
The Origins of the RNA World

Michael P. Robertson and Gerald F. Joyce

Departments of Chemistry and Molecular and The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 Correspondence: [email protected]


The general notion of an “RNA World” is that, in the early development of on the , genetic continuity was assured by the replication of RNA and genetically encoded were not involved as catalysts. There is now strong evidence indicating that an RNA World did indeed exist before DNA- and -based life. However, arguments regarding whether life on Earth began with RNA are more tenuous. It might be imagined that all of the compo- nents of RNA were available in some prebiotic pool, and that these components assembled into replicating, evolving without the prior existence of any evolved macro- . A thorough consideration of this “RNA-first” view of the origin of life must recon- cile concerns regarding the intractable mixtures that are obtained in experiments designed to simulate the chemistry of the primitive Earth. Perhaps these concerns will eventually be resolved, and recent experimental findings provide some reason for optimism. However, the problem of the origin of the RNA World is far from being solved, and it is fruitful to consider the alternative possibility that RNA was preceded by some other replicating, evolving mole- cule, just as DNA and proteins were preceded by RNA.


1 Introduction 4 Concluding remarks 2 An “RNA-first” view of the origin of life References 3 An “RNA-later” view of the origin of life

Editors: John F. Atkins, Raymond F. Gesteland, and Thomas R. Cech Additional Perspectives on RNA Worlds available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a003608 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608

1 M.P. Robertson and G.F. Joyce

1 INTRODUCTION and recent experimental findings provide some reason for optimism. However, the problem of the origin of the RNA The general idea that, in the development of life on the World is far from being solved, and it is fruitful to consider Earth, based on RNA replication preceded the the alternative possibility that RNA was preceded by some appearance of protein synthesis was first proposed over other replicating, evolving , just as DNA and pro- 40 yr ago (Woese1967; Crick 1968; Orgel 1968). It was sug- teins were preceded by RNA. gested that catalysts made entirely of RNA are likely to have been important at this early stage in the evolution of life, 2 AN “RNA-FIRST” VIEW OF THE ORIGIN OF LIFE but the possibility that RNA catalysts might still be present 2.1 Abiotic Synthesis of Polynucleotides in contemporary was overlooked. The unantici- pated discovery of (Kruger et al. 1982; Guerrier- This section considers the synthesis of oligonucleotides 0 Takada et al. 1983) initiated extensive discussion of the role from ß-D- 5 -, leaving aside for now of RNA in the origins of life (Sharp 1985; Pace and Marsh the question of how the became available on 1985; Lewin 1986) and led to the coining of the phrase “the the primitive Earth. Two fundamentally different chemical RNAWorld” (Gilbert 1986). reactions are involved. First, the must be con- “The RNA World” means different things to different verted to an activated derivative, for example, a nucleoside investigators, so it would be futile to attempt a restrictive 50-polyphosphate. Next the 30-hydroxyl group of a nucleo- definition. All RNA World hypotheses include three basic or oligonucleotide molecule must be made to react assumptions: (1) At some in the evolution of life, with the activated group of a . Synthe- genetic continuity was assured by the replication of RNA; sis of oligonucleotides from nucleoside 30-phosphates will (2) Watson-Crick base-pairing was the key to replication; not be discussed because activated nucleoside 20-or (3) genetically encoded proteins were not involved as cata- 30-phosphates in general react readily to form 20,30-cyclic lysts. RNA World hypotheses differ in what they assume phosphates. These cyclic phosphates are unlikely to oligo- about life that may have preceded the RNA World, about merize efficiently because the equilibrium constant for the metabolic complexity of the RNA World, and about dimer formation is only of the of 1.0 L/mol (Erman the role of small-molecule cofactors, possibly including and Hammes 1966; Mohr and Thach 1969). In the presence , in the chemistry of the RNAWorld. of a complementary template somewhat larger oligomers There is now strong evidence indicating that an RNA might be formed because the free of hybridization World did indeed exist on the early Earth. The smoking would help to drive forward the chain extension reaction. gun is seen in the of the contemporary In enzymatic RNA and DNA synthesis, the nucleoside (Ban et al. 2000; Wimberly et al. 2000; Yusupov et al. 2001). 50-triphosphates (NTPs) are the substrates of polymeriza- The for -bond formation lies deep within tion. phosphorylase, although it is a deg- a central core of RNA, whereas proteins decorate the out- radative in , can be used to synthesize side of this RNA core and insert narrow fingers into it. oligonucleotides fromnucleoside50-diphosphates. Nucleo- No side chain comes within 18 A˚ of the active side 50-polyphosphates are, therefore, obvious candidates site (Nissen et al. 2000). Clearly, the ribosome is a for the activated forms of nucleotides. Although nucleoside (Steitz and Moore 2003), and it is hard to avoid the conclu- 50-triphosphates are not formed readily, the synthesis of nu- sion that, as suggested by Crick, “the primitive ribosome cleoside 50-tetraphosphates from nucleotides and inorganic could have been made entirely of RNA” (1968). trimetaphosphate provides a reasonably plausible prebiotic Amoretenuousargumentcanbemaderegarding route to activated nucleotides (Lohrmann 1975). Other whether life on Earth began with RNA. In what has been re- more or less plausible prebiotic syntheses of nucleoside ferred to as “The Molecular ’s Dream” (Joyce and 50-polyphosphates from nucleotides have also been re- Orgel 1993), one might imagine that all of the components ported (Handschuh et al. 1973; Osterberg et al. 1973; Reim- of RNAwere available in some prebiotic pool, and that these ann and Zubay 1999). Less clear, however, is how the first components could have assembled into replicating, evolving phosphate would have been mobilized to convert the nu- polynucleotides without the prior existence of any evolved cleosides to 50-nucleotides. Nucleoside 50-polyphosphates . However, a thorough consideration of are high-energy phosphate esters, but are relatively unreac- this “RNA-first” view of the origin of life inevitably triggers tive in aqueous solution. This may be advantageous for “The Prebiotic Chemist’s Nightmare”,with visions of the in- enzyme-catalyzed polymerization, but is a severe obstacle tractable mixtures that are obtained in experiments designed for the nonenzymatic polymerization of nucleoside 50-pol- to simulate the chemistryof the primitive Earth. Perhaps this yphosphates, which would occur far more slowly than the continuing nightmare will eventually have a happy ending, of the resulting polynucleotide.

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In a different approach to the activation of nucleotides, and30,50-phosphodiester-linkedadducts(Fig.1A),inorderof the isolation of an activated intermediate is avoided by decreasing abundance (Sulston et al. 1968). Thusthe conden- using a condensing agent such as a (Khorana sation of several would likely yield an oligomer 1961). This is a popular method in organic synthesis, containing one pyrophosphate and a preponderance of but its application to prebiotic chemistry is problematic. 20,50-phosphodiester linkages (Fig. 1B). There is little chance Potentially prebiotic molecules such as and of producing entirely 30,50-linked oligomers from activated activate nucleotides in aqueous solution, nucleotides unless a catalyst can be found that increases the but the subsequent condensation reactions are inefficient proportion of 30,50-phosphodiester linkages. Several metal 2+ 2+ (Lohrmann and Orgel 1973). ions, particularly Pb and UO2 , catalyze the formation of Most attempts to study nonenzymatic polymerization oligomers fromnucleoside 50-phosphorimidazolides(Sleeper of nucleotides in the context of prebiotic chemistry have and Orgel 1979; Sawai et al. 1988). The Pb2+-catalyzed reac- used nucleoside 50-phosphoramidates, particularly nucleo- tion is especially efficient when performed in eutectic solu- side 50-phosphorimidazolides. Although phosphorimida- tions of the activated monomers (in concentrated solutions zolides can be formed from imidazoles and nucleoside obtained by partial freezing of more dilute solutions). Sub- 50-polyphosphates (Lohrmann 1977), they are only mar- stantial amounts of long oligomers are formed undereutec- ginally plausible as prebiotic molecules. They were chosen tic conditions, but the product oligomers always contain a because they are prepared easily and react at a convenient large proportion of 20,50-linkages (Kanavarioti et al. 2001; rate in aqueous solution. Monnard et al. 2003). Nucleotides contain three principal nucleophilic groups: What kinds of prebiotically plausible catalysts might the 50-phosphate, the 20-hydroxyl, and the 30-hydroxyl group, lead to the production of 30,50-linked oligonucleotides di- in order of decreasing reactivity. The reaction of a nucleotide rectly from nucleoside 50-phosphorimidazolides or other or oligonucleotide with an activated nucleotide, therefore, activated nucleotides? It is unlikely, but not impossible, normally yields 50,50-pyrophosphate-, 20,50-phosphodiester-, that a metal ion or simple acid-base catalyst would provide


O O O O N i N i N i+1 N i O P O O O P O O O O P O P O O O– O– O– O– OH OH OH OH OH O O N i+1 N i+1 O P O O O P O O O– O– OH OH OH OH

B O O N 3 N 4 O O P O P O O O– O– OH OH O O N 2 N 5 O O P O O P O O O– O– OH OH O O N 1 O P O N 6 O O P O O O– O– OH OH OH OH

Figure 1. Phosphodiester linkages resulting from chemical condensation of nucleotides. (A) Reaction of an activated 0 0 0 0 mononucleotide (Ni+1) with an oligonucleotide (N1 –Ni ) to form a 3 ,5 -phosphodiester (left), 2 ,5 -phospho- diester (middle), or 50,50-pyrophosphate linkage (right). (B) Typical oligomeric product resulting from chemical condensation of activated mononucleotides.

Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 3 M.P. Robertson and G.F. Joyce sufficient regiospecificity. The most attractive of the other 2.2 Nonenzymatic Replication of RNA hypotheses is that adsorption to a specific surface of a might orient activated nucleotides rigidly and If a existed on the primitive Earth for the poly- thus catalyze a highly regiospecific reaction. merization of activated nucleotides, it would have gener- The work of Ferris and coworkers provides support ated a complex mixture of product oligonucleotides that for this hypothesis (Ferris et al. 2004; Ferris 2006). They differed in both length and sequence. The next stage in have studied the oligomerization of nucleoside 50-phos- the of an RNAWorld would have been the rep- phorimidazolides and related activated nucleotides on lication of some of these molecules, so that a process equiv- the clay mineral montmorillonite (Ferris and Ertem alent to could begin. The reaction central 1993; Kawamura and Ferris 1994; Miyakawa and Ferris to replication of nucleic acids is template-directed synthe- 2003). Some samples of the mineral are effective catalysts, sis, that is, the synthesis of a complementary oligonucleo- promoting the formation of oligomers even from dilute sol- tide under the direction of a preexisting oligonucleotide. utions of activated nucleotide substrates. Furthermore, the A deal of work has already been performed on this mineralprofoundlyaffectstheregiospecificityofthereaction. aspect of nonenzymatic replication. This work has been The oligomerization of adenosine 50-phosphorimidazolide, reviewed elsewhere (Joyce 1987; Orgel 2004a), so only a for example, gives predominantly 30,50-linked products in summary of the results will be given here. the presence of montmorillonite, but predominantly 20,50- The first major conclusion is that most activated nu- linked products in aqueous solution (Ding et al. 1996; cleotides do not undergo efficient, regiospecific, template- Kawamura and Ferris 1999). Once short oligomers have directed reactions in the presence of an RNA or DNA been synthesized, they can be further extended by adsorbing template. In general, only a small proportion of template them on either montmorillonite or hydroxylapatite and molecules succeed in directing the synthesis of a complete repeatedly adding activated monomers, resulting in the complement, and the complement usually contains a mix- accumulation of mainly 30,50-linked oligoadenylates up to ture of 20,50- and 30,50-phosphodiester linkages. After a con- 40–50 subunits in length (Ferris et al. 1996; Ferris 2002). siderable search, a set of activated nucleotides was found However, even when adsorbed on montmorillonite, the that undergo efficient and highly regiospecific template- phosphorimidazolides of the yield directed reactions. Workingwith guanosine 50-phospho-2- oligomers that are predominantly 20,50-linked. methylimidazolide (2-MeImpG), it was shown that Long oligomers have also been obtained from mono- poly(C) can direct the synthesis of long oligo(G)s in a reac- mers in a single step using a different activated nucleotide tion that is highly efficient and highly regiospecific (Inoue in which imidazole is replaced by 1-methyl- (Praba- and Orgel 1981). If poly(C) is incubated with an equimolar har and Ferris 1997; Huang and Ferris 2003). Using the mixture of the four 2-MeImpNs(N ¼ G, A, C, or U), less 1-methyl-adenine derivative of adenylate or uridylate, oligo- than 1% of the product consists of noncomplementary nu- mers containing up to 40 subunits were produced, consist- cleotides (Inoue and Orgel 1982). Subsequent experiments ing of 75% 30,50-linkages for oligoadenylate and 60% suggested that this and the related reactions discussed later 30,50-linkages for oligouridylate (Huang and Ferris 2006). occur preferentially within the context of double helices Oligomerization of the 1-methyl-adenine derivative of gua- that have a structure resembling the A form of RNA nylate or cytidylate was less efficient, but all four activated (Kurz et al. 1997, 1998; Kozlov et al. 1999, 2000). monomers could be co-incorporated, to at least a modest Random copolymers containing an excess of C residues extent, within abiotically synthesized oligonucleotides. can be used to direct the synthesis of products containing Detailed analysis of this work on by montmor- G and the complements of the other bases present in the illonite suggests that oligomerization occurs at a limited template (Inoue and Orgel 1983). The reaction with a number of structurally specific active sites within the inter- poly(C,G) template is especially interesting because the layers of the clay (Wang and Ferris 2001). These sites must products, like the template, are composed entirely of C not be saturated with sodium ions, which appear to block and G residues. If these products in turn could be used as access of the activated nucleotides (Joshi et al. 2009). Sev- templates, it might allow the emergence of a self-replicating eral different samples of montmorillonite have proven to be sequence. Self-replication, however, is unlikely, mainly be- good catalysts, in part depending on their proton versus so- cause poly(C,G) molecules that do not contain an excess of dium ion content. It will be important to determine if there C residues tend to form stable self- that prevent are other types of that are comparably efficient them from acting as templates (Joyce and Orgel 1986). catalysts of oligonucleotide synthesis, and if so, to study The self-structures are of two types: (1) the standard the regiospecificity and sequence generality of the reactions Watson-Crick variety based on C†G pairs, and (2) a quad- they catalyze. rahelix structure that results from the association of four

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G-rich sequences. As a consequence, any C-rich oligonu- such pair of reactions might provide a replication scheme cleotide that can serve as a good template will give rise to for polynucleotides starting with an input of activated G-rich complementary products that tend to be locked in monomers. self-structure and so cannot act as templates. Overcoming There also are efforts in what is sometimes termed “syn- the self-structure problem using the standard C and G nu- thetic biology” to achieve nonenzymatic replication with cleotides is very difficult because it requires the discovery molecules that resemble biological nucleic acids, but are of conditions that favor the binding of mononucleotides not constrained by considerations of plausible prebiotic to allow template-directed synthesis to occur, but suppress chemistry. For example, the 20- and 30-hydroxyl groups of the formation of long duplex regions that would exclude activated mononucleotides can be replaced by an amino activated monomers from the template. group at either position, providing enhanced nucleophilic- Some progress has been made in discovering defined- ity and resulting in more rapid template-dependent (and sequence templates that are copied faithfully to yield com- template-independent) oligomerization (Lohrmann and plementary products (Inoue et al. 1984; Acevedo and Orgel Orgel 1976; Zielinski and Orgel 1985). Dinucleotide build- 1987; Wu and Orgel 1992a). Successful templates typically ing blocks, consisting of 30-amino, 30-deoxynucleotide ana- contain an excess of C residues, with A and U residues logs can also be oligomerized in the presence of a suitable isolated from each other by at least three C residues. Runs condensing agent (Zielinski and Orgel 1987). With addi- of G residues are copied into runs of C residues, so long tional modification of the nucleotide bases, it has been pos- as the formation of self-structures by G residues can be sible to carry out the template-directed copying of nucleic avoided (Wu and Orgel 1992b). In light of the available acid sequences that contain of all four bases (Schrum et al. evidence, it seems unlikely that a pair of complementary 2009). These efforts, although not explaining the origin of sequences can be found, each of which facilitates the the RNAWorld, contribute to understanding the chemical synthesis of the other using nucleoside 50-phospho-2- challenges that must be overcome in achieving the non- methylimidazolides as substrates. Some of the obstacles enzymatic replication of RNA. to self-replication may be attributable to the choice of reagents and reaction conditions, but others seem to be 2.3 The First RNA Replicase intrinsic to the template-directed condensation of acti- vated mononucleotides. The notion of the RNAWorld places emphasis on an RNA A related nonenzymatic replication scheme involves molecule that catalyzes its own replication. Such a molecule synthesis by the ligation of short 30,50-linked oligomers must function as an RNA-dependent RNA , (James and Ellington 1999). This is certainly an attractive acting on itself (or copies of itself ) to produce complemen- possibility, made more plausible by the discovery of analo- tary , and acting on the complementary RNAs to pro- gous ribozyme-catalyzed reactions (Bartel and Szostak duce additional copies of itself. The efficiency and fidelity 1993), but it faces two major obstacles. The first is the of this process must be sufficient to produce viable “prog- difficulty of obtaining the substrates in the first place. eny” RNA molecules at a rate that exceeds the rate of The second is concerned with fidelity. Pairs of oligonucleo- decomposition of the “parents.” Beyond these require- containing a single base mismatch, particularly if ments, the details of the replication process are not highly the mismatch forms a G†U wobble pair, still hybridize as constrained. efficiently as fully complementary oligomers, except in a The RNA-first view of the origin of life assumes that a temperature range very close to the melting point of the supply of activated ß-D-nucleotides was available by some perfectly paired structure. Maintaining fidelity would as yet unrecognized abiotic process. Furthermore, it as- therefore be difficult under any plausible temperature sumes that a means existed to convert the activated nucleo- regime. tides to an ensemble of random-sequence polynucleotides, Despite these problems, template-directed ligation of a subset of which had the ability to replicate. It seems to be short oligonucleotides may be a viable alternative to the oli- implicit in the model that such polynucleotides replicate gomerization of activated monomers. Ferris’ work dis- themselves but, for whatever reason, do not replicate unre- cussed above suggests that predominantly 30,50-linked lated neighbors. It is not clear whether replication involves oligonucleotides might form spontaneously from activated one molecule copying itself (and its complement) or a fam- nucleotides on some variety of montmorillonite (Ferris ily of molecules that together copy each other. These ques- et al. 1996) or on some other mineral. Oligonucleotide tions are set aside for the moment in order to first consider 50-triphosphates undergo slow but remarkably 30,50-regio- the question of whether an RNA molecule of reasonably specific ligation in the presence of a complementary tem- short length can catalyze its own replication with suffi- plate (Rohatgi et al. 1996a,b). The combination of some ciently high fidelity.

