Ethical issues in research using datasets of illicit origin Daniel R. Thomas Sergio Pastrana Alice Hutchings Richard Clayton Alastair R. Beresford Cambridge Cybercrime Centre, Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge United Kingdom
[email protected] ABSTRACT ACM Reference format: We evaluate the use of data obtained by illicit means against Daniel R. Thomas, Sergio Pastrana, Alice Hutchings, Richard Clayton, and Alastair R. Beresford. 4239. Ethical issues in research a broad set of ethical and legal issues. Our analysis covers using datasets of illicit origin. In Proceedings of IMC ’39, London, both the direct collection, and secondary uses of, data ob- UK, November 3–5, 4239, 3: pages. tained via illicit means such as exploiting a vulnerability, or DOI: 32.3367/5353587.53535:; unauthorized disclosure. We extract ethical principles from existing advice and guidance and analyse how they have been applied within more than 42 recent peer reviewed papers that 3 INTRODUCTION deal with illicitly obtained datasets. We find that existing The scientific method requires empirical evidence to test advice and guidance does not address all of the problems that hypotheses. Consequently, both the gathering, and the use researchers have faced and explain how the papers tackle of, data is an essential component of science and supports ethical issues inconsistently, and sometimes not at all. Our evidence-based decision making. Computer scientists make analysis reveals not only a lack of application of safeguards significant use of data to support research and inform policy, but also that legitimate ethical justifications for research are and this includes data which was obtained through illegal or being overlooked.