". ~ ankee Sub in "in9 10\0 s Court 6v GEORGE t\\C\<'S Spencer Katharine TRACY · HEPBURN Deep in your heart, seared in your soul you'll keep the flame of this drama a loved movie memory. Two great stars brilliant in "Woman of the Year"are reunited now-more exciting together than ever. e er of-the 'Flame with RICHARD WHORF· MARGARET WYCHERLY' FRANK CRAVEN FORREST TUCKER· HORACE McNALLY· PERCY KILBRIDE Screen Play by DONALD OGDEN STEWART' Based Upon the Book by J. A. R. WYLIE' Directed by GEORGE CUKOR . Produced by VICTOR SAVILLE' Associate Producer LEON GORDON A Metro· Goldwyn·Mayer Picture 12jlt r ~ .. HOllYWOOD SWEATER GIRLS ARE ON THE JOB! Left to right: Betty Hey­ ward. Rita Corday, Laraine Day, Ari.1 Huth end Eve Car!.ton, five players In RKO', Cary Grant-lareine Dey starrer, "From Here to Victory." They've agreed to supply sw ••ters to eighty tank-corps men before tM picture is completed SLAPHAPPY Jo.n D.,.,.is iUl" .,t .U worried by ..... present bu9- .boo of g.<i-retioni,"). S"Y' Joan, .bo.... "I urry sp.r. 9&5 in my purse .nd r.FiIi tt.e t.nk wi .....n ..,.-dropper. Two squirts "Vas You Dere, Sharlie?" .nd ., half, .nd I sI.p her into high gear. end drive off h.,ppy!" R UMOR is the bed apple in the Amari- jng ond befuddling the French, Md what con fruit-barrel today. And it's of the semblance of unity the country possessed JOAN DAVIS LICKS same ilk that hastened the downfall of soon disappeared. France when it was plGced there by Nazi In Russia one commander solved the propagendists at the beginning of World I'lJmor problem in his own unit. Severe GAS - RATIONING WtJf II. Tha' bad apple cOflstitutes II weap­ punishment was meted out to those who on "II Americens must guord ogoins! with soid, "1 hear that ..." or "I understand unceasing vigiltJnce. For all the tonks, that ..." Unless the man could say, "I, OAN DAVIS, screwball comedienne on Rudy Vallee's pro­ planes, guns and ships rolling from our myself, saw ... " he was to soy nothin g. J gram, figures that she has the gasoline problem licked. Here's how: The day nation-wide rationing of gas was announced, Joan tlssembly lines cennot bar its entry into So the ned time someone reports a sold her big car, then went on a still hunt for a second-hand AmenCGn homes. rumor in your presence, ask him, "Vas you "buggy," and searched until she Iound a midget Austin, which Rumoc served the NtlZis well in confus- dere, Shorlie?" -The Editors. ran a little better than forty miles on a gallon of gas. Now she has the edge on ho:;e-saving, too, with her pint-size car. No danger of snags climbing in and out. 'Joan just steps right over the door, chirping, "I'U show 'em who's smart in this village!" MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE - .. -....- CONTENTS JOAN practises w i What Makes Kay Ky.er Cllckl ... ... • 2 The Radio Front, by E. K.y, Avery bre.,t+. • control h Ie He Solved the Na il Shortage .... .. ..... 4 Thompson and Jim" a. H.nlon ..... \I eudienc:.es howl at her A Ya nke-e Sub in King Tojo's Court, by Music, by Robert Bag.r ..... .. .... .... 10 jokes, uses it to infl.te George Hicks ...........•......•... 6 Short Wave.. by Ch.rles A. Morr l.on ..• 12 tirM of her car, left, In Which We Serve ........•..•. .. ..•• 6 Complete Program. for Thl. Week .. 14-32 .,nd cuts out fr ...ir The Movie Front, by France. Long . .... 7 Feminine Forum, by Edith Hampton .. .. 3! service at • Fining_st .. Betty Rhodes Talkl Back to Hltlerl., • • 8 What', Cooklngl by Georgia Scott . ... .. 34 tion. Her c.r is so small tIIat she uses mo­ Cotler Photo by Bruce Bailey torcycle tires. whid! is Volume 12, Number 14 Janulry 9·15, 1943 .nott. grut savintl READY to go. Joan, at right, turns up her nose at other ....k gas-conluming beIte. moths, a, she drives out of NBC lot, and heads fOf home A VERITABLE dynamo of vim and vigor, Kay JAMES KERN, name he was chris­ doesn't have to watch his calories. Pose at tened, would fit II lawyer. but Kay t~e left is just a gag. Above: B,aby Kay with clicks with Kyser the musician. hIS dad, who planned a legal career for him Above: Kay as school cheer-leader .... _., .... FRANK LOESSER, good friend of Kay's, IT'S catch as catch can for Kyser in wrote the hit song "Jingle, Jangle, Jingle," dressing for a performance or making but Kay started it toward success. Abo.... : up for a mo ... ie part, abov •. Anywhere Pair go ov.r a new ditty Frank's composing Prof. K. hangs his hat is home to him THREEFOLD cause for reiOlCln9 