Bisphenol a and Bisphenol S Disruptions of the Mouse Placenta and Potential Effects on the Placenta–Brain Axis

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Bisphenol a and Bisphenol S Disruptions of the Mouse Placenta and Potential Effects on the Placenta–Brain Axis Bisphenol A and bisphenol S disruptions of the mouse placenta and potential effects on the placenta–brain axis Jiude Maoa,b, Ashish Jainc,d, Nancy D. Denslowe,f, Mohammad-Zaman Nourie,f, Sixue Cheng,h, Tingting Wangh, Ning Zhuh, Jin Kohh, Saurav J. Sarmaa,i, Barbara W. Sumnera,i, Zhentian Leia,i,j, Lloyd W. Sumnera,i,j, Nathan J. Bivensk, R. Michael Robertsa,j,l,1, Geetu Tutejac,d,1, and Cheryl S. Rosenfelda,b,m,n,1 aBond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; bBiomedical Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; cBioinformatics and Computational Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011; dGenetics, Development and Cell Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011; ePhysiological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; fCenter for Environmental and Human Toxicology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; gDepartment of Biology, Genetics Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610; hProteomics and Mass Spectrometry Facility, Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610; iUniversity of Missouri Metabolomics Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; jBiochemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; kDNA Core Facility, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; lAnimal Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; mThompson Center for Autism and Neurobehavioral Disorders, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; and nUniversity of Missouri Informatics Institute, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 Contributed by R. Michael Roberts, December 28, 2019 (sent for review November 7, 2019; reviewed by Alina Maloyan and Xiaoqin Ye) Placental trophoblast cells are potentially at risk from circulating chemical were manufactured (3). Approximately 93% of the US endocrine-disrupting chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA). To population has detectable amounts of BPA in their urine, suggestive understand how BPA and the reputedly more inert bisphenol S of widespread exposure (4). Exposure to BPA and bisphenol S (BPS) affect the placenta, C57BL6J mouse dams were fed 200 μg/kg (BPS) is primarily dietary (5, 6), although there are additional body weight BPA or BPS daily for 2 wk and then bred. They con- routes of contact (7, 8). Additionally, BPA can be readily trans- tinued to receive these chemicals until embryonic day 12.5, where- mitted from mother to offspring via the placenta (9, 10) and is, upon placental samples were collected and compared with therefore, a major environmental concern during pregnancy. Be- unexposed controls. BPA and BPS altered the expression of an iden- cause of consumer unease with BPA, more manufacturers are be- tical set of 13 genes. Both exposures led to a decrease in the area ginning to use BPA substitutes, such as BPS, as plasticizers in occupied by spongiotrophoblast relative to trophoblast giant cells household products. However, some reports indicate that (GCs) within the junctional zone, markedly reduced placental sero- such analogs induce similar outcomes as BPA (11, 12). tonin (5-HT) concentrations, and lowered 5-HT GC immunoreactivity. In the recent decade, there have been several studies exam- Concentrations of dopamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, the ining the effects of BPA on the mouse placenta (13–22). Other main metabolite of serotonin, were increased. GC dopamine immu- noreactivity was increased in BPA- and BPS-exposed placentas. A + Significance strong positive correlation between 5-HT GCs and reductions in spongiotrophoblast to GC area suggests that this neurotransmitter is essential for maintaining cells within the junctional zone. In con- The mammalian placenta is a target for endocrine-disrupting trast, a negative correlation existed between dopamine+ GCs and chemicals, such as the widely prevalent plasticizer bisphenol A reductions in spongiotrophoblast to GC area ratio. These outcomes (BPA). Consumer unease with BPA has led to manufacture of lead to the following conclusions. First, BPS exposure causes almost substitutes, such as bisphenol S (BPS). Here, we used a mul- identical placental effects as BPA. Second, a major target of BPA/BPS tiomics approach to study effects of developmental exposure is either spongiotrophoblast or GCs within the junctional zone. to BPA and BPS on midgestational mouse placenta. BPA and Third, imbalances in neurotransmitter-positive GCs and an observed BPS caused almost identical changes in gene expression; similar decrease in docosahexaenoic acid and estradiol, also occurring in morphological defects in the junctional zone, which