1935-1936 f f I ( ", (, ,~ ( CONTENTS Page Foreword vii Administration 1-2 Science, Literature, and the Arts .. 2-24 Astronomy 2 Botany 2 Classics 5 English 5 Fine Arts 7 Geography 7 I Geology and Mineralogy 8 German 9 History 10 l Journalism 12 Mathematics 14 , Music 14 Philosophy 14 Physics 15 Political Science 15 { Psychology 17 Romance Languages 19 t Scandinavian Languages 20 Sociology 20 Speech 22 Zoology 23 Institute of Technology ... 24-36 Administration 24 f College of Engineering and Architecture ...... 25 Administration 25 Aeronautical Engineering 25 { Architecture 26 Civil Engineering 26 I Drawing and Descriptive Geometry .. 26 Electrical Engineering 27 Mathematics and Mechanics 27 Mechanical Engineering 27 School of Chemistry 28 Analytical Chemistry 28 Chemical Engineering 30 Inorganic Chemistry 31 \ Organic Chemistry .33 Physical Chemistry 34 ) School of Mines and Metallurgy .. 36 Metallography 36 Mines Experiment Station ...... 36 'l iv CONTENTS

Page Department of Agriculture .. 36-69 Administration 36 General 37 Agricultural Biochemistry 37 Agricultural Economics 41 Agricultural Engineering 44 Agricultural Extension 45 Agricultural Substations 51 Agronomy and Plant Genetics .... . 54 Husbandry ...... 55 Dairy Husbandry ..... 56 Entomology and Economic Zoology ...... 58 Forestry 60 Home Economics 61 Horficulture 62 Plant Pathology and Botany ... 65 Poultry Husbandry 67 Publications 67 Rhetoric 67 School of Agriculture ..... 67 Soils 68 Veterinary Medicine 68 Law School 69-70 \ Medical School ...... 70-95 Anatomy ...... 70 Bacteriology and Immunology ...... 72 Medicine 73 Obstetrics and Gynecology ...... 77 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology... 79 Pathology 80 Pediatrics 81 Pharmacology ...... 83 Physiology ...... 84 Preventive Medicine and Public Health ...... 86 Surgery ...... 89 School of Nursing ...... 94 University of Hospitals.. 94 X-Ray Department of the University of Minnesota Hospitals...... 94 School of Dentistry ...... 95-97 Administration ...... 95 Crown and Bridge Work ...... 95 Oral Diagnosis ...... 96 Oral Hygiene and Pathology...... 96 Orthodontia 96 Physiology ...... 96 ' CONTENTS v

Page Prosthetic Dentistry 97 Operative Dentistry 97 College of Pharmacy .... . 97-98 Administration 97 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 97 Pharmacognosy 98 Pharmacy 98 College of Education ...... 99-107 Administration 99 Agricultural Education 99 , Art Education 100 Educational Research 100 General Education 101 t Home Economics Education 104 Trade and Industrial Education .. 105 ) University High School 106 Graduate School-Mayo Foundation ...... 107-34 Administration ...... 107 ( Bacteriology and Immunology 108 \ Biochemistry 108 ) Biophysics 109 Medicine 110 j Obstetrics and Gynecology 118 Ophthalmology, Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology .... 118 Pathology ...... ·········· ...... 120 t Pediatrics ...... 121 Physiology and Physiologic Chemistry . 121 t Radiology ...... 123 Surgery 125 { School of Business Administration ...... 134-38 General Extension Division .138-40 ) Correspondence Study Department 140 University Library ...... ··········· ...... 140-41 Library Instruction ..... -- ---.. -.. 141 I Museum of Natural History ... 141 Institute of Child Welfare...... 142-43 ( Physical Education and Athletics 144 Physical Education for Women .... 144 ) General College ...... 145-47 University of Minnesota Press .. 147 Index ...... 148 ff

I) I r I FOREWORD l In addition to effective classroom instruction, a univer­ I sity faculty has a further obligation to society in extending the frontiers of knowledge and in interpreting the new technical advances to a larger public. To provide a record ! of these contributions the University of Minnesota prints each a list of publications by its faculties. This record reflects the extensive interests of a university community and the diversified nature of faculty scholarship. It repre­ ( sents a wealth of intellectual contributions that flow to an ' audience, the vastness of which it is difficult to comprehend J for many of the books and papers have been given world­ wide recognition. Some are highly theoretical in nature; some are reports of researches that have a very practical application in industry, agriculture, education, and govern­ ment. Hardly a phase of our complex society escapes the f direct or indirect scrutiny of faculty investigations and in­ telligent analyses. The University of Minnesota can well be proud of these scholarly contributions to the state, to I the nation, and to the world at large. ) L. D. CoFFMAN, President l ( )


MALCOLM M. WILLEY, Ph.D., University Dean and Assistant to the President "The rOle of the radio in the new social order." Publications of the American Sociologi­ cal Society, 29:141-53. August, 1935. "Quantitative methods and research in journalism." Journalism Quarterly, 12:255-65. September, 1935. "University plans experimental art room." Minnesota Alumni Weekly, 35:143. Novem­ ber 2, 1935. "An experimental art room at Minnesota." School and Society, 42:649-50. November 9, • 1935. "The art of administration." Journal of Higher Education, 6:475-79. December, 1935. ( "Effect of depression and recovery on higher education" (with F. K. Richtmyer). Bulle­ tin of the American Association of University Professors, 22:24-41. January, 1936. ''Employment, salaries, promotion, and tenure in higher education: present practices" J (with F. K. Richtmyer). Ibid., 22:168-82. March, 1936. Reviews of Henry P. Fairchild, editor, Survey of Contemporary Sociology in Annals of the Ameri­ can Academy of Political and Social Science, 180:239. July, 1934. ( Norman S. Buck, editor, Survey of Contemporary Economics in ibid., 180:239. July, 1934. Eduard C. Lindeman, Wealth and Culture in ibid., 185:249-50. May, 1936. ) EDMUND G. WILLIAMSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director of the University Testing Bureau Student Personnel Procedures and Techniques Used by Faculty Counselors at the University of Minnesota (with Gwendolen Schneidler and D. G. Paterson). Min­ neapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 105 pages. The Prediction of Success in Nursing Training. An Investigation Conducted by the l~ University of Minnesota Testing Bureau for the Committee on Testing of the Minnesota League of Nursing Education (with Bette March). : University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 30 pages. The University Testing Bureau. A Manual of Staff Procedures. Minneapolis: Univer­ sity of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 55 pages. ( "The role of guidance in educational methodology." Journal of Higher Education, 7: 184-90. April, 1935. "Estimation versus measurement of improvement in English." School and Society, 42:159-62. August, 1935. "Changes in college freshman intelligence." Ibid., 42:547-51. October, 1935. "The relationship of number of hours of study to scholarship." Journal of Educational Psychology, 26:682-88. December, 1935. f "Trends in the occupational choices of high school seniors" (with J, G. Darley), Journal of Applied Psychology, 19:3tiJ-70. August, 1935. ) "The role of faculty counseling in scholastic motivation." Ibid., 20:314-24. June, 1936. "The significance for educational guidance of personal history data." School Review,. 34:41-49. January, 1936. \ "On choosing a vocation." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 1, 3. January, 1936. "Faculty counseling at Minnesota: an evaluation by case· work methods." Occupations,. 14:426-33. February, 1936. ) Reviews of Wendell White, The Psychology of Dealing with People in Minnesota Alumni Weekly, Vol. 35, No. 21, p. 367. February 15, 1936. f ) \


P. l\1. Symonds in collaboration with C. E. Jackson, Measurement of the Personality Adjustments of High School Pupils in School Review, 24:308-309. April, 1936. Abstract of Goodwin Watson, Human Resources: a Report Submitted to the National Resources Committee by the American Council on Education in Educational Abstracts, Vol. I, No. 2. 1936. "College guidance tests." A Report of the 1935 Testing Program of the Association of Minnesota Colleges. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph De· partment. January, 1936. 7 pages.

TRUE E. PETTENGILL, M.S., Assistant Registrar "Comparison of the college aptitude test and rank in high school graduating class as factors for predicting freshman scholarship." Bulletin of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars, 11:196-204. April, 1936.


ASTRONOMY WILLEM ]. LuYTEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Astronomy On the Apsidal Motion in Binary . Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Minnesota. Vol. 2, No. 2. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 20 pages. A List of ProPer Motions Exceeding 0".50 Annually in the Cape Astrographic Zone. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Minnesota. Vol. 2, No. 3. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 4 pages. "On a formula for mean ." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 95:671-73. 1935. "A new of large " (with E. Ebbighausen). Harvard Bulletin, No. 900. 1935. "A new for 29 Canis Majoris" (with E. Ebbighausen). Astrophysical Journal, 82:246-51. 1935. \, "A revision of the of 77 spectroscopic binaries." Ibid., 84:85-103. July, 1936. "The orbit of Tau Cygni" (with E. Ebbighausen). Astronomical Journal, 44:119-20. 1935. "A new orbit for 99 Herculis" (with E. Ebbighausen). Ibid., 45:54-56. 1936. "Neue Veriinderliche am Siidhimmel" 8. Liste. Astronomische Nachrichten, 256:325-32. 1935; 9, Liste. Ibid., 258:121-26. 1936.

EDWIN C. EBBIGHAUSEN, B.A., Assistant in Astronomy "A new orbit for 29 Canis Majoris (with W. J. Luyten). Astrophysical Journal, 82: 246-51. 1935. "A new star of large proper motion" (with W. J. Luyten). Harvard Bulletin, No. 900. 1935. "The orbit of Tau Cygni" (with W. J. Luyten). Astronomical Journal, 44:119-20. 1935. "A new orbit for 99 Herculis" (with W. J. Luyten). Ibid., 45:54-56. 1936.


C. OTTo RosENDAHL, Ph.D., Professor of Botany and Head of the Depart­ ment of Botany MonograPh on the Genus Heuchera (with F. K. Butters and Olga Lakela). Minnesota Studies in Plant Science, Vol. 2. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 200 pages. I t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 3

l "The plant life of Goodhue County." Pages 14-23 in The History of Goodhue County. Red Wing: C. A. Rasmussen. 1936. "Harris the botanist." Pages 39-46 in J. Arthur Harris, Botanist and Biometrician. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. "The genus Najas in Minnesota" (with F. K. Butters). Rhodora, 37:345-48. 1 pl. 1935. r "Rhythm in blossoming, with special reference to hayfever" (with A. 0. Dahl). Pro­ gram and Papers of the Minnesota Academy of Science, pp. 7-15. 1936. Editor (with G. 0. Burr and R. A. Gartner), J. Arthur Harris, Botanist and Bio­ ( metrician. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. GEORGE 0. BuRR, Ph.D., Professor of Botany "Some recent studies on fat deficiency" (with W. R. Brown). Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists, 30:16. 1936. I "Carbonic anhydrase and photosynthesis." Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) . B, No. 120, pp. 42-47. 1936. • Editor J. Arthur Harris, Butanist and Biometrician (with C. 0. Rosendahl and R. A. Gartner). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. "Some chemical factors of the soil that influence the distribution of desert vegetation.H f Pages 47-96 in J. Arthur Harris, Botanist and Bio·metricion. Minneapolis: Univer­ ) sity of Minnesota Press. 1936. FREDERIC K. BuTTERS, Ph.D., Professor of Botany Monograph on the Genus Heuchera (with C. 0. Rosendahl and Olga Lakela). Minne­ ) sota Studies in Plant Science, Vol. 2. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 200 pages. "The vegetation of the metropolitan area." Pages 16-20 in G. M. Schwartz, The Geology t of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area. Minnesota Geological Survey Bul­ letin 27. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. "The genus Najas in Minnesota" (with C. 0. Rosendahl). Rhodora, 37:345-48. 1 pl. 1935.

WILLIAM S. CooPER, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of Botany The History of the Upper Mississippi River in Late Wisconsin and Postglacial Time. I Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin No. 26. Minneapolis: University of Minne· t sota Press. 1935. 116 pages. "The strand and dune flora of the Pacific Coast of North America." Pages 141-87 in Essays in Geobota>ty in Honor of William Albert Setchell. Berkeley: University ) of California Press. 1936. j "Henry Chandler Cowles." Ecology, 16:281-83. July, 1935.

JosEPHINE E. TILDEN, M.S., Professor of Botany The Algae and Their Life Relations: Fundamentals of Phycology. Minneapolis: Univer­ sity of Minnesota Press. 1935. 550 pages. Index algarum universalis (thirteenth issue). Series 2, cards 32,000-33,000 incl. Minne­ apolis: Colwell Press. 1936.

ALAN E. TRELOAR, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biometry An Outline of Biometric Analysis. (Revised and rewritten in part.) Minneapolis: ! Burgess Publishing Co. 1936. 193 pages. "Harris the biometrician." Pages 97-109 in J. Arthur Harris, Botanist and Biometrician. ( Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. "The distribution of errors of analyses" (with J. A. Harris). Pages 110-25 in ibid. "The length and weight of the newborn infant of various nationalities" (with J. A. ) Harris and Borghild Gunstad). Pages 126-45 in ibid. "The determination of moisture in feeds. A comparison of three moisture methods'" I (with B. Sullivan). Cereal Chemistry, 12:521-27. 1935. I' 4 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ERNST C. ABBE, Ph.D., Instructor in Botany Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University-No. CXI. Rhodora, 38:102-61. 1936. "Studies in the phylogeny of the Betulaceae. I. Floral and inflorescence anatomy and morphology." Botanical Gazette, 97:1-67. 1935. "Botanical results of the Grenfeii-Forbes Northern Laborador Expedition, 1931." Rhodora, 38:102-61. 1936, Outline of histological methods. 56 ditto pages. 1935. Laboratory outline for cytology. 39 ditto pages. 1936.

ELMER S. MILLER, Ph.D., Instructor in Botany "Application of quantitative spectral analyses to binary mixtures of the common carate­ ooids." Plant Physiology, 9:681-84. 1934. "Absorption spectra of alpha and beta carotenes and leaf xanthophyll at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures." Ibid., 9:179. 1934. "Quantitative absorption spectra of the common carotenoids." Ibid., 9:693-94. 1934. "Carbon dioxide balance at high light intensities" (with G. 0. Burr). Ibid., 10:73-92. 1935. "Absorption spectra of alpha and beta carotenes and lycopene" (with G. Mackinney and F. P. Zscheile, Jr.). Ibid., 10:375-81. 1935. "Improved methods for the purification of the common carotenoids, and the quantitative measurement of their absorption spectra." Botanical Gazette, 96:447-67. 1935. "A rapid and accurate quantitative method for the determination of the common carote­ noids; analyses of beta-carotene and leaf xanthophyll in thirteen plant tissues." \ Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:347-49. 1935.

BoRGHILD GUNSTAD, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant in Botany "The length and weight of the newborn infant of various nationalities" (with J. A. Harris and A. E. Treloar). Pages 126-45 in J. Arthur Harris, Botanist and Bio­ metrician. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. "The relationship between number of pregnancies and number of births in man" (with J. A. Harris). Pages 146-58 in ibid. "The measurement of the individuality of women with respect to their capacity for bringing the foetus to term" (with J. A. Harris). Pages 159-77 in ibid. "Fecundity in the American-born and foreign-born inhabitants of New York City" (with '· J. A. Harris). Pages 178-95 in ibid.

A. ORVILLE DAHL, M.S., Assistant in Botany "Studies on air-borne pollen." (Author's abstract.) Bulletin of the American Meteoro­ 'logical Society, 17:29. 1936. "Rhythm in blossoming, with special reference to hayfever" (with C. 0. Rosendahl). Program and Papers of the Minnesota Academy of Science, pp. 7-15. 1936.

RoBERT E. OLTMAN, B.A., Assistant in· Botany "'The preservation of molds for class use." Stain Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 108. 1935. Abstracts and abstract translations (Italian, French, German, Spanish) of plant physio­ logical publications in Biological Abstracts.

WILLIAM R. BROWN, Ph.D., National Live Stock and Meat Board Fellow "'Some recent studies on fat deficiency" (with G. 0. Burr). Proceedings of the Ameri­ can Society of Biological Chemists, 30:16. 1926. "A study of variations in the lactose content of milk" (with W. E. Petersen and R. A. Gortner). Journal Dairy Science, 19:81-92. 1936. "'Tne decrease in lactose content of milk following the production of artificial hypoglu­ .c.emia" (with W. E. Petersen and R. A. Gortner). Ibid., 19:147-54. 1936.


I )


"The effect of intra venous injections of sugar upon the lactating bovine" (with W. E. I Petersen and R. A. Cortner). Ibid., 19:177-84. 1936. "Intra-mammary duct injections in the study of lactose formation" (with W. E. Peter­ sen and R. A. Cortner). Ibid., 19:243-56. 1936.

RoBERT A. PHILLIPS, B.S., Head Gardener and General Extension Division r Instructor in Gardening Weekly articles on landscape gardening and plant culture. Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, f 1935-36. CLASSICS f MARBURY B. OGLE, Ph.D., Professor of Classical Languages and Chairman ~ of the Department of Classics , "The Biblical quotations in the De Nugis Curalium of Walter Map." (Abstract.) Proceedings of the American PhiJiological Association, 66:24-25. 1935. Tables of sound-changes from Latin to Romance languages. 1934-35. 18 mimeographed t pages. EDWARD F. D'ARMS, Ph.D., Lecturer in Classics ) "The influence of Aristotle on ancient biography." Proceedings of the American } Philological Aslociation, 66:27. 1935. t ENGLISH JosEPH W. BEACH, Ph.D., Professor of English The Concept of Nature in Nineteenth-Century English Poetry. New York: Macmillan Company. 1936. 618 pages. J Reviews of E. K. Brown, Edith Wharton: Etude Critique in University of Toronto Quarterly, 5:128-30. 1935. I Carl J. Weber, Colby Notes on "Far from the Madding Crowd" in Modern Language Notes, 51:261-62. 1936. t Thomas Hardy, An Indiscretion in the Life of an Heiress and Tess of the D'Urbervilles (both edited by Colby) in ibid., 51:261-62. 1936.

) ]. N. DouGLAS BusH, Ph.D., Professor of English "Notes on Keats's reading." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 50:785-806. September, 1935. f Review of H. 0. White, Plagiarism and Imitation during the English Renaissance in Modern Language Notes, 51:198-99. March, 1936. ' MARTIN B. RuuD, Ph.D., D.C.L., Professor of English The Place of the Catholic College. Aquin Papers, No.2, St. Paul: College of St. Thomas. t Review of Stuart Robinson, The Development of Modern English in English Journal, 24:856-57. December, 1935. t ELMER E. STOLL, Ph.D., Professor of English "The dramatic texture in Shakespeare." Criterion, 14:586-607. July, 1935. r "Art and artifice in the Iliad," Tudor and Stuart lecture, Johns Hopkins University. \ E.L.H., 2:294-321. December, 1935. "Oedipus and Othello: Corneille, Rymer, and Voltaire," Revue anglo-americaine, 12: ( 385-400. June, 1935. I Tartuffe and the optique du theatre." Ibid., 13:193-214. February, 1936. i 6 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ELIZABETH ATKINS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English "Man and in recent poetry," Publications of the Modern Language Association, 51 :263·83. March, 1936.

MuRIEL B. CARR, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English Notes on diction and idiom, for use in English C and Composition 6, 1936 (in collabora· tion with J. W. Clark). Mimeographed.

LEWIS B. HESSLER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English "On 'bad boy' criticism." North American Review, 240:214·24. September, 1935.

CHARLES W. NICHOLS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English "Greatness thrust upon them: A study in American literature." bzterpreter, Vol. 10, No. 10. June, 1936.

HARLOW C. RICHARDSON, B.A., Assistant Professor of English "Iceberg travel in Svalbard." Minnesota Techno.Log, 16:70·72. January, 1936; re­ printed as "Travel among the icebergs." Unicorn of Theta Xi, 32:21·23, 41. January, 1936.

HAROLD E. BRIGGS, M.A., Instructor in English "The short story: 1936." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 1-2. May, 1936.

]OHN W. CLARK, M.A., Instructor in English Notes on diction and idiom, for use in English C and Composition 6, 1936 (in collabora­ tion with Muriel B. Carr). Mimeographed.

]oHAN S. EGILSRUD, Ph.D., Instructor in English "Through the Louvre to Cezanne." Urd, 39:143-46. 1935. "Lei£ Erikson." lui i Vesterheimen, 25:38-39. 1935. Review of Literary Review in Minnesota Daily, March 4, 1936. "Herman Wildenvey, lyric poet." Minneapolis Tidende, July, 1935.

]OHN T. FLANAGAN, Ph.D., Instructor in English "Emerson as a critic of fiction." Philological Quarterly, 15 :30-45. January, 1936. "Oscar Wilde's Twin City appearances." .Hinnesota History, 17:38-48. March, 1936.

ADAH G. GRANDY, B.L., Instructor in English "A writing laboratory." English Journal, College Edition, 25:372-76. May, 1936.

CLIFFORD I. HAGA, B.A., Instructor in English "Magazines." Minnesota Techno-Log, 16:13. October, 1935. "Captain Liddle-Hart." Il>id., 16:77. January, 1936. Reviews of Clarence Day, Life with Father and God and My Father in Minnesota Techno-Log, 16:33. November, 1935. ' Grover Loening, Our Wings Grow Faster in ibid., 16:53. December, 1935. Anne Lindbergh, North to the Orient in ibid., 16:53. December, 1935. Jimmy Collins, Test Pilot in ibid., 16:53. December, 1935. Jules Romains, Men of Good Will in ibid., 16:99. February, 1936. S. C. Gilfillan, The Sociology of Invention in ibid., 16:117. March, 1936. Bernard Jaffe, Outposts of Science in ibid., 16:172. May, 1936. t ,f PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 7

I EDGAR W. WEAVER, B.A., Instructor in English Theory and Practice of Examinations in English at the College Level. An annotated bibliography. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The University Committee on ( Educational Research. 1936. 15 mimeographed pages. FINE ARTS ( DAVID M. ROBB, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Art in the Western World (with J, J, Garrison). New York: Harper and Brothers. 1935. 662 pages. t GEOGRAPHY ) DARRELL H. DAVIS, Ph.D., Professor of Geography and Head of the De­ partment of Geography "The Finland community, Minnesota." Geographical Review, 25:382-94. July, 1935. "Amana: A study of occupance." Annals of the Association of American Geographers, I 26:46-47. March, 1936. Reviews of Nels A. Bengtson and Willem Van Royen, Fundament11!ls of Economic Geography in Science, 83:15. January 3, 1936. I' R. H. Whitbeck and V. C. Finch, Economic Geography in ibid., 83:16. January 3, 1936. I RALPH H. BROWN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geography "On the merits of regional diagrams in field reports, with an illustration." Annals of { the Association of American Geographers, 25:75-83. June, 1935. Reviews of John W. Coulter, Land Utilization in the Hawaiian Islands in Journal of Geography, t 34:383. December, 1935. Michigan Papers in Geography in ibid., 35:141. January, 1936. Eliot G. Mears, Maritime Trade of Western United States in ibid., 35:538. January, ( 1936. SAMUEL N. DICKEN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geography "A Kentucky solution cuesta." Journal of Geography, 43:539-44. 1935. "Kentucky karst landscapes." Ibid., 43:708-28. 1935. "The five blind men and the Californias." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1-3. Novem­ ' ber, 1935. "Ground water and settlement in the l\1idd1e Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico." Annals I of the Association of American Geographers, 26:47-48. 1936. L Review of J, \Vilbois, Le Cameroun in Books Abroad, 9:301. 1935. RICHARD HARTSHORNE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geography "Recent developments in political geography, I." American PoliticOJl Science Review, { 29:785-804. October, 1935. "Recent developments in political geography, II." Ibid., 29 :943·66. December, 1935. "A new map of the dairy areas of the United States." Economic Geography, 11:347-55. October, 1935. "A new map of the manufacturing belt of North America." Ibid., 12:45-53. January, 1936. "Suggestions on the terminology of political boundaries." Mitteilungen des Vereins der r Geographen an der Universitiit Leipzig, Heft 14/15:180-92. 1936. "Local government areas." Geographical Review, 26:146-47. January, 1936. ') Reviews of J, E. Pomfret, The Geographic Pattern of Mankind in Annals &/ the American Academy I of Political and Social Science, 180:242-43. July, 1935. ) 8 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

R. Blanchard and R. E. Crist, A Geography of Europe in Journal of Geography, 34: 345. November, 1935. H. Knothe (editor), Vom deutschen Osten: Max Friederichsen zum 60. Geburtstag in Geographical Review, 25:518-20. July, 1935. H. Spethmann, Das Ruhrgebiet in Wechsel..piel vom Land und Leuten, Wirtschaft, Technik und Politik, Vols. I and 2 in ibid., 26:343-44. April, 1936.

GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY WILLIAM H. EMMONS, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Head of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, and Director of the Minnesota Geological Survey "On the origin of certain systems of ore-bearing fractures." Transactions of the American Institution of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 110:1-35. 1935. "Granitic stocks and related auriferous veins near Goudreau, Ontario" (with F. F. Grout). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 46:1457-66. October, 1935. "The zonal arrangement of metalliferous ores." Report of the XVI International Geo­ logical Congress (Washington, 1933), I :417-32. 1936. FRANK F. GROUT, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy "Memorial of William A. P. Graham." Proceedings of the Geological Society of America for 1934, pp. 233-36. June, 1935. "Report of the Committee on Batholith Problems" (with co-operation of the committee). Annual Report of the National Research Council, Division of Geology and Geog­ raphy, 1934-35, Appendix A. 3 mimeographed pages, with Exhibits A, B, and C, 116 mimeographed pages. "Structural features of the Saganaga granite of Minnesota-Ontario." Report of the XVJ International Geological Congresa (Washington, 1933), 1:225-70. 1936. "Granitic stocks and related auriferous veins near Goudreau, Ontario" (with W. H. Emmons). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 46:1457-66. October, 1935. \ Review of Frank A. Perret, The Eruption of Mt. Pelee, 1929-1932. Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1935, in Journal of Physical Chemistry, 40:425-26. March, 1936. Discussion of George W. Bain, Mongolian Magmas in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 46:2066-68. February, 1936. CLINTON R. STAUFFER, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy "A reinterpretation of the Stillwater deep well" (with E. P. Burch and G. M. Schwartz). Journal of Geology, 43:630-48, I fig., 3 tables. 1935. \ "The cuuo~ont ,auna of the Decorah shale." Journal of Paleontology, 9:596-620, pis. 71- 75. 1935. JoHN W. GRUNER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology and Mineralogy "The structural relationship of nontronites and montmorillonite." American Mineralogist, 20:47 5-83. 1935. "The structural relationship of glauconite and mica." Ibid., 20:699-714. 1935. ' I Review of W. Schmidt and E. Baier, Lehrbuch der Mineralogie in American MineraJo­ gist, 21:267-68. 1936. i GEORGE M. ScHWARTZ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology \ I Geology of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area. Minnesota Geological Survey Bulletin No. 27. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1936. 267 pages. "Silicification of shale in the Mogul mine." Journal of Geology, 43:524-29. 1935. "A reinterpretation of the Stillwater deep well" (with E. P. Burch and C. R. Stauffer). Journal of Geology, 43:630-48, 1 fig., 3 tables. 1935. "Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian relations in the upper Mississippi valley." Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 46:2060-63. 1936. Review of Hermann Borchert, Ueber Entmischungen in System Cu-Fe-S, und ihre Bedeutung als geologische Thermometer in Economic Geology, 30:457-58. 1935. l I

PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 9 f GEORGE A. THIEL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology and Mineralogy "Pleistocene geology of the sediments in which the Minnesota Man was discovered."' Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science. 1936. Abstracts in Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology, Vol. 7. 1935. Nos. 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 218, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 234, 237, 240, 241, 242; Vol. 8. 1936. Nos. 232, 234,, 235, 236, 237, 239, 244, 246, 249, 253, 255, 258, 259, 260, 265.

CARL E. DuTTON, Ph.D., Instructor in Geology , Laboratory Exercises in Historical Geology. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co. 1936. \ 68 mimeographed pages. Outline of Earth History (a study guide). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota l Mimeograph Department. 1936. 12 pages. STANLEY W. SuNDEEN, Ph.D., Instructor in Geology and Mineralogy ( "Annotations of selected papers on the mechanics of igneous invasion with special reference to batholiths." Annual Report of the National Research Council, Division of Geology and Geography, 1934-35, Exhibit B of Appendix A, pp. 1-54. ) DUNCAN McCoNNELL, M.S., Teaching Assistant in Geology and Mineralogy "Spherulitic concretions of dahllite from Ishawooa, Wyoming." American Mineralogist, 20:693-98. October, 1935. "Changes in the frequencies of the variations of Cepaea nemoralis (Linne)." American Naturalist, 69:614-20. 1935. "'Petrified walnuts' vs. concretions." Science, 83 :161~62. February 14, 1936. t~ Abstracts in Revue de Geologie, Vol. 15. 1935. Nos. 478, 590; Vol. 16. 1936. No. 199.

GERMAN SAMUEL KROESCH, Ph.D., Professor of German and Chairman of the Depart­ ment of German t · Reviews of Karl Langosch, Die Sprache des Gottweiger Trojanerkrieges in Germanic Review, 10: • 210-11. July, 1935. George Kingsley Zipf, The Psycho-Biology of Languages in ibid., 11:145-46. April, 1936. Karl von Kraus, Walther von der Vogelweide, Untersuchungen in Books Abroad, 10: l 171. 1936. OscAR C. BuRKHARD, Ph.D., Professor of German Vier Kleine Lustspiele. With notes, exercises, and vocabulary. Chicago: D. C. Heath I and Company. 1935. 212 pages. Lesen Sie Deutsch! Elementary German reader. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1936. 187 pages.

I ]AMES \ DAVIES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German Reviews of Howard's Biography of Ethelbert Nevin in Minneapolis Tribune, October 6, 1935. Oscar Thompson, How To Ut~derstand Music in ibid., November 3, 1935. 'f Olga Samaroff, The Layman's Music Book in ibid., November 17, 1935. Henriette Weber, The Prize Song in ibid., December 29, 1935. David Ewen, The Man with the Baton in ibid., January 26, 1936. Paul Stefen, To.rcanini in ibid,, January 26, 1936. J. Walker McSpadden, Light Opera and Musical Comedy in ibid., March 8, 1936. Mary Cummings Eudy, Quarried Crystals and Other Poems in ibid., March 8, 1936. William McNally, The Roofs of Elm Street in ibid., April 5, 1936. ; 10 UNIVIfRSITY OF MINNESOTA

LYNWOOD G. DowNs, Ph.D., Instructor in German Heyse: L'Arrabbiata (Heath Visible Vocabulary German Series). New York: D. C. Heath and Company. 1936, 66 pages. Elementary German Science Reader. (Revised with notes.) Minneapolis: Perine Book Company, 1935. 120 mimeographed pages.

HISTORY LESTER B. SHIPPEE, Ph.D., Professor of History and Chairman of the De­ partment of History "Hiram Fairchild Stevens." Page 6!2 in Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. 17. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1935. "John Harrington Stevens." Pages 617·18 in ibid., Vol. 17. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. !935. "James Albertus Tawney." Pages 312-13 in ibid., Vol. 18. New York: Charles Scrib­ ner's Sons. 1936. "Charles Arnette Towne." Pages 6!2-13 in ibid., Vol. 18. New York: Charles Scrib­ ner's Sons. 19 3 6.

ALFRED L. BuRT, :M.A. (Oxon.), Professor of History "Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester: An estimate." Canadian Historical Association Report, pp. 76-87. 1935. €eviews of Allen French, The First Year of the American Revolution in Canadian Historical Review, 16:204-205. June, 1935. ' S. F. Bemis, The Diplomacy of the American Revolution in .ibid., 17:74-76. March, 1936.

HERBERT HEATON, M.A., M.Com., D.Litt., Professor of Economic History Economic History of Europe. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1936. xiv + 775 \ pages. Reviews of Earl J. Hamilton, American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501-1650 in Journal of Political Economy, 43:710-11. October, 1935. Daniel Houston Buchanan, The Development of Capitalistic Enterprise in India in ibid., 44:273-74. April, !936.

AuGUST C. KREY, Ph.D., Professor of History A City T!Jat Art Built. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. !936. 51 pages. "Preface" to Rolla M. Tryon, The Social Sciences as School Subjects, Part XI: Report of the Commission on the Social Studies, American Historical Association. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1935. "An experiment in local curriculum construction." Curriculum Journal, 7:8-11. 1936; Social Studies, 27:!69-72. 1936. "St. Patrick's Day." Minnesota Chats, Vol. 18, No. 9, p. 2. 1936. "Maintaining standards in secondary schools." Secondary Education, 5:67-70. 1936.

ALBERT B. WHITE, Ph.D., Professor of History Review of G. B. Adams, Constitutional History of England, revised by R. L. Schuyler, in American Historical Review, 40:773-74. July, 1935.

THEODORE C. BLEGEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History The Civil War Letters of Colonel Hans Christian Heg. Northfield: Norwegian-American Historical Association. 1936. 260 pages. The Modern Commonwealth of Minnesota: A Syllabus (with Lewis Beeson). Minne­ apolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 81 pages. i,


"Introduction." Pages v-ix in Esther Jerabek, A Bibliography of Minnesota Territorial I Documents. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society. 1936. "Ole Rynning." Dictionary of American Biography, 16:273-74. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1935. l "The Minnesota Historical Society in 1935." Minnesota History, 17:49-63. March, 1936. Reviews of Theodore Christianson, Minnesota, the Land of Sky-Tinted Waters in Minnesota History, 16:80-84. 1935. George M. Stephenson, John Lind of Minnesota in wid., 16:84-88. 1935. Editor, Minnesota History: A Quarterly Magazine, 1935-36.

LAWRENCE D. STEEFEL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History "The Rothschilds and the Austrian loan of 1865." Journal of Modern History, 8:27-39. r March, 1936. ) Reviews of C. W. Clark, Franz JosePh and Bismarck in Journwl of Modern History, 7:349-51. September, 1935. t H. Michaelis, Die auswartige Politik Preussens, 1858-1871, Band VIII, August 1866 ,, bis Mai 1867 in American Historical Review, 41:140-43. October, 1935. H. Friedjung, The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany, 1859-1866 in ibid., 41 :219. October, 1935. H. Rosenberg, Die national-politische P"btizistik Deutschlands vom Eintritt der neuen I A era in Preussen bt"s zum Ausbruch des deutschen Krieges: Eine kritische Biblio­ graphie in ibid., 41:540-42. April, 1936.

GEORGE M. STEPHENSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History t "Carl Aaron Swensson." Pages 243-44 in Dictiot~ary of American Biography, Vol. 18. ' New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1936. "William Widgery Thomas." Page 447 in ibid. "The John Lind papers." Minnesota History, 17:159-65. June, 1936. Reviews of Frederick Jackson Turner, The United States, 1830-1850: The Nation and Its Sections in Minnesota History, 16:325-27. September, 1935. ( The Schramm Letters, Written by Jacob Schramm and Members of His Family from Indiana to Germany in the Year 1836 in ibid., 17:79. March, 1936. W. S. Meyers and W. H. Newton, The Hoover Administration: A Documented Narra­ tive in Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 23:122-24. June, 1936. ERNEST S. OsGOOD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History I' Review of Documents of American History, pp. 450-51 in Henry Steele Comanger, editor, Minnesota History. December, 1935. ALICE F. TYLER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History Reviews of Thomas Frederick Woodley, Thaddetts Stevens in Mississippi Valley Historical Review, ( 22:305. September, 1935. Carl Brent Swisher, Roger B. Taney in Minnesota History, 17:76. March, 1936. Charles W. Smith, Jr., Roger B. Taney: Jacksonian Jurist in ibid., 17:76-78. March, 1936. Philip Auchampaugh, Robe.t Tyler, Southern Rights Champion, 1847-1866 in ibid., > 17:106. March, 1936. t DAviD H. WILLSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History Reviews of Acts of the Privy Council of England, 1625-1626. Issued by the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in Journal of Modern History, ( 7:327-28. September, 1935. ) I \ !


William Haller, editor, Tracts on Liberty in the Puritan Revolution, 1638-1647 in American Historical Review, 41:129-31. October, 1935.

ToM B. }ONEs, Ph.D., Instructor in History "Early man and his culture." Chapter I et passim in Clarence Perkins, Ancient History. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1936. "George Grote and his History of Greece." Classical Weekly, 29:59-61. December 16, 1935. "Plato and Leonardo da Vinci." Ibid., 29:152. March 30, 1936. Review of T. R. Glover, The Ancient World in Classical Weekly, 29:133-34. March 16, 1936.

LEWIS BEESON, B.A., Teaching Assistant in History The Modern Commonwealth of Minnesota: A Syllabus (with T. C. Blegen). Min­ neapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 81 pages.

EvADENE BuRRIS, M.A., Teaching Assistant in History ~I Review of Willard F. Dillman, A Human Life-Memories of a Pioneer in Minnesota History, 17:86-87. March, 1936. \ JOURNALISM \ RALPH D. CAsEY, Ph.D., Professor of Journalism and Chairman of the De­ partment of Journalism Reviews of Will Irwin, Propaganda and the News in American Political Science Review, 30:390-91. April, 1936. Benjamin C. Gruenberg, Science and the Public Mind in Journalism Quarterly, 12:424. December, 193 5. Heywood Broun, It Seems to Me: 1925-1935 in ibid., 13:109-10. March, 1936. William J. Perlman, The Movies on Trial in ibid., 13:114-15. March, 1936. Harwood L. Childs, editor, Propaganda and Dictatorship in ibid., 13:204-205. June, 1936. Leonard W. Dooh, Prnpaqanda in ibid., 13:204-205. June, 1936. Thomas F. Barnhart, Weekly Newspaper Management in Minneapolis Tribune, March 1, 1936. Editor, Journalism Quarterly, 1935-36. \ I THOMAS F. BARNHART, B.A., Associate Professor of Journalism Weekly Newspaper Management. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1936. 440 pages. "First treasurer's report revives association affairs of 1867 and 1868." M'innesota Press, Vol. 9, No. 10, p. 3. October, 1935. "Two paragraphs on 'reac;ly prints' add seasoning to 1883 convention." Ibid., Vol. 9, No. 11, p. 3. November, 1935. "Convention talk given 52 ago serves again as journalism lecture." Ibid., Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 10-11. December, 1935. "Way to improve newspaper." Scholastic Editor, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 4-5. February, 1936. \ "An examination of the budget percentage plan of advertising." Washington Newspaper, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1-2. March, 1936. Reviews of Thomas B. Stanley, A Mant

EDWIN H. FoRD, M.A., M.S., Assistant Professor of Journalism t "Ideas for newspaper features." Scholastic Editor, Vol. 15, No. 1, p. 13. September, 1935. "Do's and don't's of news-writing." Ibid., Vol. 15, No. 2, p. 9. November, 1935. "Colonial pamphleteers." Journali.., Quarterly, 13:24-36. March, 1936. "Through Europe on a bicycle." Quill, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 6, 15. May, 1936. Reviews of I Edward J. O'Brien, The Short St01'y Case Book in Journalism Quarterly, 12:326-27. i September, 1935. G.K.'s, A Miscellany of the First 500 Issues of G.K.'s Weekly in ibid., 12:425. Decem· her, 1935. ') Elmo S. Watson, A History of Newspaper Syndicates in the United States: 1865-1935 in the Publishers' Auxiliary in ibid., 12:425-26. December, 1935. Ellen Glasgow, Vein of Iron in Mitmeapolis Journal, September 22, 1935. I Thomas Mann, Young Joseph in ibid., October 27, 1935.

RALPH 0. NAFZIGER, B.S., M.A., Assistant Professor of Journalism "Willard G. Bleyer, 1875-1935.'' Journalism Quarterly, 12:374-78. December, 1935. "Oberlaender trust makes grants." Ibid., 12:427. December, 1935. "Press and communications: an annoted bibliography of journalistic subjects in Ameri· ( can magazines." Ibid., 12:282-99. September, 1935; 12:381-93. December, 1935; 13:72-85. March, 1936; 13:182-90. June, 1936. "A supplementary bibliography selected from British journals.'' Ibid., 12:300-305. September, 1935; 12:394-98. December, 1935; 13:85-90. March, 1936; 13:190-94. June, 1936. ( Reviews of J, Duane Squires, British Propaganda at Home and in the United States from 1914 to 1917 in Journalism Quarterly, 12:3. September, 1935. Douglas Miller, Practical Exercises in Newspaper Copyreading, Proofreading, and Makeup in ibid., 12:4. December, 1935. Adolph Dresler, Geschichte der Italienischen Presse in ibid., 13:1. March, 1936. Michael MacDonagh, In London During the Great War in ibid., 13:2. June, 1936. 14 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

FRED L. KILDOW, B.A., Instructor in Journalism A ManuaJ and Scorebook for Editors and Staffs of Student Magazines (with P. B. Nelson). Minneapolis: National Scholastic Press Association. 1936. 24 pages. A Manual and Scorebook for Editors and Staffs of College Newspapers. Minneapolis: National Scholastic Press Association. 1936. 24 pages. "N.S.P.A. grades '35 yearbooks." Scholastic Editor, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 11·18. Novem· her, 1935. "Get ready for all·American services!" Ibid., VoL 15, No. 5, p. 10. January, 1936. "N.S.P.A. presents keys, pins to 52 'oJd.timers'." Ibid., Vol. 15, No. 7, p. 6. March, 1936. "How does your paper stack up?" Ibid., Vol. 15, No. 8, p. 11. April, 1936. "Gradings of 1142 student newspapers are announced." Ibid., Vol. 15, No.9, pp. 12·17. May, 1936. N.S.P.A. helps. Periodical mimeographed leaflets of business and editorial ideas for school publications. Minneapolis: National Scholastic Press Association. \

MATHEMATICS RAYMOND W. BRINK, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Intermediate Algebra. New York: D. Appleton·Century Company. 1935. 268 pages. \ WILLIAM H. BusSEY, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean for the Junior College \ "Geometric constructions without the classical restnctwns to ruler and compasses." American Mathematical Monthly, 43:265·80. May, 1936. 'I KENNETH W. WEGNER, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics "The equivalence of pairs of hermitian matrices" (with M. H. Ingraham). Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 38:145·62. 1935.


DoNALD N. FERGUSON, M.A., Professor of Music Analytical and Descriptive Notes on the Compositions Performed by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Season 1935·1936. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. 1936. 64 pages. ' PHILOSOPHY

DAVID F. SwENSON, B.S., Professor of Philosophy "Dean Alfred Owre: The man." Minnesota Chats, 17:4. April 29, 1935.

GEORGE P. CoNGER, B.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy "Toward understanding India." Aryan Pathology, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 661·64. Novem. ber, 1935. "A spectrum of philosophies." Christian Century, 53 :597·98. 1936.

ALBUREY CASTELL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy A College Logic: An Introduction to the Study of Argument and Proof. New York: Macmillan Company. 1935. 392 pages. Readings in Philosophical Problems: An Introductory Source Book. Minneapolis: Uni. versity of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 184 pages. "I "What is the study of ethics?" Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1, 3. December, 1935. I t I


PHYSICS t HENRY A. ERIKSON, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Chairman of the De­ partment of Physics Elements of Mechanics (third edition fully revised). New York: McGraw-Hill Book f Company. June, 1936. 260 pages.

]OHN T. TATE, Ph.D., Professor of Physics "A mass spectrum analysis of the products of ionization by electron impact in nitrogen, acetylene, nitric oxide, cyanogen and carbon monoxide" (with P. T. Smith and A. L. Vaughan). Physica;l Review, 48:525-31. September 15, 1935. ( Editor Physical Review, 1935-36. t Phys-ics, 1935-36. , Reviews of Modern Physics, 1935-36. t ]. \NILLIAM BucHTA, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics ill Revie;.v of F. W. Watson, Sound in Review of Scientific Instruments, 7:166. April, 1936. t Assistant editor Physical Review, 1935-36. Physics, 1935-36. j Review of Modern Physics, 1935-36. JOSEPH VALASEK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics t "The influence of chemical combination on X-ray emission spectra." Physical Review, ' 48:473. 1935. EDWARD L. HILL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics "A note on the statistics of electron interaction." Physikalische Zeits-chrift dcr Sowjet- union, 7:447-51. April, 1935. "The virial theorem and the theory of fusion." Ibid., 8:401-406. October, 1935. ( "The theory of fusion." Physical Review, 49:406. March, 1936. "Recent work on the Compton effect." Review of Scientific Instruments, 7:225-28. June, 1936.

ALFRED 0. C. NIER, M.S. (E. E.), Teaching Fellow in Physics ) "Device to compensate for magnetic field fluctuations in a mass spectrograph." Review of Scientific Instruments, 6:254. 1935. "Evidence for the existence of a potassium isotope of mass 40." Physical Review~ 48: 283. 1935. "The ionization of hydrogen chloride under electron impact" (with E. E. Hanson). Ibid., 48:477. 1935. "Isotopic constitution of rubidium, zinc, and argon." Ibid.~ 49: 272. 1936. PHILIP T. SMITH, Ph.D., Assistant in Physics I "A mass spectrum analysis of the products of ionization by electron impact in nitrogen, acetylene, nitric oxide, cyanogen and carbon monoxide" (with J. T. Tate and ( A. L. Vaughan). Physical Review, 48:525-31. September 15, 1935. POLITICAL SCIENCE WILLIAM ANDERSON, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Chairman of the Department of Political Science Local Government and Finance in Minnesota. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 355 pages.


"Local government units: increases and decreases, 1932-35." Pages 129-34 in Municipal Year Book, 1936. Chicago: International City Managers' Association. 1936. Reviews of Thurman W. Arnold, The Symbols of Government in Minnesota Law Review 20: 328-30. February, 1936. ' R. S. Van de Woestyne, State Control uf Local Finance in Massachusetts in Amer­ ican Political Science Review, 30:377. April, 1936. Charles Seignobos, Etudes de Politique et d'Histoire in Annals of the American Acad­ emy of Political and Social Science, 181:195. September, 1935. H. F. Alderfer and others, Report of the Pennsylvania Local Government Survey in ibid., 185:221-22. May, 1936. Harrison L. Euler, County Unification in Kansas in Elementary School Journal, 36: 709-10. May, 1936. Esther Jerabek, Bibliography of Minnesota Territorial Documents in Minnesota His­ tory, 17:194-95. June, 1936.

HAROLD S. QUIGLEY, Ph.D., LL.D.; Professor of Political Science "Japan." Pages 88-90 in World Book Encyclopedia Annual. Chicago: \V. F. Quarrie and Company. 1936. "Japan's government and her international relations." China Weekly Review, 73:385. August 10, 1935. "The open door policy and peace in the Pacific." Southern Review, 1:745-52. Spring, 1936. "Feudalism reappears in Japan." Christian Science Monitor, Magazine Section, pp. \ 1-2. March 18, 1936. Reviews of Y. Takekoshi~ Prince Saionii im Pacific Affairs, 8:497-504. December, 1935. F. Yukichi, The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi in ibid., 8:497-504. December, 1935. Grover Clark, The Great Wall Crumbles in American Journal of International Law, 29:708-709. October, 1935. W. W. Willoughby, The Sino-Japanese Controversy and the League of Nations in ibid., 30:174-75. January, 1936. Mary A. Nourse, The Four Hundred Million in American Political Science Review, 29:711. August, 1935. John G. Reid, The Manchu Abdication and the Powers in ibid., 30:406. April, 1936. The China Year Book, 1935 in ibid., 30:414. April, 1936. A. H. Feller, The Mexican Claims Commission, 1923-1934 in Minnesota Law Review, 20:705-706. May, 1936. \

LLOYD M. SHORT, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Review of John M. -Pfiffner, Public Administration in Minnesota Law Review, 20: 701-702. May, 1936. \

LENNOX A. MILLS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science 'I Reviews of I Ian Colvin, Carson, the Statesman in American Political Science Review, 29:702-703. August, 1935. W. G. K. Duncan, Trends in Australian Politics in ibid., 29:1084. December, 1935. ~fargery Perham and Lionel Curtis, The Protectorates of South Africa in ibid., 29: 1084-1085. December, 1935. Walter H. Ritsher, Criteria of Capacity for Independence in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 180:235. July, 1935. A. Berriedale Keith, Letters on Imperial Relations, Indian Reform, Constitutional and International Law, 1916-1935 in ibid., 183 :295·96. January, 1936. Leonard W. Labaree, Royal Instructions to British Colonial Governors 1670-1776 in ibid., 185:228-29. May, 1936. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 17

A. Berriedale Keith, The Governments of the British Empire in ibid., !85 :230. May, , 1936. JosEPH R. STARR, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science "Labor and farmer groups and the three-party system." Southwestern Social Science t Quarterly, 17:7-19. June, 1936. :; Reviews of Marion V. Higgins, Canadian Go·vernment Publications: A Manual for Librarians in American Political Science Review, 29:703. August, '!935. A. Berriedale Keith, Letters on Imperial Relations, Indian Reform, Con.Nitutional and International Law in ibid., 29:912. October, !935.

AsHER N. CHRISTENSEN, B.A., Instructor in Political Science The American Citizen and His Government. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 5 pages.

I PSYCHOLOGY ) RICHARD M. ELLIOTT, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Chairman of the Department of Psychology I Editor, The Century Psychology Series. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. ) Myrtle B. McGraw, Growth: A Study of Johnny and Jimmy. 1935. I CHARLES BIRD, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology "Techniques of learning." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1-3. April, 1936. ~ DoNALD G. PATERSON, M.A., Professor of Psychology Student Personnel Procedures and Techniques Used by Faculty Counselors at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota (with Gwendolen Schneidler and E. G. Williamson). Min­ neapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. !OS pages. ( "Guidance and adjustment." Journal of Adult Education, 7:326. 1935. "The forty-third annual meeting of the American Psychological Association" (report of the secretary). Psychological Bulletin, 32:637-73. 1935. "Studies of Typographical Factors Influencing Speed of Reading: "XI. Role of set in typographical studies" (with M. A. Tinker). Journal of Applied Psychology, 19:647-51. 1935. ) "XII. Printing surface" (with M. A. Tinker). Ibid., 20:128-31. 1936. "XIII. Methodological considerations" (with M. A. Tinker). Ibid., 20:132-45. 1936. HThe forty-third annual meeting of the American Psychological Association." American Journal of Psychology, 48:172-74. 1936. "Growth of vocabulary in later maturity" (with A. Christian). Journal of Psychology, I :167-69. 1936. "Revising test items to increase validity'' (with Evelyn Raskin and Gwendolen ( Schneidler). Ibid., 2:221-28. 1936. Reviews of Ruth Strang, The Role of the Teacher in Personnel Work in Journal of Higher Edu­ cation, 6:501. December, 1935. i T. Weisenburg, A. Roe, and K. McBride, Adult Intelligence in Journal of Adult Edu­ f cation, 7:192. February, 1936. MILES A. TINKER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology "Hygienic lighting intensities." Journal of IndustriO!I Hygiene, 17:258-62. 1935. "Illumination intensities for reading." American Journal of Ophthalmology, 18:1036-39. ( 1935; Sight Saving Review, 6:14-19. 1936. r 18 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Studies in scientific typography for children." Psychological Bwlletin, 32:703-704. 1935. "Eye movement, perception, and legibility in reading." Ibid., 33:275-90. 1936. "Studies of Typographical Factors Influencing Speed of Reading: "XI. Role of set in typographical studies" (with D. G. Paterson). Journal of Applied Psychology, 19:647-51. 1935. "XII. Printing surface" (with D. G. Paterson). Ibid., 20:128-31. 1936. "XIII. Methodological considerations" (with D. G. Paterson). Ibid., 20:132-45. 1936. . "Hygienic illumination." American Interne, 1:9-12. 1936. Reviews of H. S. Tuttle, A Social Basis of Education in American J01trnal of Psychology, 47: 371·72. April, 1935. G. K. Zip£, The Psycho-Biology of Language in ibid., 48:192. January, 1936. G. T. Buswell, Ho

STARKE R. HATHAWAY, Ph.D., Lecturer in Psychology "An action potential study of neuromuscular relations." Journal of Experimental P•ychology, 18:285-98. 1935. "The time relations of the events in quick voluntary movements" (with E. D. Sisson). Ibid., 19:519-23. 1936. "Modification of the electromyogram of the simple reaction by cerebellar lesions" (with J. C. McKinley). Proceedings of the Society for ExPerimental Biology and Medicine, 34:783-87. 1936. ' HoWARD P. LoNGSTAFF, Ph.D., Lecturer in Psychology "Effectiveness of children's radio programs." Journal of Applied Psychology, 20:208-20. April, 1936. "Preliminary results of a study of mothers' opinions of children's radio programs." Ibid., 20:416-19. June, 1936. "Are programs for children worthwhile?" Broadcasting, 10:13. April, 1936. "Psychology of selling." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1, 4. April, 1936.

KENNETH H. BAKER, Ph.D., Instructor in Psychology A Student's Guide for Beginning the Study of Psychology (with W. L. Valentine, J. H. Taylor, and F. N. Stanton). New York: Prentice-Hall. 1935. 267 pages. "Questions for review" at the end of each of thirty-two chapters of F. C. Dockeray, General Psychology. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1935.

ELIZABETH A. GRAVES, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Psychology "The reliability of the Columbia Obstruction Apparatus." Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2! :137-43. April, 1936.

,, t\ I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 19 "The effect of sleep on retention." JournaJ of Experimental Psychology, 19:316·22. f June, 1936. t RoBERT R. HARRIS, B.S., Teaching Assistant in Psychology "Voluntary activity of the rat after destruction of the adrenal medulla" (with D. J. 1 Ingle). American JournaJ of Physiology, 114:657·60. February, !936.

