Exploring Globally Used Antiurolithiatic Plants of M to R Families

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Exploring Globally Used Antiurolithiatic Plants of M to R Families Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017; 6(5): 325-335 E-ISSN: 2278-4136 P-ISSN: 2349-8234 Exploring globally used antiurolithiatic plants of M to JPP 2017; 6(): 325-335 Received: 27-07-2017 R families: Including Myrtaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Accepted: 28-0-2017 Piperaceae, Polygonaceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae Salman Ahmed Lecturer, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Salman Ahmed and Muhammad Mohtasheemul Hasan Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Abstract Urolithiasis is a common worldwide problem with high recurrence. This review covers thirty six (36) Muhammad Mohtasheemul families starting from alphabet M to R. It includes Rubiaceae (17); Phyllanthaceae and Rutaceae (09); Hasan Polygonaceae (08); Pinaceae and Piperaceae (06); Menispermaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Oxalidaceae, Associate Professor, Department Plantaginaceae and Ranunculaceae (05); Moraceae and Musaceae (04); Meliaceae, Orchidaceae and of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Rhamnaceae (03); Moringaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Pedaliaceae, and Polygalaceae (02); Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Magnoliaceae, Malpighiaceae, Molluginaceae, Myoporaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Paeoniaceae, Parmeliaceae, Sciences, University of Karachi, Parnassiaceae, Periplocaceae, Platanaceae, Polypodiaceae, Portulacaceae, Primulaceae and Punicaceae Karachi, Pakistan (01) plant used globally in different countries. Hopefully, this review will not only be useful for the general public but also attract the scientific world for antiurolithiatic drug discovery. Keywords: Urolithiasis, antiurolithiatic, natural products, drug development. Introduction Urolithiasis is a common worldwide problem with high recurrence. Medicinal plants have been used globally in different countries and cultures for its prophylactic management and treatment. Current attempt is one of the parts of the study entitled “Searching globally (orally) used antiurolithiatic plants belonging to different plant families”. The plants of the 57 families such as Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae, Apocynaceae, Arecaceae, Asparagaceae, Aspleniaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Capparidaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Costaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cupressaceae, Ebenaceae, Equisetaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Hypericaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Liliaceae, Lythraceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Salvadoraceae, Santalaceae, Sapotaceae, Saxifragaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Simaroubaceae, Smilacaceae, Solanaceae, Tamaricaceae, Theaceae, Tiliaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Typhaceae, Ulmaceae, Urticaceae, Valerianaceae, Verbenaceae, Violaceae, Vitaceae, Xanthorrhoeaceae, Zingiberaceae and [1-9] Zygophyllaceae have already been discussed. The presented review article covered Magnoliaceae, Malpighiaceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae, Molluginaceae, Moraceae, Moringaceae, Musaceae, Myoporaceae, Myrtaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Orchidaceae, Oxalidaceae, Paeoniaceae, Papaveraceae, Parmeliaceae, Parnassiaceae, Pedaliaceae, Periplocaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Pinaceae, Piperaceae, Plantaginaceae, Platanaceae, Polygalaceae, Polygonaceae, Polypodiaceae, Portulacaceae, Primulaceae, Punicaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae families in this regard (Table-1). The summarized information about each family is as follows. 1. Magnoliaceae: The leaves were found to use in India. 2. Malpighiaceae: The leaves were found to use in Brazil. 3. Meliaceae: It covers three (03) plants used in China, India, Pakistan, Philippine and Trinidad. Among the plant parts leaves were noted the most common (66.66 %) followed by a bark (33.33 %). In terms of preparation, the decoction was observed the most common (60 %), followed by juices and infusion (20 % each). Correspondence 4. Menispermaceae: It covers the five (05) plants used in 04 different countries such as Muhammad Mohtasheemul America, Brazil, India and Peru. Roots were noted the most common (42.85 %) followed Hasan by leaves and stem (28.56 % each). In terms of preparation, the decoction was observed Associate Professor, Department the most common (50 %), followed by juices and infusion (25 % each). of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of 5. Molluginaceae: The leaves were found to use in India. Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Karachi, 6. Moraceae:Four (04) plants were found in 04 different countries such as Jordan, India, Karachi, Pakistan Pakistan and Palestine. Their historical antiurolithiatic background shared in well known ~ 325 ~ Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry books of Al Razi / Rhazes, Dioscorides and Pliny the 21. Periplocaceae: Leaves or root decoction was found to Elder. Among the plant parts fruits were noted the most use by Indian and Latin American. common (60 %) followed by bark and leaves (20 % 22. Phyllanthaceae: Nine plants in Bangladesh, Brazil, each). In terms of preparation, the decoction was Canada, India, Mauritius and Pakistan were reported for observed the most common (66.66 %), followed by juices management of urolithiasis. The whole plant was noted (33.33 % each). the most common (45.45 %) followed by fruits (27.27 7. Moringaceae: Two (02) plants were found to use in %), bark or stem (18.18 %) and leaves (9.09 %). In terms Pakistan and India. In terms of preparation, the decoction of preparation, the decoction was observed the most was observed the most common (80 %), followed by common (83.33 %), followed by infusion (16.66 %). juices (20 %). 