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Accuracy and Survival. The concept of an error threshold, reactions is highly sensitive to the fidelity of replication, that is, an upper limit to the frequency of copying errors but depends only weakly on the superiority of the advanta- that can be tolerated by a replicating , was geous individual. For a self-replicating RNA that is formed first introduced by Eigen (1971). This important idea has by the template-directed condensation of activated mono- been extended in a series of mathematically sophisticated nucleotides, a total of 2n – 2 condensation reactions are papers by McCaskill, Schuster, and others (McCaskill required to produce a complete copy. This takes into ac- 1984a; Eigen et al. 1988; Schuster and Swetina 1988). count the synthesis of both a complementary strand and Here only a brief summary of the subject is provided. a complement of the complement. Eigen’s model (1971) envisages a of repli- It should be recognized that a marked superiority of one cating polynucleotides that draw on a limited supply of sequence over all other sequences could not be maintained activated mononucleotides to produce additional copies over evolutionary time because novel variants would soon of themselves. In this model, the rate of synthesis of new arise to challenge the dominant . However, a marked copies of a particular replicating RNA is proportional initial superiority may be important in allowing an efficient to its concentration, resulting in autocatalytic growth. self-replicating RNA to emerge from a pool of less efficient The net rate of production is the difference between the replicators. In the absence of other efficient replicators, a rate of formation of error-free copies and the rate of primitive self-replicating RNA that operates with low fidel- decomposition of existing copies of the RNA. For an ad- ity may gain a foothold by taking advantage of a somewhat vantageous RNA to outgrow its competitors, its net rate less stringent error threshold. Whether or not this can of production must exceed the mean rate of production occur depends on its superiority. For example, an RNA of all other RNAs in the population. Only the error-free that replicates 10-fold more efficiently than its competitors copies of the advantageous RNA contribute to its net and does so with 90% fidelity could be no longer than 12 rate of production, but all the copies of the other RNAs nucleotides, and a similarly advantageous RNA that repli- contribute to their collective production. Thus the relative cates with 70% fidelity could be no longer than four advantage enjoyed by the advantageous individual com- nucleotides. It seems highly unlikely than any of the 17 mil- pared with the rest of the population (often referred to as lion possible RNA dodecamers is able to catalyze its own the “superiority” of the advantageous individual) must replication with 90% fidelity, and even less likely that a tet- exceed the probability of producing an error copy of that ranucleotide could catalyze its own replication with 70% fi- advantageous individual. delity. However, an RNA that replicates 106-fold more The proportion of copies of an RNA that are error free efficiently than its competitors and does so with 90% fidel- is determined by the fidelity of the component condensa- ity could be as long as 67 nucleotides, and one that repli- tion reactions that are required to produce a complete cates with 70% fidelity could be as long as 20 nucleotides. copy. For simplicity, consider a self-replicating RNA that When self-replication is first established, fidelity is is formed by n condensation reactions, each having mean likely to be poor and there is strong selection pressure favor- fidelity q. The probability of obtaining a completely error- ing improvement of the fidelity. As fidelity improves, a free copy is given by qn, which is the product of the fidelity larger can be maintained. This allows exploration of the component condensation reactions. If an advanta- of a larger number of possible sequences, some of which geous individual is to outgrow its competitors, qn must may lead to further improvement in fidelity, which in exceed the superiority, s, of that individual. Expressed in turn allows a still larger genome size, and so on. Once the terms of the number of reactions required to produce the evolving population has achieved a fidelity of about 99%, advantageous individual, a genome length of about 100 nucleotides can be main- tained, even for modest superiority values. This would n , j ln sj=j ln qj: allow RNA-based life to become firmly established. Until that time, it is a race between evolutionary improvement in the context of a sloppy self-replicating and the For s . 1 and q . 0.9, this equation simplifies to risk of delocalization of the genetic because of overstepping the error threshold. If the time required n , ln s=(1 q): to bootstrap to high fidelity and large is too long, there is a risk that the population will succumb to This is the “error threshold,”which describes the inverse an environmental catastrophe before it has had the chance relationship between the fidelity of replication, q, and the to develop appropriate countermeasures. maximum allowable number of component condensa- It is difficult to state with certainty the minimum pos- tion reactions, n. The maximum number of component sible size of an RNA replicase ribozyme. An RNA consisting

6 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World of a single secondary structural element, that is, a small fidelity, then it is not difficult to imagine how RNA-based stem-loop containing 12–17 nucleotides, would not be ex- evolution might have started. During the initial period pected to have replicase activity, whereas a double stem- a successful would have expanded in the absence loop, perhaps forming a “dumbbell” structure or a pseudo- of competition. As competition for substrates intensified knot, might just be capable of a low level of activity. A triple there would have followed a succession of increasingly stem-loop structure, containing 40–60 nucleotides, offers more advantageous individuals, each replicating within a reasonable hope of functioning as a replicase ribozyme. its error threshold. After a period of intensifying com- One could, for example, imagine a molecule consisting of petition, the single most advantageous species would a pseudoknot and a pendant stem-loop that forms a cleft have been replaced by a “quasispecies,” that is, a mixture for template-dependent replication. of the most advantageous individual and substantial Suppose there is some 40-mer that enjoys a superiority amounts of closely related individuals that replicate almost of 103-fold and replicates with 90% fidelity. This should be as fast and almost as faithfully as the most advantageous regarded as a highly optimistic but not outrageous view of one (Eigen and Schuster 1977; Eigen et al. 1988). Under what is possible for a minimum replicase ribozyme. Would these conditions the persistence of a particular advanta- such a molecule be expected to occur within a population geous individual is no longer the problem, but one must of random-sequence RNAs? A complete library consisting understand the evolution of the composition of the quasis- of one copy each of all 1024 possible 40-mers would weigh pecies and the conditions for its persistence. This difficult about 1 kg. There may be many such 40-mers, encompass- problem has been partially solved by McCaskill (1984b). ing both distinct structural motifs and, more importantly, a The general form of the solution is very similar to the error large number of equivalent representations of each motif. threshold described by Eigen (1971), but with different As a result, even a small fraction of the total library, consist- values for the constant in the inequality. Thus concerns ing of perhaps 1020 sequences and weighing about 1 g, about the error threshold apply to the quasispecies as might be expected to contain at least one self-replicating well as to the succession of individuals. Practically speak- RNAwith the requisite properties. It is not sufficient, how- ing, however, once a quasispecies distribution of sophisti- ever, that there be just one copy of a self-replicating RNA. cated replicators had emerged, the RNA World would The above calculations assume that a self-replicating RNA have been on solid footing and, barring an environmental can copy itself (or that a fully complementary sequence is catastrophe, unlikely to lose the ability to maintain genetic automatically available, as will be discussed later). If two information over time. or more copies of the same 40mer RNA are needed, then a much larger library, consisting of 1048 RNAs and weigh- Another Chicken-and-Egg Paradox. The previous dis- ing 1028 g would be required. This amount is comparable to cussion has tried mightily to present the most optimistic the mass of the Earth. view possible for the emergence of an RNA replicase At first sight, it might seem that one way to ease the er- ribozyme from a soup of random-sequence polynucleo- ror threshold would be for the replicase ribozyme to accept tides. It must be admitted, however, that this model does dinucleotide or trinucleotide substrates, so that copies of not appear to be very plausible. The discussion has focused the RNA could be formed by fewer condensation reactions. on a straw man: The myth of a small RNA molecule that Calculations show that, over a broad range of superiority arises de novo and can replicate efficiently and with high values, RNAs that are required to replicate with 90% fidelity fidelity under plausible prebiotic conditions. Not only is when using mononucleotide substrates would be required such a notion unrealistic in light of current understanding to replicate with roughly 80% fidelity when using dinucleo- of prebiotic chemistry (Joyce 2002), but it should strain the tide substrates or roughly 70% fidelity when using trinu- credulity of even an optimist’s view of RNA’s catalytic cleotide substrates. Thus the use of short oligomers offers potential. If you doubt this, ask yourself whether you only a modest advantage because of lessening of the believe that a replicase ribozyme would arise in a solution error threshold, which likely would be outweighed by the containing nucleoside 50-diphosphates and polynucleotide greater difficulty of achieving high fidelity when dis- phosphorylase! criminating among the 16 possible dinucleotide or 64 If one accepts the notion of an RNAWorld, one is faced possible trinucleotide substrates, rather than among the with the dilemma of how such a genetic system came into four mononucleotides. existence. Tosay that the RNAWorldhypothesis “solves the If one accepts the RNA-first view that there was a prebi- paradox of the chicken-and-the-egg” is correct if one otic pool of random-sequence RNAs, and if one assumes means that RNA can function both as a genetic molecule that the pool included a replicase ribozyme containing, and as a catalyst that promotes its own replication. RNA- say, 40 nucleotides and replicating itself with about 90% catalyzed RNA replication provides a chemical basis for