DwiGHT ]. INGLE, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Psychology "Voluntary activity of the rat after destruction of the adrenal medulla" (with R. R. Harris). American Journal of Physiology, 114:657-60. February, 1936.

WALTER ]. McNAMARA, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Psychology "Construction and scoring of the continuity or rearrangement test." School Review, Vol. 44, No. I, pp. 50-57. 1936.

EvELYN RAsKIN, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Psychology "Comparison of scientific and literary ability: biographical study of eminent scientists ! and men of letters of the nineteenth century." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 31:20-35. 1936. I "Revising test items to increase validity" (with D. G. Paterson and Gwendolen J Schneidler). Journal of Psychology, 2:221-28. 1936. GWENDOLEN ScHNEIDLER, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Psychology Community Agency RelationshiPs of the Adjustment Service (with L. S. Hawkins and f H. A. White). American Association for Adult Education, Adjustment Service Series Report VII. I 93 5. 80 pages. Student Personnel Procedures and Techniques Used by Faculty Counselors at the Uni· versify of Minnesota (with D. G. Paterson and E. G. Williamson). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 105 pages. "Revising test items to increase validity" (with D. G. Paterson and Evelyn Raskin). I Journal of Psychology, 2:22!-28. !936. E. DoNALD SissoN, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Psychology "The time relations of the events in quick voluntary movements" (with S. R. Hatha· ) way). Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19:519-23. 1936. ROMANCE LANGUAGES FRANCIS B. BARTON, Docteur de l'Universite de Paris, Professor of Romance Languages and Chairman of the Department of Romance Languages HarPer's French Anthology (revised edition) (with E. H. Sirich). New York: Harper and Brothers. 1935. 528 pages. Review of Raymond T. Hill and Horatio Smith, Advanced French Composition in Modern Lang,.age Journal, 20:250. January, 1936.

CoLBERT SEARLES, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages The presidential address: "Words." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 50:1320-27. 1935.

EDWARD H. SIRICH, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages Harper's French Anthology (revised edition) (with F. B. Barton). New York: Harper and Brothers. 1935. 528 pages. r-~ I t 20 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

RAYMOND L. GRISMER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Languages Reviews of Doris K. Arjona and Edith Fishtine, Cuentos contemponineos in Modern Language Journal, 20:120-21. November, 1935, Glenn Barr and Harry J, Russell, Selections from Armando Palacio Valdes in ibid., 20:191-92. December, 1935. Translation (with J. Riis Owre) of Juan Bustillo Oro, Those Who Return (Los que vuelven) for presentation on stage. 1935. 85 manuscript pages. EMILIO C. LEFORT, M.S., Ph.D., Instructor in Spanish Four sonnets (in Spanish). Panoramas, Vol. 4. Malaga, Spain. 1935.

SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES ANDREW A. STOMBERG, Litt.D., Professor of Scandinavian Languages and Chairman of the Department of Scandinavian Languages Vocabulary and notes for Selma Lagerlof's, Nils Holgersons underbara resa (with Alice M. Johnson and Mrs. Ruth W. Peterson). 1935. 114 mimeographed pages.

SOCIOLOGY F. STUART CHAPIN, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Chairman of the Depart­ ment of Sociology, and Director of the Graduate Course in Social Work "The social group in education" (with Margaret I. Conway). Chapter V, pages 57-80 'I in The Grouping of Pupils, Thirty-fifth Yearbook, Part I of the National Society for the Study of Education. Bloomington, Ill.: Public School Publishing Com­ pany. 1936. "Some by-products of the mass relief program affecting social work as a profession." Proceedings of the Forty-third Annual Session of the Minnesota State Conference of Social Work, pp. 72-77. 1936. "Social theory and social action." American Sociological Review, 1:1-11. February, '' 1936. Reviews of Eric T. Bell, The Search for Truth in Journal of the American Statisticwl Association, 30:631-32. September, 1935. Harry E. Barnes, The History of Western Civilizatio11 in Nation, 141:359-60. Septem- ber 25, 1935. Editor, HarPer's Social Science Series, 1935-36. Advisory editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1935-36. Contributing editor Journal of Child Det•eloPment, 1935-36. Journal of Educational Sociology, 1935-36, Rural Sociology, 1936. Co-operating editor, Sociology and Social Research, 1935-36. CLIFFORD KIRKPATRICK, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology "Attitude measurement and the comparison of generations" (with Sarah Stone). Journwl of Applied Psychology, 19: 564-82. October, 1935. "Assumptions and mt;thods in attitude measurements." American Sociological Review, 1:75-88. February, 1936. "An experimental study of the modification of social attitudes." American Journal of Sociology, 41 :649-56. March, 1936. "Student attitudes toward marriage and sex." Journal of Educational Sociology, 9: 545-55. May, 1936. Reviews of Willystine Goodsell, A History of Marriage and the Family in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 180:247. July, 1935. \ I f # PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 21 t W. B. Wolfe, A Woman's Best Years in ibid., 180:247. July, 1935. E. L. Thorndike, Adult Interests in ibid., 182:226-27. November, 1935. , L. Levy-Bruhl, Primitives and the Supernatural in ibid., 184:243-44. March, !936. J, H. MacLatchy, editor, Education on the Air: Fifth Yearbook of the Institute for Education by Radio in American Journal of Sociology, 41:408-409. November, 1935. t Levering Tyson, editor, Radio and Education 1934 in ibid., 41:548-49, January, 1936. Hadley Cantril and Gordon W. Allport, The Psychology of Radio in ibid., 41:816-17. May, 1936. > }AMES W. WooDARD, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Social Theory Intellectual Realism and Culture Change. Hanover, N. H.: Sociological Press. 1935. 198 pages. I "A new classification of culture and a restatement of the culture lag theory." Amer­ ican Sociological Review, I :89-102. February, 1936. t Various typewritten and mimeographed course materials, outlines, bibliographies, and detailed treatments. 1935-36.

ANNE F. FENLASON, M.A., Associate Professor of Sociology "A study of the content in social case work" (with Alice M. L~ahy). Journal of I Social Forces, 14:538-47. May, 1936. \ "The confidential nature of social case records in public relief agencies" (with Elsa Castendyck). Family, 21:308-10. January, 1936. Review of Pauline V. Young, Interviewing in Social Work Techniques, 2:65-66. March­ April, 1936. r GERTRUDE VAILE, M.A., Associate Professor of Sociology and Associate Director of the Graduate Course in Social Work Review of Nora Miller, The Girl in the Rural Family in Social Service Review, 2:368-70. June, 1936.

GEORGE B. VoLD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology "Prediction methods applied to problems of classification within institutions." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 26:202-209. July, 1935. Reviews of Edward L. Thorndike and others, Prediction of Vocational Success in American Journal of Sociology, 41:125. July, 1935. Belle B. Beard, Juvenile Probation in ibid., 41:134. July, 1935.

ELIZABETH GARDINER, M.A., Assistant Professor of Sociology Convalescent Care in Great Britain. Social Service Monograph No. 34. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1935. 175 pages. "After the hospital, what?" Modern Hospital, 47:73-74. 1936. "l\fedical social work education at the University of Minnesota." Bulletin of the American Association of Medical Social Workers, '.'ol. 9, No. 3, pp. 39-41. May, 1936.

Euo D. MoNACHESI, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology "The Italian surveillance judge." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 26:811- 20. March, 1936. "Recent trends in criminological research in Italy." American Sociological Review, I :396-406. June, 1936. ) CALVIN F. ScHMID, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology Census Tract Street Index for Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis: Minneapolis , Council of Social Agencies. 1936. 54 pages. I 22 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Some facts about homicide in Minneapolis." Minneapolis Star. February 26, 1936. "The crime record of Minneapolis for 1935." Ibid. March 6, 1936.

ELsA CASTENDYCK, B.A., Lecturer in Sociology "The confidential nature of social case records in public relief agencies" (with Anne F. Fenlason), The Family, 21 :308·10. January, 1936.

ALicE M. LEAHY, M.A., Lecturer in Sociology "A study of the content in social case work" (with Anne F. Fenlason). Journal of Social Forces, 14:538-47. May, 1936.

SARAH STONE, M.A., Instructor in Sociology "Attitude measurement and the comparison of generations" (with C. Kirkpatrick). Journal of Applied Psychology, 19:564-82. October, 1935.

MARGARET I. CoNWAY, M.A., Assistant in Sociology "The social group in education" (with F. S. Chapin). Chapter V, pages 57-80 in The Grouping of Pupils. Thirty-fifth Yearbook, Part I of the National Society for the Study of Education. Bloomington, Ill.: Public School Publishing Com­ pany. 1936. SPEECH BRYNG BRYNGELSON", Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Speech and Director of the Speech Clinic "Now we laugh with stutterers." Everybody's Health, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 2-5. August, 1935. "Sidedness as an etiological factor in stuttering." Journal of Genetic Psychology, 47: 204-17. September, 1935. "A method of stuttering." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 30:194-98. July-September, 1935. "Speech problems and speech care." Hygeia, 13:888-90. October, 1935. "Speed and accuracy of clockwise and counter-clockwise movements (with C. Van Riper). Journal of Psychology, 1:247-53. March, 1936.

A. DALE RILEY, M.A., Assistant Professor of Speech and Director of the University Theater "The place of the theater in the university." Players Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 4. January-February, 1936. "The place of the University Theater in the community." Centre Aisle, February, 1936.

ALBERT M. FuLTON, Ph.M., Instructor in Speech \ \ A Fundamenta~s of Speech Work-Book (with Melba F. Hurd). New York: Macmillan Company. 1935. 226 pages. Practical Speech Making: I. Extempore Speaking. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 25 pages. Practical Speech Maki>tg: II. Business Speaking. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 25 pages. Practical Speech Making: III. Impromptu and After Dinner Speaking. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 25 pages. Mimeographed attitude tests for class use. 25 pages. Mimeographed personality rating scale for class use. 2 pages.

CATHARINE]. HuLL, M.A., Instructor in Speech \ "A study of laterality test items." Journal of Experimental Education, 4:287-90. March, 1936. t I t t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 23 1 MELBA F. HuRD, M.A., Instructor m Speech A Fundamentals of Speech Work-Book (with A. M. Fulton). New York: Macmillan Company. 1935. 226 pages. Vocabulary Building I. 30 lessons. University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 53 pages. ( Vocabulary Building II. 30 lessons. University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. !936. 50 pages. Reviews of Storm Jameson, In the Second Year in Minneapolis Journal, April 5, 1936. G. B. Stern, Monogram in ibid., May 10, 1936.

FRANKLIN H. KNOWER, Ph.D., Instructor in Speech "Graduate theses-an index of graduate work in the field of speech." Speech Mono­ graphs, 2:1-49. 1935. "Experimental studies of changes in attitudes-!." Journal of Social Psychology, 6:315-47. 1935. "Experimental studies of changes in attitudes-H." J01tory Directions for Physiology. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeo­ graph Department. 1936. 50 pages. "The responses of caterpillars to sounds." Journal of Experimental Zoology, 72:439-53. 1936. r ADOLPH R. RINGOEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology Embryology Laboratory Directions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeo- graph Department. 1936. 43 pages. "Seasonal sexual activity and its experimental modification in the male sparrow, Passer domesticus Linnaeus" (with A. Kirschbaum). Anatomical Record, 64:453-73. 1936.

RALPH W. DAWSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology "Technique for the dissection of Serica." Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 43:341-43. September, 1935. ) SAMUEL EDDY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology "Why and where of Minnesota fish." Minnesota Conservationist, 32:10-11, 21. Janu­ ary, 1936. I' 24 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

CLARENCE P. OLIVER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology "The relation of induced infertility to the genetic effects induced in Drosophila males." \ American Naturalist, 70:58. 1936.

REED 0. CHRISTENSON, Ph.D., Instructor m Zoology "Remarques sur les differences qui existent entre les oeufs de Cap>IIaria ai!rophila et de Trichuris vulpis parasites de renard (translated by Maurice Langeron). Annates de Parasitologic, 23 :318·21. 1935. \ "Studies on the morphology of the common fox lungworm, Capillaria ai!rophila (Creplin, 1839)." Transaction of the American Microscopical Society, 54:145-54. April, 1935. "The danger of nationwide amoebiasis." Journal-Lancet, 55:407·11. July, 1935. Abstracts of L. Wieden, Der Nerz und seine Zucht. Anhang von L. Freund, Ueber den Bau des Ner::es in Bio~ogical Abstracts, Vol. 8, No. 9. 1934. N. Hamilton Fairley and R. J. Bromfield, Laboratory Studies in Malaria and Black· water Fever. 1. Malaria in ibid., Vol. 10, No. I. 1936.

H. BuRR STEINBACH, Ph.D., Instructor in Zoology "Diffusion potentials in scallop muscles." Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, 7:271·89. December, 1935. "Diffusion potentials in colloidal systems." Ibid., 7:291-99. December, 1935. \

]OHN P. TuRNER, Ph.D., Instructor in Zoology Abstract of I. Froilano de Mello, J. I. Carvalho, and Pundolica Gaitondo, Cytological Studies on Nyctotherus Ova/is with Special Reference to Its Morphological Types in Biological Abstracts, Vol. 9, No. 7. 1935.


ADMINISTRATION SAMUEL C. LIND, Ph.D., D.Sc., Dean of the Institute of Technology and Professor of Physical Chemistry "Radium and radioactivity." Pages 9-11 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific Trails. Minneapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. "Some new and artificial chemical elements." Pages 12·14 in ibid. "Adsorption of radon by glass" (with R. S. Livingston). Journal of Physical Chem· istry, 40:419-20. March, 1936. "Exchange reactions of iodine by the methods of radioactive indicators" (with D. E. Hull and C. H. Schiflett). Journal of the American ChemicaJ Society, 58:535. March, 1936. "Radiochemical synthesis and decomposition of hydrogen bromide" (with R. S. Living. ston). Ibid., 58:612-17. April, 1936. Reviews of Harvey Brace Lemon, From Galileo to Cosmic Rays in Journal of Physical Chemistry, 39 :920·21. June, 1935. K. Memmler, The Science of Rubber in ibid., 39:921. June, 1935. Robert A. Millikan, Electrons ( + and - ), Protons, Neutrons and Cosmic Rays in ibid., 40 :289·90. February, 1936. Herm~n T. Broscoe, Structure and Properties of Matter in ibid., 40:424. March, 1936. •}

r PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 25 1 CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARcHITECTURE r ADMINISTRATION ORA M. LELAND, B.S., C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering and Archi­ tecture "Results of the letter ballot on engineering degrees." l ournal of Engineering Educa· { tion, 26:607-13. April, 1936. "Engineering degrees and the Engineers' Council for Professional Development." Pro­ ceedings of the Forty-ninth Annual Convention of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., November, 1935, pp. 237-38. 1936. 1 "Report of the Committee on Engineering Experiment Stations." Proceedings of the Forty-ninth Annual Convention of the Association of Land-Grant Co/leges and t Universities, Washington, D.C., November, 1935, pp. 238-44. 1936; Engineering t Experiment Station Record, Series 16, No. I, pp. 7-12. January, 1936. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING l JoHN D. AKERMAN, B.S.(Aero.E.), Professor of Aeronautical Engineering and Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering ) Problems in Airplane Structural Analysis (with H. W. Barlow and H. W. Salisbury). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Printing Department. !936. 232 mimeo­ I graphed and blueprinted pages. :I Polar Diagrams for the Solution of Axially Loaded Beams (with B. C. Stephens). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Printing Department. 1936. 128 blue­ printed pages.

HowARD W. BARLOW, M.S. (Aero.E.), Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering

Aircraft and Automobile Engines (laboratory manual and comprehensive review ques­ tions). Minneapolis: U;,iversity of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 36 pages. ComPrehensive Review Questions on Meteorology. Minneapolis: University of Min­ ) nesota Mimeograph Department. !936. 17 pages. Problems in Airplane Structural Analysis (with ]. D. Akerman and H. W. Salisbury). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Printing Department. 1936. 232 mimeo­ graphed and blueprinted pages.

]EAN PrccARD, Ch.Eng., D.Sc., Lecturer in Aeronautical Engineering r Tra~slation of A. Einstein, Physics and Reality in Journal of the Franklin Institute, 221:349-82. March, 1936. "Why do we go to the stratosphere?" Minnesota Techno-Log, 16:165-67. May, 1936. Mimeographed questionnaire for student use based on lecture in Problems of the r Stratosphere. IVIinneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. I 1936. 15 pages. HENRY W. SALISBURY, M.S. (Aero.E.), Instructor m Aeronautical Engi­ I neering Problems in Airplane Structural Analysis (with ]. D. Akerman and H. W. Barlow). ) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Printing Department. !936, 232 mimeo- I graphed and blueprinted pages. r I 26 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ARCHITECTURE RoBERT T. }ONEs, B.S., Professor of Architecture \ Editor, The Home Builders' Clinic, a syndicated release to newspapers. 1935-36.

Roy C. }ONES, M.Arch., Professor of Architecture Report to the American Institute of Architects on the "Present tendencies in archi· tectural training." New York Herald Tribune, March 8, 1936; Washington Post, March 8, 1936; MinneaPolis Journal, March 8, 1936; New York Times, March 11, 1936. CIVIL ENGINEERING FREDERIC BAss, B.S., Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering "Equitable zoning and assessments for city planning projects." Report of Committee. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 62:207-12. February, 1936. -'Seven years study back of Twin Cities sewage disposal plan." Engineering I\lews­ Record, 116:527-30. April, 1936.

FRED C. LANG, C.E., Professor of Highway Engineering "Soils and subgrades." Pages 16-23 in Digest of the Proceedings of the 1935 Montana Conference on Modern Bituminous Practice. Helena: Montana State Highway \ Commission. 1935. "Practical application of road soil science in construction of flexible road surfaces." Pages 120-30 in "A Symposium on Research Features of F1exible-Type Bituminous Roads." Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Part II. 1935. "Making better roads with sand and clay." Contractors and Engineers Monthly, 32:8. April, 1936. Discussions of ' E. F. Kelley, Needed Research on Asphaltic Road Materials in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Anntwl Meeting of the Highway Research Board, 15:266. 1935. John S. \Vorley, The Road in Symposium 011 the Place of Materials in Automobile Roads and Rides, p. 32. Philadelphia: American Society of Testing Materials. 1935.

JonN I. PARCEL, B.A., B.S.(C.E.), Professor of Structural Engineering A Treatise on Statically Indeterminate Stresses (second edition). (with G. A. Maney). New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1936. 375 pages. Biographical sketches (800 words each) in Dumas Malone, editol-, American Dictiona•·y of Biography. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1936. "Effect of secondary stress upon ultimate strength" (with E. B. Murer). Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, VoL 60, Pt. 1, No. 9, pp. 1251-88. November, 1934.

DRAWING AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY RoBERT W. FRENCH, B.S.(C.E.), Professor of Drawing and Descriptive Geometry Notes on Theory and Use of Engineer's Slide RuJe. Minneapolis: University of Min­ nesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 45 pages.

ALEX S. LEVENS, C.E., Assistant Professor of Drawing and Descriptive Geometry Mimeographed class notes on alignment charts. 1935-36. 50 mimeographed pages. ' •I

( PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 27 l ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WILLIAM T. RYAN, E.E., Professor of Electric Power Engineering ( "Government electric power steps in." Minnesota Techno-Log, 16:110-12. l\farch, 1936. HENRY E. HARTIG, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication Engi­ neering Abstract of Performance Characteristics of Electrical Hearing Aids for the Deaf (with H. Newhart). Journal-Lancet, 56:393. June, 1936; Archives of Otolaryngology, 23:617-32. June, 1936.

CLEDO BRUNETTI, B.E.E., Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering I "Operational solution of electric circuits." Electrical Engineering, 55:158-64. Febru­ , ary, 1936. , MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS LORENZ G. STRAUB, Ph.D., C.E., Professor of Hydraulics f "Silt investigations in the Missouri River." Pages 1032-1245 in House Document No. 238, 73d Congress, 2d Session. Washington, D.C.: United States Government t Printing Office. 193 5. "Report of the chairman of the Committee on Dynamics of Streams." Transactions ) of the American Geophysical Union, National Research Council, pp. 443-51. 1935. "Some observations of sorting of river-sediments." Ibid., pp, 463-67. 1935. "Transportation of sediment in suspension." Civil Engineering, 6:321-23. May, 1936. Editor, Papers on stream dynamics presented at meetings of the American Geophysical t Union. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 193 5. Contributing editor, Bulletin of the Minnesota Federation of Architectural and Engi­ neering Societies. 1935-36.

RoDERICK W. SILER, B.S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics "Coonskin coats and coliege statistics." Minnesota Techno-Log, 16:31. November, 1935. "The longest way home." Ibid., 16:49. December, 1935. "When firemen were volunteers." Ibid., 16:118-24. March, 1936.

E. NEIL SHAWHAN, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics and Mechanics

"Band spectrum of Pb2 in absorption and emission." Physical Review, 48:343-46. August 15, 1935. r "Absorption spectrum of tin sulphide." Ibid., 48:521-24. September 15, 1935. "Rotational constants of SnS." Ibid., 49:810-12. June I, 1936.

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FRANK B. RoWLEY, B.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Experimental Engineering Laboratories "Thermal properties of concrete construction" (with A. B. Algren and C. Carlson). Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 8, No. I, pp. 53-64. January, 1936. Discussions of F. B. Rowley, Heat Conductivity of Wood at Climatic Temperature Differences in Transactions of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 39:356. 1933. ! F. B. Rowley, Insulating Value of Bright Metallic Surfaces in ibid., 40:426. 1934. G. L. Tuve, C. A. McKeeman, Heat Transfer from Direct and Extended Surfaces with Forced Air Circulation in ibid., 40:442. 1934. A. P. Kratz, M. K. Fahnestock, E. L. Broderick, Factors Affecting the Heat Output ? of Convectm·s in ibid., 40:460. 1934. r t 28 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

]OHN V. MARTENIS, M.E., Associate Professor of Machine Design "Prospects." Condenser of Pi Tau Sigma, 10:1·2. March, 1936.

BURTON ]. RoBERTSON, E.E., Associate Professor of Internal Combustion Engines Motor Oils for Winter Use. University of Minnesota Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 11. 1936. 28 pages.

AxEL B. ALGREN, M.S., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Assistant Director of Experimental Engineering Laboratories "Thermal properties of concrete construction" (with F. B. Rowley and C. Carlson). Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 53-64. January, 1936.

]AMES J. RYAN, M.E., Assistant Professor of Machine Design "Polariscope pictures stresses." Minnesota Techno-Log, 16:3-5. October, 1935. "Success or failure." Condenser of Pi Tau Sigma, 10:7·8. March, 1936.

FULTON HoLTBY, M.E., Instructor in Foundry Practice Mimeographed data on iron ores for class use. 1935-36. 1 page. Mimeographed laboratory instruction sheets. 1935-36. 18 pages. \ THOMAS P. HUGHES, M.S., Instructor in Forging Blueprint lesson sheets on oxyacetylene welding for engineering students. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Printing Department. 1935. 12 sheets. \ THE ScHooL oF CHEMISTRY ' ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY IZAAK M. KOLTHOFF, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Chief of the Division of Analytical Chemistry Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (with E. B. Sandell). New York: Mac­ millan Company. 1936. 749 pages. "Catalytic and induced reactions in microchemistry" (with R. S. Livingston). In­ dustrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:209-14. 1935. "A modified persulfate-arsenite method for manganese with special reference to steel analysis" (with E. B. Sandell and J. J, Lingane). Ibid., 7:256-59. 1935. "The oxidation potential of the system potassium ferrocyanide-potassium ferricyanide at various ionic strengths" (with W. J, Tomsicek). Journal of Physical Chem­ istry, 39:945-55. 1935. "The fourth ionization constant of ferrocyanic acid" (with W. J, Tomsicek). Ibid., 39:955-59. 1935. "The oxidation potential of the system potassium molybdocyanide-potassium molybdi­ cyanide, and the effect of neutral salts on the potential" (with W. J. Tomsicek). Ibid., 40:247-56. 1936. "Mixed crystal formation of zinc sulfide postprecipitated with mercuric sulfide. The aging of mercuric sulfide and of zinc sulfide" (with R. Moltzau). Ibid., 40: 637-43. 1936. "Potassium thiocyanate as a primary standard substance" (with J. J. Lingane). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2126-32. 1935. \ "The accuracy of th·e titration of thiocyanate with mercuric mercury" (with J, J. ·., Lingane). Ibid., 57:2377-80. 1935. i 'I I I ( PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 29

Structural Changes Taking Place During the Aging of Freshly Formed Precipitates: t "V. The thermal aging of freshly prepared lead sulfate" (with C. Rosenblum). Journal of the Americ

LANDON A. SARVER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry "Chemical warfare and its relation to peace-time industry." Pages 30-33 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific Trails. Minneapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 193 5. "Oxidation-reduction indicators. I. Diphenylbenzidine sulfonic acid" (with \V. von Fischer). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:271. 1935. "Chemical industry, war, and disarmament." Chemical Warfare Bulletin, 21:101-104. 1935. "A simple colorimetric analysis for laboratory instruction." Journal of Chemical Edu· cation, 13:242. !936.

ERNEST B. SANDELL, Ph.D., Instructor in Analytical Chemistry Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (with I. M. Kalthoff). New York: Mac· millan Company. 1936. 749 pages. Potable Water Analysis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Depart­ ment. 1936. IS pages. l "A modified persulfate-arsenite method of manganese with special reference to steel , analysis" (with I. M. Kalthoff and J. ]. Lingane). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:256-59. 1935. t ]AMES ]. LINGANE, B.Ch., Assistant in Analytical Chemistry "A modified persulfate-arsenite method of manganese with special reference to steel analysis" (with I. M. Kalthoff and E. B. Sandell). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:256-59. 1935. ; HPotassium thiocyanate as a primary standard substance" (with I. M. Kalthoff). t Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2126-32. 1935. f f 30 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"The accuracy of the titration of thiocyanate with mercuric mercury" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Jounwl of the American Chemical Society, 57:2377-80. 1935. CHARLES RosENBLUM, Ph.D., Research Assistant in Analytical Chemistry Structural Changes Taking Place During the Aging of Freshly Formed Precipitates: "V. The thermal aging of freshly prepared lead sulfate" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2573-77. 1935. "VI. The perfection and aging of lead sulfate precipitated under various con­ ditions" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Ibid., 57:2577-79. 1935. "VII. The kinetics of the distribution of thorium B through fresh lead sulfate" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Ibid., 58:116-21. 1936. "VIII. Influence of agitation upon the aging and the speed of distribution of thorium B" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Ibid., 58:121-23. 1936. WILLIAM M. MAcNEviN, Ph.D., Assistant in Analytical Chemistry Structural Changes Taking Place During the Aging of Freshly Formed Precipitates: "IX. The mechanism of the adsorption of lead on aged barium sulfate" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:499-505. 1936. "X. The distribution coefficient of lead between barium sulfate and solution" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Ibid., 58:725-29. 1936. ROMAND MoLTZAU, Ph.D., Assistant in Analytical Chemistry "Mixed crystal formation of zinc sulfide postprecipitated with mercuric sulfide. The aging of mercuric sulfide and of zinc suUide'" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Journal of \ Physical Chemi$try, 40:637-43. May, 1936. BENJAMIN MosKOVITZ, B.A., Assistant in Analytical Chemistry "The constitution of B iron oxide monohydrate" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Jounzal of the American Chemical Society, 58:777-80. 1936.

WILLIAM ]. ToMSICEK, Ph.D., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry "The oxidation potential of the system potassium ferrocyanide-potassium ferricyanide at various ionic strengths" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Journal of Physical Chemistry, 39:945-55. 1935. "The fourth ionization constant of ferrocyanic acid" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Ibid., 39:955-59. 1935. "The oxidation potential of the system potassium molybdocyanide-potassium molybrli­ cyanide, and the effect of neutral salts on the potential" (with I. M. Kolthoff). Ibid., 40:247-56. 1936. WILLIAM voN FISCHER, M.S., Teaching Assistant in Analytical Chemistry "Oxidation-reduction indicators. I. Diphenylbenzidine sulfonic acid" (with L. A. Sarver). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:271. 1935.

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHARLES A. MANN, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chief of the Division of Chemical Engineering "The smoke problem and some of its remedies." Minnesota Chats, 17:4. December 3, 1934. "Utilization of some farm wastes." Report of the F &urth Annual M eetitzg of the Minnesota AciJdemy of Science, pp. 29-38. 1936. "Organic inhibitors of corrosion. I. Aliphatic amines" (with B. E. Lauer and C. T. Hultin). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28:159-63. 1936. \ "Drying gel zeolites" (with M. G. Larian). Ibid., 28:196-200. 1936. \ "Studies in sulphite turpentine" (with R. E. Montonna and M. G. Larian). Ibid., 28:598-601. 1936. f l PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 31 "Electrolytic reduction of 2-nitro p-cymene" (with R. E. Montonna and M. G. Larian). Preprint. Transactions of the Eiectrochemical Society, 69:107-25. 1936. r "Organic inhibitors of corrosion." Preprint. Ibid., 69:353-66. !936. Review of A. Eucken and M. Jakob, Der chemie ingenieur General-register fur Band I and II in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, News Edition, Vol. 13, No. IS, t p. 325. !935. GEORGE H. MoNTILLON, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering "Heat transfer coefficients on inclined tubes" (with D. F. Jurgensen). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27:1466. 1935.

RALPH E. MoNTONNA, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering "Cellulose-a new chemical raw material." Pages 27-29 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along , Scientific Trails. 1\Iinneapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical So­ ciety. !93 5. "The place of chemical unit processes in the curriculum." Pages 61-63 in Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Chemical Engineering Education. Philadelphia: American Institute of Chemical Engineers. !935. J "Electrolytic reduction of 2-nitro p-cymene" (with C. A. Mann and M. G. Larian). Preprint. Transactions of the Electrochemical Society, 69:107-25. 1936. t "Studies in sulphite turpentine" (with C. A. Mann and M. G. Larian). Ind1tstrial 'f and Engineering Chemistry, 28:598-601. 1936. BURRELL F. RuTH, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemical Engineering Laboratory Experiments in Electrochemistr}'. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 70 pages. i Studies in Filtration: f "III. Derivation of general filtration equations." Industrial and E11ginecring Chemistry, 27:708-23. 1935. "IV. The nature of fluid flow through filter septa and its importance in the filtration equation." Ibid., 27:806-16. 1935. I Mimeograph material for use in unit operations laboratory and problem courses. 1936. 30 pages.

MAURICE G. LARIAN, Ph.D., Assistant in Chemical Engineering "Drying gel zeolites" (with C. A. Mann). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28:196-200. 1936. "Studies in sulphite turpentine" (with C. A. Mann and R. E. Montonna). Ibid., 28: l 598-601. 1936. "Electrolytic reduction of 2-nitro p-cymene" (with C. A. Mann and R. E . .1\Iontonna). Preprint. Transactions of the Elecrochemical Society, 69:107-25. 1936.

BYRON E. LAUER, Ph.D., Assistant in Chemical Engineering l "Organic inhibitors of corrosion. I. Aliphatic amines" (with C. A. Mann and C. T. Hultin). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28:159-63. 1936. I RALPH E. BREWER, Ph.D., Research Assistant, Northwest Research Institute "The production of high-hydrogen water gas from younger coal cokes. The effect of catalysts" (with L. H. Reyerson). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27: 1047-53. 1935. I INORGANIC CHEMISTRY M. CANNON SNEED, Ph.D., Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Chief of of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry I "Air and its importance." Pages 15-18 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific Trails. t Minneapolis: .Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. I 32 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

LLOYD H. REYERSON, Ph.D., Professor of Inorganic Chemistry "Contact catalysis." Chapter 5, pages 78-89 in Annual Survey of American Chemistry, Vol. 10. New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation. 1936. "The production of high-hydrogen water gas from younger coal cokes. The effect of catalysts" (with R. E. Brewer). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27:1047· 53. 1935. The Chlorination of Propane: "I. The homogeneous reaction" (with S. Yuster). Journal of Physical Chem­ istry, 39:859-75. 1935. "II. The heterogeneous reaction" (with S. Yuster). Ibid., 39:1111-23. 1935. "The sorption of bromine and iodine by activated charcoal" (with A. E. Cameron). Ibid., 40:233-37. 1936. "Equilibrium studies on the exchange reaction between acetylene and heavy water'' (with B. Gillespie). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2250-51. 1935. "The equilibria of the reactions between acetylene and heavy water at 25°" (with B. Gillespie). Ibid., 58:282-84. 1936. "A precision pycnometer for liquids" (with S. Yuster). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 8:61. 1936. Reviews of Adalbert Farkas, Orthohydrogen, Parah:ydrogen and Heavy Hydrogen in Journal of Physical Chemistry, 40:288. 1936. H. B. Weiser, Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. II. The Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides in ibid., 40:698. 1936. I

HERVEY H. BARBER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and • Superintendent of Supply and Equipment · Editor for Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Bulletin, 1935·36. \ GLADSTONE B. HEISIG, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry ' Experiments in Chemistry for Engineering Students (with J. L. Maynard). Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. 1935. 74 pages. "Action of radon on polymethylenes, cyclopentane and cyclopentene." Journal of Physi­ cal Chemistry, 39:1067-73. 1935. "Identification of halides in the presence of thiocyanates" (with L. K. Reisig). Indus­ trial and Engineering Chemi~try, Analytical Edition, 7:249-50. 1935. "A versatile low temperature thermostat." Ibid., 8:149. 1936.

NoRVILLE C. PERVIER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Abstracts of I. Banga and A. Szent-Gyorgyi, Ober das Co-Ferment der Milchsiiaureoxydation in BiologicOJl Abstracts, 9:13483, 1935. [. Banga, K. Laki, and A. Szent-Gyorgyi, Ober die Oxydation der Mi/chsiiure durch den Herzmuskel in ibid., 9:18009. 1935.

HENRY N. STEPHENS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry "Oxidations in the benzene series by gaseous oxygen. V. The oxidation of tertiary hydrocarbons" (with F. L. Roduta). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2380. 1935. "Studies in auto-oxidation. V. The induction period in auto-oxidation." Ibid., 58:219. 1936.

J. LEWIS MAYNARD, M.S., Instructor in Inorganic Chemistry \, Experiments in Chemistry for Engineering Students (with G. B. Reisig). Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company, 1935. 74 pages. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 33

CHARLES E. BARTSCH, Ph.D., Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry "The solubility and activity coefficients of silver acetate in mixed solvents" (with F. H. MacDougall). Journal of Physical Chemistry, 40:649-59. 1936.

MELVIN CALVIN, Ph.D., Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry "The electron affinity of iodine from space charge effects" (with G. Glockler). Journal of Chemical Physics, 3:771. 1935. "The electron affinity of bromide atoms from space charge effects" (with G. Glockler). Ibid., 4:492-93. 1936. RusSELL 0. DENYES, Ph.D., Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry "The reaction between duroquinone and sodium malonic ester. III. Reduction products" (with L. I. Smith). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:304-309. 1936.

FRANK W. HuRD, B.A., B.S., Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry Physical Science Syllabus (with F. L. Hovde). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 38 pages. LLOYD B. THOMAS, Ph.D., Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry "The sensitized decomposition of hydrogen with electrons of controlled energy" (with G. Glockler). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2352. 1935.

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LEE I. SMITH, Ph.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry and Chief of the Division of Organic Chemistry "The addition of methylmagnesium iodide to benzalpropiophenone" (with L. I. Hansen). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:1326-28. 1935. Studies on the Polymethylbenzenes: "XI. The nitration of pentamethylbenzene and of hexomethyl- and hexaethyl­ benzene" (with S. A. Harris). Ibid., 57:1289-92. 1935. "XII. The nitration of bromodurene, and the structure of the 'dinitrodurylic acid bromide' of Willstatter and Kubli" (with D. Tenenbaum). Ibid., 57:1293-96. 1935. "XIII. Mercuration" (with F. L. Taylor). Ibid., 57:2370-72. 1935. "Reactions between organomercury compounds and nitrosyl compounds" (with F. L. Taylor). Ibid., 57:2460-63. 1935. "The Jacobson reaction IV" (with C. L. Moyle), Ibid., 58:1-10. 1936. "The diene reaction between tetramethyl·o-henzoquinone and cyclopentadiene" (with Lucille R. Hac). 1 bid., 58 :229-34. 1936. "The reaction between duroquinone and sodium malonic ester. III. Reduction products" (with R. 0. Denyes). Ibid., 58:304-309, 1936. "The reaction between quinones and sodium enolate. IV. Pseudocumoquinone, sodium acetoacetic ester and sodium malonic ester" (with C. W. MacMullen). Ibid., 58: 629-35. 1936. WALTER M. LAUER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry I "The constitution of the bisulfite addition compounds of aldehydes and ketones" (with C. M. Langkammerer). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2360-62. 1935. "The Piria reaction. III. Mechanism studies" (with M. M. Sprung and C. M. Lang­ f kammerer). Ibid., 58:225-28. 1936. C. FREDERICK KOELSCH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry "The synthesis of bis-2, 2' (1, 3-diphenyl indenol-3)" (with H. J, Richter). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2010-11. 1935. 34 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ALBERTO F. THOMPSON, JR., Ph.D., Instructor in Organic Chemistry "Einige Beobachtungen ueber die Hemmung von Atmung und Gaerung der Hefe. Ueber den Mechanismus der Oxydationsvorgaenge. XLIII" (with H. Wieland and K. Rauch). Annalen der Chemie, 52! :214-26. January, 1936.

BRUCE GILLESPIE, B.Ch.E., Assistant in Organic Chemistry "Equilibrium studies on the exchange reaction between acetylene and heavy water" (with L. H. Reyerson). Journal of the Ame>·ican Chemical Society, 57:2250-51. 1935. "The equilibria of the reactions between acetylene and heavy water at 25°" (with L. H. Reyerson). Ibid., 58:282-84. 1936.

LuciLLE R. HAc, Ph.D., Assistant in Organic Chemistry ,..The diene reaction between tetramethyl-o-benzoquinone and cyclopentadiene'' (with L. I. Smith). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:229-34. !936.

CARL M. LANGKAMMERER, Ph.D., Assistant in Organic Chemistry "The constitution of the bisulfite addition compounds of aldehydes and ketones" (with V>l. M. Lauer). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2360-62. 1935. "The Piria reaction. III. Mechanism studies" (with W. M. Lauer and M. M. Sprung). Ibid., 58:225-28. 1936.

CLINTON W. MAcMuLLEN, B.Ch.E., Assistant in Organic Chemistry "The reaction between quinones and sodium enolate. IV. Pseudocumoquinone, sodium \ acetoacetic ester and sodium malonic ester" (with L. I. Smith). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:629-35. 1936.

CLARENCE L. MoYLE, Ph.D., Assistant in Organic Chemistry "The Jacobson reaction IV" (with L. I. Smith). Journal of the American Chemical \ Society, 58:1-10. 1936.

HENRY ]. RICHTER, B.S., Assistant in Organic Chemistry "The synthesis of bis-2, 2' (1, 3-diphenyl indenol-3)" (with C. F. Koelsch). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2010-11. 1935.

F. LoWELL TAYLOR, Ph.D., Assistant in Organic Chemistry \ "Studies on the polymethylbenzenes. XIII. Mercuration" (with L. I. Smith). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2370-72. 1935. "Reactions between organomercury compounds and nitrosyl compounds" (with L. I. Smith). Ibid., 57:2460-63. 1935.

DAVID TENENBAUM, B.A., M.S., Assistant m Organic Chemistry "Studies on the polymethylbenzenes. XII. The nitration of bromodurene, and the struc­ ture of the 'dinitrodurylic acid bromide' of Willstatter and Kubli" (with L. I. Smith). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:1293-96. 1935.

lj PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY FRANK H. MAcDouGALL, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry and Chief of the Division of Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry. New York: Macmillan Company. 1936. 725 pages. "The solubility of lead bromate and its activity coefficients in solutions of electrolytes" (with E. J. Hoffman). Journal of Physical Chemistry, 40:317-31. 1936. ' 'I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 35

uThe solubility and activity coefficients of silver acetate in mixed solvents" (with C. E. Bartsch). Ibid., 40:649-59. 1936. Reviews of Raymond Dufay, E:tude thermodynamique de fa Tension superficielle in Journal of Physi­ cal Chemistry, 39:918. 1935. Annual Tables of Constants in ibid., 39:1247. 1935. Jean Timmermans, Les Solutions concentrCes ThCorie et ApplicaNons aux Melanges bi­ naires et ComPoses organiques in ibid., 40:699-700. 1936. ( Joel H. Hildebrand, Solubility of Non-Electrolytes in ibid., 40:700. 1936. , GEORGE GLOCKLER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry "Scientific thought and theory." Pages 5-8 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific Trails. Minneapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. "The sensitized decomposition of hydrogen with electrons of controlied energy" (with i L. B. Thomas). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 57:2352. 1935. "The electron affinity of iodine from space charge effects" (with M. Calvin). Journal of Chemical Physics, 3:771. 1935. f "Raman effect of acetylenes. II. Diiodoacetylene, liquid acetylenes and deuteroacety­ lenes" (with C. E. Morrell). Ibid., 4:15. 1936. "The electron affinity of bromine atoms from space charge effects" (with M. Calvin). l Ibid., 4:492-93. 1936 . • Reviews of A. C. G. Mitchel and M. W. Zemansky, Resonance Radiation and Excited Atoms in Journal of Physical Chemistry, 39:575. 1935. William M. Venable, The Sub-Atom in ibid., 39:575-76. 1935. ) W. Wilson, Theoretical Physics, Vol. II. Electromagnetism and Optics in ibid., 39:576. 1935. J. H. deBoer, Electron Emission and AbsorPtion Phenomena in ibid., 40:421-22. 1936. R. W. G. Wyckoff, The Structure of Crystals (supplement for the 1930-34 to the second I' edition) in ibid., 40:422. 1936. RoBERT S. LIVINGSTON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry "Catalytic and induced reactions in microchemistry" (with I. M. Kalthoff). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:209-14. 1935. "A kinetic interpretation of the coloring of glass by X-rays" (with C. E. Nurnberger). Journal of Physical Chemistry, 39:1011-19. 1935. "Adsorption of radon by glass" (with S. C. Lind). Ibid., 40:419-20. !936. f "The radiochemical synthesis and decomposition of hydrogen bromide" (with S. C. I Lind). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:612-17. 1936. Discussion following G. N. Rollefson's ''Photoreactions in non-ideal solutions." Chemical Abstract~, 17:432. 1935.

EVERETT ]. HoFFMAN, Ph.D., Assistant in Physical Chemistry "The solubility of lead bromate and its activity coefficients in solutions of electrolytes" (with F. H. MacDougall). Journal of Physical ChemiS'fry, 40:317-31. 1936.

CHARLES E. MoRRELL, Ph.D., Assistant in Physical Chemistry "Raman effect of acetylenes. II. Diiodoacetylene, liquid acetylenes and deuteroacetylenes" (with G. Glockler). Journal of Chemical Physics, 4:15. 1936.

( CHESTER H. ScHIFLETT, Ph.D., Assistant in Physical Chemistry "Exchange reactions of iodine by the methods of radioactive indicators" (with S. C. Lind and D. E. Hull). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:535. March 1936. ' 36 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

DoNALD E. HuLL, Ph.D., National Research Fellow in Chemistry "Exchange reactions of iodine by the method of radioactive indicators" (with C. H. Schiflett and S. C. Lind). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:535. March, 1936.

SAMUEL YusTER, Ph.D., National Research Council Fellow "A precision pycnometer for liquids" (with L. H. Reyerson). Industrial and Engineer­ ing Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 8:61. 1936. The Chlorination of Propane: "I. The homogeneous reaction (with L. H. Reyerson). Journal of Physical Chemistry, 39:859-75. 1935. "II. The heterogeneous reaction (with L. H. Reyerson). Ibid., 39:1111-23. 1935.

THE SCI;IOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY METALLOGRAPHY RALPH L. DowDELL, Ph.D., Professor of"Metallography "Toughness of tool steels by the Charpy impact test" (with N. Levinsohn). American Society for Testing Materials Bulletin, 79:4. December, 1935. Review of C. H. Mathewson, Modern Uses of Nonferrous Metals in Mining and Metal­ lurgy, 17:256. May, 1936_

MINES EXPERIMENT STATION EDWARD W. DAvrs, E.E., Professor of Mine Plant and Mechanics and Superintendent of the Mines Experiment Station "The practical application of iron ore beneficiation to blast furnace practice." Mining Congress Journal, 22:28-30. 1936.

JoHN ]. CRAIG, E.M., Assistant Metallurgist, Mines Experiment Station Mining Directory of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 23. 1936. 236 pages.

THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ADMINISTRATION WALTER C. CoFFEY, M.S., LL.D., Dean and Director of the Department of Agriculture Foreword to P. 0. Johnson, editor, Aspects of Land Grant Colleges. College Problem Series. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1934. ·"Report as chairman of the Cooperative Meat Investigations Committee." Twelfth Annual Report of the National Livestock and Meat Board, 1934-35, p. 59. 1935. -"Report as chairman of the Cooperative Meat Investigations Committee." Thirteenth Annual Report of the National Livestock and Meat Board, 1935-36, p. 68. 1936. "Changes in corn belt husbandry and types of problems involved." Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 38-43. January, 1936. ·"Expectations for agriculture in 1935." Minnesota Chats, 17:4. February 25, 1935. ·"Attitudes toward farming." Rehab Adviser, Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 1. 1935. "Sheep fit the future." Successful Farming, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 16-17, 44-48. 1936. "Farmers and individualism." Land O'Lakes News, VoL 16, No. 3, p. 9. 1936. "President Lotus Delta Coffman." Agrarian, pp. 14-16. 1936. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 37

"Comeback of northwest agriculture." Saint Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press, January 1, 1936. "Diversified farming in southeastern Minnesota natural." Winona Republican Herald, February 19, 1936 .

ANDREW Boss, D.Sc., Vice-Director of the Minnesota Agricultural Experi­ • ment Station and Professor of Agriculture and Farm Management Forty-first Report, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, July 1, 1932 to June 30, ( 1934. St. Paul: University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. 1935. 133 pages. Minnesota Agricwltural Experiment Station, 1885-1935. University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 319. 1935. 78 pages. Forty-second Annual Report, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, July 1, 1934 to June 30, 1935. St. Paul: University of Minnesot~ Agricultural Experiment Station. 1936. 89 pages. f "The semi·centennial of the 1v1innesota Agricultural Experiment Station." Minnesota Seed Grower, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1, 2. June, 1935. r "Need more grass land." Farmer, Vol. 53, No. 16, p. 7. 1935. "Planning this year's farm program." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 3, 14, 15. 1936. "Pasture problems." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 8, pp. 20, 21. 1936. 1 "More and better grass." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 5, 27. 1936. "Improve the pastures. What and how to do it." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 10, pp. 6, 22, 23. 1936. f "The farm program for 1936." Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. 157. January 20, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages. Editor, The Farm Department, Farmer. 1935-36. Special items on agriculture for the agricultural press. News items relating to the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station research and personnel for the Experiment Station Record. '' EDWARD M. FREEMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology and Botany, Chief of the Division of Plant Pathology and Botany, and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics "Phytopathology-and its future." Phytopathology, 26:76-82. 1936. "Education in an agricultural commonwealth." Minnesota Chats, 18:4. April 28, 1936.

GENERAL ROBERT W. MuRcHIE, Ph.D., Professor of Rural Sociology Agricultural Progress on the Prairie Frontier (with W. Allen and J. F. Booth). Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada. 1936. 344 pages.

RoGER S. MACKINTOSH, M.S., Assistant Professor and Exhibit Specialist Editor, Minnesota Horticulturist. 1935·36.

AGRICULTURAL BIOCHEMISTRY Ross A. GoRTNER, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry and Chief of the Division of Agricultural Biochemistry "Harris the man." Pages 9-21 in J. Arthur Harris, Botanisot and Biometrician. Minne­ apolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. "Plants and man as seen by a biochemist." Pages 54·57 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific TraUs. Minneapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. "A study of variations in the lactose content of milk" (with W. R. Brown and W. E. Petersen). Journal of Dairy Science, 19:81-92. 1936. 38 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"The decrease in lactose content of milk following the production of artificial hypo­ glycemia" (with W. R. Brown and W. E. Petersen). Journal of Dairy Science, 19:147-54. 1936. "The effect of intravenous injections of sugar upon the lactating bovine" (with \V. R. Brown and W. E. Petersen). Imd., 19:177-84. 1936. "Intra-mammary duct injections in the study of lactose formation" (with W. R. Brown and W. E. Petersen). Ibid., 19:243-56. 1936. "Apropos the Nazi edicts." Science, 83:351. 1936. "The high school teaching of chemistry" (American Chemical Society Committee Report, R. A. Gortner, chairman). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, News Edition, 14:147-48. 1936; School and Society, 43:604-606. 1936. Editor, J. Arthur Harris, Botanist and Biometrician (with C. 0. Rosendahl and G. 0. Burr). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. vii + 209 pages. Reviews of Karl Rathsak, Der Speisewert der Kartoffel in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, News Edition, 13:252. 1935. K. Plotz, Der Einjluss der Dungung auf den Pjlanzenbeistand des Dauergriin/ands in ibid., 13 :325. 1935. Alfred Stock and Arthur Stahler, Quantitative Chemical Analysis in Jounwl of the American Chemical Society, 57:962-63. 1935. John P. Peters, Body Water-the Exchange of Fluids in Man in Journal of Physical Chemistry, 40:422-23. 1936. Assistant editor, Chemical Abstracts. 1935-36. Associate editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1935-36. CLYDE H. BAILEY, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry Improved Rye Bread (with 0. Skovholt). American Dry Milk Institute Bulletin. 1935. 20 pages. Thatcher Wheat (with H. K. Hayes, E. R. Ausemus, E. C. Stakman, H. K. Wilson, R. H. Bamberg, M. C. Markley, R. F. Crim, and M. N. Levine). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 325. 1936. 39 pages. "The chemist aids in crop breeding and production." Pages 71-73 in S. G. Stoltz, editor. \ Along Scientific Trails. Minneapolis: 1-riinnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. "Biochemistry of bread making" (with R. C. Sherwood). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27:1426-30. 1935. "The effect of mixing and fermentation upon the protein structure and colloidal prop. erties of doughs" (with 0. Skovholt). Cereal Chemistry, 12:307-20. 1935. "Free and bound water in bread doughs" (with 0. Skovholt). Imd., 12:321-55. 1935. "\Vater absorption of spray and roller dried milks" (with 0. Skovholt). Northwestern Miller and American Baker, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 358-59, 394. 1935. The Lipids of Wheat Embryo: "I. The fatty acids" (with Betty Sullivan). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:383-90. 1936. "II. The unsaponifiable fraction" (with Betty Sullivan). Ibid., 58:390-93. 1936. "Design and operation for laboratory malting equipment" (with J. A. Shellenberger). Brewers Technical Review, II :3-5. 1936. Reviews of R. Legendre, Les Cereales in Cereal Chemistry, 12:305. 1935. H. B. Bull, The Biochemistry of the Lipids in ibid., 12:714. 1935. H. JOrgonsen, Die Bestimmung der Wasserstoffionen-Konzentration und dcren Bedeutung fur Technic und Landwirtschaft in ibid., 13:238. 1936. LEROY S. PALMER, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry A Rickets-Like Disease in Young Cattle (with T. W. Gullickson and W. L. Boyd). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 105. 1935. 47 pages. Bone-Chewing or Depraved Appetite in Cattle (with T. W. Gullickson). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 132. ' 1936. 7 pages. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 39

"The phosporus content and requirements of the flour Tribolium confusum Duval, and a study of its needs for vitamin D" (with J. W. Nelson). Journal of Agri­ cultural Research, 50:849-52. 1935. "Requirement of the flour beetle (Tribolium confusum Duval) for vitamins in the B group (with H. R. Street). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32:1500-1501. !935. I "Supplementary report of an experiment to determine the effect of a low calcium ration on reproduction in cattle" (with C. P. Fitch, T. W. Gullickson, and W. L. Boyd). C oruell Veterinarian, 25 :229-46. 193 5. "The story of vitamins." Mouth Health Quarterly, 4:29-38. !935. "The comparative rachitogenic property of oats and corn" (with L. L. Lachat). Journal f of Nutrition, 10:565-77. 1935. "The amino acid content of eggs and chicks: relation to diet and to incidence of chondro· dystrophy" (with A. R. Patton). Ibid., 11:129-34. 1936. I "Substances adsorbed on the fat globules in cream and their relation to churning. IV. Factors influencing the composition of the adsorption 'membrane' " (with C. E. Rimpila). Journal af Dairy Science, 18:827-39. 1935. "The effect of the adsorption 'membrane' around the fat globules on the curd tension of cow's milk" (with N. P. Tarassuk). Ibid., 19:323-35. 1936. Miscellaneous abstracts in Biological Abstracts, 1935-36.

l HENRY B. BuLL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry Biochemistry of the Lipids. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. 1935. 127 l pages; second edition. January, 1936. 146 pages. Electro kinetics: "XVL Streaming potential in small capillaries" (with L. S. Moyer). Journal of Physical Chemistry, 40:9-20. 1936. "XVII. Surface charge and ion antagonism" (with L. S. Moyer). Ibid., 40: 239-47. !936. "Molecular dimensions from viscosity studies" (with R. M. Theis). Ibid., 40:125-31. 1936. ' "Average pore size of diaphragms" (with L. S. Moyer). Science, 83:242-43. !936. "Physico-chemical studies on lecithin" (with V. L. Frampton). lottrnal of the Ameri­ can Chemical Society, 58:594-96. 1936.

