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RAP1 protein activates and silences transcription of mating-type genes m yeast

Stephen Kurtz and David Shore Department of Microbiology, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032 USA

RAP1 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein essential for . The occurrence of RAPl-binding sites in many promoter regions, the mating-type gene silencer elements, and telomeres suggests that RAP1 has multiple functions in the cell. To assess its role in transcription, temperature-sensitive mutations in RAP1 were generated. Analysis of rapl ts strains provides evidence that RAP1 functions in both transcriptional activation and silencing of mating-type genes. Several observations indicate that rap1 ts strains are defective in the expression of MATa, whose upstream activation sequence (UAS) contains a RAPl-. At nonpermissive temperatures, decreases in MATa steady-state transcript levels can be detected in MATa ropl ts strains. Furthermore, these strains are deficient in a-pheromone production and simultaneously express at least two a-specific genes. These phenotypes can be reversed by replacing the RAPl-binding site at MAlTa with a binding site for the GALA transcriptional activator. Certain rap1 t~ alleles have an opposite effect on the silent mating-type locus HMR, which becomes partially derepressed at nonpermissive temperatures. [Key Words: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; transcriptional activation; silencer; mating type; transcription factor] Received October 19, 1990; revised version accepted February 1, 1991.

RAP1 [TUF/GRF1/TBA) has been independently identi- RAPI: Deletion of the RAPl-binding site at the HMR fied as a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein in stud- silencer causes a partial derepression of this locus [Brand ies of ribosomal protein gene promoters (Huet et al. et al. 1987; Kimmerly et al. 19881. The function of RAP1 1985), silencer elements at the nontranscribed mating- at a particular locus appears to depend on the context of type loci HML and HMR [Shore et al. 1987; Buchman et its binding site within other regulatory sequences rather al. 1988al, and the poly(CI_3AI tracts at telomeres (Ber- than the precise sequence of the site, and presumably man et al. 1986; Dunn 1989}. The RAP1 protein has been results from interactions with other regulatory factors. purified, and its gene has been cloned and shown to be So, for example, UAS-associated RAP 1-binding-sites can essential for growth {Shore and Nasmyth 1987}. RAP1- substitute for the binding site normally found at the binding sites have since been identified in the promoters HMR silencer [Shore and Nasmyth 19871, and RAP1 of a large number of genes in addition to those involved binding sites taken from either UAS elements, silencers, in translation, including many glycolytic genes or telomeres activate transcription when placed up- and the MAToL mating-type genes (for review, see Buch- stream of a TATA element (Buchman et al. 1988bl. man et al. 1988b; Capieaux et al. 1989}. The location of The presence of RAPl-binding sites at both the MATs RAPl-binding sites at both upstream activation se- promoter and the HML and HMR silencers suggests that quences (UASs) and silencers has led to the suggestion RAP1 might play a complex role in cell type determina- that RAP1 has a dual role in regulating transcription. tion. The MAT locus, which controls cell type [either a Recent studies have demonstrated directly that RAP1 is or ~J, is situated near the centromere of chromosome III also involved in controlling the length of poly[Cl~A I and can contain either the a or a allele. The MATa allele tracts at telomeres [Lustig et al. 1990}. encodes two regulatory proteins (~1 and ~2) that control The idea that RAP1 functions in vivo as an activator of the expression of a number of cell type-specific genes in transcription is supported by a number of deletion anal- haploids [e.g., pheromone and pheromone receptor yses of promoter regions containing RAPl-binding sites. genesl. The MAT~I protein is an activator of s-specific Deletion of these sites from promoters typically results genes, whereas MATcx2 is a repressor of the otherwise in a moderate reduction in expression [Rotenberg and constitutive a-specific genes. Therefore, expression of Woolford 1986; Chambers et al. 1988; Elledge and Davis both ~1 and a2 represses a-specific genes and activates 1989; Hurd and Roberts 1989), although in some cases s-specific genes, leading to the a-mating phenotype. In the effect appears to be more severe (Siliciano and Tatch- the absence of MATs expression cells display an a-mat- ell 1984; Nishizawa et al. 1989}. Similarly, analyses of ing phenotype. The MATa locus has no function in hap- silencer elements has suggested a repressor function for loids but is required in a/a diploids, which are nonmat-

