Volume 40 Issue 6 September 2013 Nestor Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas

Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati Editor: Carol Hershenson P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221-0226, U.S.A. Assistant Editor: Jeffrey L. Kramer http://classics.uc.edu/nestor [email protected]

COMMUNICATIONS Grants and Fellowships On 1 November 2013 applications are due to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) for 2014 New or Renewal Research Grants, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the Petrography Internship at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete (SCEC), the SCEC Librarian Fellowship, and Six-Week Research Grants at INSTAP SCEC. Applications for Publication Team Support and Publication Subventions have no specific due dates. Further information and applications are available at http://www.aegeanprehistory.net/; applications can now be submitted via e-mail as MS WORD documents or fillable PDF forms.

On 15 January 2014 applications are due for the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program at the University of Cincinnati, Classics Department in the fields of archaeology, history, or philology, tenable during the academic year 2014-2015. Tytus Fellows will ordinarily be at least five years beyond receipt of the PhD, and will come to Cincinnati to pursue their own research. The minimum and maximum terms for Long Term Fellows are one semester and a maximum of two; Short Term Fellows will reside in Cincinnati for a minimum of one month and a maximum of two. Both categories of Tytus Fellows receive housing, a transportation allowance, a monthly stipend of $1,000, and office space, as well as the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries. On 15 February 2013 applications are due for the Tytus Summer Residency Program at the University of Cincinnati, Classics Department in the fields of archaeology, history, or philology, tenable for one to three months during the summer of 2014; summer fellows receive free university housing, office space, and the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries. Further information is available at http://classics.uc.edu/index.php/tytus, where application forms are also available, or from [email protected].

Calls for Papers On 8 September 2013 abstracts (250 words) for papers (20 minutes maximum) and posters are due for an international conference entitled Land, Territory, and Population in Ancient : Institutional and Mythical to be held on 23-25 October 2013 at Bellaterra (Barcelona). Paper and panel contributions will be admitted in Catalan, Spanish, English, French, German, and Italian. Further information is available at http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/institucionsmites/content/colloqui-terra-territori-i- Nestor 40.6 128 September 2013

poblaci%C3%B3-lantiga-gr%C3%A8cia. Contributions are invited addressing the following topics: Population relationships in the II and I Millenium BC Legal regulation of foreign relations: The condition of ‘foreigner’ Cultural and commercial ties Land occupation and production: Colonization, foundation of cities, and land distribution; Different degrees of access to land tenure Migration movements

On 31 October 2013 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for the conference In Poseidons Realm XIX: Life by water and waterside, to be held on 21-23 March 2014 at the Pfahlbaumuseum, Unteruhldingen, Bodensee. Conference papers will be published in Skyllis. Further information is available at http://www.deguwa.org/.

On 31 October 2013 paper, poster, and workshop proposals are due for the 2014 Annual Conference of the British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA 2014), to be held on 9-11 January 2014 at the University of Reading. Further information is available at http://www.reading.ac.uk/archaeology/Conferences/BANEA/ or from [email protected]. Proposals for themed workshops of half day or whole day duration are invited; key topics will include: Sustainability and resilience Access and networks Social identity, power, and governance New agendas in landscape archaeology Near Eastern archaeology in the contemporary world Other current research themes Excavation and survey reports

On 31 December 2013 manuscripts are due for the 8th volume (2014) of Pasiphae: Rivista di filologia e antichità egee, an annual international journal containing philological, epigraphic, historical, and archaeological studies of the Aegean civilizations, especially of the Minoan and Mycenaean world; articles will also be welcomed on the relations between the Minoan and Mycenaean world and the contemporary Mediterranean civilizations (, the Anatolian and Syro-Palestinian coasts, Egypt and the Western Mediterranean) as well as papers on the Mycenaean heritage in the Greek world of the 1st millennium B.C. For the contents of the first six volumes (2007-2012), see www.libraweb.net/sommari.php?chiave=333; further information is available at http://www.libraweb.net/documenti/Guidelines-PASIPHAE_2013.pdf. Contributions must be e-mailed to Anna Sacconi at [email protected] or [email protected].

Authors are invited to send their original manuscripts for publication in the digital relaunch of Minos, to be published starting in 2014 in two annual issues (May and November) as a double-blind peer-reviewed journal in electronic format. With a multidisciplinary approach, Minos will publish articles and reviews of on writing in the scripts of the Aegean area, particularly Linear B (the original focus of the journal), and also on archaic epic. Further information is available at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwnlON4qzyfoSzcwYVRnekJIUTQ/edit?pli=1 Nestor 40.6 129 September 2013

Future Lectures and Conferences The schedule of the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens has been announced for 2013- 2014. Lectures will be held at the Central Building of the University of Athens (Panepistimiou 30). Speakers and titles will be announced subsequently. 31 October 2013 28 November 2013 19 December 2013 29 January 2014 20 February 2014 27 March 2014 30 April 2014 29 May 2014

On 17-18 October 2013 a symposium entitled Explaining change in Aegean prehistory will take place at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Further information is available at http://www.archonline.nl/1/post/2013/05/17-18-october- 2013-explaining-change-in-aegean-prehistor.html. The program will be: J. Bintliff, “Long-term developments in southern mainland settlement systems from EH to LH as seen through the lense of regional survey” W. Gauss and M. Lindblom, “Premycenaean pottery shapes of the Central Aegean: A new resource in development” E. Gorogianni, “Social complexity in MBA and LBA Cyclades: A view from Ayia Irini” B. Legarra Herrero, “Tradition and transformation in the burial record of Pre- and Protopalatial Crete” D. J. Pullen, “Changes in feasting practices from EH II into MH” J. B. Rutter, “An alternative approach to MH chronology” S. Voutsaki, “A society in flux: Social change in the MH Argolid” E. Weiberg, “Early Helladic III: a non-monumental but revitalized social arena?” T. Whitelaw, “Urbanism in the prehistoric southern Aegean: a comparative perspective on scale, complexity and integration” C. W. Wiersma, “Building the Bronze Age. Architectural and social change on the Greek mainland from EH III to LH I”

On 24-25 October 2013 an international workshop entitled How long is a century? Late Minoan IIIB pottery: Relative chronology and regional differences will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Further information is available at http://www.uclouvain.be/432969.html. The program will be: C. Langohr, “Introduction: Late Minoan IIIB pottery at Malia and Sissi: assessing local ceramic sequence, regional traditions, and interaction networks” B. Hallager, “The LM IIIB settlements at Khania” E. Hatzaki, “Knossos Little Palace North in a Knossian and Cretan context: the LM III stratigraphical, architectural, and ceramic sequence” J. Rutter, “Late Minoan IIIB at Kommos: an abundance of deposits, a dearth of clear sub- phases, and probably a gradual desertion of the site “ A. L. D’Agata, “Aghia Triada in LM IIIB: A ceremonial center of Late Minoan III Crete” F. Nezeri, “The ‘Armenoi workshop’: Local ceramic sequence and regional tradition from the LM III Cemetery at Armenoi Rethymnon” T. Cunningham, “Palaikastro Period XVI: the settlement and its ceramics in LM IIIB” A. Smith, “Pottery from the Late Minoan III cemetery at Myrsini Aspropilia” Nestor 40.6 130 September 2013

A. Kanta, Historical pointers from new evidence. The situation in central Crete during LM IIIB”

On 11-13 November 2013 The 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18 2013) will be held in Vienna. Further information is available at http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: I. Trinks and A. Vlachopoulos, “3D digital documentation of the ancient town of Akrotiri on Thera/Santorini” N. Albertini, A. M. Jasink, and B. Montecchi, “Digital acquisition and modeling of the Minoan seals and sealings kept in two Italian museums” L. Bombardieri and A. M. Jasink, “SHERD (Secure Heritage, Exhibition, Research and Didactics). Towards a DigiDactic Museum” G. Dionisio and P. Kruklidis, “The Trojan War myth as a didactic project: Innovative proposals for the understanding of the history”

On 20-23 November 2013 the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) will take place in Baltimore, MD. Contact and registration information, a full program, and the abstract are available at http://www.asor.org/am/index.html. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: E. Arie and I. Finkelstein, “New Light on the Destruction of Egypto-Canaanite Megiddo and the Sea Peoples” W. Weir, “Digging on the Edge: Archaeology and Conservation at Kourion, Cyprus” L. Atici and B. Erdoğu, “Neolithization of Europe: New Evidence from Uğurlu Höyük, Gökçeada, Turkey” R. Bains, “Technology, Identity, and Symbolism: Neolithic Stone Bead Technologies at Çatalhöyük, Turkey” C. Bergoffen, “A Cypro-Levantine MB-LB Koine Style: Bird and Palm Kraters and the Influence of Palatial Art” A. M. Maeir, “The 2013 Season at Tell es-Safi/Gath: An Update on Recent Discoveries and Research” L. Hitchcock, “Who Are You Calling a Philistine? The University of Melbourne Excavations at Tell es-Safi/Gath” B. Janeway, “Cultural Transition as Reflected in the Aegean Pottery at Tel Tayinat” J. Verduci, “A Feather in Your Cap: Symbols of Philistine Warrior Status” A. Simmons, “An Archaeological Paradox…Why Is It So Hard to Document Pre-Neolithic Sites in the Mediterranean: A Case Study from Cyprus” K. DiBenedetto, “Examining the Cattle Hiatus on Cyprus During the Chalcolithic” A. McCarthy, “Ghosts of the Dhiarizos: Death and Burial at Prehistoric Prastio Mesorotsos” B. Knapp, “Seafaring and Seafarers: the Case for Late Bronze Age Cyprus” L. Gagné, “Non-conformity, Experimentation, or Learning: Challenging the Definition of Åström’s White Painted Cross Line Style 4 and White Painted VI Coarse Linear Style” C. Kearns, “First-Millennium B.C. Landscape Change in the Vasilikos and Maroni Valleys of Cyprus” G. Gilmour, “Standing Stones, Baetyls and Other Cultic Elements at Idalion, Cyprus, and Relations with Anatolia and the Southern Levant in the First Millennium BCE” T. Carter, “The Consumption of Obsidian at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: A Long-Term Perspective” M. Toumazou, D. Counts, N. Kardulias, E. Walcek Averett, C. Cofer, and J. Gordon, “Athienou Archaeological Project, 2013: Investigations at Athienou-Malloura, Cyprus” Nestor 40.6 131 September 2013

