GOAL. COAL. ♦ ♦ FURNITURE HALL * WALKER MOVED. STORED. SHIPPED. We hire a flrst-claae an< up-to- Wellington Colliery date Furniture end Plano Movlag Co. PADDED VAN. Phone Ull GOVERNMENT R. Burt’s Wood Yard Phone 83 none MS. SI PANDORA ATM.

VOL. 47. VICTORIA, B. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. NO. S3


DREADNOUGHTS Run Down by Northern Pacific Switch DEATH ROLL MAY OPERATORS ARE FRANCE WILL * (Time* Leased Wire.) EMPIRE DAY __ * .. Engine at Seattle. - . Moate Leone. Calabria. AprU 8.—-In j REOPENING MINES a conflict yesterday between the peo­ (Time* Leased Wire.) BE VERY HEAVY —DEPORT CASTRO CELEBRATION ple of this town and the local efcr- Seattle. Wash.. April 8.—An unknown (Special to the Times.) man. supposed to be a marine engineer blneers, four men were killed and or fireman,, was struck by a Northern Pa­ Winnipeg, April 8.—There to no change in the coâl strike many others were wounded. PLANS TO BUILD THREE cific switch engine last night and so badly REPORTS OF CASUALTIES NOT ALLOWED TO The ah toting was. the outgrowth of , 1COMMITTEES NAMED crushed that he died at the city hospital situation. The men still out the attempts by the government au- } DIP ÛATTI EQUIDC a ,ew h°Mrs later. Another man who )s awaiting a board meeting called DlU DM I I LC«OnirO- thought to have been with the dead man IN EASTERN STORM for Saturday, and are standing REMAIN IN MARTINIQUE thoritle* to collect new taxes, which , TO SETTLE DETAILS are exceedingly unpopular. The peo- j was struck by the Angine at the same by Sherman. The operators also pie as a protest had Invaded the city j time, but disappeared. No papers we,re have signed the union scale, found on the. body of the man taken to taking on hundreds of strikers hall. Tfio carbineers were summoned r* . . , r . . A Policy May Affect Naval Pro the hospital that might serve to’establish Barge With Five Persons on owing to (he Increase In orders. Ex-President of Venezuela an and a riot ensued, during which the ! wVHI rT0D3Dly LXtend UVCP his Identity. soldiers fired op the people. gramme of Great Board Swept From Its Exlie From Western Two Days—Horse Parade Britain. MME. MODJESKA Moorings. Hemisphere. BANDITS RAID Cut Out—Fireworks. „

(Times I.eased Wire.) UNIVERSITY GOES It was decided at the citizens' meet­ (Times Leased Wire.) PASSES AWAY (Times I/rased Win*.) GAMBLING HOUSE London. April 8.—The agitation that .étroit. „Mijelw.JUttll.the result Paris, April 8.—The government to­ ing hi the city hall last night, at which pervaded all classes In England of the storm that raged over the state TO SASKATOON day received an official report from the | the; preliminary arrangement# for the1 over the proposed Increase in the Ger- of Michigan yesterday and nearly all governor of Martinique stating that j -tlh of May weçe made, that Victoria # IfiarTinavaï programme Is growing to- FAMOUS ACTRESS DIES of last night, eight persons are known former President Castro of Venezuela PLAYERS ROBBED AT j celebration» this year shall eclipse any- - day because of a statement by a high to have perished, and the list may be was there and the foreign office Im­ • thing yer held here. In view of the naval plHclàl that t,he determination of AFTER LONG ILLNESS SELECTED AS SITE mediately cabled a decree that he be POINT OF REVOLVERS Austria to lay down three new Dread­ Increased by later returns from affect­ expelled (rom the Island, pursuant to j popular holiday falling on Monday it ls~ noughts will upset the present political ed territory. «U agreement reached to-day between l likely that the celebration will, be ex- ! tended over the Saturday and Monday. equilibrium of Europe. Three men. trying to cross the De­ BY SASKATCHEWAN BOARD Great Britain, the United States and This van be easily done without Injur- The Austria ft naval activity is look­ Political Trouble Resulted in troit river In a rowboat, were drown­ Band Succeeds in Escaping ; ,T ed upon askance by England, who fears ed. and at Jennings, Mich., three men It Is rumored here that Castro has that her,sea route to India 1* threaten­ succeeded In chartering a steamship being so many different events to be Her Banishment From were killed when a brick building was After Having Secured pulled off. ed and her control of the Egyptian situ­ Great Rejoicing Among the Cit­ at an American port and that ha will ation le jeopardised. Polish Stage. blown down and the walla tell upon make' ttfs HByTKêft. "get TStp com­ * Over $2,500. No definite programme has been ar­ Discussing the situation, a member them. Much damage was done to ship­ izens When Decision is munication with sympathizers In ranged. of course, but It was the feel­ ping. of the admiralty to-day said: “Ger­ Venezuela and eventually start a revo­ ing of the meeting thit on Saturday Barge Swept Out Into Lake. Announced. .» many and Austria hope either to bank­ lution with the purpose of overthrow­ afternoon the school sports might be (Times Leased Wire.) rupt England or place this country In Sandusky. Ohio, April 8.—No news ing President Gomez. (Times Leased Wire.) held, with band concerts afternoon and a desperate predicament. In the event Santa Ana, Cal,, April 8—After lin­ has been received to-day of thç barge It is generally believed her»- that Ogden. Utah. April 8 —Five unmask evening. Then on Monday the usual re­ of war. the Mediterranean is absolute­ gering for six days suffering from Norman Kelley, with four men and a (8D*flal la the ‘Time,. I Cl H„1,« tr ma,n would be held at the Gorge and • astro will devise some means of hd 35 1 ,h athletic .port, at Beaeon Hill, an A the ly vital to us. Bright * diseasew ...and heart affection,„ , ,,woman aboard,------which------has------been drift,- Regina. April 1—The hoard of gov- reaching Venezuela despite agreements “We took chances of war during the Mme. Helena Modjeska, the great Pol- Ing helplessly before a terrific gale In ; ,rrmr„ decided la,, night toAocu. the White Elephant gamblln* houee at 1 I display of fireworks In the evening, of the power* to prevent his landing o’clock this morning In the most àp-1 Thet<* will be no horse parade this year, Motocenn crisis In order to safeguard ieh-AAerkan tragedienne, paeaed away Lake Erie ,lnce yeeterdav morning. ' at any of the ports for which fie set oar tmpertHi vrenmy and our posses­ - - .uotry home .m Newport jet- The barge-broke away from lu dock. | ■»■*»«<■»>—■» uniyamltr at gaahatoon proved T*wTTd westvr fashion, and after : B being the opinion that the number There was great rejoicing In Saska obtaining over I2.S09 from the table» i °f entrl* wo,lloyy M«»k pUnnln, under,lol^ that th«- Vk torl, bran, h Hocks. February 1st last; HAL CHASE SUFFERS morning to search for him, but there is for a mon.t.r rally of th, cltl»n, neat i would un,,,.rt,kr the work of advertl.- « ( Mr. Bagot, a resident of Windsor, plight hope of finding him alive, as he weejt. The exact date ha. not yet been „ ,he whole of lh,„ dl>trlct. Slld dld England, was making his first visit to disappeared while crossing the narrows m Several of Harriman’s Branch . T. m ! not think It nereesary on that account America. He carried a letter of credit FROM SMALLPOX a row boat during a severe wind storm I inoc in H3VP Mpuy (Times Leased Wire.) been fixed, but il will probably be In to or,ani»,, latnlly ______Llflt/O IV MOVC ITUW oh Brown Bros., of New York and which rti god FfirohgTiWtit the Sduhd coun- flan Francisco, April 8.—The forty- , trv on Monday afternoon. thT.V.»t°r'a *hT,r'- ... . . Councillor Newton, speaking,a«aln on London, for 815.000. This letter has not At the gathering .cm, stirring ad- |h, subjKl „!d thfl, murh mon,.v Service. eight passengers of the Ill-fated Pacific been drawn upon. Buck had been to hts ranch, which to Lynchburg. Va.. April 3.—Manager located on Fox Island, and was attempt­ dre.ae» may be expected from proml- j M be require,1. TJv. _fortn.,hn I mail liner India»», which struc k a reel Mr. Bagot came to Chicago from ! «t Point Tasco, lower California, last Stallings, of the New York Americans, ing to return from the Island to Higgins nent member» of the Prague. Including ; „f branch |n ,hv municipality would New York, and on February let. board­ admitted to-day that Hal Chase., first Beach, where he had rented the bout, Capt. Cl ve Ph llpp-Wolley. The .pe- lv, the m,mb.r„ „ rhancv to boo»t , Saturday, have arrived Hi this port ed a train for St. Louis. Since then (Times Leased Wire.) aboard the United States cruiser Call- baseman of the Highlander#, was con­ when be disappeared. Where the elec­ clal subject will be that of naval de- I (lak Ba>. and b,.fl,„. ,h. „llbll,. there has been no word of his where- trician attempted to cross, the Inlet Is Dayton. Wash . April 8.-The official an- ■ fornla, to which ship they were trans- -wg-mt» fined In the smallpox hospitfci at Au­ , ,, „ a . *„ it* advantages a# a residential district. about three miles wide. *' aouncemenl I, made here to-day that a ,,rr(.d from the cr.tleer Albany at gusta. Ga. He aald that Chase’s Indls- Patriotic songs will Be given as well He thought there w«*re a gomi many as the addresses. C;.r:^ i„d,.„. poei ion was caused by a mild attack people living in the district who would ■truck. ST. YVES TO RUN of varioloid and that he would ,prob­ MANY GERMAN SAILING be glad of the opportunity to (ollect Navigation lines between Dayton and RAILWAY ISSUES .NEW STOCK. Pendleton. The statement Is based on a According to the Indiana's passen­ ably be on the field before the end of photographs, write. articles and use gers. there was no disorder of any kind tfia wefi.—-:>i--;. . v every possible mea.is to advertise the bulletin to that effect received from the SHRUBB 15 MILES VESSELS ARE IDLE (Time# Leased Wire.) general traffic department of the Hârrl- attending the grounding of the liner or rhan lines at Omaha. the transfer of the passengers to the Washington, D. C„ April 8.—The Louisville, Kyi. April 8.—The annual Councillor Noble again objected that According to the information here, 300 war vessels. health authorities announced to-day meeting of the stockholders of the It would be a bed precedent to grant motor cars of 200 horse power each, have On the trip northward aboard the (Times Leased Wire.) that they are preparing to Investigate (Times Leased Wire.) Southern I»aclflc was held yesterday. : the hall for this purpose, as they had been ordered by, the company for delivery California, everything was done to pro­ Buffalo, N. Y., April 8.—Henri flt. Yves, the Ulnesfl which conflnfs Hal Chase Hamburg. April 8.—The present de­ directors were elected, and the stock- i decided not to give it free for the pur- not later than July 1st. Several branch mote the coffifort Of the shipwrecked the French distance runner, who won the t«> the smallpox fioepltal at August ». pression in the ocean carrying' trade holders voted to authorise an^ Issue ,of j pose of amusement*. This opinion did lines throughout the Northwest are to 6* recent Marathon In New York, has ac­ of the world hns hit German sailingftlW.Ote.to» worth of «or*.~~ One ndt ffftd fiYor, and the required per- equipped with the new service. Wallula Iim.mbgerr.- nffTWhl HT the Cali­ ai. TT lt tr dwtertwlned that the case cepted an offer by a elub here for a match vessels With especial severity. A cen­ tired thousand shares of $100 par value. mission was granted. and fltarbiick are to be the terminals of fornia gave up their quarters to their race with Alfred flhrtibb, the English­ I» smallpox the New York team will The additional stock Issued yesterday The development discussion will eome another run, which may include Form - Impromptu guests. Concert# by the man, at the Buffalo ball prgfc on May let. *>e quarantined upon its arrival here, sus of th^Vesisels' now lying Idle here rey. The passenger trains will-consist of California's band and other entertain­ flhnibb is said to'ha va already Signed and will not be permitted to appear on shows 130.000 registered tons In sailing may be had by stockholders of the up after the water question has beam a motor ear and one or twe trailers, ac­ ments were provided to whUe away the the articles. A purse ef 98.000 has been the field Monday to play the opening hlps. which is almost 17 per cent, of company tn exchange for their bonds fully discussed on the evening of the cepting ti thr — hours for the Indiana’s passengers, . " hung up for a Ifr-mlle match. game ei the American league season. flermany’a sailing fleet. ^ ____ at 8130 a afiare. r 18th. VICTORIA DAÎLY TIMES THUR8QAY, APRIL 8, .1909.

TWO THOUSAND MADE You have ah OTd Sponge yon BUSINESS MEN , want to cleair, and don't know HOMELESS BY FIRE how. Owner Yoti have Hair Brushes that AND MILITIA WAITT’S ought to bo cleaned onec a month Anxious ! Flames Sweep Path Three at least, B0ARD-0F TRADE TAKES Blocks Wide and Nearly WE HAVE THE To Self MUSIC STORE MAHER UP ACTIVELY Mile Long. VEEDEE

4 SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS Report to Be Prepared for DIALERS IN Cleansing Powder (Times Leased Wire.) ON BANK STREET. Quarterly Meeting—Coun­ Manchester. N. H., April 8.—A con- CAfiKAGES,2â.£g&fak rttr *r«niy, ^p>-dT ana sirred HagraUon which started In the aouth- level; no rock; good soil; cement vwl UCvllS)) VfwIIvvI villa, That dots the trick in fine style. cil Met To-day. érn portion 'of the city this morning sidewalks, and all modern re­ AND , Try a box. quirements on street; çlose to car wiped out a section three blocks wide Ladies, don’t throw away that OLD STRAW HAT that you line; lo:s 60x185 feet each. Owner The board of trade Is taking up and nearly, a mile long beforq It was will sell In pairs at. per pair..81,150 Lieut.-Colonel John A. Hall's proposi­ controlled at 2:10 this afternoon. had last year. It was so comfortable and you liked the Shape. This Is an extraordinary low price Musical Instruments tion In regard to the encouragement of Two thousand men, women and chil­ Why not / for these lots. Further partlcu- militia service energetically. At the laz» at dren are homeless. The property loss Çet a Bottle of Straw Hat Varnish meeting of the council this forenoon Is more than 8500,000. 1004 GOVERNMENT ST. HERBERT KENT, Mgr. the resolution proposed by the C. O. of The state militia has i&en sum­ From us atjd make it as good as new. All colora the Fifth Regiment at the special moned to take control of the situation. meetihg of the board held last Thurs­ Relief committees are being organised day wn.i up for discussion. This urges Pemberton and plans for caring for the victims that business men. the city and all other employers of labor shall give a have been taken up by the city gov­ Campbell’s Prescription Store , AND SON preference fo militiamen, all other ernment We are Fro nipt. Wd are Careful. We use the Beet. Honest Prices. 634 FONT STREET things belnr equal. in filling positions. A small sub-r K«>," won the ghind challenge cup his estate at Kwlllna Thekt. Lieut.- I for the best vat In the show, and also and intimated that suggestions made ticulars will be given through the Press from time to time. Over a red-hot mu** on- warm would be considered. The matter was Governor F. J. Jackson will have In day. Avoid this 'll/ rooking with j half a doxen stiver sixmos, presented charge the detail» of the reception In j by Mrs. J. 8. Hlckford for the bçst blue referred to the railway committee of WATCH FOR THEM gas, Just a turn of tbs t|ap - no the board. Mom basse. rat. The same winner also secured the worry, no work, no waste of fuel The business before thé quarterly or tint*. OeaOs» makes home com-com­ gold nugget pin given by the Judge for TURKISH EDITOR ASSASSINATED. fortable summer and winter. Nee | the largest entry of Persians cats. The meeting win Include a rvjKïrt on har­ bor. improvements, the report on Col. our special values In Gas Stow# complete list of prises Is as follows; (Times Leasedl Wire.) C. D. RAND, Agent and Ranges. Hall's resolution and the consideration Open Classes. of the following resolution passed by Constantinople. April 1.—Hassan 460 GRANVILLE STREET VANCOUVER, B. 0. 1. white, golden-eyed male. Mrs. J. the Nanaimo Cltlsens* League: "That Fehmi Effendl. editor of the Liberal Hlckford. Victoria West Buster. Nils league ask# Its parent body, the newspaper Serbeetl. la dead to-day I l. white, golden-eyed female. Mrs. J. Victoria Island Development League, from wounds Inflicted yesterday when VICTORIA GAS COMPANY, LTD Hlckford. Trixie. to request a*, municipal corporations, an unknown man entered his office and Comer Fort and Langley Streets 1. blue male. Mrs. V G. Hiller, SSnd boards of trade and all political associ­ •hot him. avenue. Seattle, Sir Ko Ko. ations on this Island to petition their The crime is thought to have been WoodI Coal I “ZUNDRA" Î, blue female. Mrs. F. G. HUler, representatives In the provincial prompted by political differences. An PHONE 60S "Zl* N DR A" ( Copyrighted)—Instantly Lady Juliette Hpuse to oppose the granting of gev- officer of the government who was tn relieves

—John Irving, of the (loldstream PRICES lintel, this’ afternoon pleaded guilty to a charge of selling liquor on Sunday, contrary to the act to David Hutch!- Birr k’ROM THE MOST RELIABLE LIQUOR sqn, one of those concerned In the STORE IN THE CITY- scene at Haggerty’s camp. Magistrate Jay Inflicted a fine of $25 and $5 costs. Easter AVhi-iv honest goods are sold at a fair prive to one —The faster vacation In the law- courts commenced this afternoon. tmd all. We aim to please everyone and our ever There will be nothing doing In the increasing business is tile" best "fëcomimèndâtlbn wë wupremr r-mnt until Thursday next, but the county court will resume on can get.___j___ - '■ -______Tuesday morning. From that to the end of the month there tag case on for every court day and tw’o a day sometimes, v

The secretary of the Board of Trade Popular Prices ha# received from the secretary of Kingston, Ont., board a number ot copies of a valuable article on thf White Rock Water, Seagram’s No. S3 deepening of the Welland canal. The The New Creations Tiy writer la H. W. Richardson, president pints, lier dozen Rye...... $1.00 of the Kingston Board of Trade, and BARCLAY head of a large grain and transporta, - buttles i. $1.60 0 A W. Special INVALID tlon company. Copies can he obtained from Mr. Elworthy. My Stock Has Been Well Selected to Suit the Doz. i|ts .. $2.50 PORTER per bottle. $1.00 —The funeral of the late Robert Kin­ Vive Year Old Rye, .Very Rich. Gold Medal Grape caid. who was killed at Shawnlgan Dale nww Most Fastidious Lap. yl. $1.00 •Psrltoiea Juice, tj£T... 85< Native Port Wine, Gold Medal Grape Hanna parlors at 11 o'clock. The late $2.25 Mr. Kincaid was well known through I per bottle ..35< Juice, pinte . .354 out the city and many of hi# friends I have been able on account of my visit through­ and workmates attended to pay their laet Fenpecl#. funeral j,-f-n were conducted In the Hanna chapel out Eastern markets to choose the latest styles, by the Rev. Christopher Burnett, who Copas & Young made touching reference to the sad combining comfort and grace, while,you will find death. Interment took place in Ross Ray cemetery. The pallbearers were: WINES AND LIQUORS W. Klppen. W. Fraser, J, Burge** and the prices are much cheaper, quality considered, Telephone No. 133 Telephone No. 133 J. Kirby. than what can be had elsewhere. —An application was made to Judge Lampman In chamber* this morning by Sydney Child on behalf $f Sydney YOUR PATRONAGE IS —Holiday# for everybody else are Katie Darling I Am Waiting."- and William* for an order closing up por­ tion# of Christmas and Kfsber av­ two good, moving pictures. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. busy days for the Grand, and to-mor- enues so far as plan 402c, being a sub­ roW. Good Friday, the usual ma tine* division of section* .YD and 40, Is Cttfl - and night performance will be given, The case In the police court against cerneifl. This 1» part of the Mount Tol- F. B. Kendall of running a pool room doubtless to'’packed house*, for the mle park estate and the closing of the on Sunday laet wa# adjourned this avenues, which have only existed oh show is-a very, strong one. Inc lud' d morning unth ’Thursday next YratMVf. t* ifmtaNt by -- praerieatty. *R lb* In the bill are George Wilson, ftye fam­ application of It. Lowe for the d« owner* concerned. Saanich council ex­ ous minstrel «-.median; the Quaker fen#*.- pressed Ita sanction at Saturday Ulty Four. "The Hinging; Blacksmiths," night’s meeting. The application was The Meeh International trio, strong —•Don't forget thé big dance at the udjtgirned until Tue*da>: morning to. Coil Government and Johnson Sts. , men and gymnast#; Duff and Walan, , A y. r W. hall on Good Friday. permit ofmo me formalities being com­ expert dancers; Thus. J. price, singingi April 8th. • piled with. VIUXOIUA DA1LÏ Hmg8. TMUmtpAy. AfKIL 8, 1909. s WATER SYSTEM ARGUES IN DEFENCE OF STANDARD OIL THE HOME EVERYTHING OF THE READY-TO- Be wise Mr. Grocer, IN OAK BAY DRESS WEAR Attorney Millburn Says Big BEAUTIFUL FOB LADIES AND AND and sell your customers MAY NOT BE PUT IN Trust Paid in Full for EXCLUSIVE CHILDREN Holdings, AS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT “THE FASHION CENTRE.”

