56 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 3, 2001 programs. Funding for local programs in the cient administration of the Social Security sys- to their doctor will be placed in a government initial year would be $500 million, and would tem. accessible data base? rise to $2 billion in 2006, in addition to match- Mr. Speaker, Congress has a moral respon- Many of my colleagues will claim that the ing funds provided by local and state govern- sibility to address this problem as it was Con- federal government needs these powers to ments and the private sector. gress which transformed the Social Security protect against fraud or some other criminal To qualify, each local program would be re- number into a national identifier. Thanks to activities. However, monitoring the trans- quired to adopt a comprehensive and coordi- Congress, today no American can get a job, actions of every American in order to catch nated system of youth programs with the fol- open a bank account, get a professional li- those few who are involved in some sort of il- lowing five general components: ongoing rela- cense, or even get a drivers’ license without legal activity turns one of the great bulwarks of tionships with caring adults; safe places with presenting their Social Security number. So our liberty, the presumption of innocence, on structured activities; access to services that widespread has the use of the Social Security its head. The federal government has no right promote healthy lifestyles, including those de- number become that a member of my staff to treat all Americans as criminals by spying signed to improve physical and mental health; had to produce a Social Security number in on their relationship with their doctors, employ- opportunities to acquire marketable skills and order to get a fishing license! ers, or bankers. In fact, criminal law enforce- competencies; and, opportunities for commu- One of the most disturbing abuses of the ment is reserved to the state and local govern- nity service and civic participation. Thirty per- Social Security number is the congressionally- ments by the Constitution’s Tenth Amend- cent of funds would be targeted to youth pro- authorized rule forcing parents to get a Social ment. grams that address specific, urgent areas of Security number for their newborn children in need such as urban and rural communities order to claim them as dependents. Forcing Other members of Congress will claim that that currently lack sufficient access to positive parents to register their children with the state the federal government needs the power to and constructive opportunities. is more like something out of the nightmares monitor Americans in order to allow the gov- I want to thank all of the members of the co- of George Orwell than the dreams of a free re- ernment to operate more efficiently. I would alition behind this bill for bringing us together. public which inspired this nation’s founders. remind my colleagues that in a constitutional I applaud their work on this legislation and the Congressionally-mandated use of the Social republic the people are never asked to sac- work that they do every day in each of our Security number as an identifier facilitates the rifice their liberties to make the job of govern- local communities. I want to express special horrendous crime of identity theft. Thanks to ment officials a little bit easier. We are here to appreciation to all of the young people from the Congressionally-mandated use of the So- protect the freedom of the American people, these associations, who have rightly played cial Security number as an uniform identifier, not to make privacy invasion more efficient. such a key role in drafting and advocating for an unscrupulous person may simply obtain Mr. Speaker, while I do not question the sin- this legislation. someone’s Social Security number in order to cerity of those members who suggest that Congress has enacted many worthwhile access that person’s bank accounts, credit Congress can ensure citizens’ rights are pro- programs to help young people. But the bill we cards, and other financial assets. Many Ameri- tected through legislation restricting access to are introducing today has a different message. cans have lost their life savings and had their personal information, the only effective privacy Our bill responds to the tremendous desire of credit destroyed as a result of identity theft— protection is to forbid the federal government young people to have the greatest opportunity yet the federal government continues to en- from mandating national identifiers. Legislative possible to be active, creative, and productive courage such crimes by mandating use of the ‘‘privacy protections’’ are inadequate to protect citizens in our society, rather than receiving Social Security number as a uniform ID! the liberty of Americans for several reasons. society’s help only after they are in trouble. This act also forbids the federal government First, it is simply common sense that repealing Kids are asking to be given a chance to make from creating national ID cards or establishing those federal laws that promote identity theft is a difference in their own lives. We are saying any identifiers for the purpose of investigating, more effective in protecting the public than ex- that that is exactly what Congress can and monitoring, overseeing, or regulating private panding the power of the federal police force. should do. I am confident we can make that transactions between American citizens, as Federal punishment of identity thieves pro- happen. I look forward to working with my col- well as repealing those sections of the Health vides cold comfort to those who have suffered leagues to pass this legislation. Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of financial losses and the destruction of their f 1996 that require the Department of Health good reputation as a result of identity theft. and Human Services to establish a uniform Federal laws are not only ineffective in stop- INTRODUCTION OF THE IDENTITY standard health identifier. By putting an end to ping private criminals, they have not even THEFT PREVENTION ACT government-mandated uniform IDs, the Iden- stopped unscrupulous government officials tity Theft Prevention Act will prevent millions of from accessing personal information. Did laws HON. RON PAUL Americans from having their liberty, property purporting to restrict the use of personal infor- OF TEXAS and privacy violated by private-and-public sec- mation stop the well-publicized violation of pri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tor criminals. vacy by IRS officials or the FBI abuses by the In addition to forbidding the federal govern- Clinton and Nixon administrations? Wednesday, January 3, 2001 ment from creating national identifiers, this Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, today I introduce legislation forbids the federal government from Second, the federal government has been the Identity Theft Prevention Act. This act pro- blackmailing states into adopting uniform creating property interests in private informa- tects the American people from government- standard identifiers by withholding federal tion for example, a little-noticed provision in mandated uniform identifiers which facilitate funds. One of the most onerous practices of the Patient Protection Act established a prop- private crime as well as the abuse of liberty. Congress is the use of federal funds illegit- erty right for insurance companies to access The major provision of the Identity Theft Pre- imately taken from the American people to personal health are information. Congress also vention Act halts the practice of using the So- bribe states into obeying federal dictates. authorized private individuals to receive per- cial Security number as an identifier by requir- Mr. Speaker, of all the invasions of privacy sonal information from government databases ing the Social Security Administration to issue proposed in the past decade, perhaps the in the copyright bill passed in 1998. all Americans new Social Security numbers most onerous is the attempt to assign every Perhaps the most outrageous example of within five years after the enactment of the bill. American a ‘‘unique health identifier’’—an phony privacy protection is the Clinton Admin- These new numbers will be the sole legal identifier which could be used to create a na- istration’s so-called ‘‘medical privacy’’ pro- property of the recipient and the Social Secu- tional database containing the medical history posal, which allow medical researchers, cer- rity Administration shall be forbidden to divulge of all Americans. As an OB/GYN with more tain business interests, and law enforcement the numbers for any purposes not related to than 30 years in private practice, I know well officials’ access to health care information, in Social Security Administration. Social Security the importance of preserving the sanctity of complete disregard of the Fifth Amendment numbers issued before implementation of this the physician-patient relationship. Oftentimes, and the wishes of individual patients! Obvi- bill shall no longer be considered valid federal effective treatment depends on a patient’s ously, ‘‘privacy protection’’ laws have proven identifiers. Of course, the Social Security Ad- ability to place absolute trust in his or her doc- greatly inadequate to protect personal informa- ministration shall be able to use an individual’s tor. What will happen to that trust when pa- tion when the government is the one providing original Social Security number to ensure effi- tients know that any and all information given or seeking the information.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:29 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E03JA1.000 E03JA1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE January 3, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 57 The primary reason why any action short of overlooked. Promises were made to those CHIEF PHILLIP MARTIN—CHAM- the repeal of laws authorizing privacy viola- who served in the Uniformed Services. They PION OF PEACE AND PROS- tions is insufficient is because the federal gov- were told that their health care would be taken PERITY ernment lacks constitutional authority to force care of for life if they served a minimum of citizens to adopt a universal identifier for twenty years of active federal service. HON. TOM DeLAY health care, employment, or any other reason. Well, those military retirees served their time OF TEXAS Any federal action that oversteps constitutional and expected the government to hold up its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES limitations violates liberty because it ratifies end of the bargain. They are now realizing Wednesday, January 3, 2001 the principle that the federal government, not that these were nothing more than empty the Constitution, is the ultimate judge of its Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to in- promises. Those who served in the military did troduce to the RECORD the following editorial own jurisdiction over the people. The only ef- not let their country down in its time of need fective protection of the rights of citizens is for that appears in Indian Country Today. As the and we should not let military retirees down in piece points out, Chief Phillip Martin of the Congress to follow Thomas Jefferson’s advice theirs. It’s time military retirees get what was and ‘‘bind (the federal government) down with Band of Indians has for promised to them and that’s why I am intro- more than a quarter of a century used the free chains of the Constitution.’’ ducing this legislation. Mr. Speaker, those members who are market as a tool to better the lives of his fel- unpersuaded by the moral and constitutional low tribe members and neighbors. f Self-reliance and not government depend- reasons for embracing the Identity Theft Pre- ency is the secret to prosperity. But there is vention Act should consider the overwhelming HONORING JUNE PINKNEY ROSS no need to tell Chief Martin that fact. He has opposition of the American people toward na- lived his life promoting the economic vitality of tional identifiers. The overwhelming public op- his people and they have reaped the benefits position to the various ‘‘Know-Your-Customer’’ HON. NICK LAMPSON of his progressive thinking. I salute Chief Mar- schemes, the attempt to turn drivers’ licenses OF TEXAS tin for all he has done to further the cause of into National ID cards, the Clinton Administra- freedom—for his people and for our nation. tion’s Medical Privacy proposal, as well as the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES numerous complaints over the ever-growing [From Indian