M. B. Toffolo, A. Fantalkin, and E. Boaretto, “Radiocarbon Dating the Aegean Iron Age: Towards an Absolute Chronology” S. Ben-Dor Evian, “‘Sea-People’ in the North: New Insights from Medinet Habu” S. Ferrara, “Unknown Origin? Assessing the Significance of Writing in Multi-Cultural Contexts on Cyprus and in Syria at the End of the Bronze Age”

Past Lectures and Conferences On 16-18 May 2013 the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry: Craft-based Cultural Influences in the Mediterranean was held at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. Further information is available at http://www.archaeometry.gr/index.php/en/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included: D. Katsonopoulou, I. Iliopoulos, S. Katsarou, and V. Xanthopoulou, “Craftsmanship of big storage pithoi from the Early Helladic settlement of Helike, Achaia” P. M. Day, K. Douni, A. Hein, V. Kilikoglou, M. Relaki, and O. Kakavoyianni, “Style and composition in the Early Helladic II ceramics from the health centre excavations at Koropi, Attica” Γ. Παπαδάτος and Ε. Νοδάρου, “Γεωγραφική απομόνωση και δίκτυα επαφών: κεραμικές εισαγωγές στο προανακτορικό νεκροταφείο στο Λιβάρι Λασιθίου” M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, N. S. Müller, and V. Kilikoglou, “The earliest cooking pots of the Cypriot Bronze Age. The social dimension of a technological study” C. Makarona, M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, K. Nys, and P. Claeys, “Philia pottery production and exchange patterns: The geochemical evidence” N. S. Müller, M. Roumpou, N. Kalogeropoulos, I. Nikolakopoulou, V. Kilikoglou, and P. M. Day, “The technology and use of Bronze Age cooking vessels from Akrotiri” A. Hein, E. Karantzali, and V. Kilikoglou, “‘Mycenaean’ pottery production in Central Greece – An LHIII assemblage from the Spercheios Valley (Phthiotis)” E. Kiriatzi and M. Georgakopoulou, “Chemical and petrographic interactions: Exploring further the local potting industries on Bronze Age Kythera” N. Nerantzis and S. Papadopoulos, “Copper production during the Early Bronze Age at Aghios Antonios, Potos in Thassos” M. C. Martinelli, E. Photos-Jones, and S. T. Levi, “Did copper actually arrive in the Aeolian Islands in the early third millennium BC? The evidence from a small but iconic fragment of vitreous material thought to be copper slag” C. Tselios, Ε. Filippaki, and G. S. Korres, “Selective use of arsenical copper during the Mycenaean period: Analytical investigation of a battle - knife (Schlachtmesser) of Cu-As- Ag alloy, from Metaxada and of a bronze razor plated with Cu-As alloy sheet, from the cemetery of Volimidia, in Pylia (Messenia – Greece)” Β. Περδικάτσης and Σ. Σωτηροπούλου, “Ο Ριβεκίτης ως κυανή χρωστική που απαντάται στις Αιγιακές τοιχογραφίες από την πρώιμη έως την ύστερη εποχή του Χαλκού” Γ. Φακορέλλης, Σ. Μπογιατζής, Τ. Μαρκέτου, Ε. Τζιαμουράνη, and Ε. Ιωακείμογλου, “Μελέτη τεχνολογίας κατασκευής με φυσικοχημικές μεθόδους έγχρωμων κονιαμάτων από τον προϊστορικό οικισμό της Ιαλυσού Ρόδου” I. Liritzis, V. Aravantinos, G. Polymeris, Agiomarnitis, N. Zacharias, I. Fappas, I. Sfamba, A. Vafiadou, and G. Kitis, “Prehistoric Delphi: Luminescence dating on ceramics and stone from Koumoula (Livadhi Valley, Parnassus Mountain, Delphi, Greece)” E. Stathopoulou, N. Phoca Cosmetatou, and T. Theodoropoulou, “Burnt or stained? Exploring bone colour in waterlogged deposits: the case of the Neolithic lake settlement of Dispilio, Greece” W. D. Gilstrap, P. M. Day, E. Kardamaki, and K. Kaza, “The proof is in the pudding: A look at choices potters make in large-scale ceramic production at Late Mycenaean Alimos” Nestor 40.6 132 September 2013

R. Jones and S. T. Levi, “Exploiting and creating elemental analysis databases: The case of Mycenaean pottery found in Italy” Δ. Παπουτσής, Κ. Κωτσάκης, Σ. Ανδρέου, and Ι. Στράτης, “Μια πρώτη προσέγγιση σε επιχρισμένη κεραμική της Τούμπας Θεσ/νίκης με τη μέθοδο μικρο-φασματοσκοπίας φθορισμού ακτίνων X (μ-XRF)” Β. Ροντήρη and Ε. Ασδεράκη, “Η ‘διαχείριση’ της γραπτής και μονόχρωμης κεραμικής της Νεολιθικής Θεσσαλίας: Τεχνολογία και προέλευση. D. A. Trusty and T. Tartaron, “A petrographic study of Late Helladic (LH) cooking pots from the Corinthia” E. Asderaki, Th. Rehren, and E. Skafida, “Mycenaean metalwork in Iolkos” A. Charalambous, V. Kassianidou, and G. Papasavvas, “A comparative study of Cypriot bronzes dating to the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age” A. Hein and M. Georgakopoulou, “Early Cycladic metallurgy on Seriphos Island – Evidence from the pyrotechnical ceramics” Γ. Μανιάτης and Α. Μαρή, “Χαρακτηρισμός Εφυαλωμένων Χανδρών Στεατίτη από τη Νεολιθική Σαλαμίνα: Η Πρώτη Εμφάνιση Εφυαλωμένων Αντικειμένων στην Ελλάδα” Θ. Αρβανίτη and Γ. Μανιάτης, “Ανιχνεύοντας το απόλυτο χρονικό πλαίσιο της Πρώιμης Εποχής του Χαλκού στο Αιγαίο” M. Kazantzaki, C. Athanassas, and Th. Rondoyanni, “Luminescence dating of quaternary coastal deposits of Evoikos Gulf” E. Tsakalos, C. Athanassas, and Y. Bassiakos, “Luminescence dating of coastal sediments of a site in southeast Cyprus” Ε. Κουγεμήτρου, Γ. Χελά, Σ. Ραυτοπούλου, Γ. Μωραΐτου, and Κ. Πολυκρέτη, “Ταυτοποίηση υλικού και διάγνωση κατάστασης διατήρησης οστρέινων Nεολιθικών ψήφων από τα Καλύβια Αττικής, με φασματοσκοπία Raman”

On 31 May 2013 a conference entitled Carl and Elizabeth Blegen Remembered. Ploutarchou 9, Celebrated was held by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the J.F. Costopoulos Foundation. Further information is available at http://www.archaiologia.gr/en/blog/agenta/carl-and-elizabeth-blegen-remembered/. The program was: N. Vogeikoff-Brogan, “The Life of Carl W. Blegen: From a Grass Roots Perspective” I. Tzonou-Herbst, “From the Mud of Peirene to Mastering Prehistoric Stratigraphy: Carl Blegen’s Formative Years in the Corinthia and Argolid” Y. Fappas, “The Govs of Mycenaean Archaeology: Carl W. Blegen’s and Alan J. B. Wace’s Friendship and Collaboration Through the Lens of Their Correspondence” R. Pounder, “The Blegens and the Hills: A Family Affair” Y. Galanakis, “‘Islanders vs. Mainlanders,’ ‘The Mycenae Wars,’ and Other Short Stories” V. Florou, “Η Οικία Blegen επί της οδού Πλουτάρχου 9: Μια κληματαριά, πυκνή σκιά ωραίων συναντήσεων” E. French, “‘Εις ανώτερα’: The Govs in the 1930s” B. Rose, “Carl Blegen at Troy, 1932-1938, and the Question of a Trojan War” N. Karadimas, “Οι ανασκαφές του Carl Blegen στην Πύλο μέσα από τον ελληνικό και ξένο τύπο” J. L. Davis, “Blegen in Pylos: A Cultural and Cross-Cultural Phenomenon” G. Papathanasopoulos, “Remembering Carl Blegen”