Difficulties Are Encountered by St. Louis, April 8.—“I see neither rev­ olution if the Standard wins nor inclus - Vooriia Tea trial anarchy and mob pule If the" gov% Council in Carrying Out" ernment wins," said John C. Mil burn Plans. 1 - of New York.^one of the leading coun­ JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER—Wv have received a They always “come back” sel for the Standard Oil Company In the federal suit to dissolve the big oil large shipment of the most beautiful and most exclusive The assessed vatu* of the land In the trust, before the case opened yesterday. ENGLISH («OWNS, magnificent conceptions for every­ after having used it once municipality ,,f o,iR Hay la pi...... I it “I -have not begun to see ghosts." « $1.%4.2S6. For revenue purpose* thin la he added. He explained: “When a day or special occasions. The shipment covers a wide not quite .all available* as the Chinese man begins to feel like that and seeing range, from a most engaging home or promenade frock cemetery and the city property in the he ought to take a little blue pill. Dis­ municipality t* mm-taxable. These to­ ordered livers instead'of well grounded up to exquisite reception and dinner gowns. New fabrics, gether amount to S79.G30, leaving a net apprehension of probable events give such as wool-mohair (satirvlustre finish), suede-satin, taxable assessment amounting to $1. rlse^ to such warnings of revolution S54.656. This year the Improvements against trust rule and further slavery and wool-satin enter into their construction. New colors arc not assessed, and there has been of the people to big corporations.’’ —elephant, oyster, castor, hyacinth, iris and bronze please CURED MEATS FOR EASTER little increase over last year In the as- In the early part of the rase his ■svssed value of the land, so that the chief duty In the court room seemed to the eye with their artistic tones. New ideas ucfihish and change practically amounts to a.reduc­ be showing of amusement at the meth­ trimmings are deftly evolved in Irish crochet and other WE OFFER YOU THE CHOICEST SELECTION tion of the taxation on homes for gen­ ods and contentions of the counsel for incomparable lacework. The prices range from $50 down eral revenue purposes. The court of the government. As the testimony of revision will be^helduon May 8th In the the" witnesses was taken before a spe­ HAMS, per txmud ...»...... 18^ cial "master, who had little authority to...... "...... *16.50 council . hamher. f This was derided HAMS, pivniv. pur pound ...... 12* 0^ last night at a meeting of the Oak Bay other than to convene and adjourn the With Extra Special Values at...... $25 and $17.50 council. hearings. It was not difficult for Mil- HAC’OX, English Pale, vper pound...... 25^ burn to accomplish his alleged pur­ On the report of the water commit­ AMONGST THE SHIPMENT ARE a number of exquis- , HACON. English Pack, per pound .. .. . 20^ tee being presented to the council tell­ poses With his pleasing personality ing of the adoption by the committee and his habitual calm and pe&cefiA ap­ itc all-over-lac-e- gowns at the remarkable low priées of of a new r«*dlstrlbutlon scheme whlcn pearance. the big Standard Oil counsel would be paid for by the whole com­ Is always an Influence against any dis­ $32 ansL.-r...... $35 | Strictly Fresh Eggs, 30c per Dozen turbance of any ^ind. He is always munity instead of being done, jmc ut first proposed, on the local improve­ composed and always able to see some- ALL THE ABOVE ARE PRINCESS GOWNS ment ■system.— Found l lor Pemberton thing humorous in * almost any situa­ tion. NO TWO ALIKE objet ifit tn tbs i»TnTr, whinr ftOlsalir wlCT ______t------n wholly different scheme to What it •Me declared that the growth of the The Family Cash Grocery Standard Oil Company was the result had b-'en the understanding would be SEE OUR WINDOWS COR. YATES AND DOUGLAS STS. PHONE 311 Introduced. He thought it was not of the mind* of the Rockefellers and fair to ask the whole community to their associates and In no way attri­ pay for the supplying of water to one butable to any method of crushing competition. ,Wrt people who were -a long dis­ The A |Yti m t 1 _ 1010 tance iway from all others. Lawyers here were greatly Interest­ ed in MUbum's argument before the Ladles’ ADfifUS i jO Gov't In answer to this it was explained Store a O w ^amDDeil & l that practically all the council had court and the fact that he ha* been SL LIMITED. teen of a similar opinion, but it was called the “Great Rockefeller Butter" BABY’S EASTER PRESENT found that any other plan was wholly in the present caae. is not taken as a depreciation of his ability as a lawyer Yuii probably intern,! jrivinir a little gift. If so, we shall lie unworkable. If, however. Mr. Pember­ ton had some scheme to propose. It, and an orator. He Is among the lead­ pleasti to aid your selection from our large and varied stock. -* ojuld be for. the council L» consider it. ing counsel for half a dozen corpora­ tions In Nigwr 'Vork and wa$ president We suggest— Councillor Newton explained that it was found that no local Improvement of the Pan A merit an exposition at 'STKRMXti SILVER FORK AM) SPOON, in ease . . $6.00 scheme which was fair to everyon** Buffalo. KNIKK, FORK AN 1) SPOON SKI'S, sterling, knives with pearl, could be devised, and on that account Mllburn in hi* argument yesterday it was decided to make the charge on declared that the acquisition of the ivory or silver handles, at ...... $12.50 Standard’s numerous companies and CHRISTEN IN (J (TPS. up front ...... $6.00 the whole community. The report was held over to come up again on Tues­ properties was accomplished through DININGROOM FURNITURE BOWL AND PLATE, extra strong and handsome, in fauey day next. honorable transactions. He said that ease...... $22.50 Councillor Newtdn objected to any the sellers In all instances received full member of the iSmnell interfering with pay for their property and that nobody The above being all of substantial weight, will last and will ihé action of the reeve. It seemed that could Justly claim that the Mtandard become “soiivenirs" of “Childhood Days.” the reeve, had ordered a i*ertaln piece had not given full value for ail that It /"VUE SHOWING of Dining.Room Furniture is very complete—new Spring jiit. w"fk dune which it was afterward* received. .He paid « high tribute to ” lines have arrived and it will pay you to buy now and have your choice fountl hud Mt been |tasse\ to. the whYIrof John D. Rockefeller and hi* council. roun. lll.tr Noble had order? 1 associates In developing the city of of the newest and I test designs in Buffets, Sideboards, China Cabinets, Ex­ REDFERN ad and Accident Company should M graded, drained, and a water TELLS OF A WONDERFUL HEM* COUNTRY ORDERS PACKED FREE main laid; the same for Thistle road, ÈDY THÀJ BROUGH HIM WRITES formerly Bea. h r>..t I grading and HEALTH AND COMFORT. Accident and Sickness Insurance, Employers' Liability, Guar­ grnveiling .»f t«urt of I«ong Beach antee Bonds, Elevator Insurance, Teams Liability, etc. avenue, and «ever* I short near-hy The man whose back Is lame and stri’ets; the grading of. a thirty foot sore can't afford to trifle with the hun­ FOB RATES APPLY TO rosd near O.msales hill; grading and dred and one so-called cure* for lum­ Buffet Extension China macadamizing Monterey avenue and bago. He needs a powerful, penetrat­ construction of guttehi. sidewalks. ing pain destroying liniment—one that Ilamlsoiiic liuffit in *uli,l Table Cabinet 'uri)« and boulevards m th.- will quickly sink Into all the tendons Karly English quartiT-sawoil construe tioe ..r Mdraralfea tm and muscles—such a liniment |* “Ner- Robert Ward & Co.. Ltd. vlllne/’ which act* like lightning Right oak, finely finished. Art Solid Holden quartered Oak Pretty China Cabinet, solitl VICTORIA General Agents for B. C. VANCOUVER either side of Hampshire road. Councillor Pemberton objected to the to the spot It goes, earning healing glass doors, copper trimmed, Extension table ti feet long, golden quarter-sawn oak. Placing of black earth In the middle of soothing properties to the nerve* and three small drawers, one vel­ lop closed ia 40 x 46 inches. Pine polish finished. Bent the new roads. He thought this could muscles that cause all the pain. vet lined, one large drawer be sold to advantage. "When my back was so painful thai Turned and fluted lega. High­ glass sides. Glass front, shap­ WE HAVE Councillor Noble stated that offers I couldn’t turn In bed, when rubbing and large cupboard. Pretty had already been received for the pur- hot Irons over my back failed to ease, oval bevelled mirror in back ly • polished and beautifully ed and bevelled mirror—A A LARGE STOCK OF . hase Of a quantity of the black soil. when I cried aloud with agonising a beauty. x / figured top. bargain. was decided to *fll the earth to twinges then it was that I used Nervl- :L future, and not to use It in grading up llne and got quirk relief and was ul­ CASH PRICE CASH PRICE tli*. raaJ.v timately v fired. There Is something In CASH PRICE Atkins Saws Mr. Cunningham was asked to take Nervillne that* Isn't to be found th $33.30 > $17.10 $26.10 the |petition around asking for signa­ other liniments. Its power over pain ALL LENGTHS tures for the water by-law. If Mr. and its facility for sinking Into the Others up tj> $67.00 Others up to $45.00 Others np to $39.00 Cunningham will not accept the posi­ core of the sort? parts Is simply a mar­ tion the clÿrk is authorised to make a vel. After getting rid of the pain and Bucking and Falling suitable appointment. When 1 started back to work, of course The law committee reported that- an II wore a Nervillne Porous Plaster over We are making low prices that arrangement had been made with the the weak spot. I have friends that use Country Club and city by which the Nervillne for rheumatism, neuralgia, will pay you to call city was to undertake the work of and sciatica. They all think as I do policing the fair ground*. An agree­ that- Nervillne Is the strongest, best SMITH & CHAMPION ment had been drawn up and, as soon and safest Uniment made." us this Is signed the council will ac­ The above statement of F. R. Much- 1420 Douglas Street. Near City Hall. ^ Phone 718 cept the report of the committee. It more. the well-known merchant of wn.« pointed out that a year ago ,\ Greenvttky bv ample ptudt . Viat Ncryl- similar agreement had been asked for, llne can’t be beaten; try It yourself— E. B. Marvin & Co. hut then the city had refused to make but be sure the dealers give you 1206 WHARF ST. id-MV__ The jntroductlon of thg l.y-ig^ •‘NervUlne” only. Large bottle*. 25c. ______WILL VISIT UR1KN-T.------had forced the hands of the city in Victoria, B. C. that matter. The umni illors wished !t Former Vice-President Fairbanks to distinctly understood that th.* r..ju.->t BALDWIN WILL PROBATED. for an agreement came from them. Study Trade arid Examiné*" The Girl with the Basket Discovered Thi- same committee reported that Real Property Left to Widow and Conditions. 'th. solicitor had handed In his opinion Daughter* LlstaiLat lil4.0B6.006.- — that the municipality had the power Pasadena, CaJ.r April 8.—Former • The Taylor Mill Go. under Hie state to prevent the erection Ixim Angela*. April 8. —The will of th* Condensed Clams Ylce-Presldent Fairbanks will make a LIMITED LIABILITY. or undesirable buildings within the late multi-millinnaire Klla* J. “Lucky* municipality.- Révérai ohjectleuable Baldwin, wâ* admitted to probate by study of trade and economic conditions ; Dealers In Lumber, Be eh. Doers and nil kinds of Building Material. In the orient |n an unofficial capacity. ! “Winter Harbor Brand’’ Mill. Office and Tarde, North Government street Victoria, B. a shacks haw recently been built in the Judge James C. Rives yesterday. Set neighborhood of Willows Crescent, I lament with a dint on ten ted widow He will place the fruits-of hi* Investi­ WINS THE PRIZE P. 0. Box 628. Telephone 564. and these will have to be removed at and a daughter eliminated all prospec­ gation In the hand* of certain repre­ tive contests and reduced tit* disposi­ once. For two of these thf clerk, oil sentatives and senators at Washington tion of the property to merely formai The most tasty and dainty the advice of the engineer, had grant- Who ara Uc#lrqy». of. awliqt. the tuS ipérmsx,. m:4ti mfiw j ^ , sttndwieh, the finest broth and The r^aPpropérty lell l«i thé widow TnilfT bilr4n' revpeet 4#^ PblUppineg. ltd— committee will pass on all permits be­ Tjüîékelt eoektaîl, always- Ground fore they are issued. ahd three daughters 1* listed at be­ hnd. Hawaii and nation* of the Far tween $20.000,000 and-*$24.000,000 Per­ East amended so as to afford a more ready in the house. SEEDING TIME ‘'TXXZRX sonal property is set forth at $127.000. many houses wrecked. equitable adjustment with reference SEEDS SECOND TO NONE IN THE CITY The case came uo In Us regular or­ to the irflpostg or imports from those Empty a tin into a glass jar Ttdàl Wjjyfe Causés Ileavv t yn „ der on the court calendar, and few couiifrle*: •.______,__ ±. and it keeps fine. You will t Are to be found here. Islands of Morea and Rio Toonga. persons except those directly interest­ ed were In the court room. The terms APPLICATION FOR LAND DENIED. never be without this again as San Francisco, April *7.—New* of of the settlement, whereby the widow long as you live. Potatoes Oats and Hay severe tidal wave which wrought gre.-.t and the recently discovered daughter. Washington. I>. C„ April R.—Secre- damage to the islands of Morea and Mrs. Zeida Selby, were not divulged. Ex­ tkry of the InteHor Ballinger ha* de­ (’stoned at north end of the UP-T0-DATES OARTON SEED OATS ecutor Unruh. who supervised the es­ SIR WALTER RALIEGH, Tnonaga. near Tahiti, was brought nied the application of the Harney j island, where sewerage is un­ SWEDISH SEED OATS here by Ivan VC. Mclndoo. of Fresno, tate upon the death of "Lucky’* Bald­ Valley Improvement Company for 59,- ! BEAUTY OF HEBRON CLOVER AND Cal., who returned to-day on the win was placed under $275.000 bonds.! 000 acres of land In Harney valley, in known. Purity unquestioned. And other varietie» GRASSES steamship Mariposa frotn a visit to Oregon, under the Carey Act Bnllin- , Tahiti. According to Mclridoo's story 5,000 OUT OF WORK. ger denied the application on the ' Two sizes of tins and 26 fine the wave occurred either March 15th* ground that the land is not o’f a desert 1 receipts. Bannerman & Horne or 16th and although no damage is done Not men. but coni» that wtrere put out character and also because In his opln- j t«> Tahiti^ nhme^ous houses were de­ If your grocer lias not this Phone 487 635 JOHNSON STREET of business last week by Putnam's Ion the plan* of the company are not j molished and plantations devastated Com Extractor. No corn can live If feasible. The company has thirty days ; in stock see that he gets it at on other Islands. The extent of the trenffd by Putnam's, It Is safe, painless In which to ask foe a rehearing. damage In Rio Toonga alone is est I and sure. Use only Putnam’s. TRADE MARK. once from mated at about 130,000 The- gigantic United Htates Postmaster-General wave « ame In with great velocity and PRESIDENT TAFT AND TARIFF Hitchcock has approved a rectangular j R. P. RITHET & CO., VICTORIA, R,C. A Aennrîn» w—^ lha seme •• lemon at vaalUa. swamped the'land. Hundreds of small design for a special issue of «tamps on __«,àe«ùf.d______fivar-Nrinta sad shacks and the dwellings of the natives Washington. April 8.—President Taft June 1st, commemorating the Alaska - addinslias MiMagleplriae.iae. a deliciwdelicious syrup is made and were demolished. “So far as I could a syrop better than maple: Maplemr is sold by yesterday told Senator McCumber. "f ' uk >n Pacific exposition. The Ftamn grocers. If not send 50c for 2 as. bottle and learn,'* said Mclndoo, “there 'were no South Dakota, that he will do all in hi» baafs a ribbon Inscribed “Alaska- MAPIEINE recipe book. Crescent Ml*. Co.. Seattle, Wb. lives lost, although thousands of dol­ power to bring about a general lower­ Yukon-Pacific. 1909.' and a circle lars damage was done to both islands ing of the tariff schedules to benefit Ttamea the jplcturs of a fur seal stand­ which lie but a few rqjles from Tahiti." the consumer ing on a cake Of ice. A SMALL AD WILL HMD WHAT TOD WANT VICTORIA PAIL? TIMES, THSR8DAY, APRIL e, unw.

SERVICES IN CITY PIONEI R OF DISTRICT the bill at the Instance of the leader TIMES AI. CAUMDAB of the opposition, which so con pie te) y CHURCHES TO-MORROW DIED LAST EVENING altered its form as to make It realty a’ new measure. This Is esepcially note­ Pretty Neckwear at Small Prices 4 worthy when It is rentaffibered * that NEW UNES AND Most attractively priced x eminent legal talent was retained 1» Good Friday Will Be Observed Henry Price Passed Away the preparation of thi'e measure by the by Many of the Congre­ , After Lingering DUTCJI COLLARS, white lawn, prettily em­ WOMEN ’K JABOTS, in white lawn, with government In the first instance.. No broidered ...... 40C new shape collar, trimmed Valieueieimes member of life House, and perhaps gations. Illness. laee and edgings. $1.00, $1.'2Ô and $1.50 least of all Mr. Brewster, would think WOMEN’S FANCY LACE STOCKS, with When â merchant has any­ LACK COLLARS, in good ijuality baby Irish thing ot Importance to way to of taking the position that because a lawn and Valenciennes ruche . .35^ you—or any reason for urg­ bill Is altered on the Initiation of a To-morrow being Good Friday, many The death occurred last evening at lace, in white only...... SO# ing you to visit his store—he member, not Its author, that the latter of the city c hurches will hold services. St. Joseph’s hospital of Henry Price, WOMEN’S 1MQCE STOCK COLIARS, with The following will be held: WOMEN’S FANCY BRAID TIES, with gilt will tell you In his ad. an old time resident of this district, eyelet embroidery and net tab ends 75C dqea n»t deserve credit far ü=. ThliJn. Meh ' - -ri-wg Hiid-tnssf4 50# qulte different from the real point The most Important want or and add re** by the rector, Rev. T. ness. Deceased was 7$ year* of age. WOMEN’S EMBROIDERED LAWN STOCK KNITTED MUFFLERS, with patent fasten­ ad. In to-day’s |>aper will a«- taken that the whole form and spirit W. Gladstone,.at 11 a. m. He had been ill for months, and the ' COLLARS, with lawn'ruche...... 75C «■ompllsh something Import­ of a government bill had to be alter­ Metropolitan Methodist.—Service wlU end was not unexpected., er, tils close tip on neck, in white, and ant—and worth while: some­ ed on the representation of the leader be held at 11 a. m., when the pa!*tor. The late Mr. Price was born In WOMEN’S LAWN STOCK COLLARS, with brown ...... 50# thing that may allo t even Rev. T. E. Hulling, will deliver an ad­ County Armagh, Ireland. For a num­ of the opposition to effectively meet embroid­ you oh your affairs. dress on “The Sufferings and Crucifix­ ber of years after coming here he re­ Uee inaertion ami colored sjwjt KNJTTED MOTOIt SCARFS, in black ami the situation with which It was de­ ery. Price...... $1.00 sky yards long ...... 50# ion of Christ and all that It implies to sided at Parson's Bridge at the head J signed to deal. the world.” of Rsquimalt harbor, where he was Christchurch t'athedral—8 a. ig., Ut- known to all the countryside. The re­ President Taft says he will do all In unÿ; ü a. m., children’s aervice; 11 a. main* have been removed to the chapel his power to have the Payne tariff bill in., matins, ante-communion service of the B. C. Funeral Furnishing Com­ The Daily Times so amended that it will give substan­ und sermon by Yen. Archdeacon pany, Government street, from which Sorlven; 12 noon to 3 p. m.. service of place the funeral will take place on tial relief to consumers., The president Fine Footwear, Moderate Prices The Three Hours, with addresses on Saturday, the remains being Interred Published dally (excepting Sunday) by evidently believes that the consumer the "Seven Words.” by Rev. J. Grundy; irt the family lot at Rriss Bay.' Rev. Without question the best footwear values are {o be had in our Shoe Department, the immense the times printing a publish­ pays the taxes. The attitude of the « P- m.. evensong, and sermon by Yen. Baugh Allen will officiate. quantities of goods that our stores handle maltin'? close buying easy for us. In no section of the ing CG„ LIMITED. chief executive possibly had some In- ; Archdeacon Sorivgn. The late Mr. Prh-e was highly rtp- JOHN NELSON. store is this more noticeable than in the shoe sîction. The lines mentioned here are all high- fluence upon the attitude of Congress St. John's—Morning prayer, litany, *peeted by all who knew him. and his grade makes and are marked at very modest pricer. Managing Director und sermon by Rev. Ai J. Stanley Ard friendship was highly valued. Offices ...... 1124 Broed Street towards the Standard Oil Company at 11 a. m. ' Business Office ...... Phone IMS and in securing the declaration in _ WOMEN’S BOOTS -The Piesdifly. smart, WOMEN'S SHOES—Sixth Avenue. A siv Editorial Office...... Phone 4S St. Saviour’s. Victoria West-8 a. m., PRINCE RUPERT LOTS favor of free oil. Yet Is there a slngla r.nti-communion art-vice; 11 a. m , dressy, patent- eolt. Blueher cut boot, me­ perler shoe ami decidedly smart, yet neat. SUBSCRIPTION RATES foreign oil company capable of effec­ matins and sermon by Rev. C. E. dium weight. “Queen Quality'’ $4.00 First quality, /Vici kid. patent tip, turn TO BE SOLD HERE :Bal1y—City delivery...... We. per month tively competing with such a perfect Cooper. M. A.; 8 p. m.. evensong and soles, ribbon laces. Queen Quality $4.00 By mall (exclusive of city) .... sermon. WOMEN’S BOOTS—The Darby. An >*. organisation as that of Mr. Rockefel- i ...... Sit» per annum St. Barnabas’—8 a. m., ante;com- WOMEN’S SHOES—Gibson ami sailor ties. ftsml-'Weekly-By mail (exclusive of 1er? ceedingly neat Blueher eut bout, made of Slty) ...... 11 00 per annum 1 munlon. with reading ;¥11 a. m., matins, Flexible McKay’s and turn soles, in all with address by Rev. J. Grundy; If Auction Will Be Held After soft vici kid. with patent tips. A boot that Address changed as often as desired. M.M.imc Mojçefcs, whose art in -m- leathers, black,, tan, chocolate and oxhlond. noon to 3 t>. m.. The Three Hours’ De­ " Opening Sale in Van­ will give good service . ;... $4.00 American manufacture .. .. . $3.00 roles was as urtr pertncl as it Is] votion. with addresses by the rector, given to mortals to attain has Rev. E. G. Miller; 7.1ft p. ,m.. evensong couver. WOMEN’S OXFORDS, the Piccadilly, an At WOMEN’S SHOES—Sailfir tie. Tan. kid. gone t<>^ join the great company and sermon. "Story o{ the Cross.” qsulity patent eolt. Blueher Oxford, frimd- flvxihl • single wile, ribbon tie. —A very NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS of immortals ’ on the other Aide,' i Mt. P«iur*, Esquimau - Morning year welt soles. "Queen Quality $4.00 popular shoe. Queen Quality . $3.50 Her death will be- deeply lamented by | prayer, litany and ■ ante-communion service at to.So a. m.: evensong and While the ttret sal# of f-rihee nl»dp#rt many who had seen her in the days , lots is to be held in Vancouver. It l* Owing to the large number of ad­ sermon by the rector. Rev. W. Baugh of her greatest successes. Allen at 8 p. m. reported that shortly after »t a sale ditional subscribers being added to will be held In Victoria. It Is said that the regular routes of Times carriers, We. have a letter from Mr. Charles ( C. D. i|an#i, the selling agent for the Sashes and Scarves Are in Great Demand THREE DISCHARGED IN G. T P. and the local government, was and the liability of missing some. Martin containing charges which It strongly in favor o(. holding the first Times patrons are requested to WHITE SILK SQVARKS—These,are made of a la-autiful quality of crept- de chine, richly would be unjust to make public in the COLDSTREAM CASE sale In Vancouver. Premier McBride. , embroidered in pale shades and finished with deep tilk fringe. They are Wonderfully rich notify the business ofS<-e promptly press. If Mr. Martin realty desires- at; It Is said, insisted that the next sale and handsome. Each, #15. #20 and .....'...... $25 If they full to receive their paper. Investigation he should lay the infor­ should be h«4d In Victoria. A good mation he possesses befoVe the city deal of dissatisfaction Is felt that the Evidence Taken This Morning sale to be held In Vancouver wa* not NEW SCARES, in Paisley SILK SCARFS—Of crepe deJ SILK SASHES—In rose, new council: There Hr a regular mode of PHONE lOto. so arrange* t hat « sale should be Held, Pine pattern^ with self — ehiue. ehiffo», lunou- del blue and mauve, with., procedure in suc.h matters. With Respect to Row at simultaneously here. cold edges. Could "be used Construction Camp. for hat drapes, 2 yards soie ami fancy jacquard.! chenille and gold tassels, Now that the wave of hysteria has NANAIMO PREPARES TO #2.00 and...... : .$2.5cl subsided, the all but unanimous opin­ long ...... $1.50 #10.50 and .. .. $13.50 WAR DOGS. ion of this country and of tlie Mother From the evidence given by Martin CELEBRATE EMPIRE DAY Is It really conceivable In this Country is that the naval policy out­ Bcott In the charge brought against twentieth century of the Christian era lined by Sir Wilfrid Is the one best suit­ him and three others in the police that two of the great military powers ed to the conditions obtaining. . court thin morning arising out of the Attractive Prizes Will Be Of- uf the world will soon go to war simply The general public would be more DAVID SPENCER, LTD. because going to war and killing two row which occurred Monday last at the fered by Athletic interested In fhe reported rise In the or three opinion Christian people would construction camp of J. Haggerty. value of wheat If there were some as­ be cheaper than maintaining top-heavy Coldstream road. It appears the men Club. surances that the tolling arm a men ta? W* believe that every haul a dispute with the foreman. The raise the wheat would receive some of passing year, instead of bringing near­ latter has since been dismissed. Mon­ the benefit* of the Increases. day the men - applied for their time, ^Special Curreepondenuv. > er the day of another great conflict be­ Nanaimo. April 7 —Considerable pro­ tween France and Germany. Is lessening and were refused R. and then took gress has been made with the arrange­ the chance of such a conflict. Public matter* in their own hands and broke ments for the celebration here of Em­ Up the kitchen. The--threw men* now opinion in all the more advanced states pire Day. The management committee THORPES old Engjtsh < barged with ftcvtt were Edward ot the Athletic Club Is handling the ■■ of civilisation is becoming more pro­ Webb. David Hutchison and David sports, and Is sparing no pains to make GINGER BEER nounced in its antagonism to war under Kelly, they were discharged as the them a success. If possible the com­ any circumstances, and the rulers of BITVUTHIC PAVEMENT. magistrate held there was no evidence mittee wants to induce athletes from l a vriAck of :Ls own the nations are yearly becoming more against them. Scott, however, was put Victoria and Vancouver to attend the amendable to public opinion also. Aldepnan McKeown, the City Hell, Vic­ on hi* defense. He said when the row field sports, and with this object" I* occurred he was at the hotel, and was Against all these powerful influences toria, B. C.: offering some fine prizes. There will Dear Sir:—J have read with a good deal ' not present Jjj the, fracas. While he be a 100-yards dash, a 300 yards race. for peace, of course, there Is the danger of interest a report In the Victoria Daily , had a good idea who the men con- 128 yards hurdle, * quarter-mile, a of a tempest of popular hysteria Times on the proposals which are before ! i-creed in the affair were he could not half-mile, and a mile For the first sweeping over any of the nations and the. council to pave several of the streets say definitely. He had returned from event a first prize of $20 or $25 wlH 1* In Victoria with what is known as bitu- , precipitating war, as was the case the hotel, and was not drunk, h fact offered, and all the other prizes w||| be 111 hie pavement. - . 1 outne out by the evidence df prevln- when the disaster to the battleship Now. as am very partial io Victoria, on the same scale. The great attrac­ JACK JOHNSON TO 1 j cial constables, who had arrested him Maine threw the United States off her having lived there for seme years. 1 frvl j tion will be a road Marathon, which later In the day. He had found the will b<’ seven or eight miles. An at­ feet and resulted In the downfall of obliged to give vent to my feelings on the I MEET AL KAUFMAN matter, Inasmuch as I consider that if the I kitchen bfoken up. He had taken a tempt will l>c made to get Baylls and P. M. UNKLATER, Tailor the remnants of Spanish power upon ratepayers pursue a. policy of petitioning 1 broom and started cleaning up. Evi­ Um qttffir ntnifft «if Vitoria. and this continent. But if the diplomatic for this particular kind of pavement they dence was given by I'm See, a Chinese Chandler from Vancouver, wjtfi a* will make the biggest mistake that they HAS MOVED TO TEMPORARY QUARTERS AT relations between the American repub­ cook, who *ald Scott had gone after many more from the two cities as care Fight Will Take Place on Pa­ have ever made In their live*. him with a couple of knh-ea. Ha to compete. The first prize for this lic and the Spanish monarchy had i\ot 1 observe In the report of the meeting ; identified him by a red sweater he was event will be $80, with second and third been strained to the limit. It Is at least of the streets, bridges and sewers com- | cific Coast During Com- wearing on the dock. A-vtt, however, prizes and probably medals for al| who 1208 Government Street doubtful whether the accident—or mlttee. held on Friday evening, that >fe. : Turner, the chairman, made a statement I swore he had worn a blue sweater finish. The sport* are to he strictly . ing Summer. whatever ‘it may have been—to the to IM effect that It Is the best pavement until late Monday afternoon. He gave amateur, so tltfit outside athlete* need Over B. C.. Permanent Bldg evidence of the fight and the smashing Maine, would have been considered as "that- he has ever -seen: Now. evidently have no -tear* about entering. ____ _ Where b##e now m a position to do business and to meet all his justification for hostilities. There is Mr. Turner knows little or nothing of up of the kitchen. Provincial Con­ pavements, otherwise lie -would not make stable Carter and Conway gave evi­ (Tkuc* Dtp’ll Wlri-.y not oven a symptom of a misunder­ old customers and friends. such it statement as this. dence as to the arrest, and described TWO ARE HURT IN New York. April 8.—Jim Jeffries standing between Germany and France I would like to ask him whether he un­ the appearance of the place as the grinned when he heard that Jack at the present time. The relations of derstands the technical and scientific roughest looking house they had ever BUGGY ACCIDENT points of this bi lull tide puveincnt. and Johnson, |ieeved because he could the two’ powers are of a most abnlcable seen The three,were drunk, hut s. ..tt whether he has himeelY observed any not get a match at one© with the, big " character. The sullen distemper which was not. The three had resisted ar- bitullthlc pavement which has been laid WS EVKftBss of id. ntiri, Mti.,n ..r white champion, had decided to take j was the natural result of the disastrous dpwp for even three years without show­ goods was given by J. Haggerty. Horse Tjfkes Fright and on Al. Kaufmann for a battle to be campaign of 1S70 and thereafter has ing signs of pitting and softening In even a moderate sun? Richard Lowe, for the prosecution, fought on the Pacific coast some time given place in the mind of the average Your worthy chairman's statement that. said he w ished td call the forefna n of Plunges Over Steep this sumniqr. Jeffries refused to discus# the pro- j Frenchman to feelings of an altogether bitullthlc pavement Is superior to asphalt the camp, but could not do so as he W. S. FRASER & CO. Is. as ludicrous as It Is Incorrect, for of Embankment. different kind. France has completely- had been dismissed slnt-e the affair.. posed battle, but fight fan* here re- ' LIMITED. the few pavements Which I Have seen Magistrate Jay: "Because he Is dis­ inembered hi* attitude towards Kauf­ recovered from the shock which the composed of bitullthlc. none of them can missed that doe* not prevent,.you from iSpc'-ial Correspondence.) mann before coming East. At that ‘ armies of Von Moltke Inflicted upon compare with a properly laid asphalt time Al. announced himself a* willing | pavement. calling him. There is no evidence Lady>mllh. April 7 - An acv blent <»- her pride, her prestige and her material to meet Jeffries, but the big fellow re­ CANADIAN AND AMERICAN This hitluthic has been laid in this city against Webb. Hutchison and Kelly, curred Monday night oij, the big hill position. She is now one of the most j with no success, and now It would be as they are discharged.” j just below John Stewart's residence. fuse*! to take the challenge serlMiwIv. advising the ambitious man to fit hlm- prosperous of European powers. Her difficult to gbt the ratepayer* to agree to The case against Scott was finally about a mile,from thé city. Mr. Ollbert ttits sort nr pamrjf s s ît would WTo get fufiffifls 1H ‘the happlést and the most remanded - tin SaUjrdny to allow him of Chemalnus, and a lady friend, were iwtr tor rnnye years in thw ring game contented. The standard of individual a cow to lump over ti*s moon. to bring witnesses from the camp, who driving home when, on nearing the before taking himself seriously. Lawn Mowers Does Mr. Turner know that this is a he said would testify that he was not comfort Is unquestionably second only foot of the hill, part of the harness of Recently Ketclielt was the first man patented pavement—a monopoly-and that concerned in the row. to cover Johnson s $5.000 for a fight, brft to the standard upon this continent. no company can lay this pavement with­ the horse broke and the animal plung ed over the hauk. dragging down the the negro would not consider a flgtit Wir Between France and Germany, all out paying a’ substantial royalty to Its “Empress Garden Hose manufacturers.? And the price. $3 a yard. -As usual ..n the evening Iw-fop- buggy and both occupants. There is a with him on the ground that be The circumstances considered. Is all but One could almokt have a silver roadway G-hmI Frlrlay. tlnrc will b<» observed sheer drop of about twelve feet, follow­ was toil light. Kaufmann had been unthinkable. at that price. this evening at 8 In the Chyrch of Our ed by ^ sloping bank, down to the talking fight, but tor some time failed j Sprinklers and Sprayers Naturally, I hero being no competitors Lord, the annual remember»nrc of the creek bed. Down this the horse rolled. to post his money. Now that It I* up j There Is no rest for the. sole of the with the one company who lays this institution of the Lord’s Supper. The The lady escaped with scratches and Johnson declare* he will take the > pavement, they are permitted to charge full communion service Will be used a severe shaking. Mr. Gilbert was not Californian on, and has gorn^ so far as WHARF STREET foot of the ambitious Castro upon this any old price they like. with address by Rev. T. W. Gladstone to dee la re his belief, that Kaufmann Is - free continent of America. The French If necessary. I can supply you with so fortunate, and was badly cut about PHONE 3 ^VICTORIA. B. C. on "The same night that He was be­ the most likely contender for the title. government, whose guest the Senor printed facts and photographs In my the head. possession which will disprove any false trayed.” Rev. Dr. Reid will assist in Aldermen pier and Haworth spent This I* regarded by the fans as a play was temporarily, has ordered him to the administration. Member* of other for advertising, and a futile attempt move 6ii. NtiW ‘wtor ca ti la p^or * pflfc* .«SH. KSjeh. tint afternoon tiKAtiDS. a, a.ulULble «Ile mind of Mr. Turner and other aldermen. V-htiMtrs are asRAd to ‘tinIt* “in' _ this for the new electric light plant for the To ;excneV^les'"«IWxYbtW''1tW tWW- UrBn, whose - business tn hte -tt-ts-to- in­ No, I am pot aulltv or com minora tlow.—------—------L- city. -dntÆT the ring hefnre he gets Into ! In any manner whatever with any other proper shape. There I* little «diame j vite to revolution, do but return to paving company here or elsewhere, but William ,\|i Fadden. a sixteen-year- of this being successful as Jeffries not i having been a resident of Victoria for Germany or to France? And whât wm old boy. charged with stealing a RHEUMATIC FOOT only has his theatrical date* to fill, but j he do there if It be true that his funds •olhr time I feel Interested in the welfare of your beautiful city. Nor have I been bicycle from Huthber’s brick yard, be­ Is noted for hi* ability to keep his w Good Fishing Tackle are running low, drained by a big doc­ at any time Interested In any paving longing to Ah Kun. and valued at |2R. CAUSE OF BLAZE head. He has declared positively that | tor's bill and hie princely manner of company or contracting firm, but I am pleaded guilty on remgfid in the police "he will not re-enter the rtn* unless he • Musi .in- procured >r jam *e*| » good "< »t. h " Qel the right living and travelling? Castro’s case just endeavoring to warn .ratepayers court this morning, and ws» let go on van regain his old time form, and it !* against rushing Into an absurdity, for I suspended sentence. He will be re­ generally believed that his determln- ; trii-klr fur Trout Wi- Kttpply the l>est at rewwmable prirea. Call is qp hard that we are almost moved Ran Francisco. Cal., April 8.—A rheu­ have seen this pavement LrtM ami ! turned to his parents, who live out yf matic foot caused a fire which threatened atlon will remain unshaken. in and Ijave a little talk with me mi the subje-t of tiahing. to feel some measure of compassion know It. the city: The bicycle was returned to the destruction of an apartment house Some doubt Is expresse|at- thus obtained forming their eclec tic \ • • down frum Duncan yesterday for a few nr ,-holvt- .core-for W mriiprmion?} -T: ' ' Iff, of course, quite correct, and Is ad strelsy ; James Dixon, singing I Miss ehavlly In Victoria regl estate of late Ing this, morning, Edward Paysc« You as the* Roues Mias the Rain”: and The handicape aUowance wtli thenr be |.general agent Mr the FacHIc jotsi * • • wilttea. It does hot. however, deaf and still have large holldngs here. For Weston resumed his Journey this the bipgraph with interesting motion sofpe months Mr. Field was In part# afternoon, with Bellevue aa his object- taken off. Tills win be the first com- j the Michigan Commercial Insuran. ( , v, , . Ni,... wbo are with the real point raised by Mr. picture* continue to please at Pan* nershl'p with Mr. C. C. Pemberton erier- five point. Upon hts arrival here he petition played here under the eclectic 1 (*o.. of Tjifislng, Michigan, represented Fp,.,i,Uiig n holiday on the «’oaMt.*’ u-gi$ter- Bfewster that radical, organic and tags*. to the fire iq the Hlbben block. had covered 862 miles. 01- choice score rule. 111 Victoria bj It. P Itithot A Uo., Ltd ed yesterday .«1 th. Dvmhüoo. * j VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. —

