened by a board and writers have so confused in the mind of ordinary cigar, has a marked individuality. He Is i* Republi- oould scarcely be flatter on her back, and looking which will probably be placed above the platform. M. H. PRINCE. xnan. Tlïe average American must go to Europe onoe ean royalty emblazoned with the glamour of war, and from above it seems as though she were laid out In The programme was charming when 1 was last there. or twice to learn exactly where to find pleasure, but to the carious spectator he represents all they know the bottom of the landau. Her dress swathes her over here about a loud and ringing chapter of history- Shuebruck, who Is a proficient player of the best whether on his first or second trip, he is always resolved limbs with almost mummy-like closeness, and she Republican history, revolution, fcc. And than his school, gave Handel's Largo, arranged for oornet solo, to have what he calls "a good time ;" and, however looks so frail a thing in It that one Is justified In think- Grand Opening 14 stolid silence imparts an interest like the Sphinx and with orchestral accompaniment, with great express- business-like at home, abroad he spends his cash ing that she Is trying, as they might say In Paris, farie Jack Bunsby. iveness, both breadth and volume oombinlng to afford OF and sports his brass." Speaking French with a pure sa Bernhardt. It is like an umbrella-sheath, and reoalls a fitting Interpretation for this noble composition t Pennsylvania accent, always good natured and plia- Among tho most noticeable leatures of the great the refrain of a muslo-hall song sung In the burlesque, which breathes a religious sentiment. Some one said ble in temper, with unquenchable curiosity and all show Is one most attractive to the fair. It Is a revo- In which, alter reterring to the " Girl In the Eel-skln . after it was over, "1 expected to hear 'Let us pray' M ER I DEN PLATED WARE, pervading cheek, he Is always ready to do anything lution In female toggery, from the cotfure to the Dress," the writer declares that he IN ENDLESS VARIETY. 11 follow." It is good to hear such musio; and it may pour passer le tong.'' He will criticise the opera, skirts. Nature claims her birthright, and contends " Don't know how she got It on be Interred that the public liked it when it Is said that flirt with a girl in bad French, drive In the " Boy de bravely in a good cause against the deformities of Unless they built it on her !" it was encored. Many well-known people have been Balloon," dine at the next table to a prince ; In fact, fashion. The corsets are not so tyrannical and There Is plenty of respectability, In sooth, and there present since the Garden opened—Indeed, there is anything that oflers. In 1860 General Boon of the cruel, the figure Is more free, the whole dress more Is an equal amount of the other thing. Don't be little or nothing else to see. AMERICAN CLOCKS. Kentucky militia shook hands with the Pope ; Instead easy and conforming more to the natural figure.(Se e shooked! One can't help seeing It here any more of kissing the hand, olapped his holiness on the the wax figures In all stages, of dress and undress, Iam forgetting the Lingards, who have come back The largest assortment to be found In the District. than in Paris, especially when, In driving through •shoulder and asked after the lamily; the General took and especially Madame Leoty's corselet and her In the familiar bill of Mr. and Mrs. Peter White, tho Park or going to the theater, one has pointed a "chaw " while talking to the Empress Eugenie, and ceinture de grace.) Graoe and mercy have a French Sweethearts and some of the old "sketches," with Peep O'Day Alarm Clocks. out the woman as the mistress of young so-and-so, "she told the Emperor that Jim Buchanan always asked synonym In this easy and pretty cincture, and the such fresh additions as the President, Sarony, the A Marvel of Neatness, and always goes out alone, whether to drive or to at- Warranted Correct a fellow to take something when he came to the ancient Greek word suggests the corresponding zone Photographer—very well done—Henry WardBeecher, „iii Timers, only „„. tend a performance; of course he would not com- The PllINCESS the'same price. Without the White House. He owed his reception in court society upon which beauty used to rest its virginal or Its decidedly "queer;" Horace Greeley, very good, and the promise himself;" and Is told that another Is the Alarm, only $2.25. ¡to the discovery, by a customs officer, who opened his maternal charms. (God bless the mark!) "D. IC. Tzar. Mrs. Llngard, who played both in Sweethearts well-beloved of a certain Broadway-street magnate, A fine assortment of trunk, of an enormous cecked hat and militia uni- and the farce, IS the lovely Alice Dunning of old, with to whom she is as faithless as Mile. Lange, In La -BIRD CAGES, form. The drums beat, the guard turned out, and the a trifle added embonpoint. She is a better actress Fllle de Madame Angot, Is to her proprietor. A general was received with presented arms ; the officer h than before, although she has not quite the art neces- SAPHIR'S " NEW YORK LETTER. more notorious, "but as elegant character," has disap- TRUNKS AND VALISES. »bowed to the ground and closed the trunk that held sary for Gilbert's comedy, which should be Sancta peared from tho horizon lor a time, her yellow the insignia of so much greatness. At a great review- VSimplicitas. It is a pretty little play, reminding one The Silly Season On—Hiss Astor's Adorer—The Nilsson wheels being therefore seen no more through the In Germany the American general appeared by invi- ol tho motive of the French chansonette, the first Park, and readers of the Herald were edified the tation In full militia regalia, and, when the German Maniac Again—Parade of the Coaching Club—Colo- verse of which deals with a demoiselle's failure to ac- A large assortment or other day to see her name (and address) among the -general asked him about the difference between Euro nel Kane and Others in Line-Some Well-Known cept a gentleman's proffered arm. "Mademoiselle ne list of Americans In Paris. The landau containing TABLE CUTLERY pean and American arms, he replied he "didn't ex- repondit pas." But years flew by, and, thinking over People Who Followed After — Tilden's Singular a lady quietly dressed, with a round hat and hair • actly know about arms, but at a militia muster in old 1 her adventure, she murmured In her turn, " Will you From $1 a Set, upwards. Manner—Entertainments and Exercises—The Maz- banded simply, is viewed with some Interest, for she Kentuck the boys generally had nothing but sticks. offer me your arm?" Vhomme (being dead) ne repon- ROGERS & WESTENHOLMES' a reputed demi-moniaine, and her mode of life makes The astonished German thought this was the strangest zini Bust—Opening of the Garden—Thomas in the dit pas! I don't quite know what the moral ot this POCKET CUTLERY, her position so open that he who runs may read. From lOo. to $1.60. -article of military hero he had ever come across, but Bight Flace—The Llngards' Entertainment-Monta- trifle Is save that It is better to accept at the;moment; Respectability follows and takes away the curse. Call and examine. No trouble, but a pleasure to it was just a fair specimen of the typical traveling but Gilbert's comedy, in the sepond part of which Mr .' gue's Benefit—Jolly Admiral Gore-Jones. Respeotabillty is a trifle uninteresting, but there show goods. If the goods are not the best, and fully American of that time—a sort of Hoosier-Yankee, like F. B. Warde acts much better than he has in anything (Regular Correspondence of THE CAPITAL.) are millions in it, and, as It will be some time yet be- 26 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere, 1 don't ask your Doyle's, who saw some students on the Rhine admir- else for a very long time, strikingly recalls it. Mr. fore the Coaching Club can possibly return, one must patronage. ing a beautiful old half-ruined castle, and said to Naw YORK, May 30,1878. Warde had a benefit the other night at Booth's, at' look at something, The Union Club are out In them: "In Ameriky that there old house would be That the summer season has began there Is not the which Mr. McOulIough had a great sucoess as the You can save a dollar on the lowest-priced Trunk force, be sure. That open carriage contains Mr. took down, and as for this river, it ain't more'n a faintest doubt whatever. To be sure, people linger In Brutus ot Julius Csesar. At the same house Mr want."'NO HUMBuS* 0n any artloIe you may William B.Parker; that old gentleman, who looks spring branch to our Mississippi." The traveling town, uncertain as to whether it is wise to go into the Montague will present his claims on Monday. He little a German, Is Appleton, the publisher ; there American, however, has changed, and to-day he is country or down to the sea-shore while the weather is will act In The Romance ol a Poor Young Man ; but OPTICAL GOODS A SPECIALTY. goes another of the sarae Ilk, Oarleton, driving his less individualized—'being known principally by con- still so varlablejbut, although here,they have discarded his piece de resistance promises to be a farewell ad- A handsome OPERA GLASS, in a neat case, for handsome, spirited team ; Mrs. John T. Raymond, K 0f STEEL •tra^t to the other English speaking traveler. He has winter pastimes for pleasures characteristic rather of dress, which has been written expressly for htm by cents ' SPECTACLES for 26 the wife or the comedian, goes swlltly past ; that much less English and more bad French than the the " silly season." They turn up their noses at the John Brougham, whose hand, be sure, retains Its cun- handsome brunette, with the scarlet bonnet, Is Mis» Briton, and withoutthe Island rudeness and oonceit. theaters, and only showat the Garden, where Theodore ning. Montague loaves Wallack's Theater at tHe Thomas, who Is considered altogether In better form Aldama, a well-known belle; a coupé containing close of the present season, and therefore this benefit M. H. PRINCE In viewing the Exposition the American or all Maurice Grau and W. R. Deutsch, cousins and man- than Pat Gllmore, has assumed the baton. They have is an occasion of adleux. Miss Dyas would have ap- ap21-ly8 435 SEVENTH STREET. •conditions institutes a comparison with the Centen- cast oil all manner of social entertainment more pre- agers, passes ; Henry French, the entreprenuer, in a peared In the role in The Romance of a Poor Young nial of '76, and generally succeeds 1h a certain very tentlous than a dinner at Delmonlco's or the Bruns- a light overcoat and a rose In his button-hole, drives Man which she acted a couple of seasons ago at W al ESTABLISHED IN 1844. reasonable disparagement. Comparatively ignorant wick, followed by a box at the Garden; they drive and up the avenue with' his sombre-llvered coachman lack's Theater, but decided to go to England beforl in art and architecture, and with prejudice sufficient walk, but formal visits are foresworn. In short, they as pilot; there dashes Montague In his T-cart. the benefit oould take place. She will remain away to pronounce the Exposition inferior to the American are on the verge of passing into the summer routine, The matinee is evidently over, and there, dash his only a few weeks; which Is as it should be, for It would Centennial, yet he is eminently qualified to appreci- and it is only this fickle temperature, now oharged eyes, is Samuel J. Tllden. By Jove, if he had not be a matter of regret II New York were to |10se so ANDREW J. JOYCE, ate the real feature of the great show, which was the with midsummer beat, now raw and chill, as at this steered the ship of State any better than he guides clever an actress altogether. civic demonstration In Paris Itself, an Immense popu- moment, when Decoration Day has a serpent of gloom his team we are happily rid of " what might have lar outburst of enthusiasm to the first great fete of among the flowers, that stays their flight. There has been," and may Potter n'er prevail. •Admiral Gore-Jones, whom I met at the Garden republican France, a triumph greater than all the been considerable to talk about, nevertheless, and the other night, begirt with Mrs. Gore-Jones and a CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER! ¡stoned achievments of war which emblazon historic Tllden looks, In due seriousness, very much party, is the jolliest man we have had here for a long tongues have been waggtDg all the past week with broken, and as he sat behind his handsome horses, France along all the streets of Paris. At the Exposi- almost as much regularity as though we were at the Itime. He Is jollier even than .Tolly Nash, who was 412, 414 and 416 Fourteenth St. tion grounds the ceremonies were rather pro forma, alone and quite unattended, he almost provoked -com- Molly as a business, and whose jollity always savored height of the season. Miss Helen Astor's little expe- passion. He sat with a rather vacant look on his face, and came up to the contract, the phonograph losing rience with the absurd German who persecuted Chris- ¡of the shop therelore. Jolly Nash had been told that a great opportunity to repeat to America the voice of bending a little forward, the picture ot a weak old ihe was jolly, and therefore insisted on keeping up the tine Nilsson was a one-day's wonder, for one thing. man who had undertaken a task whlqh he would Particular Attention Called to Stook of Carriages of the Marshal-President and the thunders ot the can- Miss Astor is a very pretty, besides being a very rich [illusion! He showed his teeth a great deal; but that His Own Manufacture. non. Umbrellas prevailed and marred the whole probably carry through for appearance's sake, but was all the jolly he had. Admiral Gore-Jones is made Repairing a Specialty. young woman, and has any number of legitimate ad- who had not the slightest interest otherwise In Agent lor Brewster Co. of Broome Street, New •effect. In the city, however, the display at night was |of truer stuff; he reminds one of the Santa Olaus nrfr . mirers. She is a not unrecent debutante In society, driving his horses, or taking the air, or doing any- York. ap21-8m2 immense beyond description, and varied with all the and there is a very charming portrait of her extant whose little round belly shook when he laughed like a Parisians' subtilty and gorgeousaessof taste and en- thing that would require exertion. In short, S. J. bowl full ol jelly. He 1 s jolly to that degree that he in which she Is pictured In a costume which may be T. seemed on this ocoasion, as on several others and Decorated terprise in decoration, pavoiser, as they call it (from supposed to be emblematic of the dove, from the fact laughs mostorthe time. " Ha! ha ! ha'." he gurgled, pavois, a shield.) Thousands of shields were displayed more Important ones, to be no more nór less than meeting a lrlend the other day ; "how are you? ha! that the white silk robe, covered with draperies of a lay figure who had been wound up and guaran- English and French in all directions, generally with R. F. (Republique illusion, Is not only spotless, but that a white-winged ha! well? ha! ha! ha! capital, eh? capital! ha! ha! Française;) on the city coat-of-arms the ship of the teed to go for a certain length of time. He vividly ha! This is very nloe, Is it not? ha! ha! ha ! Well, Dinner Sets, dove is nestling In the subject's fair hands, pressed recalled a certain absurd figure In the opera boutfe patroi^aint, Genevieve, ornamented with sheaves ol against the breast. It is a delightful picture-almost ha ! ha! ha! geod-evening." Doff thy name ! Gore^ tri-oolor and all the flags of the various nations. On of La Vie Parislennes—that caricature who Is In- Jones Is sanguinary; it smacks of carnage. Jolly Decorated an ideal one of an ingenue, and might well ensnare troduced by the masquerading servants as the the Place de l'Opéra the picture was most beautiful ; a susceptible fancy. How much more so, therefore, Jones would be better, dear old boy. SAPHIR. the electric lights mingled with the red gaslights, Prince de Mon Cheval, and who winds himsell up English and French might the lair face of the original; and the crazy Ger-' with a lock apparently Inserted in his side, alter making a diamond-like brilliancy, toned to a deli- man, who had the honor of receiving a vigorous re- Toilet Sets, cate pinkish tint as bright as sunlight, but still fairy- having run down to such an extent that he tot- MISCELLANEOUS. pulse from Christine Nilsson, on the ocoasion he forced ters and has to be bolstered up by the nearest by- New Designs and Very Handsome, like and dreamy, with the grandeur of enchantment. himself Into her presenoe, at the Clarendon Hotel, oan Crimson draperies, gorgeously fringed with silver stander. He tries to Introduce some one as "the IMPORTED DIRECT. scarcely be said not to have method In his madness In first tactician of his time," but gets no further ESTABLISHED 1830. ^nd gold, fell from richly balustraded porticoes, the this second grand passion. But ot oourse he proved cernlce of the Opera House marked with a delioate than " the first tic-tao—the first tao-tic"—whereupon M. W. BEVERIDGE, a most terrible nuisance to Miss Astor and her fam- a bystander remarks that it seems to him that the (Late Webb & Beveridge,) line of lights between the gilded crestlngs. Against ily, and she was ultimately forced to give up walking the masses of color, the decorations and entablatuses, prinoe does not express himself with facility. What 5 No. 1009Pennsylvania Arenue. alone at all, lor lear that he would again address her. ap21-2m<* the group of Apollo, with his Eyre uplifted, seemed a hit an actor oould make by doing the Prinoe de Y. DAVIS "O colombe plaintive, prendí done garde an vautour !" Mon Cheval, a la Tllden. •swung in the air, glistening in phosphorescent splen- This absurd elderly German fancied that the object 621 PENN. AVENUE. dor. In the dense masses of moving humanity the of his affection loved him in secret, and even when he But by this time the Coaching Club is back at the «learning helmet of a gendarme here and there was was dragged up in the police court proclaimed, in Hotel Brunswick, where an elaborate dinner has been NOVELTIES IN HATS FOR SPRUitt AND " moriarty: all that suggested governmentand authority, the quiet aggrieved tenes, the existence of a responsiveness prepared, the long tables of one of the great saloons SUMMER WEAR. and order being the result ol popular feeling, not which took an odd way of manifesting itself. A Ger- being set with pieces monteis, including a representa- Merchant Tailor, government rule. It is the popular demonstration of tion of a coach-and-four. The same interest was felt GEHT'S DBESS SILK ASiD CASSIMERE HATS. 612 I> street northwest, near ctA-ner of man amoureux is at all times a rather laughable ob- Seventh, the triumph ol the Republio. ject. 1 wot me of one Who had a fashion, after some in seeing the passengers dismount as used to be ex- SOFT AND STIFF HAE5 IN ALL STYLES pressed In the summer days at Long Branch by the QUALITIES AND COLORS. Where is displayed a neat stock of FRENCH ENG- The French have bridged the Seine from the slop- slight " difference," ol taking the beloved's hand and LISH and AMERICAN goods. ALL NEW, selected loungers In and about the great hotels. There, with ing hill on the north side to the arid Field of Mars, murmuring softly " F.rgiff," alter the introductory VENTILATING FELT AKD LINEN HATS. with great care from the best wholesale houses in the which, lately only a bare parade ground trodden by remark of "Don't zou angry bei me?" but this Nilsson- the breeze blowing swlit from the sea, It was a matter country, and will be sold at low prices comparative requiring some skill for the lair coachers to descend to his light expense, together with being saved the troops for years, is not recognizable in its present as- Astor adorer transcends all normal conditions of sen- STRAW HATS anoyance of returlng garments te be altered. Gene- the ladder ; here, with no wind stirring, with the ad- pect of blooming gardens, beautiful buildings and timentality with an acoent, so to speak. IN GREAT VARIETY FOE GENT'S, YOUTHS ral satisfaction is guaranteed. mhl7-ly4 vantage of "eel-skln" garments, it eould scarcely •sparkling fountains. On the north side, from the The Avenue presented quite a memorable scene on AND CHILDREN. have been a matter of perplexity, although some of Pont d'Jena a grassy slope rises to the Trocadero Saturday when the Coaching Club parade took place Dr. James B. Hodgkin, the ladles flushed so rosy-red that you would have Palace, the great beds or flowers being Irregularly and altogether the turn-out was so varied and brlK thought that they had some apprehension. "If your Mackinaw and English Straws. arranged with nature's own charming variety, harmo- liant that I sat, Tor an hour or so after the ooaches had foot Is pretty show it" Is a maxim that It Is not always *» :Ki«r OP nious, but not made by the rule and compass ; artifi- gone by, looking down at the throng and the carriages CANES AND UMBRELLAS. pleasant to adhere to. Sarely landed, the evening cial rocks which counterfeit nature's rude but pictu. fiom the balcony of the Hotel Brunswick, where I must have been a pleasant one. The dinner at the ncA-oucaucociKH. resque setting, and a great pool in a bed of stone, from had been so fortunate as to obtain a place. Not that No. 935 Pa. ave., Washington, D. C. Brunswick had certainly every advantage of menu— which a single jet of water rises a hundred feet the multitude was so dense as has been known on oc- ARMY AND NAVY CAPS. they know how to get up a dinner there, be sure—and Professorof Dental Meohanlsm and Metallurgy, Balti- into the air, dancing wildly In the wind and falling casions in New York-not such a crowd, for instance there was musio and dancing as a post-prandial re- more College of Dental Surgery. marl7-lyl agaln.in pearly showers. Up to the foot ol the palace as when the Grand Duke Alexis made his entree, and KNIGHTS TEMJPLAR OUTFIT. creation. a succession ol oascades, and descending seemingly we perched on