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ELAEOCARPUS{ELAEOCARPACEAE)ENDOCARPS from the OLIGO-MIOCENE of EASTERN AUSTRALIA by Andrew C Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Volume 130, 1996 41 ELAEOCARPUS{ELAEOCARPACEAE)ENDOCARPS FROM THE OLIGO-MIOCENE OF EASTERN AUSTRALIA by Andrew C. Rozefelds and D.C. Christophel (with two tables, two text-figures and three plares) RozEFELDS, A.C. & CHRISTOPHEL, D.C., 1996 (30:vi): Efaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) cndocarps from the Oligo-Miocene of Eastern Australia. Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. 130(1 ): 41-48. https://doi.org/10.26749/rstpp.130.1.41 ISSN 0080-4703. Tasmanian Herbarium, GPO Box 252C Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001 (ACR); Botany Department, University of Adelaide, PO Box 496, Adelaide, South Australia 5005 (DCC). Efaeocarpus peterii sp nov. is described fromthe Oligo-Miocene Glencoe locality in central Queensland. This species has prominent srellare ridges and fine punctate ornamentation. These featuressupport a close relationship to extant E. steffaris L.S. Smirh from northeastern Queensland. Efaeocarpus cfarkei (F. Muell.) Selling is redescribed. The punctate ornamentation and large oval endocarps ofE. cfarkei (F. Muell.) are closely comparable to extant E. bancroftii F. Muell. & F.M. Bail. and E. Linsmithii G.P. Guymer from north eastern Queensland. Efaeocarpus cfarkei is a common element in many Oligo-Miocene deep leads in southeastern Australia. The age of some of rhe deep leads (buried placer deposits) in Victoria, e.g. Haddon and Foster, is discussed; the limited data available suggests a minimum mid-Miocene age for rhese localities. Key Words: Efaeocarpus, Elaeocarpaceae, endocarp, fruits, deep leads, Haddon, Foster, Glencoe, Tertiary, Miocene, Oligocene, Australia. INTRODUCTION endocarp morphology of these taxa is examined in detail. A new taxon, which also has punctate ornamentation, is Elaeocarpaceae is represented in the Tertiary fossilrecord in described from the Glencoe locality, central Queensland. Australia by pollen, leaves and fruits. Fossil records ofleaves Similarities in endocarp morphology between the fossil or pollen have been referred to, or compared with the family taxa and extant Elaeocarpus taxa are recognised, and the generally, and not an extant genus (e.g. Christophel et al. biogeographical implications of these fossil taxa are 1987, Chrisrophel & Greenwood 1987, Hill & Macphail discussed. A southern origin for the family is supported 1983). In the Elaeocarpaceae, only Elaeocarpus L. and and two biogeographical hypotheses are proposed ro explain Aceratium DC. have drupes. The endocarp in Aceratium is the presence of the genus in the southeast Asian region. weakly lignifiedand has prominent and persistent mesocarp fibres. Elaeocarpus endocarps typically have woody and strongly ornamented endocarps and lack persistent mesocarp MATERIALS AND METHODS fibres. Elaeocarpus has been recognised as a ubiquitous element of the Tertiary floras of Australia, because the The early collections of fossil fruitsare from deep leads that woodyendocarps are robust and fossilisereadily (Kirchheimer were mined for gold !are last century in Vicroria and New 1935, Selling 1950, Blackburn & Sluiter 1994, Rozefelds South Wales. These fruits were either dona red ro, or purchas­ 1990a, b, Rozefelds & Christophel I 9%). ed for museum collections. Documenration of these early The affinities of many of rhe fossil fruits that have been museum collections is often poor, with limited stratigraphic compared with, or referred ro Elaeocarpus remain poorly informationand collection details. The rype material of most studied. Penteune clarkei was described by Mueller in 1873 of Mueller's taxa cannot be confidentlyidentified, because fromdeep leads (buried placer deposits) in