On 4-8 September 2013 the 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2013) was held in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Further information is Nestor 40.6 133 September 2013

available at http://www.eaa2013.cz. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included: J. Vieugue, K. Kotsakis, L. Salanova, and G. Toufexis, “The adoption of pottery in south- eastern Europe: Social or economic factors?” E. N. Yalman, “Pottery as memory item at Çatalhöyük” E. Andoni, “Cultural and chronological features of Early Neolithic pottery of southeastern settlements of Albania” P. Pavúk, L. Girella, and M. Gregor, “Same people, changing fashions: Negotiating identities in NE Aegean” A. Vianello, “Entangled Aegean-type wares” P. F. Biehl, I. Franz, and P. T. Willett, “Forming and Transforming the Human Body in the Near Eastern Neolithic and Chalcolithic” E. Voulgari, “Neolithic pots with human characteristics: paths and vicious circles in archaeological thought” M. Özdogan, “Humanized Vessels of the Early Bronze Age” K. Bacvarov, “Bodies of Flesh within Bodies of Clay: Early jar burial tradition in Western Asia and Southeast Europe” K. Eren, “Rethinking ‘Religious Continuity’ in the Archaic Period of Ionia: New Methodology for Old Material” V. Klontza-Jaklova and M. Klontzas, “How and why did the Minoan Neopalatial System collapse?” N. Sorodoc, “Theoretical perspectives on the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization and political transformation” S. Ross, C. Longford, S. Connor, A. Herries, S. Mooney, A. Sobotkova, and I. Iliev, “Tells to flat sites: Bronze Age settlement dispersal and extensive agro-pastoralism on the Thracian Plain, Bulgaria” R. Bishop-Taylor and A. Sobotkova, “Arable productivity and site catchments in the Kazanlak Valley, Bulgaria” A. Sobotkova and R. Bishop-Taylor, “Iron Age Settlement Patterns and Subsistence Strategies in the Kazanlak Valley, Bulgaria” A. Liveri, “Minoan and Mycenaean Ivories: Objects and Workshops” J. Cutler, “The threads that bind: producing textiles and sustaining the community in the Aegean Bronze Age” R. Storli and Z. Tankosic, “Diachronic Cultural Landscapes: Preliminary Results of the 2012 Field Season of the Norwegian Archaeological Survey in the Karystia (Euboea, Greece)” M. Gurova, “A distinctive Neolithic toolkit from Bulgaria: raw material, techno-typological and functional connotations” A.-L. Schallin, “A Biography of Argive Midea” J. Cutler, “Travelling loom weights and non-local women: female mobility, textiles and identity in the Bronze Age Aegean” B. Legarra Herrero, “What happens when tombs die? The historic afterlife of the Cretan Bronze Age tombs” C. Murphy, “On the partitive nature of Minoan anthropomorphic figurines” A. Bezic, “Refitting materiality/ hidden narratives. Heavy residue analysis at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük, Turkey” B. Molloy and M. Pavlacký, “Home-wreckers: Destruction and abandonment of an Early Bronze Age house in East Crete” B. Molloy and R. Doonan, “Scrying, screening, or science: The role of handheld portable XRF in characterising archaeological bronzes” Nestor 40.6 134 September 2013

M. Pieniążek, “The North Aegean at the Crossroads: Patterns of Distribution for Amber and Other Valuable Objects” J. Czebreszuk, “Amber in the Mycenaean culture. Some general remarks”

BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used in this issue:

Bronzen im Spannungsfeld Dietz, Ute Luise and Albrecht Jockenhövel, eds. 2011. §20131105 zwischen praktischer Bronzen im Spannungsfeld zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung: Beiträge Bedeutung zum internationalen Kolloquium am 9. und 10. Oktober 2008 in Münster. Prähistorische Bronzefunde 20.13, Stuttgart: Frank Steiner Verlag. ISBN 978-3-515-09918-9.

Neolithic and Chalcolithic Gheorghiu, Dragoş, ed. 2010. Neolithic and Chalcolithic §20131116 Archaeology in Eurasia Archaeology in Eurasia: Building Techniques and Spatial Organisation. Proceedings of the XV World Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. Actes du XV Congrès Mondial de l’Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP) (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006) 48, BAR-IS 2097, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-4073-0573-8.

Anthropomorphic and Gheorghiu, Dragos and Ann Cyphers, eds. 2010. §20131118 Zoomorphic Miniature Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Miniature Figures in Eurasia, Africa and Figures in Eurasia, Africa and Meso-America: Meso-America Morphology, materiality, technology, function and context. BAR-IS 2138, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-4073-0679-7.

Götzen, Götter und Idole Kunze, Max, Cecile Prinz, and Gudrun Walinda, eds. §20131145 2010. Götzen, Götter und Idole: Frühe Menschenbilder aus 10 Jahrtausenden. Katalog einer Ausstellung im Winckelmann-Museum vom 18. September bis 21. November 2010 und im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg vom 28. Januar bis 30. April 2011. Ruhpolding: Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen. ISBN 978-3-447-06400-2.

European Prehistory Milisauskas, Sarunas, ed. 2011. European Prehistory: A §20131161 Survey. Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-1- 4419-6632-2 (Print) and ISBN 978-1-4419-6633-9 (Online). Nestor 40.6 135 September 2013

Textile Production and Nosch, M.-L., H. Koefoed, and E. Andersson Strand, eds. §20131170 Consumption in the Ancient 2013. Textile Production and Consumption in the Near East Ancient Near East: Archaeology, Epigraphy, Iconography. Ancient Textiles Series 12, Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217- 489-0.

Ceramics of the Phoenician- Sagona, Claudia, ed. 2011. Ceramics of the Phoenician- §20131187 Punic World Punic World: Collected Essays. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 36, Leuven: Peeters. ISBN 978-90-429-2379-9.

The Urban Mind Sinclair, Paul J. J., Gullög Nordquist, Frands Herschend, §20131191 and Christian Isendahl, eds. 2010. The Urban Mind: Cultural and Environmental Dynamics. Studies in Global Archaeology 15, Uppsala: African and Comparative Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. ISBN 978-91-506-2175-4.

Hellenica West, M. L. 2011. Hellenica: Selected Papers on Greek §20131209 Literature and Thought. Volume 1: Epic, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960501-9.

East and West: Papers in Yoshida, Kazuhiko and Brent Vine, eds. 2009. East and §20131220 Indo-European Studies West: Papers in Indo-European Studies. Bremen: Hempen Verlag. ISBN 978-3-934106-70-3.

ARTICLES AND BOOKS Other abbreviations used by Nestor conform to the standard of the American Journal of Archaeology (http://www.ajaonline.org/):

Adam-Veleni, Polyxeni and Evangelia Stefani, eds. 2012. Έλληνες και Φοίνικες στα §20131076 σταυροδρόμια της Μεσογείου. Greeks and Phoenicians at the Mediterranean Crossroads. Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Publication 15, Thessaloniki: Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. ISBN 978-960-9621-07- 6. Nestor 40.6 136 September 2013

Amore, Maria Grazia 2010. The Complex of Tumuli 9, 10 and 11 in the Necropolis of §20131077 Apollonia (Albania). Volume 1 and 2. BAR-IS 2059 (I and II); International Centre for Albanian Archaeology Monograph Series 2, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-4073-0548-6 (volume 1), ISBN 978-1-4073-0549-3 (volume 2), and ISBN 978-1-4073-0550-9 (set). (Special studies by V. Dimo, L. Bejko, and L. Schepartz; with contributions by S. Aliu, P. Pearce, A. Bardho, E. Bitri, L. Buchet, B. N. Damiata, V. Grimes, A. Powell, M. P. Richards, J. Southon, and J. Stallo.)

Aspesi, Francesco 2011. Archeonimi del labirinto e della ninfa. Roma: “L’Erma” di §20131078 Bretschneider. ISBN 978-88-8265-595-2.

Aston, Emma 2011. Mixanthrôpoi: Animal-human hybrid deities in Greek religion. §20131079 Kernos Supplément 25, Liège: Centre International d’Étude de la Religion Grecque Antique. ISBN 978-2-9600717-8-8.

Avery, Charles 2009. A School of Dolphins. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 978- §20131080 0-500-23861-5.

Beckman, Gary, Trevor Bryce, and Eric Cline 2011. The Ahhiyawa Texts. Writings §20131081 from the Ancient World 28, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature. ISBN 978-1- 58983-268-8.

Behringer, Wolfgang 2010. A Cultural History of Climate. Cambridge and Malden, §20131082 MA: Polity Press. ISBN 978-0-7456-4528-5 (hardback) and ISBN 978-0-7456- 4529-2 (paperback).

Berg, Ina 2013. “Marine Creatures and the Sea in Bronze Age Greece: Ambiguities of §20131083 Meaning.” Journal of Maritime Archaeology 8.1: 1-27. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11457-012-9105-x/fulltext.html (Abstract, p. 1.)

Bintliff, John 2012. The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter-Gatherers to §20131084 the 20th Century AD. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1- 4051-541-85 (print edition) and ISBN 978-1-1182-551-79 (online).

Blakolmer, Fritz 2010. “Ethnizität und Identität in der minoisch-mykenischen §20131085 Ikonographie.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 29-40. (English abstract, p. 29; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.) Nestor 40.6 137 September 2013

Blakolmer, Fritz 2010. “Images and Perceptions of the Lion Gate Relief at Mycenae §20131086 during the 19th century.” Pp. 49-66 in Cogitata Tradere Posteris. Figurazione dell’architettura antica nell’Ottocento: Atti della Giornata Internazionale di Studio. La documentazione grafica dei monumenti antichi nell’Ottocento. Tra tecniche e ideologia (Catania, 25 novembre 2009). The Representation of Ancient Architecture in the XIXth Century: Proceedings of the International Conference. The drawing of ancient monuments in the XIXth century. Between technics and ideology (Catania, 25th November 2009), ed. Buscemi, Francesca. Acireale - Roma: Bonanno Editore. ISBN 978-88-7796-737-4.

Blakolmer, Fritz 2012. “Mykene - Kynos - Athen: Diskontinuitäten und §20131087 Kontinuitäten in der Ikonographie Griechenlands vom 14. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert. v. u. Z.” Pp. 11-70 in Identitätsbildung und Identitätsstiftung in griechischen Gesellschaften: Vorträge gehalten im Rahmen eines Symposiums von 28.-29. Jänner 2010, ed. Offenmüller, Margit. Grazer Universitätsverlag Allgemeine wissenschaftliche Reihe 30; A.R.G.E.I.A. 1, Graz: Leykam Buchverlagsgesellschaft. ISBN 978-3-7011-0255-6.

Bradley, Keith and Paul Cartledge, eds. 2011. The Cambridge World History of §20131088 Slavery. Volume 1: The Ancient Mediterranean World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-84066-8.