have you considered Purify THAT - WHA T WOULD EASTER MEAN To the children If they did not receive a plentiful supply -oF-dyed. eggs, chocolate eggs, and other Easter novelties? 1 wish to hhv that I have a fine Your Blood Harris & Smith stock of the above which I offer at the following prices: Carry the very best CHOCOLATE BOGS, from 10c* per dos. to. each ...... 50c. There's no better time than now and most ffTRICTLY FRESH EGGS (for dyeing), per dos...... 30c. and nothing better to accomplish EASTER NOVELTIES, from...... 5c. to 75c. this with thari ORANGES (nice and sweet), from, per dos...... 25c. to 56c. APFLE8 (large and juicy), 4 lbs. for ...... 25c. BOWES' COMPOUND EX- Up-to-Date Wheels DON'T FAIL TO SEE MY EASTER.WINDOWS. ROBIN HOOD TRACT OF SARS­ in English, Canadian and APARILLA Both in Carne s Up-to-date Grocery American makes, including the It eradicates all blood Impuri­ Oentuar, Ramcycle, Blue Flyer, Cor. Fort and Govt. Sts. Phone 586. Next to 0. P. R. Office. ties thoroughly .from ,he system, A genuine tunica, wt'll: imtonly Iver Johnson, World and" Cornell. Improves the conillthTn" Sf the — -We handle a full ahdlmmplete blood, but sharpens the appetite assortment of the latest and beat and aids the complexion. UP-TO-DATE TOGGERY BOTTLE CONTAINING 100 FlfiHINO TACKLE AND SPORTING GOODS DOSES TOK *100 THE GIFT OF A ‘•hone A183 1220 BROAD ST. Ever Wear HAT PIN CYRUS H. BOWES Hosiery For the new Raster Hat would CHEMIST Is Different be a thoughtful Eàster offering government STREET Local News We have secured the exclusive Just now wc are sellng charm­ Near' Yates Street agency for the hosiery with the ing Hat Pins, all the latest TELS. 425 and 450 guarantee about which you —Tyres of all sixes fur go-carts. Sign have heard so much. 25c TO $3.50 of the Big Key, 641 Fort street. * EVER WEAR HOSIERY dor. It is the New Flour all Western Canada away with darning for twenty- Also beautiful Boses. Carna­ v0 —Cyphers' Im ubators uid Brooders. tion», Sweet Pest Wheat, etg,. Watson * Mrtirvgor, 647 Johnson. six tvholr weeks. FOR SALE grown in B. C. If. holes, rips or tear* eome in a is Interested in. —American and Canadian Sartors“Iff REAL FLOWERS MET A LIZ ED endless variety, at the Elite. -----*— pair of EVER WEAR HOS­ IERY within six months, all AND M ADE INTO H XT PINS Five Roomed ONLY $1.00 TO $3.00 —Dr. W. F. Fraser will be pleased you have to do is to send them Wc are not making this announcement for the purpose of describing the superior qualities of Cottage to see all his old friends and acquain­ baek and get a new pair abso­ tances at his denial parlors, 732 Yates “ROBIN HOOD" flour. We inteud you to find them out for yourself. We want you to find Just built and built well; contains street. Telephone 261. Formerly occu­ lutely free. 6 rooms, bath, pantry, bi pied by Dr. Oareecho • W. H. Wilkerson «■r stands o.n large lot, close to EVER WEAR HOSIERY has a them out just as quickly as possible, because we know for an absolute certainty that once you cars and Beacon Hill Park. rich. soft, silk finish and the THE J E WEI .EH —Complete office outfitters, filing cab­ have tested it thoroughly, yon will never use any but “ROBIN HOOD" flour afterwards. PRICE $3.250 inets, Remington typewriter», blank colors are fast. 918 GOVERNMENT 8T Terms, about half cash, balance at books etc. The Standard Stationery All shades to choose from Telephone t$0$. That has always been our experience, and we are aure it will be the same in Victoria. 7 per cent. A fine buy. Co.. 1,*220 Government street. • THINK IT OVER. —The Empress Confectionery Store, A Box of Six Pairs ; Now note what we are doing. We are sending our staff of "ROBIN HOOD" girls into 1326 Government street, le the only P. R. BROWN. Ltd. place In Victoria where you can get LIGHT WEIGHT, box . *3.00 CORRESPONDENCE Victoria to call upon1 every home. They will call upon you. They will tell you something fire insurance written. tee cream the yea# round. • . *4.50 MONEY TO LOAN. HEAVY WEIGHT, box about "ROBIN HOOD" flour, about the way it is made, the quality of wheat it is made of, 113V tilthAl> STREET. SCHOOL AND PUPIL —Do not forget that you can get an and they will give you some idea of what makes “ROBIN HOOD" flour different from other PHONE 1073. express or truck at any hour you may wtxh. Always keep your cheeks until FINCH & FINCH flours. It is the flour you should use. It will prove its superiority. you have seen us, as wy will save you Right to Make Contracts in the 10c. on each trunk you have to pay THE EXCLUSIVE STYLE STORE to baggage agents on trains and boats. Our Name Rehtnff Our Clothing Is an Province by Unregistered All over the West "ROBIN HOOD" flour is making a tremendous impression. Join the We will check your baggage from your Important Asset, It’s Your Protection. hotel or residence, also store It. See us Our ifcame Behind Our Fumislftngs Is Company Questioned thousands of Happy Users. before you make your arrangements. Worth a Good Deal to X'nu. '••The Beet Cold Bottle of the Day.” We guarantee to satisfy everyone on price and the way we handle your 1107 GOVERNMENT STREET Look for the "ROBIN HOOD" Girls and be lure to give them an order. They will visit you An unusual and important point wAs 1 goods. We consider It a favor If you will report any overcharges or Incivil­ raised In the County court yesterday I in a day or two. ity on part of our help. —Good Friday a good day for gard­ afternoon In the case of the Interna-j e WHITE ROCK Pacific Transfer Company. ening.—Rakes, 26c. to H)c; hoes, 40o. to tlonal Textbook Company, of Scran- [ ’Phone Î49. 50 Fort Ft 65c.; spades, $1 to $2.25; spading forks, LITHIA WATER $1.15 to $1.50; trowels, ISc. to 65c. R. A. ton. Pa.; vs. Robertson. The suit was ; Brown Sc <3o< 1302 Douglas street. * brought to recover a balance claimed ; A litte higher in price than A DOMESTIC EYE REMEDY. to be due on account of a contract for* The Saskatchewan Flour Mills Co., Limited many so-called mineral waters Compounded by Experienced Physi­ — The monthly meeting of the ser­ a correspondence course. The plain­ hut infinitely superior. cians. Wins Friend* Wherever Used. geant»’ mess of the Fifth regiment will tiff company Is one of the- large cor­ be held this evening at 8 o'clock In the There’s nothing too good for Ask Druggist for Murine Eye Remedy. respondence schools In the Unite 1 drill hall. Victorians ; they should not It Soothes. You will Like Murine. States, which do considerable business MOOSE JAW, SASK. put up with an inferior in Canada. —New arrivals-in belts, neckweae. —This evening a meeting of the Ser­ water, but should insist upon ruchlngs. ribbons, haïr barrettes and geants’ mes* of tile Fifth regiment For the defendant : J. A. Alkmen being supplied with this de­ comb», wide brimmed straw hats, cor­ will be held In the dffll hall. All mem­ raised the Issue that the company wai liciously cooling natxtral Min­ sets. gloves and coats, at Robinson’s bers are requested to be present. a foreign one. not registered In British Cash Store, 642 Yates street, :? * • Columbia, and so not entitled to do eral Water, which is certified —The rholr of the Metropolitan business in this province nor to sue In partnership continued until 1887. and be given to-night and Saturday night by leading analyists as abao- Methodist church will meet this even­ —Heavy bark wood, cut 11 Inches trr from that time until his appointment with a five-cent children’s matinee lutejv pure. White Rock is ing for the final rehearsal for the song our courts. Empire Jewelry Co. grate and heater. Cameron Lumber The titles of the animated pictures are „ . mpeny. Ltd. Phone HQ». • service to be given on Sunday evening. J. H. Lawsn. jr., on behalf of the to the bench, Mr. Gregory had for a a sparkling tonic; aa a as follows: “Mabel’» Beau In Trouble." DIAMOND BROKERS dilutant for milk, wine or No rehearsal will be held to-morrow plaintiff*, contended that the contract partner his brother. Albert J. Gregory. evening, it being Good Friday. , had to be approved at the head office. Mr. Gregory’s practice ex\mnà*d to “Anthony and Cleopatra." “One of the Highest cash price» paid for Dia­ whiskey it is unexcelled. Ask —A new fresh assortment of Ameri­ 1 and so must be held to have been made can shapes at the Elite. • all sections of the province, and he had Bravest,” “Bear Hunting."’ “The Lx>ve mond Jewelry and valuables of ex-ery i there, beside* which the books and description. Drop us a line and we for it. at your elub, restaur­ —A meeting of Court Victoria, No. to do with many Important cames, b ne of the Pasha's Son." “The Treasure of [ papers used were sent from Scranton, Will call. ant or hotel. Order a case for 8930, A O. F.. was held la.it evening «if the most notable being the Trafton- the House Next Door," "Bobby’s j —Dr. Fred N. Steen, osteopathic phy­ and It must be taken that defendant EMPIRE JEWELRY CO., In the Sir William Wallace hall. Broad Phllllplne murder trial at Andover, Sketches," “A Duel Under Richelieu." j home consumption, but be' sician. American school of osteopathy, had received them as soon as they were twenty year* eg", when he acted as 543 JOHNSON ST.. VICTORIA aure to see that you are sup­ has thoved to 137 Fort streef. • street. Seven new members, were Initi­ dispatched. and “A Fool for Luck.’* ated and twenty-three new proposi­ counsel for the defence. All business strictly confidential Mr Alkrtan argued that the con­ plied. with the genuine tions received. A social dance was ------WL ------: Private office». —Buy Your East* Waist Here.— tract was one to impart knowledge, “White Rock.” Sold by all In after the regular bus­ VICTORIA THEATRE. New and stylish waists, dalntly trim­ ind the defendant residing here and med with lace and embroidery, both iness had been transacted, a number i the leading dealers in Vic­ signing the contract here. It whs plain COMFORTABLE of friends of members, of the lodge be­ Amateurs Will Appear Again To-night toria. long and short sleeves. Prices 85c, $i that the contract was made and per­ ing present. —Good List çf Animated Pictures. and $1.50, and up to $5.85.—Robinson* formed In British Columbia. The con­ Cash Store, 642 Yates street. HOMES ERECTED tract could not be said to be perform­ ’Continued interest is taken In the Wholesale Agents —A practice game will be played by ed until the knowledge which was to Having secured a stock of Sashes. —Considérable Interest has been amateur performance* at the Victoria rid»» fr'Gii tti.- line up of the Vhtoria be imparted reached the pupil In some Doors.'- Art Glass, Mantels, Builders' manifested in the Sbigrr puzzle sent iheaJre... There was a Hfopd attendance PITHER & LEISER naît tinm nt flacon HHl Sunday shape. The law relating r,> The sa* Handware. Etç.. I am prepared to out by" Mr. Thos. Plimley, the well tost evening and the programme fli morning at 16 o’clock, when Watt*let of goods did not apply, as the books give cltse estimates. -t—. for. Fort and Wharf St., Vic­ known bicycle man " of Government well received. The performance will and Klopf will each handle a nine. The and papers were not sold but had to Best material and workmanship street, and a large number of replies toria. Water St,, Vancouver. teams will be selected te-morroW and be returned to the plaintiffs. used, and satisfaction guaranteed. If were received. Several persons stated the game will be the first regular Judge Jampman reserved Judgment, you are going to build, call and talk DOUBLE-DISC that after hours of effort they conclud­ turnout of the team. and remarked that there were probab­ It over. ed that the puxxle was an Impossibility, ly some American decisions oh th» others were more fortunate and reach­ point which the counsel in the case ed a solution. The rash prize of $5 has —At a meeting of the Ladles’ Auxil­ R. HETHERINGTON might look Into and let him have. been won by Mr. Elmer V. Finland. iary of the Y. M. C. A., held yesterday Choice Suits CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 1350 North Pembroke street, who was afternoon, the most gratifying reports RECORDS 1183 BURDETTE AVENUE. were received from those who* have HUMBER CASE. able to place the letters In their proper Plione B1429. places.with only fifty-four moves, and already commenced to canvass the la­ WE HAVE THE FINEST THAT ALWAYS PLEASE Further Argument Heard..ItL-Connec- who will receive a cheque for the dles of the city for assistance In fur­ assortment of NO. 636 amount offered as-a prlxe by calling at nishing the new Y. M C. A. building tlon.Wlth It In Chqmlters. PHmley's cycle store. • The ladle* werQ most cordially received Canto »1 Pueblo—March— HOT TBDNS wherever they called, and the most The Humber estate ease wa* taken WORSTED NOOTKA Band. —Brigadier Adby. the Army revlvalr generous support was promised. up again yesterday before Mr. Justice MONUMENTAL ilarama-—Twostep —Mexican 1st. will conduct the Easter services at Martin. The matter under discussion SUITINGS Band. the Salvation Army citadel Saturday. —Yesterday afternoon Fred. Archer, was the appointment of a judicial trus­ FOR GOOD FRIDAY, SATUR­ Sunday and Monday. *“ SWITCH-BOARD NO. 613 a three-year old boy, had a narrow es- tee. The plaintiff, however, announc­ EVER SHOWN IN THE DAY AND EASTER MON­ cape fro/rr drowning near the boet- ed his Intention of abandoning thl* ap­ „ CITY TURNED Sullivan—The great Irish —The Jolly Three Club will give there house at Work Point barracks, and DAY plication, and argument will now be song. first fprtnlghtly dance In the A. O. U. would In ah probability have lost his W. hell to-night. All wlahlng Invita­ addressed to the other points set out In We guarantee to give our MARBLE A Busy Week at Pumpkin Also a large assortment of Eas­ life If It had not been for the bravery the summons. In dealing with the customers good value tion, ere requeeled to attend or aend of Corporal Grey. R. C. O. A., who Centre. question of accounts, the plaintiff- ask­ ter Eggs and Easter Novelties the names to the secretary. happened to be near the scene and Our styles and workman­ ed leave to cross-examine one of the NO. 632 4aw the little fellow fall Into the wa­ NOOTKA MARBLE QUARRIES, defendant executors. The matter has ship we leave to your ter. He Immediately plunged Into the LIMITED. Minerva Intermezxo — Or­ CLAY’S been postponed until after the Easter judgment }■■ chestra. water and brought him to land. vacation. . 1 633 YATES STREET. - Phone 101. 619 FORT ST. Plimley’s C. F Davies, of the firm of Brad­ Flower Girl Intermezxo — —The assessor of the Oak Bay muni­ shaw A Davies, appeared for the de­ Xylophone. cipality ha* Just mailed the assessment fendant, while plaintiff was represent­ Peden’s NO. 631 BICYCLES notices to all known addresse* of pro- ed by J. A. Alknian. Dreamy Moments Violin, peWy dWffhrs within the municipality, imp lit Wfirl Are always at the front of the arid where the addresses are hot known RETIRES FROM BENlTH. Tailoring Parlors Flute and TTarp Iriu procession. ewryinga host oT -i-Hjky have been mailed to the municipal jlircilt nvl n Birdies' Favorite — Piccolo city post offices. TTS Iflffifnwntg'fini' Itlr Justice Gregory, of New Bruns­ 611 FORT ST. Solo. Houses Built delighted ridera. year have been made only on the land, wick, Resigns Position. WHAT ABOUT THAT CB- Call and see the new 1909 the buildings not being mentioned In PRICE 85c EACH ON THE MENT WALK? modela. any way. This will reduce the taxes On account of 111 health Mr. Justice Froat gone, garden and lawn about on those who have homes In the dis­ Gregory, of the supreme court of New to be fixed. This. 1» the time to ■■■■■ I - .. Cor. Fort and Broad Sts. COPAS& YOUNG Cor. Fort an


The Store That Has Done What it Started Out to Do. Reduced the Price of Your Groceries. Let ns. take a few examples: Before the 1st of March 1908, the price of these articles were a» follows: ltice was three pounds for 25c, NOW it is nine pounds for 60c; Pepper was 40c and 50c per pound. NOW it is 25c and 30c; Cocoanut was 40c per pound, NOW it is 20c per pound; Shelled Almonds and Walnuts were 50c and <>'.»c per pound, NOW they are 40c per pound. These prices are guaranteed to be what they were and what they are. You have enabled us to last long enough to accomplish the above and with the permission of our friends the Combine, we hope to last for at least :' month or two longer. Anti-Combine Grocery Prices are NOW the Standard. We Blazed the Trail and Lead! Others Follow 11 JELLIED VEAL, one pound tin...... 20* CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S MARMALADE Two pound tin for...... 35* V HVH OaHSHUVXS* § *eeei Two pound tin for...... 25* JHLL1ED TENDERLOIN, Davies, per can Ï i hvh aaHsrranü Four pound tin for ...... "...... 50* ...... 45* That’s ^ . 1* -V That’s MOONEYES SC'f)A BISCUITS, tin. . . 2Ç* AL1BERT SARDINES, per cjm ...... 10* ? JB0 CLEANED CURRANTS, 3 lbs. for..,25* CANADIAN SARDINES. 4 tins for ..25* the Point the Point SEEDED RAISINS.y,Victoria Croaa Brand, CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S . SMOKED 16 ounce packet for...... 10* SARDINES, two tins for ...... *25* (SEE OUR OTHER AD ON PAGE TWO) HERRINGS, in Tomato Sane, 2 tins.. .25* MIXED PEEL, per pound ...... 15* POTTED MEATS, Clark's, 4 tins ....25* SEVILLE OLIVE OIL, 1-2 pint bottle 65* HAM OR VEAL LOAF, per tin...... 15* Pint bottle for ... $1.25 TROPHY JELLY POWDER, 4 packets for MAGIC BAKING POWDER, twelve ounce MAPLE SYRUP MIXTURE, very nice, CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S OLIVE OIL,per SALMON, Star brand, two tins for ... .25* can for . 20* SALMON, Yacht Brand, per can ...... 15* ...... 25* quart tin for ...... 35* bottle. 7.'h~, 4.')c and ...... 25* Seven cans for ...... $1.00 Twelve packets for...... , ...... 7O* Two arid one-half pound can for. ,.. .50* One-half gallon tin for ...... 65* CLARK’S PORK AND BEANS, three eana JELLO, three packets for...... 25* Five pound can for ...... 90* PURE MAPLE SYRUP, Pride of Canada, for...... 28* A Nice Assortment of Huntley * Palmer’s quart bottle for...... 50* and Gristle's Biscuits just arrived. COS’8- GELATINE; per packet ...... 10* LAINO S PORK AND BEANS, 2 tins..15* GENUINE INDIAN CHUTNEY, quart bot­ DKR. 12 otuiee cea for .•...... 40* PURE MAPLE SUGAR, per block ... 15* BAKER’S OR COWAN’S COCOA, 1-2 pound WHITE OR BROWN BEANS, 9 lbs. for 50* tle for...... 50* Two and one-half pound ean for. .$1.15 FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, lb . . . 15* tm for :...... 30* INDEPENDENT CREAMERY BUTTER, SAFETY MATCHES, pkt. of 10 boxes. .5* CALGARY RISING SUN FLOUR, per seek FINE LARGE NAVEL ORANGES, per SUCHARD’S COCOA, per can, 90e, 45c and per pound...... 35* SAPOLIO, per packet...... 10* ...... $1.65 dozen...... 25* ...... 25* Three pounds for...... $1.00 DUTCH CLEANSER, per can ...... fV.10< TAYLOR’S ENGLISH COCOA, four quarter- WORCESTER SAUCE, 1-2 pint bottles. 3 ANTI-COMBINE LAUNDRY SOAP, seven -The beat bread flour at the price on the NICK JUICY LEMONS, per dozen,...20* pound packets for ...... 25* for...... 25* full weight bars for ...... 25* market. , TARTAN BJIAND GOLDEN SYRUP, gallon TARTAN BRAND PEAS, BEANS 0,R R('WAT’S ENGLISH VINEGAR, quart hot- WHITE CASTILE SOAP, long bar . . .20* ( REMO, a nice change for hreakfaat. per ten tin for...... , ...... 05* CORN, per tin ...... 10* tlefor...... 15* SUPERFINE TOILET SOAP. 9 cakes 26* pound aaek 45* IVNW UKiiKAlVS Mi/iJASolv». two ponfln tin TARTAN BRAND TOMATOES, two targe GILLARD'S CHOW CHOW, MIXED PICK­ MONKEY BRAND SOAP, per cake....5* ROLLED OATS. 7 pound paper bag . 35* for ...... 15* tins for ...... 25* LES OR RELISH, per bottle ...... 35* SUNLIGHT SOAP, 22 bars for $1.00 Forty-pound wavk ...... $1.75 SIMCOE BRAND STRAWBERRY ’OR COW BRAND BAKING SODA, one pound Three bottles for...... $1.00 LOAF SUGAR, two-pound packet . 20* Eighty-pound sack ...... $3.25 RASPBERRY JAM, seven pound wood packet for ...... 10* CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S PICKLES, REDPATH’S ICING SUGAR, per lb,. .10* pail for...... 05* CHICKEN TAMALES, each...... 20* large lever top jars, each ...... 35* WHEAT FLAKES, five pound paper ' bag MALTA VITA, per packet ...... 10* (HIVER S PURE MARMALADE, one lh.. TETLEY’S LOOSE TEA. 4 lbs. for $1.00 Three for ...... $1.00 for...... 25* TOASTED CORN FLAKES, per pkt... 10* glana jar for...... - ...... 15* OUR SPECIAL BLEND INDIAN AND LEA & PERRIN’S SAUCE. 1-2 pint bottle NICE MILD CURED HAMS, per lb. 17* Five packet* for ...... 45* PURE NEW ZEALAND JAM. four pound CEYLON TEA. four pounds for $1.10 for ...... 35* ROYAL BRAND BREAKFAST BACON, KORN KINKS, per packet ...... 5* tin for ...... 50* TRY RAM LAI/S PURE INDIAN TEA, 3 , Pint bottles for ...... •*->...... 60* per pound ...... 20* Six packpts for ...... 25* OOLMAN’S MUSTARD, 1-2 lb. tin for . 25* lb. Blue tin for ...... $1.00

