". ~ ankee Sub in "in9 10\0 s Court 6v GEORGE t\\C\<'S Spencer Katharine TRACY · HEPBURN Deep in your heart, seared in your soul you'll keep the flame of this drama a loved movie memory. Two great stars brilliant in "Woman of the Year"are reunited now-more exciting together than ever. e er of-the 'Flame with RICHARD WHORF· MARGARET WYCHERLY' FRANK CRAVEN FORREST TUCKER· HORACE McNALLY· PERCY KILBRIDE Screen Play by DONALD OGDEN STEWART' Based Upon the Book by J. A. R. WYLIE' Directed by GEORGE CUKOR . Produced by VICTOR SAVILLE' Associate Producer LEON GORDON A Metro· Goldwyn·Mayer Picture

12jlt r ~ .. HOllYWOOD SWEATER GIRLS ARE ON THE JOB! Left to right: Betty Hey­ ward. Rita Corday, Laraine Day, Ari.1 Huth end Eve Car!.ton, five players In RKO', Cary Grant-lareine Dey starrer, "From Here to Victory." They've agreed to supply sw ••ters to eighty tank-corps men before tM picture is completed SLAPHAPPY Jo.n D.,.,.is iUl" .,t .U worried by ..... present bu9- .boo of g.

R UMOR is the bed apple in the Amari- jng ond befuddling the French, Md what con fruit-barrel today. And it's of the semblance of unity the country possessed JOAN DAVIS LICKS same ilk that hastened the downfall of soon disappeared. France when it was plGced there by Nazi In Russia one commander solved the propagendists at the beginning of World I'lJmor problem in his own unit. Severe GAS - RATIONING WtJf II. Tha' bad apple cOflstitutes II weap­ punishment was meted out to those who on "II Americens must guord ogoins! with soid, "1 hear that ..." or "I understand unceasing vigiltJnce. For all the tonks, that ..." Unless the man could say, "I, OAN DAVIS, screwball comedienne on Rudy Vallee's pro­ planes, guns and ships rolling from our myself, saw ... " he was to soy nothin g. J gram, figures that she has the gasoline problem licked. Here's how: The day nation-wide rationing of gas was announced, Joan tlssembly lines cennot bar its entry into So the ned time someone reports a sold her big car, then went on a still hunt for a second-hand AmenCGn homes. rumor in your presence, ask him, "Vas you "buggy," and searched until she Iound a midget Austin, which Rumoc served the NtlZis well in confus- dere, Shorlie?" -The Editors. ran a little better than forty miles on a gallon of gas. Now she has the edge on ho:;e-saving, too, with her pint-size car. No danger of snags climbing in and out. 'Joan just steps right over the door, chirping, "I'U show 'em who's smart in this village!" MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE - .. -....-

CONTENTS JOAN practises w i What Makes Kay Ky.er Cllckl ...... • 2 The Radio Front, by E. K.y, Avery bre.,t+. • control h Ie He Solved the Na il Shortage ...... 4 Thompson and Jim" a. H.nlon ..... \I eudienc:.es howl at her A Ya nke-e Sub in King Tojo's Court, by Music, by Robert Bag.r ...... 10 jokes, uses it to infl.te George Hicks ...... •...... •... 6 Short Wave.. by Ch.rles A. Morr l.on ..• 12 tirM of her car, left, In Which We Serve ...... •..•. .. ..•• 6 Complete Program. for Thl. Week .. 14-32 .,nd cuts out fr ...ir The Movie Front, by France. Long . .... 7 Feminine Forum, by Edith Hampton .. .. 3! service at • Fining_st .. Betty Rhodes Talkl Back to Hltlerl., • • 8 What', Cooklngl by Scott ...... 34 tion. Her c.r is so small tIIat she uses mo­ Cotler Photo by Bruce Bailey torcycle tires. whid! is Volume 12, Number 14 Janulry 9·15, 1943 .nott. grut savintl

READY to go. Joan, at right, turns up her nose at other ....k gas-conluming beIte. moths, a, she drives out of NBC lot, and heads fOf home A VERITABLE dynamo of vim and vigor, Kay JAMES KERN, name he was chris­ doesn't have to watch his calories. Pose at tened, would fit II lawyer. but Kay t~e left is just a gag. Above: B,aby Kay with clicks with Kyser the musician. hIS dad, who planned a legal career for him Above: Kay as school cheer-leader

.... _., .... FRANK LOESSER, good friend of Kay's, IT'S catch as catch can for Kyser in wrote the hit song "Jingle, Jangle, Jingle," dressing for a performance or making but Kay started it toward success. Abo.... : up for a mo ... ie part, abov •. Anywhere Pair go ov.r a new ditty Frank's composing Prof. K. hangs his hat is home to him

THREEFOLD cause for reiOlCln9 marked picture RADIO S1 AR, h. clicked in below-Kar's two songstresses on NBC "College the movies. Below: With of Musica Knowledge," Trudy Erwin and Dorothy volatile Lupe Velet in the Dunn, plus fourth anniversary of the program RKO picture, "Playmates"-- ODAY Kay Kyser ill setUn, a pace Twhich causes him to be pointed out in the entertainment world u the man most likely to crack from a nervous breakdown. But those who know him best don't agree with that i loomy prophecy, Why? Because of his sane fonnula for living. He . Jeeps eight hours each night, and allow8 nothing to interfere with that rest. Next, he refuses to accept telephone calls at meals or discuss business while eal­ lnC. Food, he contends, should be ealen In a mood of relaxation. Which are some very lood reasons why Kyser keepl cltckinl at Nch break­ nedt speed wben he ,eu lOIn&- Added to sane Ideas abOut "una: and a1eeping iI hi. tremendous desire to serve others in hll work 81 an en­ tertainer . Many men in hlah places could weU take that leaf trom Kay'. book and profit by it. 8e&idel his radio chores, he entertaiN servicemen in camps and finds time to ", [rom Hol­ lywood to New York and t>.ck to ap­ pear perMm&lly before variOUS JTOUj)S of executives and explam hil 5Uc:<:ea­ ful for mula for RUin, war bondl and .tamPi. In one month recenUy, he traveled more than lifly thousand milH back and forth acroa the nation selhna war securltilel. Climax of that month'. work wa. Kay'. appearance at Victory Houte in Lot Angeles, where, in one aflcmoon, he ran, up $6,000,000 worth of bondl for Uncle Sam'. cash N!,ilter. Another characlerilUc of Kay'. which makes blm click I.a due to the faet that he', alway, b«o a doer and not a wisb!uI thinker. Whlcb keeps him always one jump ahead. Proof? When war was de<:lared, the lremen­ dous problem of entertalnln, thou­ sandi of servicemen confronted the Government. But lon, before that, Kay had been vililln, campa and pep­ PUll: the bo)'s up with his mUlic and fun. And when war was tlnaUy de­ clared, K..,.· went all out for enter­ tainment of servicemen. I...ut, but b,. no meant leut, Kay Kyler dim bec:aUlle he is a UalOUI American patriot who COIlIidera it a rare privile,e to serve hiJ countr1 both In war and PEACE!

REGISTRATION for Uncle Sam', IIlrvica brought Kay MUM'S the word when it comel and his band to sign up en malle, below. Reason he to romance with Ginny Simms, isn't in uniform today i$ because Government officials below. But they are still good insist that ....., doing more good in hi, present job fri ends. gOllip notwithstanding! 1117 He Solved the WAR Nail Shortage

George D. Hulbert 01 20th Century-Fox Re- claims 31,000 Daily!

~ EN It became Impoalblc recently to pur- chbe nail. lor buildm, wtll at 20th Cen­ huy-Fox lItudioa. productIon oftlcialll called in inventor Gear,e D. Hulbert, who haa been on the lot for lleventeen yean. He listened to their problema. then went back to hll .hop and in­ vented a machille that reclaima nails at the rate of 31,000 a day, reprdleu of size or shape. In three da,.,' time, tu. invention reclaimed • one or the objecrh~ enau&b aallII from the "'CCCle,. Island" and W• • "darrucllon I IGalIIon naHon' . ''Hello, Frtaco, Hello" IoeU to prepare for fow­ an Impof"fant parr In G;;:I!~ other productiOflll, Soon thll machine will be altac'" on h made available to other lMU5tries throughout conyoy.... • .. C IInncl the nation. HUlbert's allo lnvented a routing-ma­ • chine whleb represent! _ tremendoua lavinl 01 e.entlal materlab in buildinc motion-picture Interesting! ae1a, proved that Yankee inJenUlt,. can't be beat! W... h , .. ,..,...... h. , ... ww ... wt _}'_'II ..... It h...... _.11 ...... _."" ...... t , 'THOUT ,.d,o, che mO"t· W ment of war .... ould still be EILEEN FENWICK, 20th Century-Fox player, visih Hul­ BEFORE AND AFTER, Eileen demonstrates below. ancbo red by telephone lones-the bert in his shop, .bove, and leventy-one-year-old inventor chinist Hulbert has applied for a petent on his ;" w."Ho,: phYJical hnlrdll' of che courier and showl her how his nail-reclaiming machine works. Below: "isUll 1;8"1111. but studio peys him royalties on all nail-redaiming No...... r mo .. es ,wi(lly ovcr the Eileen operates the turntabl. th.t draightens the nails in he does for them. And William Goetz, 20th's .",d,oc·1 whole Clee of the catch_instanta· grooves and turns tkem out r.ady for usa again on seh tion chief. ga~e him $100 war bond a' a award neou, radIO communication thtll che clher inJlud of over copper wires hu blulcd che barriers of 'pace aod lime. So IOd.)' .11 our radio production «olen on war use. 8uI ... ba, of tomorrow-whl' elrea will Ihll hue upon the (1IIure-alu!( .. iclOry? One chin8 It certain_il will revo­ JUlionize and sp«d (he 8retl new (ulI.ln (orm o f U"lnsponalion. RadiO has nt'l'tr bftn uni .. ena U, IWCeu ary in Inuuponauon before. In automobiles-on t .... ins-It has bHn eattru.inment-in boars it bas bHn a 8~ a t aid but not an t.$Kntia l. Hut today for (he fUlure, In that II:real ne.., uni .. erul t .... nsponalion that i. formin(l: itself-the a.rplane­ .... dio b UKnual as the engine IIKII.

for oytr Hua , ..r, z..aith Radio CotPOtuion has ad.eniMd on abon ..,.. " ",,-" EuroCle, .south A""';a at lb, Ori".,,- C'fU7 d.,. Or TOOl. tDOtM1 back.. .. Ie hu a ...tr boNa ailed _POa for a I'C'fllad_

-. I.tllth ....&. Dea", _ .,_ I, ....1 ..... II-- ....._k'.11 .11 ...... _ ......

u.S. W" BUY BONDS .. STAMPS NOW 4 A Yankee Sub in f King T ojo' s Court


How Much Damage Have Our Subs Inflicted on Jap Shipping? George Hicks Interviews a Sub Sailor Who Has an Answer to This ~urning Question

HILE Axis subs go their electrickm's mate on the sub, Al~Q ABOVE: The "U, S, marauding way in American gun-pointer. When a sub comes up to S, Shark" comes to W waters, what have (>ur under­ do battle \\"ith its gUll, all the gun the surface after sea boats been doing to haraS! the crc\~ rushes on deck. But the fir~t dive. What U. S. enemy? How much damaRc have our man up mu.t be the gun-pointer. He 6ubs inOictcd on the shipping of OUT the man who ,ims the gun. subs are doing in Nipponese toe? They were easing along toward this wo!Ir is told by These qucslions have been partially Hawaii after leaving Marc Island, George Hicks (r,) answered by recent repol'''l of our sub California, where they'd had some activities In the Paci!\c. But these new equipment installed. The men scattering returns .6CCm only to have were doing their ordinary routme whetted our appetites for more inCor­ peace-time jobs, "When," Sam said, day~ later they left for their first "What happened off Tokyo?" I said, mation, and I decided to find out for "we receh·ed this order: STAND BY pntrol. "A patrol" means you go out "We sank three big on(':>. We wero myself. TO ATTACK ALL ENEMY SHIPS. to ~ink enemy ships. the first sub alIt thel'e. The first to Up to now, my most hlthnotc con­ "At first," Sam said, "the men "Where did you go on your first pa­ use our cleek gun. too. We used to Hs­ tnct~, us !:pcclnl-fcnturcs f(!Iloder for thought Ihis was a maneuver." But the Irol?" I a~ked him. ten to their radio a lot-to Tokyo the Dlue Network, have been with the message ended: THIS IS NOT A "To Tokyo Bay," he answered, "\Ve Rose, they called hel" "h(> sl)oke in activities of ow' submoI'Jr'U!s in thl! At­ DRILL, ''We rigged for diving. As we operated back and forth berore the English, At flrst she said AmeriCAn lanUc. But I llUel (Inc splendid source got nem·er to H[lwaii, we l'!·(I~h-dived. ll10uth 01 the bay, and up the coast." submarines werc 'mere toys' ancl thnt or lllfOl'mottoll I'CJ!'f11'din!J tho job on We stayed clOWll. Then the captain "'rhut's a long trip. You catTy enough the Jnprmcsc nnv.y CCllild c(lsily dis­ JOpan that remolned to be tripped. came below ond said, 'Well, how docs ~l1pp1ics fot' such a long time?" "Oh, pose of them Thcn. after we sunk n And that was my frIend, EnsIgn Sam­ It feel to be shot at fot" the ilrst time?' ~UI"C," Sam said. "Plenty of food. The few ships. she began to coil us, 'the uel Clark. This veteran ~ubmarine We didn't undel"l'tand at nr~t. Then he boat's very comfortable. But it gets black panther of the Pacific,' and fighter had ju:;1 turned [n to New Lon­ snid we'd just been dived on, and monotonous. You lose track of time. other such nomes. We got quite a kick don, Conn., wilt'l"o our Navy'lO sullll1a­ ",traCed, by a Jap plane." I I\~ked Sam You don't know whether it's Sunday out of Tokyo Rnse." rlne base 19 located, and, tl~ he had then if his ~ub went on into Pearl 01' Friday-ancl no one gives a damn. I asked him how they /{ot the three seen plenty of nctlon In the Pucific, Harbor. He said no, "On our flt's1 patrol I think we lost Sam said one was at nij{ht. "Running I knew he would ha\·e a story to tel1. Their next order was to ~ean:h out a littlc ,",'eight. Some of the men grew on the sm'race, \~·e sp(,t\ed this large Enslgn Sam Clurk is: a f\outlierner enemy ship~. "We were a ..... ay for h\o bC3.rd"'. We'd sleep always in our freighter, We didn't know if f;he was _born In Alaoonla-thirly-Ihr(!(! years day>!, This time, when we return('(f. c\(,thes. Well. there's quite a bit of a transport or not. We tnrpedoed her, ago. lie's marril'd, and has bccn in the we went right into Pearl Harbm·, The ~uspense to it. You're standing by \0 A few night, later we got another. Na\'y tor twelve years-all ot them, Ari:Ol\Q was still burning. Everything dh'e at any time. 1 think the first tril)'S Then we chonged position and, one up to now-a~ on enlbled man in the was smashed and broken. And. in the the hardest-because you don't know morning. \\e "I)otted two large ships. submarine aervirc. Sam Clark III frank ·treets of Iinnolulu, I saw bombed what to expect. :My baltle station­ We got one. but the second ran away." and real. It what he say. fIOIT1Climes automobiles. wilh uphoh.lery !;plat­ liubmerged - was in the conning­ "Were L1u"l1 attacking IIOU -at any makC$ you wlnce, it's the truth-un­ tered by American blood.·' tower with the captain. manning thE' time-off Tokyo? f a~ketl. tampered, His wire came to see him ,that first torpedo firing-board, Also raising and "No." he said. '·but this destroyer He was on hIs way to Pearl Harbor dlly-for forty-five minutes. Next day lowering the captain's periscope. On was looking tor Uli all around. We kept -when the war began. He was chief he got an hour off-to go home. Three the surface, 1 was the gun-pointer:' (ConfirWl'd on Pagl.' Facing JGJ :; IN WHICH Noel Coward in his role of C"ptain Kin· ross for the picture WE SERVE "In Which We Serve"

Noel Coward's Epic Story of a Ship Is Even Greater Than His Film "Cavalcade"

T HIS latest mill o( Noel Coward's, in which he tokes the fivefold part of author, producer, director, com· poser ond actor, Is one of the greatest waf dl'lImas yet to appear. The theme is 80 profound and unique in its treat­ ment. and Coward hali filled it so full ot' f\a~hcs from !i\'in, experience, that the Slory cannot be expressed except as he has expre~!;ed it-on the screen. With utter simplicity the picture portrays all Britain at war, shown by flashbacks of a chief peUy officer and his philosophiting; a seaman who meets a girl on a train and marries her, and the captain who says that he wanL "a happy ship," All Ihis against naval battle background. Significant i!; the {act that Coward took the title fOl' the picture, "In Which W(' Servc," from the prllycl' which captainl'l of British wllrships rcad to their men ". . receive into Thy almighty and most gracious I)ro­ tcction thc peT'sons of ll~ Thy Sel"VHnts llnd the 111'('[ ill widell W{' S{'TV/,."'

SURVIVORS from doomed destroyer H. M. S. "T orrin" on " Carley float (rifJhtJ por. tray .an unforgetable scene

ORDINARY SE AMA N Shorty BI.a~e [John Mills) and Freda l ewi~ (Kay Walsh), lef:, celebrate their wedding day after brief :'omance aSoard a train [top, left). later their child i$ born during a big blitz

WHEN the "T orrin" is tor. pedoed, the youngest member of the crew is rescued, along with Cap. tain Kinross, right. Kin­ ross aHemph to console the lad as he tries to talk before death overtakes him

6 It/It I' PHm! went Bonita Granville's romance with Jackie Cooper. Now it's Buddy Pepper of Air Forces

TIRELESS WORKER Patricia Morison went overseas to entertain service­ men. On return to America Pat does a repeat at the Hollywood Canteen


_ ~ ..o MARJORIE JACKSON (I.) and Vir_ CARY GRANT and George ("Holly­ ginia Maples. 20th Century.Foll star_ THE MOVIE FROMT wood Whispers") Fisher. Cary's lat­ lets, try thumbing ride to the studio est plan includes African war front

is ,oing into war bonds for Uncle his plans to enlist ha,;e been tempo­ England. where Carole Landi~ has HOLLYWOOD 80m rarily thwarted by the new thirty­ been entertain in, _,ervicemen, that the eight-years-old ruling. He wanls to go star will marry Captain Thomas C. By FRANCES LONG My goodne ..1 Will wonders ever into war work regardless. H is latest Wallace of Pasadena, California, who ceas<:! Now the Hollywood wags have idea is to tllke a troupe or entertainel·s is stationed in Oreu' Britain. Cuptain P .. trlotlc I..... Her name is Evelyn it that On;on Welles and Mickey to Africa. To date Cary hasn't re­ Wallace was one of the first of the Anker~. Smce husband Richard Den­ Rooney may collaborate on a story for ceived permission from the Govern­ RAr·s American Ea,le Squadron and ning has been in the Na\·y. he and the ISCreen. What the two boy wondertl ment. but he'l still trying and refuses i:< now with the American Air Forcet-. Evelyn have been livin, on his third­ cook up should be IOmething to ..... rite to accept any more mO\'ie chores .0 It will be Carole·~ third marriage class yeoman·s salary_ They have ad­ home about! he will be free to come and '0 a~ jU5ted their budget and are living in may be necessary . . • Difficult ....!gnment. A sroup 01 a $40-a-month apartment. An the The anlwer I, no, but Cary Grant extras on Red Skelton·s " I Dood It" money that Evelyn makes In pictutes lan't taking it as Rna I. Even though Surprise third. News has come from (Continued on Page Facing 36)

Find Your Best OTHER FEATURES BRIEF PICTURE GUIDE DE~PER~TE JutRSEY MOVIE REVIEW Entertainment Here (\"'1') Err,,: r l} , , .. 'Hili ~ ru". rna G • .,. (_r. TUI!-'a MUSICALS ... ' d'ama of Ih,· .. ". ~ '"",-"".U'O IO •• ,._ .. ~ ...... ,.... - ...... ' ...... \\'rirdlt .u., -hmib rOOTlJ(:l1T SLRE:'iIiDE rOil EST RA.:\(~rR'i t\\"\') "The Palm Beach Story" ...... , ' •• _ ...... ,.. ' , ... .'_of ' .. __ n'\\)· dialoc-c··od' • ,"',,... .Io~- .h~1 """""III ",ltt... 1 _,,_,.. ¥vw ' •• w. ___- ._._ RA'WO\III\R\L.,T Inl\") 'h.,,<- - .\",~rin III I,,~­ _11 s OU' I, bo, ,•• • ~, ...... , vv .• ...... B.au.iful and "irri"J kln·.,o,)'_ (, ..I>It, ""IU'~. Joh, 1'1) "f. h~hl."'. : ..~~r.!::i:'"~r,;,;· .. ~':: .~::::,; Gro.r Ca""n .t.... hm'ly_ J."f \\ \",.n.-.·.rn,IJ. 1Cf'l.A:"-O (\,V\,) -;"1O(:T!'I£ IS THE mil ,,~ II.\D MY CAl. Cut. Cli\ldelle Joel Me· .... ~u., ...... ,_ .. ROCKIES n'\'\\·) La,i,h rnu­ f\'V\' \ ·) Judy Carland", ••oar .ht" .u...,t"h in hU\lI,ful ...1- Crn, Rudy VI'Iu. Mi.,. AUo" Wil­ :;.~~,~'::' .-;:...... ,. :..~-:.: ' c:: ... .;~. ti ..... 10 mll,ic ,,1 ..1t ) I\.)~·t .,nl in Tffhoolr. pi" ...... 11 m,,"ul Ihal iI lop,.-hOll'I)' liim D~ntU" I, franklin P'n ,~.rn, ",ch~_t'a.~h'''il)' , comedy fo, Ih... hoi. h",iI1~ IIOI.IO,\\" ,,'-:>0 (\-V\') II"" Ro .... " W' .... ,tk, Chnltr Conklin. AI OUTSTANDING Cr".b~ .OWI f,ed A him.... P .... d"'R' "pi""" .. ith .. i, ...... ,t~ A,,,. 'i,,,I>un and Rfli o-, .. 11m1 ,u~n A.lult "Palm Beach" ,n fOIor - -F•• ~il)' • putpo•• - •· ..",Iy_ ~k.It"" -Fan il)', O:>O{"E ,'PO\ A 1I0:..-nMOO:"­ rA;;AIlI\:>otA (\'\'\") Inc'od TilE FL n:>oc TICER., (\"\,V) (V\,\,) C"J C .. nl .,,,1 GmKer l.t ~.-..:m,n ••• hu' n,.., .. 1.. " .. 1. i" Cril'll,n~ wlf d"m. ..OHD COMEDIES R"~ .. ,, .lar in ",,,,,~'I} ·aJn"'ut~ I.I~ of Fr~n 'iTIUK ~ AI ·Arlul!_ 0,· .ulh". 01 "ToPP"r·· .tt, .... F.n,,11 as only Preliton Sturges can portray on the licr~n . Il"'W" I\'\'\'\"j A ",,,,t ..... TilE "AJOI! AND TIlE loll !'O"EW IlE R~ 1"1.1 •• 1\0 YOU ;; • .,. }',ed,ic March, \."" ·'n II I"r foer), adult i. Ih,. .... :>oOR (" VI" ') Cia.or RO!t ... It ".\'\') Mo ...... ' ." ..... lor Thi, the Story: Initial question posed In the l.ah .'". hre lor .h '" ~~ I,Im hn boot i" • ("Ualfd). "'Ih • lanlll\' ... "thr C~ TutOlO'I p.nO kHn I ..·'i ..."ue_I. .. ,tl> \".ro • i...... 14 .~l'h UFE IJF:GI\';' .\T ~lfalT I<>tobi_liulen (oftlrIlg. She decides to leave ll1llny !I'\"\"I Fin .. v 11 •.-, l...... , h,t 94,' • ""' hmil) ~i"ldll pe,ln)"! h,oIor,._aki"" In·\'\·) Gr,~ AUI.,. pro~" his him ,it up and cry. "Uncle~·· The plot thkkens PIED I'II"'[R (\n·,·. \1, ... 11 picture. I ...... U lrom t: S, :\la­ otlMf ...... llOIIdy funn,- Ir F ....iIy PO'''' -flmll)' .... hen he a~ks her to marry him. And the way it ,B,"d) \\...... , i. 11M PIP'" ~n o,....' hco-vlt del..... of \\' ;lk •.- '(I.... OF" PIO:>OEt.:R~ 1\'\'\.). CARTOONS • hi. ",h"n :;al "" d, ....- Fur all AlnuitlU' •. Roy R",.. ·,. 'un, .o.n-and thickens will lea\'e movie-,ocrs in stitches. We r.mil.. YA"KEf: DOODI.E DA\DY lI"'''BI Ivn'\") , Oi'ne,-', 1., h_'_hmil)' won·t 'ipol! your fun by tellin, you what really tot In T.u 001 .. C ... ,.,•. \1 (vlo." loud. la,,,"~"1 Ih~t·. hU.I"""';hC Ou,. -·Rod·' B.rr~ ",,'h lin;. to li~bri,. can baH pl .... , ."d ,rUI CUI, I· ." ..1)', and I, for Ih... hoi. I.",il)·_ a ,.i~n or I... ",. ~·.'n,l)', Verdict: A picture the whole family will enjoy! ,I" n 7 8 Betty Rhodes Talks Back to Hitler!

Blond Bli zza rd-Head of " This Is th e • Hour" Program G ives Axis T it for T at! ~ I

IIDIVIDE and rule," says Hitler. "Stand together and smash Fascism," answers Betty Rhodes, triple-threat girl of radio, pictures and television. There are all kinds of ways to fight a war-you can spray bullets over a people and break up their homes and families. Or you can throw disquiet­ ing words throughout a land and kill a unity that bombs can never shatter. Hitler uses words to attack the alli­ ances of the United Nations. With lies he'd breed distrust between the Anglo­ American allies. So Betty Rhodes, the blond blizzard­ head of Thomas S. Lee's television station W6XAO, Miss Priority of Charm on the Paramount lot and DEFENSE-STAMP cor$;'99$ are popular singing-dramatic star of Mutual-Don on Betty's program. Above: She presenh Lee's "This Is the Hour," counter­ one to an RAF cadet, who thinh it a won_ attacks with more words---the potent derful memento to send his homefolh kind tbat spring from Cacts based on truth. "You can·t start a squabble among the friends of democracy," Miss Rhodes say~ in effect, "nor can you start a fifth-column disruption of our alliance. Because we have the means of destroying every word grenade you hurl. We don't rely on your interpre­ tations of intent and action; we get together and talk it o,·er---every week on 'This Is the Hour.' " (Continued Oil Page 11)

WHEN Betty matches word-greMdes with Hitler, she wears fighting-clothes (r.) modeled .,.fter WPB specificiltions TIME OUT for snacks is the order of the day at "This Is the Hour" rehearsals. RAF men like American pop, hotdogs and mustard (above). Below: Betty prac­ tises song "Praise the Lord and Pass-..the Quoting From "This Is the Hour" Ammunition" with maestro Dave Rose

HITLER: Delightful! Another pu~hoyer. The world is ours. lIation. Think yOUr ..my &howlng most unfortunate lack of ANNOUNCER: Yes. Fuehrer,

8 1~111 P THIS IS MUTUAl. MBS commentatOr1 TO CURE SHYNESS Nina Klowden turn· Joh n B. Hughes tl.) and Fulton Lewis, Jr., ed to dramatics. Now she', a popular ra· use a comedy gag to illustrate their dio actress, was recently added to cast of mutual admiration for each other', work "Ma Perkins" in role of Gladys Pendleton

"COMMAND PERFORMANCE" brings READY to celebrate Washington's birth· Edgar Bergen and Betty Grable to mike. " RADIO ACTRESS with most beautiful eyas"-that's what day nerl month, Colonel Stoopnagle After Bergen', boys had their say, he "Esquire" artist Varga dubbed Betty Ruth Smith. Betty's an tries a few praetise swing' with trusty and Betty ad.libbed for more laughs NBC.Chicago aetren, is heard as Nita in "Lone Journey" hatchet. His new quit ,how's on Sunday


• THE RADIO FRONT York's branch of the American Wo­ NEW YORK men's Voluntary Services; Irene Beas­ ley doesn't let seventeen weekly By E. KAY writer in broadcasting history willing tenant. "Maybe you'll be interested to broadcasts keep her from sin,ing at Jay J ostyn. Mr. D. A., and his rival to gamble wilh her a;ponsor. Her new know I cannot escape that nlUre civiJian-dden.se rallies for boys in in murder drama.s, Ed Jerome, who contract specit\(':; that her raises wlll forty -eight," he wrote. "I am now Army ho~pita l s; and there's twelve_ plays "Crime Doctor," were lunching come with the Crossley rises. T he teaching calisthenics to a class of year-old Ronny L is.~. of "Vic tory Is together when a customer discovered more listeners Anne gets for "Able's forty-eight men in the Air Forces" .. , Our Busine!i.!," who ill an air-raid his ovcrcoat had been a;tolen. "Y{lU Irish RO!;e:' the more money will ftow me~nger , , . know," said their waiter, '"you IUYS into her coffer!!. Eddie Cantor'" con­ Add radio fo lk busy on the home ought to be able to solve this my~lcry tracl'J read the same way but Anne front: June McreC"tI, who are nUJ"SC" aids; talented actres:es in radio able to use " if we had our ICripl-wrilers here." NBC news reporter and emcee of many ditTerent voices. When Bob Calling Ed Byron! Calling Mal( Mar­ About a year ago Lanny Ross, em­ "The Anny Hour," Geor,e F. Putnam, Bcm'hley was on a recent IOhow with cin! ... cee of CBS' "Camel Caravan," bid a turned down a l lollywood movie con­ her, Ethel played hit well-intentioned fond farewell t() Lanny Pouset, a lad tract, but is donating his time and wife. At the same rehenrsal she was Now that Ann(' Nichols has alf(n<'


T oscan ini Continues Brahms Cycle Sun., NBC,· Mitropoulos Directs New York Philharmonic, Offers Schubert, Brahms Symphonies Sun., CBS

By ROBERT BAGAR n3tas. or ruther veiled ~ymphonie,;, phonies and other ol"che~tral works. POPULAR MUSIC Mlfl!,(S who.'e poetry revealed itself The "Academic Festival" overture New York World-Telegram Music Without the aid of words, while followed in chronological order the A:-: ACQUAINTANCE ot mine made Crilic and Auo('illte Progra. throughout them all ran a vein of Second Symphony. This, in turn, was In interesting observation the othcr Annotator for Philharmonic-Sllm- d(."('p song melody; 5('veral pieces of a followed by the "Tragic Overture" and duy. The acquaintance, a well-known phony Society of New York half-demoniacal character, but of the Third Symphony a'ad, 'finally, a musician, ~Ilid, "Thc ixlst American chllnsing form; then sonatas for piano Fourth. So that in nine year:; he wrote music of our time is being written OHANNES BRAHMS, who seems and violin. Gtring quartets, and each those m3sterworks that are the daily !'puntancously by performers at 'jam to be having a run of popularity one of these creations so different bread of concert proa:rams in our time. cSl!ions.' '1>1 energy and rhythmic va­ J ;econd only to that of Tschaikow­ frOIll the last that they appeared to Arturo Toscanini. continuing with riety arc not to be dismls.~ed, for they 'ky the,;e days, took a long time to nO\.;" from fiO many separate sources. his Brahms cycle, performs the pos: ess the power of immediacy that make the grade with the general Then, like an impetuous torrent, he "Academic Festival" overture and the y(.>u almost always find lacking In the public. No.w, beside~, his name stands ecmed to unite these streams into a FouL'lh Symphony. The archive:; con­ works of mor(' formal writers." side by side with those of Bach and foaming waterfall; over the tQSl;ing tain, perhap:;, numbers of works in­ A~ked ju~t what he meant by im­ Beethoven as one of the greatest com­ wa\es the rainbow presently stretches spirationally greatel' than either of ml'diacy, he replied, "The quick and posers of aU time. Its peaceful arch, while on the banks these, but none are SUperior to them '"timNte relation~hip between the mU­ H was Robert Schumann, a prophet butterflies flil to and fro, and the in construction, in seriousncss of pur­ ~ic and the listener. You sec," he went who.se prophecies were seldom ful­ nightingale warbles her song. pose, in a sincere expression of musi­ on. "Ihese young men who know thei, filled. who "disco.... ered" Brahms, In an "\\"henever he bends his magic cal ideas. jan. their hot li(,:k~, i( you prefer, theil article entitled Nf.'w Path" which ap­ ",and toward great works, and the swing, are at their most creative when peared in a Leipzig publication, which po\\eTS of orch~'~tra.s and chorus lend tht'), cather together informally, all ~et he had founded, Robert Sl'humann hlln thClr ald. tIll more ideal glimp~e. Earl y Schubert to blow and pound out their brains ill fir~t made the bi~ musical world oj thl' ideal wnrld will be revealed to a 'jam ses~ion.' . aware of the fact that a geniu~, or us :\1ay the IIlghest Genius help him Seven weeks after Franz Schubert's "Not too long ago," he continued, "I something mighty ('h'~e to that blcs:;ed (.nward' Meanwhile another genius eighteenth birthday the Symphony attended one of these impromptu state, was in th(' (,mng. Usually, I that of nl(lckMy. seems to dwell within No.2, in B flat major, was completed. !st difficult prin­ a great deal to do with the worth of It makes lur first-claD program mak­ ciples of hi:! art, and lately intro(hlced those mea~ures, So I said to my.-.cU mg. Thc American baritone h:ls always to me by an honon'II and well-known that a comp< cr who is, Id's say, bl'en noted lor the balance and di .... er­ ma~ter [he meant the e('l('bratcd good piano tcchnlclan, ml,ICht lit duwll tlly of his pre~('nt;jtion~. And it Isn·t Joachinl] . at his imtrument some day nnd just likely th"t he will go erratic In this "HIS mere out"" ard appearance a play. ju~t improvise. Before long idl" I\lries. Rt'

