WAOS Amateur Operatic Society is a local musical theatre company based in Woking, . We have produced over 80 shows since its formation in 1972. We stage two shows a year, here at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre, as well as fundraising concerts and other social events. We are a registered charity, number 284122.

We welcome all newcomers to the society, both on and off-stage. If you are interested in volunteering to help in any aspect of our theatre productions, please do contact us via our website www.waos.info


Chairman – Graham Kirby-Smith Business Manager – Martine Young

Treasurer – Keith White Secretary – Lynda Lawrence Membership – Sue Gaastra Committee Member – Sam Moylan-Heydt

Committee Member – Louisa Nye

The National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) was founded in 1899 and has a membership of around 2,500 amateur theatre groups and 3,000 individual enthusiasts throughout the UK who are engaged in staging musicals, operas, plays, concerts and pantomimes in a wide variety of performing venues, ranging from the country’s leading professional theatres to tiny village halls.

NODA's mission is to support the education and information needs of individuals and organisations with high quality services and products that contribute to the success of amateur theatre, as well as encouraging appreciation of the sector by participants and audiences alike.

They aim to give a shared voice to the amateur theatre sector; to help amateur societies and individuals achieve the highest standards of best practice and performance; to provide leadership and advice to enable amateur theatre to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. If you would like to find out more about NODA and its range of services, please visit www.noda.org.uk From the Chairman

Ladies and gentlemen, a very warm welcome to you and thank you for joining us as we explore The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. Director Martine Young is back at the helm, and we are very pleased to welcome back Musical Director Ian Peters, an excellent partnership which has been wonderfully enhanced by the enthusiasm and creativity of Assistant Director Elizabeth Loveder in her WAOS debut on the production team.

Our 2018-2019 season is proving to be another exciting one – our production of Little Shop of Horrors in November received rave reviews, including these, posted on our Facebook page: "I knew it would be good, but I didn't think it would be that good!!! You were all incredible!!" / "I was mesmerised throughout the performance. My face aches from smiling so much!!" / “Incredible performances, set, sound, lighting! You absolutely nailed it!!! Wish I could see it again!"

We then reprised our summer Wartime Memories production for the Residents Association, as part of Battle's Over, a nationwide Day of Commemorative Events on 11th November, and in December, we provided entertainment at the Horsell Care Christmas party and did some carol singing at the Talbot Inn Ripley Christmas Market. I am very keen for us to continue to support local community groups and events, so if you would like us to provide entertainment for you, please do get in touch.

If you think you might like to be involved in the WAOS community, you would be most welcome! The introduction evening for our next show High Society, will be on Monday 3rd June at the Community Centre. Whether you would like to perform on stage, join our production team, help backstage, make costumes, paint scenery or even serve tea at our rehearsals, we would love to meet you.

Graham Kirby-Smith From the Director

I was privileged to direct Moll Flanders for WAOS 10 years ago and I am delighted to have been given a second opportunity. Moll Flanders was the winner of Best Musical in the 1995 TMA Awards. The music is by George Stiles, who is also the composer for Honk!, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, The Wind in the Willows and the 2016 version of Half of Sixpence. Based on the book written in 1722 by Daniel Defoe, the musical tells the story of this child, Betsy, later renamed Moll, born in Newgate Goal, the result of her mother “pleading the belly”. “Pleading the belly” was a legal defence, to be saved from the gallows. A pregnant mother could not be hanged because of the child she carried.

Moll’s story is about money, social standing, morality and immorality and the means by which to achieve these, in Moll’s case, the only means was by using her feminine guile. Despite being called “the century of Enlightenment”, women had no legal rights: they belonged to their father, and then to their husbands. Only widows had a modicum of rights. Moll starts as an innocent young girl, and her travels among the wealthy, which exposes their vanity and shallowness, is the catalyst for her changes. She possesses a single fault of hubris in that she wishes to be a lady – a station she was not entitled to. She commits adultery, prostitution, child neglect, and incest in an effort to rise to this station, only to be brought to confession, forgiveness, and a "proper" life in the middle class.