Bruer, Stephanie-Gerrit 2010. “Suche nach den Anfängen der Kunst: Idole in der §20131089 Klassischen Archäologie im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert.” Pp. 79-88 in Götzen, Götter und Idole.

Bryce, Trevor R. 2010. “The Hittites at War.” Pp. 67-85 in Studies on War in the §20131090 Ancient Near East: Collected Essays on Military History, ed. Vidal, Jordi. AOAT 372, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86835-035-7.

Buchholz, Hans-Günter 2010. Tamassos: Ein antiker Stadtstaat im Bergbaugebiet §20131091 von Zypern. Volume 1. Die Nekropolen I, II und III. AOAT 48.1, Münster: Ugarit- Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86835-004-3. (With the cooperation of Christa Sandner- Behringer and contributions by Anne Destrooper-Georgiades, Markus Egetmeyer, Johann-Sebastian Kühlborn, Ino Michaelidou-Nikolaou, and Karin Nys.)

Budja, Mihael 2011. “In search of past identities.” Documenta Praehistorica 38, §20131092 Neolithic Studies 18: 45-60. (English and Slovenian abstracts, p. 45.)

Burkert, Walter 2011. Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche. §20131093 Second, revised and expanded ed. Die Religionen der Menschheit 15, Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. ISBN 978-3-17-021312-8. Nestor 40.6 138 September 2013

Buscemi, Francesca, ed. 2010. Cogitata Tradere Posteris. Figurazione §20131094 dell’architettura antica nell’Ottocento: Atti della Giornata Internazionale di Studio. La documentazione grafica dei monumenti antichi nell’Ottocento. Tra tecniche e ideologia (Catania, 25 novembre 2009). The Representation of Ancient Architecture in the XIXth Century: Proceedings of the International Conference. The drawing of ancient monuments in the XIXth century. Between technics and ideology (Catania, 25th November 2009). Acireale - Roma: Bonanno Editore. ISBN 978-88-7796-737-4.

Buscemi, Francesca 2010. “Il cd. Tesoro di Atreo a Micene. Prime indagini e §20131095 restituzioni inedite.” Pp. 67-86 in Cogitata Tradere Posteris. Figurazione dell’architettura antica nell’Ottocento: Atti della Giornata Internazionale di Studio. La documentazione grafica dei monumenti antichi nell’Ottocento. Tra tecniche e ideologia (Catania, 25 novembre 2009). The Representation of Ancient Architecture in the XIXth Century: Proceedings of the International Conference. The drawing of ancient monuments in the XIXth century. Between technics and ideology (Catania, 25th November 2009), ed. Buscemi, Francesca. Acireale - Roma: Bonanno Editore. ISBN 978-88-7796-737-4.

Çakırlar, Canan, ed. 2011. Archaeomalacology Revisited: Non-dietary use of Molluscs §20131096 in Archaeological Settings. Proceedings of the archaeomalacology sessions at the 10th ICAZ Conference, Mexico City, 2006. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-436-4.

Carannante, Alfredo 2011. “Purple-Dye Industry Shell Waste Recycling in the §20131097 Bronze Age Aegean? Stoves and Murex Shells at Minoan Monastiraki (Crete, Greece).” Pp. 9-18 in Archaeomalacology Revisited: Non-dietary use of Molluscs in Archaeological Settings. Proceedings of the archaeomalacology sessions at the 10th ICAZ Conference, Mexico City, 2006, ed. Çakırlar, Canan. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-436-4. (Abstract, p. 9.)

Carbillet, Aurélie 2011. La figure hathorique à Chypre (IIe-Ier mill. av. J.-C.). AOAT §20131098 388, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86835-059-3.

Chapman, John 2010. From Surface Collection to Prehistoric Lifeways: Making Sense §20131099 of the Multi-Period Site of Orlovo, South East Bulgaria. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-391-6. (With contributions by Bisserka Gaydarska, Ana Raduntcheva, Ruslan Kostov, Irko Petrov, Elena Georgieva, and Yvonne Beadnell.)

Chapman, John and Bisserka Gaydarska 2011. “Can we reconcile individualisation §20131100 with relational personhood? A case study from the Early Neolithic.” Documenta Praehistorica 38, Neolithic Studies 18: 21-44. (English and Slovenian abstracts, p. 21.) Nestor 40.6 139 September 2013

Cline, Eric H. and Mark W. Graham 2011. Ancient Empires: From Mesopotamia to the §20131101 Rise of Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-88911-7 (hardback) and ISBN 978-0-521-71780-9 (paperback).

Dehl-Von Kaenel, Christiane, ed. 2009. CVA: Deutschland 85, Berlin 10. §20131102 Antikensammlung ehemals Antiquarium, Geometrische Keramik. München: Verlag C. H. Beck. ISBN 978-3-406-57839-7.

Dell’Amico, Piero 2011. “Osservazioni reguardanti alcune innovazioni in ambito §20131103 navale di epoca classica; pregi e difetti.” Pp. 57-82 in Maritime Technology in the Ancient Economy: Ship-Design and Navigation, eds. Harris, W. V. and K. Iara. JRA Supplementary Series 84, Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology. ISBN 1-887829-84-9 and ISBN 978-1-887829-84-7.

Dietz, Ute Luise 2011. “Zäumungen - Material und Funktion.” Pp. 55-69 in Bronzen §20131104 im Spannungsfeld zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung.

Dietz, Ute Luise and Albrecht Jockenhövel, eds. 2011. Bronzen im Spannungsfeld §20131105 zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung: Beiträge zum internationalen Kolloquium am 9. und 10. Oktober 2008 in Münster. Prähistorische Bronzefunde 20.13, Stuttgart: Frank Steiner Verlag. ISBN 978-3- 515-09918-9.

Dimitrova, Yana 2010. “Rodopi Mountain between Thrace and Aegea Region: Some §20131106 Elements of a Border Culture of Early Iron Age in Southern Bulgaria.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 71-84. (Abstract, p. 71; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.)

Doyen, Charles 2011. Poséidon souverain: Contribution à l’histoire religieuse de la §20131107 Grèce mycénienne et archaïque. Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres Collection 55 no 2072, Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique. ISBN 978-2-8031-0279-2.

Dubcová, Veronika 2010. “Götter ohne Grenzen? Transfer der religiösen §20131108 Ikonographie in der Bronzezeit - Alter Orient und die frühe Ägäis.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 103-115. (English abstract, p. 103; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.) Nestor 40.6 140 September 2013

Finné, Martin and Karin Holmgren 2010. “Climate Variability in the Eastern §20131109 Mediterranean and the Middle East during the Holocene.” Pp. 29-60 in The Urban Mind. (Abstract, pp. 29-30.)

Fischer, Josef 2010. Griechische Frühgeschichte bis 500 v. Chr. Darmstadt: §20131110 Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. ISBN 978-3-534-15491-3.

Fortson, Benjamin W., IV 2010. Indo-European Language and Culture: An §20131111 Introduction. Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics 19, Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-8895-1 (hardcover) and ISBN 978-1-4051- 8896-8 (paperback).

Frankel, David and Jennifer M. Webb 2012. “Household Continuity and §20131112 Transformation in a Prehistoric Cypriot Village.” Pp. 473-500 in New Perspectives on Household Archaeology, eds. Parker, Bradley J. and Catherine P. Foster. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. ISBN 978-1-57506-252-5.

García Ramón, José Luis 2009. “Mycenaean Onomastics, Poetic Phraseology and §20131113 Indo-European Comparison: The Man’s Name pu2-ke-qi-ri.” Pp. 1-26 in East and West: Papers in Indo-European Studies. (Summary, pp. 1-2.)

Gates, Charles 2011. Ancient Cities: The archaeology of urban life in the Ancient Near §20131114 East and Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Second ed. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-49865-4 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-415-49864-7 (paperback), and ISBN 978-0-203-83057-4 (e-book).

Gheorghiu, Dragoş 2009. Artchaeology: A sensorial approach to the materiality of the §20131115 past. Romania: UNArte. ISBN 978-973-1922-61-4. (With a forward by Andrea Vianello).

Gheorghiu, Dragoş, ed. 2010. Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeology in Eurasia: §20131116 Building Techniques and Spatial Organisation. Proceedings of the XV World Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. Actes du XV Congrès Mondial de l’Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP) (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006) 48, BAR-IS 2097, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-4073-0573-8.

Gheorghiu, Dragoş 2010. “The technology of building in Chalcolithic Southeastern §20131117 Europe.” Pp. 95-100 in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeology in Eurasia. (English and French abstracts, p. 95.)

Gheorghiu, Dragos and Ann Cyphers, eds. 2010. Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic §20131118 Miniature Figures in Eurasia, Africa and Meso-America: Morphology, materiality, technology, function and context. BAR-IS 2138, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978- 1-4073-0679-7. Nestor 40.6 141 September 2013

Gheorghiu, Dragos and Ann Cyphers 2010. “Introduction: Small Worlds.” Pp. 1-7 in §20131119 Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Miniature Figures in Eurasia, Africa and Meso- America.

Gleba, Margarita and Ulla Mannering, eds. 2012. Textiles and Textile Production in §20131120 Europe from Prehistory to AD 400. Ancient Textiles Series 11, Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-463-0.

Goshen, Nurith, Assaf Yasur-Landau, and Eric H. Cline 2013. “Textile Production in §20131121 Palatial and Non-Palatial Contexts: the Case of Tel Kabri.” Pp. 45-53 in Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East.

Gould, Richard A. 2011. Archaeology and the Social History of Ships. 2nd ed. §20131122 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-19492-1 (hardback) and ISBN 978-0-521-12562-8 (paperback).

