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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-1-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 06-01-1908 Hughes & McCreight

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Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 06-01-1908." (1908).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER FORECAST No. t 7 45 45. 50 p. m. No. 7 10. 55 p. m niRTir, Cols., Jvdi I Ttnigfet fair No. 8 6 p. m. 40 Albuquerque coaler southeast Tuesday fair. portioi. 11 m Citizen No. 9 45 p. WE THf NEWS FIRST L VOLUME 23. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY, JUNE i. ! NUMHElt- - 130 f - ANDREWS ALSO SECURES $3010 FOR THE W FEDERA L BUILD!

4v tt "TURN BOYS I WE'RE GOING BACK mnmm. and roswell CONFESSES PART BENEFIT IIIJ It BUILDINGS IN GO ESS Efficient Work of New Mexico's Repre- MURDERS sentative in Sixtieth Congress Re- Prisoner In Texas Town De- sults in Securing For the City Ad- clares He Took His Wife to ditional Fund with which Federal Farm to be Put Out Will of the Way. Officers be Properly Housed. 1 --


Forger Declare He Assisted In- 'Jongressmen Who Were Unable to Get What They Wanted diana Woman In Disposing of Bodies but His Family Says for Their Own States Are Surprised at Results of Dele-gat- e He Is Crazy-Evide- nce of Andrews' Activity, as He, Without a Vote, Got More Truthfulness Found. for the Territory of New Mexico Than Many of the That Have Great Influence In Congress Could Obtain.' La Porte, lnd., June 1. With the return today of fherlff Smutzer from Vernon, Texas, where he went to In- vestigate the alleged confession of , June 1. (Sicdal) for the postoftice at Roswell was a nulldingu bill, which repetition MEETlWRlGHT WILL SUCCEED RAILROADS ALL REPORT PIERCE TO FACE Julius Truelson, Jr., who wrote Pros- The public of the one which he made CONFEDERATES TRIAL ac- before the ad- .he ecutor Smith that he had been an passed a short time when secured the $30,000 for the complice ot Mrs. Gunness In several journment of Congress, carried an ap- Irrigation congress. addi- murders, details of the confession be- propriation of $ HO.niHi for an The delegate scarcely took time to TAFT TRAFFIC EARNINGS ON came known. story to tin-- federal building at sleep during SECRETARY PERJURY CHARGE The sheriff did not tional eat and the closing day bring Truolson with him for the rea- Albuquerque, N. M , together with an of Congress twenty-f- and during the last son, It is claimed, his confession does appropriation of im,000 for the our hours of the session he was court house Roswell, busy not hold, having been made by the postoftice and at constantly, securing support for NEHWEEK JULY 1 IN prisoner In order to escape a forgery N. M. his measures. JEXAS charge In Texas. by Delegate Andrews was greatly The bill was promptly signed aided Truelson has been In Jail at Vernon the president. Delegate Andrews, by Senator Penrose and the other since March 2, charged with swind- who by strenuous work had kept the members of the Pennsylvania delega- City Is Preparing to Entertain Washington Hears Report that May a Better Month Than Head of Waters Pearce Oil ling by representing himself to be item of 130,000 in the public buildings tion. Jonathan O. Thaw, a cousin of Harry bill, originally asked for $30,000. but "We didn't get all we would like Thousands of, South s Ve- President Roosevelt Made April and Outlook Is Con- Company Loses Extradition K. Thaw, and passing forged check. til- - cut down the amount to have for New Mexico," said Dele- According to his alleged confession he 10. gate Andrews, $30,0. At one t'rtid th Albu- atter Congress had ad terans at Annual Reunion. Another Clever Move. ., sidered More Promising. Fight in Supreme Court.. t.xiR hi wife,, Mae Vrtnues O'Reilly, querque, item was eliminated entirely, journed, "but in view of the circum- of Rochester, N. Y., to the Gunness the. of stances I guess we will to be but Andrews, with assistance have farm to have-he- put out of the way, his friends, succeeded in having It re- contented." STEADY BUT SLOW and helpVd Lamphere to bury her A congressmen OFFICIAL PROGRAM SELECTION REGARDED SWORE HIS COMPANY placed, and it went through with the number of were and also assisted. In disposing of six bill. gathered about a hotel lobby Sunday, HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED WITH FAVOR IN SOUTH IMPROVEMENT IS SURE WAS NOT IN CONSPIRACY ( the r bodies. The bill Introduced by Delegate An- preparatory to departing for their drews for road and bridge bonds for homes. They were discussing the New York, June 1. Julius O. Hcrnalillo county, together with a bill session Just ended when one of them Birmingham, Ala., June 1. The Washington, June 1. General Luke Chicago, June 1. The conditions Washington, June 1. The U. S. su- New Mexico add an-oth- er remarked: preme de- Truelson, whose alleged confession In to district and reunion of Confed- E. Wright of Memphis, Tenn., Is to In the territory of the road court today confirmed the judicial district, were still In "And another thing I would like to bnnual the United cision of the United States circuit connection wltb the Gunness farm H. secretary are slowly Improving. The number mystery subsequent committee when Songress adjourned know Is, how did Andrews, represent- erate Veterans will be held In Birm- succeed William Taft as court fur the eastern district of Mis- and retraction and were ing a territory away off there in the ingham June 9, 10 and 11. After of war, probably about July 1, ac- of idle cars Is gradually diminishing souri In the case of H. were made public today. Is belleve-- l extradition by family to be menta'ly unsound. Despite the fact that New Mexico southwest, without a vote, succeed In months of hard work Rirmlngham is cord nltg oa statement made here by and traffic Is increasing. May has flay Pierce of the Wb.ters-Pler- ce Oil tla only us His brother Harry said today that was a territory and represented getting more than about half of who is Wright's close personal proved to be a considerably better company of St. Lrouls, holding him nn vote, tihe got our " ready to welcome the thousands from a man Julius has been irresponsible since ti by a delegate who had for states?" friend and business associate. montn from a traffic and earning subject to extradition to Texas, where a great deal more at the all parts of the nation who have he is under on charge was struck by a trolley car a few received General Wright Is a Democrat, and standpoint than April, all Indica- Indictment the years ago. story hands of the first session of the Six- The first authentic news of the ad- signified their intention of be- and of perjury In swearing that the com- Harry said the it is reported that he has announced bot- Julius told connection with tieth Congress than many . of the ditional appropriation of $30,000 for ing presem. tions point to the fact that the pany hud not into a conspir- of his the that he will support the ticket next entered pos- btates. the federal building here was received The official program has been Is tom of hard times been reached, acy In Gunness farm murders could not November, although he was for sev- has restraint of trude when the sibly be true, as he was .nerving a sen. Had it not been for the general earlv this mornlnir In a di.snatch to sued for the reunion, end it provides per- company made application to do busi. A t ' eral years governor general of the and a scady, though for a time, HtHtu.s it i.s likely 'Ph.. f'l:lon mi,Y,ht nf ul t, hnn a of Hippodrome tence In the Klmlra reformatory at of legislation that far the opening the Philippines, succeeding Taft In that haps, Improvement, be ties In Texas. It Is contended that the If were 9 10 slow Is to WUters-Pierc- e the time covered by his confession. Delegate Andrews would have secured calls were received, asking It Hi o'clock Tuesday morning. At more recently ambassa- company Is part of the import- appropriation position, and looked for. of Chicago and St. Truelson' family say they will do the passage of .several other true that the had been t'oVck General Harrison will call the to Japan under President Roos- Eat Standard Oil company. ant New Mexico measures. secured, and when it became gener- convention to order, and invocation dor Loul8 also there has been an Improve- nothing more for Julius. public buildings bill was com- ally known the report was cor- by Rev. Dr. William evelt. The that will be made J. The selection Is regarded by the ment. KS VIXiAH Slli;illFF HACKS up laxt hours rect, expressions of approval and Richmond, Va., chaplain-gem-ia- l. Ui Porte. June 1. Mae O'Reilly Is pletely tied until the Jones' of few politicians In Washington who Tiie movement of both grain and 'It I C.YITI KK IHll'lt M DKIt present session. It was held praise for the work of the delegate Following General Har- - 1- -is 1. A missing. Truelson has retracted hl of the this have heard of it as one of the clever general merchandise is increasing, jut Vegas, June sealed ver- to 1111 were on sides. wt-- . , alleged confession. There was Jewel tip to force the Senate action heard all rsoi uu,. political moves ever made by the shipment.: to bo unusual- dict returned Saturday midnight by emergency currency bill, against Albuquerque certainly no cause B. continue in ry bearing the name or May the has .vernor Comer of Alabama president. It is conceded to be a ly parcels, .showing couiitry the jury In the Margaret (lirllng case r. La Follette wits conducting a to complain about the first session will visitors on behalf ot small that brandsl O'Kcilly In the Gunness ruins, and which if wilcnme the ...... -..-(-..- t.1,4 f..f lli.mru.mtlr jklinnort still are living hand and opened at noon today half-hearte- merchants from iMjlire N. Y., d filibuster. the Sixtieth Congress, since It gave the e; Mayor-Georg- k. ward on ' t. K,.. ,.,,... orwi ., Prudenclo Martinez gulliy of rape the of Rochester, report ' tl " ' .n to mouth and are not loading them- The currency bill passed the Sen- 60.nn for direct expenditure here behalf of Birmingham. Itrigndier Gen-- 1 V . . mUA subjects him to ed that Mae O'Reilly disappeared ...... - . . , 7 "'. KJ .Z.l up any and a sentence of i en-- ...--.- llldll iiru ailVUIL'l L,.ai selves with surplus stocks of ate Saturday afternoon anil was nnn in nni nn. lenvo ...... m run J - i I4,,tv- o r mrmirtpnam on 5 20 years. from that city about the time Truel- no- - kind. is regarded as health from to promptly by the public a building, large veterans; south This a son left there. followed handsome federal nf the Alabama Only a few days ago General fymptoni und one of which the roadd Sheriff Oleofeg. Romero is racing to buildings bill by the gen- enough to fed- - ' N. of Birming-era- ! Truelson declared in his "confes- and later accommodate all the Comrade H. Rhodes Wright was In Washington, but he will reap a in the permanent Oakland, Oil., attempting by steam to deficiency bill. All bills were officers In this i on of sons of veter- - benefit sion" that Mrs. Gunness told him she eral district. ham behalf the declined to discuss in any way the enlargement of traffic as soon as the beat the taction of the habeas corpus signed by the president. lt is probable that work on the fed-- 1 G. of Blrm-er- al practicing as a midwife Illegally j.rompty ans: Mrs. Charles Brown of his business, though he ad- last vestige of the period of depres- luw which may free I.. J. Matlock m The tight which Delegate Andrew building will be resumed at once. Alabamla nature de- and many of her patients died, and It Ingham on behalf nf the mitted he called on the president sion passes away. arrested there on a charge of made to secure the additional appro- It had been stopped temporarily, daughters. that fraud K. J. Taupert. a Jeweler, for was part of her contract to dispose building ' I... several times. of bodies. priation for the federal at pending the action of Congress on Tuesday afternoon Colonel F. attorney Memphis who Is ll WIM. KXTKItTAlX whom he worked here. the Albuquerque the appropriation appropriation. will the re- An from t'lrl He answered her matrimon'al ad- and the additional Kussell of Mobile deliver closely associated with him, however, IOK ITS MKMIVI'KS union oration, and Judge A. O. KiUiS vertisement In 1H04 and met her at de- admitted that the secretaryship of Saturday evening has been set aside actomoihm: two. Chicago. Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., will 1. A au- the Sherman bouse. She war had been offered to him and that for the linaU of tiie billiard and pool New York, June touring al- liver his address on "The Confederate party said, according to his story, that SUITOR SHOT MOTHER MOROS ARE BECOMING he would accept It. tournament ut which time Messrs. tomobile with a returning from money was Navy." Coney early to.i.iy was over- though he had no and too governor Sidney Harth and Sam Piekard will Island young to marry her she could put him Tuesday night, and Mrs. play the linal game of pool lind T. N. turned while speeding up Ocean Park B. will give a reception to In the way of making money by help- ' Comer Xoa Ilfel I will play way and William Genboar and Thom- - WHO OPPOSED KIM RESTLESS AGAIN tlre- - Wilkersnn and ing dispose of Uie person the veterans and there will be gain of billiards. the! as Xolau were killed. bodies of the last After who died her care. words 'it tiie fair grounds. games Tuesday Itrandes and James. McKen-n- a under Ab- - tournariieir. evening Victor morning n, Wednesday the Battle ASSASSINS the members of the club will give a were seriously Injured. John Ten-yo- I DESCRIBES Rochester. X. Y., June 1. Mrs. Ixilbil Her At She Was leaving Outbreak on Island of .!ol Is lYiHnni be commute will report an1 the mem- owner of the car. was de- smoker to the victors and all the driver Doyle says her niece, Ha 1 next will be John that net 1 Wa. Capture! by farm-i- t Two (evolutionary Lenders place of the reunion ber- are nelcome. Plenty of good arrested. The car w'as running at a upon. annual mem. n'Riell), who married Julius Truel- Is Now .tail. cided At noon the cigars as well as other light refresh- of fifty miles an hour when It nil In ri HuiiimiI. ' will be held. Wednes- - INillm- - How Mh Was ItouiKl and! son. is alive and well in New York orlal exercises ells ments will ! on hund and a large ciaslu-- into u tree, turned turtle and j City. iiny afternoon will come the reports, iuggcxl i upon 1 While Tlilevcn Killed crowd of smokers are looked for. fell the occupants. The acci- Fond HI I,.to, Wis.. June Grant .Manila. June 1. on the 11- - and election of nf other committees HiislHind and Mother The members will also be enter- dent is supposed to have been caused ISKYAN IS I'.kiip. who kill..' I Mrs. K. It. Moral Her SORRY shot '.mi and of Jolo are reported restless, fine officers. The parade, under the with speaking ! disarrangement of the gear. m Itobls-r- Wan .Motive. tained and music and MK.YSl'RK IASSK1 h'-- auspices or tile sons or veteran", oivis at ;he Methodist church in of the Asturia Ij.iu i.s s vowed to to cap the climax Mr. Hulling. on Chadron. Xeb., June l. William J. be given Weiner y afternoon at 4 'aktlelil, yesterday as the- congrega- personally kill twenty white and a 1. wishes to announce that he received tMM' URI1XKS RIX'ORII. llryan opened the second week of his o'clitck Free conceits will be given j Paris. June Mm. Stienheil, was dispersing, was captured t'hlnese and then declare this morning from H. S. Bangs of Xew York. June 1. Total rainfall v, ln:Lska tour at Chadron. where he tion late hundred a- ; whose Adolphe Stienhill, a niuht. husband. ., d A a kt.-- Cruces. X M.. a genuine lighting had. here In May was 9:10 inches, exceed-- ! I.iies.-c- an early morning crowd, night by a f vil- war. sentry has been at and be at 11. well known painter, and his mother, last irmer near the The grand parade will ger. which he will match against any ing the records ()f the same month ln mot In an Interview-th- badly wounded, guar. Is hav heen M mi-- . ware strangled to which the train. of lyadoga, I In o'clock Thursday morning. In he, Japy, found be- Us bu-- lage and id. ice. Jail doubled ami it is reported set- tightlng bull dog brought to him years since the wi.ith. r l he said he was glad the lemocruts Poole In...) in that Bfternonn at the fair grounds will he death Sundav at the art's!' residence here been madly love attsu-ked- tween now and Tuesday evening. The nan miji established opposed the emergency currency tlers have been including ill Hue de 'a i ad. bad somew hat with Grace rvis, daughter of the open air entertainments. Iridger has a record of winning four measure was sorrv they did not FausMie Alien, leader of the 11 4 and lios battle at recovered from the shock this morn- j anil his attent oris b.iiM concerts and sham fights .bad, i Dios movement, who once assumed ing give an out of a in.ibla five and a III It'll! DAY SI'RPRIsi:. succeed in tile bill. o'clock. and W's a'''1' almost 1 her hid not been countenanced I g light Is promised to mem- - Mr. Mrs. of 1121 currency bill, though called the ti le of pope of Island an dc-eri- pt the and Frank Weerts "The l' her or tier family. Poole had been The ball under the auspices of th perfect "n of the assassins ' hers. IC.spii on Hot 1. his principal follow v I'm;-- I. lack gowns. Mr-- , South Waller street wei .surprised an emergency measure," said Hryan ii st u,. hospital sons in Jioin.r of the vetefms. sons of ho won nn mate of the for the 1.1111-b- Saturday evening by a large party ofi pushed through as part ot er, were iant;e. at ttie prison or i of was i! mged and bound to "has been in-- -. 10 ree years an. I was out on pn- - veteran and sponsors an. munis steinheil I friends an.) neighbors, the occasion' a plan formed several year ugo to f today. They found guilty of '.. a by tanglers. police KWSVS IS KI.OODKD. w.ic honor, will begin at o'clock. For bed the The ;.. Ml- role. -- 1. iro' VV....rtj' I'.lli l.oth.l.V 'I'll.1 secure a change 111 the basis of bank cveral cruel murders ,)o e to attend there believe robin ty n the sole nedlye Wichita. Kan.. June I.oa:.i,s those who not ca' - - nr.- flooded, many bridges are out following were present Mr. and Mrs. He he would more a o:.en con-1-- 1 mur.b;- There was ,1 notes" indicated will be fireworks 0 air for the .1. K. the. T PKINCKTOX ui-.- -. Mid trains are d layed on of Gill. lin an fatn.I.v; Mr. and fully express his objections 1" IIKI.M onus (.i i:x rts at the fa.r gro.m Is. si l. rable sum money In th ti arounl mm high twenty-fou- r Mrs. w. I,. Cockmaii f mily. Mr. measure later date, hit i:tii:i:i.y wri.i, i:Ti:vsio ni' I'l l K water. Almost hours and i.l a 1 Mrs W. .1. Kicht. rs and family, Prince: 111. N J June Former Washington, June l. .Vn ex! n.-i- i mii:i of continuous rain came to an end at and ,- wont ii:ciii: co"htitiox-- isrrRii:vi stti; K. M w family; 1.IVI R V GK1 ': nf (irr-rv-i ,.a nd, who Of Wei I t Y v T TOKIO KXPOSI'I ION J '.'.lock this morning. lulling we've Rev on. fe and OM SLIGHTLY DM rib time of t'.vellty ks an days ri or i:11.w iimmihso 1. ' I 1. S.!im Mr. Mis. U". family Antwerp. Juno The accident to to his home here last night has been granted t J. M It nii'k Ii.iiver June The supreme Wushingon. June iSeentaiy hours inches of rain fell and Il;t"ir ml I: Anna Myers. Red Star V id' lian I. over I. mi L.iki a o e. X. J w h. re he ha I & I'o., within whi.-- to eonip'ete court to la', if num. I a sil t brought l;.H,t has .! !.! upon Francis Mrs. I.exana I.a'n'.. Mis the liner their Ml-- - w f.-- in . f 1 1 ' Miss My Alenlorff, whi anxiety is conseiiuenc - me .tle'iii mort is ago, arose contrael for the erection of Koo.-e-ve- li to te.-- t the ri st ..n.i y of an aeti oiiiis. form. secretary IOI II MIA ROM Carrie is il to k I ( I I A- K'r. Mr. H. of rumors she had gone ashore i.n: lo.liy and durum, the forenoon Salt r'ver irrigation project, cri' ting a ra'la commission in this s ite. Kre J. V. SkltT. .lire tm AMI ll.l ITllkWl'l II l.I - Rev. Pnulus tzs' hiii.iti. that ,, .11 I C11I1. 