Defoe himself was a noted Puritan. His views are unambiguous, in that he believes and writes for hard work, devotion, and the work of providence as grace, and in that spirit, Moll starts the show with a prayer and ends with a prayer. Moll Flanders is sexy, sassy and strong – an extraordinary woman with an extraordinary life! If this was not enough, there is a goodly selection of larger than life characters, dipping in and out of her story. Martine Young Director – Martine Young Martine has been interested in the theatre since her school days when she was already “staging” school plays, with varying degrees of success! She has been a member of WAOS since 1979, joining as a chorus member, having already been with Workington Operatic Society in Cumbria for five years before moving to Surrey. She also sings with St Dunstan’s Choir. She is an established director for WAOS and other local theatrical societies. Her directorial credits include The Merry Widow, Camelot, Orpheus in the Underworld, Brigadoon, My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, Oklahoma!, The Pirates of Penzance, South Pacific, Iolanthe, Guys and Dolls, The Magic Flute, Kiss Me Kate, The Mikado and Moll Flanders. She is delighted to have been given a chance to direct Moll Flanders again with Ian Peters, who is also reprising his role as the Musical Director. She would like to thank her creative and technical teams, who have given her constant support. She feels that Moll Flanders is a great period piece of musical theatre and has loved every moment of directing and bringing Moll and all the other characters to life. She hopes you will enjoy watching Moll coming to life and reserve judgement! Musical Director – Ian Peters Ian's principal musical study has been as a clarinettist. He now works as a freelance musician and teacher and is on the instrumental teaching staff for the University of Southampton. He was Head of Woodwind Performance studies from 1998-2018 and is now lecturing in woodwind instrumental education. An additional interest in conducting led to directing several notable youth orchestras, choirs and amateur symphony orchestras. His first venture into musical theatre was in 1991 with a production of Gigi for BBLOC in Bournemouth. He has now directed over 70 shows, working with many societies across the South, including Southampton, Epsom, Swindon, Romsey, Poole, Highcliffe, Waterside, Portsmouth, Fareham, Walton-on-Thames and Woking. Many of these productions have achieved NODA awards for excellence, as well as Ian receiving several personal awards. His association with BBLOC has continued, with regular invitations for amateur premieres, in the last couple of years these have included Priscilla Queen of the Desert, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Moll Flanders was the first show Ian had worked with WAOS for, some ten years ago, and he is delighted to have been invited back for this revival.

Assistant Director – Elizabeth Loveder Elizabeth has been involved with WAOS since 2017 when she appeared in Kiss Me Kate. This is her first time directing for the company. Previous directing credits include The Country Wife by William Wycherley in Bristol and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves for Fairlands Players. Recent onstage credits include Alice in Two by Jim Cartwright, Watchman in Much Ado About Nothing both with the Pranksters Theatre Company and as a singer in Lilies on the Land with Merrow Dramatic Society. When not involved in community theatre, Elizabeth is a Dramatherapist who specialises in child and family work. Elizabeth has enjoyed working alongside Martine, and learning the art of directing a large-scale musical. She would like to thank her for all the encouragement she has given.

Assistant Musical Director – Samantha Moylan-Heydt In Sam’s own words “Assistant Musical Director sounds a very lofty title for standing in front of people and waving my arms around wildly”. As someone who is fairly musical, but not a musician, Sam doubted that she would be able to step up and support. Then she remembered that she is really bossy and very good at organising people! So working hand in hand with rehearsal pianist Jonathan and the company, they have worked hard and hope that they have make Ian Peters the Musical Director proud. Sam would like to thank the lovely cast for their hard work, being so supportive and welcoming her input. Perhaps she will be able to do it again in the future? Rehearsal pianist and répétiteur – Jonathan Rhodes-Smith Jonathan’s first rehearsal schedule and performance with WAOS was The Hired Man in 2010 and is still one of his favourite shows – although Sweeney Todd remains his firm favourite! Since then he has accompanied every show bar one and played in the “pit” for 14 of the past 18 shows.