616 GENES& DEVELOPMENT5:616-628 © 1991 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory ISSN 0890-9369/91 $3.00 Downloaded from on October 3, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Role of RAP1 in cell-type determination ing cells capable of sporulation. Two identical, yet non- nique (Boeke et al. 1987; Mann et al. 1987) to introduce transcribed, copies of mating-type genes are present near a mutagenized copy of the gene into cells deleted for the the telomeres of chromosome III, at loci called HMR and chromosomal copy. Four independent temperature-sen- HML, which usually contain a and ~ alleles, respec- sitive mutants were obtained using this procedure. Plas- tively. Silencing of these loci is essential for mating. In raids recovered from these strains conferred a tempera- haploid cells containing a wild-type HO gene, the silent ture-sensitive phenotype upon retransformation of the loci are used as donors of information in a mating-type original strain and subsequent plasmid shuffling, con- switching event that results in a conversion of the allele firming that the temperature-sensitive mutations were present at the MAT locus (for review, see Nasmyth and plasmid encoded. The mutant alleles were isolated from Shore 1987; Herskowitz 1989). these plasmids, subcloned into an integrating vector, and Several studies have defined DNA sequence elements used to replace the RAP1 locus. All of the mutations are and genes necessary for maintaining transcriptional si- recessive; they are complemented by plasmids contain- lencing. At HMR, a flanking sequence called HMRE is ing the wild-type RAP1 gene, and heterozygous diploids required for repression of the locus (Abraham et al. 1984; grow normally at 37°C. The integrated alleles segregate Brand et al. 1985). The HMRE silencer is itself composed as expected (2+ : 2- for growth at 37°C) in crosses to a of three elements (called A, E, and B), one of which (el- wild-type strain. Strains containing these rapl ts alleles ement E) is a RAPl-binding site that is required for full at the genomic RAP1 locus were used in all experiments repression (Brand et al. 1987; Shore and Nasmyth 1987; presented below. Kimmerly et al. 1988). Element A is an autonomous rep- The effect on cell growth of the four rapl ts alleles was licating sequence (ARS) consensus sequence, and ele- assessed at permissive (25°C) and restrictive (37°CI tem- ment B is a binding site for ARS-binding factor 1 (ABF1) peratures. As shown in Figure 1A, the mutants display a (Shore et al. 1987; Buchman et al. 1988a; Diffley and range of different growth phenotypes relative to the wild- Stillman 1988). Deletions of either A or B alone have no type strain. At 25°C, strains containing the rapl-2 or the effect on silencing, but either element, in combination rapl-5 mutation grow at near wild-type rates (2 hr dou- with the RAP 1-binding site, provides complete repres- bling time). At 37°C, these strains gradually arrest their sion in the context of HMRE. A number of unlinked growth after 3 to 4 doublings. Strains containing either trans-acting genes have been identified that are required the rapl-1 or rapl-4 mutation have a more dramatic for silencing. Mutations in the nonessential genes SIR2, growth phenotype. At 25°C, both of these strains have a SIR3, or SIR4 result in a complete loss of silencer func- pronounced increase in doubling time (4 hr for rapl-1 tion (Rine and Herskowitz 1987), and mutations in SIR1 and 7 hr for rapl-4) and arrest growth after 1 to 2 dou- appear to affect the establishment, but not the mainte- blings when shifted to 37°C. The relative growth differ- nance, of the repressed state (Pillus and Rine 1989). In ences among the four mutant strains is reflected in their addition, deletions of the amino terminus of histone H4 efficiency of plating after a shift to 37°C. The strains that lead to derepression of the silent loci (Kayne et al. 1988); grow poorly at 25°C lose viability at the restrictive tem- and mutations in NAT1 and ARD1, components of an perature more rapidly than the strains that grow nor- amino-terminal protein acetylase, result in a partial loss mally at 25°C. Strains carrying the rapl-2 or rapl-5 mu- of silencing (Whiteway et al. 1987; Mullen et al. 1989). tations show only a twofold decrease in viability for ev- No mutations in the genes encoding the known silencer ery 4 hr of incubation at 37°C, whereas the rapl-1 and binding proteins RAP1 and ABF1 have been isolated pre- rapl-4 strains show a more dramatic loss of viability viously in screens for silencing mutants (Miller and (-10-fold reduction for every 4 hr at 37°C; Fig. 1B). In Nasmyth 1984; Rine and Herskowitz 1987), perhaps be- contrast, wild-type cells show no detectable loss of via- cause their functions are redundant at the silencers and bility after similar periods of incubation at 37°C. both are essential genes. None of the rapl ts mutants appear to arrest growth at To investigate the role of RAP1 in transcriptional reg- a particular stage in the cell cycle. Strains containing ulation, we have isolated conditionally lethal mutations rapl ts mutations have a larger cell size than wild-type in the RAP1 gene. Strains containing these mutations cells even at permissive growth conditions. Many of the were then used to examine the requirement for RAP1 in cells in a population carrying a rap ts mutation have pro- gene expression at MATs and repression at HMR. These nounced vacuoles and grossly altered morphologies rel- experiments provide genetic evidence that RAP1 has a ative to wild-type cells after a temperature shift to 37°C fundamental role in transcriptional activation and re- (data not shown). pression and demonstrate the importance of RAP1 in On the basis of relative differences in growth between establishing and maintaining cell type in yeast. the four temperature-sensitive mutations, it seemed likely that each mutant represented a unique rapl allele. We mapped the mutations to regions in the RAP1 gene Results by a series of restriction fragment swap experiments (see Materials and methods). Appropriate mutant fragments Isolation and initial characterization of rapl ts mutants were then subcloned and sequenced. The four mutants Temperature-sensitive mutations in RAP1 were gener- are unique missense mutations in the RAPl-coding se- ated by mutagenesis of the cloned gene. Because the quence distributed over a region of -250 amino acids in RAP1 gene is essential, we used a plasmid shuffle tech- the middle of the coding sequence (Fig. 2).

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A rap1-2 25 C 37 C rap1-5 RAP1 RAP1 A A C) C) O O tO to II II c~ r~ o O v rap1-2 O rap1-1 o-

n rap1-5 o r~ rap1-1 rap1-4 <


! ! e ! | i i ! ! g | i | i 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 TIme(hrs) "rlme (hrs) B 10000

(J ~a RAP1 1000

Figure 1. Growth phenotypes of rap ts mutants at 25°C rmpl-2 and 37°C. (A) Log-phase cultures of wild-type (YDS3) and rap1 ts strains (YDS406, 409, 410, 413) were split and 100 rap1-5 maintained in YEPD media at 25°C or shifted to 37°C. rmp1-1 Aliquots were removed at regular intervals, and the op- tical density at 600 nm was determined. OD6oo values are im O plotted vs. time of incubation. (B) Survival of rapl ts mu- .Q 10 E tants after incubation at the restrictive temperature. Log- :3 phase cultures of wild-type (YDS3) and rap1ts strains Z (YDS406, 409, 410, 413) were shifted from 25°C to 37°C. ~. rap1-4 At various intervals, equal OD6o o units were diluted, 1 i ~ , m spread on YEPD plates, and incubated at 25°C. After 5 0 10 2O 30 days, the number of surviving colonies was determined Time (hrs at 37 C) and plotted vs. time of incubation at 37°C.

RAP1 is required for the proper regulation of genes abolished the ability of this strain to form diploids with controlled by the MATa locus the MATs tester strain. This result suggested that loss of the RAPl-containing plasmid was a prerequisite for a- In constructing strains for the purpose of isolating rapl like mating, an event that rescues these cells from death. mutants we noticed an unusual property of MATs cells Because RAP1 binds in vitro to the MATer UAS (Shore carrying both a deletion of the genomic RAP1 locus and and Nasmyth 1987; Buchman et al. 1988a), we suspected a plasmid containing the wild-type RAP1 gene. In patch that a reduction in RAP1 activity in cells that have lost mating assays, a portion of these cells were capable of the RAP1 plasmid might directly affect transcription of mating to MATot testers, whereas otherwise isogenic the MATs locus. Previous studies have shown that the strains containing the MATa allele mated normally (Fig. absence of functional MATs gene products, either due to 3). A quantitative mating analysis indicated that the mutations in both e~l and e~2 or promoter deletions that MA Ta, rapl deletion strains mate with the inappropriate abolish MATs transcription, results in an a-mating phe- cell type (MATs) 200-fold more frequently than the pa- notype (Strathern et al. 1981; Tatchell et al. 1981; Sili- rental wild-type MAT(x strain (Table 1). We were able to ciano and Tatchell 1984). show by a simple genetic test that this aberrant mating To test whether RAP 1 is required for the expression of behavior occurred only in cells that had lost the RAP1 the MATot locus, we measured the activities of several plasmid; selection for the URA3 gene on this plasmid gene products known to be directly regulated by MATo~.