1, . wees, r l been In collision Is 'slight, reading on the p rch. Mr ("eve-Un- d Arizona. The contractors wen- de- state to the .nstrif" court for retrial the Kiel. ii. .11 111 at Chicago Kan June 1. Four ncn MacKellveoK, Mr. Wm. iTn Kel til i, cons. -- ting ,.f a simple disarrangement is very w ;l I of irregularities at the I M '. well known arti-- rolibed the State bank of t'ubi early Mr. Julius Scheer, Mr. John I.enhardt. "Mr. i.eveliud layed In tin ir work by storm" an. on the ground Frutuis re- s to t a A lun 'h w as sei ve. a of her machinery. The steamer tliou'-'- h not eiitirdy Wo f.ooils. and the date of completion first trial. The supreme court rlei lin. iu a conni represent the .lay ml .vcijied with Js.inni after German and t .M-nin- d mu-k.- c to Flushing repairs and Tpe.-- to st ly !n Prince-o- some has therefore be. n advanced to Oe- - e,l at this time 10 go into the question 1'nited State th Tokio exp ...: light in which no one was killed. pleasant was with turned after I'o arc in pur.-ui- t. and songs. 1. ft that port this morning for Dover. time." tob.r 10, 1S08. of the constitutionality of the act. J in 1912. l'AOK TWO. ALBUQTJETlQiTE CITIZEN. MONDAY, Jl'NE 1, 109. THE ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN THE VALLEY RANCH The Fishing Season Opened May 15 PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY The most beautiful location on the most beautiful river (the Pecos) In By the Citizen Publishing Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico. New Mexico. Weather warm, dry and delightful. Can accommodate a limited number of guests. Ol I. IKK. Horseback riding and driving. Fishing, hunt- ing, an camping. Gross BROGAIN tennis a big ranch in full operation. Address The Val- Kelly Co W. S. STRICKLER WILLIAM F. & ley Hunch, Valley Ranch, New PRESIDENT .MANAGING EDITOR Mexico. (Incorporated) HMIMIMHMIHIMM si nst mi-- 1 ion ian.s CUB'S One year by mail In advance $5.00 THE CORNER I DAILY SHORT STORIES One month liy iniiil fiO One Month liy carrier within city limits 0 ) Settled. second-clas- s a Entered as mutter it t the I'oMoflleo of Albuquerque, N. M., The Star Spangicd llunner? si:i,ij(. iiKAirr. dor All of Congress of March 3. ISTit. Its glories are dim, For pray Isn't lioosevelt Ity lrunk II. William". Tlie only Illustrated daily newspaper in New Mexico uiitl Hie best The National Him. Wholesale medium of the Southwest, ruck "I'm going to seil my heart!" Dor- othy suddenly and calmly announced. THK AUM QlTOHtJl'K (ITIZI'.N IS: Poor I'cllow. The lending Hcpuhllcun dully and weekly of the Southwest. AH of them, Fred, Harry, Jimmy iievpiier - He- an dur- bomb-fhe- Tlie advwatc of Heiulllcan principle and the "Square Deul." Gaston had awful time and John, Jumped though a il ing ills regimen 's recent maneuvers; ui Grocers had exploded amongst them. AMU QIKUQI E ITIZMN II AS: they didn't even a. low h in straw for THE t liis They were all gathered, in more or Tlie II nest eqiilpited job lcartiiieiil In New Mexico. tent. Tbe latent reMrt by Associated I'rcss and Auviliury New Service. She Horrible! How did they ex-pe- rt less graceful attitudes, around Dor- him to drink his cocktails? othy as she sut In a big easy chair 'vi: t.iir tin: i hist." Transatlantic Tales. before an open fire. "I'm going to seii my heart," Dor- "STATEHOOD FOR NEW MEXICO" The tiruft of llvorc othy again firmly announced, and Mrs. Cobwigger So you think you then, seeing the intense umuzemeiit Wool Hide and Pelt would be happier if e were in so- on their faces she added suddenly: ciety ? "Oh, I don't mean now wh.lo I'm 1 would be Christmas, Freddie at living. Goodness, no! You see, 1 Dealers ma. I know gome boys in the smart need some money very much Just now set and they all have at least two for my spring shopping my allow Waste Paper lipu to give them presents. The ance isn't half enough and so I'm Smart Set. going to sell my heart after I'm dead Discussion of the '..mount of forest u.ed up in one of the editions of a Ci for dissection purposes. Oh, don't Treat city newspaper ."ay like one issued in New York a few Jays ago which ller Way of Doing It. look ro peculiar, boys; Juts of people contained 100 pages stops right short where it might be made most interest A well-know- n clubman of lioston have says paper done it." lag and profitable an exchange. What becomes of all the thus was married during the early part of "Lgnr gasped Fred. "What a printed and scattered to the four quarters of the world? Through the pyres last winter to a charming college girl, grewsome idea!" Albuquerque and Las of waste paper that are consumed In stoves and furnaces, the bonfires or who, of her many accomplishments, "I don't think so," cried Dorothy. more prctentous consumers in the backyards ami alleys and vican: loH. tell Is proudest of her cooking. "Of course, my mos; whoever buys heart Vegas where of it goes. Only a small part of it gets Nick into commerce Her husband returning iate one aft- will pay me now. Now then, what am again. This waste paper ought, it seems, to have a larger economic use, ernoon to his horn, was surprised to I bid?" though the fantastic idea of utilizing it dyed black and made over for a sec- find his wife "all tired out." The four men looked at each other. 1 - ond printing with colors reversed debatable. lira iook (iresiuiuity ratigueu. lit- in ...them wa r contestants for Dor- - It would seem th'u this waste paper might be pulped again and made iiu one saiq ne in a sympameuc tone- - ,,...... , ,, ,,w. ,,., ...... over in connection with metal, or alone, into many uses for which courtly .nu. .o. mi iepiy. iuu fee., ,.... f ... ,,.,, wood expensive workmanship are now employed. For finish , and interior and ec. oa.O ,ou U,I ,o imeo ,,,.,.(., ,.k. ,m.ih,. Doi OtllV WUS goillg decoration, and furniture, for boxes and other containers, it would seem pos- broiled rabbit. So I meant to surprise.,, .,,.,.1,1,, ..h,,.,. , ,,:,., , get thing fireproof cheap you yvith one tin-...- 1 sible that Inventive genius could durable, and out for dinner but I've been im...... ii. r ,.. 1, ..1 f, of the waste paper that is now such a problem to the thrifty housewife. This hard at work on the rabbit all day. ous like John. Kvidently they, too, I I got would greatly relieve another drain on the forests for not nearly all the drain nnd haven't it more than half fell that this was tile turning point. on them is due to the pulp mills. The point is to get the people in the habit picked." Ladies' Home Journal. "I'll give you a thousand dollars," Coo of saving this waste paper for regular collectors and to make it enough of an Gross cried Hurry, & earnestly. Kelly encourage A object to such disposal of the waste. IHICOHATION DAY I'd CM. They all knew that this was the On every street, quantities of loose paper are strewn, on every vacant lot. total amount lie possessed, he And corners, can be flying paper, one of the gre'itesl eyesores and nuis- A Sermon of Life. that Have you ever stopped to think my had saved th's, a dollar at a time, g (Incorporated) ances. It would appear that it might be a good plan for the people Inter- in the face of extreme adversity. His ested In the "city beautiful'' to have inie sort of a system, w hereby the chil- friends Of the flowers brought this day tone, though, that of a purchaser at dren might be encouraged to collect waste paper tit home, on the stree.s and an miction sale, grated on John's ebewhere, bring it to certain depositories, where the accumulations might be And placed upon the mouldering clay f t I'o die and wither away? nerves. disposed of to dealers in such stuff, and the proceeds devoted to public play, "Well, I can't do that," declared grounds, or toward civic improvement. Have you ever stopped to think This act Jimmy, "but I could g ve you a check, symbol of love and care, dated some ten years ahead, for about loO.UOO, 1 GOLD MINERS NAME To bring these flowers, these for expect to be worth that J. D. Eakln, Wore sum then. I don't suppose you President Chaa. Mellnl. SwreUry tJfiirty thousand beautiful flowers G. Gloml, Vice President O. Bachechl, So sweet, so costly and pare? could raise anything on it now, NEW HACHITA Treasurer. It Is with considerable pleasure that The Citizen today announces tha though." he added sadly. "I'll tell CAMP! the thirty thousand dollar additional appropriation for another story to ;h Have you ever stopped to think you what 1 will do," lie went on more Consolidated Liquor federal building In this city, wm passed by Congress at the eleventh hour, as Of the forms brightly; "1 11 bq you have run Company the (iohllichl si part of the federal building appropriation measure. We've lain beneath the sod; of my dry goods store and not charge Is Title of Town At Si v Successors to Added to the appropriation of $30,000 for the National Irrigation con That were snatched by Death you anything w SloH! Spring; site and t for hat you take." .ev limp MEL1.VI A EAK1N, and I1ACHECHI Kress, this makes sixty thousand dollars coming to this city within a few Mid Joy and pain, "1 have no money or no Makes (iood sliowtnjr. GIOMJ store," WHOLKBALK DKALKRB IM weeks frm the first session of the Sixtieth Congress. , And ushered before their God? said Fred, shortly, "but 1 can oiler Delegate Andrews, by his hard work for these two appropriations, hai oh, think of them In mortal life you a lifetime of service and devo Goldfleld, Hachita, N M., June 1. placed Albuquerque under a debt of gratitude to him. When cart so heavily rolled Hon." The gold miner of this district held The delegate was assisted at every turn of tlie road by Governor Curry, Did we ever bring a flower then Dorothy, smiling with an effort, a meeting and named this camp Wines. Liquors and Cigars and Colonel Hopewell and Colonel Twltchell of he board of control of the To cheer the fainting soul? to Goldfleld Wash- -' turned John. and have applied to Wt tvrythlag to ttoek to outfit National Irrigation Congress and by all the members of the New Mexico "And you. Johnny, what do you ington for a postofflce under that tho their expense, Imprisoned there within tiie clay ipmost fastidious bar oompltte delegation who went to Washington at own to work for ttie They know not of our care. bid?" she asked. name. The reuson for 'adopting this Interests of this territory. not name is to distinguish it Hare Ihvii appoinuxl exclusive agenu In I'hey cannot see us when we lay "I'm bidding," John answered, from the old m. the Southwest for Joa 8 All of them worked very hard to secure both appropriations and their gruffly. Hachita camp twelve of schliu. Imp and SU Louis A. 11. C. Hreuerlr: Yeiiwrtone Those flowers so tenderly there. miles north l.rceii 11. Mc Ilrayer'g Cedar efforts have resulted In great good to this city. "I'll tell you my here, which is a lead-silv- nine llimW. Hrook. Loub, Hunter They can not spelak In gratitude answer later, and Monarch, and other brand of whiskies too numerous to tS Delegate Andrews in his capacity of representative of this territory in boys," she announced gaily, not press- district that had a great boom twenty-f- mention. or Nor breathe their fragrant breath WE ARK NOT Washington and with his strong personal influence, aided by the friendship For all life ing John for a oid, and the subject ive years ago. COMPOUNDERS on Congress. He the tender cords of the Pennsylvania delegation, brought great pressure to bear Are hushed In silent Death. of conversation was changed. Those 'dd time prospectors were)1 Hut sell the straight article a received from, Ing-- through tha best Wlnenoa constantly in Washington, he championed the appropriations botl In some manner, shortly after that. lllfter silver aliil n.or loma of lli.i Distilleries and Breweries in the United States. Call and Inspect houses, with the assistance of his 1'ennsylvanla friends. Hehold the millions now ascending to John found himself alone with Dor- xistence of gold which was discov our block and prices, or write for Illustrated Catalogs, and Prlca Delegate Andrews will return to Albuquerque In a few days and he the mountain's dome. othy. The other three, unnoticed by ered by K. J. Clark and his brother List. Issued to dealers only. should be accorded a public reception, such an will show him that his work nd drudging on life's weary way, him us he sat looking broodingly Into last fall. They have been profitably is appreciated fully by the people of this city. They sadly go alone. the fire, hud gone. working the'r dry placer machines Sixty thousand dollars to be expended in this city is quite an item. One little word of kindness spoken to "Why didu t you bid, Johnny ?" ever since in the gulches. The new The men who worked so persistently to secure that money are the kind o weary travelers here asked Dorothy softly. town of Goldfleld is at yvliat the old WITH AMPLE MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES men of whom New Mexico should feel proud, land they are deserving of the Would bind again the heart that"! "Heeause I'll never I'.L'Y your heart timers called Sunny Slope spring. highest commendation at the hands of every public-spirite- d citizen. broken. d. ad or alive!" he cried. "I want it Mr. (Turk has started a More here THE Mrlng raughter where there's tears. and you too much to get it any way arid Luke Short has opened a sm'.ill The Socorro Chieftain .ays that if the Auto club of Albuquerque will take Ifring flowers now my friends while except by a free gift from you!" hoti I to accommodate visitors. or ap the proposition of getting a good road from this city ;o Socorro, the peo- life Suddenly John felt a pair of warm About seven dry machines are at BANK It COMMERCE ple of that town will assist In the work. This Is a good suggestion and Their beauty can behold. arms around his neck and a sof: work in as many different gulches OF LliUQUEIUE. X. M. would pay the auto owners to look Into the proposition. From this city to While feeble bands exempt from toil cheek nestled against Ills own. getting ou the yellow stuff making ta, delightful good idea, would Socorro would make auto trip and the roads Can to their bosoms fold. "Oh, I'm glad you said It!" cried gold whilo the sun shines. Soon the Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation be beneficial to both places. The Citizen is not well enough informed about Wait not until the monster Death Dorothy. "I knew right one summer rain.s will make the ground road. between this city Socorro to go into tho and Solicits New the condition of the and further Relieve them of life's care would say it I knew lie would. And." too wet for "dry washing," and there Accounts the matter, but the auto club would do well to investigate and see if the flut bring them now while they with she. added as she nestled closer and fore tlie placer miners are now pros- project is feasible. u John saw the blood mount into her pecting the hills for gold quartz, Their fragrances ran share. neck and arms, "Johnny, dear, I'm rinds Itlch Vein. CAPITAL. SI 50.000 Western Liberal: The Democratic enthusiasm in Silver City is rather Ml Itaclicl Lott. aw fully glad the right one was you " Last week C. F. C'l'ark found a rich lukewarm this year to the great worry of the "bosses," Hurnslde, Walton vein of iuartz in a great dyke that Neblett, Agee, Theo. Carter, Dotson and a few others. The Democratic cau- cuts the country from eust to west. OrrtCEBS AND DIRECTORS cuses are generally largely attended, and always were In the good old days The pay streak at the surface Is from SOLOMON LUNA, President when Col. Jack Fleming was the one boss of that town, but at the caucus last auaeaBoxizK t inches fo 15 inches wide and 1a Saturday evening there were but seventeen Democrats and two Republicans sprinkled with free visible gold. This W. S. STklCKLER, Vice President and Cashier ill attendance. The bosses think that something must be done to increa dyke Is parallel to the big feldsite W. J. JOHNSON, Assistant Cashier the Interest of the voters in the party. Keep oyke the Douglas people are working the mid lies about a mile north of it. William Mcintosh, J. C. Baldridge, If you want a prosperous town where people can come who are disposed A mile' north of the former is a A. M. Blackwell. O. E. Cromwell. to make homes, then do away with and bury from sight all Jealousy and spite Kitchen Cool 'luurtz vein running along with a work, and move for common prosperity and mu ual benefit. Wake up, rub phonoliie dyke on which Henry Wood rour eyes, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Do not work with feur anil Why . welter over a nlowiiio, the veteran miner, has what he calls 0OtOtOOtOtOaoaoaoaoaooac trembling, but take for granted that bio. id will tell. Ieave results to them ranoe in a siulVy kitchen, when the iiuckhoiu group. He has been running a tunnel In vein elves, borrow no troubles, but all unite to make It the biggest kind of a new Perfection Wick. Blue this and the a town. Go to work. Kllda News. other day tbe Vein swelled to a good - - l'lame Oil Cook-Stov- e will do width. Sample.., of this vein assay Convenience Comfort Security a'-.- , and 6 ounces gold. up, IMalt-Woo- the family cooking without With Thaw locked with the divorce case quashed, and The new camp or Goldfleld of the with Congress adjourned, the public will now patiently wait for the usual raising the temperature Hachita mountains shows better than atory about the fool who rocked the boat and the d. ly firecracker of Fourth enough to be noticeable? cither Goldfleld or Kawhlde, Nevtida, Tha telephone makes the The telephone preserves of July. lid at the same stage of development. I?y putting a "New Per- duties lighter, the cares less your health, prolongs your lUe It is among the posslblli-t'e- s and the worries fewer. and protects your home. The I'ecos Valley News published at Arte-i- i. x. iplftrcntly lik fection" in and allowing the that Inside of six months it will trouble It is alw in the thick of a ioa with s, '. bill Belief illy range fire to go out, you may rival them. comes out on top and is ready to tackle the next one make kitchen VOL! NEED A TELEP HON IS IN YOL'R this summer's Die Hot Fills liver Sold. HOMB The wonderful growth and wealth of the I'lnti S .Ites is v el dellloll- - work not only bearable, but "After doctoring 1 : years for strated when tlie first session of the Sixtieth Coi.gve .ippr.q.i tated a loll actually a pleasure. The chronic indigestion. and THE COLORADO TELEPHONE CO. two dollars without ixcoeilinn the revenue. over hundred dollars, nothing m isk has done no- as much good as Dr. mcmrmi memcmemt Deining Graphb : nor G irgf 'liny tile "lnnir.leret" goVel'l King's New Life l'ills. I consider w '( w e ever Ilea r I v as acquaint! d with lie all wed and a yard them ,),. i..t ,nis ever sold," writes wide. NEW PERFECTION It V. Ayscue, of Ingb slde, N. O. Sold under guarantee ut all dealers. 2."e. it The weather bulletin for Kl at this o tin. year l'ao Cook-Stov- We have the finest assortment Banking li t e Renders should read "Hot. hotter, hottest." wl any additions a man may wis)) Ue Wick Blue Flame 00 Iron city. make, providing lie is give.) to profanity. beds in the Prices the low est. Futrelle Furniture Co. produces an intense heat under tin ktttli sr in tin oven, but does not radiate Service That Counts San Antonio preparing for a leg Fourth of .1 alreilv .ration a coal does is If Albuquerque don't get busy, we'll all go to San Antonio. 'teat in all directions as ranye hence used with comfott on .lie hottest summer day. Made in three sizes, and warranted. If not with KILLthe COUGH for Business New Mexico Ied more from the last Ymgresjj than a while .q ,. dealer, write our nearest agency. AND CURE THE LUNC8 states even if hc b ooly a voteless delegate in Washington. Success." 1 he comes as near Some orn b it a .eopiuet "f flower at the ,onr of the Ito.swcll Kecord on WITH Decoration Day. It j a mean trick K&yO Lamp ;;;;Lp;i': Dr. King's lanw sible to cct live a clear, reaches the t.iiih. .1 of a pood L.tieria, has ...mi a deputation to Ill's country to secuie 1 v i, Welcome bright light that loiner lh,iiie-iooi- Well made tl; ot nickeled that's our specialty See T It sued ..uo luml New Discovery bra-- ; peifcctly af and vciy ornamental. Warranted with PBICB in every particular. If not om dealer, write our K -- too on a- - r uuuno a i. Heavy lai n Mkvouii have gn atly damaged the crops. That story nearest agency. . r TrM Usually comes from Kansas. VJOLUS Bonis FrM tState National Bank Continental Oil Company ' AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. i Incorporated' ALBUQUERQUE Dowager (JiJeen of Portugal ucd for her butcher bill. There is lots ot GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY comic opera royalty in lea! lito. OH MONEY MONDW. JI'NK I. I98. TLmQTrniQTTE HTTT7EIT. PAGtf TTOUBA.

