Vol. 4, No. 4 Lillooet, B. C, Fridat, November 20, 1914
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THE PROSPECTOR VOL. 4, NO. 4 LILLOOET, B. C, FRIDAT, NOVEMBER 20, 1914. $2 PER YEAR General News of Lillooet War Gleanings LILLOOET German Paper Suspended District For Speaking Frankly Thou little Town on Fraser Strand London— An official statement Bathing in sunlight's sea, Mrs. Eagan, left this week for issued by the press bureau says: Rough beauty lies on every hand Leaders in Very Nasty Situation a tour of the coast cities. "The third division was sub A stranger e'r will see. jected on the 17th to heavy artil Thou know the past of younger days Dr. Nevvcornbe of the P.G.E. lery and infantry attack, the When B.C. was achild, Amsterdam—The pan-German- was in town yesterday. brunt falling on two battalions. When roughshod men did have their ist Post has been suspended for Both were shelled from their ways a violent article attacking the Mr. Casper Phair, local gov trenches, which were recyvered When temper did run wild. Austrians for incapacity in the ernment agent, is on a visit to by a counter-attack. The enemy When Bigby weild his rod supreme field. It is owing to them, it Ashcroft these days, His foe was reaching far, was driven back 500 yards. The Then Lillooet did have the cream asserted, that the entire plan of Do not forget the Court of Re attack on the second division was Of manhood above par. campaign would have to be chang vision. For full particulars see asls repulsed." The pioneers of by bygone past ed, that Cracow must be aban page four. Their number getting small, doned and that both army lead Petrograd, Official — On the V/e hope us left will make no haste ers and diplomats find themselves morning of November 18 a Ger Mr. 0. J. Sanger, Forest as # To answer the last call. in a very nasty situation. The man squadron consisting of two Old Lillooet thou art not great paper proceeded to declare that sistant, returned to town the lat cruisers, ten torpedo boats and ter part of last week, after a Of wealth and earthly fame much of the blame for all this several other steamers appeared But thou art healthy sound and neat, unsatisfactory state of affairs stay of six month in the Chilcotin before Libau. The Germans bom And as of old, still game. country. must be laid at the door of the barded the city and harbour, Prospector. imperial chancellor, whose blun Mr. Hopkins, manager of the setting fire to several buildings. dering policy had dragged Ger local branch of the Inland Trans Story of the Sinking of The many into a war in which, now, portation Company, left this Early the same day the Rus there was no telling how she week for Vancouver. He in en sian Black Sea fleet, which has Audacious is Denied would emerge. route for England, on an extend been cruising off Freibixond, ed vacation. steamed close to town and bom Vancouver Province Nov. 18— barded harbor and barracks, set Dr. J. C. H. Beaumont, surgeon London, Ont.-Leiu-Col. Wigle, News was brought to town this fire to buildings along the coast. on the White Star liner Olympic, officer commanding the 18th week that the Chilcotin Indians No Turkish ships were sighted denies absolutely that the British battalion, of the Canadian ex at Churn Creek are shooting the off the coasts. super - Dreadnought Audacious peditionary force, decreed that ewes in that vicinity. A stop all his men hereafter, must not London—British fleet bombard was sunk in Lough Swilly on Oct should be put to this before the 28. The New York Sunday Times shave their upper lips. frame is entirely wiped out. ed Knocke and Seebruge, Bel The commanding officer said gium, using the Bruges ship as a of November 17 publishes the following story on its frontpage. his decree was based solely upon The Dickey Bros, returned on base. German military trains the scientific principle that the Sunday from the round up at were wrecked by the shells from The Times, it might be stated, has the reputation of being the scraping of the upper lip affect High Bar. They brought with the ships. Five cars with soldiers the nerves which influence the them about 175 head of cattle, to were struck and caught fire. most careful and reliable news paper in New York. It says: eyes.