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Role of RAP1 in cell-type determination


Bgl II Pst I Hind III Sph I Bgl II Xba I I I I ...... 1...... I w | I nuc. 1 853 1843 2360 2864 3670

Figure 2. Allele map of rap ts mutations. nucleotide amino acid rap lts mutations were mapped and se- chant~e ts allele chanoe _ quenced as described in Materials and meth- ods. The nucleotide and amino acid changes rap 1-1 2451 : G->C ALASS3-> PRO are listed for each allele. The line drawing, representing the RAP1 gene, indicates the rap 1-2 2136: G->A ALA 458 -> TH R positions of restriction sites used in map- rap 1-4 1863: G->A GLU 3s7 -> LYS ping, the RAPl-coding region (solid bar}, and the region containing the temperature-sensi- rap 1-5 2845: C->T PRO s°4 -> LEU tive mutations {stippled bar}.

The al and a2 proteins regulate genes encoding both a- as a zone of growth inhibition in a surrounding lawn of and a-specific functions (Nasmyth and Shore 1987; Her- MATa cells. All four MATa rap1 ts strains produce halos skowitz 1989): the al protein is an activator of a-specific typical of MATa ceils at the permissive temperature genes, such as MFal and MFa2, which encode a-factor, (25°C). However, at semipermissive temperatures whereas a2 is a repressor of a-specific genes, including (30-33°C) these strains fail to produce a-factor halos {Fig. the genes that encode a-factor and barrier, a protease that 4; data presented is for the rap1-1 allele). The severity of inactivates a-factor. The presence or absence of the mat- this phenotype correlates with the overall growth rates ing factors and the barrier protease, which are all readily of the different rap1 ts alleles: rap1-1 and rap1-4 fail to detectable in a bioassay, provides a sensitive measure of produce halos when transferred directly from 25°C to a l and a2 activities. 30°C tester plates, whereas the rap1-2 or rap1-5 alleles rapl ts strains were tested for the synthesis of a-factor require a 6-hr preincubation at 33°C before the loss of using a halo assay (Julius et al. 1983) in which the pro- a-factor activity is evident. Because the a-factor genes duction of a-factor by a patch of MATa cells is measured require a 1 protein for expression, this observation is con- sistent with the notion that rapl ts strains are defective in the expression of MATal. In the experiments de- scribed below we show that the failure to produce a-factor halos in rapl ts strains is not an indirect effect arising from diminished growth rate or cell viability at elevated temperatures but, rather, is due to a specific defect in transcriptional activation of MATa. Coincident with the decrease in a-factor production in the MATa rapl ts strains is the inappropriate expression of several a-specific genes. At semipermissive tempera- tures, MATa rapl ts strains express a-factor, a peptide normally secreted by MATa strains and detectable in a halo assay (Fig. 5A; rapl-1 allele is shown). Because a- factor gene expression is repressed in MATa cells by the a2 protein (Brake et al. 1985; Johnson and Herskowitz 1985), this observation suggests that rapl ts strains are also defective in the expression of a2. Consistent with

Table 1. Relative mating efficiencies of wild-type and rapl deletion strains

Figure 3. rapl deletion strains mate inappropriately. Patches Efficiency of mating of wild-type and rap1 deletion strains were printed onto mini- Mating mal plates spread with a lawn of MATo~ tester strain YDS32 (A) Strain type x MAT a x MAT c~ or MATa tester strain YDS31 (B). Plates were incubated at 30°C YDS 3 a 0.48 1.2 x 10 -6 for 2 days. (a) MAToL (YDS3); (b)MATa (YDS2); (c)MAToq YDS 203-2d tx 0.56 2.6 x 10 -4 rapl :: leu2 (YDS203-2d); (d) MATa, rapl :: leu2 (YDS203-6b). YDS 2 a 1 × 10 _6 0.7 Strains 203-2d and 203-6b contain a CEN plasmid bearing a YDS 203-6b a 1 x 10 -6 0.83 wild-type RAP1 gene.

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2s ° 300 Steady-state levels of transcripts from MATa and from the al-regulated gene encoding a-factor (MFal) were measured in rapl ts strains following a shift to nonper- missive conditions. These RNAs were analyzed on Northern blots. A probe specific for URA3, a gene that does not have a RAPl-binding site in its regulatory re- gion, was included as an internal dontrol. There is a tem- perature-dependent decrease in the amounts of MATal and MATa2 mRNAs in strains containing the rapl-1 (Fig. 7A) or rapl-4 allele (data not shown) over the course Figure 4. rap t~ strains are defective in a-Factor production at of an 18-hr incubation at 33°C. We note that the decrease elevated temperatures, a-Factor production was measured using in the levels of MATal and MATa2 messages is not al- a halo assay at 25°C (permissive) and 30°C (semirestrictive). ways as apparent in these strains and is difficult to detect Fresh colonies of each strain were toothpicked onto plates in strains containing either the rapl-2 or rapl-5 alleles spread with a lawn of strain RC634 (MATa sstl-3) and incubated (data not shown). The behavior of strains with the rapl-2 at the designated temperature for 2 days. (a) Wild-type RAP1, and rapl-5 alleles is consistent with properties described MATa (YDS3); {b)rapl-1, MATot (YDS406); {c) wild-type RAP1, above, indicating that they are weak alleles; these strains MATa (YDS2); (d)rapl-1, MATa (YDS407). are defective in a-factor production and aberrantly pro- duce a-factor and barrier only after a preincubation at nonpermissive temperatures. this idea, we found that another a-specific gene, BAR1~ We also note that the amount of MFal message drops SST1, which encodes barrier and is also repressed by a2 significantly following temperature shift (Fig. 7A, (Chan 1977; Sprague and Herskowitz 1981), is expressed MFal), and this decrease is apparent before there is a in the MATa rapl ts strains at semipermissive tempera- detectable drop in MATal transcript levels. This may tures. Barrier production was measured by patching the indicate that MFal transcription is extremely sensitive MATa rapl as strains next to a wild-type MATa strain on to small fluctuations in levels of MATal mRNA, the a lawn of MATa sstl cells (Fig. 5B). The growth of the lawn is inhibited by a-factor secreted from the streak of MATa wild-type cells. At 25°C, the MAToL rapl ts strains secrete a-factor, and consequently the lawn does not overcome this growth inhibition. Yet at 30°C, the patch of MATa rapl ts cells protected the lawn from growth inhibition, indicating that the rapl ts strains produce bar- rier at the elevated temperature. A MATa strain, which produces barrier constitutively, protected the lawn at both temperatures. In addition to suggesting a defect in a2 activity, these experiments show that although MATa rapl as strains are unable to produce an a-factor halo, they are still capable of expresoing and secreting other gene products (a-factor and barrier) at semipermis- sive temperatures. These phenotypes are observed in strains containing any of the four rapl ts alleles after a shift to semipermissive temperatures (data not shown). Because the aberrant production of barrier in the MATa rapltSstrains could also account for the loss of a-factor activity at semipermissive temperatures, we ex- amined the production of a-factor in these strains in the absence of the BAR1 gene. MATa, rapl ts, bar :: LEU2 strains produce near wild-type levels of s-factor at 25°C; however, at 30°C, these strains produce little or no de- tectable a-factor (Fig. 6A). Therefore, the aberrant pro- duction of barrier in the MATer rapl tS strains cannot Figure 5. rap ts strains express a-specific genes at elevated tem- alone account for their reduced a-factor production. This peratures. (A) a-Factor halo assay at 25°C and 30°C on plates spread with a lawn of strain XBH8-2c (MATa sst2-4). (a) rapl-1, result further supports the conclusion that expression of MATa (YDS406); {b] wild-type RAP1, MATe~ (YDS3); {c} rapl-1, al, the activator of the a-factor genes, is also reduced in MATa (YDS407); (d) wild-type RAP1, MATa (YDS2). {B)Barrier the rapl ts strains following a temperature shift. Finally, assay at 25°C and 30°C on plates spread with a lawn of strain the MATa-specific phenotypes of the rapl t~ mutants do RC634 (MATa, sstl-3). Strains were patched alongside the not result from a derepression of the silent HMRa locus, streak of MATa cells that continues across the plate. (a) rapl-1, as they are observed in strains carrying a deletion of the MATa (YDS406); (b) wild-type RAP1, MATa (YDS3); (c) rapl-1, al and a2 genes at HMR (data not shown). MATa (YDS407); (d)wild-type RAP1, MATa (YDS2).