WILLIAM M. SANDSTROM, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Bio­ chemistry "Nitrogen distribution in human placental globulin" (with J. S. Drage). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 34:376-77. 1936. Editor, Register of Phi Lambda Upsilon. 1935-36.

REGINALD C. SHERWOOD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Bio­ chemistry "Biochemistry of bread making" (with C. H. Bailey). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27:1426-30. !935.

MAx C. MARKLEY, Ph.D., Instructor m Agricultural Biochemistry Thatcher Wheat (with H. K. Hayes, E. R. Ausemus, E. C. Stakman, C. H. Bailey, H. K. Wilson, R. H. Bamberg, R. F. Crim, M. N. Levine). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 325. 1936. 39 pages. "Report of Denver Convention of American Association of Cereal Chemists." North- western Miller, pp. 774, 788. June 19, 1935. "Relation of the age of bread to the amount eaten." Ii>id, p. 133. April 8, 1936. "The toothaches of primitive man." Food FactsJ Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1-2. 1936. ,t Consulting editor, Northwestern Miller. 1936. f ' f 40 UNIVERSITY OF .MINNESOTA

CHARLES F. RoGERS, M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Biochemistry "Sudan grass and other cyanophoric plants as animal intoxicants" (with W. L. Boyd). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 88 (n.s. 4) :489-99. 1936. "Is Sudan grass poisonous?" (with W. L. Boyd). Succes.ofwl Farming, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 77-79. 1936. JoHN S. SHELLENBERGER, Ph.D., Instructor in Agricultural Biochemistry "Design and operation for laboratory malting equipment" (with C. H. Bailey). Brewers Technical Review, 11 :3-5. 1936. VERNON L. FRAMPTON, B.A., Assistant in Agricultural Biochemistry "The effect of carbon dioxide upon the pH and certain nitrogen fractions of the sugar beet plant" (with W. J. Fife). Joumal of BiologicQJ/ Chemistry, 309:643-57. 1935. "Physico-chemical studies on lecithin" (with H. B. Bull). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:594-96. 1936. ALVA R PATTON, Ph.D., Research Assistant in Agricultural Biochemistry "The amino acid content of eggs and chicks: relation to diet and to incidence of chondrodystrophy" (with L. S. Palmer). Journal of Nutrition, 11:129-34. 1936.

MILTON E. PoWELL, Ph.D., Research Assistant in Agricultural Biochemistry "Effects of time and temperature of holding milk heat-treated at various temperatures upon its subsequent coagulation by rennet." Journal of Dairy Science, 19:305-11. 1936.

NICK P. TARASSUK, M.S., Assistant in Agricultural Biochemistry "The effect of the adsorption 'membrane' around the fat globules on the curd tension of cow's milk" (with L. S. Palmer). Journal of Dairy Science, 19:323-35. 1936. \ CHARLES E. RIMPILA, Ph.D., Research Assistant in Agricultural Biochem­ istry "Substances adsorbed on the fat globules in cream and their relation to churning. IV. Factors influencing the composition of the adsorption 'membrane' " (with L. S. Palmer). Journal of Dairy Science, 18:827-39. 1935.

OsCAR SKOVHOLT, Ph.D., American Dry Milk Institute Fellow Improved Rye Bread (with C. H. Bailey). American Dry Milk Institute Bulletin. 1935. 20 pages. "The effect of mixing and fermentation upon the protein structure and colloidal prop­ erties of doughs" (with C. H. Bailey). Cereal Chemistry, 12:307-20. 1935. "Free and bound water in bread doughs" (with C. H. Bailey). Ibid., 12:321-55. 1935. "Water absorption of spray and roller dried milks" (with C. H. Bailey). Northwestern Miller and American Baker, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 358-59, 394. 1935.

]. WEsLEY NELSON, M.S., Analytical Chemist, Minnesota Agricultural Ex­ p~riment Station "The phosphorus content and requirements of the flour beetle Tribolium confusum Duval, and a study of its need for vitamin D" (with L. S. Palmer). Journal of Agricultural Research, 50\849-52, 1935.

LAWRENCE L. LACHAT, Ph.D., Graduate Student in Agricultural Biochem­ istry "The comparative rachitogenic property of oats and corn" (with L. S. Palmer). Journal of Nutrition, 10:565-77. 1935. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 41

HAROLD R. STREET, Ph.D., Graduate Student in Agricultural Biochemistry I "Requirements of the flour beetle (Tribolium confusum Duval) for vitamins in the B group" (with L. S. Palmer). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32:1500-1501. 1935. I BETTY SuLLIVAN, Ph.D., Graduate Student in Agricultural Biochemistry The Lipids of Wheat Embryo: "1. The fatty acids" (with C. H. Bailey). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 58:383-90. 1936. i "II. The unsaponifiable fraction" (with C. H. Bailey). Ibid., 58:390-93. 1936. I AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS OscAR B. ]ESNEss, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics and Chief of the Division of Agricultural Economics r Land Economic Survey of Hubbard County (with others). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 317. 1935. 264 pages. The Farmers' Interest in Exports. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural I Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 164. 1935. 8 pages. "Some economic problems of agriculture." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northwest Farm Real Estate Association, pp. 9-12. 1936. "Validity of the fundamental assumptions underlying agricultural adjustment." Journal f of Farm Economics, !8:27-43. 1936. "Zoning of rural lands." Minnesota Conservationist, 33:6-7. 1936. f "Agricultural control programs." Hoard's Dairyman, Vol. 81, No. 9, pp. 235-60. 1936. "Recent agricultural adjustment legislation." Minnesota Farm Busines9 Notes, No. 153. September, 1935. 3 mimeographed pages. Reviews of International Institute of Agriculture, The Agricultural Situation in 1931-32 in Journal r of Political Economy, 43:425-26. June, 1935. International Institute of Agriculture, The Agricultural Situation in 1932-33 in ibid., 43 :425-26. June, 1935. Viscount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree, The Agricultural Dilemma in Journal of Farm Economics, 18:433-34. May, 1936. Editor, Journal of Farm Economics, 1935. Member, Editorial Committee of the State Planning Board.

WARREN C. WAITE, Ph.D.,- Professor of Agricultural Economics Picking, Handling, and Refrigeration of Raspberries and Strawberries (with T. D. Winter and W. H. Alderman). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 318. 1935. 39 pages. A Study of the Consumption of Meats in Minneapolis, 1934 (with R. W. Cox). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 321. 1935. 26 pages. · Packing Minnesota Fruits for Market (with J, D. Winter and W. H. Alderman), University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 323. 1935. 18 pages. Picking, Handling, and Packing Fruits for Market (with J. D. Winter and W. H. Alderman). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 169. 1935. 11 pages. "Research in the consumption and demand for milk." Journal of Farm Economics~ 18:330-37. May, 1936. "Regulation of roadside markets." Minnesota Horticulturist, 64:73, 97. May, 1936. "A study of egg consumption in Minneapolis" (with R. W. Cox). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. !51. July, 1935. 3 mimeographed pages. l "Farm income in Minnesota." Ibid., No. 156. December, 1935. 3 mimeographed pages. ,r 42 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Minnesota farm prices for 1935-36" (with W. B. Garver). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, Nos. 151-62. 1935-36. I mimeographed page each month. Associate editor, Journal of Farm Economics. !935.

EDWIN C. JoHNSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics "The use of production credit by farmers." Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. 154. October, 1935. 3 mimeographed pages. "The farm real estate situation in Minnesota." Ibid., No. 159. 1\iarch, 1936. 3 mimeo· graphed pages. "Cooperative trucking of livestock" (with S. T. Warrington). Ibid., No. 160. April, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages.

GEORGE A. PoND, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics Preliminary Report of CroP Prod1tction Costs in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Sallee and R. H. Loreaux). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 71. February, 1936. 16 mimeographed pages. Annual Report of Farm Management Service /01· Farmers in Southeastern Minnesota for the Year 1935 (with W. P. Ranney). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 72. March, 1936. 32 mimeographed pages. Preliminary Report of Farm Accounting Route in Stevens County in 1935 (with G. A. Sallee). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report ~o. 73. April, 1936. 21 mimeographed pages. Tractor Costs and Rates of Performance (with A. J. Schwantes). University of Minne­ sota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 74. May, 1936. 9 mimeo­ graphed pages. Preliminary Report of Livestock Costs nnd Returns in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Sallee and R. H. Loreaux). University of Minnesota Di-vision of Agri­ cultural Economics Report No. 75. May, 1936. 26 mimeographed pages. Preliminary Report of the Farm Accounting Route in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Sallee and R. H. Loreaux). University of Minnesota Division of Agricul­ tural Economics Report No. 76. May, 1936. 30 mimeographed pages. Annual Report of Farm Management Service for Farmers in Nm-thern Minnesota for the Year 1935 (with W. P. Ranney, S. B. Cleland, and J, B. McNulty). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 77. May, 1936. 20 mimeographed pages. Antzual Report of Farm Management Sen,ice for Farmers in Soil Conser·vation Areas for the Year 1935 (with W. P. Ranney). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 78. June, 1936. 20 mimeographed pages. "Selection of crops for feed production and soil conservation" (with S. B. Cleland). lt!innesota Farm Business Notes, No. 158. FebruaDr, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages. "The earnings of representative groups of farmers in l\1innesota in 1935" (with G. A. Sallee). Ibid., No. 162. June, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages.

REx W. Cox, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics A Study of the Consumption of Meats in Minneapolis, 1934 (with W. C. Waite), University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 321. 1935. 26 pages. "A study of egg consumption in Minneapolis" (with W. C. Waite). Minnesota Farm B11siness Notes, No. !51. July, 1935. 3 mimeographed pages. Review of Wheat Studies of the Food Research Institute, Prices of Cash Wheat and F11t11res at Chicago since 1883 in Journal of Farm Economics, 17:397-99. 1935.

LEWIS F. GAREY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics A Study of the Demand for Potatoes in the Twin Cities. University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 324. 1935. 24 pages. "Part time farming in the Twin City area of Minnesota" (with W. Baldwin). Journal of Farm Economics, 17:383-85. 1935. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 43

HAROLD F. HoLLANDS, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Economics l Creamery Bu~ness Analysis (with L. L. Ullyot). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 322. 1935. 48 pages.

E. FRED KoLLER, M.A., Instructor in Agricultural Economics The Standard Journal for Use in Minnesota Creameries. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 7 pages.

WILLARD P. RANNEY, M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Economics Annual Report of Farm 1lfanagement Serz:ice for Farmers in Southeastern l'vfinnesota for the Year 1935 (with G. A. Pond). University of Minnesota Division of Agri­ cultural Economics Report No. 72. March, 1936. 32 mimeographed pages. Annual Report of Farm 11fanagement Service for Fanners in Northern Minnesota for the Year 1935 (with G. A. Pond, S. B. Cleland, and J. B. McNulty). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report l\o. 77. !\lay, 1936. 20 mimeographed pages. Annual Report of Farm Management Service for Farmers in Soil Conservation AreaJ for the Year 1935 (with G. A. Pond). University of Minnesota Division of Agri· cultural Economics Report No. 78. June, 1936. 20 mimeographed pages. "Variations in earnings of twenty selected dairy farmers" (with J. B. McNulty). Minnesota Farm Bu~ness Notes, No. 161. May, 1935. 3 mimeographed pages.

GEORGE A. SALLEE, M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Economics Preliminary Report of Crop Production Costs in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Pond and R. H. Loreaux). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 71. February, 1936. 16 mimeographed pages. Preliminary Report of Farm Accounting Route in Stevens County in 1935 (with G. A. Pond). University of .Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 73. April, 1936. 21 mimeographed pages. Preliminary Report of Livestock Costs and Returns in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Pond and R. H. Loreaux). University of Minnesota Division of Agricul­ tural Economics Report No. 75. May, !936. 26 mimeographed pages. Preliminary Report of the Farm Accounting Route in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Pond and R. H. Loreaux). University of Minnesota Division of Agricul­ tural Economics Report No. 76. May, 1936. 30 mimeographed pages. "The earnings of representative groups of farmers in Minnesota in 1935" (with G. A. Pond). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. 162. June, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages.

LLOYD L. ULLYOT, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Economics Creamery Business Analysis (with H. F. Hollands). University of Minnesota Agri· cultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 322. 1935. 48 pages.

WILBUR BALDWIN, B.S., Assistant in Agricultural Economics "Part time farming in the Twin City area of Minnesota" (with L. F. Garey). Journal of Farm Economics, 17:383-85. !935.

WALTER B. GARVER, Assistant in Agricultural Economics "Minnesota farm prices for 1935-36" (with W. C. Waite). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, Nos. 151-62. 1935-36. I mimeographed page each month.

RoBERT H. LOREAUX, B.S., Field Assistant in Agricultural Economics Preliminary Report of Crop Production Costs in TVinona Co·unty in 1935 (with G. A. Pond and G. A. Sallee). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 71. February, 1936. 16 mimeographed pages. 44 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Preliminary Report of Live..tock Costs and Returns in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Pond and G. A. Sallee). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 7 5. May, 1936. 26 mimeographed pages. Preliminary Report of the Farm Accounting Route in Winona County in 1935 (with G. A. Pond and G. A. Sallee). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 76. May, 1936. 30 mimeographed pages.

SYLVAN T. WARRINGTON, M.S., Assistant in Agricultural Economics "Cooperative trucking of livestock" (with E. C. Johnson). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. 160. April, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages.

AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING HARRY B. RoE, M.S. (C. E.), Professor of Agricultural Engineering Farm Drainage Practice (with J, H. Neal). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 149. 1935. 24 pages. Soil Erosion Control in Farm Operation (with J, H. Neal). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 170. 1935. 20 pages. Soil Erosion Control by Engineering Methods (with J. H. Neal). University of Minne­ sota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 171. 1935. 24 pages. "The present status of the soil erosion program." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 49. April, 1936.

ARTHUR J. ScHWANTES, M.S., Associate Professor of Agricultural Engi­ neering Tractor Costs and Rates of Performance (~ith G. A. Pond), University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 74. May, 1936. 9 mimeographed pages. "Big scale hay making has lessons for all." Furrow, 16:3, 10-11. March-April, 1936. "A homemade trailer for the farm." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 48. March, 1936. "Factors involved in the electrification of rural homes and communities" (with J. Rom­ ness and J. M. Larson). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division. August, 1935. 2 mimeographed pages.

JESSE H. NEAL, Ag.E., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering Farm Drainage Practice (with H. B. Roe). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 149. 1935. 24 pages. Soil Erosion Control in Farm Operation (with H. B. Roe). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 170. 1935. 20 pages. Soil Erosion Control by Engineering Methods (with H. B. Roe). University of Minne­ sota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin 171. 1935. 24 pages. "Tile drainage." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 42. September, 1935. Juuus RoMNESS, M.A., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering "Central station service in rural electrification." Minnesota Municipalities, 20:359-62. September, 1935. "Common uses of electricity on the farm." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 47. February, 1936. "Factors involved in the electrification of rural homes and communities" (with A. J. Schwantes and J. M. Larson). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division. August, 1935. 2 mimeographed pages. JAMES B. ToRRANcE, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering "Better practices in servicing farm tractors." Agncultural Engineering News Letter, No. 46. January, 1936; Northwest Farmer, Vol. 4, No. 11, p. 11. 1936. t l PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 45 I ARTHUR G. TYLER, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering "University gives many good pointers on septic tank use." National Well Drillers Digest, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 3-6. January, 1936. "Farm wells." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 51. June, 1936. HALL B. WHITE, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering Farmsteads (with L. W. Neubauer and C. H. Christopherson). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 175. 1936. 8 pages. Farm Building Plans (with L. W. Neubauer and C. H. Christopherson). University of r Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Plans Nos. 332-33. 1936. 2 pages. Farmhouses (with L. W. Neubauer). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletn No. 142. 1936. 24 pages. t "Farm structures planned for electric wiring and appliances." AgricuJtural Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 17-19. 1936. "Farmstead improvements." Hoard's Dairyman, Vol. 81, No. 6, p. 152. 1936. "The insulation of farm buildings," Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 41. August, 1935. CLARENCE H. CHRISTOPHERSON, M.A., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering Farmsteads (with H. B. White and L. W. Neubauer). University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 175. 1936. 8 pages. Farm_ Building Plans (with H. B. White and L. W. Neubauer). University of Minne­ sota Agricultural Extension Division Plans Nos. 332-33. 1936. 2 pages. "The farm shop." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 45. December, 1935. "Painting farm buildings." Ibid., No. 50. May, 1936. ORLANDO W. HowE, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering "Control of summer frosts on peat lands." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 40. July, 1935. LOREN VI. NEUBAUER, M.S.(C.E.), Instructor in Agricultural Engineering Farm Building Plans (with H. B. White and C. H. Christopherson). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Plans No. 332-33. 1936. 2 pages. Farmhouses (with H. B. White). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No, 142. 1936. 24 pages. Farmsteads (with H. B. White and C. H. Christopherson). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 175. 1936. 8 pages. "Farm building plans." Agricultural Engineering News Letter, No. 44. November, 1935; Mississippi Valley Lumberman, Vol. 66, No. 50, pp. 28, 30. December, 1935. NICHOLAS A. KESSLER, B.S., Associate Land Clearing Specialist, United States Department of Agriculture "The engineering reorganization of farms," Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp, 153·54. 1936, DALTON G. MILLER, C.E., Senior Drainage Engineer, United States Depart­ ment of Agriculture "Selecting good drain tile." Agr£cultural Engineering News Letter, No. 43. October, 1935. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION JuLIA 0. NEWTON, B.A., Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and State Home Demonstration Leader Agricultural Outlook and Farm Family Living Outlook in Minnesota for 1936 (with J, B. McNulty). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Pamphlet No. 36. 1935. 23 pages. 46 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935-36.

HAROLD R. SEARLEs, B.S., Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Dairyman Judging Dairy Cattle (with W. E. Petersen). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 92. (Revised.) 1936. 23 pages. "French weed and pepper grass flavor in butter." University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division. 1936. Card. Editor, Dairy Department, Farmer. 1935-36. News items for papers on various phases of state extension dairy work. Leaflets on 4-H Club projects. 1935·36.

PARKER 0. ANDERSON, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Forester Trees and Tree Planting. St. Paul: \\'ebb Publishing Company. 1936. 105 pages. News articles for country papers on various phases of state extension forestry project. Mimeographed material on five-year shelterbelt project prepared for use in counties co-operating in the project. WILLIAM A. BILLINGS, D.V.M., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Exten­ sion and Extension Veterinarian "Coccidiosis and worms." Turkey World, Vol. 11, No. 5, p. 12. 1936. Turkey News Letter. 2 multigraphed pages. Issued monthly, 1935-36. EvA L. BLAIR, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Home Organization Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935-36. SPENCER B. CLELAND, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension in Farm Management Annual Report of Farm Management Service for Farmers in Northern Minnesota for the Year 1935 (with W. P. Ranney, J. B. McNulty, and G. A. Pond). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 77. May, 1936. 20 mimeographed pages. Annual Farm Business Statement and Farm Plan. Washington, D.C.: Resettlement Administration. November, 1935. 100 mimeographed pages. Instructions for Use of Annual Farm Business Statement and Farm Plan. ~~ashing­ ton, D.C.: Resettlement Administration. November, 1935. 200 mimeographed pages. "Selection of crops for feed production and soil conservation" (with G. A. Pond). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. 158. February, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages. County program planning reports) mimeographed instructions and forms, and reports on project, for use in nine Minnesota counties. 1936. CoRA E. CooKE, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Poultry Specialist Poultry News Letter and Record Farms Report. Issued monthly, 1935-36. 2 mimeo­ graphed pages. Sanitation Project News Letter. Issued semimonthly, April to September, 1936. 1 mimeographed page. Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Service. Published in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minne­ sota. 1935-36. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 47

Advance and follow-up publicity prepared for newspapers in counties where poultry project is being carried. News items for papers on various phases of state extension poultry work.

RALPH F. CRIM, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Agronomist Seed Corn Selection and Germination Methods (with H. K. \Vilson). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 125. 1935. 8 pages. Barley in Minnesota (with F. R. Immer, J, J. Christensen, and R. 0. Bridgford). , (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 135. 1935. 15 pages. Oats in Minnesota (with H. K. Wilson and H. K. Hayes). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 165. 1935. 8 pages. Thatcher Wheat (with H. K. Hayes, E. R. Ausemus, E. C. Stakman, C. H. Bailey, H. K. Wilson, R. H. Bamberg, M. C. Markley and M. N. Levine). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 325. 1936. 39 pages. Minnesota Corn Hybrids (with I. J. Johnson, C. W. Doxtator, and H. K. Hayes). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 326. 1936. I, 23 pages. Demonstrations with Crossed Corn (with H. K. Hayes). 1935. 43 mimeographed pages. "Summary of hybrid corn demonstrations in 1935" (with H. K. Hayes). Minnesota Seed Grrm;er, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. I. 1936. t "Expand durum wheat acreage" (with H. K. \Vilson). Ibid., Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 3. 1935. Editor, Minnesota Seed Grower. Issued bimonthly. 1935-36. # Varietal demonstrations with spring wheat summary (with H. K. Hayes). 1935. 6 mimeographed pages.

THEODORE A. ERICKSON, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and State Club Leader "4-H clubs in church." Lutheran Companion, Vol. 43, No. 21, p. 649. 1935. "How 4-H clubs prepare our boys and girls to be home makers." Parent Teachers Magazine, February, 1936. "Safe and sound." Extension Service Review~ Vol. 7, No.4, p. 63. 1936. "A challenge to 4-H Club members." Duluth News Tribune, August 22, 1935. "The Junior Livestock Show and how it has aided farming." St. Paul Pioneer Press, November 14, 1935. Editor, Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club Department, Minnesota Horticulturist. 1935-36. Various leaflets on 4-H projects. 1935-36. l BELLE 0. Frsn, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Child Development Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri~ cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935-36. News items and articles for newspaperS on various phases of state extension child development work. Mimeographed and multigraphed outlines and subject-matter material for use in child development project. Advance and follow·up publicity material for use in counties where the child development project is being carried.

INEZ M. HoBART, M.A., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Nutrition Use Home Grown Cereals. University of l\finnesota Agricultural Extension Division Circular .No. 51. October, 1935. 8 pages.


"Making canned meat safe." Farmer, Vol. 53, No, 25, p. 22. 1935. Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935·36. Multigraphed subject material for nutrition project, to be used by counties carrying the project. ARTHUR J. KITTLESON, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and State Club Agent 4-H Club Leaders Manual. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Bulletin No. 18. 1936. 39 pages. ]AMES B. McNuLTY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Economist in Farm Management "The Agricultural Outlook and Farm Family Living Outlook in Minnesota for 1936." (with Julia 0. Newton). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Pamphlet 36. 1935. 23 pages. Annual Report of Farm Management Service for Farmers in Northern Minnesota for the Year 1935 (with W. P, Ranney, S. B. Cleland, and G. A. Pond). University of Minnesota Division of Agricultural Economics Report No. 77. May, 1936. 20 mimeographed pages. "Variations in earnings of twenty selected dairy farmers" (with W. P. Ranney). Minnesota Farm Business Notes, No. 161. May, 1936. 3 mimeographed pages. "The dairy situation in 1936." Winona Republican Herald, May 6, 1936. News articles to about 150 country newspapers. November and December, 1935. MARY MAY MILLER, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Home Management Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri· cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935-36. Mimeographed and multigraphed outlines and subject-matter material for use in home management project work. WILLIAM E. MoRRIS, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Animal Husbandman News items for newspapers on various phases of state extension livestock work. GEORGE H. NESOM, B.S., Assistant Professor of Soils and Extension Soils Specialist "Minnesota should grow more alfalfa." Farmer, Vol. 54, No. 10, pp. 18-19. 1936. M. Lois REID, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Ex­ tension Specialist in Clothing Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri· cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935·36. Mimeographed and multigraphed outlines and subject-matter relative to clothing project work. Advance and follow-up publicity prepared for newspapers in counties where clothing project is being carried. RAYMOND C. RosE, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Plant Pathologist Why and How To Treat Seed of Small Grains and Corn (with M. B. Moore). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Circular No. 53. 1936. 4 pages. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 49

Home Preparation of Copper Lime Dust for Potatoes. University of Minnesota Agri· cultural Extension Division, Form PL·3. 193 5. 2 mimeographed pages. Spring I9 the Time To Plant Garden Seeds. University of Minnesota Agricultural I Extension Division, Form PL·4. 1936. 3 mimeographed pages. f W. BRUCE SILcox, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Marketing "Kinds of loans available through the farm credit administration-with supplementary data." Page 27 in Handbook of Economics Information on the Use of Farm Credit. t Washington, ·D.C.: Public Relations Division Farm Credit Administration. 1935; revised, published in colored chart form 24" by 3 6" and sent to all county agricultural agents and teachers of vocational agriculture in the United States, r January, 1936. News items for newspapers on the intelligent use of farm credit, and other phases of agricultural credit and dairy marketing.

I EvEs E. WHITFIELD, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Clothing Home Demonstratie>n Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri· cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country weekly newspapers in Minnesota. 1935-36. Mimeographed and multigraphed outlines and subject·matter relative to clothing project ' work. f Advance and follow-up publicity prepared for newspapers in counties where clothing project is being carried.

HENRY G. ZAVORAL, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Animal Husbandman Hog Health Make9 Wealth. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 119. 1936. 12 pages. Hog Mange, Hog Lice, and Their Control. University of Minnesota Agricultural Exten· sion Division Folder No. 46. 1936. 4 pages. "Hogs do the husking." Farmer, Vol. 53, No. 19, p. 12. 1935. "Control of sheep diseases and parasites." Sheep Breeder, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 5, 24. 1935. "Feeding and management of club pigs." Hog Breeder, Vol. 10, No. 8, p. 3. 1935. "Club work worth while." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 8, p. 15. 1935. Report of Minnesota ton litter contest. 3 mimeographed pages. News items for papers on various phases of state extension livestock work.

WALLACE W. BROOKINS, M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and Extension Agronomy Specialist Your Seed Wheat Problem for 1936. University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Pamphlet No. 37. 1936. 6 pages. "Shortage of heavy seed wheat seen." St. Paul Pioneer Press, March 10, 1936.

DAN C. DvoRACEK, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and Extension Specialist in Marketing Land Economic Survey of Hubbard County, Minnesota (with others). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 317. 1935. 264 pages. HAROLD L. HARRIS, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and Publicity Specialist Co-editor, Weekly News Letter. (Clip sheet of University Farm Publicity, issued weekly for Minnesota newspapers.) 50 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Editor, weekly syn<\icated feature known as Bob Hodgson's Farm Talks, supplied to about 100 newspapers in southern Minnesota. Editor of several folders, bulletins, and posters on the 1936 Farm and Home Week. Prepared several hundred newspaper articles that were widely published in Minnesota. Prepared many articles for publication in various farm magazines, some signed by other staff members of the Agricultural Extension Division and Department of Agri· culture.

KENNETH W. INGWALSON, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and State Club Agent Safety Outline. March, 1936. 4 pages. "Safety, a new 4-H activity." Minnesota Horticulturist, 64:76. 1936. 4-H demonstrations. May, 1936. 7 mimeographed pages.

CHARLOTTE KIRCHNER, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and Home Demonstration Field Agent Home Demonstration Syndicate Feature. Issued by the University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Service. Published weekly in 68 country newspapers in Minne­ sota. 1935-36.

RAMER LEIGHTON, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and Extension Dairy Specialist Dairy Herd Improvement Annual Summary. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 22 pages. Dairy Herd Improvement News Letter. Issued monthly. 6 to 8 mimeographed pages. News items for newspapers on various phases of dairy extension work.

MILDRED ScHENCK, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Extension and State Club Agent Clothing Project, First Year (with Amy Wessel). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 4. July, 1935. 8 pages. Clothing Project, Second Year (with Amy Wessel). University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 5. November, 1935. 8 pages. Clothing Project, Third Year (with Amy Wessel). University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 6. July, 1935. 8 pages. Bread Making Project (with Amy \\'esse!). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 8. July, 1935. 12 pages. Cake Making Project (with Amy Wessel). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 12. November, 1935. 8 pages. Room Furnishing Project (with Amy \Vessel). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 14. February, 1936. 12 pages. Canning Project (with Amy Wessel). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 17. December, 1935. 12 pages.

AMY WEsSEL, B.S., Instructor m Agricultural Extension and State Club Agent Clothing Project, First Year (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 4. July, 1935. 8 pages. Clothing Project, Second Year (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 5. November, 1935. 8 pages. Clothing Project, Third Year (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agri­ cultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 6. July, 1935. 8 pages. Bread Making Project (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 8. July, 1935. 12 pages. Cake Making Project (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 12. November, 1935. 8 pages. :~ f PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 51 Room Furnishing Project (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agricul­ t tural Extension Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 14. February, 1936. 12 pages. Canning Project (with Mildred Schenck). University of Minnesota Agricultural Exten­ sion Division 4-H Club Bulletin No. 17. December, 1935. 12 pages. I Editor, 4-H News Letter. Issued monthly. I 0 mimeographed pages.

DoN P. SHANNON, B.S., Publicity Specialist in Agricultural Extension "Pioneer days in the valley." Farmer, Vol. 53, No. 10, p. 5. 1935. "Off flavors in milk." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 8, p. II. 1936. t "Paul Jeffery cultivates his trees." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 10, p. 5. 1936. "Students urge more trees on prairie farms." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 10, p. 5. 1936. Rural Program Helps. Issued monthly. 5 mimeographed pages. { News articles prepared for and published in about 100 1\finnesota country ne\vspapers regularly.

I AGRICULTURAL SUBSTATIONS CROOKSTON f AusTIN A. DowELL, Ph.D., Superintendent of the Northwest School and • Experiment Station and Professor of Agriculture Announcement for the Year 1935·36. University of Minnesota, Northwest School and Experiment Station, Crookston Series, Vol. 28, No. 3, July, 1935. 34 pages. t Program of the Twenty-s1xth Annual Farmers' Week and Women's Meetings at Crooks­ ton. University of Minnesota, Northwest School and Experiment Station, Crooks­ ton Series, Vol. 29, No. I, January, 1936. 16 pages. "Brief history of the Northwest School-three decades of progress." Red River Aggie, pp. 1-5. 1936. Review of Alonzo E. Taylor, The New Deal and Foreign Trade in Journal of Farm Economics, 17:755-56. November, 1935. Editor, Northwest Monthly. Vol. 19, No. 8 to Vol. 20, No. 7. 1935-36. News items for northwestern Minnesota papers on the work of the Northwest School and Experiment Station.

RuFUS ]. CHRISTGAU, B.S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, Northwest School and Experiment Station "Four decades of animal husbandry." Red River Aggie, pp. 16-19. 1936. Faculty editor, Red River Aggie. 1936.

ELMER R. CLARK, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Pure Seed Specialist, Northwest School and Experiment Station Crops and Soils Handbook for the Red River Valley (with R. S. Dunham and T. M. McCall). University of Minnesota, Northwest School and Experiment Station, Crookston Series, Yo!. 29, No. 5. June, 1936.

RAYMOND S. DuNHAM, M.S.A., Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Agronomist, Northwest School and Experiment Station Crops and Soils Handbook for the Red River Valley (with T. M. McCall and E. R. Clark). University of Minnesota, Northwest School and Experiment Station, Crookston Series, Vol. 29, No. 5. June, 1936. ARNOLD M. FoKER, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Northwest School and Experiment Station Northwest Schor>! Ponltry Hous·e (with A. M. Pi!key). University of Minnesota, North­ west School and Experiment Station, Crookston Series, Vol. 29, No.3. April, 1936. 52 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ORVILLE M. KISER, M.S., Assistant Professor of Dairy and Animal Hus­ bandry, Northwest School and Experiment Station A Si"' Years' Study of Crossbreeding Swine (with L. M. Winters, P. S. Jordoo, W. H. Peters). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 320. 1935. 18 pages. "A six years' study of crossbreeding swine" (with P. S. Jordan and L. M. Winters). Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 218·20. 1935. THOMAS M. McCALL, M.S., Assistant Professor of Horticulture and Horti­ culturist, Northwest School and Experiment Station Crops and Soils Handbook for the Red River Valley (with R. S. Dunham and E. R. Clark). University of Minnesota, Northwest School and Experiment Station, Crookston Series, Vol. 29, No. 5. June, 1936. "40 years of horticulture at the Northwest School and Station." Red River Aggie, pp. 7-11. 1936. "Fruits recommended for planting in Minnesota. Report of the Fruit List Committee" (with J, D. Winter, W. G. Brierley, B. F. Dunn, and L. Downing). Minnesota Horticulturist, 64:33. 1936. ALVIN M. PILKEY, Instructor in Poultry Husbandry, Northwest School and Experiment Station Northwest School Po-ultry House (with A. M. Faker). University of Minnesota, North· west School and Experiment Station, Crookston Series, Vol. 29, No. 3. April, 1936.

DULUTH MARK J. THOMPSON, M.S., Superintendent of the Northeast Experiment Station and Associate Professor of Farm Engineering Northeast Minnesota Cooperative Crop Tests. 1935. Minneapolis: University of Minne­ sota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 9 pages. Arro-whead Crop Tests Thru a Dozen Years (1924-35). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 9 pages. Arrowhead Potatoes; Fertilizer Tests Thru a Dozen Years. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 193 5. 9 pages. Editor, Farm Management Section, Stock and Dairy Farmer. 1935-36.

GRAND RAPIDS CLARENCE L. CoLE, B.S.A., Instructor in Animal Husbandry, North Central School and Station "Calf feeding method." No-rth Central Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. I, p. 4. 1935. ARTHUR F. DAHLBERG, B.S.A., Instructor in Poultry Husbandry, Agricul­ tural Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics, North Central School and Experiment Station "Prepare for farming." North Central Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 2-3. 1936. RALPH H. KNOWLES, B.S., Instructor in Music and Speech, North Central School and Experiment Station "The musical ear." North Central Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 4. 1935. MARY KuLSTAD, Instructor in Mathematics, Registrar, and Librarian, North Central School and Experiment Station Managing editor, North Central Quarterly. 1935-36. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 53

OTTO W. SwENSON, Instructor in Agronomy, North Central School and Experiment Station "Preserve seed grains." North C~mtral Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. I, p. 3. 1935. "Alfalfa seed production." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. I, p. 4. 1935. "Oats and peas for hay and grain." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 2. 1935.

MORRIS PAUL E. MILLER, M.Agr., Superintendent of the West Central School and Experiment Station and Professor of Agriculture Editor West Central School News. Vol. 26, Nos. I, 2, 3, 4. 1935-36. Ninth Annual Sheep and Lamb Feeders Day. Morris Series, Vol. 26, No. I. 1936. Homemakers' Short Course. Morris Series, Vol. 26, No. 2. 1936. ; Circular of Information. Morris Series, Vol. 26, Nos. 3, 4. 1935-36. RoY 0. BRIDGFORD, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agronomy, West Central School and Experiment Station Barley in Minnesota (with F. R. lmmer, J. ]. Christensen, and R. F. Crim). (Revised.) f University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 135. 1935. IS pages. PHILIP S. JoRDAN, B.S., Assistant Professor of Animal and Dairy Hus­ bandry, West Central School and Experiment Station A Six Years' Study of Crossbreeding Swine (with L. M. Winters, W. H. Peters, and f 0. M. Kiser). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 320. 1935. 18 pages. "A six years' study of crossbreeding swine" (with L. M. Winters and 0. M. Kiser). Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 218-20. 1935. 4 ' From nothing to a champion in ten years." Percheron News~ p. 7. February 15, 1936. fhe most profitable proportion of roughage to grain for fattening lambs (with W. H. J Peters). Mimeographed Report S-19. 1936. 4 pages. THEODORE H. FENSKE, B.S., Instructor in Farm Crops and Soils, West Cen­ t tral School and Experiment Station rrFarm Boys, Forest and Fun." 15 mimeographed pages. "Farm boys, forest, and fun." Minnesota Conservationist, No. 28, p. 5. September, 1935. Editor, Projector of W.C.S.A., Vol. 4. April to September, 1935. Co-writer of news sheet sent to West Central Minnesota newspapers. Mimeographed lesson sheets on subject of conservation. 1935-36. 30 mimeographed pages. ToNE E. HALVORSON, B.S., Instructor in Clothing and Design, West Central School and Experiment Station The Enduring House. Morris: West Central School of Agriculture Mimeograph Depart· ment. 1936. 20 pages. Test (clothing) for class use. 1935-36. 16 mimeographed pages. Tests (home furnishings) for class use. 1935-36. 8 mimeographed pages.

WASECA ! ROBERT E. HoDGSON, M.S., Superintendent of the Southeast Experiment Station and Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Farm Management "An eight generation experiment in inbreeding swine." Journal of Heredity, 26:209-17. May, 1935. 54 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Culls in the cow yard." Shorthorn World, 20:77-79. July 25, 1935. "Bull residues." Ibid., 20:83-85. December 25, 1935. "\Vhy experiment stations should continue their efforts." Winona Republican Herald, April 29, 1936. \\"eekly articles used more or less regularly by some 140 newspapers. 1935-36.

ZUMBRA HEIGHTS FRED E. HARALSON, Assistant Superintendent of the State Fruit Breeding Farm "Fruit Breeding Farm report, 1935" (with \V. H. Alderman). Minnesota Horticulturist, 64:5, 8. 1936.

AGRONOMY AND PLANT GENETICS HERBERT K. HAYES, D.Sc., Professor of Plant Genetics and Chief of the Division of Agronomy and Plant Genetics Tobacco G1·owing (with C. H. Lein). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Special Bulletin No. 156. 1935. 12 pages. Oats in Minnesota (with H. K. Wilson and R. F. Crim). (Revised.) University of ~Iinnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 165. 1935. 8 pages. Thatcher Wheat (with E. R. Ausemus, E. C. Stakman, C. H. Bailey, H. K. Wilson, R. H. Bamberg, M, C. Markley, R. F. Crim, and M. N. Levine). University of :IIinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 325. !936. 39 pages. Minnesota Corn Hybrids (with I. J_ Johnson, C. W. Doxtator, and R. F. Crim). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 326. 1936. 23 pages. "Economic botany." American Yearbook for 1935, pp. 703-707. "Green pastures for the plant breeder." Journal of the American Society of Agronomy} 27:957-62. 1935. "A study of the combining ability of inbred lines of Golden Bantam sweet corn" (with I. J, Johnson). Ibid., 28:246-52. 1936. "Summary of hybrid corn demonstrations in 1935" (with R. F. Crim). Minnesota Seed Grower, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. L 1936. Varietal demonstrations with spring wheat, 1935 (with R. F. Crim). 1935. 6 mimeo­ graphed pages. Demonstrations with crossed corn (with R. F. Crim). 1935. 43 mimeographed pages.

ALBERT C. ARNY, M.S., Associate Professor of Agronomy Mimeographed report on grasses for meadows and pastures in Minnesota. Mimeographed report on legumes for meadows and pastures in Minnesota. Mimeographed report on mixtures used for seeding down permanent meadows and pastures. Mimeographed summary of recommended systems of cropping for use in different sec­ tions of Minnesota.

FoRREST R. lMMER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Plant Genetics Barley in Minnesota (with J- J- Christensen, R. 0. Bridgford, and R. F. Crim). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 135. 1935. IS pages. "Producing good malting barley." Minnesota Seed Grower, Vol. 8, No.4, PP- 1, 3. 1935. "A study of the association between mean yields and standard deviations of varieties tested in replicated yield trials." Journal of the American Society of Agronomy, 28:24-27. 1936. "Errors of routine analysis for percentage of sucrose and apparent coefficient of purity in field trials with sugar beets." Journal of Agricult1

HAROLD K. WILSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Agronomy and Plant Genetics Seed Corn Selection and Germination Methods (with R. F. Crim). (Revised.) Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin 125. 1935. , 8 pages. Oats in Minnesota (with H. K. Hayes and R. F. Crim). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin 165. 1935. 8 pages. ' Natural Resources: Their Economic Utilization and Conservation. (Revised.) Minne­ apolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 163 pages. Thatcher Wheat (with H. K. Hayes, E. R. Ausemus, E. C. Stakman, C. H. Bailey, R. H. Bamberg, M. C. Markley, R. F. Crim, and M. N. Levine). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 325. 1936. 39 pages. "Expand durum wheat acreage" (with R. F. Crim). Minnesota Seed Grower, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 3. 1935. Editor, Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science. 1935.

IvER ]. ]OHNSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Plant Genetics Minnesota Corn Hybrids (with C. W. Doxtator, H. K. Hayes, and R. F. Crim). Uni­ f versity of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 326. 1936. , 23 pages. "A study of the combining ability of inbred lines of Golden Bantam sweet corn" (with H. K. Hayes). Journal of the American Society of Agronomy, 28:246-52. 1936. "The relation of stand to yield in corn." Minnesota Seed Grower, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 1. 1936. If CARL BoRGESON, M.S., Instructor in Agronomy "Field inspection observations." Minnesota Seed Grower, Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 2. 1935. "Final steps for seed registration." Ibid., Vol. 8, No. 5, p. 1. 1935. CHARLES W. DoxTATOR, M.S., Instructor in Agronomy and Plant Genetics Minnesota Corn Hybrids (with I. J. Johnson, H. K. Hayes, and R. F. Crim). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 326. 1936. 23 pages. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY WALTER H. PETERs, M.Agr., Professor of Animal Husbandry and Chief of the Division of Animal Husbandry A Six Years' Study of Crossbreeding S-wine (with L. M. Winters, P. S. Jordan, and 0. M. Kiser). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 320. 1935. 18 pages. "Lamb feeders meet." Farmer, Vol. 54, No. 3, p. 16. 1936. "Take care of those lambs." Ibid., Vol. 54, No. 8, p. 18. 1936. "The beef cow herd on the cornbelt farm." Shorthorn World, Vol. 20, No. 22, p. 3. 1936. "Opportunity for profits from pasture." Ibid., Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 3. 1936. Linseed oilmeal and tankage for cattle fattening (with D. W. Johnson). Mimeographed Report B-31. 1935. 8 pages. The most profitable proportion of roughage to grain for fattening lambs (with P. S. Jordan). Mimeographed Report S-19. 1936. 4 pages. Editor, Livestock Department, Farmer. 1935.

EVAN F. FERRIN, M.Agr., Professor of Animal Husbandry "A plan for testing swine." Wwllace's Farmer and Iowa Homestead, Vol. 60, No. 21, p. 13. 1935.


"Swine testing will determine the most efficient breeding stock." Swine World, Vol. 22, No. 7, p. 4. 1935; Duroc News, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 3. 1936; American Hampshire Herdsman, Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 16. 1936, "Hogs should be bred for high production." National Livestock Prod#cer, Vol. 14, "· No. 6, p. 13. 1936. "Expeller processed soybean oil meal compared with other protein supplements." Pro­ ceedings of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 104·106. 1936. "Strong show at the National." Spotted Poland China Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 9, p. 3. 1936. "Purdue again at top." Chicago Daily Drovers Journal, December 5, 1935. Mimeographed reports of swine feeding investigations, H. 65, 66.

LAURENCE M. WINTERS, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Husbandry A Six Years' Study of Crossbreeding Swine (with 0. M. Kiser, P. S. Jordan, and W. H. Peters). University of Minnesota Experiment Station Bulletin No. 320. 1935. 18 pages. "A six years' study of crossbreeding swine" (with P. S. Jordan and 0. M. Kiser), Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 218-20. 1935. "A proposed record of performance." Shorthorn World, Vol. 20, No. 10, p. 16. 1935. "Methods of breeding for improved performance." Ibid., Vol. 20, No. 13, p. 3. 1935. "Looking to the future in livestock breeding." Ibid., Vol. 20, No. 19, p. 3. 1935. "Observations in Mexico." Ibid., Vol. 20, No. 20, p. 47. 1935. "Principles and their applications in animal breeding, 1." Ibid., Vol. 20, No. 24, p. 3. 1936. "Principles and their applications in animal breeding, 2." Ibid., Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 4. 1936. "Principles of livestock breeding." American Hereford Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 15- 18. 1936. Progress in artificial insemination at Minnesota. Report of the Artificial Insemination Conference. 1935. 2 mimeographed pages.

ALFRED L. HARVEY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry A Report of the Horse Breeding Indu.l'lry in Minnesota. State of Minnesota Stallion Registration Board Bulletin No. 22. 1935. 48 pages. 11 The hay requirement of work horses with corn and cob meal as a grain." Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 97-100. 1935. "Fany-the greatest brood mare." Percheron News, August 15, 1935. "Horse breeding in Minnesota increases." Ibid., May 15, 1936.

DoNALD W. JoHNSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry Abstracts in Biological Abstract~, 1935-36. Linseed oilmeal and tankage for cattle fattening (with W. H. Peters). Mimeographed Report B-31. 1935. 8 pages.

RicHARD T. CLARK, Ph.D., Instructor in Animal Husbandry "Studies on the physiology of reproduction in the sheep" (abstract). Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Production, p. 54. 1935. DAIRY HUSBANDRY

]AMES B. FITCH, M.S., Professor of Dairy Husbandry and Chief of the Divi­ sion of Dairy Husbandry "The dairy producer." Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Convention of the National Creamery Buttermakers' Association, 36 :101·106. 1935. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 57

WILLEs B. CoMBS, M.A., Professor of Dairy Husbandry "What constitutes a legal overrun?" Creamery Journal, 44:5, 29. June, !935. "Controlling the fat losses in buttermilk." Ibid., 46:14. July, 1935. "Method suggested for control of loss of fat in buttermilk." American Creamery Opera­ tor, Vol. 10, No. 16, p. 14. 1935. "Weeds and their relation to off-flavors in cream." Ibid., Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 1-2. 1936; Dairy Record, Vol. 36, No. 35, p. 12. !936. "Sherbets-how to improve them." Ice Cream Review, !9:38-39. January, 1936. "Drum versus spray process dry milk in ice cream" (with R. L. Carithers). Ibid., 19: 42, 60-62. March, !936. "Extending the use of melons by frozen storage" (with R. B. Harvey, R. H. Landon, and Alice M. Child). Fruit Products Journal, !5:146·48. 1936.

HAROLD MAcY, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Bacteriology "Bacteriological methods for the analysis of dairy products" (with P. A. Downs, B. W. Hammer, and W. A. Cordes). Journal of Dairy Science, 18:647-56. 1935. f "Preventing cheesy flavor in unsalted butter" (with E. 0. Herreid). American Creamery Operator, Vol. 10, No. 23, p. 15. 1935. "Cheesy flavors in unsalted butter" (with E. 0. Herreid). American Creamery and Poultry Produce Review, 81:362. 1936. Abstracts in Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, and Journal of Dairy Science, 1935-36.

WILLIAM E. PETERSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry Judging Dairy Cattle (with H. R. Searles). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 92. 1936. 23 pages. "Research in dairy husbandry." Proceedings of the Red River Valley Dairymen's Association, 31:37-43. !935. "Some influences that may change the lactose content of milk." Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Production, pp. 59-63. November, 1935. "A study of variations in the lactose content of milk" (with W. R. Brown and R. A. Gartner). Journal of Dairy Science, 19:81-92. 1936. "The decrease in lactose content of milk following the production of artificial hypo­ glycemia" (with W. R. Brown and R. A. Gartner). Ibid., 19:147-54. 1936. "The effect of intravenous injections of sugar upon the lactating bovine" (with W. R. Brown and R. A. Gartner). Ibid., 19:177-84. 1936. "Intra-mammary duct injections in the study of lactose formation" (with W. R. Brown I and R. A. Cortner). Ibid., !9: 243-56. 1936. SAMUEL T. CouLTER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry Abstracts in Journal of Dairy Science. 1935-36. THoR W. GuLLICKSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry A Rickets-Like Disease in Young Cattle (with L. S. Palmer and W. L. Boyd). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 105. 1935. 47 pages. Raising Dairy Calves on Skimmilk. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 108. !935. 20 pages. Bone-Chewing or Depraved Appetite in Cattle (with L. S. Palmer). (Revised.) Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Djvision Special Bulletin No. 132. 1936. 7 pages. I "Supplementary report of an experiment to determine the effect of a low calcium ration on reproduction in cattle" (with L. S. Palmer, C. P. Fitch, and W. L. Boyd). Cornell Veterinarian, 25:229-46. 1935. "Cows need corrective rations." Country Gentleman, Vol. 106, No. 4, p. 95. 1936. Mineral and vitamin requirements of dairy cattle. Minneapolis: University of Mi11111e­ f sota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 5 pages.


NAT N. ALLEN, Ph.D., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry "The influence of feed upon the composition of milk." Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Convention of the Internationail As9ociation of Milk Dealers, pp. 69-74. \ 1935.

ERNEST 0. HERREID, Ph.D., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry "Preventing cheesy flavor in unsalted butter" (with H. Macy). American Creamery Operator, Vol. 10, No. 23, p. !5. 1935. "Cheesy flavors in unsalted butter" (with H. Macy). American Creamery and Poultry Produce Review, 81:362. 1936.

RoBERT L. CARITHERS, M.S., Dairy and Ice Cream Machinery and Supplies Association Fellow in Dairy Husbandry "Drum versus spray process dry milk in ice cream" (with W. B. Combs). Ice Cream Review, 19:42, 60-62. March, 1936.

WILLIAM R. BROWN, Ph.D., Graduate Student in Dairy Husbandry "A study of variations in the lactose content of milk" (with W. E. Petersen and R. A. Gortner). Journal of Dairy Science, 19:81·92. 1936. "The decrease in lactose content of milk following the production of artificial hypo­ glycemia" (with W. E. Petersen and R. A. Gortner). Ibid., 19:147-54. 1936. "The effect of intravenous injections of sugar upon the lactating bovine" (with W. E. Petersen and R. A. Gortner). Ibid., 19:177-84. 1936. "Intra-mammary duct injections in the study of lactose formation" (with W. E. Peter· sen and R. A. Gortner). Ibid., 19:243-56. !936.

ENTOMOLOGY AND ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY WILLIAM A. RILEY, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of Entomology and Chief of the Division of Entomology and Economic Zoology "Minnesota records of Ornithodoros tala;c." Journal of Parasitology, 21:217. June, 1935. "Notes on the relation of to disease." Military Surgeon, 77:256-67. November, 1935.

ARTHUR G. RuGGLES, M.A., Professor of Entomology "Effects of certification on the gladiolus corms industry." Minnesota Horticulturist, Vol. 64, No. !, pp. 12-13. 1936. "Plant pest control." Ibid., Vol. 63, No. 5, p. 93, No. 7, p. 133, No. 8, p. 153. 1935; Vol. 64, No. 3, p. 53, No. 4, p. 73. 1936. Grasshopper control report of 1935. 33 mimeographed pages. Chinch bug report of 1935. 10 mimeographed pages. MAURICE C. TANQUARY, Ph.D., Professor of Apiculture "Minnesota notes on beekeeping." Gleanings in Bee Culture, 63:421-22, 552. 1935; Minnesota Horticulturist, Vol. 63, No. 5, p. 94, No. 6, p. 114, No. 7, p. 134, No. 9, p. 174. 1935. ALEXANDER A. GRANOVSKY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Entomology Forestry and Biological Station of the University of Minnesota at !taxa Park. Bulletin of the University of Minnesota, Vol. 39, No. 30. 1936. 16 pages. Abstract. Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. 28, No. 6, p. !8. 1935. Abstract (with D. J. Pietsch). Ibid., Vol. 28, No. 6, p. 18. 1935. Abstract (with R. H. Nagel). Ibid., Vol. 28, No. 6, p. 19. 1935. Miscellaneous articles on problems for the press. 1935-36. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 59

CLARENCE E. MICKEL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Entomology "The mutillid wasps of the islands of the Pacific Ocean." Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 83:177-312. 1935. "Descriptions and records of mutillid wasps of the genera Myrmilloides and Pseudo­ methoca." Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 61:383-98. 1935. "New species and records of Nearctic mutillid wasps of the genus Dasymutilla." Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 29:29-60. 1936.

HAROLD H. SHEPARD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Entomology Insecticide Bibliography, Supplement for 1931-35. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 13 pages. "Hesperidae: Subfamilia Pyrginae III." Pt. 69, pp. 273-560 in E. Strand, editor, Lepidopterorum Catalogus. The Hague: W. Junk. 1935.

ToRFINE L. AAMODT, B.S., Instructor in Entomology

"President's timely notes." Minnesota Horticulturist~ VoL 64, No. 1, pp. 7, 9, No. 2, p. 27, No. 3, pp. 46-47, No. 4, p. 67. 1936.

DoNALD M. HATFIELD, M.A., Instructor in Entomology "A natural history study of Microtus californicus." Journal of Mammalogy, 16:261-71. 1935. "Description of a new race of Microtus californicus." Ibid., 16:316-18. 1935.

MYKOLA H. HAYDAK, Ph.D., Instructor in Entomology "The role of pollen in life of the honey bee." Page 592 in ABC and XYZ of Bee C1tlture. Medina, Ohio: A. I. Root Company, 1935. "Pigmentation in black-haired rats." Science, 82:107-108. 1935. "Brood rearing by honey-bees confined to a pure carbohydrate diet." Journal of Eco- nomic Entomology, 28:657-60. 1935. "Honey for burns." (In Ukrainian.) Ukrainian Beekeeper, 8:115. 1935. "The food of wax moth larvae." (In Ukrainian.) Ibid., 8:191. 1935. "Notes from beekeeping practice." (In Ukrainian.) Ibid., 8:192, 217. 1935. "What to give bees when there is no pollen in nature." (In Ukrainian.) Ibid., 9:52. 1936. "Birds-enemies or friends?" Gleanings in Bee C1tlture, 64:23-24. 1936. "Evolution of Ukrainian beekeeping." Ibid., 64:85-89. 1936. , "Effect of an excessive bee stinging." Minnesota Medicine, 19:179-80. 1936. Abstract in Biological Abstracts, VoL 9. 1935. No. 7695. Abstracts in Ukrainian Beekeeper, 8:76, 199, 216, 217. 1935; 9:59. 1936.