window sills, or lamp-posts, or sign- from the front galleries a vast sheet of water. Upon boards, or anything else that was convenient to get a The same evening a very enjoyable entertainment, AGENTS FOE TKESS & CO.'S JOHN BARRY, this the facade of the Trocadero Palace rises grand glimpse of the pageant—but it was exceptionally including a supper, was given by Professor Elie Char- and immense in many a varied form and trick of great in the vloinity of Delmonlco's and the Bruns- lier, of educational fame, his former graduates partic- Plumber, Gas & Steam Fitter architecture, leading the eye and lancy with a de- wick, and the well-known people who drove by were ipating. Some well-known people were present, and CELEBRATED ENGLISH HATS. the oooaslon was one of unalloyed satlslaction. Pro- lightful and varying flight up to the great towers, and numerous enough to excite sòme Interest While the mylfl-4t7 1319 Seventh Street, bet. N and 0 N. W. fessor Chartier Is a very accomplished man, and holds away agaiiralong the flanking galleries, then around well-dressed crowd were waiting the ooaohes had been a first place among our French citizens. He made «-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. the entire enceinte of the charming gardens, fountains drawn up In Une on the other side of Madison Square, my»-tl3 the Docoratlon Day address In front ol the statue of and architecture. and the people had been walking np and down the Lafayette In Union Square, the erection of which, Avenue that bears that name Inspecting the drags, LIVEEY STABLES. Upon the south side, as we have said, the Exposi- after It had been erected for months, 1 once heard Mr. tion buildings proper produee a fine, but totally dif- the drivers and the guests. What a sight it was when Hugh Hastings advocate with much energy at a pub- B. KEYE8. J. L. SMITH.. ferent effect. The plan being fiat, the great buildings they finally drove past the Brunswick. They came lie dinner In the presence of a hundred or so Franoo- NPRECEDENTED Í In the gridiron shape, with transverse galleries, and slow enough to court observation on acoount of the Americans. •••OVEU R HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED' against these the facades of. the varions crowd of vehicles, some of which ran In between LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COM'Y national buildings; that of the United States some of the charmed eleven and broke up the con- The Italians have had a festival on the occasion ol cfc CO. the unveiling and presentation of the monumental this institution was regularly incorporated by the is between the Japanese and the Greek secutlveness, and the bystanders had plenty of time Legislature of the State for Educational and Char- departments. It is not what we would like to call in whioh to lnspeot the toilets of the ladles and the bust of Joseph Mazzini, the patriot, in Central Park. itable purposes In 1888, with a capital of »1,800,000, to general appearance of the coaohes and horses. Every- This Is a valuable addition to the many works of art added a reserve fund of «360,000. characteristic American architecture, and is rather ÍJ¡1 GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS COACHES, more like the New York Houses than any- thing was In perfect taste be sure, and the brilliant which decorate this pleasure ground ; it is not only an will take plaoe monthly. It never scales orpostpones. imposing ornament, but it appropriately perpetuates Look at the following distribution: thing else. Up to the 18th or May the weather was colors of the bodies of the coaohes and the dresses of ND in our country the remembranoe of a renowned ad- .ÍÍ?4 PROMENADE CONCERT, during which favorable to the growth of the transplanted flowers the ladles harmonized in a way that oould scarcely will take place the Extraordinary Semi-annual Draw- OPEN BRETTS, and plants, and so the whole grounds look better have been accidental. Colonel Kane, who was to have vooate of liberty. Mayor Ely's speeoh aoceptlng the ing, At New Orleans, June 11th, than was expected, and, as lor the Interiors, the crude oome last, lead, after all, owing to theabsehoe of Colo- bust was a little glowing, not to say gushing, perhaps, Under the personal supervision and management of in supposed deference to the Italian character, but it Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD of Louisiana wok ot the first days has vanished, and order takes nel William Jay, and the "Tally-Ho" never looked and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY ol Virginia. «epiaca of the awkward confusion whioh prevailed better. Colonel Kane's face as brown as a berry with had at least one sound sentenoe. After the Opntral Capital Prize f100,000. LIGHT WAGONS, Park exercises there was an entertainment at Lion Dollars ra oíonly. exposure to the sun—he looks like an East Indian— Salves, $5. Fifths, $». Tentili Park, a favorite suburb and resort, at whioh the Inevi- $1. "~w,tarth9m08t surPr'se

brutality of the character was as necessary decided. A friend writes, under date of MINOR NOTES. UPON the verge of adjournment the Forty- May 12, 1845 : fifth Congress Is able to figure up the characteristic THE C APIT AL. to them as the red nose of the low comedian rascality of one party, and more than the ordinary once was to make one laugh. "1 found looking well, but complaining of THE investigation baby dies early, and stupidity and timidity of the other. The systematic! fatigue; she is surrounded By friends who seem to will be quietljr, but firmly, Interred in Pottah's field. WASHINGTON CITY. We must not be understood as denying discipline in triokery and the organized party tactics Charlotte Cushman the power which made consider her thé beaù-ideal of everything that is of the Badleals are essentially characteristic of tho great. Sergeant Talfourd yesterday, in pleading a war party, maintaining its hold by the system called, her not only acceptable, but a delight to the "A SHORT, ringing platform is the de- case lor Mr. Maddox, took occasion to eulogize her in in military parlance, the defensive-offensive, which SUNDAY MORMJIG JORE^, 18J8. most cultivated minds at home and abroad. mand ot the Indiana Republicans this year," says the most extraordinary manner, called her the second means attack In order to defend. Opposed'to them the Indianapolis Journal. " Ring " is the thing, and Her Lady Macbeth had m it nothing Slddens, &c., and praised her to the skies, when it the Democrats have displayed the timidity natural to should be applied to the platform as well as poiloy THE CAPITAL has a Larger original. She followed with slavish the was totally uncalled fat. It is really unprecedented. the party which was non-combatant during the civil traditions of the stage. She was a beetle- The papers continue to Bpeak of her in the most ex- and practice. war, and which tailed to feel and appreciate the value1 Circulation, both Local and by Mail, treme terms of praise, and for the present she is the browed villain, coarse in spite of her volumi- THE appointment of General Jeff., C. of that quality which, In politics as in war, has the than all the Other Sunday Papers of greatest creature in the greatest city in the civilized magnetism of audacity. The Southern wing of the- nous folds of black velvet, but she threw into Davis, U. S. A., colonel Twenty-third infantry, a Washington Combined. world ! party is handicapped by the influence of Sam. Ran- that low, sweet voice of hers an earnestness, visitor to the Naval Academy, is a deserved compli- " She had made engagements in Liverpool, Bir- dall and Fernando Wood, and Its ablest leaders sink when urging and planningthe murder,that ment to one of the very best and most distinguished *S-NOTICE.—Mr. L. H. Laudenslager, 116 West mingham, Manchester,Edlnburgh and Dublin, but had their own individuality Iri the smooth talk of the made one shudder as if listening to one's to give them up beoause she could not get away lrom officers In the army. He should have been a full Baltimore^ treet, is our only authorized agent for the Northern leaders ot their party, believing, perhaps, own temptation in some awful moment; London." brigadier general long ago. city of Baltimore. All orders left with him will be that it is wiser not to champion their section too far yet promptly attended to. while her presence and sweep filled all the We are not reviewing the book that goes awhile. stage, and made one feel as if willing to get to make up the life of Charlotte Cushman ROBERT EMMET'S dying words were: So that the Democrats, steered by the men who I>It ASIATIC WESSONS. out of the way of that terrible woman. And by a loving hand, and therefore refrain from "Let no man write my epitaph," or to that effect. were not bold enough to stand squarely up to the war (There is so much that appeals to our love that same low, sweet voice made possible extracts that would give specimens of its The present session of the Forty-fifth Congress spirit oi the North during the rebellion, must neces- the one little scene Shakspeare gives us of quality, as well as entertainment to our should pass a resolution begging the universe to do sarily display the timidity which lets every oppor- of the stage, so uiuoh that stirs within us the same negative thing by it, lor if Its epitaph were tunity go by and falls to seize a single chance. our artistic sense, that the life of Charlotte anguish from remorse that kills her in the readers. We have referred to it merely as end. It was not only the despairing wail of containing two lessons to us. We cannot, written, unless all sense of propriety be dead, it would While the Southern Democrats have utterly failed Cushman, lately published, is apt to lose its rush In a body to hide Itself under the tombstone. to push the clearest interests of the agricultural greatest value. a lost spirit, but the lost spirit of one so near however, refrain from copying an account classes of their section, the Northern Democrats have Charlotte Cushman was a woman of ge- and dear to us that the heart ached with of the only original character Charlotte equally failed to appreciate the rights of the laboring pity. How infinitely better it would have Cushman ever created : A long and a strong pull is what the oars- people. Between Badlcal rascality, organized only nius, born in Boston, who had that genius men are now taking, and we especially recommend It all been had she harmonized the two parts Miss Cushman's creation of one part at least, with lor the monopolists, and Democratic cowardice, afraid modified and controlled by a love of money. to those who have gone over to England to row, for the of the play. which her name will always be ldentiiled, that of Meg to fulfill the party promises, the poor voters are- Although a native of the United States, reason that, in spite of some opinions to the contrary, Merrilies, was an instantaneous operation of her own ground up with the tax wheels with little hope of Always mighty on liquor and on malt, she was an English product. The lesson, however, to be gathered from artistic judgment and instinct at the very outset of rescue. He's better still on water, fresh and salt; She carried a large, healthy brain in the this biography is to be found in Charlotte her career In her own country. It was during the year And when the white ash he doth pull, skull of a man, and possessed of fine in- Cushman's success. This sort of thing is 1840-41, during Braham's first and only New York en- There's not a tar abroad can beat John Bull. WITH THE entire continent uncertain,, getting to be an old, old story, and although gagement at the old Park Theater. Braham was stinctive intuitions of genius, she never anxious and nervous as to the termination of the singing and playing in the part of Harry Bertram, originated but one character. Her Meg it is one that reflects no credit on us, repeats eastern question, with England In dissension at home and Miss Cushman was simply the 1 utility woman' of Merrilies stands out like a whale's back itself to-day with as much force and shame IT IS proposed by the wise men in- Con- by reason ot the Lancashire strikes, and feeling for war the company. Mrs. Chippendale, who played Meg as ever. Charlotte's eye of genius saw her gress to cut down the rank of the office of adjutant without with the long devil-fish arms of her famous from a sea of traditionary acting. In the Merrilies, fell ill suddenly, and Miss Cushman, at a general. That Is graceful and beautiful. One of the navy, It is a delightful spectacle to witness the perfect entire range of classic drama she made her- way open to fame and fortune only through day's notice, was called upon to take her place. fighting men of the army must shortly suoceed to the equanimity of mind and equilibrium ol soul of Glad- self conspicuous by doing better only what English appreciation. We are so provincial Study, dress, &c., had to be an Inspiration oi the office, and It would be fairly asslnine to give such a stone as he presides over oooklng lessons In Hawarden, others had done before her. in our habits, so cowardly in the expression moment. She had never especially noticed the part ; fellow rank. Let rank be reserved for the ornamental. and explains to his charmed and enthusiastic au- as It had been heretofore performed there was not The Shakspeare of the stage differs so of our convictions, that we dare not accord Suoh a course improves the spirit and increases the dience the mysteries of ox-tail soup and the proper probably much to attract her ; but as she stood at the widely from the Shakspeare of the closet success to one American born unless that efficiency of an army, you know. That's the object of complexion of rare roast beet. side-scene, book in hand, awaiting her moment of en- legislation. that we seem to have two separate and dis- success has received the endorsement of Gladstone has abandoned the trifling duties English critics. On the contrary, we ac- trance, her ear caught the dialogue going on upon the tinct authors. The one is the creation of stage between two of the gypsies, in which one says of "opposition" statesman in these piping times CHARLEY HOWARD, the man.at the wheel, popular appreciation worked into shape by cept far inferior artists to our own because to the other, alluding to her: "Meg—why she is no of peace for the Important all-absorbing oc- still holds the lottery monopoly of Louisiana by an Colley Cibber and the stage carpenter; the from abroad. Let an actor or actress ap- longer what she was ; Bhe doats," &c., evidently giv- cupation of chef de cuisine, and, as he dwelt - act forbidding the sale of any lottery tickets but his pear even from the stock of a leading ing the impression that she is no longer to be feared In his lecture of last week upon the thrlftlessness othbr the master mind of all humanity. in that State. Auguste, a seller of foreign lottery theater in London, and such imported or respected ; that she is no longer In her right mind. of English housewifery, the wastefulness of English The first is as well fixed upon the stage as tickets, was imprisoned by one judge and released on With the words a vivid flash of insight struck upon kitchens and the great benefits to be attained by a the other is in the library, and no one can creature will be considered at least blue a writ of habeas corpus by another judge, which caused her brain ; she saw and felt by the powerful dramatic study of the " wonderful art" of kitchen management, blooded, and afforded a fair hearing, if not an immense excitement and arrayed two sots of peo- touch even the wig of Hamlet or Lady Mac- Instinct with which she was endowed the whole mean- his face flushed to hear the rapturous applause re- immediate praise and success. ple against each other In a manner to threaten a riot. beth and retain Shakspeare. ing and intention of the character, and no doubt lrom sponsive to his impassioned eloquence, and he knew As a legal question it is a oontest between tho civil that moment it became what it never ceased to be—a then he had not lived in vain. Charlotte Cushman was too wise in her This is so well recognized that the belief and criminal authorities which Governor Nicholls powerful, original and consistent conception in her In the meanwhile, under Gladstone's pale policy,. generation to attempt a new Shakspeare is prevalent that these foreign artists pave pronounces a serious one. mind. She gave herself with her usual concentrated Bussian privateers flit about the seaport cities with for the stage, how much soever her love of their way to favor with coin, in the shape of malice prepense to English commerce, and Bussian truth and keen appreciation of the highest bribe? made the critics. This is not neces- energy of purpose ' to this conception, and Hashed at once upon the stage in the startling, weird and terri- IN ONE sense the proposition of the House armies are active in dreadful preparation for war. art may have tempted her. sary, for it is notorious that these same ble manner which we all so well remember. On this Committee on Indian Affairs to visit the Indian Ter- Why not let Gladstone doff' the robes ot diplomatic- She was of Boston birth, and had her ge- critics have no control of the people who occasion it so astonished and confounded Mr. Braham, statesmanship and don the apron of a cook, having 1 ritory is commendable, for they might learn something nius, as we have said, tempered by its cli- crowd the theaters, and these same Ameri- little accustomed heretofore to such manifestations, about the gentle aborigine, and leave a committee found his level after many years by the natural pro- mate and limited by her keen appreciation can audiences are only too eager to accept that he went to her after the play to express his sur- man's scalp to testily to the nation's interest in its oess of the fitness of things? of the practical. She knew all her life that the foreign article to need any undue influ- prise and his admiration. wards. The proposed territory of Oklahoma Is, how- her fame, made like a kite, out of newspa- ence. " I had not thought that I had done anything re- ever, another scheme to steal poor Lo's land »nd give it to a railroad company; and It is to De hoped that THE European congress meets on the lltli pers, had its string and tail, the one to It is true that Mr. Toole, the English come- markable," she says, " and when the knock came at of June. The face of events has so far changed that my dressing-room door, and I heard Braham's voice, those who are so anxious to "civilize the Indians" steady being criticisms, and the other, to dian, who made a failure here some time by organizing this new territory on speculation will Austria seems quite warlike, and England demands my first thought was, ' Now, what have I done? He certain things for Greece. enable her to soar, being the praise her since, openly asserted, and the London jour- 1B surely displeased with me about something ;' for in be circumvented in the outiage by some fair-minded Bismarck, as president, will doubtless display the humble bowing to popular prejudice, as nals published his charge, that his failure those days 1 was only the ' utility actress,' and had no and honest member. calm and firm temper of German policy; and If Bea- well as her genius, gave her. She had to prestige of position to carry me through. Imagine was owing to his virtuous resolve, sternly constield.represents.England it will be a grand game Wear the old threadbare robes of Siddons my gratification, when Mr. Braham said : ' Miss enforced, not to bribe our critics, and he JAMES ANTHONY FROUDE, the historian, between these two wily old diplomatic foxes. Cushman, 1 have come to thank you for the most and a hundred others, and her only merit said the openings for such easy victory were is engaged on a series of papers, Science-vs. Bellgion, veritable sensation I have experienced for along time. Oount Andrassy, for ail that interviewers may try was that she wore them superbly. in which he comes boldly out In advancement of ma- offered to him. But had Mr. Toole paid out I give you my word, when I turned and saw you in on .him, like, a true minister, "smiling, passes the- . We have not the space for illustrations,. terialistic doctrines and abolition of religion. larger sums the result would have been all that first scene I felt a cold chill run all over me. question by;" but evidently Austria's position is very It the premises from which Mr. Froude draws his They are, however, so familiar that the bare the same. To us he was not at all amusing, Where have yóu learned to do anything like that ?' " muoh more bellicose than it was a month ago.