an issue of additional circulating this section, securities herein ftinmcr-ate- d cause auch reports of notes In circu- notes to the Hssoeiatlon. mi behalf of In such proportions aa he may lation to be vertled by examination of CURRENCY BILL such bank, to an amount In his dls-c- r. from time to time determine, and he the tanks" records. The taxes re- tioii. let however, exceeding may with such approval at any time ceived on circulating notes secured per centum of he cash require the d. posl: of additional se- otherwise than by bonds of the United Little In the Citizen 1 a aluc of the securities so deposited; curities or require any association to statu shall be pit into the division ANT AD of 7 provided, that upon the deposit of any change the character of the securities o' lfdemptlon i!k ireasury and of the ftate, city town, county or oth- already on deposit. credited and added to the reserve fund REPORT IS of de- Sec. 4. That the legal title of all held for rodemrtlon of United States TELEPHONE IS er municipal bonds a character ' scribed In section three of this act, bonds, whether coupon or registered, and ot-ie- notes.-- circulating notes nvay be issued to the deposited to secure .irculating notes Sec. 10. That sect'on nice of the extent of not exceeding ninety per issued In accordance with the terms act approved July 12, 1SV2, as amend- centum of the market value of such of section three of this act, shall be ed by the act approved Marc h 4, 1907, ADOPTED bonds so deposited; and provided transferred to the treasurer of the be further amended to reads as fol- further, that no national banking as- United States In trust for the associ- lows; J Jto sociation shall be authorized In any ation depositing them, under regula- ' Sec. 9. That any national banking event to Issue circulating notes based tions to be prescribed by the secre- association desiring to withdraw its ' tary of treasury. A receipt shall Senate Filibuster EndsSatur-da- y on commercial paper in excess of thir- the circulating notes, secured by deposit ty per centum of Its unimpaired cap- be given to the association by the vf United States bonds in the man- - Afternoon and Final Vote ital and surplus. The term "commer- treasurer or any assistant treasurer tier provided in section four of the cial paper" shall be held to Include of the United States, stating that such act approved June 20, 1S74, is hereby on Measure Is Taken. only notes representing actual com- bond Is held In trust for the associa- authorized for that purpose to deposit mercial transactions, w hich, when ac- tion on whose behalf the transfer is 'awful money with the treasurer of cepted by association, shall bear made, and as ucu 'ity for the redemp- t'l - I t and, with con- - j 1. At 4:30 the itcd State the Wiiftiii'dton. Juno the names of at least two responsible tion and payment of any circulating s. n, of the comptroller of the cur- - ' C'i lurk S.ttui'.l.iy iifti-rnoo- the Senate parties and have not exceeding four notes that have been or may be deliv- teiiy and the approval of the secre- -' adopted th confci cncf report on the run. to such association. No assign- treasury, to currency hail months to ered t.ny of the withdraw a eiiu tri n.y hill, which The banks and the assets of a'.l ment or transfer of any such bond proportionate amount of bonds held . adopted by the b n previously banks belonging to the assoclat'on by the treasurer shall be deemed valid as .security for its cireu'ating notes in ' II u.o. The report was adopted In comptrol- shall be jointly and severally liable unless countersigned by the ihi i rder of such deposits; provided, pite (if the filibuster of La Follette, redemp- ler of the currency. The provisions of , to the United Sates for the 'h it not more than nine millions of t.y Ston.-- Missouri, ami 1 assisted of tion of such additional circulation; sections M63, f.lfi4. 6 :., 1.1(16 and dollars of lawful money shall be so eiiator in- Core, the blind Democratic and to secure such liability the lien 5167 and sect; ins f.224 to 52 34. (1. .'"sited during any calendar month ikliiVomn. re- fron created by section fifty-tw- o hundred clusive, of the revised statutes, f this purpose. - The i meriT'-M, v currency bill, on and th'rty of the revised statutes shall specting United States bond.- deposit- "Any national banking association vlich fonm-'j-- hei'ii working extend to and cover the assets of all ed tn Kpcnro circulating notes shall. desiring to withdraw any of its circu- finee it ennvi'iieil. and uliirli as pass-t-- d banks belonging to the association, except as herein modified, be applica- - J lating notes, secured by 'he deposit i.s ,i 'oniproniise between the bill and to the security deposited by the ble to all bonds deposited under the ie other than bonds of the Orjirial.y hit r.idiir. .1 by Senator eh banks with the association pursuant terms of section three of this act. United tSates. may make such with- l 11 Rep-- r ' r. :: the Introduced by to the provisions of th s act; but as Sec. , That the add t'onal circu- drawal ut any time in like manner setu.iti ve 't- -. unci, is, in full, a between the seve ral banks composing lating notes psued under this act an, ef'ect by the deposit of lawful follow - I such association each bank shall be shall be us.d. held and tn-aie- in the luoioy or national bank notes with way na- '1' fi i n.itionai bank nt; uHsoeldtions, liable only in the proportion that Its same as ircu'ating notes of toe tr usurer of the United States, eiih having an tin i in p aired capital capital and surplus bears to the ag- tional banking associations, her. tofore J d upon such deposit a proportion- find surplus of i.ut le.s. than 2U per gregate capital and surplus of all such issued and secured by a deposit of ate share of the securities so deposit- uJs" ,n Centum, not less than ten In number, banks. The association may, at any United States bonds, and shall be sub- ed may be withdrawn; prov d. d, that .'. ' liavinw an iiciri i'S ate capital and sur- time, require of any of Its const'tuent ject to nil the provisions of law af- the deposits under this section to re- plus oT a; least live millions of dol- bank.s a deposit of additional Securi- fect ng such notes except as herein tire notes secured by the deposit of lar?, Biav form voluntary associations ties or commercial paper, or an ex- expressly modified; provided, that the securities other than bonds of tne to be designated as national currency change of the securities already on total amount of cireu'ating notes out- United States shall not be covered ' ss,).. i itions. The bank.s uniting to deposit, to secure such additional cir- standing of any national banking as- into the treasury, as required by sec- form Mi' h assoc iation .shall, by their culation; and In case of the failure sociation, including notes secured by tion six of an act entitled "An act di- bonds as now provided jnesidi nts or vice presidents, acting of such bank to make such deposit or United States recting the purchase of s Iver bullion 'v-- -- ..v'ss-u rr- ' J I ui, der authority from the board of di- exchange the association may. after by law, and notes secured otherwise and the issue of treasury notes there- fut rectors, muke and file with the sec- ten days' to the bank, sHl the than by depos't of such bonds, shall on, and for other pui poses,' approved retary of the treasury certificate securities ana paper already in Its not at any time exceed the amount July 14, 1S30, but shall be retained in .i a ttmg forth the name? of the banks hands at publ.c tale, and deposit the of lis unimpaired capital and surplus; the treasury for the purpose of re-- di composing the association, the princi- proceeds with the treasurer of the and provided further, that there shall eniirig the notes of the bank mak- ' pal place of business of the associa- United States as a fund for the re-- 1 not be outstanding al any time circu- ing such a deposit." , tion, and the name of the association, demption of such additional circula- lating notes issued under the provi- Sec. 11. That section 5172 of the vliicli name shall be subject to the tion. If such fund be insufficient for sions of this act to an amount of more revised statutes be, and the same Is approval of the s'cretary of the treas- that purpose the association may re- -' than five hundred millions of dollars. hereby, amended to read as follows: ury. I'pon f ling of jojeh certifi- cover from the btvnk the amount of Sec. fi. That whenever and so long "Sec. 0172. In order to furnish the ' cate tin- - associated banks therein the deficiency by ult In the circuit as any onal banking association suitable notes for circulation, the iiaiin d shall become a body corporate ' court of the Unitetj States, and shall has outstanding any of the additional comptroller of the currency shall, un- and by the name so designated and have the benefit of the lien hereinbe circulating notes authorized to he Is- der the direction of the secretary of approved may sue atid be sued and fore provided for in favor of tho sued by the provisions of this act it the treasury, cause plates and d es to I'M n i.--e the powers of a body corpo- United States upon the assets of such shall Veep on deposit In the treasury tie engraved, In the best manner tn rate fir the purposes hereinafter bank. The association or the secre- of the United States, in addition to guard against counterfeiting and mention. d: Provided, that not more tary of the treasury may permit or re- the redemption fund required by sec- fraudulent alterations, and shall have than one .uoh national currency as- quire the withdrawal of any such se- tion three of the net of June 20. 1S74, printed therefrom, and numbered, sum equal to five per aU IM sociation shall be formed In any city; curities or commercial paper and the an additional such quantity of circulating notes, In i provided, further, that the several substitution of other securities or centum of such additional circulation blank, of the denominations of five KiWW members of such national currency commercial paper of eqaal value at any time outstanding, such addi dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars, ,Hil association shall be taken, as nearly therefor. tional five per centum to be treated, fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, five A little want ad, day by day, us conveniently may be, from a terri- Sec. 2. That whenever any bank held and used In all respects in the hundred dollars, one thousand dol- tory composed of a state or part of belonging to a national currency asso- same manner as the original redemp- lars, and ten thousand dollars, as may Does the workyou draw the pay. li state, or contiguous parts of one ciation shall fall to preserve or mak'J tion fund provided for by said sec- be required to supply the associations or more and, provided further, good its redempt'on fund in the treas- tion three of the act of June 20, 1874. entitled to receive the same. Such It sees the'peop.'e you don't know, that any national bank in such city ury of the United States, required by Sec. 7. In order that the distribu notes shall state upon their face that or territory, having the qualifications section three of the act of June 20, tlon of notes to be Issued under the they are Becured by United ijtufos And helps you make your business grow. herein prescribed for membership In 1S74. chapter 343, and the provisions provisions of this act shall be made bonds or other securities, certified by Kiieh national currency sissociatlon, of this act, the treasurer of the Unit- as equitable as practicable between the written or engraved signatures ot shall, upon its application to and upon ed States shail notify such national the various sections of the country, the treasurer and register, and by the approval of the secretary of the currency association to make good the secretary of the treasury shall not the imprint of the seal of the treas- treasury, he admitted to membership such redemption fund, and upon tho approve applications from associations ury. They shall also express upon presiding offi currency currency as- In any state In excess of the amount tn h nnnlnted bv the in a national association for failure of such national their face the promise of the associa- members of the city or territory, upon to good fund, to which such state would be entitled tion receiving on de- cer thereof, and nine BUILDERS' AND FINISHERS' that and uch sociation make such the the same to pay to oe ap-- a SUPPLIES admission shaJl be the United may, In of the additional notes herein authori- mand, by signature House of Representatives, deemed and held treasurer of Stvteu attested the of the Ku h sneaker thereof, and a part of the body corporate, as his discretion, apply so much of zed on the basis of the proportion president or vice president cash- and the and commission shall NatlTC and Chicago Lumber. Shornta-William- s uch entitled to all the rights and redemption belonging to the which the unimpaired capital and ier. The comptroller currency, any vacancy on the Plnr fund of the in same manner as the ter. Ilulldlng iPaprr, Plaster, Lime, w privileges subject to lia- composing surplus of the national banking asso- acting sec- be filled the Cement. GUs gash. Door, and all other banks such national under the direction of the appointment. fto. bilities of an original member; and, currency association as may be neces- ciations In such state bears to the retary of the treasury, shall as soon original provided further, that each national sary fot that purpose; and such na- total amount of unimpaired capital as practicable cause to be prepared s..e is. That it shall be the duty currency association shall be com- tional currency association may, after and surplus of the national banking circulating notes In blank, registered of this commission to Inquire Into J. C. BALDR1DGE posed cxelusivuly of banks not mem- five days' notice to such bank, pro- associations of the United States; pro- and countersigned, as provided by and report to Congress at tho earliest 423 South First bers of any other national currency ceed to sell at public sale the securi- vided, however, that In case the ap- law, to an amount equal to fifty per date practicable wnat cnangea are association. ties deposited by such bank with the plications from associations In any centum of the capital stock of each desirable In the mone The dissolution, voluntary or other - association pursuant to the provisions state shall not be equal to the amount national banking association; such tary system Cf the United States or v ise, of any bank In such association of section one of this act, and deposit which the associations of such state notes to be deposited In tho treasury In the laws ti.atlng to banking aim shall not affect the corporate exist- - ' the proceeds with the treasurer of the would be entitled to under this meth- or in the subtreasury of the United currency, tnd for this purpose they of the association unless there United States as a fund for the re-sh- od of distribution, the secretary of States nearest the place of business are aohrir.7.oU to alt during the ses- Lightning then remain less than the mln- - 'demption of the additional circulation the treasury may, In his discretion, of each association, and to bo sions or recess of Congress, at such ' held for imum number of t.-- banks; provided, taken out by such bank under this to meet an emergency, assign the such association, subject to the order times and plr.eB aa they may deem however, that the reduction of tho act. amount not thus applied for to any of the comptroller of the currency, deslrablo, to Bene" for persona and number of .said below mini- - .Sec. 3. any national banking applying association or associations in for their delivery as provided by papers, to oaths, to sum- Hay Presses banks the ' That law; mum of ten shall not affect the ex- - association which has circulating states in the same section of the provided, that the comptroller of the mons and contrel : attendance of of- re- -' outstanding, by et country. currency may oy disbursing Jstetier of the corporation with notes secured the Issue national bank witnesses, t ''tip i Get y- Write to tho assertion of ad rights In ' posit of United States bonds to an Sec. s. That It shall be the duty of notes of the present form until plates ficer and such secretaries, experts, Read- for Catalog favor of or against such association. amount of not less than forty per the secretary of the treasury to ob- n tie prepared and circulating notes stenographers, messengers, and other The affairs of the association shall be 'centum of its capital Btock, and which tain information with reference to the issued as above provided; provided, assistant, as shall be necessary to managed by a board consisting of one has a surplus of no- - less than twenty value and character of the securities however, that ill no event shall bank carry out the purpose for which representative f i oni each bank. Uy- - per centum, may make application to authorized to be accepted under the notes of the present form be issued said commission was created. The laws for the government of the assocl- - ' the comptroller of the currency for provisions of this act, and he shall to any bank as additional circulation commission shall have the power, atioii snail he made by board, authority to issue additional ilrculal-ub- j. from time to time furnish information provided for by this through subcommittee or otherwise, the ' act.'' ct to the approval of th.- - secre- - Ing notes to be secured by the deposit to national hanking associations as to See. 12. That circulating notes of to examine witnesses and to make tary of the tr a.sury. A president, of bonds othei than bonds of the such sei tiriti. s as would be acceptable national banking associations, when such Investigations and examinations sub- vie. pre.-ideii- t, secretary, treasurer United States. The comptroller of the under the provisions of this act. presented to the treasury for redemp- In this or other countries, of the and ari executive committee of not currency shall transmit immediately S.-c- A That section 5214 of thi tion, as provided in section three of jects committed to their charge as tii. in five members, shall be elect- - the application, with his recommend- rt vised statut-s- . as amended, be fur- the act approved June 20, 1S74, shall they shall deem necessary. ed by Id. board The powers of such atlon, to the secretary of the trews-b.etr- d. ther amended to read as follows: be redeemed in lawful money of the Sec. 19. That a sum sufficient to DEERING A. WOOD . WALTER MOWERS cc. pi in the election of oftl- - ury, who shall, if in his Judgment "S.-c- f,2l4. National bank'ng asso- United States. carry out the purposes of sections and oers and making of s, may be business condition in the locality d- - ciations having on deposit bonds of Sec. 13. That all acts and orders 17 and 18 of this act, and to pay tho .1 through its executive com- - maud additional circulation, approve the United States, bearing Interest at of the comptroller of the currency expenses of the commission per necessary' 111 It. e. tlie same, and shall determine th the rate of two hit centum an and the treasurer of the United Slates and its members, is hereby appropri- We are the Farm Machinery People and sell every The nuiionu currency association time of issue and fix the amount, num. Including the bonds Issued for authorized by this act shall have the ated, out of any money in the treas- hen-ii- provided f ir shall have and within the limitations herein im- the construction of the Panama canal, approval of the secretary of tho treas ury not otherwise appropriated. Said thing 'from a Garden Hoe to a Threshing Machine exercise ,my ;r i! all powers neees- - posed, of the additional circulating under the provisions of section eight ury who shall nave power, also, to appropriation "hall be Immediately jry to carry no' the purposes of this notes to be issued. Whenever after or 'An act to provide for the con- make any such rules and regulations available and shall be paid out on section, namel), to render available, receiving notice of such approval any struction of a canal connecting the and exercise such control over the" or the audit and order of the chairman u id. v the direction and control of the such association shall deposit with waters of the Atlantic and 1'acific ganizauon and management or na of snld commission, which audit and J. Korber Co. Second Street - & 2S, ! t..:y of t.e treasury, as a basis th-- treasurer or any assistant treas- oceans. approved June 1902, to tional currency associations as may be conclusive and bind- pay order shall for additional circulation, any ...curl-- 1 urer of the United States such of the secure its circulating notes, shall be necessary to carry out the pur- ing upon all departments as to tho . s. including eenini. paper, held bonds described in thi t section as shal' to the treasurer of the United States, poses of tiiis ad. correctness of the accounts of such by a national ba iking association. For be approved In character and amount in the months of January and July, Sec. 14 That the provisions of commission. a of of one per cent- th. purpose of obtaining such addi-- t by the treasurer of the United Slate tax oii. fouitn section 51H1 of tne revised statutes, Sec. 20. That this act shall expire half-yea- r upon average onal e'reiil. tioii, any bank belong- and the secretary of the treasury, it um i.i.n the Willi reference to the reserves of na- by on the thirtieth day of CT1ZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ,,f Its notes In circu- lim'tallon ing to any n.i'ional currency associ- shall be entitled to receive, upon the amount of tional Imnking shall not June, 1SI4. ation, having circulates notes out- order of the comptroller of the cur- lation as are l.ased upon the deposit apply to deposits of public money ny standing secured by the deposits of rency, circulate g notes in blank, of su. li a M, .is. a. ..I su li ass iciations the United States in designated de- bonds of the 1'nit d Slates to an register, d and c junlers'gti. d as pro- hut MK deposit boll Is of Ihe United positaries. amount not less than forty per cent- vided by law, not exceeding in amount biarlng intiii -i at u rate high- Sec. 15. That ail national hanking um of its capita; stock, and which ninety p.r c.ntum of the market er than two per cintum per annum associations as regular de- . pay a one-ha- lf of one per Bank. has it" capital un'mpali e.l and a sur- value, but not in x ss of the par tax of positaries of public money shall pay The First Hational plus of not l.vss than twenty per cent- value of any bonds so deposit 'd, such centum each half year upon Die aver- upon all special and additional depos- um, may deposit with and transfer to market value to be ascertained and age amount of such of Its notes In its made by the s. of the treas- OF tie iat on. In trust for the United determined under tile direction of the circulation as are based upon the de-po- st ury in such depositaries, and all such Mute- - for tin- - purpose h. r. Inaft.-- secretary of the tiea.-ur- of -- inh bonds. National bank- associations designated as temporary provided, such of the securities above The treasurer ot the United State, ing associations having circulating depositaries of public money shall in.niioe. d as may be satisfactory to with the approval of tin- secretary of noti s secured otherw ise than by bonds pay upon all sums of public moil, y ALBUQUERQUE, NEWjUMEXICO pay tile board of the association. The of-- f the treasury, shall accept as security of the United States shall for the deposited In such associations Inter- eei-- the- - may there- fo- - the add tional circulating notes first month a tax at the rate of five est at rate as the secretary of - such upon, li heli ilf of bank, make provided for in thif section, bonds or per centum pi r annum upon the av- the treasury rimy prescribe, not ic tippli a.ion to to.- coini.t ro' of the other interest bearing obtlg itions of rage amount of such of their notes however, than ..ue per centum per currency for an issue of additional any state of the Unit.-.- ' State.--, or any in circulation as are based upon the annum upon t i. average monthly s. es, after- UNITED STATED DEPOSITORY cireiil tling in t. to an amount not legally author zed bonds issued by any deposit of such curit and amount of sU'-- deposits; provided, seventy-til- l an addiiioual tax of one per pi per centum of city, town county or other legally con- wards however, that nothing contained A. & S. F. RAILROAD CO. .... U'itie.s or e, .iiiinereial paper so stituted municipality or d strict in the centum per annum for each month this act shall be construed to change DEPOSITORY T. an- d. j... mi. .1 Tho . oiiptroller of the Uiiit.-- States which has been in ex- until a tax of ten percent uin per or modify th gallon of any asso- - cum shall immediately transmit istence for a period of ten years, and l um is reach- il, and th. r. aft. i .sti.-- elation o: any U othe rs for the Ueh applicttl. n to the secretary of w hich for a period of ten years previ- lax of tell p r cent uni p' r annum, safekeeping of libllc money; pro-- t w rage of such vid.-- t th. tr mi n recommenda- ous to such depos t ha.s not d. fau ! d Ji.'l' til. al'. amount further, the rate of Report of ConditionMay 14th, 1908; tion a- - he ih.nks proper, and If, In in the payment of any part of either t oli s. Kvery national banking asso est charged up deposits! the judgment of tin- secretary of the principal or Interest of any funded ciation having outstanding circulating to- - equal and u inn throughout the tr.asiy. business conditions in the debt authorized to be contracted by notes secured by u deposit of other United States RESOURCES LIABILITIES circula- it, n.-- t securities than I'nit.d States bonds Tn. it a sum to locality demand additional and whose funded indebted- See. ill. siifllclent Loan-- , and Discounts, C'aoital $ am 3 tion, and If he bo satisfied with the ness does not exc. ed ten p. r centum shall make, monthly r. turns, under carry out th , urposes of the pre-"- f ,(. HoiiiU, Sucmrititu ami Ileal Surplm and Profit tS2.olil.91 character and value of the securities of the valuation of its taxable prop- oatli of iis president or cashier, to ce l.llg sc. 11011- this act Is h. r. by tr.a.-ure- r tie- In Ci'vuliition -- "amvxo.00 proposed and that P en in favor of erty, to be ase. i taitu d by the last ine of t'nii.d Stales, appropriat. '1 ". of any money in i he (ioverntnent linmU IJin.i t:e-u-ur- ' . ' the United States on the securities so preceding valuation of property tor such form as the may pre- treasury n i wise appropriat. i. ( inh on II in. 1 ami in UKrOSlTS . 2,4!i,7'J67 average - J deposited and on the ss.-et- s o,.' the the assessment of taxes. The treas- scribe, of th. monthly S.c. 17 Tie.: i commission Is hef- lUnk, - . 92;),l.a'i.t!'.t banks compos rig tr as.o. iation will urer of the United States, with the amount of li.-- note- - so secured In cir- by created, to called the "Nation i' be - cash UKsorccr.s l.atT.ii'i.t!.' be amply sufficient f ir the protection approval of the .ti in of tie- treas- culation; and it shall the duty of Monetary I'i'ti t, ), C'ltM- of til.- Unitej Stales, be may direct ury, shall accept, for tn- purr of the comptroller of the currency Ij posed of nine v ,. 'iibers of the Senate, TOTALS TOTALS VAGS fOUlti ALB (T CITTZEU. QUERQITE MONDAY, JUNE' 1, 10A,