ALEXANDER C. HoDSON, Ph.D., Instructor in Entomology f Abstracts in Biological Abstracts, Vol. 9. 1935. Nos. 10858, 13123. RALPH T. KING, M.A., Instructor in Entomology "Game management." Gopher Peavey, pp. 29-33. 1935.

RICHARD H. DAGGY, B.S., Assistant in Entomology I, "New butterfly record for United States." Entomological News, 47:52. 1936. CLARENCE H. HoFFMANN, Ph.D., Assistant in Entomology and Economic Zoology "Biological notes on Ataenius cognatus (Lee.), a new pest of golf greens in Minnesota (--Coleoptera)." Journal of Economic Entomology, 28:666-67. August, 1935. l 60 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"The biology and of the genus Trichiotinus (Scarabaeidae--Coleoptera)." Entomdlogica Americana, 15:133·214. October, 1935. "The life history of Serica sericea (Ill.) (Scarabaeidae--Coleoptera)." Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 44:11-15. March, 1936.

DAVID L. LINDGREN, Ph.D., Assistant in Entomology The Respiration of Insects in Relation to the Heating and the Fumigation of Grain. University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 109. 1935. 32 pages.

DoNALD J. PLETSCH, B.S., Assistant in Entomology Abstract (with A. A. Granovsky). Journal of Ecotwmic Entomology, Vol. 28, No. 6, p. 18. 1935.

FRANKLIN G. WALLACE, Ph.D., Assistant in Entomolpgy "A morphological and biological study of the trematode, Sellacotyle mustelae, n. g., n. sp." Journal of Parasitology, 21:143-64. June, 1935.

RoY H. NAGEL, M.S., Graduate Student in Entomology and Economic Zoology Abstract (with A. A. Granovsky). Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. 28, No. 6, p. 19. 1935.

MARTHINUS ]. OosTHUIZEN, Ph.D., Graduate Student in Entomology The Effect of High Temperature on the Confused Flour Beetle. University of ),1innesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 107. 1935. 45 pages.

FORESTRY HENRY ScHMITZ, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry and Chief of the Division of Forestry Land Economic Survey, Hubbard County, Minnesota (with others). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 317. 1935. 264 pages. The Cloquet Forest-A Demonstration of Practical Forestry in Northern Minnesota (with T. S. Hansen, J. H. Allison, E. G. Cheyney, and R. M. Brown). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 112. 1936. 84 pages. "Minnesota's forest possibilities today." Minnesota Journal of Education, 14: 119·20. 1935. "Story of early forestry." Minnesota Chats, 17:1, 3. February 25, 1935. "Forests and human welfare." Minnesota Conservationist, No. 30, pp. 2·3, 10. Novem· ber, 1935; No. 31, pp. 2-3, 17, 20-21. December, 1935; No. 31, pp. 8·9, 18, 20·21. January, 1936. }OHN H. ALLISON, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry The Cloquet Forest-A Demonstration of Practical Forestry in Northern Minnesota (with T. S. Hansen, R. M. Brown, E. G. Cheyney, and H. Schmitz). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 112. 1936. 84 pages. EDWARD G. CHEYNEY, B.A., Professor of Forestry The Cloquet Fore..t-A Demonstration of Practical Forestry in Northern Minnesota (with T. S. Hansen, J. H. Allison, R. M. Brown, and H. Schmitz). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 112. 1936. 84 pages. 1 PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 61

RAPHAEL ZoN, B.A., B.S., F.E., Professor of Forestry Possibilities of Shelterbelt Planting in the Plains Region (with others). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 1935. 200 pages. ! "Shelterbelts-futile dream or workable plan." Science, 81:391-94. April, 1935. Reviews of F. S. Baker, The Theory and Practice of Silviculture in Science, 83:16-17. January, 1936. W. E. Rogers, Tree Flowers of Forest, Park and Street in Saturday Review of Litera­ ture, Vol. 13, No. 22, p. 20. March, 1936. "Can floods be controlled?" St. Paul Pioneer Press, March 29, 1936.

THORVALD ScHANTz-HANSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Forestry in charge of the Forest Experiment Station

The Cloquet Fore~t--A Demonstration of Practical Forestry in Northern Minnesota (with J. H. Allison, R. M. Brown, E. G. Cheyney, and H. Schmitz). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 112. 1936. 84 pages. "The farmers' woodlot." Pine Knot Cloquet, December 6, 1935.

RANDOLPH M. BROWN, M.F., Assistant Professor of Forestry The Cloquet Forest-A Demonstration of Practical Forestry in Northern Minnesota (with T. S. Hansen, J, H. Allison, E. G. Cheyney, and H. Schmitz). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 112. 1936. 84 pages. l "Defect deduction for the one-quarter-inch international log rule." Journal of Forestry, ' 33:760-62. November, 1935. Louis W. REES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Forestry


"Furniture, ancient and modern." Gopher Peavey1 pp. 19-27. June, 1935.

FRANK KAUFERT, Ph.D., Instructor in Forestry Heart Rot of Balmm Fir in the Lake States, with Special Reference to Forest Manage­ ment. University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bul­ letin No. 110. 1935. 27 pages. "The production of asexual spores by Pleurotus corticatus." Mycologia 27:388-417. August, 1935.

STANLEY ]. BUCKMAN, Ph.D., American Creosoting Company Fellow r Moisture Movement in Coniferous Wood below the Fiber Saturation Point (with L. \V. Rees). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bul­ letin No. 108. 1935. 19 pages.

HOME ECONOMICS i ALicE M. CHILD, M.A., Associate Professor of Home Economics , Honey--How To Use It (with Kathryn B. Niles). (Revised.) University of Minnesota ' Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 122. 1935. 23 pages. Selection and Use of Bacon. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Exten­ sion Division Special Bulletin No. 172. 1935. 8 pages. Selection and Use of Pork Cuts. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 173. 1935. 19 pages. 62 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Using Meat Sundries. University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Circu­ lar No. 52. 1935. 8 pages. "Effect of interior temperatures of beef muscle upon the press fluid and cooking losses" (with J. A. Fogarty). JournoJ of Agricultural Research, 51:655-62. 1935. "Dry skim milk." Journal of American Dietetic Association, II :134-36. 1935. "Sulfuring of apples" (with Mary Baldelli, Dorothea Nelson, and R'. B. Harvey). Minnesota Horticulturist, 63:168-69. 1935. "Extending the use of melons by frozen storage" (with R. B. Harvey, W. B. Combs, and R. H. Landon). Fruit Products Journal, 15:146-48. 1936.

HARRIET GoLDSTEIN, Associate Professor of Home Economics "Teaching costume design." Journal of Home Economics, 28:22-26, 88-92. January, February, 1936.

MARION WELLER, B.S., Associate Professor of Home Economics Agencies and Institutions at Work in the Interest of Better Buying. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. IS pages.

ETHEL L. PHELPS, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics "A study of popular-priced white broadcloth shirts" (with Ethel R. Gorham). Journal of Home Economics, 27:593-600. November, 1935.

ETHEL ·R. GoRHAM, M.A., Instructor in Home Economics "A study of popular-priced white broadcloth shirts" (with Ethel L. Phelps). Journal of Home Economics, 27:593-600. November, 1935.

KATHRYN B. NILES, M.S., Instructor in Home Economics Honey-How To Use It (with Alice l\L Child). (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin. No. 122. 1935. 23 pages.

RosLYN GIRAUD, B.S., Assistant in Home Economics A Study of Wool Flannels, Serges, and Gabardines. The Relationship between Physical ProPerties and Cost of Staple Wool Materials (with Ethel L. Phelps, Montelle Dietrich, and Eunice Thompson). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experi­ ment Station Technical Bulletin No. 104. 1935. 80 pages.

HORTICULTURE WILLIAM H. ALDERMAN, B.S.A., Professor of Horticulture and Chief of the Division of Horticulture Picking, Handling, and Packing Fruits for Market (with J. D. Winter and W. C. Waite). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bul­ letin No. 169. 1935. 11 pages. Picking, Handling, and Refrigeration of Raspberries and Strawberries (with J. D. \Vinter and W. C. Waite). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 318. 1935. 39 pages. Packing Minnesota Fruits for Market (with J. D. Winter and W. C. Waite). Uni­ versity of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 323. 1935. 18 pages. "Accomplishments in fruit breeding by state and federal experiment stations." Pro­ ceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33:13-20. 1935. "Fruit Breeding Farm report, 1935" (with F. E. Haralson). Minnesota Horticulturist, 64:5, 8. 1936. "New Minnesota fruits named." Ibid., 64:23-24. 1936. \ PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 63

"Experimental work in fruit culture." Minnesota Fruit Grower, 3:3-4. May, 1936. "New fruits from Minnesota." Country Gentleman, Vol. 106, No. 5, p. 84. 1936. Editor, Orchard and Garden Department, Farmer. 1935-36. r Co-editor, Timely Topics Department, Minnesota Horticulturist. 1935-36.

WILFRID G. BRIERLEY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Horticulture "Report of the Committee for Sectional Groups and Membership." Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 32:11-12. 1936. "Absorption of water by the foliage of some common fruit species." Ibid., 32:277-83. 1935. "The raspberry plant in its relation to water." Minnesota Fruit Grower, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 3, 16. 1935. "Raspberry growing in Minnesota." Minnesota Horticulturist, 63:163-64. 1935. "Fruits recommended for planting in Minnesota. Report of the Fruit List Committee" (with J. D. Winter, T. M. McCall, B. F. Dunn, and L. Downing). Ibid., 64:33. 1936.

FRED A. KRANTZ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Horticulture "How new potatoes are bred." Transactions of the Iowa State Horticultural Society, 69:345-46. 1934. "Periderm and cortex color inheritance in the potato" (with H. Mattson). Journal of t Agricultural Research, 52:59-64. January, 1936.

TROY M. CURRENCE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Horticulture "Relation of plot size and shape to carrot yield variations on peat soil." Proceedings It of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33:484-88. 1935. LEWIS E. LONGLEY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Horticulture "Flower color in 'broken' or mosaic tulips." Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33:674-77. 1935. "Hardiness tests with some perennial sedums" (with E. Hansing, L. Sando, and R. B. Harvey). Ibid., 33:686-89. 1935. "Sowing perennial flowers." Minnesota Horticulturist, 63:132. 1935. "New Minnesota chrysanthemum varieties" (with L. Sando). Ibid., 63:165, 171. 1935. "Some little known evergreens." Ibid., 63:170. 1935. "The romance of the orchid." Home Beauty, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 4, 17. 1936. "The romance of the lily." Ibid., Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 8, 17. 1936. "Carnation, the divine flower." Ibid., Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 9, 18. 1936. "Bulbs for spring effect." Ibid., Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 8, 17. 1936. Community flower shows (with L. Sando). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 5 pages. List of rock garden plants (with L. Sando). (Revised.) l\Iinneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 4 pages. List of common house pla.nts (with L. Sando). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 3 pages.

ARTHUR N. WILcox, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Horticulture "Apple breeding studies. I. Fruit color" (with E. Angelo). Proceedings of the American Society for Horticu{tural Science, 33:108-13. 1935. "Garden shows in England." Minnesota Horticulturist, 63:123-24. 1935. Review of M. B. Crane and W. J. C. Lawrence, The Genetic~ of Garden Plants in Ibid., 64:38. 1935. ERNEST ANGELO, Ph.D., Instructor in Horticulture "Apple breeding studies. I. Fruit color" (with A. N. Wilcox). Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33:108-13. 1935. Material for use by Extension Club leaders. 15 mimeographed sheets. 1935-36.


FRANC P. DANIELS, B.S., Instructor in Horticulture

Strawberry Growing in Mit~nesota. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural . Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 72. 1936. 16 pages. Bush Fruit Growing in Minnesota. (Revised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 79. 1936. 24 pages.

ARTHUR E. HuTCHINS, Ph.D., Instructor in Horticulture Vegetable Gardening. University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 174. 1936. 32 pages. Culinary Herbs (with L. Sando). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Circular No. 54. 1936. 8 pages. "Minnesota." Pages 499-501 in The Garden Dictionary (first edition). 1936. "The interaction of blue and green color factors in Hubbard squash." Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33:513. 1935. "The inheritance of a green flowered variation in Cucumber sativa." Ibid., 33:514. 1935. "Herbs-their culture and uses" (with L. Sando). Minnesota Horticulturist, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 3-4, No. 2, pp. 31-32, No. 3, pp. 48-50, No. 4, pp. 69-70, No. 5, pp. 90-91, No. 6, pp. 110-11. 1936. Vegetable garden articles. Rural Press. 1935-36. 3 articles. News articles on vegetable gardening. Ibid. 1935-36. Co-editor, Timely Topics Department, Minnesota Horticulturist. 1935-36. Material for class work. 1935-36. 15 mimeographed pages. Material on culture of vegetable crops. 1935-36. 8 mimeographed pages.

]AMES D. WINTER, M.S., Instructor in Horticulture Picking, Handling, and Packing Fruits for Market (with W. H. Alderman and W. C. Waite). University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bul­ letin No. 169. 1935. 11 pages. Picking, HandJing, and Refrigeration of Raspberries and Strawberries (with W. H. Alderman and W. C. Waite). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 318. 1935. 39 pages. Packing Minnesota Fruits for Market (with W. H. Alderman and W. C. Waite). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 323. 1935. 18 pages. "Fruits recommended for planting in Minnesota. Report of the Fruit List Committee" (with W. G. Brierley, T. M. McCall, B. F. Dunn, and L. Downing). Minnesota Horticulturist, 64:33. 1936.

Lours SANDO, Assistant in Horticulture Cwlinary Herbs (with A. E. Hutchins). University of Minnesota Agricultural Exten­ sion Division Circular No. 54. 1936. 8 pages. "Hardiness tests with some perennial sedums" (with E. Hansing, L. E. Longley, and R. B. Harvey). Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33:686-89. 1935. "New Minnesota chrysanthemum varieties" (with L. E. Longley). Minnesota Horticul­ turist, 63:165, 171. 1935. "Herbs-their culture and uses" (with A. E. Hutchins). Minnesota Horticulturist, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 3-4, No. 2, pp. 31-32, No. 3, pp. 48-50, No. 4, pp. 69-70, No. 5, pp. 90-91, No. 6, pp. 110-11. 1936. "Care of house plants." Home Beauty, 1:5-17. February, 1936. "Origin of common house plants." Ibid., 1:5, 17, March, 1936, 1:3, 15. April, 1936. "Stories of plants." Ibid., 1:13, 16. April, 1936. "The hanging gardens of Babylon and their successors." Ibid., 1:13, 16. May, 1936. Editor, Florist's Notes, Florists' Review. 1935-36. Co-editor, Timely Topics Department, Minnesota Horticulturist. 1935-36. l t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 65 List of common house plants (with L. E. Longley). Minneapolis: University of Min­ nesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 3 pages. f List of rock garden plants (with L. E. Longley). (Revised.) Minneapolis: Univer· sity of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 4 pages. Community flower shows (with L. E. Longley). Minneapolis: University of Min· nesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 5 pages. Miscellaneous articles on garden topics. Rural Press. 1935-36. r, Mimeographed articles for class use. 1935-36. 3 pages. PLANT PATHOLOGY AND BOTANY ELVIN C. STAKMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology Stem Rust in 1935. U. S. Department of Agriculture mimeographed circular. 1935. 7 pages. A Review qf the Aims, Accomplishments and Objectives of the Barberry Eradication Program. U. S. Department of Agriculture mimeographed circular. 1936. 20 pages. Thatcher Wheat (with H. K. Hayes, E. R. Ausemus, C. H. Bailey, H. K. Wilson, R. H. Bamberg, M. C. Markley, R. F. Crim, and M. N. Levine). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 325. 1936. 39 pages. "Die Bestimmung physiologischer Rassen pflanzenpathogener Pilze" (with M. N. Levine, J. J. Christensen, and K. Isenbeck). Nova Acta Leopoldina, (Neue Folge) 3: 281-336. 1935. "The problem of specialization and variation in phytopathogenic fungi." Proceedings Zesde Internationaal Botanisch Congres, Amsterdam, September, 1935, 2:30-35. 1935. "Progress and problems in breeding disease-resistant cereals for the spring wheat region of the United States." Ibid., 2:49-51. 1935. "Physiologic specialization in cereal smuts." Ibid., 2:187-88. 1935. "Science and rubber trees." Minnesota A cadem;y of Science, F ourlh Annual M eeti11g, April 18, 1936, pp. 38-42. 1936.

RoDNEY B. HARVEY, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Physiology, Agricultural Botany, and Horticulture International Address List of Plant Physiologists. American Society of Plant Physio­ logists Bulletin No. 9. 1935. 49 pages. An Annotated Bibliography of the Low Temperature Relations of Plants (second re· vised edition). Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. 1936. 240 pages. Chemical Weed Eradication. 1936. 4 mimeographed pages. Rabbit and Rodent Control in Tree and Shrub Plantings. 1936. 14 mimeographed pages. "Wrapping tomatoes" (with J. D. Caruso). Food Industries, 7:375, 376, 416. 1935. "Sulfuring of apples before drying" (with Mary Baldelli, Alice M. Child, and Dorothea Nelson). Minnewta Horticulturist, 63:168-69. 1935. "Hardiness 'tests with some perennial sedums" (with E. Hansing, L. Sando, and L. E. Longley). Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 33: 686-89. 1935. "The presence in self-blanching celery of unsaturated compounds with physiological action similar to ethylene" (with R. C. Nelson). Science, 82:133-34. 1935. "Cooperative production of new weed killer." Minnesota Leader, 6:6. 1935. "Processes of fruit ripening are reviewed." Chicago Packer, 38:1. 1935. "Internal defects of fruits and vegetables are shown by X-rays." Ibid., 39:3. 1936. "Line of float injury in oranges." Ibid., 39:15. 1936. "Relation of hydrogen ion concentration and total acidity to the taste of tomatoes''" (with R. R. Fulton). Fruit Products Journal, 14:238-39. 1935. "Extending the use of melons by frozen storage" (with W. B. Combs, R. H. Landon, and Alice M. Child). Ibid., 15:146-48. 1936. "The ripening, coloration, and flavoring of fruits and vegetables." Ibid., 15:200-201. 1936. 66 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Editor and translator, (with E. A. Murneek and N. A. Maximow), A Textbook of Plant Physiology (second edition). Translated from the Russian. New York: McGraw­ Hill Book Company. 1934. 381 pages.

JONAS J. CHRISTENSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Plant Pathology Barley in Minnesota (with F. R. Immer, R. 0. Bridgford, and R. F. Crim). (Re­ vised.) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division Special Bulletin No. 135. 1935. 15 pages. "Die Bestimmung physiologischer Rassen pflanzenpathogener Pilze" (with M. N. Levine, E. C. Stakman, and K. lsenbeck). Nova Acta Leopoldina, (Neue Folge), 3:281-336. 1935. ~'Does heterocaryosis account for the production of variants in Helminthosporium ?'' (with F. R. Davies) (abstract). Phytopathology, 26:89. 1936. Associate editor, Phytopathology. 1935.

JuLIAN G. LEACH, Ph.D., A?sociate Professor of Plant Pathology and Botany "Insects in relation to plant diseases." Botanical Review, 1 :448-66. 193 5. "What the plant pathologist can and ought to contribute to a potato improvement pro· gram." American Potato Journal, 13 :31·38. 1936. "The relation of soil temperature to the development of Fusarium wilt of muskmelon and the demonstration of internal seed transmission" (abstract). Phytopathology, 26:99. 1936.

LouiSE T. DosDALL, Ph.D., Instructor in Plant Pathology Abstracts in Biological Abstracts, Vol. 9, Nos. 7881, 12296. 1935.

CARL J. EroE, Ph.D., Instructor in Plant Pathology The Pathogenicity and Genetics of Gibberella saubinetii. (Mont.) Sacc. University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 106. 1935. 55 pages. K ewspaper articles. Mimeographed lecture outlines for class use. 1935-36. 70 pages.

HELEN HART, Ph.D., Instructor in Plant Pathology "The effect of light on the initiation of rust infection" (with I. L. Forbes). Phyto­ pathology, 25:715-25. 1935. "The effect of light intensity and temperature on infection of Hope wheat by Puccinia graminis tritici" (with K. Zaleski). Ibid., 25:1041-66. 1935. Six abstracts for Biological Abstracts.

RAYMOND H. LANDON, Ph.D., Instructor in Plant Physiology "Extending the use of melons by frozen storage" (with R. B. Harvey, W. B. Combs, and Alice M. Child). Fruit Products Journal, 15:146-48. 1936.

MATTHEW B. MoORE, M.S., Instructor in Plant Pathology and Agricultural Botany Why and How To Treat Seed of Small Grains and Corn (with R. C. Rose). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Division, Circular No. 53. 1936. 4 pages. 4 'A partial vacuum method for the inoculation of wheat and barley with loose smuts" (abstract). Ph)•topathology, 26:103. 1936. "Pathogenicity of different collections of Ustilago tritici and U. nuda" (abstract). Ibid., 26:103. 1936. "A method for inoculating wheat and barley with loose smuts." Ibid., 26:397-400. 1936. l ~ t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 67 JosEPH D. CARuso, B.Ch.Eng., Laboratory Assistant in Plant Pathology and Botany l "Wrapping tomatoes" (with R. B. Harvey). Food Industries, 7:375, 376, 416. 1935. EARL D. HANSING, B.S., Assistant in Plant Pathology and Botany ( "Hardiness tests with some perennial sedums" (with L. E. Longley, L. Sando, and R. B. Harvey). Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, , 33:686-89. 1935.

RICHARD C. NELSON, B.A., Laboratory Assistant in Plant Pathology and i Botany "The presence in self-blanching celery of unsaturated compounds with physiological action similar to ethylene" (with R. B. Harvey). Science, 82:133-34. 1935.


ARTHUR C. SMITH, B.S., Professor of Poultry Husbandry and Chief of the Division of Poultry Husbandry "Proper relation of the agricultural college to the poultry industry." Breeders World, 11:9-16. March, 1936.

FREDERICK B. HUTT, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Genetics and Poultry Hus­ bandry I "Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism and tetany in the fowl" (with W. L. Boyd). Endocri· nology, 19 :398·402. July-August, 1935.

EMERY A. JoHNSON, B.S., Instructor in Poultry Husbandry I "Production and fertility." Country Gentleman, 106:114. April, 1936. PUBLICATIONS WILLIAM P. KIRKWOOD, M.A., Professor of Journalism and Editor of Pub- lications Editor I News Letter. 1935. Home, Sweet Home (syndicated news series). 1935.


]AMES I. BROWN, M.A., Instructor in Rhetoric "Keeping up with the times." Stamp, 13:185-86. November 2, 1935.

SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE JoHN 0. CHRISTIANSON, B.A., Superintendent of the School of Agriculture and Associate Professor "The soul of a great co-operative." Land O'Lakes News, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 10-11 .. ' 1936. "President Lotus Delta Coffman; an appreciation." Agrarian, p, 17. 1936. { Publicity articles on the School of Agriculture and its work. ( f f 68 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

SOILS FREDERICK ]. ALWAY, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of Soil Chemistry and Chief of the Division of Soils Land Economic Survey of Hubbard County (with others). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 317. 1935. 264 pages.

CLAYTON 0. RosT, Ph.D., Professor of Soils "Characteristics of some morphological solonetz soils of Minnesota." Journal of the American Society of Agronomy, 28:92-105. 1936.

PAUL R. McMILLER, M.S., Assistant Professor of Soils Land Economic Survey of Hubbard County (with others). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 317. 1935. 264 pages. Soil Sur<•ey uf Hubbard County (with C. S. Simmons, G. A. Swenson, and W. J. Leighty). Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United States Department of Agri· culture, No. 38, Series 1930. 1936. 33 pages.

VETERINARY MEDICINE CLIFFORD P. FITCH, M.S., D.V.M., D.Sc., Professor of Pathology and Bac­ teriology and Chief of the Division of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Pathologist "Supplementary report of an experiment to determine the effect of a low calcium ration on reproduction in cattle" (with L. S. Palmer, T. W. Gullickson, and W. L. Boyd). Cornell Veterinarian, 25:229-46. 1935. "A method for preserving Brucella abortus for use in the preparation of agglutination antigen" (with C. R. Donham). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, (87) n.s., 40: 188·90. 193 5. "The results of retests in the federal Bang's disease project." Ibid., (88) n.s., 41: 258-74. 1936. Reviews of Josef Balo, Die Unsichtbaren Krankheitserreger Filtrierbare Vira. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Arzte und Tieriirzte in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, (87) n.s., 40:87-88. 1935. Hermann Miessner and Gerhard Schoop, Veteriniihygiene mit Anleitung fiir die hygienischen uebungen Leitfaden fiir beamtet und praktische Tieriirzte, S owie fiir Studierende der Veteriniirmedizin in ibid., (87) n.s., 40:688-89. 1935. L. Lund, Patho.Jogisch·Anatomische Diagnostik An Tierleichen, mit Anleitung zum Sezieren in ibid., (88) n.s., 41 :516-17. 1936. Abstracts in Biological Abstracts. Contributing editor, Cornell Veterinarian. 1935.

WILLARD L. BoYD, D.V.S., Professor of Veterinary Medicine A Rickets-Like Disease in Young Cattle (with T. W. Gullickson and L. S. Palmer). University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 105. 1935. 47 pages. "Sterility due to ovarian dysfunction." Twelfth International Veterinary Congress, 2:405-12. 1934. "Supplementary report of an experiment to determine the effect of a low calcium ration on reproduction in cattle" (with L. S. Palmer, C. P. Fitch, and T. W. Gullick­ son). Cornell Veterinarian, 25:229-46. 1935. "Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism and tetany in the fowl" (with F. B. Hutt). Endocrin­ ology, 19:398-402. July-August, 1935. "Is Sudan grass poisonous?" (with C. F. Rogers). Successful Farming, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 77-79. 1936. l I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 69 f "Sudan grass and other cyanophoric plants as animal intoxicants" (with C. F. Rogers). t Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, (88) n.s., 41:489-99. 1936. CHARLES R. DONHAM, M.S., D.V.M., Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine "A method for preserving Brucella abortus for use in the preparation of agglutination f antigen" (with C. P. Fitch). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical As· f sociation, (87) n.s., 40:188-90. 1935 . HowARD C. H. KERNKAMP, D.V.M., M.S., Associate Professor of Veterinary • Medicine "Soil, iron, copper and iron in the prevention and treatment of anemia in suckling pigs." Journal of the Ameriean Veterinary Medical Association, (87) n.s., 40:37·58. 1935. l, REUEL FENSTERMACHER, D.V.M., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medi­ cme "Lymphocytoma and fowl paralysis." Journal of the American Veterinary M edicaJ Association, (88) n.s., 41:600-13. 1936.

LuciLLE M. BISHOP, M.S., Instructor in Veterinary Medicine Abstracts in Biological Abstracts. 1935-36.

THE LAW SCHOOL EvERETT FRASER, B.A., LL.B., Dean of the Law School and Professor of Law "New conditions require new concepts." Commercial Law Journal, 41 :209-13. May, l !936. r WILBUR H. CHERRY, B.A., LL.B., Professor of Law Review of John H. Wigmore, A Student's Textbook of the Law of Evidence in Min­ nesota Law Review, 20:842. June, 1936.

HENRY L. McCLINTOCK, Ph.B., LL.B., S.].D., Professor of Law Handbook of Eqt

) WILLIAM L. PRossER, B.A., LL.B., Professor of Law "Delay in acting on an application for insurance." University of Chicago Law Rn-iew, t 3 :39-60. December, 1935. , "Contracts-sale of goods at price to be fixed by subsequent agreement." Minnesota j Law Review, 19:702-703. May, 1935. "Jurisdictional amount in federal courts-consideration of future values." Ibid., 19: 768-77. June, 1935. I "The procedural effect of res ipsa loquitur." Ibid., 20:241-71. February, 1936. 70 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Res ipsa loquitur: collisions of carriers with other vehicles." Illinois Law Review, 30:980. April, 1936. Reviews of C. T. McCormick, Handbook on the Law of Damages in Minnesota Law Review, 20: 325-26; lllinois Law Review, 30:816-17. February, 1936. C. 0. Gregory, Legislative Loss Distribution in Negligence Actions in Minnesota Law Review, 20:844-45. June, 1936. Editor, Minnesota Law Review. 1936.

HoRAcE E. READ, B.A., LL.M., S.].D., Professor of Law Reviews of Joseph H. Beale, The Conflict of Laws in Harvard Law Review, 49:346-53. December, 1935. American Law Institute, Restatement of the Conflict of Laws in ibid., 49:346-53. December, 193 5. G. C. Cheshire, Private International Law in Canadian Bar Review, 13:764-66. Decem­ ber, 1935. John Q. Tilson, Parliamentary Law and Procedure in Minnesota Law Review, 20: 842-43. June, 1936.

HENRY ROTTSCHAEFER, B.A., J.D., S.J.D., Professor of Law Supplement to Cases on Constitutional Law. Chicago: Foundation Press. 1936. 101 pages. "Tax decisions in the .Minnesota Supreme Court, 1935." Bulletin of the National Tax Association, 21:217-20. April, 1936. Reviews of A. M. Borak and Gladys C. Blakey, Fees and Other Non-Tax Revenue.!' of Minnesota Local Units in Minnesota Law Review, 20:332. February, 1936. William Anderson, Local Government and Finance in Minnesota in ibid., 20:332. February, 1936. I. L. Sharfman, The Interstate Commerce Commission, Vol. III, Parts A and B in ibid., 20:697-98. May, 1936. E. S. Robinson, Law and the Lawyers in ibid., 20:702-705. .May, 1936.

EDWARD S. BADE, B.A., LL.M., Assistant Professor of Law Review of Erwin N. Griswold, Spendthrift Trusts in Minnesota Law Review, 20:698-700. May, 1936.

EDWARD G. JENNINGS, M.A., LL.M., Assistant Professor of Law "Removal from public office in Minnesota." Minnesota Law Rev£ew, 20:721-74. June, 1936.


ANATOMY CLARENCE M. JACKSON, M.S., M.D., LL.D., Professor of Anatomy and Head of the Department of Anatomy "Recovery in rats upon refeeding after prolonged suppression of growth by dietary deficiency of protein." American Journal of Anatomy, 58:179-93. January, 1936. Review of Eunice Chace Greene, Anatomy of the Rat in Anatomical Record, 65:127-29. April, 1936. EDWARD A. BoYDEN, Ph.D. (Med.Sc.), Professor of Anatomy "Evacuation of the gall bladder in old age" (with S. A. Grantham, Jr.). Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 62:34-42. 1936. t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 71 "The sphincter of Oddi in the dog" ·(with R. A. Schwegler, Jr.). Proceedings of the American Physioiogical Society, p. 14. March, 1936. t "The phylogeny of the sphincter choledochus." Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 4 (supplement), p. 7. !936. "Evacuation of the human gall bladder in pregnancy" (with Maude M. Gerdes). Ibid., t Vol. 64, No. 4 (supplement), p. 65. 1936. "The development of the sphincter of Oddi in the human fetus" (with R. A. Schwegler, t Jr.). Ibid., Vol. 64, No. 4 (supplement), p. 74. 1936. Managing editor, Anatomical Record. 1935-36. ! HAL DowNEY, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy "Infectious mononucleosis" (with C. A. McKinlay and ]. Stasney). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105 :76!-68. !935. "The pathology of the lymph nodes in infectious mononucleosis" (with ]. Stasney). l Folia Haematologica (Leipzig), 54:417-38. March, 1936. American editor, Folia Haematologica (Leipzig). !935·36.

ANDREW T. RASMUSSEN, Ph.D., Professor of Neurology "So-called endocytogenetic origin of chief cells (chromophobes) from chromophils in I the anterior lobe and the origin of the basophilic cells that invade the posterior lobe of the human hypophysis." Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 4 (supplement), p. 39. 1936. t "Tractus tecto-spinalis in the cat." Journal of Comparative Neurology, 63:501-25. 1936. "Copper hematoxylin, a stain for the acidophils of the human hypophysis." Proceed­ ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 34:760-62. 1936. Collaborator, abstracts of current endocrine literature in Endocrinology, Vols. 19-20. 1935-36.

EDITH BoYD, M.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy The Growth of the Surface Area of the Human Body. University of Minnesota In­ : stitute of Child Welfare Monograph Series No. 10. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 145 pages. "A method of establishing the probable limits of normal variation in the weight of organs." Anatomical Record, 62:!-6. 1935. "A biometric description of the growth in body weight of the Wistar white rat over ( a 6-year period." Ibid., Vol. 64. No. 4 (supplement), p. 60. 1936. "Weight of the thymus and its component parts and number of Hassall corpuscles in health and in disease." American Journal of Diseases of Children, 51:313-35. , 1936. J SHIRLEY P. MILLER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy General bibliographic syllabus of printed books and anatomical literature for class use. t 1935-36. IS mimeographed pages. A short outline of history of anatomy including tables and biographies. 1935-36. 20 mimeographed pages.

I RAYMOND F. BLOUNT, Ph.D., Instructor in Anatomy • An Outline of the Fundamentals of Human Anatomy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 82 pages. "The influence of additional pituitary anlagen upon the circulatory system of the de­ veloping urodele. A condition paralleling hypertension in the mammal." ] ournal r of Experimental Zoology, 71:421-48. !935. "The altered thyroid glands of urodele larvae developing with additional embryonic ' pituitary transplants." Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 1 (supplement), p. 49. !935. 72 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"The influence of the immature hypophysis and correlated glands in development." Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 3 (supplement), p. 5. 1936. "The glomerular basement membrane of hypertension in experimentally produced hyper­ pituitarism.'' Ibid., Vol. 65:1-13. 1936.

OLIVER P. ]ONES, Ph.D., Instructor in Anatomy "The reaction of normoblastic bone marrow to liver extract." Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 21:355-59. January, 1936. "Pernicious anemia and liver therapy" (with C. J. Watson). University of Minnesota Hospitals Staff Meetings, No. 29, pp. 339-52. 1936. Abstracts in Biological Abstracts.

OscAR A. BILLETER, Ph.D., Teaching Fellow in Anatomy "The effect of theelin injections on body growth and organ weights of the albino rat." Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 3 (supplement), p. 5. 1936.

ARTHUR KIRSCHBAUM, M.A., Teaching Fellow in Anatomy "Seasonal sexual activity and its experimental modification in the male sparrow, Passer domesticus Linnaeus" (with A. R. Ringoen). Anatomical Record, 64: 453·73. 1936. HERBERT W ALD, Ph.D., Teaching Fellow in Anatomy "A comparison of the Ziehl-Neelsen and Spengler techniques of staining the tubercle bacillus" (with Charlotte C. Van Winkle). Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 21 :844-47. 1936.

BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY RoBERT G. GREEN, M.A., M.D., Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology "A virus disease of owls" (with J. E. Shillinger). Journal of Immunology, 29:68-69. July, 1935. "Development of immunity to fox encephalitis" (with J. E. Shillinger). Ibid., 29:73. July, 1935. "Beware of wood ticks." Everybody's Health, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 5, 14. September, 1935. "The periodic disappearance of game birds." Minnesota Conservationist, No. 29, pp. 2, 3, 19. October, 1935. "On the nature of filterable viruses." Science, 82:443-45. November, 1935. Electrophoretic Phenomena of Bacteria: "II. Electrophoretic velocities of virulent and nonvirulent C. diphtheriae, (with C. W. Buggs). Journal of Bacteriology, 30:447-51. November, 1935. "III. The electrophoretic velocity of bacteria in relation to growth, senescence, and death" (with C. W. Buggs). Ibid., 30:453·63. November, 1935. "The transmission of disease in animal populations by ticks and insects." Report of the Fifteenth Annnal Conference of the North Central States Entomologists, pp. 15-17. Ames: Iowa State College Mimeograph Department. 1936. "The relationship between intracellular inclusions and virus diseases." Ibid.~ p. 136. 1936. "Transmission of rabbit papillomatosis by the rabbit tick, Haemaphysalis leporis palustris" (with C. L. Larson and J. E. Shillinger). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:536-38. January, 1936. "Properties of homogenized herpes virus" (with C. W. Buggs). Journal of Infectious Diseases, 58:98-104. January-February, 1936. "A virus disease of owls" (with J. E. Shillinger). American Journal of Pathology, 12:405-10. May, 1936. Wildlife disease investigation reports. Vol. I. Mimeographed and distributed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. July 1933 to December, 1934. 168 pages. r PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 73 ARTHUR T. HENRICI, M.D., Professor of Bacteriology , "Studies of freshwater bacteria, II. Stalked bacteria, a new order of Schizomycetes" (with Delia E. Johnson). Journal of Bacteriology, 30:61·92. July, 1935. ' "Precipitin reactions with bone and teeth." Proceedings of the Society for £..-peri­ mental Biology and Medicine, 34:343. April, 1936. Review of C. W. Dodge, Medical Mycology in American Journal of Public Health, { 26:443. April, 1936. Advisory editor, Journal of Bacteriology. 1935-36.

H. ORIN HALVORSON, Ch.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Bacteriology r, "The effect of chance on the mortality of experimentally infected animals." Journal of Bacteriology, 30:330. September, 1935. t CHARLES E. SKINNER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Bacteriology "A comparison of liquid media for the quantitative enumeration of Escherichia coil by the dilution method." Journal of Bacteriology, 30:311. September, 1935. r MEDICINE ]. CHARNLEY McKINLEY, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Neurology and Head of the Department of Medicine I "Modification of the electromyogram of the simple reaction by cerebellar lesions" (with S. R. Hathaway). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi· I cine, 34:783-87. 1936. GEORGE E. FAHR, M.D., Professor of Medicine "The heart in hypertension." Journal of the American Medical As-sociation, 105:1396- I 1400. 1935 . • ERNEST M. HAMMES, M.D., Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases "Cerebral hemorrhage." Journal-Lancet, 55:31. 1935. "Cerebral vascular crises." Minnesota Medicine, 18:436. 1935. "Polyneuritis associated with ether anesthesia occurring in three members of one family." Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 35:617-28. 1936.

HENRY E. MICHELSON, M.D., Professor of Dermatology "Systematized amyloidosis of the skin and muscles" (with F. W. Lynch). Archives I of Dermatology and Syphilology, 32:363-69. 1935. l "The primary complex of of the skin." Ibid., 32:589-601. 1935. "Purpuric pigmented lichenoid dermatitis" (with C. W. Laymon). Ibid., 32:707-17. 1935.

SAMUEL E. SwEITZER, M.D., Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology "Pyrethrum in the treatment of scabies" (with J. W. Tedder). Minnesota Medicine, 18:793. 1935. I S. MARX WHITE, M.D., F.A.C.P., Professor of Medicine f "The medical problem and management in essential hypertension." Surgery, Gynecology, t and Obstetrics, 62:332-39. 1936. CHARLES B. WRIGHT, M.D., Professor of Medicine "Multiple myeloma and its differential diagnosis." Minnesota Medicine, 19-:'317-18. 1936. r 74 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

]OHN BUTLER, M.D., Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology "Why neglect the scalp?" Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, 3:729-30. 1936.

HARRY G. IRVINE, M.D., Associate Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology "Study of a group of handlers of arsenic tri-oxide." Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, 33:306-14. 1936.

HoBART A. REIMANN, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine "Primary amyloidosis limited to tissue of mesodermal origin" (with R. Koucky and C. Eklund). American Journal of Pathology, 11:977-88. 1935. "Long-continued vaccine therapy as a cause of am,yloidosis" (with C. Eklund). American Journal of Medical Sciences, 190:88-91. 1935. "Microbic association of micrococcus tetragenus." Proceedings of the American So­ ciety for Clinical Investigation, 14:720. 1935. "Infectious diseases: Review of current literature." Archives of InternaJ Medicine, 50:382-411. 1935. "Studies on the etiology of amyloid disease" (with C. Eklund). Archives of Pathology, 20:163. 1935. "Etiology of amyloid disease" (with C. Eklund). Ibid., 21:1-9. 1936. "Micrococcus tetragenus infection. II." Journal of Bacteriology, 31:385-405. 1936. "Micrococcus tetragenus infection. III." Ibid., 31:407-21. 1936. "Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Minnesota." Minnesota Medicine, 19:343-46. 1936. "\'ariation of micrococcus tetragenus." Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 34:344-45. 1936.

]AMES B. CAREY, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Total leucocyte count in human blood during pregnancy." Annalls of Internal Medi­ cine, 10:25-29. 1936.

EYERETT K. GEER, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "The practising physician's rOle in tuberculosis today." Journal-Lancet, 54:84, 85, 92. February 15, 1934. "'Oleothorax,' a report of its use in twenty cases." Minnesota Medicine, 18:576-80. September, 1935.

ARTHUR C. KERKHOF, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Relation between basal metabolism and minute volume of circulation." Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:534-36. 1936. "1\Iinute volume determinations in mitral stenosis during auricular fibrillation and after restoration of normal rhythm." American Heart Journal, II :206-11. 1936.

CHAUNCEY A. McKINLAY, B.A., M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Infectious mononucleosis (with H. Downey and J. Stasney). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:761-68. 1935.

ERNEST S. MARIETTE, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine Report of Glen Lake Sanatorium, 1934. 83 pages. "The tuberculosis problem among nurses in a tuberculosis sanatorium." American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 605-17. June, 1936.

MoRRIS H. NATHANSON, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Action of acetyl beta methylcholin on ventricular rhythms induced by adrenalin." Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32:1297-99. 1935. "Treatment of cardiac emergencies." Minnesota Medicine, 15:455-62. 1935. I r PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 75 I HARRY 0ERTING, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Influence of gastric lavage on familial and non-familial erythremia" (with J. F. Briggs). Minne.rota Medicine, 18:499-504. 1935.

l MoRsE N. SHAPIRO, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "The natural history of childhood rheumatism in Minnesota." Journal of Laboratory t and Cliniccd Medicine, 21 :564·74. 1936. , CECIL J. vVATSON, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Diseases of the spleen." Pages 495-511 in E. T. Bell, Textbook of Pathology. •l Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. 1934. , "Fate of parenterally administered1 crystalline urobilin; urobilin tolerance test of liver function." Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 34:377-79. 1936. l "Concerning the naturally occurring porphyrins. IV, The urinary porphyrin in lead poisoning as contrasted with that excreted normally and in other diseases." t Journal of Clinical lnvest

SAMUEL A. WEISMAN, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "The relationship of the flat chest to intelligence." Annals of Internal Medicine, 9: I 451-57. 1935. THOMAS B. HARTZELL, M.D., D.D.M., Professorial Lecturer in Medicine ' "Cardiac arteriosclerosis." American Dental Journal, 23 :1288·91. 1936. t NATHANIEL J. BERKWITZ, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Nervous and Mental Diseases "Tuberous sclerosis diagnosed with cerebral pneumography" (with L. G. Rigler). Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 34:833·38. October, 1935,

CARL B. DRAKE, B.A., M.D., F.A.C.P., Instructor in Medicine "Leukemia with thrombocytosis." Journal of the American Medical Association, 106: 1005. 1935. "How much education?" Parent·Teacher Broadcaster, p. 3. January, 1936. I Editor, Minnesota Medicine. 1935. f DEFoREST R. HASTINGS, M.D., Instructor in Medicine "The safeness of artificial pneumothorax as therapeutic treatment in pulmonary tuber· culosis." Minnesota Medicine, 18:580. 1935.

WILLIAM H. HENGSTLER, M.D., Instructor in Medicine I "Head . injuries from the neurological standpoint." Jattrna/.Lancet, 55 :586·93. 1935. i FRANK L. ]ENNINGS, M.D., F.A.C.P., Instructor in Medicine "The permeability of paper sputum napkins." American Review of Tuberculosis, 17: , 304·11. 1935. RicHARD M. JoHNSON, M.D., Instructor in Medicine "The relationship between hydrochloric acid and total chlorides in gastric juice and on the possibility of standard for gastric secretion" (with H. Berglund and ( H. Chien Chang). Acta Medica Scandinavica, 86:2·4. 1935. 76 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Failure of sodium chloride restriction to precipitate crisis in a case of Addison's dis­ ease." Journal of the American Medical Association, 107:278-79. 1936.

GoRDON R. KAMMAN, M.D., F.A.C.P., Instructor in Nervous and Mental Diseases "Tics, spasms, torticollis, and myoclonias." Chapter 42, pages 1043-56 in Practitioner;s Library of Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 9. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 193 5. Discussion of M. P. Petersen, "The hospital library in relation to psychiatric research." Transactions of the American Hospital Association, 3 7:608-14. 193 5.

FRANCIS W. LYNCH, M.D., M.S., Instructor in Medicine "Xeroderma pigmentosum." Archit•es of Dermatology and Syphilology, 29:1. 1934. "Systematized amyloidosis of the skin and muscles" (with H. E. Michelson). Ibid., 32:363-69. 193 5. "Fever therapy in syphilis." University of Minnesota Hospitals Staff Meetings, 7:240-48. 1936.

JoHN F. MADDEN, M.S., M.D., Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology "The balanitides." Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:420-26. 1935. "Cutis vertica gyrata formation." Minnesota Medicine, 18:536. 1935. "Lymphogranuloma inguinale." Ibid., 19:441-44. 1936.

DALE D. TURNACLIFF, M.D., Instructor in Medicine "Study of a group of handlers of arsenic tri-oxide." Archives of Der;,atology and Syphilology, 33 :306·14. 1936.

FRANCES R. VANZANT, M.D., M.S., Instructor in Medicine The double histamine test as an aid in the study of gastric secretory function (with A. E. Osterberg and A. B. Rivers). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:12-15. March, 1936. Studies of Pepsin in Human Gastric Juice: "III. Physiologic aspects (with W. C. Alvarez, A. E. Osterberg, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:35-41. March, 1936. "IV. The influence of gastric and duodenal disease" (with W. C. Alvarez, A. E. Osterberg, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:97-101. April, 1936. "V. Its prognostic value" (with W. C. Alvarez, A. E. Osterberg, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:101-102. April, 1936. "The relation in man between gastric acidity and height and weight" (with W. C. Alvarez and J. Berkson). Ibid., 3:83-86. April, 1936. "Daily variations in the concentrations of acid and pepsin in the gastric juice of three persons observed for two months" (with W. C. Alvarez and A. E. Osterberg). Ibid., 3:162-64. May, 1936.

JosEPH F. BoRG, M.D., Assistant in Medicine "Hyperparthyroidism-a new consideration for the dentist." Journal of the American Dental Association, 22 :1683·93. 1935.

JoHN F. BRIGGS, M.D., Assistant in Medicine "Meningoencephalitis following rubella." Journal of Pediatrics, 7:609-12. 1935. "Influence of gastric lavage on familial and non-familial erythremia" (with H. Oerting). Minnesota Medicine, 18:449-504. 1935. "Secondary pellagra." Ibid., 19:240-41 .. 1936. I

t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 77 r ARCHIBALD E. CAROLE, M.D., Assistant in Medicine "The treatment of diabetes mellitus among railroad employees." Journal-Lancet, 56: 18·24. 1936. l1 SUMNER S. CoHEN, M.D., Assistant in Medicine "A study of the leucocyte reaction in pulmonary tuberculosis." Journal-Lancet, 55 :785. I 1935. t NoRMAN JoHNSON, B.A., M.D., Assistant in Medicine • "Non-organic causes of fatigue." Minnesota Medicine, 18:531-36. 1935. ,' CARL W. LAYMON, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant in Dermatology "Purpuric pigmented lichenoid dermatitis" (with H. E. Michelson). Archives of 1 Dermatology and Syphilology, 32:707-17. 1935. "Phenolphthalein. eruptions." Minnesota Medicine, 18:782. 1935. t "Contact dermatitis-a summary of various causes." Journal-Lancet, 56:7. 1936.

t ]AMES W. TEDDER, B.A., M.D., Assistant in Dermatology "Pyrethrum in the treatment of scabies" (with S. E. Sweitzer). Minnesota Medicine, f 18:793. 1935. l ]. ALLEN WILSON, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant in Medicine t "Chronic duodenal stasis: A report of eight cases." Minnesota Medicine, 19:141-46. 1936.

CARL M. EKLUND, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Medicine I "Primary amyloidosis limited to tissue of mesodermal origin" (with R. Koucky and H. A. Reimann). American Journal of Pathology, 11:977-88. 1935. "Long-continued vaccine therapy as a cause of amyloidosis" (with H. A. Reimann). American Journal of Medical Sciencu, 190:88-91. 1935. "Studies on the etiology of amyloid disease" (with H. A. Reimann). Archives of Pathology, 20:163. 1935. "Etiology of amyloid disease" (with H. A. Reimann). Ibid., 21:1-9. 1936. "Multiple myeloma." University of Minnesota Hospitals Staff Meetings, 7:142-48. 1936.

]OHN A. LAYNE, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Medicine ! "Portal vein thrombosis." University of Minnesota Hospitals Staff Meetings, 7:21-32. 1935. "Pneumococcic pneumonia." Ibid., 7:223-30. 1936.

I OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY JENNINGS C. LITZENBERG, M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology l, Obstetric Note~, Normal Pregnancy. Volume I, Course 20. Minneapolis: University t of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 147 pages. j Obstetric Notes, Pathology of Pregnancy. (Revised in 1935.) Volume 2, Course 21. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 204 pages. "Ectopic pregnancy." Pages 820-27 in Christopher's Textbook of Surgery. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. 1936. I "Maternal mortality and the practice of obstetrics in Michigan." Journal of the Mich­ igan State Medical Society, 34:650-54. November, 1935. i Mimeographed notes for class use. Revised, 1936. 78 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

]OHN A. URNER, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Complications of pregnancy." Journal-Lancet, 55 :678·81. October, 1935. "Postpartum hemorrhage." Minnesota Medicine, 19:234-36. April, 1936.

ARTHUR E. BENJAMIN, M.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology "The special operative technic in certain types of prostatic disease." 1\.finnesota Medicine, 19:166. March, 1936.

RAY T. LAVAKE, B.A., M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Observations on the birth control movement." Journal-Lancet, 56:224-26. April, 1936.

HERBERT M. N. WYNNE, M.A., M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Inflammation and tumors of the vagina." Chapter 12, pages 1-45 in Lewis, Practice of Surgery. Hagerstown, Md.: W. F. Prior Company. 1935. "Congenital absence of one kidney (unilateral renal agenesis)." Urologic and Cutaneous Review, 39:705. 1935. "Liposarcoma of the kidney" (with J. S. McCartney). American Journal of Cancer, 26:151-54. 1936. "Acute gangrenous appendicitis with abscess formation complicated by: (I) incomplete rotation of cecum, (2) postoperative mechanical ileus, (3) oidium albicans (thrush) infection of mouth, (4) bronchopneumonia, (5) pleurisy with effusion, (6) sub­ diaphragmatic abscess due to Vincent's infection" (with R. C. Webb). Journal· Lancet, 56:102-105. 1936. "Menopausal and postmenopausal bleeding." Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, Vol. II, No. 15, pp. 237-38. April, 1936.

MILTON ABRAMSON, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology "Hemolytic transfusion reaction with death." Journal-Lancet, 50:805-806. December 15, 1935. "Physical therapeutic methods in gynecology." Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray, and Radium, Vol. 17,"No. 5, pp. 293-98. May, 1936.

EVERETT C. HARTLEY, B.A., M.D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology "Some hormonal effects in women." Minnesota Medicine, 19:357-61. June, 1936.

RAYMOND A. ScHWEGLER, ]R., M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology "The sphincter of Oddi in the dog" (with E. A. Boyden). Proceedings of the American Physiological Society, p. 14. March, 1936. "The development of the sphincter of Oddi in the human fetus" (with E. A. Boyden). Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 4 (supplement), p. 74. 1936. THURSTON W. WEuM, M.D., F.A.C.S., Instructor in Obstetrics and Gyne­ cology "Use of dilaudid in labor postpartum and postoperative." Pages 195-96 in Year Book of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 193 5.

]AMES ]. SwENDSON, M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology "Sterility: a consideration of its etiology and treatment." Minnesota Medicine~ 19:96- 100. February, 1936. I


MAUDE M. GERDES, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynecology I "Evacuation of the human gall bladder in pregnancy" (with E. A. Boyden). Anatomical t Record, Vol. 64, No. 4 (supplement), p. 65. 1936.


( FRANK E. BuRcH, M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Ophthalmology and Oto­ laryngology and Head of the Department of Ophthalmology and Oto­ t laryngology "Association of ectopia len tis with arachnodactyly." Archives of Ophthalmology, 15:645- f 79. 1936. ) HoRACE NEWHART, M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Ophthalmology and Oto­ laryngology and Director of the Division of Otology, Rhinology, and , Laryngology "Report of the Committee on Deafness Prevention and Amelioration of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology." Transactions of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, pp. 492-94. 1935. "Relations between otologists, the manufacturers of hearing aids and the hard of hear· ing. Transactions of the American Society for the Hard of Hearing, pp. 16-19. June 26, 1935. "Acoustics as related to otology." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Ophthal­ I mology and Otolaryngology. Laryngoscope, 46:310. 1936. "Performance characteristics of electrical hearing aids for the deaf (with H. E. Hartig). ( Archives of Otolaryngology, 23:617-32. June, 1936; Minnesota Medicine, 19:413. June, 1936. t , PAuL D. BERRISFORD, M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology "Herpes zoster ophthalmicus." Minnesota Medicine, 18:741-44. May, 1935.

CHARLES E. CoNNOR, M.D., M.A., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Oto­ r laryngology , "Neurological aspects of frontal lobe abscess." Lar'sngoscope, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 340-75. May, 1936.