£ conclusions on this subject be as absurdly false and England has all the time been getting more and mention of Kichard III., Lady Macbeth and and although we would not laugh at Clarke From this time the part of Meg grew and strength- grotesquely incoherent as those in his pseudo-history of more determined, and all the popular-demonstrations-' Hamlet coarsened into vulgar bullies of a ened, retaining always its perfect unity and consis- until after Bull had grinned, we did not England—and there is no doubt that having mangled of late Indicate a stubborn national resolve to main- bar-room to suit popular tastes, or any one tency, until. It became what it was—an absolute jewel laugh at Toole because we could not. truth once he will do so again—the sooner the materi- tain the position against the San Stefano treaty. of dramatic art—a standing comment and contradic- of the dramatist's immortal conceptions, The .artist from abroad must have some alists bounce old Fraud or Froude-from their'ranks Whatever might be the result of the consultations' tion of thè oit-repeated assertion that the public must demonstrates all that we assert when ad- the better it will be for their success and standing. of the congress, the temper of the English people is little merit, unless, indeed, he or she has and will have variety. The public must and will have dressing the mors refined arid thoughtful likely to enforce the demands of .England as they a title or some remote claim to be consid- excellence; a.nd when it gets it,'cannòt haveittoò stand now. of his admirers. ered, however distant a connection of thp often repeated. The true heart oi humanity responds WE DO NOT care, as a general thing, to The only chanee for peace is a back-down on tho Miss Cushman saw at an early day that if always to truth, and recognizes tho absolute ideal, gentry 6r nobility. In case there is such ask conundrums of Government officials, having too part of Bussia, and if ever discretion was the better- which is only the real in its highest manifestation, she wished to appear in the Shakspeare claim we fairly go wild in our admiration. great consideration lor the weakness of their intel- part of valor the- great bear should respect the prece- and thrills as one string 1 when the master-hand drama she must accept the popular rendi- Let the male be suspected even of being an lects. But there is one question very pertinent at this dent and. beware of tbfe lion's paw. tion. And were Mr. William Winter an illegitimate offspring of a lord, or the female touches it. 11 theatrical managers and theatrical peo- juncture: Why does not the Department of Justice ple could only recognize this and act upon it, what instruct the District attorney to prosecute criminal aetor instead of poet and critic, and pos- have the right or the impudence to sport a might not the theater became ? A book might well constables, and facilitate their prosecution ;by all VALLAKTA, Diaz's former minister of for- sessed of any prudence, such as Cushman title, and not. only will the theaters be be written on this subject, taking the part of Meg as reasonable means ? eign affairs, is regarded as the only man who can set- tempered her intellect with, he would sub- its text and its illustration. Meg, behind the scenes, crowded, but that ill-savored and silly thing, District Attorney Wells has scores of charges against tle the American question, and he will probably con- was quite as remarkable as before them. It was a mit to the many-headed public and cry, called society, will open its veneered portals several of theso land-sharks, and every day they crowd tinue to give advice on the subject. As chief justice study for an artist, and has been so to many, to wit- " Oil'with his head; so much" for any critic to the man who is regarded as a bore at their villainies on the unlOrtunatc—rushing things he is entitled to succeed Diaz, who is ineligible under ness the process of preparation for this notable char- who dare come between him and the box home, and the woman who is avoided as now, as their authority for licensed robbery will end the recent ratified amendment to the Mexican consti- acter—the " make-up," as they call it In the parlance in a few weeks. The District attorney is ready to tution for re-election. The Vallarta-American policy office. something worse in the same locality. of thé theater—a regular, systematic and thoroughly prosecute, but the Department of Justice Will not aid is to make no concessions to our Government what- Charlotte Cushman was, as we have said, artistic performance, wrought out with the same in- Recognizing this weakness in us, an emi- in the expenses. ever, and the recent reissue by General Ord of the re- stinctive knowledge which was so manifest In all she and this same public decided, a woman of nent European statesman once had the in- taliatory order of 1877, requiring our troops to pursue did. " Miss Cushman," a distinguished lady artist rare genius, and her keen appreciation of solence to send his mistress to Washington, Mexioan raiders into their own country, has given once said to her, as she wonderingly watched the pro- the appropriate, not to say love of the beau- well knowing that at no other capital would THE St. Anthony Comstock meeting in great offense. cess whereby the weird hag grew out of the pleasant tiful, must have made the Lady Macbeth she be received or his insult tolerated for a Boston last week was an exciting affair. It com- The recognition of Diaz was considered by the Mex- and genial lineaments of the. actress, " how do you bined all the humors of the minstrels, and only fell she presented as shocking to her as it was mom efit. We humbly tolerated it for years. know where to put in those shadows and make those icans a back down on our part, and the frontier raids short by a hair's breadth of the delights of a tragedy. are likely to continue. If there is te be no change on and is to the more refined theater-goers. The shrewd business agent of an actor" lines which so accurately give the effect of age ?" "1 St. Anthony Comstock is the evangelist for the sup- the Mexican frontier by the Diaz government, then The woman that Shakspeare loved so ten- coming to Washington , industriously circu- don't know," was the answer, " I only feel where they pression of immoralities through the mails. He is, as ought to come." And in fact the process was like his recognition should be rescinded. derly that he took her from the stage before lated in a quiet manner the story that his it were, the postal secret-service agent of virtue, and the painting of a faee by an old Dutch master, fall of The removal of Bivera from his command has the brutal ending of Macbeth's usurpations star was the illegitimate son of. royalty. has done considerable and effectual work In this lino. tended to strengthen the opposition to Diaz. Bivera delicate and subtle manipulations, and yet so adapted But aB.the original St. Anthony fell into unfortunate took shape ; the woman who, while urging The result was good houses for a common had started and carried out Beveral revolutions, and to the necessities of space and light that its effect was straits, so our Comstock ,1s, frog-like, being puffed to her husband into horrible crimes because performance, while members of the Cabinet, only enhanced, not weakèned, When subjected to has been a staunch supporter, of Diaz. His disgrace a bursting point by the vanity ol his success, and in may make him a Mexican Warwick. It seems that of the dazzling reward for him that would senators and society belles found it an honor them. the meeting in Boston let himself put In vulgar abuse Diaz is entirely,under yallarta's influence, and that follow, refers to a mother's love as the most to sit out his dull acting to sup with him at aBd insolent self-praise. the present policy may produce another revolution. powerful of all human impulses—is pre- midnight. The affair was held in Parj£ clyirch, well known In. sented to us as a coarse, brutal scold, as GRANT, by the advertising trick of an in- Boston, and men, and only those who held tj^kets of The weakness is so very weak that it terview, is billed for next President, and bis organs weak in the hour of retribution as she was invitation, were admitted. Comstock addressed tho SPORTING EDITOR WILKES, finding him- sickens one, while it is ag utterly stupid that are pointing him out as the only man able to suppress bold on the eve of crime. 1 party in a pertinent, powerful manner, and descend- self a tabooed stranger in the land of Gaul, thought it sinks, below the level of satire. communism. This term they generalize to express ing from orthodox logic to abusive epithets, Qfled, as to handicap the better sense of decency ot Jim. Ben- Shakspeare did not mean that the man everybody opposed to the Badlcal principles of mo- Charlotte 'Ctislmian Vas. quick to learn a he warmed up in,bis oratorical business, "There is nett by sending from Paris to the New York Times a who was not only a soldier and a gentleman, nopoly in politics and business. Their laws would be truth so patent to the profession, and after one man here, here in this hall, whose sleek, sneering pseudo-history of the May-Bennett duel farce, the- made only for capitalists, great bankers, manufac- but one of fine poetic intellect, whose mus- the success of her Meg Merrilies, which faoe during the past five years has confronted me in same highly laudatory of the aforesaid Jim. turers and railroad kings, and the patronage of the almost every court|ofjusticS in New England whenever ings gave expression to the most beautiful was injured by the praise of an English Wilkes thought by so doing he would obtain per- Government, all the offices and perquisites, Would be I have been prosecuting these vile offenders against passages in all literature, should be 'in- star, she hastened to London, where she sonal and social notice from Bennett, and work his divided out between the minions of a selfish tyrant the law. His interests are the interests of these fluenced by such a fish wife in silk velvet way in Paris acquaintance. But as on other occasions lived on thirty cents a day, and agreed to whose only idea is military power. The army should wretches, and he now sits leering and sneering at he was whlpsawed. His aocount called forth replies as popular taste insists upon. play, even after her success was insured, for be raised to twenty-five thousand men; once before it- me." Charlotte Cushman humbly accepted the thirty-five dollars a night, that she might se- was increased ostensibly to ii>rht the Indians, but from the other side that leave the history of the affair This was directed to Benjamin Tucker, a well-known more doubtful than before .and place Bennett in an role. She followed it to the letter—even cure that indorsement so necessary to suc- while General Sitting Bull gayly scalped the little Yankee lawyer. Tucker rose from his seat, responsive detachments on the frontier the main body of this exceedingly small position. going to the extent of robbing what little cess at home. This part of rather dull biog- to the cries.of the enthusiastic audience, of "point.him So the sporting editor falls through. Wilkes is- there might have remained of dignity and army, raised to fight Indians, was bull-dozing voters out!" and shaking bis legal paw, clenched into a list, raphy is so interesting that we quote part down South. wilted. grace in the prompter's book. In that pas- of it. Miss Stebbins says: at Comstock, hissed out, " You are a liar I" sage where Macbeth tries to impress his Having studied monarchy in Europe, and dined Intense excitement ensued, and sentiment was with kings, Ulysses will make a better Republican MOFFETT is, proposing his taxing ma wife with the awful thought of failure, by "Meantime she was active and busy, taking what divided between defending the lawyer assailed and steps she could towards obtaining the much desired monarch than formerly, and the White House would murdering him in the interests of the society for the chine for the District with the mest Moffett-llke pa- asking "if we fail," she answers, ."we opportunity, not easy to secure upon her own condi- certainly be a regal palace. suppression of vice. The dlvlne edifice was transformed triotism. To tax drinKs two cents each, according tcr fail!" accepting the consequences that were tions, unheralded and comparatively unknown as she Into a pandemonlacal surf of lawlessness. Order the plan tried in Virginia, is to tax the 'poor man's to her as easily borne as the crime. It is a was, and hedged about by untold difficulties and rival- was restored, but the vice-suppressors refused to give drink and allow the rich man to buy five gallons free proud, sublime avowal of a capacity to look ries and vexations. " MOONSHINERS" is the romantic name Tucker a chance to defend himself. oi tax, and take just as many tax-free drinks as he given to the illicit whisky makers In the Kentucky "in the midst of it all she never abated one jot of As the matinee show proceeded an athletic-looking wishes, for it is not in human nature to pay such an the inevitable in the face and accept calmly mountains. These terrible outlaws maintain them- her determination to take a high place or none, not clergyman arose and asked St. Anthony Comstock It exhorbitant levy If one can help it. The failure of its worst. Miss Cushman meekly gave the selves in the tartnesses of the mountains, and even when she found herself reduced to her last sov- he could put three questions to him. Comstock as- Virginia to make any arrangement for paying her old Kemble reading by making the two frighten and bribe the neighboring people out of ereign, as she was when Maddox, the manager of the sented. debt after trying the promising Moffett register so lor g. reporting them. Last week the Olivers, a terrible words a question, with a roarof stupid gcorn, Princess Theater, at last came to her. He was re- The questions were these, and their answers are at- proves the utter Impracticability of the thing and the gang of those spiritual brigands, were captured on as if failure were impossible. ported by the watchful Sallle as walking up and down tached: " Have you ever in your business used decoy romance of giving the Inventor of the machine a Salt river, in Hardin oounty, by a party under the street, early one morning, too early for a visit. letters or appended false signatures?" "I have.'1 royalty. If you want a drinli register, get something Miss Cushman, looking to her fifty command of Deputy Marshal Adair. The gentle ' He Is anxious,' said Miss Cushman;' I can make my " Have you ever signed a woman's name to your let that is moderate In Its demands. A half cent, or thousand dollars, for which she labored moonshiners had burned a house, and carried off own terms.' And so it proved. He wanted her to act ters ? " "I have." " Have you ever tried to make a something like that, on each might be fair. from the first dawn of her fame to the day all the valuables, and the owner had the pluck to with Forrest, then about to make his debut before a person sell you prohibited wares and, succeeding, used come to Louisville and report them. of her death, prudently left to such people London audience. She was not willing to appear first the evidence thus obtained to convict him?" " Of of impulsive genius as Fechter and Clara in a secondary part, and stipulated that she should course 1 have." WE ARE every week more convinced of Morris the vain attempt to overcome popu- have her opportunity first and alono; then if she suc- EAYMONBB of the Cincinnati Enquirer is "Then, sir, I, a Congregational mlfiister, denounce the powerfully direct wisdom of the Georgia editor; lar prejudice and put the real Shakspeare ceeded she would be willing to act with Forrest. So it an Interesting and graceful writer, but the pleasures you for having stooped to means that would be In "A twenty-five cent watermelon and a two dollar upon the stage. Poor Fechter could not was settled ; she made her impression and carried her ot the Imagination sometimes lure her far out of her court pronounced disgraceful If used by any police- notice—not much." comprehend from reading Hamlet why point. This Was the;turning point in her career—' the course, even as the golden apples lured the beautiful man In Boston," called out tho clergyman. Immense We will either be compelled in future to brief the tide which taken at the flood leads on to iortune.' It Atalanta. She says in a recent letter that Lieutenant- excitement followed. St. Anthony's friends wanted to compllmentaries requested by friends or else to pub- Hamlet should be made a born undertaker,, was not money she sought, bat recognition ;• and she lish a supplement. black as the hinges of hell, and about as re- Colonel William D. Whipple stands some chance of bounce the minister. Tucker was striving to get at entered upon her first London engagement, for a succeeding Brigadier General E. D. Townsend as ad- St. Anthony, with blood in his eyes and vengeance in pulsive, and startled the circus audience by limited number of nights, at seven pounds a night." jutant general of our congressional foot-ball, called by his soul. Some mild-man nered, christian youths in appearing in a blonde wig. In like manner And, as we have said, she then lived on a courtesy our army. The army will be well Fryed and the lower corner struck up a hymn, "All Hall to the THE PARISIAN CLUBS are said to possess our brilliant little leader in dramatic art at- mutton chop a day, while a dozen muffins Drumed out before that comes to pass; in truth we ex- Power of Jesus' Name," but it didn't work worth a all of the vices, with none of tho virtues of the English pect to see it happen about the same time that the cent, and It was not until a brawny Fenian police- clubs. High playing and Its accompanying evils are tempted to render Lady Macbeth as lovable were bought of a baker at a time, because as. Shakspeare purposed she should be. ghosts of MoLin, Anderson, the immortal J. N. and man, armed with the law and baton, broke in on the the music to this carnival of Parisian, so-called, con- of the extra muffin that would be thrown in. The blessed public would none of it. The Sergeant Bates succeed Matthew, Mark, Luke and assembly, that peace was recalled and the lights put viviality. Many of the best clubs in America are- Her success in London was marked and John. out. following in the wake of Paris. THE CAPITAL.-- JUNE 2, rrfg 5

IN THE MOUNTAINS. LOCAL ITEMS. DIED. AT THE CITY HALL. Despite the oool weather, the summer resorts in BOUCHER.—On Friday, May 31, 1878, at 10:24 p. AMUSEMENTS. m., of typhoid pneumonia, Victor Emlle Boucher, the Virginia mountains have opened much sooner ENGLISH, French and American soaps, at Drew's, aged 18 years, 8 months. ATIONAL THEATER. McCULLOUGH. —Justice Humphreys In the circuit court yester- than usual. corner Ninth street and Pennsylvania avenue. His remains will be conveyed to Baltimore lor inter- N day announced a long list ol cases on the regular Along the Allegheny range the summer tempera- ment. *l MONDAY, June 3,1878, calendar, which are to be called to-morrow to as- ture is remarkably exhilarating and inspiring In the THE BEST $10 suits In the olty are at Roman & PROCTOR.—At his residence, 491 Missouri avenue, ONE NIGHT ONLY, hea ts of July and August. The pure air imparts Cox's, clothiers, 507 Seventh street. Samuel C. Prcctor, aged 33 years. Testimonial Benefit tendered to certain if the cases are for trial, and as he empha- Funeral will take place at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp, sized it, motions will be heard. This move is a an edge to the appetite and gives a zest to pleas- from his residence. Friends and relatives are invited SAMUEL G. KINSLEY, ures of all kinds, while the scenery is enchanting STOTT k CROMWELL keep Hart's Roach Powder. flank attack upon the lawyers who object to trying to attend. l By the Eminent Tragedian, Mr. jury cases before him. On Tuesday the remainder beyond description. Slnee the completion of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad the number of visitors BROWNING'S BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, Indiges- JOHN McCULLOUGH, of the appeal cases on the last assignment will be In this region has greatly Increased. The society tion and constipation. For sale by the druggists, tf W. R. SPEA R E2. heard. Who will give his masterly Impersonation of the at all the springs is more varied, and the general Stamps, Cardinal In Sir E. Lytton Bulwer's beautiful play ot —Marriage licenses were granted yesterday to accommodations much better. All varieties bought and sold, at 409 Seventh street RICHELIEU, Edgar J. Mead and Rosa E. Howard, Charles Q.ueen THE JORDAN ALUM SPRINGS. UNDERTAKER, and Alice Davis, John Shatter and Eliza Waggner, northwest, up stairs. - Assisted by the following distinguished dramatic This pretty wateringplaoe is near Goshen depot, John J. Jones and Aimee Bailey. 940 F Street northwest, Artists: on the Chesapeake and Ohio road, and In the midst JUST received at Drew's drug store, corner Ninth Mr. James Harrison, Mr. Harold Forsberg, Mr. M. —The probate court, Judge Olln, meets to-morrow of the most wild and beautiful section of the moun- street and Pennsylvania avenue, a fresh supply of for business. [FORMERLY WITH R. F. HARVEY. J Lanagan, Mr. Harry Taylor, Mr. James Galloway, tains. pure Candla soap, made from olive oil. Mr. Walter Dennis, Mr. Theo. Hamilton, Mr. George —Assignment for general term to-morrow: Nos. 34, As a resort for Invalids needing tonio treatment it Burial Caskets of all Grades and Styles. Denham, Mr. R. L. Downing, Mr. J. Shine, Mr. 35, 125, 42, 54, 69, 70, 71, 74. has been long noted, but for some years past it has FOR LOW estimates on plumbing and gas-fitting Frank Wise, Mrs. Blanche Ford, Miss Belle McKenzle —In the equity court yesterday—Page vs. Richard- been a fashionable watering-place which attracts the tin roofing, stove, range and furnace work, go to BODIES EMBALMED AND PREPARED and many ethers. ltl son; $315 ordered paid to guardian. Borland vs. Bor- best of the Bummer-traveling society, and ranks only Hamilton, Ninth and D streets; he guarantees all his second to White Sulphur. FOR TRANSPORTATION. land; guardian att litem (B. F. Hanley) appointed, work. •PWGLISH OPERA. NATIONAL. and reference to report on maintenance. Hunt vs. The comfort of the hotel accommodations is decidedly LOTS AND GRAVES FURNISHED IN ANY Burche; pro confesso against certain defendants. better than can be found anywhere else in the moun- JOHN ROSS', Greenleaf et al. vs. Fugitt; sale finally confirmed. tains, and the management Is careful and able in all RESTAURANT, CEMETERY. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1878, Wolz vs. Crown; pro confesso against certain defend- respects. Around the springs the drives and walks 309 SEVENTH STREET, EXPERIENCED LADY ATTENDANTS AT ants, and time allowed to take proof. Cammach vs. are as beautiful as oould be expected to harmonize GRAND ROMANTIC OPERA IN FOUR AOTS,. Cammach; reference to auditor to report on partition. with the enchanting scenery, and the summer rambler Willard's Hotel. SHORT NOTICE. Tisdell vs. Drury; ratification nisi. Barnes vs. Barnes; In the Allegbanies will not be likely to change his alimony, $25 In ten days, and $50 counsel lees In fifteen quarters to look for a better place. The public should not fall to read the advertisement of the auotlon sale of Willard's Hotel, which appears EVERYTHING STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, "VALERIE," days ordered. Nicholson vs. Lamer; dismissal of bill, THE WHITE SULPHUB. with costs. Hayden vs. