Appendix 2: Historic Environment Character Area Overview Reports This appendix provides an overview of the historic environment for each of the Historic Environment Character Areas (HECAs) which fall within Lichfield District. It should be noted that the information and any recommendations contained within each of the documents is subject to amendment should any new information become available. For further information regarding the Historic Environment Record (HER); Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) and designated sites please contact: Cultural Heritage Team Environment & Countryside Development Services Directorate Staffordshire County Council Riverway Stafford ST16 3TJ Tel: 01785 277281/277285/277290 Email:
[email protected] Staffordshire County Council February 2009 1 Historic Environment Character Area (HECA) 2a Introduction This document forms an overview of the HECA which specifically addresses the potential impact of medium to large scale development upon the historic environment. The character area covers 5,645ha lies wholly within Lichfield District boundary and to the west of Tamworth. Archaeological and Historic Documentation Archaeological work within the character area has tended to concentrate along the A5 and the M6 (Toll) roads. The information on this character area mostly comes from the HER data, whilst VCH has covered part of the area. Historic Environment Assets Summary The current understanding on the later prehistoric landscape of the character area suggests that it had mostly been heavily wooded until Bronze Age, when some clearance may have begun to take place to support a small scale pastoral economy. The earliest evidence for human activity from the character area dates to the Mesolithic period; however, this comes from flint artefacts and probably represents the presence of mobile hunting groups and transitory occupation.