LAWRENCE R. BoiEs, M.D., M.A., Instructor in Otolaryngology "Cancer of the upper respiratory tract." Journal-Lancet, 55:710-11. November, 1935. "Petrositis." Ibid., 56:334-37. June, 1936. "Abducens paralysis: A study of four cases complicating acute mastoiditis and one complicating acute sphenoiditis." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Laryngoscope, Vol. 46, No. 2, p. 168. 1936. "Case reports: (1) Brain abscess, (2) Jugular bulb thrombosis, (3) Petrositis, (4) Skin graft, (5) Operation for protruding ears, (6) Carcinoma of the larynx, (7) Car­ ) cinoma of the antrum." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology t and Otolaryngology. Laryngoscope, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 243-44. 1936. FRANK L. BRYANT, M.D., Instructor in Otolaryngology I "Case reports: twenty-eight external fronto-ethmo-sphenoidectomies done in the Depart· ment of Oto·Rhinology at the University of Minnesota." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Laryngoscope, Vol. 46, No.4, p. 311. April, 1936. I 1 I 80 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

VIRGIL]. ScHWARTz, M.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology "Nonsurgical reattachment of iris in a case of traumatic iridodialysis." JournaJ of the American Medical Association, Vol. 105, No. 13, p. 1032. 1935; American Journal of Ophthalmology, Series 3, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 52. January, 1936. "Spasm of the inferior oblique muscle and its operative treatment." American Journal of Ophthalmology, Series 3, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 161. February, 1935. "Unusual cataract complication, forty years after operation." Ibid., Series 3, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 1006-1007. November, 1936. Discussion of I. Friesner, "Pathways of intracranial extension of suppurative ear and mastoid dis­ ease." Laryngoscope, Vol. 45, No. 11, p. 824. October, 1935. C. Connor, "Some diagnostic aid in oto-laryngology." Ibid., Vol. 46, No. 3, p. 242. March, 1936. A. L. Juers, "Lateral sinus thromo-phlebitis." Ibid., Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 243-44. March, 1936.

ARTHUR L. JuERs, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Otolaryngology "Lateral sinus thrombo-phlebitis." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Ophthal­ mology and Otolaryngology. Laryngoscope, Vol. 46, No. 3, p. 243. March, 1936.

PATHOLOGY ELEXIOUS T. BELL, M.D., Professor of Pathology and Head of the Depart­ ment of Pathology "A case of Schiiller-Christian's disease under observation nine years" (with W. A. Hanson and L. H. Fowler). American Journal of Cancer, 25:768-71. 1935. "An interstitial-cell tumor of the testis with hypergenitalism in a child of five years" (with C. A. Stewart and A. B. Roehlke). Ibid., 26:144-50. 1936.

BENJAMIN ]. CLAWSON, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Pathology "Experiments relative to vaccination against tuberculosis with the Calmette-Guerin bacillus (BCG)." Archives of Pathology, 20:343-68. 1935. "The destruction of tubercle bacilli within phagocytes in vitro." Journal of Infectious Diseases, 58:64-69. 1936.

K.ANo IKEDA, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology "Pulmonary fat embolism: pathology and experimental studies." Minnesota Medicine, 18:636-47. 1935. "How shall laboratory personnel be trained?" Modern Hospital, 45:45-47. 1935.

]AMES S. McCARTNEY, ]R., B.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology "Pulmonary embolism following trauma." Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 61: 369-79. 1935. "Liposarcoma of the kidney" (with H. M. N. Wynne). American Journal of Cancer, 26:151-54. 1936.

]OHN F. NoBLE, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology "Heterophile pneumococcic serum in the therapy of lahar pneumonia" (with F. E. Kibler). Minnesota Medicine, 19:205-14. 1936.

WILLIAM A. O'BRIEN, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology and Preven­ tive Medicine "The cancer problem (an introduction to a symposium on cancer)." Journal-Lancet, 55:699. 1935. I f PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 81

"Child health." (Health chairman's message for the Committee on Child Hygiene, l Mental Hygiene and Summer Round-up). Parent-Teacher Magazine (state), 12:6. \ April, 1936. r "Dentists and autopsies." Apollonian, 11:103-107. 1936. "The postmortem examination." Mid·Continent Mortician, 6:12, 13, 34. 1936. "Health from the air." Everybody's Health. 1935-36. Published monthly. Editor, University of Minnesota Hospitals Staff Meeting Bulletins. Weekly radio health talks (on file in office of Minnesota State Medical Association) sent on request to other associations and in exchange for their radio talks. Pathological reports often involving special work for publications of others, usually I' without the courtesy of credit line (number not estimated). LEWIS E. NoLAN, M.D., Instructor in Pathology "Carcinomatosis of the meninges simulating pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna" ( (with A. Dumas). Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 83:547-56. 1936. CHARLOTTE C. VAN WINKLE, M.A., M.D., D.P.H., Instructor in Pathology • "Renal amyloidosis: clinical course and pathologic lesions in sixteen cases" (with H. 0. , Altnow, Henry W. i\Jaly, and L. E. \Villiams). Archives of Internal Medicine, 56:944-75. 1935. t "A comparison of the Ziehl-N eel sen and Spengler techniques of staining the tubercle bacillus" (with H. Wald). JournO!I of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 21: 844-47. 1936. IsADORE ]. PAss, B.A., M.D., Teaching Fellow in Pathology l "Infarction of the liver." American Journal of Pathology, 11:503-25. 1935 . LEo ZoN, M.D., M.S., Teaching Fellow in Pathology • "The physical chemistry of silver staining." Stain Technology, 11 :53-67. 1936.

r PEDIATRICS IRVINE McQuARRIE, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Head of the Department of Pediatrics "Effects of ex~essive ingestion of sodium and potassium salts on carbohydrate metab­ olism and blood pressure in diabetic children" (with W. H. Thompson and J. A. Anderson). Journal of Nutrition, 11:77. 1936. I "Effects of posterior P.ituitary extract on the water and mineral exchanges in edema" (with W. H. Thompson and Mildred R. Ziegler). Journal of Pediatrics, 8:277. 1936. "The pituitary gland." Ibid., 8:390. 1936. "The endocrine glands in health and disease." Jo1trnal-Lancet, 56:254. May, 1936. I "Effects of various diets, cholesterol and choline on liver lipids of the rat." Proceed- f ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:595. 1936. t "Body water." (A review.) American Journal of Diseases of Children, 51:998. 1936. MAx SEHAM, M.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics • "Diagnosis of chronic fatigue in the child." Transactions of the American Pediatric ' Society, pp. 57 ff. May, 1935. I "Fatigue and nervousness in childhood." International Clinics, 2:105-21. June, 1935. ""The nature and meaning of functional disease." Ibid., 4:91-117. December, 1935. "Diagnosis of behavior disturbances in children." Transactions of the Minneapolis f Clinical Club. Journal-Lancet, 66:105. February 1, 1936. CHESTER A. STEWART, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics "Tuberculosis: its evolution, treatment and prevention." Journal-Lancet~ 55 :57 3-77. I September, 1935. I l 82 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Pathogenesis of tuberculosis in man." American Journal of Diseases of Children, 50:853-71. October, 1935. "Tuberculosis: chronologie order of its developmental stages." Journal of Pediatrics, 7:858-59. December, 1935. "First infection type tuberculosis: its treatment and prognosis" (with J. A. Myers, F. E. Harrington, and Marjorie Wulff). American Review of Tuberculosis, 32: 631-43. 1935. "Tentative comprehensive diagnostic standards for tuberculosis." Ibid., 33 :800-12. June, 1936. "An interstitial-cell tumor of the testis with hypergenitalism in a child of five years" (with E. T. Bell and A. B. Roehlke). American Journal of Cancer, 26:144-50. 1936.

ARILD E. HANSEN, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics "Why boil milk?" Et•erybody's Health, 20:17. 1935. "The serum lipids in refractory infantile eczema." Proceedings of the American Pedi­ atric Society. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 50:810-11. 1935. "Influence of irradiated ergosterol and parathyroid extract on the mineral metabolism in osteogenesis imperfecta." Ibid., 50:132-57. July, 1935. "Study of the serum lipids by a microgravimetric technique" (with W. R. Wilson). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 112:457. January, 1936. "Influence of the diet on the serum lipids. II. Rats fed on low-fat diets" (with W. R. Brown). (Abstract.) Proceedings of the American Chemical Society, Section of Biochemistry, page 5. April, 1936. "Growing significance of lipid metabolism." (EditoriaL) Journal-Lancet, 56:287. May, 1936. "Study of the serum lipids in the intermediary metabolism of fat" (with W. R. Wilson and H. H. \\'illiams.) Journal of Biological Chemistry, 114:209. May, 1936. Abstract of A. Szent-GyOrgyi, "A color reaction for ascorbic acid" in American Journal of Di&eases of Children, 51:398. 1936.

HYMAN S. LIPPMAN, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics "Is the child emotionally prepared to begin school?" Minnesota Parent-Teacher Bulletin, page 3. March, 1935. "Mental hygiene and nursing." Minnesota Registered Nurse, Vol. 8, No. 7, page 9. July, 1935. "Some needs and ways in which nurses may assist in mental hygiene work." Ibid., Vol. 9, No. 2, page 6. February, !936. ''Night terrors." St. Paul Council Parent-Teacher Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 8, page 8, May, 1936.

ERLING S. PLATOU, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics "Epidemic meningitis. Proposed meaures for the reduction of its recent high case fatality." Journal-Lancet, 56:283. May, 1936.

ALBERT V. STOESSER, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics "Effects of various diets, cholesterol and choline on liver lipids of the rat." Proceed­ ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:595-97. 1936. "Study of cholesterol fractions in acute infections of infants with and without eczema.'• Ibid., 34:10-11. 1936. "Iodine number of serum fatty acids in acute infections of infants with and without eczema." Ibid., 34:12-14. 1936. Abstracts in American Journal of Diseases of Children, 50:219, 489, 1238, 1239, 1245. 1935; 51:913-15, 673. !936. I f

t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 83 l MILDRED R. ZIEGLER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics "Effects of posterior pituitary extract on the water and mineral exchange in edema" (with I. McQuarrie, H. G. Irvine, and W. H. Thompson). Journal of Pediatrics, r 8:277. 1936.

LYMAN R. CRITCHFIELD, M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics "What can we do about polio?" Everybody's Health, Vol. 20, No. 7, p. 5. July, 1935.

THOMAS MYERS, M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics r "Pathologic conditions in the newborn." Minnesota Medicine, 18:658. October, 1935. EDWIN F. Roaa, B.A., M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics "A study of the mortality of prematnre infants delivered by Cesarean section." Min· I nesota Medicine, 18:590·93. September, 1935. W. RAY SHANNON, M.S., M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics r "Hyperventilation in the tetany syndrome of the new born, with special reference to t the cyanotic spell." Archives of Pediatrics, 52 :501·20. August, 1935. "The use of calcium in the control of convulsive disorders of infancy and childhood." t Journal-Lancet, 56:278·83. May, 1936. WILLIS H. THOMPSON, M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics { "Effects of excessive ingestion of sodium and potassium salts on carbohydrate metab~ olism and blood pressure in diabetic children" (with I. McQuarrie and ]. A . Anderson). Journal of Nutrition, II :77. 1936. • "Effects of posterior pituitary extract on water and mineral exchanges in edema" (with I. McQuarrie and Mildred Ziegler). Journal of Pediatrics, 8:277. 1936. ( "Influenza] meningitis." Journal-Lancet, 56:273. May, 193.6. , RoBERT L. WILDER, M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics "A case of hepatonephromegalia glycogenica-Von Gierke's glycogen storage disease." JournO!l of Pediatrics, 7:214-19. August, 1935. "An evaluation of the incomplete square test of visual acuity for young children" (with Karin A. Petrie and Jean L. Marquis). American Journal of Diseases of Chil· r dren, 50:1182-86. November, 1935.


f ARTHUR D. HIRSCHFELDER, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology and Head of , the Department of Pharmacology "New drugs for old diseases." Pages 44·46 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific , Trails. Minneapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. "Variations in plasma magnesium in epilepsy" (with V. G. Haury). Proceedings of the t Society for Experimento;/ Biology and Medicine, 33:40-42. 1935. "Low plasma magnesium and high plasma potassium in essential epilepsy" (with V. G. Haury). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 57:127. 1936. "Deficiency of plasma magnesium and excess of plasma potassium in essential epilepsy" (with V. G. Haury). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 15:456. 1936. l RAYMOND N. BIETER, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pharmacology Pharmacology, Prescriptions and YOU. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeo­ graph Department. 1936. 16 pages. "Local anesthetics." Pages 47·49 in S. G. Stoltz, editor, Along Scientific Trails. Min· I neapolis: Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society. 1935. I f


"Spinal anesthesia in the rabbit: therapeutic coefficients" (with R. W. Cunningham, 0. Lenz, and J. J. McNeamey). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 54:137. 1935. "On the duration of spinal anesthesia in the rabbit" (with J. J. McNearney, R. W. Cunningham, and 0. Lenz). Ibid., 57:114. 1936.

VIcTOR G. HAURY, B.A., Research Assistant in Pharmacology "Variations in plasma magnesium in epilepsy" (with A. D. Hirschfelder). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:40-42. 1935. "Low plasma magnesium and high plasma potassium in essential epilepsy" (with A. D. Hirschfelder). Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 57:127. 1936. "Deficiency of plasma magnesium and excess of plasma potassium in essential epilepsy" (with A. D. Hirschfelder). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 15:456. 1936.


ELIAS P. LYON, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., D.Sc., Dean of the Medical School and Professor of Physiology An Outline of Human Biology, Part II. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeo­ graph Department. 1936. 100 pages. "I am automatic." Journal-Lancet, 56:372. 1936. "Swans sing before they die." Journal of the American Medical Association, 107: 1498-99. April, 1936.

]ESSE F. McCLENDON, Ph.D., Professor of Physiological Chemistry "Goiter, food and drink, and human beings." Minnesota Chats, Vol. 17, p. 4, Novem­ ber 12, 1934. "The use of homozygou; (bagg strain) albino mice in nutrition studies" (with H. Street). Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, Fourth Series, Biology, Vol. 10, No. 1. 1935. "Der Kropf in Japan." Miinchener medizinischen Wochenschrift, 23:901. 1935. "Separation of the 'colloid' from living thyroid gland by means of centrifugal force."' Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:413-14. 1935. "Thyroglobulin studies. I. The thyroxine and iodine content of normal and goitrous human thyroglobulin" (with C. 0. Rice and J. W. Cavett). Journal of Biological Chemi$try, 110 :673·83. August, 1935. uBagg albino mice for testing hormones and other expensive substances" (with H. Street). Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 20:1194. August, 1935. "On the graphic representation of ionic equilibria in blood serum." Science, 81 :569·70. 1935. "Behavior of thyroid follicles in the Harvey-Loomis centrifuge microscope." Ibid., 83 :283-84. 1936.

FREDERICK H. ScoTT, M.B., Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of Physiology "The alteration of protein distribution, in vitro, between corpuscles and plasma caused by isosmotic and hyperosmotic solutions" (with C. J. Bellis). Journal of Bio~ogical Chemistry, 3:17-42. September, 1935. "Note on the total protein content of plasma and serum" (with W. Lehman). Ibid., 3:43-44. September, 1935.

K. WILHELM STENSTROM, Ph.D., Professor of Biophysics "Effect of X-rays on methylene blue and on trimethyl thionine" (with H. Street). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 32:1498-1500. 1935. f 't I,, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 85 f• "The physical characteristics of diathermy and short wave diathermy machines" (with A. Hemingway). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1424·30. t November 2, 1935; Pages 317-35 in Handbook of Physical Therapy. Chicago: l American Medical Association. 1936. EsTHER M. GREISHEIMER, Ph.D., M.D., Associate Professor of Physiology "The influence of diet on the glucose tolerance of the dog" (with F. W. Hoffbauer). Journal of Nutrition, 10:525-34. November, 1935. "Effect of anticoagulants on sedimentation rate" (with Agnes Hodapp and Edith Golds­ worthy). American Journal of Medical Sciences, 190:775-79. 1935 . l ALLAN HEMINGWAY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology • "A direct-reading pH meter for glass, quinhydrone and hydrogen electrodes." In­ ! dustrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition, 7:203-205. 1935. "A study of the plasma concentration of the dye Wasser Blau under various conditions I which alter plasma volume" (with F. Bernhart). American Journal of Physiology, , Proceedings of the American Physiological Society, p. 61. 1935. "The physical characteristics of diathermy and short wave diathermy machines" (with K. W. Stenstrom). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1424-30. November 2, 1935; Pages 317-35 in Handbook of Physical Therapy. Chicago: American Medical Association. 1936. It JosEPH T. KING, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology "A ring-type sterilizer for use with tissue culture flasks." Journal of Laboratory and t Clinical Medicine, 21:939. 1936. "A technic for obtaining human blood for tissue culture experiments." Ibid., 21:940. 1936. J "'On the clot' method for flask planting of tissue· explants and subcultures." Archiv fur experimental Zellforschung, Band 18. 1936. , ]ESSE W. CAVETT, Ph.D., Instructor in Physiological Chemistry Laboratory Procedure for Medical Technicians_ Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 49 pages. University of Minnesota Tests in Medicine. 1935. 6 mimeographed pages; 1936. 7 mimeographed pages. I Thyroglobulin Studies: "I. The thyroxine and iodine content of normal and goitrous human thy­ roglobulin" (with C. 0. Rice and J. F. McClendon). Journal of Biologi­ t cal Chemistry, 110:673-83. August, 1935. t "II. The Van Slyke nitrogen distribution and tyrosine and tryptophane analyses for normal and goitrous human thyroglobulin." Ibid., 114:65-73. May, r 1936. t DEAN A. CoLLINS, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Physiology "The phenolsulphonephthalein renal function test in dogs." American Journal of Physiology, 115:27-30. March, 1936. uHypertension from constrictipn of the arteries of denervated kidneys." Ibid., 116: f 616-21. 1936. t CARL E. NuRNBERGER, Ph.D., Instructor in Physiology "A kinetic interpretation of the coloring of. glass by X-rays" (with R. S. Livingston). •t Journal of Physical Chemistry, 39:1011-19. 1935. t IRWIN VrGNESS, Ph.D., Instructor in Biophysics I "Dilatations in Rochelle salt." Physical Review, 48:198-202. August, 1935. I 86 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

CARROLL]. BELLIS, Ph.D., Assistant in Physiology "The alteration of protein distribution, in vitro, between corpuscles and plasma caused by isosmotic and hyperosmotic solutions" (with F. H. Scott). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 3:17-42. September, 1935.

FREDERICK W. HoFFBAUER, M.S., Assistant in Physiology "The influence of diet on the glucose tolerance of the dog" (with E. M. Greisheimer). Journal of Nutrition, 10:525-34. November, 1935.

PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH HAROLD S. DIEHL, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., Dean of the Medical Sciences, Pro­ fessor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Chief of the Depart­ ment of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and Director of the Students' Health Service Healthful Living. \Vhittlesey House Health Series. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. 352 pages. "Illness among student nurses." American Journal of Nursing~ 35:11. November, 1935. "Relationship between physical condition and ." United States Public Health Reports, 50:1610-18. November 15, 1935. "Exercise tolerance tests." Journal of the American Medical Association~ 105:305. July 27, 1935. "Scarlet fever immunization during a school epidemic" (with R. G. Hinckley). Ibid., 106:1354-57. April 18, 1936. "Venereal disease in college students." Journal-Lancet, 56:295. June, 1936. Review of Seward C. Staley, The Curriculum in Sports (Physical Education) in Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:307. July 27, 1935. "Prevention still best cold cure." Minnesota Dauy, 37:91. March 3, 1936.

ALBERT ]. CHESLEY, M.D., Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Executive Secretary of the State Department of Health Editor, Proceedings of the Conference of State and Provincial Health Authorities of North America. 1935.

]. ARTHUR MYERS, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health "The role of the life insurance companies in the control of tuberculosis." Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Medical Section, American Life Con· vention, Excelsior Springs, Missouri, pp. 126-41. 1935. "First infection type of tuberculosis: its treatment and prognosis" (with F. E. Harring· ton, C. A. Stewart, and Marjorie Wulff). American Review of Tnberculosis, 32:631-43. 1935. "Control of tuberculosis in the elementary schools.'' Proceedings of the Western Branch of the American Public Health Association, Helena, Montana, July 3, 1935. "The menace of tuberculosis." Ohio Nurses' Review, 10:8-11. 1935. ''Tuberculosis in retrospect and prophecy, Part I. Trained Nurse and Hospital Re·view, 95:534-38. 1935. "Tuberculosis in retrospect and prophecy, Part II. Ibid., 96:49-52. 1936. "Enlargement of cervical lymph gla.nds." Journal of the American Medical Association, 104:2386. 1935. "Facial flush in tuberculosis." Ibid., 105:303. !935. "Early diagnosis of tuberculosis." Ibid., 105:529. 1935. " test." Ibid., 105:615-16. 1935. "Treatment of tuberculosis." Ibid., 105:818-19. 1935. "Air conditioning nurseries.'' Ibid., 105:988. 1935. "The tuberculin reaction." Ibid., 105:1702. 1935. 87 .~ PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES I' "Use of periodic tuberculin tests." Ibid., 105:1933. 1935. "Mortality rate in tuberculosis." Ibid., 105:1933. 1935. "School children and tuberculosis." Ibid., 105:1934. 1935. "Air conditions in offices." Ibid., 106:145. 1936. f "Percutaneous tuberculin test and tape test." Ibid., 106:2178-79. 1936. "Iodized oil in the bronchial tree" (editorial). Journal-Lancet, 55:389-90. 1935. "The Montana State Association" (editorial). Ibid., 55:512. 1935. "Spread of tuberculosis" (editorial). Ibid., 55:513. 1935. "Recent progress in tuberculosis and its practical application in diagnosis, treatment and prevention." Ibid., 55:612-21. 1935. "Modern medicine" (editorial). Ibid., 55:628-29. 1935. "Dr. Scammon honored" (editorial). Ibid., 55:630-31. 1935. i "Dr. Diehl appointed dean of medical sciences" (editorial). Ibid., 55:631. 1935. "Medical courses for physicians" (editorial). Ibid., 55:662-63. 193 5. "The practicing physician and the public health" (editorial). Ibid., 55:689-90. 1935. "Fever treatment" (editorial). Ibid., 55:718. 1935. "Declining years and status quo" (editorial). Ibid., 55:744-45. 1935. "Is socialized medicine the answer?" (editorial). Ibid., 55:777-78. 1935. "Willful disturbers of the peace" (editorial). Ibid., 55:808. 1935. I "Treatment, prognosis and prevention of first infection type of tuberculosis." lb;" d., 56:24-32. 1936. I "New Year's greetings" (editorial). Ibid., 56:41. 1936. "Surgeon and educator" (editorial). Ibid., 56:42-43. 1936. r "Fact versus opinion" (editorial). Ibid., 56:44. 1936. "Tuberculosis in the cattle herds" (editorial). Ibid., 56:99-100. 1936. "The editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association" (editorial). Ibid., 56:154-55. 1936. "Medicine marches on" (editorial). Ibid., 56:215. 1936. "Medical history par excellence" (editorial). Ibid., 56:286-87. 1936. "Basic changes in tuberculosis control." Journal of the Florida Medical Association, Inc., 22:412-20. 1936. II "Exposure of infants to tuberculosis and the tuberculin test." Northwest Medicine, , 35:134-37. 1936. "Incidence of first infection type of tuberculosis in children." ·Ibid., 35:184-87. 1936. "First infection type of tuberculosis in young adult life." Ibid., 35:218-21. 1936. I Reviews of Fred H. Heise, editor, 1,000 Questions and Answers on T.B. in American Journal of Nursing, 35:1101. 1935. t Robert Wollheiin and Walter H. Schauinsland, The Herrman.rdorfer-Sauerbruch Diet in Journal of the American Medical Association, 104:2291. 1935. , Richard H. Miller, Tuberculosis of the Lymphatic System in ibid., 105:458. 1935. * H. von Hoesslin, Vorlesungen uber Erkrankungen des Respirati01ts~systems mit aus­ schluss der Tuberkulose in ibid., 105:622. 1935. r Benjamin Goldberg, Clinical Tuberculosis in ibid., 105:2011. 1935. Jacques Calve, La Tuberculose Osteo-Articulaire: Evolution-Diagnostic de Debut et Traitement in ibid., 106:947. 1936. Halliday Sutherland, The Tuberculin Handbook in ibid., 106:2185. 1936. John B. Hawes and Moses J. Stone, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary I Tuberctdosis in ibid., 106:2095. 1936. f Hester S. Angove, Remedial Exercises for Certain Diseases of the Heart and in Trained Nurse and Hospital Review, 66:363. 1936. I "Clinic checks tuberculosis." Minnesota Daily. !\larch 13, 1936. RuTH E. BoYNTON, M.D., M.S., Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine i and Public Health and Assistant Director of the Students' Health • Service "A controlled study of the treatment of dysmenorrhea." Pages 48-51 in Proceedings t of American Student Health Association. December 27, 1934. I t 1 88 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"The Social Security Act and child welfare." Minnesota Woman Voter, 16:3. March 1936. "The communicable diseases: university epidemics held unlikely." Minnesota Daily, 37:4. March 5, 1936. Reviews of Smiley and Gould, A College Text Book of Hygiene (revised edition) in Journal-Lancet, '55 :593. September I, 1935. Smiley ami Gould, Community Hygiene (revised edition) in ibid., 55:594. September I, 1935.

EuLA B. BUTZERIN, R.N., M.A., Assistant Professor of Preventive Medi­ cine and Public Health and Director of the Course in Public Health Nursing "Nursing ethics and history of nursing." Pages 825-56 in State Board Questions and Answers (14th edition). Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott and Company. 1936. HLet down your buckets where you are." Iowa State Association of Registered Nurse3 Bulletin, 35:18-19. 1935. Reviews of M. Vannier and B. A. Thompson, A Textbook of Nursing Technique in Journal of the American Medical Associaticm, 104:22. 1935. A. Worcester, Hygiene for Freshmen in American Journal of Nursing, 35:9. 1935. L. Dublin and A. J. Latka, Length of Life in ibid., 36:963-64. 1936.

LAURA A. DRAPER, R.N., B.A., B.S., Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health "Effect of E.R.A. on local programs." American Journal of Public Health, 24:462. May, 1936. "Effect of E.R.A. on local programs" (excerpt from above publication). Public Health Nursing, Vol. 28, No. 5, p. 310. May, 1936.

RALPH V. ELLIS, M.D., M.A., Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health "Is there an increased suspension stability of the erythrocytes in allergic disease?" Journal of Allergy, 17:64-72. November, 1935. "The diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease." Journal-Lancet, Vol. 56, No. 3, p. !52. March, 1936. "Tuberculosis and immigration." Ibid., Vol. 56, No. 4, p. 215. April, 1936. Editor, Journal-Lancet, Vol. 56, No. 3, special allergy number. "Even pets cause asthma." Minnesota Daily, 37:98. March 12, 1936.

Lucy S. HEATHMAN, Ph.D., M.D., Professorial Lecturer in Preventive Medicine and Public Health "Laboratory diagnosis in trichinosis." American Journal of Hygiene, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 397-409. March, 1936. 4 ' Precipitin and complement-fixation reactions of polysaccharide extracts of Brucella" (with Margaret Higginbotham). Journ(J)l of Infectious Diseases, 59:30-34. July­ August, 1936. CHARLES E. REMY, M.D., Professorial Lecturer in Preventive Medicine and Public Health ''A monument to humanity." Civic Digest, Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 6. 1936. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 89

MATTIE ]. BuLLARD, B.A., M.D., Instructor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health "Fatigue--better sleep before examinations." Minnesota Daily, 37:95. March 7, 1936.

MEREDITH B. HEsDORFFER, M.D., Instructor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Physician, Students' Health Service Growth of Human Nervous System: "I. Growth of cerebral surface" (with R. E. Scammon). Proceedings of the Society few Experimental Biology and Medicine, 33:415-18. 1936. "II. .Indices of relation of cerebral volume to surface in developmental period" (with R. E. Scammon). Ibid., 33:418-21. 1936. "III. Relations between cerebral surface, volume and length" (with R. E. Scammon). Ibid., 34:273-77. 1936. "IV. Material illustrating the postnatal growth and topography of the basal nuclei" (with R. E. Scammon). Anatomical Record, 64:443-51. 1936.

RoBERT G. HINCKLEY, M.D., Instructor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health "Scarlet fever immunization during a school epidemic" (with H. S. Diehl). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:13j4-57. April 18, 1936.

BERNARD A. WATSON, B.A., M.D., Instructor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Physician, Students' Health Service "Obesity-fat people die younger!" Minnesota Daily, 37:100. March 14, 1936.


OwEN H. WANGENSTEEN, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Surgery and Head of the Department of Surgery "Intestinal obstruction." Pages 1197-1227 in Frederick Christopher, editor, Textbook of Surgery. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. 1936. "V. Lymphatic absorption in simple obstruction: significance of distension upon its occurrence" (with L. Sperling). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medieine, 33:23-26. 1935. "Practical aspects of the therapeutic aspects in intestinal obstruction, with a note con­ cerning the reaction accompanying conservative decompression by suction." In­ ternational Clinics, 3:227-50. 1935. "The pedicled muscle flap in the closure of persistent bronchopleural fistula, with description of preservation and employment of the intercostal muscle bundles by a process of ribboning (for the avoidance of abdominal hernia) in the oblitera­ tion of large chronic empyema cavities." Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 5:27-53. 1935. "The undescended testis: its fate after satisfactory scrotal anchorage." Annals of Surgery, 102:875-904. 1935. HNon-operative treatment of localized perforations of the duodenum." Minnesota Medi­ cine, 18:477-80. 1935. "High gastric resection in cancer of the stomach with relation of personal experiences." Ibid., 19:312. 1936.

"The mechanism of the vermiform appendix-a potential 'closed-loop.'" Surgery1 " Gynecology and Obstetrics, 62:1020-22. 1936. f 90 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ARTHUR A. ZIEROLD, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Surgery "Intracranial pressure in head injuries." Archives of Surgery, 31 :823·32. 1935. "A new method of reduction of dislocations at the shoulder joint." Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 61:818-20. 1935. "Morphine as a diagnostic agent." Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of Mayo Clinic, 10:297·304. 1935.

]AMES A. JoHNSON, M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Surgery "Electrocoagulation of carcinoma of the rectum and sigmoid." Minnesota Medicine~ 18:487-90. 1935.

WILLIAM T. PEYTON, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Surgery "Lympho-epithelioma." Minnesota Medicine, 17:401. 1936.

ARCHA E. WILCOX, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery "Side-view sketches of physicians." Minnesota Medicine, 18:567-75. 1935.

FRANKLIN R. WRIGHT, D.D.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Urology "Appendicitis and bladder symptoms." Urologic and Cutaneous Review, 39:708-709. 1935.

0RWOOD J. CAMPBELL, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery "Cancer of breast." Journal-Lancet, 55:700-704. 1935.

CARL C. CHATTERTON, M.D., Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery "Poliomyelitis, methods of treatment and some successful operations." Journal-Lancet, 55:799·800. 1935.

C. DoNALD CREEVY, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery and As­ sistant Director of the Division of Urology "Confusing clinical manifestations of malignant renal neoplasms." Archives of Internal Medicine, 55 :895·916. 1935. "Neurogenic vesical dysfunction, alterations in the physiology of micturition due to lesions of the nervous system." Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 34:777- 804. 1935. "Treatment of the overflow incontinence of neurogenic vesical dysfunction." Minnesota Medicine, 19 :269·73. 1936. EDWARD T. EvANS, M.D., Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery "Posterior root section of rhizotomy." Journal-Lancet, 56:331-34. 1936.

WALTER A. FANSLER, M.A., M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery "The use of electro coagulation in treatment of rectal carcinoma." Journal~Lancet, 55:495-98. 1935. "Some observations concerning cancer of the rectum." Ibid., 55:707-708. 1935. "The diagnosis and prognosis of epithelial tumors of the large bowel." J ourna'l of the American Medical Association, 105 :167·69. 1935.

]AMES M. HAYES, M.D., M.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery ''Prevention and treatment of complications following cholecystectomy.'' Wisconsin Medical Journal, 34:731·35. 1935. E. MENDELSSOHN JoNEs, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery "Mortality in appendicitis." Minnesota Medicine, 19:278-80. 1936. ~ i , PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 91 f THOMAS ]. KINSELLA, M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery r "A clinical evaluation of collapse therapy measures in treatment of pulmonary tuber­ culosis." Journal-Lancet, 55:759-71. 1935. '•The surgical revision of unsatisfactory thoracoplasty by re-operation and extra­ periosteal (subscapular) packing." Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 5:267-85. 1936. "Genitourinary tuberculosis" (with G. J. Thomas). Wisconsin Medical Journal, 34: i 398-403. 1935. \ RALPH T. KNIGHT, B.A., M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery f "General anesthesia." Pages 1516-24 in Frederick Christopher, editor, Textbook of Surgery. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders C,ompany. 1936. I "Cyclopropane anesthesia in obstetrics." Current Researches in Anesthesia and Analgesia~ I IS :63-66. 1936. "Report of the Fourteenth Congress of Anesthetists." Minnesota Medicine, 19:312-14. { 1936. I OscAR A. OwRE, M.D., C.M., Assistant Professor of Urology "Papillary carcinoma confined to a diverticulum of the bladder-its removal and final report." Journal-Lancet, 55:469-70. 1935.

EMIL C. ROBITSHEK, M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery ! Abstracts of R. L. Sutton, Early Cutaneous Carcinoma in International Abstract of Surgery (Sur­ l gery, Gynecology and Obstetrics). Vol. 61, No. I, p. 77. 1935. A. F. Bratrud, The Ambulant Treatment of Hernia in ibid., Vol. 61, No. 5, p. 438. 1935. R. Miller and H. C. Gage, Chronic Duodenal Ileus in Infancy and Childhood in ibid., Vol. 61, No.· 6, p. 536. 1935. I 0. I. Cntler, Mild Acute Appendicitis; Appendiceal Obstruction in ibid., Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 235-36. 1936. , P. D. Woodbridge, Recent Experiences and Present Trends in Anesthesia in ibid., r Vol. 62, No. 4, p. 383. 1936. GILBERT ]. THOMAS, M.D., Assistant Professor of Urology I "Genitourinary tuberculosis" (with T. J. Kinsella). Wisconsin Medical Journal, 34: 398-403. 1935. "Some concepts of prostatic resection." Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray and Radium, 16:718-22. 1935. uThe rOle of congenital anomalies in the production of urologic conditions in children, with special mention of congenital idiopathic dilatation of the ureter" (with J. C. Barton). Journal of Urology, 33:611. 1935. I "Ectopic pelvic kidney" (with J. C. Barton). Journal of the American Medical Asso­ ciation, 106:197-99. 1936.

RoscoE C. WEBB, M.D., F.A.C.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery "Fractures of the tibia and fibula." Pages 654-61 in Frederick Christopher, editor, Textbook of Su•·gery. Philadelpha: W. B. Saunders Company. 1936. "Hyperparathyroidism." Transactions, Western Surgical Association, 44:68-81. 1934; Minnesota Medicine, 18:664-69. 1935. "Acute gangrenous appendicitis with abscess formation complicated by: (1) incomplete rotation of cecum, (2) postoperative mechanical ileus, (3) oidium albicans (thrush) infection of mouth, (4) bronchopneumonia, (5) pleurisy with effusion, (6) sub­ diaphragmatic abscess due to Vincent's infection" (with H. M. N. Wynne). Journal-Lancet, 56:102-105. 1936. 92 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

ARNOLD ScHWYZER, M.D., · F.A.C.S., Professorial Lecturer in Surgery, Emeritus "Carcinoma of the stomach." Minnesota Medicine, 19:402-408. 1936.

ARTHUR F. BRATRUD, M.D., F.A.C.S., Instructor in Surgery "Ambulamt treatment of hernia." Minnesota Medicine, 18:441-51; Industrial Medicine, 4:469-74; Journal of the Iowa Medical Society, 25:591-97. 1935.

HERBERT A. CARLSON, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Surgery "Acute empyema thoracis: a study of healing and pulmonary re-expansion." Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 5:393-433.. 1936.

RICHARD R. CRANMER, M.D., F.A.C.S., Instructor in Surgery "Report of a case of mesenteric thrombosis resulting from injection treatment of hernia." Journal-Lancet, 55:687. 1935.

L. HAYNES FowLER, M.S., M.D., Instructor in Surgery "Megacolon, with report of a traumatic case treated by left lumbar sympathectomy" (with W. A. Hanson). Minnesota Medicine, 18:646-55. 1935. "A case of Schuller-Christian's disease under observation for nine years" (with E. T. Bell and W. A. Hanson). American Journal of Cancer, 25:768-71. 1935,

WILLIAM A. HANSON, M.D., Instructor in Surgery "Megacolon, with report of a traumatic case treated by left lumbar sympathectomy" (with L. H. Fowler). Minnesota Medicine, 18:646-55. 1935. "A case of Schuller-Christian's disease under observation for nine years" (with E. T. Bell and L. H. Fowler). American Journal of Cancer, 25:768-71. 1935.

VERNON L. HART, M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery "Prevention of deformity and disability." Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray and Radium, 17:71-82. 1936.

MYRON 0. HENRY, M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery "Supracondylar fractures of the elbow and their complications." Minnesota Medicine, 18:597-98. 1935. "The low back problem." Ibid., 19:46-49. 1936. MELVILLE H. MANSON, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Surgery "Diagnosis and treatment of perinephritic abscess." Minnesota Medicine, 15:441-42. 1932. "Amputations for diabetic gangrene." Ibid., 16:448. 1933. "Dyspepsia following cholecystectomy." Ibid., 17:553-54. 1934. "Biological phenomena in Hodgkin's disease." Ibid., 18:263-65. 1935. MARTIN NoRDLAND, M.D., Instructor in Surgery "Malignancy of the thyroid and its treatment." Minnesota Medicine, 18:412-16. 1935, "The role of surgery in the diseases of the thyroid." Illinois Medical Journal, 68: 117-24. 1935. FREDERICK A. OLsON, M.D., M.S., Instructor in Surgery "Organization of hospital service for diagnosis and treatment of malignancy." Min· nesota Medicine, 18:481-84. 1935.

0LOF A. OLSON, M.D., Instructor in Surgery "Mucocele of the appendix." Minnesota Medicine, 19:297. 1936. 'f 93 It PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES CHARLES K. PETTER, M.D., Instructor in Surgery f "Tuberculosis of shafts of long bones" (with ]. P. Medelman). American Review of , Tuberculosi9, 32:285-93. 1935. "Tuberculosis of the knee." Journal-Lancet, 55:579-82. 1935. "An evaluation of generally accepted forms of therapy in orthopedic tuberculosis." Transactions of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the National Tuberculosis Asso­ ciation, 1934, p. 316. Outline of diagnosis and treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. 1936. 2 mimeo­ I' graphed pages . • CARL 0. RrcE, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor in Surgery "Rationale of the injection treatment of hernia." Minnesota Medicine, 18:623-27. 1935. "Thyroglobulin studies. I. The thyrozine and iodine content of normal and goitrous human thyroglobulin" (with J. F. McClendon and J. W. Cavett). Journal of I Biological Chemistry, 110:673-83. August, 1935. HARRY W. CHRISTIANSON, M.D., Assistant in Surgery "Ulcerative conditions of the large bowel from a proctoscopic standpoint." Journal­ Lancet, 55:438-39, 482-86. 1935. "Anal abscess and anal fistula." Minnesota Medicine, 18:655·58. 1935. f, EARL C. HENRIKSON, M.D., M.S., Assistant in Surgery "Sodium ricinoleate as a sclerosing agent" (with H. W. Froehlich). Minnesota Medi­ cine, 18:594-96. 193 5. "Cirrhosis of the liver, with special reference to the surgical aspects." Archives of 1 Surgery, 32:413-51. 1936. 1 LAWRENCE M. LARSON, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant in Surgery "Physiologic factors relating to surgery of the colon." Minnesota Medicine, 19:289-93. 1936. t "Technique for the injection treatment of hernia." Southern Surgeon, 5 :227·33. 1936.

]OHN H. MoE, M.D., Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery r "Fractures about the shoulder and hip." Journal-Lancet, 55:795-98. 1935.

Lours SPERLING, M.D., M.S., Assistant in Surgery I "Lymphatic absorption in simple obstruction: significance of distension upon its oc· currence" (with 0. H. Wangensteen). Proceedings of the Society for Experi­ mental Biology and Medicine, 33: 23-26. 1935. "ROle of the ileocecal sphincter in cases of obstruction of the large bowel." Archives of Surgery, 32:22-48. 193 6. !' JosEPH STASNEY, M.D., Fellow in Hematology "Infectious mononucleosis" (with C. A. McKinlay and H. Downey). Journal of the t American Medical Association, 105:761-68. 1935. ; "The pathology of the lymph nodes in infectious mononucleosis" (with H. Downey). t Folia Haematologica (Leipzig), 54:417-38. March, 1936. I CHARLES G. UHLEY, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Surgery "Changes occurring in the macrophage system of the lungs in pneumococcus lobar ( pneumonia" (with 0. H. Robertson). JournaJ of Clinical Investigation, 15:115-30. I 1936. I 94 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

SCHOOL OF NURSING KATHARINE J. DENSFORD, M.A., R.N., Professor of Nursing and Director of the School of Nursing "Fellowship in ,principles and practice of nursing." Alumnae Quarterly of the School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, Vol. 16, No. 3, p. 5. July, 1935. "Who should come?" Ibid., Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 14-15. January, 1936. "Giving a background of comfort to the nurse's job" (with S. Horner). Modern Hos­ Pital, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 72-76. November, 1935. "The nurse in the community." Illinois Health Messenger, 8:50-52. March, 1936. "Undergraduate preparation of the nurse to meet modern health needs." Ibid., 8:56-60. March, 1936.

LUCILE PETRY, R.N., M.A., Assistant Professor of Nursing Reviews of E. C. Robinson and Virginia Kirk, Introduction to Psychology in American Journal of Nursing, 35:1002-1003. October, 1935. Ella Rothweiler, The Science and Art of Nursing in ibid., 36:106-108. January, 1936.

FLORENCE PARISA, R.N., B.S., Instructor in Nursing "A simplified catheterization procedure." American Journal of Nursing, 36:459-62. May, 1936.

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA HOSPITALS GERTRUDE I. THOMAS, Assistant Professor of Dietetics and Director of Nutrition "The dietetic department of l'Hopital Americain de Paris, Neuilly-sur-Seine." Trained Nurse and HosPital Review, 96:68-70. 1936.

LYDIA B. CHRIST, B.A., Instructor and Medical Social Worker "What can a social worker in a syphilis clinic do to prevent loss of sight?" Pages 8-14 in Committee of Medical Social Eye Workers Bulletin No. 10. New York: National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. 1935.

X RAY DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA HOSPITALS LEo G. RIGLER, M.D., Professor of Radiology and X Ray "Tuberous sclerosis diagnosed with cerebral pneumography" (with N. J. Berkwitz). Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 34:833-38. October, 1935. "Benign tumors of the stomach" (with L. G. Ericksen). Ibid., 26:6-15. January, 1936. "A roentgen study of the mode of development of encapsulated interlobar effusions." Journal of Thoracic Surgery, 5:295. February, 1936. "The effects of thorium dioxide sol (thorotrast) on the human liver" (with R. Koucky and A. L. Abraham). Radiology, 25:521-32. November, 1935. "Atypical distribution of pleural effusions." Ibid., 26:543-50. May, 1936. Reviews of Alban Kohler, Roentgenology in Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:1596. May, 1936. Charles Weyl and S. R. Warren, Jr., Apparatus and Technic for Roentgenography of the Chest in Radiology, 25:509-10. October, 1935. \Valter Schmidt and H. Wurm, Leistung und Grem:en des Rontgenverfahrens bei der Erkennung Tuberculoser Lungenveriinderungen in ibid., 25:757. December, 1935. t t t, t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 95 I Members of the Technical Service Department, X-Ray Section, General Electric X-Ray j Corporation, X-Ray Studies in Advanced· Radiographic Technic in ibid.; 26:373. , March, 1936. Bede J. Michael Harrison, A Te:rtbook of Roentgenology: The Roentgen Ray in t Diagnosis and Treatment in ibid., 26:762-63. June, 1936. CHAUNCEY N. BoRMAN, M.D., Research Instructor in Radiology University Hospital Staff Meetings. Mimeographed weekly during school year 1935-36. l RUDOLPH F. KoucKY, M.D., Research Instructor in Radiology • "Primary amyloidosis limited to tissue of mesodermal origin" (with H. A. Reimann and C. M. Eklund). American Journal of Pathology, 11:977-88. 1935. t "The effects of thorium dioxide sol (thorotrast) on the human liver" (with L. G. Rigler and A. L. Abraham). Radiology, 25:521-32. November, 1935. j University Hospital Staff Meetings. Mimeographed weekly during school year 1935-36 . • JoHN MEDELMAN, M.D., Assistant in Radiology "Tuberculosis of the shafts of the long bones" (with C. K. Petter). American Review of Tuberculosis, 32:285-93. September, 1935. ARDEN L. ABRAHAM, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Radiology "The effects of thorium dioxide sol (thorotrast) on the human liver" (with L. G. Rigler f and R. Koucky). Radiology, 25:521-32. November, 1935. f EDWARD ]. SEMANSKY, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Surgery University Hospital Staff Meetings. Mimeographed weekly during school year 1935-36. l, THE SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY f ADMINISTRATION WILLIAM F. LASBY, D.D.S., F.A.C.D., Dean of the School of Dentistry and School for Dental Hygienists and Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry and t Orthodontia "Arthur T. Rowe, 1883-!935; Paul B. Wiberg, !897-1935." North-West Dentistry, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 42-43. January, !936. "Report of the University Relations Committee" (with H. B. Washburn). Ibid., Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 79-88. April, 1936. { "Report on the clinic of the School of Dentistry." Ibid., Vol. !5, No. 2, pp. 89-92. April, 1936.

CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK AMOS S. WELLS, B.A., D.D.S., Professor of Crown and Bridge Work and I Chairman of the Division of Crown and Bridge Work "Dental prosthesis." Pages 269-301 "n A Course of Study in Dentistry. Report of the ( Curriculum Survey Committee. Chicago: American Association of Dental Schools. i 1935. f EARL A. NELSON, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Crown and Bridge Work "Incisal edges and the three~quarter crown preparation." Minneapolis Distr£ct Dental f Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 14, 15. June, 1936. "Simple method of making dental pictures." Leica Photography, No. 43, pp. 4, 14. 'i June, 1936. I


ORAL DIAGNOSIS PETER J. BREKHUS, B.A., D.D.S., F.A.C.D., Professor of Crown and Bridge Work and Oral Diagnosis and Chairman of the Division of Oral Diagnosis "A method for the separation of enamel. dentin, and cementum" (with W. D. Arm· strong). Journal of Dental Research, IS :23-29. 193S. "Composition of whole sound teeth, enamel, and dentin" (with W. D. Armstrong) Ibid., IS :164-6S. 193S. "Age incidence of dental caries and types of treatment-correlation of 14,935 case histories" (with W. D. Armstrong). Ibid., IS :172-73. 1936.

ORAL HYGIENE AND PATHOLOGY HAROLD F. WAHLQUisT, D.D.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Oral Surgery and Oral Hygiene and Pathology The Value of Pain As a Diagnostic Symptom. New York: American Association for the Advancement of Oral Diagnosis. August, 193S. 4 mimeographed pages.

RAYMOND E. JoHNSON, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Oral Hygiene and Pathology "Educating the patient." Academy of Periodontology Jcmrnal, Vol. 6, No. I, pp. 49-Sl. January, 193S.

DoROTHEA F. RADUSCH, D.D.S., B.A., Instructor in Oral Hygiene and Pathology "Dietary standards for the adult dental patient." Journal of the American Dental Association, 22 :164S-S6. October, 193S. "Concerning the causes of dental caries-a discussion." Minneapolis District Dental Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 11-14. December, 193S.

HAROLD G. WoRMAN, D.D.S., Instructor in Oral Hygiene and Pathology Review of Kurt H. Thoma, Clinical Pathology of the Jaws in Minneapolis District Dental Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 38-39. September, 193S.

ORTHODONTIA CHARLES E. RuDOLPH, D.D.S., F.A.C.D., Professor of Orthodontia and Chairman of the Division of Orthodontia "Our medicodental problems." Journal of the American Dental Association, 22:1068-69. June, 193S. "A comparative study in root resorption in permanent teeth." Ibid., 23 :822-27. May, 1936. PHYSIOLOGY WALLACE D. ARMSTRONG, Ph.D., Instructor in Physiologic Chemistry "A method for the separation of enamel, dentin, and cementum" (with P. J. Brekhus). Jcmrnal of Dental Research, IS :23-29. 193S. "Composition of whole sound teeth, enamel, and dentin" (with P. J. Brekhus). Ibid., IS :164-6S. 193S. "Age incidence of dental caries and types of treatment-correlation of 14,93S case histories" (with P. J. Brekhus). Ibid., 15:172-73. 1936. ,\ l t ( PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 97 t PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY CARL 0. FLAGSTAD, D.D.S., Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry and Ortho­ dontia and Chairman of the Division of Prosthetic Dentistry "Methods of teaching partial denture prosthesis." Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual r Meeting of the American Association of Dental Schools, pp. 122-28. March, 1935. "The newer denture base materials." Wisconsin Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. S-9. September, 1935. I "Silver anniversary." North-West Dentistry, Vol. 15, No. I, p. 15. January, 1936 . • OPERATIVE DENTISTRY I I HAROLD C. WITTICH, D.D.S., Instructor in Operative Dentistry "Diagnosis in children's dentistry." International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral } Surgery, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 251-55. 1936. , THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY ADMINISTRATION FREDERICK ]. WuLLING, Phm.D., LL.M., D.Sc., causa honoris, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Professor of Pharmacology and Director of Uni­ l, versity Medicinal Plant Gardens "The chairman's address." Proceedings of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Associa­ f tion, pp. 71-7 5. February, 1936. "Report of Historical Committee." Ibid., pp. 122-24. February, 1936. "College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, 1934-35-Historical." Ibid., pp. 12 5· 28. February, 1936. "The selection of students for the study of pharmacy" (with H. R. Douglass). I Ibid., pp. 128-33. February, 1936. t ''The present upward trend of professional and scientific pharmacy." American Pro· fessional Pharmacist, Vol. I, No. 9, pp. 11·21. December, 1935. f "Three-fold cooperation." Ibid., Vol. I, No. 12, p. 24. March, 1936. "Dr. Ole Gisvold." North Western Druggist, Vol. 43, No. II, pp. 78-79. November, 1935. r "College notes." Ibid .. Vol. 43, No. II, p. 78, No. 12, p. 64. November, December, 1935; Vol. 44, No. 2, p. 90, No. 3, pp. 69-70. February, March, 1936. • "Why I entered pharmacy." Ibid., Vol. 44, No. 5, p. 16. May, 1936. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY I CHARLES H. RoGERS, D.Sc., Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Second edition). Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. 1936. 750 pages. "The mechanism and treatment of poisoning by mercury, cyanide, and carbon monoxide" (with E. Brecht). Proceedings of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, ! pp. 99-105. February, 1936. "A study of the mechanism of the reaction of Mayer's reagent for alkaloids" (with G. Fostvedt). Ibid., pp. 133-35. February, 1936. { ''The determination of bile salts in proprietary preparations." Ibid., pp. 153·54 .. February, 1936. I "The application of the Shaffer-Somogyi method for sugar determination in the study of the deterioration rate of tincture of digitalis and a physical amd pharmacological investigation of the glucosidal complexes present in tincture of digitalis" (with R. A. Gartner and E. B. Fischer). Proceedings of the American Association for t the Advancement of Science. June, 1935. l I t I' 98 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

OLE GrsvoLD, Ph.D., Instructor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry ''The sterols from M onarda Fistulosa." Journal of American Pharmaceutical Asso- ciation, 23:214. 1935. "The sterol from Pinus Sabioniana." Ibid., 23:290. 1935. "The sterols of Achillea Millefolium." Ibid., 24:1071. 1936. Chemistry of Slash-Pine (Pinus Cariboea Morelet): "1. Fatty constituents of the phloem" (with J. A. Hall). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 109:585-95. 1935. "II. Fats, waxes, and resins of the growing tips" (with J. A. Hall). Ibid., 113: 487-96. 1936. "Chemical constituents of plaJnt and insect waxes." Proceed£ngs of M£nnesata State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 176-79. February, 1936.

EDWARD BRECHT, M.S. in Phm., Fellow in Pharmaceutical Chemistry ""The mechanism and treatment of poisoning by mercury, cyanide, and carbon monoxide" (with C. H. Rogers). Proceedings of Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 99-104. February, 1936.