DISCUSSING PLANS FOR DOCTORS CHALLENGE Insist on ABOUT TOWN 1 High Grade LAWYERS TO Butternut Bread EXPOSITION PLAY it mm Refrigerators Nathan ISarth, the sheepwigrower, arrived this morning from an over- I FOR 1908 BUILDINGS BASEBALL in western j j ;( land trip from his ranch Finest automatic dry-a- ir system of refrigeration AND Socorro county to visit his son, Sid- and most reliable, practical, medium priced refrigerators on Label ney Burth, of the State National bonk. the market Look lor the C. A. Klchter of Kstancia arrived Architect Is Instructed to Be- - Attorneys Have Accepted and in Albuquerque yesterday to meet Mrs. Ulchter, who has returned from White Frost TheLaefi White gin Work Immediatel- y- Game Will Be Set for Date a visit with friends in Illinois and Frost Iowa. They will impend this week as Come to our store and let us show you the very latest and Rolls Must be Enlarged. In the Near Future, guests of their son in .he city, Hot Mi.s Bertha Crowell and Prof. J. without doubt the most elegant, serviceable, economical and D. Tlnsley, both of Mcsilla l".irk, were sanitary Automatic Refrigerator on the market. Every Morning at 7 11 K. L. Col. W. S. Hopewell, Col. K. Medler, attorney at law, married Sunday morning at the home B.j1 i"M"w M All sizes. Trices right. O'clock. Twitchcll and W. W. Strong. f the manager of the next territorial fair of Major and Mrs. James K. Waddill, board of control of the Sixteenth Na- and manager of Albuquerque's hoped-fo- r Kev. W. E. Foulkes of llclatlng. Frof. 8 tional Irrigation congress and Inter- bail was rudely disturbed Tlnsley Is a member of the faculty of White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers national exposition, and II. A. Jastro, it 10 o'dock this morning as he sat the Agricultural College at Mesllia TBY CUR CREAM PUFFS presiiletit of the Albuquerque Trac- at his disk working out the problem Park. tion company, owner of Traction park, of "when is a law not a law" by the The county commissioners met this accompanied by Architect .Miller, entrance of a well know physician, morning as a board of equalization to Everything in the Hardware Line. spent the greater part "f the fore- - who laid a formal looking document hear complaints from persons having ROLLER SKATES Farm Implements of All Descriptions. t n at Tract:. in park planning the before the attorney. htid their assessments raised, but no exposition buildings. The number of The document was a challenge from dissatisfied tuxpayers appeared and JUST RECEIVED. ALL SIZES. General Agents Studebaker Vehicles. French Bakery buii.l ngs-- that will be needed is as the doctors of Albuquerque to the the work of the assessor was a proved. yet uncertain. Every day ad da new attorneys of Albuquerque demanding Kaises aggregating 141.110 were 202 East Central Phone 597 exhibit, and the prospects are that a baseball game In the Interests of made on thlrty-mi- e property owners. the buildings originally planned will charity. The funds will be devoted Sheriff Perfecto Arniijo recovered xaxxx)ooocxxx)ocxxxxxxxxxj not be half lame enough. to helping provide a detention home a horse and buggy today which Is Architect Miller had been instruct- for bad boys. said to have been stolen from an In- McINTOSH HARDWARE CO, ed to make the plans for the It seems that tell years ago the at- dian doctor, who makes his head- build ngs immediately and work on torneys played a game of baseball quarters in Old Albuquerque. The them will begin within ten days, ac- against the doctors. Just who won alleged thief could not be found. The WHOLESALE AND RETAIL cording to Colonel Hopewell, chair- the game was never officially an- horse nml buggy were found on the man of the board of cctitrol. This nounced. Some say the lawyers won Highlands. MALOY'S shows the business-ilk- e manner in It end some y the doctors It. Miss Myrtle Truesoale, accompanied which the men at the head of the Both sides still ckrm It, I ut it is by her sbt!;r, Mrs. Zimmer, will leave TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS congress and exposition are handling said the wounds made upon that mo- tomorrow for Angola, Ind. They will the affairs. The construction of the mentous occasion have mv. r healed, visit at , Colorado Springs, and first buildings will be rushed to com- and althoug.i io:ig years hr.v. flown, Chicago en route. Miss Truesdale for Spelter. MONTEZUMA TRUST CO. fol- game Is to be to set- the past year been employed as 1. pletion and other buildings will another pliycd has St. Louis, June Spelter lower, . OLIVES low as the board of control finds that tle the affa'i deputy clerk of the? Second Judicial $4.40. t more are necessary to house the Hence the have I'huuized a district, and has been the most effi- Money 1 J mammoth exposition. baseball team. It beam Hie proud cient clerk ever holding the position. Market. ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO The understanding that has been title of the "Albuquerque Microbes" Pedro Montano, drunk and disor- New Yoik, June 1. Money on call Bulk Olives 1 1 reached between Mr. Jastro and the and It will cross bats with the law- derly, $10; Joseph Kidd, drunk, $5; easy, i4 Jt1 per cent; prime mer- board of control regarding the use of yers, who have organized under the and M. D. Goff, drunk, $5. This was cantile paper, 3 Vi 14 1. ! Botlled Olives caption of the "Albuquerque Court wiftit Police Judge Craig administered x .1 the park and the disposition of the The ana buildings when the exposition Is over Plasters." Dr. Rice is the manager to three men brought from the hold- Metals. capital surplus, $100,000 Large Olives' New York, 1. steady, has not been made public, but It Is for the "Microbes" and Mr. Medler is over this morning. There was no June Lead t $4.32 V4 fU 4.35; copper 12 to ill charge of the "Court Flusters." money in iglit and labor at $1 a day-ari- lake dull, Small Olives understood that both parties the 12 c; deal came to an easy agreement. The attorneys, it is well known, "found" wus placed on the rec- (l silver, 63c. Few people yet realize the magni- are anxious for the fray. Several of ord. The "find" is to be found ut the IsjuIs Pitted Olives city St. Wool. tude of the affair that the people of them played baseball in their college bastlle. St. Louis, June 1. Wool steady; Ripe Olives the territory have undertaken. Trac- days, back at Ann Arbor, and they The Sandla Mining company is territory and western mediums, 12'u win. attor- tion park will be a "White City" think they can The only named as the defendant in a suit for 1.1c; fine mediums, 10U13c; fine, 9 It INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS when the exposition buildings have on ney who refused to enter the content $46 filed In the Bernalillo county 11c. their congress attire. Every building was Summers Burkhart. He talked court today by O. 11. Hill. The plain- will have a dome, with a flag pole, with Manager Medler over the tele- tiff in hs petition alleges that $376 (.rain and Irvlslon.. from which will float hundreds of phone today. of the money is due him for labor Chicago. June 1. Wheat July, gaily .pennants. "I was in that game tell years ago," done for the defendant company and mi Ui '.ill "xc; September. Si;i-- . colored banners and , 004K34JK)4KT4K4K)K)404KD4KD 04K54JKD4K54K54K)04KD404K)4rW54JK5 MALOY'S The buildings will he laid out nt right he said, "and 1 won't play tin.-- tune. that $H0 is a bill which the company Corn July. 6S1 u HX ',ic; Septem- PHONE 72 angles, with paved streets between. However, 1 will very gladly buy a owed one C. R. Shorse. but Us now ber. 86 fit G6 'jo. i The many magnificent and glorious ticket and offer such advice ad to me held by the plaintirr. The law firm i ats July, 45'4C; September, territorial fairs which have graced Al- may seem proper from time to time. of Hickey & Moore appears us coun- 37-S.- buquerque will sink Into Insignifi- That's really the best way to play sel ror the plaintiff. Lard July, $ S. a a ii S.."i7 ; Sept. ny fi cance In comparison with the ap- baseball for the party of the first L. O. Rosentleld, manager for the ber, $8.75. Jl Ml aJ AUCil proaching International exposition. part." Alvarado Mining company, operating Bibs July, $7.42'; September, MUllGai tJOOOOCOOOO T. N. Wilkerson will shortstop, in the Hell canyon district, Saturday $7.65. wlille Mayor Felix Lester will hold let ta contract for fifty feet of work WOMEN MAKE MONEY down first base, a Job at which he on the shaft of the Alvarado mine. Chicago IJvcslocU. made a reputation when ut college. The contract was given to T. N. Jor- Chicago. June 1. Cut! le -- Receipts Bank Aerdome Judge Ira A. Abbott will adjourn dan. This contract will sink the shaft 12.000; strong to 10c higher; beeves, FROM COUNTY FAIR court and occupy the substitute to a depth of Kcfi feet. 133 feet hav- $4.80 ii 7.35; Texans, $ 1.60 'it 7. 20 ; ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. bench, so as to be on hand in case ing been done. The owners of the A- westerns, $4.50 'it 5.75 ; stockers and THEATER - of an emergency. lvarado mini- are greatly encouraged feeders, $3.h'i0 'it 5.4 0 ; cowg and heif- whim it by the showing the vein Is making. t Rnzniir at Canlno for Ilcneflt of 1 111 But the real trouble came ers, $2.30W6.15; calves, $4.75 6.2.1. Cor. Second and Lead maculate Concept ivn tliiircli Was was learned that there was a woman It Is widening out ami the quality of Sheep Receipts 18,000; steady; Kucivsn, in the case. The woman is Judge the ore is improving. westerns, $3.60 fit .1.20; yearlings, $.1.r,o llnanclnl and Social - at- Not even the- w ind blew if 'Jim the Apprentice," "Bank Nellie Brewer, the only woman violent that 6.25; lambs, $4.50 f 6. 70 ; western Capitaj ana RoIiIkth," "Artless Dreams," Saturday evening witnessed the torney In New Mexico. Judge Brewer prevented the carrying out of the lambs, $4.50di 6.75. closing of the bazaar given by the la- promptly got out an injunction elaborate program which hud been United States "Innkeeper's Wife." ' Surplus dies of the Immaculate Conception against the "Court Plasters" from planned for the feast at San Felipe New York Stock. "I'ntler the Tropical Moon," yesterday. began Depository "Only an Cot- church at the Casino and in the holding the game without her In It. de Neil The festival New York, June 1. Following So- $250,000 tage." three nights of the fair. It is estimat- Manager Medler tried to compromise Saturday night with a dance at were closing quotations on the New ed that over 1.000 peoplp visited the the matter by giving her a seat of ciety hall and lasted until last York Stock exchange today: hall. Financially as well as socially honor next to Judge Abbott and a night. Services were held hourly all Amalgamated Copper 66 7k IKOUOKJKJKCT3O04O404K? Continuous the affair was a huge success and the nickel's worth of chewing gum, but day yesterday ut the old church in Atchison s2'L. Performance pa- todies in charge are to be compli- Judge Brewer wus obdurate. honor of the de.purted saint. The do. preferred ! 1 Every Evening, on moved the Old A- - UVERY AND BOARDING STABLE Starting mented the results of their efforts. "I can play ball as good as the rade which around New- York Central I'll W D ATTFDOrVI Over $1200 was cleared by the bazaar. rest of 'cm," she said. lbuquerque plaza late In the afternoon Pennsylvania 1 - - ' J. I 1 Ll Watt Silver Avoua 8 O'CLOCK As usual, the paddle wheel was the "Yes, we know-er-- er that." said was us splendid ami lis large as on Southern Pacific M7 Irl Jlll AT most popular amusement Saturday Manager Medler, "but you-er-er-- er any previous occasion. The sports Cnioti Pacific 147' TELEPHONE 57 Albuquerque, N. M. evening and Messrs. Knight and Lan-dol- ti might-e- r li t some one-cr- v. hen you held on the plaza ill ttie afternoon FniteJ States Steel 3X7 Change of Program allowed great skill In handling throw the ball." including races and the climbing of a do. preferred 1H2 Entire the crowds who gathered eagerly to After considerable persuasion Judge greased pole whs one of the lively Sundays and Thursdays take a chance at the wheel ami there-b- y Brewer consented to slay out of the features of the celebration. This de- Ivniisii4 City Livestock. GIVE US A CHANCE win some one many pres- partment of the 'Hll'air was In charge of the Kami' if they would let her umpire. Kan.-ra- - City. I. Re- to Montoya, of I.;. June I'attli ents offered the lucky numbers. Now the attorneys are trying to get of Nestor editor the ceipts 7.0IHI; strong to 10c higher; To figure on bill of were that lumber. Such donations as the following her to take part in the game, as they Bandera Americana. In $.l.(pi 'n 6.21; south- given soul in st. er. Our lumber comes from our out 10 by prominent merchants of this feel sure that if she umpires they will 7.1 Admission cents M 111 ern cows. $2 1i 4.10; stockers and mills located In the body of cliy: git the worst of It o.Miig to the till Ml (.E LICENSES. best C. V fe eders, :(. 2.1'. .1.40: bulT $:!.0'o timber In Mexico. ti'ilii watch fob. by H. h- - Hoxy N. Amlrus, IS. and Nw rrjOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOCXXJ and donated between rself and Manager Medler. l.iin; calves, $i..10 'ii 6.2.1; western Navajo blanket, Harvey An is to Induce Hurley, lit), both of Albuquerque; A large stock of dry spruce ianon; effort being made steers, nn ii rt.7;"i; Western cows, Co., Sofa pillow. Lottie Averill. 24, and Arthur Cham- Ji dimension on hand. Why not buy Curio Hand Painted Judge Adams to catch for the "Court $3..1ii 'ii 5.21. Curio Co.: hand painted sofa pillow, is sought berlain. 4ti, botn of Albuquerque. the best when it Is Just em cheap T Plasters," but this honor lings--Recei- pts 14.001; 10c higher; tiert Faber; rocking chair, Futrelle by Col. E. W. Dobson Neil B. It will pay you to look Into and VACATION TI51P. bulk of sales $5.35 fit 5.55 ; heavy. this. Co.; imp ton ciml, Jno. to- YOll! BROS, i Furniture Field, although Manager Medler to vaca- S.I. .In 'ii .l.iin; packers, and butchers, DEAHL Heaven Coal company; parlor lamp, abil- There's more pleasure th" day expressed grave fear of their you .i.:::. n light, $.1.2.1 'n ..i.4.i; pigs Wagner Hardware Co.; 100 Havana ity to good. tion when kodak and afterward RIO GRANDE LUMBbH make of pictures that $4.00r 4.60. CO. cigars, Klrster Bros.; Stetson Hat, D. K. the added pleasure Judge McMillin and Thomns She. p- - Receipts 10.000; steady; Mike tell the vacation story. It is so simple Mandell. Maddlson will play in tile outfield, as good muttons, $4.iiH'ii 4.50; lambs, $5.2.1'ii Phone 8. Cor. 3rd and Marquette E. It. won the gold may that the merest novice can make Steen watch they are good on sprinting and 6. .111; range, $ 3. 75 i 4.40; fed N.iv-'1J.- pictures from the start. wethers, i. in fob; A. I!. Beauregard the 1 be to ball. relied upon run down the $2.00 to $100.00. vves. $:i.25'!i) 4.00. blanket; Mrs. J. C. firangle the positively re- Kodaks Matthews' Celebrated Ice Cream The "Microbes" have r.25. F. HOl'STON CO. sola pillow; the Schutt Candy Co. the to personnel of Phone J. llct Ice Cream Soda fused discuss the It .Morris chair; Miss Dee. the their team. Thinks Saved His Life. Born In low n. M. Nelson, Naples, .Maine, and Sundaea in rocking chair; David J. Arinljo the It is however, Dr. Lester of understood, that Our family were all born and raised says In used P.MATTEUCCI Uie City. ton of coal: Mrs. N. S. Besw'ck the lteidy will go a recent letter: "1 have behind the bat and that in Iowa, and lUe used Chamber- Dr. King's New Discovery many years MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND Prompt, Courteous Service. parlor lamp; Dr. C. A. Eller. the Ha- Dr. Wroth will pitch at half of lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarhoea for coughs and colds, and I think It vana cigars, and Albeit Truswell the the game Dr. Wroth, however, is remedy (made at Dos Moines) for CHILDREN'S SHOES.... Stetson ha;. to play saved my life. I have found It a re- said to have positively refused years. We know how good It is from lung Repairing A at all he can do base run- liable remedy for throat and line Specialty. unless the long experience In the use of it. In no be HI ning in goes to complaints, and would more 105 NORTH riRST STREET FEE'S HOOT KEEK. THE Ell his auto, which show fact, when in El Paso, Texas, the be 206 South Second Street OF Ol AI.ITY. WALTON'S DRIU that "Microbes" have as many trou- without a bottle than I would writer's life was .saved by the prompt without food." For nearly forty STOKE. bles as the "Court Plasters." now en-g-i- g LXXXDOOOOCXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOtX use of this remedy. We are years New Discovery has stood at the Ch Mc.MUlin c f of Police Thomas in the mercantile business at As a. of the mat :h today und head of throat and lung remedies. THIRD STREET is informed Narcoossee, Fla., and have introduced a preventive of pneumonia heah r prompt y to ef- cly very and NOTICE issued an ukuse the the reim here. It has proven t no equal. Sold Thos. F. Keleher fect that nothing stronger Ice of weak lungs has than successful nod is constantly growing under guarantee at all dealers. 50c Meat Market Mit. r is to be served on the grounds DKVOK3 READY PAINT in favor. Knnls Bros. This remedy and ll.nii. Trial bott'e free. l :.. legal One Gallon (over 600 Square tt To tne s Men and (ieneral and phrases and medical terms is for sale by all druggists. AU Kind-- of Prenti and Salt Urn PALMETTO HOOF PAINT Public: whl in .1 ! permUted In the decisions CopvbiGht MopM Ijhm-- Steam Sausaee Factory. leakn. live Year We, the res dii, t painters of of tin umpire. 1'Olt SALE. KM 1 L KLIENWOKT JAP-A-LA- union Albuquerque, desire to call your at- Lots numbered 7 and 8 In block 18 (a HID ICATINU Masonic Bull. ling. North TlilM n 408 Wait Railroad Aranua tention to the following shops h I'UOBM i: COIKT. In the Eastern addition to the city of designated are fair to organized labor, who pay Mi was Albuquerque as shown and ilnda Navarro de Montoya )- - wanes, on the amended and supplemented f .. living thereby enabling us to a I pointi .1 .I'liiiinistralrix of the estate Does not refer to pleasing the. palate Don't Forget The pay w in- map of said addition made by Mart n our bills, hi. n should be of if T. C. Muiiti.ya, deceased, today ny j Highland Livery Happ, P. E., and filed In the office or satisfying the sense of t.usle alone, ALBUQUERQUE PLANING MILL terest to you. Prob.iti Judge Romero at a short of probate record- - j It Is really of greater Importance that We all are residents of this city. sion of t Id court clerk and HAMRROOK BROS, h. at the er of said county on the 24th day of is You enjoy our patronage. When you house. No required of you eat that kind of food which i'lione eM. THE OLDEST MILL IX Till: bond was the 1888. property on 5B. Hi John tip have work in our line we you to A. Cole- - October. This is beneficial to your brain and body. In When In need of sash. lUxir. Irani, ask administratrix The claim of will be sold. Saddle hone a specialty. B hint-i- i a specially. patronize un.on shops, thereby secur- South Arno atreet and com- drivers In city. Proprietors etc work man against the estate of Annia LEAUNAMD. l'.utter Cream bread you have a the bouth I lr-- street. TeUoilione ing competent to al- CEO. P. "Sadie." h picnic warn. mechanics handle Locbs. deceased, for $2160!) was Administrator. SUMMER bination of both. It is delightful in your work. lowed. 1 A. Mai pherson made final Only skilled men will be employed taste and rich in quality. W. L. THIMBLE & CO. report as administrator of the estate I lew a by following union it of Ointments for Catarrh EXCURSIONS Block the shops; of L. A. ilrant, deceased. The report Tliiit Genuine American Chauvln & Noneinann, Contain Mercury. UVtltT, SALE. FKED AND No. Ill was approved and the administrator ns mercury will surely destroy the to all principal points STAHLES. South Third atreet. was discharged. T. It. Duran. having si use of Hinell and completely derange $6.50 per Ton It. L. Ouynn. No. G15 South Edith. a report the whole system when entering it Pioneer Bakery, made final as administrator through ar- U !'. Jek lII. No. 1 1 3 West ave- - the mucous surlaees. Such Handscreened Cerrillos Lump Hotwi dJ Mules Heuvtit anil Lead of the estates of Ouadalupe Ortega ticles should nevt-'- be used except on EAST cnanged nue. and Ana Maria, was discharged. An prescriptions trom reputable physicians, 207 South First St H. rs us Is L. Mi Tier. Central avenue and Inve ntory of the estate of W. B. Chil-de- the dumiige they will do ten tola $6.50 per ton. BEST TOrRyOCT. IN THS Oil Fourth street. to Hie good you can possllily derive Chicugti and return, S.YYtl.V Second Street between Cenlrl was filed. The court allowed the from them. 1 1.111 Catarrh Cure, man- Si. Ixnils anil return, $49.65. Stacy & Co., Second street Co., To- Coppe' m. and widow $250 from the estate for six ufactured In J. Cheney ,t Kansjis City, 10.65. Denver, Quality and Quantity Cuaranfd Lead avenue. months. An adjourned meeting of ledo. 11., ciiiitniiis no mercury, and is ("has. - taken internally, ucting directly upon Colo.. 2:l.70. Colorado Springs, N E. Quier, No. 112 S. proad- the court will be held at 10 o'clock hloiHt mucous of me vv the ami surtac.s X20.7.Y Tickets on Mile June I ay. system, in Inning Cure : Itlu Grande Valley .ami Co. tomorrow morning. Halls Catarrh I nr be you get m,. genuine. It is tak- to September 30. Return 1. W. II. Stalks. No. 713 South First sure v ( D en internall ami made 111 Toh ilo, miu, limit October 31. 1U0H. For WOO street. '11 e rapid Increase In our c liy F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials non-unio- n rules to oilier polnu and full TELEPHONE l. JOHN BORRADAILE All ot'nr shops are Is to good work and treat- flee. DENTISTS due fair Sold by Price 70c per information call at ticket office. shops. Kindly remember tills when ment of our Mitrous. iJtiuidry lirugglsts. you any painting lluhbs bottle. and Investments have to do. Co. Take Hall a Kamlly Pills for consti- Room 12 Heal Ilute pation. W. H. HAHN & GO. Oollectt Rents of City Realty I'EE'8 flOOU ICR mrAM AND T. E. PURDY, Third and Gold Ave. C'KEAM SODA. WALTON'S In every de- on Agent Offk, Uhiht t'E Our work RIGHT In For the tct work shirt waists CASH 1'boue 615 AJbuqucnjue, N. M Jltl'Q STOKE. partment. JIubba Laundry Co. imlroiiUe Hublw Laundry Co. N. T. Armijo Bldg "FOR ONLY" MO.NPAY, .M"NK I. lon. ALBTTQIT ' que CITIZEN PAOK FIT.

