
Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History, , 20th-24th January 2003, ed. S. Huerta, Madrid: I. Juan de Herrera, SEdHC, ETSAM, A. E. Benvenuto, COAM, F. Dragados, 2003.

Foundations and structures in the basement of the in

Heinz Jürgen Beste

Following a generous offer made by Rome' s oriented in the East-West direction, and this is also Archeological Superintendence, the German true for the greater part of the one finds there. Archeological Institute in Rome commenced an These walls, made of tufa blocks and bricks, investigation of the construction details of the arena subdivide the basement into twelve corridors of and the basement of the Colosseum in 1996. The different widths and lengths and, more precisely: six Colosseum forms part of a series of well preserved elliptical corridors that run parallel to the encircling major structures of antiquity whose state of wall and nine corridors parallel to the longitudinal preservation is inversely proportional to our axis (fig. 1). knowledge of the history of the building.' The ultimate aim of the work we have commenced is to distinguish the multitude of building phases that PHASE 1 followed each other in the five centuries in which the world's largest was in use.2 Moreover, it At the beginning of our investigations attention was is proposed to attempt design reconstruction based for concentrated on distinguishing the individual the first time on a thorough cataloguing of building building phases and, more particularly, the tufa walls, details and history. The Superintendence also expect because these divide the basement into the a proposal for using the basement as a , as aforementioned corridors. For this reason I shall also for the restoration of the arena floor. henceforth describe these tufa walls as Phase l. As The basement of the amphitheatre, which several reconstructed on the basis of our building records, walls subdivide into a series of corridors, measures this phase is characterized by a very light but long- 76.12 m along the longitudinal axis of the oval and spanning construction. The walls, which are about 90 about 44.07 m along the shorter transverse axis. It is cm wide and 6.30 m high, attain spans of up to delimited by the so-called encircling wall, which in 4.0 m. These filigree walls made of tufa, which are set its day carried the podium. Constructively this wall is between 2.0 and 4.0 m apart and carried the wooden the counterpart of the so-called foundation wall arena floor, were presumably at first underdesigned which supports the outer facade. If one today for withstanding the vibrations caused by approaches the edge of the arena from the stands, one earthquakes, ground subsidences and perhaps the looks down at the basement, because the wooden games themselves and therefore had to be arena floor has long since disappeared. The subsequently stabilized, as is clearly brought out by longitudinal axis of the oval-shaped basement is our findings (fig. 2). 374 H, J, Beste

Strutturaintravarllnonella fondaziOne del CQIoaeeo Sb'uttunil in tufo negUípogei - =~~~":'=~O --- SlnItturalnmeltonJ

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o 5 10 :10 040 &1 __.TO 100 20" --_so .. !lO

Figure I Foundation pIatform and basement of Colosseum, general site plan

PHASE 11 which 1 believe functioned as the piJe holes for this walL For reasons of construction the walls 4 and l 1 For this reason all the openings in the were could not have been built at a later stage as they reduced by inserting brick arches 60 cm deep within support walls belonging to phase IlI. the existing ones. What is particularly noteworthy about this work is that the soffit was covered with sesquipedales and bipedales, thus making it PHASE III to use falsework instead of complete centering. At the same time as the arches were consolidated, all the This phase consisted of stabiJization involving all the openings and passages were narrowed by providing walls. It repeated the procedure of phase II by adding each soffit with a strong brick pillar (c.60 x 60 cm). masonry in all the passages, which were thus further The only reason why we assume that the walls reduced in size. The tufa walls in corridors e, E north, numbered 4 and 11 belong to phase II is that they are E south, G north and G south were each reinforced by made out of brickwork with a basic tufa layer. 1 the addition of brick walls rising to a height of c.3 m; suppose therefore that in phase 1 there may have been they were joined to each other by means of transverse wooden piles instead of the walls 4 and 11. There are arches and thus gave rigidity to the original walls numerous square structures in the basic tufa layer (fig. 3). Foundations and wall structures in the basement of the Colosseum 375

Figure 2 Reconstructed scheme of the basement, Phase ]

PHASE IV The state of research of modern times reflects the lack of of the classical authors. Every Phase IV constituted a very substantial alteration of description of the building speaks of the foundation the existing subdivision of the basement because it and the manuals do of course provide an summary involved the erection of a brick wall (c.2.3 m high) in overview of the various solutions, but fight shy of a corridors F north and F south that closed off the true analysis of the problem.4 Though the foundations greater part of the passages that served them. This are literally fundamental for every building structure, phase is distinguished from all the others by the fact only a few papers have hitherto been dedicated to this that it does not consist of bricks of uniform size and theme.' And this notwithstanding the fact that some rests on a pediment made of material that must ha ve classical authors speak of building failures during fallen down from the top of the walls. construction due to inadequate foundations.6 Theoretical treatises about technical details or The fact that the 1'oundation is the sole part of a traditions regarding the design and dimensioning of building that cannot be designed by means 01' foundation are not to be found in the literature of permanent correcting trials during construction shows antiquity. , who provides us with quite a few us that the problem must be considered to have been constructional details, dedicates a brief subchapter to solved in the case of the that are still the theme, but never really to grips with the standing today. Although considerable interest has problem.3 always been shown in the structural concept and the 376 H. J. Beste