Our stock is ALL nice and fresh—We have not been in business long enough to accumulate a lot of old stuff. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS. The Anti-Combine Grocers A C jP TAT/^ The Anti’Comhine Grocer# Two Phones, 94 and 133 l/Ul /il3 CSZ I Ul/lVU Corner Fort and Broad Sts.


putting on two to the Vancouver one. VICTORIA UNITED AND BALL GAME AT OAK BAY The referpe had no further trouble Drnrw DDAC 920 GOVERNMENT STREET PLUMBING Si HEATING rJSUEiiX DflUo. Opposite Weller Broa. with the supporters of either side. He LADYSMITH SATURDAY IS HOLIDAY ATTRACTION awarded four shots for fouls to Van­ couver, and three to Victoria In Iho j *----- first half. From these each side scored j ...... u __ Enjoying Good Is the Best Place to three pointa Victoria had several nar- ! Will lOUnfl tO H3V6 James Bay Running Race is | row misses, and their shooting for goal GoodHealth Information Buy Fishing Tackle was bad throughout. Two goals' in a Island League Meets Extra Event for To­ FOR WE ARE OIVINO 16% DISCOUNT hurry at the close of the first half, the When having We have on hand last being on the fly as the whistle April 24th. morrow. your plumbing the largest stock Call and Let Us Show You Our Stock went, but having left the toseer’s hand repaired see that of plumbing Agents for Perfect, Cleveland, Imperial and Budge-Whitworth before It sounded, brought the score you get value for goods In the city ~v money expended. to select from. , Bicycles. for the first half to 17 to 8 in favor of Having played a drawn gam*, against To-morrow afternoon at Oak Bay the Cheap work li Can we have REMEMBER THE PLACE Victoria. Ladysmith In the senior Island Jh/ague James Bay Athletic Club will put on a The second half was fought on an often expensive you as a cus­ matches this season, the Victoria programme for the sporting fraternity work in the end. tomer? even basis on scores, although Vic­ consisting of a game between United soccer team will travel to the toria had far the better of the play. two team* selected from the club,, and WE EMPLOY A TRIAL Inland city Saturday morning with a The whirlwind finish of the Vancouver 1 a running race over a five-mile bourse NOTHING BUT ORDER casions Victoria has been beaten by five failed to materialise. It started, strong and representative eleven to for members of the James Bay club, of PRACTICAL ... . m...... and two points tame from It, and Bob Vancouver through the awarding of play the return mfttrh of the season. which there are thirteen entries tn. M£Jf...... SOLICITED. TO-MORROW’S SPORTS Whyte, the Victoria forward, lost his Just enough referee's points to over­ Ham I»rimer will not be in the line­ The ball game will open the season front teeth from It, but outside of that for ball fans for the year. The two lap the advantage gained by the Cap­ up owing to a bad leg, the result of A. SHEBET 3 P. M.—Oak Bay. nothing happened, a$ Victoria held the team» are to Une-up In the following ital City five malnlanders down, end were as fast at slight Injiirlns re- |.|\*d In a preceding manner: TELEPHONE NO. to . no fort st. Baseball—J. B. A. A. "A” team Referee Douthitt, of Seattle, handled the finish as at the start. The scores match and which' has been giving trou­ against J. B. A. A. •’B** team. “A” Team—H. Brewster, R McTl- the whistle and Physical Director In the last half were made alternately ble on subsequent occasions. The team moyle. J. Hawkins, B. Hall. 8. Shank*. Fhre-mlle running race—J. B. by either side, each having four shots Findlay of the local Y. M. C. A. asked that will represent the city club will B. Brown. C. Carroll. A Jeffs, W. A. A. club members, thirteen and scoring four field goals, while Re­ should hot put a winning team‘d the was of such a strenuous nature that prior to the game that the crowd re­ probably be made up of fteaney, Pré­ Laruft Reserves—J. Lorlmer, T. Peden, entries. feree Douthitt gave three fouls against fold this year. frain from hooting and hissing the re­ vost, Whyte, Pettlcrew. Cullln, Cow- R. Htechan. fl. Spencer, Joe flweeney. there has been a strong public desire each team, from which no scores were » I P. I#.—At Assembly Rink." feree as had been done at the last per, Buxton, Thomas, Podger, Falrey ’ B" Team—J flrelg. F. Moore, K. T. to see the wrestlers meet again. It made. WRESTLING. Y. M. Ç. A. athletic display. match played here between the teams and Okell. Hughes. Ed. Beaney. F Anderson, B. was thought that ^wanson would not which Douthitt had awarded to Van­ Victoria opened the second half with President Alex. Peden said this morn­ Hewartaon. M Kêppock. R. Hlscock, SWANflON-fllNGH CONTEST. wrestle the Sikh again aa he is so much couver on . referee's points, Findlay long shooting and passing and missed ing the tine-up would probably be as W. Kennedy. Reserves—A. E. Farglson, (Special Correspondence.) the heavier man, but the local welter­ said If hissing was heard a free Shot five shots In succession that could given. There may be ft change In one R. Pedea. F. flweeney, J. T. flweeney. Nanaimo, April 7—The return wrest­ weight Is nothing If not plucky, and he would be given against Victoria, When reasonably be expected to land. Then or two places If any man on the team The flve-mlfe race will be run on the ling match will take place at the Ath­ willingly signed up fbr another match. seven mlnutee after the start a pen­ Whyte missed a free, "and Vancouver outlined cannot go up the Une. Oak Bay track which runs three laps letic Club- on April 17th, between fllnc This time probably strangle holds will alty shot was given to Vancouver, scored at the other end, cutting two The names in the line-up are all fa- to the mile. The thirteen entries start VICTORIA WINS Off the handicap. Charlie Mason Swanson and the Hindu Ourdit Singh. be barred, and th«* best two out of three and some one hissed while Tuck was .millat with- the- exception of CullllL- from scratch and- go- fifteen laps: scored a splendid shot from centre, The Iasi bout between the two min falls will decide the match. ^ •hooting, the referee allowed the wide who placed his flrxt gams last Satur­ Among the entries are several runners which landed équare, and put Vic­ another shot, awarding it a# a hissing day and pleased the judges along the of quality and while all are hot ex­ CHAMPIONSHIP toria’s' lead well again. The play even­ penalty. Asked how he knew It was a lines by hi* form and ability.. He is pected to finish, a dose race run In Victoria supporter hissing and not a ed out. three goals more being secured listed to play half back Saturday In good time Is expected. Judges and of­ by either side. In the rush of Van­ Vancouver man doing It for the pur­ cdflipany with Pettlcrew and Cowpef. ficials of the race will be appointed, couver’s final effort two malnlanders pose of bluffing the referee Into giving The line-up presents about the strong­ from the club members' Both the ball VANCOUVER BEATEN ON and Bob Whyte collided with the a try to Vancouver, the referee seem­ est forward aggregation In Victoria, game aftfi the foot race are timed to basket standard. Bob taking the post ed taken by surprise, and said he and Peden expects the men to return commence at three o’clock. More bread and Better bread BOTH FORM AND SCORES guessed It must have been a Victoria on the mouth. Having wiped the blood from his face, Whyte was ready victors. man. However, Tuck failed to score Benefit for Young. the shot, but scored from the first pen­ to get into the game again, and for the COAST LEAGUE ——And the Reason for it final six minutes appeared to be none Will Young, who broke his arm play­ alty. ing for Esquimalt at the beginning of Leading Place in Pacific North- the worse for the accident. The- go nie STRONG FLOUR can only Of course this special process is At 8.15 p. m. after a preliminary ex- the season and was put to considerable „ BASEBALL. RESULTS ended 26-17, Victoria the winner, with­ more expensive to operate but it ,the men took expense through h** et work and med­ be made from strong wheat. r ' ^ west Won by Y. loor and battled strenuously out any referee’s points, and the Crowd A ical attendance, .will be given a benefit Manitoba hard wheat is acknow­ means a lot to Purity flour i against each other for five minutes, wended Its way homeward with the M. C. A. by the Esquimau Athletic Club on (Time* Leaned Wire.) ledged the strongest in the world— that’s why we use it. constantly checking and passing before full consciousness of having given YranmiveT^-They^ wanted m the ds -of April,-when ftn.-£llÜ^h sea mt la Eh* tm* med for Victoria landed the first score of 2 tlon soccer match will be played be­ It means that Purity Flour b points. The play to that time had been mand for home and home game$ and land I. Purity Flour. V- tween teams from the Esquimau Ath­ made entirely of the highest-grade With A seyen p at the canteen ground, and a But that’s not alL Every grain basket, two only of which landed. Vic­ play Itself, both at Vancouver latt Los Angeles, April 7.—Loe Angeles 12. in the world. ball five last night wye Che champion­ ten mile foot race switched in. of this wheat contains both high- toria gained six points before Van­ Saturday and hero last night. Vernon 4. Secretary Bailey, ef the E - A, A.. grade and low-grade properties. ship of tile from couver started, being completely non­ The scores were taken as follows.: It means a high-class, strong Hour wrote yesterday to Secretary Roberts CRICKET. Vancouver before the la rgest crowd plussed by Victoria’s long passing and Victoria—Whyte, 5; McKIttrlek, 0; In separating the high-grade parts and therefore yields "more bread Mason, 4; Roeskamp, I; Pettlcrew, 10; bf the V. W. A. A., asking If the soccer NANAIMO REVIVAL. that has witnessed a match In the As­ combination. The speed of the Cap­ team of the latter aggregation would from the low-grade the Western and better bread.” sembly rlrik. and brouijfit to an end the total, 26. itals took Vancouver by surprise. The play' Esquimau eleven on the date Nanaimo cricketers are working to­ Canada Flour Mills put the hard Vancouver—Tuck, 6; Cunningham. I; most sensational season in the history first score to .the mainland*™ came stated, TMe Victoria team Will con­ wards the revival of cricket In they wheat through a process aoexacting Purity may cost a little of Pacific coast . The final from the free shot, which was follow­ Matthews, 2; Clark, 0; Ross, •; total town, and If expectations are realised sentait Is said, and perhips offer some that not a single low-grade part thafl some flours, but results prove scores of the two champion games wére ed by the historical “hissing.'' and ar 17. - 1 the Nanaimo club will re-establish it­ of its members to take part in the ten- it the cheapest and most econom­ Victoria 47, Vancouver 40, while the seven minutes after the start the score self this summer with an eleven to be has the remotest chance of getting mile race the same afternoon. scores last night for the final game stood Victoria .€, Vancouver 1, when THK RING reckoned among the best on the Island. in with the high-grade. ical after all. were Victoria 26. Vancouver 17. A dis­ fltatbuck in checking Roeskamp went COUNTED OUT. Island League Meeting. An organisation meeting has been cak­ tinctive feature about last night’s game to the^floor with a twisted foot, and The Vancouver Island Association ed fdr next Tuesday. Savannah, Qa., April 7.—In a bloody Football league will meet In Victoria was that there were no referee’s point* had to leave, his place being taken by battle. Jim Dasher, of Savannah, re­ Right at the present time there are the night of Saturday. April 24th. Sec­ awarded, while on the two previous oc­ Ross. The score advanced, Victoria ceived credit, for a knockout over Owle quite a number of followers of the retary Hill has Issued notices to all the Liess, of Brooklyn. In the seventh game In Nanaimo, some of them of round of a scheduled fourteen round dub delegates to attend. more than ordinary ability, who have PURITV engagement last night Liess was blind­ Californians- vs. ynpeouver. played with the best old country teams, STOPS FALLING HAIR ed by blood flowing from a wound acci­ To’-morrew afternoon lh* Callfdriiia such as Mr. Pitt, steward of the local dentally opened by Dasher’s head. H<* soccer teem plays at Vancouver against hospital, an Australian cricketer of stayed on his knees too long and was the Scotchmen, an eleven selected from merit who has the distinction of hav­ FLOUR! ing bowled the great W. O. for no runs. Ito. Ajkyour doctor H this k not so. Follow Ms édites. A btof food. » hshtonfc, counted out the Vancouver clubs to be composed of the tend of the heather- There are several hr the e*4y atoe -tMtetstfir-ftm-irranrlMfM hi W i11 .•..Ilf.Vml» im, Von two *a1»ea-‘-=1 have played the game In eariedf days, Wbstbkn Canada Flour Mills Courant, Lootbd ■5 ‘ * * end drawn one of the three ployed to so taking everything into donètdera- “ —’ «.Has. ---Mills------st---- St. Bonilace,------Godertch.------Brandon.*- DOCS NOT COLOR THC HAIR Central Bakery. R. Morrison A Co. 046c*, Wienie**, V mttiTi tmtii M» €40 Yates street. Uuo there le no reason whv Nhnalmo VICTORIA DAILY TIMM, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909 =s9aBS=B9ss=9css9naae9BB«MnBMSB9a