Victoria. Mueller the published illustrations do not match the existing speci­ referred this raxon to a new genus, the name alluding ro the mens, and rhe original specimens used in illustrations were five valves of the endocarp. He was unsure of its generic nor identified. Some specimens have also partially disinte­ and familial affinities but suggested it belonged "most grated due to the oxidation of pyriric minerals in the fruits, probably to Sapindaceae, alrhough the possibility of its and other material has decomposed completely. Material having formed a genus of rhe Meliaceous order is not studied in rhis paper is fromthe Australian Museum (AMF), excluded" (Mueller 1874: 21). Selling (1950) recognised Museum ofVicroria (NMVP), Geological Survey of New that E. clarkei F. Muell. was similar to extant E. bancroftii South Wales (MMF) and Queensland Museum (QMF). F. Muell. & F.M. Bail. and referred ir to Elaeocarpus. A The preservation of fossil material varies. The majority study of extant Elaeocarpus species from New Zealand and of E. clarkei material examined comes from deep leads in Australia (Rozefelds 19906, Rozefelds & Christophel 1996, Victoria and New South Wales and rhe material is preserved Rozefelds & Christophel, pers. obs.) shows that endocarp as "charcoalified" fruits. Elaeocarpus clarkei from Elsmore size and ornamentation is highly variable and groups of is preserved as moulds wirh no internal structures preserved raxa wirhin Elaeocarpus can be identified by cndocarp and no original tissue. The Glencoe specimen is silicificd morphology, particularly ornamentation type (Rozefclds and some internal structures are present, although no organic & Christophel 1996). The srndy of endocarp morphology tissue is preserved. Most of the comparative ex rant material in Elaeocarpus SL1pporred Selling's suggestion of a of north Queensland Elaeocarpus species was provided by relationship between E. c!arkei and E. bancroftii, but also CSIRO, Atherton (QRS). The material examined is listed identified similarities wirh ocher raxa. In the present paper, in table 1. A. TABLE 1 Taxon SFR Little Pine L.A eastern F. Muel!. & 17°00'5, 145°50'E F.M. Bail. N oahs Creek and ACR collection Olivers Creek, Glencoe II Tribulation area, NE 16°09'5,145°27'E E. linsmithii Mt Bartle Frere, NE 13606 Guymer Queensland, 17°23'5, 145°48'E : Gulgong ~ Bathurst ~ L.A. State Stocker 1774 ;-"'., Orange-•• E. stellaris I\ L.S. Smith Forest Reserve, NE : "','........... o;<C_t:ldor 0 I •\ Queensland, 17°30'5, I \"":>.. ddon. oola 145°47'E .Boola,,- •...... Foster Coles Bay, NE ACR collection Q ~ Queensland, 16°09'5, 145°27'E V FIG. 1 - Localities mentioned in text and distribution of extant Elaeocarpus stellaris, E. bancroftii and E. linsmithii Elaeocarpus clarkei has been collected from deep leads in in northeastern Queensland arrowed. Localities for E. clarkei Victoria (Haddon 143 0 48'£, Eldorado 36°18'5, are marked with a circle while the type locality for E. peterii 146°32'£, and Foster 38°39'5, 146°10'E) and New South Spa nov. is marked with a square. Wales (Bathurst 33°24'5, 149°35'E and Orange 33° 149°05'E). The BoolaBoola [..- 38°04'5,146°20'£] fruits are from bores (fig. 1). There have been numerous the systematic and biostratigraphic relationships of the estimates ofthe ages ofthe Victorian and New South Wales other fruits in these localities have not been critically re­ deep leads ranging from Pliocene (Mueller 1874), Miocene examined, it is suggested, based upon the occurrence of (Walcott 1920), late Miocene (Macumber 1978) to Elaeocarpus mackayii (F. MueH.) Kirchheimer, Rhytidocaryon Oligocene (Partridge & Wilkinson 1982). Palynological wilkinsonii F. Muell., Spondylostrobus smythii F. Muel!. and evidence has provided information on the age ofsome leads, Elaeocarpus clarkei at Haddon and Orange (Mueller 1874), e.g. an Oligocene