Guilaine, Jean, François Briois, and Jean-Denis Vigne, eds. 2011. Shillourokambos: §20131123 Un établissement néolithique pré-céramique à Chypre. Les fouilles du secteur 1. Paris: Éditions Errance and Ecole française d’Athènes. ISBN 978-2-86958-229-3 (EFA) and ISBN 978-2-87772-437-1.

Haarmann, Harald 2012. Indo-Europeanization - day one: Elite recruitment and the §20131124 beginnings of language politics. Eurolinguistische Arbeiten 6, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447-06717-1.

Harding, Anthony F. 2011. “The Bronze Age.” Pp. 327-403 in European Prehistory. §20131125

Harris, W. V. and K. Iara, eds. 2011. Maritime Technology in the Ancient Economy: §20131126 Ship-Design and Navigation. JRA Supplementary Series 84, Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology. ISBN 1-887829-84-9 and ISBN 978-1- 887829-84-7.

Haysom, Matthew 2011. “The strangeness of Crete: Problems for the protohistory §20131127 of Greek religion.” Pp. 95-109 in Current approaches to religion in ancient Greece. Papers presented at a symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 17- 19 April 2008, eds. Haysom, Matthew and Jenny Wallensten. ActaAth 8º, 21, Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen. ISBN 978-91-7916-059-3. (Abstract, p. 95.)

Haysom, Matthew and Jenny Wallensten, eds. 2011. Current approaches to religion §20131128 in ancient Greece. Papers presented at a symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 17-19 April 2008. ActaAth 8º, 21, Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen. ISBN 978-91-7916-059-3. Nestor 40.6 142 September 2013

Hesse, Kristina J. 2010. “Cultural Interaction and Cognitive Expressions in the §20131129 Formation of Ancient Near Eastern Societies.” Pp. 61-87 in The Urban Mind. (Abstract, p. 61.)

Hlaváčová, Stanislava 2010. “Greek Heroes on the Borders of the Historical §20131130 Periods.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 127-131. (Abstract, p. 127; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.)

Hölscher, Tonio 2010. L’archeologia classica: un’introduzione. Manuali L’Erma 1, §20131131 Roma: ‘L’Erma’ di Bretschneider. ISBN 978-88-8265-581-5.

Hornblower, Simon and Antony Spawforth, eds. 2012. The Oxford Classical §20131132 Dictionary. Fourth ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-954556- 8.

Jamieson, Andrew S. 2011. “The Iron Age Pottery from Tell Beirut 1995 - Bey 032: §20131133 Periods 1 and 2.” Pp. 7-276 in Ceramics of the Phoenician-Punic World.

Jarosch-Reinholdt, Veronika 2009. Die Geometrische Keramik von Kap Kolonna. §20131134 Ägina - Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse 4. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 58. Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean 24, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. ISBN 978-3-7001-6548-4.

Jaulneau, Cynthia 2010. “Méthode d’analyse spatiale des vestiges architecturaux du §20131135 site neolithique ancien stratifié de Kovačevo (Bulgarie).” Pp. 43-54 in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeology in Eurasia. (Abstract, p. 43.)

Jochim, Michael 2011. “The Lower and Middle Paleolithic.” Pp. 31-65 in European §20131136 Prehistory.

Jochim, Michael 2011. “The Mesolithic.” Pp. 125-151 in European Prehistory. §20131137

Jochim, Michael 2011. “The Upper Paleolithic.” Pp. 67-124 in European Prehistory. §20131138

Jones, Bernice 2013. “The Costumes of Inanna/Ishtar.” Pp. 128-139 in Textile §20131139 Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East. Nestor 40.6 143 September 2013

Kiderlen, Moritz and Petros G. Themelis, eds. 2010. Das Poseidonheiligtum bei §20131140 Akovitika in Messenien. Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang eines regionalen Zentrums. Ergebnisse einer Notgrabung 1969 und einer Nachuntersuchung mit Prospektion 2005. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89500-728-6.

Klontza-Jaklová, Vera 2010. “The Meaning of Time in Late Bronze Age Europe and §20131141 its Reflection in Material Culture.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 133- 141. (Abstract, p. 133; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.)

Knapp, A. Bernard 2010. “Beyond Agency: Identity and Individuals in Archaeology.” §20131142 Pp. 193-200 in Agency and Identity in the Ancient Near East: New Paths Forward, eds. Steadman, Sharon R. and Jennifer C. Ross. London and Oakville: Equinox. ISBN 9781845534431.

Kozloff, Arielle P. 2012. Amenhotep III: Egypt’s Radiant Pharaoh. Cambridge: §20131143 Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-01196-0 (hardback) and ISBN 978-1-107-63854-9 (paperback).

Kunze, Max, ed. 2010. “Idole im Orient und in der mediterranen Welt.” Pp. 89-140 §20131144 in Götzen, Götter und Idole.

Kunze, Max, Cecile Prinz, and Gudrun Walinda, eds. 2010. Götzen, Götter und Idole: §20131145 Frühe Menschenbilder aus 10 Jahrtausenden. Katalog einer Ausstellung im Winckelmann-Museum vom 18. September bis 21. November 2010 und im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg vom 28. Januar bis 30. April 2011. Ruhpolding: Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen. ISBN 978-3-447-06400-2.

Lattimore, Richmond, trans. 2011. The Iliad of Homer. Chicago and London: The §20131146 University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-47048-1 and ISBN 0-226-47048-2 (cloth) and ISBN 978-0-226-47049-8 and ISBN 0-226-47049-0 (paperback). (With an introduction and notes by Richard Martin.)

Lazarovici, Gheorghe and Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici 2010. “Neo-Eneolithic cult §20131147 constructions in Southeastern Europe: building techniques and space management - a brief overview.” Pp. 119-127 in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeology in Eurasia. (English and French abstracts, p. 119.)

Lesure, Richard G. 2011. Interpreting Ancient Figurines: Context, Comparison, and §20131148 Prehistoric Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521- 19745-8. Nestor 40.6 144 September 2013

Lion, Brigitte and Cécile Michel, eds. 2009. Histoires de déchiffrements: Les écritures §20131149 du Proche-Orient à l’Égée. Collection des Hesperides. Paris: Editions Errance. ISBN 978-2-87772-383-1.

Lippolis, Enzo and Giorgio Rocco 2011. Archeologia greca: Cultura, società, politica e §20131150 produzione. Milano-Torino: Bruno Mondadori. ISBN 978-88-615-9488-3.

Liverani, Mario 2011. Antico Oriente: Storia società economia. New ed. Biblioteca §20131151 Storica Laterza. Roma: Editori Laterza. ISBN 978-88-420-9588-0.

Lolos, Yannis, A. 2011. Land of Sikyon: Archaeology and History of a Greek City-State. §20131152 Hesperia Supplement 39, Princeton, New Jersey: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. ISBN 978-0-87661-539-3. (With contributions by Aristoteles Koskinas, Lina Kormazopoulou, Ioanna Zygouri, Vassilis Papathanassiou, and Angelos Matthaiou.)

Maeir, Aren M., ed. 2012. Tell es-Safi/Gath I: The 1996-2005 Seasons. Volumes 1: §20131153 Text and 2: Plates, Ägypten und Altes Testament 69, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447-06711-9.

Mainwaring, A. Bruce, Robert Giegengack, and Claudio Vita-Finzi 2010. Climate §20131154 Crises in Human History. Lightning Rod Press 6, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. ISBN 978-1-60618-921-4.

Manning, Sturt W. 2010. “Radiocarbon Dating and Climate Change.” Pp. 25-59 in §20131155 Climate Crises in Human History, eds. Mainwaring, A. Bruce, Robert Giegengack, and Claudio Vita-Finzi. Lightning Rod Press 6, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. ISBN 978-1-60618-921-4.

Marangou, Christina 2010. “Dissentions: Magnitude, Usability and the Oddness of §20131156 Neolithic Figures.” Pp. 17-24 in Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Miniature Figures in Eurasia, Africa and Meso-America. (Abstract, p. 17.)

Marek, Christian 2010. Geschichte Kleinasiens in der Antike. München: Verlag C.H. §20131157 Beck. ISBN 978-3-406-59853-1.

Mazow, Laura B. 2013. “Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: Innovations in §20131158 Mediterranean Textile Production at the End of the 2nd/Beginning of the 1st Millennium BCE.” Pp. 215-223 in Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East.

Milisauskas, Sarunas 2011. “Conclusion.” Pp. 461-464 in European Prehistory. §20131159 Nestor 40.6 145 September 2013

Milisauskas, Sarunas 2011. “Early Neolithic, the First Farmers in Europe, 7000– §20131160 5500/5000 BC.” Pp. 153-221 in European Prehistory.

Milisauskas, Sarunas, ed. 2011. European Prehistory: A Survey. Interdisciplinary §20131161 Contributions to Archaeology. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-1-4419-6632-2 (Print) and ISBN 978-1-4419-6633-9 (Online).

Milisauskas, Sarunas 2011. “Historical Observations on European Archaeology.” Pp. §20131162 7-21 in European Prehistory.

Milisauskas, Sarunas 2011. “The Present Environment: A Geographic Summary.” §20131163 Pp. 23-29 in European Prehistory.

Milisauskas, Sarunas and Janusz Kruk 2011. “Late Neolithic/Late Copper Age 3500– §20131164 2200 BC.” Pp. 293-325 in European Prehistory.

Milisauskas, Sarunas and Janusz Kruk 2011. “Middle Neolithic/Early Copper Age, §20131165 Continuity, Diversity, and Greater Complexity, 5500/5000–3500 BC.” Pp. 223- 291 in European Prehistory.

Moore, Megan Bishop and Brad E. Kelle 2011. Biblical History and Israel’s Past: The §20131166 Changing Study of the Bible and History. Grand Rapids, Michigan and Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-8028-6260-0.