n RUNAWAY HORSE ARMIN STOCK COMPANY PICNIC PARTY HAD Don't fail to see our line of CAUSES EXCITEMENT OPENS AT THE CASINO SERIES OF ACCIDENTS Cash Discount Folding Creates IMordcr on Second Street lju-g- e Crowd I I'IiwmhI Willi I'lmt Automobile Hnnlly (iave Vp the and riimlljr Collides Willi u. Mglit's Produetloii ilompuny Uliowt mid Merrymaker Sent OF gy After Narrowly Minting ltcst Siinmier Tlieater tlie Might In Tents nt lleur GO CARTS Several Vehicles. Hub Hud. Oni) on. A Hrtiry hnth In Wirkfr And Leather horse belonging to the The Armln Stock company, engaged Owing to a break-dow- n Saturday Cleaning company, nhtch was left for the summer season at the Casino, of an automobile the Congregational 20 Off until il w hile the driver was deliver- last night presented the opening play, church was minus a choir yesterday The Alwin & Haywood Lines ing a package, became scared this (iillette's successful comedy, "Be morning. A party consisting of mem- morning and dashed wildly down cause She Loved Him," and the unan bers of the choir, and others, decided Second street, missing several vehN tmous decision of the large audience on a trip to the mountains by auto. Nothing too good cles on the way and finally running which witnessed the production Is All were In readiness when the time on all Oak. Into the buggy owned by Father Capl-lup- l, that the Armln company Is decidedly arrived to depart but on the way to for the baby which also stood untied in front the best attraction the Casino has the place of meeting the faithless ma- Maple Dressers of tlie Hickox Jewelry store, striking it ever had. This company is well bal- chine blew a tire. This was at 7 In We have a full line of these buggies. Prices with such force that the Henry rig anced and the leading rules are taken the morning and about 11 the chauf- and was overturned and the other buggy by some of the cleverest actors who feur announced that the puncture from to was completely turned around and have appeared In Albuquerque in was fixed and all was In readiness. running $2.50 $22.00 Luckily Chiffoniers. Week faced the opposite direction. many mouths. A more disappointed looking party See Our Window Display Tis both buggies were unoccupied and no Tonight and tomorrow night the could hardly be Imagined than the lit one was hurt. sume bill will be presented, with a one that occupied the seats of this west End viaduct A peculiar incident in connection change to "Tom. Hick and Harry auto. Hy the time they started the Futrclle Co. with this accident was that when the Thursday of sun was high overhead and with the Furniture belong- n'ght for the remainder two vehicles collided the one the week. The lutter play Is adver perslpratlon rolling down their down- Biggest Bargain Offered This Season ing to the Henry establishment was tised as the funniest on the American cast faces and hunger beginning to re. overturned but before it reached the stage and should prove a big drawing mind them that it was very near corner it had righted itself and was card. luncheon time, the party departed for again tearing down the street. Sev- The Armiu company has a long list the mountaltns. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY eral attempts were made to stop the of plays and expects to give The party was destined to another REASONS WHY horse but without effect and it came good shows at popular mishap. When within about six miles own In to a stop of Its accord front prices as long as the patronage Is of their destination, and the trees on r YOU SHOULD PATRONIZE THE of the Henry cleaning shp. sufficient to Justify it. Specialties be- the mountain side began to grow-plaine- tween the acts make a continuous to the human eye, and when confidence had restored SOUVENIR BOOK WILL performance and the several good almost been Occidental Life Insurance Co. singers and clever dancers In the to the tourists, the machine, with a !? company kept the audience Interested snort and several other peculiar ALBERT FABER SSd Of New Mexico and Arizona only an can make, SOON BE PUBLISHED to the end last night. noises which auto The company is headed by Walter came to a sudden stop, this time to It is home industry. Armin, W. Frederick Wagner, Will remain stopped. The party picked It keeps the money at home and makes it available to pro- D. Howard, Carolyn Lawrence, Elea-not- e up Its sandwich boxes and other Kites and L.voils Are Collecting liood llaber and Loraltie Thome, each things and in the broiling sun started mote local enterprises. I'llo.OlupIlM to AcooniMiiiy lieu-In- e a finished actor. The company was out by foot to reach Bear canyon, a It wrote more business the first year than was expected. Story of lily's lrottrur. well . received last night and Is de- distance of about six miles. Arriv of serving of continued euecejsJ. ing at the canyon the footsore party UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS It has paid all its obligations. There will be forty full pages of was compelled to engage tents, where S75 It is an Old Line Legal Reserve Company. fine half-ton- e pictures of Albuquer the members were forced to spend It writes the standard policies established by theLaws of que seines in the new book of Albu BAIL PLAYERS MIX the night, there being no way of re I Albuquerque Typewriter Exchange 215 v. Centra lAve. New querque that the publishing firm of turning to the city. Yesterday after- York, the most exacting ever enacted. Kites & Lyon will place on the mar noon the party was brought to the ket within a few days. The publica- IN EXCITING BOUT city by a livery team, arriving home Joshua S. Raynolds, J. H. O'Rielly, tion will cost close to $3,0uu and will about 6 p. m. Since the return of President. Sec'y and Gen. Mgr. give a first-cla- ss idea of Greater Al- - the party the drug stores report an buqu rqui'. While no oftlclal souve Helen and Cmy Piny a 12 to 5 Score Increasing sale of cold cream. . COX, nir haa been selected for the Sixteenth Willi Pig-li- t Mutlncc on an Ad- H. The Plumber National Irrigation congress, It would ditional Attraction. be well for the committee having this NEW MINING COMPANY GAS AND STEAMFITTING 1 matter in charge not to make any de According to PLUMBING, HEATING, X ULD KEL.IABLH." ESTABLISHED 1171. - a record established cision in the matter until this new- by the last three exhibitions of base- book Is issued. The scenes In the ball played on local fields, a ticket to OPENS OFFICES HERE Climax Garden Hose, guaranteed the most durable. L. PUTNEY book are undoubtedly the finest ever a ball game entitles the fan to an ex- Latest things in Enamel Bathroom Fixtures. ... a taken In Albuquerque. The story of hibition of the manly art of fist Albuqui rque, which accompanies the Mevadn-tioklllel- fighting. This new innovation was d Company Will lluild Phone 1020 401 West Central Ave. THE WHOLESALE GROCER pictures, deals with facts instead of established a week ago yesterday a', Concentrator nt Simla I'e and fiction, as has been the habit of most tlie game played on the liarcias field, Develop New Mexico FLOUR. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS writers for books made to sell. when two spectators engaged In a lTiMrti(H. lively three-roun- d go resulting lu the CLAIRVOYAN T Courtney Nevada-Goldtlel- tDeWItt th largest and Moat Stock of Stapl QrscerlM la man with money paying a fine. The Tlie d Mining, Mill Clairvoyant in Carrie lxcluve NEW SHOW AT fight game company, Tlie mont eminent, accurate and reliable Trance the the Southwest. second took place at the ing and Smelting incorpor world lias located In your city, and If you are lu doubt or played at Traction park Saturduy. ated for several million dollars. W. F. trouble call and we lilni. lie give advice upon all affairs of life THE CRYSTAL T when the Browns and Dan Padllla'a Traves manager, will make Albuquer. IiOve, Law, Marriage, Divorce, Milling. Iteal Krtate and changes of all Uniys were giving an Imitation of the que Its headquarters in the near fu powers wonderful FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS game. kinds. One visit will convince you of the of this national This fight started ture. Mr. Traves, who hHa been a man, niul that you obtain happlnexs, contentment and success young be- ran when an intoxicated man frequent visitor to the city the past following his advice. 303 Central Avenue. Iloonis 5 and B. ALEUQUERQUB. N. M, gan choking boy J 2 years old. year - throuth RAILROAD AVENUE. New moving pictures and Illustrat a about while developing mines at Hllls- llourH, to 5. ed songs will be seen and heard at A more manly young man with the boro, N. M., was in the city Saturday, the Crystal tonight; also an addition- courage to interfere pulled tho drunk- having Just returned from New York, al attraction In the way of a strong ard off and when the latter showed where the new company was organ vaudeville feature, without extra fight a lively encounter ensued, the ized. chargp. The moving pictures are the courageous young man winning by The property of the Nevada-Gold-fie- ld laust out and the songs the same. several points. Kut the real thing in Mining. Milling and Smelting Co. Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Co. The Landeros family of acrobats fights was pulled off yesterday, when Includes twenty rich gold claims near ;jnd dancers, direct from Old Mex- the Helen baseball team were the Keno, Nev., lifteen and u fraction of Mower silvcr-lctid-go- McCormick ld The COPPER ico, will be the vaudeville attraction. guests of Padiliu's Grays at Traction claims near Hlllsboro, r andj IHlRDf These people several very clever Park. The Grays won he baseball N. M., and tltee.n gold-cupp- er claims child en and the act la expected to game by a score of 12 to 6, but in the Santa, h'e mining district. Two Imported and Domestic Groceries and Liquors J be a big hit. fair-haire- d boy scarcely out of hU concentrator are to be built al once, Has been sold in this city continuously for the 3 The program will run as follows: teens won the fight matinee with a one at Iteno and one at Santa Pe. last 20 years and where others have failed the 1 Opening illustrated song; Landeros In clean knockout. both of a capacity of 100 tons. The Pure Lucca Olive Oil a Specialty, Liquor by the Spanish and Mexican dances; first There are conflicting opinions as to construction of these concentrators McCORMICK has proven satisfactory. Glass or Gallon, Beer by the Bottle or Case, Family j reel of nnivinu pictures; second Illus- how the fight began, but there Is no will be begun within thirty duys, Trade Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. trated song: l.aiiileios family in their douot as to the finish. Coleman, the much of the mnchlnery having been Is Simplest. marvelous tumbling and aerobatics; victorious, had got on a base by a purchased. Thirty men will be em It the Best and the coiK'iiitlhn; with last reel .if moving stole second, and was trying ployed at Hlllsboro, thirty at Santa Call, Phone or Send for Solicitot. Phone 1029 pictures. to score on a hit to center field. The Pe and forty at lteno. The estate- of Two performances will be given, bail tea. hed the plate first and ivna. the late Gov. Sparks of Nevada is a one at h and the other at !:!; the husky catdier wearing gray, factor In the company. Strong in Construction: Light in Draft The IiMileros work will remain blocked him away from the plate. Regarding ;he new corporation Mr. the same a;i week, but tlie moving Some say that Coleman was grabbing Traves said: picture show wlil change entirely at Pena's b gs, others say that he was "The reason why I have kept silent So Simple that a Child Can Operate It. HOTELS AND RESORTS upon Thursday as usual. An especial hitting bun. still others maintain that In the past asi to what I was doing For Information concerning any of the places adver- holies' souvenir matinee will be giv- he was trying to knock the ball out of at Hlllsboro was because we were Its first cost is no more than that of inferior tised in this column and for descriptive literature, en tomorrow afternoon. Ten cents I'ena's hands. The grand stand saw forming this new company. The or and a man my lull at The Citizen office or write to the Advertising souvenir. the big man strike the little ganlzatlon was fully completed On machines and the "keep-up- " cost is very much t a-- on Manager, Albuquerque Citizen. Albuquerque, N. M. a ice in the hack he ly flat recent visit to New York and we are C.UtillT 1'OOT IN the greund. going to be turning on; bulllon soon. less. You can do your own repairing and can iliOki: I I X. IN I'Al.l. The two arose from the ground The Hlllsboro property is fully devel I separ- cuu be im- always secure repairs at our store. IUMIM HOT SI'lllNtis IIOTKI.. .ok Anavlcs. The inot curative treat-niei- u As a resuit of a very simple fall in fighting Men rushed in and oped so that ore taken out fop rliciiniuliiii. liciuitil'iil kcciiciy. ocean hreexo. ated them. The crowd that soon col-t- ei mediately. While I will m'inage all . iix Hot Springs liear canyon last Saturday, Arthur water In every room, no iioiM-- no clusi, no tips, street car to door. PamitlilctH McCollimi, son of J. II. McCollum. to, i ,ii' .iiiol me two combatants the properties for the company. by ;. . In Albu- at CWmi ofritv or wrlthift Dr. V. Tuih-- Medical Supu principal of Kou'-t- school, began to revolve. Pena and Coleman will have toy headquarters the ward togeth- open reeeivi d a broken which will keep came out of the human wheel querque. I expect to an office The McCormick er. Tin- tiny saw his big adversary Rakes I.O.MA LINDA SAMTAHIUM. him confitii d for at six weeks to here during the summer." standing beside him reached over Loma Linda, or Hill Beautiful, la the name of one of Southern Califor- come. Arthur was one of a large and one on nose. Xo Meed Suffering I'rom Klieuma-tlsn- i. Are different from others More Substantial nia's most beautifully located sanitariums, near Hediands. sixty party of I'niversity students who were and crackej him the of miles east went over like a lug the of Loa Angeles, on main line of the S. P. The Battle Creek enjoying I leeiu ation day in the moun- Pena for Don't buy until you have seen methods of count, not ten -, coni.i, but about five It Is a mistake to allow rheumatism the treatment are carefully administered. Fummer prices Octo- tains. His explanation of the acci- from June to HUH pain can ber. Send for Booklet "C." Loma dent was that he was Just en joying minutes. Tlie people in the to become chronic, as the Linda Sanitarium, Loma Linda, Calif. ng in most cases himself romping around when his foot grand stain!. cxc pt the ladies, alwnys be relieved, and McCORMICK LINE eaught in some brush on level ground. lushed into the fidd. The fair ones a cure effected by applying Ciiamber-laln'- s causing him to fall. With sued force covered their blanched faces with Palm Halm. The relief from Get Our Illustrated Booklet and Prices did he fall and In such a peculiar their hands. I'mpire Honest Dave pain which It affords Is alone worth STONE HOTEL up caught many It sleep manner that Ins left :imh was fia-tun- ('onihs ran and Coleman times its cost. makes :;' A physician, who happened to jtnl hustled him off the field. Pena and rest possible. Even in cases of JElHfZ HOT SPRINGS be spending the day in the ca'.yon, was carried off the diamond to a soft long standing this liniment should I, lace on grass, iteaturutlve meas- be on account of which was called and attended to the In- the used the relief & Matges .... ures soon brought him to life. He It affords. Do not be discouraged Raabe jured boy, who was afterwards re- you given it a Many 7 NORTH FIRST STREET B&ZS': ORIGINAL moved to the residence of K. S. I'ark-e- r raked his w!ts together and summed until hive trial. of 20:t south Walter street, where up the si:uatton. Sotn. one told him sufferers have been surprised and de- BATH HOUSES that 't was olemau who struck hi in lighted with Its palri-rellevi- quali- 1115-11- - several other physicians were called .? not a Ke mogul. A ties. 2.', t a n for by I . i,IPJ in and Santa rush and cent sale Snnnli i j who attended to the case. Iast and Ranch WW r Staoi line I t i nil ISei'iialillo evening he was removed to the St. was made for "olemau. who had tak all druggists. II to Jeme Hot SprinN in Joseph's, sanitarium and tbis morning en a seat apart from the moo under 1 -- pavers. He saw one ila,. Niuife leaves o he was reported as resting easily, the hade mule for having -- pent a very g I night. number of nun in g:ay coming for Tucsilav A Sat unlay him and beat a hasty retreat, amid a shower of bottles and stones. Combs i s iioi.i.CMti t at k called the game off and left the field. CRYSTAL men men QombQ L. C. Pecker, captain of the visitors, Theatre TICKETS SOLD AT I .os Angeles. Cal.. June 1. The got rich by saving their money. You said that he had enough of that kind I l SOUTH Holietit.eek Angi-h- s Theatre SFCOVD ST. Hotel, l.os has of baseball, and was willing to give can nave money by buying your gro-- i A. W. L. TRIMBLE'S recent l.v clip i tained many Phone 471. J. OTERO, Prop. resident tlie game to Bare las. Charles Quler cerl'-- everything needed, at our' of New M. xieo and vicliii y, among and became officious and told Becker If EXTRA ATTRACTIONS store. whom are the following: the Helen bojs expect' d to come to Motion Pictures Max Yum.i; A. I'.tizko J. Picker!! Albuquerque any more they would I'oMtum Cereal, pkg lOoi and wife, I'rescott; S. Hachal, phoe- Illustrated Songs have to play the game out. Charlie Week I Cream of Wheat, pkg. 15c nix; f. D. Thayer, Harqua Halu; Jas. umpired and the game was finished of June ...... HOLLENBECK HOTEL II. Kirk and wife, Cananea; U. L. Stole J Raisins, lb 10c FHIOAY. .HAY 2t. but baseball was like a Dutch picnic The Landeros Family I Have Won a Pig. A. C. Bilicke LOS John S. Mitchell Hand, Winslow; John Flndtiyson, In a local option town beside what Prune, 3 lbs 25c Vsstal. ANGELES Sellgmun; T. K. Who KneeUej the Dough. Campbell, I'rescott; grand 1 r.Liru Rnptnt After Tony had occurred, and the stand Spanish AtTolmts and Dancers Toot 9r.': Midnight. Kelsln, Itishee; Geo. W. Crowe, was almost devoid of Merry Widows Troubles of a Flirt. TWO NEW LEVATORS NEW FURNITURE Tucson; K. O'Kcefe, Tucson; Harry in Addition to tlie Kcgular fanned Gooseberries .. 15c' New Songs: "When It Is Moon. when the the end came. Picture Show. IlKht on FIRE-PROOFIN-, Vhoenix; K. J. wife, Grapes 15c the Prairie." NEW G NEW PLUMBING Dedman and As to the game, however, from a Canned Haton; K. A. S'ayne, City; W. fcl'M.Y, Matinee Silver standpoint of baseb-il-l, It may be sala Canned Pineapple, the best, 15c &25c and Night. Delia; (if V. Healey, M. Children's! Tho Nobleman's Bights In Fifty Taciasd Worm Improvements made tbis Masonjfor the Albuquerque; Mrs. that the teams are very evenly Gift Mattiine Satur- Iilua Oranlte Wash liasln 25c Ccrvemetce, Ccsfjr: a:id Safety of our Guests.' Schwartz arid son. Albuquerque; H. day. the XIV Century. The Japan- matched. The Grays are probably the 10c ese H. Iawson, Carrizozn; Kd. P. Hodge stronger. Flour Slfiers llutteidy. Lost. Strayed sr Headquarters fox Ne Mexico Yuma; Hen P. Hodges, Yuma; fi. K. 2Q Beautiful Taa Oxfords J2.00 Stolen. The Last Cartridge. Hreckenrldge. 11 J. TUley, IP and CENTS Tucson: A little forethought may save you Beautiful Vicl Oxfords. $1.25 to 13.00 i KX KKA i7a I ) M Tssfo X 10c. ' All 1C Ketirh ItcMirts t: L. A. Pre-cot- t: P. Klecttie Mca:t.ii fctc stop at our door. Direct Present Hunter I : V.W o- no end of trouble. At yne who makes ladieti' Souvenir Matinees Tues- Girls' Oxfords $1.25 to $2.60 KS VHP cars to and fr- 1 rfci way The Hollcabeck Cafe it more popular thaa tvtr. M. Hendcson. Clobo; J. P. (lull and SKATS ac. clci. It a to Colic, day and '. .' wife. Hlsbee; Vtm. M cl)ei mott, Tuc- rulrt keep Chamberlain's Iriday. Men's Shoes . 1150 to $3.60 Cholera remedy at Matin, 1 p. m. Wdneky, son; Wal er lio I.ieve, Kingman; C. J. and Diarrhoea Men's Work Punts $1.00, hand to be a 1 Sunday. t'unnlngham, Tucson: A. J. Cunning- knows this fact. For M'OTK: The l4tmleroM "until y sab- - by a l druggists apiM-a- ham. Phoenix; KJ. Shumate. Pre at all matinee and EVENINGS 8-- 9 tlie afternoon alums are given CASH r cott: A. K. Jtossiter. Alhtiquerque; M. Doctor Nacamull will be back froir. BUYERS' LNlOfi L. Hlckey, Alvarado; C. Bruckman, Europe tlie same m at ulglit. Mad Citizen Want Ads for In September and will be at ncea 10 cents. 122 Nortb itooad Results Albuquerque; Chas. K. Harries and hla office In the N. T. Armljo building wife, FIrro. about September IS, liOi, U DOLDK, Prop. Subscribe for Tbs ClOsso. - MONDAY. JVSV. 1. IMS. r rAOIB six. ALBtTQITKnQUK PlTTZEN.