GERALD FosTVEDT, M.S. in Phm., Fellow in Pharmaceutical Chemistry "A study of the mechanism of the reaction of Mayer's reagent for alkaloids" (with C. H. Rogers). Proceedings of Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 133-35. February, 1936. PHARMACOGNOSY EARL B. FrscHER, B.S. in Phm., Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany "The application of the Shaffer-Somogyi method for sugar determination in the study of the deterioration rate of tincture of digitalis and a physical and pharmacological investigation of the glucosidal complexes present in tincture of digitalis" (with R. A. Gartner and C. H. Rogers). Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. June, 1935. "Report of chairman of Drug Pla,nt Culture Committee." Proceedings of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 85-87. February, 1936. "A comment upon the Knudson-Dresbach colorimetric assay for digitalis." Ibid., pp. 151-53. February, 1936. PHARMACY GusTAV BACHMAN, Phm.M., Professor of Pharmacy "Report of the American Pharmaceutical Association 1935 Meeting." Proceedings of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 22-23. February, 1936. "Report of the Committee on the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary." Ibid., pp. 81-83. February, 1936. Editor, Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Proceedings. 1936. RuGNAR ALMIN, Phm.C., Instructor in Pharmacy "Report of Committee on Drug Adulterations." Proceedings of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 75-77. February, 1936. GEORGE E. CRossEN, B.S. in Phm., Instructor in Pharmacy "Modern alchemy." Proceed£ngs of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, pp. 181-82. February, 1936. KARL J. GoLDNER, M.S. in Phm., Student Helper in Pharmacy "Water-national formulary VI." Proceedings of Minnesota State Pharmaceutical As­ sociation, pp. 180-81. February, 1936. ,\

I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 99 i , THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION I ADMINISTRATION MELVIN E. HAGGERTY, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education and Pro­ i fessor of Educational Psychology Art a Way of Life. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 43 pages. Examiner's Manual: The Minnesota Reading Examination for College Students (with A. C. Eurich). (Revised edition). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. I 1935. 25 pages. "The paramount service of education to society." Annals of the American Academy of • Political and Social Science, 182:10·20. November, 1935. , "Freedom limited by social mores and customs." Social Frontier~ 2:171-72. March, 1936. ''Higher education in Minnesota." Bulletin of University of Minnesota, Vol. 39, No. 61, pp. 227-36. 1936.

r HAROLD BENJAMIN, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the College of Education and t' Professor of Education "Education and national recovery in Denmark." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 182:173-80. November, 1935. "Revolutionary education in Mexico." Ibid., 182:181-89. November, 1935. I "The school and the social order." League Scrip, 16:5-6, 28. December, 1935. "The control of education in Latin-America." Horace Mann Report, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 11·14. 1936. "What is cultural education?" Kentucky School Journal, 14:20-21. March, 1936. "Community studies recently sponsored by state departments of education" (abstract). Pages 8-9 in Reconstructing Education through Research. Official Report of the 1936 Meeting, American Educational Research Association. Washington, D.C.: American Research Association. May, 1936. "Reform of secondary education in Argentina." School Life, 21:288-90. June, 1936. Review of Commission franc;aise pour l'enqutte Carnegie, sur les examens et concours en France, L'atlas de renseignement en France in Journal of Higher Education, 7:225. April, 1936. Editor, Education for Social Control, Vol. 182. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. November, 1935. Editor's page, Child Life, 13:129. February, 1936.

AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION ALBERT M. FIELD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Agricultural Education Dairy Enterprises (with J. C. McDowell) (revised). Chicago: J. B. Lippincott Com. pany. 1936. 471 pages. "Modern methods of teaching vocational subjects." Page 45 in View Points on Voca- tional Education. Minneapolis: Minnesota Vocational Association. April, 1936. "Getting ahead in 1936." Agricultural Education, 8:49. April, 1936. Editor Visitor. 1935-36. Special Methods Department, Agricultural Education Magazine, 1936. "The curriculum-content and organization." 5 mimeographed pages. 1936.

VIcTOR E. NYLIN, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Education Index of Statistics from United States Department of Agriculture Yearbooh, 1930-1935. Bound, typewritten index. University Farm Library. 1936. 117 pages. "Index for the 1934 United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook." Visitor, Vol. 23, No. 1. October, 1935. 100 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Index for the 1935 United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook." Visitor, Vol. 23, No. 2. January, 1936.

ART EDUCATION ELMER E. HARMES, B.S., Instructor in Art Education "Minnesota artists." Bulletin, Minnesota Public Schools, 1 :16·17. April, 1936.

EDWIN ZrEGFELD, M.L.A., B.S.Ed., Instructor in Art and Resident Director, Owatonna Art Education Project Art Today: An Introduction to the Plastic Arts. Minneapolis: University of Min· nesota Mimeograph Department. 193 5. 168 pages. "Mexican tinware." Design, 37:18-21. September, 1935. "Comments on crafts in education." Ibid., 37:9. February, 1936. "Appreciation and experience" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., 38:28. June, 1936. "Foundation planting" (with Ray Faulkner). Owatonna Journal-Chronicle, March 26, 1936. "How to plan your yard: informal" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., April 9, 1936, "How to plan your yard: formal" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., April 16, 1936. "How to build a rock garden" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., April 23, 1936. "Interesting shrubs for planting" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., April 30, 1936. "More shrubs for your garden" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., May 7, 1936. "Good trees to plant" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., May 14, 1936. "Perennials for your garden" (with Ray Faulkner), Ibid., May 21, 1936. "Flower borders" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., May 28, 1936. "Bulbs for your garden" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., June 4, 1936. "Evergreens to plant" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., June 11, 1936. "Pools and how to build them" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., June 18, 1936. "Outdoor living rooms" (with Ray Faulkner). Ibid., June 25, 1936. These articles also appeared weekly in Charlevoix Courier, April 1, 1936 to June 24, 1936.

FLORENCE TrLTON, B.A.E., M.A., Assistant in Art Education "Art for rural education." Progressive Education Magazine, 12:422-24. October, 1935.

HELEN ]. ALMARS, Research Fellow in Art Education "Functionalism and functional design." Federal Illustrator, p. 1. Spring quarterly, 1936. Publication of Federal Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

ERNEST V. WENNER, B.A., B.S. in Ed., Fellow in Art Education "Publicity for fraternities." Delta of Sigma Nu Fraternity, 53:317-18. December, 1935; Shield and Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 55: 19-20. December 1935; Phi Mu Delta Triangle, 17:15-16. January, 1936; Signet of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity; 27:118-20. January, 1936; Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly, 27:79-80. March, 1936.

EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ALVIN C. EuRICH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Educational Research, and Assistant to the President Examiner's Manual: the Minnesota Reading Examination for College Students (with M. E. Haggerty). (Revised edition.) Minneapolis: University of Minne'!

"The prediction of success in professional schools at the University of Minnesota." Pages 23-25 in Reconstructing Education through Research, Official report of 1936 meeting, American Educational Research Association. Washington, D.C.: American Research Association. May, 1936. "Some trends in the junior high school curriculum." Nations Schools, 16:33-34 .. August, 1935. "Subject matter preparation of secondary school teachers." Educational Administration and Supervision, 21:457-64. September, 1935; North Central Association Quar­ terly, 10:231-37. October, 1935. "An experimental study of two plans of supervised study in first year algebra" (with B. J, Stallard). Journal of Experimental Education, 4:17-20. September, 1935. "An experimental evaluation of a modified Morrison procedure in teaching American history" (with K. L. Pederson). Ibid., 4:20-25. September, 1935. "The transfer of training in high school Latin to English grammar, spelling, and vocabulary" (with C. Kittleson). Ibid., 4:26-33. September, 1935. "The school, the teacher, and American society in 1935." Secondary Education, 4: 264-68. November, 1935. "The prediction of pupil success in high school, mathematics." Mathematics Teacher, 28:489-504. December, 1935. HSymposium-Scientific investigation of instructional problems." Journal of Educa­ tional Research, 29:130-38. October, 1935. "Published work books versus pupil made notebooks in ninth grade general science" (with G. W. Peterson). School Review, 43:608-13. October, 1935. "Age and grade classifications as factors in achievement in high school economics" (with M. Houghton). Ibid., 43:766-70. December, 1935. "An experimental evaluation of a unit procedure in teaching American history" (with K. L. Pederson). Ibid., 44:362-71. May, 1936. "An experimental investigation of two plans of supervised study" (with B. H. Stallard). School Science and Mathematics, 36:78-81. January, 1936. "Why the school can't get in step with social needs." League Scrip, 16:9-11. February, 1936.

FRED ENGELHARDT, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Administration "Pupil classification as affected by organization and by administrative practice." Part I, chapter 2, pages 19-30 in Thirty-fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Bloomington, Ill.: Public School Publishing Company. 1936, "State-wide planning for school buildings." Section 1, pages 27-30 in American School and University. 1936. "Selecting the school site." School Executive's Magazine, 55:12-14. September, 1935. "School-board members and salaries." American School Board Journal, 91:14-17. October, 1935. Review of Year Book of Department of Superintendence, Social Change and Education in School Executive's Magazine, 54:270. May, 1935. Editor (with F. G. Ayer), Appleton-Century Series in Administration: A. V. Overn, The Teacher in Modern Education. 1935. J, Murray Lee, A Guide to Measurement in Sec011dary Schools. 1936.

WEsLEY E. PErK, Ph.D., Professor of Education "The relation of general and professional education in the preparation of teachers." Fifteenth Yearbook, American Association of Teachers Colleges, pp. 129-36. 1936; Studies in Education, 24:5-7. 1936. Abstracts of papers at the St. Louis meeting. National Society of College Teachers of Education.

PALMER 0. JoHNSON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education Cooperative Botany Test (with F. K. Butters and others). (Provisional form, 1935.) New York: ·cooperative Test Service. 1935. Information. 16 pages; Scientific method. 16 pages; Composite-information and scientific method. 16 pages. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 103

"Modern approach to our college education problems." Proceedings of the Forty-m,"nth Annual Convention of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. 19 pages. April, 1936. "Concomitant learning in human biology." Science Education, 20:11-17. 1936.

DoRA V. SMITH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education "Report of the curriculum commission of the National Council of Teachers of English." School and Society, 42:545-46. October 19, 1935. "Reading for fun." Library Journal, 60:879-81. November 15, 1935. "The experience curriculum in English." League Scrip, 16:11-12, 24-35. December, 1935. "Another of the builders." New Century Leader, 36:5-7. December, 1935. "An analysis of the content of placement tests in Freshman English used by one hundred and thirty colleges and universities" (with Constance McCullough). English Journal, 25:17-25. January, 1936. "The modern curriculum in English." Minnesota Chats, 18:4. January 14, 1936. Review of H. Fern Daringer and Anne Eaton, The Poet's Craft in English Journal, 25:258-60. March, 1936. Aids for keeping up with books for high school pupils. 4 mimeographed pages. Books for the children's bookshelves. 6 mimeographed pages. Books for children eight years old and under. 6 mimeographed pages. Materials for the course in adolescent literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 92 pages.

EDGAR B. WESLEY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education Guarding the Frontier: a Study of Frontier Defense, 1815-1825. Minneapolis: Univer­ sity of Minnesota Press. 1935. 217 pages. Proposed: the University of the United States. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. !936. 83 pages. "A socialized education for a socialized age." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 182:21-29. November, 1935. i "The besetting sin of pedagogy." Peabody Reflector and Alumni News, 9:49-50. February, 1936; Social Studies, 27:165-68. March, 1936; Education Digest, 1:18- 19. April, 1936. "How does the pupil learn about society?" Journal of the Florida Education Associa­ tion, 13:24. March, 1936. r Reviews of John A. Lapp and Robert B. Weaver, The Citizen and His Government in School Re­ • view, 43:713-14. November, 1935. Harold \V. Faulkner and Tyler Kepner, America, Its History and People: a Unit Or­ I ganization in Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 22:461. December, 1935. Eleanor Perret, Man's Work and World: a History of Industry in ibid., 22:461. t December, 1935. Theodore C. Blegen, The Modern Commonwealth of Minnesota: a Syllabus in Min­ t nesota History, 17:81-83. March, 1936. i ABE PEPINSKY, M.A., Assistant Professor of Music A Syllabus of Materials for Music of the Eighteenth Century. Minneapolis: University f of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 17 pages. 1 ]AMES G. UMSTATTD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education Placement Success of the 1934-35 Education Graduates of Two Hundred Sixty Col­ legiate Institutious. Bulletin of the National Institutional Teacher Placement Association, Vol. 2, No. 1. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. February 1, 1936. 8 pages. "The prevalence and practice of independent study." Journal of Higher Educatiott ( 3 6:364-67. October, 1935. t r f r 104 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Are teaching combinations improving?" Minnesota Journal of Education, 16:301. May, 1936. "A successful departure in educational writing." North Dakota Teacher, 15:19-21. May, 1936. Reviews of Lloyd N. Morrisett, Letters of Recommendation in Journal of Higher Education, 6:455. November, 1935. Alfred V. Overn, The Teacher in Modern Education in Minnesota Journal of Educa­ tion, 16:284. April, 1936. Editor, Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention. Bulletin of the National In­ stitutional Teacher Placement Association, VoL 2, No. 2. May 15, 1936.

MARVIN ]. VAN W AGENEN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Psy­ chology "Frequency of personality and behavior traits among teacher-designated problem cases." Part 1, Section 1 in Pupil Perso·nnel Study of Pupils in Minnesota Public Schools. Report of the State Testing Committee of the Minnesota Council of School Executives. 1936. 21 pages. "Knowledge of current events among junior high school pupils." Part 2, Section 1 in ibid. 1936. 21 pages.

ARWOOD S. NoRTHBY, Ph.D., Instructor in Education "A comparison of five types of spelling tests for diagnostic purposes." Journal of Educational Research, 29:339-46. January, 1936. "The place of the summer session in the collegiate training of undergraduate students in education." School and Society, 43:823-24. June, 1936. Abstracts in Educational Abstracts, VoL 1, Nos. 291, 348, 530. 1936.

DALE B. HARRIS, B.A., Assistant in Education "Summary of study in delinquency, reported by E. R. Bartlett at the Indiana State Con­ ference of Social Work, Proceedings of the 1935 Conference." Indiana Bulletin of Charities and Correction, No. 220, pp. 598, 599. December, 1935. "Personality factors in delinquency" (with E. R. Bartlett). School and Society, 43: 653-56. 1936. Blank for the study of boys' play activities. 3 mimeographed pages. 1936.

GEORGE E. HoLLISTER, M.A., Assistant in Education "Social studies vocabulary difficulties in the upper grades" (with U. W. Leavell). Peabody Journal of Education, 12:287-93. May, 1935. "A 'show' that pleased parents." Journal of Education, 118:442. October. 1935.

CoNSTANCE McCULLOUGH, M.S., Assistant in Education "An analysis of the content of placement tests in Freshman English used by one hundred and thirty colleges and universities" (with Dora V. Smith). English Journal, 25:17-25. 1936.


CLARA M. BROWN, M.A., Associate Professor of Home Economics Education "Demonstration and laboratory methods of meal planning and serving" (with Katherine Comley). Journal of Home Economics, 28:28-30. January, 1936. "Selected references on secondary school instruction-home economics." School Re­ view, 44:217-19. March, 1936. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 105

ELLA ]. RosE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Home Economics Education "The American Vocational Association convention." JournaJ of Home Economics~ 28:170. March, 1936. Advisory editor, Journal of Home Economics. 1935-36. ( Contributing abstractor, Educational Abstracts. 1935-36. t TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION HoMER ]. SMITH, Ph.D., Professor of Trade and Industrial Education Progress RePort. Tests and Measurements Committee, American Vocational Associa· tion. 10 mimeographed pages. "The industrial and vocational arts." Pages 27-30 in Selected References in Education. Supplementary Educational Monograph No. 43. Chicago: University of Chicago l Press. 1935. "The industrial arts." Pages 183-85 in ibid. "Guidance and vocational education." Pages S-9 in View Points on Vocational Educa­ f tion. Minneapolis: Minnesota Vocational Association. 1936. "Selected references on elementary school instruction-the industrial arts." Elementary School Journal, 36:220-32. November, 1935. t "The three degrees in industrial education." Industrial Arts and Vocational Education, 25:85-88. March, 1936. "Industrial arts in its service with vocational education." Industrial Education Maga­ 1 zine, 38:57-60. March, 1936. "Selected references on secondary school instruction-the industrial and vocational f arts." School Review, 44:212-15. March, 1936. VERNE C. FRYKLUND, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Trade and Industrial Education General Shop Woodworking (with A. J. LaBerge). Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight and I McKnight. 1936. 128 pages. "Trade analysis first." Pages 25-30 in View Points on Vocational Education. Min­ J neapolis: Minnesota Vocational Association. 1936. "Trades vs. occupations as training bases." Industrial Arts and Vocational Education, 25:169-71. June, 1936. "Professional upgrading in service." Minnesota Vocational Association News Bulletin, p. 3. January, 1936. r "Subordination of handwork in industrial arts." Journal of American Vocational As­ f sociation, 11:71-72, 83. May, 1936. , M. REED BAss, B.S., Instructor in Trade and Industrial Education Conservation of Natural Resources. Outlines of instruction for educational advisers and instructors in Civilian Conservation Corps camps. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Interior-Office of Education, United States Government f Printing Office. Vocational Series No. 7. 1932. 94 pages. , A Manual for Instructors in Civilian Conservation CorPs Camps. Washington, D.C.: United States Office of Education, United States Government Printing Office. f Vocational Series. 1935. 95 pages. "Methods of teaching adults." Pages 31·40 in View Points on Vocational Education. Minneapolis: Minnesota Vocational Association. 1935. Chairman of Committee to prepare following reports: Agriculture. Washington. D.C., United States Office of Education, United States t Government Printing Office. Vocational Series, No. I. 1935. 74 pages. Automobile Repairing. Ibid., No. 2. 1935. 64 pages. Automotive Electricity. Ibid., No. 3. 1935. 79 pages. Carpentry. Ibid., No. 4. 1935. 72 pages. ( Concrete Construction. Ibid., No. 5. 1935. 88 pages. t Cooking. Ibid., No. 6. 1935. 66 pages. { t 106 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Forestry. Washington, D.C., United States Office of Education, United States Govern- ment Printing Office. Vocational Series No. 8. 1935. 128 pages. House Wiring. Ibid., No. 9. 1935, 58 pages. Elementary Masonry and Bricklaying. Ibid., No. 10. 1935. 61 pages. Mechanical Drawing. Ibid., No. 11. 1935. 71 pages. Photography. Ibid., No. 12. 1935. 72 pages. Radio Servicing. Ibid., No. 13. 1935. 66 pages. Soil Conservation. Ibid., No. 14. 1935. 191 pages. Plane Surveying. Ibid., No. 15. 1935. 60 pages. Seven bulletins, covering 130 evening school courses at Dunwoody Industrial Institute; other bulletins, memos, etc., in connection with the administration of adult education. UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL CHARLES W. BOARDMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Director of Student Teaching "The case for the library study hall." Peabody Jo

, "Social-civic contribution of junior high school mathematics." Minnesota Journal of Ed1

THE GRADUATE SCHOOL-MAYO FOUNDATION [ ADMINISTRATION GuY S. FoRD, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of History "Are revolutions necessary?" Mittnesota Chats, Vol. 17, p. 4. May 20, 1935. Review of Carl L. Becker, Everyman His Own Historian: Essays on History and Politics in Minnesota History, 17:73-74. March, 1936. f Editor, Dictatorship in the Modern World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota , Press. 1935. RICHARD E. ScAMMON, Ph.D., LL.D., Distinguished Service Professor in t the Graduate School ~ ~ "Physical development from fifteen to twenty-two." Pages 85-93 in Growth and Devel­ opment: the Basis for Education Programs. New York: Progressive Education Association. 1936. l "Human biology and its teachers." Pages 123-32 in ibid. 1936. "Some observations on the social background of medical practice in Great Britain." t Pages 26-31 in Proceedings of the Annual Congress on Medical Education, Medical Licensure and Hospitals, Chicago, February 17 and 18, 1936. Chicago: American Medical Association. 1936. I Growth of Human Nervous System: t "I. Growth of cerebral surface" (with M. B. Hesdorffer). Proceedings of the Society for ExPerimental Biology and Medicine, 33:415-18. 1935. "II. Indices of relation of cerebral volume on surface in developmental period" (with M. B. Hesdorffer). Ibid., 33:418-21. 1935. f "III. Relations between cerebral surface, volume and length" (with M. B. Hes­ dorffer). Ibid., 34:273-77. 1936. "IV. Material illustrating the postnatal growth and topography of the basal nuclei" t (with M. B. Hesdorffer). Anatomical Record, 64:443-51. 1936.


"Quantitative studies on the human spine in prenatal life." (Abstract of demonstration.) Anatomical Record, Vol. 64, No. 4, Supplement No. 3, p. 72. 1936. "The increase of chemical elements in the human fetus." (Abstract of demonstration.) Ibid., Vol. 64, No. 4, Supplement No. 3, p. 72. 1936. "Quantitative studies on the relative growth of the cerebrum and its parts." (Ab­ stract of demonstration.) Ibid., Vol. 64, No. 4, Supplement No. 3, p. 73. 1936. "Northumhrian journey." Bulletin of the HennePin County Medical Society, 6:131-33. December 25, 1935; 7:5-8. January 25, 1936. "Some observations on the social background of medical practice in Great Britain." (Abstract.) Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:1316-17. 1936. "How measurement came into medicine." (Abstract.) Proceedings of the Staff Meet­ ings of the Mayo Clinic, 11 :301-303. 1936.


EDWARD C. RosENOW, M.D., Professor of Bacteriology "Experimentelle und klinische Studien iiber Herdinfektion und elektive Lokalisation." N euere Beobachtungen und ihre Bedeutung. V iertei-J ahrsschrift fur Zahnheil­ kinde-samPie, 40:350-73. 1934. "Cataphoretic velocity and localization of streptococci isolated from infected teeth of persons having systemic disease." Journal of Dental Research, 15:123-32. April, 1935; Journal of the American Dental Association, 23:35-46. January, 1936. "Serologic studies with streptococci isolated in cases of myasthenia gravis" (with F. R. Heilman). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 34:477-80. May, 1936.

LUTHER THOMPSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Bacteriology "A simple method of supplying carbon dioxide in jars for bacteriologic cultures." American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 5:313-15. July, 1935.


ARNOLD E. OsTERBERG, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry "The bacterioidal effect of levorotatory and racemic beta-oxybutyric acid in urine" (with H. F. Helmholz). Journal of Urology, 35:86-92. January, 1936. "The double histamine test as an aid in the study of gastric secretory function" (with A. B. Rivers and Frances R. Vanzant). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:12-15. March, 1936. Studies in Pepsin in Human Gastric Juice: "IlL Physiologic aspects" (with Frances R. Vanzant, W. C. Alvarez, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:35-41. March, 1936. "IV. The influence of gastric and duodenal disease" (with Frances R. Vanzant, W. C. Alvarez, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:97-101. April, 1936. "V. Its prognostic value" (with Frances R. Vanzant, W. C. Alvarez, A. S. Judd, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:101-102. April, 1936. "The effects on the gastric juice of man in six weeks' deprivation of Vitamin B1" (with W. C. Alvarez, F. Pilcher, Mary A. Foley, and Annette Mayer). Ibid., 3:102-107. April, 1936. "Daily variations in the concentrations of acid and pepsin in the gastric juice of three persons observed for two months" (with W. C. Alvarez and Frances R. Vanzant). Ibid., 3:162-64. May, 1936. "Clinical observations with insulin protamine compound" (with R. G. Sprague, B. B. Blum, E. J. Kepler, and R. M. Wilder). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:1701-1705. May 16,·1936. ,f t l PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 109 r MILDRED ADAMS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biochemistry "Idiopathic steatorrhea: metabolic study of a patient, with reference to the utilization r of nitrogen and fat" (with J. F. Weir). Archives of Internal Medicine, 56: ; 1109-16. December, 1935. "Metabolic studies in osteoporosis" (with W. M. Boothby and A. M. Snell). Amer­ t ican Journal of Physiology, 114:383-98. January 1, 1936. , "Chemical studies in myasthenia gravis" (with M. H. Power and W. M. Boothby). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:823-33. January, 1936. "Metabolism studies in myasthenia gravis before and during the administration of glycine" (with M. H. Power and W. M. Boothby). Ibid., 9:1330-37. April, 1936. "Changes in the oxygen content of venous blood as the result of fever therapy with and without the administration of oxygen" (with W. M. Boothby). Journal of Biological Chemistry, (Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chem­ ists), 114:iii. May, 1936.

CHARLES S. MYERS, Ph.D., Instructor in Biochemistry I "A physiologic and chemical investigation of the suprarenal cortex" (with E. C. Kendall, \ H. L. Mason, and W. D. Allen). Journal of Biological Chemistr:v, (Proceedings I of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 114:lvii-lviii. May, 1936.

' BIOPHYSICS t CHARLES SHEARD, Ph.D., Professor of Biophysics "Factors affecting color of the skin" (with J. R. Rogin). Archives of Dermatology f and Syphilology, 32:265-83. August, 1935 . "Changes in surface and rectal temperatures in man produced by the ingestion of food • subsequent to twenty-four hour fast" (with J. F. Herrick). American Journal of Physiology, 113:62. September 1, 1935. "The circulation time of the blood in dogs as measured by ionization method. Effects I of various physicophysiologic agents and of drugs" (with E. C. McCracken and H. E. Essex). Ibid., 116:142. June I, 1936. • "The tolerance of light in nonphotophobic individuals" (with E. C. Albers). American Journal of Ophthalmology, series 3, 19:407-12. May, 1936.

EDWARD ]. BALDEs, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biophysics f "The blood flow in the left coronary artery of the intact dog" (with H. E. Essex, Julia F. Herrick, and F. C. Mann). American Journal of Physiology, 113:39. f September, -1935. , "The thermo-stromuhr method of measuring blood flow" (with Julia F. Herrick, H. E. Essex, and. F. C. Mann). Ibid., 113:61. September, 1935. "Effect of intravenous injection of sucrose on the total osmotic pressure of the blood and urine in the dog" (with S. F. Seeley, A. F. Johnson, and H. E. Essex). f Ibid., 113:72. September, 1935 . "Studies on the coagulability of blood and blood plasma using a photoelectric cell" • (with K. K. Nygaard). Ibid., 116:3-4. June I, 1936. "Studies on the coronary blood flow" (with H. E. Essex, Julia F. Herrick, and F. C. t Mann). Ibid., 116:43-44. June 1, 1936. "Studies on the blood flow of the kidney" (with Julia F. Herrick, H. E. Essex, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 116:74. June 1, 1936. 4I JosEPH BERKSON, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., Associate Professor of Biometry and Medical Statistics "A statistical evaluation of the linear vs. the exponential (surface area) method of predicating metabolism" (with W. M. Boothby and H. L. Dunn). American ( Journal of Physiology, 113 :II. September, 1935.


"A clinical standard for metabolic heat production" (with W. M. Boothby and H. L. Dunn). American Journal of Physiology, 113:14. September, 1935. "The relation between viscosity of the blood and the relative volume of· erythrocytes (hematocrit value)" (with K. K. Nygaard and Marion Wilder). Ibid., 114:128-31. December, 1935. "The variability of the energy of metabolism in normal persons" (with W. M. Boothby). Ibid., 116:10. June 1, 1936. · "The relation in man between gastric acidity and height and weight" (with Frances R. Vanzant and W. C. Alvarez). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:83-86. April, 1936. "A system of codification of medical diagnoses for application to punch cards, with a plan of oper.ation." American Journal of Public Health, 26:606-12. June, 1936.

RICHARD M. HEWITT, M.A., M.D., Assistant Professor of Medical Literature "Two and two do not make five." Medical HosPital, 46:53-56. June, 1936.


WALTER C. ALVAREZ, M.D., Professor of Medicine "Severe abdominal pains that follow an emotional storm" (with H. C. Hinshaw). Medical Clinics of North America, 19:399-402. September, 1935. "How to discover foods that are causing indigestion." Eve1·ybody's Health, 20:2-3, 27. October, 1935. "The great ·value of some physiological observations on man" (editorial). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 2:683. January, 1936. Studies of Pepsin in Human Gastric Juice: "III. Physiologic aspects" (with A. E. Osterberg, Frances R. Vanzant, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:35-41. March, 1936. "IV. The influence of gastric and duodenal disease" (with Frances R. Vanzant, A. E. Osterberg, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:97-101. April, 1936. "V. Its prognostic value" (with Frances R. Vanzant, A. E. Osterberg, E. S. Judd, and A. B. Rivers). Ibid., 3:101-102. April, 1936. ''The relation in man between gastric acidity and height and weight" (with Frances R. Vanzant and J. Berkson). Ibid., 3:83-86. April, 1936. "The effects on gastric juice of man of six weeks' deprivation of Vitamin B" (with F. Pilcher, Mary A. Foley, Annette Mayer, and A. E. Osterberg). Ibid., 3:102- 107. April, 1936. "Daily variations in the concentrations of acid and pepsin in the gastric juice of three persons observed for two months" (with Frances R. Vanzant and A. E. Oster­ berg). Ibid., 3:162-64. May, 1936. "Photographic aids in conserving space in scientific periodicals" (editorial). Ibid., 3:192-93. May, 1936. GEORGE B. EusTERMAN, M.D., Professor of Medicine "Gastric and duodenal ulcers; factors essential to their successful medical management." Wisconsin Medica1 Journal, 34:473-77, 508. July, 1935.

HERBERT Z. GIFFIN, M.D., Professor of Medicine "Hemorrhagic purpura" (abstract). Minnesota Medicine, 19:128-30. February, 1936.

WILLIS S. LEMON, M.D., Professor of Medicine "The tissue reactions of the to the intratracheal InJection of particulate sericite" (with G. M. Higgins). American Review of Tuberculosis, 32:243-56. September, 1935. PAuL A. O'LEARY, M.D., Professor of Dermatology "Latent syphilis." Minnesota Medicine, 19:42-46. January, 1936.

' 4 t

!, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 111 "Cooperative clinical studies in the treatment of syphilis. Syphilis in pregnancy" (with H. N. Cole, L. J. Usilton, J. E. Moore, J. H. Stokes, U. J. Wile, T. t Parran, Jr., and R. A. Vonderlehr). Journal of the American Medical Associa­ tion, 106:464-67. February 8, 1936. f "Criteria of cure of syphilis." Journal-Lancet, n.s., 56:303-306. June, 1936. , WALTER D. SHELDEN, M.D., f>rofessor of Neurology "Symposium on diseases of the nervous system. I. Introduction and remarks on dis­ eases which affect the muscles." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1355-57. October, 1935. "Coarctation of the aorta with intermittent leakage of a congenital cerebral aneurysm: report of a case" (with T. W. Baker) American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 191:626-33. May, 1936.

I~ RusSELL M. WILDER, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Medicine "The prevention and treatment of goiter. An address to the public and the profes­ 'I sion." Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, 43:647-755. ' November, 1935. I "Diseases of metabolism and nutrition: review of certain recent contributions" (with , D. L. Wilbur). Archives of Internal Medicine, 57:422-71. February, 1936. "Hiperparatiroidismo" (with C. H. Mayo, ]. D. Camp, and J. de]. Pemberton). Anales de cirugia, 6:121-32. March, 1936. ( "Etiology and diagnosis in hyperparathyroidism: a review of one hundred and thirty­ five proved cases" (with L. P. Howell). Journal of the American Medical As­ sociation, 106:427-31. February 8, 1936. , "Clinical observations with insulin protamine compound" (with R. G. Sprague, B. B . • Blum, E. ]. Kepler, and A. E. Osterberg). Ibid., 106:1701-1705. May 16, 1936. HENRY W. WoLTMAN, M.D., Ph.D. in Neurology, Professor of Neurology ''Postoperative neurologic complications.'' Wisconsin Medical Journal, 35:427-36. I• June, 1936. I JAcOB A. BARGEN, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Associate Professor of Medicine t "The most important feature in the management of chronic ulcerative colitis; manage· ment following perforation in a case of diverticulitis; two intestinal carcinoma in the same case of chronic ulcerative colitis and the management of the resulting f obstruction" (with R. J. Coffey). Medical Clinics of North America, 19:403-10. September, 19JS. "Regional ulcerative enterocolitis" (with R. ]. Coffey). Ibid., 19:411-22. September, r 1935. "Abdominal Hodgkin's disease: report of a case" (with H. C. Ochsner). Ibid., 19: 423-27. September, 1935. t "Cooperative management in cases of carcinoma of the colon: the internist's view." Ibid., 19:619-24. September, 1935. "Diverticulosis of the large intestine; an evaluation of historical and personal obser· • vation" (with H. C. Ochsner). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:282-96. September, f 1935. "Chronic ulcerative colitis among elderly persons" (with J. C. M. Brust). Minnesota Medicine, 18:583-85. September, 1935. "Dysentery: its medical management." Ibid., 19:29-33. January, 1936. "Diverticula of the colon" (with H. C. Ochsner). Illinois Medical JI>Urnal, 69:45-47. January, 1936. "The effects of drugs on the motility of isolated segments of the intestine of man" ' (with J. S. Guthrie). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 2:668-70. January, 1936. "Functional abdominal distention simulating megacolon" (with A. W. Adson, J. s. r Lundy, and C. F. Dixon). Ibid., 3:17-19. March, 1936. ; t J 112 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Obstipation with long continued vomiting: effect on the teeth" (with L. T. Austin). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3 :198·99. May, 1936. "Amebiasis associated with carcinoma." Ibid., 3:268. June, 1936.

ARLIE R. BARNES, M.A., M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Associate Professor of Medicine "Acute coronary occlusion: Clinical electrocardiographic, and necropsy findings in two cases" (with J, L. Wade). Medical Clinics of North America, 19:499·510. September, 1935.

WALTER M. BooTHBY, M.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine "Disease of the thyroid gland: An interpretative review of progress toward solution of the problem." Archives of Internal Medicine, 56:136-206. July, 1935. "Myasthemia gravis." Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:143-49. August, 1935. "Chemical studies in myasthenia gravis" (with Mildred Adams and M. H. Power). Ibid., 9:823-33. January, 1936. "Metabolism studies in myasthenia gravis before and during the administration of glycine" (with Mildred Adams and M. H. Power). Ibid., 9:1330-37. April, 1936. "A statistical evaluation of the linear vs. the exponential (surface area) method of predicating metabolism" (with J. Berkson and H. L. Dunn). American Journal of Physiology, 113:11. September, 1935. "A clinical standard for metabolic heat production" (with H. L. Dunn and J. Berk· son). Ibid., 113:14. September, 1935. "Metabolic studies in osteoporosis" (with Mildred Adams and A. M. Snell). Ibid., 114:383-98. January 1, 1936. "The variability of the energy of metabolism in normal persons" (with J. Berkson). Ibid., 116:10. June 1, 1936. "Changes in the oxygen content of venous blood as the result of fever therapy with and without the administration of oxygen" (with Mildred Adams). Journal of Biological Chemistry (Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chern· ists), 114:iii. May, 1936.

GEORGE E. BROWN, M.D., (deceased), Associate Professor of Medicine "Essential hypertension." Medical Clinics of ~orth America, 19 :517-24. September, 1935. "The familial nature of blood pressure reactions as studied by a standard stimulus (cold)" (with E. A. Hines). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 14:712-13. September, 1935. "Essential hyperhidrosis cured by sympathetic ganglionectomy and trunk resection" (with A. W. Adson and W. McK. Craig). Archives of Surgery, 31:794-806. November, 1935. "Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease)." Northwest Medicine, 34:463-66. December, 1935. "The cold pressor test for measuring the reactibility of the blood pressure; data con· cerning 571 normal and hypertensive subjects" (with E. A. Hines). American Heart Journal, 11 :1·9. January, 1936. "Intermittent pressure and suction in the treatment of chronic occlusive arterial dis4 ease" (with E. V. Allen). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105: 2029-34. December 21, 1935. "Clinical tests of function of the autonomic nervous system." Ibid., 106:353-57. February 1, 1936. "Surgery in its relation to hypertension" (with A. W. Adson and W. McK. Craig). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:314-31. February 15, 1936.

PHILIP S. HENCH, B.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine "The pathogenesis of gout." Editorial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:602. August 24, 1935. ' i r • PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 113

I "A clinic of some diseases of joints. I. Genorrheal arthritis; results of fever therapy. II. Acute postoperative arthritis; its identification. III. Acute postoperative gout; its treatment and prevention. IV. The inactivating effect of jaundice in chronic t infectious (atrophic) arthritis and fibrositis." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:551-83. September, 1935. t "The present status of the problem of 'rheumatism' and arthritis; review of American and English literature for 1934" (with W. Bauer, A. A. F1etcher, D. Christ, F. Hall, and T. P. White). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:883-982. January, 1936. "Report of Proceedings of the Fourth Rheumatism Conference, Atlantic City, N. J,, June 10, 1935." Acta. Rheumatol., 8:11-14. February, 1936. "The present status of fever therapy in the treatment of gonorrheal arthritis, chronic f infectious (atrophic) arthritis, and other forms of 'rheumatism.'" Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 21:524-31. February, 1936. "Clinical notes on the results of fever therapy in different diseases; Report of the Fifth Annual Fever Conference, Dayton, Ohio, May, 1935." Minnesota Medi­ ! cine, 19:151-57. March, 1936. I NoRMAN McD. KEITH, B.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine "Ascites of indeterminate origin" (with M. W. Binger). Minnesota Medicine, 18: I 510-15. August, 1935. "Acute vasospastic hypertension. A case with signs of cerebral irritation and severe retinitis with remission" (with H. P. Wagener). American Journal ,of the MedicaJ Sciences, 190:454-59. October, 1935. 'I "The persistence of acacia in the blood after intravenous injection of acacia solution" » (with M. H. Power and E. G. Wakefield). American- JournaJ of Physiology, 113:107. September 1, 1935. • "Diuretic action of potassium salts" (with M. W. Binger). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1584-91. November 16, 1935. "Experiments on the distribution of renal excretion of sucrose injected intravenously r in dogs" (with l\L H. Power). Journal of Biological Chemistry, (Proceedings • of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 114:lxxx-lxxxi. May, 1936. FREDERICK P. MoERSCH, M.D., Associate Professor of Neurology "Psychic manifestations associated with hyperthyroidism" (with H. F. Dunlap). Amer­ ican Journal of Psychiatry, 91:1215-38. May, 1935. , "III. Neuronitis." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1367-69. October, 1935. "Polyneuritis: a clinical and pathologic study of a special group of cases frequently ' referred to as instances of neuronitis" (with S. F. Gilpin and J, W. Kernohan). t Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 35:937-63. May, 1936, t HERMAN ]. MoERSCH, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Associate Professor of i Medicine "Primary carcinoma of the bronchus treated successfully with surgical diathermy" (with H. H. Bowing). Annals of Surgery, 102:989-94. December, 1935. "Phytobezoar with visualization by means of gastroscopy" (with W. Walters). Amer­ f' ican Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:15-17. March, 1936. HAMILTON MoNTGOMERY, B.A., M.D., M.S. in Dermatology, Associate Pro­ ) fessor of Dermatology and Syphilology t "Histogenesis of basal-cell epithelioma." Radiology, 25:8-23. July, 1935. "Arsenic as an etiologic agent in certain types of epithelioma." Archives of Der· matology and Syphilology, 32:218-36. August, 1935. "Epitheliomas of the arm simulating endothelioma, sarcoma, and sporotrichosis: two { unusual cases." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:605-10. September, 1935, "Unusual cutaneous tuberculosis (hematogenous in type) proved by demonstration of , bacilli of tuberculosis in the skin." Ibid., 19:611-18. September, 1935. ~ ( t 114 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Angioma serpiginosum" (with R. J. Bailey). British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilology, 47 :456·65. November, 1935. "Verruca senilis and keratoma senile." Minnesota Medicine, 18:735-38. November, 1936. "Mycosis fungoides, lymphoblastoma of the skin, and allied conditions as general diseases. Oxford Medicine, Vol. 4, p. 1, 44 (1).44 (19).

WILLIAM A. PLUMMER, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine "The quest for odine." Hygeia, 14:527·30, 571. June, 1936.

ALBERT M. SNELL, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Associate Professor of Medicine "The differential diagnosis of diseases associated with jaundice." Kansas City Academy of Medicine, Transactions, pp. 13·24. 1933·35. "The present status of the diagnosis and treatment of Addison's disease." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:383-98. September, 1935. "Recurrent, reactivated, and anastomotic peptic ulcer" (with B. R. Kirklin, }. E. Plunkett, and M. P. Foley). Ibid., 19:429-52. September, 1935. "Symptoms that persist after cholecystectomy. Their nature and probable significance" (with J. F. Weir). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1093-98. October 5, 1935. "Transfusion of jaundiced patients" (with E. S. Judd and M. T. Hoerner). Ibid., 105:1653-58. November 23, 1935. "The effects of chronic disease of the liver on the composition and physiochemical properties of blood: changes in the serum proteins; reduction in the oxygen saturation of the arterial blood." Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:690-711. December, 1935. "Metabolic studies in osteoporosis" (with Mildred Adams and W. M. Boothby). Amer­ ican Board of Physiology, 114:383-98. January 1, 1936. "The hippuric acid test for hepatic function; its relation to other tests in general use" (with J. A. Plunkett). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutri­ tion, 2:716-21. February, 1936. "Effects of calculous biliary obstruction on the structure and functions of the liver." Proceedings of the Institute of iHedicine, Chicago, 11:61-62. March 15, 1936. "Clinical observations on nontropical sprue." Archives of Internal Medicine, 57:837-56. May, 1936.

PoRTER P. VINSON, B.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine "The significance of hemoptysis." Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association, 30:72-74. April, 1934. "Clinical manifestations of tracheal and bronchial obstruction with certain bronchoscopic observations." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:453-62. September, 1935. "Esophagitis: a clinical study" (with H. R. Butt). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:994-96. March 21, 1936. "Pulmonary metastasis from hypernephroma, with ulceration into a bronchus simulating primary bronchial carcinoma: report of a case" (with C. K. Maytum). Archives of Otolaryngology, 23:101-104. January, 1936. Esophagitis. "I. Anatomy and physiology and a review of the literature" (with H. R. Butt). Ibid., 23:391-413. April, 1936. "II. A pathologic and clinical study" (with H. R. Butt). Ibid., 23:550-72. May, 1936. "Multiple nonopaque foreign bodies in the esophagus." Minnesota Medicine, 19:180. March, 1936. "Peanut kernel in the bronchus of an adult." Ibid., 19:243. April, 1936. "The treatment of carcinoma of the esophagus." Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:840-42. May, 1936. I

( PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 115 r • FREDERICK A. WrLLrus, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Associate Professor of r Medicine "Clinical and roentgenologic comments on calcareous aortic stenosis" (with J, D. f Camp). Medical Clinics of North America, 19:487-97. September, 1935. "The consideration of certain less common forms of heart disease." Virginia Medical Monthly, 62:362·66. October 15-17, 1935. "Life expectancy in coronary thrombosis." Journal of the American Medical As~ I sociation, 106:1890-94. May 30, 1936. t EDGAR V. ALLEN, M.A., M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine "Lymphedema of the extremtties: etiology, classification and treatment; report of 300 lI , cases" (with R. K. Ghormley). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:516·39. Novem· ber, 1935. "Intermittent pressure and suction in the treatment of chronic occlusive arterial disease" (with G. E. Brown). Journal of the American Medical Association, !05 :2029·34. t December 21, 1935 . "How arteries compensate for occlusion: an arteriographic study of collateral circula­ • tion." Archives of Internal Medicine, 57:601-609. March, 1936. I "Relationship of medicine to dentistry." Journal of the American Dental Association, 23:254-60. February, 1936. "~'hat the physician should know about dentistry" (with B. S. Gardner). Ibid., 23:1059-65. June, 1936.

NELSON W. BARKER, B.A., M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine l "Diseases of the veins." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:535-43. September, f 1935. "Direct venography in obstructive lesions of the veins" (with J. D. Camp). Ameri· t can Journal of Roentgenology, 35 :485·89. April, 1936 .

• PHILIP \V. BROWN, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine f "Amebiasis: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment" (with T. B. Magath). Minnesota Medicine, 18:515·21. August, 1935. "Dietary aids in control of constipation and diarrhea." Ibid., 19:221-22. April, 1936. f "Solitary ulcer of the ileum and ulcer of Neckel's diverticulum" (with J. deJ. Pember­ ton). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:1684-1702. June, 1936. t Lours A. BRuNSTING, M.D., M.S. in Dermatology, Assistant Professor of Dermatology t "Ragweed (contact) dermatitis produced experimentally in the guinea pig" (with R. ]. t Bailey). Journal of Allergy, 6:547-50. September, 1935. "Ragweed (contact) dermatitis: observations in forty-eight cases and report of un­ successful attempts at desensitization by injection of specific oils" (with D. H. Williams). Journal of the American Medical As·sociation, 106:1533·35. May I 2, 1936. I DELLA G. DRIPS, M.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "The metrorrhagic type of functional disturbance of young women." Medical Clinics i of North America, 19:359-64. September, 1935. MARY A. FoLEY, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dietetics)

"The effects on the gastric juice of man of six weeks' deprivation of Vitamin B1'• I (with W. C. Alvarez, F. Pilcher, Annette Mayer, and A. E. Osterberg). t t American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:102-107. April, 1936. 'l 116 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

SAMUEL F. HAINES, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine "Certain menstrual disturbances, associated with low basal metabolic rates without myxedema" (with R. D. Mussey). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:557-60. August 24, 1935.

BAYARD T. HoRTON, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medi­ cine "Visualization of congenital arteriovenous fistulae of the extremities by arteriography" (with R. K. Ghormley). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 14:717. September, 1935. "Medical aspects of congenital arteriovenous fistula; report of a case involving the lower extremity." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:525-33. September, 1935. "Variations in systolic blood pressure in renal tumors: a study of 491 cases." Amer­ ican Journal of the Medical Sciences, 191:647-58. May, 1936.

EDWIN J, KEPLER, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine "Diseases of the adrenal glands: a review with special reference to the clinical as· pects." Archives of Internal Medicine, 56:105-35, July, 1935. "Diagnose und chirurgische Behandlung des Nebennierenrinden-syndrome" (with J, T. Priestley). Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie, 183:540-63. October 28, 1935. "Clinical observations with insulin protamine compound" (with R. G. Sprague, B. B. Blum, A. E. Osterberg, and R. M. Wilder). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:1701-1705. May 16, 1936.

CHARLES K. MAYTUM, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Pulmonary metastasis from hypernephroma, with ulceration into a bronchus simulating primary bronchial carcinoma: report of a case" (with P. P. Vinson). Archives of Otolaryngology, 23:101-104. January, 1936.

ANDREW B. RIVERS, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medi­ cine "The double histamine test as an aid in the study of gastric secretory functions" (with A. E. Osterberg and Frances R. Vanzant). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:12-15. March, 1936. Studies in Pepsin in Human Gastric Juice. "III. Physiologic aspects" (with A. E. Osterberg, Frances R. Vanzant, and W. C. Alvarez). Ibid., 3:35-41. March, 1936. "IV. The influence of gastric and duodenal disease" (with Frances R. Vanzant, A. E. Osterberg, and W. C. Alverez). Ibid., 3:97-101. April, 1936. "V. Its prognostic value" (with Frances R. Va:nzant, A. E. Osterberg, W. C. Alvarez, and E. S. Judd). Ibid., 3:101-102. April, 1936.

HARRY L. SMITH, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine "Auricular fibrillation: mechanism, significance, incidence, and treatment." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:511-15. September, 1935. "Syncopal attacks due to a congenital anomaly of the right common carotid artery" (with H_ C. Hinshaw). American Heart Journal, 11:619-22. May, 1936. ''Acute coronary thrombosis without characteristic pain and without symptoms of shock: report of three cases" (with J, R. Brink). Minnesota Medicine, 19:346-49. June, 1936.

RALPH M. ToVELL, B.A., M.D.C.M., Assistant Professor of Anesthesia "Anesthesia in childbirth" (with J, S. Lundy). Northwest Medicine, 34:346-50. September, 1935. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 117

"Modern trends in anesthesia." California and Western Medicine, 43:192-96. Septem­ ber, 1935. "Methods of producing anesthesia for operations on the neck." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1277-92. October, 1935. "Anesthesia in dentistry with emphasis on preoperative medication" (with J. S. Lundy). Journal of the American Dental Association, 22:1912-19. November, 1935. "Spinal anesthesia" (with J, J, Stein). American Journal of Surgery, n.s., 30:282-86. November, 1935. "Advances in general anesthesia." Minnesota Medicine, 19:227-34. April, 1936.

CHARLES H. WATKINS, Ph.D., M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine "Four clinical types of jaundice arising from atypical blood dyscrasia." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:545-50. September, 1935 . • "Oral manifestations of blood diseases." Journal of the American Dental Association, , 22:1934-37. November, 1935. "Abdominal lymphoblastoma and its treatment by irradiation" (with A. U. Desjardins). , Southern Medical Journal, 29:344-50. April, 1936. "The leukocyte picture in Hodgkit)'s disease" (with Grace M. Roth). Annals of # Internal Medicine, 9:1365-72. April, 1936.

}AMES F. WEIR, B.A., M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine ~' "Symptoms that persist after cholecystectomy. Their nature and probable significance" (with A. M. Snell). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1093-98. October 5, 1935. f "Idiopathic steatorrhea: metabolic study of a patient, with reference to the utilization of nitrogen and fat" (with Mildred Adams). Archives of Internal Medicine,· 56:1109-16. December, 1935. I ]OHN M. BERKMAN, M.D., M.S. m Medicine, Instructor in Medicine "Hydronephrosis presenting an atypical clinical syndrome: its recognition and treat­ f ment" (with J. T. Priestley). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1143-53. I October, 1935. "Low basal metabolic rate and the use of desiccated thyroid." Journal of the Ameri­ t can Medical Asrociation, 106:2042-46. June 13, 1936. f MELVIN W. BINGER, M.A., M.D., Instructor in Medicine "Ascites of indeterminate origin" (with N. M. Keith). Minnesota Medicine, 18:510-15. August, 1935. j "Diuretic action of potassium salts" (with N. M. Keith). Journal of the American ' Medical Association, 105:1584-91. November 16, 1935. , EDGAR A. HINES, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Instructor in Medicine t "Some recent concepts concerning essential hypertension." Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association, 29:186-91. August, 1933. "Hugh Williamson, M.D., North Carolina physician, statesman, and historian." An­ nals of Medical History, 7:323-26. July, 1935. "The familial nature of blood pressure reactions as studied by a standard stimulus I (cold)" (with G. E. Brown). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 14:712-13. September, 1935. I "The cold pressor test for measuring the reactibility of the blood pressure: data con­ cerning 571 normal and hypertensive subjects" (with G. E. Brown). American • Heart Journal, 11:1-9. January, 1936. f EDWARD H. RYNEARSON, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Instructor in Medicine "Hypoglycemia" (with E. S. Judd). Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical t Association of North America, pp. 259-62. 1935 . I• ,~ I 118 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Water metabolism of the rat following removal of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis" (with R. J. Pencharz and James Hooper, Jr.). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 34:14·17. February, 1936.

ELMER G. WAKEFIELD, M.D., Instructor in Medicine "The persistence of acacia in the blood after intravenous injection of acacia solution" (with M. H. Power and N. M. Keith). American Journal of Physiology, 113:107. September 1, 1935. "A report of identical albina twins of negro parents" (with S. C. Dellinger). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:1149-53. February, 1936. "Diet of the bluff dwellers of the Ozark Mountains and its skeletal effects" (with S. C. Dellinger). Ibid., 9:1412-18. April, 1936. "The probable adaptation of utilitarian implements for surgical procedures by the 'Mound Builders' of eastern Arkansas" (with S. C. Dellinger). J ottrnal of Bone and Joint S"rgery, n.s., 18:434-38. April, 1936. "Obstetric effigies of the 'Mound Builders' of eastern Arkansas" (with S. C. Dellinger). American JOttrnaJ of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 31:683-84. April, 1936.

DwiGHT L. WILBUR, M.D., M.S. in Medicine, Instructor in Medicine "Peptic ulcer" (with D. C. Balfour). Proceedings of the Interstate Po... tgradnate Medical Association of North America, pp. 7-12. 1935.

"The modes of onset of symptoms of carcinoma of the stomach.'' Minnesota Medicine1 18:586-90. September, 1935. "Some practical considerations of the vitamins." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:463-76. September, 1935. "Diseases of metabolism a:nd nutrition: review of certain recent contributions" (with R. M. Wilder). ArchiveS' of Internal Medicine, 57:422-71. February, 1936.

OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY RoBERT D. MussEY, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Certain menstrual disturbances, associated with low basal metabolic rates without myxedema" (with S. F. Haines). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:557-60. August 24, 1935. "Symptoms of pelvic endometriosis" (with W. L. Butsch). American Journal of Sur­ gery, 30:141-47. October, 1935. "The relation of retinal changes to the severity of the acute toxic hypertensive syndrome of pregnancy" (abstract of his inaugural thesis read before the Minnesota Acad­ emy of Medicine, meeting of February 12, 1936). Journal-Lancet, 56:228-30. April, 1936; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 31:938-46. June, !936.

LAWRENCE M. RANDALL, M.D., Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne­ cology "Vaginal heat treatment of pelvic infection~" (editorial). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics,. 62:898-99. May, 1936.

OPHTHALMOLOGY, OTOLOGY, RHINOLOGY, AND LARYNGOLOGY WILLIAM L. BENEDICT, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology "Rupture of the eyeball." S"rgical Clinics of North America, 15:1257-63. October, 1935. l


HAROLD I. LILLIE, B.A., M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology "Summation and conclusions of symposium on suppuration of the petrous pyramid.'• Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, 44:1129·38. December, 1935. "The external fronto·ethmo-sphenoid operation: a critical review of the literature and details of the technic in use at the Mayo Clinic" (with H. L. Williams). Min· nesota Medicine, 18:786-89. December, 1935.