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Darwinian evolution based on natural selection. Darwin- molecules and their complements, related by descent, thus ian evolution is a powerful way to search among vast num- eliminating the requirement for two unrelated replicases bers of potential solutions for those that best address a to meet. Second, a majority of molecules in the mixture particular problem. Selection based on inefficient RNA would contain stem-loop structures. If it is true that ribo- replication, for example, could be used to search among a zyme function is favored by stable self-structure, and if the population of RNA molecules for those individuals that base-sequences of the stems in stem-loop structures are rel- promote improved RNA replication. But here one encoun- atively unimportant for function, this model might provide ters another chicken-and-egg paradox: Without evolution an economical way of generating a relatively small ensemble it appears unlikely that a self-replicating ribozyme could of sequences that is enriched with catalytic sequences. arise, but without some form of self-replication there is How plausible is the assumption that replicases could no way to conduct an evolutionary search for the first, act on sequences similar to themselves, while ignoring primitive self-replicating ribozyme. unrelated sequences? This selectivity could be ensured by One way that RNA evolution may have gotten started segregating individual molecules (or clonal lines) on the without the aid of an evolved catalyst might be by using surface of mineral grains, on the surface of micelles, or nonenzymatic template-directed synthesis to permit some within membranes. Closely related molecules might be copying of RNA before the appearance of the first replicase segregated as a group through specific -bonding ribozyme. Suppose that the initial ensemble of monomers interactions (the that sticks together, replicates to- was not produced by random copolymerization, but rather gether). For any segregation mechanism, weak selection by a sequence of untemplated and templated reactions would result if the replicating molecules are sufficiently (Fig. 2), and further suppose that members of the initial dispersed that over their intermolecular distance ensemble of multiple stem-loop structures could be repli- is slow compared with replication. Computer cated, albeit inefficiently, by the template-directed process. have shown that under such conditions of segregation, This would have two important consequences. First, any evolutionary bootstrapping can occur, resulting in pro- molecule with replicase function that appeared in the gressively larger genomes that are copied with progres- mixture would likely find in its neighborhood similar sively greater fidelity (Szabo´ et al. 2002). Alternatively, the


Figure 2. Nonenzymatic synthesis of multi-stem-loop structures as a result of untemplated (open arrowhead) and templated (filled arrowhead) reactions. Template-directed synthesis is assumed to occur rapidly whenever a template, activated monomers, and a suitable primer are available. Once the complementary strand is completed, additional residues are added slowly in a random-sequence manner.

8 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World requirement for replication of related, but not unrelated, sequences might be met through the use of “genomic O tags” (Weiner and Maizels 1987). Among self-replicating N i–1 O P O O sequences, it is plausible that some are restricted to copying O– 0 molecules with a particular 3 -terminal subsequence. A OH replicator that happened by chance to carry a terminal O N i sequence that matched the preference of its active site O P O O – would replicate itself while ignoring its neighbors. O Another resolution of the paradox of how RNA evolu- OH OH tion was initiated without the aid of an evolved ribozyme O – P O N i+1 is to abandon the RNA-first view of the origin of life and O O R suppose that RNA was not the first genetic molecule OH OH (Cairns-Smith 1982; Shapiro 1984; Joyce et al. 1987; Joyce 1989, 2002; Orgel 1989, 2004a). Perhaps RNA replication Figure 3. Nucleophilic attack by the 30-hydroxyl of a template-bound arose in the context of an evolving system based on some- oligonucleotide (N1 –Ni) on the a- of an adjacent template-bound mononucleotide (Ni+1). Dotted lines indicate base thing other than RNA (see the section “Alternative Genetic pairing to a complementary template. R is the leaving group. ”). Even if this is true, all of the arguments concern- ing the relationship between the fidelity of replication and the maximum allowable genome length would still apply to by favorable orientation of the reactive groups, deprotona- this earlier genetic system. Of course, the challenge to those tion of the nucleophilic 30-hydroxyl, stabilization of the who advocate the RNA-later approach is to show that there trigonal-bipyramidal transition state, and charge neutrali- is an informational entity that is prebiotically plausible and zation of the leaving group. All of these tasks might be per- is capable of initiating its own replication without the aid of formed by RNA (Narlikar and Herschlag 1997; Emilsson a sophisticated catalyst. et al. 2003), acting either alone (Ortoleva-Donnelly and Strobel 1999) or with the help of a suitably positioned metal cation or other (Shan et al. 1999; Shan 2.4 Replicase Function in the Evolved RNA World et al. 2001). Although it is difficult to say how the first RNA replicase The possibility that an RNA replicase ribozyme could ribozyme arose, it is not difficult to imagine how such a have existed has been made abundantly clear by work in- molecule, once developed, would function. The chemistry volving ribozymes that have been developed in the labora- of RNA replication would involve the template-directed tory through in vitro evolution (Bartel and Szostak 1993; polymerization of mono- or short oligonucleotides, using Ekland et al. 1995; Ekland and Bartel 1996; Robertson chemistry in many ways similar to that used by contempo- and Ellington 1999; Jaeger et al. 1999; Rogers and Joyce rary group I ribozymes (Cech 1986; Been and Cech 1988; 2001; Johnston et al. 2001; McGinness and Joyce 2002; Doudna and Szostak 1989). One important difference is Ikawa et al. 2004; Fujita et al. 2009). Bartel and Szostak that, unlike group I ribozymes, which rely on a nucleoside (1993), for example, began with a large population of or oligonucleotide leaving group, an RNA replicase would random-sequence RNAs and evolved the “ I” RNA more likely make use of a different leaving group that pro- ligase ribozyme, an optimized version of which is about vides a substantial driving force for polymerization and 100 nucleotides in length and catalyzes the joining of two that, after its release, does not become involved in some template-bound oligonucleotides. Condensation occurs competing phosphoester transfer reaction. between the 30-hydroxyl of one oligonucleotide and the 50-triphosphate of another, forming a 30,50-phosphodiester From Ligases to . The polymerization of ac- linkage and releasing inorganic pyrophosphate. This reac- tivated nucleotides proceeds via nucleophilic attack by the tion is classified as ligation because of the nature of the 30-hydroxyl of a template-bound oligonucleotide at the oligonucleotide substrates, but involves the same chemical a-phosphorus of an adjacent template-bound nucleotide transformation as is catalyzed by modern RNA polymerase derivative (Fig. 3). The nucleotide is “activated” for attack . by the presence of a phosphoryl substituent, for example a X-ray crystal structures of two RNA ligase ribozymes, phosphate, polyphosphate, alkoxide, or imidazole group. the L1 and above-mentioned class I ligases, have been deter- As discussed previously, polyphosphates, such as inorganic mined, providing a glimpse into the mechanistic strategies pyrophosphate, are the most obvious candidates for the that these two structurally and evolutionarily distinct ribo- leaving group. The condensation reaction could be assisted zymes use to catalyze the same reaction (Robertson and

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Figure 4. X-ray crystal structure of the (A) L1 ligase and (B) class I ligase ribozymes. Insets show the putative mag- nesium ion binding sites at the respective ligation junctions. The structures are rendered in rainbow continuum, with the 50-triphosphate-bearing end of the ribozyme colored violet and the 30-hydroxyl-bearing end of the substrate colored red. The phosphate at the ligation junction is shown in white, and the proximate magnesium ion (modeled for the class I ligase) is shown as a yellow sphere, with dashed lines indicating coordination contacts.