Bill Stern will have a pari in a The Les ("First Nighter") Tr'e­ Broadway play without making a per­ maynes have a puppy-obout 140 sonal appeanlnce. He made a record­ pounds of GI'eut Dane puppy. to be ing which will be heard when the exact. When Les reprimanded 'Thor stage radio is turned on . Horace (that's the pup's name) fOl' demolish­ Heidt tells of the absent-minded ing a snowman he'd built in the front bllrglar who went to Hollywood to yard, the dog sought soluce in Mrs. T. rob a bank and broke into the movies Bounding up to place his paws on her Carol Bruce, lovely singer on the shoulders, the pup struck her on the AI Jolson show, posed for the Canadi­ temple, knocking her out cold. That an posters urging the salc of Canadian accounts for the welt Eileen Palmer war savings slamps .. Suez to SiIl­ (Mrs. '1'.) spOl·ted around "Lonely gapoTe, by Cecil Brown, CBS ncws Women" and "Ma Perkins" studios the reporter, has hit the Big Three in best­ next few days seller lists of non-fiction books. George Fogle ("Ma Perkins" direc­ tor) thinks war is just what General Sherman said it was-particularly as it HOLLYWOOD concerns nylon hosiery. Y'see, George agreed to take one o[ his wife's pre­ By AVERY THOMPSON cious new Christmas nylons to a Chi­ The new year may find Sergeant cago Loop repair shop. En route he Gene Autry holding a flying instruc­ stopped off at the Marine recruiting "B EST PICTURE OF THE YEAR," Annual award of "Red Book" magazine tor's rating. Gene, who had some station to chat with his old cronies. private flying time to his credit be­ goes to M,G,M's "Mrs. Miniver," Occasion was "Screen Guild Theater" George was a marine in World War 1. fore enlisting, is now building up more adaptation of picture with original cast. Above: "Mrs, Miniver" stars While there he reached into his pocket flying time atter regular Army hours Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon receive award from Bette Davis, right for a handkerchief and pulled out­ at Luke Field, where he is stationed. guess what! The boys grabbed it, Looks like Chomp will have to take thanking him for his thoughtfuL con­ a back sent (01' the duration. But he The song that Vnllee intL"Oduced on CHICAGO tribution to Uncle Sam's silk-stocking won't mind beCause he'll be getting a recent program, called Mel1 DOW11 salvage drive. That's how George ac~ a much· needed vacolion in green Under the Sea, was whipped up by By JAMES C. HANLON quired his unusual slant on the hard­ pastures producer Dick Mack and John Ral'ig, ships of war. And worse: Now he's members of the quartet on the show. My first call found NBC's press got to match the pre('ious mi~lIing Dell SharbuU, '"Amos 'n' Andy" an­ We hope you like it, for there's a depurlment in a dither. Seems the nylon or else nouncer, in keeping with the food­ chance you'll be hearing lt a great editOl' of a Bohemian newspaper was rationing program, says, "It soon deal from now on. The submarine raising a terrinc fuss over the phone Sidrlines: John Walsh (Jake Web­ won't be a matter of dieting to re­ men were so impressed negotiations about a printing mat he claimed had ster in "Ma Perkins") i~ a five·time duce-it will be a matter of being are now in order to adopt it a1> the been promised. Nobody on the staff donor to the Red Cross blood bank. reduced to dieting" , official song of that branch of the knew anything about it. While the That's the limit for one man in a service genUeman on the phone fumed, with year. Not satisfied with this, John Sounds like it could be mutiny in a decided accent, the staff took tUrns continues his good work by \'isiting the house of Riggs. The other day at Hodgepodge: Conrad Binyon and Hipping through the files for the miss­ industrial plants to enlist other do­ rehearsal Tommy Riggs had a violent Mary Lou Harrington, Hank and Joan ing mat. After about forty-five min­ nors .. Pat BU\lram, clever "Barn coughing fit. Deeply concerned, Mel oC "One Man's Family," are not only utes of commotion, one of them Dance" comic, insists he was in a Blanc (Uncle Petie on the show) featured in the same broadcast but caught on. Bill Thompson, dialectologer restaurant watching hb coat (as a asked, "Whal's thc matter, Betty were cast together in the new motion o( Wallace Wimple and Old Timer sign advised) and someone stole his Lou?" Replied the young lady in a picture "Boy from Stalingrad" . fame, was back in town for his an­ coffee . "The University of Chicago very disgusted voice, "It's not me, it's Bill Henry of "Those We Love" is nual holiday visit, With sheepish Round Table" moves to an earlier spot that dope I work for!" off to the desert to appear in an gl'ins the staff settled back to normal. on NBC starting January 10 By Army Air Forces traIning film When Bill went west with the Fib­ the time you read this, Ed King ("Vic Now it can be told: Although the Fibber and Molly Ml.-Gee now ha~'e a ber McGee and Molly troupe about and Sade" director) will be one of December j "Vox Pop" broadcast was special reason for putting more I\ve yearS ago. he had a clause placed Uncle Sam's soldiers at Camp Grant.

lelter in which his mothel' tells him Irish twinkle matChed to a Cockney and make them usele~s. For alwoy:!, Betty Rhode, Talks how she is working to keep the Brit­ accent, "English girls and American in every script, "This Is the liouI'" ish fliers supplied wilh ammunition, girls speak the same language--if you answers the lotest lie b(lJlooned acruss Back to Hitler! while Rob's brothel's flght in the air know what 1 mean." the seas by Hitler's propagand(l r;I("­ (Cor!tiJlIl!'d frolll Page 8) battles that have made Hitler squirm "Sure, we know what you all mean tOI·Y· uneasily in his saddle of erstwhile -lhat when people have the same And since the program is pre~('llted And so they cio, the allies frolll En­ !>ower, aims and ideals, and when they get without fanfal'C, with the sincerity of gland and America. "How do the young girls of England to know each other, rumor can't break the young singer emphasizing the Each Saturday afternoon at 5.30 compare to those you meet in Holly­ them up. That's why we're so proud feeling of all who hear it, it's a deadly p.m. (PWT), Betty Rhodes and cadets woodT' Betty asks of Ken, a minis_ of 'This Is the Hour'," weapon as well a~ a half-hour of en­ of the Royal Air Force meet in KHJ's ter's son on leave from his Lancaster, We know how much faith Hitler tertainment. fur every second of it is Hollywood studios and, with words California, training-base. has put in his propaganda devices. aimed to destroy HiHer's propaganda and ideas exchanged among them, go Ken compares the activities of his And we knew that many of those who barrage that would dissolve the right after the stealthy, snide word sisters, who drive ambu!ance~, ferry heard Hitler's rumors would unwit­ strength of the United Nations ligbl­ barrage loosed by the Hiller propa­ planes and work in hospitals and war­ tingly become a.s:;istants to hjs plan ing together all over the world to de­ ganda agen~ bent on creating dil'­ production factories, with the Ameri­ unless they were told by direct con­ feat his \'iciom program. unity between the Allies. can girls, who devote their time and tact whot our aBies are like, So we "\Vhat do you heal' from YOUI' home energy to the same victory aim. decided to turn Hitler's guns right "This Is the Hour," featuTing BI'tIU in Kent. Rob?" Betty asks of a young "And even if we talk about some­ back on him. If false words could Rhodes, is bToadcast SafltTdays Ol.>l'r flier from one of the busiest IIreas in thing else than the war," cuts in Law. carry his message, our true WOrdli MBS al 8:30 p.m. EWT, 7:30 CWT, England. Her guest reads part or the rence, a tall blond fellow with an could pull the teeth fl'om his lieli 6:30 MWT, 5:30 PIVT. II SHORT WAVES


Fuzzy Wuzzies Receive Christmas Parcels; Schedule of Russia's English Broadcasts; Australia lifts Ban on Communist Party

Santa Visits New Guinea Nat ives By CHARLES A. MORRISON Il1ugh! to find susten;lnce in the bush, as aborigines do. The new Instructlon CCORDING to a IrUe!' fl'om President, Internatlonel DX'ers Allience cour~ i,' designed to make the soldier ABC correspondent lIayd<.>n indel>endent of ordinary supplies it he A Lennard "somewhere in New 9: 00 a.m.-Cantone~e news; 9: l5 400 yard~ into the dense jungle, where is cut off or isolated. Troops will learn Guinea" broadcast over the Australian a,m.-Siamese news; 9:30 a.m.­ 1 buried it In a hole three feet deep how to get water tram roota of trees short_wave station, Chrbtmas parC<'ls Malay news; 9: 45 a.m.-American beside a tree. About three days atter and lrom shells dug from dryinr mud; were delivered to native boY!i who hud Hour. the demolition work I reported to the that the bark of a certain tree, crushed a!' ,. ~a\"ed S175,000 10 gold from the clutches letters and some Christmas parcels (Me!bourne)-The ban on the Com­ of the ,JapUnese. lie ~aid: "When the during the hotldays. . (London)-All munis! party lmd its pl'ess has been Japanese landed ;It Lae und Salamaua [tulian newsp,lper' com p lain.~ that the tlrted by the federal government. The Soviet Skiers Hitch on Tanks I was left behind 011 Bulolo to carry air-raid wardens of Turin quit the city Communist Porty in Austrnlia was According to a radio dlsllLltrh Imm out dtlmolitioll work With my own as soon as alr~1"aid alarms are sounded deClared an illegal organization by the the central front in Russia, a n/;,w win­ native boys. whu were thoroughly ... (Vichy Radio)-'"The present pop­ Menzies government in June, 1940. An_ tl'u~twol"thy I ter Of war ha~ developed new forms alld efficient. used 60 ulation of FI'ance would be about nouncing the lifting of the bnn, Attor­ of team work between various arm. cases of geligll1te, and destroyed 80,000.000 instead of little more than ney General Dr. H. V. Evatt said the For the first time, Soviet skiers arc et­ bridges. cranes and all machinery that half that if the birthrate of 1876 had Communists had given sutislactory f'ectively cooperating with tank~ in could be used by the Jupunes

W" News on English World Short-Wave Broadcast Daily Mor"lftg Guide to Programs Stations CWT CITV STATION DIAL 'WT U e progra... . li.t ed h .. a re t he •• b road"".t dally al lb. , a",e lilll • . hce ption, .~ram for North Amerira a.m. Vi,hy '" 11.765 DAILY 1.143 EAJ9 MilJgi. S p ~ in: 4·7 p,m. 7:10 i.m. 6:~O l.m. OJ I) (11.77) DZD (10.54) Mo~(ow 7.13 Oviedo. Spai~: 3·5 p.m. 7:10 a.m. 6:40a.m. 1530 "'Ole; Program, marked wilh a DXJ (7.24) 0;..:1.13 (9.52) Rome 2R06 7.125 GR M lo~dlln, England; 6:30·10:45 ; 7 :45 a.m. 6:45,.m, M~lb'rnt VLG2 9.54 IT) are broadca" ~~oifir.ll)" for O.IB (15.20) ..~r troops o,·""u>. As ch~,~ 10:45 p.m •. 12:45 a.m. to Norlh 8:00 i.m. 1:00 i,m. Tokyo m 9.535 6:45·7;30 p.m. (ex. S un.)~AI· Amefiu 8:00 i.m. 6.19 programs don't chan,~ ",uch fr.. rn 1:00 '.m, Oelhi giers.Habat·tairo ~ Pro~ram 7.095 EA~ Sp.un: HUrd 105:30 p.m. 8:30 •. m, 7:30 •• m. O'gking 6.135 "eek Co week, '~g"'e.C y ..u clip NBC CBS, BHC xeov w. piok'UI" lor 7.(}9 EA9AA Mtlilla, Spinish M~ro«Q: Hoard 9:00 •. m. out th~ program !;"i,,~, .. " CI\" 8:oo ... m. London 1539 AFJ!2 (8.96) nr:1 (!J.035) 10 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 15.20 page .nd : PSt! 3;45 p. m. 2:45 p.m. london ORG 11.58 (9.54) VLQ9 (7.23) crophone , II bove, is (10.22) ENO OF 41. METtR BANO 4:00 p.m. 3:00,..m. Rome 2R04 11.81 7:35 a.m.~ ("hungkin~ ~(,hi,,",~ 9 p.m.~Porcu~.I- Frogr.", fur 6.985 Ku chin9, Suawak; 12:15·2, 6. 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Vi~hy 9.62 N'lio",1 pro~ral" I'nr "'01'111 Columbill's Sw edish­ "",,reh Americ. CSII'1 (9.735) 7:10 a.m. very i".g. 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. Moscow 15.11 Ar""dca; XGOY (6.12) Illnguage bro~d c ~ ster 9 p.m,~R"d.pe'I~,,"!lrlh ,I ",.ri 6.98 FOSA A Pipee\t. T.h;li: Tues., Fri. II :57 5: 45 p.m. ~:45 p.m. londo" GSC 9.58 8:30 a.m. ~Tokyo~Mc"a~., fr·ul1, cal! "ro~r"m from lI~"~ar.,, p,m.·12:~5 i.m. for short-wave t ran5- 6,98 G" .. "' Amer;can pri;nn~l"' 01 "or: .IZ! 9:20. 10 :25 ll.m.~En~li'h New, Mosco w. U. S. S. R.: 7:40·8:20 DQily Ev.nlng- (9.535) miHio ns to Eu rope Ii,\"]'4 (9.125) ~.m. 10 North Amu;ca; 12 nOon· 5:00 ,..m. 5:00p.m. Tokyo JlGI 9.505 9:40 a.m.~Berll,,~Xame; ". 9:45 p.m. (ex. Sat.)~B.rn~ 5:45 p.m.; 6:48-7:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. Romt 2M] 9.53 Brilish prisone .. in Gcronan~ l'r(l~t"'" fOT Norih Amerj~., Norlh Amuica; 8·8:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 5 :45 p.m. london GSC 9.58 UJB (15.20) DXL6 (15.13) r,."", A,]jor,,·a,,' i" J'1l P';""" 10. 10:55 f'-'''. ~ New,: llEr.3 6.87 YNOW Mo n~9U I . Nicaragua: 8 p.m.· IZ :30 G: 48 p.m. 5,48 p.m. MOleow DXT (15.B) DXLl9 (17,85) JZI (9.535) JI.G2 (9.505) (6.165) HERS (11.865 ) I .m. or li ler 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Tokyo JlG4 15.105 9:45 ~.m.~San F",nci'l·o (T)~ 2:30 p.m.-I."udo"~I~adio Ne'" 11 p,m.-London~'·H"dio N~\\" 5.775 HIH S ~n Ptdro. O. R.: 8·9 ,30 p.m.; 7:00 p.m. 6:00 pm. Bulin OZ, 10.54 ('.,'ale.de 01 \"irlo'" I,\\'ID ,e,,1; GHE tI5.39) (;](G (11.68) r~e1. new< br the ",en and "'0 Sun. 6:20. 7 : ~ 0 p.m. OX, 1.24 (7.23) . 2:45 p.m. (ex. Sun., Mon.)-S." ",e" who mah it: GSC 19.58) 6.15 YNRS M ~ni9ui, HiclfaqU I : 9.10 ~.m .. 7 8:05 p.m. 7,05,..m. Mldrid '.86 9:45 i.m. (n. Sit.. Sun.) ~ York (T) _ Amerioan \"r" (;11'> (5.195) GSL (5.11) p.m .. 12:15 a.m. 8:30 p.m. 7;30p.m. Finl~nd '"0lX3 11.785 rhun~klnl'; ~ Anlfr;C3n !h,ur; Ltmr \I'("HX (15.27) II :45 p.III.~Brau.avine--Program 5.696 TIEP Son JOSf, C. R., 8·9 l .m., 8 p.m.· 8 :30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. RIll de XCOY (6,12) 3 p.m._\"pw I'ork (T)~~or"i« In,,,, Fighting French Hea,l T I.m. J~neifll 10.22 10 ~.m.~11 u III _EII~1i II "'~\\, In3"·' 1I~Jl<>rttr: WI.lO~ 111.87) 'lu.rler~: FZl (11.97) 49· METE R BAND 8:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Rome 2R03"" 9.63 2lJ06 (1530) 21104 (11.811 3:15 p.m. (ex. Sun.) ~Moll'" 12 lIIid.~s... Arr;ca~E n J( 1 i. h 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. London GSC 9.58 111:30 I.m.~ .\lelOOur"~ I'~rlil ~ l'i""I'-- I ':II~Ii'h "'~". (R1!.1F New. (5.96) 6.66 8 rull: 5·7 p.m. GSL 5.\! II'url'! Nr"': "LG2 (9.541 19.8431 12:30 l.m.~R 0 III e--"Amuican 5.635 HC2Rl GUlyaqulf, E cu~dor: S U~. 6;45. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Berlo" OW 10.54 \"I.W5 (9.681 3:45 p.m.-lh"u"'·;lIt-E,,~li-h lJonr:' for we. tern North 7:45 p.m.; Tilt•. 10:15 p.m.-12:15 OX, 7.24 10:45 i.m. (n. Sun.)~'c" YOI'\" ~P"' fro'" Fi~hli,,~ Fre",'h Amp,iu: 2R03 (9.63) 2f1.04 i.m. 5.63 HIT 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Stotkh'm sa" 9.535 (T) ~Ar".,i~." N.,,,, L~',., 1I0> 5.03 10:OS p.m. 12:25 ~.m. 11 ;25 p.m. Melo·rne VLGI 9.54 6.44 HilS 5lntiago. O. R.: 6:40·9;10 p.m. 12:301.m. 11 :30 p,m. london GSC 9.58 Soturday, JOlluory , (,,,,,,,," .. ,1 I'Nrorma"r~ I,C;U W~dnuday . Janllory 13 u. Sun. 6.195 /11.731 1\lllI) 115.29) 5.~OS TGOA G" EWT City Progl1ll11 SUlion 12:30 p.m.~Lolldon.,-Bchjnd Ih. QUtlal1tnlngO. G UUtmll~, 9. ,"c 2.915 7:30 p.m,··I.,,,,,I,,n~'·Scar. ",,,1 11 :30 p.m.: SUo 9 p.m .. 2 a.m; 1 :OOI.m. U:OO mid. ROmf 2RO] 7 i.m.~S~,,' \'Qr~ ITI--('h~N Uaulcfr.. nt' GRE (15.39) 9.63 Slril'~ in Blil.i,,:' "ilh DOl 3:15 p.m.~X."' York (T)~~hil Sun. 9·9:30 I,m,. 8 p.mA ~.m, 2:00 i.m. lDOI.m. Tllkyo 9.m f""" Ih~ lalh" won (9.59, ~n,r 1)~1.>t pllt 5.39 Hf9B I.)"" Da"irJ--. u" ("~II; WOOS (11.87) SlnlllgO, 0, R.: 6:40·8:40 p.m. IITSX {15.271 I.) ch. ,\, F:. r. ill Br;tain 6.37 COCQ '" 10:30 u".---("h~"(~',,~~"ollll;&~ 7 p.m.~ P.. rl·au·Prin~e. Hai,;_ HIUn" Cubi: 7:30 J.m.·2 I.m, Important Stations c"r (9581 GSt (6,11) E,d,ur: xGO\" (6.12' S p.m. l~"d" ~\ .. rch "",.rir" 1- 8 p.m.~1. 0 n d 0 n-"Democrur 8:3() t.m., 7.11,10 D.m, . Melacyclu 0' C1>o .... od, of ~U..,,~la ••booWD' 11:30 ,.m.~~an fr~n(i ro. IT Gue_t \i.hl OS(· 19,58) C"I 5;]55 lAC March ..," William Holl: GSC Romt,ltiJy: 2:30.2:45 P,m. MH. A"eria It. II 11.'1'71.10015.8."6 FiIJJor MtG« KGF.! f7.lSi (5.111 6.3~3 OAX4C AI'll!." ',908 01X3, Fhllud 11.716 2:30 p.m.~'~" York (Tl-S~t 1958) GSL (6.1l) GRN (6.195) liml. P.... u: 7 p.m .. I :3() un. 8:30 p.m.~1. II n II 0 n-"II~rt ;1 (SI\ 10 21.m.) CBFY. ca.aada ll.'h PJCI, C..... e.. 1.U "ire S.n,,~dr I\RO~ n1.87) 8:30 p.m.~London~Talk by J CH1I.r. KIo ...."o '.1)3.5 P8K. IIr,.. U lo.n IIrilaiO\, "ton!", ~IUltd, c."( 5.31 I-HlX Trujillo C;I), D. It: 5:30·10:15 C1I.1BE. llou.m1>lq~. avo tJ.s.s.a, U,15, 8 p.m.~Lo,,"on-\\' ... kh· ,';:011 10 B. pn",U.y GSC (9.58) Gst (958) r."l (5.11) (6.11) GRX (5.195') ~.m.: SUo 5:30-9 p.m' S~" 815 I.U 1&.113.15.1'. JUl. 11.19, ~h~ E~~I! (I.. b. ;"tl"dill. mt' 10:15 p.m. ~ )-ItW yo,k {Tl­ 10,30 P,m. CI;W1.POTU.,01 1"Ob lI.h. JI.I3, '.an. 9,5U Oat •• froll! Am.ri .. " fli~r. i .. 12;30 a.m.-CuaIMlal_Thf: En D11I, Gum .... ' U.ICI SBtJ, S-.odn 1.'36 ("""'nlal,,J !'.. fonna"... W("8.\ ,1;-" Hour: TGWA (9.6851 632 SUP2 CJiro. Eonl; 12:10.1 ~ m Ilrilai" O~l· (9,58) Oll\ (948) IIC DA (9.5'1) 6.316 HilZ DJD II,,, TAP, T'1I.rlt.7 '.46~ (5195) Truiill~ City. 0 R.; 12'40.1:~0. 10:30 p.m.- GII.telnala~Anltri 6,10·10:45 pm g1~· ::'~~ i~~!~-t;";!dtemala Itil~ 10:15 p.m. ~ "'.w yo,k (T) ,au IlflH!r.rn TOII'.\ (9.6851 T"ursdQY, Jallllary 14 DX-I" '.U VLOI. Ault•• llo 9.6t 6." 2R023 Rllme, haly: 2·7 p.m, \ .,,1.. ""n,. S~"'OI 1\1 R\ 11:30 p.m.~QuiI0-8atk II" 7 a.m.-!'i.w Y.. rk (T)-l.lIx OAXIA DXL I3. • ... VL03, 11.'1 19.481 \\'1'0\ 19,591 6" ChrdlyO. Pe'~ 8:30 p.m,.12:10 DXP. ',03 VLOI. I&.U !I,,"r !If"JB 19.9581 Theater: WCDA (9.59) weB' I.m, DZD. 10.&43 VL07, lUI 12 mid. ~ C.ualfmJla - P"p"I~, (15.27) 6'.28 HIlG ~hd~ ... , dt .\Ii n.r... ~Iarin,l,~ Truj,llo (,Iv 0 R 8·109'-4(1 DXLI. F ..~c. U,13 VLOI, 11.110 MOllday, Jalluory 11 8;30 i.m.---(;nrinnali (T)~Rm EAQ, Spai.. 9,16 VLHI 9.41 a.m. ,,:~O 1'10. 4'~0.10 p.m Ouhnc.. TOW \ (9.6851 Skehon; 9 a.m.~M.d \'00. EIRE.I",lanrl a.li. VLQ~. 11.11 6.28 lfO""'d"ill. Fltl Conoo: 6:55. 10 ~.m.~'1~"!rtal--("BS S{'hn~1 N~.·y WLWO (15.25) !l." 9.69~ VLQI. 1.11 Swnday. January 10 nl Ih. Air ('SfY (11.705) 8:15 ~ m. 2'30·4:30 ~m, FGA.IleM'U 16.3'~ VLQIO e.n 10 ~.m.~ ~Iolltr.al--CBS Sch",,1 6.27 S.n hlvador. [I Salvador: 8 f,ance (Vioh,) VLR. 1.68 3:IS P.III.~"'rw York (T)~YOllr of the Air. Tal •• from Far and 11.765, 1l.14&. 962 VLWG. 1.61 9:]0 l,m.~S~w York ITl-~l" p.m.·12:30 I.m. 6",:>

