May 2021 Diversity Calendar

Our 2021 diversity calendar celebrates a colorful variety of different groups in the United States. From the Jewish community to older Americans to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, our May multicultural calendar provides many opportunities for inclusion. Keep reading to discover more about May diversity events and how you can celebrate them in your workplace. Note: below is a small sampling of diversity events.

Mental Health Awareness Month Our May diversity month includes Mental Health Awareness Month. The observances raises awareness of people living with mental or behavioral issues, and seeks to reduce the stigma they experience. To honor it, get informed about mental health, develop support networks, and reach out to associates you might be struggling. Discover more about mental health and diversity. Older Americans Month Seniors are also recognized during our May diversity events. The Administration for Community Living leads the observance of Older Americans Month, which celebrates the accomplishments of older citizens. This year’s theme is “Communities of Strength” as older adults have built resilience and strength throughout their lives. If you want to celebrate, connect with or share a meal (COVID-19 permitting) with some older associates. Jewish American Heritage Month Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) is among our May diversity celebrations. This annual recognition honors American Jews and their valuable contributions to society. To celebrate this holiday this year, make a new Jewish food, go on a virtual museum tour, or learn a new Hebrew word. For Jewish and other religious observances, see our 2021 Interfaith Calendar. Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Our May multicultural calendar pays tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America’s history and ensured its future success. To celebrate this month, give a shout out to this group in your workplace. And to support the Stop Asian Hate movement, you can create a more inclusive workplace with our microaggressions training online. 5/5: You’ve likely heard of this holiday before…but do you know what it means? May multicultural holidays include Cinco de Mayo. It’s a celebration of Mexican heritage, and commemorates the date of the Mexican army’s defeat of the French army. It is primarily observed by Mexican Americans, and it may be celebrated by parades, parties, mariachi music, or traditional Mexican foods. 5/17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia May diversity topics include this event, which aims to coordinate international efforts to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ rights. It is commemorated in more than 132 countries. The date was chosen to honor the decision to remove homosexuality from the International Classifications of Diseases of the WHO in 1990. Help reduce LGBTQ+ discrimination and increase inclusion with our LGBT sensitivity training. 5/19: Birthday of Malcolm X concludes our May diversity days. He was a civil rights leader and prominent figure in the . He articulated concepts of race pride and Black nationalism in the early 1960s. May 19th is his birthday and an American commemorative event (“Malcolm X Day”).