Classically trained by his father from the age of six, Jonathan plays for a number of musical societies and individuals around Surrey and further afield (in addition to his full time job as an estate agent) but feels most at home with his friends at WAOS.

He would like to take this opportunity to thank Ian Peters, under whose baton Jonathan has now performed on four occasions, for his ongoing encouragement and development of his musical knowledge. Synopsis Moll Flanders, or to give it its full title, The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders was published in 1722 by Daniel Defoe. It is written in the form of a fictional autobiography of the girl known as Moll whose mother was convicted of petty theft and sentenced to be hanged. By "pleading her belly", Moll's mother earns a stay of execution, as it was not legal or morally acceptable to execute pregnant criminals. Instead, once the baby is born, the mother is sent to the colonies in America, mainly Virginia, to serve her punishment. The baby remains in England. Moll, or Betsy as she was then called, is one of these children. She is initially sold to gypsies who abandon her in Colchester at the tender age of eight. Parish officers in the Essex town put her in the care of a good woman, Nurse, who has a small school, where she is raised until adolescence. She tells her nurse that she wants to be a ‘gentlewoman’ or in other words that she wishes to support herself.

Betsy goes to live at the home of one of the town's women, Lady Constable, who is impressed with her attitude as companion to her daughter. Romantic confusion ensues as Betsy finds herself pursued by the lady’s elder son, Cyril, only for this to be ruined by Cyril’s caddish and money orientated behaviour, once he has obtained Molls favours. He has no qualms about encouraging his younger brother, Robert, who is madly in love with Betsy, to offer marriage. Robert and Betsy marry but only five years later, she is left a poor widow with only £1,200 to her name. She renames herself Moll Flanders, after a spell in The Mint, the debtors’ prison

Betsy begins honing the skill of passing herself off as a widow of fortune to attract a man who will marry her and provide her with security. The first time she does this, her husband, Henry, goes bankrupt and leaves her on her own, with his blessing to do the best she can and assume he is dead. The second time, she makes a match, Jerry, a tobacco planter, who takes her to his mother’s plantation in Virginia. And they are happy. After two children, Betsy’s happiness there is ruined by the totally unexpected revelation that her mother-in-law is in fact her own mother, and that, consequently, she has married her brother. Her mother gives her the financial support to start a new life back in England.

Life becomes financially up and down. She goes to Bath and meet Mr Biggins, who offers her protection, which is all he can do since he is married. Eventually Mr Biggins returns to his wife and Moll has to return to her con skills. She makes a match with a man from Lancashire, who turns out to be a gentleman without means who had also been conning her that he was wealthy, the charismatic Jemmy. Alas, these two truly fall in love, but part anyway because they have not a penny to live on if they stay together. Moll resorts to another conned beau, a banker, Mr Honest, who marries her then dies in financial ruin after five years, having invested in the South Sea Company.

Truly desperate now, she begins a career of artful thievery, which, by employing her wits, beauty, charm, and femininity, brings her the financial security she always sought. She comes under the protection of Mother Midnight, a shady character, who takes to Moll and almost views her as her daughter. Moll even meets Cyril again, who does not recognise her and she robs him of all his clothes. Eventually she is caught and sent to back Newgate Goal. Here, she is counselled by a man of the cloth, who leads her to repentance and enlightenment. The priest, unknown to her, is Jemmy in disguise. He manages to obtain a pardon for her and both sail back to America, aided by Mother’s Midnight financial help. One has to assume that, eventually, they live happily ever after!

Supporting our WAOS members “Hello, my name is Jessie. I'm 17 years old and I have been performing since the age of seven. I love to perform and I work hard to always improve my skills by attending dance classes, taking Musical Theatre exams and performing in amateur dramatic productions, as well as studying for a Performing Arts BTEC at college alongside two A-levels.