marked picture RADIO S1 AR, h. clicked in below-Kar's two songstresses on NBC "College the movies. Below: With of Musica Knowledge," Trudy Erwin and Dorothy volatile Lupe Velet in the Dunn, plus fourth anniversary of the program RKO picture, "Playmates"-- ODAY Kay Kyser ill setUn, a pace Twhich causes him to be pointed out in the entertainment world u the man most likely to crack from a nervous breakdown. But those who know him best don't agree with that i loomy prophecy, Why? Because of his sane fonnula for living. He . Jeeps eight hours each night, and allow8 nothing to interfere with that rest. Next, he refuses to accept telephone calls at meals or discuss business while eal­ lnC. Food, he contends, should be ealen In a mood of relaxation. Which are some very lood reasons why Kyser keepl cltckinl at Nch break­ nedt speed wben he ,eu lOIn&- Added to sane Ideas abOut "una: and a1eeping iI hi. tremendous desire to serve others in hll work 81 an en­ tertainer . Many men in hlah places could weU take that leaf trom Kay'. book and profit by it. 8e&idel his radio chores, he entertaiN servicemen in camps and finds time to ", [rom Hol­ lywood to New York and t>.ck to ap­ pear perMm&lly before variOUS JTOUj)S of executives and explam hil 5Uc:<:ea­ ful for mula for RUin, war bondl and .tamPi. In one month recenUy, he traveled more than lifly thousand milH back and forth acroa the nation selhna war securltilel. Climax of that month'. work wa. Kay'. appearance at Victory Houte in Lot Angeles, where, in one aflcmoon, he ran, up $6,000,000 worth of bondl for Uncle Sam'. cash N!,ilter. Another characlerilUc of Kay'. which makes blm click I.a due to the faet that he', alway, b«o a doer and not a wisb!uI thinker. Whlcb keeps him always one jump ahead. Proof? When war was de<:lared, the lremen­ dous problem of entertalnln, thou­ sandi of servicemen confronted the Government. But lon, before that, Kay had been vililln, campa and pep­ PUll: the bo)'s up with his mUlic and fun. And when war was tlnaUy de­ clared, K..,.· went all out for enter­ tainment of servicemen. I...ut, but b,. no meant leut, Kay Kyler dim bec:aUlle he is a UalOUI American patriot who COIlIidera it a rare privile,e to serve hiJ countr1 both In war and PEACE! REGISTRATION for Uncle Sam', IIlrvica brought Kay MUM'S the word when it comel and his band to sign up en malle, below. Reason he to romance with Ginny Simms, isn't in uniform today i$ because Government officials below. But they are still good insist that ....., doing more good in hi, present job fri ends. gOllip notwithstanding! 1117 He Solved the WAR Nail Shortage George D. Hulbert 01 20th Century-Fox Re- claims 31,000 Daily! ~ EN It became Impoalblc recently to pur- chbe nail. lor buildm, wtll at 20th Cen­ huy-Fox lItudioa. productIon oftlcialll called in inventor Gear,e D. Hulbert, who haa been on the lot for lleventeen yean. He listened to their problema. then went back to hll .hop and in­ vented a machille that reclaima nails at the rate of 31,000 a day, reprdleu of size or shape. In three da,.,' time, tu. invention reclaimed • one or the objecrh~ enau&b aallII from the "'CCCle,. Island" and W• • "darrucllon I IGalIIon naHon' . ''Hello, Frtaco, Hello" IoeU to prepare for fow­ an Impof"fant parr In G;;:I!~ other productiOflll, Soon thll machine will be altac'" on h made available to other lMU5tries throughout conyoy.... • .. C IInncl the nation. HUlbert's allo lnvented a routing-ma­ • chine whleb represent! _ tremendoua lavinl 01 e.entlal materlab in buildinc motion-picture Interesting! ae1a, proved that Yankee inJenUlt,. can't be beat! W... h , .. ,..,.. .... h. , ... ww ... wt _}'_'II ..... It h....... _.11 ........... _."" .......t , 'THOUT ,.d,o, che mO"t· W ment of war .... ould still be EILEEN FENWICK, 20th Century-Fox player, visih Hul­ BEFORE AND AFTER, Eileen demonstrates below. ancbo red by telephone lones-the bert in his shop, .bove, and leventy-one-year-old inventor chinist Hulbert has applied for a petent on his ;" w."Ho,: phYJical hnlrdll' of che courier and showl her how his nail-reclaiming machine works. Below: "isUll 1;8"1111. but studio peys him royalties on all nail-redaiming No........ r mo .. es ,wi(lly ovcr the Eileen operates the turntabl. th.t draightens the nails in he does for them. And William Goetz, 20th's .",d,oc·1 whole Clee of the catch_instanta· grooves and turns tkem out r.ady for usa again on seh tion chief.
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