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in anoth er columu. Those who desire anything in the And on the most reasonable terms. my26-tf3 Under the direction of the composer, Company; vacation oi proceedings since reference to The first day of summer generally opens the " Old way of furniture should not fall to be present. auditor, and recommittal to auditor. Paine vs. Kick- White," but after the long and brilliant season of lioeffer; ratification nisi of sale. Riggs vs. Douglass; last year, with its fétes, celebrities, grand dinners THE sale of fine furniture, at 1014 Eighth street SPECIAL NOTICES. Mr. J. Remington Fairlamfr. certain goods directed to be delivered to petitioners and political pow-wows, the reputation of the South- northwest, to take place to-morrow, is worthy the at- Knight and Wales. Fairfax vs. Evans; dismissal va- ern Saratoga seems to have taken a new hold on tention of our readers; the articles being first-class ,DOUBTFUL».—Members of the Doubt- cated and replication allowed to be tiled. Be Vaughan public favor, so that the visitors began to arrive by and of the best makes, and, from tho advertisement ActI—The Fate. Act II—'The Lovers. Act 111—So ful Club will hold themselves In readiness Near and Yet so Far. Act IV—Treasured Tokens. vs. Brayfield and De Vaughan vs. De Vaughan; trustee the first of May, and despite the cool weather the in our columns, It is nearly new. to attend their annual parade. adjudged to be in contempt. Phosnlx Mutual Life band and orchestra had to be sent for long before Miss Eva Mills, Mrs. H. C. Ford and Messrs. Mor- A. T. WHITNEY, President. sell. Keen, Adams, Rookar and Hay In the cast. insurance Company vs. Grant; rule returnable Juno the usual time. Though the proprietors announce Does Your Head Ache ? E. G. DAVIS, Vico President. 8th Instant. Wright vs. Simpson; restraining order some improvements, it is likely that visitors, as The "Mendelssohn Society" (50 voices) in the continued on bond being given In $1,000. Jones vs. usual, will go to the White Sulphur, because ot its Dr. Lodllle's headache specific cures the worst form C. W. THORN. Secretary. chorus. Children's Ballet. Full Orchestra. Splendid Stickney; sale decreed and Enoch Totten appointed name alone, beiDg confident of finding the same of nervous and sick headache in five to twenty min- U8 C. C. DUNCANSON, Treasurer. Mlse-en-scene. trustee. Churoh vs. Howell; reference to auditor to elegant gathering of society there this summer as utes. It Is pleasant to the taste and as harmless as Popular prices. No extra charge lor secured seats. report on prayer of bill. Simpson vs. Simpson; con- before. And whether the beaux and belles be pure water. Only fifty cents a bottle. Manufactured GLENWOOD CEMETERY. Box-sheet at Metzerott's. je2-2t3 firmation of sale nisi or May 8,1878. Adjourned sine crowded in cabins or attics will be a small matter at the Ebbltt House drung store. Sold by all druggists, die, ' when they have the alluring German twice every inyl9-St The lot-owners of Glenwood Cemeteiy are hereby CUMMER THEATER COM1QUE. twenty-four hours, and a flirtation between times in notified that the annual meeting of the lot-owners for —At last the committee of conferenoe have agreed the beautiful sylvan bowers that Cupid has. pro- (pieman, Grand Reopening of the Summer Season. to a bill lor the reform of the magistracyj &c., of the vided In the surrounding groves. It must be ad- at the corner of Eighth and D streets northwest, can the election of the Trustees for said Cemetery will be District. Our reporter feels gratified in that he mitted that with all its faults the "Old White' renovate the outward man as rapidly and neatly as held at 1331 F street, opposite Ebbltt House, on MON MONDAY, JUNE 3, NIGHTLY AND WEDNES- still bears off the palm as a place where ono may thinks he can, without egotism, claim that he has any tonsorlal artist on top of ground. He has aiso In DAY EVENING, June 3, 1878, at 7:30 p. m. DAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. been Instrumental in effecting a reform of a crying "have a good time," especially it hot invalid enough his establishment handsomely fitted-up hot and cold abuse. The appointing power, as far as the magis- to take sulphur water. baths. The attendants, too, are both skilled and polite. GEO. W. COCHRAN, Secretary. A Glorious Company. trates are concerned, is placed in the hands of the WASHINGTON, D. C., May 31, 1878. It» President. This is an objectionable feature, because THE RED SWEET SPRINGS. McCULLOUGH and CASEY, THE SHARPLEYS,, we don't see what the President has to do with our BATH TOWELS and brushes, sponge, chamois skins, This pretty watering-place is situated in a lovely &c., at Drew's drug store, corner Ninth street and REMONT HOUSE—Parties who desire good local affairs, and certainly it is apurely local matter— valley near Alleghany station. It Is the cosiest and CL1NETOP SISTERS, JOHN ROBINSOB*. the selection of magistrates and constables whose Pennsylvania avenue. hotel board, with cool and airy rooms, can locate most comtortable summer residence imaginable, and Tat this favorite hotel for the summer months, at the functions are concerned with matters simply local. attracts all the travelers by the beauty of its surround- J. ARTHUR DOTY, MILLIE MARTELLE, However, on the prinoiple that we must not look the Five to Twenty Mlnntes following reduced rates: Gentleman and wife $50 to ings, the elegant accommodations and the careful at Is the time required for Lodllle's headache specific to $60 per month; single rooms $25 to $30 per month, gift-horse in the mouth, we are thankful,very thankful, tentlon of the managers to the comfort of the guests CLAIRE ALFOHDE, MINNIE FARR, FRANK that, alter many years of travail In the wilderness, cure nervous and sick headache. It is absolutely cer- and $8 to $10 per week; table board $20 per month MORA, It is only a mile from the old Sweet Springs, and pos- and $5 per week. je2-4tl and many tears and weepings at the toot of Congress, sesses the finest advantages of convenient location, tain. Only fifty cents for large bottles at all drug we can take down our harps from off the willows and comfort and good company. stores. myl9-3t AND OUR MAMMOTH STOCK COMPANY. sing a song of gladness over Jerusalem delivered. And now shall our deliverance be completed? If THE MOUNTAIN ROADS. George W. Driver, Decoration Of CONFEDERATE GRAVES BASE BALL. Mr. Hayes follows out the plan which actuated him in After leaving the railroad the traveler finds better at the oorner of Pennsylvania avenue and Four-and- the appointment of Mr. Sheridan as recorder of deeds, roads and more comfortable stages than five years ago. a-half street, is always ready to welcome his patrons AT we fear that the songs ol joy will be'drowned in the The distance to some ol the springs is so short that with the very best brands ol liquors and the finest notes of wailing. This is the pessimist view ol the the drive is more of a pleasure than a fatiguing jour- cuisine In the city. Mr. D. Is an old and experienced matter. We believe that Mr. Hayes. In this local ney, and is an agreeable feature of the summer trip. restaurateur, and his saloon Is a favorite resort for FREDERICK, June 6th. NEW BEDFORD affair, will make his nominations for the positions of From the old White Sulphur one may take the stages those who can appreciate the good things of life. Give vs. to the Red Sweet Springs, and by the Natural Bridge justice ol the peace according to the recommendations him a call, and be convinced. NATIONAL. of the members of the bar and prominent citizens who around to the Jordan Alum, enjoying the most en- GEN. FITZHUGH LEE Delivers the are most vitally Interested in these appointments. He obanting scenery, and making a delightful trip with MONDAY, JUNE 3, 4:30 P. M. ease and comfort. KENNY'S, surely would not be so cruel and so utterly regardless 915 Pennsylvania avenue, ORATION. Admission, 25 cents. Ladles free. It8 of the declarations he has made, time and again, a£ to Between Ninth and Tenth streets. foist upon us, as local municipal authority, parties Commencement dresses, new designs, at exceed' who know nothing of our people, and whose only Musical. THE SPEAKING PHONOGRAPH merit might be that they had rendered efficient ser- ingly low prices. Fare for Hound Trip toy IS. & O vice to Mr. Hayes in the late presidential campaign. An audience, large and selected with care, greeted Will be We don't believe that Mr. Hayes will gratify the Mr. Hay on the odcaslon of his benefit at Linclon Hall ROMAN & Cox, merchant tailors, 507 Seventh street, B.B.,«3.05. ltO croakers, and we are sure that among the present Friday evening. Many of the ladles wore that ele- are selling very fine suits for $25. ON EXHIBITION justices of the peace he can pick out, by the aid of the gant style of bonnet known out West as the "Strag- bar and of citizens, fifteen honest magistrates who will gling Top-knot," because It is modeled on the plan of W lllcenlng. TKOTTING. A FEW DAYS LONGER AT a small boy's hat with the crown out, and numbers of do honor to his choice and afford perfect satisfaction This cosy place, on the Avenue, maintains its repu- TALLJIADGE HALL. to the community. . the fair young misses, between sixteen sweet and forty lair, wore bangles. tation as furnishing the best ot eating and drinking 10 a. m., 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. at moderate prices. The genial proprietor is always Four Days, Trotting at Ben- —In order to illustrate the curious and devious ways Admission, 25 cents. lt*8 pursued by Judge Humphreys while on the bench of And bangles are delicious. ready to attend to his guests, and he keeps the best the circuit court our reporter would not have much They Btrike a sinner's ears the market affordB. Recollect 387 Pennsylvania ave- nings. difficulty in selecting cases by the handful. Judge With music that doth much discount nue Is the number. Monday, June 3, Double Team Pacing Race. FOURTH QUARTERLY CONCERT Humphreys is a hard pill to swallow, we confess; but, The music ot the spheres. Tuesday, June 4, 3:00 Class. like other certain strong medicines, it is such a relief The concert was a link of sweetness long drawn out, The Chesapeake Wednesday, Jung 6, Free for All. OF THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC AT THE CON- when we once take him in.f It must be confessed that so long Indeed that only the elite of the audience tar- Maintains its position as the favorite restaurant of the Thursday, June 6,2:50 Class. GREGATIONAL CHUROH, THE CAPITAL' rep'orter is; kindly ihcHned to Judge ried to hear the last lingering notes. Those fartherest city. Messrs. Finley & Supplee spare no pains to pro- Races commence at 4:30 prompt. Train leaves 4:20. Humphreys. In fact, we might say that he is an from tho elite went first, preceded by the dead-heads, cure the very best feemarke t affords in the way of Admission, titty cents, including all the privileges, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, AT 8 P. M. especial pet. But there is no rubbing out the fact who never are satisfied, and the people followed by fish, flesh and fowl, and their charges are always rea- lt5 that he is sometimes addicted to a line of practice squads, leaving orily the creme de la creme, who are sonable. What a man orders there he gets, and that Tickets (free) may be had at the Rooms of the upon the bench that has no precedent in this or any nothing If not fastidiously polite. too pf the first quality. The bar is stocked with the NEW PUBLICATIONS. School, 707 Eighth street northwest.. other country, and which.is at plain-variance with the All this came from the senseless system ot encoris best liquors. Call in on the south side of Pennsylva- N. B.—Private Lessons during the summer at $3 dictates of common sense: A case in point. A year which prevail in Washington. An encore at an ame- nia, between Ninth and Tenth streets. to $12. lt*7 ago, when Judge Humphreys was holding the circuit teur performance in this city means as a rule nothing, court, he affirmed a decision of a magistrate's court except that each performer has mustered his personal HART'S ROACH POWDER. Get it. No poison. Look RAND ANNUAL PICNIC which gavea judgmentfor ninety-odd dollars to plain- and devoted friends, and if these have heels, the at the dread mark on the lid. tiff in the case of Donoboe vs. Vandenberg. A motion absence of heads valuable as store-houses of taste Is G at that time was made to reopen the case, and it went ot small moment. NEW POETRY. OF THIS over lor the term. A few weeks since Justice Humph- Arlington Fire Insurance Company. ISLAND SOCIAL PLEASURE CLUB at BEY- reys, again holding the circuit court, decided against The performance of Professor Holer's amateur or- This compahy is solid and trustworthy in every r ERS' SEVENTH STREET PARK, the motion, and told the- counsel lor plaintiff that chestra showed careful training, which has resulted speot. They never dispute their losses, and always GEO. D. PRENTICE'S POEMS MONDAY, JUNE 3,1878, the matter was settled and execution might issue. in the development of some skill and proficiency. pay without any discussion. They take risks at the Tickets, admitting gentleman and ladles, 50 cents. The small boys certainly enter into the spirit of the JUST PUBLISHED. lt*0 Execution was accordingly Issued and placed in the performance with great fervor and dash. When they most accommodating rates, and have proved them- hands of Deputy Marshal O'Neill. The return was played for the encore it reminded one of a race of a selves the tnost reliable company in feecountry . "The Memorial Edition" of the Poems of George EXCURSIONS. madenon est. Again J udge H um phreys reopened the The enormous capital they represent gives assurance D. Prentice, edited with a Riographlcal Sketch by case after execution was issued without notification drove of Kentucky colts. After one or two false starts of tho high standing they maintain. they got off well together, running In a heap, and John James Piatt. Illustrated with a portrait on steel, to plaintiff's client. It is to be feared that Ward came down the home-stretch neck and neck. Time, a GRAND H. Lamon's (counsel tor defendant) politics, and little doubtful. P. Weleker, and ornamented with a side-stamp in gold, represent- what not, have been at the root of the action of on Fifteenth street, opposite the Treasury Depart Judge Humphreys in thus defeating every execu- The duet by Messrs. Young and Pugh was, as are ing Mr. Prentice's statue in front of the Courier- all the efforts of these gentlemen, exoellently well ment, is the best and nicest piace in fee city lor honest Journal building at Louisvile, with his autograph. 1 SUNDAY EXCURSION. tion issued, and two have been taken out. Vanden- and good liquors. All the fancy mixed drinks are berg is worth the money, and can be reached, but rendered. They are superior to a majority of the pro- vol., 12 mo. Cloth, $2; gilt edges, $2.50; full Morocco, if Judge Humphreys persists in bis reopenings at fessionals who visit Washington. made In the very highest style of elegance, and the the instigation of Ward H. Lamon, of course the Polonaise, from Mlgnon, by Miss Eva Mills, was beautiful finish of the saloon adds to the pleasuro ol $5. plaintiff will have to whistle for his money for at delicious. Miss Mills was dressed in exquisite taste, anything you get there. This edition (the fourth) contains fifteen poems not The Large and Commodious Light-draft Steamer least another term or two of the court, and promises to become, both In voice and style, a Only go and try the drinks at Welcker's and you (recently repainted and refitted) dangerous rival for some of our much-praised profes- will certainly return. Included in any earlier one, and presents Mr. Pren- —In view of the fact- that the bill for the reorganiza- sional sopranos. tice's Poetical Works complete. tion of the judiciary of the District—as it will proba- The Ssengerbund made music out of Gut-nacht, but American Honse. For sale by all book-sellers, and sent by mail, post- MARY WASHINGTON, bly pass both Houses and become a law—provides there was too much man in it. We oonfess a weak- The traveling public will find it to their advan- paid, on receipt of price by the publishers, for as additional judge, making the number of ness for the voloes of women. They are not all sound tage to call at the American House, comer Seventh ROBT. CLARKE & CO., CAPTAIN L. L. BLAKE, judges six, our reporter wandered around yester- and nothing else. However, we should have been de- and Pennsylvania avenue, where they will find the Cincinnati, Ohio. day among the purlieus of court and interviewed many lighted to have heard them chant the Marsellalse or best accommodations at feelowes t prices. The pro- Will make an Excursion to MARSHALL HALL and- lawyers. The general Impression seemed to be that the . prietors of the hotel are not only hotel men in the MOUNT VERNON SPRINGS on Walter S. Cox was a fitting man, and that if the The make-up of Mr. Hay and Mrs. Mills in the fullest sense of the word, but gentlemen of integ- SIR. AND MRS J. J. PIATT'S POEMS. wishes of the bar were considered he would be the scene from School for Scandal was good, and the act- rity. The traveling public should not fail to call 8UNDAY( JUNE 3. man to be placed upon the bench. As everybody tng was fair. Amateurs should strive not to be 1ml- at the American Hotel. Mr. Piatt's Poems. Leaving her wharf, foot of Seventh street, at 10:30 knows, Walter S. Cox is one ot the best and old- cators. However, amateurs don't stand up to be criti- WESTERN WINDOWS AND OTHER POEMS. o'clock a. m.; returning at 2:30 p. m. Leaving again est lawyers in the District, and moreover he is the 1 ised, though it might do some of them good. THE educational and charitable institutions of New By John James Piatt. at 3:30 p. m., and returning at 8 p. m. unanimous choice of the District bar. Orleans are in constant receipt of large funds from the 1 vol., 18VO. $1.50. New Edition. Fare for the round trip, 25 cents. It7 [From the London Atheneum.] —Judge Snell has lately delivered a decision which Georgetown Redtvlvns! Louisiana State Lottery Company, an Institution spe- will give joy to the hearts of commercial agents. He cially chartered by the State In 1898. One of its Semi- It appears to us that since the war the American UNDAY EXCURSION. decides that they can sell what they darned please If anything were wanting to prove that Georgetown annual Drawings will take place in that city on the people give utterance to deeper and nobler thoughts S under their license, and N. H. Miller, their attorney, Is not dead, but sleepeth, it was supplied last Tuesday 11th of June. This drawlng.wlll be under the per- in tneir poetry; they have gained an individuality of Steamer LADY OF THE LAKE will, until further is happy in having unraveled a very knotted case. evening by a view of the Concert Hall In the Curtis sonal supervision of Generals G. T. Beauregard of their own, and their verse is not the reflex and Imita- notice, make regular excursion trips on SUNDAY —Again our reporter is requested to ask of the au- School Building, where had gathered together all the Louisiana and Jubal A. Early of Virginia. The pri- tion of other poets in distant climes. Occasionally AFTERNOONS, leaving her wharf, terminus of the thorities that it should be made a penal offense for noblest and best to do honor to the Georgetown Col- zes, as set forth in a scheme in another column, aggre- Mr. Piatt gives us an echo of Longfellow and Ten- Seventh or Ninth Street Line ot Cars, at 3 p. m., for a. any justice of the peace to solicit counsel to appear lege Journal. gate an enormous sum, inoludlng a capital prize of nyson, but his best poems are his own and recall no five hours' sail on the Potomac, calling at Glym ont before him on case at issue, or to recommend his em- Considering the season, and that the object was not $100,000. remembrance or shade of the poetry oi others. going down and coming back. Fare, 50 cents. ployment.-' ™ X in the direct line of charity, there was a brilliant [From the London Spectator.] Steamer JOHN W.THOMPSON will leave same house, representing the wit, the worth, the dignity, This volume is one among not a few recent proofs wharf every SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock He is requested also to say that the practice of jus- Schwlng & Clarke that America is acquiring a poetical literature that is tices of the peace, in appearing as attorneys in other the taste, the beauty and elegance of our sister olty, have one of the finest saloons to be found In the coun- ifor Glymont. Faro, round trip, 25 cents. and what was wanting in numbers was made up In distinctly her own. N. B.—Steamer Thompson's tickets not good on the courts, is subversive of public policy. try at the corner of Seventh and G streets northwest. [From the Independent.] —The great mistake in taking bonds for constables, quality and character—and right here wo ought to The hot-lunch bar is a most agreeable feature of the Lake. je2-tt6 1 say that, to insure the success of any enterprise In the The lovely home-feeling of many ot the other magistrates and others, is that the« bondsmen may be establishment, and there is also a handsomely fitted poems seems to hang a new garland on every domes- good to-day and void to-morrow. A failure to account District the one thing needed is to secure feeservice s UNDAY EXCURSION.