I recently auditioned for the British Youth Music Theatre 2019 company and was thrilled to be successful. BYMT is a national youth theatre company and is the largest in the UK; over 800 young people aged 11 to 21 auditioned this year and less than 300 were offered places so I feel very fortunate. I will be attending a two week residential where I will learn a new production and be taught by industry professionals, we will then perform the show, here at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre.

As you can imagine an experience like this is costly and although BYMT fundraise all year round to keep the costs as low as they can, they still need to pass on some costs to the performers. They also offer bursaries to families who will struggle to meet the cost and I have been very fortunate to have been offered a bursary however in order to attend I will still need to raise £800. I have various fundraising activities planned and would be really grateful if you would be willing to make a donation to help me to achieve my target. If you would like to support me, you can securely donate at https://www.gofundme.com/jessies-british-youth-music-theatre-course-fees

Thank you very much for your support and I hope you enjoy this performance of Moll Flanders!”

Jessica-Mae Thompson Cast

Moll Flanders Katherine Winfield Moll Flanders (age 16) Samantha Stott Moll Flanders (age 12) Julia Da Costa Moll Flanders (age 8) Elsie Murza-Murzicz Elizabeth (Moll’s Mother) Melanie Eloranta Cyril Will McDermott Robert Steven Kingaby Lady Constable Samantha Moylan-Heydt Corrinder Josie Barnett Jerry / Fop Patrick Coad Lucie Louisa Nye Abe / Tradesman Graham Kirby-Smith Mr Biggins / Drunkard / Lord Constable Roger Thomas Daisy Sarah Platt Mother Midnight Sophie Coad Mr Honest / Fornicator Mike Bartlett Jemmy / Gambler / Artist Steve Nottage Luke / Prison Warden Alex Haben Ralph / Clerk / Prison Warden Franek Mrozek Henry Andy Hall Mayor of Colchester / 2nd Priest Brian Higgs Nurse Sonia Huntley-Robertson Judge / Publican Clive Moon Woman in prison Tasha Bennett Maid in Virginia Francesca Di Domenico Girls in cemetery Jessica-Mae Thompson, Julia Da Costa and Amy Eloranta Landlady Amanda Carey-McDermott Publican’s wife Sharon Forsyth Mrs Biggins Sue Gaastra 1st Priest Alan Wyle Boy Robert Angus Man in prison Keith White Prison Warden Nicky Jordan Servant Sharon Forsyth

Supporting Cast

Girls in London Genifa Brownsea, Jessica Dunipace and Amy Eloranta

Young Children Rebecca Dunipace and Elsie Murza-Murzicz

Bath Ladies Tasha Bennett, Francesca Di Domenico, Beth Flitton and Dianne Skeel The Whores Josie Barnett, Tasha Bennett, Cathy Chappell, Zoe Davis, Francesca Di Domenico, Melanie Eloranta, Sharon Forsyth, Sue Gaastra, Samantha Moylan-Heydt, Amel Oudjida and Samantha Stott

Barmaids Tasha Bennett, Francesca Di Domenico and Amel Oudjida Musicians Musical Director Ian Peters Keyboard Jonathan Rhodes-Smith Keyboard David Perkins

Production Team Director Martine Young Musical Director Ian Peters Assistant Director Elizabeth Loveder Assistant Musical Director Samantha Moylan-Heydt Rehearsal Pianist and Répétiteur Jonathan Rhodes-Smith Choreography Zoe Davis, Elizabeth Loveder and Martine Young Production Facilitator Sue Gaastra Stage Manager Lisa Young Deputy Stage Manager Victoria Percival Assistant Stage Manager Mike Griffiths Crew Brendan Burbage, Ellen Da Costa, Mike Griffiths, Stuart Roy and Lisa Young Sound [Show Works] Oscar Thompson Lighting Mark Cox Lighting Equipment Tim Collins Set Design Mike Bartlett Set Construction Mike Bartlett, Mike Griffiths, Stuart Roy and Brendan Burbage Set Painting Lorraine Landon, Dianne Skeel and Julia Da Costa Projection Imagery and Portrait Art in Scene 5 Julia Da Costa Props Coordinators Sue Gaastra, Tracey Gillard and Lorraine Landon Wardrobe [WAOS] Cathy Chappell, Ellen McDermott, Martine Young and Anne-Marie Gates Make-Up and Wigs Lynda Lawrence, Julie Lawson, Dianne Skeel and Amanda Wallace Chaperone Co-ordinator Gillian Freeman Chaperones Kirsty Angus, Melanie Bartlett, Vicky Campbell, Gillian Freeman, Vicki Thompson and Karen Woodland Front of House Manager Hannah Dare Front of House Tim Beasley, Julie Corden, Rosemary Culshaw, Natasha Duffus-Butler, Peter Howitt, Anja Mrozek, Sylvie Petersen, June Saich and Peter Saich Box Office Keith White & Lisa Young Publicity and Media Brian Higgs and Will McDermott Front of House Display Martine Young Art, Photography, Programme & Website Lisa Young ACT 1 Scene 1: Opening Let Us Tell a Tale (Company)