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Role of RAP1 in cell-type determination

MATa promoter with a single binding site for the GAL4 A transcriptional activator (see Materials and methods). This UASGaI-MATa construct was inserted at the MAT locus in a strain that contained the rapl-1 mutation and a gal80 gene deletion. The gal80 mutation was used to facilitate the analysis of the UASG~a-MATa fusion. Be- cause the product of the GAL80 gene is a negative regu- lator of GAL4 activity in glucose-gown cells (Johnston et al. 1987; Lue et al. 1987; Ma and Ptashne 1987), dele- tion of this gene should result in constitutive (galactose- independent) expression from UASGaz-MATa, allowing us to perform halo assays under optimal growth condi- tions. B rapl ts strains containing the UASG~I-MATot gene and the gal80 mutation produce wild-type levels of a-factor at all temperatures (Fig. 6A, strain f) and no longer pro- duce barrier (Fig. 6B, strain d) or a-factor (data not shown) at the elevated temperatures, indicating that the MATa-regulated functions have been restored. The res- toration of a-specific functions is not the consequence of overexpression from the heterologous UASG~-MATa promoter because Northern blot analysis indicates that transcript levels produced from the hybrid gene are sim- Figure 6. A heterologous promoter restores the activation de- ilar to those produced from the wild-type promoter (Fig, fect in raft s strains. (A) c,-Factor halo assay at 25°C and 30°C on 7B). These results suggest that the mating-specific phe- plates spread with a lawn of strain RC634 (MATa, sstl-3). (a) notypes associated with the rapl 's mutations are due to Wild-type RAP1, MATe, (YDS3); (b) rap1-1, MATc~ (YDS406); (c) an inability to properly transcribe the MATa genes, and rapl-1, MATa (YDS407); (d) rap1-1, MATa, bar::LEU2 (YDS540); (e)rapl-1, UASGal-MATet, GAL80+ (VDS558); (f) we conclude from this that one function of the wild-type rapl-1, UASGal-MAT~, Agal80 (YDS447). (B) Barrier assay at RAP1 protein is to activate transcription at MATa. 25°C and 30°C on plates spread with a lawn of strain RC634. (a) rapl-1, MATtx (YDS406); (b) wild-type RAP1, MATa (YDS2); (c) rapl ts alleles affect transcriptional silencing at HMR wild-type RAP1, MAT~ (YDS3); (d) rapl-1, UASG~I-MATa, gal80A (YDS447); (e) rapl-1, MATa (YDS407); 0q rapl-1, MATtx Deletion of the RAPl-binding site in the HMR silencer barl :: LEU2 (YDS540). results in a partial derepression of the locus {Brand et al. 1987; Kimmerly et al. 1988). To determine whether the raptSalleles affect silencing, we measured the transcrip-

MATal mRNA produced after temperature shift is non- functional, or RAP1 directly affects transcription of MFal (see Discussion). We therefore devised another ex- A B periment, described below, to assess the affect of the :0 .2~,: 6,, ...~.~:,-!5.::1Bh ~- I 2 3 rapl t~ mutations on MATa transcription.

A heterologous promoter at MATa restores a-specific functions in rapl ts strains ~2 Because a known RAPl-binding site has been shown by deletion analysis to be an essential element in the MATa UAS and because mutations in this binding site lead to mating-specific phenotypes very similar to those ob- Figure 7. rap 1-1 mutants are defective in MATer transcription. served in the rap1 t~ mutants (Giesman et al. 1991), a {A) Northern blot analysis of MAT~, rapl-1 strain YDS406. different experiment was designed to test whether RNAs were isolated from a continuous culture at O, 2, 6, 12, 15, and 18 hr following a temperature shift from 25°C to 33°C. The MATa transcription is defective in the rap1 ts strains. We reasoned that if the mating-specific phenotypes of the filter was hybridized successively with probes for the ctl, or2, t~-factor (MFt~I), and URA3 transcripts. (B) Northern blot anal- rapltS mutants were due to an inability to properly tran- ysis of MAT~ transcripts from the UASGar-MATct construct. scribe the MATa genes, then replacing the MATa UAS RNAs were isolated from YDS439; MATa, rapl-1, Zkgal80 (RAPl-binding site) with a heterologous UAS element grown at 25°C (lane 1 ) and from YDS447; MATer, rapl-1, ~gal80, should abolish these phenotypes and restore the a-cell UASGawMAToL grown at 25°C (lane 2) and 8 hr after a shift to characteristics. 33°C (lane 3). The filter was hybridized successively with probes We therefore replaced the RAP 1-binding site in the for the ~tl and ~t2 transcripts.