GoRDON B. NEW, D.D.S., M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology "Sarcoma of the larynx: report of two cases." Archives of Otolaryngology, 21:648-52. June, 1935. "Tumors of the nose and throat" (with W. Kirch). Ibid., 21:722-33. June, 1935. I "Xanthoma of the pharynx and larynx." Ibid., 22:449-53. October, 1935. f "Malignant disease of the mouth and accessory structures." American Journal of , Surgery, 30:46-52. October, 1935. "Fractures of the nasal and malar bones." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15: ; 1241-50. October, 1935. "The treatment of malignant tumors of the upper jaw and antrum: fifteen years prog· I ress" (editorial). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:706-707. November, , 1935. "The repair of postoperative defects involving the lips and cheeks secondary to the removal of malignant tumors" (with F. A. Figi). Ibid., 62:182-90. February I, I 1936. "Treatment of carcinoma of the larynx" (with F. A. Figi). Ibid., 62:420-23. Febru­ f ary 15, 1936. 1 FRED A. FIGI, M.D., Associate Professor of Otolaryngology "Malignant diseases of the mouth." Journal of the American Dental Association, 23: 216-24. February 1936; Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1233-40. October, 1935. I uniseases of the soft tissues of the mouth." Journal of the American Dental Asso­ ciation, 22:1919-26. November, 1935. "The repair of postoperative defects involving the lips and cheeks secondary to the r removal of malignant tumors (with G. B. New). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:182-90. February I 1936. "Treatment of carcinoma of the larYnx" (with G. B. New). Ibid., 62:420-23. t February 15, 1936. "Malignancy of the upper respiratory tract and adjacent structures: selection of treat­ t ment." Ibid., 62:498-502. February 15, 1936. AvERY D. PRANGEN, M.D., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology , "Surgical treatment of strabismus in relation to orthoptic training." Surgery, Gyne­ i cology, and Obstetrics, 62:520-22. February 15, 1936.

I HENRY P. WAGENER, M.D., M.S. in Ophthalmology, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology t "Acute vasospastic hypertension. A case with signs of cerebral irritation and severe retinitis, with remission" (with N. M. Keith). American Journal of the Medical J Sciences, 190:454-59. October, 1935. "Ocular lesions in diabetes mellitus." Ibid., 191:296-301. February, 1936.

CARL M. ANDERSON, M.D., Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology "Some observations on the intranasal operation for frontal sinusitis." Minnesota ( Medicine, 18:744-47. November, 1935. 'I t 120 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

FRED Z. HAVENS, M.D., Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology "Removal of calculi from the submaxillary ducts; a trick in cying a knot; a simplified method of local anesthesia for removal of keratomas and sebaceous cysts." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1227-32. October, 1935.

HENRY L. WILLIAMs, M.D., M·.s. in Otolaryngology, Instructor in Oto­ laryngology "Intranasal operation for chronic maxillary sinusitis: end results in two hundred cases in which the principles of Kuster were employed." J ournaJ of the American Medical Association, 105:96-100. July 13, 1935. "Mastoiditis with unusual symptoms." Surgical Clinics of North America, IS :1265-69. October, 1935. "The external fronto-etbmo-sphenoid operation: a critical review of the literature and details of the technic in use at the Mayo Clinic" (with H. I. Lillie). Minnesota Medicine, 18:786-89. December, 1935. "Primary operation for suppuration of the petrous pyramid: report of two cases." Ibid., 19:367-72. June, 1936.

PATHOLOGY WILLIAM C. MAcCARTY, M.S., M.D., Professor of Pathology "The value of macronucleolus in the cancer problem." American Journal of Cancer} 26:529-32. March, !936.

THOMAS B. MAGATH, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Parasitology "Concerning anticoagulants:; (with Margaret Hurn). American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 5:548-67. November, 1935. "Amebiasis: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment" (with P. W. Brown). Mt"nnesota Medicine, 18:515-21. A~gust, 1935. "The laboratory diagnosis of the various forms of dysentery." Ibid., 19:17-23. Janu· ary, 1936. "The Takata-Ara test of liver function." American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 2:713-16. February, !936.

HAROLD E. RoBERTSON, B.A., M.D., Professor of Pathology "Postmortem examinations in the practice of medicine." Wisconsin Medical Journal, 35:370-73. May, 1936.

ARTHUR H. SANFORD, M.A., M.D., Professor of Pathology "The evaluation of serodiagnostic tests for syphilis in the United States" (editorial). American JournaJ of Clinical Pathology, 5:339-41. July, !935.

ALBERT C. BRODERS, M.D., D.Sc., Associate Professor of Pathology "Cancer as we comprehend it." Texas State Journal of Medicine, 31 :312.!5. Septem· ber, 1935. "Surgical pathology of the thyroid gland." Ibid., 31:608-15. February, 1936. "Histological studies of endometrium during various phases of menstrual cycle" (with W. E. Herrell). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:751-64. December, 1935. "Clinical aspects of fibrosarcoma of the soft tissues of the extremities" (with H. W. Meyerding and R. L. Hargrave). Ibid., 62:1010-19. June, 1936.

]AMES W. KERNOHAN, M.B., Ch.B., M.A., Associate Professor of Pathology "Method of temporarily preserving fresh frozen sections stained with polychrome methylene blue." American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 6:195. March, 1935. r PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 121 "Tumors of the frontal lobe, an anatomic and pathologic study" (with H. C. Voris and A. W. Adson). Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 34:605-17. September, 1935. "Polyneuritis: a clinical and pathologic study of a special group of cases frequently referred to as instances of neuronitis" (with S. F. Gilpin and F. P. Moersch). • Ibid., 35:937-63. May, 1936. ! WILLIAM H. FELDMAN, D.V.M., M.S., Assistant Professor of Comparative Pathology "Attempts to isolate brucella abortus from the blood of dogs in experimental brucellosis" (with C. Olson). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 88: 51-54. January, 1936. "Observations on certain unidentified acid-fast bacteria obtained from cattle." Ibid., i 88:166-72. February, 1936. t "Thymoma in a chicken (Gallus domesticus)." American Journal of Cancer, 26:576-80. March, 1936. ', "Metastasizing hepatoma in a hog (Sus scrofa)." Ibid., 27:111-14. May, 1936. WILLIAM L. A. WELLBROCK, M.D., Instructor in Pathology "Tumors of the brain: a brief review of their pathology." Journal of the South I Carolina Medical Association, 32:94-97. April, 1936 . PEDIATRICS •f HENRY F. HELMHOLZ, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics "Therapeutic results with the ketogenic diet in urinary infections." Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:778-82. September 7, 1935. "The diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children." Journal-Lancet, 55:681-85. October 15, 1935. I "The bacteriocidal effect of levorotatory and racemic beta-oxybutyric acid in urine" (with A. E. Osterberg). Journal of Urology, 35:86-92. January, 1936.

RoGER L. ]. KENNEDY, M.D., M.S. in Pediatrics, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics "Carcinoma of the thyroid gland in children." Journal af Pediatrics, 7:631-50. ! November, 1935. "Significance of enlarged lymphoid structures in infants and children." Journal· Lancet, 55 :802·805. December 15, 1935. "Roentgenographic features of skeletal and extra-skeletal lesions in some diseases of children." Radiology, 26:424-33. April, 1936.

PHYSIOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGIC CHEMISTRY EDWARD C. KENDALL, Ph.D., Professor of Physiologic Chemistry "Vitamins from a chemical viewpoint." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:477-86. September, 1935. "Adrenal cortex extract." Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1486-89. November 9, 1935. "The relation of the suprarenal cortical hormone to nitrogen metabolism in experi­ mental hyperthyroidism" (with G. A. Koelsche). American Journal of Physiology, 113:335-49. October 1, 1935. "Vitamin C and the adrenal cortical hormone" (with J. L. Svirbely). Ibid., 116:187-93. June 1, 1936. "A physiologic and chemical investigation of the suprarenal cortex" (with H. L. Mason, C. S. Myers, and W. D. Allers). Journal of Biological Chemistry (Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 114 :lvii-lviii. May, 1936. ( 122 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

]ESSE L. BoLLMAN, M.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Physiology "A symposium concerned with the duodenal factors in the neutralization of acid chyme" (with F. C. Mann). American Journal of Digestive Disease~ and Nutrition, 2:284.85. July, 1935. "Alterations in hepatic function produced by experimental hepatic lesions" (with F. C. Mann). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:617·24. November, 1935. "The effect of diet upon the phosphate compounds in the liver of the dog" (with Eunice Flock and F. C. Mann). Journal of Biological Chemistry (Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 114:xxxvi-xxxvii. May, 1936. "The influence of the liver in the formation and destruction of bile salts" (with F. C. Mann). American Journal of Physiology, 116:214·24. June 1, 1936. HIRAM E. EssEX, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology 11 Poisonous animals and their poisons, with special reference to snakes, spiders, and insects.", 55:489·95. August, 1935. "The mechanism of experimental exophthalmos" (with C. F. Code). American Journal of Ophthalmology, 18:1123·28. December, 1935. "The mechanism involved in the production of exophthalmos in the dog by vago· sympathetic stimulation" (with C. F. Code). American Journal of Physiology, 113:29. September 1, 1935. "The blood flow in the left coronary artery of the intact dog" (with Julia F. Herrick, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 113:39. September 1, 1935. "The thermo·stromuhr method of measuring blood flow (with Julia F. Herrick, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 113:61. September 1, 1935. "Effect of intravenous injection of sucrose on the total osmotic pressure of blood and urine in the dog" (with A. F. Johnson, S. F. Seeley, and E. J. Baldes). Ibid., 113:72. September 1, 1935. "Studies on the coronary blood flow" (with Julia F. Herrick, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 116:43·44. June 1, 1936. "Studies on the blood flow of the kidney" (with Julia F. Herrick, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 116:74. June 1, 1936. "The circulation time of the blood in dogs as measured by ionization methods. Effects of various physicophysiologic agents and of drugs" (with C. Sheard and E. C. McCracken). Ibid., 116:142. June 1, 1936. HAROLD L. MAsON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiologic Chemistry "A physiologic and chemical investigation of the suprarenal cortex" (with E. C. Kendall, C. S. Myers, and W. D. Allers). Journal of Biological Chemistry (Pro· ceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 1!4:lvii·lviii. May. 1936. MARSCHELLE H. PowER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiologic Chemistry "The persistence of acacia in the blood after intravenous injection of acacia solution" (with N. M. Keith and E. G. Wakefield). American Journal of Physiology, 113: 107. September 1, 1935. "Chemical studies in myasthenia gravis" (with W. M. Boothby and Mildred Adams). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:823·33. January. 1936. "Metabolism studies in myasthenia gravis before and during the administration of glycine" (with Mildred Adams and W. M. Boothby). Ibid., 9:1330·37. April, 1936. "Experiments on the distribution and renal excretion of sucrose injected intravenously in dogs" (with N. M. Keith). Journal of Biological Chemistry, (Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 114:lxxx·lxxxi. May, 1936. JULIA F. HERRICK, Ph.D., Instructor in Physiology "The blood flow in the left coronary artery of the intact dog" (with H. E. Essex, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). American Journal of Physiology, 113:39. September, 1935. ( PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 123 ; "The thermo-stromuhr method of measuring blood flow" (with H. E. Essex, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 113:61. September, 1935. "Changes in surface and rectal temperatures in man produced by the injection of food subsequent to twenty-four hour fast" (with C. Sheard). Ibid., 113 :62. Septem­ ber, 1935. "Studies on the coronary blood flow" (with H. E. Essex, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 116:43-44. June I, 1936. l "Studies on the blood flow of the kidney" (with H. E. Essex, E. J. Baldes, and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 116:74. June I, 1936.

RADIOLOGY HARRY H. BoWING, M.D., Associate Professor of Radiology t HPreoperative radium treatment of rectal carcinoma" (with R. E. Fricke). American Journal of Roentgenology, 34:766-69. December, 1935. t "Primary carcinoma of the bronchus treated successfully with surgical diathermy" t (with H. J. Moersch). Annals of Surgery, 102:989-94. December, 1935. "Adenomyoma of the rectovaginal septum treated with radiologic methods." Radiology) t 25:46-54. July, 1935 . ) "The radium treatment of postoperative parotitis" (with R. E. Fricke). Ibid., 26:37-40. . January, 1936. } ARTHUR U. DESJARDINS, M.D., M.S. in Radiology, Associate Professor of t Radiology "The action of roentgen rays on tuberculous processes." Wisconsin MedicaJ Journal, , 34:719-30. October, 1935. "Metastasis of carcinoma of the breast to the supra-clavicular lymph nodes" (with E. T. Leddy). American Journal of Cancer, 25:611-13. November, 1935. "Radiotherapy (Roentgen rays: radium)." Journal of the American Medical Associa­ tion, 105:2064-71. December 21, 1935; 105:2153-61. December 28, 1935. i "Fever therapy for gonococcic infections. II" (with L. G. Stuhler and W. C. Popp). Ibid., 106:690-99. February 29, 1936. "A chair for roentgen treatment through the perineum." American Journal of Roentgenology, 34:549-51. October, 1935. "An improved table for roentgen therapy." Ibid., 34:844-45. December, 1935. { "The treatment of inoperable, recurrent and metastatic carcinoma of the breast" (with E. T. Leddy). Ibid., 35:371-83. March, 1936. "Fever therapy." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:585-95. September, 1935; Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray, and Radium, 17:206-15. April, 1936. "Radiotherapy for acute and chronic inflammatory conditions." Texas State Journal r of Medicine, 31:616-23. February, 1936. "Abdominal lymphoblastoma and its treatment by irradiation" (with C. H. Watkins). Southern Medical Journal, 29:344-50. April, 1936. t'I "Radiotherapy for bone tumors" (with W. C. Popp). Radiology, 26:409-16. April, t 1936. I BYRD R. KIRKLIN, M.D., Associate Professor of Radiology "The dangers of roentgenoscopy and methods of protection against them. VI. Some t studies of the 'doses' received by the body of the examiner" (with E. I. L . Cilley and E. T. Leddy). American Journal of Roentgenology, 34:241-47. l• August, 1935. "Recurrent, reactivated, and a~nastomotic peptic ulcer" (with A. M. SneU, J. E. Plunkett, and M. P. Foley). Medical Clinics of North America, 19:429-52. September, 1935. ( "Incidence and significance of the roentgenologic niche in duodenal ulcer" (with H. A. Burch). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:436-43. October, 1935. "Roentgenologic examination of the stomach and duodenum-selection of patients." r California and Western Medicine, 43:261-65. October, 1935. t ( 124 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Cholecystic disease: a comparison of the clinical with the cholecystographic data con­ cerning 500 patients not operated on" (with T. W. Blake). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:1416-19. November 2, 1935. "Some phases of the roentgenologic diagnosis of gastric cancer." Radiology, 24:672-83. June, 1935. "A technic for roentgenoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum." Ibid., 26:521-30. May, 1936.

JoHN D. CAMP, Ch.B., M.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology "Clinical and roentgenologic comments on calcareous aortic stenosis" (with F. A. Willius). Medical Clinics of North America, 19:487-97. September, 1935. "A localizer for the roentgenographic examination of the temporal bone in Stenvers' position" (with C. Gianturco). American Journal of Roentgenology, 34:700-701. November, 1935. "Direct venography in obstructive lesions of the veins" (with N. W. Barker). Ibid., 35:485-89. April, 1936. "Non-tropical sprue (chronic idiopathic steatorrhea)." Radiology, 25:633-35. Novem­ ber, 1935. "Roentgenologic changes in malacic diseases of bone." Ibid., 26:399-408. April, 1936. "Hiperparatiroidismo" (with C. H. Mayo, J. deJ. Pemberton, and R. M. Wilder). Anales de cirugia, 6:121-32. March, 1936. EuGENE T. LEDDY, M.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology "Roentgen therapy for inflammatory and malignant conditions." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:597-603. September, 1935. "Metastasis of carcinoma of the breast to the supraclavicular lymph nodes" (with A. U. Desjardins). American Journal of Cancer, 25:611-13. November, 1935. "The dangers of roentgenoscopy and methods of protection against them. VI. Some studies of the 'doses' received by the body of the examiner" (with E. I. L. Cilley and B. R. Kirklin). American Journal of Roentgenology, 34:241-47. August, 1935. "A method for determining the limits of safety in roentgenography" (with A. Turn­ bull). Ibid., 34:258-60. August, 1935. "The treatment of inoperable, recurrent and metastatic carcinoma of the breast" (with A. U. Desjardins). Ibid., 35:371-83. March, 1936. CHARLES G. SuTHERLAND, M.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology "Osteopoikilosis." Radiology, 25:470-79. October, 1935. "The rentgenographic image of neoplasms of bone." Ibid., 26:391-98. April, 1936. "Radiology." American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 190:720-26. November, 1935. "Lesions involving the lung and pleura." Ibid., 191:730-37. May, 1936. "The value of roentgen rays in the diagnosis of renal tuberculosis" (with \V. F. Braasch). Tubercle, 17:309-17. April, 1936.

RoBERT E. FRICKE, M.D., Instructor in Radiology "Practical considerations in radium therapy." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1293-1302. October, 1935. "Preoperative radium treatment of rectal carcinoma" (with H. H. Bowing). Amer·ican Journal of Roentgenology, 34:766-69. December, 1935. "The radium treatment of nonmalignant conditions." Minnesota Medicine, 18:789-93. December, 1935. "The radium treatment of postoperative parotitis" (with H. H. Bowing). Radiology, 26:37-40. January, 1936. WALTER C. PoPP, M.D., M.S. in Dermatology, Instructor in Radiology "Fever therapy for gonococcic infections. II" (with A. U. Desjardins and L. G. Stuhler). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:690-99. February 29, 1936. I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 125 I t "Radiotherapy for bone tumors" (with A. U. Desjardins). Radiology, 26:409·16. April, 1936.

I HARRY M. WEBER, M.D., Instructor in Radiology "Roentgenologic manifestations of diseases which have dysentery as a prominent I symptom." Minnesota Medicine, 19 :23·29. January, 1936. SURGERY

ALFRED W. AnsoN, M.D., M.A., M.S. in Surgery, Professor of Neuro­ I surgery "The diagnosis and treatment of surgical lesions of the spinal cord." Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association of North America, pp. 125-35. 1935. "Essential hypertension. A report of the results obtained by bilateral ventral rhizotomy Il, and bilateral resection of splanchnic nerves." Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 82:190-93. August, 1935. "Essential hyperhidrosis cured by sympathetic ganglionectomy and trunk resection" ( (with W. McK. Craig and G. E. Brown). Archives of Surgery, 31:794-806. November, 1935. t ucerebral angioma with arteriovenous fistu1a, treated surgically with electrocoagulation; report of a case" (with W. L. Butsch). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15: ,• 1317-26. October, 1935. "II. Trigeminal neuralgia; diagnosis and treatment." Ibid., 15:1359-65. October, 1935. "Tumors of the frontal lobe. An anatomic and pathologic study" (with H. C. Voris I and J. W. Kernahan). Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 34:605-17. September, 1935. "Tumors of the corpus and lesum: a pathologic and clinical study" (with H. C. Voris). Ibid., 34:965.72. November, 1935. "Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: etiology and surgical treatment, with a report of nine cases" (with W. McK. Craig). Ibid., 35:701-16. April, 1936. "Indications for operations on the sympathetic nervous system." Journal iYf the Amer­ ican Medical Association, 106:360-66. February 1, 1936. J "Surgery in its relation to hypertension" (with W. McK. Craig and G. E. Brown). i Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:314-31. February 15, 1936. "Functional abdominal distention simulating megacolon" (with J. A. Bargen, J. S. I Lundy, and C. F. Dixon). American Journal of Digestive Diseases- and Nutri­ , tion, 3:17-19. March, 1936. DoNALD C. BALFOUR, M.D., Professor of Surgery and Associate Director of the Mayo Foundation "Peptic ulcer" (with D. L. Wilbur). Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate Medi­ cal Association of North America, pp. 7-12. 1935. I "Australia and New Zealand." American College of Surgeons Bulletin, 19:109-11. September, 1935. "Diseases of the duodenum." Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 5:101-11. f September, 1935 . "Factors governing the results of surgical treatment of duodenal ulcer." Annals of Surgery, 102:581-85. October, 1935. • "The trend of surgery." Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:402-405. February 15, 1936. ( "Progress of surgery during 1935" (with H. K. Gray and H. A. Stuart). Inter­ national Clinics, 46 ser., 1:274-99. March, 1936. "Alternative methods for restoring gastrointestinal continuity after gastric resection f for carcinoma." American Journal of Surgery, 32:405-10. June, 1936. t


WILLIAM F. BRAASCH, M.D., Professor of Urology "Further studies on the use of the ketogenic diet for bacilluria" (with E. N. Cook). Transaction$ of the North Central Branch of the American Urologic Association, pp. 63-68. 1934. "Treatment of the atonic bladder" (with G. J. Thompson). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:379-84. September, 1935. ''Publicizing information regarding medical economics.'' American Medical Assoc1a­ tion Bulletin, 31:9-18. January, 1936. "Transurethral prostatic resection" (with J. L. Emmett). Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray and Radium, 17 :140·44. March, 1936. "The value of roentgen rays in the diagnosis of renal tuberculosis" (with C. G. Suther· land). Tubercle, 17:309-17. April, 1936. "The prognosis in renal carcinoma and the clinical and pathologic data affecting it" (with Miles Griffin). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:1343-46. April 18, 1936. "Infections in the urinary tract" (with E. N. Cook). Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association, 29:215-17. May, 1936. "Excretory urography as a test of renal function" (with J. L. Emmett). Journal of Urology, 35:630-42. June, 1936.

Lours A. Bum, M.D., Professor of Proctology "Basic facts concerning rectal complaints in general and hemorrhoids in particular." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1183-98. October, 1935. "Ancient and modern knowledge concerning anal fistula" (inaugural thesis, abstract). Minnesota Medicine, 19:315-17. May, 1936. "Ancient and modern knowledge concerning anal fistula." Medical Annals of District of Columbia, 5:123-26. May, 1936.

HuGH CABOT, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Surgery "Infections of the kidney and ureter." Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association of North America, pp. 168-72. 1935. "Diversion of urine above level of bladder" (editorial). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:406-407. September, 1935. "Reparative operations on the kidney and ureter" (with G. J. Thompson). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1137-41. October, 1935. "Choice of methods of diverting the urinary stream above the level of the bladder" (with R G. Scherer). Annals of Surgery, 102:849-62. November, 1935. "The treatment of hypospadias in theory and practice." New England Journal of Medicine, 214:871-76. April 30, 1936. "The methods of diverting urine above the level of the bladder, with particular refer· ence to problems of technic." Journal of Urology, 35:596-609. June, 1936. Reviews of Hugh Cabot, The Doctor's Bill in Surgical Clinics of North America (Mayo Clinic Number), 14: No. 3. June, 1934; Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association, 31:143. July, 1935; Modern Medicine, 3:47. August, 1935; Journal of the Missouri Medical Association, 32:348. August, 1935; Journal of the Iowa Medical Society, 25:470. August, 1935; New York State Journal of Medicine, 35: 797. August 1, 1935; Science News Letter, 28:143. August 31, 1935; Uro­ logic and Cutaneous Reviews, 39:678. September, 1935.

MELVIN S. HENDERSON, M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery "Orthopedic surgery in Australia and New Zealand." American College of Surgeons Bulletin, 19:112. September, 1935. "Treatment of fractures of the neck of the femur" (with H. B. Macey). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1199-1206. October, 1935. I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 127 •'\ , "Results following tenosuspension operations for habitual dislocation of the shoulder.'' Journal of Bone and Jt>int Surgery, 17:978-83. October, 1935. "Chronic osteomyelitis associated with malignancy" (with H. A. Swart). Ibid., 18: f 56-60. January, 1936. "Fractures of the neck of the femur." Ibid., 19:147-51. March, !936. "Acute atrophy of bone: report of an unusual case involving the radius and ulna" (abstract). Minnesota Medicine, 18:814-15. December, 1935. I "Acute atrophy of bone: report of an unusual case involving the radius and ulna." Ibid., 19:214-18. April, 1936.

E. STARR Juoo, M.D., (deceased), Professor of Surgery "Hypoglycemia" (with E. H. Rynearson). Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate 'l Medical Association of North America, pp. 259-62. 1935. "Jejunal ulcer" (with M. T. Hoerner). Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine, Chicago, 10:331-32. October IS, 1935; Annals uf Surgery, 102:!003-18. Decem­ ber, 1935. "Disease of the biliary tract." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1073-89. October, 1935. f "Adenoma and adenomyoma of the gallbladder" (with M. T. Hoerner). Ibid., 15: 1091-97. October, 1935. "Intrahepatic jaundice; carcinoma of the pancreas and obstructive jaundice; stricture of the common bile duct and biliary fistula; obstructive jaundice caused by pan­ I creatic cyst; obliterative cholangeitis" (with P. F. Olson). Ibid., 15:1099-1107. l October, 1935. "Transfusion for jaundiced patients" (with A. M. Snell and M. T. Hoerner). Journal of the American Medical Association, 105:!653-58. November 23, 1935. "Major surgical problems resulting from primary diseases of the gallbladder." Rev. de Med. y Cir. de Ia Habana, 40:1117-32. November 30, 1935. "A view of urologic surgery" (with A. J. Scholl, J. Verbrugge, A. B. Hepler, R. Guiterrez, and V. J. O'Connor). Archives of Surgery, 31:315-44. August, 1935; 31 :477-506. September, !935; 31:1013-42. December, 1935; 32:163-90. January, 1936; 32:544-76. March, 1936; 32:730-46. April, 1936. "Surgical treatment of carcinoma of the head of the pancreas and of the ampulla of Vater" (with M. T. Hoerner). Ibid., 31:937-42. December, 1935. "The surgical treatment of lesions of the stomach and duodenum." California and Western Medicine, 44:8-12. January, 1936. "Benign tumors of the stomach" (with M. T. Hoerner). American Journal of Sur­ gery, n.s., 31:427-30. March, 1936. "Studies of pepsin in human gastric juice. V. Its prognostic value" (with Frances R. Vanzant, A. E. Osterberg, W. C. Alvarez, and A. B. Rivers). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:101-102. April, 1936.

]OHN S. LUNDY, M.D., Professor of Anesthesia "Compiti di un servizio di anestesia." Cia. ita! di anesthesia e di analgesia, 1 :26-29. April, 1935. "Anesthesia for childbirth" (with R. :\L Tovell). Northwest Medicine, 34:346-50. September, 1935. "High caudal block anesthesia." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1271-75. October, 1935. "The usefulness of anaesthetic agents." Canadian Medical Association Journal, 33: 490-94. November, 1935. "Anesthesia in dentistry with emphasis on preoperative medication" (with R. ::\I. Tovell). Journal of the American Dental Association, 22:1912-19. November, 1935. "The conservative use of anesthetics: agents and methods." Southern Medical Journal, , 29:42-45. January, 1936. t ) I 128 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Functional abdominal distention simulating megacolon" (with J. A. Bargen, A. W. Ads on, and C. F. Dixon). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and N utri· tion, 3: 17·19. March, 1936. FRANK C. MANN, M.A., M.D., Professor of Experimental Surgery "A symposium concerned with the duodenal factors in the neutralization of acid chyme" (with J. L. Bollman). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutri· tion, 2:284-85. July, 1935. "The physiology of the cecum of the domestic fowl" (with C. Olson). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 87:151·59. August, 1935. "Alterations in hepatic function produced by experimental hepatic lesions" (with J. L. Bollman). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9 :617·24. November, 1935. "\onus rhythm in the isolated gallbladder and the effect of certain drugs" (with G. l\1. Higgins and K. Deiss!er). American Journal of Physiology, 112 :461·67. July, 1935. "The blood flow in the left coronary artery of the intact dog" (with H. E. Essex, Julia F. Herrick, and E. J. Baldes). Ibid., 113:39. September I, 1935. "The thermo-stromuhr method of measuring blood flow" (with Julia F. Herrick, H. E. Essex, and E. J. Baldes). Ibid., 113:61. September 1, 1935. "Studies on the coronary blood flow" (with H. E. Essex, Julia F. Herrick, and E. J. Baldes). Ibid., 116:43-44. June I, 1936. "Studies on the blood flow of the kidney" (with Julia F. Herrick, H. E. Essex, and E. J. Baldes). Ibid., 116:74. June I, 1936. "The influence of the liver in the formation and destruction of bile salts" (with J. L. Bollman). Ibid., 116:214·24. June I, 1936. "The effect of diet upon the phosphate compounds in the liver of the dog" (with Eunice Flock and J. L. Bollman). Journal of Biological Chemistry. (Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists), 114:xxxvi·xxxvii. May, 1936.

CHARLES H. MAYO, M.A., LL.D., M.D., D.Sc., F.A.C.S., Professor of Sur­ gery "Recent advances in surgery: a record of rapid progress in many fields." World Today, 2:20·21, December, 1934. (This is a supplementary volume to Encyclopaedia Britannica). "The enlarged prostate gland treated by modern methods" (with G. J. Thompson). Grant Medical College Magazine, jubilee number, 36:11·18. 1934-35. "The unity of preventive dentistry and the newer preventive medicine." Mouth Health Quarterly, 4:5-7. April-June, 1935. "Goiter and the changes in its treatment." Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Assembly of North America, pp. 284-88. 1935. "Pre-iodine and post-iodine days. A review of 37,228 cases of goiter at the Mayo Clinic" (with C. W. Mayo). Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gyne­ cology, 43:477-82. September, 1935. "Opinions of some of the distinguished members of the medical profession regarding the value of the international assemblies of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association of North America." Chicago Medical Society Bulletin, 38:11A. September 7, 1935. "Splenomegaly" (with W. J. Mayo). Rev. de Med. y Cir. de Ia Habana, 40:891-906. November 30, 1935. "Tuberculosis then and now." Everybody's Health, 21 :2·3, 8-10. January, 1936. "Hiperparatiroidismo" (with J. D. Camp, J. deJ. Pemberton, and R. M. Wilder). Anales de cirugia, 6:121-32. March, 1936. "Progress in knowledge and treatment of goiter." Journal International de Chir., 1:219-37. March-April, 1936.

LOUIE T. AusTIN, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Dental Surgery "Obstipation with long continued vomiting: effect on the teeth" (with J. A. Bargen). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition. 3 :198·99. May, 1936. I PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 129

"Median anterior maxillary cysts" (with E. C. Stafne and B. S. Gardner). Journal l of the American Dental Association, 23:801-809. May, 1936. r VIRGIL S. CouNSELLER, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery "Conservation in gynecology" (with C. W. Mayo). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1115-18. October, 1935. "Cholecystectomy following total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo· oophorectomy for carcinoma of the fundus; cholecystectomy in the presence of l large ovarian cyst; nephrectomy for hydronephrosis; endometriosis, ovarian cysts t and interligamentous fibroid tumor." Ibid., 15:1309-16. October, 1935. "Conservatism in gynecology." Ohio State Medical Journal, 31:940-42. December I, l 1935. "Fibrosarcoma of the stomach" (with D. C. Collins). Annals of Surgery, 102:34-36. July, 1935. f "Subcutaneous perforation of the jejunum" (with C. J. McCormack). Ibid., 102: 365-74. September, 1935. "Fibromyoma of the cervix uteri: report of case" (with D. C. Collins). American Journal of Ob~tetrics and Gynecology, 30:108-12. July, 1935. "Tuberculosis of the cervix uteri" (with D. C. Collins). Ibid., 30:830-40. December, 1935. "Double malignant tumors of the uterus" (with W. L. Butsch). Ibid., 31:628-33. t April, 1936. I "Congenital valves of the posterior urethra" (with J. G. Menville). Journal of Urology, 34:268-77. September, 1935. • "An analysis of the effectiveness of nephrostomy in the treatment of large renal calculi" (with M. T. Hoerner). Ibid., 35:21-31. January, 1936. l "Leiomyoma associated with benign cysts in a kidney with _duplicate pelves" (with ]. G. Menville). Ibid., 35:253-58. March, 1936. "Some changing concepts regarding the endometrium and their significance" (with W. E. Herrell). lottrnal of the Indiana State Medical A~sociation, 29:57-63. February, 1936.

WINCHELL McK. CRAIG, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Associate Professor of I Neurosurgery "The diagnosis and treatment of some of the more common peripheral nerve lesions." 1 Sttrgical Clinics of North America, 15:1327-42. October, 1935. "IV. Tumors of the spinal cord." Ibid., IS: 1371-77. October, 1935. , "Multiple meningiomas. Report of a case in which three intracranial meningiomas were removed successfully" (with J. E. Raaf). Archives of Surgery, 31:601-606. October, 1935. "Es,sential hyperhidrosis cured by sympathetic ganglionectomy and trunk resection" (with A. W. Adson and G. E. Brown). Ibid., 31:794-806. November, 1935. "Surgery in its relation to hypertension" (with A. W. Adson and G. E. Brown). I Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:314-31. February 15, 1936. "Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: etiology and surgical treatment, with a report of nine cases" (with A. W. Adson). Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, ! 35:701-16. April, 1936. i ]OHN L. CRENSHAW, M.D., Associate Professor of Urology I "Ectopic ureter with extravesical orifice." Journal of Urology, 35:190-205. February, , 1935. CLAUDE F. DIXON, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery "Carcinoma of the rectum." Southwestern Medicine, 17:370-74. November, 1933.

i 8 "Rectal carcinoma: treatment and prognosis." Illinois MedicaJ Journal, 68:89 93. July, 1935. { r 130 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Submental and bilateral submaxillary dissection; colostomy as first stage in operation for carcinoma of upper part of sigmoid; exteriorization operation for sigmoidal polyp," Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1303-1307. October, 1935. "Surgical treatment of the d)"senteries." Minnesota Medicine, 19:33-36. January, 1936. "Carcinoma of linitis plastica type involving the intestine" (with G. A. Stevens). Annals of Surgery, 103:263-72. February, 1936. "Functional abdominal distention simulating megacolon" (with J. A. Bargen, A. V"l. Adson, and J. S. Lundy), American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutri­ tion, 3:17-19. March, 1936. "Peritonitis following colonic surgery" (editorial). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:770-71. April, '1936. "Twenty year cures of carcinoma of the colon" (with P. F. Olson). Ibid., 62:874-78. May, 1936.

BoYD S. GARDNER, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Dental Surgery "Median anterior maxillary cysts" (with L. T. Austin and E. C. Stafne). Journal of the American Dental Association, 23:801-809. May, 1936. "What the physician should know about dentistry" (with E. V. Allen), Ibid., 23: 1059-65. June, 1936.

RALPH K. GHORMLEY, M.D., Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery "Pseudo artrosis de Ia diafisis del humero. Resultado de treinta y siete cases tratados for injerio oseo." Cir. ortop. y traumata, 3:61-68. April, May, June, 1935. "Visualization of congenital arteriovenous fistulas of the extremities by arteriography" (with B. T. Horton). Journal of Clinical Investigation, 14:717. September, 1935. "The surgical treatment of severe forms of lymphodema (elephantiasis) of the extrem­ ities." Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:83-89. July, 1935. "Master surgeons of America. Nathaniel Allison." Ibid., 61:551-52. October, 1935. "Complications of fractures of the humerus." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15: 1223-25. October, 1935. "Polyarticular tuberculous arthritis" (with C. H. Slocumb). Ibid., 15:1251-56. Octo­ ber, 1935. "Gas gangrene and gas infections." Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 17:907-15. October, 1935. "Lymphedema of the extremities: etiology, classification, and treatment; report of 300 cases" (with E. V. Allen). Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:516-39. November, 1935. STUART W. HARRINGTON, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery "Left traumatic diaphragmatic hernia; intrathoracic tumor; fibrosarcoma of the posterior mediastinum associated with small diaphragmatic hernia; lymphosarcoma of .. the anterior chest wall; interlobar left empyema; bilateral acute empyema, total on left and interlobar on right" (with J, M. Dorsey and E. L. Strohl). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1119-36. October, 1935. ''The diagnostic and surgical treatment of anterior and posterior mediastinal tumors; report of a case of posterior mediastinal tumor." New York State Journal of Medicine, 35:1073-80. November 1, 1935. "Attachment of the skin to lesions of the breast" (editorial). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:839-41. December, 1935. "The surgical treatment of 105 cases of diaphragmatic hernia." Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetric9, and Gynecology, 44:255-69. May, 1936. GEORGE M. HIGGINS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Experimental Biology "The extrahepatic biliary tract during anaphylaxis" (with K. Deissler). American Journal of Physiology, 112:430-37. July, 1935. "Tonus rhythm in the isolated gallbladder and the effect of certain drugs" (with K. Deissler and F. C. Mann). Ibid., 112:461-67. July, 1935. ,~ PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 131

"A quantitative cytologic study of the bone marrow of the adult albino rat" (with J. I Stasney). Anatomical Record, 63:77-89. August 25, 1935. f "The tissue reactions of the lung to the intratracheal injection of particulate sericite" ~ (with W. S. Lemon). American Review of Tuberculosis, 32:243-56. September, 1935. "The peripheral blood in experimental cirrhosis of the liver" (with J. Stasney). Folia Haematologica, 54:129-44. February, 1936.

1 ]AMES C. MAssoN, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery Adenomyomas in abdominal wounds" (with W. P. Marble). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1109·13. October, 1935. "Surgical significance of endometriosis." Annals of Surgery, 102:819-33. November, 1 1935. HENRY W. MEYERDING, M.D., M.S. in Orthopedic Surgery, Associate Pro­ r fessor of Orthopedic Surgery "Giant cell tumor of femur with pathologic fracture; giant cell tumor of tibia of a child, with cure by excision and bone graft; tumor diagnosed as sarcoma proved by biopsy to be benign, giant cell tumor, with seventeen-year cure; bilateral rupture of quadriceps tendon; sciatic pain produced by desmoid tumor of left trochanteric region; a five-year cure in a case of endothelial myeloma of the left femur." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1207-22. October, 1935. "Dupuytren's contracture. Archives of Surgery, 32:320-33. February, 1936; Pro­ ceedings of the Institute of Medicine, Chicago, 11:100-101. May 15, 1936. t "Physical therapy in the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture." Physiotherapy Review, 16:42-45. March-April, 1936. "The clinical and surgical aspects of bone tumors." Radiology, 26:417-23. April, 1936. "Volkmann's ischemic contracture associated with supracondylar fracture of humerus." Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:1139-44. April 4, 1936. ' "Clinical aspects of fibrosarcoma of the soft tissues of the extremities" (with A. C. Broders and R. L. Hargrave). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 62:1010·19. June, 1936. I }OHN DE]. PEMBERTON, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, LL.D., Associate Professor of Surgery f "The symptomatology of epigastric hernia: analysis of 296 cases" (with F. S. Curry). Minnesota Medicine, 19:109-12. February, 1936. "The development of surgery of the thyroid gland" (the Charles H. Mayo Lectureship in Surgery). Northwestern University Bulletin, the Medical School, 32:1-19. February 24, 1936. "Hiperparatiroidismo" (with C. H. Mayo, J. D. Camp, and R. M. Wilder). Anales de cirugia, 6:121-32. March, 1936. "Solitary ulcer of the ileum and ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum" (with P. W. Brown). I Annals of Internal Medicine, 9:1684-1702. June, 1936. WALTMAN WALTERS, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Associate Professor of Sur­ ! gery , "Obstructive jaundice." Proceedings of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Associa­ tion of North America, pp. 252-58. 1935 . • "The problem of gastric resection for duodenal ulcer." Surgery, Gynecology, ana J Obstetrics, 61:267-68. August, 1935. "Unusually large renal tumors" (with N. W. Thiessen). Surgical Clinics of North t America, 15:1155-57. October, 1935. ~ "Three unusual cases of abdominal tumor; sebaceous pancreatic cyst; retroperitoneal fibroma; benign pancreatic cyst" (with N. W. Thiessen). Ibid., 15:1159-62. r October, 1935. I, t 132 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"The surgical treatment of obstructing lesions of the biliary tract." Journal of the Kansas Medical Society, 36:446-50. November, 1935. "What are the prospects of cure of carcinoma of the stomach?" Journal-Lancet, 55: 704-707. November 1, 1935. "Papillary colloid adenocarcinoma of the extrahepatic bile ducts" (with P. F. Olson). Minnesota Medicine, 18:460-62. July, 1935. "Development and treatment of cancer of the stomach." Ibid., 19:91-95. February, 1936. "Successful total cystectomy for recurring carcinoma of the urinary bladder with notes on some very large vesical tumors" (with N. W. Thiessen). Ibid., 19:157-59. March, 1936. "Perineal prostatotomy for stone: report of four cases" (with N. W. Thiessen). Ibid., 19:177-79. March, 1936. "Urethral diverticulum" (with N. W. Thiessen). Ibid., 19:218-20. April, 1936. "Pathologic physiology of stone in the common bile duct. Clinical and surgical signi­ ficance." Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine, Chicago, 11:60-61. March 15, 1936. "Phytobezoar with visualization by means of gastroscopy" (with H. J, Moersch). American Jmornal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 3:15-17. March, 1936. "Various operative procedures in the treatment of peptic ulcer." Wisconsin Medical Journal, 35:293-95, 320-22. April, 1936. "Successful operations for hypospadias." Annals of Surgery, 103:949-58, June, 1936,

HoWARD K. GRAY, M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Assistant Professor of Surgery "The care of patients following operation on the stomach and duodenum." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1171-81. October, 1935. "Progress of surgery during 1935" (with D. C. Balfour and H. A. Stuart). Inter­ national Clinics, 46 ser., 1 :274-99. March, 1936. "Argyria becoming manifest in pregnancy" (with J, E. Raaf). Journal of the Ameri­ can Medical Association, 106:916. March 14, 1936.

HoWARD R. HARTMAN, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery "Lesions of the small bowel other than peptic ulcer." Medical Clinics of North America, 19:365-82. September, 1935.

CHARLES W. MAYO, B.A., M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Assistant Professor of Surgery "Pre-iodine and post-iodine days. A review of 37,228 cases of goiter at the Mayo Clinic" (with C. H. Mayo). Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, 43 :477-82. September, 1935. "Cooperative management in cases of carcinoma of the colon: the surgeon's view:' Medical Clinics of North America, 19:625-27. September, 1935, "Conservatism in gynecology" (with V. S. Counseller). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1115-18. October, 1935. "Lymphosarcoma of the intestine" (with C. R. Robins). Ibid., 15:1163-70. October, 1935. "Unilateral and bilateral hernia: comparative study of postoperative complications and factors concerned" (with R. S. Hardwick). American Journal of Surgery, n.s., 32:4-7. April, 1936. "Huge ovarian cysts" (with H. W. K. Zellhoefer). Minnesota Medicine, 19:353-55. June, 1936.

CARL F. ScHLOTTHAUER, D.V.M., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medi­ cine "Megacolon (Hirschsprung's disease) in a dog: report of a case" (with L. H. Wolff). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 88:451-59. April, 1936. ,~ PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 133

"Absence of the pericardium in dogs: report of two cases" (with L. K. Stalker). Ibid., I 88:755-56. June, 1936. "Cholelithiasis in dogs: report of two cases" (with L. K. Stalker). Ibid., 88:758-61. r 1936. EDWARD C. STAFNE, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Dental Surgery Roentgenologic diagnosis of periapical osteofibrosis and some other dental conditions." Oral Health, 25:575-81. December, 1935. "Median anterior maxillary cysts" (with L. T. Austin and B. S. Gardner). Journal l of the American Dental Association, 23:801-809. May, 1936. JonN L. EMMETT, B.A., M.D., M.S. in Urology, Instructor in Urology I "The treatment of carcinoma of the prostate gland by transurethral methods" (with , G. J. Thompson). Urology and Cutaneous Review, 39:679-85. October, 1935. "Transurethral prostatic resection" (with W. F. Braasch). Archives of Physical l Therapy, X-Ray and Radium, 17:140-44. March, 1936. "Prostatic massage of resection." Minnesota Medicine, 19:160-65. March, 1936. "Excretory urography as a test of renal function" (with W. F. Braasch). Journal of Urology, 35:630-42. June, 1936.

]. GRAFTON LoVE, B.A., M.D., M.S. in Surgery, Instructor in Neuro­ surgery "Extracranial and intracranial hemorrhage." Surgical Clinics of North America, 15 :134J-53. October, 1935. "V. Tumors of the brain." Ibid., 15:1379-85. October, 1935. t "Disease of the pituitary body amenable to surgery." Minnesota Medicine, 19:169-74. March, 1936.

HARRY B. MACEY, B.A., M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery r "Treatment of fractures of the neck of the femur" (with M. S. Henderson). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1199-1206. October, 1935.

]AMES T. PRIESTLEY, M.D., Ph.D. in Surgery, Instructor in Surgery "Hydronephrosis presenting an atypical clinical s)'llldrome: its recognition and treat­ ment" (with J. M. Berkman). Surgical Clinics of North America, 15:1143-53. October, 1935. "Diagnose und chirurgische Behandlung des Nebennierenrinden-syndrome" (with E. J. Kepler). Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie, 183:540-63. October 28, 1935. "Renal and ureteral lithiasis." Minnesota Medicine, 19:102-105. February, 1936.

Lours G. STUHLER, M.D., Instructor in Urology "Fever therapy for gonococcic infections. II." (with A. U. Desjardins and W. C. Popp). Journal of the American Medical Association, 106:690-99. February 29, 1936.

GERSHOM ]. THOMPSON, M.D., M.S. in Urology, Instructor in Urology "The enlarged prostate gland treated by modern methods" (with C. H. Mayo). Grant Medical College Magazine, jubilee number, 36:11·18. 1934-35. "A new direct vision resectoscope." Urology and Cutaneous Review, 39 :545·46. August, , 1935. I "The treatment of carcinoma of the prostate gland by transurethral methods" (with , J. L. Emmett). Ibid., 39:679-85. October, 1935. "Reparative operations on the kidney and ureter" (with H. Cabot). Surgical Clinics i of North America, 15:1137-41. October, 1935. "Recurrence of urinary obstruction following transurethral prostatic resection." Journal of Urology, 34:405-16. November, 1935. f t 134 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Carcinoma of the vas deferens: report of a case" (with F. Pilcher, Jr.). Journal of Urology, 34:714-17. December, 1935. "Treatment of the atonic blad'der" (with W. F. Braasch). Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 61:379-84. September, 1935. "Tumors of the spermatic cord, epididymis, and testicular tunics; review of literature and report of forty-one additional cases." Ibid., 62:712-28. April, 1936. "Diseases of the prostate gland., Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society, 35:320-23. May, 1936.


RussELL A. STEVENSON, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Business Admin­ istration Balancing the Economic Controls (with R. S. Vaile). Minneapolis: University of Min­ nesota Press. 1935. 96 pages. "Some limitations of ." Minnesota Alumni Weekly, 35:431-32. April 4, 1936.

EuGEN ALTSCHUL, Rer.Pol.D., Visiting Professor of Economics Reviews of G. Darmois, Statis

RoY G. BLAKEY, Ph.D., Professor of Economics "The Revenue Act of 1935" (with Gladys C. Blakey). American Economic Review, 24:673-90. December, 1935. "Commodity prices." Survey of Current Business, Vol. 15, No. 11, p. 5. November, 1935; No. 12, p. 5. December, 1935; Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 4-5. January, 1936; No. 2, p. 5. February, 1936; No. 3, p. 5. March, 1936; No. 4, p. 5. April, 1936. Review of Frank D. Graham, Protective Tariffs in Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 16, No. 3, p. 547. July, 1934. Director of investigation and editor, A. M. Borak and Gladys C. Blakey, ''Fees and Other Non-Tax Revenues of Minnesota Local Units. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 144 pages. Assistant editor of Articles, especially those on public finance, in American Economic Review; all articles in Survey of Current Business, Weekly Supplement to the Survey of Current Business, and other publications of the United States Department of Commerce.

GEORGE FILIPETTt, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Business Administra­ tion The Economic Effects of the NRA: A Regional Analysis (with R. S. Vaile). Univer· sity of Minnesota Studies in Economics and Business No. 11. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 108 pages. "Organized control of business." Minne$ota Alumni Weekly, Vol. 35, No. 27, pp. 467-68, 474. Avril 18, 1936.

FREDERIC B. GARVER, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Review of Eli Ginzberg, The House of Adam Smith in Journal of Farm Economics, 18:216-17. February, 1936. l t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 135

I ALVIN H. HANSEN, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Occupational Trends in Minnesota (with T. M. Sogge). University of Minnesota Employment Stabilization Research Institute Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 4. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1933. 29 pages. Impact of the Depression on Business Activity and Real Income in Minnesota (with G. Fi1ipetti, R. I. Kozelka, W. C. Waite, and C. A. Artman) (edited by R. S. Vaile). University of Minnesota Studies in Economics and Business, No. 8. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1933. 59 pages. I Economic Reconstruction (with others). New York: Columbia University Press. 1934. 250 pages. I The Social Credit Proposals. Prepared for the Commission on Banking Law and Practice, Association of Reserve City Bankers. Bulletin No. 7. 1936. 24 pages. Prospects for Inflation (with J. H. Rogers, l\I. Palyi, C. 0. Hardy, and A. W. 'l Marget). Day and Hour Series No. 13. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 32 pages. "The maintenance of purchasing power." Pages 247-56 in Economic Essays in Honour t of Gustave Cassel. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 1933. "Report of director of research." Pt. III, pages 101-80 in International Economic Relations. l\iinneapolis: University of l\1innesota Press. 1934. "Reciprocal trade agreements and the revival of world trade." Press Releases of the Department of State, 13:30-38. 1935. "Capital goods and the restoration of purchasing power." Proceedings of the Academ:y of Political Science, 16:11-19. 1934. "The sterling area and the stabilization problem." Ibid., 17:62-70. 1936. "U. S.-Canada trade agreement." Polity, 4:3, 11. 1936. "Foreign trade and business revival with special reference to agriculture." Financial and Investment Review, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 1·3. February, 1936. t "Recent trends in business cycle literature" (with F. M. Boddy and J. K. Langum). Review of Economic Statistics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 53-61. May, 1936. Reviews of ( Friedrich A. Hayek, Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle in Nation, Vol. 137, No. 3559. September 20, 1933. William C. Schluter, Economic Cycles and Crises in ibid., Vol. 137, No. 3559. Septem· her 20, 1933. Johan Akerman, Agonomischer Fortschritt und Okonomische Krisen in American Eco· nomic Review, 23:506-508. September, 1933. r World Social Economic Planning in Journal of Political Economy, 42:8, 17·19. 1934. Fran~ois Simiand, Economiques d Longue Period et Ia Crise M ondiale in Journal of the American Statistical Association, 30:120·22. 1935.

! ARTHUR W. MARGET, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Finance Prospects for Inflation (with J. H. Rogers, M. Palyi, C. 0. Hardy, and A. H. Hansen). f Day and Hour Series No. 13. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 32 pages. "Banking policy and recovery." Minnesota Alumni Weekly, 35:361-62. February 15, 1936. "The monetary and financial _situation." Polity, 4:3, 8. March, 1936. Reviews of I Antonio Mario Presenti, La Politica Finanziarie e Monetaria dell' lnghilterra in Zeit­ I schrift fur Nationalokonomie, 6:698-700. 1935. Ferdinanda di Fenizio, Questioni Monetarie in Annals of the American Academy of ; Political and Social Science, 180:224. July, 1935. George F. Luthringer, The Gold-Exchange Standard in the Philippines in ibid., 180: # 224-25. July, 1935. Arthur D. Gayer, Monetary Policy and Economic Stabilization in ibid., 182:197-98. t November, 1935. Marco Fanno, I Trasferimenti Anormali dei Capitali e le Crisi in ibid., 182:198. I November, 1935. 136 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Harold G. Moulton, The Formation of Capital in Journal of Farm Economics, 17: 756-60. November, 1935. E. Giretti, and L. Giretti, II Protezionismo e Ia Crisi in American Economic Review, 25:745. December, 1935. Livio Livi, La Previsione delle Crisi e Ia Disciplina dell'Attivitd Produttiva in Journal of the American Statistical Association, 30:758·60. December, 1935. Giuseppe Ugo Papi, Lezioni di Economia GeneraJe e Corporativa in Journal of Political Economy, 43:416-17. June, 1935. G. Masci, editor, Organizzazione Industriale in ibid., 43:560-62. August, 1935. R. Michels, editor, Politica ed Economia in ibid., 43:560-62. August, 1935. Jacopo Mazzei, Parita e Preferenza Doganale nel Dopo Guerra in ibid., 43:712-13. October, 1935. Lionello ROssi, Sull' Imposta Progressiva in ibid., 43:712-13. October, 1935. Raffaello Lupetti, Contributo Alia Teoria Economica del Casto di Produzione in ibid., 43 :712-13. October, 1935. Jean-Yves le Branchu, editor, Ecrits Notables sur Ia Monnai (XVIe Siecle) de Copernic a Da•,anzati in ibid., 44:262-64. April, 1936. ]. WARREN STEHMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Finance "Corporate reorganizations." Minnesota Alumni Weekly, Vol. 35, No. 23, pp. 395-96. March 7, 1936.

