Geohazard Risk Prioritization
COLUMBIA SHUSWAP REGIONAL DISTRICT Geohazard Risk Prioritization FINAL April 16, 2020 Project No.: 1899001 Prepared by BGC Engineering Inc. for: Columbia Shuswap Regional District BGC ENGINEERING INC. 500-980 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 0C8 Tel: 604.684.5900 Fax: 604.684.5909 BGC ENGINEERING INC. AN APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES COMPANY Suite 500 - 980 Howe Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 0C8 Telephone (604) 684-5900 Fax (604) 684-5909 April 16, 2020 Project No.: 1899001 Jan Thingsted, Planner Columbia Shuswap Regional District 555 Harbourfront Drive NE PO Box 978 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1 Dear Mr. Thingsted, Re: Geohazard Risk Prioritization – FINAL BGC is pleased to provide you with the following geohazard risk prioritization for the Columbia- Shuswap Regional District. The web application accompanying this report can be accessed at Those without a username and password should click “Register for Access”. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with you on this challenging and interesting study. Yours sincerely, BGC ENGINEERING INC. per: Sarah Kimball, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., P.Geo. Senior Geological Engineer Columbia Shuswap Regional District April 16, 2020 Geohazard Risk Prioritization - FINAL Project No.: 1899001 TABLE OF REVISIONS ISSUE DATE REV REMARKS DRAFT March 10, 2020 Original issue FINAL April 16, 2020 Original issue CREDITS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BGC would like to express gratitude to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District for providing background information, guidance and support throughout this project. Key CSRD staff providing leadership and support included: • Jan Thingsted, Planner • David Major, IT/GIS Coordinator • Tom Hansen, Emergency Program Coordinator • Derek Sutherland, Manager of Protective Services • Gerald Christie, Manager Development Services • Corey Paiement, Team Leader, Planning Services.
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