Figure 3 Reconstructed scheme of the basement, Phase III

static safety of the Colosseum, the state of our arches, while the space between them has been knowledge about the foundations of the building is backfilIed with soil. very scant. 7 Presumably the surviving ancient For a long time the theory formulated by Cozza structures and especially the Colosseum suggest a about the structure of the Colosseum's foundations stability and durability such as to make us tacitly was neither doubted nor checked, and it was on]y in assume that they are adequately founded. 1977 that a trial boring executed in the area of the In his book entitled Ingegneria romana( 1927), outer circumference showed that the foundation Giuseppe Cozza was the first author to consider the consisted of caementicium, and not opus problem of the foundation of the Colosseum. quadratum as had previously been assumed.x According to his concept, which he developed in the The reconstruction of the arena floor commenced light of the structure of the eastern gallery (38), the 80 in the year 2000 brought with it the possibility of walls that carry the roughly 50 m high superstructure sinking six sampling cores in the basement to cIarify and cavea of the Colosseum do not stand on a the foundations on which it rested. Three of these foundation platform, but rather on strip foundations were situated in walls 7, 8 and 13 (S 1-3) and a fourth made of opus quadratum, each roughly 3 m wide and in corridor H (SA). A further trial boring was carried reaching down to a depth of about 6 m. In order to out in niche 39 (SB) and yet another (SC) between assure a solid support and thus enhance their carrying niches 15 and 16. The latter, however, was horizontal capacity, these eighty strip foundations -in the rather than vertical (fig. 4). opinion of the author- are joined by transverse The results of borings SB and SC, considered Foundations and walJ structures in the basement of the CoJosseum 377

ea +9001 +8¡.oQ..sin1

a 80&110 di fondazione C8. +22,00 ~ +9.00 I +8,00 slm g~

b muro di contenlmento intemo ~ ea. +22,00 ~ +15,50 $1m h~ ¡pagel e fondazione ¡pogel (US 635) ea. +15.50. +12,901 +11.35 slm i galleria probabilmente funzionale al cantiere ea. +16,20 slm f muradi cantenimento eslemo ~ ca.+22.00~ +16.00slm

