GOAL. COAL. ♦ ♦ FURNITURE HALL * WALKER MOVED. STORED. SHIPPED. We hire a flrst-claae an< up-to- Wellington Colliery date Furniture end Plano Movlag Co. PADDED VAN. Phone Ull GOVERNMENT R. Burt’s Wood Yard Phone 83 none MS. SI PANDORA ATM. VOL. 47. VICTORIA, B. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. NO. S3 UNKNOWN MAN KILLED. FOVR KILLED IN FIGHT. DREADNOUGHTS Run Down by Northern Pacific Switch DEATH ROLL MAY OPERATORS ARE FRANCE WILL * (Time* Leased Wire.) EMPIRE DAY __ * .. Engine at Seattle. - . Moate Leone. Calabria. AprU 8.—-In j REOPENING MINES a conflict yesterday between the peo­ (Time* Leased Wire.) BE VERY HEAVY —DEPORT CASTRO CELEBRATION ple of this town and the local efcr- Seattle. Wash.. April 8.—An unknown (Special to the Times.) man. supposed to be a marine engineer blneers, four men were killed and or fireman,, was struck by a Northern Pa­ Winnipeg, April 8.—There to no change in the coâl strike many others were wounded. PLANS TO BUILD THREE cific switch engine last night and so badly REPORTS OF CASUALTIES NOT ALLOWED TO The ah toting was. the outgrowth of , 1COMMITTEES NAMED crushed that he died at the city hospital situation. The men still out the attempts by the government au- } DIP ÛATTI EQUIDC a ,ew h°Mrs later. Another man who )s awaiting a board meeting called DlU DM I I LC«OnirO- thought to have been with the dead man IN EASTERN STORM for Saturday, and are standing REMAIN IN MARTINIQUE thoritle* to collect new taxes, which , TO SETTLE DETAILS are exceedingly unpopular. The peo- j was struck by the Angine at the same by Sherman. The operators also pie as a protest had Invaded the city j time, but disappeared. No papers we,re have signed the union scale, found on the. body of the man taken to taking on hundreds of strikers hall. Tfio carbineers were summoned r* . , r . A Policy May Affect Naval Pro the hospital that might serve to’establish Barge With Five Persons on owing to (he Increase In orders. Ex-President of Venezuela an and a riot ensued, during which the ! wVHI rT0D3Dly LXtend UVCP his Identity. soldiers fired op the people. gramme of Great Board Swept From Its Exlie From Western Two Days—Horse Parade Britain. MME. MODJESKA Moorings. Hemisphere. BANDITS RAID Cut Out—Fireworks. „ (Times I.eased Wire.) UNIVERSITY GOES It was decided at the citizens' meet­ (Times Leased Wire.) PASSES AWAY (Times I/rased Win*.) GAMBLING HOUSE London. April 8.—The agitation that .étroit. „Mijelw.JUttll.the result Paris, April 8.—The government to­ ing hi the city hall last night, at which pervaded all classes In England of the storm that raged over the state TO SASKATOON day received an official report from the | the; preliminary arrangement# for the1 over the proposed Increase in the Ger- of Michigan yesterday and nearly all governor of Martinique stating that j -tlh of May weçe made, that Victoria # IfiarTinavaï programme Is growing to- FAMOUS ACTRESS DIES of last night, eight persons are known former President Castro of Venezuela PLAYERS ROBBED AT j celebration» this year shall eclipse any- - day because of a statement by a high to have perished, and the list may be was there and the foreign office Im­ • thing yer held here. In view of the naval plHclàl that t,he determination of AFTER LONG ILLNESS SELECTED AS SITE mediately cabled a decree that he be POINT OF REVOLVERS Austria to lay down three new Dread­ Increased by later returns from affect­ expelled (rom the Island, pursuant to j popular holiday falling on Monday it ls~ noughts will upset the present political ed territory. «U agreement reached to-day between l likely that the celebration will, be ex- ! tended over the Saturday and Monday. equilibrium of Europe. Three men. trying to cross the De­ BY SASKATCHEWAN BOARD Great Britain, the United States and This van be easily done without Injur- The Austria ft naval activity is look­ Political Trouble Resulted in troit river In a rowboat, were drown­ Band Succeeds in Escaping ; ,T ed upon askance by England, who fears ed. and at Jennings, Mich., three men It Is rumored here that Castro has that her,sea route to India 1* threaten­ succeeded In chartering a steamship being so many different events to be Her Banishment From were killed when a brick building was After Having Secured pulled off. ed and her control of the Egyptian situ­ Great Rejoicing Among the Cit­ at an American port and that ha will ation le jeopardised. Polish Stage. blown down and the walla tell upon make' ttfs HByTKêft. "get TStp com­ * Over $2,500. No definite programme has been ar­ Discussing the situation, a member them. Much damage was done to ship­ izens When Decision is munication with sympathizers In ranged. of course, but It was the feel­ ping. of the admiralty to-day said: “Ger­ Venezuela and eventually start a revo­ ing of the meeting thit on Saturday Barge Swept Out Into Lake. Announced. .» many and Austria hope either to bank­ lution with the purpose of overthrow­ afternoon the school sports might be (Times Leased Wire.) rupt England or place this country In Sandusky. Ohio, April 8.