'age f4 (12114-7) IIB'II'i-J.,.. Do.hl Ci",tiu II EOA lI~h)' ~h(>p; Prim. P.~· "'f"; Slu,lIn I'rl,n. SATURDAY January 9-15 Inclusive: Alex Dreier, News Analyst, Re- II(;S \I~I"",' T""e II 11K ~'u,~ Tdlu .I\l\(; 'I _~r; S ..... January 9 II K1:r OJ, h 1 ,,'~ turns Saturday; John Charles Thomas Inaugurates New 1I"1'\c' R~"'h,1 ,h.. loo~in, Gla •• ""I'1.~ U~"nl ",It •• ; St". 111.11 (luund I " II(I~'- A'uu"J llot 0\'11 Program Sunday; Lily Pons on "Telephone Hour" Mon. \"'1("1", k... ~Ut & ",,1. MORNING Julin II TI\" Th. I "lhern~k l 7:]0 EW T "',104 , 6:]0 CWT 11;00 EW T .... M, 10:00 CWT WFBII Farly Bird. WIRE Sl~f)' t.:.dy • ~t,., II ... AI I' FOA .New); Golden Gile Ou,tlel: 1I)'mnl Iro", UI, /I,ll. WDSU \\(;,IU IIon,in!!: M_dilali(tn II LA\" _\h"io U(lX \t"'u~it. 11,;AIl II( II ... \\£OA II USS *WGS N .... : R ....rd Rutill.; WII'OX In,AI' "~n,inl D"'Olio,,. \1~A1 11111' \\"_IIK LW·Ml' Ih"" l'llral, I'.-IXG WlHE Ilru~h '" SomilH LOG OF STATIONS II Hr,ll!> ~ The Servktmen's Hap: \\"IIK t.1u.il·al Clock wcro W!;.AZ II Il!~ 1l1.'llI U""k WM"Q ~o''''an ROil" Mu,l. \\.-\Ii.1I 1111E II(OL \\'I:"G WIIK \l1l.lul G.m. I\DKA WXOX _1'."'0.) t.nt IlOIlO 11~\l IIIS(; 11,101. Sch",,1 01 the Air Listed in Edition 7-East Central .1""1 \' ... • I\)IOX r;~ ... ; h ..,J 10' fr ... 1I-New\: 11111.\ d.. ",; rud 1i. .. I>J &- OOlk \\1/1 ("I l"p, X~ilhbor 10:00 EWT "',104 . 9:00 CWT The Crtlghten. Art Coming: WKllC ~lonlil1~ SHon,tlt C,II KLlo· Pewer N.I· [ntort~; WGKI' \\'A\,~ W~IAil ,,(,1\1' \\'LW 1IIIlE MUL"\la"'~trl; ;-."""" lt1!•• s cycln work __ II'AIlL,)lJc"" hrn' II< Ham' II I.A(" I',"uok W"""" Gin. Walls LonUon 1!N ...J: Rii~bow Hu~st: WKnC '\~\I 11"1".\\1 II',\\'E WI.S S1I,i\in' Ed M.ConMIJ; R.d IIIIKC- N.... KOKA Ii.IIKA & "I. hI "" the f:n.my rolo)' '" !\.oMit 1'.1 ".000 Plltsbufgh, P.nnsY'1Inj~ HBC lub.1 Mi""ing H,.son: \\'0\\0 * WAKR ~''''. \l1I,i. KMOX 00" .,,\\OX X¥ •. cr. C.. 'tnl I'o'An;; lI"p,tfc.lIu .-.ollc 1\ l\\ l .. rooll D. ,\.1,,,11 00" ".000 51. lou". M,nGu" \\111 I 1\ 0110' 'CIDry E~t"_ WADC USO Akron, OhIO ,,"." ,p" * waar.l .'"", !:>rrvlu; Stw. '.000 '" Voulh on PlIrld~ IItOA 1111.1" . ,I'UB\I 1'>""" "ingin~ I'>ti~h· WSM-TinL. 10 Shino WAKR Ak'on, Ohio . l'dIT,G,ady CIII.1,rn.; SOl" ',000 '" \1 FUll 11('1,\ 1\,111(' II'B\~ h",; SL'i,,~ '1";0 I\'TA~I:Au"l J~",i",a; Muoi •• 1 WAV[ louiavillt. Kentucky HBC . WCIIS ('dl'. A"d\ & .\llll; Unclt 97' '.000 '" IIBT II'(IIS \\1.\(' 11'1110 1I- hOi.Y .\~" , \tarkeLi , WBBM ""780 50,000 Chlugo.lIIlIIol. S-j's Ab"al1u; ...... , *\.,,, IITI>(1 WS\l \1'\'0'< *'I(P():"~,.. \\11\1 K"" """ CI~"k WBNS ,... 5.000 Columbus, O~ .. '" II (; \R "TIi.\- aLo"d""""D 1!1\FB\1 X~ •• , T,_I) Tu,," W"' 1110 Ch~'I"II', NG'''I Cu"Iin, W(OLC'-t ~1"rn,1IC ' :]0 EWT .... 104 . 7,]0 CWT ".000 '" 1I'_11\1t 1I<'.\1 I\law n~ """ ~Io. inn WCAUt 1lI0 Phll,dtlph;" P.nn1~lnni. *""" ",,'" . Wf8M '\.".; 1:: .. ly 8,ml R"h.,4 Ltlhrt, "r,lIn,n; WCOl ".000 '" KDIi.,\ O,'.r I)" lI'"k tnd WC;S Ca,,,,, lIulle"" Callin, WCHS 5,000 Ch ..lUlon, West V,rgln" \\ I/~ 58. '" h \lOX ~Iagic li.il·lubacca \h.~fl$; IH,OA '" \\(;11" "a.i., .... . ,IUb \I.I",-f .. , Rey_ X A. "'.w. WCOL CGlwmbul, 01"0 NBCBN." . ,\1110 ~.WI; ",,,hi Work,n' T.Ui Jim Rollubo", lin.; ..... HK '''' '" 11(;\ \111 'ul P.rl... lb,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'II ••• I...,AI WCPO Clnt,nn.ti, OhIO Loc.1 \\'111'011 ..- ,\I",. Ibll, '""', LuU~b1 WENR "" '" . 11'11.11(' _\,...... t & 1101 1I111~ { .... rhr..... rd T_ • ,,~... I\UC .... ::.M WUP SO.OOO Ch;Cl,o,ll1inon II I"'G Li.len ...... d.,.,: II"",. D.-• WEOA '''' '" . \1' !.AI:. Xe". ~oun' I\a,~"" 1\ 1111. I'.rj~l}' {Iu<~ III1AS WADC WAI'E 'SO [v,n1vlll.,lnd,lnl "'al.. r ('I"h WFBM '" Ind;'n.polis, ]ndl.n. '" \\1111.1" lo"'~ ul E\"In~.li.", Mu.it~1 (Ioc:k; II BB\I WCPO ''''' '.000 '" \\ IftI,: l' S, X.,,)' R."cl .WIAI',"' ..... 1I,."n Orch_ WeAR , , Clnoland, OhIO WII£ 'I ..unlaintu.; h'" I~ "Un,1 I" ~ .. ,~ h,,, .... , •• ''''.. '.000 '" \\VE Ir.. men In Iht NtWI; Ill!> M.... I Ad, ,,,~I Do ..lIfS WGBr Eunsym.,lndi,n, NBC·BN J i .. IIAII.11 a bl. lutilul. "80 ,... '" Ilh;lh", ,n Ih~ \101" ,Thi. . W\"OX X.",; IJ,,,d.,, aond~ WGKV· Chi, luton, Won 11'11.1'(' WUI~." ""r~nad. 1\ BT T,u,uf)' SIU Puadoo '00 1I'"""n·. I\'nrld \\ O~U Salon M~I".h" Virglnl' NBC·BN 11'1.,\1' Rr"_ rbr~"<9 Il'alktr * \\'I.Al" roof""; 0.. Ihe far", \\GAII'Ih. (lock Wal"hen WON "" \l'1\,\'A ,I ",h",.~ P,"vu. fr"p! __ 1\ 1M; S~" .. Rh)'lhm rive 72. SO,OOO Chlellgo, illinoIs W1.S D~"1Lb".I." WH AS 50,000 lc~luille, Kentucky ." 11 :15 EWT .... 104 , 10:15 CWT II!.AP M"'b,n~ Rou"d Up II Ii.IK Omll,an ~c'.nu Pl'lm, .., * \1'1,\\' X"H; S,,,ti,,. Nti.hbor WH10 C.o~', CGunlry: II (K\' K\10X \\'LS \I L'> )1., " lkIb 01l110n, Ohio '"m \\ M,\Q " ..cnint Mood. lIodet Ru"u". '.000 \\,(,Il~ WEOI IIIISS IU'IIM nrodl~)' WHIS 1440 '.000 Bluefitld, Wen Vir,inil HBC 11'0<;1' T",)ao'. (.I."d.. *\\,Lw-roo.",.; l:llllllin' ~::d "I(. IllII Kinc.id '''' WilT II':;AI WADe {' .."",II II' :-'0.\ 1- ~I" WO",II WH< 0420 ',000 C(tvtllnd, Ohio MBS·B N I\'S~I 1I'"'''''L~k,I''' thai WHKC 64. Columbus. Ohio To be In~Qunctd; we~1l * WMAIj Ne",: lIuL Ilf~""": N,,,. 8:45 EWT "',104 . 7:45 CWT SO. \l"T.-I~llI",,~ I,~," \I'(}IIO "'.I'Ill roo"". WONG 1410 '.000 Da~lgn, Ohlc N BC· B~ 10:15 EWT "',104 , 9:15 CWT * \\'lI!nt "'",. Bert Buhrm.n, "rgl~lst: WIIIO WIR[ "" \\( 1'0 littl. ~Io .. w 1I'~,j 1.~~ (-1(.",.,,(, 1430 '.000 indian.poli"lndi.n. NBC Mir~ndy ,II ... nlmmon Holler: \I SAL \I ~;OA WIZ[ 1340 SpTinglltld, Ohio NBC·BN WC,IJ1 S'ary ,,,"" IVTA~I SaIJ'e" ur Tilt p",,, * N.,,,, ,..",u.\ II HIM WHKC 25. \'-0110 1\111\ lun. * W(,N Jdlle Amterson, p'oni.!; WWVA I.. I'. L.h", ... 6< 51.lf WJf\j' 50,000 O. t'oll, Michig.!n Encores: IITOI. WGllr. 11'1"(; IlOIlO WKI1C Clllclnn.ti, OhIo New. '" 5.000 '" II'SM I\''TA~I 7;45 EWT "',M, 6:45 CWT WADC ('"rol Gilb ..1 WLAC 151055' SO.OOD H.lshvillf, Tenn"s .. m II'IIA~ FOri!' Jli~hIogh(. II'lIhll Lu.k)· 16 Club "" Youth .. n P~r~d.: II'I.~C "' N~,." II'ING wlme II LS WLAP 1450 luln~lon, Kenluclr.y II'JlIH- War I'r~"'. WIlE 1I,IIE.\,.,i"r rll!,t'. O.~IL Riinbo.. House: I\T~II I~U(' 01<1 \)irl nobN. we. 50,000 Ch,c. go, "linoi. \\',~KH-I,",t.r ;,,~~ .. \11l,inl Clock \\,AI\(I WilKe II Sl:I!ot .10'-" J~ WCW 700 SO.OOO'" Cincinnlli,Ohia NBC·B""N 11'1 .. II'Goo<1 Follow', Club WADC,inlerlll It!lloic WSAI 5,000 Cinti"n.li, Ohio NBC·II N WKRC \\,O:,U IIIIA~,I:wJr" '-alley "" II'lS Jonni. I.ou J.rni",. LIltlf Blut Pllyho\l~': WGBr WSAZ "OJ HuntIngton, WUI Virgini. 1\'1,11' 1I,,~j, A'pin",11 n. II'IlA;i,,\lu.inl rro", 1\'1111.,101' Ualld. "" '.000 1\,1"'(; II II!- 1I0WO WAKR WSB+ 75. 50,000 AII,nl', Gtarg" NBC·BN'" \\'-':OX,Sh""IJ~r<' Gllid~ WHIS M.lodv ~I.nlr .. * WIW: W0110en TOdal; Song. of \\'<;,11 11'111( 50.000 N•• hvillf, Tenons.. NIIC·BN \1 n"l',Th."u !'oo"-' WtAC Fa"li~ld Four W," 'SO tht 'l""f~; N."" 0000 CI'''tland, Ohio NBC·BN WSAI,U. S. E.mplo, mtnt Pr.D!_ Nil. Muk's L.n Prtltnd: WBT * 11 ILk. l'.. ll~e & "",1'1), Reports: "',. SO.'" 1I'1l,\S 1\'lIl1M \\I.Ae K'IOX Wtll',Su. '" H~"!I'" 1170 SO.'" Whuhng, Wn\ Virtinii \\,;,,\Z-Bill " "nnlana II'NOX I'>~ ... W(;,IH 11(11<; WB"S IISAZ ".100., \lu'"'''' ""'" WII"'A Ru,-~r, Gu,tlp WOII'O \laJio 8,lil~ t I~ •• II hll{ \lu,illot CB5-C .. lumhi. BrndeasHng Syi,.m CoUI GUlIrd on PHlIdt: WTA\I 11'''11 1.;1" I""<~ (;"u.I",~" WL,IP lI~dio Il.,-eill. Hank uwse~'1 Kn'~hU: II"OIVO KIlKA 1\''''1 IIMAQ WillE . II'TAM N.",; III •."i ....h.1I IIL,>,.\r~.">d' 1I'"... khoppu MBs--Mulull B,udClIsling SYlltm N.t'l Hillbilly Ch~mpion1; WADC II"K\' \\1.1,' II'UC WlI"" \\'GAn 1\'rB~ ' :00 EWT A,Io4 , 7 ;00 CWT \l'lI1 l'"n.um.,,' F ..u.nd." .. n BN-Blut Net ....rk WAI)(",Tru,ury S'ar Par~dt 11::.,~IIl'I. l!:t.ke" WBT * '.orld N... s Roundup: \\(;KV L"cal-Not Afi,li,ld With Any N.liGnal NtlWOrk WAVE F,:ule Ii..Hor', Orch. 1I~~I,Ua"i~1 Q1I3.lfI Nellie Revell P,.,enl$; II'M.\Q WAlE l\lllS IIGIIF WIXG '(_Nighj.\imo Progr.ml only IITnt. (-h;rlip U'IIC' IITA\I\!u.iul Callboard ImK~ \\'SAI \\'GKV WIRE \\,(,I'Oljl1lp SI,ow WillE 1\('Ot .-Nftwotk Progr.m. Only WGBF * N... s ot Ine World: \\'lINS 9;00 EWT "',104 . 8:00 CWT II 1110 Honry l.'nu. pilni., [v.'~lhi'9 Go .. : I\AIE WGIIF Ri'nbcw House: WLIP K\IO~ wells 1\!oAl WADe III1IS('nIlH B"," WTinl WCOL WCKV WHiS NOTICE; Th. information conu,ned in Iht prcg'ilm uhod· ""OX Pia"" Ilf(";'al IItOA IllIlIM IIUT InUM IIlu prUtnlod in Ihrst p.gt, I. 1upplied by 111 ••tlllans II 1I1i.( 1.i"~",,,.~ '!arhl~ I'/S)I . WA1i:R-)I;.".: ~Iu,ic 11'1.., IIn\\al'd P~tfr<"" ...,~ani.t W)I;OX b,gadtostin9 thost programs, MOVIE·RADIO GUIDE .hould *N . .." II"SAZ IH;AR WCSII \I',\I'E D""olinl1~1 WWVA "",ilie ~IITI.r * W"rld Nows Round·Up: IIIZE not be considerea rtspensible for errors in .nnounctmenl. au~ WilT II EOA WADe WNOX WEII)1 Hou't""'U P,o!~cli .. . 11 :45 EWT A. Io4 , 10:45 CWT \\'\\'I'A to flllu" 01 sUlion, te ,dvist 01 .... kly progrim G WIZE WHK 11Th \ Ij~n "f Tnmon~ .. III1K \\0\\0 \\11!i.(" "',c., If your fuo,ilt 1tl!ion is nOI hued quarter. ar hI!· . 111'10 ""kol.' -.:~w. WAI,n IIOWO it \\'f'IIS,Salurda,' n.,..~. . )I;~",; M",ic: II'AIi.H WI\UC hour ptriod,. tonsull lh~ timt "Slings immediately proceding. 1I'1l1S nll.I·lhm Ho,leo *X.",; I\U'O WBIIM WCK¥ WrOL-Hadio "h"nl'il\~ Guld. WSAI The ch~nce~ ;If. IhH .I ".twork p'ogrim of 30 or 60 mi~uln· \VcrO-.II",;r M;,h.. \l'lIl{r X,,,,,, ~1.I~dl~. WGN" WI,llr,~l'IL' "'-LLl. " 1I3ml * KIJI<" N,',,,,: AI"" J(ltlima duration i. on Iht air al • qu;trler·hour when yoU ao not \1'EOA·S,,,,iJo I'r~ll1. WGN llc(ord R",.illo K[)I{A-ShuPI""" Ci.cI. find yeur ,b!LOn listed, WW\'A Bor,I •• Itid .... I'MO.\ Joll}' Jamhoru I\'t,;N-Ju". lIah. * 11 1111) ,II",""",, "~"" wIns ~'3rm T.lk WHI)I ~ .. ILI L"ger; Mark Timt jI Slot In p,a,'''''' II.tl~,. Indkole•• 'WI 1I, .."dc" ., II L,-\(' Lilli. Tf'"' 11."1 11'1110 "i~m; V.1I9Y Fatm N•• , WLAl'lIa,lio H.Hilt. "'ith ~Iu,ir II IIA~,.\lu'; •• ' ,... FI"g ,"al.olu ,odla', w", efta,! progr" ... 1I111"-W.,,-,dy Williom. AFTERNO,ONJ 1\'l.S I'ro",. IL""Llors 11'111< ~o y"" IV""I a Job \I'Lli' "a"l( Storie, 111110 !land "r tho U3y II!I hI' lIt"lt MeditallOn Le~t . II'II'>C-:"< .... ; R.d ~r,,' rrllm. 12:00 EWT 1'40011 11 :00 CWT .1111,\l!:-'100 Iluur: Now' • "'I\m "~u.: "u." . ,\'IZE For \\""m.n 0,,1,,; Xo .... t~!U.f 01 TOd'y: IIlhV lIellS 11~\lI'~1I1 U""ar,1 11'1.5 11,,1 t.:uh".' ",o~. 1\1,',P,,"It,-.,- !,."'ce T"". II'BR\1 \\'EO.,\ lI.'IOX WI1AS WTA\! \lu,;c~1 r~lI"o~.d II MA(j l'~u. " .. ~bI .... ' IHIAS-\1u",i"C Frolir WCS,Life a"d the L."d WLW 1Io), To"n Choir WFlI~1 \\\'OX 1I'8NS 1\ l.AC \\lIIO Wo,"~" ,n C;"ihn Ild~n.., 8:15 EWT "',104 . 7:15 CWT \\{I~IJ .\1"rnin" ~1£lbdi •• "'WlllO,S~,,~; TII,,~,ill Timt II ,\UX Ilibl~ Itour \~,IU( 1\ ..AU \\'~Al 111110 ..,II·UK,\,.". DanCIng Strings: KMOX II'EOA W\\,VA L~w Childrt l'IIKt.:-Alil'a", Hu"",,",,y Enl~Ill' II'O"U Folk Si11~IH"' /Lrmy " N4 , ' :15 CWT bO, \\ llli.e 'Io"'i"~ Mood. II'SAI !'hGpl><"" P ..atl* II'LAP II-KRCRh}lh", R"undup I\'II~E \1.,,), MeJ"di .. RI£hord L.,N". o,~anl1l: "A'E CllltllSllA Md"diu: WfBM WBT \1~\1 0 ..,1><'] in Son~ Hut'S Wa)h;nglon: II'CIIF \\'(;111' II'GIi.I 1\>"1 \\,1.1)(' limA WCAR \\"lW-~I~il Sal II'Ii.R{'.("i"~,,,a C.I~ndar 11"(,\\1-\1,-;1 Sf., lc~ (" .,,,,",,•• io,', , MU1it hy Blat~: \\IIK WXOX,ConoJ \~iohbor .,,""'. 1111.1<; 1\ lIiUI WHiO IIrukrUI ClulI: WGBF II"WVA .lnIAQCoff~ Time. N~," J\.,~ C"n .... Ih. Band .\'~"" II'AKU WCPO II'I\G II'!;AZ Indi." Bill IIlI'kal Oo1,1;1I1 "I Kitchen. II W\'" \'''''n~ ,o."'Niu ncn~d.a., WilE WII.Itt.: \I~AI \\ .\IAQ \I L~.lhe",""Jo:.. \\\OX KOI._\ .""i!t A,,'hil~ 9;]0 EWT A,Io4 . 8 :30 C W T II I A 1 "r 10:45 EWT .... M. 9:45 CWT *KOKA'\e"'; \I~n on lho Fa .... 1\ 11K' X.,,, in lh. SI ..," \\lIBI>I Do y"" Kauw lh~ An Tht lOuden (,111.; IIEO,\ IIflAS 9:45 EWT .... 104 . 8 ,45 CWT Stein; S.renadt: 1\ It\Q I\DK" II An: Spuk)' " Dud WAne DoIn J ..'t ~... r; WSAZ ".-a_\1 "eKY IIAOC B,Ukl.. 1 Club: WGKV 1\'I1K II"GKI" \\111" WIn; WSAt *II"BT-\,""".; L ... Whilf \\'AI\Il IIru~b" ~hlodi ... W])X~ In, 1I'3r & y .. u WCH~ llLAl' IlijT WGAn [v"ylhm, c.o~): WGlIF WTAIoI IVS" WiRE IIGBF lI'eOL Inqulrin~ Row.',., \YR~'" E"rl., 11' .... 111 II'CIIS,lhrmI9 S",;." Brtilk!ast Club; II"l~ \\'Illnl-Suurd~" Sunlhinf N.n H,lIbiliv Ch''11pion1: 11'1110 WGN,lh,de Ihr.y " ,o.~I11 Arn • • WClI~,llo"'i,,~ \li"lIr. wc],y ('""<,,m~. C.. nferonu h.nKA'~larl.u on P.rw 111I\'S Rounll Rob,n Rnu. Curley CI.monl' R.~gtrs: WLAP J.",borft l\lhYOlo, .. Ii.~~~!.) IITPO,l'ol.ju'ic P.fad. . WBII\! ;<;t""; ~lo.i,,1 CkKk \\'(,\, Go",1 M".ni"~ M~tCldi .. \\,(,\lJ WIIKC \l'111" (",,,.r,fi,. 1 ull.bia II'COL AI Your '",,,,et \\"GS IIr".h ~, S,,,ile, Good )!orn \\'IIS~ ~Iini.ur;"'" IIlth('o'''''''.lj~n in Warlime Hank la ... n'1 KnighU: I\,\KR III1KC-fa.", Tllk \\ ll'O "Io",i"~ SII' jll,; Aunt J.",;m. WCPD-You. n~,. & M,n. 1\ 111\C'-Tro"LI~ "hou'e," h~10_\ 11edi"~1 s..'eieh' \I'!IlE I';rgilli. Bl'rn II IIIlII·K'·'·I' I;vil'~, l'hio~~o Muslc.1 Cocktail: 111:\11 \\'(;Bf (7 -12, 14) Death of Founder Terminates wn'O·Jud~. RhI.hm Courl liTO,. WI\"" Radio Ruiul ... Ha., BuU.lin Board: WIIK C.dle Tabern.cle WI.AC·Moru.~h 01 \loIod)' WHK," SATURDAY, January 9 * WLS,Gr~in M;orhl ." ..... K\1:0X·( ..""" E''''''l', {;r.. "p T he pa!:~ing of Howard Cadle, founder ot 2:30 EWT P.M. 1 :30 CWT W,\IX ·L.h~,., Hour the Cadle Tabernacle, a Sunday religi ou!: fea~ J Immy Joy's Orch.: WtMI IIIII{ WAKR"lo~ H;ne' O"'h WBB:'oI-He!1n Irom lIa"'l] WHlO·To b~ ~"""u"r ..1 WilKe' I ture on ~ R S, has caused the program'!: ter­ WBT·Lum & Ab"~r Wj/F ~r. T~I. "!""" mination. The great tabernacle in Jndianapo­ S ~irit of ' ~ 3: WCKY WEO ... II l'" Tn be ~""o"",.d WIIIO WAD(; IITlnl K\lOX * WfPO·:I;f'" WSO.\. Ihllco Otrh_ lis. one of the largest auditoriums in existence. WLAt: II"BT WSOX \\'G:I; II" Tu" •• ; S~I~"ad. wrns WING_To b. Unno,,"1< lor CI s'CI,io" Ih pnc.ding busine~:;. ~evered all busines. conncctions * \\,<;011_\".",; \Iu.i~ \\ KliI'·~i~'la Ser,".,rle twch'e years ago to devote hi, timc and money 11'1\'\',\ 1170 "'Ir.amli".r< program is on tb. Cllr. 1\"(.5 Tr.a."rr ""~r ('~,.adc to rurthcring his religious work. 5:15 EWT ' . M. 4 :15 CWT 6:00 EWT P.M. 5:00 CWT 2 :45 EWT P.M. 1:45 CWT II BH~I_II, rh ~·ool. 5plfllOf '43: II'f"" IIH,\" *Fruiu Hunt. ne ..s: WAlK Jlmm, Jay's OrIl WIZL II'Mill ' For.i9n Polity Au'n Round To .. * II'A\'E ~""""_" K.","s Oreh_. B06 HAWK conductl th e II"U:'U-Ohio 1'."" &. lIomo lIou. hi,' \\,111, W()K \\',II(l1 IISIII "e,,, * \\'111:;-\'0111' 1).il)' ("hllokle; r- I Heu AmfliU Singing: " T ha nks to tht Yanks" A~I T,-~"su') S",,~ Pa",d.; Ntws \\"G~ WOIVO-iiono. lJ'nlOOlslr.>Jio" 1\'1:>;(; * \\'(~:I; :1;"". III\I:C_£", ," ~~rc"."j~ .. "., , 11"1"1'''' WhR{" 11'8\-; qui u es II ""1 c..ne Atthu " lin Guard wilh Ihe Cout 1V1:I;r,·'1}lhi<~1 lla,," land 1I'~AI .. To h~ .""",,,,,,. ... 1 1\\10" II (11\1,; I\JJI W(PO * \\ 11I~1-:';."" 1l~",,,ne G",,,'-/ \\,r,:I; wI,rw \\'1(KC IUZE (,;~ili"" lI"r~I'" P. M. II (Ill- IIWI'A U",h" U."~.rl I{OI\.\· ... ""~ 11'. Si,,~ WI.'>·Muti Y""f 11"\11,, 5'.1;"", 5:30 EWT 4:30 CWT 1I' )11O-1:."lio Sp", lidll MII, h. 11 Ayres' *I{()I\.\ ~''''' ' \'Ollr Dinn., 12:15 EWT P. M. 11 :15 CWT II'IIBII ~i"~,,," Nci~llbor. Ji,nlllY \\'O~U-C,,"eer~ M",I""",·, OIC h.: \VIZI': \\, 1((, DiILlI.' IIII'i< II illi,,,·,I', O,,'h. 11'1;0;(; WAhl1 \\'011'0 W~AI Dh~" MuSIc by Bh, c~: II'VE 1-1'01'10 ~I·II"I. 1\'ING,SporlS; II'ohl S"l'h"litu •• II" II I'"". ", llor * II'UU,II ~.,...,; C.. llOft Iroln En- Consumers' Timt: 1\"'\1 WTAM WCI(Y_C. 110" ill Ih. Ii. 3:00 EWT P.M. 2:00 CWT Clevoland Orch.: I"!O_'- III J(~ WIUE .. t>ial " t)~Il"e Three 5un5 Tria; I\".IHQ WISG ~I.II(I . ",."., IOI.\(1 \\I~\ I Wl'I'O lit"""" Gold.n M.lod,.,: Kllh·\ IIWI:: II J I:· ~'u~ic~lf IHAJJ Ihl' IIHIL II!." .... IITOJ. \)ih"~r 'hI';' W_\KJl·Jim",i~ L",,<~ll>td', Or~h, IIFlnl ~", .. ,I",,, "" 111 1... ,,01 1\1\,; WIZE WAn: IlL\\" Trul) _~", ..i<~" \\,1\1:: II'LO.\ SI"B.Juke &~ 111'1~·\l.m Oil II,. "ITO.' IIIN .ws: McAlhSler (oU.!I~ Choir: K'IO:l; F..-o';lr \ld.wh~' * "'IIT ~e"'; Twili~hl ift Oi~i . 1I'!:I;C,S)II'ph"'"t "'''"I( IIlE·I"di~lI" I "i"" C"uudl Will,! 1\'ld:l' 11'111\ II'~"-SI"',)")' Srh",,1 1.,.""" II WUllM I-ie"".,' Mall""" II'CKY .. LoII !'- 'IIilh IVLAC,Su",l.y ~dl0"1 Le~",," \lhl:1 ']'"Ik; L"",ilroll lrri.. ~ All Out 10' Vi'lory: I {DI\.~ \I'I~\ ("""'erl (I,dl 1(,\ T""eo * WT" ~ ' :1;011"; Sp.,,-I. II'CI'O lUll, lur S"I!I"'r * WLII',~.",; 1{11~'" y"", A",.r· II'Sill \'ou ,\ Ih" 11'." IITUI \\1.((\' II l\~1 11"111<;·'1'0 be """0",,0.,1 * "'11'1''\ N.w,; ~Iu'ie \VENH·Virtur_.' ~!ar"ht ira A ~~ e nturu ,n Sdence: IVNOX II 1,11!' \';1'-'«" PrKIJJ 6:30 EWT P. M. 5:30 CWT 12:30 EWT ' .M. 11:30 CWT WGN-Ja,,~ A"tlN"Oll. I'i~nilt W]'i'OX-r",,,I. I\'j"rl. T,wern Am.nc~n Farm Burnu Fed.: IYIH III(IA 11.'1IK: IILKY \\,L!!O'\lerry-Go l1"u"d MesHge of hn(l: 1\ (11" 1\{jIlO 1II 1I'11J0·~t"'; (.Ie,·tl."d Ihrh. WOSIJWri~hl & 110".11, II'W\,A 11'1(]'" II I:I;(~ 1\'l)... LI WG IW IVII-ijll I\i Ih * WSM-\"e".; n"\lI~ u' TUII~I WOII'O lI JPl'Y (lu~ I\'HI"-~IJ",lu"" Scr~lIati. Religion in Int News: W,\UQ II'S~I Inn I II'GKI * Ne'" 1I1l:l; ... \\,AIE IILAP 3:15 EWT r.M . 2:15 CWT * WS.-\I-Sew,: BOllli,,~ Ti",. WII1\: .. To b~ ""nou"" ..! \\'GBF W'I',UI Sun Over Holt~wQod: Ii:MOX IV:',II \\I!.IQ ilLS Gold.n M.lodies: I\I~I,I' WIHE .. UePouw U"l ... ",ily * WSAZ·N.,,· •. 5110'1 . IllJlJM \l1'1\\' IIII,\S WHlO K~IO-" d'e FUlln * hIIOX-_\,.,.s *Fruier Hunl. news: 118\~ ,1;0" "" II'L\c-T" b. ~1I'''HlII,' .. 1 WSM·On Iht lJ~l\d Sl>nd IIHni 1I'1I."'i IICIR W,\KI: 11.,,10 i'h.'tN·' 0,(1 .. IIJI! III ('(}.'"d~. Ilh,"hm {'ourl * WL\P·Se".; Ra~~' WTA\I En,,;. ~ l'ldlld.; A,uri· Wh.t~ha Know. Joel: II'llE IIU'u I II., S ••~~~dt ~ HlI w ~;, C~lIs: 11'(\(1 \\ 1. \P WOltl' \I'li""" Cn"Q.rd 6:15 EWT P. M. 5:15 CWT IVAD, Fo",u\" ("(._,i •• II IlIc,n, ilia" lIele,,"" \1(;;0. Delu'r \Iu.,o *Ntws: (h~rht Oant's Orth.: WI\"·,, .. ('hur,i,'( ("(,,,reb 11'011,11·5"" al 1'1 .. * lnl.\~·:I;~" : lutl. I\~y~ ~hr· K!lI\.1 IIIIU- IV[~(; WIZE 5:45 EWT P.M. 4:45 CWT 1I11l'> 1I'1I1'£·lIiI i~ 1:".,)" L,,"r. WA\'~: "Alex Or.,er. n.ws: II'IAQ C.lhnS P ~n· A mtl; ," : KAlO.'( N~" •. \1.", , .. , 1I'11I(J !>'ar I'.r~de lIT A l' "C""""l~Jlil,,~' * II/IT Ihe Fu"m TIN " HtHo From H~w~ii: W".\Z \1 ..0\ WeOI. WGIIF I\SII lICK\' \\"aT IIB8'1 . w( !lS·S~", lJIIJ~ hhw. * \\'1l1~ :1;, W~",IN \'.lIry \I"("H~ ~1"_;r ,\' y"" I.;k. It II'OS \\111" 11'1110 KMO'( WIRE KIlI,1 II'TIII IIIII~ S",,'I" 11111\1': WI\RC \V ilAS I\"{'OJ. 1l<>13r~ II,,,,, Onh. {;a,,~ 1,1 1,1" J~'r~ I!~ .. I,.' I\C II Y II 1.\(' 111"1\\1 lIST M'Iu,h "'1' \101111 t., lIu".~ II](KJ,,,, ]),,; ~ ,0rl WIlIlII KffP 1';0, .' C ~ I~ \IRTF""" {"amp htkoo_ IlLA(' ~a'Y!oo<' .. w,,_\/ ~. \'~ri'll > .r.", IIIlK( Tr~ lIn ~I.t " ....I . WI\r,.... I "r WCh' 'I,,,;d,.. \nro!>o,,~ 11.,110.-11' \1 I. \I' D~"cr T"". 111\\'11', I &T." ,'1 III:I;G-T"I' H., ~.,' ... , * 11 I" \." * 1\G'i·\<". \\''''''rn \l 1 ~ . IIUII r.I'l" II,,' I,,,. II I,'" (h"""" '" 11",,1 \I.r~fl 1 :45 EWT ' .M. 12:45 CWT 1111"1' "! ". \r S~'" Ihl IHall nl, Ih o1",,~ ( ( ont)~utd On Nut P.~t) * I\LW-:I;f" \1 .. " <>p 'he r~rm Tun •• r~nlny on Melod~: 11.1"" 11' .. _11 4:00 EWT P. M. 1:00 CWT II \1,\(,/-Hi,1o ~ 10",,1 ~11. PUI), D.~ld Chnkln·. Orch. wro_1 M.\ropoohtJ.n Oplr, II'IKIT \\ ~OX·'b" 0" 110. ~ \\IIT II \111 \\1 KY waBII M.I,nee In Rhyl~"" lIlliE \\\\1. \IU\\O·\·o;o'" 01 Ih. f ..... Will'-. \\11\,., 111110 ;1 SAl ,'"u (.n', u.. lh.. IR _ IIDh\ 11111. II \\1 /' Tht Pto~le's WiC lI{a,.\' Glen G r. y"~ Orch.· II n\~ IIIIT SATURDAY'S BEST LISTENING wlllo lIill.r 11'( 01. 11(;\11 III I'I'!;AZ·Newl; LUllrheon Mdo· II IJlr 11'1 n~1 \\,",11 11'1-01 KI>I\,I (O"\'e, ali..,,,. ill ~IL"ie 1111111 1"10:1; I\II(~ 11'(;,\1( 11'11 * "<1I'J-:·liIIlP ror TI"'''; N.... l\lAM,Counl)' AI,;,uhur,1 Bu . · 1\'( h\' 11'1\(' \\,11\<; 11\'0\ s •• pra,ram 1I1tlnllS tor more d.t,,11 alld addlf10nal neWI prog,amJ * "'GIII :l;r~ .. N. ws; To bf , Mounctd: 1\-,11, UII 1\'G'i \I.o~",' 1\111,(' 11m. "IOWII I. EWT; for CWT lubt,a~t 01111 hour. 12:45 EWT 11 :45 CWT '.M. WIIAl'!,Liof,ludt; Cou ••• 01 A,. 1II 1\III1M Mtlodle Momentl: 111-:0,\ Nr ... : ',.'1"" I,,,,,, I':", .iwl'I"~ ~h",1 P. M. Fr ank Vltlor'5 Quantt: II'LAf' WillS (O"I""" Jf""inu News and Discussion I\!;" \\,lIhl' IIhlW *" ('('<1 ...... , 12:00 Thute r of T oday WISG·J~h",,, Lung'. Onh * 1' (-'\11 \". 1I~1"'r 11".i. P _M. Golden M.kld,u· II ~."I 12:30 S tars Over Hollywood *\\ lilt- \. WO~t Tu Ih 5:45 A le x Dre ier I\,,"A Fr_'" 011 Ihe l.and For- * WIli. \n, 11 .." ",wer 5:00 Doct or'S a t War 111 1\"11 ".,. T·' •• 6:'15 Tha Wllrld T oday "'cr WI \f' I'''''r ,I ,Inn)' 4 :15 EWT 3 :15 CWT 7:30 Elle ry Q Ut~n II \P(' SIn",. W~h ... wur I., .. , t...-k lob.".,,; Dnu '.M. 7;00 People's P latfllrm 8;00 A ble's IriSh Rose III IIAI(H,,,"t... : ~(o,,, 118B'1 ('o" I" 'n) Orchnlrl WO'O j,,,I" m,,'lh,n ('ourl 8:00 Roy P a rttr " \\'.11"£ \....s ....~'" T.I~ WL"n, Ih"I"cbun, 'hrk ~1I WI\II V, l:" 9:15 Edwar d T omlinson \\{II'" K~n ... IIA lOll"ll ~oRII IOI\Q p, P,pel T, u 4:30 EWT P.M. 3:30 CWT 10:00 John B. H ug h es 111'('''181 • s.... \\,>"Or Mdcotlie_" J .... Classical Music \1 11K T ...... , .. ' ~,., r,.-.d. Rtpoorl Iro", Wuhl~'IO": \\8\S P. M. WI:I;G·:I;_ II MI, "0< 1\ \[)(' \I,B\I 110;,\7 IlfO\ Variety WT'\"0, '" 'Irlodiel 111110 1i:~1(l:l; Ilfll~ WG,\ R 2:00 Mel ropo1itan O pera Compa n y \\'1 Af' I 't~booll I',.,)." wln'A 11", ~I"Q A.M. WCIi:Y 111..\(' 111\1" WSOX 5:00 C leve land O rchestra II'L~ FI"" >;." . 11a'~tll 2:00 EWT P.M. 1:00 cwt 9:00 Brea kfast Club II!II\O Ila,ktll New Orlnn, HorlO Rut: WII KC e:f)O M.tropohun Opu ~ : \IAKII WS.\f Metro",,!i"n Opera 11111'\ P .M. Dinner Music Concert "T,\\! K"~ ... YO>lr ....·Y Hello f ram H awa ll 1:00 EWT P.M. 12:00 CWT IITOL I\(~h\ I\\~\'A Wlw ~ M u,ic 01 the A"'trieu : WIR E 3:30 0:00 C hicago T hea ter of t he A ir WT,"I \\I~BF I\ HI ... WOI\ O 1i:0K" IITAII .... IIE 6;30 H.1 waii Calls (a~nlfll' Journll 11'1110 WAOC 0:45 Saturda y N ight S ere nade W~1.\Q Ov er Here Wlll~ \\1:0,\ IdIO" WilT WilT Il"Hl!ol>I,"" 7:00 Jesslea D r . ga~.lI., loprano; B,H Pcrr~. F .. n~ BII Ck'l M Uli~ . 1 M.llnee : 11'~_SIl Frulj," RDna!d Colman. m.C.; On!d 8rot~man ' J 1\ LA(' W~,II II JlII'1 te~ or: The Su . n~dcrs: GustiYe Hun KIIKI II II! 1I11'L WI~G \tu ieal M~I'" Orch . ura ; guesls To b. announced III,n,.- II'GKV Ichen', Oreu,.. II III ... SalurdlY Night Ser.~ad.: J.uitl W.-\KR IIIIIA IIl,m 1101111 0 .... ,,1I.u •• B,n PUry: liu, SATURDAY, January 9 II 11K II liE lIae~ chen's Ordl IHU.\! WCPO Tru,ury Stir I'~,~d. K\lUX II'BSS IHIAS IIBT II EO,\ ("",",,,,·,1 of ('b ,, idt U~dio )t"k~ 1\~lIn...... (';"'0 II"IXG·To be aU"'''lfIrfcl W~!AQJu,t Mu.ic ~·.III"1I 10 l.oh "'lIb ..... ~ .. 11. ... -[;1 , Il.u<. Y~"etiu WOSl" J<»eph T~.ue . .. n...... ·u .., WS.\I·Ji ". Du, O'fh. It T! ~'t h .,.,,_.... '.o~ 11"'"0, ,I" Ilull' , •• \1 S'I Olf I QU~rlt! Tuft YOU ..~ .....I!<-h ... ru I\"IIVA·Whre lu Go to O""fh ;I. I'"U)· ,a,1 b I.I_~. 1I~1. ' ;)0 EWT ".101 . 7:30 CWT &0 Bc"""' IIKIlC llLAP wliK "\I" '1--."\""" .. ",Ih HilJ..r "aa U ..., ..... ~ - 11." }I •. To.... I. . I rlml III H':·\·~",,1uI Monr",,' 0.10.. * Hobb)'..- lctbbt:...... [flC Seure,d...... - ~ 1111"' /"""uo. \." _~.," I'''P(I '1.I.. d" 'Iinut. \bid. '."'. I\.\!K.' I\lUlI 111111\1 * S..... WCK\' W!'>Ai IIH)A Stuolio Pn:m. K\IOX I'''~'\Z WJn II oT * \\'AI}(; S~; 0 'H' Onh. IHiAH G,i] St,,·ic.: Go t. \IUIS IILK \\IIX't WtKY II( U... ·B,' .. ftt tt lIe..JL,," Chur WKllC \\"GAIlSi~hl Shift hi, orchestra appear on * 111.1\{:'Th~ W"rld TQ"~Y \\'!,>B KDKA WI.W W1'A'1 WAV E WC:-<·ChifDaa at Nigh t "Your Hit Parada" II I..... \""rj~'r M'l'ie \IC!'O·n<>",~uc. I" Ih~ l\"iI, W("Ol 11'11[;; II"f,KV Todly"S Rosc ..ch In Nylrilion: WeOl 11111-. W(;K\" IH1WO IVIIlO\tu.le: litlp Our War * 11"1.\1' .1'""'; So"~~ uf Ihe IIl1i~1 * WEOII lI~rrr"a,,'. 110)' nub; Olnny ThomaJ Show: II"I"G EfforL! Inl II.,! "u ic,1 bm~ !:.'udio I'r.".. : l'~,.. WAKR \\W\"" \\"011"0 EIIHn Furell, SO".: IIIH \\"1U0 (Ii:JO Conll"lItd) WADe WGM. IITKY \\"Jit 1I1XG·flN, 1\,ltI."",,', Orch. ,.m. \IU~l \~l~bt~ wei I II WIJA~ ll."ho 1'~Il) _ John B. Hugh.,. " ....s, \\ KRC WIIIE·\luoic A. You lill' It III1K(.E~t,,;u. 'ItlfHl,.. \I(:X 1\ 11K * F.ui.r Hunl, news: WFBM \\11E'lan About To .. n 7:30 EWT 6;]0 CWT WJn·\l~'le"'a.k. of Mu.lc ",I-! . IlLS Darn Ihtlu I'artv IOIOX·SIKI.IS K,\IOX IIUC IIBII\I WKII, Tun~ tu \I"~It. Elltfy QUHII: II'T~'I WLAC·.ll.lody AILun, "'rau \\I.\\'-lloon, Counly Jamoo,u W.IIJ1" I.",ou' Blu~~ WAKR·Lro R.i I,,~n·. Ort!' WLAl Tru.llr)' ~t P~r.d, \'111'0 11',IM,l II~U 11\,11 (.;reo:or I.,.m••. Oarkt(.ound * WSOX·~IQII} Pitd St'" II"CI1S T,u.ury Slar P~,"d. W8';S·Xi ... ("lui, \\XO\. 1J;m~~ O"h " Oyer Here: WIZE IITOL .t, \lSM·Chick " ..lIhc·' Onh. 1I:-o.U·(""'fmna'i 5, ,,,h .... , O.cll. IILK\" I'~" Am."UrnJ. I\C,\(' Caballfro. \\ O!'>I' B.II~· T frr)' /" Tnank' 10 Ihe YankS: IIADe 11 :30 EWT 10:30 CWT \\~" M~lod\" Men . Wl"I'Q "two * \\'Clh·:- ,I, Ii"" 0" .h.· 1I0mt Front * WI\"G Xew. * R.y Hulherton's Orch.; News: Conllde"liltly Yours: \VIIK, II\KIl \III \'A \\{ioF W(1I1'O IIAKIl IlfOl IIIlE 11"011"0 6:45 EWT 5:45 CWT IlLS lhrll)'ard J.".bQru 1- ilL X~" ; S,.,," ".M. 1\1 h.~ U,~th IIIlK \lI/E Abe Lyman's Or(h.: KIIOX EnjOY Younflns: lllim IIIIIS JI",,,. II'S,\I T~'''J1ll D, •• t)', Orch. W;';OX·Lesl We j:"rRu II"An:'''porlo II ~\I (,,,I WLAP Ih,dnr In I' .... ).; Op IICKI" "An. IIGm 1I1AM WGI(V 11 ;00 EWT P. M. 10:00 CWT * X~'" IIIlB.\1 IIGS por"lnll , Wdo&"l * 111"",: 1\ \lAQ \\"G8F III11S IIfO\IS~ )" •• ~"".ado *X.. KOK.\ "un: IIMAQ "Ik~ Stly.. Nit' 8un O,n« IHHQ IICOl W~AI .... IXG Ill" \I. 01 I rul a ..btb.n Game: W("\II \\tAP IIGAR (:.". "f "I; Eddi. Pub-ody; HOG1i .. HOI Sold'lfs ..lilt W,nos: III1JO Emin', O,cb. \,L\, l.upr J~,I")' Wald', Or(h.; 1\111 Wllm·I·OIct in fhe Sitht Spot!. W(Ol \\~AI "',q.,,, .{ Shots: Jo, Kelly: Oinnni9 S'" II"AI)(" \I[IT IIUo~1 IIGAR 1I(1~I' *News: Major Gtorge Fielding \IIIU WCK\ [)11'''~r ("tl~bruic. II"." U."I. \ .. e' ,",wi II"~'I II",' ,\,,,11 & Scotty: Olhen: WLS WI.W II"("II~ .. un. "i \\"lIK.Sihn Slrin~. . John Gunlher, U W" WillS \I·II\l; Uh)·cI"" R~",bl" .Nows: Your Number. Pltue: ~ OVfr Here: IISAI II In: \1·\\"I·A·To bf 3n"oun~ed W\lAQ OOClor •• t Wo.k 11'011"0 WAKIl WIZIe WGKV WLS·Nat'l Barn Dance IWI{A I\'G II ~' WIRE WAVE wn.:c; WOWO WAKIl 8:00 EWT ".101, 7:00 CWT II'QI Gr~"d 01. Op,v Let', PIIY Reporter; IVSB WAVE * WI\OX.PatriOlic Parade; Ntw! NOlh Webster Say~: \\"<;[1 Wilt:; Frink Crum,t & J~lil Sandtr .... n: WWVA·A 10 l in XovoUy WIH~: WMAQ KDKA WCIIF WSII WT"'I * \\·TA.I'.lIie".; !Juliet." Bond FreddY MUMS' O«h.: I\COl I\"("OJ. WTA'I KIlKA 11I;1\V \lBSS WCKY IVADC WIIA:; ~ Solditrs with WIngs: WADC \\"II"I"A Jamboree * lIie .. " W,PO WLS IIKIIC 1I[11S \VBT "'HIO KMOX 9:15 EWT P. M. 8:15 CWT Blu t Buran's O"htHr. : W8BM WE!'IR WAKII * Ed wild Tomlin,o~, ne ..,: IIGSF KMO."II~n F.In. lIau~rr I" Americln [agle Club: WIlKC Victory Pa,ad. 01 Spotligh t WI::OA Stu,lio Pr~m. Jerry Wald's Orch.: WAKl! * WG:-I· ... ~ ... : Moo"D De5ign WWA Our Town. (lu.d.,.,,,tnan 11011 WKIIC IIlAP Uand.; I.lnny & (;"'~tr WIl'iG WliS·Chi.~ ' Ian.' Orch. Olmsled's Story Drama: \\"COL ltlu.ie WFa.11 "u.j~ fo, ~Iod.rns it Roy POller, news: W.\KR WLS WII"\"'\ \\"~AI 111'01. IIAKR WKII(" "Iarli"", 5orenad.. II"sa WT ....\I IIGOr WHIS * WJR·S ....,,; Mu.i~ WGAII Thi. W•• k in W.. hin~ton \10110 WSAI WW\'A WIZE WOWO WIlE WI.S WLAP WL\(" ['r<."I~ Worth Kno"ing W.\lAQ * WLAC· ... ew.; l\i~ht Owl C1Db WGUF "Iudio P.~,". \\"/.\G WJlK IIIIK II LS·IlOln~ Front Spo,,": 11"011"0 IIHAS * \n.\\"·l'~ .. o; Donce Ord,. II'G:-I·('I",ek lI Bu.in." IITOo\. ~I"rli .. PI1!!1l. \\",\\"E \IIIAQ II"TA'I WSB II"SAI·Oan •• Orch. I\...I[OX Sin!:. Ame,,~ •. S.n, 1I"0WO·Man )'our Bafll~ Station. "ilh lIill,r * 1\"(;S·C~pilnl ('omment WGDF II III~ "GKY WIRE WTA'I 1I, ... hl· Garn. WA\"E·Dvn Hill', ("I"b II"SAI·Burl h.wr's O,ch. WinE Jurdan 'Iu.i( \I ~.I' B,n 110'''''' IITPO·50n~ of Amuici * WWI"A"u.i<: Sf.., WBBM lIa}' Pea.rs Orch. End of S.turday Progrim~