~ 20 30 40 50 60 70

Figure 4 Section through the shorter transverse axis from the CoJosseum

together with those of the 1977 trial, made it possible of view, the fact that different techniques were for the first time to make some concrete statements employed for the two sections means that the lower about the construction process and the size of the section must have been built below ground and foundations. Accordingly, the walls in the basement with the help of formwork. would seem to have a separate foundation, while the To permit the construction of the two encircling fa"ade and the cavea of the Colosseum rest on a walls, on the other hand, the surrounding ground must foundation ring made of opus caementicium that is either ha ve been excavated down to level 16.0 m asl about 60,30 m wide and 12-13 m deep. The manner or must not ha ve risen above that level in the area in in which it was constructed permits its being the area in which the Colosseum was erected, our subdivided into two sections. The coring results show state of knowledge suggesting the latter assumption that the shallow footing of the ring is situated at a to be more probable. This assumption is al so level of 10.0 m as\. Section 1 of the foundation rises confirmed by ongoing excavations, which show that from this level and reaches up to about 16.0 m as\. It the level of the buildings destroyed by the fire of 64 is now documented that it was constructed with the A.D. is of the order of 15.50 m asl and therefore lies help of timber shuttering, which actually be seen in only some 0.50 m above the floor level of the the basement at a distance of about 0.50 m below the Colosseum basement. upper edge of this first section. Section II of the The result of the horizontal boring SC through the foundation reaches from about 16.0 m asl to about inner encircling wall made it clear once more that the 22.0 m asl and is lined both on the side of the fa"ade brick wall, quite apart from its architectural and on the inside (i.e. in the area of the basement) by articulation into 40 niches, performs first and a 2.30 m wide brick wall, the so-called inner and foremost a structural function. The wall sections outer encircling walls.9 From the construction point between the niches, 1.80 m wide by 2.30 m deep, act 378 H. J. Beste as buttresses or counterforts and therefore enable the brick wall, which within the niches has a thickness of lit ... < no more than 0.72 m, to resist the pressure of the -I~ ~ ~ ; 'i ~ j .!!~! . . 8 8!!!tli . 8. foundation ring between 16.0 m and 22.0 m as!. Whether the outer encircling wall is constructed in the same manner has to remain an open question for the moment, because so far our knowledge is limited to its uppermost layer. m14 11113 002 m11 m10 1118 417 1116 1115 fn4 m3 m2 Trial borings SI and S3 in the basement of the 11'19 11'11 Colosseum showed that walls 7 and 8 stand on strip ~~ :O1;~ ~~~: ~~ ~tt~ foundations that are dug into the graund of the . basement and have a width of about 3.25 m. The ,t. l.nI1~f;~~' material contents of the two cores enab]e us to distinguish two sections of these strip foundations. ~,~~ ~~ ~U:I~ ~ DD\~[J ~:tH ~aJ O aa Section 1, which has a depth of about 3.25 m and ~ ~tl1. extends between 12.75 and 15.50 m asl, is made of DI) \ IB1cdl ,l'IJ O¿7 (t. \)~ <, [J o () Oo opus caementicium and is topped by a layer having a ~ ~ c>~ I)\»~ ~ c:? caementicium. The contents of core S3, which reached down to 11.20 m asl for an overall length of 4.80 m, consists exclusively of opus caementicium, C.~1-e but in this case the levelling course cannot be a -'kIdllondB:zIone Qt.+22,OO-+Q.OO/+8.00slm d~(US628)c:a1O-30o::m b_dl~ el. +22,00-+16.00... (US62'9) ca.10-25cm demonstrated. The results of the two borings are very ctonaazione~(US635J (:8.+16,00-.,2,151+11,20" '''''-'IItlllURldl¡pog.i clear and show that the 6.0 m high walls in the ., .. )"N basement rest on foundations having a depth that \11111 "l '"l '"l I ':' varies between 3.25 and 4.80 m and are therefore adequately founded. The borehole in corridor H (SA) Figure 5 Detail plan and section through the shorter transverse axis of showed that only the levelling course was poured the basement there and that it has a thickness of about 50 cm (fig. 5). The archaeological investigations undertaken at the same time made it clear that the structure of the though in this case having a different composition. foundations in the basement is considerably more The upper layer has the same width as the lower one, complex than is suggested by the results ofthe coring. but its height varies fram one wall to another. Just as Four of these (S 1, S6, S 19 and S 27) are of particular in the case of walls 7 and 8, it is topped by a levelling interest: they braught to light wooden residues along course (US 629). Having a thickness of the order of the strip foundations and thus made it possible to 10-15 cm. It is not clear why the structure of the conclude that these must have been constructed foundations should vary fram one wall to another. All within 4-5 cm thick timber formwork, which -given 1 can do is to suggest that the subdivision into several the high table in this area, has been well sections might be due to unevenness of the terrain in preserved to this day. the basement area. Presumably the lower section of Though the high water level prevented the opus caementicium was in each case at first braught up boreholes fram reaching a really substantial depth, only to the level of the adjacent graund. The levelling they showed that the strip foundations of waJ] 1, 5, 6 was then obtained by means of the second layer of and 14 consist of three sections, which contrasts with opus caementicium poured on top of the first, so that those of wall 7 and 8, which consist of only two the height of the second layer must have depended on sections. The layer of opus caementicium (US 635) is the graund Jevel. The levelling course, which covers followed by another layer of opus caementicium, the entire area, i.e. both the corridors and the strip Foundations and wall structures in the basement of fhe Colosseum 379 foundations, then brought the structure up to 16.0 m reconstruction in the area around the Colosseum is as asl, the desired floor level for the basement. Since the yet extremely scant, so that a more precise concept of foundation section made of opus caementicium of the size and location of the stagnum wilI have to await walls 2 and 13 neither has a so-called cement-gravel the driJling of further trial holes. bedding nor is topped by a levelling course, it seems possible that these two foundations might have served NOTES as level marks. They presumably also served to define the location and direction of the other foundations, l. For the history of the Colosseum see Parker 1876; Rea since these -following the pouring of the levelling 1996; La Regina 2001. For the gladiatorial combat e course- were no longer exposed to view. games see Golvin and Landes 1990. For the see Golvin 1988; Wilson Jones 1993. 2. On the individual phases and the function of the various