Scene 2: Newgate Gaol Lullaby (Elizabeth)

Scene 3: Chorus Scene A Baby (Company)

Scene 4: Colchester Moll’s Prayer (Moll)

Scene 5: Lady Constable’s Home Portrait Song (Artist, Lady Constable, Cyril, Robert, Corrinder and Moll)

Scene 6: The Same The Seduction (Moll, Cyril, Lady Constable, Robert and Corrinder)

Scene 7: The Same Her Love Made Her Rich (Moll and Company)

Scene 8: London The Masque (Luke, Moll, Ralph and Henry)

Scene 9: The Mint The Mint (Gambler, Drunkard and Fornicator)

Scene 10: A quayside public house and its environs A Sailor’s Life (Abe, Jerry and Barmaids) Lap-dogs (Moll, Lucie, Abe and Jerry)

Scene 11: Sailing to Virginia Sailing to Virginia (Moll and Jerry)

Scene 12: Virginia

Scene 13: The Same Never Look Back (Moll, Elizabeth, Jerry and Company)


The video and audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. ACT 2 Scene 1: The pump room at Bath Bath Promenade (Company, Moll and Biggins)

Scene 2: Biggin’s home in London Frail Man, Beware! (Company)

Scene 3: London

Scene 4: The Bank of England Frail Man, Rejoice! (Company) Mr Honest at the Bank (Honest and Moll)

Scene 5: On the road Stage-coach Song (Company, Daisy and Jemmy) Mr Honest (Reprise) (Honest, Moll and Jemmy)

Scene 6: Liverpool Ride (Jemmy and Moll) The Hour is Late (Jemmy and Moll)

Scene 7: Mother Midnight’s House in London Mr Honest’s Letters (Honest)

Scene 8: A Coaching house, then London Mr Honest’s Death (Honest, Moll and Company)

Scene 9: A churchyard Stolen (Fragment) (Mother Midnight)

Scene 10: Mother Midnight’s House Damn, Damn, Damn (Moll and Mother Midnight) Stolen (Mother Midnight)

Scene 11: Daisy’s Hanging

Scene 12: A London Street I Shall Work Alone (Moll, Tradesman, Fop, Judge and Company)

Scene 13: The streets at night Come With Me, Whore! (Cyril and Moll) When a Man’s Dressed Up (Whores)

Scene 14: Mother Midnight’s House

Scene 15: The Old Bailey Hang, Hang, Hang (Company)

Scene 16: Newgate Gaol Child of Newgate (Moll)