—THE STEAMER of that faultless and favorite artist, Miss Eva Mills, up dining-room for ladies, which Is patronized by feeti c altar. I MATTANO will resume her trips to Marshall for moneys received by these officers should be made elite of the olty. Ail the delicacies of the season are S embezzlement and subject to its penalties. As it Is who Is first in tie hearts of our muslc-lovlng public, as Hall on Sunday, May 5, 1878, and every Sunday she Is first and foremost In every cause of charity and served at short notice, and the liquors are the best that thereafter during the Excursion Season, (weather per- now the offense is merely a breach of trust; for whioh can be obtained. the only remedy is a civil suit, and. every one knows education. LANDMARKS, AND OTHER POEMS. mitting.) Leaves Sixth-street Wharf at 3:30 p. m. how futile would be the attempt to recover by this Of course she sang exquisitely and looked divinely, By John James Piatt, Returning arrives at Washington at about 8:30 p. m. means. and was greeted with an enthusiastic encore, and three Madame Garrett. lvol., lflvo. $1.50. New Edition. Stops at Alexandria going and coming. Fare to or more baskets of flowers. Of Messrs. Gioetzner and As the season approaches fbr summer resorts, the [From the New York Times.] Marshall Hall and return, 26 cents. The MATTANO Reynolds, Fugitt and Pugh It is needless to speak. fashionable modiste Is in greater demand with all Mr. Piatt may justly claim to be the first genuine can be chartered for Excursions on reasonable terms by applying at the office of the Steamer MATTANO, Who Gets the Prizes. They performed their parts most acceptably, the two those who like to be attired In the latest and most ele- poet oi the Mississippi Valley. No one who reads his latter being forcedto repeat, nolens volens, the popular gant styles. Madame Garrett, at 1107 G street, always poems can fall to see that they are charmingly origi- foot or Sixth and N streets southwest. (The name of the winner of a prize is held to be con- duet, " Excelsior." The reading was tiie best ever has the latest fashions; but this season she has made nal, both in the subjects selected and in the manner myl2-4mo7 G. TUCKER JONES, Agent. fidential, and is never used without the owner's con- heard in Georgetown, and great tadte was exhibited It her duty especially to have all fee latest fashions In in which they are treated. Pictures ef Western farm sent.) ,. In the selections. Miss Mary Williams won all hearts dressmaking from feePari s Exposition. She has all life are so vividly painted that one can almost see the IRST GRAND SUNDAY EXCURSION ON SECOND CAPITAL PBIZB. with her naive, fresh and graceful manner, and re the new and beautiful fanoies of Madame Leo try of endless fields of wheat lazily waving in the hot, hazy F [From the New Orleans Picayune, May 22.] ceived many beautiful floral tributes. Prolessor Hay Paris. air. THE BARGE NEW OBLEAHS, May 21, 1878. and Mr. Ralph Jefferson never did better or gave "COCKADE CITY" The undersigned certifies that he held for collection more pleasure, while one and all united in the effort KENNY'S, WILL TAKE PLACE THIS SUNDAY afternoon, for account ot George W. Moss, agent Adams'Ex- to pay tribute to the artistic skill evineed by the 915 Pennsylvania avenue, Mrs. Piatt's Poems. Leaving the Seventh-street wharf at 3 o'clock and re- press Company, Washington, D. C., one-half of Single young gentlemen from the college, Messrs. Walsh, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. A WOMAN'S POEMS. turning at 8, landing at Fort Washington going and Number Ticket No. 2009, Glass " E," In the Louisiana Duffy and Sohoolfield. Real and imitation laces at very low prices. By Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. returning. State Lottery, which drew the Second Capital Prize Altegether the entertainment was the choicest ever 16mo. $1.50. New Edition. Tickets, 25 cents. No charge for children under ten. of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, on Tuesday, May given' in Georgetown, and every man, woman and Dave Hagerty, [From the Independent.] years. 14, 1878, said ticket having been purchased for the child lei t the happier and better for having attended who is sometimes styled " The Count," Is winning In quantity ft is not a great book; but in quality, in Donch's Band, sixteen pieces. sum of one dollar, at the New Orleans office, by the Billy Wright and Hammerslv, caterers. It. TELEMACHUS. golden opinions for the excellent manner In which he delicacy, originality, artistic feeling and po#er, no This barge can be chartered for $60. myl2-tf8* undersigned, and forwarded to the holder through conducts his restaurant* at the corner of Seventh and American poetess has given us a greater one. Adams' Express Company at Washington, D. C,; E streets northwest. Hagerty has always been noted that the amount was promptly paid on presentation Poetry. for bis reasonable charges and the excellence of his A. BASCHON, of the ticket at the office of feecompany . June—the sweet blue and golden month of June- liquors and edibles, and ot late he has even tried to A VOYAGE TO THE FORTUNATE ISLES. French Steam Dyeing and Scouring T. M. WB5COAT, Is said to be the month of marriages. We have surpass himself. A lunch at Hagerty's is a sure cure By Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. 16mo. $1.50. ESTABLISHMENT. Agent Southern Express Company, little to say of marriages, but in this connection for the worst fito f blues. [From the Atlantic Monthly.] 422 Eleventh St., bet. Fa. Ave. and E St. Washington. New Orleans, Louisiana. are brought to speak of things beautiful, and in Here is poetry as delicate and purely poetic as ever Ladles', Gentlemen's and Children's Clothes speaking of beautiful things we are called t* those was given in the world. Cleaned without taking them to pieces. All kinds of "Uneasy ties tlie Head that Wears a adornments which make nature most adorned—dress Dan. O'Brien, Crown." The genial proprietor of the Emmet House, opposite [From the Advance.] Shawls and Silks done up equal to new. Feathers and dresses. Within a certain range Mrs. Piatt sings as purely cleaned and dyed. Special attention paid to cleaning This old saying does not apply to the honor-crowned, the Baltimore and Potomac Depot, has had his hands There Is no place that we know of. and no estab- full during the past week In providing for his numer- and sweetly as Mrs. Browning. and dyeing Kid Gloves. Articles held for six months. level-headed citizens o>f Washingto,,„01UU8MJIn1 thaH t purchaspurcnase lishment more perfect In dress-making and In all Not responsible in case of fire. The only French Dyer their mattresses at LI oyd's mattress factory. No. 905 things associated with lady's Wear than that of ous guests. The fact is that the Emmet has become In the city. Suits dyed in twenty-four hours' time. D street northwest. |' Madame Washington, our most popular dress-maker. so .'great a favorite with the traveling public that the rooms are constantly filled, and the staff of the house THAT NEW WORLD. &c. ap28-ly2 P. S— We understand that the Government Is This establishment is located over Wllllan's, on Penn- By Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.50. trying to break this establishment -up, on account of sylvania avenue, near Ninth street. Madame Wash- are put to their trumps to provide accommodation. But they are equal to any emergency, and no guest [From Review by W. D. Howells,in Atlantic Monthly. 1 so many officers being late at their offices in the morn- ington's establishment is in point of perfeat beauty If so few words oould justly dismiss it, we should like a beautiful poem. What she does not have in ever departs without oarrying with him a pleasing re- Madame Jeanneret collection of the excellence of the accommodations of feel that it was the most entire expression of Bereave- the line of her profession ne do not know. It is ment we know in literature, for that defines, if it does Has closed her branch store In Washington. She has LYNCHBUKG, VA„ May 10, 1878. well werth a visit to her establishment. the Emmet and the kindly courtesy of the proprietor. General G. T. Beauregard: not fully praise, the book. received two cases of [From the Christian Union.] IMPORTED BONNETS. DEAB FRIEND : In response to your inquiry as to the "1 DREAMED that I Dwelt In Marble Halls" Is a time 1 shall arrive in New Orleans to assist you in KENNY'S, Mrs. Piatt is one of the few American woman-poets HIDING and SEASIDE HATS, most beautiful song, but the famous Marble Saloon, 916 Pennsylvania avenue, for whom all women have a strong aliection. superintending and drawing the grand drawing of the oorner of Ninth street and Pennsylvania avenue, is which she will open Tusesday and Wednesday, at Louisiana State Lottery, to take place on Tuesdav Between Ninth and Tenth streets. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on re- something more beautiful. This most elegant res- We are selling ladles' summer suits and underwear, ceipt of price, by the Publishers. June 11,1 would reply that I shall leave here so as to taurant is open day and night. The liqueurs and S3 NORTH CHABLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. arrive in your city by the 21st Inst., which will give us made by the best manufacturers in New York, at a H JAMES R. 0SGOOD & CO., Boston. wines are of the finest quality, and the meald exceed- very small advance on their prices. Dressmaking in all its branches. marl7-tf3 ample time to fulfill the duties required of us. ingly choice, and served in elegant style. The fact Your friend, JUBAL A. EARLY. that this establishment is up to the times in respect to JOHN E. KENDALL & SON, the prices, combined with all other advantages, make THERE 13 a land that Is fairer than day," and POEMS IN COMPANY WITH CHILDREN. there is one establishment in the millinery line in By Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. No. 619 B street northwest, Shoeing. it the finest of the fine. I vol. small quarto, $1.60, Near the Baltimore and Potomao Railroad Depot, In the races that have been in our midst, both Washington that makes one fairer than day or the serene beauty of twilight. We reler to Madame Ro- With Illustrations by Miss Humphrey, Robert Lewis • Have for sale a few more of those at Benning's and at the National race track, there A YOUNG LADY was inquiring oi her old nurse, the senbaum & Son, 722 Seventh street. This is one of and Miss Jessie Curtis. CELEBRATED ICE-KING REFRIGERATORS, have been many trials of speed, and yet it is evi- widow of a pensioner, how she got on. " Badly enough, the most complete houses south of New York, and re- [From E. C. Stedman, author of "The Victorian At less than half the Manufacturer's prices. my26-4t8 dent that the best horse is the one that is thedarlint , only the government intinds to do something plete with all that Is beautiful and complete in the Poets" in the New York Evening Post.] best shod — for a horse badly shod is no horse for us." "And what's the government, Nora 1" "Is millinery line. Madame Rosenbaum displays not All of her songs to or concerning the little ones are at all. But William Anderson, Ohio avenue, be- it jokin' ye are, Miss ? Sure every child knows what's only the most perfect taste and knowledge of her pro- full of the heaven that lies about us in our infancy. HE. HEIL, tween Twellth and Thirteenth streets, was never government. It's a half a dozen gentlemen and slch fession in feeselectio n and make-up of her goods, but For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on re- known to shoe a horse that lost a shoe In a race. as they may be, that meets and thinks what's best for also has her prices arranged to suit the times. Every- ceipt of price by the Publishers. Stevelmimt Xnllos He is reliable, and he knows a horse's hoof from themselves, and then say that's best lor us—and that's thing saved in these days is gained, and therefore It is D. LOTHROP & CO., NO. 322 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. | anything under heaven and earth that approaches to it. government." wise and sensible to call at 722 Seventh street. deie-tf Boston, Mass »p28*ly3 6 THE CAPITAL — JUNE % 1878,

For THE CAPITAL. warmly, advocating action in consonance ligious and moral conservatism in the Eng- vanoed with long steps to greet me, his hand extended COMPLAINT. with the resolution. He said that it was lish people which seems to make that little c ordially, bis air courtly and courteous." WEARING APPAREL. Justine plead? and weeps, but the great man says BT MARIE LE BARON. impossible that Christ's soul could have island the germinating conservatory of all ' 1 am sorry; 1" »in very soi-ry. Iwifl beatVou In mind gone to the abode of impenitent sinners the elements of safety for government and be assured pi that. I will do whatever I may." Hotf : : O summer, wilt thou go ? . he bears her. in mind appears from a subsequent and I ^ ^ Wilt take with thee the leaves so fair, even for a moment. It must have gone di- society, in theso days of political and relig- final interview: "I was again in the presence of the rect to paradise. He quotes the interpreta- beoretary. It is possible that he did not remember The roses red and balmy air, ious scepticism. The character of the An- me; oertain that ne accorded me no recognition. I Bright morn and sunset's glow? tion put upon "hell" in connection with glo-Norman is as warlike to-day as when dropped on a sofa and listened mechanically while one after another drew up to the cold, distant, obviously ®ea n n efc S^O JZC this clause of the creed by a canon of West- Drake and Raleigh were the exponents of indifferent magnate, and stumbled unhappily through Down In the forest depths 1 roam. minster, Dr. Farrar, who says it means that passionate, restless spirit of adventure his statement or request. I observed that the Secre- 8 * • A • £ 5 a i ® And hear the dropping of the leaves; " paradise—a place of incipient bliss." He tary replied in a clear, audible tone, harshly in con- A field the rustling of dry sheaves, which was a birthright from the Vikings; trast with the embarrassed murmuring of the appli- demanded that the expurgation be made, cants. It seems as it he must take pleasure in coun- And winds awaked at purple gloam; but the England of to-day typifies the united teracting their feeble attempts at privacy." and his speech was loudly applauded. achievments in war, letters, commerce and The stream leaps o'er Its pebbled way, How many will recognize in this a life-like picture 5 "3 a I 1 - Io Patterson was followed by others of his science, and her arm, reaching out to engirt of their own unhappy experience. A cataract where once it fell, When Justine's turn comes the Secretary greets her With gentle cadence, like a spell, own ideas, but no immediate action has the world, flings the "meteor flag" with " How do you do, Madame ?" but insists that he « S 2 B * SS g T3 every sea. . remembers her lace perfeotly and has only forgotten I S § ^ § S RRA OF music through the summer day; been taken upon the troublesome question. her business." • • | S fc » li ^ • o «a This continued and personal interpreta- It is not the corruscating brilliancy of Finally he tells lier, "All I can say is, that we will And shrill the birds cry as they dart attend to that matter when—when we get ready," and In threads of blackness 'cross the skies; tion of the scriptures to suit whims or tastes the reign marked by Shakspeare, Bacon, so ends her interview, and hope ends with it. g § is * sr. m To southward each one home-sick files; of individuals or individual cliques of re- Raleigh and Sydney, with a comet-like She goes to the White House, and here we find some s 4 « » ts p-i portraits every one will recognise: I sigh to see them swift depart. 6 ligions, calls vividly to mind Swift's Tale of individuality in men who were the expo- ' • Behind the table stood a thin, pale gentleman who © » A J—' Y a Tub, and the modifications by the three nents of great elements, but it is the picture seemed to me greatly worn with labor, but still won- G 5 P CRC5 z Their empty nests hang high in air, derfully assiduous and patient. His face had such an Swayed to and fro by„winds that blow; sons, Peter, John and Martin, of their fa- of a great people who have embodied the expression of benevolence and his voice was so full of J• * ; ; •>: C. VO» The eggs will be but eggs of snow, ther's will. It expressly stated that they sympathy and consolation, that I queried whether he spirit of the nineteenth century and practi- had not at some, time of life been a clergyman, ac- The cruel winter will lay there. should not dress gaudily, but when, after a cally demonstrated its principles. It is the customed to soothe grief and care for suffering." E. HORGAN, time, rapiers and cocked hats came into Of the " Chief of the Land," as she oalls him, Jus- MERCHANT TAILOR, The lily's petals strew the walk; immense triumph of the union of law, com- tine says: " He seemed so manly in the best sense, so The hardier blossoms brown and fade; fashion they desired the same and con-|merc e and religion; for these three words strong and considerate aod kind, that he almost No. 825 SEVENTH STKEET, The sere vines cast a sicklier shade, suited the will. They could find no per- tempted me to confide to him my sorrows. 1 was par- represent the lines upon which the ticularly struck and moved by a manner which he Makes to Order the Cheapest CLOTHING in the And sun-flowers wither on the stalk. missive clause, but found the word " broom- of England has been developed. had of falling silent for a momont and gazing at me _ city. with an expression of inquiry. His eyes actually W001 • • -85, 86 and 87 •O summer, wilt thou go, stick" used, and, after consultation, de- When tyranny broke itself against the seemed to uttrr this question of 'Mercy, what can be Yachv m t, Cloth Suitu' Y.s' 818, 83»300 anand 82823 And take the beauty I have known cided that " broomstick" at one time meant iron form of Cromtvell, the aristocratic, per- done for you.'" The glories that in tints have grown both a rapier and a cocked hat, and so con- Determined to leave nothing undone, our little of- nov4-ly5 Intenser with the Sun's late glow? sonal and class prerogatives of the crown fice-seeker goes to one of Mrs. Hayes' private recep- scientiously decided to don the same. ceased, and though to some extent revived tions, and, growing enthusiastic in the midst of all PIG-ABB AND T0BA000. Wilt take my dreams so still and blight, troubles, writes: "From the haze beibre my eyes a In course of time flash shoulder-knots in the reigns of the Georges, yet to the great lady detached herself and came to meet us; the lace try THE That floated down my stream oi thought came into vogue, and the three heirs consul- pale, regular, feminine, and yet full oi character: the Like lily bells with sweetness fraught, Puritan we must credit the freedom which eyes sparkling with singular animation; tho smile ted the will. They were unwilling to adopt has developed the England of to-day. most cordial. A great deal or Intelligence was ex- "Upon a languorous flight? pressed through a great deal of sweotness. 1 thought P. O.D.5-Cent Cigar the same system of interpretation this time, The Barons at Runnymede contended for of Emerson's words: "Much genius goes into man- WARRANTED ALL HAVANA FILLER, Ah me, e'en as 1 pray, the air and could for a space find no quibble by ners. "To me, an entire stranger, itseemed a beautiful Grows chillier, and a broken rose themselves and their feudatory rights in greeting. To a sore spirit it was a consolation 1 AT which to whip facts about the stump, until the people; Cromwell for the people purely; never think of it without resolving that I will be cor- Oast out from warm, green-leaved repose, dial with my fellow creatures, and greet even the un- FRANK LOUGHRAN'S, Drifts past me blown, O where, O where? at length a happy thought seized one— and after him England's history, becoming known with a smile." if he couldn't work it todidem, verbis, I more and more involved in that of Europe 8. E. cor. Ninth and F sts. >. Yf. novl8-lyl And subtly, In my heart, I know But ior all this poor Justine tails to secure an ap- to do so todidem syllahis—and by pick- and in her settlements in the West and pointment, but she does better—engages herself to a The summer hath already fled, ing out letters from separate words he lovely old gentleman, and comes into possession of ifl And round me left Its soulless dead the East, her commerce grew to be her large fortune. made the trip with an s and an h-o-u-l-d- Justine's Lovers will have many, readers in Wash- ~STroose7 To And a grave beneath the snow. strength and main vitality, while the change ington, for much of it is true to the life, and Dassablv e-r k-n-o-t, and so their consciences were from religious intolerance induced the free- well told. again calmed, and the shoulder-knots added Cigars Wholesale MEN, WOMEN AND THOUGHTS. dom of thought that is the soul of progress ESTHER PBNNEFATHER. By Alice Perry. From r to the growing gaudiness of their garments. Harper Brothers, New York, through Mohuns. dealerin Im- [From THE CAPITAL'S Standpoint.] and enlightenment in this age. This is the first number '6f a new series of novels ported and And so the will was worked—where there styled, " Library of American Fiction," which we are manufacturer of is a will there is a way—to construe it. ' If the difference between the times of informed by the publishers, will be devoted exclu- the Cactus, La Sentiments of Fall River Strikers. Elizabeth and those of Victoria is great, the sively to the works of American authors. Manola, La Keose, Hall River, Massachusetts, was the scene of A person reading this romance may be in doubt for and Stockton Cigars. The Crushed Tragedienne. contrast is correspondingly marked between a while ai to whether the author is aman or a woman Agent for the Ambro- extensive commotion when the operatives, the quiet, good mother, the queen, serene but the conviction will finally come that no other than sia Fine Cut. The trade finding their wages so reduced that their Miss Adelaide Lennox, having slipped up and wise to take counsel in this hour of her a woman could have conceived of a character such as supplied direct from • the in her theatrical career—but, womanlike, Miriam Snow, a so-called woman stripped of every factory at the very lowest New families were without the necessities of life, country's peril, and that gorgeous amazon, quality that is lovely except physical oeauty, and York and Baltimore prices. being determined to talk—has naturally Burrounded by a host of female worchlpers whose de- suddenly thought alike by instinct and so the man-woma.n, who held