forms the response to BPA/BPS exposure, likely affect the placental–brain axis interface of the placenta with maternal endometrium; and of the developing mouse fetus. marked alterations in placental content of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. The results imply that in rodents there could be associated effects on the placental–fetal brain trophoblast | endocrine disruptor | transcriptomics | neurotransmitters | labyrinth axis. We also conclude that BPS should be regarded as haz- ardous as BPA. he placenta is a transient organ that anchors the developing Author contributions: J.M., N.D.D., S.C., N.Z., L.W.S., R.M.R., G.T., and C.S.R. designed Tfetus to the wall of the reproductive tract and plays multi- research; J.M., M.-Z.N., T.W., N.Z., J.K., S.J.S., B.W.S., Z.L., and N.J.B. performed research; faceted roles in nutrient, gas, and waste exchange. In eutherian J.M., A.J., N.D.D., M.-Z.N., S.C., T.W., N.Z., J.K., S.J.S., B.W.S., Z.L., L.W.S., N.J.B., R.M.R., G.T., mammals, it produces a range of hormones and cytokine factors and C.S.R. analyzed data; and J.M., A.J., M.-Z.N., S.C., T.W., N.Z., J.K., S.J.S., B.W.S., Z.L., L.W.S., N.J.B., R.M.R., G.T., and C.S.R. wrote the paper. that couple the needs of the fetus to responses in the mother. Additionally, in many species, including rodents and humans, Reviewers: A.M., Oregon Health & Science University; and X.Y., University of Georgia. that have a hemochorial type of placentation, the syncytio- The authors declare no competing interest. trophoblast cells involved in nutrient and gas exchange become Published under the PNAS license. bathed in maternal blood (1), rendering them potentially vul- Data deposition: The RNA sequence data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database (accession no. 141322). The raw Gas Chro- nerable to toxicants circulating within the maternal bloodstream. matography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) metabolomics data are available at While the placenta detoxifies certain xenobiotic chemicals, as an Metabolomics Workbench (Project ID PR000891). endocrine organ, it can also be affected by those compounds that 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected], geetu@ interfere with its endocrine functions. One such endocrine-, or [email protected]. disrupting chemical (EDC) that is widely prevalent in the envi- This article contains supporting information online at ronment and present in various household items is bisphenol A doi:10.1073/pnas.1919563117/-/DCSupplemental. (BPA) (2). In 2013, it was estimated that 15 billion lbs. of this First published February 18, 2020. 4642–4652 | PNAS | March 3, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 9 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 studies have focused on the effects of BPA in isolated human Transcriptomic Analyses of Mouse Placental Tissues Exposed to BPA placenta lines and in term human placenta (23–33). A concern or BPS. RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis was performed on with using cells derived from human term tissues is that they fail placentas recovered from BPA- and BPS-treated and control to replicate the full range of placental responses associated with dams at embryonic day 12.5 (e12.5), and the raw data have been ∼ the critical early and midpregnancy periods (34). In addition, cell deposited (37). An average of 97.06% of reads ( 124 million) was lines derived from neoplasms (e.g., BeWo, JEG-3, and JAR) or mapped. The average mapped read count after filtering the reads transformed in some manner may not have physiological equiva- that mapped to random chromosomes and to mitochondrial DNA was ∼121 million (SI Appendix,TableS3). lence to their normal trophoblast counterparts. Previous mouse Principal component analyses (PCA) of the RNAseq data did studies have generally examined either transcriptomic responses – not show any clear separation based on either treatment or the or effects on placental morphology (13 22), but there are no de- interaction of treatment with sex (Fig. 1A). Thus, we combined finitive reports on the effects of the BPA analog, BPS (structures male and female placental results within the same group. Based SI Appendix are shown in ,Fig.S1). Additionally, sex differences on false discovery rate (FDR), only 11 genes were differentially have not been examined toward either chemical, even though the expressed (FDR ≤ 0.05; fold change ≥ 1.5; transcripts per mil- placenta is sexually dimorphic (1, 35). lion ≥ 1) relative to controls in the BPS-exposed placentas, and 3 Here, we have performed a comprehensive examination on genes were differentially expressed in the BPA-exposed pla- how maternal exposure to BPA and BPS influence mouse pla- centas (Table 1). On closer investigation of the differentially cental development by midpregnancy. In doing so, we have expressed genes (DEGs),
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