\\"1I1·S~alh ~IJri 9;30 EWT A. M. 8:30 CWT \VAKil Jerry ~u,,' Oreh. MORNING II'I~(; (,hurch S-eryj.e SUNDAY, January 10 E:. Power Biggs, organist: W8BM * WIIT.S~ ... ; I..,,, Whil.'. "u.ic (Oist to Coni on a Bus: WHK IH Ii \" MOl"i.IOIf 8:30 EWT .... M. 7:30 CWT IVIiO'\'~u"cl~y S"ppl~nwll 8;00 EWT A .M. 1:00 CWT Wo rds & MUlic: W~!AQ WING IVFllM·Gyp,y Caravan WI.\:"G·(hurch S~t,"ic,' String QUirIU: W1'A\! WillE 9:15 EWT A.M. 8;15 CWT WIZE 11"01'>0 WGKV * WG:>I·Trulury Slar Parade; *New.; M,nstrels In the Morn· 11"("01. IIIZE II"I.AP,Sunn)· Ser."ade O~ t P RI • • r 80ys: KI)KA WSA I KDKA.n.ligiou, Me ••age New. i,,~: lit:!,\" II"lOt WOI\"O MUlical Mi.lerpietes: WEO A WlW·aracllH Kiltcaid I\" AOC·ltali'n Hour WlrtQ·I!caor~1 Pa,r 111JIS \I[lt:: WS\l WSAJ \\"I\"\"'\ IVSA' K~IOX WEOA II"("KY WH!O WI~G KOKA 11",,'1 WSAI WCIIS'\'''''pe" mL Your lIQIlIe WLAII,Slrin~ E:n.embl~ KOKA '!usicale WIIAS WSAZ I\"FUM WlAC *Newf: BII'I 8uhrman, orglnisl: WL\I' WCKY-5thool of Scienliflc Ri,hl WTA~IU"dc lI~"ry·. 0011 Club lI"Ahllhf>1 lIr.lhr.n Ch\lrch l'oM.no In D b'lnor ..•• VhaWI \\EOA \1"1110 \llIlS K\lOX 1'",1,,<1,' !o,ol.· 1",.1",1,., I C.II 10 II'COL·Mi ..ionary (hurell FREQUENCIES WGAII·Sanu 01 Pr3!;1lC \,. AVE 1I"(.ar II"COL WIZE Th .... r... rd J~'U' {'b'''I.B.~h IVCPO Council of Chur~ " * KIlKA X~".; Tuils 10 Happl. WIIAS·A.bu,)' ("oU~e Devation. WIRE ",WIA I',elude Iud Fo"". 10 .... OIl"". II"GAR·J{unguian P'lm. KDKA ·IGlG WHIS IHO Dn,; Quiet Hour II llJO oelh.1 Temple lIuh KMOX·1120 WHK·1420 WADl"·l'oli,h HQu. .N ~ w ' .. I t~t W~rld: WBSM II"GBF'Prrciou$ Promi,. Hour WA DC·1J50 W HKC·640 WllK·lIiat"l Ro"i"al !lour II' AOf lIiblt Sn,dr"t. * WIIIS:-rge Bums is sometimes called "Pee II']NG.l'irsl Cburcl, of t:od SUNDAY, January 10 Wee" by Gracie Allen but n.ot because of his 12:15EWT P. M. 11 :15CWT WIRE-Hall or lIonor size. That's Gracie's way of gently reminding Wom , npow.r: KMOX Wells WLW·Your Ea.)' Chair II'EOA WCKY WFIH! WlliO * WNOX·Ntws; Let'. Look It him of his singing days. He sang the lead with WSAZ lhe Sible John Ch~rlts Thomu (Wtsting' the "Pee Wee Quartet·, when he was seven *N ....s; AI Tr~te's Orth.: WCMI WOWO·Mislern He;erve U",oer' IVAl)C IlaU\1 \1'FlI)t '\'IIA~ "(M,ueu·. .,. . •.•. 1li",'] numbers over and over again that she finds it sily nOll"d Tabl. KMOX WBT Tl," 1\'j,H)1," ond Ill' P<'~. almost impo~sible to even scratch the surface Sammy Kaye'S Serenade: \\'A\'I~ ...... , ... I".I'or 12:30 EWT ".101. 11 :30 CWT KJ)KA-S""day al the Sm;lh', Old ,[,0) !tl"~r ... ,... .Iiern of the vast repertoire of songs at her com­ S." ,p01lfor', U>lnmmoem"u, 0" IrVing C~eSiLr's S~,"ly Song: IVB'iS-Ma~t'I'\\'o,b IJd, "60'_ mand. 1V~;Nn-Tn b~ IIIII,C 'lI"ouned 1t 1\'AD('.l'"li·h lI{>ur; X~"" Emma Otero, sop.; Orch.: WAVE WG"-Ila<.lio Warblers 1I,\h:H-Blue narron's Or~h IIIlIS 11"11141 \I",ic for \Iode'''' 1I"6XS,MelOory Lan. WLAC-Del'd. lI'ilholll lI'orrl. 10:00 EWT A. M. 9:00 CWT * 1I',\n::-N."s; Devotjonal Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir WCHS-And'nll' Award Fant.sy in MelodY: WWVA WISG * II'UUM·Nells; Suo.!'y Sun,hin. \I'~,IL-To be announ of Tomuccow II'T_I.I{·You & th N.,,·! \\'~'B\( W{ II::;' \\,BIlM i\MOX WAKn-Ge,,~ "nIp.' Oreh l'iIiAS-Dev"l;ou. II'I"-(;·You Can'l 00 au,;,,,," 3:00 EWT P. M. 2:00 CWT ",ith Hitler; YOII' Ot)porlulli,y II'HIO II"(PO-T,I", of .\al~1 Ilt.v" WIIIO·Radio SlNlli~hl 11 :15fWT .... M. 10:1SCWT Ntw York I'hill1umoni"S1m' * \\GI'·Co"cut Or.h.; l\.", II U:E.DePauw p"il'er>ily IYlllE·(,hurcil S.rvi••• * \~"'o I\"KIlC \\TPO 1t N.ws; Vera Brodsky. pianist: phon~: WCII~ 1I'ItI0 K\lOX WIr>G·Grac. Go.vd I h,,«iI 11·IZF._Delfl,.<:J'.'·Y ;" ,\.-lioo KMOX IYLS-Tl'C3""y StM Parade * WAKIl r>e .. ,; \'augnn Monrot', WLAC,Coogre»",a" II'irl Courl· WL\\' Weekll' War ,I<)u,nll Or(h, - W/iOX W((OA II BSlt WFO\! \v~"1 Flo" ... 10 a G,,,,,I "~,~Io Rhapsody of the Rot~lts: WillE ." W~t'\Q Y.,tNday's Mu,l. WA\,I'.:-~t";lL~ S~r~nad" WAlJC IVCKr II'SilZ II'RT IVlI",S WLAC WGAR \\'S~I·SumI3Y Do''!! SnUlh II I. ... I'.M, F. !lOIll .•"a"g.li.t I,UK,I 'f'-.","'j' Sla, r'nra,l. *\\'\1'\' \ 1I.3<.1li"c' &. Ibr",onl.. wrOI.Clti.~u·. Gootlwill Hour wins "" ! •• '"." 3. Army HOllr; II~I.\Q II Gill IbM \I'~OX-R~,·. 1t,,,,I,,I!," WW..... · '-ou, I\~r J,,10 Emm. Otero. sop.: "T,nl \I'Lli' ·00'" T"wo. dr~o... {fpu' III. • •••• U.-bDl. I\TOL 11"1\\1 I\WE 1\11I~ IY('''- \' 1'."1<>,,, Lene" to M1 Son: \\ 111i1.: II Kite 1\ T I \1·",.. ,1 .",ir... 11(t1\().Dair:-- Or.",,~, *John W. V~ndtf(co •• neWJ: WLW WAn: II'Chl' 110\\\1 W"''',l'I"""ic Ifall W{'l'Q"tj ,I",,,;~, S.lt L.ke C'11 TalH:,n,,'.: IllIfU WI\ \ ,I 1. f'. Lehnl~n & Sufi WSAI IlOIlO \\f::'ill \\'(;.11: IIQu, ,,1 lI'"r_],'I' Mtl M~r.in·5 Orth.: 1111Ii. hDK,1 Mu,i~ b}' Cloutier 2;1$ EWT " . M. 1 :15 CWT Mu,;t for Nti,hbo,,: WGHr 10;15 EWT .... M. 9:15 CWT "\IlI\·"',. I~,"i. 'lo,!;,·.1 Sot'f!y Old Fa.hion.,1 IlHI,·.I· \\'I\(~ WIZI·. ",,'" luI' "'UI";") II'C.III To h. announced 1\ __\tAQ WCIi.\, Inn: WinE FJnu1Y in M.IDdy: 11(,1\.\ II'SAI Wt... 11"",,<1 I'NN'o"" hl,anill Wlm; ..llarch of E~."t. il'll: I· !lal,,1 ,'",,rd. I\'G~-Oeed. Wllh"ul 11'",,1, wcro fr.n~ & Erne.l * World 1010... Today; (~oir: WCOI.,lIhllh", 1I0ur WIIKC·Ahem""" \1 .. 1,"h~. *WIIIO-l\ell'; ;'"r~".,,je 11 :]0 fWT .... M. 10:30 CWT 1 :00 fWT " . M. 12:00 CWT II'lIll\! 1,\10\ I\TKY "'liAS WGN·lladio ("~n.r; .. WKI1C·M)-ot~r)' lIall Wllb-Co"cClI M;"i'llI,e IIIlT \\'~A7. \\G"\1l *\\'HI~ E)'~ II'jj,,",~ Sew! In'ltatoon to Lnrni",: KMOX Peopl •. Robert St. Jolin: II'Gnl'" II' 1.i\I'-CJoIl~ "],,,1,,,, ",,,,11' II I~'(; Sul"u Orch II H),I 11('1(\ II AVE IIHlS 1,1)1\1 \\,(;1\1' ~ Show of y"urday & Today: Il'llh (H,I t';"h;n ... " Il~';val Hr. II-Ill!' W",dlr" ~I",ic \\'t7E II'S,II \VENit \\,1",0 \\'~A1-I{"i"u"\\' Ilu",. * Naw!: \\11\£ \I'TAM 1\',\tAQ \I'S~I W~I,\(I Wl'Mt WIZE·Uttie 1it~". (,1I"roh 11'I.AC-N.i!,;hI.NiI"u.i l".ll 11'...,\1 * Horate HeIGl', Mu"ul Crtw: II 11K WLII I.ulheo-all 110'''' (Conlinu.' 00 N ~xl Paqt) *\\'LIII'·New. Jos.f Mirais' Alrltln Trek: \.", WO\\'O 1\1'\11 lIVE WlS Liltl~ Brown Church II\II'.~ .- \\'1.W.II'a~s;,le I'/ill,io'" IlOilO IIUdt W::;',II WQWO,(hriSlian Sci~n01 Tibet II'GAI: WU.C 11'11 IS . WCI'O-r>.,,·o; AJ>o>lo!i~ Lllu,· ",d, II FH~f Gilbo/! ForL~. Southernaif." WCQI. \\'OIVO 1\'!liI': ~u"d,y Sun,hinl WGA1~ ~IOI'"n~ I'r~m WlIV Willi l:chiollS S.,·""" AT 2:3~ . WeN·New.; Sp£lli"!i lIu \\"hlt·llel·. HOtt,,,,1 0'0.11 WU('-Sall I.,ke I';l, Choir WHAS·U"iv.";tj' of K.utu(k) WISOld Su,,<.Iay ::;'chool TUNE IN II'COI.·To b. announred WIlIO l'{II' Concert I\"(PO-A>bury T.b.maClt II'I.IV \'ou .. lhe lV~r 11·ING·II·.,le)"an 1I0u. IO;U,\,Ue •• G. E. I..nwmln 11'IIKC-RtHrend Mi!l. II tAP·Scoldie" of lhe I'c~u W(<;/: '(om~,L( ",,,ir.lt 11 :45 fWT .... M. 10:45 C WT IVL\\'·IJ.l1a~" by Phil lirilo The W·IllE·To be ,,,,"ounce-d OilvlO S"nIOIO: \\'TAM KU1{A \\'S,II-C~II.1 Day. *IIIZE-NcII": ~1""I,y S.renadp * WKIIC·N.w,; fl;nJ: Crosby: Dinn'ng Si,ter,; WA\l: WGBF 1:15 EWT ".M. 12:15 CWT Westinghouse N~w, II LII' \\"I!AQ Labor for Vitlory: WAY(( Wel\\' * WI.APNt'" lI·t·1I11 C"'I,lu,I"""11 S.r,jrt Re· IDIA(j II'T.Ul 1",,1; I"'~rlud,' WTAM·Enr1m.n'. l .. uu •• *Honte Heidt's MIIJlnl Crew; .WG~·:':.".; \Idody r,'"0 1I0use _\t". W"_\I WAKR Program II III'A L P L.~mad .. sun *\IIIIO-No,.. W"'I t..,"n-n Good,nlll, pi.nist *"o"'s· WCUL II'GBt· WU.P , 10:45 EWT A.M. 9:45 CWT WLW ST ... II. II. f N G Comm~ndo Mu~: II'GUI WillS KPKA nom. Froot WWE In...-,", WMAIl KDKA AFTERNOON II'BH\l·Grut Lakes Choir WGKV WENII,U.S.O. Prvn. * W~lttr Compton. neWS: WG~ WFOM·M~r~h hrado WCAU·Trea~ury StH Parade 12:00 EWT Non 11 :00 CWT IUI)"'I',,,,,h,,.. Speak. II'tAr,Glory Plu... nt. Trio Hosp,t.l.ty TI"'e: WIIVE KDKA WillE Salon Mmie 11's'>.I-M.o Your Sattl. ~UtiDfl5 I\I/E 1\"\1 WKIlt.: Ilolth Talk; MUI;" JOHN CHARLES THOMAS IIS'f Siblr n ... . Wte~11 Wu Jou'nll: \\'011'0 *\\,LII' Wm. Ii. Hesol~r AmeTica'lI greatest baritone Dctl at MaRler of Ceremonies WT.-I'f,Mdody '10"""10 11'('01. WAK\l II'SM To b~ anoouneN a.nd mngs the great, familiar 5011g! beloved by all Ame~ica. 11 :00 EWT A. M. 10:00 CWT C.dle T.bernitlt: WOIt WeN 1 :]0 EWT P. M, 12:30 CWT IVlan' 11'1!I( *News; Ver~ Brod~ky, pjani,t: Sammy K~Yt'5 Se[en~de: IV\LV~ II'IIAS WEO.\ l\(jAR .. Quinty How., n.w~: KMOX WGDF II'TAM Will:' JOHN NESBITT, master stM:vtl'lfn rcue Mi,. *W8T·Sew<; Strau .. W.lllft *:'iews; Church Sonic.: WCHS WIIIISAir u.rp. Prrm *WCOLS~'Iaphony 01 'oIelody; \\'SAl 11'1-110-5011_' of lilt II·~.I :;."'. STATION III AT 2:3~ P.M. E.WI *KIlKA-/1"",; Art Jarrett'. Sh"" 1I"1\"(; W",AI 1\"fIlS (onr~rt in lI!iniatur~ \\'<;.401 WE\,R WGKV WCOL Th~ s.n'l 1\-"'1 ~unday Oo"n South Ord., WL\\'-Slrihl s,.re,,~de II'AKR-}Il rr.)'~r Wu An' e,t(". Gtm, W1HPopuiar Mu~i~ 9:1 5 EWT P. M. 8 :15 CWT "(;:'\'''1><1'' ""n"' ~",,'ht:ht *Wi!llam L. Shirer, no",s; WFBM \\,111\(" rl~f~,,'~ 110100'1" _W,IVE 10.".; bde Keller'. Or· WSAI-Ar.doJnI· A"u,d T"t.~.r WCAl' Tru,u.-,- ~I~r l'~r",le WSOX "HAS KIIOX WGAR Tho Porker F~mily: WE:-IR IVLW WIlE Old Fa_hi .. ".,1 IIt\';valllour ~h~"ra W"\I '\;u"'"al l.if~ Ca"'rtn W("KY_£)~_""",,~, S~", \\"]ja~1 WlllO \\"CKY WBXS 11"111\ 11'01\'0 II'IV\'A * \\'I\H(··.\~w,. IINIIi. Talk: \\'GX ,,,,,,,ioan E.~le Club WI\"YA ,'rwrQu,rr T",n, WCpo-!;,y",,,hoO\)- ~,II",u,·tte I MII,ie W!\'G-To be 2nnnunced WAI)(" lILAC * WE'I;D-Y" •• bo"d" Scws *tlews; \IAl\fI IVlAI' !I~~,rw ('Iori.lio" Hour II rilL To be a"lU>unc~d 5 ;15 EWT P.M. 4:15 CWT IVBTL' ~ ll & Abn.r WHAS Mu h-;.I~ W("JI.~-BoU(luct of McI"dic' WWVA Bibl. Quo,I;,," n.e \\0\\'0 Ynur r-a'Grile Band wellS Snl'iiers of tho Pre.. WLAC-Ch""h in 110. Wildwood \1"("1'0 \';,11,·;- Gospel Tabernacle * Upton Close, news: 1'1011 WGN *IIJI10 El"" Witn.!! New. 11'111\ W1IKC 1\'1-:0,\ E,'"''', Coop League: Ly WSAl-Ti",~ Out lor I.~,,~hl 4 :1 5 EWT P. M, 3:1 5 CWT 4 :45 EWT P.M. 3;45 CWT "'~n Hill C,mp Wlluler Post Band: II'Hl{ * N~w": 11''\l(l! WI"(; \\,NOX-Ju,t fl< 7;30 EWT P. 1-4 . 6 :30 CWT 9 ;30 EWT P.M. 8;30 CWT WKflC II'CP(ll" 1100 GI"""li,,~ WSAI-D\d' Bray, _poth We, the Peoplo: \\'1110 Illj,\S TulCO Star Theater; Fred Allen; 5:00 EWT P.M. 4 ;00 CWT * WIZE·CoI~,,!; Toduy'~ W~AZT,,"ili~ht Melodies lVel'o S""d:LY ~l"lillr~ Hem; WHIM WIIAS WJIl IVCAU WCIIS Wllll~1 KMOX WADC * WGN·SWt'~1 111..\"111,,1': N Exour,iol\s " Sci.n •• 9 :45 EWT P.M. 8 ;45 CWT 12:00 Weekly War Journal 7:30 Q uiz Kid. II"OWO 2;00 University of Chicago Rou nd B:OO Chase and Sanborn Program * Sews: WIV\"A wc1'o 7 ;45 EWT P. 1-4 . 6 :45 CWT * OO'Glhy Thompson. nowl: WHh Table DIsc:ussion [dglf Bergen ~nd Chulie McCarthy; Oon WAKI{ I\GKV Wl>;"(; 110\\(1 * II'AKR-N.".; Ro¥ adlington K\lOXm,~p>u'h in Black ... World News Today Am«he; O~lt Evans; R,y Nob~'s Orchn. 1\·AVE,II'.l1z TIm. \\111,\ IIH[;; W~Al 2:30 Ilbit~ 3:00 John W. Vandercook * I\"CHS·'\~w.; M~lo.h' TIn'~ * \\IHJ.'I-II~"k Ku". Sho .. , * I),O!W Pur..,n, n~"S: 'co Wl.\\ 3:15 and 5:15 Upton Close 9:3D T e xaco Sta r Theater II'ENIl·A'na'ouf" Hour K.w. Frod Allen; Portllnd Hofh: Jimmy WII. WGar-Studio Prgm. * W!O!C-l'ptM OO'lt *CoIe"" WEOA WGHF WlIlIam L. Shirer 5:45 IIn~lon; Al Goadm,n's Orch"'t" WIIlS·Old Fa,hio".d Revival *IILA? 1\",,,. IITOI.-List~n to L~ibert WIH£-Throc Favorites IW:N-Arl K~,"~I'. Orch. 6:00 Edward R. M urro w 10:00 T ake It or L e ave [t 1V1l'I.!:,World', HonorNi M~lic Phil Baker, qullm.~!er 8 :00 EWT P.M. 7 :00 CWT 10;00 EWT P.M. 9 :00 CWT 7:00 D rew Pea r son \\ t.A("·s..,ldicr~ of tile Phil Chase & S.nborn Prgm.; Edg.r Edward Tomli n so n II'LAI'-Stop·O\"er Slation 7:15 !J ...~~,,; ('Ioa.-lio McCoolll;': Hour 01 Chum; Phil Spltaln y" II"I.IV To",,,,), Ili~~! & netty Lou n"n 8:00 Earl Godwll'l Drama AIJ ,ochc; D,le Evons; flay ,\11 Girl Orch.; Rid",d S~",k. W~A l -Dil111er .\ I u~ic 8:46 G!lbl"iel H eatter WM,\Q IVS~ l IVlW P . M . * WSAZ.N.w,: Pancake Realty I\obl.'. Orch.: Guo,!: WeOI. ''',c.: II'sa 9:00 T Mree-Thirds of the N ews Il l llZC II"MAQ WTAM WAVE 11'1J1E IV"rMI WAVE lWI,,, 2:00 Those W e Love WCOL WG1\V WGBr 9:30 Jimmie Fidler N.n GTly. Oonlld WaDds, Hel en W

* K,IOX :-;~.; Qui. 01 T ... o II!RE-OliVf En True Oett4 . Ctne Kru»'1i Oreh.: WCIIS WlnE-\"ictory Ilu"n"", W<;At; WEOA WBT WL.A(, 11 ',45 'WT ' . M. 10:45 CWT Freddy Mulin', Ortll.: WEXR II'Jll-Tht Humi!'. Ca"e The Gmlt Gildersleeve: WillS Blue Buron'i O"h.: 111110 KDKA WII.E II"SAI W(OL WEO,\ 11'('11<; II'SAZ K'IOX II'JI1 1\1110 WSOX WBNS *Bob Allen's Orch.; N.ws; II'SAI II·tAC-Old·b,!Ilm,rd R.vival II r. (al.., ''''' 6:30 p,m. EWT) WHl\1 IITAU WB~S 1I'1lS\I W('KY WBT Answering You: llLAP . (;Ie~ .~,~y's. O"h,: _\\'(,.~l' WBT 11'1.11" Elle.}' Que." * N.w.· WAVE I\"HAS IVAKR Answering You: II'KRC . W:-OOX-l'ie .. ,; Bihl. lIou. WGAR II'F"\I I\"CAU Gene Krupl's (lrch.: II'AOC II(K~ 1I(lIS \I;';OX IIIJ:\S I\"LW WSB 11'011'0 WCPO h\iQX R.pOrl to the -".tioo II --AZ Ca.lelon It~""k's Orch llLAP II'W\'A lImE WHK Hawaii CIUS: IIKRe WLAP WE:\R-Lou Or•• '''', Orch. II'CAII \\f.O,\ WBB~I KIIOX II'T.-\ \I,S}mphun'u. II'AKI1·R .... hn".~ Gray I\C:-;·G.iff \\il ",.' Oreh_ WFtBI WKRC Story Bdo;n~ th. Headlines: WSI;\ IHIIl\I The)' liu Forever WAVE II IUS II"COI. II'"'' *"'HK·Johnn) Lo"l', Of(h.; WAKH-Balew, II"TA~I·Mll'ic You Wanl * \\'L\I' jI;~"s; Lianet Orch, I\' ,\KH-PoP"I~r ,Ih,,,. *\\'G~SN' * \lSIl·Now,; !;IUllY Uollow I\(KYCa"lu in the Ai. W£l\R-~!o.t IIqnored Music I''CPO-St ..... Over Amcriea 111!lE<;ladi.·ht 12:00 EWT Mid. 11 :00 CWT Tr.i1 * II'\\VA Ili~ Sli",; ~e", WFBII·To be ~nnou,,

\\"AOC-~IQ'e ~l\1.io W5AZ·Sh~pl'cr.' PMJde WCOL-t.:utltr Swl"~let WAI{H·~Tt\'i"" 1 (" l o~k MONDAY, January II WWVA·Uul"" G"ide IVCPO·Uulc Show MORNING * W,\\'!::.T(I~".Or!s; News 1\'EOA.Bure~ll of Mi.,i,,~ Ptu: IVUNS-E.rlr Worm 10:]0 EWT " ,101 . ':30 CWT P'lI""' Revi ... ; Bahy Shop Baby Institute: II'G Ur WWVA 7:00 EWT ".1>4 , 6:00 CWT \\'('Ot-Good \Iorl\i"~ * WIHS T.m"" Tim~; f'tW, WAVE ot ;';"wo: WCPO II'IIAS WilKe WEOA,Studio I'~",. B:45 EWT " ,101 , 7:45 CWT *11'11[0·",.,.. ; Kitch"" Kape" Helpmate: KIlKA WCOL WliK-Treuu.y Star Par~e I\!;AZ WIlK I\,MAQ WI,HC . 1\T8~I·Ear1y lhrJs; New, Rev.ill~ Roundup: WAVE WGBF II'HIS·Mo."inJ Mood. WGK\' illitE II'MAQ II"SAI WIlKC-W3r I'r.m. \\JlKC-lJo" t"j"el 1. Q. II"TAM II("IIS IH;AH-Jol"",y I>IcK"i,o:nt Uncle Ben &: Hirtd HI ndi: WLAPGood F~now's Uub 1I"11l!::-SI'OI,piulI Sd,ool Ch.er Up Cang: won WIlKC 1,1)1\'\·Aunl Jemi",,; Musicll . \\'''I3F-F""" N.,,'!; /0;"",. WEOA WUNS WL~·Ju"Q M~rFiIJ 11'1{1l(",Wurol~ & M",ic IVLA? Clotk 11'IIAS·~lu'io"1 Frolic * l'ic".: KMOX WFIlM WllKe WNOX GuiJi"K L;,ht \\'t.~·Lir~ C." Be Beauliful Am.nd~ of Honeymoon Hili; hlfOX-Yretdom On lhe l.a.nd For. l\'lllS 1\"", Oe. B~k.r. WOIVO WtiAt Utile tilt"",; Food, Re * 1\"\fAQ-Coff.e TIme; "e.. . K~IOX II'AO(, WBn~1 \\'8NS e~t~; h.,11 Nt ..... &- Ne'... of \\,IlKC·Mrlorly Must.ng. KUKA-Ho,,,y Ro'.-.w,,11 potter Our "'·ri'{ltbor.; Marken * WIIAQ_S"h 8.0",n; Sew. WNO~·(aflllin' 01 Kitchen, WBT W(I\\' \\,FBM WCAR \\II'\'A-Smilty Sull~. WADC_L)'"n La"rence II·OSU·Uni ..."il" 1t.,1iciolG COIla. \\"IIA5 11"1110 * \I'AOC·~e"" Mu ,ul Clock II'\OX-To be .nnoune.,.! WAKltlu.~}- 16 Club 61 -- * WAKI1-X~"'.; \Iu.i. 11 :]0 EWT A.M, 10:]0 CWT • IIAKR.",,,,,.; Melody for 1010- I\OIl'O-lbdio lIible U".. II ilB\I-Jolly Jilt ~,. WCHS-nadio Dol &. Smokey W"AI·\)ian>(l1>d J"hil"" WBT.Ranle•• Quartet 9:45 EWT " ,M, 8:45 CWT Hlnk Lawun's Knights: II'GI\I' * WOINthlthln in the M• ..,. WAI'E-Cburth in tI,e WiW .. ood W~M-l.h ('It"'~nls II'CIISTour 11)'''11' !;ingu HIPPY JHIt Tur~cr, sontl: IVOII'O WIZE WCOL WGKY ipa· New. II BaM·Paul Gib,on * WTA~I·"'o",; I" • Nui.hell WCOL-LeC, T.lk YUrt Smile Awhile: WSM IVW\" B rt~kfasl Club: II"IIK Lane II U:\S-G •• r I'.,k,n,,>n II'GAIt_ I'i., ... Li"dllhr IVCP6.~I."'o.y Snow Vil1I9t: KOKA II ~\I II aT A, Ho",e & Abr<»d; Mu,ie 8:00 EWT .... :.4 . 7:00 CWT To be annOuRtH: WEOA WCIIS WEOA,Studio I'rgm. IIAVE \lGDF WIRE WLIY 1\"I1i0 Court WGX-June Baker . IITK\' "'"'"; B~nd .. ",on * N" .... 01 tile World: ""lOX WIIK TOI' Band. 11'IlS't IIGAH WCKY WAOC II'TA)I WMAQ II{'OL-R"'!. IIhitt &. Hlue WADe I\BIJ~I \\'8SS WBT WB/'iS 1\1110 W"O.\ 1\ HIS·Woody William. *News; Yank" Houn Put1: * WIXG Worn", TO<.!ay; Wohl WIIK·E1uno. lIan..,n II FOA-Studio PrJm, 1\('115 IIEOA WFB'I W!iAZ Soph;'ticalu; Ne'H KDKA-Hnrt. In Hannooy WIIK W/.iI,» * WI-"G-Ne".; Novel~itu: Rd. * \\FIl~IE",II Bmj,; New. IIA\I::-Guidi"~ I.ilht Bright Hgr~onl: KM(lX WADC * Wi!!i~m IHl!m~n, ne... " WA\'E * \\ IZE:-I'olit~ & S .. lety Report. ; Reporter * WING·Sew.; Spo.,,; Nt", WCOl WGKV WHIS l!'lIT Lo".ly 11'0"'..., Wlla~1 WIlSS WCIIS IITIl~ 1 wew ,,~ws * W\ZEFor WaPI"" Only; N. ... . II·GAR.:-I"",: MrKni~101 \\'ISG \IIHF 111ZE 11"011'0 WLAC·\Iusie for DruU.. t WCOLllultdi" Burd WGAII WIIAS WIiIO WI.A( IILilF-Ea.t Sitl, 1·aber"~c!. I\"LlP-Radio Reveille . 11-fB.\1 11011)","", -"ew.; Sonl WKRC·Jutt ror "ou WSAZ IIL:\-B ... akla.t Time Fralin *'>~"': liT!\, \' II-CPO WUK WLAC.Gllidi"R lieht WIIKC II"LS III\'VA WSOX I\'L:. Arka".n lI'oodch_r I',rade; S"... WAKII·CIt.!.t"u," Melr>dl~" II rllO-Ki'br B.ool.. WLS-Song. of a Drum... II'lK Y-Pan AhI"iunos *S" ... ; \Iu,ie_ KDKA WSAI II'L\\',Con.u"'tr~' foundation \IG""ll'i_lunjt W~1J ",WillS· Rise " !;hi,,~; :\e.... 1\ I.IV·S ...... t rtiver WlIT·I>opula. \lu.i~ * I\'AKR-l'i""': Goldman B""d \\S!\f-Ril' Ihtktu WIIAS."Ti"'t OUI for ~Iu,i( * \II\"G-Nc"'; Sport, WIlIS·Devolion.l; Womtn Ne ... W-"OX.li~ht 01 Ihc World *WE~ II I>.ul Schu~,t, neW. IVFllM-Early nird. WS_~Z_Oe"oliY", WOSU-F.endl Ltnon * \\'II.~:-N~w,; O~'olio".I; 1'.0' WSM.IO.14 Ranch IVLAC-Mu,ic Uux ~l .lodle, WEOA,Studio I>rol. 1'1.', Clom'd, II'GAI1·Mo'''i''~ ~letlil.tion WOWO'l1g",e [,'~rum WGN Ltn Sah'n, orlanilt IVLN Hceo,,1 I{~H;ll~ WT,\lo-l_~I"'it,,il"llboHd IVL"!' ~ t orJ\l", DC"Oli.,M * WJ./I('·Nrw.: n,u,k WaJ(on 1\'I.II'·A"hl J~,,,,y'. Storie. IVS,II/{o"dy Rlnth Wl!!ti·("ofle. 1.1011 * 11·IIIO·AI'''"nn~: N • .o G",,~ 9:00 EWT B:OO CWT \\'~IAQ-Nor"'"" M " .i~ IVltKC' I.lv'"tuck * WKH('-:>I~ ..'.; ,\Iu.ic ".M. 110$'; 10:45 EWT A.M , ' :45 CWT \1 L'>·Smilc-a· II'hilUI,lmtir;OIed lUll'thlll lI''\clX,(';o'PI'I'>illltt. II 1.A!' Il'dio nevei!!e WI.S,(h)( Ilopk;ns WL\I-·T;",. 10 Sh;llt Ev. rything Goes: WillS \\ISM 1I'!;\I·SIl<'I>P"" S~'c"ad e IVLW W1'AM WIll£ II'O\\'I) ltc,'.i!!~ lilllt weOL 11,,1\; V \\'TO\\1 ~Io'''r''t ~Iusioal Blchelor'$ Children: 111110 II'GArt W/-iOX·Il~n~1 & Bond. * II'S.\I-Nl:wl; Di",",onJ Jubiltn * II'MAQ400 tluur: Ne"s WOSII,Yolrtl of Lib"rty \\,~~I I'arien., Brukfast C l ~b; Vlriety Pr;m.; WUaM W{;KY K~IOX Wt' OM II'~ II I',ul 110",.,,1 10:00 EWT .. , ~ , 9:00 CWT Don ~ld""ill, m.C.: WAI\It 1I'1I,'>S IVAI)!' 1\''1',''1 tivc.lo4 , 7:15 CWT WGBY 11'011'0 W~M W!1IW WTAM Aunt Jtnny's Stories: K\W.\. * hn Ron Mac Fa/line, news: WWVA II'SAI I\'AKIi II II lA-I•. 1', L"hman" Stall 00 You R"member?: WGBF * X" .. " 11"1111\1 WCKY IVCI'O ell... r Up Gan,: WllK II'OIl\1 11'111'5 II'UT IIGAH Wl.AI' WIlAS 1\I.At.: II'SAl \\F8\1 WSAI WGX WCIlS WBT-li~lll of lite WorM 7 :15 EWT A,M. 6:1SCWT Colden Cn. Quutet: W~-:OA IIUIS "u,ie.1 CI,o<:k KDKA WCI'O Brukf;o.st R~ndt!vaus: WEOA KDK,\ ~hOI~';"1 ("lrd~ 1\ I.AC *II"ClIS-:\e"'l: 1.1'1'1 T.ke • Look KMOX·Sil\~,nl ~tl~hbor: 1>-Itlo· DavId Harum: I\DKA II'A\"E WHKC WSAI. * Nrwo: WIlIO \VilAS WLW V_hInt Lady: KMOX WBR M in \'ollr Mitror diu I\'CPO-~li 11'1111 \1'1.11' Inut..! WlA" . \'~"o: W('O!. WGAR IVKRC ~lll.ir31 (lock: WIlKC WillE \\IINS IITIl!; WCKY WFB M s Infur",.lio" * WA\'E /-if"': Ri"", 'n' Shl"e Little JI(k Llttlc', Orth,: \\'I\'G I'"fieli~" WIlT 11't~H WSOX II'GAII *\\'EOA~~ ... ; Ne ... ~ for \'oun, wnxs Eltl\' II'o"n WAKlt W~ II Will:: Wf.;KV IIAKII·llc'-. B"'~r habtl Mlnnlng Hewlon: WWVA Polko; Sludio I>rem. KIH, \ :\'''' if! Slnr", WH~" Slr!!~ l btU: Mark Timt W,\rE-II"lr'~ F"tl., Frolic K'JU:\ Ourk Va"d;... WGS·Mtiodi", * :"ie"', WAU( IIrOL ilLS ",lh "u" * ~." WO'O WC~lI WSAI WlIAS-T,,,,, OUI for \lu_;( WCK\' We I. ~,t~tI II'II,\<;-A-I>u')' ('ollq;e WADe Kinl ('ole Ttlo: Talk WKRC WUIO-Tu"eful Tnpiol * WIXG·~'.'l>I>o ...r; Se'"" II t PO Q"eol, n Ilo~ • WIlIS-Ri ... " ",hi"e: Sew. IIAKIl.lhta~l~ t M,lodies * :-Ie ... ; 'Iu,;e: WIIAS WSAZ WJlK("·ll,bl~ \ltd,t .. l;"n Lt1ru' WKIICA! IIDme Ilnl,! II"".;., I'h;I" ... ,,!,e • IIIIK·Top o' the "orninl II'An: I02~ n.".h KDKAAlrnt Jenny * I\KII(" ~~"" 'Iu.lt * WLAC,N(wl; t've Shtdn of II'CBF '>t'" Inr Yuung ~olk. IIISe; lAwn I>.!tol * lllnl~I·N.w.: I\o,g. on ()Ol' WAll(" LII,I Iltnrl II"L<; Book Shol' 8Iue WG~·II'.ndtil lIall, 10".' 111111':·1430 ('hlb \\,11'>" E"I)' II'nrm * I'tAKII~('''; M".lo 1\'1.11' Th, (:,,1,11,.., •• * 11'1110 ~\'" U.",III"" II·I\II('-'Iu.i~ I." 0'" WilT !la"o~ O,d.. WilT-Guidi". Li,ht * WLS·Jack Turnf'. on~.; S,,,. I\"\IAQ Yo", Sei~hbor W;';OX.Mu,i(ml Varir'i., \\1IJ~ Uhltl"" 11",1"" 1\ t.ACl.ittl~ Tn I Ll.i.y \\'1'11'"- ""rnl'" M'~l"~ WI-OI,lIhu Md·.. t, WO!;U-""rni". \1.lodi" &. II I1Kt" SOl'" " .. 10.10.,. II 1.S De,'nt"'''' 1\ f'K \. Olive K.rkl~ ... II"GNA Mu,kll P,.k:l!le 1I",\I.·Hh)II"" n"mlnee 111.\\' Onc """0 "Thrn Time II r,~.\I-Jan~ Wuur \\'~" Mo",i,,~ Melod .. , II'KlIt' "~n ""h ~ U "I IITOI. At \'"u. "'~ ... in IIWVALt'" Child.., WIIt(l-l1en.y La"lP. plani,t; IUUQ-To .. " & h" II'W)X 1... ".1" Ilo"'en 1\,(,1'0 Marn"'~ ~tn 1I0me B •• utllul 11 :00 EWT A.M, 10:00 CWT 11011'0-1)"" &- HoIc" II'TAM Mu.inl CAlIlooa.d InUIt Earl}' Bi,d. 9;15 EWT " ,M. 8:15 CWT WillS Ihrrh to Yiclory Brnkfnt .t S.rd,'s: II "'hie II'S~I Fu h, .. "" I u~l' & Flick ... 7 :3 0 EWT A . I>4 , 6:]0 CWT \V1;AIl Jnh" M.K"lRhl Gypsy Cara~.n: \\'EOA WSAl IVIIKc-"I'"mble ~hooter. PrSm, 11'11'(; 11'011'0 WilE W\\,\'A Itel"d" 11u,tar,U *Ne... o: \VII"S 1\!lAS WSAI * WGN·S.ws; Htc4 , . KIlI\,1 :>;'" , Su"~' 01 0", 8:]0 EWT 7 ;30 CWT WLACOld I);rl Dobbr. WGKV II'I.W WTAM WCOL 1I'1II0·Vo~ Human. \I 111~ Melod~ Ma.lro Coffet Club, II'EOA Alb, W!.-oXGood N.ichbor John Metellf', Choir Loll : WillS lI'i"dow !>1'DI",in~ I\' 11"', V~riot~' (JoI'.'~) & Du,1 00 Yo~ R.mcmIHr1: WCOI. WSB·Ja.k &. IIi. Buddin WC.'11 "LA!' WIlK * WK!tC,S"", Inttrludte II IIKe-"oice 01 E'~III,lj .... Melodic Momtnll: WEOA II I fll. I",,"'" II n.I'" II II!E-Da .. n Patrol *"'''''' WADt WAVE WUC W"':I{_Dan;"1 Quarltt WUC·Lillle; ""UT I"(,,n,e Tu \l'AKn-h~" I"lnd.. n 9:]0 EWT " ,101 , 8:]0 CWT II'GAI! * 11 l~(; ,>,." ,.,·1 II ... He T,lk; '1,·.. Ihllltr! * W1'OX·N ..... : \Io""nl M.llinet WllII'I·\\', hi", Wdl Brtakbu Clyll: 111.S WWVA W Aor "lo'Y 1I0u. WOSU <;alul\ M.lodiu 11'1 Ill-: I',.,,,, 'r""" * \\'LA(-·"'~"". TI,. I""n ."Ollt; WBT·~loTnilut \1 ....0"", Symphonct!n: WEOA WAKIt.llclodin III,: K,Io"I; ~I"~k,,,. ltnn"';.no 11\111,,11,,'1 wue IVW\'A :\...-a," .. Twit" *" \\( "O,~lu.; ..1 no"k 1I'1."·'I.ttb. &. 1t,1,,, II I ,\I'-R<>dnJup WSAZ II IlT ~rlodi< Mon,enu 1\'1; \II I Io;"", 1\ 1110 ""m,,'. ""r.nade Sur Parade: KMOX II IIAS,Th, (;oldber,~ I\lRE II"IAQ IIS\I WTA\I 1\1I~1 Ill"" t " .. II ..... W'>tlX Ham"",y fro" th" Ihlls Tn ..".,. WHK.Todly'. Ih~ Tun.., * \\"1110 Sf"'.; TUl>e-in Tim. Karl Zom .. '$ SUa,book: 11011 \\ 011" I ",'14' hr t /..", IIOIIO-hrm "~,"I ",AM * 1I1~G :-Otw,; Ilh .. lhm fin . II~\I ~ ... ; Ihuh I.'Q'" II'S\I Ch.ckc,bo.,d rim. I\UIU ~::..ritOT" Oau.hter WHKCMorni"lI: "loads WKRC \\C.'i WIZI::-Gcl Up, /o;cl,hbou * WAV£.N ... ,; Molo