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tion of HMRal after a temperature shift. Because the consequence of temperature elevation on this allele; no HMR silencer is only partially dependent on the RAP1- derepression of these silencer constructions occurs in binding site (element E), we also measured HMRal tran- wild-type RAP1 strains at any temperature (see Fig. 81. scription in strains carrying deletions of either of the two other silencer regulatory elements, A and B. Both the DNA-binding activity is heat labile in rap ts strains hmr&A and hmrAB silencers are totally functional, but unlike the wild-type silencer they are dependent on the All of our rapl ts mutants map within or close to a large RAPl-binding site for repression (Brand et al. 1987). region in the middle of the protein {from approximately Therefore, we expected that any effect on silencing in amino acid 360 to 600) that appears to be required for the rapl ts strains would be more pronounced in the sequence-specific DNA binding {Henry et al. 1990; D. hmr&A or hmrAB silencer backgrounds. Balderes and D. Shore, unpubl.). To determine whether RNAs were prepared from strains containing both the the various rap ts alleles affected the DNA-binding activ- rapt~alleles and either a wild-type, hmr&A, or hmrhB ity of the mutant proteins, cell extracts were prepared silencer after a shift from 25°C to 37°C. The steady-state from each of the four temperature-sensitive strains be- level of the HMRal transcript was quantified by an S1 fore and after a shift to the restrictive temperature. nuclease protection assay, using the SIR3 transcript as Strains were maintained in culture at 37°C for 12 hr, and an internal control (Miller 1984). In strains containing aliquots were removed every 2 hr for preparation of cell the rap1-5 allele, this analysis detected al transcripts 4 extracts. Gel mobility-shift assays were performed at hr after the temperature shift in a strain containing the 20°C on the extracts using a high-affinity RAP 1-binding hmrhA silencer and 8 hr after the shift in a strain con- site (TEF2) and the binding site for ABF1 (another si- taming the hmrhB silencer (Fig. 8}. Derepression of HMR lencer-binding protein whose activity should be unaf- was also detected in a strain containing the rap1-4 allele fected by these temperature-sensitive mutations}. To re- and a hmrhA silencer but not in strains containing the duce the effects of general proteolysis, these strains were rap1-1 or rap1-2 alleles {data not shown). No derepres- made protease deficient by disruption of the PEP4 gene sion of HMR was detected in strains containing a rap ts {Ammerer et al. 1986). Extracts prepared from rap ts allele and a wild-type silencer {A, E, and B presentl. Be- strains maintained at 25°C produced a protein-DNA cause a deletion of the RAPl-binding site (hmrAE) only complex with the TEF2 probe that was indistinguishable partially derepresses HMR {~10%), it may be the case from that produced in extracts containing wild-type that cell death precludes detection of expression at HMR RAP1 {Fig. 9A). In strains carrying the rap1-1 or rap1-4 in rap t~ strains containing a wild-type silencer. Derepres- alleles, RAPl-binding activity, although diminished rel- sion of HMR in strains carrying the rap1-5 allele is the ative to wild-type strains, remains after prolonged incu- bation at 37°C. Strains containing the rap1-2 and rap1-5 alleles have wild-type levels of RAP1 DNA-binding ac- tivity under these culture conditions. Although these ex- tracts were prepared from cells maintained at 37°C, the observed levels of RAP1 DNA-binding activity may be the consequence of renaturation during the course of the binding assay, which was done at 20°C. To determine

0 4:::6 8 10 0 4 6 8 10 0 4 6 8 i0 0 10 0 10 whether the temperature-sensitive extracts were capable of binding at nonpermissive temperatures, RAPl-bind- ing activity was assessed at 37°C. The RAPl-binding ac- tivity in all of the rap ts but not wild-type RAP1 strains, is heat labile: Binding reactions performed at 37°C do not produce RAP1-DNA complexes, whereas the binding ac- SIR3 tivity of ABF1 in the same extracts is unaffected {Fig. 9BI. The loss of RAP1-Binding activity in extracts from rap ts strains does not appear to be the consequence of prote- olysis during the binding reaction, as a RAP1 antiserum Figure 8. rapl-5 mutants are defective in silencing HMR at detects equivalent amounts of full-length protein in elevated temperatures. S1 nuclease mapping of transcripts pro- Western blots of extracts incubated at 25°C or 37°C {data duced from HMRal in MATa strains containing rap1-5 not shown}. (YDS410), rap1-5 and an hmrhA silencer (YDS550), and rap1-5 and an hmrAB silencer (YDS551). RNAs were extracted from aliquots of continuous cultures at various times after a shift Discussion from 25°C to 37°C. RNAs were also prepared from wild-type The importance of RAP 1 to MATs expression was antic- RAPI, MATa strains with partial silencer deletions [hmr&A (YDS36), hmrAB (YDS37)] that do not produce al at any tem- ipated from previous studies in which the deletion of a perature {lanes 0 hr and 10 hr, hmr&A; lanes 0 hr and 10 hr, small region of the MAToL promoter {containing a RAP1- hmrAB) and from strains that produce al transcripts irrespec- binding sitel was shown to abolish transcription and tive of temperature [hmrAE (YDS39), hmrAEB (YDS338), MATa cause oL cells to mate inappropriately, becoming a-like (YDS2)]. Lane designations indicate hours after the shift to 37°C. "fakers" (Siliciano and Tatchell 19841. More recent stud-

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WT rap1-1 Binding site: RAP1 ABF1 02 4 6 8 1012 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 h