MONTHLY FOR Tug Chieftain Is leaving In a few There Is at Kitkatala an old Indian USERS OF Steamer Ella. o> the Jebson line Is days for Port Esslngton, where she chief, so old that no one knows Just expected to call lyre toy morrow, bound will again be put on ÿ>e run between what hie age Is, who tolls a rale of one out for Mexico and Central American that "port and Prince Rupert. A. G. WN* bfflefl W -tiîttus ir-fif ficftrtr______r______of Port Esslngton. Is In town Just now. the second of the month, but a change recent arrival In the city tells the story Hie tug ha* been working here all to preserve its fine flavor and aroma. royal Standard Flour ha* been made in order to alternate of the old Indian chief: with the Canadian - Mex lean steamer* winter tow in* logs for Moore ft Whit­ About one hundred years ago there At all grocers. Georgia and Lonsdale, which are sup­ tington and others, and he has come to take her uj* He says that since she was a brig from Boston came to these Every 49-lb. sack of ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR leaving posed to leave on the list of each water. Her voyage was partly for the lias been off the ruir there has been a our mills contains a numbered coupon entitling the person who month. This will give a rgeuiar fort­ purpo*© of. trading with the Indian*, demand from the' merchants and others nightly service to and from the Mexi­ buying the pelts of the otter and the holds it to a chance to be one of the lucky persons who wins In the "northern ports for her return, can porta. seal, and partly it wa\ a voyage of dis­ one of the handsome china dinner sets given away each month. and she will be leaving within the A telegram waa received to-day by covery. She sailed 'north up thl* cqgst next fe wdnys in charge of Captain The duplicates of these coupons are placed in a receptacle and the local agent* stating that the until, reaching the more northerly Noel with the owner aboard. ten are drawn each month. steamer would be here at S p.m. to­ islands of British Columbia, she passed Canadian Pacific morrow. There le a party of ten going Speaking of Esslngton, Mr. Cunning­ There is no better flour in existence for bread making than ham says that a very large business Is up the channel* and finally arrived at dowp to look over the lands In the con­ a place known locally as Pirate’* Cove, ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. It is rich in color, pure, strong, cession! owned by the local syndicate expected there during the coming sea­ $ son. The greater part of the construc­ although that name 1* not on the delicious and nutritious. In using Royal Standard Flour you organised by Bond A Clarke. Mr. Bond charts. There they decided to winter la in charge of the party, some of tion work Is being done In the neigh­ ATLANTIC • ATLANTIC get the best flour value money will bay. In gathering eoupone borhood of that town, and it Is much and, finding deep .water In the cove, whom it Is expected will remain there hov# their ship as close to shore as you run one chance in ten each month a secure a handsome to settle. It Is expected to draw most more conveniently situated for the STEAMSHIPS STEAMSHIPS camps than le Prince Rupert. For that possible and made her secure. prize. of the settlors from Eastern Canada, a 'For some time all went well, but there large number of applications already reason they expect to have the cream cama a time, as there often does In The lucky numbers will be inserted in this space the first having been receded from people, who of the business. such cases, when the white men be­ issue of every month. are Interested in the proposition. Mr. Cunningham looks for a very LARGEST, FINEST, FASTEST TO CANADIAN PORTS large influx of people for Interior B. C. gan to Interfere with the Indians of WATCH FOR THEM. points. Last year a great many people the neighborhood. Complaint* were NEW STEAMERS FOR went In, but this season there will be made to the big chief of the Kltkatlah’s Less Than Four Days at Sea a great many more. The construction and, a raid wa* planned. ANDREW WEIR & CO. of the railroad is inducing people to Every canoe In the Indian village was go there, some to settle, others on busi­ manned. Every male who was able to VANCOUVER MILLING & GRAIN CO., ness or speculation Intent. carry a spear, and who wa* not too old. ‘ Port Esslngton Is fast recovering was enlisted In the move to avenge the SAILINGS Limited. Inveric to Return to Old Coun­ from the result of the fire, Tlje places Insult to their race, and at the same From From of business are being rebuilt, and a time enrich them solve* with all the St. John, N. B. Liverpool! VANCOUVER, B. C. try From the goberai air of prosperity prevails every- paraphernalia of the white men—the cooking pots, the guns, the ornaments Hat. April 17...... Lake M*nitoba...... Wt-d. March 31 Orient. which their women coveted, and more Fri. April 231...... Knipretta of Britain ...... Fri. April 9 PREPARING FOR important than all. the powder and fire­ Sat. May 1...... Lake Erie...... Wed. April 14 water. both of which the white men ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE Constructlon of four steamers for the cherished and the Indians dearly long­ SALMON SEASON ed to haye. From Montreal __ From Bank line, owned by Andrew Weir A ( Talma from the Col Jon Womt) Co., has begun. It Is understood that The plan of campaign has not been and Quebec. " Liverpool. at least two of these vessels will be handed down In tradition. Whether it Fri. May 7...... Empress of Ireland .. ;...... Fri. April 23 waa that the brig was stormed during ~-x « onstreeted by Russelj ft Co.. g| Port Canners on Fraser River Make Sat. May 15...... Lake Champlain ...... Wed. April 28 Glasgow, where the keels have Just the night, or whether a ruse was adopt­ Fri. May 21 ...... Empress of Britain...... Fri. May 7 been laid, says the Seattle Po*VIntel­ Plans for Pack of 760,- ed to lure the white men Into false se­ curity, the legend doe« not slate; but .Sat, May 29...... Lake Manitoba...... _____.Wed. May 13 ligencer. 000 Cases. Two of these vessels are designed for the brig was safe and sound one day In Fri. .June 4...... Enjpresa of Ireland...... Fri. May21 use on the run between Health* and the the late autumn, and a day later she Sat. -June 12...... Lake Erie ...;...... Wed. May 23 Orient, to operate in connection with had been scuttled, all the things which Fri, June 18...... Empress of Britain .... .Fri. June i •the KunMuf and Ruveriv, now plying Vancouver, April 8.—Preparations the Indians coveted haying been taken from her. And ,the crew—not one #k« on the route. These Vessels will he al­ for salmon canning season of 1909—the First Cabin, $82.50 and up. Second Cabin, $48.75 and up most duplicates of the Numeric and big year—will be In full swing on* the saved. The bodies were cast into the Huverlr, although they will he better Fraser river by the end of the present aea. and the mothers and wives of Bos­ One Class Cabin, $42.50 and up Oh Young Lochinvar steamers than any now owned by the week. Already a Igrge number of can­ ton watched tot, them for weary years, line Their beam* will be 57 feet in­ nery employees have left for Hteveston but they never returned. The popular "Lake" steamers carry ONE CLASS OF CABIN panel, Has Come Out of the East; stead of 55, that of the Hu verte and to take up the routine of their duties, gen only at second cabin rates. His Hair is Marcelled’’ Numeric. In consequence their length getting early on the ground because may hr greater, but In general design the preparations for the season are L. D CHETHAM, And His Trousers are Creased ; they will resemble the two large necessarily greater and more exten­ SHIPPING REPORT 1102 Government Street. City Passenger Agent He Talks With a Lisp, freighters now running out of here, sive than la the case In a year of an rapt David Baird. Pacific cogat su­ ordinary elsed run of fish. ------mn mt And He Carries a Cane; I perintendent for the Weir fleet, ha* The Fraser river canneries, all of (By Dominion Wireless.) been advised that work ha# begun mf which will be In operation, are this He's so Perfumed and Powdered t’ape Laso, April 8. 8 a. m.—Clear; the new vesnel*. but he has not learned year making plans for a total pack of Steamer “Don” wind N. E.; bur. 80.40; temp. 44; sea He Gives Me a Pain; their detail*. Capt. Baird submitted 750.000 cases of salmon While this. SEATTLE ROUTE smooth. At 1:30 p. no spoke Rupert a number of «uggestion* and It Is prob­ Is a very large pack It le not an large FOR SIDNEY. JAMES, SAT­ But There's One Happy Fact City, near Prince Rupert, due to ar­ able that they will be adopted In the a* was the park of 1905. the last “big” URN A, MAYNE, PENDER AND rive at 10:80 n. m. J “Lock" Has Learned in the West new craft. It is likely that the vessels year In 1905 the total pack of salmon * A Whateora lee vee Whert Street Point Grey. April 8. 8 a. m —Clear*, SALT SPRING ISLANDS win be «quipped with accommodation* 04 the Fraser amounted to 1.1S7.000 Dock, behind Poetolbee. deny, eaeegt That calm; bar. 80.38; temp. 48. paeaed In, Thuredey, et ■ p. m, celling el Fert for first class passenger*, while there cases. There seems to be an opinion Direct service to the Islande 8TR. steamer Morning Star at 7:40 a. m. will hs ample eoom for a large number among the packers that the present Townsend. Tatoosh, April 8, 8 a. m.—Clear; wind DON leaves OAK BAT every .Tueeday. of steerage passenger*. year * catch of fish will not be as large Bet liming leave* Seattle at l:M a. at. N. E. 36 miles; bar. 30.43: temp. 47. Friday and Sunday et S a. m. Royal Crown Witch Hazel £>oap The other two steamers under con­ as was the take In 1906. Catty, except Thursday, arriving Fie* Passed out, steam schooner Tallao. at Returning, leaves Mayne Intend Mon­ torta at It* p. m. Is the Beet struction Will be placed on the run be­ There are some pioneer canner* who tween Calcutta and New York, on declare that they have faith In the In­ 6:80 a. m ; ship 8t. Paul, towing, at days. Wednesdays and Saturdays at which route Andrew Welf ft Co now dian prediction that there will he as 8:48. « a. m. X. 25eEACH wat25g And Produces Fine Complexions _ Estexan^ April L I a. ra.—Clear; operate regularly. The four new vee- heavy a run or fish this season as ever Light Freight carried to all above calm; bar 80.48; temp, 40; *** smooth. sels are expected to be ready for ser­ before. The Indian wiseacres insist pointa Two fishing schooners five miles to the vice about the end of this year. that there waa so much *anow last win­ #. E at 7 a. m. The steamer Inveric, now in the Ori­ ter that the salmon are certain to run ent, will be sent home after she dis­ In great numbers. - Pachena, April 8, 8 a. m.-—Clear: SS. VAD50 calm; bar 80.37; temp. 42; sea smooth. WILL SAIL FOR charges her cargo from Puget Sound Cape Laso. April I, noon.—G^ar; and British Columbia. Prom Manila or PARCELS POST BETWEEN Hongkong she will proceed to Calcutta calm. bar.. 30.41; temp., 61; sea smooth. EMPIRE DAY to load a cargo of Jute, gunnies tea Point Grey. April 8, noon.—Clear; Northern B. C. Ports CANADA AND MEXICO calm; bar., 36.M: temp., 64. passed In and other freight for New York. Prom of North Sainioh ON CELEBRATION Princess ffna at 1.40. * the latter port she will return home, Tatoosh. April 8. noon.—Clear; COURT OF REVISION THURSDAY, APRILS after a long absence In the Pacific. wind N. E 80 miles; bar., 80.42; temp., The steamer Aymerlc will replace the The Municipal Council of the Corpora­ Calling at Kitimaat Heavy Mail Matter to Be Car­ 52. tion of the District of North Baanlch, sit­ RISNOl (Continued from page L) Inveric on the North Pacifie routed be­ Estevan. April 8, noon.- -Clear; light ting as a Court of Revision, will meet at ing now at Manila, 'ready to leave on ried by Line of iltsy N. W. wind: bar., 80.47; temp., 66; sea the Court House. Btdney, B. C., on Satur­ John Barnsl schedule. The -Aymerlc Is about one moderate. day. the 8th day of May. 1909, at the hour AGENT 534 YATXS street Printing and advertising-Noah Shake­ knot an hour faster than the Inveric, Steamers. of 8 p. m., for the purpose of hearing -Pachena. April S. noon.—Clear: light speare, V; BHtancmzrt. W. H. Sweeney. arid fs well adapted to this trade. complaints against the Assessment as J. C„ McNeill, Alderman Turner and C. E. wind; bar., 30.37; temp., 62; sea made by the Assessors and for revising smooth. K. Redfem. TRANSFER LEAVING. T. H. .Worsnop, manager of the Can- and correcting the Assessment Roll. TO TUX Notice of any complaint must be given Regatta committee—Capt. A. J. Dal­ ndian-Mexican line, arrived In the city lam, H. Dallas Helmcken, K. C.t D. PAYNE TARIFF BILL. In writing to the Assessors, stating the KLONDIKE It Will Take Machinery to Boat Har last evening from Vancouver. He says ground of complaint at least ten days n*RuI!Ivan, George Jay. A. J. Brace, bor F«>r < *u,ht . "Canada" repotting I'fke n miracle, that's how Câlarrh- New Zealand, open water In a couple of days, with Oto. W. Vi ____ * set r. OBone works In bronchitis, catarrh, early navigation. W*MM B of Which mey be obtainedied a(at the Depart­ attack by an airship. Colossal portrait TROLLEY CARS COLLIDE. ment of the Secretary of State, verified of King Edward. A special mechanical colds, and Irritable throat. You sim­ IN AIR FOR FOURTEEN HOURS. by any magistrate, minister of religion, piece, two performing bears, keeping ply breathe its oily, fragrant vapor, physician or other responsible person. and every trace of congestion And dis­ Boston, April 8.—-In a trolley car col­ time to music supplied by the band. lusion on Washington street, near Pop- Berlin, April 7.—Count Zepplin’s big THE CANADIAN-MEXICAN 1 Passports are not valid after five Three triple-action Ferris wheels, each ease flees as before Are. years fixirrï IfiëHîiiTe of lisiio. Fresh pass­ lar, In Roslyndale. this afternoon be­ airship, which started from Frieder- PACIFIC 8S. UNE. < CATARRH020NE CTTHMU ports must then be obtained. 18 feet In diameter, Electric flashlight tween an empty and unmanned car. and Ichshafen last night, failed to remain lUElULAR MONTHLY *8* VIC*. 5. If the applicant be a naturalised screen 260 feet long. Terraces of Italian No trace of the disease remains after a well filled car which was climbing the up for 24 hours. It came to earth to­ -TO- British subject, hie certificate of natural­ color fountains SS0 feet long and 60 feet Catarrhozone Is used—no more matter hill, one person was seriously and a day after being In the air fourteen MAZATLAN. MANZANILLO. ACAPUL­ isation (which will be returned to him) high. CO. 8 ALINA CRUZ. UUATMAS ae* must be forwarded with his application. to clog up the nose and cause you to dozen painfully Injured. ' hours. The shells which Mr. Hitt proposes to rough and *pit—no more headache and Count SCepplIB did not command the othrr Mexican ports mm laducamant adbra British subjects travelling abroad are The accident was said to br due to Also taking cargo on through Bit*, J recommended to furnish themselves with use this year are to be specialty fine, buzzing ears, huge craft, the crew being composed the breaking of the connection be­ Lading to United Kingdom porta aag ta, passport*, for even In those countries both as to sise and effects. Among them Cure is absolute. of German army officers. . ^ where they are no longef obligatory th-y tween the empty car and the one Ceotlaeat Tta the Tehuantepee Natlaaa,, may be mentioned the Whistling Coon*. Because Catarrhozone contains such which was hauling it. era found to be useful as affording a Diamond Hun Clusters, Comet «hells, Railway. ready means of Identiflcntlon In case of healing balsams and toothing antisep­ STABBING AT TORONTO. OaUtag from Victoria, B. C., the iael Spider Shells. Wheat sheaf. Golden need. For residence In Germany or *wtt- tic* it can't help curing every kind of The dirigible balloon Italia’s trials day of each neeath. zerland. passports are indispensable. Pnlm, the new A. Y. F. E. shell, the Mae catarrh, throat, lung and branch la I ended disastrously at Hohio, Italy, yes­ Toronto, April 8.—James McLaren, For freight or passage apply te the 6. Persons Who obtained passports prior being 80 Inches; Amber Electric flash­ to August, IW. are advised to exchange trouble. terday after maneuvering for some aged 28. was «tabbed in the body sev­ offices of the cempany, 888 Orenvffie light. street. Vancouver, or 1108 Wharf street. them for new ones, which will be issued Don’t **p< rimtpt jonger — Catarrho- time at a height of 1.200 feet, the en­ eral times yesterday In a rodtn In the free of charge. The^ A4«ekw>TtMemi .Faeifie ftrfr bo«M Victoria. ;<■- tonPlhWffir Miire cure ’Two fhohlhs* gine broke down, and the balloon de­ Salvation Army home for men. He woe J. POPE. will be asked to have a set piece a* an treatment (guaranteed), prive I1.A0; taken to St. Michael1* htwpR*f WfrF^ Brig* •' ’... ." Vnder-Sécretary of State. scended precipitately. It was badly announcement of .the exposition among smaller s!*e, 60c., at all dealers, or the damaged, but f V aeronauts were not Parkins, aged 40. was arrested and - Ottawa, Seth March, 1108. the features of the firework" dianW. Catarrbosone Com nan v. Kin**)** ont bur», c harged with the • tabbing. TRY A TIMES SMALL A0. 8 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THPRBDAY. APRIL 8, 1909. SIMPLY MARVELLOUS! - T?rcn nnr the cheapest lot Hunyadl GRAIN MARKET R. C. Tate. Ottawa- ‘•Frult-a-tlves” Canada Western Chartered cured me .of atlon a«d Bilious­ r vit oAL£i ON TRUTCH STREET Janos ness.’^ (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson-A Co.) Atlas Mary Win." Kingston, Ont.— < Corporation, Ltd. Best Natural. Çhloago, April 8. “Frult-a-tlves cured me of Chronic Headaches.” Only $1350 Laxative Water Open. High. Low. Close. L. A. Brown. Avondale. N.R.—”Fruit- Do you know that your .tomech Wheat— a-tlv<»H cured mn of Dyspepsia.” ADJOINING LOTS BELLING AT $1,500 AND $1,700 Brokers or bowol trouble end the Indi- May ...... 125j Mrs. 8. A. Sutherland. Taylorville, geetion that goes with It can July ...... HU Ont.—”Frui t-n-t Ives entirely cured me FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT AGENTS. be relieved quicker and better by ...1U23 1023 404 of 8- verc Heart Pilqs.” , using HUNYADl JANOS WATKB rue ...101ft ioi itoi <\ J. Ptacey. ülverton. Que.~‘‘FruR* 4, 5, 6 McGREOOR BLOCK PHONE 1903 than in any other way? It la Corn— n-atives completely turvd me of Kidney BRITISH AMERICAN TRIISI CO., Ld easily token—; ; a glass on arising May ...... *7 Bfsease.” Cor. Broad and View Street*, Victoria, B. 0. WTMUtta VANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE —and you have no bed after July ...... Ml Mrs. R! 8. Small. Ottawa.—•‘Frult-a- effects. Ask yonr Physician— Sept" ...... tot tlves absolutet>; cured me ot Rheurha- w hé will recommend It—and you Oats— will be satisfied, as are so many ... Kf others. Try it yourself for M‘y ...... Mrs. M. Brelland. Ell. Man.—“I suf­ July ...... 471 fered with severe Womb Trouble for CONSTIPATION 8ept...... years. Fruit-%-tlvcs cured me.” Pork— Mrs. F. Mall hint. Ottawa—"I took WE ARE OFFERING A FULL LINE OF ... i7.ro17.93 17.97 17.90 17 July ...... 17.87 17.97 17.85 17.90 Frmt-a-tlvcs and they cured me of Lard— ma.” OF THE BEST MAKES & F. W. STEVENSON CO. ■ Fifty cents a box. 6 for $2.50. or trial . AND ALL SIZES MILLIONS MADE July ...... io.a box 25c. At deniers or ednt, postpaid on LAWN MOWERS Short Iltbs— receipt of price, by Frult-a-tlvea Lim­ BROKERS May ...... ited. Ottawa. IN MAY WHEAT July 14-19 MAHON BLDQ. 1114 GOVTT STREET PRICES LOWER ON "oSgZT Garden Hose PRIVATE WIRES TO A1,T, EXCHANGES 4 . ANOTHER SENSATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS: fNew York Stock Exchange LOCAL STOCKS NEW YORK MARKET LOGAN à BRYAN MEMBERS ' Boston Stock Exchange, ADVANCE IN PRICES or i Chicago Board of Trade. Sprinklers kinds^of Garden Tools X B. CHAPIN à 00. I Ne-* York Cotton Exchange. (By Courtesy N. B-. Maysmlth ft Co.) It After Reaching New High Rec­ -(Private Exchange.) Reaction Near the Close Re­ Bid. Asked. ord Market Closes Near Aicerlcan-Canadlao Oil ..... M4 sponsible for Numerous B. C. Amalgamated Coal .... OK Declines. E. G. Prior & Co., Ltd. Lty. PORTLAND CANAL MINING CO., LTD. Low Figures. B. C. Copper ...... 7. «5 R. C. Pulp & Paper ...... LOO Corner Government and Johnson Streets Victoria This company's property Is sltu.it ed at the head of Portland Canal, B. C., Bakeries. Limited ,...... 7.75 i within H BlW easy access from the head of the Inlet. The mine Is of high Capital Furniture Co...... 6.^5 grade ore In gold and silver, also lead, and the development now done shows a (Times Leased Wins) (Times L »wd Wire.) large tonnage of highly profitable ore available for shipping, described m a re- Cariboo Camp McKinney ...... 01 . cant report by Mr.—Rtmendortr the well known mining engineer of Sp®* Chlt-agOi April A—Net satisfied with his Diamond Coal ...... ;..»T - New York. April 9.—Trading In to-day's kane. "as an enterprise of Immediate profit ami great future possibilities.’ enormous profits made during the spec­ Diamond Vale Ç.- & I...... 11 session of the stock exchange represented The merits of the mine have enabled the company To interest local capital m tacular rise of the pricy of Mày wheat Great West Permanent ...... 122.00 nothing more than the evening up of pro­ underwriting the treasury stock, thus enabling them to proceed, actively^withwith yesterday, James A. Patten, the^ stock Granby ...... •...... lor- on HEARNG OF FISHERY the work of further developing and f ully equipping the mint/'so aa to puylft-qn. broker, who hits been quietly amassing fessional account#, very little new busi­ GOOD FRIDAY International Coal ft Coke.. .75 ness making Its appearance. The coming an early shipping basis. » V thousands of bushels of gxatn recently, Nicola Valley Coal A Coke.. 72 oo Independently . w«- have satisfied •» irselves às to the merits and management continued to-day to unload his holdings. GirtP-day holiday eVtggtttly was not re­ QUESTION POSTPONED APRIL 9th of the property, and have no hesitation In recommending1- the shares ;yai rntUarlm...... were numerous throughout the list. ing Decisipn in Indian exchange to-day. Every neck was craned Silica Brick ...... 3» 6.25 Spectacular Tableaus, Tumb­ for the opening quotation on May wheat, An Irregular reaction during the last United Wireless (unstamped) 18.50 20.0ft hoyr carried pylceg of a large faction from Lands Case. ling, Wrestling, Statuary and ms noon ms it was posted- Patten be­ Victoria Transfer Co. .... came the centre of attraction. their top flgurt s Poses, Etc. Vancouver Briquette Coal —• U The NcW York stoçk exchange will be The' brokers acted like mad men. Shorts Western OH ...... 1.»- who failed in desperate attempts to re­ "cTbsetTtô-morrow. Good Friday. ASSEMBLY RINK, 8 P. M. )BEFOREI The Monarch Note—Pacific Coast Fire is offered Union Pacific closed 18*8. Southern P*- Vancouver, April 7.—The deputy at cover their footing in the sliding, slipping, the above quotation subject to a call by ADMISSION 25c rolling, mass ol gulden. wheat, moped in ^rlfic 1211. NorULern Pacific 14IL People’s tomsy-generaf asked"the FWt court uying the company of $2* per sharer -Gas. 117$. Sugar l.'Hi. Colorado Fuel A- Don’t Miss It B Carburator Air corners to collect their dated wits. Men yesterday to be allowed to proceed with who had made millions danced and shout­ Iron 382. Copper 77$. ed with glee and recklessly plungWd Into the argument on the validity of the B. Gas Machine the vortex where wealth awaited them. CURE IT IN ONE DAY. C. Fisheries Act. but the court seemed At noon there was a great sensation somewhat averse to hearing it Chief when May wheat dipped to $1 24| This Justice Hunter said that the primary GIVES A GLEAN GAS Yancoover Stock Exchange Coughs and Colds Disappear Like falling off In the price was only tempor- function of the court was to try lltlga- j . Magic When Hyomel Is Used. FOB LIGHTING I nry as It sfion climbed back to $1.25. The lion, and the question was whether | put ten Interest sales during the morning If the thousand» of people who suf­ they should set as an advisory body to j w-re so large that no estimate could be (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson * Co.) fer frutn harking coughs and agontz- ROYAL Can Also Be Used for Cooking made of their total amount. ______Vancouver. April 8. the crown. This was a question of con­ After setting another high price roçdfar « gtocka. ■ log éolda would arouse themselves suf­ siderable gravity, and they were still j $1 ">t. Mav wheat dropped this afternoon Bid Asked ficiently to follow'"‘this SffVtce;—th«Y considering—the previous _ reference By using MONARCH machine for under the heavy selling of thf. P»M*sn Tn-' Alberta Coal ft Coke Co...... S would ce»Sarh outfit. An this medicated air tention. Is dead at St. Joseph’* hos­ THg NEW FEENON REMEDY the streets mentioned hereunder, namely; Australian browns. $4 00CrM26; new green, homesteader. To pave Government street between connection with the enquiry into the p***** over the Inflamed parts, relief pital. He passed away yesterday with- j THERAPION, DUTIES.—Six month* residence upon Humboldt street and Belleville street with per box. 90c.A$1.00. death of Robert Kincaid, who was kill- conÂs almost at once and cure follows and cultivation of the land in each of out having regained hi* mental facul-i S complete revolution has been wiuu. ht in this do. wooden blocks, or vitrified brick, placed Oranges—Per box. navels, standards. Ispd at Fhawnlgan Monday, by a falling Hyomel 1* also guaranteed by D. K. irtmret of medical science, whilst thousandth**» three years. A homesteader may live $1 25C<$1.75; choice sises. 80 to 125. fancy, ties. The remains of the unfortunate on -a concrete foundation, and to con­ tree, remained behind closed doors Campbell to cute cataçrh. croup, *ea restored to health and bap ■ e. vs who im within nine miles of his homestead on a struct permanent sidewalks on both sides S1.50«*TO;00. sixes 150 to 218, S2.00HS2 60; will be sent to the home of his father- years previously had here merely dragging out a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and ! with Provincial Constable Carter on ajid asthma...... - .—— r erupted by him or by his iatn«T. mother, of said street, and fancy. $2.:A9$2.75; tangerines, per box. in-law. J. A. Mnftin, at Vancouver. ■iseraule existence. eon, daughter, brother or slater. To pave Humboldt street between Gov­ ______f guard uwtfl g o’clock yesterday after- B C. THERAPION Ha 1-tMS In certain districts a homesteader In ern ment ""street"imd fxmgtav street with " j noon, whan they returned a verdict of -TjIVERPOOL WHEAT. | Remedy tor tfis«"hargee from the utmary wooden blocks, or vitrified brick, placed Since his death. It has developed that organs, superseding injections, the use of WhicB good standing may pre-empt a quarter NEW YORK SILVER accidental death, with a rider that does irreparable harm by laying the foundation Section alongside hie nomestead. Price on a concrete foundation, and to con­ Martin was suffering from a peculiar struct a permanent sidewalk on the south * warning should always be given when (Tline* Ix*ase4l Wlrp.) form of kidney trouble, which affected •f stricture and other serious diseases. in 00 per acre. Duties —Must reside six I trees .were about to. fall In lumber months In each of six years from date of aule of aa:d street with curb; and (Times Leased .Wire.) Liverpool. I April 8.—May wheat closed his mental state. He was,36 year* of l To pave Belleville street between Oov- J camps. *s. mi. homestead entry (Including the time re­ New York. April 8.—Bar silver. 50$c. ace and is survived by a sister at •rwptiees. uIterations, pains and swellings of the quired to earn homestead patent) and ; promeut street and Douglas street with feuiU. and all those complaints which mercury cultivate fifty acres extra. wooden blocks, or vitrified brick, placed Rossland. and sarsaparilla are popularly but erroneously A homesteader who has exhausted his on a concrete foundation, and to con­ supposed to cure. This preparation purifies the homestead right and cannot obtain a pre­ struct permanent sidewalks on both aides whole system through the blood and thoroughly emption mav take a purchased homestead of said street with curb; and ■ SI MAS DYKING SCHEME. eliminates all poisonous matter from the body. In certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre, To construct plank sidewalks on both i THERAPION NO. 3-A $ove*o«sn purchased homesteads may be acquired sides of Douglas street between Hum­ B. C. Electric Railway Withdraws j 1 Remedy fot debility, nervousness, impaired en any available lands on either odd or boldt Street and Relic ville street, and to Do You Open Your Mouth . From Undertaking Owing to Ex- j vitality, sleeplessness, distaste and incapacity fur even numbered Sections south of Town­ grade and macadamise the roadway. business or pleasure, love of solitude. Mushing. ship 46 east of the Calgary and Edmon­ Arid tirât all of Said work shall be carried cesslve Expenditure Required. j Indigestion, pains in the bark and heed, and all ton Railway and the west line of Range, • out in accordance with the provisions of Like'a young bird and gulp down whatever food or medicine may those disorders resulting from early error and jg and west of the third Meridian and the the Local-Improvement General By-L-iw, •m ess which .the faculty so persistently ignores Bault Railway line. Duties—Must resile I and amendment thereto, and the City. Kn- be- offered you ? Or, do you want to know something of the com­ Vancouver, April 7.—The B. C. Elec- , * use so impotent to core or even relieve. ifx ihbnmi tn eacb of Three yexnrnriTr-" glneer and City Assessor having reported trie Railway - Company has abandoned , vate fifty acres and erect a house worth ' to the Council. In accordance with the position and character of that which you take into’your stomach the Rumas dyking scheme owing to j fft it In ordering, stale which of the three I provisions uf Section 4 of the said By- whether as food or medicine ?, the excessive expenditure required, as j numbers reuuited. and observe that the word SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH­ Law. upon said work of local improve- •Tnsfiamon1 appears an British Government I ment, giving statements showing the shown on the flnnl reports of the, en- ; WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Most intelligent and sensible people now-a-days insist on SUmp (in white letters on n red groend) affixed " • -...... arnoiamounts------estimated to be chargeable glneers. The decision Is announced , fie every package by order ef His Majesty's Hob COAL.—Coal mlnlngjigsMrfay be leas- each case against the var.ous portion* of knowing w|)at they employ whether as food or as medicine. officially to-day as follows: Cs~miin---- and withent which it is a fmseso ed for twenty-one years at an annual real property,to be benefited by the said 'The board of directors have dec Id- ; rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than work, and the report of the vtty Engineer Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to INSIST Wboleoale from Henderson Bros., Ltd.. • 500 acres can be leased to one applicant, and City Aseessoi aforesaid having been ed. in view of the prohibitive cost of j Royalty. fl*e cents per ton. ------adopted by the Council:*,__ upon such knowledge. So he publishes, broadcast and reclaiming the Sums* district, that Victoria, B. C______QUARTZ.—A person eighteen years of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the they will nob be able to proceed' with axe and over having, made a dlscoverey said report Is openn for_ Inspection----- .att Jhe on each bottle-wrapper, what his medicines are made mar locate a claim 1,8th» feet by 1,660 feet. ofllre of the City Assessor. City Halt. the scheme. A large amount of money MADE IN CANADA Fee $5.00. At least $100 rtiusf be expended Douglas street, and that unless a peti­ of and verifies It under oath. This he feels he can well has been spent*in making the mo-*t j on the claim each year, or paid to the tion against said proposed work of local careful survey of the works, and estl- [ Mining Recorder. When SuOO has been Improvement signed by a majority of the afford to do because the more the Ingredients of which expended or paid and otlpsr requirements owners of the land or real property to be mates of the cost of alternative compiled With the claim may be purchas­ assessed for Myh improvement, and re­ his medicines are made are studied and understood the schemes have been carefully prepared ed at $100 an acre. presenting______at least one-half of the value by the most eminent engineers obtain­ PIoACER MINING CLAIMS generally. 1 of the said land or real Pjopert y. Is more will their superior curative virtues be appreciated. ROYAL 1W feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. sented to the Council within fifteen able. Mr. G. Lebaron. C. E.. the well ______^— .------tiw» t from - the date of Lhp Ur*- publicaUon-of know? authority on 1imK'llal\vF-LLINGTON J DOW! RR work In the substantial manner re- Jf/ B.—Unauthorised publication of this WBbunuiun c if’r qaljftj to make thr schenii- absolutely advertlsemeat wlil not CAKES 1 ^or‘ City clerk’s Office. safe nnd permanent entailed a verv Victoria. B. C.. March 30th. 1909. large Increase over *be original estt- the organs distinctly feminine in particular. "It is also a soothing and invigorating nerv­ mates .and (is the revised estimates of Best Yeast ine ana cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prestation, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea cost exceed^by a very conslderpbl* sum Seeds of All Sorts CIVÎG NOTICE or St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms attendant upon functional the amount which the company was Of Beat Quality and newest Prices ai prepared to contribute, the board felt in the World and organic diseases of the distinctly feminine organs. Itself rehjrtantiv rompciHd to with­ Applications for the position of A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice, recommend each draw from the undertaking.” Johnston’s Seed Store CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPART­ Sold aid MENT will be received at the office of of the lèverai ingredients of which “Favorite Prescription” is made for the cure of the INTER EST rNO LEI "TITRE. MARKET BUILDING, CORMOR­ the undersigned until Friday, the Idth diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure. You may read what they say for yourself by day of April next, at S p.m. Used sending a postal card,;request for a free booklet of extracts from the leading authorities, Riv. Dr. R* c*. of Seftlfle* gave an 'n- ANT STREET, VICTORIA. Salary at the rate of $t,26 per month, teréetlns; lecture In the Metrop -litan Ales Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, and dwelling provided. to Dr. R. V. Pierce, invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., and it will Methodist church Tuesday night before * Everywhere Callage Plants. Bedding Plants, etc. WELLINGTON J. DOWLER, come to you by return post. large laudience. HI* subject wa* ••Win­ Send for Cata.ogue. C M. Ç. ners.” or ‘ How to Make a Landing.” For City Clerk’s Office, March 31st, 1909. It’s foolish and often dangerous to exic périment with new or but slightly tested med- half an hour before the lecture R. Par­ E. WGiBetl Ce.. Ltd. T. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. p. Victoria. B. C. icmes—sometimeses urgedurg upon the afflictedd as “ just as good ” or better thantha “Favorite sons gave an organ recital which was Post Office Box 40. much appreciated. Mias Ella Cocker Prescription.' The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that he knows what the" proffered sang a solo In a most acceptable manner. THE B^T SNAP OFFERED THIS ROB POST OFFICE. SEASON Yeeter^a) afternoon the American con­ ’PHONE 97 substitute is made of, but you don’t and it is decidedly for your interest that you should sul Hon'. A. Rmlth. gave a luncheon to Dr. . ------New «tory and half hbuae, Juet finished. Rees at the Empress hotel. There' were Ton TOO* 6 room», hall, pantry, bathroom. el*»sets, know what you are taking into your stomach and system expecting it to act as a curative. . Seattle. Wash.. April 8.—On Tuesdny . hot and àdld water, electric light, etc.; To him its only a difference of profit. Thajefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce’s Fa­ present,. In additloh to Mr. Smith aM Dr. night rubbers entered the post office at. built on concrete foundation ; new stable Reus:- Mayor Hall. Rev. T. E. Bolting. Ravendale. â mining town In this Wood and Coal I and hen house, am well finished; standing vorite Prescription. ^ N. 8hnke*p<*are. D. Spencer. *r.. W 11. county, and escaped with $86 ■ on 3 corner lets, full »tz»-d. «0x120 each, Bone. Rev, W. l^slle Clay W. J. Pen- and a quantity of jewelry DeptiW"" i Must be sold. To do this price has btuui Send 50 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's dray. Rev. 8. J. Thompson and Dr Erneet R. DAVERNE reduced to $3,600. See this first. ahenffs are hot on their tfsA» 1 oikhAjl. iffi miUiatSM Common Sense Medical Agyiicr, 1008 pages doth-froijnd. Address Dr. Picrçp >y above VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, 1 i lHJLi )• AV APRIL 8, IMfr.

