EXTENSIONS of REMARKS April 11, 1973
11958 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 11, 1973 Yea-and-nay votes may occur on that ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. IN THE ARMY bill. It is possible, if consent is given, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. P resident, T he following-named officers to be placed that the measure would be temporarily on the retired list in grade indicated under if there be no further business to come the provisions of title 10, United States Code, laid aside from time to time and other before the Senate, I move, in accordance items on the Calendar could be taken section 3962: with the previous order, that the Senate To be lieutenant general up tomorrow and Friday—but only if stand in adjournment until 9:30 a.m. L t. Gen. Julian Johnson Ewell, xxx-xx-xxxx , unanimous consent is gotten. tomorrow. With respect to the bill to amend the A rm y of the U nited S tates (m ajor general, N ational Foundation on the A rts and T he m otion was agreed to; and at U.S. Army) . 5:53 p.m. the Senate adjourned until to- L t. Gen. William R aymond P eers, xxx-xx-x... Humanities A ct, I do not believe that xxx-x... A rmy of the United States (major gen- that bill will be taken up tomorrow. The morrow, Thursday, April 12, 1973, at 9:30 a.m. eral, U.S. Army) . distinguished author of the bill (M r. L t. G en. W illard P earson, xxx-xx-xxxx , PELL) has requested that the bill be taken A rm y of the U nited S tates (m ajor general, U.S.
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