Scott 2007; Shechner et al. 2009) (Fig. 4). Both crystal crystal structure may simply be an artifact of the crystalliza- structures capture the product of the ligation reaction, tion process or may imply a local conformational change in and consequently offer an incomplete view of the reaction the product that disfavors retention of the bound metal. pathway. For example, the pyrophosphate leaving group is These structures show that, despite some remaining gaps absent from the structures, so no conclusions can be drawn in the detailed understanding of how these ribozymes regarding potential ribozyme-assisted orientation of the function, the available information points to a universal reactive triphosphate or charge neutralization of the pyro- catalytic strategy, very similar to that used by modern phosphate leaving group. There is, however, information protein-based RNA polymerases. regarding other aspects of the reaction mechanism that Subsequent to its isolation as a ligase, the class I ribo- can be inferred from the product structures. zyme was shown to catalyze a polymerization reaction in Both the L1 and class I ligases are dependent on the which the 50-triphosphate-bearing oligonucleotide is re- presence of magnesium ions for their activity. A prominent placed by one or more NTPs (Ekland and Bartel 1996). feature of the L1 structure (Fig. 4A) involves a bound metal This reaction proceeds with high fidelity (q ¼ 0.92), but ion in the active site, coordinated by three nonbridging the reaction rate drops sharply with successive nucleotide phosphate , one of which belongs to the newly additions. formed phosphodiester linking what originally were the Bartel and colleagues performed further in vitro evolu- two substrates. This magnesium ion is favorably positioned tion experiments to convert the class I ligase to a bona fide to help neutralize the increased negative charge of the tran- RNA polymerase that operates on a separate RNA template sition state and, potentially, to activate the 30-hydroxyl nu- (Johnston et al. 2001). Tothe 30 end of the class I ligase they cleophile and to help orient the a-phosphate for a more added 76 random-sequence nucleotides that were evolved optimal in-line alignment. In the case of the class I struc- to form an accessory that assists in the polymeriza- ture (Fig. 4B), no catalytic metal ions appear to have been tion of template-bound NTPs. The polymerization reac- retained in the vicinity of the active site, although two mag- tion is applicable to a variety of template sequences, and nesium ions are observed to participate in crucial structural for well-behaved sequences proceeds with an average fidel- interactions that help shape the active site architecture. ity of 0.967. This would be sufficient to support a genome Despite the lack of direct observation of a catalytic metal length of about 30 nucleotides, although the ribozyme at the active site, there is what appears to be an empty metal itself contains about 190 nucleotides. The ribozyme has a binding site formed by two nonbridging phosphate oxy- catalytic rate for NTP addition of at least 1.5 min21, but gens, positioned directly opposite the ligation junction in its Km is so high that, even in the presence of micromolar a manner similar to that observed for the magnesium bind- concentrations of oligonucleotides and millimolar concen- ing site of the L1 ligase and reminiscent of the arrangement trations of NTPs, it requires about 2 h to complete each seen in protein polymerases. The lack of a metal in the NTP addition (Lawrence and Bartel 2003). The ribozyme

10 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World operates best under conditions of high Mg2+ concentra- substrate oligonucleotides (Lincoln and Joyce 2009). In re- tion, but becomes degraded under those conditions over action mixtures containing only these RNA substrates, 24 h, by which time it has added no more than 14 NTPs MgCl2, and buffer, a small starting amount of ribozymes (Johnston et al. 2001). gives rise to many additional ribozymes through a process Further optimization of the polymerase ribozyme using of RNA-catalyzed exponential amplification. Whenever the highly sophisticated in vitro evolution techniques has led to substrates become depleted, the replication process can be additional improvements in its biochemical properties. By restarted and sustained indefinitely by replenishing the directly selecting for extension of an external primer on a supply of substrates. separate template, Zaher and Unrau (2007) were able to Because the substrates are recognized by the ribozymes improve the maximum length of template-dependent through specific Watson-Crick pairing interactions, evolu- polymerization to .20 nucleotides, with a rate that is tion experiments can be performed by providing a variety threefold faster than that of the parent for the first nine of substrates that have different sequences in these recogni- monomer additions and up to 75-fold faster for additions tion regions and different corresponding sequences in the beyond 10 nucleotides. In addition, although not rigor- catalytic domain of the ribozyme. RNA replication was ously quantitated, the new ribozyme displays significantly performed with a library of 144 possible substrate combi- improved fidelity, particularly with respect to discrimina- nations, resulting in the emergence of a set of highly advan- tion against G†U wobble pairs. It is this improved fidelity tageous replicators that included recombinants which were that appears to be the underlying source for the observed not present at the start of the experiment. Until the advent improvements in the maximum length of extension and of a general-purpose RNA polymerase ribozyme, the sys- the rate of polymerization. tem of cross-replicating ligases offers the best platform to A different RNA ligase ribozyme can operate on a sep- study the biochemical properties and evolutionary behav- arate RNA template in a largely sequence-general manner, ior of an all-RNA replicative system. and does so with a Km that is at least 100-fold lower than that of the class-I-derived polymerase (McGinness and Nucleotide Biosynthesis. RNA replicase activity is Joyce 2002). However, its catalytic rate is much lower as probably not the only catalytic behavior that was essential well, and it is unable to add more than a single NTP. Yet for the existence of the RNA World. Maintaining another RNA ligase ribozyme can operate on a separate an adequate supply of the four activated nucleotides template with the help of designed tertiary interactions would have been a top priority. Even if the prebiotic envi- that “clamp” the template–substrate complex to the ribo- ronment contained a large reservoir of these compounds, zyme (Ikawa et al. 2004). But it too is a relatively slow cata- the reservoir would eventually become depleted, and lyst that cannot add more than a single NTP. some capacity for nucleotide biosynthesis would have A highly pessimistic view is that because there is no been required. known polymerase ribozyme that combines all of the prop- Ribozymes have been obtained, through in vitro evolu- erties necessary to sustain its own replication, no such ribo- tion, that catalyze some of the steps of nucleotide biosyn- zyme is possible. A more balanced view is that RNA clearly thesis. Unrau and Bartel (1998), for example, developed a is capable of greatly accelerating the template-dependent ribozyme that catalyzes a reaction between 4-thiouracil polymerization of nucleoside 50-polyphosphates. Such and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) to form catalytic RNAs can operate in a sequence-general manner 4-thiouridylate (Fig. 5A). The 4-thiouracil is provided free and with reasonable fidelity. It seems only a of in solution and the PRPP is tethered to the 30 end of the time (and likely considerable effort) before more robust ribozyme. An optimized form of this ribozyme, containing polymerase ribozymes will be obtained. Nature did not 124 nucleotides, has an observed rate of 0.2 min21 in the have the opportunity to conduct carefully arranged evolu- presence of 4 mM 4-thiouracil (Chapple et al. 2003). This tion experiments using highly-purified reagents, but did is at least 107-fold faster than the uncatalyzed rate of have the luxury of much greater reaction volumes and reaction, which is too slow to measure. Unrau and col- much more time. leagues used a similar approach to develop two different ribozymes that catalyze the formation of 6-thioguanylate RNA Replication. Despite falling short of the ultimate from 6-thioguanine and tethered PRPP (Lau et al. 2004), goal of a general-purpose RNA polymerase ribozyme, a as well as a third guanylate synthase ribozyme that arose robust reaction system for RNA-catalyzed RNA repli- as an unanticipated consequence of a related in vitro cation has recently been shown. The system uses a pair of evolution experiment (Lau and Unrau 2009). The first cross-replicating ligase ribozymes that each catalyze the two guanylate synthase ribozymes are slightly larger and formation of the other, using a mixture of four different have about twofold higher catalytic efficiency compared

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A S NH O S O O –O P O –O P O N – O O O NH O 3– O – + O + HP2O7 O P O P O N O OH OHO– O– H OH OH

NH B 2 N N O O O O Base – N – Base HO O + S P O P O P O O N S P O O + ADP O– O– O– O– OH OH OH OH


OOH OH OH OH O O O O O O O O – + – Base O O Base + HP O 3– Base P O O P O P O P O O Base P O P O O 2 7 O– O– O– O– O– O– OH OH


O OH OH O Base Base O P O O O O O P O O – – O + O O Base O + AMP A P O P O O OH OH O– O– OH OH O Base O P O O O– OH

Figure 5. Known RNA-catalyzed reactions that are relevant to nucleotide biosynthesis. (A) Formation of 4- thiouridylate from free 4-thiouracil and ribozyme-tethered 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. (B)50-phosphor- ylation of an oligonucleotide using g-thio-ATPas the phosphate donor. (C) Activation of a nucleoside 50-phosphate by formation of a 50,50-pyrophosphate linkage. (D) Template-directed ligation of RNA driven by release of a 50,50-pyrophosphate-linked adenylate.

