DEVELOPMENT OF A FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES OF CONCERN FOR YUKON: LITERATURE REVIEW, RISK ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Prepared by: Maria Leung and Al von Finster Prepared for: Fish and Wildlife Branch, Environment Yukon April 2016 DEVELOPMENT OF A FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES OF CONCERN FOR YUKON: LITERATURE REVIEW, RISK ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Yukon Department of Environment Fish and Wildlife Branch MRC-14-01 Maria Leung and Al von Finster prepared the report under contract to Environment Yukon. This report and its conclusions are not necessarily the opinion of Environment Yukon and this work does not constitute any commitment of Government of Yukon. © 2016 Yukon Department of Environment Copies available from: Yukon Department of Environment Fish and Wildlife Branch, V-5A Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Phone (867) 667-5721, Fax (867) 393-6263 Email:
[email protected] Also available online at Suggested citation: LEUNG M. AND A. VON FINSTER. 2016. Development of a framework for management of aquatic invasive species of concern for Yukon: Literature review, risk assessment and recommendations. Prepared for Environment Yukon. Yukon Fish and Wildlife Branch Report MRC-14-01, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Preface Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are non-native aquatic species that have a detrimental impact on environments that they invade. In Canada, millions of dollars are spent each year on control alone. From experiences across the country and around the world, experts have found that strategies aimed at preventing the spread of AIS are preferable to diverting financial resources to programs aimed at managing AIS after they have established.