Human Performance in Air Traffic Management Safety A White Paper EUROCONTROL/FAA Action Plan 15 Safety September 2010 EUROCONTROL HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SAFETY A White Paper September 2010 EUROCONTROL / FAA ACTION PLAN 15 SAFETY HUMAN PERFORMANCE AND AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SAFETY WHITE PAPER FOREWORD EUROCONTROL / FAA Action Plan 15 on Safety Research is aimed at advancing safety concepts and practices in air traffic management, via the sharing of expertise from its membership. It has three main axes: understanding system safety, developing new approaches to assess and improve safety, and disseminating its findings into the industry. AP15 came into existence in 2003 and its current terms of reference run until end 2010. The relationship between human performance and safety has been a long-standing issue in AP15 deliberations, since human performance is such a critical determinant for ATM safety. The AP15 Members hope this White Paper will help understanding of this area, and its critical importance in achieving system performance and system safety, today, and in tomorrow’s systems as envisaged by SESAR in Europe and NextGen in the US. AP 15 Terms of Reference Understand Safety & Hazards Improve Safety in Develop/Adapt Safety Methods ATM Disseminate Useful Approaches AP15 Membership n EUROCONTROL – Barry Kirwan [Co-chair], Eric Perrin, Herman Nijhuis, and Steven Shorrock n FAA – Joan Devine [Co-chair], Jim Daum, Dino Piccione, Sherry Borener, Warren Randolph, Hossein Eghbali and Michael Sawyer n NASA – Dawn McIntosh, Michael Feary and Barbara Burian n NATS (UK) – David Bush n DFS (Germany) – Joerg Leonhardt n AVINOR (Norway) – Anne Chavez n LFV (Sweden) – Billy Josefsson n NLR (the Netherlands) – Henk Blom and Michel Piers For further information:
[email protected] [email protected] HUMAN PERFORMANCE AND AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SAFETY WHITE PAPER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This White Paper is built on collaboration between 1.