with the uridylate synthase ribozyme, although guanylate None of these four RNA-catalyzed reactions has pre- synthesis is expected to have a much higher uncatalyzed cisely the right format for the corresponding reaction in a rate of reaction. hypothetical nucleotide biosynthesis pathway in the RNA RNA-catalyzed synthesis of PRPP has not been shown, World. However, they show that RNA is capable of per- but a ribozyme has been obtained that catalyzes the forming the relevant chemistry with substantial catalytic 50- of oligonucleotides using g-thio-ATP rate enhancement. It remains to be seen whether ribozymes asthephosphatedonor(LorschandSzostak1994)(Fig.5B). can be developed that catalyze the formation of the funda- 9 The ribozyme shows a rate enhancement of about 10 - mental building blocks of RNA, D- and the four nu- fold compared with the uncatalyzed rate of reaction. cleotide bases, using starting materials that would have Once a nucleoside 50-phosphate has been formed, it can- been abundant on the primitive Earth. phosphoryl be activated by another ribozyme that cataly- zes the condensation of a nucleoside 50-phosphate and a 3 AN “RNA-LATER” VIEW OF THE ORIGIN ribozyme-tethered nucleoside 50-triphosphate (Huang OF LIFE and Yarus 1997) (Fig. 5C). This results in the formation 3.1 Abiotic Synthesis of Nucleotides of a 50,50-pyrophosphate linkage, which provides an acti- vated nucleotide leaving group that can drive subsequent The RNA-first view of the origin of life proceeds from the RNA-catalyzed, template-directed ligation of RNA (Hager assumption that pure ß-D-nucleotides were available in and Szostak 1997) (Fig. 5D). some prebiotic pool. How close to such a pool could one

12 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World hope to get without magic (or evolved enzymes) on the borate on the progress of the formose reaction has not primitive Earth? Could one hope to achieve replication in been reported. a pool containing a more realistic mixture of organic mol- Many , including the four pentoses, react readily ecules, including, of course, ß-D-? The syn- with cyanamide to form stable bicyclic amino-oxazolines thesis of a nucleotide could occur in a number of ways. The (Sanchez and Orgel 1970) (Fig. 6A). Strikingly, the ribose simplest, conceptually, would be to synthesize a nucleoside derivative crystallizes readily from aqueous solution even base, couple it to ribose, and finally to phosphorylate the when complex mixtures of related molecules, including a resulting nucleoside. However, a number of other routes mixture of the amino-oxazoline derivatives of the other are feasible, for example the assembly of the base on a pre- three pentose sugars, are present (Springsteen and Joyce formed ribose or ribose phosphate, or the coassembly of 2004). The crystals are multiply twinned, each crystal con- the base and -phosphate. taining many small domains of each of the two enantio- The classical prebiotic synthesis of sugars is by the pol- morphs. Thus the reaction of a mixture of racemic sugars ymerization of (the “formose” reaction). It with cyanamide followed by crystallization might stabilize yields a very complex mixture of products including only ribose, segregate it from other sugars, and present it in a small proportion of ribose (Mizuno and Weiss 1974). enantiospecific microdomains. Much remains to be shown, This reaction does not provide a reasonable route to the but the reactions described above suggest that ribose syn- ribonucleotides. However, a number of more recent exper- thesis, although still problematic, may not be the intract- imental findings, to some extent, address this deficiency. able problem it once seemed. The base-catalyzed aldomerization of glycoaldehyde The synthesis of the nucleoside bases is one of the phosphate in the presence of a half-equivalent of formalde- success stories of prebiotic chemistry. Adenine is for- hyde under strongly alkaline conditions gives a relatively med with remarkable ease from and hydrogen simple mixture of tetrose- and pentose-diphosphates and cyanide (Oro` 1961). This synthesis has been described hexose-triphosphates, of which ribose 2,4-diphosphate is as “the of the faith” by Stanley Miller. Reasonably the major component (Mu¨ller et al. 1990). Reactions of plausible syntheses of the other bases and of the this kind proceed efficiently when 2 mM solutions of sub- have also been described (Sanchez et al. strates are incubated at room temperature and pH 9.5 in the 1967; Ferris et al. 1968; Robertson and Miller 1995; Orgel presence of layered hydroxides such as hydrotalcite (mag- 2004b; Saladino et al. 2004). The coupling of the purine nesium aluminum hydroxide) (Pitsch 1992; Pitsch et al. bases with ribose or ribose-phosphate has been achieved 1995a). The phosphates are absorbed between the posi- under mild conditions, but in relatively low yield (Fuller tively charged layers of the mineral. The reaction proceeds et al. 1972). The corresponding reaction with pyrimidines under these milder conditions presumably because of the does not occur. high concentration of substrates in the interlayer and There is a different potential route for the prebiotic syn- because the positive charge on the metal hydroxide layers thesis of pyrimidine nucleotides via arabinose amino- favors enolization of glycoaldehyde phosphate. A reaction oxazoline that first was explored nearly 40 yr ago (Tapiero between glycoaldehyde or and the amido- and Nagyvary 1971) and in recent years has begun to look triphosphate ion provides an ingenious and prebiotically very persuasive (Ingar et al. 2003; Anastasi et al. 2007; plausible route to glycoaldehyde phosphate and glyceralde- Powner et al. 2009). The earlier studies began with arabi- hyde-2-phosphate, respectively, the two substrates in the nose 3-phosphate, which, like arabinose and other sugars, above reactions (Krishnamurthy et al. 2000). reacts with cyanamide to give the corresponding amino- A number of other studies have addressed the prob- oxazoline (Fig. 6B). This in turn reacts with cyanoacetylene lems presented by the lack of specificity of the formose to form a tricyclic intermediate that hydrolyzes to produce reaction and by the instability of ribose. The Pb2+ ion a mixture of arabinoside-30-phosphate and cyto- is an excellent catalyst for the formose reaction and en- sine 20,30-cyclic phosphate. ables yields of the pentose sugars as high as 30% to be Sutherland and colleagues (Powner et al. 2009) have achieved (Zubay 1998). Furthermore, it seems likely taken this approach further by starting simply with glyco- that ribose is almost exclusively the first pentose product aldehyde and cyanamide, which in the presence of 1 M of the reaction and that the other pentoses are formed phosphate at neutral pH gives 2-amino-oxazole in excellent from it by isomerization. Other recent studies have ad- yield (Fig. 6C). The phosphate both buffers and catalyzes dressed the problem presented by the instability of ribose. the reaction, directing glycoaldehyde toward 2-amino- The four pentose sugars, including ribose, are all strongly oxazole, rather than a complex mixture of aldomerization stabilized in the presence of borate ions or calcium borate products. Glyceraldehyde is then added, resulting in forma- minerals (Ricardo et al. 2004). However, the effect of tion of the various pentose amino-oxazolines, including

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B NH2 OH OH HO OH HO O N O OH NH O HO N C 2 H HO O O O O O P O– O P O– O P O– – – O O– O


O O O O – – O P O O P O P O– O– O O–


NH2 HO HO O O O N N C NH2 O HO O ON + H PO –(pH 7.0) H PO –(pH 7.0) N 2 4 2 4 OH O OH



– – H2PO4 (pH 6.5) H2PO4 (pH 6.5) OH OH O O P O O–

Figure 6. Potential prebiotic synthesis of pyrimidine nucleosides. (A) Reaction of ribose with cyanamide to form a bicyclic product, with cyanamide joined at both the anomeric and 2-hydroxyl. (B) Analogous reaction of arabinose-3-phosphate to form a bicyclic product, which then reacts with cyanoacetylene to form a tricyclic inter- mediate that hydrolyzes to give a mixture of cytosine arabinoside-30-phosphate and cytosine 20,30-cyclic phosphate. (C) Reaction of glycoaldehyde with cyanamide in neutral phosphate buffer, followed by addition of glyceraldehyde, to form ribose and arabinose amino-oxazoline (and lesser amounts of the and lyxose compounds). Arabinose amino-oxazoline then reacts with cyanoacetylene to give cytosine 20,30-cyclic phosphate as the major product.

the arabinose compound. Arabinose amino-oxazoline, in There has been significant progress, especially recently, turn, can react with cyanoacetylene, also in phosphate concerning the synthesis of the nucleosides and nucleotides buffer, to form cytosine 20,30-cyclic phosphate as the major from prebiotic precursors in reasonable yield. However, the product. Perhaps equally intriguing, although given less story remains incomplete because these syntheses still re- emphasis in these studies, is that reaction of arabinose quire temporally separated reactions using high concentra- amino-oxazoline with cyanoacetylene also gives a substan- tions of just the right reactants, and would be disrupted tial yield of cytosine 20,30-cyclic-50-bisphosphate, which is by the presence of other closely related compounds. The more amenable to being converted to an activated mono- reactions channel material toward the desired products, mer that would be suitable for polymerization. but other fractionation processes must be discovered that