MRS. nTZ-GIBB01L____ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL A High Grade BEFORE MOTHER’S CLUB V Uapt, and Mrs. Clive Pbilllpps-WoUey arc in town. Watch for $20 Practical Address Delivered William P. Cox, Washington, D..C., Yesterday—Other Features Is a visitor in town. Thla la a beautiful thin model, Mason & Risch - » »■ . 12-slsa watch, fitted with a 16- of Programme. Miss Alice Croft, of Westmeath. Ont., Jewëi special nickel movement, Is a visitor in town. fully guaranteed and a splendid timekeeper. The Mothers* Club held q very de­ Fred Hull*; Milan, Ohio. is on# of The case is the best Î5-year lightful meeting yesterday afternoon in our American visitors. 14-K. gold filled, also guaran­ the Spring Ridge schoolhpuse. teed. The meeting wa* opened with a piano | Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Dugveau, of Se­ »olo by Miss Perry, after which the attle, arc- holidaying here. w&m president. Mrs Graves, read a roost MtiL-Cartwell, of Thomas* Crossing, suitable and helpful, selection on Self- Dependence. by Matthew Arnold. Mrs. was In town yesterday. Ladies’ Watch Slmmonds. the secretary, followed with ,«0TBE* CkKL°^D the minutes of the last meeting, after Mis* Gaudin left to-day to spend which the speaker of the afternoon, Easter with Vancouver friends. for $18.50 Mr*. Fltx-Glbbon, wa* Introduced. The latter, in Introducing her subject. - **ÏSSS» - Mrs. A. T. Watt, of William Head, This watch la alee jilted with “What we do and what we are," said was a visitor In town yesterday. the Challoner A Mitchell spec­ Fhe*.hoped her audience did not expect ial, 15-Jewel nickel movement her to treat It from a profound stand George W Pranger,. of Glenwood, The case Is the popular O aise, point, because she had foijnd that It Minn., Is spending some time In town. which is almost exclusively was the seemingly trivial things of used to-day, and la guaranteed life which Were really great. Speak­ ing of the universaliy acknowledged Miss L. Rowron left this afternoon to for 25 years. Ssssgÿ#5.... spend Easter with friends in Vancou-. The above we have marked at egotism of youth. Mrs. Fits-Glbbon said that when a girl wa* standing on a price which should not fall stvvwU""- r ... the^ brink between girlhood and wo­ Gordon Hunter will spend Egaler to make sales. We consider them unequalled for value. manhood, everything wa* no brand new at her summer home at Shawnlgan to her that *he felt certain In her own totner8" Lake. mind nothing »o wonderful and en­ chanting. or. It might be. aggravating, The names of Joseph and Ada Grey had ever happened to anyone before, are noted among our latest London vis­ CHALLONER certainly not to her maternal parent. itors. She lived In a state of youthful fer------—AMD------meHt. Alia Whs full 7if faUlt* of which Hicks & Lovick Piano Comp’y, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Robertson return­ she was quite unconscious. When the ed yesterday from a gay holiday trip to Inevitable lover came he was of course Seattle. MITCHELL the most wonderful lover .the world * e e ever saw latter, when she married Limited Among our, latest pralrlê visitor* is 1017-81 GOVT. ST. and faced the sterfi realities of life, Miss Robins Mindvth. of Portage la romance wa* apt to vanish, and life 1204 DOUGLAS ST. Prelrle. became made up largely of'seeming VICTORIA, B. C. • • e Fit ■Reform trivlslltle*, and a never-ending round of H. Dallas Helmcken, K. C., I* paying dally duties. The spring sunlight, In a short visit to Vancouver on legal ••THE" MILLS OF THE GODS." stead of tending to the furtherance of business. romance, turned Its cruel searchlight George Broadhurst * Strong Play to be on the worn spot* in the carpet, the Dr. Fraser l* spending the Easter Here To-morrow. dingy curtains, the shabby furniture holiday* with his brother. J. A. Fraser, So many things were needing to be re­ Easter at Union Bay.------"The Mille of the God*” ts the «tie. plenished. and til# .children seemed to and New York city the scene, of a new *hoot up otit of their clothes, which Harry Thompson, of Rakam. Wls., Is play by George Broadhurst. which will nevfr grew in proportion to their wear spending some time sightseeing in and be *e*n here to-morrow night. It Is er*e Increasing needs, that the poor around Victoria. claimed for this drama that" It l* house mother, tired, discouraged, dis­ *tronger t\an “The Man of the Hour," tracted almost sometimes, sat down In .Mr. and Mrs. J. MahafTey. of Cincin­ “A F the two week*. organ fund, was a very eharmlng affair, and most enjoyable throughout stability of all civilised nations They Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention Mia* 1 Jtlng opened the programme with are the maker* of empires; they are Quite a number of prominent society a well rendered! piano nolo, which was the tiny moealc* which go to the rear­ l>eople from Duncans will be in town REPEAT ORDERS encored. A very pretty chorus followed, ing ef the most beautiful structures. for the Native Sons' ball to be held given by twelve young ladles In pictur­ Man bring* the raw product, the wo­ esque Japanese rostunie*. Mr*. R Wll- The (rovers tell us that the sales of Baÿey In the Empress on the 16th. man convert* It into home. Home, and *«>n contributed a vocal solo which was home training alway* count In the end Flakes are increasing—that the repeat orders arc R. 8. tgennlefwho ha* been in town much enjoyed; next estnè another pretty ALLEN & CO, cltofus. In which Mi** Eva Howell took No matter how fir a child may wander now coming.every day; we expected this, and have attending the bencher*' meeting, left if hi* home training has been right he not been disappointed. last night for his home In Nelson. Mr. the solo part. Mis* EW Marlaren sad the Mi**e* Howell i-ontributed vocal solo* will go back to that straight a* an The reason is—t4n* «jnality ijrin the gootts—-and Lennle-says mining in the Interior Is which were well received and encored, arrow. All great men admit the ma­ looking better. and a violin aolo by Arthur McCoy, ac­ ternal influence. The eye* of people we purpose keeping it there: that has always been companied by Jesse "Longneld. carried aero*» the nee* are turned on Canadian our ambition—to make the best in every line wc Mr and Mr*. H. E. Miller, of Gro­ the audlencr by storm. The grand march mother*, wondering If It be *afe to In­ produce. ton. S. D., accompanied by O. Miller and fan drill, given by the entire com­ trust their *ons and daughters In this and Vai.ee Miller, who are touring the pany. wa* perhaps the pretlient feature far-off land The speaker said It had Sound cities, are spending some time of the programme, the effect of the quaint costumes, and bobbing chryeanr been a pleasure to her to find on her QUALITY 1201 GOVERNMENT ST. VICTORIA, B. 0. (hemum* In the young ladles' hair .being arrival in Victoria that old country very fetching. custom* were ohserx’ed here; that the Winn out every time, in nil linen—end our ceres In Among visitors from the Dominion Th«- Mieses Howell and Meelaren acted foundations of culture and refinement capital are Mr and Mr*. James Mc- as accompanist* during the evening. and truth and right living were firmly ,arc fresh: we do not wish any grocer to sell our Farlanc, who will make an extended Among thoae taking part were* Katie and truly laid. goods, if these goods hate become stale; we pre­ Amerson. Beealc Ryan. Edith Howell. stay on the island, spending some time At the vonclueiofl of her address Mrs. fer replacing them with new stock, as it pays. AMUSEMENTS. at Duncan* anil Hhawnlgan. .Minnie lledson, RiAv Holt*. Millie Amer- *and Ills Money, etv. illustrated Song. | A distinguished visitor expected In SUNLIGHT pretty with decoration* of spring flow­ Seat sale, 10 a.m . Wednesday. April 7th. • BU K3RAPH town to-mnrntw will be George W. Pr|pes, 25c.. 66c., 75c., $1.66, $1.56. er*. Mr*. Jenkins spoke mo*t appre­ Pictured Animations. Rroadhurst. the author of ' The Man of N—SOAP-—*. ciatively of Mr*. FUx-Olbbon’g address, the Hour" and “The Mill* of the Gods.” and moved a vote of thank* to all who both of which Appeared first In book ■wets you half-way does had taken part, which was given form and were afterward* dramatised. •II year work le hell the standing THEATRE Mr. Broadhurst wllf be preaent at the time Ifyoe follow direction*. •- The next meeting will be held the Hotel Del Monte presentation of his play. “The Mills of first Wednesday .in May, and Mrs. TS£ NEW GRAND the Gods” at Victoria theatre to-mor­ The Paradise of the Pacific Two Nighta, Monday, April 12, row evening, (Dr.) Hasell will he the speaker. Near Old Monterey ... Week 5th April. Among thoae present were Mrs, Tuesday, April 13. purs hvm clothes (rom le- James Dunsmuir. Mrs. Jenkln*. Mrs. 125 miles soeiherty I,oat Sin Frsncisca Mr*. T. Curwen Jones, and her sister. Iromroughi GEORGE WILSON Miss Hamilton, of Banff. Alberta, who Smith, Mrs. Hayes. Mis* Law«on, Mr*. The Edgar Forrest Cq. Presents Savory. Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Switxer. have been spending a month in the “THAT ODD COMEDIAN,'* “Walt* Me Again." Mrs. Pierce. Mis* Bussell. Mrs. Peden. California The Celebrated Master of Minstrelsy. Sound cities, arrived in town yesterday nfternfwm from Hell insham Wa*h. and Mre. Renouf. Mr*. Sherwood. Mrs. HE finest winter resort in the world. Superb climate, Hammond. Mrs. Curry. Mrs. Scale*. Harry Beresford THE MEEH INTERNA. will be guests for a week or more at the matchless scenery of mountain and sea, permits “ And a Remarkably Clever Company In Holllek, Mrs. Jones la well know in Mr*. Christie. Mrs. Bosse. Mis* Behn- TIONAL TRIO ■een. Mr*/^ W»ll;‘ Mr* WtWsrroft:^^ MYirri* “ outdoor'-sports- ail winter, etttf,ttnnis, hbW-baçk *nA MUir Hsmlrtmi W T “Who’s Your Friënd?’’ " World"* Greatest Hand Balancera and an artist if M tm-an ability. The ladtej Hasell. riding, motoring, motor boating, surf tank bathing. World By Harry arid Kdw. Paulton. ___ Physical Culture Marvel*. are aunta nil Miss May MamiTtonV ne famous scenic Seventeen Mile Drive thru primcvaTpine <1 real eat comedy success of New York, THE FAMOUS well known In musical circles here. forest. 126 acres intensely cultivated park. Accommo­ «’blcago, London, San Francisco. The Both ladle* express themselves delight­ dation, 1,000 guests. Excellent cuisine, perfect service. laughing aensattyn of the Pacific Coa#it. QUAKER CITY FOUR ed with Victoria, -Mre. Rannerman. MOW TWO WEEKS AT SEATTLjg - ■—=- “Th*. Singing Blacksmiths.'’ .Spring Ridge, is entertaining them, and FAIRMONT For rates, reservations and illustrated literature, address Prices. 2ÜW Mft., T.'»-'., SL66. $1 50. Miss May Hamilton this afternoon. S*|C open» 16 a. W., Friday. April flfh. ------“The Dancing Adoniaea,1* H O T E L DUFF AND WALSH Among the Uteet innovations In trade a a Worser. Mossier Hotel Del Monte CAL. school* in Belgium Is* a school for dgar- In a Série* of Intricate Fancy Steps niHkinjr. SAN FRANCISCO TH08. J. PRICE THEATRE FOR QUALITY SONG ILLUSTRATOR. n “Katie Darling. I Am Waiting.” BUTTERNUT BREAD WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND SAT­ Correct Silver Plate | I» UNSURPASSED URDAY NTOHTS of this week, with NEW MOVING PICTURES EMPRESS THEATRE SEED NOW The beautiful patterns in spooat. SATURDAY MATINÉE. Con.fr Government end Johaoos St. YOU BE THE IVDOa “Travel* of a Stranded Actor,” AND SECURE THE BEST RE- knives, forks and serving pieces AMATEUR CONTEST AND "How Happy Jack (iot a Meal.” 1 Made only Sy bearing the famous trade mirk LONDON BIOSCOPE OUR OWN ORCHESTRA Moving Pictures Bennie end Taylor SULTS FOR YOUR LABOR "1847 ROGERS «: The Rig Double Show M. NAGEL. Director. ' THURSDAY ■> Phono 711 This can only be done by using the For 16 Cents. "Light Csvelry Change." by Mara. IMPERIAL BAKERY THE WHEELWRIGHTS DAUGHTER Sank HoUl of the World host of Seeds and Plante . rvyreitnl 1ht rteshcmciTfi of TDoors open 7 », performance at * o’clock. FEKVWOOD HD. * GLADSTONE wrr«f Mit lenricr—(fit kini of Saturday Matinee, Children. .>*. AUSTRALIAN AX MEN AND Overlook! San francitco Bay and City ROUGH RIDERS. We are headquarters for the best , -Silrtr P/au that Wear, "—Me Door* open 2 o’clock, commences At 2.30. Five Minute! Rida from Ferries Y. W. O. A. ■ OVER THE STICKS. PRICES RIGHT J kind that idds ,rice to your MU. 600 rooms. Every room Su both •eve o« .(«.iso euitii Evening Admission 10c ir the benefit of young women Is < BALKED AT THE ALTAR J. E. PAINTER 6 SON Rate#—single room and batit—ÈLOù. $8.00, out of w^pnenL A FIGHT WITH MORTADELLA8. OFFICE g$ *>, $4.00, il..-», ài.uû. tr.uo. #I6J»7 £2" WhY'iïïr- Suit*#—fly.UU, <12.50. 117,.U0, glMO Bad nyu ere aid* »r the 80N0 Ml CORMORANT STREET ^^jiasmÉOMosiTacà^ BOOMS AND BOARD Management JAY G CO. Read the “Times" WHEN THE MOCKING BIRDS ARE Totoptaonr, MS end AlSd A Heme from Heme. SINGING IN THE WILD WOODS. Nuraerymen and Seedsmen ^—------„ Palace Hotel Company •42 Pandora Avenue. ADMISSION, TEN CENTS GOAL AMD WOOD BROAD ST., NEAR PORT. READ THE TIMES TplIpZ ■; ■ .■ ■ TWm

10 VICTORIA DAILY TIMBB, THURSDAY, APRIL g, 1909. Your Ad Should Be There When the Home Hunter Clips Out the Ads Which Appeal to Him

BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRCECTORY PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS under tble head la­ ADVERTISEMENTS under thl» head 1 At>VKJVrigEME.VT3 under tbl» h«J > Stoves tent per word per Insertion; 1 ” . cent per word per Insertion ; 3 Une», n con* per word per insertion 3 Une^ SI For Sale—Acreage For Sale—Houses Help Wanted—Female per month; extra Une». 25 cent» per Un per month; extra Une», 25 cent» per Une per month; extra tides, 25 cents per Une per month. ^ per month. STOVES, ranges and heaters ot FOB SAI.E-5J acre», with m-w t per month. all kinds bought and sold. N. it- Fox- SUPERIOR ST.—5 room cottage. $1.750; WANTED—Working housekeeper • for , S'>rd, 1W Douglas St. Phone Altai. roomed house and outbuilding», house $$>0 cash, balance $20 per month. Muy- • hachelor'a house, full charge. Apply piped for lurt and cold water; this pro­ »mlth A Co.. Mahon Bldg. 1617 Rockland avenu- before .2 o'clo- k. Agents Electric Signs perty overlook» a lake and would, make Architects. DROP ME A LINE about this house I or Box Go. Post Office, Woman with men WANTED In every locaME? : THE l.ATENT Stump Fuller an ideal home; M/tUU, on terms. R. child no objection. CanadaCanml', to advertise...1 l.. QmMgoods...11 r. ills, tSCkla®k OP“S 1 ... .. sheet, metal elecirtc sign». Drury or Fred. M. McGregor, vis Gov­ have for sale. It is a* comfortable, H. J. ROUS VEUJU1.-V ^'v' q, , J. Market, maker.Uier, Victoria. B. L. ernment street. brand new 7 roomed frame house on the Promis Building; 100* Government showcard» in all conspicuous P‘Bce®,* STUMP PULLER—Made in 3 else», for Fairfield Estate. It Is less than 15 j WANTED—Girl* to make shifts and Victoria. ______distribute small ./advertising •«■le or for hire; contracte taken. J.. FOR SALE—80 acres, Shawmgan Lake minutes" walk from the Post Office and 1 overalls. Pauline A Co., factory, Yates Commission oj^alary. $»3 Durrent. 4M BUmalde road, Victoria. ' 'l:- tn t. Apply ii.ix 448. Times Ofllce. H. S. GRIFFITH. 14 Promts Bl®°k* l00< and exp.*hsc<$4 per day. Steady s»or» not more than 2 minutes from the new ! Electro Plating —* hone Allai. ■ FARM SNAP—fi> acres ami shack, five Cook street car line. You cun have it Government street Phone i4.v------— the yeai^found; entirely now PlB*V*.JJ WANTED—A girl for.gem ral house work. DICHON Jt LKNFK8TY. 567 Johnson SI. mile* from Poet Ofllce, Strawberry Vale for $2,M*>. on your own terms. If you I experirtu*,* required. Writ* for London, district. $1.300. May smith A io., Mahon mean business, address “A- BV Times 1 Apply in th« mornings to 1521 Fort tit., I!a«r I loyal Remedy Co., Gold, silver and nickel plating, oxidising, Teaming Office,, for particulars., or Phone AlSSt'. Bookkeeping. nt.. Canada. Putting and lacquering. Hldg.. Government street. TRIMBLE & SON. general teaming, »300_WILL BUY a new seven roomed WANTED—Maid, general, small- house, VICTORIA SCHOOfc OF BOOKKEF^e" TIMBER—Before buying.or Helling timber house with two large lots, close to car ploughing and excavating. 17 Putman In B. C. call and see my list, comprising family of two. Apply 1322 HUink-y A vu. ING, ISS Douglas street. Hf* SgUi I Bakery -Street. Phon> A1439. and school. In victoria West. Address •d or vi.lt.' I day or eeeoloe Vdjr 1 Engravers more than 10U of the best properties, A. B„, Times Office. FOR CHOICE FAMILY BRLAp. Cak«*. aggregating a total cut of twenty-live WANTK1>—A g. W. Truck and Dray Urge lot. 60x136. lij Esquimau, near private. O'. Rent. Jr ■ ^principal 73 Fort St.. i»r ring up Phone »» •“* and Seal Engraver. Geo Crowther. 816 tou, Mahon Bldg., Victoria. Phone 1868. u ‘‘art street, behind Boat Office. beach, and car line, $l.Mv. For terms WANTE1>—A young lady for flower store; your order wiU receive prompt auen PHONE 1962 FOR J EPSON TRANSFER ■i AM PREPARED to locate choice Gov­ apply Bex tel. Times. ___ •experience apd reference required. Ap- lion. - —Trucking and exprvauslng. Yale* SL ply 613 Fort stfeet. „ Dentists. stand, above Broad. Orders left at ernment land» near the Grand Trunk MICE COTTAGE—2 bedrooms, large tiv- Pacific railroad; also 1 have choice mg' foom, pantry, kitchen, etc., cuicktn Fishing Tackle Acton », telephone lttil. Residence, 343 farming land for sale, small or large Er! l.KirtS HALL, Dental Fur*^"- Blasting Rock Michigan street. houses, lull sued lot $1.7w. Cross i Jewell Block, cor. Tates *"£. .P"'**1** Uf YOU WANT THE LATEST In Mahing tracts. C. v. Harvey, real estate agent, Co.. Fort street. Help Wanted—Male Victoria. B. C. Telephone- Wells, cellars, Inundation». etc. Hyieltpn. It. C. tlio difficult. Hock (or sala,. 1 crina tack.la, go to Harris * Smith. Their TRUCKING—Quick service. Reasonable jmee. sa~: Residence. 1g, 4M Mlchl- •lock Is all new. Including flics, spoons, charge*. J Walsh & Hon». Baker"» FOR KALE OR TO LET-Ney 6 roomed WANTED—Two first-class carpeotn s. reasonable, J. It. William». FOR HALE—One acre. $2,000, spltmdid modern Bouse. Address Box 557, Times Apply to Fait all, PoW;ell street. Jama Rhone A1343. essts. hooka, lines, reels, rods, and any- Feed Store. 640 Yates street. gun lstreet. ynu need In this hoe. soli, near hospital; nic« lot, n#^ir Gorge, Office. Bay.____ L-- Land Surveyors. VICTORIA TRUCK AND DRAY CO.- $4—, terms. Apply Box M3, this office. Tgl«phon« IX Slable Phone II»6. CLARENCE HT.—6 room hou*e. all mod­ WANTEDTwo smart lad*. a pi OEO A. SMITH. C.F.. B C. Land Sur- Boat Building FOR SALE—Eighteen Acres good fruit ern cunvenlene-s, $5,000. Maysmlth A Thorpe A Co... Ltd.. David street. 3 v veynr. Alberni. B. G. Mining claims, GIVE TOUR ORDER to McK«nale,be»l- Furrier land, eight miles from Victoria; all Co., Mahon Bldg. timber Uinits anrd eub-dlvlslons. Turkish Baths. kinds buggies, wagon* and carts, horses WANTED—A bookkeeper and general or Kulldee. plain and tancy acull "taker. FSKDx.F08tkR- Taxidermist and and harness; also yoke young oxen, well flee man : must be reliable. Apply***. *.'» Fort street. FOR BALE—7 roomed house, containing lux T. S. GORE aiuLJ. M. McOREGOR, Brit­ er. Johnson street. Cl FORT ST.. Phone 1856 Will be open broken, and twenty-five young pigs. 1. conservatory, bath, large reception han, 4K7. Times. ; Zr ish Columbia Land Surveyor». Chan­ VIGTORIA BOAT A. ENGINE COJ* from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m„ Saturdays till J. J. Fisher, Carriage Shop. Discovery panel and beamed celling», tinted cery Chamber*. 52 Langley SL. P. O- PANY. LTD., boat and launch buildera. « I». m. Ladles1 days are; Monday» walls, convenient to car. Call after » SMART BOY WANTED—At Rt-ufern As Box 152. Phone A604. Boat building material for amateurs, from lo a. m. to 6 p. rn.. and Fridays p. m. at 1227 Pandora avenue. Sons, jewellers, Government street. repairs, engines installed, etc. Esti­ Gravel FOR SALE-160-acre farm on Qallano EDWARD S WIT.KIN^ON. British Col­ mates and designs furnished. "• u~ B. C. SAND * GRAVEL CO. feet Job»- Island. ^ jjdles o|r^rJ|>an^^u*ov^rntmir’ir' »’vrî-g PBnpg^Ty noir Ylo —----- ^■..rrvvvru < Murphy. M P. Haroid Fisher Roses and Hardy Plants. We handle i MISCELLANEOUS workmanship and material; designs ana ERNEST RAWLINGS, EGGK F’OR HATCHING-Prise stock. estimate* free. Box 625. Ttmes Office, BEDROOMS -Singh* or double, clean, Carpenter and Builder. only varieties suitable for this climate. * light and airy; $5 to $10 per month. MU and our lists tell you what you want to > Buff Orpingtons. Black Minorcas, Ply- Prompt Attention to Alterations. Job­ mouth Rocks, 13 setting $1. 566 tiuperiur Yates street, near 'Dominion. Mechanical Engineer. bing Work and Repairs. know. Flewlns Gardens. 866 Hey wood j Business Chances Estimates Given. Prices Reasonable. For Sale—Land. W O WINTRRBÜRN. M I. N. A . Pon- FOR SALE—Drv «goods and gents fur­ TO RENT—Furnished rooms, with use of 807 Richmond Ave., Victoria, B. C. kitchen. Apply 339 Kingston streeL suiting Mechanical Engineer and Sur­ nishings' business. In Okanagan Valley; FIRE HAL E-Mrs. L 8. Rin gland. Lie FOR BALE—Land in various parts of stock between five and six thousand; 621 Fort street, will sell at great reduc­ veyor. Estimates for »11 kinds of m \- i. motor Sooke district, suitable for fruit, in chln^re; gaso’ini* engin#*» n specialty. CARPENTER—Builder of nous# Junk will require two thousand dollars down. tions all her damaged stock. also a I TO RENT—l large houseki-eplng room, 1 houses. greenhouses, house repairs. blocks of 25. 50 or lOu acres. Apply E. bedroom, 1 stable and barn. Apply Phone 1531. 1637 Oak Bay avenus. Vic­ For particulars apply to Box 532. Times consignment of real Torchon and other Milne. Milne's Landing. Phone Dsndrldge. A1821 WANTED—Scrap brass, copper, sine, Lees. Sale begins Monday. ApnJ.vth, at Memtio* street. toria. B. C. lead, cast Iron, sacks, and alt kinds of ALTON * BROWN, carpenter* and build-, Ri om 22, Brunswick Hotel, turner FOR SALE—Cheap. 2 acres good -land. era. Estimates given on all kinds or bottles and rubber; highest cas t price» | TTTT u ». u, mnm* Yates and Douglas streets. TO LET—I^arge unfurnished front room, P*l-I. Vlrtorl, June Atenny. ICO Store *^5. Bm Ï2: Oak Bay. near beach. Apply Box 25». on corner; good locality. Apply Box Medical Massage. carpenter work. We speelallzs In con­ street. Phone 1336. cheap for quick sale. Times office. servatories and greenhouses. Prompt Times Office. AGREEMENTS OF SALES purchased, 540, Times. UIR BERGSTROM BJORN FELT. Swe­ attention. First-class work and moder­ for cash, on Victoria realty. Duck Sc dish Masseur. Turkish bath, d Fort; ate prices. Phone B1454. Residence. MS I NOTICE—À. F. Matthews, the Club bar- Johnston, 625 Jjhneon street. BOARDERS WANTED—Furnished roonV street. Victoria. B. C. Phone 1FS6. Bay street. Victoria. Landscape Gardener ! her. Broad street, has opened n new For Sale—Livestock^ with board, <5.5o per week, lvlo Yates barlwr shop in the f Ai perlai, corner of FOR SAL'-v—Cheap, good cat boat, with street. J. AVERY, manufacturer of standard E. J. LA1NG, Linds -spe end Jobbing FOR SA LE—4 good milch cows. Apply MRS. EARSMAN. electnc light high grade concrete "building blocks View and bouglas streets. ■ails complete ; will be painted. and put 100S Fort St. Ganiener. Tree pruning and spraying a in order to suit purchaser. Apj>l\ Vie JOhn Patterson, John's Crossing, V. _jfc TO I.ET—Suite of 2 or 3 sunry rooms, medical massage. Artistic work in concrete executed to specialty. Residence 104'. M-ars street. S. Railway. Buss. order. Contracts taken for entire ! $1.0» WILL BUY territorial a^id pro- torfa Boal A Engine Co., Ltd., 424 David board optional. 461 Quebqg street, third Phone A12UL Office. Wtlkerson * j prletary fight for British Columbia of street. Phone. 2Uo. : 'un .....mment Buildings.------— buildings, foundations and fences. Fine Brown's Greenhouse, corner Cook and concrete work our specialty. 10UO Doug­ jFort streets. fine selling article, nallxlng handsome Mining Engineer las street. Phone A1013. 1 . profit- Addrcws Box 522, Olfiee. — F*Ht KM. 1 : All kinds «I nboiis. and For Sale—Lots COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS budding plants, at Mt. Tolnik* Nursery. —Every convenience, quiet, pleasant J. L. PARKER. Mining Engineer and WILLIAM F. DRY8DALE. Contractor FOR SALK-Rooming house. 10 rooms, G. A. Knight. I1.88U BUYS 3 laOTS. small collage, close house, five minutes from Post Office. Surveyor^ U, Mftcgregor Block. Victoria. snd Builder. Alt Wfirk promptly and Machinists cheap for «juick. sa lu. Address Box 466. in. Maysmlth A Co., Mdhon Bldg. 1017 Burdette avenue. B. C. Mine examinations and reports. satisfactorily executed. Jobbing neatly Times Office. JUST RKCEIVKlv-Car of Great West Superintendence of mining work or con- done. Telephone A1382. 10» N. Park St-. L. IÎAFER. Genrral Machinist, No. Ç*OR HALE—Light wagon, cart and har­ CORNER LOT—3 blocks from centre of HOLLIES, 736 Courtney street (late Ra«> tracts taken. Seven vettrs preparatory Victoria, B. C. Government street. Tel. itif). ADVERTISER seeking location for gen­ ness. Apply <22 Garbally road, i city*. 5 room cottage, all conveniences, Large room vacant; also table boarders work, eleven years actual experience as AI.FRED JONES. Carpenter and Joiner. eral store husmess on Vancouver Island, $2.«k>; $l..Vu cash. Maysmlth A Co., wanted. Terras on application to Miss colliery manager, ten years manager of Jobbing work promptly attended to. preferably w : resented, BICYCLES Snd everything for them. Mahon Bhtg. HaU. Tel. A18W.T' lead and silver, gold and copper mines. Cor. Blanchard and Fort 8ts. Phone B78». Merchant Tailors will award ftvv dollars to anyone sup­ catalogue free. Bicycle Munson. To- P. O. Box 454. Business telephone, OAK BAY AVE. Beautiful building site, TO LET—Furnished rooms, single or dou­ D1NSDALE A MALCOLMT plying such Information as will lead to A12S7; residence telephone, i912 party being suited. Mnxt be in section I .irr.', »<<•«<; lends. May.-Iiiith Sc Co., ble, electric lights In every room, 36c„ Buildere and Contractors. WING FOOK YUEN. 21 or 627 t'onnorant Mahon Bldg. Sc. and Sc. per nlghL 716 Yates streeL insdale street. ^ Clothes cleaned, pressed and of country adapt' d to fruit growing, and THOROUGHBRED WHITE WYAN­ PtNSC^I,E. MAl.DOI.M. DOTTE EGGS FOR HALE»-$2.00 per *»» Quadra St.______le Hillside Ave where land could be obtained at reason­ Music. able figure. Would also entertain pur­ setting of 15. R. Machin. Mt. Tolmle, HARBINGER AVE.-Trutvh Estate 1H>x WANTED—8! x roomers and boarders, * CONTRACTING chase of business already established in Victoria. $1,0U0. Maysmlth A Co.. Mahon Bldg. first-class accommodation; terme. $24 ALF. WHITE. Teacher of Plano. Organ CO.. LTD.—office, Room 28. Five 81,- Metal Polish good locality. Write full particulars. per month. Apply" Mrs. Taylor. 1136 and Theory. Studio. 1060 Pembroke St. Dr*' Block. Estimate» furntahed. Address Box 512. Times. SAFE FOR SALE-Almost new. FOUL B A Y ROAD—Comer elongates Caledonia. Phohe 1899.______,------" Phone 1664. gain. Box 294. Times Office. Ave., 2 lots." rf«-areok street:. on car line; report free. Engineer. •<■ Ouray. Wash­ TO RENT—Nicely furnished rooms. . late' mprofessor — of- .banjo,— —mandolin i .STIÎS^Î*,Sal* descriptions for ington. D. C *»1 Johnson street. price right, easy terms. Apply ilolmts. guitar at Alberta f'ollege. Ed mon- machlr.lsts and launch builders. E. Moving Picture Machines on Tates. Fort street Phone B1243. etc Phone AJOl.v Studio. jlM ViriCd. ( _■ *1 • ’ '1 «■' FOR SAL*—Furniture and bust new of WANTED—Dinghy or email tubby row­ MOTION PICTURES-A new supply of boarding bouse. Apply Box MS, Times boat In good condition; cash. Lloyd. FOR SALE—Lot 56x146, on Gladstone ave- ROOM AND BOARD for 4 or 6 persons, first-class "Pntbe'* film and projecting Ofllce. 1806 Maple street. Victoria. . nue, near Belmont, fin»* location, for home comforts. Apply Box 67, Times Nursing Chimney Sweeping lanterns, for sale, at Maynard1* Photo quick sale $0»); lot. 60x150. on King's rL * tl ~1y Pandora str#»et. FOR SALE—Kitchen and counter scales, CHOICE FIR DOORS, saatt. mouldings, rttad. near car line, terms to suit, price MRS. WALKER (C. M. »... Eng.), at- I LLOYD ft CO., practical chimney racon- I •te., et lowest prices. Mop re A Whit­ FURNISHED ROQM«’froip $6 1 month; gas ranges. refrigerator. carpenter $600. Apply R. L. Drury or Fred. M. r»wnis and bmird, $5 a week, ♦ends patients or ^receives them mtn h#r ers arul ho u Ft* - c I •* a n ey s, 716 Pandora , tools, watches from $3 up; 22 cal. rifles. tington. Yates street. McGregor, 918 Government street. 731 Fis- nursing home. Maternity, medical St tïratea flrebrick#*d. flues altered ■ News Stand 16-shot, SS; 6-shot pump run. $10; spirit guard street, city. surgical. 1017 Burdette avenue. Phone variant houses cleaned ready for occuna! I compass, 112 50. bachelor buttons. 2 pke. FOR BALE—Spring wagon and buggy top. CENTRAI, l’AP.K—Lahge lot. facing A1400, i tion. Phone 1577. wlup* McGregor's Blacksmith Shop, Johnson TO LET—Comfortably -furnished rooms, FOR FRESH CTO ARK and tobaccos, and 25c. At X I; Second-Hand Store, opp. south, on Princess Ave.. $650. May- with or without board. 725 Vancouver all the latest news, see Joe McDowell. Pantages, Johnson street. street smith A Co., Mahon Bldg., Government MTS8 E >U JONES. 751 Vt n onv>— S'. CHIMNEYS CI .E A N ED—De fee tiv# flu*** King's Head Cigar and News titand. Neal- * Quadra atreat. next to Pantages.■ FOR BALE—Bev seta, dressers and TO LET—2 unfurnished rooms. rluuv* 101». stands, kitchen and extension tables, ernment street. Optician Exchange chea? chairs, cook stover, brass ket­ REAL BARGAIN—3 of the finest lots tles. etc., at the Old Curiosity Shop. (fenced) in -Fairfield Estate, near Dallas Painter and Decorator WANTED—1To exchange, shares In Great road, to an immediate buyer $400. Ap­ eyes FITTED CORREC TLY or yotur Chinese Goods and Labor Fred. Jeeves, prop., cor. Fort and ply Urgent. Times Office. mhney back; costs oirt* I us/Sl pr|,*e. West Permanent Loan for shares in Blenchard streets. Rooms for Housekeeping A ... . ------—, JAMKH 8COTT ROHR, fl« Pandora Ave SIHea Brick fir Bakerhs». Idd. M H. N. ....Phone B1971, fit.....ran on Çlcîn.ty.rç.. j .AIN, beawware, stlkw and ’ t-xbort p-ir^rtinnErr and décoreïw^ A BARGAIN—Lot on"tn«t tine residential opttriarr. 61» Dun^lm, day or evening FOR BALE—Incubator and brooder. Ap­ TO LET—Room* for light housekeeping. ^'e^r'hiSa8"or,"‘”,t- All kind# ; rooms pap9 red or painted . heap. Klgns’ TO EXCHANGE SI.MO equity In "modern ply 113» Johnson street • portion -of Blanchard avenue between 46 South Turner streeL ne*A labor supplied. Tim Kee, | Estimate?» Write or telephone ATS» house for gen^d lots. Box 444, Times Bay street and Queen’s avenue, tot*) PiifJ. Gfrt;ernment street. Shorthand Office..' FOR SALE—Steamer , trunk. $2:50; tent. cash. Apply owner. 918 Hillside avenue. TO LET—Furnished housekeeping rooms; $3.50; Waltham watch. 20-year rase. $$*; also furnished bedrooms. 941 View St. Pawnshop counter scales, $6; heavy English boots. FOR 8ALB—Lot 60il30. on Rockland Ave.. D! Cleaning and Tailoring Works j For Rent—Houses > $2; shell bracelets, COc.; key ring and near Cook. Apply owner. P. O. Box 526. FOR SALE-On Cook street, block of 16 telegraphy thoroughly taught. E. A. j i \iiies1 AND gents* ■ ' " MONEY IaOANBD on diamonds, jewel­ chain. 15c. Jacob Aaronson’s new and Macmillan, nrln-lpa!.______| lery and personal effect»*, A. A. Aaron- ADVERTISEMENTS under this, head 1 sceohd-hand store. 672 Johnson street, fine lot*, no rock, good soil. $2.600. Ap­ Situations Wanted—Female son. cor. Johnson an\ Wednesday evening «t 5 | Ing, Victoria. ,. . u J. Fisher's Carriage Shop. Sil Discovery Kodak* for sale or hire. For Sale—Machinery by day or week, or estimates given, a. o’clock in Odd, Fellows1 Hall,, Douglks PHONE 1<»*A GOVERNMENT XT Trtre» t. K. WXFawéett. He . tiec., ^7-; TO LKJ-Seven roomed house. No. M. Young, 452 Moss street. Government str^t. — ^ ; Dressmaking Yates street. *» per month. Including FOR BALE—One second-hand Houston | ------—— ------——- water. Apply B^_C. Land A Investment tenoner, one Smith morUser. one ; FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN desires poel- COUKT CARIBOO. \N«. 713 I. <>. p ! Plumbing and Heating For Sale—Dogs shaper, one ten-inch sticker, one email 1 tion in store, good business experience, MIHH GALLKTIA.V, Dressmaker. i«jV dynamo. Apply Taylor Mill Co., Ltd. ! highest reference». Box 374. Time*. mevts on *.*cond nhcKfourlh Monday* ,>f - quadra street. FOR ba:LB —Fo* hounds, beagle Lty., llli Government 8t.. or P.O. Box | n 1 ■« 11 '■ ■■■■ ■ ■ month In lv. oLx17 LLl1L «-«.rryer j TO LET—« roomed furnished house. Es- and all ether breeds of sporting and j qulmalt dîsfHct; otr ear 44*h* -and near pigeons, ferrets. rabbC pandora un t; j. w to, her home on Oak Bay avenue, 3rd ►-page catalogue. 10c. Mount Penn For Sale—Poultry H King. R. Bee.. 1361 Pantlort^street V.imii r?il>! HlVi 1?^- Phrme BlftA TO LET—A furnish." cottage on Dallas * SKennels. Reading. Penna., U. 8. A. WANTED -lady’s bkycle. In good order. Pottery Ware; Etc. road. « room. Apply to Mrs M. R. Apply 2R60 Quatlra street. COMPANION fOI RT FARÜ-KRY. I. () Smith, IM Dalla, road. FOR SALE—Several of the best breeds s E No. 27V. meets first and third Mon Dyeing and Cleaning SEWER PIPE. Field Tile, ground Fire For Sale—Horses of chickens, some chicken* and choice WANTED—To buy. a sealing boat. wftjM»- Clay. Flower Pots, rf.- n <*. pottery TO LET-Good, modem equipped 7 room cockerels; also two Chatham Incubators day» ea* h niopth In K. of |>. |fan and six brooders, all as good as new, oarSt etc. Apply Box 41*. Times Office. ” corner Douglas and Pan».l»»r ». -tréets! R t*„ «TEAM DYE WORKR-The largest Co.. Ltd corner Broad ' and Pandora house, close to school, chore hen and car. street*. Victoria. B. . $30 per month. Address P. O. Box 630. FOR BALE—Team gehllngw, 1.250 lbs., cheap. 1444 Pembroke street. Isativlle Moore. F ktanviel Hecrctary. 541 dyeing and cleaning works In the pro­ "both single drivers, used to " motors, WANTED—Second-hand gasoline engine, about 6 or 7 h. p. ; must be cheap. Ap- Hillside Ave.. city.______, vince; Country orders aollcUed. Tel. also wagen. hsrnes*. democrat, «inglo BLACK MINORCA and Barred Rock 300. J. C. Renfrew. prpprieJ TO" -RENT OR FOR BALE-Nlee new Ply Box l^ Tlwaa. . K <>F L.-EasJàê«*str4aadge. 4Vrr*»^*l------Restaurants irmree tm Dominion rrwd. 1 tntqme Tfdni .hariuysm, plough, itatmwifc.., koe-'W, egg»,- $t for tMrteen 1TÎ2 Den matt «T.V Cowichan Station. ^ WANTED—South African ^«ripL We ...^vr-»4-P^ilail..mrrJJOUglm aitd-VlC-TxiJUA .STEAM . .LLirxtxaXa. l..r00,n>* hath, pantry, good near Jubilee Hospital. basement. Apply tn*TF. JrilLnpoy-1430nay tfs raah....Communicate wttk' Ht». ..H- Weber. K. of It. A 8. Box 544. Yates street. TeT rrermtu Ntw iement sf^ron, n Q«ner»l Agency CorpotwIto^i.rpoytloi I.td.. tions of Indies' and gentlemen’s gar­ Restaurant. 1412 Store street, next For Sale—Wood 144 Granville street. Vancoi B. C. VICTORIA. No. •!., K of ,P.. meets at ment* cleaned or dyed and pressed I Queen’* Hotel. Best 16c. ine«| i„ the FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. For Sale—Houses u of P -Hall, every Thursday. D. H equal to new. city. Op**n day and night. Try us and Apply 1121 Quadra street. WANTED—Canadian Northwest Oil stock ADVERTISEMENTS under this head 1 READY TO ' BURN—Clean mill wood, In exchange for good building lots close Mo’w .it K. of it. A « Box 164. we win give you satisfaction. Twenty- large and small, to suit. Phone Hull, PAUL'S DYEING AÿlD CLEANING one meql ticket* for $3. cent per word per Insertion; 3 Insertions. to Willows car line. Box MU, Times T o. F . COl.'RT NORTHERN LIGHT ^01UxBJ^JPor^street^^>l^24^^^^ | For Rent—Land S cents per word; 4 cents per word per 1124. Office. week ; 5» cents per line per month. No * No. meris at K. of p. Hall 2nd and FOR RENT-?ruh* ! 8. Pv P. A.—All vase» of cruelty to be re­ strictly modern. $§.000. Maysmlth & under jig tied will sell rordwood in fo :r- . Wcel9 every se«*ond sir«l fourth Wed­ T1IE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. ported to Mr. Th«*s. W. Palmer. Hen foot lengths and take sawing machine to SMALL FURNISHED IIOUÿE WANT­ nesday in month at A O. U. w. juu. MRS C K TI'RNER. Si'i'v., .r^|l>n cash. Maysmlth A Co., ting. J. K. Grice, 3021 Douglas street. PLOY MENT AGENCIES. 650 Johnson ' ground floor, good, business position Mahon Bldg | Victoria. B. C. Phone 16k Wanted—Lots MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA street. Victoria, B. C, and 312 Water WING ON. 170» Government Street Apply Harman A Punnett. 622 Trounce meet every flr*t in«l thlnl ru»**day of Street. ^Vancouver. B C.. supply la^or | BEAUTIFUL BUNGA LOW-Truth Es­ MILLWOOD. $3. Hull. Phone 111L WANTED—From 4 to 5 acres Improved each month at Sir William Wallace Hall. and help of ill! il“*