Scene 17: The Same

Scene 18: The quayside and beyond The Hour Was Late/Finale (Jemmy, Moll and Company) Moll Flanders Moll Flanders (age 16) Katherine Winfield Samantha Stott Taking a turn from her usual After a ten-year absence from backstage role as Sound No. 2, WAOS Sam rejoined the company this is Katie's fifth show with for Pride and Prejudice in 2016. In WAOS, but her first onstage with her seventeen years of amateur the company! She is an avid dramatics Sam has performed with theatre-goer and a huge admirer many different companies and of composer George Stiles' work, played many different roles. Some having previously performed as of her favourites include Kitty the titular role in Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure; Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, Annie Oakley in Annie Stiles and Drewe's magical retelling of the J.M Barrie Get Your Gun, Hope Harcourt in Anything Goes plus classic. She is thrilled to be playing the role of the Hodel and Chava in two separate performances of scandalous Moll Flanders, a character that has Fiddler on the Roof, the latter being her first ever show intrigued her since her first reading of Defoe's novel and role at the tender age of sixteen. To play a at age twelve. sixteen-year old again in this show has been both a surprise and enormous fun.

Moll Flanders (age 12) Moll Flanders (age 8) Julia Da Costa Elsie Murza-Murzicz Julia joined WAOS in 2017, Elsie has been dancing since she performing as Louise in Carousel. was three and acting since her Since then, Julia has played debut in Carousel with WAOS. She Young Evelyn in Wartime has performed in many dance Memories, and danced shows. Her favourite style is tap “Electricity” from Billy Elliot in her dancing but she also enjoys ballet. university’s ‘MT’ showcase. She loves being in Moll because Alongside her first year studying she gets to wear pretty dresses Fine Art, she has loved being in Moll Flanders and and doesn't have lines to remember. Elsie would like hopes you enjoy the show. to thank WAOS for making her so welcome and the chaperones for looking after her.

Elizabeth (Moll’s Mother) Cyril Melanie Eloranta William McDermott Melanie has been passionate Let us tell a tale of Will, rejoining about performing since an early us on the stage, coached by age, participating in a variety of wonderful directors. Will's stage school and college productions. debut was in Blitz, so long ago he After graduating she toured Italy might have been considered a performing Theatre in Education baby. In admitting that Cyril is very in schools and colleges. Latterly close to his own personality, we she has played Liz in Billy Liar at find that he really is Mr Honest. the South London Theatre and sung in choirs Will may have missed opportunities playing the life of including the television competition Last Choir a sailor, but he'll never look back, or work alone as he Standing. Moll Flanders is her third musical with joins his mother and sister in the society for Moll, and WAOS and thanks members for their encouragement he hopes you enjoy the ride. and support.

Robert Lady Constable Steven Kingaby Samantha Moylan-Heydt Steven is delighted to return to Moll Flanders was the first show WAOS after a lengthy hiatus from Samantha did with WAOS. She taking part in shows. He last played the down to earth Mother performed on the Rhoda McGaw Midnight. Ten years on to the stage in The Magic Flute in 2016. current Moll, she is now playing the gloriously haughty Lady A late joiner to the cast, he has Constable. In the past, she has been warmly welcomed by the been in most WAOS shows, cast of Moll Flanders and eased shaking a tail feather in the chorus and playing the into his role of the ever petulant Robert Constable. occasional principal. She shows no signs of giving WAOS a break from her “bossy ways” and is grateful that WAOS loves her just the way she is! She hopes you enjoy the show and says “Now concentrate, heads up, shoulders back, stomach in and make sure you show your best profile!”

Corrinder Jerry / Fop Josie Barnett Patrick Coad Josie is excited to play Corrinder Patrick joined WAOS nearly ten and has enjoyed “acting” spoilt. years ago and has enjoyed many She joined WAOS in November parts including Georgie Locke in 2017 for 9 to 5 after a seven year Blitz!, John Tallentire in The Hired gap from musicals. She is pleased Man, Noah in The Children of to have found a friendly group of Eden, Heathcliff in Wuthering people to ease her back into Heights and Aldolpho in The theatre and welcome her to Drowsy Chaperone. He is pleased Woking. to take on the part of Jerry, with some new challenges, including what he considers to be his most flamboyant costume yet.