23. Pinaceae: Six plants (06) were found to use in America, 8. Musaceae: Four (04) plants were found to use by India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan and Turkey. Their historical Indians. Among the plant parts roots were noted the most antiurolithiatic background shared in well known books common (50 %) followed by leaves, stem and flowers of Al-Baitar (Al Advia Wal Aghdia), Dioscorides (De (16.66 % each). In terms of preparation, the decoction Materia Medica) and Ibn Sina (Al Qanoon Fit Tibb). and infusions were equally observed. Among the plant parts fruits were noted the most 9. Myoporaceae: Leaves infusion or decoction was found common (40 %) followed by bark, leaves and latex (20 % to use in Trinidad. each). In terms of preparation, only decoctions were 10. Myrtaceae: Aerial parts of plants were found to use in observed. Australia, Bangladesh, India and Turkey. Their historical 24. Piperaceae: It covers six (06) plants used in Brazil, antiurolithiatic background shared in well known books Canada, Colombia, India and Iran. Among the plant parts of Dioscorides (De Materia Medica) and Pliny the Elder leaves were noted the most common (42.85 %) followed (Naturalis Historis). In terms of preparation, only by fruits and roots (28.57 % each). In terms of decoctions were observed. preparation, the decoction was observed the most 11. Nyctaginaceae: Roots infusion or decoction was found to common (71.42 %), followed by infusion (28.57 %). use in Brazil, Canada and India. In terms of preparation, 25. Plantaginaceae: It covers five (05) plants used in Iran, only decoctions were observed. Mauritius, Palestine, Spain and Turkey. The leaves were 12. Oleaceae: We have found the data of five (05) plants noted the most common (50 %) followed by whole plant, used in Algeria, India, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Morrocco, seeds and roots (16.66 % each). In terms of preparation, Palestine, Romania, Spain and Turkey against the decoction was observed the most common (60 %), urolithiasis. Their historical antiurolithiatic background followed by infusion (40 %). shared in well known book of Pliny the Elder. Among the 26. Platanacea: Fruits or root infusion was found to use in plant parts leaves were noted the most common (60 %), Turkey. followed by fruits and flowers (20 % each). In terms of 27. Polygalaceae: Two plants of family Polygalaceae were preparation, the decoctions and infusions were observed found to use against urolithiasis in Pakistan and Turkey. the most common (40 % each), followed by an extract 28. Polygonaceae: We have found the data of eight (08) (20 %). plants used in Iran, Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey. Their 13. Onagraceae: Two (02) plants were found to use by historical antiurolithiatic background shared in well Indians. In terms of preparation, only decoctions were known books of Dioscorides and Ibn Sina. Among the observed. plant parts roots and rhizome were the most common in 14. Orchidaceae: It covers the three (03) plants used in use (50 %), followed by aerial parts, leaves (20 %) and Nepal, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Their historical whole plant (10 %). In terms of preparation, only antiurolithiatic background shared in well known book of decoctions were observed. Dioscorides. Whole plant or tubers were equally used 29. Polypodiaceae: One plant was used in China for the against urolithiasis. In terms of preparation, only same purpose. decoctions were observed. 30. Portulacaceae: We have found the data from India, 15. Oxalidaceae: Five (05) plants were reported from India. Israel, Palestine and Turkey. In terms of preparation, only Among the plant parts leaves were noted the most decoctions were observed. common (42.85 %) followed by roots (28.57 %), bark 31. Primulaceae: Plant decoction was found to use in Jordan. and fruits (14.28 % each). In terms of preparation, only 32. Punicaceae: Indians and the Palestinian people were decoctions were observed. found to use Punicaceae plant against urolithiasis. In 16. Paeoniaceae: Fruits were found to use in Iran against
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    Flora of China 8: 269–452. 2001. SAXIFRAGACEAE 虎耳草科 hu er cao ke Pan Jintang (潘锦堂)1, Gu Cuizhi (谷粹芝 Ku Tsue-chih)2, Huang Shumei (黄淑美 Hwang Shu-mei)3, Wei Zhaofen (卫兆芬 Wei Chao-fen)4, Jin Shuying (靳淑英)5, Lu Lingdi (陆玲娣 Lu Ling-ti)6; Shinobu Akiyama7, Crinan Alexander8, Bruce Bartholomew9, James Cullen10, Richard J. Gornall11, Ulla-Maj Hultgård12, Hideaki Ohba13, Douglas E. Soltis14 Herbs or shrubs, rarely trees or vines. Leaves simple or compound, usually alternate or opposite, usually exstipulate. Flowers usually in cymes, panicles, or racemes, rarely solitary, usually bisexual, rarely unisexual, hypogynous or ± epigynous, rarely perigynous, usually biperianthial, rarely monochlamydeous, actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic, 4- or 5(–10)-merous. Sepals sometimes petal-like. Petals usually free, sometimes absent. Stamens (4 or)5–10 or many; filaments free; anthers 2-loculed; staminodes often present. Carpels 2, rarely 3–5(–10), usually ± connate; ovary superior or semi-inferior to inferior, 2- or 3–5(–10)-loculed with axile placentation, or 1-loculed with parietal placentation, rarely with apical placentation; ovules usually many, 2- to many seriate, crassinucellate or tenuinucellate, sometimes with transitional forms; integument 1- or 2-seriate; styles free or ± connate. Fruit a capsule or berry, rarely a follicle or drupe. Seeds albuminous, rarely not so; albumen of cellular type, rarely of nuclear type; embryo small. About 80 genera and 1200 species: worldwide; 29 genera (two endemic), and 545 species (354 endemic, seven introduced) in China. During the past several years, cladistic analyses of morphological, chemical, and DNA data have made it clear that the recognition of the Saxifragaceae sensu lato (Engler, Nat.
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