11011"0 Ilt'vcillt ' I 'ill\~ WLW·Timt 10 Shine WKflC,MorC1iC11: S... nad. . W~,Il·N~w.; Din"'Onlock M~rke .. ; Meio· * WMAQ-400 Iiour: N.w. 11' I.S,R('d Foley & Saddle Palo 1:00 eWT A,M. 6:00 CWT ,n •• * WSAI_New>; Mu.io II'OWO-\';~Iory upre" WCOL·])r. , 'JUSI \1'II'I'A L. P. t.I""~,, & Slarr l'l"l'" WllNS-Ear1y Wo,m WSM·V.rieties W~i\Z·rherok~~ Sue *"r",,,: IIli'(l 1I1 1 ,\~ \I'I(IH' WFSM-llh}lhm rd. H.v.illt WCOI.Good Morl1il'8 WTA~r-M u .i.~1 Clock WSMTi'"e to S!\ine \\ I!!\C "'"Ai II \I VI II'{'H~ 7:15 EWT A. to! , 6:15 CWT Irlan!'>",u'" & Dud WEOA,Studio I·rtm. \1 1IIi. WTA~l,Aunl J~rnima; Mu.iul . ,"tl"~ I\G.IIl II'tOL * \~llAS-Tobuco M.rhl.: Sew. * \\HlM·E.rly Birds; Ne .... 1:15 EWT A,I-4, 7:15 CWT 1, I II'A·Au,,1 ,Ir,,"","; ~1"";G,l Co.' ~1,,"i",,1 Clock: IVCPO WHKC * WHIOXewl; Nighl Wo,hrs' II'CAII·JohnIlY MtKniahl \\'\\'1',\ K"o-I\QO Clock 1'1", 1<: i{",,1I' \'",,,- I LlI"'o I\'!-AZ Lu!lul.oy * WCBF·Farm Ne".; N . ... Do You Remem~er? : II'GBF "~1(IX·hr", :-;". s. ~"." of WillS Molody MUUI,o WSAI \'ari~lif' WilT 1\('<;11 WllASMu.;",l ~'ro~~ Organ Refltctions: WEOA 1:30 EWT A,M , ( :]0 CWT Our _'~i~hl" .. ; \l"~N' W,\KII-U .., Bu,.. Willi: Var;lly CJoek \1111SKew Bu Bake .. * \\.\I1('.XOII', \(".;".1 (I",. * N ~1V'" WlHO WIlAS WLW MdSIC Men: II'EOA 1I'.ln: lin"" Folh F,olic WIlKC·Voice of E,..",eli.", II"I1K("1olooy Must.n,_ * I\,\"I:-\o",~ ~H .. ,I\· rd" Mo' !tIn.ieal Cloek: WHI\C WIRE ~;:;;;.;;:;;;;,.;;,.:;;;.;--___ II'II,~~ A lou,), ('''1!.g~ WlRE.Daw,\ Potrol WNOX-To b •• nnounc~ ralt WNOX I\'IIK r"p 0' Iht Momin, WIZ£·Mo"ntaineers; Five Igr \lOWO'lIadio lIil.ol. CI .... FREqUENCIES I\~ Ih \\,~I"ood \\ {hutrlo " Ji~.; You. I"""me Tu W"ii\i·Dilfllond Jubil" Kf)KA·N.ws in Star•• \\'HlJ\I Paul (;,Io,(,u \\'ISG·Oa"·n l'~trol KMOX-Onrk I'aritti" KDKA-1G2G WHIS- 1440 II litE 1430 nub 1\ KnC-Texu Ran ••ro \\'S)I-Z.h CI''''tr'U K MOX·1IZO WHK- U 20 \'. '. ~ ';L~" I',.. " "",,', WADe-lIn"y Jam.!' Orch,: WaU. II'JlE-Th~ "~OI'I~'. rhur~h .. ""I..AC·Ne .... ; The Far", Fr_t, * WTAM·Ntwl: In • Sul.bell WADe·IUO WHK C_64 0 "" 11'111" Xe"!o ~I 11010'. /,., Ibrol,l II"KI1(' \I",i. Lt10,0n. T.nlle•• ~ lIillbilJi •• paper T~1k WAKR - I5~ O WING·H I O * I\( 1,\' ~''''; B." II'LI\I' Liltle Texas Dai,y WLAPRaundup 1 :00 EWT A. M. 7:00 CWT WAKHBreakbs( Mtlodl •• W A V E 970 WI RE-1430 \11 01. I~...J. I\I,"~ l. III" WAVE·lo.2-4 Ran.h W 8aM-7ID WIZE-lJ40 II 1..<; J)CI u!,o". WLS--R.ilorning Stl t WEHR 890 wosu-no * 11'1'1'(; Xt" , <''" fl . :-; .... Ol~.k Mouol.... "' .. ; Smilin' WHKC WLS WW VA WNOX Wf"BM-EarIy Birds WEOA·1 400 WOWO-119D Wl/r·n~il~ O"'a"Q".1 Ed Mf('o''''ell; ~t"~ Reveille ROUndup: WGKV WtW * I\DKA .S.... : Odd;I;U WGAR·Jobn MeKtllIht WFBM-IUO W SAI-IJ60 * 1I'1.1("'ie"" 11""k W~~('n " 11'.1])(' )i."" M~lodi •• * :-< ... -" WING WIZ~; WI.S * WA KII·N ..... : Gold",aJ1 Baa-d * WGN_New.: R.cg...:! R.nillt WGAR UIO W S AZ-930 C.". * Wlli.l( X~,,<, 'lH,i< WKnC WGAII· Morn;nK lI1e<.li,~tioft WHIS·Alarm £:Io(k W C8F '210 W S B-H O WI ~ ... ,,,i!. 1\ 1101" • W8TGrady Col. Time; N~ wl W GKV 1 4 ~0 W S M-65G W,H)('More Musi. wG~-no<:o...:! fltynll~ WIlK-Musical C,n.. W GN 720 WTAM-t'OO 111.\\' "'"1.,,, Fan,il, I', ..-n *", ""l'~l'. ',,(1)- & Milt; WAKR-"u.;.. 1 Clock . WII IO·,\lmanIC; ~,..., WI.'\G Biblt ~lIool of tho Air WHAS840 WWVA-1l70 II \1'1 ·l.... ,,,,1 ~'''",'' ,11"'d".': X.... . "AI r T,ol,oA<'eo lIep<>r\o: ~e .. , .. WKRr N~,..: 'Iu<>t " "molt)' WAKR WGKI WilE WSAi III PO-"i, I I c;..n, cast. Eddie became worri('d. Three of his fra­ *\\'01[ Rh)thtn in the Mo .... Aunl Jenny's SI~mu; KMOX \\,FO~ SI"Jio Pr,m.. ternity brothers at Northwestern Uoiversity "e; s .... WRRII WBSS W'H WGAR II'(ro Korn KoM.I,n WfI'O,"'.,no.y Lane II'IIAS II"LAC WSAZ IIfBM *11'1110 Ne ..... M.rhts were down with measles. He wa~n·t feeling \1 LOA·I" irl~ En. ~,ll, W( II~ WIIK ~l"n You. H.ul. <;Ialions well. so his doctor sent him to the hospital to II(:X JUlie 8.ko. WAf)( \lLS WCOL 1\'IIKe .\brUl' R.~Yin.ky En .. I\'IIIS-Woody W'lIi,m. *"• ...,. 8wait developments. Sun~ enough. he broke W(KY 1~"I.,n "i 'r.. IllRr. ,,'o.idh Sp"'"l..in .. WI,K·EI,'.' .. r IhnlOn out. It turned ou~ to be n very !Jght case and 1111'0 Q""'liOl> Bo~ WIZE Tn.. "r)" Sur Para.l~ *II'I~G,""" 1'> .."I,i.u. Rd. II'EOA II"" .. , Ph,I"",phor II'KIt(· r~~.," fiance .. Eddie WM back on the ~how Christmas Day. R.po.tor IIGBF·'~w , (or \""'" F.. Lk. 11'1.\1' \"~ri.tiu Said the doctor: "I've got to get you out in *\\ilE For W",..... Only; Sews IIG~,WfJ' 1.11 HaLl "'ncl WLS Fan" \'.,..; ~hrhu II KII<: J",t You time for the broodcast. My kids listen to you." for * 11 1110 \('"; B. 10:< \IM,I("I Ihuill. Ro"nd~p Wl.AC-Gu"I",~ I. , IllIbllh,lhm Rod ... IIOIIO·Ma.hll I~LS-Son(' of a U.n, ,N II'IIK(" >;'00" M.to-di .. W~,\711 ..1 Ih. FI ..1 WLW ~",pl !liv•• I\'KRI' 'b" "ilb • Bind IIT,I'I Edilor'. O""ht.. * W\UQ.('"fl. Ti",~; 1'i~s II'SOX L,·I" 01 Ih Wo.ld II~OXI.., 1; Wum ... 00 You Rtm.",M,?, WCOL 1 :00EWT 12:00CWT W"OX-t: ; I 01 K,ld,., ' WOSU ffPt,~h t..> IIO\\'O 0...- " 1I.I~n '.1>4. II IlE *H. II. Blukh"e. n ••o: II I~G *'r'" WADe Inn: WUC 1I0II'0·II"mr F"",m WSMh· ". r ,II " flj.ken ' :10 fWT A.M. 1 :10 CWT II ";11· /to"d)' nlneh II'AKR weO[, WGRt" WGKV WL.\I' WSM Bruklut Club: WGBF WLS IIl1.t WSAI IIIIK GABRLEL HEATTER K[)I,'\ Drum II·uv •• Mor"Ln, Moo6,: WCOL 10:45 fWT A.M . ' :45 CWT life Cln 8e I.,,,,tiful: KIIOX pr•• ents the new. every II·AKII·Jack V., .1>11 Captiutor,: IIUe I\I,U,\, I\'III~ G~n. " Gltnn: IIl0L 1I~41 AFTERNOON WAI){' WBBII WRSS V.OT night except Tue,day II"RI\\I\\,""",.lIrl: W";Al I\'\KIt I\\\I'A 11'fIlS WG ... R \lIIAS WLAC II BTMumml ",mo.iu C~ .. r Up GI~g: WIIK *..... " WIIK II'SII IITKY 12:00 fWT Hoan 11:00 CWT I\SAl III 1'()·Mu,ica[ (Iork 8uhtlor'l Children: 11'1.11' lIurI' in H."n.. ny Tn~" ..y Slar Pu.d., KMOX WtiNS *B o~ke C... t ••• (omm.: II'GN *Q. E. O. Commenl.llor: WILKe \\"(.,\11·('[0<1. 1V~leh,,, Boo, WTAII WFB\I K\iOX WGAR WIIKC IILAP 11"011 111.s F~lol Qu ..tion III1~S lI.n'", \·an.,. Muk.u * 11,1 It \ ..... ; Rh)lhmi. M.\o- WOB\! WIIIO .K~ I. Smilh SlItaks; Hews : B.ndy Mo.hr. IGn9l: W'>'I WMAQ S..... t Rive. II 1Il0'''ornin« ~.n"" ,. '. Lone Journt,: IIGBF WII"'Q KMO.'i II'AI"I("' WOOM WRSS *\.".: KOKA WCKY WCPO WIIK '1".niD~ 11.loily R.lil\iou. Coun- Music Room: KDKA WAI'L IIHI\I WGAI1 WIIAS WIIIO WAIT Tuu {·t)I\boy. WSAI-Co\on.1 CUnlquatl IIKII("-\l~lodv lI'Af}(·lJtn K ...... I1, In •. W'_II 8i. ~i.I" eil II'LI!' II~OX II"S'\Z II'FIHI (;,\btrl Forbn WTA~IO ...a MoIod.iu IIL<; ~I •• " Bob ' :45 fWT A.Io4. 1:45 CWT WBT-Li.ht "I Ih. W.. rld Words. Mu.ic; WGllt" * WGS-~ ...s; Bond Wa_ l"iLII' ·B.lrll.y Kin(m 1\'WVA~" ,Ip !'oi len lrelklnl Club: \\IIK * IICII~ \r" ,Lo:I'S T,ke a '--I< * 'c.. , IICPO WKRC 1I1II0-,>pulh,ht; Bond II ....n II"V·R,:·" ",,",.,,' ,n Your Mirr.. r HIPPY JHk Tu rn,r. song.: * KUKO\ I\~".; ..... nl. of Our WFIIS~lu'i<11 M.. mtnll 2:00 EWT ".104 . 1:00 CWT 1 :45 fWT A.M. 7 :45 CWT WGl\V wePO-"'", I"formalion Allir. Wilt.: L\vuIO(k lI~po.IU Litht 01 '~e Wo.ld: KUKA WLW G.nnl,.ld VIlI .. ,. Chlpel: \I£OA To h 'nnounud: IltO,\ II'BBII * WICOA-N .... ; I\f'" lor Youn~ W.\\,E SI,.rky " Oud WUI'Li.t .... You'll Lilr.t II W\IAQ WTA" '-011<0; ~t ..dio V.I"', R.. eillt Roundup: WA\'E WGO f WCHS KI[OX W(;III IICKY 11'('01. InQ"iri"~ 11.-.>0"" 11'15 O'n".,beU Tim, Yaun, Dr. M,lone; KMOX II'G\,·Tru... ry Slar P ..ld. * \,,' K'IOX WFB" IIIIKC I\',\OC 111110 WB" II\OX WillS "ihlih' ~am II\IAQ EIi..,b.:lh llart Pr_nU WAf)( "-BBII \11l1'>S WBT IlOIlO KI)KA-II,,~'I' in 1I.""O,,y II IIA" -rio"" OUI f,,' 'Iu,~ I\'IIK ~ljJd.y \I,lodito *WNOX·Scw •• M.rry·G.. ·Round; WCII~ WeK " WEO ... II rBM KII},.\ 1I0.ry 11" ...... 11 II' ~ n :-GuiJillq Li~hl * WISG_~bhl",w~r; S,'" . 111:0>" ~.w 1 W(.AR \VILAS WI110 WKRC AI lion •• .... N.... ' II .\Ill- L~,,, I.'.. r.~ .. WIlT-Lon.!> W.. m.n \\'IIIE r"",,, T ... ill' WOSl'-SpaI "h Le ...... Mlt;n, I ,nd; I\COL WGBF W,u';R I ..... ' L6 \"._ II rOt-Bull",n Boud * 11 I..A(" '~'. r;lrtld. Ibrn~". * "'IZI:: K,I,"" ~"'"'lli"l \10110 I'urq" ~J.tl R" r\l. III\G \II/F. 110\\0 11\l1\1!..., R .... Swett It Hat: 11011 ....1 ... ",hoal Tin,' ,~. 1I'-\1..J T II 0'0\' 1 Star PI.ade *S,dn.y Mostltt. nt •• ; IIIIKe 12:15lWT ' .1004 . 11:15 CWT KDKA 8il ~"I.' .u.....,. \I.....: III \ \1 \t. ,\I.,.h.1 110110 I ""ru,,I,.. l-hlll< T, e T ~lIhl \ ~ I "'IAQ \I T 4'1 ':00 fWT A.M. 1:00 CWT IIGAR IIl01 \lor '" \lAKIt'I .kale '" 1M. IIJlIWt_ Joy" JOldaft. M. 0 KIIO:< * NfWS: II'UIe IIBT 1\£.0" *11 .. R.n hbchJ~~e. ne..,: IH'fjlll ...... , I" T"",·, WI K\ I', 0 a Ia Ramon \\IIi. form" 1I""'e llou. II Bal\ II II~S II lIT \\ClIS 1\(;An II "~l IIUP lit,S 'I, .. KI,h«",•• {.I4011e W(IW\t.lody r... l.unoh IIKItI' Bm. I,plI,'" II t f ...... * ... \brko! ...: .... *"KIt,\, . I\BT IIRBII "11\ ... W(KY II 1111 do-.. ~h'I'I'm, II L ~ n-tr; !'ollcop I"' .... \lAKIt 11. u ...., ...• Qu1& 11: " ... 1 II\lAQ\I \, \'0 I" P, ...... lI.mb", .... G~R IlEUS 111110 IIFB)'! lilA" 1'>~ y R"u 111"1(1 \ * 1Il.W \ .... , 0 ...,. 'ArK\' [Irartf' " Arlh", I\(l l' ~Io·' ,.~ II. o! •• \IIII~ lIaflu "'lUlh 12:)0 fWT ' .104 . 11 :10 CWT II ~'I • \HIAQ \I ,,,. 'I,.,d II I I'll T, I' Ihl ~ ...... o-dt II T~'I·J~" W.... , 11("(11. (""nto' ~>tinJut Ro ..... nCf of HeLtn Trul; WLAC Wflt\lR .d .. I·MII.y II.", 1\1\111 ... 1I111'Au.. I'f . \I\OX 'i,,, •. \, e Ch .... II ('PO I iute St.w n 111'0.\ UU'flU 01 "mIDI( P.". KIIUX WADI;" IIBB\! 110:0>5 ,tl la,,, (" I. 1 ;)0 fWT ' .M. 1 :10 CWT ' :15 fWT .... M. 1:15 CWT 1I(l';l' \1" C"", Mutul Got. C,II,n,. III \1' II Ilh. \1(1110 II.I )" Ilfrb Pr.. " IIt'i.... : U bv ~~'II lit KY WFaM II(.OAR I\UAS *IIIIA~ .\ .... ; '11.1',; Sa"h,1 I ..,kl"t Clwb: WWI"A T.Lk II t \II * \1""7 S ..... ; Mu 111.01\ • I'.ely • Hom, Hour: WSM Gold~n Gale Quartll; IIEOA ,'I"k~ II~u Hal~·r~~~m '" 1110 \Iu It f,,.. ~I."l •• h, CUld,". l,oht: KIIK\ II'I\Q II illS 11~~1 10:15 fWT A.M. ' :15 CWT * 11111 __ 1, ..... T • N..... WGKV WO~lJ W'C8F WillS 1\1\\ IIT\\I *Ro, po.ter. De'" "'ltE *1\111":-' ...... 1\ ~ .. laI..,. Sc:l>eel 01 t~. A, BT Well" Co ..... W. Lo .. Ir Learn: h unx II \I II m\{l ~~~~I'\\r:; ~ 1\1\(.11\1\· ... I" .' '0 11)(" "'CKY IILIPGe.! F.I ..... ' C..... ~ Nny School 0 us',, ~ \\I~(; Pop C..,U,I \ 811'1 \\ II'" II LIT I\( 11<; I .. l-o.. K ••• 11M A, .... 1 n. O·Ne,n.: KnKA WCOL III KY IHnl IUU\I 111.111 IITA\! I\L~Jtt"~ ~I ...,tl *\.... WG~ WIII\(' WillE IIIIII.II~!I; ~th.I"" WAlE WIIII'I WGKV \\1.11 II~" \\11\~ 111110 I\I.\C II\I)X Wil lS I\,\IAQ 11'IRr WGI1' \\'\OX I.uido .. 1" hi KIlK.I \I".kailludlir," 1\ 1.\\ ·8'1 S .. I,. * \~>IS: 11'1110 .. 111In' ilLS II \I Kitty fa,lt: h'II)X 11.8\1 110"('0 ,,~.~ .... I.I Ih. A" WAI~ !I,dia' Ih. !tlnto \I 0\\ II I."" J[ou>t I ,I,', Fi .... I.... , KIlKA WLW \\0'>\ ') .' U * Nu.. : 1140m III.K\' "''''\1 II 8811 118~~ II( liS WCKY \\~AIl.,1t' st, .. ; food. R. *\\RT X~ ~.'n. TUlle KII!tlX M_ K,lth .. *\\11\' , .... , h"' L.d. II lI,n ~ III'> I\G ... 11 PO-' :~t '" '~I I'~ lit \II 0'- SItoppln~ r.u~l. II lItF '" ro Pal' ,,~ I·n.. 11111'% '"",'pv S""., \\T.\MB~ ~ .., .. ".1111 IIr .. .,..... 11 J.~" MUClW, "'". Loft: I\"C.III .Ii( I'll Waf 0111... 1 \111 V... (I, , G ,. IIUK III \I' 11 :10 EWT A. M. 10:30 CWT ,.. III 4H II~_ II • " He» II. I' <;n.di I' , U;45 CWT II R \I ,,­ H~nk La_fl'S K"~~ts: weKI' 1 ;45 fWT ".104 _ "" M"s,c '" the A,r: 1\ \OX 111110"_ I olley S ..... MusIC \',' • I 'OM 'A 1111 Tilt, ( \\ 111 1\0\10 T~. Goldb •• ,. \1>< II lI'l~1 ., "' ... :0.. U", .. 111110. B.>ooI< Ca"" .. n 118T \IB\­ III II llco,\n 1\1 01 '" ,. r, ,I •• WAKII 11< ...... Snow V;n~g~; Kf!K~ I~TAM ""'. WI/I l" S Amy P","L I\I.A(" \\~Al IlhiU' t. ~"r"",h' II mo K'''hn Kap'" II lIT 'Ill ,. '" th Air II \\ J. II (;HF \\lIIt:: WLW 1110. UI larm.,. n .. undup \11.,1\ •• hr' I" \\(I'OT,~ .. , W. Ll~h'" . Lon,ml.e R.ports: "1111. 11~8 II 11K!' ""r"in, '1'''"Ii~o W~'I WI[AQ * W(,\ 'I" ,', \, ... Y,"Illt' 'Jrl,: WLAP II I S- \I ..hls 1\I.h\' I\(;m 11/"'1 " C. .... hHI· IIh"hm Il,,,",dup Hou,,", .111" \''''. I,vnl.-.ck, E~ef]'· C.n4 . O~r GIl SundlY: K\lO'( W~DC "ION M •• ~tl' I\"~I II!lF 1I'I.hl' 1\I.!If \ !,\R Ru,h \lretl." \I~Jl. \\'~~I·Vox lIurnau * WAKIt ""', M,,,,c ~ II sse; II( Ln' 'AF8)1 11'111"'[ ...,«1.;(" ,eI~(n- Pe r VO"'"O's h""I,· II II" 1110\ \ ... 10. 1\ I ,U.h. II "'Al"" ,)",,' I'. ,I. 1181 ~ho" TIII,e 8"" , .•• I 11'\,., ",III \\ ... , 'A \ In. I, • III KY P ••• ~1M'nn. .... IH.AR WII"" 1\ I.~C """lOX "I.e "JI~""Iom"ll I 1'>111' Geml J ...... " " ~ II HT 1\ 10;)0 EWT A.M. ' ,]0 CWT E ~ R 1'"_ xb~. atWI KIlKA O;~ ~"ur "',\,z • 1110 1'0 K.. 11.11"" *'" II 11K 1.ad7 h •• lb~' 11"" , ...... OX II .... ' ... Htlp",,,.: "hKA 1I ... \'t weOL l\lll~ "I "r... I' ...... * IIAKR :-;.,.., l'lm 10 LUoert \lI\K( II""... I Q II I\t. \u,hoou'f hbowo II t II II IH~KI IIIIU: I\M~Q \\5AI Will ... I .. II .. !loyl *\\,~Ir. 'i." , I.". "wk. Sa,- 'f' 1110.1:1 1\",,1 "1\ \\\,\I'\,~ ".ck '1 .•lIrl. O,n« II 1\\1 II I1hl' l,i'e'IG"~ 1M T,lk \\1 II" I if .. ("~" 1\ n. ul,f,,1 II\lr/, O"h. 1'\1"1"'-1 C I B.by Inll,lWte \11.111 11'111'1 IIKIU tod 11,,01, t_. (12,H-7) 1I N.w~: \\1 \[ I,UH WADe \~O~L' L"u"i~I" ;11 S.iclOco To be ~nnounm; /'ie'" Tim~: W(;K\' \\GBF I\DKA 11'('11 .... lIurt- in 1I.""ony W05U-Toa Uanco Wh ~ n a Girl MilfriH: KDKA WG\'-Ilnde Hany', ABC Club WAI'E WIRE \YL\V WMAQ W1.W WillE \\'S'1 WlOL \bB * WCKY-1'~"'s, Slock. * \\'SAZ-\'c"'; Bill " ~lo"lIn. * WHI ... ·l)inn~r Music; ~f"5 WAVE \\'1'AI\ \\,fPO-Sph'",ic Swin~ ,nIOX Cou.in t,:".",y'$ (;IOUp *".... 1V('f'O WI." Wfll.\I·Bob " Gall~ Sh.-rnood \~'" WIHE·Rom3!O'ic \!elodieo W£OkQur Town \\AllC'[HI1i,,~ Melodie. 11-1I,\S·1.inr!~'. fi<>\ ton WW\'A-Chu0<1 Htadijn£!l Grun Valley. U. S. A.; 1\1:0_\ T,,,,~ II \OX-.IO!<" Jurdatl \\'u-r l.nlle Rancer II'LAP-,\larchin~ to \1;(101"]' II(;An \\LAC w.\OX 1\1\10 Wi.AP'larh,,; SUPl'l<'r Melo~ "II\ouuted I\('KY S)'h';a f1hod .. '" Bahr * W1.W (';."'.: Tu"., of Ihf Oay WUT WAUl.: Ord.. W~IAQ S".~, '" Sp.n\.h I\'W\'~-'hdi" H3"gero W\lAQ-Mu! W,Il! \\,CKY 1·:,lil,"", i),",,,hlcr: IVIIAS WIJ'lIS 1V('l\Y-IV,·,leru lii·'N_ \VI.Ae-~I1J,ic"1 ~I.'''or\el WI'B~1 (2,~5 n.m. Continued) Mill Herth Trio: IVOlVO WilT '(MOX IVAne WCAIl W,\J)C-Chir lIorr', Uand W(J'O-Ju"~e Rh~'lh", Court I\'LAI'(;o"d 1'.11,,11'" nub Keybo"rd C_PU$; II'LAC W(';QX IIr:oA \\'CHS * W\I,f: x,.",, W,I,~ Till>e *"1'11\1 \,'''~, Ith),hn, ,. Son( W\OXlliblt Hour \IAKI1·J[illbillv Frollo Today ~t tht Ou~,""~: I\TAU *Ntw, 01 I~! World; II'AV£ *WAI'E-N"",: Ti",,' for Tune. Wllt\S-~la l'erkiT,s WU~l' ·Mas,"muck. of ~lu~i. *\\'A\,l':-~I"ti,,~~ ~lrlr"lic'; 'i~w. WCl,y \\l.tNS WllUM Wl'llM W~I,IQ WC01. 1\'11[5 WSM WilT I:i~ht I" lI3"pi"~," *WIII\-N\,\\,: Unu I}o"hir~t IYOII'O Vietur_v £Xpre" II'CI\\' lJ~bb~' Il. U"k,'" {},rh. WJH KMOX II'GAH WJlH: 1\ TAIl i\[)I\A WGKV 1\'( 11" l.i",!.,'. Fir ! I.",.~ WIII\{'.'I',,'r~! Varit!i... \\'S.-\I atr~kf I'ol~\' In 01. Ahtrn<><,,, r.flN.es * ~"'" WIZE WSB 11'''11 W!;\I WGBI' *\\'(;" o,.~ IIr."~; \'.".~ wln-.\ n"" T"" W~.II. W.II~r~ ~~,,>; "u.;c WEtIi\ ."".. hi". II~l" 5,0<1' IIJl1\I' 11011 \llill(, Jo~n$on F~mlly; WKItC II lIJO 'Iu" .Iu," jo'", y"" IIS~! "''''I'l'i''!':' A,o,IIId 4 :30 EWT P . M. 3;30 W(II .... WILI~ II'('PO-:I1tlolll •.\linu,o Maid, * IIG=" ",,'" *\\'111" \" Prwl,,'c\ Sl'~"~_; CW, 1\ 11'1.1 I 70 SIr"",line" \\ IHO ('""",je. \,., . \'.llll,.ard ,,, "Club Matin ... ; Ntw", \\'IIK n""wr \Iu';ul. KJ)KA WIlIO WC \ SJKlrb Will" \r~ l'.r~iM 5:15 EWT r ..... 4 ;1 5 CWT \\~-\[ \1 11K The 1", ,11", Wtxr:·~b'i" ... 'lfl,~h .... CDUntry Jourul: \1\0.\ \\ 11 \ ... II ["(0 011 ,lot n""",01 1\'1.11' Joe F'.ntto's Orch.: \\,LAI' WADI' Popul.o. 'Iu.ic II I. \I 1.1"1,, "r "'" \\,,,.-1'] WIIK{, \'inorl' Co.torr II'lHE E"1,\ ~e"., ~POI" WOlIn \\'1/1 \\I\e I'"",M: I\FlDI \\'1\G-:lI"';",,1 Mc"" 1\'.",. 111-01 1".""") ~'." \\'O~I' !)ilOller C'o"c~r' \\tI'lI \IIII,V \\I!:-.L II ~\! C~ll(o'nia M.lodle,; \\'17£ \\('~II *'"n: II !Z[-\l" "'~I \I""" \\'1\1" T" ~,. ~"'''w" ..... ! WSAZ·Today·, lfmlKl W,llle-pol''''''' ~hl,ic WI." I\OIl!} I\'II~I- \ S_ 1':"'I,I"_,,,,ellt 5ttvl•• *\\,1;-;\; I'o'e".: lI.hi",1 ,h~ 11 ..." LQne Ran9tr: I\'!ll~ \\'I~G Will. *', \r~_II·.I"m"p & I·loney 1\ ,\\'E·"".;" \ "" 1I',,,d 11'.\1(11 1.",1<1, Til" W~AI. Chilrlrc" Ar<' ,\1'0 PC"jM Ii" .. , i" lil. A""l'; 'rh~ A)·t' W~.II ilLS * II'''I,I~I-Ne",,: To,,, Mannln. II'IIX<'; I.i"da·· 1"1" I~"t II _\1 I ,,,,10'(, 1;,.11 Ce,,'., 11\\,\'.-\ 1."" (hil,lr. Il",'o 1t * Nc"" \\'011'0 1\'11'1''\ WGX *1\'IlT·I':ew. II B\~ 1:",,,,,1 fI"I"" Il," "e 11 11'1110: Y""r n"ih' l'h""kl~; 11,p *" 1\ 1'.\ Xe" • G" 'I,~r 1\1'1\,1 \I"'i~ fl'r lou 4 :45 EWT r .M. 3:45 CWT 6 :30 EWT P.M. 5:30 CWT 1\ ('II" I.,h'",·', P""~""'I' I\' 1\ ('Ii" \'"",; \1' """',,', 580 SI,,'III\' SI"",,: r.:e\\, WM,1t L~, !Jro",,', O,,'h. InilugurJI H.~dieap: \1'\':1\1 Joe Ga ll itchlo's Orch.: II IllS \V(;.lll T"i",urv. WGJU WI. \1' E"~"in~ M~lndit'; O!lP"r. * \\'.-'I;;n New,: M",i~ I\,\\'E \1\1:" \\LW WMAQ II LS·P,aJl~or'- \\,,,.11 lIil .. ,,' Pi,,,,,, * S\~nley Qu,nn '" Arlhur Ma"~. tooll"" ill Wrldin~ WUu'\1 The ,\"'" \\'.n1_ \'"u Jack Arm,lroog; WCOL. WIZE new" II'I.AI' W\OX Th. (;"101',,, 4 :00 EWT P . ... . 3;0 0 CWT \\ ( Ii" h,I,.rlllali 'n WI.II' 1l.11,d. by Uri,o W"'AZ-II'ul>,ctl' 9:30 \ I"b \\ \I\Jt II I"v 1\ \\'I'A WSAI * Ne";: WCOL WSAI W\I,\(l-ltu,;ut Emr... ; St."d Bj', Ba(kst~g. W,le; IWIC,I WAVE In'lnl 1lI')'\l,,,, &, "'0". II ItK 1\ 11'\' A-Bi~ .... li" KDK\'~Pon.: l\ll0X II'IIT \\,CKY \\'TnE-10-2,4 !lau.), WI\IK·To be ann""nced \\'UlJ~1 WADe \\'JJl WI'B_\! S e e prog r am /ist/nqs far more d e tail and news progroms WKRC-lYalt, Time additional 1I·~nX·Danci"g P.rty WltA~ II'CAU II'U~S WHlO \1'OSII·~purts WJ.W_Lllnl ,~ Almer II'GAll . how~ for Time is EWT; CWT 5ubtract one hour. II'O\\'O ('.eor~e Wood, Rtv". WNOX-Sl1l'e",,\an * Np,'" 1V11lt;: \\'1.,11' 1\'~\I·Oll'~n lleo"II",'. "rcani" WSAZ-~ I ",io; I'ane. 31lllQunoe<1 WGKV 1490 WS!\l-650 9:15 Carnival Show 10:00 Gr e~ t Moments in Music * Jo"n B. Kennedy, MW" II'HAS WOSl'-\·irgini. Guerub Cro 0, H{llon Eddy: Roberl Armbrus_ M;lyor 01 the Town: K'IOX WJII *" COL II.""" Fu, "~" * II"CPO·N~w. \1 Ili I. ~,,,', A. ,'"u L.~. II , O,~h II I If" 111:1"" \\I!\~ Inl\\ I\'IlA~ Wel lS II,\!(' iI.",,:k_ O"h. 11 ;00 EWT ".M. 10:00 CWT \\'JI! ,I \ijthl II \1,,' I " '11lA<' 1111:1\1 1\110:'( W(~U \\(,AII wnu\! \\"AZ W8T * HfI'''. W,!!i ..n L. Shirt'. n~Wi; II Lit "pl,xly '\Ibu'" \ IIUI[ \\:\():,( IH'I\Y W[I:! ll(AU IUBI\ Wll10 WAOC 10:15 EWT ' . 104 . 9:15 CWT \\f h\' 111111) 1\iI;\lt IVAOC WLII Gr""", l' Ibu"""" .. I', -\I Ilf \to IILI, Illnc WGAR \'011)0 \\Bi \\\(j\ 111.\(' \\11),\ Art K.unl', Orch~'lra II{ III * ""IQ\ows lit 11-. Alii) John FlUdom: \\I\G WI.AP 8aH.\hU Glm" II LAP W:-'A1,\h, ,e You 11 nl ·(1,1 God",n. ne ... _ 11.\1 WLS IlllE \\'OWO W'>.II WIllI GrlCif flfld" IOn~s: IH.. 'ilt . Hew), III'BF WHI:; w... a Rurn. I' ,'hit \I[\G IIIZI:: \\'0\\0 \\(01. WAKll \\F\11. WAKR II~AI II\lVA ", \,~". \\"("1'0 IVJR WIRE W~\l Amui,a "If, lI'"rf~I,j"ttc I'arad, II"G"- ,,""'''N ~hn Mu" "0" lIa,l: 1111\., IITAI' IH1\Q WT~\' I\"!"V ,t, ,_ II."'~I. IInll' """f WBXS W~O\ IIBT * II'IIK 'I",.,.~, y,,"ft( ,X~". * "_~KJt BMlfl} 1;,,.,,1,, .• 0,· I'. KI)KA \\'CKV \\"CUF WillS . Ntw\; p,,,t Mln "" 9:45 EWT 8:45 CWT ith lfi'l. "11'1 "" * I\JR "~,, : 1["... M~nhittin II Mjdr.f,nt: WLS ' .M. \\Il.\~ 11'0110 ,,\[OX I\I!OX \l,"",Ii",t "~'tnerlt \1,\lF ' ~ (\1, "",rl. " WLAl ,"~w'. X'lIhl 0..-1 Club 11011'0 \\'I"G I\II\'A WIZE I\OKA Ilu I( \'ou Wanl II'A\ f: t:hrh. B"."~t. 0«11. 10:45 EWT ' .M. 9:45 CWT .. \\ UI \~\\s. ().n,·~ O,I ...PJ' lIoll~ .. 1.111\1 I , 11..ww. \\1;llt· Will" "."5" "'1 11,/ \~I .'. 01 ..1M III\'G WCII!:>Ilrl...Jie. " 1\ T .-UI,~t"W.; Sammy Walkms .. '_ ~ ... ___" 2 ...._ I,'SAI Hun Lorh.,', Orch, II L I" [I • .-Is II' "h I II hoppe .. \I""" lIe"\ ,I R~" * W"I~ \ Rh Fl... . I\BTG, ..I Col. Tutor. \~. n. Do y"" Kn".. ~I. An ...e.· I\'oV IIKR(" \\IIK 11111(.1 WKR\' \1 .. 1 re '. . \\111'0("1', <\nd, & Mill; * 111110 II .....~. H..... WAIT WaH\! II T<\\I \I I Ih' - lit It... . \\ Kl:!f ",.., \le.,~ II" .n.~, N..... WI.S" '" lIob L, .. I~' hr I I.o~, I\OKA WLW 10:DO IEWT .... 104 . 9:00 CWT hl'K I I MeCo tie ~I",,"'. lb.... "" '*" 10\111 T,-.b \1 rkns: "e • . lfAl, IC " • \\ \/10. N ... Ii <1ott franklrn 5t~.tt Enltl"Uin,: \\ ~ Ii\! " F..-nlI .11" Rou M.chrLlllf, "f'" . 1111111"\ ..... "\Chl II \1 IIGAIlI!, II~ It ... II d- .. W "'.:II , • )1~1Gd;r 101 )100 • "'I'. IH KY WEOA V~I"'''' ... nl Lady: K\lnx WBR'" \1111", " UI!' C . ".... K'IO:'I; WFB\I WIIK, 1[..... II II~' (hun-h, ,~. W,~1wood \1.""" ,,_ .... '" \HI\\O WG" B ...... " Smik; WR"S WUIS W(KY II rB~1 II 11K \a"~Iy O""k ' :15 EWT .... 1004 . 7 :15 CWT WI,11l 1\ 1111\1 r ul Gih II I\DKA" ,{ the fily Riebl '''I. "WlI J .... , ma 1\[11\1 \'".~ or I Viii dior. 0. V.u Remember? \\GBF II 11m K,'""nl< .....n&: 1\1 OL II...! l\biu & BI", II 1lIi\1 J,lIy J ... \\ t,\(· Old P,rt I'" Knl\A _~unl J y "" l!( 1',~ .. 1\ B6\[ WIll' GJ~d 11 i II Fo.~ IQ,h~ I',..... n... "' WRT /I", ... Qua'lOl II \0\ Goo« "f' * \\LAr "rIO'; Jh .~"'l Fro"l; Mu ,,~I I lock III1KC WIRE ""U J. .. k .. II .. n."loIiu \\',I"R\I.ro./in \\H\\II.rf)' Hi,d W(""~ Ynu, 1I)'",n S;n~tr 1.,,,,.,"<,. J[.rlh,lti~. KIlK'! 'fll .n ~IO'" WWVA,"u.;o.1 1l('''~lIel WHT Cui,I'''1I! J ,,~hl . I·,(;AII ~~,"s; \lrKn.(ht \\'COL.iA'I'. Talk Fur. II' I ~I' l!OOI ,d"p K'IIl.'\ ~ VIf;~lin \\('lI'- I I 1 ~iuIII 'I" .e III;" II" .~l l'athCf I',(,X 1\ aU I 11_ •. ....,. WGBP I'~"I" N~ws S<-tviu Morn,n, MoM,: II Itb wrO!. . 111 II '.;'''', SmiliD' Ed .\le· \\ ~KR R,.. kb", 11~1od,~. \\11111 I\,.-by Brookt WIIIO \1"nldp.l ('0'''' IITAM \11IIn-n..,ry LIAp '" O~h {"" ...II \\11'" ~ ..Iy \\0"" WillS \lary L.... TlrlDr . 11 Ifh lI.w .. ..,h ..... N.­ WIIK Ilud IrpU.s1 Clu~: \\GIlF \\\lV,1 "'1',(11, thtH,ts \\ BT D~ ..... Orch. ""uk, .. ItK! T •.- ... '110M" ... "' "["\I.~.". • "po.1 • N..... * "I'.;GW_~~ T ..... y; Soup 01 111'\\11 L n, '.; .... \1' 'I~ \1, nc I""mr. l\j"-G I ·st.... 1.1dI.. Wil l, 113 Iy [)~volioftal \\"IIn, h,t.. "I Tune th. Ti", ... , SfWS Sophilllcalon:." \\ LAC- WEOA . '" I. I( t 1 k WIfOIIo II ( 1\ \··OIiH Ka,U~y WSAZ II tlH: \I~'r)' 1[ .. <><1 ...1 :0;...,. \\ I A~ll. ,- "~n~ * wln Pol", " Sol.", Reports ; Co IITI)I. A! ,'..., s.,.n;u ", \\ ILl:: X~ .. nh).!.", W('[>O 'I, .... lnc 51 ...... " ...... WIlK II \1 \[ • "h,le 7:45 EWT .... 104 . 6:45 CWT WLAC~"" \111 It far Otukfut K[)"A £04,_', !I.u,h,*, . \\"IIC-"_". I \~rlaok WFB\I E.-orty Hmh 111" I"a" .. It. • \\1 \\ \ 1 • r oto ily PU}I!1' • 111\( II IlF: WKRC WUPRadoo R~ . WA\ Ie ~"""" f \R,JrtlI. ~0'1.; 'rW' \\ III" Alarn. ("lotio; WSAT,Ril, Ih(hlt WGAR Ruth M,rri.n Wflf • II0Sl',I[u" (,,,,,, 11 ,\11',,,, lI_a,l.e 9:00 lWT A,M. 8:00 CWT WIllE "hoppkol Soh ..,,1 \\ liE WI.S-""",,,,· ~d \lc{'onntU: R"" J. "na . Hews: \\"AllC IIBT II'EOA II'KRr W".. I, & 'Ill ,~ The O·H. ft •. I\[)"~ w. 01 7:15 EWT .... 1004. 6:15 CWT (I~ Pal~ ", \\'I;!U' h.m XeYr ; :"Ie ... hl<'V & S ... 1 \\"fOAR WSAl 11'1.11' l.if~ Can I I~ H, ,,{iI .. 1 Illn: I\I;IH II I R~ 1\\I,IQ IIIIK( WSAZ II II \~ M,,';,.I hoi 1\111\0 I',<\"ry ~:"P~u Brnklnl Club: Varjtly PrImo: . 11 \I.\Q (off... Ti ,X" .. W(;I, \" II IIh II L\\ II ,.,\1 \\"Al (h,otOIt ... SUI II T \\1 II III " ... 8ft lI ...... Don 'I," :~ m \VAKR w"(),, r I 'at". of K,f \\"\1 T"", , .. ~ \\/I"("~ M Wl ....-; wIn IISAI IIOWO \\n,I (. ""'" C Kilty foyle K \10" II f8\1 'I I 1""1 ..... WT\\ I J~.. .eal WIIK "GflF 9:45 EWT .... M. ' :45 CWT 111\\ 1'\(,11' ~III"". "til IIlnnl \\ I W)I iii, ~t..bM1 , [urylh.n, GOfJ: \'0 IUS WeOL l rultlut CI"b II 111\ IIW\\ 1\ K K Pr \\ XUX T t.., ,nm In;,,\ I\'<'\[ HlPP1 Jack T ""'er, IOnIS' John MfluU t Choir Loll; '" "" I\U\IIJ It Ii l os I:, WGK\' • ('II( II [ II' \\' I .I I -J. . "." II IIBM II'( KY WCPO Clptiw"on: \\ fl1 I II \()X , 8:30 EWT .... 104 . 7:30 CWT 1\1;" \\111" To be announced: II f n I II 6B'I Collff (Iub IHOI I\OK 1'1 ['P'''( (i. I. Will" K\lOX \I( II Wr. HI II I'" (, 1~ ( 1'0" A * I.T".\' X a X Do You R_. rl: WilE I\\lnx I , r'~ \ldo. C, 1.1"-.-. P- "' ••• ,. \lC"\ l\fro WUK ~\\lAQ \ r " 111;"" \I II \1 I"o~ ":" ""e. \I~'\Z lobr I ... T " III11\r Wi W\lol~ WSOl( . II.,! \t '1 WIIA"T Owl • \f ,...... 104 . 6 :30 CWT . '"I\\S " J liT I\! J ne lI,ov.. \\ III II , 1\1\\ A II I.u Ie I \\ Al \lU'1 ", I IKH' I B, \\ \\ I \ I no,k! II LAI II ,. Ii . fContj~Ufd ~ • on .. I Pa9,1 , IIU( t ...... GI ... 10\( K \ ,._ ,. .. M" H, .... ' .. An Choc"..... "OkA WAl>1I " ... r .... 21 tk- ..... " 'a.* \\L\\).. I 1\l1'I11,~, II ... 1\1 II \I\Q wr~" "111 \III .w ""\\fJ~ I.. \\ I 0 I \1..,. I'rpa no. Go ~ KIlO' II\\I'A \\I.IH It"," I hI:. r .. THURSDAY, January 14 I\"~I 1\ I 8 ... HIK'OI'I 01 ... '"l' II "'H\I \\1;'11 TI .. \II...,...... I .. I- II "'I II ,,.. ra .... "A"II 11, lhiII1 ~" " II to' l\Tnl'ri, II 1\I'!If· I " ..., ~ \1 rbll .II' \IT II ..in" 1I.1oG s ••, II II % I: hi II \I{ ",. I' 1'" IIT~'" f""I... ,·. 1I1I.-I"li'''.'OI~.(" tt;~oIAJn- . \\liT ".".. \1'1..\1' ,. 'h rI .1 ('al II ( K t' I' ,\'''''''<;.... " 12:45 EWT 11 :45 CWT . Mil",. II(II~ leo t .... •• II. "Sh! .... I'\\IA T. ( Ioan,1I WTA\I 11(111. H~n .. , 8""'ns 0 ••au; ' .N, 1\(.\1: \. ,_,,, 1M II, f O~r Gal S~nda1: ,,\10\ IIAI)(: h III" I .. ,01"" ,I.nn.,.. Am,nd, 01 Hon.ymoon HIli: \'".. ,,,1 1."1 .... · Oula \\ ilK l.a,ll t ... 11(;'ri L.. I • (;,1 1"!".'J,t." l 4:]0 EWT ' .104 . 1:10 CWT KM(l\ "Alit "'H"i~ \l'IIH" 1111' .. IITKY 111"0'1 I\lUI\! II ,0,\ "1>11,,, II I. \1' I.,~_. \I rk.h. Oanu r:_._ L"~I 01 1"_ Wa'''': "OKA \\t.w S,,", A ~,: "'''A lUll \flTft...... \1111"\\, .. \\,11 .... W~8\1 \\11\'::0 WIM: Yo~Al 1111FT .. -.y '.r P.andt \\ '!\Q II T \\, ~ Pt.. KI'KA * \\,11 1_ M .... ' ... \\11 ... D ..,_ 11. _ \\. Ib II·KIl'·1 .-to- I V.~ .. , 0 •. Malon, K\lOX II'R'! II IIIF IIAIl" I! 1\... 1 \" II , \ ... ".J ~P \.ut.t_ I\AI_ IIHII\I \\II~" WUI" To M ,,,_n \\lIt .. II ~ ",,~n-..,",' 4:45 EWT ' .104 . 1 :45 CWT 11 .. \11 .. * H_ R B,~~hatt. ntw", \\'1\(; Mounla,n 1101, IC 11'( K\ II~()'\ * \\I"r.'~ , II In Board 11111 I',., .." t III\\AO JUlia 11011 II III" Uh"h., It 11'0 II\KII 11(111 \\Gllf Ill'KV 1\1. IIi IIIIKI :\.", \!ek>"' ....1 1\ I'riG 11>,,_ RadIO flud,. II {"Ib '" UIA II 11K ,,~ 1:1S EWT 12:15 CWT ".1CrOOfM. 11",\ZlIh, 10M • ' .104 . WIIK(- Aft...... - II,,,.. \lUf 1..rIbi 01 U.. Woold II 1110 ", .. \1 F".-- Ih. Lo d for II'llh \',,,,,," Ma Puk'ni I'.AIIl Th, Su Hound: \\("OL ""AKfI "'"0' II "" lIad. R..-"ol \IL.., \·.'.... ard 01 \-KI ...... • III'(~ , .... ,ul "UlIII IIn'~ II liT 11TH) II 1I1~ ..... Will .. '-'n"~·. r".1 1.0'·. 11."0\ I',w.r y"" •.• h, ily \I II·'·A liar)' '- T .. Iu, WIRf t..;{l Kt,board M'fI'* 111;\11 1111\>; liLAC WSAZ WKIl(" W.,k J.<~ 1',,1 * Shnhh ClftU. ntwS: \lHK{" IIIlK IIHI" ilOilO "'Itied) \Iu • II tn K,I .. " S ....ak"'. WI.AI'·O,n(o Or(h_ WS .-I I fh ..... k.£ !,Ul WIIK 11 :00 EWT .... 104 , 10:00 CWT \\,I.~ MJrlh &< lIrltn [ arl W"t~hon, ~ a •. : WGKV * 11'111',\ "~,,.,; Hord •• IIiMII When • Ghl Ma"I,,: KOKA Bre.kb,1 II S,rd,·.: W,\1i.11 IITW fJil"r·. D.Ull,I,. 1111 . "" "I.~(;n", 'hthl.; N.... ' WOW(l E ••v 1."I .. WAH;': WIRE liLlY WMAQ "J\G Wilf. 11011'0 W\lAQ I'alnttd n.um. U. S. Army AI, F orcl~ hAd: n,".- W,,\, HArn'l Ih ,II " 0..,.,. 1:451WT '.104. 2:45 CWT \\TA~I Ma.y Ltt T.yl~': K~lOX WAI)( I\lh\, 010", fa,m &. lIomt 1I0u. WeOL In~,anaPG"t Symphony O'th. K'IOX {"ou_ lIur ""Al \I~O~ ""IITAM \ ...... Soro~ of Ou. WeKY Aft ... on Vat Ii... 2:10 EWT ' .104 . 1:10 CWl WGllF 1\l1It: II'IIAQ WTAM IIBS~ llu,l1ooon. Road of Lilt: KnKA \I"M WLW A",r'; To M ,nnOU"ctd \lCf'O Ilhj lI,m Guldlnt Llrjhl: KIIKA WMAQ II'LII' WS\t 1\111 I .• "" & AI,"" WillE WMAQ II(~II" WTAll II \\ '·A n.di" lIan~~n \\'[OA ('",b.ln". Hfpotur II!.II' IIT;\M Audi!'on Prul•• , WOK\' II'''AI IITK Y 1'.1 n"'~f '- O.k" O.. h. * Sydnt, Monlt,. neWI: WIIKC 12:15 EWT '.104. 11 :15 CWT IIGBF" (·"unly A~fnl We Lou" LtI''': KMOX WBT "" "." .. WL~ IIOWO W("PQJ'"I~~ I\h)lhm WIIK WHIO·'iu k.f Jie S .... \\,Af)( WIHIM WIl~S weHS WAKR-{""lIi"~ na"d WE\lIl1'"m.,,, To.by BI9 S!1IU: K~IOX \l'IIT II"OX * ~t .. , 11"1"1'0 W~A I WCKY wms ~lu,1c11 Bouqutl II(KY IIEO.\ IH·II\I \IGAII WBNS ~",arlt.1 ~h""pi _ ('tnln * ""-0" :\,.. ·rn Ti If Tu.. II RIlII \\,II\~ WI"I IS WF"SM . W_\\·L·r>.~ .. , ~nln,tolt r~"" II'I(K(" Vi;~,... Won.. -80 1I0_\fI \1, 'bl WH\(. \1 .. ,,,,,,..... , " .. III:AR Inns \\"1\(; \<>11' Ilf>t •• >rl .... ,,, 11'1110 w,nI ... MUlIC: \\("01. \l'AVE W(;\",. K~,Io ..ln." ("0"_ l\1nE·F.. m " II,,,, .. lI,out * N~: WGHf We;k\· WSAI II II ... II , ...... B,II Ha, Rud, the 8,bl.: II'I.AP " ------"""",,n, IIKRe B,nl t"'" Wl7E ~~:f,~~ ~-~;.:!'..~. "s~ 51)1. FREQUENCIU WKR(- I'...... ,. I'''"''" "" 'ri .... "\I.\Q \\"\\\\ WLAV 'rio I ... 1M Slr,..1 Mw!u.1 Got! Call1u,: II LAP II, KDKAtOl\l WHIS lHC KIIKA \'IUory hnN1"1 0fI Pa- * "L\P'Ii ..... ; l \1 11K lIeMI KNOX \110 WHK-IUO , WLW \,.. " ~"". III'", ..... ,T_ W Ane-usO WHKC 640 1'oL. ... f~l1 Ia ...... _ no * I\f ... n __ P ..rnII: St"lI'I "" "twS: II HI< \\"L%(" \IF"B~ KIori Zomu', SellpllMlt: \\nn Vii: " ~d.· K 11m, II' ADf liST \\1.<'; II p", .. WCKV lUll WLS no S-n~ Hu,I.,.. 4, ,,\lIIX II ADC \HIt'I! I\( II-. WG'R II'!'oAZ \I EO" II 1110 \\ BII!II WCMIIHO WLw ·'OI) W(,:; L hn' Lon 1I11IIOf, ,It II.· OrdL 11811101 \\11 ..... \I( KY II IlE A.. d,llOn Pn.,tw": \1t;KI "171': WCOL UU WMAO 61 \l BT WIlIO I( OU, W., Eff .\.1; n.. RilW.. 01 L,Ie: 11<;\11 .'Ie WCPO-UJO WNOl!: 990 \I GAil \I/H 111110 II f'8M \, '.,. ,II;" "" Ne*,. Stnetly PtfiOnal. IIIIKC IIO"'() 1111'" \ll'riR I~I\(; WENR WOSu-no \I\I\'A I..... J""", Torn, Ole. ... H.rr,: WilKe no V.Ii'nl udy: W~AI 11111"'" "_ T"". WIIK IIKII(· WG\ WF.OA 140a WOWO-IIU III II ... lIa,mle !>",IIh ""11'11" I)"" O ..... hi .... , "'" A'my Aor fo.tt$ Band: WI\G 2:45 EWT ' .104 . 1:45 CWT WLAI' 11011 WIlK WFBM 1260 WSAt-IUO "t ... " WOA R UIO WSA2-uO W("OI.·Cha.U. 1111"1' I;,a,n Prll""', B,~ .., I~' WI.\\" WTAYo; VOII' Hollywood N.... ' G"I: \lGBF Bac.,l.Itt WII" KOKA WAI'E C""", WCOL WORF WIRE WLW WGHF 1110 WSP- ?JlO II"£"I'O 1.,111.- Sho .. II l'rif. II "" 1M !':trH' *'"'' II \\'1 II'Il\S WLAe II SAl WIH IIOWO WGKV WOKV UfO WSM-UO WmA 8u,.. 0 .. of M,,, V 1',11: wmt: T,u• ..". "Ia. I'a,ad. WL\P 11,,11 IHUQ WLS Pt,,,,. Voun,·, rarn,ly: W~OC lI\lAQ \IT.\" WGN aD WTAM 1100 Sabv SIOf> \\L1ftnn,t. ""I , .... KIJ"'Ji ...... \\B\ .. II( II" IIGAR IIIIA:> *\_, 1\11'0 IITK\" II~At WHASUO WWVA l11a We;\ \·I"~'" II ... 1'1f'I,. WIOW "_ ., h • !!and 11- .1 K It 11 ,,~.' Qui& IIIIT \I,,\Z K\lOX F.dilor'. 0.,,, I.. 06ll0lllM (7-12/14) II't,IlI' 1:0_,,,,0 )1" '"'' 11»\ 0" ,h. Iland SI~nrl \\'O:>ll-»tw!i' Valley Day,: C.dl ", IIU:-'S I';\!O:\ WADe 7:15 EWT P, M, 6:15 CWT Ilrown, news: WCAU WBXS WLM' GoOom II"(,HS WHI';C WKRC WAVE WTA.\I 1\IIlE WGKV KMOX WSAl WJR WGAR \\'011"0 \'i«or., Ex!>r ••• WOIl II'LAI' IIGX II LIP IHIAS II·SIl 1\ll!S I(DKA weOL 1\'1I,1~ IlllIO II'LAC \\~AI·Bernice Folc)' Vi~tory Par;tdt of Spotli~ht * "~\\', WilE I\'SU WSAI WS'II Dixie Jamboree: WBT *11',,_,\1,"0,,"_: 1I_ of .lin",,}, All.n WCPO-Me'odi~ \IaiJ. IITI'O'Pdlriolic Parade "i",,,. II'BB_\l WBNS IITKY KMO.\ I\'A\"E IH,KV Iln!E II'tW II'EO,'·I';um Kobhters *I\'GHF-~ew. * WE(JA S""li~: l\"ew. 1\\1.\0 11'"1"-1 \[ WSB \\"l'il\I·Jl~me Front WCX,St><>tls WC,\ .-Irt \.;,,,,,,\,< Orch. WGAR WADe \\"FB~I 11"1110 II'CAU IVHAS WCBS MOlher & Dad: II"E/),\ 11'1'1511 WG,I R Pildn.r & Wil""n WHK-The Lion', Roar 11'11]((' E"''''n!: ~Id(l<\ie. Ih.IZ 1\'1.-1(" *1\ (;N ·S~ren.d.: llil Tune.: WHKC,Trc",ury ~I"r ParaJe lI"OX·Xeighborhood CaU Bo~by Sherwood', O«h.: \vF.GA Joe Fros.lto>s Drch,· WGN Xe"'. II IliG-M) (1,i",1 U.u,d,'and OM 1,'IlT "!"rca.my Sta, P.rarle IVAnC-L,·"n Lawr~n(' WH!O-Dj"".r Mu,io IITS-Smile M"ht W(I)O ~on~ 01 America 8:45 EWT P.M . 7:45 CWT \\,VlnT IT",ic r", ~Iodem. \\"HT-G<~trudc Nie,cll. 'o"~s IHlI\·To he ."nou"ced * 1-1'1.11' ".".,: so,,~s of Ih AI C.ptain Midnight: IVCPL WGllF,Studio Prgm, WCIIS-II,,·o'. Ilow II St~rtcd W!.\l:Jo" Hackett, .ports; lie. I\TPO-.I,,,lge Hh;-,h,,, CO"" Aoro;, the llc.k \rSAZ·[{orn Kouhi·,,, *II"('II:;.~",,~ Time; 'lew, WIIIS·Tr•• ,ur;c.' Slar Parad. LOU COSTELLO and his WIIAS·D.fen'e ,;Ilk: \\".io \l'1I!!'·!)i.1 ... l)'";AI.Di"nrr M",i(" II'Fl3~1 weI(\" IIII,IS II'('AU ,I-'GN lTill SM"lr" & ell}' Sa",,~~ IIL.\e InTOX \VHAS WIlBM WCKY WilT WJ It IUIOX 11,11l 11'1110 II'JlN~ WA\K WillS y"" ("a,,'t l)o DU,jll~" *W\ZE Y~ur Daih- rh"'kle; To- \\'SAl-Torl".Y', T""'[){I_' IITAL' 11'(,115 IVGAR WADC 1\"1110 I\'CHS \\FIlM WIIAS ,I,~', A"""i",,,, -1101'0; No"'~ 11':;,11 lJob Jo]'",\o" & Kay Car­ II·G.~1l wilh lIiller \\'IlN~ IITHY IV5i\Z I\'~OX WCAU IVSAZ IVAUC li 10. Glen G,ay·, Orch.: \\ \.,\C II'EOA * 1I')JK·i!';",o",1 Gram Swin~ 1\ K 1lf"-Sul'rrn,;n Amcrica's Town M•• ting of the WBNS \vEOA WGAn 1I: WTA\I·\,,. • Ton, ~laon'o! J~yn~ COl<."I. 'OP. UHh WIZE ~Td'''Il-' F,>ur: Ln,TY cti,,- lIt IP Hr, I n~ IIi II <;(h""t Air: IVENlt *R.ymond (Iapper. new,: WGN "'1\ WI" I X." Go>~il>f'r 111115 (on'. Oroh. 5:30 EWT P. M. 4:30 CWT * G.broel HeaHe', neW5' \VGN II'HK WI(RC WLAP IVO-tl Melropolil~n Opu~ U. S. A,; \I!{ 11(" Spor" Arr You , Gtniu~?: 1110.\ WHK *Raymond Gram Swing. n.w~ 6:]0 EWT P.M, 5:]0 CWT WI!Ii. \\(;AlI \\II,\S II'~\I "'FUM IIE.>;!! \YAKU WOWO WIZE 10:30 EWT P.M, 9:30 CWT *Leshe NI(hol~. Seym~ur Kor, Confodenli~l!y YOU'5: II'III{I.: *,"''' IITPQ 1I'!(IlC I'-'IOX ~I)ort. \11.'\(' ",." &. .\n\o". ~!""": \\,L~P \I·IXG WW\"A II'SA1 "' ''c,",' 1\011"0 11'(;, II'S.I\ 1\'("01 ",i~hbo,h(>nd Call T~lks: WiLII\1 10lOX 11'1'0.\ 5upumlln: wnll 1\'1.11' 1\lIKC T~I" lto" "l.nd."on: In~'':s Abbott &- Cost~l1o: I\"I!!E wtW by WI\\,A WilT II'I::OA J,(k Armstrong: 11"01. IIISG 11""0\ 1\ LAI" II'M)( II"FB\I 1\'1-:0.\ B,it"h Wu R~li~f II'S'I IISI> WCOL WMAQ T, • .,Ufl· ~tU P~.~"" \\"tAl' MJrth 01 r,me: IVLIV 11' ... 11 11'111.\ \1.\1\11 I\"IZI::: .. N~igM,orhood Call' WHIS \\"(:Hr 'I",;c'! \'3r;~li ... WT.Ht 1\.,\ n.: hOM II'GK V II'-,\Z W(;UF \I~IAQ II1IK \rUlnLif. at 11, II~" Rudy V.l1~~ Show. IIll\' \\'sa WAVE: WSIl \\"1-\\' \\'.~KIII.;onel fI~"'IUO"'S Orch. Just PI~on Bill: IIT'''I lIlliE 1\'JlI"i nO\·' To"n 11'('01- IOIAQ I\TA~I WAVE W~\I 1\51l I\'TAM J~ck Alm5',ong: WE\R WOWO 1\,', E 'l'''rl IDLU) 1,l)h_,1 111.\1' w,ln: 11·1 AI' "merioa" I,o~i(>n Auxlliary KDKA IICKI' II'SM 1"_ Wong5 to Victory: I\·E\/l IrCOF \1'CH~·\I",i< A. \"9(' Lih It II II\·A WOII"O \\·GBI II'J\C Singing SlrinB~: I\(;nf *\0'" 11110'1 WSAI 11'\0\ lL,hl ... Ilour K~IOX-Sport~ \l"CrU·L",'cl;"cs. for \"uu *P~ ul Sthubtrt. news: \vHK K\IO'l: \\'" ' lI .. u. !.;IlK' <:"."" if· "I'her. 1I,,~ * I\TPO,/(o,,", \\ U:F "p"l.huni,· S,,"'. 9:15 EWT P. M. 8:15 CWT * \~". 1I"1I\"i WLAr * 1\' 11K :-."" I'al, "I th~ G,,~I- K'IO:\ 0", F~!d <;ho.,- WFIl'I-C"n,·~'t Mi"i.llIres * w 1\ 1-11" \p,"". ~1<'aTlhy Ttddy Powell's Orch,: won 1I~".I.rI,,, ,,,enl Se.. ·lee 11'''K!l KDK" WWVA 11'0\\'0 II'! ,11- \(0 .•• ,,1;1 ~I""c IbU * 11Th.\' H~x 11,"'i" HII" II( J'S 1\0'" Ko~!.ler· "i,b lIiLh'r I'r~,,,. WS_\I W"lIt WeaF 11'11\(; II'tK \" ~I"'I 1I',,,,,r,,d Mu,ir 1'11'0.1,,,, r,,, "'''I'i'~r II"{''';)' \'o"r Lnr""'~ Tn WO~l"lu ic D~pt. (·"ntNI "" W(;\ ~ .... Art Kiss.r, Orch.: WLAP WF'l:I:·T",a~ I:,,,~"~ * 1\'('01. W.,It~r Fum;" 1\ , 1./" Willi. Thi J. AHltti •• 11'011 (Continutd on Nul PJ9l) W!.;'I:·fla,.,J,[ Turo,N. 1,;.ni.1 wrp(J F. h,un, ;n 'Iu,i.: *WIIlO X,.,." '0.1,," Mu.,,' \ITn.1 ~I~>rl' Ilniew 7:45 EWT P,M. 6:45 CWT II 1I1~ ,111,rd Ko .. (~i,,· ,,,,h,,,., *11-r,~I' "·r" Ibtor~ Mr. Ketnt, f,.cer 01 Lost Per, ".'''''''' 13o,,", ..,'"''\,''''' ""r<'na(le 11';:'. \1",i, '1«,( ",,,,, II'IlBM IHIOX IIIJ'IS \\,I(i~(' '1'" he """,,""r~,1 II'II~S Did, Fi"d.~, 1\1110 WAne II'FUM IV(AU THURSDAY'S BEST LISTENING WO<;LI <;I'orl. IV 1110 1 0 P'l!m. 12:00 8:30 Death Valley Days Junior Nt'Nsuster: 1\ I.~P * \\"~II Ne ... ; Sp'" II"" Club 1:00 H, R. Baukhagl! Tonl9ht's story is ·'Faah af Our Fl!lhtrs·· FrCnl Pagt F~rrell: InlAQ II 1 ,\\1 \I, Hr \h, ,r, An.erican \1'(;"·The 1-"",1 Holt 6:45 Lowell Thomas 10:30 Wings to Victory \I.\n: Ill\\' 1i.IlK"- IIT,UI ("hjd~ I'I'I'G Tro""r)' "to" P"rarle II'IIW \\'W\'A Ohio Valle,· ~I Work II' K Ill' Ev .. ntj,l. ~r"·,,ad. 7:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. *",.,,' \lAKH \\1"" \I'~U 6:45 EWT P,M, 5:45 CWT Wl.AC-\·ou ( .... , I)u Bu';"es. 7:15 New. of the World Classical Music *\\ 1'111. AI"I,3 L.,,!, :0;.,.. B,II Stt,n, 'parh: II'COIlF" WlIlS ",ilh Hitl.r 7:45 H, V. Kaltenborn P.M, *'\~\1t{1'1 (I". H,,·""!' :O;~ ... * Lowtll Thon,n, prieu fo' Ih~u""nd. of d;(!rren! \1\1A:; \\ IJNS W~AZ WfllS Amos 'n° Andy *Fruler Hunt. ntws: W.~OC Wl.,-\I'·T" h. ""","tlnced 7:00 tW ••. w. I'~VD hou~I't O"~r ~.,l!J\) h"ok, f ",", '''clt " \v~IL I'ie,.,., of lb~ News II'IWA WGAI'! wwr WFDM Fred Waring In Victory Tune "nd wom.n In eve,y ,t;Ue In ,I'r 1·";,,,,\ 1\"· have WilT II'CAU wt;I,Y IVIIIO 7:00 P\1;d"" ",,,eh "" ~I"~l,' \x~,k, IV,' p;,I'[ WSM·A" I·;,·.n'''lt'' Home KMOX,T;llk hy l.ron IIc"de ..oo 8500,00f",o *\ow" 11'I(JlC \\'UN~ II H~M Time Mr. Kuchlnt I\'''g pn... lm" ,.SA.GOG,OO Dinon • rulton LtWI~. comm, PC.I T'" .' ..•. * KUK,\ Nt",; '·ou. Dal• Jr.. * WCJ>(l·Xew. 8:00 Maxwell House Coffee Time ...... nh ..... 1 To... hwrc• .. , ..... 200.00 hlill" 'bnh [.ln_ EII'T) 9:00 Major Bowes' Amateur Hour U"'I.Te ...·.C.bln ...... , •••• ,." SO.OO * WLAP Fulto" I.r"il, Jr, l\l;'\ I'"d. Ibrry'~ IR, fJub ~rr>os 'n' Andy: WilT WB~S 9:00 Kraft Music Hall La..... 1 CO .... , ...... 251).00 W\OX W",1d t::v~t. II IlA" 1I,·rbie Koch. orc'''''' W{'1to; \\TAU \\"HlO WIIAS Bing Crosby: Music MJld~: Johnny Trot· .." H...... •. " ... "" ... ,. U.OO La".I''''''Moh l~ ". ", ... ,." .. , sa.OO * \\]]1'> \li""~r \I,,~I Xf'" \I'JR \\·(KY W[A(, WFB~' 8:15 EWT P.M, 7 :15 CWT IU', Orthe~tra: gUe5ts Moby DI.k .... , ...•. , ...... , 1.oa.oo WI\'G phn"i, S"i IIG.llt WADe K~IOX WBB~I To be announctd: won WtAP o;,-, .. 9:30 Rudy Vallee Show .. ttll. W..... " , ... ., .. , ...... ,., 25,00 IIIRE 1I0m,,,li< 'Irluflie. \I'S"Z (also 01 Il pm, E\\·n \\"GN McGulloy p.l ...er. " ••••• ,.,.,. ••. 1oo.0G JO.lIn Davis, Gil L~mb, Verna Ftlton, II III·: Il",,,er \1"", ... Tht Lion's ROoH: Army-Nayy lum & Abner: \\"(JWO WWVA T ...... I.n ... Olh Ilr IOK~unl,1 y ," l\fI'O\\1.;; K\lOX\larc:h for h...J ~uest \\1.AI'·T~o Pi ,,.,, *\, ha,,, ch""k... 1 ; ..... ow .'.AR The );;pl Shifl Wllk ( .. 0rdI.. ,,1.4,. et ,,-.,. \\f!U I I'" I ... \",....,. 'AHA 1::.< .... 01 I .. _ *1 a.I !Ie ... • I II liII;p.r VoIRI::n. 51uDPi Tnil M ld". A,." O.dl .. K VlH"P.r...... ~ V. f' lot. U...,ond M ..... ~ 1110 f.dd;. l 0 cit. V. L W ~ r arlNr I O.dl. "0110 \\ \,I V.I UL • "HI().~"". 1)010., """'litt'. . Yo In !O .... St-rll ra c, n h'.... IMW10 " II K }i. IIornINJ V.M ',r ~ . \_1 \\(I'C> liE"!! \\IR ~'oJ"<"" *" 'M IH,\ II (I 1'.1\1. Sorb '" «I Or.~ . 11111\0 \I ,. II.IlK'AI ~I ,·.OrrlL \\Hh I ru"" ""'If" •",rrt .. lI. II 'OX [Ian.,. O ... h . II t\fH 1.,liorh, s.r..... WIIK \1 .r Y lLII ,,1M M_ A y"" Lih II '. \, . "ItUX ~tw II , "- y • \\U'-P \'~ K~ WI\I. ft .... II \'1'1 \, Irh-Io.h "'It.. \'. ! " \I 'I * 'If8.\1\ .... ' \1 1 L~ n. " \\::,\1 p.. o "Ill 8 I'.tl' I; ..... 7_ B ~ 11 :45 lWT ' .M. 10,45 C WT * "I.'\' \ .... ("II .... loI .... 0 " 11.,,1.11 II, *" \0\ I' " I' " \I I', C""'ttI CI.IlLaro·, 0" , \I, Ii.~' 1111' Ihoe ....." .. of M... " \\"'1 T' ... (" VI-\i)l. '" * \1 ... \1" "It, .... \I - II"" I T~ + \\/11/ ...... "' ..... V_ W ..I ,q 111I11l 10:45 f:WT 1'.104 . ' ,45 CWT 11 :00 EWT 10 :00 CWT * wn\l' It " .. O.r . \\JIt \ ...... \luNt ".1>4 . lIllI, II * hl'hA \'" S~ I P r'lln' 0,,11. VII II \\I.\!' ' Qu."., H ...... n.WS \\.,,\/ 11 :15 IWT , . ~ . 10 :15 CWT K\lOX \I ,f,·hl ...... 4. . ,\1 At \_. ,,",.101 Owl t.", WIi.Rt "AliI \'<',\11 \\IKY \IH'" 0,"", .. , S,I", "I,ft V.III- 11 :l 0 fWT ' . t.! . 10:l0 CWT 1\ AIf: I h Sa,...u ,* 111" \ .... , n..... O,d>. "" 1)' 5",,11. loOn,1: \H.AR II liT I\,U' 111M W"," lI!(h •• i H, ... b.r"t 0.<11. II }i.RI" IVllIIII .... I"I~ 10 \ r<1"'r * "MII.I\t'*'1 11'1... ;01 M.b .... Win,s to "'1(\01',: \1I.m II til rrt