Rxn Temp: 25 ° 37 ° 25 ° 37° Figure 9. RAP1 DNA-binding activity is heat labile in rap ts strains. (A) Gel mobility-shift assay Extract: WT ts - W'I"ts WT ts - WT ts of RAP1 DNA-binding activity using a high-af- finity RAPl-binding site (TEF2). Extracts from wild-type {YDS560)and rapl-1 (YDS561)strains were prepared from continuous cultures follow- ing a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C. Lane designations indicate 2-hr intervals after temper- ature shift; (-} a control reaction in which no extract was added. (B) Gel mobility-shift assay of RAP1 and ABF1 DNA-binding activities in ex- tracts prepared from wild-type (YDS560) or rap1- 1 (YDS561) strains maintained at 37°C for 12 hr. Extracts were incubated in binding assays at 25°C or 3 7°C, as indicated; {- ) a control reaction in which no extract was added. ies in which point mutations were introduced into the levels. Consistent with this explanation, Giesman et al. RAPl-binding site at MATa have revealed similar mat- (1991) have shown that RAP 1-binding site mutations at ing and transcriptional defects (Giesman et al. 1991). We MATa that result in only a partial decrease in MATa have presented two types of experiments that, together, steady-state mRNA levels can abolish a-factor produc- strongly suggest that the RAP1 protein mediates tran- tion and lead to inappropriate expression of a-specific scriptional activation of MATa. First, MATa rap1 ts genes. It is also possible that alterations in transcription strains fail to produce an a-factor halo and inappropri- start sites or mRNA transport, which are not detected by ately express two a-specific gene products, a-factor and Northem blot analysis, occur after temperature shift in barrier, a phenotype characteristic of matal mata2 dou- raplt~ strains and further diminish the pool of functional ble mutants. Additionally, in the strongest rapl ts mu- MATal messages. We consider it unlikely that RAP1 is tants, a significant reduction in the steady-state levels of directly involved in MFal expression, as there are no MATal and MAToL2 transcripts can be observed. Fur- known RAPl-binding sites in the MFal promoter or in thermore, the loss of RAP1 in strains carrying only a the promoter of MCM1, another gene required for MFod plasmid-bome copy of the gene leads to a-like mating in expression. Moreover, the restoration of MFal function MATa cells, again a property of cells unable to express by altering only the MATa promoter (UASGal-MAToL) the MATa genes. In a second set of experiments we have indicates that the phenotypes observed in the rap ts mu- shown that the a-specific defects resulting from the loss tants result from a defect in transcription at MAToL. Fi- of RAP1 activity can be overcome by replacing the nally, we cannot exclude the possibility that MATa tran- RAPl-binding site at MATa with a heterologous UAS scription is deficient in the rap ts strains, for example, element, the GAL4 activator-binding site. This rescue by during a critical period in the cell cycle required for al GAL4 is not an indirect effect owing to overexpression of and a2 function. It is not difficult to imagine how a small the MATa genes, as Northern analysis has shown that drop in MATa2 transcription in an individual cell could the steady-state mRNA levels of both ~1 and a2 are sim- lead to a change in cell phenotype. The half-life of a2 ilar to those produced from the wild-type MATa pro- protein is <5 rain (Hochstrasser and Varshavsky 1990), moter (Fig. 7B). These experiments indicate that the al- so this protein is likely to be rapidly depleted from the tered mating phenotypes resulting from diminished cell under conditions where MATa expression is not op- RAP1 activity are a consequence of reduced transcrip- timal. It is worth noting that the normal process of mat- tion at the MATa locus and support the idea that RAP1 ing-type switching in homothalic strains also leads to a protein functions at the MA Ta promoter to activate tran- change in cell type in the course of a single cell cycle. scription. The relationship between phenotype and mRNA lev- A decrease in the steady-state levels of MATod and els that we observe at MATs may have important impli- MATot2 mRNAs could account for the defect in cations for understanding the cause of death of the rapl ts a-specific functions observed in rap%trains. However, mutants. We have failed to detect significant tempera- we note that this decrease is not always detected in ture-dependent changes in the transcript levels of other RNAs isolated from rapl-1 or rapl-4 strains and is diffi- genes (RP73, RNR2, PYK1, LSR, and BCY1; data not cult to observe in the rapl-2 and rapl-5 strains. Further- shown) that contain RAPl-binding sites in their pro- more, the levels of MFal transcript decrease before there moter regions. Given that RAP1 is a transcriptional ac- is a detectable drop in the transcript levels of MATal (a tivator at MATa, we think it is likely that it has a similar known activator of MFoU). One explanation for this ob- function at these other genes, particularly in cases where servation is that a small decrease in MATa mRNA levels promoter deletion analyses have shown that a RAP1- can result in a dramatic reduction in MFal transcript binding site is a UAS element. As RAP1 becomes limit-

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ing in the temperature-sensitive strains following a tem- RAPl-binding site (Shore et al. 1987; Buchman et al. perature shift, we imagine that a complex series of 1988a). Therefore, one might predict, that the rapl ts mu- events ensues, considering the large number of genes tants would only affect silencing at HML in the absence that may be activated by RAP1. It is possible that the of the HMLI silencer. function of some essential genes becomes limiting There is a striking parallel between the role of RAP1 in shortly after the temperature shift, for example, due to a mating-type gene expression and the role of the MCM1 stronger dependence on RAP 1 for activation, weaker up- {PRTF/GRM) protein in the regulation of downstream a- stream binding sites for the protein, a requirement of full and a-specific genes (for review, see Herskowitz 1989; transcription for activity, or a combination of these and Sprague 1990). In a cells the MCM1 protein binds up- other factors. In this case, death may occur before the stream of a-specific genes and activates their transcrip- steady-state mRNA levels of many RAPl-activated tion, whereas in a cells MCM1 functions both as a core- genes are affected. As is the case with MATa, a sensitive pressor (together with a2) to block the expression of a- biological assay may be the most effective way of assess- specific genes and as a coactivator (with a l protein) to ing the effect of RAP 1 on the transcription of a particular stimulate the transcription of a-specific genes (Bender gene. Finally, we have observed that the poly(Cl_aA) and Sprague 1987; Keleher et al. 1988; Tan et al. 1988; tracts at telomeres slowly become shorter at semiper- Passmore et al. 1989). The ability of sequence-specific missive temperatures for all of the rapl ts alleles (Lustig DNA-binding proteins to function as both repressors and et al. 1990}. Therefore, it is possible that some aspect of activators of transcription through combinatorial inter- chromosome stability (perhaps related to telomere func- actions with other regulatory proteins may be a general tion) is significantly perturbed at the nonpermissive theme in eukaryotic transcriptional regulation (Dia- temperature in these mutants and ultimately results in mond et al. 1990). In the case of MCM1, the factors that lethality. determine whether it acts positively or negatively appear The contribution of RAP1 to repression of the silent to be clearly defined: the presence or absence of the in- mating-type loci was suggested by previous studies in teracting al and a2 proteins and sequences flanking the which deletions of the RAP 1-binding site at HMR were MCMl-binding sites that are recognized by these pro- shown to result in partial derepression (Brand et al. 1987; teins. The factors that influence RAP1 function are less Shore and Nasmyth 1987; Kimmerly et al. 1988). One of clearly defined. Although the SIR gene products are re- the rap ts alleles (rapl-5), in combination with a deletion quired in trans for silencing and the GALl l/SPT13 gene of a silencer regulatory element (either A or B), resulted product appears to be required for activation of MATa in a temperature-dependent derepression of the HMR lo- (Fassler and Winston 1989; Nishizawa et al. 1990), it is cus. The level of derepression, although not as dramatic still unclear whether any of these proteins interact di- as that observed for a complete silencer deletion, may in rectly with RAP1 and/or flanking DNA regulatory se- part reflect the extent of derepression attainable in a pop- quences. ulation of cells facing impending death. The allele spec- ificity of the derepression we observe suggests that si- Materials and methods lencing and activation may be two mechanistically dif- ferent and separable functions of RAP1. For example, the Yeast media and methods rapl-2 and rapl-5 alleles have similar growth character- Strains were maintained at 25°C (fully permissive conditions) in istics, yet differ in their effects at HMR. Likewise, the rich medium (YEPD) or on minimal media supplemented with rapl-4 and rapl-1 alleles affect growth more severely the appropriate amino acids, as described in Sherman et al. than does the rapl-5 allele, yet display little or no dere- (1983) (see Table 2). For the analysis of temperature-sensitive pression of HMR. The separation of essential and silenc- strains, log-phase cultures growing at 25°C were shifted to 37°C ing functions of RAP 1 has been demonstrated directly by (fully restrictive conditions) or 30-33°C (semirestrictive condi- the isolation of rapl point mutants defective in silencing tions). The temperature-sensitive phenotype was routinely that grow at wild-type rates and display no defect in checked before and after time course experiments to ensure that revertants had not accumulated. Yeast strains were transformed MATa activation (L. Sussel and D. Shore, in prep.). All of by the spheroplast method (Beggs 1978) or by the LiOAc method these silencer-specific rapl mutants map to the carboxy- (Ito et al. 1983), as indicated. terminal 100 amino acids of RAP1. It may be noteworthy Quantitative mating analysis was performed according to that the temperature-sensitive mutant that most se- Sprague and Herskowitz (1981). Values of relative mating effi- verely affects silencing (rapl-5) maps closer to the car- ciencies were normalized to the number of viable cells plated. boxy-terminal end of the RAP1 protein than the other Halo assays were done as described in Julius et al. (1983). All temperature-sensitive alleles. strains tested in halo assays were taken from freshly streaked We have not examined the effect of the rapl t~ mutants YEPD plates. Colonies were patched on YEPD plates to which a on silencing at the HML locus. The cis requirements for dilute lawn of responder cells (either strain RC634 or XBHS-2c) silencing at HML differ from those at HMR in that se- had been spread. Plates were then incubated at 25°C or 30--33°C to examine temperature-dependent effects. quences flanking either side of the locus (HMLE and HMLI; left and right flanking, respectively) are by them- selves sufficient for silencing (Mahoney and Broach Generation of rap ts strains 1989). In addition, the HMLI silencer, unlike either Plasmid D130, which contains CEN IV, TRPI, and the wild- HMLE or the HMR silencer, appears to lack a strong type RAP1 gene, was mutagenized in vitro by incubating 30 ~g