Lucie Abe / Tradesman Louisa Nye Graham Kirby-Smith Louisa joined WAOS in June 2018, Graham has been a member of performing her first solo part for WAOS since 2012, and has been the Society in August’s Wartime enjoying his first year as Chairman! Memories fundraiser. She has He thoroughly enjoyed playing enjoyed returning to musicals The Dentist in Little Shop of after a 14-year hiatus; during Horrors. He is a keen keyboard which she wrote, directed and player, playing regularly at performed in Christmas comedy Woking’s Christ Church 6:30pm revue shows and ran live band karaoke in her spare services and at the annual Jubilee Square Good Friday time. service.

Mr Biggins / Drunk / Lord Constable Daisy Roger Thomas Sarah Platt A long-standing member of Sarah first joined WAOS for WAOS, Roger has appeared in Carousel in 2017. Brand new to numerous shows over the years, performing on stage, she then as well as on stage with other caught the bug for theatre. She is local societies – everything from very excited to be part of such a drama to farce. He is also keen on great cast and show. This will be other types of music, notably her first principal role as Daisy and barbershop singing with a local she hopes to bring the character chorus, and playing the ukulele. He is particularly to life in Moll Flanders! fond of this show, with its great music and lyrics.

Mother Midnight Mr Honest / Fornicator Sophie Coad Mike Bartlett Sophie studied Performing Arts at Mike has been performing and/or Brooklands College, and after a set designing with WAOS for long break from performing, many years; his first show with us thanks to a few inspiring old playing Freddie in My Fair Lady. college buddies, decided to get He has had a variety of lead and back on the stage and fell in love supporting roles both with WAOS with acting again. Since being a and other local societies, member of WAOS, Sophie has frequently being enlisted by played a variety of roles in the chorus and as a Martine as an extra chorus man. Running under a principal – Caroline Bingley in Pride & Prejudice and stage to play both pirate and policeman in The Pirates Roz in 9 to 5. She is thrilled to be playing Mother of Penzance remains a painful highlight! Mike is Midnight. A formidable character who uses her wits delighted to be performing in Moll for the second and resourcefulness to survive in a society full time and that Elsie, his step-daughter, is reprising the inequalities and hypocrisies, where men had all the role played by his daughter, Kathryn all those years power. At least a few things have changed since the ago! 1800s!

Jemmy / Gambler / Artist Luke / Prison Warden Steve Nottage Alex Haben Steve was born into show Alex has been in many WAOS business at an early age. He grew shows and has enjoyed playing a up with his father, a failed variety of different characters. He magician, and two half-sisters. He enjoys acting, singing and joined the navy as a submariner. sometimes even dancing! He is His seafaring career was short, but excited to be in Moll Flanders and he went down well. Steve is likes all the different elements in delighted to play a host of the story, especially the comical different roles in his first toga-less production with moments his character shares with Moll. WAOS after years on stage with local musical theatre groups and in old time music hall, a particular passion of his. He thanks everyone at WAOS for their warm welcome and requests that any fruit and veg thrown at him is removed from the tin first! Ralph / Clerk / Prison Warden Franek Mrozek Franek started acting 3 years ago with SADS and has taken part in previous WAOS productions. He thoroughly enjoys his little spotlight moment in Ralph’s duet with Moll.

Henry Andy Hall Andy has been a member of the society since 2014 when he joined WAOS to be in the chorus for Wuthering Heights. It is the second time he has been part of a ‘trio’.

Mayor of Colchester / 2nd Priest Brian Higgs Brian has been involved in the world of musical theatre for some 18 years. He has performed with various groups in Surrey over the years.

Nurse Sonia Huntley-Robertson This is Sonia’s 9th show with WAOS. She is thrilled to be performing in Moll Flanders and is very grateful to be playing the role of the nurse. She would like to thank her husband and boys for all their loving support! She hopes you all enjoy the show!

Judge / Publican Clive Moon Clive has often appeared in uniform, and is outraged that in this show his kit has been stolen!

The Company


Get involved in our next show: High Society is a musical comedy with a book by Arthur Kopit and music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The plot centres on a pretentious Oyster Bay socialite who is planning to wed an equally pretentious executive, when her ex-husband arrives to disrupt the proceedings!