—No news ing President Gomez. (Times Leased Wire.) held, with band concerts afternoon and a desperate predicament. In the event Santa Ana, Cal,, April 8—After lin­ has been received to-day of thç barge It is generally believed her»- that Ogden. Utah. April 8 —Five unmask evening. Then on Monday the usual re­ of war. the Mediterranean is absolute­ gering for six days suffering from Norman Kelley, with four men and a (8D*flal la the ‘Time,. I Cl H„1,« tr ma,n would be held at the Gorge and • astro will devise some means of hd 35 1 ,h athletic .port, at Beaeon Hill, an A the ly vital to us. Bright * diseasew ...and heart affection,„ , ,,woman aboard,------------ which----------------- has------------------- been drift,- Regina. April 1—The hoard of gov- reaching Venezuela despite agreements “We took chances of war during the Mme. Helena Modjeska, the great Pol- Ing helplessly before a terrific gale In ; ,rrmr„ decided la,, night toAocu. the White Elephant gamblln* houee at 1 I display of fireworks In the evening, of the power* to prevent his landing o’clock this morning In the most àp-1 Thet<* will be no horse parade this year, Motocenn crisis In order to safeguard ieh-AAerkan tragedienne, paeaed away Lake Erie ,lnce yeeterdav morning. ' at any of the ports for which fie set oar tmpertHi vrenmy and our posses­ - - .uotry home .m Newport jet- The barge-broke away from lu dock. | ■»■*»«<■»>—■» uniyamltr at gaahatoon proved T*wTTd westvr fashion, and after : B being the opinion that the number There was great rejoicing In Saska obtaining over I2.S09 from the table» i °f entrl* wo,ll<l ”°t warrant the out- sions In North Africa. At present all and at 10 o clock this morning. It was carried rapidly away and »n The fierce tittle man lost his power our first class ships are withdrawn With the illustrious actress at her attempt by a tug to effect the rescue toon when word reached there at mid­ when he left Caracas last fall for and pm ket. of the victim», backed oat j "ï ^“"Ti . r A financial statement of last year • from the Mediterranean, and the ves­ death, were her husband, the Count of the crew of the barge was fruitless. night. Bonfires were lighted on the Europe to undergo an operation and Chlapowskl, and her son, Ralph Mod­ and made their escape. ~ 1 celebration wae • read by Edwin C. sels we have there are relatively In­ The passengers are without provisions street, church and other dty bells the government was taken over by significant. If Austria builds three jeska. who have been In almost con­ and are at the mercy of the waves. The play was heavy last night and 1 Smith, assistant city treasurer, who were rung and whistles blew. Gomez, who was advanced from the Dreadnoughts for the Mediterranean, stant attendance at the sick bed for a toward 1 o’clock there was a great we* treasurer for the event. There was Man Carried Hundred Feet. The selection mean* the permanency vice-presidency to the office of chief we must build six. fortnight. Dr. J. R. Boyd, .Mis» Jennie executive. He expostulated and dis­ amount of' cash displayed, the room : received from the city and $572 Chicago, April 8.—The damage In­ ________ __ I from Public subscriptions, or $3,072 in Murty. a trained nurse, and a Polish of Saskatoon as the northern centre of played great anger at Fort de France May Altar Plans. flicted by the severe gale that prevail* wks well crowded and the interest was j a|1 The expenditure* were: Printing attendant who has been the countess' the province. yesterday, when he had to leave the “In these circumstances our present ed In this city and vicinity yesterday intense. No one noticed the robbers as j and advertising. $208; horse parade, tompanidn for 25 years, also were pres­ French line steamship, a* the officials plans are utterly Inadequate. We must and last night Is being repaired to-day. they entered and before their purpose $409.07; regatta. $726; music. $471.75; ent, of the company refused to take him l ave not only eight Dreadnoughts, but < . — Several persons received minor Injur­ SETTLER FOUND DEAD was suspected they had taken their fireworks. $550; Illuminations, $54.35: •perhaps twice eight ies.
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