tho residences are those of O. O. Ask-re- n i1 and O. H. Fawcett. FED AND NEWS Melrose can boast nf being the ra GONERAL sniBtlert town to support a m ovine: SfiTOG pieture shoA. running each afti'inooii Q) KEPT OPEU and til:'.. I'laike's Stmr theater i &.U llJIlEiU doiuK rushing business and has a-- i "uli: e.i!'l to many in ;he larger BY IMPURITIES IK THE BLOOD DFTERRITORIAL ilies. Mr. Business Man If DM P. .res were due to outsile influences, or if the cause was confinerl Carlsbad, N. M June 1. (Svlil) itrictiv to t"i,- - flesh around the ulcer, then external treatment and llev. H. ,1 has returned subject I'uini'stin t present facts the iiip-s- Mood, which Let us afew on Texas, where he oc limine 'en would cure them. Uttt the tronhle is in the rnoii Thurber. - n h continually upii'd the pulpit of the l'rcsliyterlan it, l.e, itthe.iUhy mid diseased, nnd keeps the Ron- o;i-- TOWNS t'uinpsten has received ' ch.uitiy into it the impurities and poisons with which the citculatum is of advertising for your consideration iiureh. It. i' an Invitation to become the p.i.stor of illed. This uphis condition of the blood tuny tie tin- tcniain in noon.-iinstiti- :: -- ii ; s. heeause tile Thurber cburcli. He has not as i " tumble the effect of a long spell of sn ktn or the yet kIv. n his answer. r. In -- eof thehody, which should pass olT throt. 'h the ptoper avenues. Next to having goods of merit to sell is the importance of letting the Interesting Notes From the Mrs. K. I'Cpp and Mrs. C. M. l.cett h i! i'i the system and nbsor' ed into the U...n!. in. the cause ias is lef: week far their sum. - ; nir-tte- r n ht s intrenched public know that you have them. Her where thought should En- Whieher last nav In- hut-.- hut it does not how the poU. "in cirful Busy Places and New va Mrs. Iieopp visitng ;;.-- . !' Icrly- - i nier ation. n tli- - I- I- tact that the sore will not heal is evi .. a dee p tin Kan., an M i s. enter into the proposition. Much money is wasted by the thoughtless friends a Wi hltii. ag cause. Sdlvxs. washes, lotions, etc., m..v c.uise the p.ace to scan oer terprises In New Mexico. I at Whli hi her oil home t'haritan. tcniT.ornrilv hut the l,'...od is not made any of is for Iowa. choice advertising mediums. In every city the clever solicitor purer bv such treattit. i '.. and s""it the old F. I 'e irborti and w ft ,'i re visit;nu of ad M .u:,Iain.iir, N. !., June 1. inll.mnuation ami di hare will return and programs, calendars, handbills, and all sorts schemes in which your (So. elative at Concord. Nev Hampshire, e& 6$ before. com-to- d as bad or worse than cijil) J. lJunlavy h;i th. y iil liL- tw months, the sore be no v.- - v of the may look jvretty, but where it is not read, and consequently brings ! S. poes down to th" bottom his rowl'lcnoe on hi ranch one I'ruitt company h.w Hccured fci z&9 8. S. ir kzJo s .!. t ; ;ni e nr C trouble, cleanses and Mtnli. the blood, nnd northeast of town. The building the i'n iee of h. not returns. When you buy newspaper space you are sure that your advertise- mile as m;iiKurrr of dry Roods PURELY VEGETABLE makes a permanent S - a seven-roo- m buiiK;ilov and is cao I K. I .o t r. in - tertd ol of ili''niertt. an the Hendricks , nnd freshens the cm n ion at ment will go into the homes the subscribers and will be read by them, of stone. , umde nrtlklal Pry Cool; com;, my h is employeil buildin-r- C. A. Noble h.i. received the i lis 'h irin j nnhe iMhv matter into the place, it c in c - will M M F 'hay'-T- of Texarkana. to . .. a and, if you have what they want, they come to your store and buy. is. i 'oth-- diseased and in in natur.d of deputy sheriff for this miilineiy la h.a'iri'j b.oo'' parts evciv take chartfc of the and r.K-l- "vice free tc I1 irt of county. Ides': tip- sure. Dook on Sores and Ulcers nnd nttv 'ii tlic i, , ,. ,,r ; h, ir M ... The same good judgment should govern in your choice of newspapers. okl.iho-K,- a - Mooro wit', or f.i'-m- . GA. Wren and Th- - Sto i; which who trriif. THE SWIFT SPECtT-- r, vr?A. M Viucxaid have been visitins Mrs. 'ore's s We maintain that the evening paper is the better medium, because it goes , :r .;.,se,J mie weeks aco by oht-rs- i; T. J. II. Khoudi-s- br and ;.! is bi'ini: toi ke,l with a J. II. is alilc t he at ll'ie 0. home at a time when the entire family has time to read it and plan Williams of vi y tine mates and Ktaded Paul to the pin .. number 2, r,ou'svi'.le R. business a in after Ion illness . At Toledo: Toledo attic. Mr. heel has just lioucht 1, Indian-apoli- brok-i- i ankle bone. At Columbus: Columbus a shopping trip for next day v!th'a tine ! t !iet n stall. on COSL of MAJOR LEAGUE i lmu- 2. An in pleinent -' n T- - ports t ha the sales ,,f harlware ;n..l farm in.dc:n us a'en the Kast. M'MIM'S liAMKS. :ri K.ii!;iy lires a.-- fa i as 1 e.vico on NEW YORK CONGRESS- V,- c-- t phenomenal. MeCey and American 1eayue. If- H. R. ,i,:j i;i ..f Hi pi. ue have monthly At Ohleago , f 1 6 0 Citizen i Chicago Albuquerque H .t re., an a.stern city The as as STATEHOOD i'e mai MAN FAVORS 0 4 2 of nun pe l le. Detroit Patteries: WaNh and Sullivan; Wil-- i l"ts and Schmidt. home in evening and is read there where whole fam- Wiilat 1. N. M.. June . ( New itiAcus Him Goes into the the the Pleii. of eico j game It. H. K. firo-joiet- or Second editor and liiiiii'-.loi- i 1 KuueiH !!.. .Made n On At l.imM Chicago 1 U a chance to see it. A morning paper is often carried to the office t h o Hecord. is now - lcir-eiitnt,c- s ily has of Wiliard some of tin- Detroit 2 U 4( ;ji home in Wiliard, his family having in Constresw. Sullivan; of house, who docs not have time to read the ads, pl'iee, coming from I'.atterles: White and by the man the but only joined him a this STl i:i)VS (iAMl.s. Summers and Payne. Oklahoma the last of the week. TlK, t the M ik of Governor Curry skims over the news headings. 11 It. Kobettson has beun elected and other orti al.-- . and citizens of New Anie iian l.eattuc, At St. Louis It H. E- by club us , t. d dur- - 3 6 of of the Wiliard Commercial Mexie i o sis Washington I I K. St. 2, We have a large number letters giving the opinions big advertis- At Iron It. H. ' I.ous vice Kugetie For- w 2 9 3 the new secretary, tin- i.t"! in the interests of i . 10 1 Detroit ' papers almost exclusively. We will bes, resigned. st.itehoo.j. lia mule all impression (Chicago 11 3 P.atteries: Waddell and Dincen ers who use evening publish these W. A. Pratt, p.i.stor of the - C. i, resuit-.- P.erg'-- Itev. on th..- Hi .smeii and has i I tt.-r- and and Spencer; and Hernia. was I'.a Seiver, Mullin from day to day. Their views are valuable. church at Esiancia. st of realizing ; letters Methmlist ed ill a. vine them , Schmidt Wa sh and Sullivan. h visitor in the city Sunday, preach-in- a need of the territories for sell National League. the 1- In th- - morn-In- n. speocn At Chicago It- - H. In the school house government is apparent in the j At Cleveland It. H. E. a movement on - Chicago 6 9 6( Ue. Pratt Iris of the Hon. Williim Sulzer. rip resell- I ( i l.lll-- . 6 ! 'i build a church for his New May ' Pittsburg 4 6 2 f to tat'Ve fr "in York, made 1, & co. Moran and . itoTHsnui.n JOS. IfOMK CO. ination at this point. the House beinii in committee of tin i. ,,,, ,;,.. alld N .460Clarke; Patteries: Pfester. Phelps. , Clihiigo. A. I,. Means has returned from who!., h 'ti-- e and having un.l r nsin- - Kling; Willis, Young and rittsliurg. I Pow ell ai d Spenei r. Im evening he been serv- appropria- - Second game H. H. K. "It niy opinion that the "In of special sales to make AlaniMKordo. where has elation ;lie bill making - 3 5 2 paper- - an- more thoroughly read in ing on the Jury. i . r ... ii. legislative, judicial and At Ilostuii n It. E. fhicairn them effective, the news must be pub- 1 and this U the aim of the y i t ; 13 0 the home in large space .'. K. Hutt.s. the new auent on the executive expenses of the government. I - g o ... 7 PI 1 IMtt.sburg lished the afternoon advertiser." KRF.D A. SLATER, HAMMOND, Santa Fe Central Uailway. expects bus Mr. Sulzer said In part: j P. Stoil . . . 4 8 1 Itatteries: Frazer, rtuelbach and before.' UEOIWE C.ib- - Adv. Mgr. family to Join him here In a few days. bet us stop treat ng Arizona and I Patteries: Faikeiiburg and Stri i'i; Kling; McCarthy, Camnitz and j Adv. Mgr. P.utts will build him a residence .,... son. Mr .llfMiiu line iuii'ut'"i j laaneuiiJ, itu.ii aim i"nuiiu of rights n.n.KY co. M -- )1 1 1 and become a permanent citizen inces. Let us grant them the j II. K. Tiin SI lSO C'llAW I't CO. us permit these Veicrn League At Cincinnati R. CU'VClund. Netv "Wiliard. tliey denv.nd. Iet 5 9 4 York City. . . . n. . - Vt It. H E. Cincinnati Eighty i'j im- !'....(. on' nver "Evening by all means. "We consider the evening paper the mri iiin i'.i 1'iuic ini'i 1 4 8 7 m . 1 ;t fi 1 St. Louis store custom-e- .Melrose, N". M.. 1 they can govern thenisclves and Denver per cent of department best medium for department store June that Kwing, Campbell and even- V. own local laws. These Omaha Patteries: arc women. They read the advertising." A. It. PECK, Judge B. Booth of Fort Worth, make their .371- Ruymond Ludwig. in people are as brave. as honest, as in- - liattenew Corbett and McDon- Schlei; and ing papers." Adv. Mgr. Texas, is a heavy investor Melrose Mgr. property. He will bring his teiligent, and as patriotic as any otn- - ubh. iioneiu.e. h a.e. u.ii.,h. J. S. M'CARRENS, Adv. Inrmlng game H. E. Western League. family to spend the summer here. er citizens in our land. They want to Second It R. .E. THK ItK.WKTT CO. L a At Denver H S. A. Jones, cashier of the Finst govern themselves. Tliey want lii.tivor 7 9 5 THE FAIK" Onialiu. home! 4 8 3 Denver Rank of this place, reports rule Thev demand statehooa. Iet Omaha S 13 3 Cincinnati. "The evening paper Is best! Sure!" National Olmstnid and Mellon- - Omaah deposits of one hundred and twenty-fiv- e us be true to ourselves and grant Patteries: Patteries: Adams and McDonough; "Best results from evening papers. WM. KLUNE, JK Adv. Mgr. priv- ough; Pagan and Lehraid. paper thousand dollars. For 'a town of them all their rights and all the Sander.s and Lebrand. The only time I use a morning by of the Bal- & the size of Melrose and with another ileges enjoyed all the rest Moilles- - n. E. la Sunday, for Monday's business. CALLKXDEIl, M'AUSLuYV TItOUP At Ties ii. R. II. E. evening papers Btrong bank with heavy deposits also, citizens Ol ine- mo I 2 At Pueblo ance of the week the CO. . , Des Moines k . f., Ari..,i. 10 9 6 3 work to my entire satisfac- Providence. this ahows a good financial condition. ' 9 8 0 Lincoln do the The money is largely the deposits of must be a state. Now Is the time 's"'"x. " Pueblo 8 11 9 tion." W. H. SCHRADER, "We consider the evening paper this sovereign boon. I naileries: roru anu ucxiur; rurcn-- I Zinran; Adv. Mgr. as farmers. to grant them ner and Henry. Patteries: Zackert and better a general thing, for It J. W. Monday and S. W. and S. F. Mr. Speaker. Congresn Is too big a Jackson and Smith. usually the home paper." !ordon have formed a partnership In body, too busy as U legislative forum At It. H. E. Second R. II. E. J45ASCIU3 BROS. WM. C. ELLIOT, Adv. Mgr. will carry with momentous affairs of the 5 7 9 3 the real es'.ote business and the ' jj,,,.,,!,, 11 Lincoln Krle. .' 6 6 0 the firm name of the Mexico Realty nation to act as a board of aldermen jtuo,0 . . . 2 6 3 Pueblo "We consider the evening papers VM. IIEXGEKElt CO. company. ror Alaska, for New Mexico, and for! natteri-s- n'o'n'rio and Zlnran Fltz- - Patteries: Johnson and Sullivan; best by all means, finding by Inquiry Buffalo. rr. F. A. White, the popular dent- Arizona. Why not give them what . K,.ral(1 aIul Mitz. Nichols and Mitz. that the people do not have time or "We do most of our advertising In ist, has returned from a meeting of they are entitled to, and let them leg- - ftP(.0nd game It. II. E. morning to look a evening papers." R. E. take time in the the New Mexico Ilental Hoard at A- islate for themselves. The principles jjnL.0in , io 15 0 At Des Moines II. paper through." 11. T. DE POUTER, Adv. Mgr. the , 0 4 2 LKSUKK F. lbuquerque. Dr. White was given a li- of local tare dear to , , o 15 1 Dc Moines cense to practice dentistry by the the American heart. They constitute Jones, Zuekert and Sioux City 2 3 0 re Patteries: Witherup and Yeager; board. the cornerstone of the American i llvan; flalgano, Jackson. Miller Patteries: A good deal of building l being public. The people in Arizona, theiSm)t Freeman and Henry. done at this time in Melrose. The people In New Mexico are entitled to( Second game R. II. E. a. rule, are entitled to local self-- . Des Moines 2 5 2 First National bank is erecting fine t home . American way .. ' 1, 6 11 1 two-stor- y block. The Roosevelt government,....ana tne oniy mey At Minneapolis: Minneapolis Sioux City foiintv Telephone company Is now 'can get it is through the agency of 0. Batteries: Clarke and Teager; Mc. i City: City 6, St. Kay and Shea. occupying Its new building. Among statehood. At Kansas Kansas THE ' " ' " Mill ll - " S" 1 Albuquerque Lumber Co. llll IB fJIWIlP jlliwmll IJJIIIIPMIW ill, Ml.llll II .y Traction Park . f M WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

Lumber, Glass, Cemsnt and Rex Flintkote Rooting casino! First and Marquette Albuquerque, New Mexico

A Pi s 2 2 t X a i a Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works AMIM STOCK UO. !; R. f. HALL. Proprietor Iron and Brass Castings; Ore, Coal and Lumber Cars; Shaft- ;j ings, Pulleys, Orade Bars, Babbit Metal; Columns and Iroa Fronts for Buildings.

