XingGAN for Person Image Generation Hao Tang1;2, Song Bai2, Li Zhang2, Philip H.S. Torr2, and Nicu Sebe1;3 1University of Trento (
[email protected]) 2University of Oxford 3Huawei Research Ireland Abstract. We propose a novel Generative Adversarial Network (Xing- GAN or CrossingGAN) for person image generation tasks, i.e., translat- ing the pose of a given person to a desired one. The proposed Xing gener- ator consists of two generation branches that model the person's appear- ance and shape information, respectively. Moreover, we propose two novel blocks to effectively transfer and update the person's shape and appear- ance embeddings in a crossing way to mutually improve each other, which has not been considered by any other existing GAN-based image genera- tion work. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets, i.e., Market- 1501 and DeepFashion, demonstrate that the proposed XingGAN ad- vances the state-of-the-art performance both in terms of objective quan- titative scores and subjective visual realness. The source code and trained models are available at Keywords: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Person Image Generation, Appearance Cues, Shape Cues 1 Introduction The problem of person image generation aims to generate photo-realistic per- son images conditioned on an input person image and several desired poses. This task has a wide range of applications such as person image/video genera- tion [41,9,2,11,19] and person re-identification [45,28]. Exiting methods such as [21,22,31,45,35] have achieved promising performance on this challenging task.