England's votion and unnatural ardor Is, to use no harsher term organized, and feeling the same great spirit taken to the rostrum, and last week pufj pcepter with the grasp of Mars and the wis- painful. ' 49~Betail branches at Willard's, Metro- of demand for redress, their organization forth her mouth and wailed in her first lec- dom of Minerva, and alternately ruled and We have a " little Emily " actually dying, moaning ture anent the stage. away her life in pain ior the love of this oold, pulseless, politan, Arlington and Imperial Hotels. acted and a strike ensued. bullied, then prayed and flirted. Between but fascinating Miriam, or, »s the author has it, oct8-tfl The fair Adelaide started out in the role burning her lite out beiore her like candles beiore an Nearly twenty thousand operatives par- a warrior king of that time', tilting in the altar." DANIEL LOÜGHRAN, aded the streets. Great apprehension seized of a scene-shifter and curtain-lifter, raising front of the battle, and the figure of Kaiser Bo it remembered thatthesqloves are going on ina the latter for the benefit of her audience, female seminary, and here is a specimen oi the the mill-owners and the monopolists. The William directing an army] from, a tele- magnetic power of the principal—this Miriam Snow. JOBBEE OF mayor and entire police force were ready and giving what she regarded as the true graph station, the contrast is strange, but Miriam had come in to visit little Emily dying ior love inwardness of the trials and brutal whims and, " when the principal rose to go she paused near CIGARS AM) TOBACCO, for the anticipated emergency, but no vio- not so marked as between these two the soia and let her hand rest, as it by accident, on of stage life and the actor's career. Emily's head. The girl flushed as if at a lover's NO. 1408 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, OFFO lence ensued. The strikers were quiet and queens of England, representing the two touoh, and could scarcely keep from crying for joy." At resolute only to display by their numbers She began by saying artists cared little powers of the ancient and modern in the the sight oi this Esther Pennefather rose up,'" her heart SITE W1LLAHDS' HOTEL. and by their conservative spirit the injus- who made the criticisms provided the house history of the same country. beating with a sudden resolve," and said to Miss n>ar35-ly6 applauded. This is, perhaps, true, as the Snow " Will you kiss me before you go?" tice and callous inconsideration of the few . Elizabeth's long reign was a turning point " Yes," she said, gravely bending toward her; and GOAL AND WOOD, for the many. They aimed at a moral, not house and the critics usually think in uni- in English history. It was full of brilliant for the first time, and last time, in her life, Esther felt those beautilul lips touch her own Then Miss H. A. CLARKE. JOHW T. Orvra a physical effect. son. incidents and grand transformations, which Esther, in a periect ecstacy of bliss, drops off Edwin Booth, she,said, topped intellectual brought out men and woman of wit and into dreamland, " but through all the unconscious- Among the mottoes carried by the crowd ness of sleep that kiss kept burning on her lips." were the following: art; Lester Wallack is the master of polite wisdom. She repudiated the papacy as a The book is full of this sort of thing. Miriam exer- Coal and Wood. comedy, Jefferson is the king of genuine matter of policy rather than religious con- cises her influence while they are having a sweet little •"Machinery is discharging labor faster than new love feast together, and we read, " Every smile that comedy and Dion Boucicault the refined viction. Religious convictions and enthu- flashed through Miriam's eyes sent the color surging •employments are provided. The machinery oannot over her (Esther's) face like the look of a lover. The be stopped, and tramps must not be Increased. New delineator of Irish character and so forth, siasm on any subject she did not possess. sweet formed lips, with their statuesque curves, were so employments will come from new wants, and new facts that are known to every gamin in the She was cold, critical, diplomatic, fond of close to her that she could almost leal the breath that CLARKE & GIVEN, came through them wnen they parted for speech. The •wants will follow. Eight hours Iff land and which she has no right to copy- intrigue. She was eminently fitted for the strong mesmeric attraction swept through every nerve " The greatest monopoly is the monopoly of time." right. rugged work she had to do. of her being like burning lever;" and so it goes on in WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN a wild sort oi a way that might be sickening if it were "Less hours means loss poverty." "But, after all," said the fair crushed, not ridiculous and meant to be so. " Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." Victoria is different. From the night " not one of them would be missed a year Esther Fenneiather also dies for love of this en- WO»D AND COAL. " Whether we work by the piece or work by day, re- after they retired from the stage." And when, at the ghostly hour of 2:00 a. m., the chantress—yea, she does more!—she gives up hope, ducing the hours increases the pay." archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Co- happiness, all that makes life worth living, and mai- "A rich man means muoh labor never paid for." then she went in lively terms for the sordid ries a peddler, and she contracts this debasing alliance nyngham awakened the royal young Han- to save her loved Miriam an annoyance, and does this, Dally arriving, cargoes of select ANTHRACITE In the first motto is found the keynote of hucksters of the metropolitan stage who quoting in the midst of her ravings, "Love heareth and BITUMINOUS COAL, tor families, steam and permit the most indifferent actresses—ladies overian in Kensington Palace, and she came all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things manufacturing use. -our labor distresses. Labor-saving ma- down in her bare feet and night-dress to endureth all things." chines mean the pitting of automata against with money and position—to play fine parts The publishers claim that this is a novel of extra- KINDLING AND CORD WOOD. in return for paying for the same. hear that she was Queen of England, Vic- ordinary power," and so it is. As a satire on female flesh and blood and destroy the laborer of toria has been a sweet, good and wise wo- seminaries and the siokly lackadaisioal sentiment COAL STANDABD—TON 2,240 lbs. the country, as the devil-fish sucks in and If what Adelaide says be true, and we that flourishes in them like forced plants in a hot- man. It was the wisdon, however, that was house, it is simply tremendous. Best Quality, Fair Prioes and Fair Dealing. -devours the unfortunate sailor. have no reason to doubt her word, there is a guided; not the bold, dashing character The publishers claim also that it is "strikingly spirit of cheap vanity prevalent among original." This we must concede. We have never No. 424 TEN TH STREET WEST, which forced its own ideas. Radical change in the course of a somewhat extensive reading seen The Mordaunt Scandal. many wealthy ladies in New York precisely anything at all like it. Between D and E streets north. You are all familiar with the famous has been wrought in England, political and BRANCH YARD, eornor Twelfth and C streets similar to that among the apprentice boys otherwise, during her- long ifeign. First The book will be widely read. You may throw it scandal in English high life wherein the and butcher lads whom we meet with in down, but you will tako it up again, nor rest until you northwest. there came Chartist agitation, Irish disturb- have .read the last word. DEFOT at Potomac Bridge, corner Maryland ave- JPrince of Wales figured so largely—the Boz's sketches in the barn-like theaters of Men make but poor figures in this story. A basket nue and Thirteen-and-a-half street. sep&tf3 •suit for divorce by Sir Charles Mordaunt, ances, the Afghan war, war with China. maker, a peddler, a gambler or two and a gardener lower London, who played heavy business Then the great Irish famine arid the revo- inako up the list., and except the gardener, who makes mem*ber from South Warrickshire, on the at so many shillings per head. Any one,, love among the roses to the only common, sensible DOWN TO 4 grounds of infidelity of his wife, and Wales lutionary fever of 1848-9, followed by the female In the whole book, they are a sorry set. COKE CENTS- says Adelaide, with money, can now display Crimean war and the Sepoy mutiny. We are informed that this author will be heard from as one of the infidels. again. We really hope so ; and now that she has dis- 40' BUSHELS DELIVERED FOR $2.10. their crudeness on the New York stage. Through all these-years the Queen has had Lady Mordaunt was one of four sis- seeted tbe female seminaries with such tact and skill, And the duped audience wonders why it is, able advisers. The reduction of the tariff we trust she will turn her attention to fashionable ters all famed for their beauty as their society's training schools. GAS-LIOHT OFFICE, while the manager in his counting-house is in 1840-41, and the repeal of the navigation family was famed for its aristooratic blood. MODBRN DWELLINGS. By H. Hudson Holly. From counting out his money and chuckling over laws in 1849, gave England that vast foreign She was without doubt guilty of intrigues, Harper Brothers, New York, through Mohuns. 411 and 413 Tenth street. killing two birds with one stone. trade which lias so abundantly enriched This la a beautiful work, designed to serve as a guide tout the royal shadow of the heir apparent for those who desire to 44 build, furnish and beautify While the artists are begging for a posi- her, and which has led to the absorption of their houses without an extravagant outlay of money." COLUMBIAN staved off a final judgment. The defen- tion, (or lecturing, like Adelaide, which is territory year after year, until the British It is Illustrated by one hundred original designs of dant did not plead, a commission de lunaU cottages, villas and mansions ranging in cost from worse,) any woman with eight hundred or Empire extends over an area exceeding $2,000 to $25,000. ico inquirendo was ordered and she was a thousand dollars can flash her idiocy be- 8,000,000 square miles, of which Victoria We find in thl? work chapters devoted to "archi- adjudged insane. tect's duties and charges," "plumber's blunders," BANK NOTE COMPANY, fore the footlights, and make audiences Alexandrina is the honored head. "heating and ventilation," "paperhanglng and furni- Sir Charles, however, was persistent; he wish they were deaf mutes born blind. ture," 44bpme art," "art schools for women," etc., etc. brought an appeal before the House of On the 20th of this month she enters the This work does not pretend te furnish information There are instances on record during the by which the services of a competent architect can be liOrds, and finally succeeded in a hearing last season where fair young ladies paid as forty-hrst year of her reign; and the wishes dispensed with, but the object is rather to educate the OOS Pennsylvania Avenue, .and in proving his wife's guilt. He obtained of all the world, as well as the prayers of public taste, and to enable any one who desires to high as one hundred dollars per night for build to judge of the plans of architects and the work a divorce. making fools of themselves and wicked her people, invoke for her the forty-four of contractors. years which Elizabeth attained on the The work is worth its price ten times over to any one The last chapter to this highly interesting profaners of the audiences by their imbecile who cares to combine utility with beauty >n building •off-color romance is written in the marriage throne. and furnishing a home. The chapter on site and WASHINGTON, D. C. attempts at acting. Such women as these sewerage is of very great value, being full of p-ractioal during this month of the wronged hus- are eagerly sought after, and we can expect and sensible suggestions which it is unsafe to disre- band to Miss Cholmondely, the beautiful to have next season the spectacle of mana- NEW BOOKS. gard. We are prepared, with every faollity, for •and accomplished niece of Lord Leigh. JCSTINB'S LOVBBS ; a novel. From Harper Bros., , We commend the work to every one who desires to gers " ratting " each other in the prices they New York, through Mohuns, build like a man oi good taste and common sense, and Mordaunt is brave enough to try it once Justine's Lovers is the title of number two of Har- tollve In his house in comfort, like a gentleman." ask of their wealthy debutantes. Is Ha PoFBifjox; a novel. By Anthony Trollope, •more, and has retired from political life to per'L s library of Arherionn fiction^ and might be oalled The fact of the matter is the theatrical f the experience of a female American seeking for an From Harper & Brothers, through Mohuns. Engraving and Printing his baronial country establishment. His business is growing to be pretty well played bffloe." Popenjoy is number one of the "Franklin Square life and name has been one of tragio inter- Justine was born in Boston; is of blue blood—they Library," and Is publishediin quarto lorm, conve- in this country. The few stars will, of all are. She has been very rich; has seen better days— nient for watering-place reading. The story has to do est. He succeeded to his baronetcy when all the office-seekers have. with lords and baronB, deans and bishops, high- BANK NOTES, BONDS AND COMMERCIAL course, be always in great demand, and The presldentef a cotton mill and the head of a na- toned gentlemen and fashionable ladies, charming nine years of age, his father having been thrill and magnetize wherever they move; tional bank conspire together and swindle Justine's captains and fox-hunting squire*, with a deal of in- killed by a friend; at twenty-three he en- Inother out of her wealth, and her lover, an ambitious trigue, backbiting, soandui and trouble, all of whioh WORK OF EVERY KIND, fco. but the third rate and lower is so crowded New York lawyer, discards her because his mother can be had for fifteen cents. tered parliament, at thirty he began to that astors and actresses, such as they are, requires him to rdosoi All good New York lawyers WM. H. PHILIP, President. grow wretched through jealousy and well- obey their mothers. RBAPJHQ TUB WHIRLWIND. By Mary Cecil Hay. will be had for the asking—or, rather still, - Justine, in her despair, turn? to Washington, and j From Harper Bros., through Mehuns. U-EO. T. JONES, Vice President. gounded suspicions oi his wife's fidelity,a t will be called upon to pay for the honor of finds a friend la an . old gentleman, appoint- We have here a sweet litne'love story by an author JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary. forty he is divorced, at forty-two remarried. ment.clerk in the Department; but she soon finds. whose writings are all natural, graceful and charm- J. M. VAN BUSKIRK, Treasurer. boring audiences. out that appointment clerks "do not make appoint- ing. , , ments ; they record them when made." She deter- IV deals with scenes of English life, and teaches Did Christ Descend Into Hell ? While Adelaide, the beautiful crushed, is, mines to visit Mr. Secretary |—• herself. He (the that steadfast devotion to right brings its own reward While Bobingersoll is busy blasting the of course, bilious a nd sore over her own dis- Secretary) had been dined and wined at ber mother's at last, It, may be long do'ayed, but is all the house; and this she t|ilnks .ought to warm his heart sweeter becadse it Is slow in coming. • devil, while Beecher is practically proving appointment, still there is considerable toward her. Misguided child, good dinners are too What'a deal of good reading one finds anyway in BRADY'S that each man has his purgatory on earth, truth in her statements, and the reflection oommon to make permanent impressions., She says, these neat little numbers of the " Half Hour Series." ; !'It appeared to me that the whole population of the the Presbyterians of Pennsylvania are they may cause with those who care to re- City consisted either of Office-holders of iof people who ,LIX DESFOSSt'S actively discussing the propriety of retain- in this hot weather will endorse her were asking, for office, or'of people who might any day FRENCH BAKERY. NATIONAL PORTRAIT decide to ask fof ft," wWldh is a tolerable picture of a (Established 1869.) ing that clause in. the Apostle's creed anent veracity in many respectB. population laving abound loose waiting for something rich to fall in their laps. 18 YEARS OF INCREASING- SUCCESS. the descent of Christ into hell. FELIX DESFOSSE, Two Queens. She begs the appointment clerk to go with her into The well known and only real Frenoh Baker in Wash- GALLERY, At the general assembly sitting in Pitts- the presence 6f the "very great man," but no. "Mr. On the fifty-ninth birthday of Victoria, Bartle stood in great awe of his chief. He walked ington, is now at No. 2012 H street N. W., where he has burg the following resolution from the and in the fortieth year of her reign, the softly, spoke in a1 murmur and had a subdued, solemn- greater facilities than before for the manufacture of 625 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Presbytery at Philadelphia was read: ized air like an undertaker at a funeral." » * »th e best French and American bread. good queen and model woman, represent- 44 It is a kind of reign of terror, he oonfessed, smiling. FRENOH BREAD A SPECIALTY. Between Sixth and Seventh streets, "Whereas the clause in the^o-ealled Apostle«' ing a great volume of England's history, We understrappers have to wear humility as a gar- N. B.—French Bread is recommended for persons of ment. Theplace is solemnzing. However, it is noth- delicate health, espeolally fer those suffering from WASHINGTON, D. C. •creed which asserts that Christ 'desoended into hell- suggests a forcible comparison with the ing to the War Department and the Navy. They have dyspepsia. Beware of imitations. se'i-lyS is offensive as an unscrlptural Interpretation, and the spirit and people " that filled the spacious •iderlal distances there. In those heavens one star dif- This Gallery contains a collection of retention of it, on one hand, oonveys an erroneous idea fereth mlghtly from another star In glory. I was talk- BIRNEY & BIRNEY, times of great Elizabeth." ing yesterday with.au old fallow who has been In the American and European Celebrities, to those who recite or read it, and on the other hand War Department Son thirty years. During his time Late counsel of the District of Columbia, praotioe in prevents the general use of tie creed itself, which is Confronting Russia with her own warlike more Secretaries have come and gone than he can re- the United States and District courts and beiore the Unrivaled on this continent. otherwise so admirable and venerable; therefore, member. Yet he told me that he had never Bpoken to departments. OSloe, 830 Four-and-a-half street. spirit, and an armament to match the great- one, and wasn't solidly sure he had ever seen one. ; febLO-tfg " Resolved, That the General Assembly be over- est of the world, England stands to-day the Finally Justine works up her courage and goes alone Portraits of Eminent Men M Women, "tured to take the requisite constitutional step to re- 1 Into the fearful presence, and she says: I saw at a ANTED—To purchase COPPER CENTS 1793, result of the calm and wise statesmanship table, writing assiduously, a man. past the middle 1796, 1798, 1799, 1804,1809, 1811. 1813. HAL1 On exhibition and for sale. turn to the earliest and scriptural form oi the creed, age, tall and slender in figure, with a lace worn and CENTW S 1793,1794,1796,1798, 1802. NICKEL CENT -as found in the Greek language." which for those forty years of Yietoria's Mr. BRADY, aided by a corps of the best artists, lined by labor, but noble with the dignity of intellect. I860. Will make the'highest oiler possible on ex- will give bis personal supervision. reign has accumulated and realized her Of a sudden, flinging down his pen hastily, he roBe amining the pieces. Address, with stamp, Old Curi- Dr. Patterson of Philadelphia spoke wisdom and power; and then there is a re- alertly like one who has no time to spare, and ad- osity Shop, ill D street N. W., Washington D. C. OLD PICTURES RESTORED AND COPIED TO sep30-ly6 ANY DESIRED SIZE. febl7-tf8 THE CAPITAL.—JUNÉ 2, I ^78

