C O M M E N T a T I O N
COMMENTATIONES Eos C 2013 ISSN 0012-7825 SICILY’S PLACE IN GREEK POETRY* by GERSON SCHADE ...vuote le mani, ma pieni gli occhi del ricordo di lei... Ibn Hamdis ABSTRACT: A multitude of literary texts dealing with Sicily are presented in four chapters. Starting with a fusion of the Aeneid’s presentation of Sicily and some modern literary associations, the opening chapter proves that in Virgil’s usage the term “Sicilian” became a kind of shibboleth, which turns his works into texts au deuxième degré. His Sicelides Musae come from Theocritus whose poetry is at the centre of the bifold second chapter, offering two retrospective glances upon earlier Greek poetry: a first half is dedicated to Theocritus’ Cyclops-poems and their ‘bucolic archae- ology’. Quite similarly, the second half of the second chapter is concerned with Theocritus’ poem on Hieron II and its epinician predecessors, i.e. Simonides and Pindar. This tradition, however, might well have started earlier than Simonides, and it is not unlikely that already Ibykos and Stesichoros, the latter born in Sicily, composed epinician poetry. Pindar and Simonides’ nephew Bakchylides were guests of Hieron I, who also invited innovative Aeschylus, reputed to be a vir utique Siculus, to whom the third chapter is dedicated. Aside from the bucolic and epinician tradition, Sicily has another literary facet of which the fourth chapter catches some glimpses: Sicilian lifestyle attracted attention, and Sicilians were famous in antiquity for some extravagancies, a fact well known to comedy one streak of which is supposed to have its origins in Sicily. Sicilian food and all what comes with it were not altogether above suspicion, as Plato and his translator Cicero remarked, and also Horace thought of Sicilian banquets, Siculae dapes, as most lavish.
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