An International Record Volume Xi14 111, 112, 113, 1$4
AN INTERNATIONAL RECORD Prepared under the supervision of The Universal House of Justice VOLUME XI14 111, 112, 113, 1$4, 125, 116, 117, 118 AND 119 OF THE BAHA'I ERA 1954-1 963 THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE Haifzi, Israel 1970 VAL~YU'LLAH VAP.QA were both staunch believers of the Cause, 1884-1955 which they most earnestly served. 1 had three brothers. (i'v1~7 mother gave birth to four children.) n he eldest was named Mirzh Profoundly grieved loss outstanding Hand GAziz,ul!a KhBn, second was named Cause God, exemplay @ustee Buyc% dis- Rf&ul&&, who was nlartyred, the third was tinguishd representative most venerable myseif, md the was called ~~d~~~~~~, community Bahk'i world, aorthy son brothel \vho died in childhood. As a we twin irnmortal martyrs Faith, dearly beloved in Tabriz in the household our disciple Center Covenant. Shining record matcrnai grmdnzo&er in love and services extending over half century emiched hazmony and in ease and honor, annals heroic formative ages Bahii'i Dispensa- happiness was, however, upset and tion. His reward Abha Kingdom inestimable. sllattercd in consequeilce of- some false Advise erect my be'a1E reports submitted by certain enenlies of the his graxJe. His mantle as trustee funds uuq6g Cause the Prince Regent, Mu?afFai'd-Dia now faIls on 'Aii Mubarnmad, his son. In- Sha, eR3ct that Mirza GAbdu9ilhb struct Row$ani Tihran arrange befittmg kBn, my granaatlIer., who was then a memorial. gatherings capital provinces honor membez. was acting the memory mighty pillar cradle Faith Bah6'u'- Government and had put house at Newl~a~~Ohtedtrustee Ptrqliq disposd of Baha'is gz.thesing tbcre to con&uc- elevated rank Hand Cause.
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