Neer, Richard T. 2012. Art and Archaeology of the Greek World. A New History, c. §20131167 2500-c. 150 BCE. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-05166-5. (Identical content and pagination to Neer, Richard T. 2012. Greek Art and Archaeology. A New History, c. 2500-c. 150 BCE. New York: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-28877-1.)

Neils, Jenifer 2011. Women in the Ancient World. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty §20131168 Museum. ISBN 978-1-60606-091-9.

Nigro, Lorenzo, ed. 2010. Motya and the Phoenician Ceramic Repertoire Between the §20131169 Levant and the West 9th-6th Century BC: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Rome, 26th February 2010. Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio- Punica 5, Roma: Missione Archeologica a Mozia. ISBN 88-88438-03-3.

Nosch, M.-L., H. Koefoed, and E. Andersson Strand, eds. 2013. Textile Production and §20131170 Consumption in the Ancient Near East: Archaeology, Epigraphy, Iconography. Ancient Textiles Series 12, Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1- 84217-489-0. Nestor 40.6 146 September 2013

Núñez Calvo, Francisco J. 2010. “Referencias secuenciales del repertorio cerámico §20131171 fenicio metropolitano de la edad del Hierro Tardío.” Pp. 49-83 in Motya and the Phoenician Ceramic Repertoire Between the Levant and the West 9th-6th Century BC: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Rome, 26th February 2010, ed. Nigro, Lorenzo. Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica 5, Roma: Missione Archeologica a Mozia. ISBN 88-88438-03-3.

Núñez Calvo, Francisco Jesús 2011. “Tyre - al Bass. Potters and Cemeteries.” Pp. §20131172 277-296 in Ceramics of the Phoenician-Punic World.

Offenmüller, Margit, ed. 2012. Identitätsbildung und Identitätsstiftung in §20131173 griechischen Gesellschaften: Vorträge gehalten im Rahmen eines Symposiums von 28.-29. Jänner 2010. Grazer Universitätsverlag Allgemeine wissenschaftliche Reihe 30; A.R.G.E.I.A. 1, Graz: Leykam Buchverlagsgesellschaft. ISBN 978-3- 7011-0255-6.

Pabst, Sabine 2011. “Die großräumige Ausbreitung der Brillenfibeln am Übergang §20131174 von der Bronze- zur Eisenzeit - Kommunikationswege und soziale Hintergründe.” Pp. 199-234 in Bronzen im Spannungsfeld zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung.

Papalexandrou, Nassos 2011. “Vision and visuality in the study of Early Greek §20131175 religion.” Pp. 253-268 in Current approaches to religion in ancient Greece. Papers presented at a symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 17-19 April 2008, eds. Haysom, Matthew and Jenny Wallensten. ActaAth 8º, 21, Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen. ISBN 978-91-7916-059-3. (Abstract, p. 253.)

Parker, Bradley J. and Catherine P. Foster, eds. 2012. New Perspectives on Household §20131176 Archaeology. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. ISBN 978-1-57506-252-5.

Parker, Robert 2011. On Greek Religion. Townsend Lectures/Cornell Studies in §20131177 Classical Philology 60, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0- 8014-4948-2 (cloth) and ISBN 978-0-8014-7735-5 (paperback).

Peilstöcker, Martin and Aaron A. Burke, eds. 2011. The History and Archaeology of §20131178 Jaffa. Volume 1, Monumenta Archaeologica 26; The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project Series 1, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. ISBN 978- 1-931745-81-9.

Petit, Thierry 2011. Œdipe et le Chérubin: Les sphinx levantins, cypriotes et grecs §20131179 comme gardiens d’Immortalité. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 248, Fribourg and Göttingen: Academic Press and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 978-3-7278- 1692-5 (Academic Press Fribourg) and ISBN 978-3-525-54369-6 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). Nestor 40.6 147 September 2013

Pirenne-Delforge, Vinciane 2010. “Flourishing Aphrodite: An Overview.” Pp. 3-16 in §20131180 Brill’s Companion to Aphrodite, eds. Smith, Amy C. and Sadie Pickup. Leiden and Boston: Brill. ISBN 978-9004-18003-1.

Popov, Hristo and Albrecht Jockenhövel 2010. “At the Northern Borders of the §20131181 Mycenaean World: Thracian Gold Mining from the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age at Ada Tepe in the Eastern Rhodopes.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 265-281. (Abstract, p. 265; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.)

Rau, Jeremy 2009. “Myc. te-re-ja and the Athematic Inflection of the Greek Contract §20131182 Verbs.” Pp. 181-188 in East and West: Papers in Indo-European Studies.

Recchia, Giulia and Alberto Cazzella 2011. “Maltese Late Prehistoric Ceramic §20131183 Sequence and Chronology: On-going problems.” Pp. 373-395 in Ceramics of the Phoenician-Punic World.

Reingruber, Agathe 2011. “Early Neolithic settlement patterns and exchange §20131184 networks in the Aegean.” Documenta Praehistorica 38, Neolithic Studies 18: 291-306. (English and Slovenian abstracts, p. 291.)

Rougemont, F. 2009. “Michael Ventris et le déchiffrement du linéaire B.” Pp. 153- §20131185 169 in Histoires de déchiffrements: Les écritures du Proche-Orient à l’Égée, eds. Lion, Brigitte and Cécile Michel. Collection des Hesperides. Paris: Editions Errance. ISBN 978-2-87772-383-1.

Russell, Nerissa and Amy Bogaard 2010. “Subsistence Actions in Çatalhöyük.” Pp. §20131186 63-79 in Agency and Identity in the Ancient Near East: New Paths Forward, eds. Steadman, Sharon R. and Jennifer C. Ross. London and Oakville: Equinox. ISBN 9781845534431.

Sagona, Claudia, ed. 2011. Ceramics of the Phoenician-Punic World: Collected Essays. §20131187 Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 36, Leuven: Peeters. ISBN 978-90- 429-2379-9.

Sagona, Claudia 2011. “Observations on the Late Bronze Age and Phoenician-Punic §20131188 Pottery in Malta.” Pp. 397-432 in Ceramics of the Phoenician-Punic World.

Saïd, Suzanne 2011. Homer and the Odyssey. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN §20131189 978-0-19-954284-0 (hardback) and ISBN 978-0-19-954285-7 (paperback). Nestor 40.6 148 September 2013

Seiterle, Gérard 2010. “Mädchen der Kykladeninseln: Eine neue Deutung der §20131190 Marmorstatuetten.” Pp. 141-174 in Götzen, Götter und Idole.

Sinclair, Paul J. J., Gullög Nordquist, Frands Herschend, and Christian Isendahl, eds. §20131191 2010. The Urban Mind: Cultural and Environmental Dynamics. Studies in Global Archaeology 15, Uppsala: African and Comparative Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. ISBN 978-91-506-2175- 4.

Smith, Amy C. and Sadie Pickup, eds. 2010. Brill’s Companion to Aphrodite. Leiden §20131192 and Boston: Brill. ISBN 978-9004-18003-1.

Smith, Joanna S. 2013. “Tapestries in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages of the Ancient §20131193 Near East.” Pp. 161-188 in Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East.

Smith, Monica L. 2010. A Prehistory of Ordinary People. Tucson: The University of §20131194 Arizona Press. ISBN 978-0-8165-2695-6.

Snell, Daniel C. 2011. “Slavery in the ancient Near East.” Pp. 4-21 in The Cambridge §20131195 World History of Slavery, eds. Bradley, Keith and Paul Cartledge. Volume 1: The Ancient Mediterranean World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-84066-8.

Souvatzi, Stella 2012. “Between the Individual and the Collective: Household as a §20131196 Social Process in Neolithic Greece.” Pp. 15-43 in New Perspectives on Household Archaeology, eds. Parker, Bradley J. and Catherine P. Foster. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. ISBN 978-1-57506-252-5.

Spantidaki, Youlie and Christophe Moulherat 2012. “Greece.” Pp. 182-200 in §20131197 Textiles and Textile Production in Europe from Prehistory to AD 400, eds. Gleba, Margarita and Ulla Mannering. Ancient Textiles Series 11, Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-463-0.

Steadman, Sharon R. and Jennifer C. Ross, eds. 2010. Agency and Identity in the §20131198 Ancient Near East: New Paths Forward. London and Oakville: Equinox. ISBN 9781845534431.

Tausend, Klaus 2012. “Städte und Stämme im mykenischen Reich von Pylos.” Pp. §20131199 71-86 in Identitätsbildung und Identitätsstiftung in griechischen Gesellschaften: Vorträge gehalten im Rahmen eines Symposiums von 28.-29. Jänner 2010, ed. Offenmüller, Margit. Grazer Universitätsverlag Allgemeine wissenschaftliche Reihe 30; A.R.G.E.I.A. 1, Graz: Leykam Buchverlagsgesellschaft. ISBN 978-3- 7011-0255-6. Nestor 40.6 149 September 2013

Trantalidou, Katerina, Eleana Belegrinou, and Niels Andreasen 2010. “Pastoral §20131200 Societies in the Southern Balkan Peninsula. The Evidence from Caves Occupied during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Era.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 10: 295-320. (Abstract, p. 295; issue title: The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Conference, Trnava, 22-24 October 2010: Dedicated to the 375th anniversary of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis.)

Uckelmann, Marion 2011. “Jungbronzezeitliche Schilde - Nutzung und Bedeutung.” §20131201 Pp. 249-258 in Bronzen im Spannungsfeld zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung.

Vianello, Andrea 2010. “Problems of Identity for Mycenaean Figurines.” Pp. 73-77 §20131202 in Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Miniature Figures in Eurasia, Africa and Meso-America. (Abstract, p. 73.)

Vidal, Jordi, ed. 2010. Studies on War in the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays on §20131203 Military History. AOAT 372, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86835-035-7.

