
Introduction Hirsch index overview Other Databases Impact Factor Tips

h-index and other methods of measuring the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist

Krzysztof Kluza and Grzegorz J. Nalepa

AGH University of and Technology, POLAND

GEIST workshop 08.09.2011 (rev. 19.11.2013)


GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Cytowanie jest miernikiem tego, ile warte jest to co piszemy... !

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips


1 Introduction

2 Hirsch index overview

3 Other methods

4 Databases

5 Impact Factor

6 Tips

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Why is this important

H-index and useful for: CV evaluation at AGH-UST scientific evaluation for NCN grants finding potential collaborators interpretation of your work by other scientists

Several reasons for citing:

to provide background to provide related works to criticize or correct other works for self citations

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1 Introduction

2 Hirsch index overview

3 Other methods

4 Databases

5 Impact Factor

6 Tips

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Simple bibliometric methods

number of papers number of citations number of papers in journals with IF

Problem A single method is not sufficient to measure both productivity and impact!

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Hirsch index (h-index) definition

A scientist has index h if

1 h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, 2 and the other (Np - h) papers have no more than h citations each.

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How to increase h-index?

The number needed for increasing h-index

source: http://ectropy.info/2008/06/citation-trading

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1 Introduction

2 Hirsch index overview

3 Other methods

4 Databases

5 Impact Factor

6 Tips

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Other bibliometric methods

Modifications of h-index g-index hb-index hc-index (contemporary h-index) hI-index (individual h-index) h(2)-index e-index (excess citations index)

Much more: http://sci2s.ugr.es/hindex/

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G-index definition Given a set of articles ranked in decreasing of the number of citations that they had received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number such that the top g articles received (together) at least g 2 citation.

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Where one can find some information about my papers?

Selected scientific databases

Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) – http://apps.webofknowledge.com/ (Google) – http://scholar.google.com/ () – http://www.scopus.com/ DBLP (University of Trier) – http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/ Academic Search (Microsoft) – http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ Citeseerx (Penn State University) – http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/ Arnetminer (Tsinghua University) – http://www.arnetminer.org/ SpringerLink (Springer) – http://www.springerlink.com/ ACM Digital Library (ACM) – http://dl.acm.org/

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GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips


GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Web of Science

the world’s leading citation over 12 000 journals from 256 categories over 148 000 proceedings from the most significant conferences the tool providing analysis and visualization capability part of Web of Knowledge, which provides ResearcherID integration isiwebofknowledge.com

More: http://thomsonreuters.com/content/science/pdf/Web_of_Science_factsheet.pdf

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Google Scholar

wide range of sources (indexes citation almost from anywhere available on the web) useful for papers not indexed by WoS or Scopus less authoritative than WoS difficult to search with co-authors additional software for h-index calculation

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Citations in different sources

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Additional links

How to submit to DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/about/faqcont.html http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/about/faqformat.html

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how to find your publications in Web of Science how to calculate your h-index in Web of Science how to calculate your h-index in Google Scholar how to calculate your h-index with Publish or Perish


http://apps.webofknowledge.com/ http://scholar.google.com/

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Web of Sciencie Search Engine

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GJN Papers in Web of Sciencie

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GJN citation report in Web of Sciencie

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GJN citation report details in Web of Sciencie

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GJN h-index threshold in Web of Sciencie

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GJN h-index threshold in Web of Sciencie

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GJN citing in Web of Sciencie

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ALI results in Web of Sciencie

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ALI papers in Web of Sciencie

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Google Scholar

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Google Scholar preferences (for h-index)

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Google Scholar with h-index plugin

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Google Scholar with h-index plugin (advanced)

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Publish or Perish

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Search in Publish or Perish

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1 Introduction

2 Hirsch index overview

3 Other methods

4 Databases

5 Impact Factor

6 Tips

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Impact Factor (IF)

published by Thomson Reuters calculated for journals indexed in Journal Citation Report describes the importance of a journal within its field the higher the IF, the more important journal originally used for journals management in libraries

How to calculate IF of the Journal X - the no. of cites in 2010 to articles published in 2008 and 2009 Y - the no. of articles published in 2008 and 2009 IF 2010 = X/Y

About IF: http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/free/essays/impact_factor/ Master Journal List: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=master

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Tutorial IF

how to find a journal IF in Web of Knowledge how to get IF for a journal



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Web of Knowledge Additional Resources

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Journal Citation Report (JCR) Search Engine

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An exemplary record in Journal Citation Report

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The record details in Journal Citation Report

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How to get IF for a journal

Submission to Thomson Reuters submission min. 3 consecutive, current issues full journal title, ISSN, publisher, editor url, access (login, password), scope, brief statement on the unique features of the journal and how it is distinguished from others in the same field

Master Journal List: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=master Journal Selection Process: http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/free/essays/journal_selection_process/ Journal Submission Process: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/mjl/selection/ Journal Electrionic Submission Form: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/info/journalsubmission/

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Basic requirements timeliness of publication according to its stated frequency the peer-review process full text in English (at very least only the bibliographic information) international editorial conventions informative journal title fully descriptive article titles/abstracts complete bibliographic information full author’s address information for every author diversity among the journal’s authors, editors, board members citation data (total citation received or the citation record of the contributing autors, self-citation rate) impact of the journal in the context of journals in the same discipline the journal has to enrich the database (better if the topic is not already adequately addressed in existing coverage) in case of regional journals they can a local audience How many journals are selected for inclusion to the database? Only about 10-12% of submitted journals!

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GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Self citations in AMCS

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Who cited AMCS?

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GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Self citations in IJAIT

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Who cited IJAIT?

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GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Self citations in IJSEKE

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Who cited IJSEKE?

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

IF for Przeglad Elektrotechniczny

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Self citations in IJSEKE

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Who cited IJSEKE?

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1 Introduction

2 Hirsch index overview

3 Other methods

4 Databases

5 Impact Factor

6 Tips

GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Outlook Tips

tell your colleagues: ”please read my paper – maybe you will find it worth a citation” co-authors can help to publicize the paper the right keywords in the paper title increase your readership audience (Google) self citations review articles

Long term tips

journals of a high impact conferences with highly-respected proceedings work in a sub-field that is growing focus on most recent papers GEIST AGH-UST HINDEX Introduction Hirsch index overview Other methods Databases Impact Factor Tips

Outlook Tips

check your h-index in various sources monitor h-index of your collegues review paper with cites to your collegues report lack of paper or citation in WoS monitor your papers and report if they are missing using the form: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/techsupport/datachange/ advertise your research on sites such as http://www.researchgate.net or http://www.academia.edu

Remember self citations are not as respected as citations! BUT in general they are needed to avoid claim of selfplagiarism!

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The End

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