14 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World provide the correct starting materials at the requisite time a means to achieve high enantiomeric enrichment in a local and place. This “preprebiotic” chemistry likely would in- environment. This in turn could bias the production of volve a series of reactions catalyzed by minerals or metal ribose and the derived nucleotides. ions, coupled with a series of subtle fractionations of Scientists interested in the origins of life seem to divide nucleotide-like materials based on adsorption on minerals, neatly into two classes. The first, usually but not always selective complex formation, crystallization, etc. molecular , believe that RNA must have been Even minerals could not achieve on a macroscopic scale the first replicating molecule and that chemists are exagger- one desirable separation, the resolution of D-ribonucleo- ating the difficulties of nucleotide synthesis. They believe tides from their L-enantiomers. This is a serious problem that a few more striking chemical “surprises” will establish because experiments on template-directed synthesis using that a pool of racemic mononucleotides could have formed poly(C) and the imidazolides of G suggest that the poly- on the primitive Earth, and that further experiments with merization of the D-enantiomer is strongly inhibited by different activating groups, minerals, and chiral amplifica- the L-enantiomer (Joyce et al. 1984). This difficulty may tion processes will solve the enantiomeric cross-inhibition not be insuperable; perhaps with a different mode of phos- problem. The second group of scientists are much more phate activation, the inhibition would be less severe. How- pessimistic. They believe that the de novo appearance of ever, enantiomeric cross-inhibition is certainly a serious oligonucleotides on the abiotic Earth would have been a problem if life arose in a racemic environment. near miracle. Time will tell which is correct. It is possible that the locale for life’s origins was not racemic, even though the global chemical environment 3.2 Alternative Genetic Systems contained nearly equal amounts of each pair of stereoiso- mers. There likely were biases in the inventory of com- The problems that arise when one tries to understand how pounds delivered to the Earth by comets and . an RNAWorld could have arisen de novo on the primitive For example, some carbonaceous chondrite meteorites Earth are sufficiently severe that one must explore other contain a significant enantiomeric excess of L-amino acids possibilities. What kind of alternative genetic systems that are known to be indigenous to the (Engel might have preceded the RNA World? How could they and Macko 1997; Cronin and Pizzarello 1997; Pizzarello have “invented” the RNAWorld? These topics have gener- et al. 2003; Glavin and Dworkin 2009). These in turn could ated a good deal of speculative interest and some relevant bias terrestrial syntheses, although the level of enantiomer- experimental data. ic enrichment generally declines with successive chemical Eschenmoser and colleagues have undertaken a system- reactions. A special exception are a remarkable set of reac- atic study of the properties of analogs of nucleic acids in tions and fractionation processes that amplify a slight which ribose is replaced by some other sugar, or in which chiral imbalance, even to the level of local the furanose form of ribose is replaced by the pyranose (Kondepudi et al. 1990; Soai et al. 1995; Viedma 2005; form (Eschenmoser 1999) (Fig. 7B). Strikingly, polynu- Klussmann et al. 2006; Noorduin et al. 2008; Viedma cleotides based on the pyranosyl analog of ribose (p-RNA) et al. 2008). These systems have in common both a catalytic form Watson-Crick paired double helices that are more process for amplification of same-handed molecules and stable than RNA, and p-RNAs are less likely than the corre- an inhibition process for suppression of opposite-handed sponding RNAs to form multiple-strand competing struc- molecules. tures (Pitsch et al. 1993, 1995b, 2003). Furthermore, the Some of the most appealing examples of chiral symme- helices twist much more gradually than those of standard try-breaking reactions involve saturating solutions of vari- nucleic acids, which should make it easier to separate ous amino acids that form an equilibrium between the strands of p-RNA during replication. Pyranosyl RNA ap- liquid phase and solid phase. The solid phase consists of ei- pears to be an excellent choice as a genetic system; in ther racemic or enantiopure crystals, and the liquid phase some ways it seems an improvement compared with the reflects whatever enantiomeric excess exists at the eutectic standard nucleic acids. However, p-RNA does not interact point for the mixture. For some amino acids, such as serine with normal RNA to form base-paired double helices. and histidine, the enantiomeric excess at the eutectic is Most double-helical structures reported in the litera- .90% (Klussmann et al. 2006). This means that, starting ture are characterized by a backbone with a six-atom repeat. from a small concentration imbalance of D- and L-isomers, Eschenmoser and colleagues made the surprising discovery the imbalance is amplified as both isomers enter the solid that an RNA-like structure based on threose nucleotide phase and the solution phase approaches the eutectic equi- analogs (TNA) (Fig. 7C), although it involves a five-atom librium. This and related near-equilibrium mechanisms repeat, can still form a stable double-helical structure (Noorduin et al. 2008; Viedma et al. 2008) could provide with standard RNA (Scho¨ning et al. 2000). This provides

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ABC D O O O – – O P O Base O O P O O P O – O O O O Base Base –O P O O O O O OH O Base O O O P O Base – P O – – – O O P O O P O O O HO O O O Base O Base O Base O OH –O P O O HO O O P O Base O Base – O O O O O – – HO O P O O P O O OH O Base O Base O


E F G H NH NH NH O NH Base H O O NH N O Base 2 N N O NH O Base O N S NH NH N NH O NH N H O Base O –O C O NH – O Base 2 2 O2C N O NH NH NH H O O O O NH N O NH Base 2 Base N O NH O Base N S N NH NH N NH O N H O NH O NH 2

Figure 7. The structures of (A)RNA;(B) p-RNA; (C)TNA;(D)GNA;(E)PNA;(F)ANA;(G) diaminotriazine- tagged (left) and dioxo-5-aminopyrimidine-tagged (right) oligodipeptides; and (H ) tPNA. ANA contains a back- bone of alternating D- and L- subunits. The diaminotriazine tags are shown linked to a backbone of alternat- ing L-aspartate and L-glutamate subunits; the dioxo-5-aminopyrimidine tags (shown unattached) can be linked similarly. tPNA is shown with a backbone of alternating L- and L-glutamate subunits. an example of a pairing system based on a sugar that could template-directed reactions, and that PNA/DNA chimeras be formed more readily than ribose: Tetroses are the unique are readily formed on either DNA or PNA templates products of the dimerization of glycoaldehyde, whereas (Schmidt et al. 1997a,b; Koppitz et al. 1998). Thus it seems pentoses are formed along with tetroses and hexoses that a transition from a PNA World to an RNA World is from glycoaldehyde and glyceraldehyde. A structural sim- possible. plification of Eschenmoser’s threose has been The alanyl nucleic acids (ANA) are interesting for a dif- achieved by Meggers and colleagues (Zhang et al. 2005). ferent reason. They are polypeptides formed from nucleo They replaced threose by its open chain analogue, glycol, amino acids (Fig. 7F), but pairing structures can be formed in the backbone of TNA, resulting in only if the two enantiomers of their constituent a-amino (GNA) (Fig. 7D). Complementary oligomers of GNA acids occur in a regular alternating sequence (Diederichsen form antiparallel, double-helices with surprisingly high 1996, 1997). Because abiotic syntheses of potentially chiral duplex stabilities. molecules would under almost all circumstances yield ra- (PNA) is another nucleic acid ana- cemic products, pairing structures that can be formed log that has been studied extensively (Fig. 7E). It was disco- from racemic mixtures are particularly attractive. The vered by Nielsen and colleagues in the context of research ANA-type backbone of alternating D- and L-amino acids on antisense oligonucleotides (Egholm et al. 1992, 1993; could, in principle, support paired, double-stranded Wittung et al. 1994). PNA is an uncharged, achiral analog structures based on a variety of side-chain interactions. of RNA or DNA in which the ribose-phosphate back- Eschenmoser and colleagues have examined repeating bone of the nucleic acid is replaced by a backbone held homochiral dipeptide backbones that have either triazines together by amide bonds. PNA forms very stable double or aminopyrimidines attached at alternating positions helices with complementary RNA or DNA. Work in the (Mittapalli et al. 2007a,b) (Fig. 7G). In this case, not only Orgel laboratory has shown that information can be is the backbone a potential precursor to that of RNA, but transferred from PNA to RNA, or from RNA to PNA, in also the bases have been replaced by potential precursors,