CONCLUSIONS corridors in the basement, see Beste 1998, 106 ff.; 1999, 249 ff.; 2000, 79 n.; 2002, forthcoming; Beste and Schingo 1998; Rea and Beste 2000. 311 ff. The roughly 50 m high superstructure/fa<,;ade and the 3. Vitruvius JII 4,2. cavea of the Colosseum rest on a foundation ring 4. Adam 1994, 115 ff.; Giuliani 1990. 119 ff.; Ginouves consisting of some 246,000 m' of opus caementicium. 1992.7 ff.; Durm 1909. The enormous mass of the foundation seems to be 5. Kienast 1991, 123 ff. adequately dimensioned, because parts of the 6. . Ann., IV, 62-63; Plinius, Epist. 10,48. southern side of the structure collapsed only in the 7. Cozzol927, 204 tI, fig. 133; idem, 1977,20 ff., fig. 12; 12 century, presumably as a result of strong Lamprecht 1987, 155 n., fig. ISO. earthquakes. The fact that the thesis according to 8. Mocchegiani Carpano 1977, 10 ff., figs. 2, 6; idem, which the Colosseum rested on strip foundations of 1985. 122 ff., fig. 1. opus quadratwn, though formulated in 1927 without 9. Schingo and Rea 1993, 65 ff. a detailed investigation, had to wait 50 years before it was corrected is indicati ve of the limited interest that REFERENCE LIST is still being dedicated to structural problems, and this notwithstanding the fact that they are altogether Adam, J.-P. 1994. Roman Bulding. Materials and elementary for the building in question. Techniques (). Furthermore. recent data about the structure of the Beste, H.-J. 1998. «Relazione suBe indagini in corso nei foundations and knowledge of the street level of the sotterranei, i cosiddetti ipogei», RÓmMitt 105 (1998) buildings that previously stood on the site of the 106-18. Colosseum enable us to make the following Beste, H.-J. 1999. «Neue Forschungsergebnisse zu einem Aufzugssystem im UntergeschoB des Kolosseums», hypothetical statement about the Colosseum area. RÓmMitt 106 (1999) 249-76. Unlike the western side of the valley, it would seem Beste, H.-J. 2000. «The construction and phases of that this area was not redeveloped after the fire, development of the wooden arena flooring of the because otherwise the second section of the Colosseum», JRS 13, 79-92. foundations with the two encircling walls could not Beste, H.-J. 2002. «Osservazioni tecniche negli ipogei», have been constructed in this particular manner. That RÓmMitt 109 (2002) the area kept clear of the housing reconstruction Beste. H.-J. and Schino, G. 1998. «Documentazione e undertaken by , which reached levels up to about ricerche riguardanti l'arena e gli ipogei del Colosseo» 20.0 m asl, might have been constituted by the Forma Urbis 12 (1998) 4-9. stagnum Ne ron i.l' seems plausible from a Colagrossi, P. 1913. L 'Anfiteatro Flavio nei suoi venti secoli constructional point of view and would partially di storia (). Cozzo, G.1927.lngegneria romana (Roma). explain the short time it took to put up the Colosseum, Cozzo, G.1971. l/ Colosseo. L'Anjiteatro Flavio nella because no excavation work would have had to be tecniea edilizia, nella storia delle stmtture, nel concetto undertaken from this level down to 16.0 m as!. esecutivo dei lavori (1971). However, our knowledge of the level relationships Durm. J. 1885. Handbuch der Architektur Bd. 2 Die between pre-Neronian buildings and Nero' s Bauhmst der Riimer (Karlsruhe). 380 H. J. Beste

Ginouves, R. 1992. Dictionnaire Méthodique de Mocchegiani Carpano, C. 1985. «Interventi nell' Anfiteatro l" Grecque et Romaine. VoI.II, 7 ff. (Rorne). Flavio», Roma, Archeologia nel Centro 1, 122-4. Golvin, J. C. 1988. L'Amphithéatre Romain. Essai sur la Parker, J.H. 1876. The Flavian amphitheatre (7lh edn. théorisation de saforme et de sesfonctions (). London). Golvin, J. C. and Landes, C. 1990. Amphitheatres el Rea, R. 1996. Anfiteatro Flavio Romana (Rome). Gladiateurs (Lattes). Rea, R. and Beste, H.-J. 2000, "Sotterranei del Colosseo. Giuliani, C. F. 1990. L 'edilizia nell"antichita 119 ff. (Rorne) Ricera prelirninare al progetto di ricostruzione del piano Kienast, H.-J. 1991. «Fundarnentieren in schwierigern dell'arena» RÓmMitt 107 (2000) 311-39. Geliinde: Fallstudien aus dern Heraion von Sarnos», Schino, G. and Rea, R. ]993. «11 progetto di restauro del Diskussionen zur Archaologischen Bauforschung Vol. 5 Colosseo. I sotterranei: assetto idraulico e interventi (1991) 123-7. strutturali tra XIX e XX secolo», BullArch 23-24 (1993) Larnprecht, H.-O. 1987. Opus Caementicium. Bauchtechnik 65-10 1. der RÓmer' (KOln). Wilson Jones, M. 1993. «Designing arnphitheatres», La Regina, A. 2001. Sangue e arena Catalog (Rome) RÓmMitt 100 (1993) 391-442. Mocchegiani Carpano, C. 1977. «Nuovi dati sulle fondazioni dell'anfiteatro Flavio», 2, Heft 7, 1977, IOff.