, " 1\1\1. ,I. n.rtO 11 :15 IEWT .... 114 . 10:15 CWT , fll \\00.. FRIDAY, January 15 ""11' I'. MORNING I'ItUI ",....., I', III. '( \ ... , 1' ...... 1(, l~ftI.I"" S. ....11: III \1\ II hill III ~ I ' O\\tll\1I.lt 1~1."lh",~ 1,,0.- "".1 " ..... Suond 1\\10.\ \\'.11 1( 7 :00 IEWT A.M. " :00 CWT 1\1; \11 ,I,~,,~ II'h, h" Aunt \I ... \I \" II ' l'l u'hnd 111.\ I, 11111' 111111\1 1111\,. \II K\' * \~ \1(1'0 1·,,1\ 1I11k.( J .. m. \I I ... " ", ", , II .. II 0 '· (.1. N \ ... II tI\ II ., II 11\ \I ., \II.~II 1IIr1l1 "HlO v.~8JoI 1\1111. \'ohR{ .... \'0" to " Vollb I'I"'AI " " , " , " V" • ~df WI,,,," WloII\Q " '" • I I'IlIhl II hO}i. I '" J.. I. )111 I' I .. T, boo • """.... od Q 10: ] 0 IE WT A.M. 9 ,lO C WT V'''.ont 1.:1011 II II 1 :4 5 1iW T .... 104 . 7 :45 C W T .II '1111 ,II !'tft!n n .. \\ \0\ To I... an _c-od ... . ,p"'.I..... 111.1 "'11 11(1)1. II... • Ru •• I~ R."",,.. p 1'11,111 ""If \I "111 II .. \I • II, "I • r ' ..I ,,__ ttl KM(I.\.... ,~.. .. ,~ .... \\{JIII'ft. "II IIf.", 1111 \'1 \\ "AI 0... :o...;p ...... )h.' • V. III. d J 0 ',,, .... \111\ 1\lItM 1\111\1· 111.1 I I In Ie. IWo" II I \1 I~II rll" ... IInll..! 111/1 ... IHOI II~RII W""': ,...,,: • * "Ih\ \ ... , K.""," 1011 ,* W,II,~", lI~lmu, ~"rs \I"lf III It,' "It ""II' '" I, .... \ II " \... II "'" "'(Ill T .... t ..... ,* 11~hll , \\, til " I IUrU.... HI .. \111'1 1I{,!iF "",KI 1I1Il'" 1." l.tJ~["1 Cluto \I 'IK II I AI old I .. (.U:' I II \ II" .1 to\ ~'U Ito 1' ..... Wl!\;l. V.IRI:": '''I.E Oll\l To" ." ..... "elf tI}"\ Vol "'I nod .. II.... -- '\!llnr""'a "'IKII L..IJ" II,."~ * \.- 1\(1\\ ",1"0 III1K "".\I( II III( II/HII Volt\- * 111 'II H "' " • \I ' ...." , I,, " I\(,UI ,~.,., II h hI III1KI "I~ I\I\IA \\'11 11."0\ \\BII\I 11(11 ... \\:'011\ \'''.. 11""""* "·1\[,1\,'....., " I''''r,od.) , \1,,101 W( I'll \lm_y I f \\('lIt ~.,' !'i4.1.1_.1e \\'OX hl)h l ll ... t '" II ,.,_~ I\ II\"~ ... " ,,,I •• So , .... \ .... \\[\11 AI""" n.lfl O,.,h \\4;." 8 ..... 11"... h * hPh I \_. I~~hl_ 1\.1\.' liuldit IlIhI 11 : 30 IEWT A. M. 10.30 CWT \\1I1"KII\)" B .....h . W%II.II \ ..... , ;Id ~" 8. d * \1111 [ ...... " SaIeoIr R.,..II: IIIU[ .. W_ "(n'TI" .. un . ,1 III ... 11, .. 4 SIIiIw IIf.AIr It _ II ,.1 '11 III 0,,1kt ...... ef 11\,\ J.. B_« H~"k La ..."·, Kn"hll, \lLhl 111..1(" II., .. I •.. II ..UI" 11111 ... 11 ...... \\,'_, ,* \11\1. \ ...... , .... 1 • \i. \\1;\ !h,,,,d 'I~ '"' " 1I /111111"Tt '" \~ ""t 1101\11 I.~ .I.~,,", 1\,-t'''''1~,..r 1111 1,. "~'h' I) ~Yol.wl,.1 * 111110 II, .,. ,c \,,,. \\ 1\1,\ \\,,1""1 II'~IJ 1\'J l h ~ I,."", II,~.,," o H... , Vlnk" HOrln P,.I, WL\\' f,,,,,,,bl"'" "It II I\(; \ .... lIo~,1 II"",.!.. * WI,At" ~t ... ; "'11: .. II,I, ·,llto * 11 hnt· \ ...... ' h"'f (',"""'''~,.. 11' 11 "" 1"". (10" I". II , IIlIk "1..\1' \\",11 11"a f[.~~.11 \111.111" \\ I. ... ~" ,I~. II h,1e 1\1 M 1" .. I'. To lor! 10 1I11! ... n... .to ... ,.1 w. J" , I", ,..... SIlO ... V,lll,l: " l lhA \I'''''' 111.11 W"'"ll.,ut, 1'1.1\ 1;",1 101 111.\\ \""MI'o • ...uI) I'.I)*, ",,~, 'od lilA( \I" .... H.._ '!rlad V..\H 1It.IH IIIRL 1I\1'Q II ... II'~~~ ft.,h II \llX ( ...... 1 ... ,,,u. IIUf' I. II., 'Jot II I II \",,1 J •• ",y, ~loritI 1\ L ...... " 01. II...... 1\ 1"\1 111\\1\1, 111, ....d wuwn IIn .. ,I'" 1 ,,, .. II 1.1\ I , ., II IQ \",..h It ,M ....t II 1.11 "",~I II,H. . ,I,M HOflzonl: K\IOX W"f)("' I" "'1" .. \1·'0\ 1.,.1" .1,1 W.. ,1d 1\1\11" 1I11/>:o; I I :"u • I), lDIt Is \\IIA...... tow.y (',~Wp ChH' 1111" \I U ... Ir .. , Iltuk I ...... * WA' •.., ..... ; II,,.. 't, .,hont Coldtn ClI. Qnrttl, 1\ ~.O.\ 00 C,n_ l'.... ,,, •.. 111\(; 1I ••ft ".,,01. h''''\ IIOT L'."I ..I Iht lI'u.kl "\1" I' ," Oro h II ~UI'II"" IlfO\l "Irll~ (" '.', \I. Ti.... * \~., IH I'I) 11 .... 11 11 :4S IEWT A. M. 10:45 CWT "IZl no. r~ .. I lu.d. ""'h I A,,,,, Jf'h"r * \\("11 .. \ ..... , Ltt. T~b • 1.0010. II h R(" II.... ""' .. T .,Ito \I"." Dulll thru... I\lIh" WAlE II \KH R,ukla , "d.. d .... 1111111 t1,,<1 ,f II>. 1>­ \I \1)(" GI •. 1 U.... " "(H" \Ii,ro. "'1.11"0... 1r. II .... r. \\'IIIL II I II 1\ ' I.' Q WT""" \\\u: 1024 RUtrll IIlIh(· II I I. 11,rd,lal .. 1\ \KII \ •••• M .....ieIo IITPO \( 1.1 ...... I ..ft IIL~ [)o,,,,u,,,,, . II" EO.\ \ •••. '\~"t I,,, \'011"1 A,,"t Jt>I"fl Sto'on, KMOX *" IIR~I \.... I!..>n'" on 0. .. 1\ hili· ... _. 1:"Mt II liT (;",<1 I I.ltlol 1\111\11 118 ..... '.\8T WGAR I'L\\' o.,~T... oTh. II£"OI.I(hc. \I,I'.rl,· 1' ....,1.. n"... SlUt \\ H\~ F..,tl \I"rm "L~ O' .... k "h"p I I I II~ II I,AI" IISAZ 1I 11 ,IQT.... Fl. * I,'F"M \." . II. h.1 "f Oa, \\.·IJ'-1 I'I" II'IITI'.... ,ular Ilu"'c \\T II n", \; .. ~lbff1l' \\ Ii\' \lu',<.o1 r.,,~.,~ II,. liT .... IIT n l Mu.,cll (liboard WG \' Trr"wJ Sur I' r...,Jf 11'( Ib \1, "",,' \1101" •• II~I\I.I \·'~H \.,~hlror *" 11\ ... \~"I, Ilu,;c L,Ut. Jnk L,ltlt·, Orth.: "' ...... 1 Inl.\~ T, H'1l 101' 'Eu 7 :30 IEWT A.N . " :30 CWT IITK" 01,," K.,,, .. y 11"0,1' II, "" II. II EUO II...,.) L.~~. planUI ; II \ hll W(;hl" \\'I7E * WI\I; II .. "U. ,~ ... *,"' \\B\ ... IIHH \\ .. ,1 \\"CO I. At Y_...... ryiu II"TAII J • lI"u~tr II""" fIt'''I,j,,1 '* \,,' IIU" litO!. ilLS " hll(l\ S~ ... , F"r! Klrb" Whll(" I I HUll ... II I PO \1'of""'f ~". '\111\1., ,,' 1\1I 1 ~·\I ..rh ,n ' ''·''''If of Wt" \ 11 ...1 ... , .. I~" 0.•• 10. MOllnu;n .. frl; th... * IILA( \ ... , F".!'!, In II" Early lI ....h 9 :15 IEWT A. M. 1 :15 CWT W II K( Truulolp ... h""ltnr 1111'0 Q"u,ior\ n"1 SI .. ,h), \ ... 1 11 1\(; I" 'I~", I.~,h.,; O!u~ II't;AII Joh .. IJ(K""hl lI.u kl u l Clu b: 1\\\\,\ Hu",. [)o,c· \I H J.\ lloooi .. 1'1"IQ'oph • • * IV.IIK N.",,; Autll Jfn",nl . 1I1. ~ Ibl'l'lf Jar~ II" II IS·Alu", n"rk Melod IC Mo ... u ts WEnl liS\! "rat". 11'(; n ~ \~w. 10' '''u"• •·"Ik. . II".IK " \ ..... , M" ir * lI"llf. S~ .. ,. R~)lhm II 11 K 11 ".inl r.~I"t S ~hOGI 01 Ihe AIf: 1\lIT WrIl" "t ... '\L\ II'.D,l .. lI 11 .11, .....,. * 11' OT Gr.,I}, Colel,m". :0. .... 1\1 \10 IJ.I)I .... ,11 ...1 01 Ibf Ai, ,* WK III" \ ... ~. /"Irrlr,dp W\'O\ lI.n,~.~ [. 11 \1)(' 1\("", &. It", *" 11111 \ ...... Ib"dbos * IH I",rap, And) " ~ I H I ; 1\ 1.\(" To W .nlOoU"U "II.... " * WII A... TOO ••co M.. hh, \un 11(111(1 ,. I",,· t:.vrnl "0.. 1' Mu. (·u." ... lI \ h ll WI\" II(lWO II'( ]'U I'.,,;o ". I' ••• Ro.d 01 Lil.· hOK.\ 11 ... \1 I\"I.W \I"'''f ••~ t .• t. 4 FIi.... n * WIIII) "."'; \ .... 1 I\·~t~ ... • II .. l/l·h... "k .... "'eM' WIIWO II. It ..h WII , .. \ \t, ,~ Ti f W HaM 710 WIZE·IHO " I~I \I \".l; tin tlo. f 'f"D Dlvlll Shoop', Ooth.; WEOA II illS W ll NS·1460 WJR160 . \... 1I.'IJoC WA VE WLAC W... O J.,k " Iii, 8,,~d,tl 1( 1111 Foyl. 1010X 11'0011 to""t [l Qw..tll . 'H "Y \r... W 8T 1110 WkRC·JJO ilL 11'11" "dup II LA" 11 .. \1 W.,,, .1 111\\ ... l\ill .. II( h V WfB" IIUII ", ",u, .... tori ... WCAU 1210 W LAC·t510 II L ... II 11 .. ,.-.. ""K' 0.• _ ".a'ft" ' :30 IEWT .... 104 . l :lO CWT WG,lft IITBII \1 ", .... 1I..Iur! •• WCIIS JlO W LAP USO * 111.11 \. '. II, "1Irlrkp"1 WC.,O IllO WHO)/; no 1I-.\llh.... I.o~~·1 r, , II I ''flllu... ~1 ( 10.-10. Trta.ury Stir P ••MI.: I\.ll0X II LAP WII .... \I ""low "h~","'11 W.: NR no WOS U·.lO Ill' ''' T ". 10 ... ~ ... W\;"'R·( lo!:" Ihlrlo~", WTAM WAIl(' I. ~I WI !'.... ul *" Kltt' \~Wf II"IX W~: O A 1'0 w o wo 1100 7 :45 EWT .... M. ' :45 CWT 111'\ RKO'.t RIH1.l!. * \~, IIII K WS\I WAKIt \Id"d'" \V u e l,jltl4 ""h".. WF8N 1160 WSAI·IlU w e AR UK W SAz·no Rtv.,lIt 1I 0u~du,: 1\I;hl· IIlW II IUS ft ... , .., , . ....,. KOKA [,1otoc·. Oalll\ht •• "'U'O'iJ A, ....v. . 11 LAP \f"S; M" .. , 111. ....·.],10,· "h .. f,• WGU F III WSB ]so *\. WI\I. 1I11t. \II\II( \I!UO ~1 ...... 1trr ...... nadt K"IO\ T'fUQr)' Slar P.~ • ,\(;\ II"ut \ .... weKV 1'90 WSN·UO ""K T",I.'l' 1/,1 Tuon "It II AI I \twl, MeW," 11'11 \ ... Th. 'ooklh«p * \\\(1\ \,.., • \I,,",unl "'.U.. "" W ON '20 W TAM·I IOO Ill """ ,.1 I"lock: I\Ahll \llthC * \lI\G \P... , IIh,d'm fi.·, * ;'·118"1 \"" ; ""..... 1 C 1' 0'"" "',h"",t "f Ih. ,I, W HAS 140 WWV AII70 * 1\ In..:.To!.",r" 110"",,. \. II' K R(' ~Iekodr WI; \11 Ihuh M.rti." 11'.111 WIIKr \1".ni • M,~~" \\"\V'·,I \ .. "" ,u T...... WtlTO 1290 1.... \1'-. ,\I 1t • .,I. 10 II. , P.,. 31 1r\llltJ.. WIRE: *IIAKflOi..... : M ...,. " 1;]0IWT 12:]OCWT ' .1<4 . "'A\fl~" FRIDAY, January 15 V "5.0d.,: ""i' \lADC WBT "R\,. t·, • Pt ....." .\B8~ "Ill' \1(;\11 \\ Al "I UL AI_ l.nHNI ,., \. II AU' "liS W\1.(· "I.\t 'I-N,tela. II \\8"~ R 111))\ IILAI' ilL' \\'\I.IQ '" KRl so..ta ...... "," III II k__ I' .. ,\\ ... fll~ "'~ ", • Hrws; St"ttl, '~""'If: \\KRC II 0 It lot 1-1. . \\1.\ \I "G\ YoIIKI \\IIK r .~ B ~ """" VlLW \\TII' "'"A~" ..... ,,1'kIT ...... _ tIOd • H 2:45 EWT ',104. 1:45 CWT I ...... YoAK" II QW: ,,!AI \! .. \ \11 K\ '- .. \.1(... V,,- Ho , .. ,.. It..., \I\O~\ " llll'O·T,. "" Sort ...... I\loJ" "I." "'If II Al p,., " I \I.IIY K.. ont ~ I'., II"", 'e."., Vo"~,', hm,,,,, .... 1'"_1 "IHUC ~I i!~~ \\. 1100. " ;AR 4,00 IWT ' . 104 . ]:00 CWT ~ LJ io Mutt.. "U" "'81 W \l .(Iu~ M..ll N...... \ I It fI In...... Mil ... Si"l1llP hit, ('Ort" .. JKA ''''.W 04."1 VI" ..... " 1 "' .. All ~H\C ~\1 .\1.-.' , 111(1 " to r '" .... n.. t~ K\ltIX ...." .. ",.. W,II: KI'KA "A\ "" "11' \_ Yo .... II \\fll\t "'lUI. 111.111- IIIKt; WLW \\\\1,; P 1 .. "<,<,,, KMtI~ Thr 1."klb.I~ \\II,IQ \\11\1 lIun \\ ''''rIinc \I\KIlIIIIOl"'. *Ht.... $ IIHI\! "8"'", \\1::0\ Ill:: " ocll. 0 .... 11 *\lAI~·'" ,_ J,!~ \\1110 "1.\' II .... ' I , 11.' I>~ \ • • "\lJL "IIB1Ul "'CPO CRACtE FIELDS. Brltl.h 111\1"1 r " ',-.1 "1 ... _,=·,.,_"'C ""K\ comedlenn, Ind son"ltre .. "'AlI,~1I . "1,;\ K'{'" I, hurd Mond.y through \I\~III G II III,,, , (If..-. I all It "IIT\I"".", Frtd.y. II III"> II- f·rn n. IH.'\I!" I 1\;, ",.." 1 :45 EWT ' .104 . 12:45 CWT \\ l'lil; 011 Ih. U..... «I I\li"i .IUd •• 01 II, ~ .. To II, Inno,,",ed, \ll/f II lilt: I ,I tM' II."~I'" "... ,., * III~" \ ..... II" T. Tiot 100IlnN." II AIM' Kill '11m .... \I II IU" HCh' .. lIapplro, .. 1_ IIf1T 1I11~' "'III "'I"" ftf'l "1\(; J" In.... "114 I • SIoIt II III I ,. L.n.bio1o "I C: '''.\._'''...... Yo "', YoLIII '""- \"LJ~ .. M.,kou. Daa.<. WAOC ...... ' .._ \\u.\ " H. I\\CO:" Kart H. 'll.1IT ""I-h , .. , fI ,'-, \. , L ~. "'''\[ 11,,* ,_ "'.al '0<1 .. r .... lolt· ,"Ok I W~" " V. BII'oI( ...... "'" "'TUJ,! "1,~1t "",.. "'UO T \. I. , ,,, I ~ ~I_ s.~ Mnf.... .II\S 1.irNla. forst tou Yo'AIl \\ ..... \ "lkl:; \It'" \~K\'II.""1f I "LAt YiNI'\ Y. \l II III 1I..n~ \,. ''--'F \\1 II!! • .t, ...... "_Iltn * 11( II' I ap. A,>of) ... II, I S~ ... II '1.\11 "1;\\\ "' BNkt C,'It'. COIl'l/ft. "IIK(." 12:45IWT P.M. 11 :45 C WT T, ill ullClu",,4' \\\\111. II II \\,/ ~"""' It ~H * "11'0 \ ••• " ..... , II.... Si ..... \\1 AP 11(;1'> \1\lW'L fI I ...... ,. O~, 'II Swnll't S\lo.\ ".UlC 110.. 1 HI. I DI Ih. All "1,\11 T.uouty Wtll' \\. SU, ... *"';.-.n \\~"II \\'1'1.1 "'Kill 1188\1 \11l· "" "\' 1I1'"8J,! " ,AI I "1.\ I.~ ',r' I 1\, 1'0 . I h th.. CMlrI "1111 4ft .... 1111..-\ ...... SM•• 01 00 I II ',ex IITI\I'(~ "(,AK "'" II Il ,,- • ,0..-" Ir.. 1. oN "IIA~" 1'"It_ "'tt'tl J..fr;. Ilh" ..... COlI" KioK \ " ~" It \111'.' IIran II. OIlIlK\ I Yo.,,: \_ Trwt, .UH".... ~ It I .... . 11111.': .. II. "'II~ 1\llkl \1 • ...... ,. J,! u .. \11.\ II I. I~¥ Wlol I ..... "". II I.., II lIP ( • • II ..... I ft(o<; 11{"l1 * ""b "'"lnn: H,~. 1I11h. IIIIKI T I • II 1110 \.... ~brlH. ""11K To"'. O.. k ... Ibny: II, \II 111 ... \1 rlh." lid., 11/1"'1 Ihra, Il''' .... ' 1:: ... II,K" \\10'\ "18M II(;AR I\IWIAiI",.I'''ch'n \1 lit. I a' ,I.. ,... ,_It,n. 11'11;\<; \l1i1O l :15 EWT ' . 104, 2 :15 CWT IlI.AP lO'(n.!a Jan.. ImKA In\'( " ""AQ P;oa"I.d Pr \\111 T" .,. ~I" I'~"" * (nnc FO$Ur. ",.. , , 1~I1KC S,~t ,\10"1 IHOI "dliO II h 1\1)'", lit, • h. , " II _ II"• .., II 111£ 111.\1 Inl,l~ II- rAJ,! " \1 "'Ia' I. a /(a ...... 111.\" \II III """ MI P"kl~" 11111-' 111;111' WLW * \\I/f \., II rhurkl. WOIIO!.,,,d•• 1 ],on I\">" ", t" II I \1' \' ...... f. To b. ,n~oun(fd: 1\'\1-11 \\101 Win. 1\'IIQ II .." WTAM Ir 1 \~ \lu ".1 Iluu 11],r; \\Ill . "SAI N,..... : Il'lh I ."'. 1I1 .. 1 ..... \~ •• III;BF 111;"1 T. ill ,".. o~~(d: \\(111 "11K II ... III K\lOX 1.0 •• ',"'\1 J t..." ... nuoml. 1I11'I./\\KII(" 11111> LJ"., 10m \1\111,1 I' II *'_ \\ BT kn.. t ...... 5:30 EWT ' .1<4 . 4:30 CWT I) 1\ '\H'E.lndr~_{. 'I t\\I\\I PmiM \lIK'\~):. A'e Veil I'"" ... ?· "'r 'A 0 ' fA () , '" 1\1.\ n.. 1_ .. \.... KII"X" Itx' \lG\1I 1\ , . IIFO\! S .... I..... t..an4.rM 1\\l"1I ,III ..... \I c" " P...... "JIllil '01 ...... \I _ IIt,AIt Itullll 11 .. _ ", AI \\ ,-\. II R " . 111\., ...... , II BolIn! II 1ST II. I'm • Jack A"ll'",,': ""Ol "'],\G 1'";00 EWT P ....". 12 ;00 CWT IIHlO~r ') 1 100. IIIR[ II ...., )I I," \II II .... U ... ,.•• " II. 1111",·\ I \\~\1 ""IA \1.IKIt IIllE U ;15 IWT ' .104 11 :15 CWT \\/.\r{""trAllhu"h . \\1 K' \ .... , Sloe", II 11K 'l,;A "'lW l :lO EWT ' .104 . 2:30 CWT T..... O,ck • HJfl'y \\IIKC \lniSJodr A "",,_ ( OPloleI"d,. IIf \ ""HI t..Ir.: 11'011\1 IIJII \\'~"l·url)" IJ' n.r 0 c. " '. Monk 1:1SEWT ' .104 . 12:15CWT InlKl "Itu...... Rni... . W(,\·()peo II, ...... , ".ws (ap'"I~ Mldn"M: III,;1Ir IIH1i. 111\1 II. P, LI • * 1\ II I'A Cp & 1'10.. If • M,,,ne IIlnd: 11'[01. 1I1\(;II;oohD 1I~ ••nl IIIIIOM". Jol }'or Y.... 1\11 \"" II .. AI "()\IO f. I· lJ '''' ... 1«" \." "'I P.rk,n$' "I\(l~ \\'AI){' WBT 1\ IIlF Li,,·I,. hrol Loy. * WIU~ "i.,.•• l'rO!>h.q .k.: F.on' Pat. FIt"I!: WMoIQ II ~.~7 ", "I" IIIIII'! IIII\~ IInlS W(;AII \11,'" ,,',' Jock Pot Mu,"c 5:00 EWT ' .104 . 4:00 CWT I\.\\l "'111\.1 IYTA\! IHW II ... MII ~h"~f' Rldio Ruder: W( Ih 111.0,1 \1111\1 WIIA<.; 1\1.\1· \ISAZ II LS Mukoll 11'1 AI' I.i~hl ~I Ih. World II IIIE 111\\1:0;" old n~ WilIO 11'1'"8\1 Eirl Wro,hUon. bu, 11(;]\1' . IIOst' "i~w. Wl.~ \" un,1 "I Vlelory B(n Be,"i,', O'C~.~ ",ll0X WlIT 12:30 EWT ' .1<4 . 11 :]0 CWT \\IIK 11111-. \\111:: 11.1\111\41" II\OX!', \ .. I, Th, Su Ho~ftd' II\KR .... rOL "AI)(" ""III, "8\., "l"" fl~·".nu or H._ Trt~t: II LAc.: KUKA""'I Si I • 1I'\I"'a r ,0.. g,r,d \\"","0 M .... \\U~: "'8'11 \\{OAR "illS I\U, \\ AKH ,Iart"y I~ 1___ _ *Sh ... ~h (ul(r. nron! "11M.' ;.IlOX II "I \\ 81nl "asS ..,. l\ ... \ln. "" \\\11,\ "1110 IIUI~ \\ ... Ai IIIK' Ou, WG\ 1111" VlL\P \\ I II-\. M,lIf 11111 "'''''; \\05\' no"",. \1 II'" ~ *"11\,1\, IS R '" Wh... a to,,1 Marries: KnKA ",.n hrnl " He .... Ho~r; "'<';\1 1\1 1'(1 ((\, ,II. * \~.~ II\... R I\O~t' IIl\t.o "GS" WillS IIISt; IHIS!) II I· (1.\ ( ....." • Rrpo,ler 2:30 EWT ' .1<4 . 1:l0 CWT l:45 EWT P. Io4 , 2:45 CWT WAI'[ 1I1111:: II-I.\V ","\lAQ Ilf \R \\ III \ 1\l.hI· foa~l) I ... 1 .Ntws: \\I;m IIG"V IbAI [nl,"ln S(hool of Music: IIBT ""TA\I * 111 III. I ,I> I \0 ••111 \fW, * \ ..... II( I'll 1I1I.\ .. • [d9(wood An'"11 BInd II 11111 To tN an_"" II liE R19h1 10 H'PI"""$: "OK" 1'111'" ,. \1 ., K\lOX·Co".. n r G.O\I . 1'011'" \\IAr we I \\1i"1 1"'00 f""" '",d,", LI~~I: KUKA II\1AQ 111;8" I\IH. II",~Q IITA\I I\U'" :II. * ___ IIItKI ",un IIGS "]'Ii(O.,1-11III, .... "LI' IIT.\II IIlW II~Il "" MX r v'"n.... \I \l'1l1:: L ... II 8B\I: Paul G,'_ "'"K.\ Mu," ~I If~ "/lef Ia.. " 11_ lI.ur W( Lon" Lu.~: ,,\lOX WBT Mp ollht ll"d. Sea" A, \I .. lf " IIAIF.R,dU th. Ita.. ',I"R,'lI, • (t<>lhm 7:]0 EWT P. M. 6 :]0 CWT W~ltl T,m.; Frank MUMn. In •• : \\'JR I\S,\l :'...,rl" Wellh WLAP WBKC Ihl\ * hJ)h.\\,·.. Hrvftl·Si~ IM.I W8.\~ UuJJ)' Colt', Orch. [u)' Aus: \\111 1I1l1· IIS\":, U.o>l'\O': Orrh,: WTA.'oI "'lIAS WhUC I"l~q I\{,IIF ""\L K[)KA WOT 1 .. I· .nn_"t~ W,\IK: II'JIt K~!(\' II 88\j "'111\ :-. * 't.. \lllE WSO liT" ,. 1>0 ", (·.trlorili" I\IW WlUl:. WAlr. IIU""J, t- prr l\llK \ ". '" r'm ,~r l>at. IICAt: 11["\' 1111111 \\1110 WCOt. lI"ahr. rumlu IIG'\II S","'Io; 1o.~(J\ 11'01\ II * IIUT.:'\~';" I"ll'. R WMl(' HOI'IO" &. S.,.,U II'( 1'0 Ill,,"", (jAnof \\'(·Ol.-Tn:., I,r I',c.~n" ~e"'. \1,'KH~I"'rl>i Muilic Glen GrlY's Orch,: I\'IAC \\EOA * 11'('1'0 * \1'1'1.1.11 till~c" I'",bu, n.wI jI:,HIIII of Montuum.: wlzr N,·,,, *11'('115·:".",,: I,,·;, IIr,. "'," * WAn: Or«,. SIMYi New. *\\·(,.II~ ,I"h" 1\, Kr"" .. l... 1\'111" n.",·" (hth. !'Mod.: Ne~ A"o" i WilT 10·21 Ranth lI'Cm 1I1I!{ Muoh of \'ieIOr~ Tommy RIGol &0 8nlt lou; W1..\1' IIt"",t I""" T"kl' 11111\. WLS WIIlLT, \I *11 FS\I G,IMrl h.t.t., 1'0 ..... \\'fan ,'uta (Iub WJIt )1.laoty Mal\'tl. 11(;\ I/u.h r~.-oon ••o .. ~. II ~,\1 \\'("1>(1 1', ILu5;C *\Hi\" 'ut ad. Uit Tun"; * 11"1110 II III L San"', : :'\ ... I···hlll " Paul l.l¥.II~·s Orch, illS II"B ",,111;\ "~wt WL-\I'T , «d \\IIK II",,~) ,,,un. 10"0 II, "~\I * "IlK~,,\\ :", 111110 I' n ~I ,.. c h. , *', I\J:"G Rh\l), II \ft * "1 '1.1 I II 1\\ ~ "lilll l'~{1 I', 1"lIh (, ar .... '" lin,}" II ~III' ~ .1 II II Grab II. • The Ita"nl IIUI\C \\SOX Il~. WI:"(.J, II.d.elt. lpotl.t: L"". 9:]0 fWT P. M. 8:30 CWT * I\'\L">\" P"t, "'I' !',,,~d~: Newl EWT P. M. CWT hl'I', 1,,'''''' 1\,,,, 1"",.-. O.eb JANI CE GILB ERT, who Arru III. Ilr.k 7:00 6:00 Viclory Puue of SpotlloM * WSM·WMld ill lI~d~w WI!I~' 1),.,1 &. Ii • ..o. .Tht l,on', ROlr, Scramhll: WAI'R"a.\' li>'",,". Otrh. n."" 111,:"11 WI"t; 1\,\1(11 * II'TI:II-\e.. 1I,,!1";in Baanl I, Janice O'N eHl In "The L ~I'''r'' WLW T" b., aDI,.,U1<.Ia) T~".J>M * \\"f\IW :" ...... 'IrC rtla IIG\I/ 1',,\11( \\TIIS \11110 T~ru Suns Trjo Wr,;IIf" lI';;,lJ K\lO\ WUIIM IIUAIl IIAOC Wl.\I'-r,~". \ldu"'~I, Oppa •. 1\11'" \I.;,\j 6:00 EWT P.M. S;OO CWT .. " ""M ~, .•. lu" Ma"mnl \\!'.AZ I\S,\l * 11111 \" '-"" "",i.,,·, i" \\'.I,h"l Pllnllllon Pnty (9:51, Grule Slton [lIiol\', Orch.: IIKllC *Ch"rles Danl i O'th_: Ntws: Frld W~.in~ In Victory Tuu \I'Ll\' " ..i"~ ""~n"," he"") 1"11 \\1.11' III'A'1 II11K IILI!' \\"G6F 6:3 0 EWT P. M. 5;30 CWT W\! IIJ II, b."n. S'lnrl B,. TiOtI. WT.-I\I II!.W KDKA 11\1 ~_ hilt,; I In!.lll \11111'. *',,'" I{IIOX II'\I,\Q IIJ11~ ,,," ,,, *John S. Kenndy. ntwS: WBT Clnlet. G"I: WIZE IIS8 IhH WAVE lIlliE W~.\I .. .. 11,,\1 hI!K\-:..re ,,,I, tr' " \1111 lILAC WFO\ II II IS \ICAR * le\h, Hlc .... , Sl.Inley QUInn" IIHII. \IC;lif IH,KI' \I'll"" I\TI"\' \1 1\1(lll, I Soonb. II .-\11( U.n<. II rl Ie"" ,\"" " \\LIP h. . I II r lilT) Ws.U k II" \\( 1'(1 '<" I n 4",,1<_ W\\F:Donllll{l"b Tok "Mount"! "E'R \\0\\0 FrInk Parh', In •. ·. 111101' II J R * \" IHPU III." 7 :45 EWT P. M. 6 :45 CWT II IlBII Sa Ih~ S Gott. 1\ roo, "" '" \\,\\{R \\\IVA \\1 II 1\(,111 II'ADr '''TKY ,",WI\ II,,, h~1 <,J,n,. Glen G"y's Orch.· "~.\1 * \\{;UF .'('1' WB:,\~ :'\i.~ (C"h * :-;.,'1: KMUX IIUSS II'A\"I:. I( 110" IU nM \\'(;S~· W,IKIl "h~ I.,,,,,', !loa.; Bob Mr. Keen, Truer 01 lOll Per. WG." 1:,1<1,' 11""ud·. Orrh. * II'('I\'-I'u",'" (;uurnud: M.a· IllllO \\\1odl WI,IW 1\'IIKe Jark Armstrong; W£NIt WoWO C'Q_h)',Ord" 1411" WilT II IIX", 1I'13ij~l Will" II.",,·,· (I'rh, I" ...""k, ,,( ~Iu ,<; New.: 40~, f!.n~~1 1I',\liR WII'V,I !-.,,,., ,. WIIK \\'Jt! \\CI'O WUIlM WH,A Our '1,"'/1 \\',Wr \\'('.1\' \\'{f\" IIFB\! * \\'0\ II .. 1,1 ~"~"h IVOIS hl'KI ~''''fI Torh 'Irio WG:" U., I'''''<)n Hrmd!oy WillS 111110 \\'JU "\IOX WCPO ~Iafl O ...r AI ~,i~A 9:45 EWT P.M. 8:45 CWT 1It KIlKA·Scw.; Odd;li~, K\IOX {j,,;" ,,' Tho Citi ... WI'iCi·1"t.r L",n·. noa,; Sawh'll WC,\R \\':"0'\ IHIHI lIa"<~ O"h 1\'(;lIf 1" I" .11,,,,,u,,~.d * IVAUC·;';u., \-ar,~,} P'.m. II'.-\\T 11'.1< Ii",,,! Bri!l"d. ti,,,p * H_ V. Klllenborn. newJ' II'SIl 11(;.lIt Th 0111 I" SI,,11 11':0:0\ [lA~'" O,eh 11'( Ot.·Di"".r '10 Ie WII~s H"or,1 I'll! WLIP 'I~'h\.; SUl'I"" ~je1ool" \I'm .. \\',IKn lI'\lIQ we",' \1'(;:" t:hlC>l~a al ",.hl * WtBI! "'-"W . 1" .. rI". ; " .. ,.... win 1 ,'to (ill'<~ "lh..-l 11":'\0' '1 r Illhd 'r .'·r.a *\'", I\LlI'lIl1tf (am.1 CUIU": IIH'" \\~Inl WUlOEddi. In, Ur111 II \1K II"S,IZ h'lO\ WI:'\G8ob ("c, O,,~. Illi' \'n. l"" ... of ,h. nay II I"; 1"" 11., ""J~D~d. II{.W 1\1 II:-> 1\ \I,r WIl_IS \\'\\'\'.1 Ttl.pl", • Q,'tt KIIK' 11'1%1' 1\11I1i WIUlI Abe Lymln', Orch. 1\'l:O_\ I', M.\Q 'lu",~1 I', , II lUI 1(1;' 4 R~"rh IIftlO KII(I\ \I, K\' II'BKM 8 ;00 EWT P. M. 1:00 CWT WL\\ II"" I\~,II 1I1\!C 11:"('" K~\OX W"(lX· ....in~,ltt T"".. II Kltt" 11'011, -1'"". III1T 1111'" 111-\1\ IHa It Cilies Ser~kt Concert: WS~' K.llUX SI~"" IILK WUT \I~OX \\'()~r IIcrnl"n (;\"ll~r \\,I.AC S ... Id!N <>f lhe Prul 111.\(" W.If! WTA~I \I')II\Q W!I\E WSAI 11'1'\11, ""'" "I Wn, M u~,e Without Words: WKRC * IVSAI New.; !\"wliTl~ Ti",~ \\' I II' I.,,,, .~ ~I",e, *~ ews cf the World: WCOI. W,II'],' I{I)"A * II'LPONI'''' \\ILIIP 11'('\11 . \\ .. ,'7.·11 ..... ; ~1'olrIS Inl III L'II" 1I"~' ""ni~u \l"II.IQ 11II1S WAVE wIRe * [u! C;odw,", "~w,· WilE II'LS II'GIW· .. w,ilo P'IIm. * Lou B,u\.II'i OtCh.; News' W"II !'n)'er M"",h', '\""1 R~­ '\ \l'~ ~" ".. '"T.-I,ll 11;.8 \\til(\' KDK~ WI\ I I II '\Klt \l'nwo WISG WIlt-. II .. ,'~ I'~rild~ IIJZE 110\1\1 * 1\<;\1 \, I ...... II \I ,',j 1','J:"(i" II, r ...1 \I"., ~ kale Sm'l~ Hour: II HIlII KIIOX Rud to D~~o.r ""1\ WCOL I\~\I U.. Ih, 11.001 Stand I\'.~I I'.~_rakf John""n Flmity: II KItC II'(;AII III1A'; 1\~·II\1 wnls WII'.· 0.;,. ,; ""' .h Pr~ .. \\"(iRf IIltI~ \1;.11 WTA1tl II r "I 1'"... .11 n Iht " ..... * ",,\1 :". "!~"U 1\',II(H·Th,· I",,,', n" .. \\'l(),\ WADe WlIIO WCKY * \\"1..\1' "'I 11i~. 11.-, Nf'" Wlill\i 111 .. \ IIE'I; I, ri<, "' ''e ... ' !'Irlud~ I\'LIIII * IIUJ:- ~lrI~ ... " "'I'~""; Old II'JlI \1'(",\\' WII\S \\'~OX \I-~\! I, '" \ ",,,I. WAKR·f'ra"ki,· \Ia.!~rs· O,oh_ , ",TIl ",,"t J.n.1 -, ~. ;oIOX WCHS WEnA WMAQ,II.rbi.· \lin) •. ,,\alli5! Time shown is EWT; 'or CWT slIbtract One hO ll r . They're th. B~rriH: wnn WLAP WCAl' WBT WJII *WW\,A St,_,.i,. l'art\ \,." WCOI.·"lal~ H"u.~ lltpa,le. Your Income Tax: WWVA 11 :45 EWT P. M. 10:45 CWT 9:30 Vletory Parade of Spotlight News cnd Discussion WC 1'111'''''''li< I',url. Mus;cll F.nl.lsy, WAn; Ab~ l)'man'~ Drch. WJH 1\1110 Bands WCOL-lAti lalhe Rflr1f' Tommy Rioas &< Selly lou: * KDKA·N.wI P.M. 9:30 P lantation Pa,ty W{;BF ~Iu"eal Qui .. W(;BF IIIlIS WM,\Q WGK\' "~iOX·~'",,,,loch' ~,~",'~ . 12:00 Boake Carter louise M.ssey and the Wnl.rntrs; Do.ing W(;~·Th~ lIooplt 110'" WIllE "[)"A (also at 7:30 WAI'E·Xa,-i., ("wa,'~ Orrh. 1:00 H. R. Baukhage SiSlta: (h.,les Lyon. m.c. (9:5l Mary WillS N"I,;lion Pr(m. p.m. EI\'T) WBlnl SalUle '" ,"'<'MY 6:<15 L owell Thomas Ann Mucer) WHl\f·f.'·.nin~ ~Ielndin BoxinQ Bout: II'nll * WE\R·I\.w>; nhyU"" al n.n 10:00 P eople Are Funny \l"1~G·Tra;n 1Irpo'ter WAKRF.",I,I, ~Iarlin'. O.oh. dom 7:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. \'.'(::'\ Jimmy I:. ... n. "tori" 7:15 News of the World Quiz rr09rlm: Art Baku. mISter of u".· IIIZEII.lu Til,,' * "\'(01.11.')"" Fum;" WI\Ur-Uolln. T~~rhor WLW.t::~i~k \lau,h,", Onh. monlO$ \vENn-Sl", K~nlon'$ Orch. 8:00 Earl Godwlll 8 ;]0 EWT P. M. 7:30 CWT WI:O:G,T,ea,'or\ Sur ra,.d. WMAQ·T,u,ury !:itu Pa,.de 9:00 Gabriel HeaUer 10:00 Camel Caravan I" Mul Your Hlvy: WCOL WilE II .tt, T,me W~AI.Jah,,, Ln,,' 0" 10:00 John Gunther lanny Ross, m.c.: G'OIIII GIbbs; Xavie, II'GUF II'HlS \1"011'0 WWVA WLl\"-'I~.,t Y"ur N~"y 12:00 EWT Mid. 11 :00 CWT (ugat's Onhest'i: Herb Shrlnn: guesh 1"'1\11 WIZf WING WGKV WOWO,T'.a,ury Star Purad~ Joe R~icnm.n's Orch.: II'KRC Informllion. "'f~se, quiz prgm.; I\·SAI·G~,,\. "r .Itusk II"HK WI.AI' Variefy CliCton F~dimnIl. ,n .•. ; John WSB·Dj~i" I'layl1ou •• Guy Lon,b.rdo'5 Tfu:.~ry S~ow: A.M. Drama Kic .. ,,; f. P. Ada",,; Gur.t., 11"<;;11 Fi .. ,i Jlitlu * 'I:~I\ \1''-\1 \l'IS~ WAlK ** WI'B~j 'ie"'o; SI~"I! Singers: hck Miller', Orchestra 11:30 Road to Danger II"ESIt Tr,a~ 11",""" ,*\lTllS-~r",; Tn be a"n''''''~td * WG:\·:';."" Jor Jl~irh",a" 8:15 In P erson, Dinah S hore WG:" "'h""l Ihp W".k. IITOI. 01,1 \!f""n. Orch. 8:30 Information , Please * WSAI '\~I\ * \I'F'\n 11'10"," ,,~ ... " Ih. r-t'" WI1.-1S·"a,"·,"n,k ....1 M",i. Clillon F.dim.n. m.c.: F'anklln P. Adlms. Classical Music 8:45 EWT P. M. 7:4S CWT WIRF: 1..1'. Il~ S~i<:"loo .. * \HRE-S<'., \I" You lI'atJl John K,n.n, gyeSI, P .M. Mul Your Nny: IH.'R * WI7r K' "'p.,'kin~: SPOrt, * "JH :\e" , 'III 1< II'KlI( S,~.", * II'L\;.:·:\." •..\,,111 0\\'1 Club £l'30 Meet Your Nally 8:00 C ities Service COllcert \1'('1'0 \'ou ('0,,'1 II" nllrt~r * \I'LI\"-"~" , IJJ,ltl' OrrlL Tilent Irom Ihe Grut l.kn N••• I Tr.ln Lutlile Manners; Aoss Graham: Chorus: w"nC·St,rli~ht ",·rrn.,d. I\'CHI-" I',,, " ,'I ,h. 11'", * \I'\I.-\Q \,." Ilu i,·,,1 "~I;",u Ing Sialion. B.nd m"si~: • two hund,ed 0,. Frank Black. conductor \\"~ II T,,,,,,,,,. I)". ",', I),,·h 11 :00 EWT P.M. 10:00 CWT * \\"B-~e".; :'I'·~J>'· 1I"lIu" voice (hoir: ,hylhm O"hlll'I, 'nd lIeu 9:00 Waltz T ime 9 ,00 EWT- P.M. 8 :00 CWT Fred W~ring In Victory Tun. * \\'1",\11·:,\ ... , I'~'" "'11\" Oreh. * 11 II"\",\ 81 ... hm; :'\~w. Itn;,"1 (ommlnd.r [dd,. Pubody. bIn Fr~nk M~nn: Am,\udam (~oru~: Alte . Gab"el I-l.all~r. news. I\'G' Til"" II'\! \I,! hi ..,. 7 " jai>l lymln'~ Or(~"'lra \\IIK IIKP(" 10:\\,) HERE'S WHY TO ullint Iovtl, lip· ,ppul, 'ppl, all lip. stick WIth , ~rllill. It's worth more wn , ~~tn 01 til. slap· CHAPPED DI .nh oIH"hloMd jok HEAL SO MUCH FASTER with medicated NOXZEMA