Find out more at our Introduction Evening You are warmly invited to our introduction evening for our next show High Society. Here you will meet the director, musical director and the production team. You will find out about the vision and character breakdown of the show as well as audition pieces and key dates for your diary. It is a relaxed and informal evening open to everyone, no matter what your stage experience is. We look forwarding to seeing you!

Date and Time: Monday 3rd June 2019 at 7:45pm

Venue: Old Woking Community Centre Sundridge Road Woking, Surrey GU22 9AT

WAOS.Woking Woking_WAOS woking_waos www.waos.info [email protected]

WAOS Productions 1973 – 2018 1973 The Boy Friend 1975 Bless The Bride 1976 White Horse Inn / The Gondoliers 1977 Orpheus In The Underworld / Oklahoma! 1978 The Merry Widow / The Geisha 1979 The Gypsy Baron / Ruddigore 1980 Lilac Time / The Desert Song 1981 Free As Air / Bitter Sweet 1982 Merrie England / Carousel 1983 Summer Song / My Fair Lady 1984 The Gipsy Princess / Brigadoon 1985 The Pajama Game / Show Boat 1986 Princess Ida / The Rebel Maid 1987 Viva Mexico / No, No, Nanette 1988 Die Fledermaus / Calamity Jane 1989 Kismet / The Yeomen Of The Guard 1990 Fiddler On The Roof / Half A Sixpence 1991 Oklahoma! / The Merry Widow 1992 Hello Dolly! / The Pirates Of Penzance 1993 Blitz! * / Camelot 1994 Carousel / Lilac Time 1995 Charlie Girl / The Mikado * 1996 Orpheus In The Underworld / The Music Man 1997 Kiss Me, Kate / Gigi * 1998 Brigadoon / Peg O’ My Heart 1999 Anything Goes / Annie Get Your Gun 2000 In The Spotlight / South Pacific † 2001 Robert And Elizabeth / My Fair Lady 2002 Guys And Dolls / Fiddler On The Roof † 2003 A Music Hall Extravaganza / How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying 2004 Oklahoma! / Jack The Ripper *† 2005 Calamity Jane †‡ / Little Shop of Horrors 2006 Bye Bye Birdie / The Slipper and The Rose 2007 The Boy Friend / Carousel 2008 Moll Flanders † / Salad Days 2009 Into The Woods * / Songs That Won The War / Blitz! 2010 The Hired Man * / South Pacific 2011 The Pajama Game / The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas 2012 Bugsy Malone / The Pirates of Penzance 2013 Children of Eden † / Anything Goes 2014 Oklahoma! / Oliver! 2015 Wuthering Heights / Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street *† 2016 The Magic Flute / The Drowsy Chaperone / Something Old, Something New / Pride & Prejudice 2017 Kiss Me, Kate * / A Night Of Musical Cabaret / Carousel † 2018 9 to 5 / Wartime Memories / Little Shop of Horrors

* NODA Award Winning Production † NODA Award Other Than Production ‡ NODA Programme Competition National Winner Life Member In recognition of her long association with Woking Amateur Operatic Society and her work performed on the Society’s behalf, we are pleased to acknowledge our life member:

Mrs Peggy Prosser

Patrons of the Society The support of the following patrons of the Society is gratefully acknowledged:

Mrs Theresa Amor John & Veronica Brown Mrs Jenny Grayson Mrs Pam Knight Mrs Lynda Lawrence Mr & Mrs R C Norris

Being a patron means that financial support can be given by those who wish to be involved with the society, but who might be unable to spare the time to help in a more active manner. For a minimum annual donation of £20 (£30 for couples), patrons receive:

. recognition in each show programme . a complimentary programme when buying tickets for a show

If you would like to become a patron, please send your name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number, along with your remittance, to: Sue Gaastra, 18 Hill Close, Horsell, Woking, Surrey, GU21 4TE or by e-mail to [email protected]

During the interval, you will have a chance to enter our free draw to win 2 free tickets to our next show High Society!

The winner of the Moll Flanders ticket draw is:

Salma El-Sodaney