University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-1-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 06-01-1908 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 06-01-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2777 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER FORECAST No. t 7 45 45. 50 p. m. No. 7 10. 55 p. m niRTir, Cols., Jvdi I Ttnigfet fair No. 8 6 p. m. 40 Albuquerque coaler southeast Tuesday fair. portioi. 11 m Citizen No. 9 45 p. WE THf NEWS FIRST L VOLUME 23. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY, JUNE i. ! NUMHElt- - 130 f - ANDREWS ALSO SECURES $3010 FOR THE W FEDERA L BUILD! 4v tt "TURN BOYS I WE'RE GOING BACK mnmm. and roswell CONFESSES PART BENEFIT IIIJ It BUILDINGS IN GO ESS Efficient Work of New Mexico's Repre- MURDERS sentative in Sixtieth Congress Re- Prisoner In Texas Town De- sults in Securing For the City Ad- clares He Took His Wife to ditional Fund with which Federal Farm to be Put Out Will of the Way. Officers be Properly Housed. 1 -- OFFICERS DOUBT NEWiMEXiCO BENEFITS MORE THAN STATES TRUTH OF ST08Y HAVING MANY VOTES IN THE SIXTIETH CONGRESS Forger Declare He Assisted In- 'Jongressmen Who Were Unable to Get What They Wanted diana Woman In Disposing of Bodies but His Family Says for Their Own States Are Surprised at Results of Dele-gat- e He Is Crazy-Evide- nce of Andrews' Activity, as He, Without a Vote, Got More Truthfulness Found. for the Territory of New Mexico Than Many of the Sta.es That Have Great Influence In Congress Could Obtain.' La Porte, lnd., June 1. With the return today of fherlff Smutzer from Vernon, Texas, where he went to In- vestigate the alleged confession of Washington, June 1. (Sicdal) for the postoftice at Roswell was a nulldingu bill, which repetition MEETlWRlGHT WILL SUCCEED RAILROADS ALL REPORT PIERCE TO FACE Julius Truelson, Jr., who wrote Pros- The public of the one which he made CONFEDERATES TRIAL ac- before the ad- .he ecutor Smith that he had been an passed a short time when secured the $30,000 for the complice ot Mrs. Gunness In several journment of Congress, carried an ap- Irrigation congress. addi- murders, details of the confession be- propriation of $ HO.niHi for an The delegate scarcely took time to TAFT TRAFFIC EARNINGS ON came known. story to tin-- federal building at sleep during SECRETARY PERJURY CHARGE The sheriff did not tional eat and the closing day bring Truolson with him for the rea- Albuquerque, N. M , together with an of Congress twenty-f- and during the last son, It is claimed, his confession does appropriation of im,000 for the our hours of the session he was court house Roswell, busy not hold, having been made by the postoftice and at constantly, securing support for NEHWEEK JULY 1 IN prisoner In order to escape a forgery N. M. his measures. JEXAS charge In Texas. by Delegate Andrews was greatly The bill was promptly signed aided Truelson has been In Jail at Vernon the president. Delegate Andrews, by Senator Penrose and the other since March 2, charged with swind- who by strenuous work had kept the members of the Pennsylvania delega- City Is Preparing to Entertain Washington Hears Report that May a Better Month Than Head of Waters Pearce Oil ling by representing himself to be item of 130,000 in the public buildings tion. Jonathan O. Thaw, a cousin of Harry bill, originally asked for $30,000. but "We didn't get all we would like Thousands of, South s Ve- President Roosevelt Made April and Outlook Is Con- Company Loses Extradition K. Thaw, and passing forged check. til- - conferer.ee cut down the amount to have for New Mexico," said Dele- According to his alleged confession he 10. gate Andrews, $30,0. At one t'rtid th Albu- atter Congress had ad terans at Annual Reunion. Another Clever Move. ., sidered More Promising. Fight in Supreme Court.. t.xiR hi wife,, Mae Vrtnues O'Reilly, querque, item was eliminated entirely, journed, "but in view of the circum- of Rochester, N. Y., to the Gunness the. of stances I guess we will to be but Andrews, with assistance have farm to have-he- put out of the way, his friends, succeeded in having It re- contented." STEADY BUT SLOW and helpVd Lamphere to bury her A congressmen OFFICIAL PROGRAM SELECTION REGARDED SWORE HIS COMPANY placed, and it went through with the number of were and also assisted. In disposing of six bill. gathered about a hotel lobby