date for Loddon and Murray Basin leads that these localities are broadly contemporaneous. A (Martin 1977, Partridge & Wilkinson 1982, Archer 1984). minimum mid-Miocene age, possibly Early Miocene age is While there is no a priori reason for assuming that the th~refore suggested for the Haddon locality. The age ofthe leads formed contemporaneously, the pulses of other deep leads at Foster, Boola Boola and Eldorado, near sedimentation required for their formation were probably Beechworth is unknown. The presence of E. clarkei in related to periods of uplift, during the Tertiary, of the these localities similarly suggests that these floras are con­ Eastern Highlands. King (1985), for example, considered temporaneous with those at Haddon. that deep leads in the Haddon area were established during The Elsmore locality (29°47'5, 151 0 17'E) was referred the early Tertiary, and initial deposition probably to by Ettingshausen (1888). Fossil fruits are preserved as commenced during the Oligocene. There are no published steinkerns (moulds). A recent survey of Ettingshausen's palynological data or radiometric dates, known to the localities by Pickett et al. (1990) showed that two floras, in authors, to assist in the systematically diverse and lithologically similar sediments (one Miocene in age and ntC'rAt"tr",11't7 tIl"Y'1n.At'r"1lt'"'\r HI"1lrlrlAn and Foster deep leads in the other Oligocene), occur in the Elsmore area. The age most of the E. clarkei recorded of the original material collected is therefore uncertain, in this paper came from. although a minimum Miocene age is indicated. Elaeocarpus clarkei is recorded from the Orange locality The data available for assessing the age and flora of the in New South Wales. Radiometric dates of 10.9-12.7 Ma Glencoe locality has been discussed previously by Rozefelds are recorded for basalts that overlie Tertiary sediments in (1990a). The silcretes with fossil plants overlie basalts, and the Orange area and indicate a minimum mid-Miocene a maximum age of 30 Ma for this flora is suggested,
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    Photograph: Helen Owens © Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia Department of All rights reserved Environment, Copyright of illustrations might reside with other institutions or Water and individuals. Please enquire for details. Natural Resources Contact: Dr Jürgen Kellermann Editor, Flora of South Australia (ed. 5) State Herbarium of South Australia PO Box 2732 Kent Town SA 5071 Australia email: juergen.kellermann@sa.gov.au Flora of South Australia 5th Edition | Edited by Jürgen Kellermann ELAEOCARPACEAE1 H. McPherson2 & L. Murray2 Shrubs (sometimes ericoid) and trees (not in S.A.); bark without exudate, indumentum of simple hairs, sometimes gland-tipped or stellate; leaves spirally arranged, distichous, opposite or rarely whorled, simple, entire to serrate; stipules either present or none when colleters may occur. Flowers bisexual, solitary and axillary, in fascicles or terminal, or axillary simple or compound; inflorescence cymose or racemose; sepals usually free, variously toothed or lobed, sometimes entire; stamens 4–300, free; anthers basifixed, opening at apex by 1 or 2 pores; loculi 2–8 (9); ovules 1–30 per loculus, pendulous, anatropous, attached to axis in 1–2 series; style simple or apically branched. Fruit indehiscent (drupe or berry) or dehiscent. Seeds 1–many, up to about 15 per loculus. A family comprising 12 genera and c. 550 species, widely distributed in tropical and warm temperate southern regions. In Australia 9 genera and c. 100 species. The genera Tremandra R.Br. ex DC., Platytheca Steez and Tetratheca traditionally comprised the Australian endemic family Tremandraceae (Thompson 1976). Recent molecular phylogenetic research (e.g. Savolainen et al.
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