11/4/2007 Origins of Life in the Universe Zackary Johnson OCN201 Fall 2007
[email protected] Zackary Johnson http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/zij/education.html Uniiiversity of Hawaii Department of Oceanography Class Schedule Nov‐2Originsof Life and the Universe Nov‐5 Classification of Life Nov‐7 Primary Production Nov‐9Consumers Nov‐14 Evolution: Processes (Steward) Nov‐16 Evolution: Adaptation() (Steward) Nov‐19 Marine Microbiology Nov‐21 Benthic Communities Nov‐26 Whale Falls (Smith) Nov‐28 The Marine Food Web Nov‐30 Community Ecology Dec‐3 Fisheries Dec‐5Global Ecology Dec‐12 Final Major Concepts TIMETABLE Big Bang! • Life started early, but not at the beginning, of Earth’s Milky Way (and other galaxies formed) history • Abiogenesis is the leading hypothesis to explain the beginning of life on Earth • There are many competing theories as to how this happened • Some of the details have been worked out, but most Formation of Earth have not • Abiogenesis almost certainly occurred in the ocean 20‐15 15‐94.5Today Billions of Years Before Present 1 11/4/2007 Building Blocks TIMETABLE Big Bang! • Universe is mostly hydrogen (H) and helium (He); for Milky Way (and other galaxies formed) example –the sun is 70% H, 28% He and 2% all else! Abundance) e • Most elements of interest to biology (C, N, P, O, etc.) were (Relativ 10 produced via nuclear fusion Formation of Earth Log at very high temperature reactions in large stars after Big Bang 20‐13 13‐94.7Today Atomic Number Billions of Years Before Present ORIGIN OF LIFE ON EARTH Abiogenesis: 3 stages Divine Creation 1.