Sunday, HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED WITH FAVOR IN SOUTH IMPROVEMENT IS SURE WAS NOT IN CONSPIRACY ( the r bodies. The bill Introduced by Delegate An- preparatory to departing for their drews for road and bridge bonds for homes. They were discussing the New York, June 1. Julius O. Hcrnalillo county, together with a bill session Just ended when one of them Birmingham, Ala., June 1. The Washington, June 1. General Luke Chicago, June 1. The conditions Washington, June 1. The U. S. su- New Mexico add an-oth- er remarked: preme de- Truelson, whose alleged confession In to district and reunion of Confed- E. Wright of Memphis, Tenn., Is to In the territory of the western road court today confirmed the judicial district, were still In "And another thing I would like to bnnual the United cision of the United States circuit connection wltb the Gunness farm H. secretary are slowly Improving. The number mystery subsequent committee when Songress adjourned know Is, how did Andrews, represent- erate Veterans will be held In Birm- succeed William Taft as court fur the eastern district of Mis- and retraction and were lo.st. ing a territory away off there in the ingham June 9, 10 and 11. After of war, probably about July 1, ac- of idle cars Is gradually diminishing souri In the case of H. were made public today. Is belleve-- l extradition by family to be menta'ly unsound. Despite the fact that New Mexico southwest, without a vote, succeed In months of hard work Rirmlngham is cord nltg oa statement made here by and traffic Is increasing. May has flay Pierce of the Wb.ters-Pler- ce Oil tla only us His brother Harry said today that was a territory and represented getting more than about half of who is Wright's close personal proved to be a considerably better company of St. Lrouls, holding him nn vote, tihe got our " ready to welcome the thousands from a man Julius has been irresponsible since ti by a delegate who had for states?" friend and business associate. montn from a traffic and earning subject to extradition to Texas, where a great deal more at the all parts of the nation who have he is under on charge was struck by a trolley car a few received General Wright Is a Democrat, and standpoint than April, all Indica- Indictment the years ago. story hands of the first session of the Six- The first authentic news of the ad- signified their intention of be- and of perjury In swearing that the com- Harry said the it is reported that he has announced bot- Julius told connection with tieth Congress than many . of the ditional appropriation of $30,000 for ing presem. tions point to the fact that the pany hud not into a conspir- of his the that he will support the ticket next entered pos- btates. the federal building here was received The official program has been Is tom of hard times been reached, acy In Gunness farm murders could not November, although he was for sev- has restraint of trude when the sibly be true, as he was .nerving a sen. Had it not been for the general earlv this mornlnir In a di.snatch to sued for the reunion, end it provides per- company made application to do busi. A t ' eral years governor general of the and a scady, though for a time, HtHtu.s it i.s likely 'Ph.. f'l:lon mi,Y,ht nf ul t, hnn a of Hippodrome tence In the Klmlra reformatory at of legislation that far the opening the Philippines, succeeding Taft In that haps, Improvement, be ties In Texas. It Is contended that the If were 9 10 slow Is to WUters-Pierc- e the time covered by his confession. Delegate Andrews would have secured calls were received, asking It Hi o'clock Tuesday morning. At more recently ambassa- company Is part of the import- appropriation position, and looked for. of Chicago and St. Truelson' family say they will do the passage of .several other true that the had been t'oVck General Harrison will call the to Japan under President Roos- Eat Standard Oil company. ant New Mexico measures. secured, and when it became gener- convention to order, and invocation dor Loul8 also there has been an Improve- nothing more for Julius. public buildings bill was com- ally known the report was cor- by Rev. Dr. William evelt. The that will be made J. The selection Is regarded by the ment. KS VIXiAH Slli;illFF HACKS up laxt hours rect, expressions of approval and Richmond, Va., chaplain-gem-ia- l.
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