RoLAND S. VAILE, M.A., Professor of Marketing Balancing the Economic Controls (with R. A. Stevenson). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 96 pages. The Economic Effects of the NRA: A Regional Analysis (with G. Filipetti). Univer­ sity of Minnesota Studies in Economics and Business No. 11. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 108 pages. 11 0verhead costs in agriculture." Pages 45-57 in N. E. Hines, editor, Economics, Sociology and the Modern World, Essays in Honor of T. N. Caroer. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1935. "Plan or no plan: some limitations on social planning." Bulletin of the Minnesota Federation of the Architectural Engineering Society, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 5-7. March, 1936. "Nature and scope of economic planning." Minnesota Alumni Weekly, Vol. 35, No. 24, p. 415. March 14, 1936. Reviews of Leverett Lyon and others, The National Rec011ery Ad-ministration in Journal of Farm Econ-omics, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 763-65. November, 1935. H. G. Moulton, Income and Economic Progress in National Marketing Review, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 277-78. 1936. DALE YoDER, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Personnel Administration "Present status of unemployment insurance." Minnesota Alumni Weekly, Vol. 35, No. 28, pp. 485-86, 497. April, 1936. "The place of statistical analysis in personnel administration." Personnel, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 247-50. May, 1936. ERNEST A. HEILMAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting "Accounting and economics." Accounting Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 149-55. June, 1935. "University notes." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 312. September, 1935, No. 4, pp. 430-31. December, 1935; Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 98. March, 1936. ARTHUR BoRAK, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics Fees and Other Non-Taz Revenues of Minnesota Local Units (with Gladys C. Blakey), University of Minnesota Studies in Economics and Business No. 13. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. 144 pages. Mimeographed material for class use. 1935-36. 32 pages. I r PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 137

RALPH CASSADY, ]R., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Marketing The Ret.ail Distribution Structure of the Small City (with H. J. Ostlund). University of Minnesota Studies in Economics and Business No. 12. Minneapolis: University I of Minnesota Press. 1935. 107 pages. "Analyzing the market of mail order house retail stores" (with H. M. Haas). Har­ vard Bt

"Teaching research technique" (with R. Cassady, Jr.). Business Education World, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 459·60. February, 1936. LAURENCE R. LuNDEN, B.A., Instructor in Economics and Editor of the Financial and Investment Review "Importance of overlapping debt." Financial Reporter, Vol. 1, No. 144, pp. 59-60. October 5, 1935. "Ten rules for bond buying bankers." Commercial West, Vol. 70, No. 15, p. 12. October 12, 1935. "Tests to be considered in analyzing municipal bonds." Financial and Investment Re­ view, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 1-6. July, 1935. "Tests to be considered in analyzing state bonds." Ibid., Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 1-6. August, 1935. "The importance of overlapping indebtedness in municipal bond analysis." Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-4. September, 1935. "Bonds as a medium for the investment of bank funds." Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-4. October, 1935. "The outlook for American railroads." Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1-6. November, 1935. "A comparison of the price trends of junior and senior railroad bonds." Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1-4. January, 1936. "Analysis of tax collections in Minnesota counties for the five years from 1932 to 1936." Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 1-8. April, 1936. "Can bond accounts be improved by legislation or regulation?" Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1-4. May, 1936. BENJAMIN H. HIGGINS, M.Sc., Assistant in Economics "A note on the relationship between psychology and economics." Manchester School, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 59-62. June, 1935. "W. S. Jevons, a centennary estimate." Ibid., Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 103-12. November, \ 1935. JOHN K. LAN GUM, M.A., Assistant in Economics "Recent trends in business cycle literature" (with A. H. Hansen and F. M. Boddy). Review of Economic Statistics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 53-61. May, 1936. Mimeographed material and tests for class use. 1935-36. 10 pages.

GENERAL EXTENSION DIVISION RICHARD R. PRICE, M.A., Ed.D., Professor and Director of University Ex­ tension "How well do adults learn?" (with H. Sorenson). Pages 335-37 in Mary L. Ely, editor, Adult Education in Action. New York: American Association for Adult Education. 1936. "Education." Model Custodian, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1-3. November, 1934. "More about the embalmer's education." American Funeral Director, 58:25-26, 60. September, 1935. "Mental energy." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 1. September, 1935. CLARENCE C. LuDWIG, M.A., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Political Science and Chief of the Municipal Reference Bureau Editor Minnesota Municipalities. 1935-36. Minnesota Year Book. 1935-36. CLARE L. RoTZEL, B.C.S., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Accounting Mimeographed material for class use. Principles of Accounting. 1935-36. \ 1 t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 139

THOMAS A. H. TEETER, B.S. in C.E., Associate Professor of Engineering f "Democracy and adult education." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. I, p. 2. September, 1935. "Loyalty and confusion." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 2. December, 1935. "The value of correspondence study." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 7, p. 2. March, 1936.

CHARLES H. Dow, C.E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Resi­ dent Manager of St. Paul Extension I "Utopia for engineers." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. I, 3. May, 1936. r OLIVER C. EDWARDS, B.S., M.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engi­ neering Revising Analytic Geometry, Plane and Solid. 1935-36. 326 mimeographed pages.

HALDOR B. GISLASON, B.A., LL.B., Assistant Professor and Head of the Community Service Review of G. S. Ford, editor, Dictatorship in Modern World in New Humanist, 9:111. 1936. "Silent vs. sound films for lJublic schools." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 4. Decem· her, 1935.

r IRVING W. JONES, Ph.B., Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Stu­ , dents' \Vork Committee "Education by forgetting." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 6, p. I. February, 1936.

HERBERT SoRENSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education Statistics for Students of Psychology and Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1936. 373 pages. "How well do adults learn?" (with R. R. Price). Pages 335·37 in Mary L. Ely, editor, Adult Education in Action. New York: American Association for Adult Education. 1936.

WENDELL WHITE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology f The Psychology of Dealing with People. New York: Macmillan Company. 1936. 256 pages. t "The psychology of dealing with people." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 1. October, 1935.

JoHN W. PowELL, B.A., S.T.B., D.D., Special Lecturer in English I "A parable of autumn," poem. Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 2. November, 1935. Two to five editorials each week in the daily and Sunday Minneapolis Journal I Daily sermonettes in the Minneapolis Journal from September I, 1935. NELs A. ANDERSON, M.A., Instructor and Field Representative, General Ex­ t tension Division Collaboration with H. B. Gislason and A. H. Speer on circularization material for the Bureau of Community Service and the Correspondence Study Department.

r CuRTIS E. AvERY, M.A., Instructor in English Editor, Interpreter, 1935-36. 140 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT ALGERNON H. SPEER, B.A., Head of the Correspondence Study Department "Correspondence shows twenty-two year record." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 4. December, 1935. "Correspondence study: An analysis of the story told by the files of the Correspondence Study Department." Ibid., Vol. 10, No. 7, p. 1. March, 1936.

THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FRANK K. WALTER, M.A., M.L.S., University Librarian and Director of the Division of Library Instruction "Exhibit of mutilated books." Wilson Bulletin for Librarians, 10:53. September, 1935. "Is your school accredited?" University of Minnesota Library School Alumni Notes and News, 4:2. September, 1935. "Religious periodicals in public, college and university libraries" (abridged). Ameri· can Library Association Bulletin, 29:679·81. September, 1935. "The community's library." Minnesota State Department of Education. Library Notes and News, 11:105-106. September, 1935. "Library objectives for Minnesota. University and college libraries." Minnesota De· partment of Education. Ibid., 11:131-32. October t~ December, 1935_ "Religious periodicals in public, college and university libraries." Library Journal, 60:602-603. August, 1935. "Visualizing the catalog." Ibid., 61:235. March 15, 1936. "Some notes on medical libraries of the past." Bulletin uf the Hennepin County Medi­ cal Society, 7:65-68. June 25, 1936. Review of Frances M. Staton and Marie Tremaine. A Bibliography of Canadiana in Library Journal, 61:282. April 1, 1936. HAROLD G. RussELL, B.A., B.L.S., Reference Librarian and Assistant Pro­ fessor of Library Methods and Bibliography Use of Books and Libraries (with T. P. Fleming, E. Claire Hirschfield, and Blanche Moen). (Third edition.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 73 pages. THOMAS P. FLEMING, B.A., M.S., Instructor in Bibliography and Library Methods Use of Books and Libraries (with H. G. Russell, E. Claire Hirschfield, and Blanche Moen). (Third edition.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 73 pages. "Acquisitions departments of research libraries." Library Journal, 60:436. May 15, 1935. "Experience of the University of Minnesota Library in the acquisition of publications of foreign governments." Public Documents, 1935: 78-81. 1936. "The organization of work with public documents in university libraries." Ibid., 1935: 101-27. 1936. E. CLAIRE HIRSCHFIELD, B.S., Assistant Ure of Books and Libraries (with T. P. Fleming, H. G. Russell, and Blanche Moen). (Third edition.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Library. 1936. 73 mimeographed pages. BLANCHE MoEN, B.A., Reference Assistant and Lecturer in Library Methods Use of Books and Libraries (with H. G. Russell, T. P. Fleming, and E. Claire Hirsch- field). (Third edition.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936. 73 pages. \ f t PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 141

LIBRARY INSTRUCTION CLARA F. BALDWIN, B.A., Lecturer in Public Library Administration !,t Editor, Library Notes and News, Minnesota Department of Education, 193S-36. HARRIET A. W oon, B.A., Lecturer in Library Methods School Library List s .. pplement. Parts I and II. St. Paul: State Department of t Education, Library Division. 1935. t "Reading for fun." Minnesota Parent-Teacher, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 6. November, 1935. "Parent-Teacher Association and the rural school library." Ibid., Vol. 12, No. 5, p. 7. February, 1936. l Editor, School Libraries Department in Library Notes and News. 1935-36. DELLA McGREGOR, B.A., Instructor in Children's Work Revisions of bibliographies 1931-August 193S for Compton's Pictured EncycloPedia (Revised edition). 1936.

THE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THOMAS S. RoBERTs, M.D., Professor of Ornithology, Director of the Mu­ seum of Natural History, and Professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus A Manual for the Identification of the Birds of Minnesota and Neighboring States. (Revised second edition.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. xiii + 279 pages. f "The season, April 15 to June 15, 1935, Minnesota region." Bird-Lore, 37:293-94. 193S. i "The season, June IS to August 15, 1935, Minnesota region." Ibid., 37:378-80. 193S. "The season, August IS to October IS, 1935, Minnesota region." Ibid., 37:470-71. 1935. 'The season, October 15, 1935 to February IS, 1936, Minnesota region." Ibid., 38: 163-64. 1936. "The season, February IS to April IS, 1936, Minnesota region." Ibid., 38:247-48. 1936. "A migrating-duck catastrophe tau sed by weather conditions," Journal of Minnesota Ornithology, I :31-33. 1936. "The willow ptarmigan in northern Minnesota." Ibid., 1 :42·45. 1936. "Great gray owl, Scotiapex nebulosa nebulosa, nesting in Minnesota." Ibid., I :6S-66. 1936. WILLIAM KILGORE, Curator, Museum of Natural History "Thomas Sadler Roberts." lottrnal of Minnesota Ornithology, 1 :S. 1936, ' Seven descriptive labels of approximately five hundred words each to go with portable I group habitat cases for school circulation, 1935-36. ) WALTER ]. BRECKENRIDGE, Associate Curator, Museum of Natural History "A bird census method." Wilson Bulletin, 47:195·97. September, 1935. "An ecological study of some Minnesota marsh hawks." Condor, 37:268-76. Novem· t her to December, 1935. "Status of the Minnesota caribou." American Journal of Mammalogy, 16:327~28. November, 1935. "Mammal collection from northern Manitoba." Ibid., 17:61-62. February, 1936. "Trailing the Red Lake caribou." Minnesota Conservationist, No. 26, pp. 10-11. July I 193S. "A new deal for Minnesota hawks." Ibid., No. 30, pp. 8-12. November, 1935. "Science judges the owl." Ibid., No. 31, pp. 5-6. December, 193S. "Editorial on Minnesota hawks and owls." Ibid., No. 36, p. I. May, 1936.


THE INSTITUTE OF CHILD WELFARE JonN E. ANDERSON, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute of Child Welfare The Young Child in the Home. A survey of three thousand American families. Report of the Committee on the Infant and Preschool Child of the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1936. 415 + xxi pages. "Report on the children served during the first year." Pages 35-52 in Emergency Nursery Schools During the First Year 1933-34. \Vashington, D.C.: National Advisory Committee on Emergency Nursery Schools. 1936. "The effect of item analysis upon the discriminative power of an examination.'' Journal of Applied Psychology, 19:237-44. 1935. "Child development and the interpretation of behavior." Science, 83 :245-52. 1936. "Home education through constructive activity." Minnesota Parent-Teacher, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 4. November, 1935. "Home education through family activities." Ibid., Vol. 12, No. 8, p. 4. May, !936. Series of rotogravure pages on "Bringing Up Baby." J11inueapolis Journal each Sun­ day, beginning March 15, 1936. Editor, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. 1935-36. JosEPHINE C. FosTER, Ph.D., Principal of the Nursery School and Kinder­ garten and Professor, Institute of Child Welfare Education in the Kindergarten, (with Neith E. Headley). New York: American Book Company. 1936. 368 pages. Reviews of W. E. Blatz, D. Millichamp, and M. Fletcher, Nursery Education: Theory and Prac­ tice in Childhood Education, 12:276. March, 1936. M. E- Harding, Woman's Mysteries in American Journal of Psychology, 48:552. July, 1936. FLORENCE L. GooDENOUGH, Ph.D., Professor, Institute of Child Welfare "A further study of speed of tapping in early childhood." Journal of Applied Psy­ chology, 19:309-19. June, 1935. "The development of the reactive process from early childhood to maturity." Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18:431-50. August, 1935. "The measurement of mental functions in primitive groups." American Anthropologist, 38:1-11. January, 1936. "Selected references on preschool and parental education." Elementary School Journal, 36:541-48. March, !936. ''A critical note on the use of the term 'reliability' in mental measurement." Journal of Educational Psychology, 27:173-78. March, 1936. Reviews of Arnold Gesell and Helen Thompson (assisted by Catherine S. Amatruda). Infant Behavior: Its Genesis and Growth in Mental Hygiene, 19:477-78. July, 1935. Myrtle B. McGraw, Growth: a Study of Jimmy and Johnny in ibid., 20:296-300. April, 1936. George D. Stoddard and Beth L. Wellman, Child Psychology in American Journal of Psychology, 47:366. 1935. Edgar Dale, The Content of Motion Pictures in ibid., 48:266-67. 1936. Edgar Dale, Children's Attendance at Motion Pictures in ibid., 48:266-67. 1936. Marian J. Fitz-Simmons, Some Parent-Child Relations As Shown in Clinical Case Studies in ibid., 48:359-61. 1936. EsTHER McGINNis, Ph.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Par­ ent Education "Understanding human behavior." American Vocational Association Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 68-73. September, 1935_ t ( PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 143

"Home education through constructive activity." Minnesota Parent-Teacher, Vol. 12, No. 5, p. 4. February, 1936. "Family relationships." St. Paul Parent-Teacher Council Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 4, p. 1. January, 1936. "Family tensions and conflicts and how we may manage them." Ibid., Vol. 14, No. 5, I p. 4. February, 1936. "Family satisfactions and strengths." Ibid., Vol. 14, No. 7, p. 1 ff. April, 1936. "Living together in the family." Ibid., Vol. 14, No. 8, p. 3. May, 1936. Abstracts in Journal of Home Economics, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 49-50. January, 1936. f' MARION L. F AEGRE, B.A., Assistant Professor of Parent Education "The child and his questions." Parent-Teacher Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 8-9. ' August, 1935. "Children are all different." Friend, Vol. 13, No. 3, p. 14. March, 1936. "Encourage your child's curiosity." Ibid., Vol. 13, No. 5, p. 21. May, 1936. "Home education for the handicapped." Minnesota Parent-Teacher, Vol. 12, No. 7, p. 4. April, 1936. "Is your child honest?" Parent-Teacher Broadcaster, pp. 1, 11. October, 1935. "Fitting the home to the child." Ibid., pp. 1, 13. December, 1935. "Aesop's fables up to date." Ibid., p. 5. February, 1936. "The value of money to the child." Ibid., pp. 7, 11. March, 1936. "Summer opportunities." Ibid., p. 5. May, 1936. , "Growing with your child." Weekly educational features released to 87 dailies and weeklies of Minnesota. News and feature stories in newspapers concerning the activities of the Institute of f Child Welfare, 1935-36. 1tfimeographed materials for "successful family" and lay leader projects.

PEARL T. CUMMINGS, B.S., Instructor and Extension Worker, Institute of Child Welfare "Home education through constructive activities." Minnesota Parent-Teacher, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 5. January, 1936.

NEITH E. HEADLEY, M.A., Teacher and Instructor, Institute of Child Wel­ fare Education in the Kindergarten (with Josephine C. Foster). New York: American Book Company. 1936. 368 pages.

JosEPH T. CoHEN, D.D.S., Dental Research Worker, Institute of Child , Welfare "A statistical study of caries in the deciduous and permanent teeth of children." Journal of the American Dental Association, 23:312-26. February, 1936. t Review of C. L. Barborka, Treatment b;y Diet in Minneapolis District Dental Journal, 18:39. September, 1935.

MARY FORD, M.A., Research Assistant, Institute of Child Welfare Abstracts in Journal of Home Economics, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 459-60. September, No. 10, pp. 670-71. December, 1935; Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 49-50. January, No. 3, pp. 190-91. March, No. 5, pp. 331-32. May, 1936.

EsTHER E. PREVEY, M.A., Research Assistant, Institute of Child Welfare "Self service in the nursery school.'' Journal of Home Economics, 28:376-79. June, 1936. Abstracts in ibid., Vol. 28, 1936. No. 1, p. 50; No. 3, pp. 190, 191. 144 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS Lours J. CooKE, M.D., Professor of Physical Education "Doc Cooke's days at Minnesota." Minneapolis Tribune, February 23 to March 9, 1936, inclusive, (15 articles).

Lours F. KELLER, M.A., Associate Professor of Physical Education "Historical development of professional preparation in physical education." Part B, chapter 5, pages 46-54 in J. B. Nash, editor, The InterPretations of Physical Education, Vol. V. New York: A. S. Barnes Company. 1935.

CARL L. NoRDLY, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Athletics "The study of physical education and related activities in representative Minnesota communities." Physical Education News, 1:3. October, 1935. "'U' seeks to build Iowa sports plan" (revised by editor). Minnesota Chats, 18:9. March 17, 1936. "Physical education activities being surveyed by University." Minnesota Journal of Education, 16:270-71. April, 1936. Physical education staff needs in a school with an enrolment of five hundred and fifty pupils. 1936. 5 multigraphed pages. The study of physical education and related activities in selected Minnesota com­ munities-physical education in Litchfield. 1936. 4 multigraphed pages.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN J. ANNA NoRRis, M.D., Professor and Director of Physical Education for Women "New challenges to physical and health education." Physical Education News, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1, 4. October, 1935.

MAY S. KrssocK, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women Review of Ethel Josephine Dorgan, Luther Halsey Gulick in Research Qttarterly of the American Physical Education Association, 7:168. March, 1936.

CATHERINE SNELL, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women "Physical education knowledge tests developed by the Department of Physical Educa­ tion for Women, University of Minnesota." Research Quarterly of the American Physical Education Association, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 78-94. October, 1935; Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 73-82. March, 1936.

ELIZABETH BROGDON, M.S., Instructor in Physical Education "Disappearance of digestive inhibition with repetition of exercise" (with F. A. Helle­ brandt and S. L. Hoopes). American Journal of Physiology, 112:442-50. July, 1935. "Effect of acute anoxemia on hunger, digestive contractions and secretion of hydro­ chloric acid in man" (with F. A. Hellebrandt and S. L. HooJ!es). Ibid., 112: 451-60. July, 1935. "Validity of fractional gastric analysis" (with F. A. Hellebrandt). American Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, 2:402·408. September, 1935. I


MALCOLM S. MAcLEAN, Ph.D., Professor and Director of the General Col­ ! lege "Curriculum revision in higher education." Curriculum Journal~ 7:3-4. April, 1936.

FREDERICK L. HoVDE, B.A., B.ChE., Assistant Professor and Assistant Direc­ tor of the General College Physical Science Syllabus (with F. W. Hurd). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1935. 38 pages. FRANCIS S. APPEL, M.A., Assistant Professor of English "A writing laboratory." Journal of Higher Education, 7:71-77. February, 1936.

RoBERT A. KISSACK, ]R., M.A., Assistant Professor and Director of Visual Education Selected Readings. For General College Course 127w, Appreciation of Motion Pictures, including also, syllabus, bibliography, vocabulary, (with P. R. Wendt). 1935-36. 400 pages. IvoL SPAFFORD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Euthenics "Home economics in progressive education." Pages 180-84 in Growth and Develop­ ment-the Basis for Educational Programs. New York: Progressive Education Association. 1936. ''Today's challenge to home economics." Pract£cal Home Economics, 14:5-6, 28. January, 1936. "Home economics from the viewpoint of general educators." Ibid., 14:42, 57-63. February, 1936. "Home economics for a specific situation." Ibid., 14:78 ff. March, 1936. "Home economics at the elementary level." Education, 56:449-51. April, 1936. "The meaning of integration for home economics." Journal of Home Economics, 28:296-300. May, 1936. "Home economics and the Progressive Education Association." Ibid., 28:313-14. May, 1936. "A background for curriculum making." A.V.A. Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 79-83. May, 1936. Review of Report of the Subcommittee on the Function of Home Activities in the Education of the Child, The Adolescent in the Family: a Study of Personality Development in the Home Environment in Educational Research Bulletin, 15:26-27, January 15, 1936. Abstract of The Contribution of Home Economics to General Education in Journal of Home Economics, 27:520. October, 1935; Ab~tracts of Doctors' Dissertations, (the Ohio State University), 19:139-48. 1936. THOMAS ]. B. WENNER, Assistant Professor of History and Political Science "The work of the research coordinators." Part IV, pages 81-108 in Report on Problems and Progress of the General College, University of Minnesota, March, 1936. Part IV, pp. 81-108. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. Progress report o~ research and coordination under the Rockefeller and Carnegie grants, April 15, 1936 (prepared under the supervision of the writer for the Rockefeller investigators). 30 typewritten pages. Progress report in area: history and political science, May 18, 1936. (Rockefeller research, 1935-36.) 30 typewritten pages.

ARTHUR R. UPGREN, B.A., Lecturer in Social Studies "Triangular trade." Journal of Political Economy, 43:653-73. October, 1935. r I 146 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

"Devaluation of the dollar in relation to exports and imports." Journal of Political Economy, 44:70-83. February, 1936. "The control of money and prices." Financial and Investment Review, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 1-3. March, 1936.

]OHN G. DARLEY, M.A., Instructor and Research Counselor "Student personnel work in the General College" (with Kathleen B. McConnon). Part III, pages 43-80 in Report

RAY FAULKNER, M.L.A., Instructor in Art Art Today: An Introduction to the Plastic Arts (with E. Ziegfeld). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 193 5. 168 pages. Literature of Interest to Art Students. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeo- graph Department. 1936. 10 pages. "Appreciation and participation." Design, 37:5-12. September 1935. "Appreciation and experience" (with E. Ziegfeld). Design, 38:28. June, 1936. "Art and its application in the modern world." Interpreter, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1, 4. November, 1935. "An approach to the design of landscapes." Landscape Architecture, 26:68-70. Janu- ary, 1936. "Foundation planting" (with E. Ziegfeld). Owatonna Journal-Chronicle, March 26, 1936. "How to plan your yard: informal" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., April 9, 1936. "How to plan your yard: formal" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., April 16, 1936. "How to build a rock garden" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., April 23, 1936. "Interesting shrubs for planting" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., April 30, 1936. "More shrubs for your garden" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., May 7, 1936. "Good trees to plant" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., May 14, 1936. "Perennials for your garden" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., May 21, 1936. "F1ower borders" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., May 28, 1936. "Bulbs for your garden" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., June 4, 1936. "Evergreens to plant" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., June 11, 1936. "Pools and how to build them" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., June 18, 1936. "Outdoor living rooms" (with E. Ziegfeld). Ibid., June 25, 1936. All the articles in the Owatonna Journal-Chronicle also appeared weekly in the Charlevoix Courier from April 1 to June 24, 1936.

KATHLEEN B. McCoNNON, Ph.D., Instructor and Research Counselor "Student personnel work in the General College" (with J. G. Darley). Part III, pages 43-80 in Report on Problems and Progress of the General College. Min­ neapolis: University of Minnesota Mimeograph Department. 1936.

RAYMOND F. SLETTO, Ph.D., Instructor in Social Studies The Minnesota Scale for the Survey of Opinions (with E. A. Rundquist). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1936. 8 pages. "A critical study of the criterion of internal consistency in personality scale con· struction." American Sociological Review, 1:61-68. February, 1936. Abstracts in Manual of Abstracts of the Papers Read at the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Society, pp. 3-4. 1935.

ALFRED L. VAUGHAN, Ph.D., Instructor in Physical Science Studies ''Mass spectrum analysis of the products of ionization by electron impact in nitrogen, acetylene, nitric oxide, cyanogen and carbon monoxide" (with J. T. Tate and P. T. Smith). Physical Review, 48:525-32. September 15, 1935. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTIES 147

ELMO C. WILSON, B.A., Instructor in Current Affairs Cooperative Contemporary Affairs Test. Part I. Public Affairs (with A. C. Eurich). New York: Cooperative Test Service. 1936. 12 pages. Current Affair~ Test, September 1, 1935 to January 15, 1936 (with A. C. Eurich). l Chicago: Time Inc. 19 3 6. 16 pages. Current Affairs Tests, Ja>t~tary 15, 1936 to May 15, 1936 (with A. C. Eurich). Chicago: Time Inc. 1936. 16 pages. "Quiz of the week." Des Moines Register and Tribune Syndicate. Des Moines; Iowa. Weekly from December 2, 1935. Syndicated in twenty-five daily newspapers. "Quiz of the month." Ibid. Monthly from October 1, 1935. Syndicated in ten daily newspapers. "Highlights in the news of the month." Chicago: Scholastic Rota Review. January, February, "March, April, 1936. 1 page.

PAUL R. WENDT, B.A., Production and Research Manager Selected Readings. For General College Course 127w, Appreciation of Motion Pic­ tures, including also, syllabus, bibliography, vocabulary (with R. A. Kissack, Jr.). 1935-36. 400 pages.

GERALD A. HILL, B.A., Assistant in Music "Aesthetic interests." Pages 14-23 in Cooperative Contemporary Affairs Test, 1936. New j York: Cooperative Testing Bureau. 1936. Editor, Cooperative Contemporary Affairs Test, 1936. New York: Cooperative Testh_1g Bureau. 1936. Approximately 100 pages of mimeographed material for class use.

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS LIVIA APPEL, B.A., Assistant Editor Review of Hayden Samuel Cole, Hayden Samuel Cole and His Ancestry: Being a I Genealogical Study and a Reminiscent Sketch in Minnesota History, 17:88-89. March, 1936.


Page Page Aamodt, Tor fine L...... 59 Bellis, Carroll J, 86 Abbe, Ernst c. 4 Benedict, William L. 118 Abraham, Arden L. 95 Benjamin, Arthur E. 78 Abramson, Milton 78 Benjamin, Harold 99 Adams, Mildred 109 Berkman, John M. 117 Adson, Alfred w. 125 Berkson, Joseph 109 Akerman, John D. 25 Berkwitz, Nathaniel J,. 75 Alderman, William H. .... 62 Berrisford, Paul D. 79 Algren, Axel B. 28 Bieter, Raymond N. 83 Allen, Edgar v. 115 Billeter, Oscar A. 72 Allen, Edward D. 137 Billings, William A. 46 Allen, Nat N. 58 Binger, Melvin w. Jl7 Allison, John H. 60 Bird, Charles 17 Almars, Helen J, 100 Bishop, Lucille M. 69 Almin, Rugnar 98 Blair, Eva L. 46 Altschul, Eugen 134 Blakey, Roy G. 134 Alvarez, Walter c. 110 Blegen, Theodore c. 10 Alway, Frederick J, 68 Blount, Raymond F. 71 J\nderson, Carl M. 119 Boardman, Charles W. 106 Anderson, John E...... 142 Boddy, Francis M. 137 Anderson, Nels A. 139 Boies, Lawrence R. 79 Anderson, Parker 0. 46 Bollman, Jesse L. 122 Anderson, William 15 Boothby, Walter M. 112 Angelo, Ernest 63 Borak, Arthur 136 Appel, Francis s. 145 Borg, Joseph F. 76 Appel, Livia 147 Borgeson, Carl 55 Armstrong, Wallace D. 96 Borman, Chauncey N. 95 Arny, Albert c. 54 Boss, Andrew 37 Atkins, Elizabeth 6 Bowing, Harry H. 123 Austin, Louie T. 128 Boyd, Edith 71 Avery, Curtis E. 139 Boyd, Willard L. 68 Boyden, Edward A. 70 Bachman, Gustav 98 Boynton, Ruth E. 87 126 Bade, Edward s. 70 Braasch, William F. Bailey, Clyde H. 38 Bratrud, Arthur F. 92 98 Baker, Kenneth H. 18 Brecht, Edward 141 Baldes, Edward J, 109 Breckenridge, Walter J, 96 Baldwin, Clara F. 141 Brekhus, Peter J. 31 Baldwin, Wilbur ...... 43 Brewer, Ralph E. Roy 0. 53 Balfour, Donald c. 125 Bridgford, Wilfrid G. 63 Barber, Hervey H. 32 Brierley, Harold E. 6 Bargen, Jacob A. Jl1 Briggs, 76 Barker, Nelson w. 115 Briggs, John F. Raymond 14 Barlow, Howard W. 25 Brink, w. Broders, Albert c. 120 Barnes, Arlie R. 112 Elizabeth 144 Barnhart, Thomas F. 12 Brogdon, Brookins, Wallace W. 49 Barton, Francis B...... 19 Clara M. 104 Bartsch, Charles E...... 33 Brown, Brown, George E. 112 Bass, Frederic 26 I. 67 Bass, M. Reed 105 Brown, James 115 Beach, Joseph w. 5 Brown, Philip w. Beeson, Lewis 12 Brown, Ralph H. 7 Bell, Elexious T...... 80 Brown, Randolph M. 61 ----- l INDEX 149

I Page Page Brown, William R. 4 Cleland, Spencer B. 46 f Brown, William R. 58 Coffey, Walter c 36 , Brueckner, Leo !OJ Cohen, Joseph T. 143 J. Brunetti, Cledo 27 Cohen, Sumner s. 77 I Brunsting, Louis A. 115 Cole, Clarence L. 52 Bryant, Frank L. 79 Collins, Dean A. ································ 85 Bryngelson, Bryng 22 Combs, Willes B. 57 t Buchta, J. William 15 Conger, George P. 14 Buckman, Stanley J. 61 Connor, Charles E...... 79 Buie, Louis A. 126 Conway, Margaret I. 22 Bull, Henry B. 39 Cooke, Cora E. 46 Bullard, Mattie J. 89 Cooke, Louis J. 144 Burch, Frank E. 79 Cooper, William s. 3 Burkhard, Oscar c. 9 Coulter, Samuel T. 57 I Counseller, Virgil ..... 129 Burr, George o. s. .. Burris, Evadene 12 Cox, Rex W. 42 Burt, Alfred L. 10 Craig, John J. 36 Bush, J. N. Douglas 5 Craig, Winchell McK. 129 I Bussey, William H. 14 Cranmer, Richard R. 92 Butler, John 74 Creevy, c. Donald 90 Butters, Frederic K. Crenshaw, John L. 129 Butzerin, Eula B. 88 Crim, Ralph F. 47 Critchfield, Lyman R. 83 Cabot, Hugh 126 Crossen, George E. 98 I Calvin, Melvin 33 Cummings, Pearl T. 143 Camp, John D. 124 Currence, Troy M. 63 Campbell, Orwood J. 90 Curtis, James E. 106 Cardle, Archibald E. 77 ' Carey, James B. 74 Daggy, Richard H. 59 Carithers, Robert L. 58 Dahl, A. Orville 4 Carlson, Herbert A. 92 Dahlberg, Arthur F. 52 Carr, Muriel B. Daniels, Franc P. 64 Caruso, Joseph D. 67 Darley, John G. 146 Casey, Ralph D. 12 D'Arms, Edward F. 5 Cassady, Ralph .... ··············· ...... 137 Davies, James 9 Castell, Alburey 14 Davis, Darrell H. 7 Castendyck, Elsa 22 Davis, Edward w. 36 Cavett, Jesse W. 85 Dawson, Ralph w. 23 Chapin, F. Stuart 20 Densford, Katharine J. 94 Charnley, Mitchell v. 13 Den yes, Russell 0. 33 Chatterton, Carl C. 90 Desjardins, Arthur u. 123 Cherry, Wilbur H. 69 Dicken, Samuel N. 7 Chesley, Albert J. 86 Diehl, Harold S. .... 86 Cheyney, Edward G. 60 Dixon, Claude F. 129 Child, Alice M. 61 Donham, Charles R. 69 Christ, Lydia B. 94 Dosdall, Louise T. 66 Christensen, Asher N. 17 Douglass, Harl R. 101 Christensen, Jonas J. 66 Dow, Charles H. 139 Christenson, Reed 0. 24 Dowdell, Ralph L. 36 Christgau, Rufus J. 51 Dowell, Austin A. 51 Christianson, Harry w. 93 Downey, Hal 71 Christianson, John o. 67 Downs, Lynwood G. 10 Christopherson, Clarence H. 45 Doxtator, Charles W...... 55 Clark, Elmer R. 51 Drake, Carl B. 75 Clark, John w. 6 Drake, Richard M. 106 Clark, Richard T. 56 Draper, Laura A. 88 Clawson, Benjamin J. 80 Drips, Della G. 1!5 150 INDEX

Page Page Dunham, Raymond S. 51 Fricke, Robert E. 124 Dutton, Carl E. 9 Fryklund, Verne C. 105 Dvoracek, Dan C. 49 Fulton, Albert M. 22

Ebbighausen, Edwin C. 2 Gardiner, Elizabeth 21 Eddy, Samuel 23 Gardner, Boyd S. .... 130 Edwards, Oliver C. 139 Garey, Lewis F. 42 Eggertsen, Claude 106 Garver, Frederic B. 134 Egilsrud, J ohan S. 6 Garver, Walter B. 43 Eide, Carl J. 66 Gaumnitz, Erwin A...... 137 Eklund, Carl M ..... 77 Geer, Everett K. 74 Elliott, Richard M. 17 Gerdes, Maude M. .... 79 Ellis, Ralph V. 88 Ghormley, Ralph K. 130 Emmett, John L. 133 Giffin, Herbert Z. 110 Emmons, William H. 8 Gillespie, Bruce 34 Engelhardt, Fred 102 Giraud, Roslyn 62 Erickson, Theodore A. 47 Gislason, Haldor B. 139 Erikson, Henry A. IS Gisvold, Ole 98 Essex, Hiram E. 122 Glockler, George ...... 35 Eurich, Alvin C. 100 Goldner, Karl J. 98 Eusterman, George B. 110 Goldstein, Harriet 62 Evans, Edward T. 90 Goodenough, Florence L. 142 Gorham, Ethel R. 62 Gartner, Ross A. 37 Faegre, Marion L. 143 Grandy, Adah G. 6 Fahr, George E. 73 Granovsky, Alexander A. 58 Fansler, Walter A. 90 Graves, Elizabeth A. 18 Faulkner, Ray 146 Gray, Howard K. 132 Feldman, William H. 121 Green, Robert G. 72 Fenlason, Anne F. 21 Greisheimer, Esther M. 85 Fenske, Theodore H. 53 Grismer, Raymond L. 20 Fenstermacher, Reuel 69 Grout, Frank F. 8 Ferguson, Donald N. 14 Gruner, John W. 8 Ferrin, Evan F. 55 Gullickson, Thor W...... 57 Field, Albert M. 99 Gunstad, Borghild 4 Figi, Fred A. 119 Filipetti, George 134 Haas, Harold M. 137 Fischer, Earl B...... 98 Hac, Lucille R. 34 Fish, Belle 0. 47 Haga, Clifford I. 6 Fitch, Clifford P. 68 Haggerty, Melvin E. 99 Fitch, James B. 56 Haines, Samuel F. 116 Flagstad, Carl 0. 97 Halvorson, H. Orin ...... 73 Flanagan, John T. Halvorson, Tone E...... 53 Fleming, Thomas P. 140 Hammes, Ernest M...... 73 Floyd, Oliver R. 106 Hansen, Alvin H. 135 Foker, Arnold M. 51 Hansen, Arild E. 82 Foley, Mary A. !IS Hansen, Thorvald S. 61 Ford, Edwin H. 13 Hansing, Earl D. 67 Ford, Guy S. 107 Hanson, William A. 92 Ford, Mary 143 Haralson, Fred E. 54 Foster, Josephine C. 142 Harmes, Elmer E. 100 Fostvedt, Gerald 98 Harrington, Stuart W. 130 Fowler, L. Haynes 92 Harris, Dale B. 104 Frampton, Vern on L. 40 Harris, Harold L. 49 Fraser, Everett 69 Harris, Robert R. 19 Freeman, Edward M ...... 37 Hart, Helen 66 French, Robert W. 26 Hart, Vernon L. 92 I INDEX 151

Page Page Hartig, Henry E. 27 Hurd, Frank W. 33 Hartley, Everett C. 78 Hurd, Melba F. 23 Hartman, Howard R. 132 Hutchins, Arthur E. 64 Hartshorne, Richard 7 H utt, Frederick B. 67 Hartzell, Thomas B. 75 Harvey, Alfred L. 56 Ikeda, Kano 80 Harvey, Rodney B. 65 Immer, Forrest R. 54 Hastings, DeForest R. 75 Ingle, Dwight J. 19 Hatfield, Donald M. 59 Ingwalson, Kenneth W. 50 Hathaway, Starke R. 18 Irvine, Harry G. 74 Haury, Victor G. 84 120 Havens, Fred z. Jackson, Clarence M. 70 59 Haydak, Mykola H. Jennings, Edward G. 70 Hayes, Herbert K. 54 Jennings, Frank L. 75 90 Hayes, James M ...... Jesness, Oscar B. 41 143 Headley, Neith E. Johnson, Donald W. 56 Heathman, Lucy S. 88 Johnson, Edwin C. 42 10 I Heaton, Herbert Johnson, Emery A. 67 136 Heilman, Ernest A. Johnson, Iver J. 55 Reisig, Gladstone B. 32 Johnson, James A. 90 Helmholz, Henry F. 121 Johnson, Norman 77 Hemingway, Allan 85 Johnson, Palmer 0. 102 112 Hench, Philip S. Johnson, Raymond E. 96 126 Henderson, Melvin S. Johnson, Richard M. 75 Hengstler, William H. 75 Jones, E. Mendelssohn 90 Henrici, Arthur T. 73 I Jones, Irving W. 139 Henrikson, Earl C. 93 Jones, Oliver P. 72 Henry, Myron 0. 92 Jones, Robert T. 26 Heron, William T. 18 Jones, Roy C. 26 Herreid, Ernest 0. 58 Jones, Tom B. 12 Herrick, Julia F. 122 Jordan, Philip S. 53 Hesdorffer, Meredith B. 89 Judd, E. Starr 127 Hessler, Lewis B. 6 Juers, Arthur L. 80 Hewitt, Richard M. 110 Higgins, Benjamin H. 138 Higgins, George M. 130 Kamman, Gordon R. 76 Hill, Edward L. 15 Kaufert, Frank 61 Hill, Gerald A. 147 Keith, Norman McD. 113 Hines, Edgar A. 117 Keller, Louis F. 144 Hinckley, Robert G. 89 Kendall, Edward C. 121 Hirschfelder, Arthur D. 83 Kennedy, Roger L. J. 121 Hirschfield, E. Claire ...... 140 Kepler, Edwin J. 116 Hobart, Inez M. 47 Kerkhof, Arthur C. 74 Hodgson, Robert E. 53 Kernkamp, Howard C. H. 69 Hodson, Alexander C. 59 Kernahan, James W. 120 Hoffbauer, Frederick W. 86 Kessler, Nicholas A. 45 Hoffman, Everett J. 35 Kildow, Fred L. 14 Hoffmann, Clarence H. 59 Kilgore, William 141 Hollands, Harold F. 43 King, Joseph T. 85 Hollister, George E. 104 King, Ralph T. 59 Holtby, Fulton 28 Kinney, Lucien B. 106 Horton, Bayard T. 116 Kinsella, Thomas J. 91 Hovde, Frederick L. 145 Kirchner, Charlotte 50 Howe, Orlando W. 45 Kirklin, Byrd R. 123 Hughes, Thomas P. 28 Kirkpatrick, Clifford 20 Hull, Catharine J. 22 Kirkwood, William P. 67 Hull, Donald E. 36 Kirschbaum, Arthur 72 152 INDEX

Page Page Kiser, Orville M. 52 Macey, Harry B. 133 Kissack, Robert A. 145 Mackintosh, Roger S. 37 Kissack, May S. 144 MacLean, Malcolm S...... 145 Kittleson, Arthur J. 48 MacMullen, Clinton W. 34 Knight, Ralph T. 91 MacN evin, William M. 30 Knower, Franklin H. 23 Macy, Harold 57 Knowles, Ralph H. 52 Madden, John F. 76 Koelsch, C. Frederick 33 Magath, Thomas B. 120 Koller, E. Fred 43 Mann, Charles A. 30 Kalthoff, Izaak M. 28 Mann, Frank C...... 128 Krantz, Fred A...... 63 Manson, Melville H. 92 Krey, August C. 10 Marget, Arthur W. 135 Kroesch, Samuel 9 Mariette, Ernest S. 74 Kulstad, Mary 52 Markley, Max C. . 39 Martenis, John V. 28 Lachat, Lawrence L. 40 Mason, Harold L. 122 Landon, Raymond H. 66 Masson, James C ...... 131 Lang, Fred C...... 26 Maus, Julia A. 107 Langkammerer, Carl M. 34 Maynard, J. Lewis 32 Langum, John K. 138 Mayo, Charles H. 128 Larian, Maurice G. 31 Mayo, Charles W. 132 Larson, Lawrence M. 93 Maytum, Charles K...... 116 Lasby, William F. 95 McCall, Thomas M. 52 Lauer, Byron E. 31 McCartney, James S. 80 Lauer, Walter M. 33 McClendon, Jesse F. 84 LaVake, Ray T. 78 McClintock, Henry L. 69 Laymon, Carl W. 77 McConnell, Duncan ...... 9 Layne, John A. 77 McConnon, Kathleen B...... 146 Leach, Julian G. 66 McCullough, Constance 104 Leahy, Alice M. 22 McGinnis, Esther 142 Leddy, Eugene T. 124 McGregor, Della 141 LeFort, Emilio C. 20 McKinlay, Chauncey A. 74 Leighton, Ramer 50 McKinley, J. Charnley 73 Leland, Ora M. 25 McMiller, Paul R. 68 Lemon, Willis S. 110 McNamara, Walter J. 19 Levens, Alex S. 26 McNulty, James B. 48 Lillie, Harold I. 119 McQuarrie, Irvine 81 Lind, Samuel C. 24 Medelman, John 95 Lindgren, David L. 60 Meyerding, Henry W. 131 Lingane, James J. 29 Michelson, Henry E...... 73 Lippman, Hyman S. 82 Mickel, Clarence E...... 59 Litzenberg, Jennings C. 77 Miller, Dalton G...... 45 Livingston, Robert S. 35 Miller, Elmer S. 4 Longley, Lewis E. 63 Miller, Mary May 48 Longstaff, Howard P. 18 Miller, Paul E ...... 53 Loreaux, Robert H. 43 Miller, Shirley P. 71 Love, J. Grafton 133 Mills, Lennox A. 16 Loye, 'Edward S. 107 Minnich, Dwight E. 23 Ludwig, Clarence C. 138 Moe, John H .. 93 Lund, S. E. Torsten 107 Moen, Blanche .... 140 Lunden, Laurence R. 138 Moersch, Frederick P. 113 Lundy, John S. 127 Moersch, Herman J. 113 Luyten, Willem J. 2 Moltzau, Romand 30 Lynch, Francis W. 76 Monachesi, Elio D. 21 84 Lyon, Elias P. Montgomery, Hamilton 113 31 MacCarty, William C. 120 Montillon, George H. 31 MacDougall, Frank H. 34 Montonna, Ralph E. INDEX 153

Page Page 102 Moore, Matthew B. 66 Peik, Wesley E. 131 I Morrell, Charles E. 35 Pemberton, John deJ. ; Morris, William E. 48 Pepinsky, Abe 103 l\1oskovitz, Benjamin 30 Pervier, Norville C. 32 Moyle, Clarence L. 34 Peters, Walter H. 55 Murchie, Robert W. 37 Petersen, \Villiam E. 57 Murra, Wilbur F. 107 Petry, Lucile 94 Mussey, Robert D. 118 Pettengill, True E. 2 f Myers, Charles S. 109 Petter, Charles K. 93 Myers, J. Arthur 86 Peyton, William T. 90 l\!fyers, Thomas 83 Phelps, Ethel L. 62 Phillips, Robert A. 5 Piccard, Jean 25 Nafziger, Ralph 0. 13 Pilkey, Alvin M. 52 Nagel, Roy H. 60 Pirsig, Maynard E. 69 Nathanson, :Morris H. 74 Platou, Erling 82 Neal, Jesse H. 44 s. Pietsch, Donald 60 Nelson, Earl A. 95 J. Plummer, William A. 114 Nelson, J. Wesley 40 Pond, George A. 42 , Nelson, Richard c. 67 Popp, Walter c. 124 Nesom, George H. 48 Powell, John w. 139 Neubauer, Loren w. 45 Powell, Milton E. 40 New, Gordon B. 119 t Power, Marschelle H. 122 Newhart, Horace 79 f Prangen, Avery D. 119 Newton, Julia 0. 45 Esther E. 143 Nichols, Charles W. 6 Prevey, Price, Richard R. 138 t Nier, Alfred 0. c. 15 Priestley, James T. 133 Niles, Kathryn B. 62 Prosser, \\Tilliam L. 69 Noble, John F. 80 Nolan, Lewis E. 81 Nordland, Martin 92 Quigley, Harold S. 16 Nordly, Carl L. 144 Norris, J. Anna 144 Radusch. Dorothea F. 96 North by, Arwood 104 s. Randall, Lawrence M. 118 Nurnberger, Car 1 E. 85 Ranney, Willard P. 43 Nylin, Victor E. 99 Raskin, Evelyn 19 Rasmussen, Andrew T. 71 O'Brien, William A. 80 Read, Horace E. 70 Oerting, Harry 75 H.ees, Louis w. 61 Ogle, Marbury B. Reid, M. Lois 48 O'Leary, Paul A. 110 Reimann, Hohart A. 74 Oliver, Clarence P. 24 Remy, Charles E. 88 Olson, Frederick A. 92 Reyerson, Lloyd H. 32 Olson, Olof A. 92 Rice, Carl 0. 93 Oltman, Robert E. 4 Richardson, Harlow c. 6 Oosth uizen, Marthinus J. (,0 Richter, Henry J. 34 Osgood, Ernest s. II Rigler, Leo G. 94 Osterberg, Arnold E. 108 Riley, A. Dale 22 Ostlund, Harry J. 137 Riley, William A. 58 Owre, Oscar A. 91 Rimpila, Charles E. 40 Ringoen, Adolph R. 23 ' Pace, Robert 101 Rivers, Andrew B. 116 Palmer, Leroy s. 38 Rohh, David M. 7 Parcel, John I. 26 Robb, Edwin F. 83 Parisa, Florence 94 Roberts, Thomas s. 141 Pass, Isadore J. 81 Robertson, Burton J. 28 Paterson, Donald G. 17 Robertson, Harold E. 120 Patton, Alva R. 40 Robitshek, Emil c. 91 l 154 INDEX

Page Page Roe, Harry B. 44 Short, Lloyd M. 16 Rogers, Charles F. 40 Silcox, w. Bruce ..... 49 Rogers, Charles H. 97 Siler, Roderick W. 27 Romness, Julius 44 Sirich, Edward H. 19 Rose, Ella J, 105 Sisson, E. Donald .. 19 Rose, Raymond C...... 48 Skinner, Charles E. 73 Rosenblum, Charles 30 Skovholt, Oscar .. 40 Rosendahl, C. Otto ...... 2 Sletto, Raymond F...... 146 Rosenow, Edward C. 108 Smith, Arthur c. 67 Rost, Clayton 0. 68 Smith, Dora v. 103 Rottschaefer, Henry 70 Smith, Harry L. 116 Rotzel, Clare L. !38 Smith, Homer J. lOS Rowley, Frank B. 27 Smith, Lee I. 33 Rudolph, Charles E. 96 Smith, Philip T. 15 Ruggles, Arthur G. 58 Sneed, M. Cannon 31 Russell, Harold G. 140 Snell, Albert M. 114 Ruth, Burrell F. 31 Snell, Catherine 144 Ruud, Martin B. 5 Sorenson, Herbert 139 Ryan, James J. 28 Spafford, Ivol 145 Ryan, William T. 27 Speer, Algernon H. 140 Rynearson, Edward H. 117 Sperling, Louis 93 Stafne, Edward c. 133 Salisbury, Henry W. 25 Stakman, Elvin c. 65 Sallee, George A. 43 Starr, Joseph R. 17 Sandell, Ernest B. 29 Stasney, Joseph 93 Sando, Louis 64 Stauffer, Clinton R. 8 Sandstrom, William M. 39 Steefel, Lawrence D. 11 Sanford, Arthur H. 120 Stehman, J. Warren 136 Sarver, Landon A. 29 Steinbach, H. Burr 24 Scammon, Richard E. 107 Stenstrom, K. Wilhelm 84 Schenck, Mildred so Stephenson, George M. 11 Schiflett, Chester H. 35 Stevenson, Russell A. 134 Schlotthauer, Carl F. 132 Stewart, Chester A. 81 Schmid, Calvin F. 21 Stoesser, Albert V. 82 Schmidt, Emerson P. 137 Stoll, Elmer E. 5 Schmitz, Henry 60 Stomberg, Andrew A. 20 Schneidler, Gwendolen 19 Stone, Sarah 22 Schwantes, Arthur J. 44 Straub, Lorenz G. 27 Street, 41 Schwartz, George M. 8 Harold R. Stephens, Henry N. Schwartz, Virgil J. 80 32 Schwegler, Raymond A. 78 Stuhler, Louis G. 133 Betty Schwyzer, Arnold 92 Sullivan, 41 Stanley W. 9 Scott, Frederick H. 84 Sundeen, Charles 124 Searles, Colbert 19 Sutherland, G. ······ Samuel E. 73 Searles, Harold R. 46 Sweitzer, Swendson, James J, 78 Seham, Max 81 Swenson, David F. 14 Semansky, Edward J. 95 Swenson, Otto 53 Shannon, Don P. 51 w. Shannon, W. Ray 83 Shapiro, Morse N. 75 Tanquary, Maurice c. 58 Shawhan, E. Neil 27 Tarassuk, Nick P. 40 Sheard, Charles 109 Tate, John T. IS Shelden, Walter D. Ill Taylor, F. Lowell 34 Shellenberger, John S. 40 Tedder, James W. 77 Shepard, Harold H. 59 Teeter, Thomas A. H. 139 Sherwood, Reginald C. 39 Tenenbaum, David 34 Shippee, Lester B. 10 Thiel, George A. 9 j


Page Page

Thomas, Gertrude I. 94 Webb, Roscoe C. 91 Thomas, Gilbert J, 91 Weber, Harry M. 125 Thomas, Lloyd B. 33 \Vegner, Kenneth \V. 14 Thompson, Alberto F. 34 Weir, James F. 117 Thompson, Gershom J. 133 Weisman, Samuel A. 75 Thompson, Luther 108 Wellbrock, William L. A .... 121 Thompson, Mark ]. 52 \V eller, Marion 62 Thompson, Willis H. 83 Wells, Amos S. 95 Tilden, Josephine E. 3 Wendt, Paul R. 147 Tilton, Florence 100 Wenner, Ernest V. 100 Tinker, Miles A. 17 Wenner, Thomas ]. B. 145 Tomsicek, William J. 30 Wesley, Edgar H. 103 Torrance, James B. 44 \Vessel, Amy 50 Tovell, Ralph M. 116 Weum, Thurston W. 78 Treloar, Alan E. 3 White, Albert R. 10 Turnacliff, Dale D. 76 White, Hall R. 45 Turner, John P. 24 White, S. Marx 73 Tyler, Alice F. II White, Wendell 139 Tyler, Arthur G. 45 Whitfield, Eves E. 49 Wilbur, Dwight L. 118 Wilcox, Archa E. 90 Uhley, Charles G. 93 Wilcox, Arthur N. 63 Ullyot, Lloyd L. 43 Wilder, Robert L. 83 Umstattd, James G. 103 Wilder, Russell M. Ill Upgren, Arthur R. 145 Willey, Malcolm M. I Urner, John A. 78 Williams, Henry L. 120 Williamson, Edmund G. Vaile, Gertrude 21 Willius, Frederick A. 115 Vaile, Roland S. 136 Willson, David H. II Valasek, Joseph 15 Wilson, Elmo C. 147 Van W agenen, Marvin J, 104 Wilson, Harold K. 55 Van Winkle, Charlotte C. 81 Wilson, J, Allen 77 Vanzant, Frances R. 76 Winter, James D. 64 Vaughan, Alfred L. 146 Winters, Laurence M. 56 Vigness, Irwin 85 Wittich, Harold C. 97 Vinson, Porter P. 114 Woltman, Henry W. Ill Void, George B. 21 Wood, Harriet A. 141 von Fischer, William 30 Woodard, James \V. 21 Worman, Harold G. 96 Wright, Charles R. 73 Wagener, Henry P. 119 Wright, Franklin R. . 90 Wahlquist, Harold F. 96 W ulling, Frederick J, 97 Waite, \\Farren C. 41 Wynne, Herbert M. N. 78 Wakefield, Elmer G. 118 Wald, Herbert 72 Wall ace, Franklin G. 60 Yoder, Dale 136 Walter, Frank K. 140 Yuster, Samuel 36 Walters, Waltman 131 Wangensteen, Owen H. 89 Zavoral, Henry G. 49 Warrington, Sylvan T. 44 Ziegfeld, Edwin 100 Watkins, Charles H. 117 Ziegler, Mildred R. 83 Watson, Bernard A. 89 Zierold, Arthur A. 90 Watson, Cecil J, 75 Zon, Leo 81 Weaver, Edgar W. 7 Zon, Raphael 61