Interphotoreceptor Retinol-Binding Protein Ameliorates Diabetes-Induced Retinal Dysfunction and Neurodegeneration Through Rhodopsin

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Interphotoreceptor Retinol-Binding Protein Ameliorates Diabetes-Induced Retinal Dysfunction and Neurodegeneration Through Rhodopsin 788 Diabetes Volume 70, March 2021 Interphotoreceptor Retinol-Binding Protein Ameliorates Diabetes-Induced Retinal Dysfunction and Neurodegeneration Through Rhodopsin Jianglei Chen,1 Yan Shao,1,2 Temmy Sasore,1 Gennadiy Moiseyev,1 Kelu Zhou,1 Xiang Ma,1 Yanhong Du,1 and Jian-xing Ma1,3 Diabetes 2021;70:788–799 | Patients with diabetes often experience visual defects to a 2017 report by the International Diabetic Federation, before any retinal pathologies are detected. The molec- the worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is 1 in ular mechanism for the visual defects in early diabetes 11 adults (425 million), and the number is skyrocketing has not been elucidated. Our previous study reported accompanying the economic growth and increasing life that in early diabetic retinopathy (DR), rhodopsin levels span in developing countries. were reduced due to impaired 11-cis-retinal regenera- DR was traditionally considered a microvascular com- tion. Interphotoreceptor retinol-binding protein (IRBP) is plication of diabetes, and pathological angiogenesis and cis a visual cycle protein and important for 11- -retinal vascular dysfunction were regarded as the priority in generation. IRBP levels are decreased in the vitreous and clinical treatment (2). Emerging evidence suggests that retina of DR patients and animal models. To determine the dysfunction of the retinal neurons and retinal neurode- role of IRBP downregulation in the visual defects in early DR, generation play important roles in the pathogenesis of DR we induced diabetes in transgenic mice overexpressing (3,4). Extensive reports have shown that oxidative stress, IRBP in the retina. IRBP overexpression prevented diabetes- characterized by overproduction of reactive oxygen species COMPLICATIONS induced decline of retinal function. Furthermore, IRBP over- expression also prevented decreases of rhodopsin levels (ROS), plays an important role in DR (5). ROS-induced fl and 11-cis-retinal generation in diabetic mice. Diabetic chronic in ammation can lead to retinal degeneration and IRBP transgenic mice also showed ameliorated retinal vascular injury in patients with diabetes (6). Anti-vascular oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and retinal de- endothelial growth factor drugs and laser photocoagula- generation compared with diabetic wild-type mice. These tion have been used to ameliorate retinal vascular pathol- findings suggest that diabetes-induced IRBP downregula- ogies in DR, especially in proliferative DR (7). Nevertheless, tion impairs the regeneration of 11-cis-retinal and rhodop- there is no effective treatment for retinal degeneration in sin, leading to retinal dysfunction in early DR. Furthermore, DR. increased 11-cis-retinal–free opsin constitutively activates Photoreceptors are the most abundant cells in the retina the phototransduction pathway, leading to increased oxi- and the most metabolically active neurons in the central dative stress and retinal neurodegeneration. Therefore, nervous system (8). Under diabetic conditions, increased restored IRBP expression in the diabetic retina may confer oxidative stress caused by mitochondrial dysfunction in a protective effect against retinal degeneration in DR. photoreceptor cells subsequently results in retinal inflam- mation, leading to vascular dysfunction (9). Interphotoreceptor retinol-binding protein (IRBP) was Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of vision loss first identified as a visual cycle protein, which is a retinol- and disability in the working-age population (1). According binding protein secreted from the photoreceptors and is 1Department of Physiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, This article contains supplementary material online at Oklahoma City, OK figshare.13363265. 2 Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital, Eye Institute & School of Optometry and © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as Ophthalmology, Tianjin, China long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the 3 Harold Hamm Diabetes Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, work is not altered. More information is available at https://www.diabetesjournals Oklahoma City, OK .org/content/license. Corresponding author: Jian-xing Ma, [email protected] Received 9 June 2020 and accepted 10 December 2020 Chen and Associates 789 present in the interphotoreceptor matrix of the retina For cone function, a series of flashes with 600 cd $ s/m2 (10). IRBP transports retinoids between the photorecep- intensity were applied to record the cone photoreceptor tors and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (10,11) and response