TO-NIGH- T Ropmtrm on Mining mnd Wi Mmohlnory m Bpoolalty Foundry east side of railroad track Albuo.uerg.ue, N. M. "Because She I X Loved Him So." HAVE YOU'A : Starting Thursday Night ROOM TO RENT? I "Tom, Dick and Words of Praise have ever prevailed in advertising "copy." Harry. tt OR A HOUSE? That a producer should wax enthusiastic over his own wares is but human. Rut it's the praise of the consumer that counts Do you know that people are almost fighting and it is to a discriminating and critical public that "Blatz' forrquarters'right here in Albuquerque, and,now? refers you. High Class Vaudeville An ad like this is product, of any kind, enjoys It safe to say that no a Between the Acts. more enviable reputation than does this same Blatz Beer of Milwaukee in markets where it is offered. self-evide- Its nt honesty of purpose, purity, brilliancy, body i"OK KENT Large, well furnished, Hair DrrsM'r and CliiroixxlNt. well ventilated front room, modern and every other attribute that goes to make a perfect beer are Mrs. Bambini, at ner panor y-- and sanl'ary. OO Blake St. poslte the Alvarado and next door to r in evidence. Sturges cafe, Is prepared to g'.i HAlwaVS f I! thorough scalp treatment, do balr Cultivate the "Blatz Sign Habit" Watch for the name ask dressing, treat corns, bunions and In- brands, or bottled; growing nails. file gives mi' The Same J for any of these whether on taught Wiener, treatment and manicuring. Mrs Bambini's own preparation of com- placed in The Albuquerque Citizen will secure Private Stock, hxport, Muenche plexion cream builds up the skin ant I & CO., WH OLESALE DEALERS, Improves ths complexion, and Ij you a Good Old Blatz STERN, SCHLOSS guaranteed not to be Injurious. 8b tenant at thesmallcosrof P West Central Phone 142, also prepares a hair tonic that cures 313 Avenue. and prevents dandruff and hair fail- ing out; restores life to dead hair; 3 6 50c. 8 removes moles, warts and superfluous times for 35c, or times for teS hair. Massage treatment by vlhratoi ,1 machines. For any blemish of th ' . . i . . i .. c omom ,i '". i.e .. t.... face call and consult Mrs. Bambini oo oooooxoooooo? f MONDAY. ,UNE I. 10H. ALBUQUERQliE CITIZEN. PAGE SEVKlf.

.- -- 1- - -i- lVhpn ftInnsfpr AircViiri wKifwwiffwuiM r"Lru"rpu-uw" "ri'r nnn - - 0 Collapsed In Midair I I C I K 9 LASS IED ADS


,,, ,., ,., s J- -mn nn.m r . -' FOR RENT WANTED PERSONAL PUOPKUTT HXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXrXXXXXXXTM ' PHYSICIANS X ' --J .L, FOU RENT Piano. Inquire Whits.n WANTED A cook to go to Olorleta. & DIL F. J. PATC1UN , Music Company. Inquire Grand Central hotel. MONEY to LOAN Davis Zearing - 0 e -- ? furnlsned 4 and Physician A 'r r r FOR RENT Modern WANTED Position as custodian, On Furniture, Pianos, Organs Horses, and Surgeon 6 room houses. W. V. Futrelle. watchman or stationary engineer. The Complete Wagons and other Chattels also on Offloo over RENT 3 furnished rooms for Best of reference. Address N. T., SALARIES AND RE- Vann Drug Store. Off FOR floe 0 12 1 housekeeping: piano if desired. In- Citizen office. CEIPTS, as low aa $10 and as high as hours to a m 2 to 5, rut A V ' ' House Furnishers 7 to 8 p. m. r Jr quire 211 S. Edith St WANTED To exchange home In CaU $200. Loans are quickly made and Phones, oflice 441, res. strictly private. Time: One month W. Ideuce $05. FOR RENT 3 room furnished house lfornia for Albuquerque property. to one year given. Goods remain In 20S Gold Ave. on Pacific avenue, 112, John M. For particulars call 423 3. Walter. yout possession. Our rates are reas- Have the finest tiling in the oven DK. It. L. 11CST Moore Realty Co. WANTED Ladles to call and see our onable. Call and see us before bor- line for a pas or gasoline stove. G NT Phj-sicia- Full-RE- Six-roo- m house r.ew Myles in millinery rowing. v all anil let us show you. and Surgeon. modern at reduced LOAN CO. them lo 209 Silver. Inquire Mrs. J. Kor- - prices. Miss C. P. Crane, 612 North TIIK HOrSEHOI.D E. Steamship tickets to and from all Ilooma and 7, X. T. Armijo ber. Second street. Ladles' tailoring and parts of the world. PRICE $2.25 BiilldJna FOR RENT 4 room cottage on Cen- dressmaking. Phone 944. Appren- Rooms S and 4, Grant Bldg. DIt, SOLOMON L. UL'ltTON avenue, $12. Water paid. John tices wanted. 803 H West Railroad Ave. tral OFFICES M. Moore ReaJty Co. WANTED Capable men to nil ex- PRIVATE Physician and Surgeon. office mer- Open Evenings. Highland 4 large ecutive, technical, and COCXXXXXXXXJCXXXJCXXXJOOCXJOOO office 810 South WaJtssI FOR RENT room house, lot. cantile positions. We can place In 4 ward, near the park, $12. Street. Phone 1030. th you in the position for which you FOR SALE 2 rooming 1 to uses, M. Realty Co. Miscellaneous John Moore are qualified. Southwestern Busi- steam heat; a bargain, dhs. imoxsox & imoNsox FOR RENT Cool adobe rooms for ness Association 201 East Cen- HONEST AGENTS 30 days' credit. $4 per month for sleeping or house- tral avenue, Albuquerque, N. M. New circular ready. Soaps selling FOR SALE 2 tiwclllng houses, Homeopathic Physicians and Snr keeping. 517 S. Broadway. Mrs. Phone 257. better than ever. Write. Parker bargain. geoiis. Over Vann's Drug Store, II. E. Rutherford. WANTED Ladies to make aprons; Chemical Co., Chicago. $3.60 dozen. No cost to get work. ts FOR RENT Store room on W. Office 628; 1059. 5 furnished house PE7C"WORD-rnsir- Residence FOR RENT room Materials sent prepaid. Enclose 1.25 classified Central Ave. close in; desirable location, near stamped ads. in 36 leading papers In U. B. M. Realty addressed envelope. Home Advertis- postofflee. John Moore & Send for llBt The Dake DENTISTS Apron Dress Co., Los Angeles. street, Money to Loan Co. Cal. ing Agency, 427 South Main Los Angeles. U. C'llAS. A. ELLEK FOR SALE WANTED For S. Army: Able your peo- bodied, unmarried men, MARRY choice. Particular between ple, everywhere. Introduced with- M.L.SCHUTT Dentist Nine-fo- ot case. ages of 18 and 35; citizens of Unit- FOR SALE show publicity; no fakes; details free. Albuquerque, N. M. Room 14, N. T, Strong's Book Store. ed States, of good character and out 219 South 2nd Streit temperate speak, Address, A. C, box 1338, Los An- ' Armijo building. Phone 880. Ku It SA1.E ilest transient and habits, who can geles, Cal. CXXJOOOOOOOOOCXJOOCXXXXXXXXXJ city. Inquire read and write English. For In- rooming house in the AGENTS SOPASTB to UK. J. E. CKAFT Box 44. formation apply to Recruiting Of- Introduce ficer, 203 E. Central Ave., Albu-- . factories, railroad shops, etc. Re- IX'ntul Sundry FOR SALE Furniture of a querque, moves grease dirt quickly; Immense Call New Mexico. Rooms 2 and :, Burnett Building house. Must sell at once. WANTED Painting; decorating, sales; amazing profits. Parker evenings. 617 S. Broadway. BiSimpier Clark Over O'ltlelly's Drug Store. paper hanging; all work guaran- Chemical Co., Chicago. ApiMiliitmciits by a good miidc mall 3 FOR SALE Or trade, teed In or out of the city. Address MARRY your choice. Particular peo- Phono 741 "EI cow, for a horse. Apply Citizen H. Rand 4 Co., 920 S. Arno St. ple, everywhere, Introduced without Shoe Company ..... office. publicity; no fakes; details free. Ad- EDM I'M) J. AUiKK, D. D. S. 3 $1 FOR SALE Oliver typewriter; very SALESMEN dress, A. C, box 1338, Los Angeles, NEXT IX H TO POSTOFF1CE. latest model; No. 6; like new; sac Calif. Oflice hours. n. ni. to 12:30 p. m l.:tO to 5 p. riflce. P. O. box 178. WANTED Capable ialeeman to cov- $210.00 Motor Cycle cr norse and Ladies Have You Examined Our in. hand sewing er New Mexico with staple line. men trav- AlMiintniciits mude by mail. FOR SALE Second buggy furnished our for 00 machine in good condition. Reason- High commissions with $100 eling, and $85.00 per month and West Central Avenue. Plione 454) able. A. B. care Citizen. monthly advance. Permanent posi- expenses, to take orders for the tion to right man. Jess H. Smith $VL jr SALE A fine Hardman piano, greatest portrait house in the world. LAWYERS FOR Co.. Detroit, Mich. beau- --J cS'JMAIWiO.I Oi good as new, beautiful tone. A You will receive, postpaid, a n. - cov- to-- r r v ..- possess Instrument of WANTED Capable salesman to tiful 16x20 reproduction of oil Aux iiOT. j t chance to an It. W. D. Uryan unexcelled make at just half what er New Mexico with staple line. painting In answer to this ad. Write - Whit-aon- 's High commissions, with $100 for particulars. R. D. Martel, Dept. 'I'lii- most us well lis our tin- - It Is worth. On exhibit at Attorney at law , Minnie if most ilarimr aerial ventures on monthly advance. Permanent posi- Chicago. recor I I lie one which ciulcd hi tlisiisu-i- ' mill serious injury In lliirttH'ii Music Store. 124 South Sec- 7, s tion to right man. Jess H. Smith $210 MOTOR CYCLE OR HORSE orilcc, jM'i-son- ond street. Albuquerque. First Natlonnl luink Building; at IUrkilcy. I'ul., rcit'iilly, licii the iliriililo IuiIUmhi, const rii(tcl tij Co., Detroit, Mich. A. I'rnni-iSfo- . and buggy furnished our men for Albuquerque, N. M. C. Moim'll. nf Sun vvpl Hlttl In iniiliilr tluriiiK lis iuitiul ti-s- unl, FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, c In traveling, $85 per month and tln lioirllicd nan- - or , $50. at Millet Studio, 215 West Cen- WANTED Salesman, experienced and llioiisitiuls of svtutoi-s- plunged with lis crew of any to expenses, to take orders for the Jlfus n incii 10 the ground. tral venue. line, sell general trade in E. W. DOBSON , New Mexico. Liberal commissions greatest portrait house In the world. The Moiicll aii'slilp iln I:i constructed. was 150 SALE At a bargain, a brand-ne- w u, cvT Jt fwt FOR with $35 weekly advance. One You will receive, postpaid, a beau- Attorney Law j Imitf. and contaiiK-- 500.000 cuhic feci Tin- - shotgun, never been at of mis. h)s ship was to liuve Ihh ii Stevens salesman earned $1,263.62, hU first tiful 16x20 reproduction of oil by live ciikIiics, A high grade and thorough- iihII"I .usH'iilcd from the sas lm. fired. two months with us. The Contin- painting In answer to this ad. Write Office, Cromwell Block, ( Morrcll himself made the ascii mid uis clieeicl repiiiliHlly by the liljj ly modern gun. Inquire at The particulars. R. D. Martel, Dept. Albuquerque, N. 51.' i c ental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. for croud lluil hud liiiiliered to the l st. The img wax lillcnl. and the restrain. Citizen office. Traveling men soilc'-tor- s 927, Chicago. Iiik ro"' - Tlie airship iom' slowly for u few liiuidrtHl Then sud- WANTED and fwt calling on druggists, confection- IllA M. BOND denly it Kuuitcd ill the ml. Idle. Almost at the same Instant one end eollapxxl. BARGAINS IN ACRE PROPERTY If not. Why i ers, etc., covering Albuquerque and MALE HELP not? The average A si mi of error went up from the crowd which scattered lit a anle, at woman Attorney at Law with u pliuiue the muss surrounding territory and states, to of today makes tlie most dl..y of silk iiud macliJiicry crushed lo earth, hiiryin carry you of her opportunities. Why not Its crew IhiicuiIi a pile of wreckuue. our celebrated line of choco- HERE'S a chance for to make Pensions, Land Patents, Copyrights) In 5 and 10 acre tracts, within two lates on good commission basis. money. Our representatives make you? We liave shoes at all price. Monill himscir was the injured. When he was un- Caveats, Letter Patents, Trade) unions pulled from miles of the city limits, at $20 to $75 Bowes Allegrettl, 95 River St., Chi- $10 a day; so can you. Immediate Children's Shoes From 50c to $1.50 der the dehrls his Icjj was broken and he was nearly uncousciou from llm per acre. Also a ranch of l.',00 acres, cago. MImmch' and Uoys' from Marks, Claims. shock. seller and exclusive territory 32 F Street, N. M., Waxlungton, D. all valley land, at $30 per acre. Agents can carry as side line. C. F. $1.50 to $3.00 C The iiccomiHiiiyiiiK; remarkable photograph was snapo just WANTED Live, energetic men for after the exclusive territory of "In- Pennewell, Mgr., 152 Mutual Life Indies' Shoes from. .$1.25 to $4.00 a.vship hud coilupscd mid sM-c- 10 ACHE TltCTS uius plnnniny uiiii terrific 1 1 .Men's THOS. K. MADDISON toward the earth. per acre. dex" Kerosene Burner converts Bldg. ,Sea e, Was h lngton Shoot from .. $2.50 to $5.00 On Fourth street, at $50 WE INVITE YOU TO CALL. Other small tracts at proportional col oil Into gas gives one hun- $210.00 MOTOR cycle or horse and Attorney mt Law prices. Money to on approved dred eandlepower burns on man- buggy furnished our men for trav- sociated Press news over loan INSTALLS from all the security. Address tle Instantaneous seller. Write at eling, and JH5 00 per month and Oflice 117 West Gold Avenue world, and news value and selection tiiirule, once. Coast Lighting Company, expenses, the will be l'ellie J. to take orders for practically taught. The local Room 19, Armijo Block, 304 West 2n Yesler Way. . greatest portrait house in the department will be any MORE BARGAINS IS RANCHES. MISCELLANEOUS conducted as Avenue, Albuquerque, N. M. Capable cov- world. You will receive, postpaid, SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM city editor's room Js conducted, except Central WANTED salesman to er New Mexico with staple line. a beautiful 16x20 reproduction of F. V. SPENCER. that the 'cuo' will receive helpful and -- High commissions, $100.00 oil. painting In answer to this ad. . painstaking; instruction region It is with the with Fifteen acres of very good land 71 which the and believed that monthly po- Write for particulars. R. D. Martel, Architect .Man Sclwled to IK tlie overworked city of law, they will greatly advance. Permanent Irrigation, cwsmMT editor could not protection sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Dept. 474, Chicago. under four miles north Teucliiiiv Says Such u Tiling spare time to give. This latter will, increase and afford an overtlow sup- of town, well fenced with barbed 1221 South Walter. Phone KM course, to hunting country. Co., Detroit. Mich. Is Possible. of apply all departments. ply for adjacent NOTICE. wire "The ethical side of newspaper Reconnaissance surveys have been SALESMAN First class all round and cedar XKits; $750.00 work will be featured. The aims by the I'nlted States geological hustler to cover unoccupied terri- Notice Is hereby given on the Cttkll. Sjir'.nga, Mo., June 1. and made that INSURANCE purposes of u good newspaper will be survey throughout the region, and the tory selling staple line to retail 22nd day of April, 1908. In accord be in un- "Can Journalism launht made clear and how to accomplish report by the Senate committee trade Technical knowledge ance with Section 26. Irrigation Law schools?" necessary. to right B. A. SLEVSTER those pui pos. s will he studied. The (S. fiSO) contains h map of the pro- Permanent of 1907, Onofre Akers, et al , of Santa That iue.liiui as a.kid Walter man. $30 00 werly. Expenses ad- libel laws will be dealt with, nyt to posed park and ten plates showing Fe, County of Santa Fe, Territory of Insurance, Ileal Estate, Notary Yii:iam.s, who has bein uffenj anJ - vanced R. Sales Fifty acres first class Irrigated teac!- a student how far he can go the Mtupendous ami magnificent scale Frank Jennings, New Mexico, made application to the Public will probably accept the ibai;.ship of with safety, but to make him familiar upon has fash onej this Manager. Chicago. territorial engineer of New Mexico for land, tliree miles from the city, rirliuol of journalisiii u Ls to which nature the hlch with the rights and pr vib nes to continent. AM BITIOI'S MEN "WANTED Why a permit to appropriate from the under high of cultivation, Rooms 12 ami 14, Cromwell be inauKurateJ at Missouri Slate uni- portion of the state Block, which every man is entitled. Fifty work for small salary? You can public waters of the territory of New fenced with barbed wire and large Albuquerque, N. M. Phone IS versity next fall. Mr. Williams said: years ago it was coiuedcred folly to earn $2". to $150 per day: others Mexico. "Why it'.' we want NOT TIIK OM.Y OXK. cedar posts; price per shouldn't When a medical Thirty-fiv- e doing It: you can do likewise. Is to be Here, $75.00. A. E. WALKElt boy attend school. are Such appropriation made to make a lawyer or doctor of a years ago the legislature of Missouri 'Plicre Are Hundreds of Albuquerque If you desire to Increase your sal- from Rio Puerco at poln's Sec. 6. we of pro- . educate him for one those passed a law requiring that a physi- I'copk-- Similarly situated. ary and elevate yourself, write for Township 19 N. R 1 W. By means of Fire Insurance fessions. Why not train the boy who cian must have a diploma before he our free book. "How to Become a diversion and 7:15 cubic feet per sec - be,-ie- of- 1m Secretary Mutual Building AssDCaatksa want.- to be a newspaper mall and could be licensed to practice, but per- Can there be any stronger proof Professional Auctioneer." Address Is to be conveyed to points Sec- A u t 100 screw of nrxt haj Albuquer- tion 217 West Central Avenue. he talent for that work lo mitting those then practicing, who fered than the evidence of Chicago School of Auctioneering, tions 6, 7. 18. 19, 20, Township 19 Irrigated land, located four miles) be a newspaper man? The editors of to-- que residents? After you have read had no diploma, to continue. Vet ! Boyce Bldg., Chicago. N R. 1 W.. by means of ditches, and north of town, 50 acres under a metropolitan paper are really teach- w ho of a doc-- the following, quietly answer the Irrigation. VETERINARY day would think callim? i WANTED A real genuine salesman, there used for cultivation year was planted ers of journalism. They give the new tor who had learned 'practically?' question. The territorial engineer will take lat a man who ability wlM-nt- recruit assignments and by hard Thirty-fiv- e Mrs. E. Adair, of 17 South Edith has and who will In well fenced with i years now same application up for consideration four from the us conscien-tousl- y this WILLIAM BELD EN knock he learns to 'cover' them in St.. Albuquerque, N. M. says: "When- work for as hard and on day July, 1908, wires and cedar posts, mav he true of Journalists." would to the 1st of and all main ditch conformity with the editors' Ideas, ever any symptom Indicated kidney as he for himself, s may oppose The school at Missouri university represent exclusively perso.-'.- who the granting runs tlirougli land, title perfect. Veterinary. providing he doesn't get discouraged will, of course, be an experiment, hut trouble or not, I was not certain, but us in Arizona of above application must file Surgery and Dentistry Specialty. reading Mexico. We large, the Price for the whole 'tract, a or discharged first. Now there any without experiments we would still nevertheless from about and New have a their objections with the territorial for a 402 South Edith intone 40S. I I was given In every way reason why a young man who has be wearing leaves. loan's Kidney Pills a well known and first engineer on or before that date. tdiort time only $0500.00. Tills studied history, government, political desire to try them. I suffered se- class line of Calendars, Advertis- VERNON L. SULLIVAN, is a snap for somebody. DK. 11. D. PETTI FORD science, sociology, logic, Knglish and verely from pain between and Just be- ing Specialties and Druggists La- Territorial Engineer. the proper collecting and assembling GLACIER REGION 10 low the shoulder blades. While on bels and Boxes, and our line Is so Veterinary Surgeon of news; who has studied tlie theory toy feet or stirring around ( I did not attractive and varied that each and Notice Is hereby given that sealed Practice: Therapuctlcs, Surgery and and practice "of newspaper work, who feel the slightest Inconvenience, but every business In every town In the bids for the erection of a dormitory Obstetrics on Horses, Cattle, Sheeav I A. ha taken assignments t very day from BE NATIONAL PARK when would s t down the pain would country, without regard to size, can for the New Mexico School of Mines MONTOYA Hogs, Dogs and Cats. Office with a practical newspaper man ami assert itself and at times was very be successfully solicited. Our goods at Socorro, New Mexico, according to RerJ Estate and Loans. Notary Thornton, the Cleaner, ill NorUs help' d in the g. out of a daiiy severe The u-- e of one box of Doan'a are very attractive, but no more so plans and specifications adopted by Public. 