Vine, Brent 2009. “A Yearly Problem.” Pp. 205-224 in East and West: Papers in Indo- §20131204 European Studies.

Weiberg, Erika, Michael Lindblom, Birgitta Leppänen Sjöberg, and Gullög Nordquist §20131205 2010. “Social and Environmental Dynamics in Bronze and Iron Age Greece.” Pp. 149-194 in The Urban Mind. (Abstract, p. 149.)

Wells, Peter S. 2011. “The Iron Age.” Pp. 405-460 in European Prehistory. §20131206

West, M. L. 2011. “The Descent of the Greek Epic: A Reply.” Pp. 74-79 in Hellenica. §20131207 (Originally published in JHS 112 (1992) 173-175.)

West, M. L. 2011. “Greek Poetry 2000-700 BC.” Pp. 1-21 in Hellenica. (Originally §20131208 published in CQ 23 (1973), 179-192.)

West, M. L. 2011. Hellenica: Selected Papers on Greek Literature and Thought. §20131209 Volume 1: Epic, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960501-9.

West, M. L. 2011. “Hesiod’s Titans.” Pp. 141-145 in Hellenica. (Originally published §20131210 in JHS 105 (1985), 174-175.)

West, M. L. 2011. “History and Prehistory: The Troy Saga.” Pp. 97-112 in Hellenica. §20131211 (Originally delivered as “Geschichte und Vorgeschichte: die Sage von Troia,” Studia Troica 14 (2004), xiii-xx.) Nestor 40.6 150 September 2013

West, M. L. 2011. The Making of the Iliad: Disquisition and Analytical Commentary. §20131212 Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-959007-0.

West, M. L. 2011. “The Rise of the Greek Epic.” Pp. 35-73 in Hellenica. (Originally §20131213 published in JHS 108 (1988), 151-172.)

Wilson, Andrew 2011. “The economic influence of developments in maritime §20131214 technology in antiquity.” Pp. 211-233 in Maritime Technology in the Ancient Economy: Ship-Design and Navigation, eds. Harris, W. V. and K. Iara. JRA Supplementary Series 84, Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology. ISBN 1-887829-84-9 and ISBN 978-1-887829-84-7.

Winbladh, Marie-Louise 2012. The Bearded Goddess: Androgynes, Goddesses and §20131215 Monsters in Ancient Cyprus. , Cyprus: Armida Publications. ISBN 978- 9963-706-31-0.

Witt, Jann M. 2011. Piraten: Eine Geschichte von der Antike bis heute. Darmstadt: §20131216 Primus Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89678-835-1.

Woodward, Jamie, ed. 2009. The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean. The §20131217 Oxford Regional Environments Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-926803-0.

Woolmer, Mark 2011. Ancient Phoenicia: An Introduction. Classical World Series. §20131218 London: Bristol Classical Press. ISBN 978-1-85399-734-1.

Yiannouli, Evyenia 2011. “O-pi e-de-i: on round building as an archetypical form of §20131219 sacred space in the Aegean.” Documenta Praehistorica 38, Neolithic Studies 18: 221-230. (English and Slovenian abstracts, p. 221.)

Yoshida, Kazuhiko and Brent Vine, eds. 2009. East and West: Papers in Indo- §20131220 European Studies. Bremen: Hempen Verlag. ISBN 978-3-934106-70-3.

Zwickel, Wolfgang 2011. “Jaffa in Its Regional Context during the Late Bronze and §20131221 Iron Ages.” Pp. 79-93 in The History and Archaeology of Jaffa, eds. Peilstöcker, Martin and Aaron A. Burke. Volume 1, Monumenta Archaeologica 26; The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project Series 1, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. ISBN 978-1-931745-81-9.

Βασιλικού, Ντόρα 2011. Το χρονικό της ανασκαφής των Μυκηνών 1870-1878. §20131222 Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 274, Αθήναι: Η εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία. ISBN 978-960-8145-87-0. Nestor 40.6 151 September 2013

Κουτσουφλάκης, Γιώργος, ed. 2010. Η αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη στην Ικαρία. §20131223 Εβδομήντα χρόνια ανασκαφικής έρευνας και μελλοντικές προοπτικές: Πρακτικά Α’ Αρχαιολογικού Συνεδρίου Ικαρίας, Αρμενιστής 1-5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006. Αθήνα: Φεστιβάλ Ικαρίας. ISBN 978-960-99244-0-5.

Ντούμας, Χρίστος Γ. 2010. “Ικαρία: από το μύθο στην ιστορία.” Pp. 17-26 in Η §20131224 αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη στην Ικαρία. Εβδομήντα χρόνια ανασκαφικής έρευνας και μελλοντικές προοπτικές: Πρακτικά Α’ Αρχαιολογικού Συνεδρίου Ικαρίας, Αρμενιστής 1-5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006, ed. Κουτσουφλάκης, Γιώργος. Αθήνα: Φεστιβάλ Ικαρίας. ISBN 978-960-99244-0-5.

Τζαχίλη, Ίρις and Γεωργία Φακάρου 2010. “Μια επισκόπηση της προϊστορικής §20131225 έρευνας στην Ικαρία.” Pp. 27-48 in Η αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη στην Ικαρία. Εβδομήντα χρόνια ανασκαφικής έρευνας και μελλοντικές προοπτικές: Πρακτικά Α’ Αρχαιολογικού Συνεδρίου Ικαρίας, Αρμενιστής 1-5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006, ed. Κουτσουφλάκης, Γιώργος. Αθήνα: Φεστιβάλ Ικαρίας. ISBN 978-960-99244-0-5. (English summary, “The Prehistoric Research in Ikaria: an Overview,” p. 48.)


Aruz, Joan, Kim Benzel, and Jean M. Evans, eds. 2008. Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, §20131226 and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C. [§20100811]. (Baker, Heather D., Antiquity 84.323 (2010) 261-263).

Attema, Peter, ed. 2004. Centralization, Early Urbanization and Colonization in First §20131227 Millennium BC Italy and Greece [§20130989]. (Van Wonterghem, Frank, Latomus 69.1 (2010) 282-283).

Bailey, Douglass W., Alasdair Whittle, and Daniela Hofmann, eds. 2008. Living Well §20131228 Together? Settlement and Materiality in the Neolithic of South-East and Central Europe [§20101014]. (Nikolova, Lolita, EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 291-293).

Bailey, Geoff and Penny Spikins, eds. 2008. Mesolithic Europe [§20101016]. (Louwe §20131229 Kooijmans, Leendert P., “Mesolithic Europe: diversity in uniformity,” Antiquity 84.323 (2010) 241-246).

Bakker, Egbert J., ed. 2010. A Companion to the Ancient §20131230 [§20111004]. (Blanc, Alain, Kratylos 56 (2011) 163-171).

Barber, Elizabeth Wayland and Paul T. Barber 2004. When They Severed Earth from §20131231 Sky: How the Human Mind Shapes Myth [§20121280]. (Colarusso, John, JIES 37.1-2 (2009) 233-246). Nestor 40.6 152 September 2013

Benigni, Helen and Barbara Carter 2007. The Goddess and the Bull: A Study in §20131232 Minoan-Mycenaean Mythology [§20121284]. (Powell, Barry B., JIES 37.1-2 (2009) 249-251).

Biehl, P. F. and Y. Ya. Rassamakin, eds. 2008. Import and Imitation in Archaeology §20131233 [§20121138]. (Mates, Adela, EJA 13.2 (2010) 268-270).

Bintliff, John, Phil Howard, and Anthony Snodgrass 2007. Testing the hinterland: the §20131234 work of the Boeotia Survey (1989-1991) in the southern approaches to the city of Thespiai [§20081130]. (Pleket, H. W., BABesch 85 (2010) 217-219).

Biran, Avraham and Rachel Ben-Dov 2002. Dan II: A Chronicle of the Excavations §20131235 and the Late Bronze Age “Mycenaean” Tomb [§040872]. (Weippert, Helga, AfO 51 (2005/2006) 400-402).

Blandin, Béatrice 2007. Eretria: Fouilles et recherches XVII. Les pratiques funéraires §20131236 d’époque géométrique à Érétrie. Espace des vivants, demeures des morts [§20130993]. (Crielaard, Jan Paul, BABesch 85 (2010) 204-206).

Buchvaldek, Miroslav, Andreas Lippert, and Lubomír Košnar, eds. 2007. §20131237 Archeologický Atlas pravěké Evropy. Atlas zur Prähistorischen Archäologie Europas. Archaeological Atlas of Prehistoric Europe. Atlas Archéologique de l’Europe Préhistorique [§20130994]. (Ramqvist, Per H., EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 276- 279).

Burkert, Walter 2003. Die Griechen und der Orient: Von Homer bis zu den Magiern §20131238 [§040882]. (Marchand, Suzanne, “‘What did the Greeks owe the Orient?’ The question we can’t stop asking (even though we can’t answer it),” Archaeological Dialogues 17.1 (2010) 117-140).

Calvet, Yves and Marguerite Yon, eds. 2008. Ougarit au Bronze Moyen et au Bronze §20131239 Récent: Actes du Colloque international tenu à Lyon en novembre 2001, “Ougarit au IIᵉ millénaire av. J.-C. État des recherches”. En hommage à Gabriel Saadé [§20100647]. (Justel, Josué J., Syria 87 (2010) 412-415).

Camps, Marta and Carolyn Szmidt, eds. 2009. The Mediterranean from 50,000 to §20131240 25,000 BP: Turning Points and New Directions [§20121148]. (Dusseldorp, Gerrit, L., EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 279-282).

Clarke, Joanne 2007. On the Margins of Southwest Asia: Cyprus during the 6th to 4th §20131241 Millennia BC [§20130996]. (Perlès, Catherine, Syria 87 (2010) 355-357).