S. dl, ch." ..... ! rflI. mllih hind • • t. I (otm or _"in ,rri••• ion. Plin(.. 1 ,in,. (Uto Ind (ncb Ipput-npeci.ll, in .lIe knuc.Le .relll- , you have red, rough, irritued I ch,pped h.nds - m,ke Ihis It'$(. \. ___... ~ Apply Noneml frequenliy day I.Odevenin~. NOI ice howsOO( hing ilf~b . Nelllld,y ... s« how much beller your FEMININE FORUM hinds I-"-how much beller rhe)' INI! Noneml is so efreeuyt' bca.usc iI's nee By EDITH HAMPTON JUst I cOlmtlic ('ream. ii', I medicaled _-+ ","ILJB ~'" SlIVICE fortnub du.1 001 only 'COlhes [he burn. WANT NOllEMA in~,Jungmg'ofeness buu.idsio hea.liog Ihe un)' sk,n C\iU helps soflen Ihe dty, Tips for Your Lips _II" il ror chipped rough sk,n and helps 1t$lore "ormll,soft, huds, f.ce Ind hps- .hue loveliness. for chdinfl ' ."nbllrn, Surveys show Ihlt scores or DoclOrs BEAUTIFUL mouth can mouth-decide whether it is too wide .,ndburn,nred,blitnin. I nd Nurle. (who hive trouble with IIA ... reet-Ind u~cillly for make any woman attrac~ too t I too h or .narrow, 00 ong or so. .. coo,• IJOO. h',nil' h Uts! Ih ei r hinds rrom rr .....- ., ueo. w.,hing') tive-and any woman can O etermme just what ahould be done M.ke. shu;n. euier Ule Nux:tema (hemIClvc. and recom. have an attractive mouth!" Wise word. Indeed, and they CQme from brush in hand and trace a new out- • Jlrond brusllieu ShaH, I to remedy this fault. Then take your one of Hollywood's most-famous line--the one that is most flattering to l~.~I ..~"~."~ ....'baMl ,~.,~_ ~... ·"'ltr!~·.~"~'~ !~.~'·~. iIi~~~~~~~~;;;;~m~.~"~d~;.~.~O~.h~.~;~,~P~.~.~;.~"~.~.!g§~~~ make-up men. He has taken a man's­ your features. Use a smooth, even eye view of countless feminine [aces-­ stroke, atarting at the center ot your he reall:tes the charm of lovely lips! Up and work in, slowly toward the lIBERTY lIMERICKS They're one ot the ftrst things a man edge. Keep your artist's hand steady notices-and nothin, is more revolt­ -avoid raued, blurry Unes like the ing to the male .ex than a helter­ pia&ue. They make for a messy mouth! skelter lipstick job! So take those Next, fill in the ouUlnes you've made. words ot wisdom to heart.-and learn usin, lin up-and-down stroke to '0 to make the most of your mouth! with the ,rain of the lip-tissue. Fol­ H~/f(! Even thou,h very few of us have low through with a light dwtilll ot face-powder. This is a trick from beautiful mouths to start with, we L.,eller ArmlJ can make them appear beautiful if Hollywood and It sets the color per­ we know how. It's easy! Of course, fectly. Blot off the excess lipstick with HA d LegH , you must choose the richt shade of a bit of c1eans[ni-tlssue. That's to pre­ iliSIUlilly ' lipstick-but don't stop there. There', vent ugly smears on your cup and many a ,III' 'twixt the ,tick and the spoon. Now step back and take a ,ood AIL ... A..... u_- ... Iu ... I ...... 1_ • ..1. lip-so be sure )'OU apply it correctly. look at your handiwork. U it isn't just " ..... ,- tb. dun, Then in for the tricks of the lip ri,ht, remember this was only the .,.. k ...... an. "'.,- ,0 to .n_ ••, ... Pft1l_ trade! However, the old custom of first time! Wipe It of! with cleans!n,­ luu , •• /",.11,. 1.- ilp, copy--C'atun, the IIp-pattem of your cream and try a,aln. It won't be lon, (h .... (heft> . .... ItId favorite ftlm star is out! So be a before you've learned your Up-lesson ruUed individualist when you dress by heart! "". u ... , I.«lIIe'·' h • ...,., VELVATIZE ,m rur up your mouth! It will payoff in ,-k(thool ..... oC an, CQmpliments. O F COURSE, you want to be your ...... '''J''IMre. 101 0<' , ...... 1 nld ...... ,.... So Here's the Important thin, to re­ most beautiful when evening faUI, .u, I"d dron - odor· member when you select your lip­ so-Lady, be bold! For the utmost in L.,.· ..., muil, ..., hot ..., stick : Be sure the color harmoni:!;es! - ..... h,,, ••" "'.... 011. Up-appeal, use two shades of Dorothy Nn "wilby ,e,'''.'h' For instance, If you're a blonde with Gray lipstick, your every-day color "These Bond:! ." said a NOT I dcpt ",,,,,! fair skin, don't try the dark, luacious and a luscious darker shade. Use the _S.mpl, "clue" t""un· shades that belon" to your brunette deep color on the lip you want to student, B. Wi@e. ..·.nt.d h.,,1 ,,"111.,'1 VU VATlZf.