ADDITIONAL FRAUDS OF HcGABRAHAN. interview of over an hour at his own house, on yester- fully advised by telegrams from MoGarrahan and day, and he seemed quite astonished when I told him Beale. TO TEAYELEES. 1. M'GAHRAHATT PROPOSED TO BRIBB DIMHICK, DIS- of Gibb's death. He said the victory over them In Think ot this, people of the United States, and HOTELS AND BESTAUB ANTS. TRIOT ATTORNBY. his absenoe could be easy of accomplishment. He will mark your servants in Congress who support this We charge that after learning that Dimmick had draw up the agreement, and I will hand him the 1,000 claim. Alongside of this fraud the salary grab TJALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. been appointed district attorney ior the southern dis- shares as soon as 1 am advised that the resolution has been expunged." Credit Mobilier, Pacific mall, the whisky ring and trict of California, McGarrahan stated that an eflort other frauds, that retired so many members of Con- The great double track. must be made to "capture him even ii an interest had And also the letter dated Washington, March 24. NATIONAL ROUTE AND SHORT LINE 1862, as follows : ' gress, sink into insignificance. It has been in Con- to be given him." This has always been his method gress for eighteen years. There has scarcely been a TO THE * * * " I have bad McDougall to sign the agree- TasHTOT of winning men over to his service. This being the Congress, during all that time, that some members of North, Northwest, West and Southwest. fact, If a man is known to have been devoted to the ment between himself. Sharp and I, and handed over which have not been corrupted by the McGarrahan's MAT 12, 1:30 p. m. interest of McGarrahan ior a considerable time, it is his 1,000 shares in four pieces, of 250 each." stock. As the oorrupted members retired new ones prima facie evidence that he is Interested with him in Other letters show what McGarrahan wished Whit- were found to fill their places, and the old ones, on A. M. Leave Washington : the case. It is, at least, sufficient to throw suspicion ing to do, and what McDougall said he would do the retired list, were used as lobbyists. This game Is 5:00 a. m.—Baltimore, Ellicott City and Way I upon his Integrity if a member of Congress or a Gov- Want of space is our only reason for not quoting Stations. them. being played now to a greater extent than ever before, ernment official. But we give the proof in the case ot lne holders ot the stock are in a state of desperation. „ f6:2J 0 E m.—Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Dimmick. 5. THE BMPLOYiCBNT OF BTAIf BY M'SARRAHAK. It is their last chance. If they fail now they will have Boston Express. On Sunday to Baltimore only. Letter of McGarrahan to Franck, dated May S, We Charge that, notwithstanding the assurances of had dlrt f°r notlllnS'" ae Ul®lr predecessors have 6:60 a. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations, Club Restaurant, 1861: . MoDougall relating to Whiting and the payment of and Way Stations between Relay and Piedmont * * * "Dimmick, the new district attorney, has n next we sllaI1 caI f7:40—Baltimore Express. the stock to make assurance doubly sure, McGarra- A . SW l attention to the frauds not, I believe, beon appointed by the influence of our han determined, after consulting Hickman, to em- of McGarrahan in 1869,1870 and 1871. 8:10 a. m.—Point of Rocks and Way Stations. opponents. Frank Blair told me before he left that he ploy Ryan, a very influential frtend of Whiting to go [To be continued.] 8:80 a. m.—NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON AND was only recommended by one man, and that man with him to California, In the spring of 1862, and to ELPBHFIS- PARLOR CAR to New York and from either Indiana or Illinois, so that 1 think a direct remain with Whiting until after the July term of Philadelphia. NO. 1409 NEW Y0EK AVENUE, and careful effort ought to be made by Shatter and court, to make his action as district attorney in favor +8:36 a. m.—St. Louis, Cinolnnati, Chicago and Hirsch to get possession of him, even if we have to of McGarrahan's case certain. This is proved bv the By Universal Accord, ' Pittsburg Express. Conneots for Hagerstown and give him a small interest with us. Had we him act- following: AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS are the best of all purga- Valley Branoh except Sunday, Chicago except Satur- oay- Through Car to Staunton. PARLOR CAR to ing as our friend in that position we could bid defiance Letter of McGarrahan to Franck, dated March 24th tlves for family use. They are the produot of long, to them all." 1861, and others: liraltbn and SLEEPING CAR tb Cincinnati, Columbus. Here was a plain proposition to bribe a United laborious and •successful chemical Investigation, and Chicago, Junction and Sandusky. States district attorney. He adds that if he had the * * * " He (Byan) further proposes that, in the their extensive use, by Physicians in their practice 9:00—On Sunday only, Baltimore, Annapolis and "ent of we accepting his first proposition for the ISTOW OPEN. United States attorney in his favor he could defy the and by all civilized nations, proves them the best and way stations. whole of them. It was not strange that McGarrahan 1,000 shares, he will make arrangements to start on fl0:00 a. m.—Baltimore Express. the steamer with me and proceed at once, after his most effectual purgative Pill that medtoal science can P. M. should suppose a United States attorney could be arrival in California, to Monterey, and remain with bribed, and that when bribed, he had great power to devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise 12:1 p m —Baltlmore Whiting during the term and until the case is dis- -.„ £i l, - ' Ellicott City, Annapolis and I defraud the United States. He knew Ord when Uni- posed of." And also— from their use. In intrinsic value and curative pow- Way Stations. I ted States attorney, and, acting under a bribe, had +1:30 P M.—NBW YORE:, PHILADELPHIA AND Letter of McGarraha n to Franck, dated Washinge - ers no other Puis can be compared with them, and succeeded in getting the fraudulent claim of Gomez ton, Maroh 28, 1862: BOSTON EXPRESS. On Sunday to Baltimore and BEST HAVANA CIGAES, confirmed; and that said claim could not succeed with- every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, * * *„" On my return I received your letter, and Way Stations only. out a bribed district attorney. If he could brlBe Dim- read It all to Eyan last night. We agreed upon the when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, 4:30 p. m.—Baltimore, Bladensburg, Annapolis mick therefore, all would be right. With an honest "notion and Laurel Express. Frederick, via Relay. first proposition, and it is understood now between us and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery m district attorney he stood no chance. that he accompanies me on the steamer of the 2d P- ~Frederick, Point ot Rooks, Hagerstown, 2. M'GARRAHAN'8 »STOUT TO HMTLOY HALL M'ALIS- of life. Mild, searching and ettectual, they are spe- Winchester and Way Stations. Sunday to Point of April, and to faithfully attend to what I previouslJy in- CHOICE OLD WINES» TBR. formed you." cially adapted to the needs of the digestive appa- Rocks and Way Stations bnly. We charge that in the spring of 1861, when the case He has no thought of depending upon tlio merits of ratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, t4:40—Baltimore. Annapolis and Way Stations of McGarrahan was about to come up before Judge his case for success. He must have some arrange- +5:30 p. m.—Philadelphia, Norfolk and B altimore Ogier, who had discovered the frauds in the case, Mo- ments or contract In which stook Is to be given betore If timely taken. They are the best and safest physio -Express. Ellicott City. PASSENGERS FOR NORFOLK Garrahan wrote his attorney to have the case removed he will trust any one. Suppose all suiters were like to employ for children and weakened constitutions, TAKBN IN THB CAES DIRECT TO BOAT AT CANTON to San Francisco, so that It might be heard before him, what kind of courts of justice would we have? where a mild, but effectual, oathartlc is required. No connection Sunday for Norfolk. Stop at Bladens- Best Caterer in the City, and a Cuisine Judge McAlister. To influence the judge in favor of J ustlce and right would be banished from courts for- burg and Laural. the case, McGarrahan proposed that Hall McAlister, ever FOR SALB BY ALL DEALERS. +6:60—Baltimore and way stations. the ion of the judge,should be employed as principal +7:16—CHICAGO AND COLUMBUS EXPRESS. SLBEP- that Defies Competition. counsel tor him, and that a share of the property 7. THE EFFORTS OF M'OARRAHAIT TO CAPTURE MR. ING CARS to Chicago. should be conveyed to him, (In addition to his oash FBSSBJIDBK. MISCELLANEOUS. +8:10 p. m.—Baltimore Express retainer,) contingent upon success. The objeet of this We charge that in 1869 and in 1870 McGarrahan +9:26—St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville and Pitta- was to indirectly bribe the judge, as he bribed Judge was very desirous ot obtaining the vote and lnfluenoe burg Express. SLEEPING CARS to St. Louis and Pitts- Haight, to secure success in his case. To the honor of of Mr. Fessenden in favor of his claim In the Senate • burg. No connection for Pittsburg Sunday Mr. McAlister, he refused to be thus retained. The that he did net dare to make a direct offer of reward Removal Notice. +9:30 p. m.-Nsw YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BAL- letter ot McGarrahan proves these statements. to Mr. Fessenden, who had a high standing as a law- TIMORE EXPRESS. SLEEPING CAR to New York aad SPECIALTY, yer and as ¡in honest man ; that Mr. Franck, in New ad ma and 6:30 and 9:80 p. m. dally! supervision of Harry B. Edwards was the man selected by Blair olalm that has for twenty years had no support but Limited Express, 9:20 a. m. daily, except Sunday' Hickman and McGarrahan, on the 27th ot March fraud and corruption, as the letters Of McGarrahan Accommodation for Baltimore, 6:55 and 8:30 a. m. andi i 1861, at the home of Hiokman, Edwards being pres- now in theirpossesslon show. We refer the reader to the 93l7 Pennsylvania Avenue, 4:20 p. m. dally, except Sunday. ent at the interview. His qualifications for theletter s of McGarrahan relating to these efforts to cap- For Pope's Creek Line, 6:66 a. m. and 4:20 p. m dailv office, in the estimation of these threo conspirators ture General Butler. Space will not admit of our except Sunday. * ^ ans..n,di <1as« *ta.t»S Edwards did not receive the oppointment, though XL McQI? ,?a ' I® > rv!vo or perish, to go Pastilles de Florence, it was advocated by Hickman, Forney, F P Blair wJ 1; rrahan had taken advantage of their T. WHITING'S, and Montgomery Blair, then Postmaster General. joj« « money, and made them his slaves for life. He (WHITE & ROSSES,) But Edwards belngastockholderin Panoche Grande Ste He tho whl and 934, 1'liNNS YJL VA NIA AY My VU, Are a most delightiui cooling substitute for soap or Dining-Eooms, McGarrahan could not lose his services. He and F. workorsmflT* TV P- »eymust Their ¿n/S^- .It; Prerogative to command, powder, removing all impurity and greasy appear- 1008 and lOlO F St. Northwest. P. Blair, therefore, devised the means ol having Beali Ttley dld ance of the skin Ladies traveling in summer heat retain the office of surveyor-general in name, while show ?vL . o^y, as his letters snow9 W. gPoor, unfortunatCtal e men They learned that a n d wl I1 fl Mmo Edwards was to remain In the office and do the work wwaa v o? the °® corruption was deX That the STRAW HAT BLEACHERY T,i A-Q „ „ , r iii, - I-EWENBERG'S PAS- 25 Cents Per Meal, $16 Per Month, in which position he could render McGarrahan im- y ot the transgressor was hard. ii.La.liS an Infallible remedy for Tan, Redness. Pimples, as also for Erysipelas. mh31-trt $4 Per Week. portant service. Edwards did so remain, and did ac- of Onn^S?tti1KdeSan PARKER BR(?S ihe latter stated to the former, after learning what tlof$r«hÌ.Ì p»;Ut,?n,0'Mo»«rahan for aninjun® olaas second-hand clothing. Notes by mail promptly DIPLOMA was required, that for 1,000 shares of stock he could n 1 0lerk0f the AWARDED. Harness 4 Pad-Maker. AWARDED and would have a man appointed to the office who atwrnevfinm ^ t. oourt and the district attended to. mar21-tf4 WEST MERIDEN,CT. transcrint of^i, Permitting to be made, a would act in the interest ot McGarrahan. The con-v re9.A per day at home. Samples worth $6 free. ndW^ÄÄf6 judge of M^Gamhan PLASTERER, I/O ¡^«Address STIKSON & Co. »"Vl vu LU1 L uodu Portland, Maine. sri-vx an Franoli dat6d tte 901 •Äi Ä. S, '' conspired with MoGa¿ 408 Eighth street northwest, Washington, D. O apr21-ly6 of March 1862^ P » P 6 m!iM g U r Apply to the record wM?h ^ ? P ° ~ transcript^ Caps. Brackets, Statuary,&o., always "McDougall and 1 had a very satisfactory nt this tho Sm ? £ required to perfect the appeal ifefifl a week In your own town. Terms and $5 outfi. BEA L ESTATE LOAH AND TRUST CO.. 01 this the said lour bribed members of Congrels were Muteecute"

A MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE.—A respectable played a number one game; and mention should be ATJGTIOE SALES. rural gentleman allowed that he would come up to made of "Barron's" wonderful slide at the home plate THE CAPITAL. Washington to see the ouflosities of legislation and in the third inning. enjoy the pleasures of the great American capital in a For the New Bedfords Gftre led at tbe-bat, his bat- most congressional manner. And on arriving he ap- ting being very fine, and his fielding was marked by SUXDAÏ MORNING JOHE 2 1878. pointed himself a temporary baohelor; that is, a Wash- a wonderful leu-hand catch <,f a liner off Butler's bat. BOSTON SHOE AUCTION HOUSE, ington bachelor, without even a phonograph to regis- Evans and Stone excelled 2n the field, and Keilly's ter his proceedings. Willard's Hotel and the Metro- catching was excellent. NOTICE. politan had given up their Congressmen to the Im- " NATIONAL. it. B. P.O. A. E. STOTS" OF THE Jr£J£Si.> FLAG, Our patrons and the public are Informed that THE perial, and there he found the elegant parlors, the halls and the outside verandahs filled with ladles and 2 0 0 n •CAPITAL does not employ any looal advertising gentlemen. The breakfast, wfth the trult beforehand, ...2 8 1 2 agents, or allow any commissions for advertisements. delighted him; the dinner was set with extreme ele- » ...2 T n 0 0 491 Perm. Ave., between Four-and-a-half and Sixth street. 1 0 il n 1 Parties wlBhing to advertise with THB CAPITAL should gance, and he strolled forth to enjoy what the evening offered. Trott, c .0 3 B 1 1 communicate with the business office, 927 D street. Butler, 2b 0 0 4 l 1 as-All transient advertisementsmustbepaid for in- He wept at the sorrows of Corporal Antolne, and Revllle, 8 b 0 1 1 0 The Stock of the above house Is now complete for thé thought George Boniface the most taking of all ac- 1 1 0 6 variably in advance. We are compelled to adopt this tors, and in a sentimental mood he returned to the Kipp, c. 1 2 1 1 n 1 •rule in accord with the eternal fitness of things,which elegant bar of the Imperial, and, thinking of his far- Spring and Summer Season. oalls for cash. oft home, his wife and the pastoral beauties of his 10 12 27 . 12 8 native heath, ho naturally ordered ¡a julep. He HEW BEDFORD. Our Prices to lead this side of Boston. strolled forth along tho beautiful avenues that face E. B. PO. A. E. the tall Corinthian columns and porches of our public 1 1 2 1 n RECORD OF THE WEEK. buildings, and, looking at the dome of the Capitol, 1 2 1 0 0 SPECIAL NOTICE. almost wished himself an M. C. His heart and 0 1 0 1 l pocket were both full, so he got into a street car. On MOSES -will be pleased to see his friends 1 0 5 0 500 pairs gents' low quarter shoes $1-, $1.25, $1.50, $2, Ladles' foxed button, $1, $1.25, $1.59, $2, $2.50 and $3. and on the luxurious vehlole rolled, and being out Stone, 1. f. 0 1 4 0 0 at My Office, corner Seventh and E streets, and attend for a good time, he recklessly swore that five cents $2.50, $3 and $4—bucale, ties and Congress. Also. 0 7 1 2 1,000 pairs men's gaiters, from $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, Plain lasting lace from 65c. to $2.50. ¿to their wants personally. should take him as far as it would go. A stern con- Davis, 2b 1 0 2 3 2 ductor gave him a "transfer," and away he whirled $3, $4 and $5. Ladles' fine low quarter, 3-button, 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, n 2 2 •i 500 pairs men's working shoes, 75c. $2. Buckle the same price. FLANNEL SUITS at Saks & Co.'s. on another line. He offered the new car man another 1 •l 9 0 0 ,jjj;8 five cents, but the generous r. r. Jehu wouldn't take it. Large lot men's lasting and morocco, 90c. A large lot of Ladles' Slippers, 35c. per pair. Ladies' ware, fine kid button, circle and front seam, He was thinking why didn't all towns have five- 8 7 27 13 7 SMOKE the P. O. D. Ninth and F. cent -railroads when suddenly an angelic female re- $1, $1.50, $2, up to $5. quested him, In a musical voioe, to pull the strap INNINGS. " THE Soldiers Trust," civilians don't. 1 2 8 4 6 7 8 9 Total. Persons purchasing goods to the amount of $3 will receive a bottle of French Dressing Free of Charge. which4 , of course, he did. ' ' l'mairaid I've gone too tar," said the lady. 0 2 0 4 10 WAGNER'S latest opera is called Walkure, " Can 1 help you ?" says the rural gentleman. New Bedford.. .1 40010110 "Yes; 1 think, in fact I'm sure, I live on the oorner 'but O'Loary is a greater. of D and E streets." Earned runs—National, 5; New Bedford, 2. Three "I'll take you there," says the gallant stranger, sud- base hits—Gore, 1; Bradley, 1; Stovey, 1. Two base Every Article Sold as Advertised. THE Ohio State Journal comes out in a denly struck with oblivion of bis wife, and constitu- hits—Houck, 2 ; Bannon, 1; Gore, 1 Passed balls— lengthy article headed, " Don't Fret." ting himself a patron of beautiful lemales In distress. Trott, 1; Rellly, 2. Wild pitches—Bannon, 1. First AM DETERMINED TO DO A BUSHING BUSINESS, PREFERRING TO TURN GOODS INTO By no means—leave that to your creditors. So away they went towards the corner of D and E base on errors—National, 3; New Bedford, 3. Struck streets; but the more they walked the more they out—National, 4; Ntw Bedford, 2. Left on bases— MONEY RATHER THAN SEE THEM LAY IDLE ON OUR SHELVES. MEMBERS of the Doubtful Club should didn't get there. Presently the stranger asked what National, 4; New Bedford, 1; Time of game—one hour and twenty-five minutes. Umpire, John Major. read their advertisement, which appears in another statue that was. "Lincoln," the lady answered, and she added, THE other important game of the week was an ex- celumn. ' now you must leave me." ceedingly exciting one on Monday between the AUCTIOap21-tf N SALES WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS. THE Potomac Pleasure Club, with Cap- " Mot before I see you home," said the gentleman. New Bedfords and National, and resulted in the But at that instant a man stalked up to the couple defeat of the National by a score of two to noth- tain Combs, will take their annual trip to Kiver and said, " Why, Minnie, is this you ?" ing. This was the finest game ever played in our Springs on the 10th instant. Minnie who?" demanded the rural gentleman. city, and the immense crowd that was present proved Minnie Smith, Minnie Jones. Minnie Brown, or that Washington can and will, support a good club. XHLj any other Minnie, what's that to you?" said the The pitching of Bradley was simply perfection, and WHY? Everybody who knows what good other. the champions found it impossible to hit him. It clothes are goes to Saks & Co. A good deal," said the rural gentleman, " this seems strange to us that when • there are three lady is under my protection, and I have right to know League nines now without pitchers, that they should MR. Gr. L. MCKEAN, who is well known her name, and "- neglect the opportunity to secur&.tlie services of one WHO MAKES A SPECIALTY OF CUTTING, IAKIN& AKD TIMING whose reputation as a player is second to none in to the newspaper fraternity, leit yesterday |for St. The profound words were lost in a playful spat which the Bpeaker got in the face; and he returned to the the country. The strength of the New Bedford club Our Large Folds of Goods We Sell From Show the General Effect of the Designs as Louis, having accepted lucrative position in that Imperial Hotel an hour afterwards to ask where was lies'in the pitching and catching, which we never: city. the corner of D and E streets. saw surpassed. The Nationals are stronger to-day than ever, and made host . of friends. Bannon, They Appear When Made Up. • JUNE came in upon us wearing the vine- Trott, Holly, Dallas, In a word, all played a magnifi- To THE PUBLIC.—The success whieh has cent game. We are justly proud:of our champions, gary face of early November. It has as nipping and attended the Tailoring Department of our new house, and believe that they can make it interesting for BT THIS MODE YOU SAVE FULLY ONE-THIRD as eager an air as the wealthy parent whose diSBOlute 921 Pennsylvania avenue, is of such a character as to any visiting club. son issues post obits. warrant us in announcing our purpose of abolish- IN THE COST, WITH FULL GUARANTEE, OR CASH RETURNED. ing several of the other departments, and devoting, THE New Bedfdrd nine has been induced to remain IN VIEW of the dullness of employments the larger portion of the establishment te the pur- and play one more game with the Nationals, to take nowadays,'subsequent generations, in telling fairy poses of tailoring. place to-morrow at 4:30.i The home club feel confident With this view our buyer sails for Europe on the of victory." JOHN M. KEELEE, atories of the better half of the nineteenth century, 12th of this month, for the purpose of purchasing will begin: " Wants upon a time, etc." direot from European manufacturers and ordering CROAKERS.—In every opxjmunily. there exists a Room 1, Vernon Mow, Tenth and Pennsylvania Avenue. specialties. class of people who are niSver satisfied. IE-it rains june3-tf3 $12 GENUINE Scotch suits at Saks'. During the remainder of this season the stock in they curse God because the.sun, does not, shine. It a the departments we propose dlscontinuing'wlll be poor devil commits a crime they run along-Crying, "1 closed out at prices that will Insure their speedy dls-; told you so," and whatever nappens it is never satis- THE Kansas City Times editorially an- factory to your genuine croaker. We have in our SUMMEE SES0ET-3. AUCTION SALES. nounces the wonderful fact that several Indianapolis posal. As the goods are all new and choice, buyers will do city a number of the above-mentioned vermin, who beer saloons are haunted by spirits. So are those in well to examine. Respectfully, are continually running about defaming Washington Washington, and by bad, cheap spirits at that. and every enterprise which is started. Their latest Y »UJYCAKSON BROS., Auctioneers, A. SAKS & Co., ambition Is to defame?and denounce the National JORDAN ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, Corner Ninth and D streets uorthwest. 