after 10-min light adaptation under a back- plays an important role in the regeneration of 11-cis- ground light of 50 cd/m2. ERG responses of both eyes retinal, the chromophore of visual pigments, and is thus were simultaneously recorded and analyzed. essential for maintaining normal visual function. IRBP also plays a role in retinal development (12,13) and shows Optical Coherence Tomography antioxidant activities via binding all-trans-retinal (14). The retinal thickness was measured using a spectral do- Recently, IRBP levels were reported to be decreased in the main optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) device vitreous of DR patients, and IRBP conferred protective (Bioptigen, Durham, NC). Images were captured with the effects against DR in rodent models (15,16). rectangular scan at 1,000 A-scans per B scan, and 100 B- Rhodopsin regeneration and homeostasis are critical for scans per frame. Total retinal thickness was recorded and retinal function and health. The visual chromophore averaged automatically using the InVivoVue diver software 11-cis-retinal binds to opsin to form rhodopsin in the dark, (Bioptigen) by researchers blinded to the animal group which locks the opsin in an inactive state. Unbound free information. opsin is known to be constitutively active, which can exhaust photoreceptor cells and promote retinal degener- Immunohistochemistry and TUNEL of Eyecup Sections ation (17). In early diabetes, increased chromophore-free Mouse eyes were carefully enucleated and fixed in David- opsin due to insufficient 11-cis-retinal generation has been son’s fixation solution for 48 h The eyecups were paraffin suggested to have deleterious effects on photoreceptor embedded, and 5-mm sections were collected. The sections cells and accelerate DR progress (18). were immunostained with antibodies for 3-nitrotyrosine To identify the effect of diabetes-induced reduction of (3-NT) (ab61392; Abcam), glial fibrillary acidic protein IRBP on rhodopsin deficiency and retinal neurodegenera- (GFAP) (G-3893; Sigma-Aldrich), superoxide dismutase tion, we induced diabetes in transgenic mice overexpress- 2 (SOD2) (06-984; Millipore), NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) ing IRBP in photoreceptors. We assessed the role of IRBP (ab133303; Abcam), ionized calcium-binding adaptor mol- expression in diabetes-induced retinal function decline, ecule 1 (Iba1) (019-19741; Wako), arginase I (NBP1- retinal degeneration, and decreased 11-cis-retinal and 32731; Novus), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) rhodopsin levels. The potential antioxidation and anti- (NBP1-97471; Novus) following the manufacturers’ pro- inflammation effects of IRBP on the diabetic retina were tocols. TUNEL staining was performed using the in situ further investigated. cell-death detection kit, TMRed (Roche Diagnostics, Indi- anapolis, IN) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Histological staining was performed on three sections per Animals animal, with five to six animals in each group of the same The animal experiments were conducted in compliance condition. Observation and imaging were performed under with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthal- the same setting for each experiment using Olympus mology Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic FluoView (Version 2.1a) (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). The and Vision Research. The protocol was approved by the images were analyzed and semiquantified with ImageJ University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Institu- (National Institutes of Health) by researchers blinded to tional Animal Care and Use Committee (Oklahoma City, the specimen identifications. OK). To induce diabetes, IRBP transgenic (IRBP-Tg) mice and Retinoid Profile Analysis wild-type (WT) littermates (12 weeks of age) received daily The retinoid profile was analyzed using high-performance intraperitoneal injections of streptozotocin (STZ; Sigma- liquid chromatography (HPLC), as described previously Aldrich) (55 mg/kg in 10 mmol/L of citrate buffer, pH 4.5) (18). Briefly, mice were sacrificed under dim red light after for five consecutive days. Blood glucose levels were mea- 16-h dark adaptation. The eyecup was homogenized in- sured 1 week after the last STZ injection and monthly dividually in lysis buffer (10 mmol/L NH2OH, 50% etha- thereafter. Animals with blood glucose levels .350 mg/dL nol, 50% 2-[N-morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid, pH 6.5), were defined as diabetic animals. and retinoids were extracted with hexane. The retinoids were dried under argon gas, resuspended in 200 mLof Electroretinography Recording mobile phase (11.2% ethyl acetate, 2.0% dioxane, 1.4% Scotopic electroretinography (ERG) and photopic ERG octanol, 85.4% hexane), and injected into HPLC (515 HPLC were both recorded monthly using the Diagnosys Espion pump; Waters, Milford, MA)
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