115 W. Gold Ave. Third, Phone 480. Hospital and lie. newspaper such as will be run In con- Kidney pills brought a relief and that our prices, we the Board of Trustees of said Institu- idence, 733 South Walter, Restdene Scenery Is than reasonable and nection with the school, who has of I'nparalleled tirundcur warrants my having a high apprecia- know from the experience of others tion at a regular meeting held on the phone, (20. stood the weeding out process of a and Count!-- ) Abounds 111 (uiue, tion of this medicine." who have been and are now In our 20th of May, 1908, will be received full college course and at last made For sale by all dealers. Price 60c employ that any bright hustling by the underslfc ted at the office of n THORNTON THE CLEANER lUidly Sprained Ankle Cured. degree of 1. cents. Foster-Mllbur- Co., Buffalo, N. secretary In up 4 p. m. good and received the Bach- Washington. June The wil.j aril man who has good average ability the Socorro to Three years ago our daughter of Science in Journalism, which beautiful glacier Con- Y., s de agents for the United States. on June 6th; each bid to be accom- elor region of the and is wiling to work can make sprained her ankle and had been suf- will be the only degree of Its k nd tinental divide in Montana, Just north Remember the name Doan's us $50 to $150 per panied by a certified check for 3 with from week. Cleans any everything fering terribly for two days and given by any American university, of boundary line, and take no other. $160.00 as an evidence of good faith. and and does the international Must be ready to commence work It nights not slept ahould not be pretty well grounded in comprising The board reserves the right to re- right. The best In the southwest. had a minute. Mr. nearly a million acres will at once. Commissions liberal. Our All Stalling, Butler, Tenn., the art and science of Journalism? be Porch rockers $1.25, tl.HS and ject any and all bids. he asks Is a trial. Clothes cleaned, of told us of constituted the Glacier National $1.00 $1.25. company was organized In 1881. We repaired up Chamberlain's Pain Balm. We went "True, newspaper u 'hooi at other Park, if $3.50, and chairs 85c, and A. C. ABEYTIA, President. and pressed. Just call the recommendation of the cane wat; are capitalized for $200,000. We 460. to the dtorc night and got bot met with great fol- Solid oak ami double Attest: C. T. Brown, Secretary. Works, 121 N. Third street. that a unlversltiea have not Senate rubllc lands committee Is Fu- state this simply to show we o tle of it uceeB, but none of tho twenty or lowed by Congress. cheap, comfortable and durable. that and bathed her ankle two or trelle Furniture Co., west end viaduct. are responsible and mean business. A Grand Family Medicine. Pal Pinto Weils Mm era' Water three times and she went to sleep and more now In existence is conducted The mountain scenery of pro- 111 the If you do, It par you to write "It gives me pleasure to speak & cures and prevents consultation. Ask a good night's rest. The next on 1 nea contemplated at your the broad posed park is of unparalleled grand- Wins, Sales Manager, Merchants Publish, good word grocer for It. morning was M. S. U. Instance, daily pa- eur, Iiucklen's Arnica Salve for Electric Bitters." she much better and la For the with numerous peaks reaching Route 1, tng Co., Kalamaaoo, Mich. Mr. 436 " a per we will will be a college an elevation Tom Moore, of Rural Enclose writes Frank Conlan of No. ( S short time could walk around and lsue not of from 6.000 to 10.000 Ga., had a bad this advertisement with your appli- St., New a no more paper, but a newspaper with a busi- feet, Cleveland, high- Cochran, writes: "I Houston York. "It's WOODMEN OF THE WOULD. 9 had trouble with her ankle. and Mount the sore on Instep of my foot cation. grand family dyspepsia Every K. M. Brumltt, Hampton. ness department, a local room, editor- est point in the region, 10.434 come the medicine for Meet Friday Evening i Tenn. ti feet nothing would liver complications; 8 - 10 by ial, tel. graph, and mechanical de- above sea level. park and could find that Kodol completely digests all classes and while for t At Sharp. and cents sizes for sale all art The contains I applied Bucken'a Ar- kidneys It can- druggists. partments. Not only will Illustrations sixty glacers end a large heal It until of food. It will get right at the trouble lame back and weak FOREST IN ELKS' THEATER, t number of nt be be In nica Salve. Less than half of a and do the very work Itself not too highly recommended." $d P. made tlie art department, but lakes and streams, among which if way by af- for the will box won tho for me Is pleasant to Electrlo Bitters regulate the digestive E. W. Moore, C. C. Rack tennis oxfords with the attractive makeup of papers Lake McDonald, a sheet of water of Sold stomach. It take. Sold rubier fecting a perfect cure." under by J. H. O'RIelly Co. functions, purify the blond, Impart D. E. Phlllpps, Clerk. 9 soles tor outdoor and gymnasium cs. be dealt with. unmatched beauty. Mountain white vigor vitality goats, Itocky griz- guarantee at all dealers. renewed and to the 41 West Lead Ave. I All s.zes for men, women an4 'The editorial department will treat mountain bighorns, EVERYBODY READS THE Al.Hn weak and sexes. editorially all public questions. The zles, deer, elk, moose and game debilitated of both VISITING SOVEREIGNS WEI, children. Prices range from tOo to other Subscribe for the Citizen and re4 QUERQUE CITIZEM BECAUSB W7 Sold under guarantee et all dealers. V COME. S telegraph department will receive As animals have their habitat in the the news. 75c. C. May's Shoe Store, 114 West GET TUB NEWS FIRST. I I t t t t I t I I I I I I I I t Central avenue. J MTIZB1T. MONDAY, Jt'NK I, IMS. ? PARK! UUHT. ALRPOIf KROfF DO YOUH I5YKH YOU? PERSONAL TROUBLE ooooo 1 Our Vast FTnrina in tV J Optical Profession 1 A It A GRAPHS Assures yon alwilute comfort, in (Jlasses Ornurid ami Kitted by tis For the Boys Hulk hominy grits at Klchelleu Grocery. BEBBER OPTICAL CO., EXCLUSIVE OPTICIANS Attorney N. H. Field In In Simla Fe 110 South Second Ht.reet : : : Established 1M on bilni Ill's.". Lense Grinding Done on Premises We have just opened up a line of W Mi lxiN la in the city spend- the Spring ing the ;i v. ff'm Helen. Snappy Shoes Mi. K'ii'1nll left tills mornlnir for her home in M ichlffnn, where he will AT STRONG'S BOOK STORE remtiin. Boys I George of Wash Suits a Mr. an. .Mr. Clifford ROLLER Our Shoes have a reputable past, splendid present Winslow, are in the city toduy vlsitliift More Hammocks, and a promising luture. They have the pro- A nice lot of new hammocks just Sir Kvan Junes nf Ixindon, EnK- - received, Come In and look them pood looks, win admiration: they price is right. nounced that lanJ. swnt S.itnrcltiy In the city, en SKATING over. Quality and fit in a ive the service expected. route for California. Ilu.srott.ll Mitts, They are the latest things in Linen, delightful wayand nought a lot of sample catchers', Mm. Francis Hoean of Old Albu At every stage of their lives, from the bejjinninj' Saturday for Chldago, fielders' and first basemen's mitts iliierqiie left less half the regular price. Duck and Pique. We have them in 111., summer with friends. than when first shown to the prospective wearer on to to sjien.l the AT STRONG'S BOOKSTORE. the end, they are sure to strengthen the wearers Fresh spring lrunb at the San Jose Phono 1104. Next Door to Postofflce Market. i good will towards them. Try a pair; they will please. HeKular of Alamo Hive No, The New Rink Hugs on encumber, squash and 1 I o. T M .. at ild Fellows' h'all melon Tinea, cablmge worms, slugs on Russian or Blouse Styles 2, at. 2:30 TnejilHv afternoon. June Cor. 2nd and Copper Ave. rose hushes, etc., easily killed by pow p m. (lerlnir uitli Instant Ijouse Destroyer, Men's Style In OxfnrtN tn 100 yesterday morn harmless to everything except Insects. Lawrence left In lug Itaton, X. M.. on business. Mr. finest and largest Surface targe ran delivered to any of In Miors - ,M 0 for tart Men's Sle lvee Intends to he gone Tor at least two the Southwest. the city, 2!e. Ity mail, pontage paid, and invite inspection of this line Equipment 4.1e. 602-00- 4 S. Women's Style In Oxfrl to 4 00 w eekrt. Good Music, fine K. W. Fee, I. New barrel mackerel at Richelieu and Competent Instructors. Phone 16. prices Women's Stylo In Slioe to 5.00 Special Attention ;iven to Our are reasonable and the Grocery. Our shirt and collar or !s pei Hoys' ana ilrK Ml- - 100 to 2 75 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil G. Fennell and feet. Our "DOMESTIC FINISH" 1 goods first class. They from children arrived In the cliy from the proper thing. Wo lead otherf range Arizona, Saturday for a follow. Prescott, CO. short visit. , Special Matinee IMTF.HIAL IiACXDRY Howard Uvlngstone of this city de- DECORATION DAY GOING TO TIIK MOUNTAINS? parted for Albany. X Y., this morning We will loan you a good KODAK. $2.00 to $3.50 to spend the summer months with Full Band sell you the films and finish your Stock of Millinery his grandparents. ptctures. Kodaks for all sizes of pic PER SUIT Our O. O. Watson of Santa Fe ar- tures. Mrs. every description. rived Ml Albuquerque Saturday even- Photo supplies of ing to Join .Mr. Watson, who Is in the F. J. HOUSTON CO.. eU on business. 'Phone 525. SIMON STERN Are you Interested n obtaining good SSrST.! afternoon, 3rd, STAGF. TO JF.MFJB, I.F.AVF.S 211 Is still most complete and up to the coffee? If so try Hills liros.' Hrand Wednesday June WF.ST GOM EVKKY MOItNING AT 1:30 p. m.. sharp, at the home of the I of Vacuum Coffee, packed In cans. H O'CIOCK. 00000000000D0 minute. No old stock, but all hats Sold by the San Jose market. late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Loebs, corner New avenue and street, Wanted Young lady, employed York Second Ir. Hews Poultry Panacea Is the are new and of the latest pattern. bourd I will sell the handsome furnishings prescription of Dr. Hess (M. D., T down town, room and , new-- beautifully furnished. private family. No healthseeker. of this V. S.). and Ih guaranteed to make with nine (9) room house. chol- Our prices are reasonable. Address A. N. in care of Citizen. liens lily, liesldes relieving jrnpes, The furniture, as every one knows. era, roup. Indigestion and the like. Bulk I'earl homtny av Richelieu Is new. It consists of too many arti- This preparation, liesides being a ton Grocery. enumerate, but a few of them REFRIGERATORS cles to ic, destroys the minute bacteria, the Miss Belva Mofrpady. principal of are $700.00 worth of new rugs and cause of nearly every poultry ailment. the old town public school, departed carpets, beautiful lace.- curtains, ele- We want you to feed Poultry Panacea You our prlceln equal quality this morning for her home In Owosho, gant set of mahogany parlor furni- and we will refund yonr money If tt can't beat Miss Lutz Michigan, and will return this fall. ture, solid mahogany library furni- fail 25c. 60c and $1.25 per package; You can't beat our quality atVany price. Miss Zuleika IHllard of the Bcnno-mis- t. ture, elegant bed room sets, dining palls, S2.50. Any size package deliv- South A Clark, 208 Second Street! i nd Mrs. 10. W. Davis of this room furniture, one Ktnrey ered by calling Phone 16. E. W. fee, city left this morning for Denver, upright, grand cabinet piano, and oth 602-60- 1 S. 1st. Our Refrigerators Colo., Miss Dillard's home. er articles. Also one fresh young cow. We Insist that our $65.00 typewrit- are selected with judgment Ralston Breakfast Food at Riche- er Is ever If inspect goods Monday and Tuesday tha best value offered. mini- lieu Grocery. before sala. you have any doubts let us supply They consume the Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Wright left Sat- SCOTT KNTOHT, you with a list of the satisfied users mum of ice. DON'T ROAST TO DEATH urday evening for Amarillo, Texa, Auctioneer. here In Albuquerque they will tell tor a visit with relatives. They will OTTO DIBCKM ANN, Executor Estate you of the many superior features of They produce the max- to the city in June. ' our famous $65.00 typewriter. Albu- return of Annie Ioebs, Deceased. cold Misses Clara uiid Catherine o'Urian querque Typewriter Exchange, 216 imum of air. left this morning for their home in r:tra choice mint, asparagus and West Central. Use a Real Xenla, Ohio, for the summer. Miss chives rooto. Tliese roots will grow Their food compartments O'Hrian is bookkeeper for the nicely as soon as placed in the FOR RENT RESIDENCE AT Clara are dry and sanitary. I ' firm of llfeld Bros. ground. K. W. fee, 602-60- 4 South 802 NORTH EDITH. APPLY OLD Jjj j I Street. Phone 16. TOWN POSTOEflCE. FIRELESS COOK STOVE Mrs. F. Senary of Went Fruit ave first Prices, spending the past I See the one at nue, who has been There Is as much difference In ROUGH DR. i Satur wo vears In Albuquerque, left as la In dif- Do you know what thi means' " Newark, N. .1., Mr. qnnlltle'ff feed there the day evening for ferent MhI of food for the table. It not ask our drivers to explain It to to Sciiury will follow In a few days your rou. $9.50 $30 IMiys and' nays well to furnish IMPERIAL LAUNDRY. L. COMPANY Dr. C. C. Kttling to the stock and poultry with the licet to lie J. BELL city Saturday evening from W II Hard obtained. We sell nothing but the where he has been the past month very !est and giuirantee every article 115-11- 7 S. mi business connected with th ,ocal sold. All orders delivered promptly B. H. Briggs & Co. WAGNER First St bureau of animal Industry. and placed where wanted. Any dis- Stated conclave of Pilgrim Com satisfaction in regard to yeur pur- HARDWARE mandery No. 3. K. T., thlB evening at chases looked after at once. E. YV. 8 o'clock. All visiting Sir Knights are fee, 02-0- 4 8. 1st. Phone. DRUGGISTS welcome. Bv order of the Rmlnent COMPANY Harry Braun, recorder The reason we do ao mucti FOTjuH Commander. DRV work la because we do It right Fourth CHAFING DISHES Broilers, pound ana Tialf average, and at the price you cannot afford to ALVARADO PHARMACY Central and &t the San Jose Market. have it done at hum OiPERIAti tiAUVDRY. Corner Gold Are. and 1st St. received shipment. Haven't room for them, Tills evening there will be another oooooooocooo Just a larife Irrigation Congress making low prices this week to move them lehearsal of the Hammocks. $1.50 to $5.00. and are special the- - building. chorus at Woman's Club $2 picture HIGHLAND PHARMACY rocooooooocco two more of re 59c for a framed with There will be weeks $2 purchase. The Diamond Central Ave. then there will beta, vaca a Building CCDJTTV 1 Albuquerque hearsal and gasoline stoves, $3. Occidental Palace L Llvl tion. A fine assortment of Granlteware Carriages! Col. It. K. Twltchell. secretary of in white, blue and gray prices as Bring Us Your Prescription the Slxteonth National Irrigation con low as the lowest. . International Exposition and Refrigerators, $9.00 and up. JUST RECEIVED 20.000 ROLLS OF 1908 PMTTERS Twenty-eight- h X'ew Mexico fair, has ITKEIJJ3 frUNITlJRE CO., returned to the city from an extended f West End Viaduct. business trip east. Standard JvNS New Stock Jast In J Arthur Fraker, a Junior student at I .awn Fertiliser The most beauti- LfiA the Agricultural College at Mesllla ful lawn In AInuquerqae Is kept in Plumbing and WALL PAPER Talk. Is spending the day In the city tlmt condition by the use of n small cattle fre- Mil Papar, Paint. Sign and Daeoratlva Work Guaranteed while en route to his father's amount of our fertiliser. From Heating Co. ranch in northern Xew Mexico, where quent watering and cutting grass re- he will spend the summer. quires a good concentrated food to 114 S. Pbona produce grass of dark green color 412 West Central Ave. Third & 639 Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Taylor and Chauvin Noneman daughter, left Saturday evening for and velvety appearance. E. W. fee, PHONE CI H02-60- 8 Holland. Michigan, to spend the sum- 4 S. 1st. Phone 16. BO Ilia, RUNABOUTS. SURREYS, mer with relatives. Mr. Taylor Is fertilizer will cover 1000 square feet. BUGGIES, priuclpal of the Second ward school and will return to the city In the fall. STANHOPES. SPRING WAGONS W. J. Alexander, of 613 South Collar Insurance Third street, left night for N.nne, Ala-sk- on busi- Do the collars you buy wear a reason -- a, where he Is called ness.. Mr. Alexander has mining In- able length of time The wearing quality is terests near Nome. Mrs. Alexander Millinery Reduction Harness and Saddles what determines a collar's real value. Mere will remain In the city several weeks husband at Seat- - collars are longer, then Join her claims don't help you if your lo. cracked or the buttonholes torn. Some excellent burgains In clothing We still have remaining a large and de- are being offered by a traveling cloth-.ii- k Carriage Co. salesman, soliciting orders from sirable selection of trimmed hats, including Albuquerque Wear Collars . 1, rks and store employes. It Is said Square for all prevailing styles, and in the same party took some ordera the ranging St. and Tijeras Ave. -- under clothing In the Cor. First a positive signed guarantee in every box lilrts and close have spring. In which 50 cent smns were price trom $5 to $50, which to out, that they will wear four months or longer. d livered f ir $2 50. we now ofler at just half price. These If they don't, you get new collars absolutely Mrs. C. A. Hawks of 220 North street and Miss Sallie Rosen- hats are strictly first class in every partic- free. thal residing at the same place, leave ular, and the correct thing for the season. Summer Styles in Millinery ATTENTION! No Ckacks - No Saw Edges Tuesday evening on the limited for the east, Mrs. Hawks going to her It is chance for you to get a stylish hat at see our stock. Rosen- a m Walk out and EYES RIGHT! No Torn Buttonholes home In Cleveland, and Miss you money. . . . Detroit, Mich., a of We can save If your eyet are not right ell thal to her home In great saving money. Remember the with or new collars free of all expense to you. the sutiuiior, returning again this Tailoring & Dressmaking on me and let me fit them choicest selections will go to the early ladies' that will make them right- - All styles and sizes. Every collar thoro-shrun- rail The ltluewater Development com- purchasers. CRANED SIX - pany. K. '.. Ross manager, has rented srhMlSS S. T. VANN Box of $1.00 the room at the corner of Gold ave- DOCTOR Or OPTICS nue ..n, street, form- South Second JEWEIiUV CO. A signed guarantee with every box. erly up e l by the State National Miss C. P. CRANE VANN bank, and will open offices In it dur- Oim Ixr South of Prog Store. ing the week. The Itluewa'er Aillinery and Dressmaking Parlors Good m company has recently re- claim.-. 1 .several thousand acres of fer- mil-- s BOARD Only by tile land 100 west of Albuquer- ROOM and A. For Sale que b building a large, reservoir and 512 North Second Street Phone 944 J. Morelli will place the land on the- - market. MERCHANT TAILOR Tluise desiring treatment for the $16 and Up - Mc-Cor- l!quir ilimux- I uul liest sec Dr. Gentlemen's Suits k New M. NORRIS Ladies' and U'foni lie leaves for OOOCXXXXOOOOOCXJUOOO MRS. E. Yirk. Room ft. N. T. Annljo build- Cleaned, Pressed, Repairec ing. First Class Work and Prompt Delivery 110 East Coal Avenue For 103 NORTH FIRST STREET E. L. WASHBURN CO. tr. lie Slock Food produces CALL health, flit-- and milk; the Are you lootnng tor mmennnn? Re- d. minor stock ailment; fully (iuaran-lec- member the want columns of To. IjOrOO.VS 122 S. 119 W. Gold E. W. Fee, n2-U- South 1st. HUBBS LAUNDRY CO. Bvenlng CltUen are for your eepeelal JERfcET Second H phone, I .arte or small orders dclhv-c- nl VHITE WAGONS benefit It talk to the people and FARM promptly to all purls of the city, CCXXXXXXXXXXCKXOOCXX they talk to you. FOH rillE ICE CHI1V5L