Country Today, Dec. 27, 2000] Wednesday, January 3, 2001 uses of the Social Security number show that MISSISSIPPI : THE BENEFITS OF PEACE CHIEFS American people want Congress to stop in- Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, today I salute vading their privacy. Congress risks provoking If a people are going to strive to achieve and honor the indomitable June Pinkney Ross economic prosperity, the reduction of con- a voter backlash if we fail to halt the growth of Galveston, Texas. flict, the acceptance and understanding of of the surveillance state. I was recently honored to have contributed peace, is a most useful strategy. Mutual un- In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I once again call to the ‘‘Book of Letters’’ being presented next derstanding, common cause and unity of ac- on my colleagues to join me in putting an end week to Ms. Ross in celebration of her twenty- tion become possible. Little ever improves to the federal government’s unconstitutional from virulent conflict and nothing moves seven year career as Executive Director of the use of national identifiers to monitor the ac- forward in war. Leadership with vision often Galveston County Community Action Council. tions of private citizens. National identifiers works actively to reduce conflict while put- threaten all Americans by exposing them to The residents of Galveston County, particu- ting its major efforts toward the positive building of fair community governance and the threat of identity theft by private criminals larly the disenfranchised and the children who could not speak for themselves, have been efficient enterprises. At this moment of and abuse of their liberties by public criminals. shifting political climates, when the future In addition, national identifiers are incompat- well served by June Ross’ unselfish acts of of Native nations is clouded by uncertainties ible with a limited, constitutional government. I, caring, sharing, kindness and understanding of on the national level, it seems proper to sa- therefore, hope my colleagues will join my ef- their plight. lute a consistent peace chief, one who led his forts to protect the freedom of their constitu- It is well known that June Ross will literally own people from severe poverty and obscu- ents by supporting the Identity Theft Preven- fight to the bitter end for the right thing, is rity to sustained prosperity and regional po- tion Act. litical prominence. bluntly and sometimes frighteningly honest He is Phillip Martin, long-time chief of the f about how to address the needs of the poor Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. A man and does not mind sharing her unedited opin- INTRODUCTION OF THE MILITARY of great perseverance, the 75-year-old Martin ion on any subject that is placed on the table. has led and guided his 6,000-member Choctaw RETIREE HEALTH CARE TASK We who know her and have been privileged to tribe since 1959. Periodically, yet consist- FORCE ACT work with her always knew that we could ently reelected to the tribe’s highest office count on her to go after grants for which her for more than 40 years, Phillip Martin is uni- HON. JO ANN EMERSON agency qualified and, once the money was re- versally credited for the success of the Choc- taw, who are well posed to enter the 21st cen- OF MISSOURI ceived, to disburse it where it was most need- tury as a self-determined people. While IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed. I have enjoyed working with June Ross other, more conflictive tribes have deepened Wednesday, January 3, 2001 and always felt that she would make a fair as- their economic dependencies and allowed spi- sessment of any situation that she was con- rals of violence to weaken their body politic, Mrs. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I am here fronted with and react accordingly. the Mississippi Choctaws have built steadily today to introduce the Military Retiree Health for more than 30 years. A well-entrenched Care Task Force Act of 2001. This legislation My one regret during our relationship is that tradition remembers the attitude of histor- will establish a Task Force that will look into I never got a chance to sample her cooking. ical chief, , who in 1811 reasoned all of the health care promises and represen- Ms. Ross’ radio cooking class was quite suc- against war with their neighbors while Te- tations made to members of the Uniformed cessful and listeners would bombard the sta- cumseh appealed to the Choctaw warriors to Services by Department of Defense personnel tion for her recipes. I am sure that she ap- join his war parties. While he had been a great warrior as a young man, Pushmataha and Department literature. The Task Force will proached that job with the same diligence and commitment that she has given to the State of opted for peace as he aged as a chief. submit a comprehensive report to Congress While Tecumseh has come down through which will contain a detailed statement of its Texas and Galveston County throughout the the history as the greater leader, and findings and conclusions. This report will in- years. I want to also take this opportunity to Pushmataha is the lesser known. Interest- clude legislative remedies to correct the great let her know that I am grateful for her service ingly, the response of Pushmataha, who cool- injustices that have occurred to those men to our great nation as a member of the United ly analyzed the horrible suffering war would and women who served their country in good States Military. bring, was actually quite sophisticated and just as completely dedicated to the preserva- faith. Mr. Speaker, I salute June Ross for all she tion and survival of his people. He pointed Let us not forget why we are blessed with has done to make the community better out how his own tribe had painstakingly freedom and democracy in this country. The (United Way, one of the original founders of worked out friendly relations with their sacrifices made by those who served in the Hospice) and hope she knows how much she white neighbors. Their relations were recip- military are something that must never be is respected and loved. rocal and as a result, things were going well.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:29 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\E03JA1.000 E03JA1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE