Pritish Nandy¥ Communications
r PRITISH NANDY¥ COMMUNICATIONS The General Manager The Manager Department of Corporate Services Listing Department Bombay Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G Dalal Street Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbaj 400001 Bandra (East) Scrip Code - 532387 Mumbaj 400051 Scrip Code - PNC , December 1, 2020 Dear Sir, SUB: Submission of newspaper cuttings of notice of Annual General Meeting of the Company - Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 please find enclosed herewith the newspaper cuttings of published advertisement of notice of 27th Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, December 17, 2020. Notice of Annual General Meeting published in following newspapers- 1. Business Standard (National edition) Dated November 26, 2020 and 2. Lakshdeep (State edition) dated November 26, 2020 Yours fajthfully, .-" , ..... NANOV COMMUNICATIONS L TO CIN L22120MH1993PLC074214 MUMBAI400021 INDIA CALL 91 22 42130000 VISIT WWW.PRITISHNANDYCOM.COM 6 ECONOMY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS MUMBAI | THURSDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 2020 1 > Exiting voluntary liquidation: Farmer protest: Delhi, Haryana deny entry IBBI plans changes to check fraud Trade unions to strike today, bank operations to be hit Move may help avoid value destruction of resources and adverse effect on other stakeholders AGENCIES 25 November RUCHIKA CHITRAVANSHI Voluntary liquidation can take New Delhi, 25 November upwards of six months from a proce- A day ahead of farmers’ slated STATUS OF VOLUNTARY dural perspective. “The proposed protest march to Delhi against he Insolvency and Bankruptcy amendment is to allow for a fresh the Centre’s farm laws, Board of India (IBBI) has pro- LIQUIDATIONS start if tides were to turn during the Haryana on Wednesday T posed a statutory mechanism Initiated 692 process.
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