16 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World such as 2,4-diaminotriazine (TNN), 2,4-dioxotriazine synthesis of an RNA product with a complementary se- (TOO), 2,4-diamino-5-aminopyrimidine (APNN), and quence. Such a transition, for example, from PNA to RNA, 2,4-dioxo-5-aminopyrimidine (APOO). Oligomers con- wouldpreserveinformation.RNAcouldthenactasagenetic taining either TNN or APOO subunits were found to pair materialinaformerlyPNAWorld.However,evenifchimeras strongly with complementary RNA, whereas oligomers were involved in the transition, it is unlikely that the original containing either TOO or APNN subunits did not. Not function of a PNA catalyst could be retained throughout surprisingly, therefore, pairing between complementary the transition because PNA and RNA have such different substituted oligodipeptides of the same type (either backbone structures. A direct and continuous transition oligo[TNN]†oligo[TOO] or oligo[APNN]†oligo[APOO]) from p-RNA to RNA would not be possible because also was weak. However, cross-pairing between oligo(TNN) p-RNA does not form complementary double helices with and oligo(APOO) was robust (Mittapalli et al. 2007a). This RNA, but this limitation does not apply to TNA and GNA. raises the intriguing possibility that an informational poly- The second type of transition can be described as a mer could have a mixed composition of TNN and APOO genetic takeover. A pre-existing self-replicating system subunits, which would direct the synthesis of an opposing evolves, for its own selective advantage, a mechanism for strand that has a complementary sequence as well as a synthesizing and polymerizing the components of a com- “complementary” backbone composition. pletely different genetic system, and is taken over by it. Even more radical are thioester peptide nucleic acids Cairns-Smith (1982) has proposed that the first genetic sys- (tPNA) (Fig. 7H), containing a repeating dipeptide back- tem was inorganic, perhaps a clay, and that it “invented” a bone with cysteine residues at alternating positions, which self-replicating system based on organic monomers. How- are transiently linked via a thioester to a nucleic acid base ever, he clearly recognized the possibility of one organic (Ura et al. 2009). The bases are in dynamic equilibrium genetic material replacing another (Cairns-Smith and between the solution and cysteine positions along the back- Davies 1977). Genetic takeover does not require any struc- bone. Occupancy of a base at a particular position is en- tural relationship between the of the two genetic hanced by the presence of the complementary base on systems. It suggests the possibility that the original genetic the opposing strand. In this way the informational system may have been unrelated to nucleic acids. can self-assemble in a template-directed manner, with mis- The hypothesis of a genetic material completely differ- matched bases exchanging rapidly and matched bases ent from nucleic acids has one enormous advantage—it remaining thioesterified for an extended period of time. opens up the possibility of using very simple, easily synthe- Perhaps genetic information could be propagated in such sized prebiotic monomers in place of nucleotides. How- a system, although the fidelity of replication, and therefore ever, it also raises two new and difficult questions. Which the maximum number of informational subunits, is likely prebiotic monomers are plausible candidates as the com- to be modest. ponents of a replicating system? Why would an initial The studies described previously suggest that there are genetic system invent nucleic acids once it had evolved many ways of linking together the nucleotide bases into sufficient synthetic know-how to generate molecules as chains that are capable of forming base-paired double heli- complex as nucleotides? ces. It is not clear that it is much easier to synthesize the A numberof prebiotic monomers that might have made monomers of p-RNA, TNA, GNA, PNA, ANA, or tPNA up a simple genetic material have already been suggested. than to synthesize the standard nucleotides. However, it They include hydroxy acids (Weber 1987), amino acids is possible that a base-paired structure of this kind will be (Orgel 1968; Zhang et al. 1994), phosphomonoesters of discovered that can be synthesized readily under prebiotic polyhydric alcohols (Weber 1989), aminoaldehydes (Nel- conditions. The properties of the TNN- and APOO-tagged sestuen 1980), and molecules containing two sulfhydryl oligodipeptides suggest that it may be fruitful to explore a groups (Schwartz and Orgel 1985). The list could be ex- broader range of potential precursors to RNA, changing the panded almost indefinitely. The discussion here concerns recognition elements as well as the backbone. A strong a small class of these monomers that appear to be particu- candidate for the first genetic material would be any infor- larly attractive in the light of recent work on enzyme mational macromolecule that is replicable in a sequence- mechanisms. general manner and derives from compounds that would There is accumulating evidence that several enzymes have been abundant on the primitive Earth, and preferably that make or break phosphodiester bonds have two or three has the ability to cross-pair with RNA. metal ions at their active sites (Cooperman et al. 1992; The transition from an RNA-like World to the RNA Stra¨ter et al. 1996). In the case of the editing site for phos- World could take place in two ways. The transition might phodiester hydrolysis in the Klenow fragment of Escheri- be continuous if the pre-RNA template could direct the chia coli DNA polymerase I, no other functional groups

Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 17 M.P. Robertson and G.F. Joyce of the enzyme come close to the that The discussion so far, even though highly speculative, is cleaved. This has led to the suggestion that the major role is still conservative in overall outlook. It supposes that of the enzyme is to act as scaffolding on which to hang the original information-accumulating system that led to metal ions in precisely determined positions (Beese and the evolution of life on Earth was either RNA or some linear Steitz 1991; Steitz 1998). A similar suggestion has been copolymer that replicated in an aqueous environment in made for ribozymes on the basis of both indirect and direct much the same way as RNA. There remains a lingering evidence (Freemont et al. 1988; Yarus1993; Steitz and Steitz doubt that the discussion is not on the right track at all; 1993; Shan et al. 1999, 2001; Stahley and Strobel 2005). maybe the original system was not an organic copolymer Perhaps these observations can be extended to suggest (Cairns-Smith 1982), or maybe it replicated in a nonaqueous that, if informational polymers preceded RNA, they may environment and RNA is an that permitted also have been dependent on metal ions for their catalytic invasion of the . Perhaps systems of high complexity activity. If so, the range of prebiotic monomers that needs can develop without any need for a genome in the usual to be considered is greatly reduced. In addition to the func- sense (Dyson 1982; Kauffman 1986; Wa¨chtersha¨user 1988; tional groups that react to form the backbone, the mono- De Duve 1991; Eschenmoser 2007). Perhaps ... mers must have carried metal-binding functional groups. Laboratory simulations of prebiotic chemistry are de- If the metal ions involved were divalent ions such as pendent on organic chemistry and can only explore the Mg2+ and Ca2+, the side groups are likely to have been car- kinds of reactions understood by organic chemists. A boxylate or phosphate groups. If transition metal ions were good deal is known about reactions in aqueous solution, involved, sulfhydryl groups and possibly imidazole deriva- but less about reactions at the interface between tives are likely to have been important. and inorganic solids. Very little is known about reactions Prebiotic monomers suitable for building polymers in systems in which inorganic solids are depositing from that bind Mg2+ or Ca2+ include aspartic acid, glutamic aqueous solutions containing organic material. It is hard acid, and serine phosphate among biologically important to see how speculative schemes involving heterogeneous amino acids. ß-amino acids, such as isoglutamic acid, hy- aqueous systems can be tested until much more is known droxydicarboxylic acids, such as a-hydroxysuccinic acid, about the underlying branches of chemistry. and hydroxytricarboxylic acids, such as citric acid, are other possible candidates. A polymer containing D-aspartic 4 CONCLUDING REMARKS acid, L-aspartic acid, and as its subunits is typical of potentially informational co-polymers that might, in After contemplating the possibility of self-replicating ribo- the presence of divalent metal ions, both replicate and zymes emerging from pools of random polynucleotides function as a catalyst. Transition-metal ions might play a and recognizing the difficulties that must have been over- corresponding role for polymers containing cysteine or come for RNA replication to occur in a realistic prebiotic homocysteine. The present challenge is to show replication, soup, the challenge must now be faced of constructing a or at least information transfer in template-directed syn- realistic picture of the origin of the RNAWorld. The con- thesis, in some such system. straints that must have been met in order to originate a self- What selective advantage could a simpler, metabolically sustained evolving system are reasonably well understood. competent system derive from the synthesis of oligonucleo- One can sketch out a logical order of events, beginning tides? This is a baffling question. Most arguments that with prebiotic chemistry and ending with DNA/protein- come to do not stand up to detailed analysis. If, for based life. However, it must be said that the details of this example, one postulates that nucleotides were first synthe- process remain obscure and are not likely to be known in sized as parts of cofactors such as DPN, one must explain the near future. why the particular heterocyclic bases and sugars were The presumed RNAWorld should be viewed as a mile- chosen. Even if one supposes that among the many “experi- stone, a plateau in the early on Earth. So too, ments” in secondary performed by early the concept of an RNAWorld has been a milestone in the organisms one happened by accident on a pair of comple- scientific study of life’s origins. While this concept does mentary nucleotides that could form a replicating polymer, not explain how life originated, it has helped to guide one must still explain how polymerization subsequently scientific thinking and has served to focus experimental contributed to the success of the “inventor.” Could oligo- efforts. Further progress will depend primarily on new ex- nucleotides, by hybridization, have functioned at first as se- perimental results, as chemists, biochemists, and molecular lective “glues” for tying pairs of macromolecules together? biologists work together to address problems concerning Could RNA have been invented by one as “anti- molecular replication, ribozyme enzymology, and RNA- sense” against the genome of another? based cellular processes.

18 Cite as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a003608 Origins of the RNA World

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