AFT ER a hom.cooked meal, Min Jaff Donnell (left), who If Ruptured pl.yed the rol. of Hollen loomis in Columbia's "My Sider Eile.n," serves guests coffee and dessert in the living-room

Try This Out Entertain a Service Man l 101040'. l' , o t KtlO~ ...... 14 .. Gr_t C_' .,t oM HoI.n.. Sou,tty Without Torturous Truss W.orin9 An ...,., .... ,..,,,;,,(' revebtlo.. ;11. lleooib1e ..4 By GEORGIA SCOTT Fruit Cup Put the tablespoon of butter in • try­ comloooble te . " ,, ___... . ,,,,_''','''' ..., ...... 2 cups potatoes, cooked, riced one who would love one 01 your three times. Cream butter, add sugar r.:::-: ,r,:".,-;:::,- ,,:~~."::..:"'_ IY.Y home-cooked meals and a chance to gradually and cream together until .'_'...... '--..".00 ...... ownt.-. ... _ ...... 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped ...... - -- _ ...... __ .,,,,_ Coo .. talk to folks like the folks he left light and flutTy. Add egg and beat 07", .... ,...... _ ...... ",,,_ 2 egg yolks, beaten well back home. very thoroughly. Add flour, alternate­ 3 tablespoons cream So choose your menu carefully­ ly with milk:, a small amount at a Salt and pepper OLD STAMPS this should be a gala occasion! Try to time, beating after each addition until include all the touches that military *' teaspoon paprika smooth. Add vanilla. Bake in two Ih cup onion, chopped chcfs must omit when an entire regi­ greased eight-inch layer pans in mod­ WANTED 1 tablespoon butter 1 Wllll'AV $'00.00 UCH lor 1924 Ie ..un F,anklln ment is being fed. Our boys miss those erate oven (375 degrees Fahrenheit) .t''''1n 'ot.". ~ ..fouttd 11m·. ("" to $1000.00 'Kh It little "extras" even though they may Combine potatoes, melted butter, twenty to twenty-five minutes. Spread u .~.d l. S.nd .i. con\l loci.,. h. 1M .. lUuotntod Folder .how,,,, .l.... in. ",om l1li'. not admit it! Here's a meal to bring salt and pepper to taste, paprika and with chocolate frosting and nuts If V..... Bd... (]lA·III. A.G.) EI)'t;1, Ohio joy to any man's heart: egg yolks. Beat until well blended. desired. 34 (Jom radio's quiz game.' Try your cnl war: (a) Hunker Hill, (b) Gen­ skill at answering these radio brain­ eral Sherman? btutcrs. FOT correct answeT.! .tce page 3. The following are titles ot chap­ 36.) ters in what books: "Dire Prophecy ... of the Howling Dog;' "Pirates at Their ...... ~O

Henreid Youl1 know the t.nJth behtnd the rrKl5t talked about personality 10 Hollywood to­ da • when you read "Women and Paul Henre:ld"l JANUARY 9 Clara Oller, Trenton, Holden Who says the "Hollv- G ..... " Heid •. 81ue NtIWO.It, Sun~1 .nd V,nt, voiee or the owl in Walt Disney's wood Hand!lOme&" don't Ihdlywood-, C.hl. "BAMBI" was by Bill Wright. Paula make good fighting men? Read Anill LouiN. 20th Centu.y fo. 5Iud",., Htv Winslowe was heard as the voice oC "What the Army Did to Bill Hol­ tny lIill •• C.~f den"-In February STARDOM! Bambi's mother. JANUARY 10 F ••ndt X. Hu.hn"n. COS, ~85 Madi'lOn Ave., JOllce Tbnman, AkTon, Nt'" Y",k, N. Y. the Blue Network show "Hop Harri­ JANUARY 12 gan," CHESTER STRATTON has the lead­ P.ts, Kelly, ItKO lIadia 5111, 485 101:001,_ " ••. , StW STOPS RADIO ST1\ TIC C ••••d hy EI.,t,i, Appli.nc • • Yorio .... Y. SEND NO MOHEY , Stuan, ("hurr""l. SOC, RCA Ilid~. N.... h.k. r;;.. -.-o -..;.~ ;,;;,;.;;;:;;;.~;;:- ~; -.;." '0I CMft...... -" " ___ 11.00 _ .,,, ...... _, ...... rlt_1 ·1 ~ .. Krup •. {"OS. (""Iu,",bi. S

HORIZONTAL Q. Ouorwtw pIapI Itr tt&r .. S. C'" --, _-1' .., 2. lui a_ Ita. ;. u...... tile pwl,." 6. 800Mt ., ...1..- lnI.It, ~v... c aM Sack" ..nal 64. Dilttibvll 7. R..... IiIr...... 6. Boo*' fnlit juice. 66. Spber, 1 Conditio!o.1 fr~ could 611 thiS woole 10. YU- til. FI'OlM .!ti't 'Ni&tTy rlab. 9. Oq;u.iud IlllQOcal ,I'WPO H. To JoIa st. Sfct 'hll Hulfd in Sail 14. W.... :I mquinc with en­ 16. DKrH I thusiasuc: reporu La ... Cit:t ...,3 loA 1m .,.ril 70. r.uila 1<"-- Ib, Ttt""" frQm OTHERS. BUI '5. -T.. foe lwWc .... 11 -- Jr... tiId, ..... 20. RC'I'u.ual I., what you want IQ I1.Kn-.~er 12. p_ ;U, a."'ract know is-"Whal can 19. Sailon 13 F __iDa..- Atlas do for ME?~ 22. - L.i&hl. -...0.... VUtTICAL " -- Mooreh,act, ,.- le- 24. Vtrif), 1. flnl ...... flU Ito Ih. por u- lIS. nn), crllt, "vic ...d !tid," .."ia. 27. Rotltu 15 MINUTES 28. SlIcclllenl plant 2. J[mlllY --, 11011)"'000<1 ••' 34. Bob --, announcer 29. A" ...... to p (mlMq.) porttr 35 A.tilieial ... t ...... , A DAY 30 Ptnod of tlme 3 s~ polU_ 31. Rudy --, bud~. J .. H...... ,Jul _I • pooe.. ... Rallt:ioal .blul 38. MmuJ imp,ull",.. 31 hUI;'I, of Donald Novi. 40. Outtr IltIIICIIl roup Just live me I~ _. 'or ll. minulu of ,our p,..,...;u. Solution to Punl. 36. T.r"loa. 0 .....""' Glv.. n L ••t Week " -- CoI!.lIt •• top..... spare time daily. 3'9 /l411NU1 mmposibM 44 Ape of _Ul,." A... That's all I uk. And 42. 0011. ch.",tll", 46. JU:11 Ihi Straits. TO .'Ot_'\I"i N ...... "' •.•••••.••••••.•• ,. ,0_ •• 9. Ceo,,1 Bernard ShIW, IItcau" he it I M US I C <1'1 __... - ...... ¥ll"gtllrlln. 2. Ther. art Ihm; Plano, Ol"lln. 'ruIII'. 5 ..... ,..m f.r co... ld.ntl.... A .. , ..... j .... - I Writ. lor FREE .b.,..u.. , P .... p ...t 10. In T .... y •. 3. rrttdom o. Sl'tf(h. FtHdotn 01 Rtll,lon, PbonOVlph Electr1c:a.1 TntlKr1pUolUI '1 Fr~ f""", Wanl. Frttd_ lrom fu •• •.... ,our "0.' ...... Ie .....u.Kript_ "Qub. Kid," 4. Toulon. .IIHAM'S w-UStC Sla"ICI Ch, ...... •.. _. SUI... T'" 01. ~,_HI o.,.lIIlJ. e 010Kt boo,. U -. " for _ A 1. Phil Spltalny', AII-Glrl Onllnll11. 5. As Indllon. P.O. II. 2]'" (Ottol. '51 1rId"" rt. e- 36 "Ycs, I'm bloodthirsty," !>aid Sam. LIe IiI' 1 hut and the nexl (.ne thLl Jap naval base T,wy AU! .. amall \ Yallkee Sub ill ~So is the whole crew. One Io.,k at with anuther "hOi. before they f;calter oil tanker. "I was jml '011111 on that base in Pearl I [arbor and you and you lOse them in the gunftash: watch:' :-aid Saln Clark "I"d ju!'t I'>.illt( Tojo's Court wanted to go fight 'em with a butcher­ "We got them. The first blew up. ,ot u cup of coI1('('. This ~hip hlcw (CONti IUl'd from Page 5) knife. My conscience hasn't hurt me On the nexl the fint 5hell tore off up with the first 'hdL We ~urfll(-ed, yet for anything I'vc done:' the Jtern, We put the next shcll an ~hot and blew her up 50 quick my dOORmg thi, dc~tr'oyer for over a They went back to headquarter!; the bottol11." cotTl."C was still hot when I wenl be­ v.-(~·k. Our captain---onc o( the iJ.est in again, Then they wenl out on a third I a~ked Sam Clark how it felt to low llJ:uin." the I.JU~ill(',.+-is almost entirely bald, patrol ... off a nnvlli base in Japan. line up a Jive, human target. It wa~n't Then they got orders to lellve the really ~hiny-headed, Well, we'd got That's all ,. just a nUt'a! bas('-one a very pretty question. He said it area· to return home. i!(' wlIlIl(ln't down to OU1' last torpedo--our patrol of the most heavily guarded places as siml)ly a~ I a~kcd. lie said it was say whether they got the big game wall about over. The captain !laid, anywhere--on the IICA, Their prey a hell of a thrill. "You knew in one or no\. 'That d~troyer has been in my hair was to be certain .1)('CiUed ship.. way." he said, "that those few min­ When they wcrc going blol'k, they for over a week now. I'm going to iet which cannot be mentioned. It was ute>! were the an"",'er 10 all Ihe tralll_ SII/.htt'! -to Pearl Hatbor -for a two­ The first shil) they iOt with a gun other dc~troyers wel'e making an ap­ "Did you get him?" week rest. On their second patl'ol tht'y was a lal'ge Jap Irawler. She was proach behind the submarine, "Yeah. We put three into him, .. went to the Yellow Sea, on the dll'N'! ~tccrinR an erratic course, so they They crush-dived. Then "rigg<'d for That tlnished it up." sea route between Japan and China. !'tayed down all afternoon, watching. depth fhargell." "What does that Well, I hadn't more to ask Sam­ "Did you gd anything on this trip~" "Then the Captam "aid, 'Now, when mean," J lI~ked, .. 'rigg<'d for depth but J thought of this job. It was war. "Yes, and one that was e~p·e('ially we go up, I want yuu to hit that charges'?" He said, "That means you aU right dear. brutal. swift und kill­ good." bridge with the flr.;t shot. They have close all water-light doors in order Ing. That made me ask. "Do y"u like "What kind?" I asked. a radio in it ., and I don·t want any to shut oil any compartment which this service?" "I don't know," Sam said, "She wa>! messages ,oing out' We could see the might be burst by explosions. Shut "Sure, why not"?" he answered. a big one--maybe she was an am­ lookout on the bridie." ~aid Sam, "by off certain val\"(~11 which might n(l<)d 11 was also danli:ernus. AI lelU! a fighting submariner. stuck hi~ l)4:riliCOpe up, and we wcre in "Why didn'l you 1m IJcdo thi, ship ~tayed in it about half an hour:' Sam the mhht of fifty-four Jap sailin, if !'he was a bil un('?' I asked him. said. "By that time. we'd aot far GCOTg~ Hicks, SJwC'ial FeCllun', Rf'­ sampan•. I begged the captain 10 sur­ "We were savina our t(.rpedocs , , . away enou.:h to l!peed up and gt't parln- 0/ lh~ Blu~ Nf'fu·orJ.:, mall b~ face and to let me go after them wilh for a ~pccial job. Tht'n I

\\ eren't suppo!;C(l to have babie, be­ Cntlng·klnk .. Trouble with ca:;linl over heels in love 1\ ,th lI"nA :".1a. M'Y The Movie Front cause It mighl delract from their in Hollywood the:o:e days is thai peo_ and will marTY her u soon a5 he', (Continued. from Paoe 1) clamour !'tock. Ho. hllm. Time marchCl ple don't look like the people they're free. Which IOna tamps him a-" on, and Ihe old (.rde changes--lor .up~ to re't'mble. For example, a m.ntal marathoner. Ihl.a bemc set at M-G-M were discus, in!! the the better, at that( In "Mi5ll10n to Moscow" the cast G('(,rgie's fifth or lixth ra,'e nltar­ po~"ibi1ily of a Japane~c Invasion ill picked to portray the Russian delcgA­ ward ... southrrn California. ned listened and "The T hin Man Goea Home." But tion consh.tll ot a Belgian, an A\l~­ broke out in smiles. "What's f;O funny right now the quc. lion i.s - with trion, an Enjl:lishman. a German. a Jotting. from Movletown . Ginal:r about that?" nne extra d(,llIanded Said whnm'! Irene Dunne. who was slated Swede and eme lone Russian. Why"? R(lgt'r dt'nies that he and Ph,1 H('(-d Red, "Why worry'! Wco're plenty pfe to play oppmile Bill Powell In the Simply beeauS(' Ihe Ru:;~ians inter_ are o;enuu~ We belic\'e you, GII1~er here. JUllt Imagine what a tou!!h tlrJ\co piece when Myrna Loy bowed out, viewed for the roles 'weren't Ihe RLlS­ NI}{'l Coward's "In Which We Ihe Jap~ will have trying to get into will be doing an"ther picture when sian typc"[ • , . Servc" hn. all Moviet()wn buuLl'., as 1\1-G-M ~tudiled Piper." no so(Oner Alan lIale SIl.nller Arlington at the tudlO, and l'nterlain~ at'rvl<'e­ "mner. One thinl I.a pretty cenain_ let his hair ITow. after shavinJt: It for BnlJt:h and Ruby Stc\ens BruCh hu\e mt'n lit the various C8t11r-, Sometim the "Thin Man" SNIt'S will not be dlll­ the role. than he had to fntmued. bceau~e it packll a Ire­ for "!\largin for i':rror:' Otto hCll\cd thcir names chanAt·d Ami _hy night. Studl(l ha:o: askN\ him to let up mendnull box-offi('t' wallop ... a sigh 01 I'elief, but it died a-borning, ~houl! to shave it again for a na­ and Burbara Slanwy('k ('lr and !\Irs. "Victory Fleet." Thut's the name of tional maJ:8zine layout titled "Shades in prl\'all' life) suil~ th('Oj JO mU('h More bambino. acheduled fill' Holly­ the nt'WCl('r produ('\ln:('clltl\(' .... ,lOd. Ih.'cll>l('nt$ will tx- tars 'taur~n that it('public PIClllft'S haIL on the line Saturday nighb {Of play

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