921 Pennsylvania Avenue. Baae-Jlall Club. Now* every' one is entitled to his B MAJOR BEVERLY B. DOUGLAS, member opinion as to the. merits! of the club, and it is a mat- from the First Virginia district, left lor King Wil- I ONE *of the most honorable iustices we ter of perfect indifference to us who are in favor or Rockbridge County, Va. ELEGANT PIER MIRROR" WITH MARBLE liam county last night, to attend court, in one of have ever had in Washington is Judge Thomas D. against our home club; but we do dislike to see these STAND ; HANDSOME PARL'SR SUITE, MADE the most famous will oases ever tested in Virginia, Hodgkins, 619 Seventh street. Mr. Hodgkins is not men running around and saying this club or that These delightful Springs are eight miles from BY STEVENS OF BALTIMORE; EXTRA club cannot win unless the game is spld. Several of and in which Major Douglas is leading counsel. only a lawyer, but a gentleman, and we sincerely Goshen Depot, on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, HANDSOME EASY CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED hope he will be reappointed by the President, as an these enterprising gentlemen who! knbW so much lost from which point elegant coaches run regularly over large sums of money on the New Bedford and Na- IN REP AND SILK, ONE VELVET EM- A NEW glass ball club has been formed by honest justice is a novelty in Washington. a good read through a beautiful and picturesque coun- tional game in Baltimore by backing (not on the try. The improvements are entirely new, and em- BROIDERED ; HANDSOME MARBLE-TOP •a few clerks of the Post Office Department, to be merits; oh, dear, no; this game was to be thrown of! brace all the modern conveniences for the most com- 'known as the Huber Class Ball Olub. Their evening IF ANY one has a watch that needs repair- to enable the club to draw a large crowd on Thursday,) fortable accommodations. The principal hotel, in ad- CENTER TABLES ; LOT FINE OIL PAINT- for practice will be Tuesday, at 6 p. m., at Kalorama ing they should call on N. Jensen, 913 Pennsylvania the home club; but as the managers of our club are dition to Parlors, Dining-room, Ball-room, fitc.,con - INGS AND ENGRAVINGS; WALNUT EX- avenue, and have the same carefully examined before honorable gentlemen, and are runhing the club in the tains upwards of one hundred ohambers, all newly TENSION TABLES ; FINE WALNUT CHAM- Heights. The new Huber trap will be used by them. interest of base ball, and not in the Interest of the lurnished, with gas and electrio bells in each, (the trusting the same in the hands of incompetent watch- sporting public, ana would neither throw or buy a BER SETS; MARBLE-TOP CARVED WAL- makers. ' We would advise every one to call on J en- only summer resort in Virginia which has.) There THIS seems to be an era of deaths. We game, the croakers were badly bitten. Hence this are also superb cottage accommodations. Post and NUT SIDEBOARD; SUPERB DRESSING «re called upon to record the decease of Mr. Sam. sen, it they need anything In the repairing line. weeping and wailing which we hear on all sides. telegraph offices in the hotel. Two daily mails from Proctor, well known in Washington, and for several all points. In addition to the Alum waters, whose CASE; WALNUT HALL RACK WITH GLASS; yeirs connected with the barol the St. James Hotel. medicinal qualities are too well known to specially re- REP UPHOLSTERED BED LOUNGE; ELE- Washington Driving Park. fer to, there is on the grounds one of the strongest and GANT WALNUT WARDROBE; SMALL Mr. Proctor was thirty-three years of age, and leaves SPORTING MATTERS. best Chalybeate Springs in the country, which is a a wife and family. The remains will be taken to his The trotting races at the Washington Park will direct and powerful tonic. For further particulars, TABLES; FINE CHANDELIERS, WITH birth-place, Alexandria, and interred to-day. commence to-morrow, and should attract a large terms, &c., address by letter. GLOBES, AND ONE HALL LIGHT ; OANE- assemblage. The finest trotters iti tho District are SEAT DINING-ROOM ARM CHAIRS ; HAND- Do YOU value your money ? If so, visit Base Ball. entered, and the double-team race, which Is called at Circulars to be found at Drew's and Bischoi's drug- Owing to the inclement weather during the week 4:30, will be one of the most exciting ever trotted in stores and at the hotels. SOME PATTERN BRUSSELS CARPETS, NEW .Saks & Co., the clothiers, before you buy. this city. Mr. Hill has reduced the prices to B0 oents, JOS. IT. WOODWARD, LAST FALL, LAID ALL THROUGH THE the ball news is exceedingly dull and uninteresting. including all the privileges of the track. A special je2-tf4 Manager at the Springs. WE ARE in receipt from Mr. Whittaker, The only games played were the Milwaukee sjnd Provi- train will leave at 4:20 p. m. on the Baltimore and HOUSE ; AXM1NSTER RUGS, PAIRS; HAND- Vernon Place, Pennsylvania avenue, of one of the dence, Boston and Chicago, and the Cincinnati and Potomac railroad, and every lover of horseflesh should SOME OTTOMANS ON CASTORS; CHECK most striking chromos of the time. It is entitled Indianapolis. The defeat of the Providence was a be present. MATTING; BRUSSELS HALL AND STAIR "Justice on fieFrontiers. " A peculiarly American WE ARE informed that the owners of Tom Fields CARPETS, RODS, PADS AND LINEN; picturo, it is a perfect portrait of the far West. A great surprise, while honors are easy so far between WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, are willing to match him against any stallion, mare STOVES; COOKING AND KITCHEN UTEN- history on canvas of the spirit and system of do- the " only Nolan " and the Cincinnati. or gelding owned In the District tor any amount from WEST ing things in the frontfer country. The following games were played since our last $50 to $2,000 a sfde. This is a glorious opportunity for maiNiA, SILS; PATENT WALNUT COMMODE; HAND- issue: the owners of our fast horses to embrace. Any one LONG DISTINGUISHED FOR THEIR SOME WALNUT CORNICES; HAIR AND WE WOULD inquire of the board of May 28—Boston, 10; Chicago, 1. desfring to accept the above proposition will find man HUSK MATTRESSES ; MOCKING AND CA- trustees of the public schools what has become of the Milwaukee, 12; Providence, 4. and money ready at Wash. Nailor's stables. . Indianapolis, 11; Cincinnati, 3. YALUABLE ALTERATIVE WATERS NARY BIRDS, BOTH GOOD SINGERS. •charges that were brought against one of the teachers May 30—Cincinnati, 4; Indianapolis, 1. On MONDAY, June 3, 1878, beginning at 10 o'clock at the last meeting? As these charges were preferred Something New and Practical. AND The following is the schedule of games played since a. m., we shall sell at the residence of a gentleman by a gentleman well known to us, and are of such a our last issue. Games played on Saturday will be A want has long been feft in this city among horse- nature as to interest all parents, they should receive a found in our telegraphic columns: men, and sporting men generally, in being unable to Fashionable Patronage, about to leave the city, 1014 Eighth street, between K keep time. Any man owning an ordinary fast horse and L streets northwest, the above-named elegant ^thorough Investigation by the boprd. is anxious to know how fast he can go, and in nine cases out of ten he has to depend upon the correctness ARE NOW OPEN. articles of house furniture. Those in searoh ol furni- THE workmgmenof this District are in of another man's watch. ture of superior manufacture can gratily their tastes earnest, and they are now making preparations for a Mr. H. L. Oortelyon of New York is ready and will- Board—$3 per day, $20 per week, $75 per month of by giving this sale their attention. grand mass meeting in front of the City Hall, on ing to supply this want, and has appointed Mr. A.T. thirty days. Wednesday night next, to give expression to their Whiting, 824 Pennsylvania avenue, sole agent for the Special arrangements made witU families desiring DUNCANSON BROS., views of the tyranny of capital as against the rights of District for the "Arbuinffale Rotary Horse Timer." to spend the season. It3 Auctioneers. labor. Let every workingman be present to show that The machinery is simple, and Mr. Whiting, who has Descriptive pamphlets, to be had at W. S- THOMP- the present system is not in accord with him. Boston some on haoid, will be pleased to explain the working. SON'S drugstore, No. 703 Fifteenth street, opposite rjlHOMAS DOWIIS«, Auctioneer. The cost is small, and within the reach of all anxious Treasury Building. Chicago tp be oi\ time. A PLEASURE—The courteous treatmentat Cincinnati... TRUSTEES' SALE Indianapolis. Geo. L. Peyton & Co., Saks & Oo's. Milwaukee... Brightwood Park OF THE' Providence... Tbe managers of Brightw.ood Park offer a gold myl9-4t8 PROPRIETORS. FURNITURE AND EFFECTS OF WILLARD'S THE BEST ARMS may be bought at the medal as first pri?e for'double-team owners to drive, HOTEL. agency of the Remington company, on the Avenue. Games lost. and a set of harness for second. This rice will attract The agent is a reliable man, who understands his a large.assemblage, as there are a great many gentle- By virtue of a decree passed by the Supreme Court business, and his word may be implicitly trusted, a« men who own fast teams and who should enter their BERKELEY SPRINGS, of the District of Columbia, in Equity cause No. 6,048, horses, and, if successful, hang the medal upon tho well as his mechanical knowledge of all sorts of fire- SNYDER, Gerhardt and Hines are playing a magi WEST VIRGINIA, we will sell, at public auction, on the premises, on arms. To avoid aocident you should only use the best nificent game; their batting and fielding is superior to wall as a memento of the past. any three players in the country. With the pick of the MONDAY, June 3, at 10 o'olock a. m., and from day sort of arms, and that fs the safest and best place to| to day until sold, all the Household Furniture and goto. Nationals, and these three players, we would have a 100 Miles West of Washington. home league club that we would be proud of, and BLUB AND GRAY. effects of Wfllard's Hotel, comprising— WE EARNESTLY beseech, in the name of a which would make a strong race for the pennant, Elegant Mantel and Pier French Mirrors. These players have all signified their willingness to By the flow of the inland river," TWO AND AHALF MILES FROM. SIR JOHN'S nuisance-rid oommunity, the police commissioners to play here, and It Is < to be hoped that arrangements Whence the fleets*art iron bad lied, RUN STATION, BALTIMORE AND Rosewood and Walnut Parlor Suites of superior do something in the shape of a reform anent the beg- will be made to have a league club, and we believe Where the blades of the grave-grass quiver, OHIO RAILROAD. .' workmanship. gars of this city. Every square in every public place that we have talent enough to make an interesting Asleep are the ranks of the dead ; is Infested with these lazzaronl, andlf one has a hump race for the pennant. Under tlie sod add the dew, This Celebrated Kesort Open for Guests Reception and Easy Chairs, Lounges. on one's back, or a lump on the leg, or a festered face, Waiting the judgment day; June 1st. Elegant Window Hangings. he, she or It fancfes it possesses a fee-simple right to NATIONAL VS. NEW BEDFORD.—After three hard Under the one, tho Blue ; Rosewood and Walnut Marble-top Tables. struggles our red-legged champions succeeded finally, These Waters are celebrated for their curative prop- the charity of the world. If there be a poorhouse in Under thè other, the Gray. erties in Skin Diseases, and In Rheumatism wonder- Elegant Walnut Marble-top Chamber Suites. the District for God's sake rid us of these eye-sores by yesterday, In vanquishing the New Bedford "Grays," ai ter a tough, up-hill fight, by a score of 10 to 8. There These in the robing of glory, ful cures are effected every year. The Baths are un- Mogart and Brussels Carpets, in fine condition. sending them thither. were about 2,000 people present, and had the weather rivaled, including Spout, Shower, Plunge and Swim- Those in the gloom of deleat, ming Pools. Hotel accommodates 600 guests. Board Immense assortment ol Blankets, Comforts and been more propitious the attendance would have been AH with the battle blood gory, WE REGRET to record the death in Alex- doubled. $3 per day; $17.60 per week; $50 per month. Round- Spreads* andria of Mr. John Cooney, late proprietor of In the dusk ot eternity meet ; trip tickets, including coach fare and baggage, $9.75. The game opened with the New Bedfords at the bat, Under the sod and the dew, Last year being the first ot the present management, Splendid stock Table and Bed Linen. Cooney's famous House. The death ocourred who scored one unearned run off a three-baser of Gore, ' Waiting the judgment day ; Superb collection of Silver-Plated Ware and Cutlery. yesterday morning, after a prolonged and painful 111- aided by Houck's error; while the Nationals, through experience has suggested many reforms and improve- Under the laurel, the Blue ; ments, which will be fully carric d out this season. Elegant assortment of China and Glassware. mess. Deceased was the only brother of the late errors ol Davis, Mutrie and Piggott, aided by Trott's Under the willow, the Gray. The cuisine shall not be surpassed by any watering Joseph Cooney, who established the Tontine, and base hit at the right time, scored two. Score, 2—1. place oflike charges in the country. Write for De- Copper Cooking Utensils, Kitchen Requisites, &o. -well known and esteemed both in Washington and In the second Inning, a single base hit by Stone From the silence ol sorrowful hours, scriptive Pamphlet. N. B.—This Hotel has only been recently furnished and a three-baser by Stovey, aided by errors of Butler, The desolate'miurherj gè, ' Alexandria. The house will continue under its 1 my26-4t7 ISO. T. TREGO A- SON. and of the very best material, all of which is in excel- resent fine management of Messrs. Brown and Bannon and Kipp, gave the " Grays " four runs, the *Lrmngly, laden wfth flowirs. Nationals being Chioagoed. Score, 5—2. Alike for the friend and the LOE, lent condition. Plonergan. The Now Bedfords were " goose-egged " in the third The funeral of deceased will take place this even- Under the sod and the dew, , Terms cash. Inning, the Nationals seouring two runs, both earned Waiting the judgment day ; Sweet Chalybeate Springs, ing at 5 p. in off fine hits by Houck, Barron and Trott. Score, 5—1. REGINALD FENDALL, ) T.„„,„„, Under the rose, the Blue ; 112 WM. F. MATT1NGLY, ( iruslees' The fourth inning saw each nine go out in one, two, a TJnder the lilies, the Gray,. Also known as " THE RED S WEET," SYNONYMOUS TERMS—LOW prices and Saks three order. & Co.'s In the fifth the New Bedfords, by Gore's two-baser So with an equal splendor, A-llpglaany County, Virginia, Y DUNCANSON BROS., Aaetioneers, to oenter and Piggott's single to right, scored an The morning sun-rays fall ; Nine miles from Alleghany Station, O. and O. K. R., B ON SUNDAY last the relatives and many earned run, while the Nationals duplicated their pre- With a touch impartially tender, IMMENSE DRY GOODS SALE. ceding inning. Score 8—4. 1 Sixteen miles from Greenbrier White Sulphur, ano friends of Mrs. John Cole, late of Howard oounty, On tiie blossoms blooming lor all ; one mile from Old Sweet Springs, West Virginia, $30,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS Maryland, assembled to pay the last sad rites to a The sixth inning added nothing' to the score of Under the sod and the dew, Famed for their Nervine, Tonic and Alterative pow- noble woman. Her death oocurred on the previous either. Waiting the judgment day ; ers as a Beverage and a Bath. Open for reoeption of AND OIL OLOTHS, Thursday. The death of this estimable lady threw a In the seventh, Evans' hit to left, aided by Trott's Broidered with gold, tbe Blue ; ENTIRE CONTENTS OF STORE 8i7 MARKET passed ball and Dallas' wild throw, secured one run visitors June 1, 1878. shadow of gloom over her large circle of acquaint- Mellowed with gold, the Gray. Finest Tonic Baths In America. Ladies' Plunge SPACE. ances. ' Mrs. Oole was known as a generous woman, a for the New Bedfords; while the Nationals, by two Baths. Gentlemen's Plunge Baths. •devoted wife and a loving mother—a christian in the two-base hits of Bannon and Houck, and a sirigFe by So, when the summer calleth, Also establishment for Hot and Warm Baths supplied On TUESDAY MORNING, June 4, at 10 o'clock, true sense of the term—and her death is sincerely re- Holly, added two to their Bcore—one earned. Score On forest and field of grain, we will sell the entire'stock of Messrs. Wollord & gretted by all who were fortunate enough to enjoy her 7—8. • ' ".••., I , . by Mineral Water from the Springs. With an eaualmurmur lallffh All amusements to be had at a first-class watering- Shiiberg, contained in store 817 Market Space; and acquaintance. By this sad blow an interesting family By a three-baser ef Bradley and Stone's sacrifice hit The cooling' arlp'of the raih ; place. Telegraph, Express and Post-office In Hotel. is deprived of the kind ministration of a beloved one earned run was scored by the New Bedfords in Under the sod and the dew, Board $2.50 per day, $15 per week, $35 to $46 per the sale will be continued each morning at the same •mother and society of a useful and respected member. the eighth inning, the Nationals being skunked, Waiting the judgment day ; month. Descriptive pamphlets to beliad of J. L. hour. A splendid opportunity to obtain first-class which compliment they returned the "grays" in the Wet with rain, the Blue ; ninth. • 1 > v'-. -I MORROW, Agent ol O. and O. R. R., 601 Pennsyl- goods at lovf prices. DEATH STRUCK a sudden and melan-- Wet with rain, the Gray. vania avenue, Washington, D. C„ or on application to When the Nationals came to the bat for the last By order of choiy chord among many, especially the younger peo- time, with two to tie and three to win, the excitement the Proprietor, ple of our city, by the sudden decease on Thursday Sadly, but not with upbraiding, my26-7t5 J. Xi- TINSLEY, Jr. Itl WOLFORD & SH1LBERG. was intense, and the movements of the players wore The generous deed was done ; Sast of Mr. Isaiah Thropp Wells. The deceased, in watched with the most eager interest. Bannon led oft -the full perfection of early life and health, was hurried with a hit to short, and by his wild throw reached In the storm of years now fading Into eternity by a swift accident. To those who knew first'.; Kipp followed with a hard liner, for which Gore No braver battle was won ; CAPON SPRINGS & BATHS, It is a fact that many of him, and knowing, loved and esteemed him tor his made a wonderful attempt, but failed to hold, and Under the sod and the dew, manly character, his amiable manners and personal Bannon reached second; Holly then thumped a Waiting the judgment day ; HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, the Watches I receive for re- ability, this sudden death is fraught with sad tidings, liner over second. The bases were now filled, when Under the blossoms, the Blue ; while to his bereaved family the most genuine senti- up stepped " Sadie " Houok, and Bradley's first ball Under the garlands, the Gray. OPEN MAY IS, 1878. pairs are ruined by inexpe- ment of sympathy is extended by all. being just where he wanted it, away it went sailing No more shall tho war-cry sever, Unequaled by any Mineral Water In America for His funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the dear over the left fielder's head, and, amid the loud Or the winding river be red ; the cure of Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Uterine rienced workmen. Church of the Incarnation, and all telling and broad plaudits of the most " enthused " crowd ever seen on a They banish our anger forever Ailments, Oout and Acid Dyspepsia and Diseases of tributes of respect and sorrow were paid by the num- ball field in this town, the three men came In, and the When they laurel the graves of our dead. the Skin. Its waters are Alkaline, and contain also It will be an advantage to bers present. game was won. Houck afterwards scored on a passed Under fio sod and the dew, Salts of Lithia. It Is an unfailing solvent of Calculi. »The Mendelssohn Olub, of which deceased was a ball. Waiting the judgment day ; Capon has proved of great value in other diseases, all to consult me before they member, chanted the dirge; and Mrs. Fairlamb sang The game was the finest exhibition of hard batting Love and tears, for the Blue, but can be more confidently relied on in the above in a sadly beautiful manner, " Angels ever Bright and sharp fielding ever witnessed in this city, and our Tears and love, for the Gray. named than any other mineral springs in this country. try elsewhere. and Fair." The pall-bearers were Messrs. Town- boys may well feel proud of their victory, as a glance Frances Miles Finch. Fine Chalybeate Springs, rich in iron, on the grounds, shend, Scott, John Hawes, Louis Mellne, Bertram at the score by innings will show that, after the seo- and a White Sulphur Spring ol excellent quality Zevely and George Douglas, friends and associates of ond Innings, It was the hardest kind of an up-hill easily accessible. The air of this elevated region is No Charge for Consultation or Advice. the deceased since childhood. fight, which was only won by fine, nervy fieldingan d OR EXCHANGE.—Desirous of purchasing a pure and delicious, and the plunge and other baths Among the beautiful hills of Oak Hill Cemetery, hard, safe batting. modern-built RESIDENCE in this city of about sunerb. I guarantee the finest Band of Music south Respectfully, of New York. For detailed information call on W. in the twilight of June's first day, to the Of the individual play Houck bore off the palm, his Fthe value of $10,000, I oiler the ishoice of a large N . J U N © E N , solemn, sweet, sad chanting of the assembled chor- batting being immense, two of his hits brlnginginflve amount of Improved and unimproved property in the FRAZ1ER, Ebbltt House, Washington, D. C. Send isters, all that we knew of him and loved on earth men; his last one being the winning hit. Trott's play city of St. Paul, Minnesota, in exchange for the same for Descriptive Pamphlet. 913 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, -was laid away. behind was almost faultless, and there can be no ques- at a lair cash valuation. Apply to ^ ' DR. O. DE MONTREVILLE, -WM. H. SALE, Proprietor. tion but that he has struck his home position. Ban- my5-8t5 (DEMPSEY'SSTATIONERYSTORE.) ltQ Low PRICES for goods means Saks & Co's, non pitched with telling eliect, and Dallas, as usual, lt*7 Dentist, No. 1222 F St. N. W.