Angus B.McNeill -IN STOCK- For a Home or an Investment in Victoria—Buy Now BEAL ESTATE > FIRE AND LIFE INSUR PETBB’S (English) PORTLAND CEMENT ISLAND INVESTMENT COM­ ANCE. LOANS. Full weight Full strength DAY & BOGGS B. C. LAND AND INVESTMENT J. GREENWOOD 619 TROUNCE AVE. BntxbUshed 1H0. AGENCY, LTD. REAL' ESTATE AND TIMBER. PANY Pennsylvania Blacksmith Coal MO FORT STREET. TELEPHONE *45. 90 GOVERNMENT STREET. Above Northern Bank. Tel. AMI Limited. VICTORIA, b. C. HAVE $27oOOTO LOAN BANK OF MONTREAL CHAMBERS. BOSTOCK & CO., Limited $4,400—1 ROOMED DWELLING and 4 lots VANCOUVER STREET -.FINE BIG FOR SALE. LOT, 54x120. with fine ' graded street, AT 7 PER CENT. » ACRES WATERFRONT PROPERTY •a a corner, close to ear line. This le a booulevarde and sidewalks, distant 1 622 FORT STREET Prie* lia Per Acre. minute from car. $ minutes from park, MMMaWMfeMrtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM TO RENT. and Just 10 minutes’ walk froth Post SALE GORDON HEAD FRUIT LAND. ,001 ce; this Is an Ideal home site, and ITU FOR 2 LOTS, near the Jubilee hoe- NEW HOUSE—Pandora, 7 room», In 4 and 6-Acre Block*. cap be bought for $L006; $100 cash and strictly modern, magnificent view pttal, all fenced, fruit trees, eta.; terms $20 monthly. At 1300 Per Acre...... ;...... jj.joo.oo to suit purchaser. 1 ROOti DWELLING. NEW HOUSE — Blanchard, near LINDEN AVENUE—BIG SNAP IN A • THIRTY BLUE PRINTS IBM Belcher Avenu* .Queen’s. 7 rooms, modern ....*4.000.00 CHEAP LOIS LOT for $560; adjolnng lots are selling LOTS Of Any Length Will Lease for .1 Year NEW HOUSE—Queen’s avenue, n At «21 Per Month. $3,l$a-4 ROOMED MODERN COTTAGE, for $760. In On* Piece. SOLD beauty, g room*. Lot «0x130 «3,500.00 CHOICEST LOT ON MAY STREET very centrally located, with $ lots; 60x120. adjoining Park ...... $800 DWELLING. JOSEPH STREET-TWO LOTS for $430 DURING THE LAST NEW COTTAGE-Near Richardson TIMBER MAPS 123 Young Street, June» Bay. each; $50 cash, and balance at $1© •tree!, • rooms, large loC Easy BURNSIDE ROAD, close ln-2 LOT8 FEW DATS, each 00x120. the two for ...... $000 1 Rooms, Large Let, monthly. terms...... **.400 Rent «30 Per Month. DOUGLAS STREET—4 LOTS, each fiOxUl, Electric Bine Print A lip C# $1.850-4 ROOMED COTTAGE, la the NEW COTTAGE—Third street, « 111» LANGLEY ST, VICTORIA. WHICH choice high ground to orchard, facing 2 STORY DWELLING, north ead. almost new. with cellar, nice COOK STREET—A CORNER IZ)T for rooms...... 11,710 east, all for ...... *...... ,$1,7<*> $760; $50 cash, and balance $10 monthly. lawn, fruit trees, eta; thla la eheap. IS LARGE LOT AND 2 ROOMS—Near PRINCESS AVE., adjoining Park-FINK 1023 North Park Street. A CRITERION Willows...... ;...... *850 LOT. 00x1211, for ...... :*...... $6G0 Rent «30 Per Month. » ROOMED HOUSE—South Turner VANCOUVER STREET, near Park, fac­ SWINERT0N & 0DDY THAT To Build * I ROOM DWELLING. "WOONSON." $$.100-PRETTY LITTLE $ ROOMED ...... «4,200 ing Eaet-LOT 00x120. for ...»...... $900 1306 GOVERNMENT STREET. OAK RAY WATER FRONT, near old On « Acres' Land. COTTAGE and * large lota, frontage on THE LOTS WE OFFER LOTS On Esquimau Rood. hotel site, fine property, 120x166, for .. More Residences two good street». Just a step from two ARE FROM *450 CP...... $3,000 t ' Rent MO Per Month. ear tinea; 14 cash. FAIRFIELD' ESTATE. UNSURPASSED CORNER LOT—Off Pandora, close In WILMOT PLACE. Oak Bay—4 LOT8l (Ve have aeversl « ROOM COTTAGE. FROM ...... 5900 each 61x140, the four for ...... *....$1,400 i ousel in eboiei * On Esquimau Water Front, LOT 40x130—Corner of Cook and Hilda streets ...... «1.300 TWO LOTS—Denman street...... 1*50 ocations for sal* About 2 Acres. «LI00CORNBR LOT AND • ROOMED THE STANDPOINT Rent «20. _ COTTAGE, all fa good order. LOT 57x130—Chester street ...... «300 OF VALUE. it a low pries and OUR NEW ISSUE i- T 00x130—Cook street and Oscar street T. P. McConnell m easy terms, , . OF HOME LIST. ...tTï...... «1.300 LEEMING BROTHERS, LTD. Cor. Fort and Oovt. Sts. LOTS—Of large else. In the Fairfield MOORE A WHrmXOTOX .J Containing All the Beat Farms on Van­ LOT 40x120—Cook street ...... «1.100 WHERE P.O. Box 61. 524 FORT ST. Telephone 74S couver Island. Will Be Printed In a Upstairs, Estate, beet of soil, entirely free from CAN YOU PURCHASE CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS AtfD Few Days. LOT «0x120—Oscar street «*» rock, price $460 eaeh; terme, $» cash, 4 ROOM HOUSE-Large lot. $ acre. 81m- LUMBER DEALERS. t LOTS. OOallO—Oscar and Cheater LOTS balance monthly. rne street, near Dattes -Hotel. R.7W, streets, each ...... «*50 Phone A780 Residence, A680, IN term»; rent* for $12 per month. LABOR HALL PROVES 2 I-OT«. 10X110—Chaster street each. «*00 THE NORTH WEST REAL ST CHARLES STREET—• acres on a WESTERN CANADA. 5 ACRES Several! 6-aere piece*. Bum- LOT GOxllS—Linden evsnue ...... B.M side road. 3 miles fiom City Hall; prices ESTATE CO. corner, all cleared and cultivated, ONE-HALF MILE paying investment! University School LOT «OxlOP-LInden avenue and Hilda $250 per acre and up. REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL pride $4.300; on terms. FROM CENTRE OF'CITY, AGENTS. street ...... «M* 6i ACRES-NEW 6 ROOM HOUSE. Just ------FOR BOYS TOI TATES STREET. VICTORIA, B. CZ J LOTS—110 ft. frontage on Fairfield toed AT completed. 3 miles from City Hall, on; NEARLY $ ACRES-Water frontage, on Burnside road, very fine vte«K* splendid Building is Steadily Occupied, by 80 ft. on Linden evenue, width at $400.00 eaGh? Warden ACREAGE, Victoria Arm. above the Gorge, nicely bargain, $4.000. I rear 130 ...... *2.»» Rev. W. Dolton, M-A.. O SHOAL BAY. treed, and extending from water to pub­ LINDEN AVENUE-LARGE LOT. 60x16 According to Report of feet, with entrances en both frontages, JPmvers lie rood, only $700 per acre; terms if The above lota are close to the new Cook YOU MONTEREY AVE.-2 ACRÇ8, stl cleared. street tram Una. close to Fort street. $2.100. Comrflittee. Principals ——.—»—- desired. CANNOT DO IT R. Y. Harvey. Esq . M.À.. Cambridge S roomed house, barn and stable. 100 Cement Walks, BETX'HER AVENU#-LOT 66x136., near fruit trees, bearing, strawberry plants ANYWHERE Cook street* splendid situation; price University. and all small fruits. $5.100. GORGE ROAD SUB-DIVISION-We have Terms, 14 cash, balance 1 and I years* $3,000. J C Barnacle. Esq.. London Untv. at 7 per cent BUT IN VICTORIA The Trades and Labor Council held NEAR THE BAY-3 ACRES, all cultivât- ■till for sale In this sub-41 vision lots at MEDINA STREET - NEW 6 ROOM K* regular meeting last evening vvXf^ ; Assisted by a staff of University men. AND FROM US. 1, ed. good land, for $4,300. from $150 per lot up, on terms to suit HOUSE, all modern conveniences; price The school Is now established le It» $3,500. very easy terms. President W'atters in the vhalr/Afea- extenehw new NANOOSE DISTRICT—00 ACRES GOOD purchaser. This property Is nicely situ­ ture bf the meeting was a from BRICK BUILDING LAND, 20 acres cleared, good house, ated, free from roek. and mostly under HINKS0N SIODALL & SON WE ESQUIMALT DISTRICT-200 ACRES barn, chlakgn house, team horses. II good land, well situated, with good -fhe hall committee. w)>en It wa* re­ Situated In __ cultivation. Special reduction made to STILL HAVE 48 sheep, I cows. 8 sow*. 2 buggies, new NEW GRAND THEATRE BUILDING. roads through property. $50 per ecre. ported that' the ro^tn* were practically 1» ACRES OF PLAYING FIELDS farm wagon, single and double harness, those buying $ or more lota; 6 per cent, At Mount Tolmle. 1H miles from GOVERNMENT STREET. FOR SALE u>ed all the tltpa, with the result that farm Implements of all kinds, $4.200; this eft for cash In an eases Victoria. ON the buildings'was proving a financial is a bargain. TRACKSELL, ANDERSON 4Co. suvce8s>/'/^ Cadet Corps. Manual Training. ^ | ACR*. JUST IN THE CITY LIMITS- T ROOMED HOUSB-Fslrfleld reed, near EASY TERMS: Gymnasium. , CALL AT OFFICE FOR LIST OF ♦ 1218 BROAD ST. Tha committee strongly emphasised Cook «treat, with two large lot», now Recent success** at McOttt Ell» All nice, level land, near car line. $1.400, ' FARMS. ONE-QUARTER CASH. Uxt appreciation of the labor union* mat easy terms. rented for «30 per month, price $4.700; or should fee shown to Thoma* Gough, of j with one lot 40x163, «8,900; terme. BALANCE «. 12. IS and 24 MONTHS. TWO NEW' MODERN HOUSES, / For Prospectus apply te WEST HOLME STATION. 2è miles-T# the Empire Cigar Store, who had for j ACRES, level land, not much timber, LOT 40x140—Fairfield road, near cor. Cook ON PANDORA ST., a THE BURSAR EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY street. $900. 7 ROOMS EACH. / years voluntarily acted as Agent for j easy cleared, only $946 | SEE VS EARLY the renting of th® hall, In whlcK re- ' UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, VICTORIA* 240 ACRES. SAANICH ARM-Nlcely situ­ ON GOOD LOT#. Phono ill». REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AND GET apect hie services have been most vgl- J WANTED. ated and all good land, at a bargain. * AT $3,500 ÇATrî. AGENTS. imble. The report of the commutée TOUR CHOICE. ON TMRMS Three Loans of $700. $1.1 «13 TATES STREET. IS ACRES. Just off Tolmle Ave.-Snap at was adopted and a vote of thanks $1.160. And $1.40© Each. 5-ROOM. NBWKliODERN COTTAGE, passed to .Mr. Gough, the secretary be­ FOR SALE Oprt LARGE LOTS. ing instructed to convey the same to MEDANA STREET—NEW • ROOM D. C. REID & CO. BUNGALOW, bathroom, toilet, sewer CLOSE TO CAR LINE. him under seal Of the council. It was Purchaser of ranch on the best BANK OF MONTREAL CHAMBERS. connection, electric light, lot Bhrti. base­ PRICE, $2,750. decided to accompany the letter with a ment. etc., price $3.500; <500 cash, bal­ THE CITY BROKERAGE of the Islands among the groetp Phone 1494. THE token of appreciation. ance In 1. 2 and 3 years. 121$ DOUGLAS BT. PHONE 81$. An amusing Incident connected with has to sell. Cheap for ouh, er MOST DES 11 ABLE SUPERIOR IrfREET—« ROOM HOUSE, the building came up at the meeting. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! bathroom* toilet, sewer, electric light, RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION terms. Apply f. O. Box 706, Vic­ etc.; price $1^06. IN THE GORGE DISTRICT; The delegates from the Carpenters’ toria. or telephone 474. YOUR HOME COMPANY, SIMCOE STREET-4 ROOM COTTAGE LOTS S. A. BAIRD LARGE LOTS union asked for an explanation about the Chinaman that was caught clean­ THE . and * quarter of an acre of land, fruit 40*127 FEET. AT RIGHT PRICES trees, chicken houses, etc.; pries $l.W; REAL ESTATE. JNNAÏtClAl. AND IN- ing the Labor hall windows one day AND EASY TERMS. SHERIFF’S SALE. PACIFIC COAST terme. $125. BURASCE AGENT. last week. Quite a lot of laughter and FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1316 DOUGLAS STREET. w| WM» indignation was created among the Under and by virtue of __ _ THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST. TO FIRFe. LIFE. ACCIDENT delegate* Ultimately It was explained execution issued out of the County J A. C0LQUH0UN HOLMES to have been ^ mistake. The China­ holden at Vancouver. In an action, f. ESTABLISHED 1$ YEARS. GIVE TIME AND LIVE STOCK INSURANCE. 675 TATES STREET. SLjWUWW purchase a new FIVE ROOM- man was. hired to clean the windows Hamlhon A Company versus North /kD COTTAGE, with a lot 51x136; easy Exploration Company, and to me din _ TO BUILD YOUR HOME of some hall On Douglas street. He got terms. ed. I have seised and taken possession of THE GRIFFITH CO. , FOR BALE. WE ASK______mlxe4 in his geography and finding the all the goods and chattels of the daf—d- FRUIT FARM-6 acres. 4 miles from NO CASH PAYMENT ^ $1.760-FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE, mod­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. door of Labor hall open entered, and ant company, situate at GrlbWe Island, city, all improved end under cultivation, ern conveniences. Superior street. B C.. eonSTsting of 46 h. p. boiler. Wonder ROOM 11. MAHON BLDG. TEL. 140L FOR In th© absence of the caretaker, com­ drills with water attachment, air drill, with i roomed house, horse end rig. and NEW ADVERTISEMENT»* menced to clean the window;* until a REALTY. TIMBER. INSURANCE. implements. 1MÛ0; terms. This Is a SIX MONTHS. 13.200—Buys, an EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE hand drill, sharpening tools, quantity of with nearly an acre of land, forty-five few Indignant union men arrived on grooved, steel. 16 *n.. 1« In. and 2$ In. hexa­ FOR SALE—Cheap, new cash register. gon steel, blacksmith tools, wo ode wiling OAK BAY—Sea frontage lots, fine build­ fruit trees, beside* a variety of small Can lx* seen at Fruit Store, 80$ Govern­ the scene and ran him out. tools, telephone line, about one mite of THE CITY BROKERAGE. fruit; barn and outbuildings. ONE BLOCK FROM THE SEA. ing site, splendid view. Inquire about ment street. O. R. Leathetbarrow presented his wire, with bells and insulators, assay this at once. 1218 DOUGLAS STREET. $?.400~FIVE ROOMED ^WELLING, lot credentials as a delegate from the outfit, ore cars, about 1,000 pounds of A HALF BLOCK FROM BEACON HOUSES—If you are thinking about FOR SALE -Linden Ave., 3 lota, facing 100 ft. x 150 ft., with number of good Cooks and Walter*’ union. In place of powder, fuse. scow, camp outfit and sup- HILL PARK purchasing, call and see us; we have down Hilda Ave., $1,100 each; terms. pi,es; also interest in lease of the "Ben» some good buys, large end email. fruit trees; terms can be arranged. Re* »' Timm C. H Chamberlain, who resigned. ma,” ’’Colusa.” ’ Vita," •‘Hope,” “Fran­ The secretary of the Bartenders’ $5,25i)—SEVEN ROOMED BUNGALOW. cis.” ’ Oshkosh” and “Empress” mineral HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS FOR SALK-26 shares Bakeries. Ltd., for Union wrote saying that his union had claims, situate on Oribble Island. B. C. I A. W. BRIDGMAN. Government street, James Bay, stone $160. et Office; will sell them for $600 committee wa* instructed to act In Commissioners fo# the City of Victoria?» FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN AND conjunction with a committee of the WATER FRONTAGE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST each, $25 cash and $10 monthly. Apply the next sitting thereof for n transfer et SHOAL BAY. MODERN HOUSE Greenwood, over Northern Bank. Cook* and Walters* union for the pur­ the liquor license now held by ua at r~“ n gx> -Will buy > (In. residential |ot, on CURRENT RATES. With seven rooms, up to date .. pose of Dying, tacoipotq, a fl amicable U.nk ,tr**L . - LOT angj^i^k^buildinq^ POVW*- Avvhuc iwtnMw sntooa. corner df I —gggSrTBWNhT»»:-»»— ST.-'TO.. «MB'__ bY fi1/*?»' Timer5Mt^owlFand^jS same by paying, foi ent. Ap­ The Carpenter*1 AmalgâWKTëiY „r lin». This Is the best buy 1b the < fine view, close in and near car. This HARMAN & PUNNETT. dly, snd will - be sold on very easy is a snap at $4,100, on terms. ply Stewart Williams 4k Co., auctioneers. ty wrote to aay that the immlgrntldn ^Dated ad Victoria. B. C., thl* Had day 022 TRÔÜNCB AVE. building was not being finished a* they terms. GOOD COTTAGE CARPENTER wants contract* or day of February. 1909. A «NAP—1« room modern new house on J. STUART YATES work, finishing small cottagvs; reason­ were led by the Dominion government WM. J. R. CIjODR J full else lot*. Belcher avenu*, prie* —-$$ BASTION STREET, VICTORIA. And two lots close In. stable and nice NEW 6 ROOM BVNOALOW-Ctoee to able chargea. Box fitt, Times. to believe it would be. One instance Per L Q. Clode, Attorney-in-Faet f«v garden, very cheap at the price $2.200, car and beech, modern conveniences, mentioned www that the wage schedule Said W. J. K. Clode. il 6 per cent. FOR SALE. on terms. $1,»0. $1,100 WILL BUY for a quick sale 3 fine was not posted In a public place on the JAMES McCLOSKEY, Applleant. lots, 60x126 each. In Fairfield' Estate, TO RENT-W* h»v* * f«w t end « room 96 ACRES-Sooke District. Just inside MONEY TO LOAN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW—$ bedrooms, bath, near Dallas road. Apply Box 863, Times. Job a* required by law. The executive LICENSE TKANflFBR etc., S-atati stable, chicken house*, on houae* to r*.it. Booke Harbor, FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN. committee was Instructed to Inquire lot 06x120. close to car. $1.600. Into the matter and report. Notice Is hereby given that I Intend to DIED. ' to apply to the Board of Licensing Commis, FINE SEA FRONTAOB-At Esqulmalt. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, on car Une-Near The secretary wa* instructed sinners for the City of VlctoiTe. at™, about three acres, cheap. 1 »each, modern convenience*, on very PRICE—In thla city, on the 7th Inst.. write the city council asking whot had next session, for a transfer of the license E. WHITE L. EATON & CO. - large lot. orltatnenUl trees, a bargain, Henry Prlfe. of Parson's Bridge. B. C„, become of the fair wage schedule that to sell intoxicating liquors On the prw- $4.200. * aged 72 years, a native of County mfsee situated at corner of Yates g*m «04 BROUGHTON STREET. TWO LOTS—On Victoria harbor, with Armagh, Ireland. .» all the candidate* for aldermen had *o 1122 GOVERNMENT BT. Htbben Blk. ÔAK BAY. fronting on beach—Lovely heartily endorsed, * and promised to Blanchard streets, in the City of VicteeU. large wharf and sheds and 2 large ware­ The funeral will take place on Satur­ known as the Retreat Saloon, from my­ situation, CHOICE BUNGALOW, for ha,v<* embodied in a- by-law. Nothing HARDY RAY—The moat northerly har­ houses, In good condition, on easy terms. FOR IMMEDIATE 8ALk day, April 10th. at 2 p. m., from the chapel self to John H. Goenell. of Vfutorla. B. C. bor of Vancouver Island. 400 acres most­ quick sale. $3*660. had been done *o far and the delegate* Dated this 12th day of March. 190$. of the B. C, Funeral Furnishing Co., 1016 U GEORGE H BRETT. ly all deep water frontage, wharfage THREE LOTS—On Yates street, with IS Owner Leaving City. PANDORA AVENUE-SPLENDID COR Government street. expressed their Indignation Ih pretty •fad 1Hlee for the largest etrarflere; thl* Friends 'will please accept this Intima­ property adjoins- the original townelts; stores, bringing In good rentals. NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE on Dunedin St. NEK. 100x120. Mel. no rock, faces strong language. Price $3.780; easy terms; a snap. , southwest, fine site foe a store or rest tion. SHOWCASES If you are (poking for an Investment, see , interment In Ross Bay cehu-tery. , The secretary was also Inatructed ïjb* me regarding this Some fine lot* In TO RENT-Large wharf, at foot of TO RENT, on Edmonton road—8 ROOM deuce. $).**>. a*k the .school hoard whnt they had We manufacture up-to-date showcase the Hardy Bay Townsite at from, up Yates street, reqt.$126 per month. HOUSE, I acre land, apple trees and Terms can be had on the âbove If required done or were going to do about similar bank and store, hotel and office fixture small fruits, $25 per month to good ten- wall-case*, counters; shelving, nuth Nice lot. corner Linden A*ve. and May —Wah Y un & Company. Cormorant promises and the amuo resolution*. v 8* ACRES—On Colqults river. Victoria street, .ha* taken out a building per­ desks, art grille and mirrors. Street ,...... U.O 2 LOTS-On Denman street, $300 èa«?h; choice lots. May street, near Cook Dietrk t, cheap. mit for alteration» to a store to coét —Entries for >he Victoria Golf Club THE W00DW0RXE8S, Lt«L ...... $750 $1,100, Permit* ha va boon granted to foursome, to be played on the Oak Bay ib Johnson ‘ snows Chapman street, JuSl off Cost Ftr«-*t »6ft0 For further peattlcuiars apply to above JWe w^U have a MONSTER AUCTION r t Mnrttn for throe fobmk o due tn-nlght. *r. m I READ THE TIMES 1 ■nneasori to Dixon * Howes. address SALE of VICTORIA REAL ESTATE An entrance fee of $1 has been fixed for Prospect, road, near car Une, off Foul during the month of May. If you have llton street to cost $300 and V> Mr*. Bay read ...... fOYO V. i^tngley for alterations to hetdden.-e each pair and. will be " rccejyed by the The above are good Investments, but property that you realty want to sell list ADVERTISE IN THE TIME* must be taken advantage of immediately. TIMES WANT ADS. PAY with ui for the sale. L______J on Fort street to cost $1,200. secretary. 9 VICTORIA fiATT-Y TIMEB. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. 12

