Presentation of Human Forms in Polish Art
Presentation of Human Forms in Polish Art Authors Gabriela Kurowska, Michal Seroczynski, Ewa Bajon, Irena Obszynska CKU, Centre for Continuing Education, Poland Introduction The purpose of the course will be to present in particular the development of the presentation of human form, both sacred and civil, in Polish architecture, drawings, sculpture and paintings during the period 11-20 century. The course will start with a theoretical part providing details on selected topics from the scope of developments, its historical back ground which affected the arts evolution in the 10 centuries. The art by itself concerns the man. The man is its creator and its onlooker. Besides, the man is the art’s contents. That happens even when he is not illustrated. The ways of presenting the human beings in art in the scale of the centuries can speak quite precisely about the humans’ conditions and various respective circumstances- that both refers to the authors, and to the masterpieces’ characters as well. While watching sculptures, pictures, drawings, and other artistic artifacts, we come across the knowledge of our ancestors, their intellectual maturity, emotional disposal, and finally- the remarkable abilities. We also experience their sensitivity and extraordinary imagination, not occasionally we find ourselves in a state of moving to tears, or something similar that draws us into the spiritual depths. The human’s effigy was accepted by us just as an efficient, consequent method- a key serving for penetrating the most absorbing phenomena within the art present and developing in Poland. In the choice of such a point of view inclining to taking a deeper consideration of the cultural heritage of the Polish people, there helped us the crucial facts appearing in our history.
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