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Table 2. Strains onies were then replica-plated to media containing canavanine, an arginine analog, resulting in loss of the plasmid carrying the YDS 2: HMLs MATa HMRa ade2-1 canl-lO0 his3-11,-15 wild-type RAP1 gene. Transformants (now carrying only the leu2-3,-112 trpl-1 ura3-1 mutagenized plasmid) were screened for conditional growth (le- YDS 3: HMLs MATs HMRa ade2-1 canl-lO0 his3-11,-15 thality at 37°C). Using this screen, four colonies, identified from leu2-3,-112 trpl-1 ura3-1 a population of 5500 independent transformants, contained YDS31: MATa hisl plasmids to which the temperature-sensitive phenotype was YDS32: MATs hisl linked. Confirmation that the mutations were plasmid linked YDS36:YDS3 hmrAA (silencer deletion 352-358; Brand et was obtained by isolating the plasmids and using them to trans- al. 1987). form the original strain, YDS203. All of the transformants were YDS37:YDS3 hmraB (silencer deletion 300-256; Brand et al. temperature sensitive. Additionally, the temperature-sensitive 1987) phenotype always segregated with the plasmid in appropriate YDS39:YDS3 hmrhE (silencer deletion 331-324; Brand et al. test crosses. Plasmids from the four temperature-sensitive 1987) strains were digested with EcoRI to recover a 4.2-kb fragment YDS203-2d: YDS3 rapl :: LEU2, pD145(YCP50, RAP1, containing the mutant rap1 alleles. These fragments were sub- URA3, sup4-o) cloned into a pUC-based vector that also contained the URA3 YDS203-6b: YDS2 rapl :: LEU2, pD145(YCPS0, RAP1, selectable marker and used to replace the wild-type RAP1 locus URA3, sup4-o) by transformation (Ito et al. 1983) and subsequent growth on YDS338:YDS3 hmrAEB (silencer deletions 331-324 and minimal plates containing 5-fluoro-orotic acid (Boeke et al. 274--256; Brand et al. 1987) 1984). Colonies that were temperature sensitive and Ura- were YDS406:YDS3 rapl-1 analyzed by Southern blotting to confirm the expected structure YDS407:YDS2 rap1-1 of the locus. Temperature-sensitive colonies were analyzed fur- YDS408:YDS2 rapl-2 ther by genetic complementation to confirm the integration of YDS409:YDS3 rapl-2 the rapltS alleles; transformation with a plasmid containing the YDS410:YDS3 rapl-5 wild-type RAP1 gene and crosses to an isogenic strain contain- YDS411:YDS2 rapl-5 ing a wild-type RAP1 gene complemented the growth defect at YDS412:YDS2 rapl-4 37°C. YDS413:YDS3 rapl-4 YDS438:YDS3 Agal80 YDS439:YDS406 Agal80 Mapping and sequencing of rapl ts alleles YDS444:YDS438 UASGal-MA Ts YDS447:YDS439 UASGal-MATs The location of each mutation was determined by complemen- YDS539:YDS3 barl :: LEU2 tation of the temperature-sensitive lethality with hybrid RAP1 YDS540:YDS406 barl :: LEU2 genes constructed by interchanging fragments of the mutant YDS544:YDS406 hmrAA allele with homologous fragments from the wild-type RAP1 YDS545:YDS406 hmrAB gene. Fragments containing the entire coding region of the mu- YDS546:YDS409 hmraA tant rapl alleles (from the PstI site at nucleotide position 853 to YDS547:YDS409 hmrAB the XbaI site at position 3670) were subcloned into pRS315, a YDS548:YDS413 hmrAA CEN vector that contains the LE U2 selectable marker (Sikorski YDS549:YDS413 hmrAB and Hieter 1989). These plasmids were then digested with PstI YDS550:YDS410 hmr&4 and SphI or PstI and BglII. Vector fragments isolated from these YDS551:YDS410 hmrAB digests, and now lacking the respective 1507- or 2011-bp frag- YDS558:YDS406 UASGarMAT ments from the rapl tS-coding region, were then ligated with the YDS560:YDS3 pep4 :: URA3 corresponding fragments isolated from digestion of the wild- YDS561:YDS406 pep4 :: URA3 type RAP1 gene. Plasmids containing the hybrid genes were YDS562:YDS409 pep4 :: URA3 then introduced into the temperature-sensitive strains YDS563:YDS410 pep4 :: URA3 {YDS406, 409, 410, 413) by transformation, and growth at 37°C YDS564:YDS413 pep4 :: URA3 was assessed. Complementation of the temperature-sensitive RC634: MATa sstl-3 ade2 his6 metl ural rmel (from R. phenotype, indicated by growth at 37°C, correlated with a par- Chan) ticular wild-type fragment for each rapl allele. Smaller frag- XBH8-2c: MATs sst2-4 crylx his6 ural metl (from L. Blair) ments of the wild-type RAP1 gene (generated from the HindIII sites at positions 1843 and 2837) were used to further define the region complementing the temperature-sensitive phenotype to -500 bp. The corresponding fragments obtained from the mu- tant alleles were then subcloned into the M13 vectors mpl8 and of plasmid DNA in a solution of 1 M hydroxylamine/0.45 N mpl9 and sequenced using the Sanger dideoxynucleotide NaOH for 20 hr at 37°C (Rose and Fink 1987). The mutagenesis method (Bankier et al. 1987). Mutations were confirmed by se- reaction was quenched by the addition of NaC1 to a concentra- quencing both strands of the appropriate fragment. tion of 0.1 M and bovine serum albumin to 0.1 ~g/ml. The so- lution was precipitated twice with ethanol, resuspended in 10 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 8.0)/1 mM EDTA, and used directly to trans- Construction of MATa UAS replacement form strain YDS203, a yeast strain carrying a deletion of the chromosomal RAP1 gene and a plasmid-borne copy of the wild- A 4-kb fragment containing the MATs gene, deleted in the pro- type gene, using the spheroplast transformation procedure. moter from base pair 1602 to 1618, was removed by digestion Transformants were then grown selectively for both plasmids at with HindIII from a YRP7-based plasmid provided by K. Tatch- 37°C to eliminate cells that had acquired a chromosomal tem- ell (an XhoI linker had been inserted at the site of the deletion) perature-sensitive-lethal mutation during transformation. Col- and inserted at the HindIII site in pIC20 to form plasmid D1446.