Cleland, Liza, Glenys Davies, and Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones 2007. Greek and Roman §20131242 Dress from A to Z [§20101036]. (Sebesta, Judith Lynn, CR 59.1 (2009) 181-182). Nestor 40.6 153 September 2013

Colvin, Stephen 2007. A Historical Greek Reader: Mycenaean to the Koiné §20131243 [§20130997]. (Beckwith, Miles, JIES 37.1-2 (2009) 268-272).

Colvin, Stephen 2007. A Historical Greek Reader: Mycenaean to the Koiné §20131244 [§20130997]. (Waanders, Frits, Mnemosyne 63.1 (2010) 670-673).

Colvin, Stephen 2007. A Historical Greek Reader: Mycenaean to the Koiné §20131245 [§20130997]. (Berenguer, José A., Emerita 78.1 (2010) 161-163).

Córdoba, Joaquín, Miquel Molist, Carmen Pérez, Isabel Rubio, and Sergio Martínez, §20131246 eds. 2008. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, April 3-8 2006 [§20110826]. (Huot, Jean-Louis, Syria 87 (2010) 365-366).

Cunliffe, Barry, Chris Gosden, and Rosemary A. Joyce, eds. 2009. The Oxford §20131247 Handbook of Archaeology [§20100166]. (Brunet, Teresa Chapa, EJA 13.2 (2010) 261-263).

Derks, Ton and Nico Roymans, eds. 2009. Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity: The Role of §20131248 Power and Tradition [§20121155]. (Fernández-Götz, Manuel A., EJA 13.2 (2010) 267-268).

Dietler, Michael and Carolina López-Ruiz, eds. 2009. Colonial Encounters in Ancient §20131249 Iberia: Phoenician, Greek, and Indigenous Relations [§20121389]. (Vives- Ferrándiz, Jaime, EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 326-328).

Dunn-Vaturi, Anne-Elizabeth 2003. Vounous: C. F. A. Schaeffer’s Excavations in 1933 §20131250 Tombs 49-79 [§030496]. (Yon, Marguerite, Syria 87 (2010) 404-406).

Foley, John Miles, ed. 2005. A Companion to Ancient Epic [§20060168]. §20131251 (Theodorakopoulos, E., CR 59.1 (2009) 8-10).

Forenbaher, Stašo, ed. 2009. A Connecting Sea: Maritime Interaction in Adriatic §20131252 Prehistory [§20121162]. (Tomas, Helena, EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 256-259).

Gachet-Bizollon, Jacqueline 2007. Ras Shamra-Ougarit XVI: Les ivoires d’Ougarit et §20131253 l’art des ivoiriers du Levant au Bronze Récent [§20080691]. (Caubet, Annie, Syria 87 (2010) 415-416).

George, Coulter, Matthew McCullagh, Benedicte Nielsen, Antonia Ruppel, and Olga §20131254 Tribulato, eds. 2007. Greek and Latin from an Indo-European Perspective [§20131006]. (Gunkel, Dieter, Kratylos 56 (2011) 68-79). Nestor 40.6 154 September 2013

Gheorghiu, Dragos, ed. 2009. Early Farmers, Late Foragers, and Ceramic Traditions: §20131255 On the Beginning of Pottery in the Near East and Europe [§20121167]. (Thörn, Raimond, EJA 13.2 (2010) 253-255).

Hamilakis, Yannis and Aris Anagnostopoulos, eds. 2009. Archaeological §20131256 Ethnographies [§20121405]. (Caraher, William R., EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 267-269).

Hansen, Svend 2007. Bilder vom Menschen der Steinzeit: Untersuchungen zur §20131257 anthropomorphen Plastik der Jungsteinzeit und Kupferzeit in Südosteuropa [§20131008]. (de Contenson, Henri, Syria 87 (2010) 347-348).

Hansen, Svend 2007. Bilder vom Menschen der Steinzeit: Untersuchungen zur §20131258 anthropomorphen Plastik der Jungsteinzeit und Kupferzeit in Südosteuropa [§20131008]. (Nikolova, Lolita, EJA 13.2 (2010) 257-259).

Hazenbos, Joost 2003. The Organization of the Anatolian Local Cults during the §20131259 Thirteenth Century B.C. An appraisal of the Hittite cult inventories [§20090680]. (Beal, Richard H., AfO 51 (2005/2006) 361-363).

Hermary, Antoine, Derik Counts, Sabine Fourrier, Hartmut Matthäus, Robert §20131260 Merrillees, and Marguerite Yon, eds. 2007. Cahier du Centre d’Études Chypriotes 37: Hommage à Annie Caubet: Actes du colloque international “Chypre et la côte du Levant aux IIe et Ier millénaires,” Paris, 14-16 juin 2007 [§20091399]. (Cassimatis, Hélène, Syria 87 (2010) 399-404).

Hurcombe, Linda M. 2007. Archaeological Artefacts as Material Culture §20131261 [§20131011]. (Berg, Ina, CAJ 20.2 (2010) 278-279).

Jamison, Stephanie W., H. Craig Melchert, and Brent Vine, eds. 2009. Proceedings of §20131262 the 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Los Angeles, October 31– November 1, 2008 [§20121410]. (Kölligan, Daniel, Kratylos 56 (2011) 80-84).

Jockey, Philippe, ed. 2011. Λευκός Λίθος. Marbres et autres roches de la Méditerranée §20131263 antique: études interdisciplinaires. Interdisciplinary Studies on Mediterranean Ancient Marble and Stones. Actes du VIIIe Colloque international de l’Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones used in Antiquity (ASMOSIA). Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones used in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), Aix-en-Provence, 12-18 juin 2006 [§20130505]. (Lazzarini, Lorenzo, Marmora 5 (2009) 126-127).

Karageorghis, Vassos 2006. Aspects of Everyday Life in Ancient Cyprus: Iconographic §20131264 Representations [§20070144]. (Given, Michael, CR 59.1 (2009) 309). Nestor 40.6 155 September 2013

Kopaka, Katerina, ed. 2009. Fylo: Engendering Prehistoric ‘Stratigraphies’ in the §20131265 Aegean and the Mediterranean. Proceedings of an International Conference, University of Crete, Rethymno 2-5 June 2005 [§20110076]. (Budin, Stephanie Lynn, The Classical Bulletin 85.2 (2009) 129-132).

Kozłowski, Stefan Karol 2009. Thinking Mesolithic [§20121180]. (Rissetto, John D., §20131266 EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 287-290).

Kühne, Hartmut, Rainer M. Czichon, and Florian Janoscha Kreppner, eds. 2008. §20131267 Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 29 March - 3 April 2004, Freie Universität Berlin, Volume 1: The Reconstruction of Environment: Natural Resources and Human Interrelations through Time. Art History: Visual Communication [§20091012]. (Huot, Jean- Louis, Syria 87 (2010) 363-365).

Kühne, Hartmut, Rainer M. Czichon, and Florian Janoscha Kreppner, eds. 2008. §20131268 Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 29 March - 3 April 2004, Freie Universität Berlin, Volume 2: Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages. Excavation Reports [§20100044]. (Huot, Jean-Louis, Syria 87 (2010) 363-365).

Laneri, Nicola, ed. 2007. Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in §20131269 the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean [§20131016]. (Butterlin, Pascal, Syria 87 (2010) 387-388).

Lauffray, Jean 2008. Fouilles de Byblos, Volume 6: L’urbanisme et l’architecture. De §20131270 l’époque proto-urbaine à l’occupation amorite (de l’Énéolithique à l’âge du Bronze II) [§20100046]. (Quenet, Philippe, Syria 87 (2010) 396-398).

Lion, Brigitte and Cècile Michel, eds. 2009. Histoires de déchiffrements: Les écritures §20131271 du Proche-Orient à l’Égée [§20130745]. (Bonnet, Corinne, ÉtCl 78.2-3 (2010) 271-272).

Lo Schiavo, Fulvia, James D. Muhly, Robert Maddin, and Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, §20131272 eds. 2009. Oxhide Ingots in the Central Mediterranean [§20110874]. (Harding, Anthony, EJA 14.1-2 (2011) 306-309).

Lomas, Kathryn, Ruth D. Whitehouse, and John B. Wilkins, eds. 2007. Literacy and §20131273 the state in the ancient Mediterranean [§20081048]. (Militello, Pietro, EJA 14.1- 2 (2011) 329-331).

Maeir, Aren M. 2004. Bronze and Iron Age Tombs at Tel Gezer, Israel. Finds from §20131274 Raymond-Charles Weill’s Excavations in 1914 and 1921 [§20131018]. (Burke, Aaron A., JNES 69.2 (2010) 238-240). Nestor 40.6 156 September 2013

Maniatis, Yannis, ed. 2009. ASMOSIA VII: Actes du VIIe colloque international de §20131275 l’ASMOSIA organisé par l’École française d’Athènes, le National Center for Scientific Research “DIMOKRITOS”, la 18e éphorie des antiquités préhistoriques et classiques (Kavala) et l’Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Thasos, 15- 20 septembre 2003. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity organized by the French School of Athens, the National Center for Scientific Research “DIMOKRITOS”, the 18th Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Kavala) and the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Thassos, September 15-20, 2003 [§20100886]. (Lazzarini, Lorenzo, Marmora 5 (2009) 126).

Matthiae, Paolo, Frances Pinnock, Lorenzo Nigro, and Nicolò Marchetti, eds. 2010. §20131276 Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 5 May - 10 May 2009, “Sapienza”, Università di Roma, Volume 1: Near Eastern Archaeology in the Past, Present and Future. Heritage and Identity; Ethnoarchaeology and Interdisciplinary Approach, Results and Perspectives; Visual Expression and Craft Production in the Definition of Social Relations and Status [§20110883]. (Huot, Jean-Louis, Syria 87 (2010) 366-368).

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