—We expect there will be be wintered at the Texas Creek Much damage also was done to more "Wiggles" in the 18th now. Ranche. A record round up and German stores and supplies. "Dr. Beaumont of the White trip was made. ]Star liner Baltic, which arrhed Smyrna— Turkish forts fired here from Liverpool on Friday Social Evenings Mr. G. H. Harris of Chicago, three shells on U.S. launch Ten night, and who was surgeon on arrived in town from his hunting nessee when Captain had visited the steamship Olympic on her trip. The party was in the hills the officials. Tennessee left Turk last voyage from New York, An invitation card party was for twenty-six days, they obtain ish waters at request of Ambas vvhen she put into Lough Swilly, given last Friday evening at the ed a fine specimen of a Ram, a sador, urged by the Turkish Of said yesterday that there was ab home of Mrs. Bridge, by Mes- stag, and sundry other game. ficials. The matter is being in solutely no truth in the report dames Bridge and Bell. Whist Wm. G. Manson was the guide, vestigated. that the crew of the battleship was indulged in till about twelve assisted by two Indians. Audacious had been rescued by o'clock, when refreshments of a London — Reports from the the Olympic. very delicious nature were served. Mr. B. M. Downton, B.C. Sur front say that the recent days After refresements, songs and veyor, who has beeen surveying fighting is entirely favorable to "In an interview with a Times instrumental music, by several of in the Clinton division of the the Allies. Retreat of the enemy reporter in the Officers' Club on the talented party, were ably Lillooet district during the past is only a matter of time. the White Star piers, Dr. Beau rendered. The guests departed summer, returned to town this mont said: for their homes, after having week. He was accompanied by Floods separate the armies be "The first news I received of spent a very enjoyable evening. Messrs Barraciough, Forrester, tween Nieuport and Dixmude. the sinking of the Audacious was Pringle, and Bigg. Mr. Down- in one of the evening papers to The German army has failed day, and I was astonished to read A farewell dance was given ton left for Victoria yesterday this week in the Santini Hall. afternoon. in its main attack although Prus that the passengers of the Olym- sian guards corps retained its yic had witnessed the blowing up The occasion being, the depar A much needed improvement is reputation for courage and con of the battleship and the rescue ture of Mr. Hopkins, manager of being made in town by the ex tempt for death. of her crew by lifeboats from our the Inland Transportation Com tension of the side-walk, from ship. I can not say whether the pany, on. an extended visit to the residence of Mr. S. Gibbs to Rome — Japanese ambassador Audacious was blown up by a England. There was about for the Hospital, and from the resi left Constantinople last night. mine or torpedoed off the coast ty persons present, and a real dence of Magistrate Saul to .the Leaving was probably due to in of Ireland, but I can vouch for a good time was spent by all. The Methodist church. Mr. Wm. G. structions from Tokio rather than fact that neither the passengers good wishes of all is expressed as a result of representations by for a safe, and pleasant trip. Duguid is in charge of the work. the Porte. nor crew of the Olympic saw or Now that side walks are being heard of such a disaster." extended, why not put one to the Rome — Arabian Mussulman After considerable details, the AN OPEN LETTER Church of England gate, also Leader Abdul Kaiser rebelled and report goes on to say: have one laid from the church dispersed Turks in the region of "It was pointed out by one of Dear Young Lady:-May we suggest to Mr. Craig's residence, and by Maku. Kurdish Chief Sinko sus the White Star officers that all that you should write that Love-Letter so doing have a good side walk tained an engagement against reports agreed that the sinking on "Swisslin'" or "Holland" Paper from one end of the town to the (envelopes to match), using a good the Turks for several days. Ul of the battleship and the rescue Fountain Pen filled with Underwood other. timately with assistance of Rus by the crew of the Olympic oc Ink, and. if sealed, using Violet or oth sians the enemy was dispersed. curred on the morning oj October er colored Wax showing a heart trans Canada's western province is 27, close to the Irish coast. The fixed by Cupids Arrow, or other device. keeping; to the fore in the matter London. — Nothing fresh re liner averages 22-knots on her If through a lapsus pennae a wrong of sanitary measures is evidenced garding the battle on Allies left word gets in, we have Eraseis that re eastward voyage in fine weather, move ink.