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This plasmid was then digested with XhoI, treated with calf Manny Ares, John Warner, Holly Hurd, Brian Gallay, and Kim alkaline phosphatase, and ligated to a 22-bp oligonucleotide Huang for strains and plasmids. This work was supported by (5'-TCGACGGAAGACTCTCCTCCGC-3' and its complement grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM40094), Searle 5'-TCGAGCGGAGGAGAGTCTTCCG-3') containing a GAL4- Scholar's Program-Chicago Community Trust, the Irma T. binding site to form UASGal-MATet in plasmid D 1452. The 4-kb Hirschl Caritable Trust, and the American Cancer Society UASGal-MATet fragment from D1452 was isolated after diges- {JFRA-231) to D.S., and by a fellowship from the Jane Coffin tion with HindIII and inserted into pRS306, a integrating vector Childs Memorial Fund for Cancer Research (to S.K.). that also contains the yeast URA3 gene. This plasmid was used The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by to transform the rap ts strains. Stable Ura + prototrophs were payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby analyzed by Southern blotting to verify that the integration oc- marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section curred at the MAT locus. Thus, these transformants contain a 1734 solely to indicate this fact. duplication at the MAT locus in which the UASGaI-MATot con- struct is adjacent to the endogenous MATs locus. Transcription of the UASG~x-MATot construct is constitutive in strains that References contain a deletion of the GAL80 locus (YDS444, YDS447) and repressed in glucose-grown strains that contain a wild-type Abraham, J., K.A. Nasmyth, J.N. Strathem, A.J.S. Klar, and J.B. GAL80 gene (YDS558; see Fig. 6). Strains that express the Hicks. 1984. Regulation of mating-type information in UASG~I-MAT~ construct produce wild-type levels of MAT~I yeast. J. Mol. Biol. 176: 307-331. and MATot2 transcripts at 25°C and at 33°C as determined by Ammeter, G., C.P. Hunter, J.H. Rothman, G.C. 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A yeast si- shift assays were performed as described (Shore and Nasmyth lencer contains sequences that can promote autonomous 1987; Shore et al. 1987) by using 2 fxg of cell extract per reaction plasmid replication and transcriptional activation. Cell and probes (labeled with [ot-a2P]dATP) containing RAP1- (TEF2) 51: 709-721. or ABFl-binding sites. Note that the RAP 1-binding sites at TEF2 Brand, A.H., L. Breeden, J. Abraham, R. Sternglanz, and K. and MATer are nearly identical matches to the consensus-bind- Nasmyth. 1985. Characterization of a "silencer" in yeast: A ing site (see Buchman et al. 1988a). These sites have binding DNA sequence with properties opposite to those of a tran- affinities for RAP1 that are similar, and these sites compete scriptional enhancer. Cell 41: 41--48. similarly for RAP1 binding. Buchman, A.R., W.J. Kimmerly, J. Rine, and R.D. Komberg. 1988a. Two DNA-binding factors recognize specific se- quences at silencers, upstream activating sequences, auton- Acknowledgments omously replicating sequences, and telomeres in Saccharo- We thank Aaron Mitchell for many fruitful discussions and for myces cerevisiae. Mol Cell. Biol. 8: 210-225. comments on the manuscript; Mary Ann Osley and Art Lustig Buchman, A.R., N.F. Lue, and R.D. Kornberg. 1988b. Connec- for comments on the manuscript; Janet Schultz for guidance tions between transcriptional activators, silencers, and te- with halo assays and for comments on the manuscript; Lori lomeres as revealed by functional analysis of a yeast DNA- Sussel for comments and assistance with the preparation of fig- binding protein. Mol. Cell. Biol. 8: 5086--5099. ures; Dina Balderes for assistance with DNA sequence analysis; Capieaux, E., M.-L. Vignais, A. Sentenac, and A. Goffeau. 1989. Donnamarie Giesman and Kelly Tatchell for communicating The yeast H+-ATPase gene is controlled by the promoter results prior to publication; George Sprague, Kelly Tatchell, binding factor TUF. J. Biol. Chem. 264: 7437-7446.

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Role of RAP1 in cell-type determination

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RAP1 protein activates and silences transcription of mating-type genes in yeast.

S Kurtz and D Shore

Genes Dev. 1991, 5: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.5.4.616

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