The European Territorial Cooperation Objective
en info| No 24 | December 2007 | panoramaregio Regions as partners The European Territorial Cooperation Objective PPanoramaanorama NN24_V2.indd24_V2.indd 1 225/01/085/01/08 15:58:0915:58:09 Contents Cohesion policy, at the heart of the Lisbon process 4 Th e fi rst report on the negotiations of the new generation of cohesion policy strategies and programmes highlights a clear change of direction in favour of the renewed Lisbon agenda agreed in 2005. Regions as partners The European Territorial Cooperation Objective INTERREG, irrelevant or indispensable? 7 Th e role of INTERREG remains vitally important in overcoming the infl uence of borders and achieving a properly functioning internal market. Interview 11 Dirk Peters on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. From the ground: 14 INTERREG IVC. From the ground: 15 URBACT. From the ground: 17 INTERACT. From the ground: 18 ESPON. INTERREG in action: INTERREG IIIA 19 Report: Erasing the border 20 Hundreds of partnerships in health, culture, technology, the environment, citizenship and more. From PACTE to INTERREG IV, French-Belgian cross-border cooperation is doing very well indeed. INTERREG in action: INTERREG IIIB & IIIC 24 Event: 25 “Telling the Story” conference explores innovative ways to communicate on cohesion policy. REGIO & Networks 27 Online 28 Photographs (pages): European Commission (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 25, 26), Th omas Dix/Stadt Weil-am-Rhein (1, 19), CRITT Charleville-Mézières (5), Carrefour Economie Technologie Enseignement (6, 21), INTERACT (11, 17), INTERREG IVC Secretariat (14), URBACT (15), URBAN II Dortmund-Nordstadt (15), ESPON (18), Y4I (19), Celtic Enterprises (19), VIDEOCOM (19), Provincie West-Vlaanderen (20, 23), Mabiolac (20), CORELOG (24), RegEnergy (24), REVIT (24), CopraNet (24).
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