SYLVESTER'S CHICK STARTER I. a primary food for baby chlcka up to « work. old. ttt «M il îî'vounî wlaclod from re-cleaiwd atock.of crarked grain, grit. .to. TIa Ww'ng of young DELICATESSEN chicken. I. absolutely certain by feeding our Chick Btai-ajp-buljde up the We're not surprised at the enormous amount of edibles We_ sell Bl young oneson«i and keepskcepa them thriving. Try It and watch r,«g*s. ' For Easter Flowers these counters, because «verythlng is pure and ‘'lean, cooked tn the 50 tbs. for *2; 106 lbs. for proper, hygienic English way. Meat Pies good as mother heed to SYLVESTER FEED CO.. 709 YATES ST.

COOKED HAM. per lb...... 40c. CORNED REEF, per lb. ?..... 2T>~. HEAD CHEESE, per lb...... 25c. ROAST BEEF. *fcr lb...... 30c. SA1TSAGE ROLLS, per dor... 30c. ROAST PORK, per lb. V...... 50c. KISH CAKES, per do*...... ; 30c. ROAST VEAL, per ib...... 50c. HOT X BUNS—Wo ve made these PETER McQUADE & SON MEAT PIES, each ... 16c. and 10c. extra large and specially nice. HAM SAUSAGE ...... 20c. Get them to-day ready for Good Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Friday. Per dnsen ...... 20c. COOKÇD TONGUE, per lb.... «Oc. GASOLINE, FLAGS, PAINTS, OILS AND VAR TO DAY S BARGAINl NISHES, ENGINE ROOM, STEAMBOAT, YACHT, IMPORTED FRENCH PEAS, 3 cans 25* LAUNCH, MILL, MINING, LOGGING, CAN. DIXI H. ROSS & CO. NERY AND FISHERMEN'S SUPPLIES. INDEPENDENT GROCERS. T.1» B, 1<*2 snd 18». UR GOVERNMENT ST. SHIP CHANDLERS. Phone 41 1214 WHARF ST aster re- E quires some­ dog has won a number of, prises In owner. Geo. Florence; 3,. Ingatestone thing unusual in cities on this coast and was greatly ad­ Rusten of Orme, owner, W. D. Bruce the way of floral SIGN OF mired In sporting circles. The tombola Puppy Bitches. decoration in the SATISFACTION drawing, last night resulted In the fol­ 1. Sunshine BecKey Bbarp, owner, F. “WALKOVER” SHOES lowing numbers being drawn: 1st, 455, W. Welsh. home — that day fairly ushers in the Fashion la universal, but style Is distinctive. That 2nd. 955; 3rd, 927. Novice Bitches. Is the difference between CHEAP Shoes made for Following are additional Pr**e wln- 1, Sunshine Beckey Sharp, owner, F. Spring season and the new flowers are the masses and “WALK OVER SHOES." made W. Welsh. Vancouver; 2. Norah, own­ used in plenty to make the home mirror for the classes,, They reflect one's individual COCKER SPANIEL8-ANY COLOR er, L. S. Miliar Mount Tolmle. character and circumstances with, proper taste. Limit Bitches. the freshness and brightness of the outer world. Evenly good Inside and outside, and made above Puppy Dogs. 1, Sunshine Bluebell, owner, F. W. suspicion. The new styles atV all walking for you. 1. Dash, owner Miss Maud Walker, Welsh; 2, Coversea Lady, owner, Geo. Half the beauty of the flowers is lost if you Maywood ; 2. Jesmond Crystal, owner, Florence ; 3, Surprise of Orme, owner, f 5.00 to $7.00 I Mrs. J. W. Creighton. W. D. Bruce, .Vancouver. —. haven’t a suitable receptacle. You’ll need some Won't You Let Us Show Them to You? Special Prises. Open Bitches. flower-holders, and here is the best place to fill Best puppy in show, À. W. Bridg- 1. Sunshine Bell, owner. F. W. Welsh; ! man, medal. Dash. 3. Coversea Lady, owner, Geo. Flor­ your wants. ' , For next best, roast of beef. Mac Fad t ence; 3. Surprise of drme, owner, W. Jas. H. Tomlinson &Co. j tien & Mould, Jesmond Crystal. D. Bruce. We have all sorts of suitable vases—long and Successors to Ideal Shoe Store 1 pQCKER SPANIELS—BLACK. Special Prizes. narrow, short and broad—for lilies and roses, for Limit Dogs. For best In show—Messrs. Spratt’* OOVT. ST., OPP. SPENCER'S 2. Jesmond Tramp, owner. Miss E Limited, London, cup. Sunshine Beau pansies or violets—to suit any and all of the beau­ Ntm ': ~~ ' ------Rrummsl- ties of the floral kingdom that bloom at this sea­ Open Dogs. For best In opposite sex—C. H. Wil­ 1, King Edward, owner, J. Yates. son, cup, Sunshine Rtuettell. son. For best fox terrier in Victoria— Open Bitches. ‘The hehange-iDOGS^w^ Simon Lelaer, cup. Coversea Speddy,. You’ll be surprised at the low prices for the sim­ 1, Jesmond Cricket, owner, Mrs. J. W For best novice—Dean * Hlscock. Creighton; 2. Victoria Chloe, owner, Jewel casket. Coversea Teddy. ple styles. More money, of course, buys more elab­ Phone 1737. Thos. Mr Ewing; 3. Kerry Dean Ill- 718 FORT ST. For best in opposite sex—Mr. Tulk. orate pieces. All are excellent values. owner, Mrs. J. Yates. handbag. Sunshine Beckey sharp. Winners, Jesmond Cricket. For best In either sex—W. 8 Terry, We show GLASS VASES in many styles, from *1.50 down to IOC FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS, i SpedJfc Prises. bottle of scent. Sunshine Beau Brum­ STOVES, CROCKERY. SOME HIGH CLASS For best In show—Time* Printing A mel. CUT GLASS VASES range in price from *85 down, to ...... $3.50 Publishing Co., cup, Dash. For best puppy—Hicks * Lovlck Co., JARDINIERES, in all sizes arid colors, from, each...... CANINES EXHIBITED For best In opposite sex—Mr. Clay­ piano drape, Coversea Teddy. 35c ton, cup, Jesmond Cricket. For best In opposite sex—Johns Bros BOOKS For best In limit class-Soap, valued tea valued $2.50, Sunshine Bluebell. We will exchange any book for 10c Interesting Addresses Given at $1.50, W. Hall. Jesmond Tramp. FOX TERRIER. WIRE HAIRED Whether purchased here or not. COCKER SPANIELS—OTHER THAN Puppy bogs. New Carpet Squares Here To-day By Judge Taylor at A. 0. BLACK. Constant change of titles. 1, Bunch, owner. Mrs. E. DempsKT; U. W. Hall. Novice Dogs. Tremanta Fengelly, owner, R. Han­ Charming New Patterns and all Sizes 1, Jesmond Frolic, owner, Mrs. J. W. son; $. Trewanta After Me, owner, R JOHN DEAVILLE, Prop. Creighton. Hanson. Mt. Tolmle. e , E ARE unpacking two big shipments of Tapestry and Wilton Carpet Squares to-day The dog show which hr -being held Limit Dogs. » Ndvlce Dogs. and we'll have some interesting carpet news for you soon. Come in to-morrow and in the A. O. U. W. hall will be closed 1, Jesmond Buster, owner. Mrs. J. 8. 1. Trewanta Pengally. owner. R W Maynard & Son this evening Major J. M. Taylor has Gail. Hanson. see these new arrivals and the other late additions to the carpet stock. This season finds us completed his task.of Judging the dogs. Open Dogs. AOCMONSERS. Limit Dogs. splendidly prepared to minister to yonr carpet needs, and we can save you money on your He hands out high compliments to 1. Red Sammle. owner. R G. Game- L Swansea Result, owner. N McCon­ well. Bellingham; 2, Jesmond Buster, Having received Instructions from Victoria dogs. He says that Countess nell. Vancouver; 2, Trewanta Pengelly. carpet purchases. Right now is an exoeUent time to choose your carpet for we can give you Belle, owned by T- Smith. Is the best owner, Mrs. Gall. several owners we will hold a sale on owner, R. Hanson. Gordon setter he has seen . Novice Bitches. Open Dogs. excellent service just now. FRIDAY, April 16th Last evening there was a good At­ 1, Red Li l ley, owner. R. G. Game well 1. Leandlng Chance, owner. H. Burns. tendance and the lecture of the Judge Limit Bitches. Vancouver; 2, Swansea Result, owner. was listened to with the greatest at­ 1. Jesmond Violet, owner. Mrs. At 2 p. in. N. McConnell tention. Lantern slides were thrown Creighton; 2. Northern Light, owner. Puppy Bitches. At our Salesroom. 1314 Broad street of R. G. Gamewell. New Go-Carts for Easter on a screen' showing some of the 1, Queen of Italy, owner, Precipe Al­ Honca Cows, rhickcng. Wagon., «UK- ; world', great,,! h „ Open Bitches. berts, Vancouver — HaniruN and Farm implement. I Till, morning T. H. Htckford nan 1, Jesmond Pearl; owner, Mrs. ------:— Novice Bitches. ***** H ^ marked .uccete HI, Arbutu, Swallow A CARLOAD OF ••WHITNEY” CARTS Creighton. I, Queen of Italy, owner. Precipe Al­ , " .. and Mallwyd Major won first as the Special Priées berts, Vancouver. ESTERDAY we received a carload of "Whit­ Anybody having any otttM.bovtwhp „tter, and ale. carried For best In show—J. A. Robb. cup. wlah to nil. call on us during the com- I n |h<_ „„ th, ^st „am or «.(-■ Limit Bitches. Jesmond Pearl. 1, Queen of Italy, owner. Precipe A1 ney” Go-Carts and carriages and we can now Ing week. ______j ter, For best in opposite sex—Mr Whit­ berts. Vancouver; 2. Maid of Orme, Y . -.aw.** . ' Mallwyd Major, Arbutus Swallow. ney," watch guard. Jesmond Frolic. owner, W. D. Bruce; *, Trewanta Wea show you the very latest in these lines. You’ll find MAYNARD A SON, Auctioneers Arbutus Bessie and Arbutus Kego won For best In novice cVass—Mr. Salmon, selle, owner, R Hanson. in these many stylish carts—designs other makers the leading place as the best team pipe tn case. Red Lilley. Open Bitches. of setters or pointers In the show. For best in limit class—Mr. Goward 1. Queen of Italy, owner. Precipe Al won’t show until next season. lilts ms. SL K. Hardwick. Arbutus Bessie won first In the con­ hat. valued $3, Jesmond Violet. berts; 2. Maid of Orme, owner. W D Prices are right—the values are the very best of­ solation prize#- Arbutus Swallow Is, -COCKER SPANIELS—PARTI-COLOR Bruce. 3. Trewanta Wea selle, owner, ^ only eleven months old Instead of two. Open Dogs. R. Hanson. fered in the city. We have handled these “Whit­ Stewapt.... & Co. y errs of nsre as was stated yesterday. AUCTIONEERS 1. Kiri*hnn Cardegan; owner. R. G Special Prizes. ney" carts for years and no other manufacturer has Thé bench show this year has been For beet dug. Ip *how—F. L. Wo If en AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. OamèweH. "--r-* a great success In so far as the dogs Open Bitches. den, cup. Leading Chance. ever offered us anything as good. The name “Whit­ exhibited are conferred There should For best bitch In open class- R. HOLD SALES AT PRIVATE 1, Jesmond Olive; owner. Gladys ney” stands for the very best. be a large patronage this evening be­ Scott, cup. Queen of Italy. Creighton. HOUSES BY ARRANGEMENT fore the show closes. For best limit dog—H. Smith, pic Come in and let us show you the handsome new carts' and the little prices at All Victoria sporting men will deep­ COLLIES. ------. Local Agents For ture. Swansea Result. ly regret that Victoria Boy. the well- 1. Willows Prince, owner, J. Marin which we have marked them. Get one for baby and enjoy the Easter holidays THE ATLAS INSURANCE CO., LTD., For the best puppy bitch—R. Hun LONDON. ENGLAND. known twin ter owned by F L. W ol fen,- tosh. son, one year's subscription to “Our den. Is dead. The owner only recent­ Novice Dogs. The Standard Gillet t Gas. Co.. Chicago. Dogs." Queen of Italy I, Willow* Prince; owner. J. Macln Messrs. Courn tn. Ba baby an & Co., ly refused $700 for him Victoria Boy For the best limit bitch—Wire Hair. Here is a Sample Value In Go-Carts, Simplest Toronto. died lent evening at hie master> home, toshr-a. Seettle; owner, D. R- Ker. $5. Queen of Italy. death resulting from poisoning. The Limit Dogs. For the best novice dog—A. J. Gal Collapsible Cart made—$7.15 FOR SALE PRIVATELY 1. Ballyarnet Student; owner. C. let ley. $3 cash. Trewanta Pengelly Toledo Scales (nearly new», Large Re­ Jackson. Vancouver; 2, Wlllowa Prince; For the best novice bltrh -Standard frigerator. Very Fine Violin. Oak Table. PROMPT owner, J. Macintosh. Stationary Co., fountain pen. Queen of OU’LL LOOK FAR AND WIDE before you'll find the equal of Oak Sideboard. Piano. Etc. FULL Open Dogs. Italy. Also a Few BUILDING SITES AND WEIGHT DELIVERY For the best puppy dog—Mr. and this value in Go-Carts. Here is a Whitney Collapsible Cart 1, Ballyarnet Student; owner, C. Y HOUSES. Mrs. McLaren, cup, Bunch. Phone 1324. For best puppy in either sex—Mrs. offered at a surprisingly low figure. This cart opens or folds With Puppy Bitches. B. Dyne. $3 cash. Queen of Italy. one motion, the operation being the simplest possible. When in use The Auctioneer, Stewart William* 1, Gen. Lana Floss; owner. J. J. Fof* best puppy owner In Victoria or the cart is perfectly rigid and strong. The gear is all steel and Jackson and T. 8. Griffith, Sapperton, vicinity- Mr* Dyne. $2 cash. Bunch B. C. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. enamel finish in carmine or green. Body is wood frame and handle, Novice Bitches NOTICE - Puppy Dogs and Bitches. t. Glen Tana Floes; owner, Jackson enamel finish. - ...... , ____ EDMONTON ROAD, between 1, Saanich Seafleld. owner, Mrs and Griffith. Don’t forget that this is a "Whitney” cart—a guarantee of su­ Fernwocd Road and Richmond Bradley Dyne; 2. Slug, owner. P. De Limit Bitches. Hoe Walker, Victoria. periority. Look at the price—did you ever have offered you any- Road, is closed to vehicular traffic 1, Ormskirk Hollyhock; owner. C. Novice Dogs and Bitches. ____ _ By order, _____ Jackson. ——------I. Ferrot. owner, Duncan B. Mc­ ihiug near its equal for $7.50, less five per cent, cash discount,____ 0. H. TOPP, Open Bitches. Laren. victoria: 2. Glenmortston. or...... w...... ,....$7.15 City Engineer. 1, Ormskirk Hollyhock; owner C. owner, Mrs. Bradley Dyne. . Jackson. Open Dogs and Bitches. Special Prise*. 1, Lindsey Laverlock. owner Mrs. Other “Whitney" Carriages from $3.75 For best collie owned In Victoria Bradley Dyne; 2, Ferrot. owner Dun Card tray, W. H. Pennock, Wilto can B. McLaren; $. Blug. owner, P. JUST RECEIVED—A COMPLETE STOCK Prince. De Hoe Walker. Best novice—Mr. Haggard, silver Special Prizes. GOVT GOVT PLANET, Jr GARDEN TOOLS medal. Willow Prince. For best; in show-D. Spencer. Jr., STREET, For best in opposite sex — Berry cup, Lindsey Laverlock. STREET, Seed Drills, Single and Double Wheel Hoes, Cultivators, Horse spoon. Mr. Artdernach. Glen For best In opposite se*—Messrs. H. Hoes, etc. Bucher & Gibbs Farm Implements, Spike Tooth, Floss. Walker, case of whiskey, Glenmoris- VICTORIA VICTORIA Spring Tooth, Disc and Spading Harrows, Land • For best collie In show—Cup, S. Mat son. Ballÿamet Student. For best novice—J. Bloom, medal, B. C Rollers, Cultivators and Plows. For best In opposite »ex—J. A. Ray B.C. wardT cùiVGTên Tima FtiW* " ‘ - •Fbr B. C. HARDWAREXOm LTD. Adam s, good* Icivlî cash. Seafleld. For beat dog or bitch owned in Vic PHONE 1611 value at $2 50. Willows Prince. 810 JOHNSON ST. BULL DOGS. , toria or vicinity—Mrs. Dyne, book, Office Cor. Yates and Broad. Phone 82. "The Scotch Terrier." Ferrot. Open Dogs and BltHie*. Bradley Dyne. Open Dogs. DANDY DIN MONTS. IRISH TERRIERS. 1, Prince Royal; owner. Misa D. gMCl______... I. In gars by Dauntless, owner, C. P. 1. I- X . .xx • ■ Mi- Rrotli. V Dyne. Spray ; 2, Sunny; owner, Miss A. Gar­ Püppÿ pofir For best In 'show—Hon. R. McBride, Webster. w$ÊÊSÊJÊM Novice Dogs and Bitches. diner; 3. Lady Beatrice; owner, J. H. 1, Western Director .owner. J. A. cup. Western" Demonstrator, j Novice pitches. 1, Teddiv Rear, owner. Miss Maries Dunn, Bellingham- Wallis; 2. Irish Lad. owner. R. Large; For best in opposite sex—B. Huson. 1. Lady Teazle. ownerïTT H. Beevor- Appleby. Victoria. Winners. Prince Royal $, Larry O'Hara, owner, C. S. Thomp­ silver .ghnylng >• t. Ctodogh. Potts. Nanaimo; 2. Clipstone Princess, Open Dogs and Bitches. Reserve winner, Runny. son, Victoria. far best novice, watch guard. V. C. owner. W. H. Catterall; 3. Betsy Royal, 1. Teddy, owner, Mrs. Cook. Puppy Dogs and Bitches. Novice pogs. K. C.—Western Director. owner, W: G. McAllister/4, Bel lew's Last Call for Navel Oranges ! Special Prizes. 1, Bound End Klahowya, oyner. G. C, 1. Western Director, owner, J. A. For bçst In opposite sex, Hinton A Bloom, owner, W. B. Bailey, Auburn, For best in show—J. ©, Billings, cup. Rmted, Olympia, W’asb. Wallis; 2, Larry O’Hara, owner, C. S. Co., goods valued at, $5—Clodagh. Wash. » TO-DAY WE ARE SELLING VERY LARGE NAVEL Prince Royal. , Thompson; 3. Mike McOlnty, owner, Opeh Bitches. 1 Opep Dogs and Bitches. For best In opposite sex—V.,C. H. C, For best puppy. Harrison & Macdon­ Mrs. Henry Martin. Victoria. 1, Lady Teazle, owner. C. H. Beevor- 1, Champ. EdwoOti* Biddy, owner. O. ORANGES, PER DOZEN, ONLY 30c cup. Lady Beatrice. ald. goods valued at $1—Western -Di­ .Limit Dogs, rector. | Potte. 2, Betsey Royal, owner, W. O. Ç. Israel. Olympia; 2. Saint Offiey, own­ Am the Nkvitl Orange season le juet about cloving, there's no time ilka FOX TERRIER SMOOTH COATED. t, Western Arbitrator, owner. Jack For best In limit. J. M. Tomlinson, McAllister; 3. Yorkshire Lass, owner, er. A. F. McKinnon. Vancouver; $. now to buy Orange* for Marmalade. Novice Dogs. Wallis; 2. Corney Delamey, owner. pair of slippers—Western Arbitrator. T. M. Foot. Victoria. Mike, owner, R., Keown, Victoria. 1. Converses Teddy, owner, Geo. F. Wm. Atkina, Victoria, GRAPE FRUIT, PER DOZEN, AtRVALK TERRIERS. BOSTON TERRIERS. TOY SPANIELS. Florence. Open Doga. < >pen Dpgs and Bitches. . 60c AND $1.00 Limit Dogs. 1, Western Demonstrator, owner. Jack Puppy i'«>gs and Bitches. 1, Fuller, owner. E. M. Trackswelt, Proper proportion for Marmalade la one large drape Fruit to one 1, Sunshine Jÿeau Brummel, owner, Wallis; 2. Mick, owner. Miss R. Pet­ 1, Ingarnhy Rattler, owner, C. P. Victoria. 1. Midge, Thos_ Pllmley. Victoria : 2, Webster. Dunoar*: 2. Ingarsby Vixen, Tlley. Thos. Plfmley. dosen Navel O rangea______F. W. Welsh, Vancouver; Van. In- ers; J. Western Administrator, owner. YORKSHIRE TERRIERS. gateatone-Rusten of Orme, owner. W. Jack Walll*. owner. C. P. Webster; 3; Rlpper-Blnt- 1, Tiny, owner, Miss Annie Gardiner. OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOG. *ham Louisa, owner, D. McCulloch, VW- D. Bruce; 3, Swagger Mac, owner, F. * Novice Bitches. BLACK AND TAN TERRIERS. 1, James Island, owner, Mr. Le 1, Clodggh, owner, R. J. J. Shaw, B. C. Melge 1. Chickey IL, owner, C. Kemp; 2. Ltevrc ; 2, Haraway Wcùsel. owner. A. The W est End Grocery Co. Ltd Open D